HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/29/2008 Wednesday, November 28,200712:57 PM ....... p.02 , r Date/Received: . SPRINGFIELD ".~; ,.,.. I Cily of Springfield Development Services o.epartment 225 fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 O. . oglnal Submitta', Site Plan Application, Type II -~~- Site Plan Review: .t8J. Major Site Plan Major Modifi~ation D . Company: 3.4 Yh E:.-- Fax: 6+1- hJ'3 -;J.ffl Address: Po 60x ~?--&&> Wi':1~AJc.. q 14o~ .. AP~licant's Rep.: _ ::r;, f/ iJ I N-A f1.1 fl1 f-f2-, lV1et1'\ML Phone: I hilt - (PM - I I~?:> Company: I 1<.15/--1 6u;J LLr!- ' - Fax: 15'-P1-(Pf3'iI.#9 Address: Po 60x d.d-.(.,fR 'D.J6e~~ q-1/o~ Property Owner: , Lf?1514,81.cl'JU.C Phone:Ifi"41-("d'3-lliPr;. Company: -SJ4-il1.& Fa)(: 154'1-fp,f.3-aW9 Addre!;s: f (,; 60x a;)"to!P ii.:v6e....J~ .cl140d-.. .. , ASSESSOR'S MAP NO:. .11-0;J::4.0-'4<t,__ Tf1)(j-OT~O(~k~.~/O~'f- OO:A.OO .. I Property Address: ..j;J.-10 q:.!~CL!f6fh.5lreV;L .' "" .L. f oJ,/ Size of Property: "./ /-is(P;). ii' .. 2..l:L.Acres D square Feet [B' PropQsedName of Project: . A aA V\A A I'i? I, 01 .s T "I (? l,(l7 I D ^J <; e tJ)t R ~;:;~~::;on of ,;)5, 000 J;2f OFr::iCJ:.//tJb(j~-r7~H1L 6UICD/JJfi # of Lots/Parcels: a Avg', Lot/Parcel Size: I fLI/ fi~ 2.., sf' Density: N / A d~/acre New Impervious Surface Coverage: .~"- 0lZfl sf Bldg. Gross Floor Area:~~, ODD sf " [, ;: , JAN 2 9 2008 .. :.. . Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City LimIts D Associated Applications: , Pre-Submittal Case No.: <i,\-CUril:- olic.6"';, Date: Case NO':~c..2.Wf'-,_~_Dut.., .1/Vr/oCO Application Fee: $:<ti 4tI?.so Technica.1 Fee: $ ,I~ 12 ,/S- . TOTAL fee's ;$ 31J (,-::rc, L) _ Overlay DIstrIct: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary 0 _ Reviewed by: Reviewed by: PostaQe Fee: 1-7Y\-. $ 1<::.\ S' Ilpdotcd 121812006 nl'ondti Jon..< (P'(J2!\)1-'&.IS " Wednesday, November 28,200712:57 PM p,03 . Date Received: Steps In the Process: JAN 2 9 2008 , 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting APplicatlono" IS b . . . nglna, u mlttal The Pre-Submittal Application Is mandatory. Please refer to the Springfield Fee Schedule fOI' the Pre-Submittal Application fee. The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form. You are required to submit Nine (9) copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review. Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am and noon. We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-S'ubmittal'Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting, The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's offiCe, and the Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for Xto 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you with <l Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the Items . required to make the application complete-if it Isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed "II of the Items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City. A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin. When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review. At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meetIng to review the dr"ft with appropriate staff If certain Issues need resolution before the final land use declslon'is Issued. Owner's Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner's signatures arc required at both stages In the application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. The undersigned acknowledges that the information in thIs application Is correct and accurate fOl' scheduling of the Pre-Submittal Meeting. Date: / / ,d'1 .7 OtfL Owner: ~ Ik~ Ef(_ Updalt:d I2ISf)()06I:lrenda Jones Wed"esday, November 28,200712:57 PM . ' . ~ 'p.04 Case Number: ()QC~-' Date Submitted: ~ ~ ., " L.UU'-' r represent this' application to be complele for submittal to the,Clty. Consistept with the completeness check performed on this application at the pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the Information identified by the City a5 necessary for processing the applic<:lllon Is provided herein or the Information will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, ilnd the City may begi~processing the application with the Information as submitted. This statement serves as written n.otfcc pursuant to the requirements or ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete ap )lIcatlon ' . Date: I -.. ~)- 0 2> Print " Date Received: " . JAN 2 9 2008 Original submittal '. ", ," Updnr.ed 12/8/2.00(i Brcnchl Jono, 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 54'1-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number DRC2008-00008. DRC2008-00008 DRC2008-00008 Payments: Type of Payment Check cReceintl RECEIPT #: Description CTY Site Plan Review + 5% Technology Fee Postage Fee Type II - $155 Paid By OAK WAY GOLF INC '-' --. Cit: . Springfield Official Receipt Dev~opment Services Department Public Works Department 3200800000000000067 Date: 01/29/2008 Item Total: Check Numb.er Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received tj 7612 In Person Payment Total: Date Received: JAN 2 9 2008 Original Submittal Pa,ge 1 of 1 11 :23:23AM Amount Due 29,443.00 1,472.15 155.00 $31,070.15 Amount Paid $31,070,15 $31,070.15 1/29/2008 ,j- . " -' r. " Date Received: ,; " .r~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2008-00008 1210 & 1230 40th Street JAN 2 9 2008 Original Submittal SITE Map 17-02-30-44 Tax Lot 100, 200 North + , Date Received: November 2, 2007 JAN 2 9 2008 Mr. John Hammer John p, Hammer LLC P.O, Box 2266 Eugene OR 97402 Original Submittal RE: PRELIMINARY FOlJNDATION ASSESSMENT, PROPOSED ARAMARK SITE, Dear Mr. Hammer: I am writing'this letter to report the findings of our assessment of foundation conditions at the site priiposedfor development\vith the newAramarkbuilding, on the }vest,side of Industrial Avenue, immediately north ofMt. Hood BeVerage (Figure I). Gcology and Soils (Published Information) The site occupies the western portion of an approximately40,acreparcel fo'nilCrly used asa rilill- pond for sto'ring logs, The Geologic _Map oj the Eugene-SpringfieldArea, Southei-n iiiiilamelle ViIlIey, Oregon (USGS WiltcrResburces Paper,20 I 8, 1973), indicates that th.e site is underlain by Quaternary younger alluvium. TheSoi/ Survey oj Lade County Area, GregOJ' (USDA Soil Conservation Service, 1987) indicates thadhe sitc isundcrlainby MalabonUrban Land Complex, which 'isreported to be fonned onbroad valley terraecsinsilty and dayey alluvium, The.undisturbed Malabon soil is described as,a follows: :'Typically, the surface layer is: very dark, brown and dark brown.silty day loam about i2 inches thick, The subsoil is dark brown and brown silty d~l)'loamand silty clayabollt 3.0 incheS'lhick. The substratum is brown day loam to a'depth 0[60 inches or niore, Strati fied sand and gravel are at a depth of 40 inches or morc in places." . ' Thc Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) group names for the soil are: 0- I 2": ML,.12-42":CL; and 42-60": ML Field Observations Thc site was visited on October 24,2007 and six test pits were excavated using a small rubber-tired John Deere backhoe with an IS-inch bucket. Test pitlocations\'vere determined approximately !-Ising a 200-foot tiberglass tape measure from the toe of the berm to the west and from the edge of the landscaped area of the Mt. Hood Beverage Co, lot to ihe south. P.O. Box 2238, Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 607-5700 FAX: 607-5701 CCB # 127073 Mr. John Hammer November 2, 2007 Page 2 Date Received: JAN 2 9 2008 OrigInal $ubmi~l Soils encountered in the test pits were classified according to the USCS using ASTM Method D- 2488 (Visual-Manual Procedure) and the unconfmedcompressive strength of cohesive soil units was measured using a pocket penetrometer. A total of four fill units and two soil units, wcre differentiated on the basis of color, gradation, and material content. Fill Units Fill unit FU-I was found only in TP-WM, The unit consists ofa brown silty sandy gravel with an admixture of5 to 10 % organics (wood and bark chips). The unit was 1.5 feet thick and compact. FU-2 was also found only in TP- WM, It consists of a brown silty sand similar in composition to SU- D (see below, Soil Units), In TP-WM the unit was hard, with an unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of more than 9,000 psf. FU-3 was found in TP- WM and TP-NW. This unit is dark gray to black and consists mostly of wood waste,. The extent of the unit is not known, but the thickness ranged from 1 foot in TP-NW to 1.75 feet in TP-WM. FU-4 was found in all test pits except TP- WM. The unit consists of a brown silty sandy GRAVEL with isolated cobbles up to 10 inches in long diameter. The unit ranges in thickness from I to 2 feet. The consistency of the unit ranged from soft to medium. Soil Units Two soil units were identified, SU-C was found in TP- WM only, at a depth of 4.75 to 5 feet (bottom, of that test pit). SU-C consists of a gray silty sand with rapid dilatancy, low dry strength, and low toughness. The estimated gradation is 55% very fine-grained to fine-grained sand and 45% fines. The fines are probably ML. The overall soil is classified as a silty SAND (SM). The unit was saturated, above the plastic limit (APL) and the consistency was medium. SU-D was found in all test pits except TP-WM. SU-D consists of a brown silty sand, with an estimated gradation of 55 to 60 % very fine-grained to medium grained sand, and 40 to 45 % fmes, The unit has low toughness, low to medium dry strength, and rapid dilataricy. As a result, it is likely that the fines consist of ML material. The overall unit is classified as a silty SAND (SM). The thickness exposed in the test pits ranged from 1 to 2 feet. In-place, the unit ranged from slightly . moist and below the plastic limit (BPL) to moist and APL. The UCS ranged from 5,000 to more than 9,000 psf. Groundwater GroUndwater was encountered in TP-WM at 4.75' and in TP-SW at a depth 00.5 feet. Date Received: Mr, John Hammer November 2,2007 Page 3 JAN 2 9 2008 Original Submittal Discussion The site is located in the western portion of an old mill log pond. The western portion of the berm remains (site photos), The western and southwestern part of the site was utilized as a staging and office trailer site during construction of the Mt. Hood Beverage building, Based on the test pits, the entire site has been covered with a layer of fill which ranges in thickness from I to nearly 5 feet. Over most of the site, the fill consists of a silty sandy gravel, the matrix of which is APL when moist. This unit (FU-4) has been variably compacted and portions remain relatively soft, If well-compacted, this unit would be suitable for structural filL However, in the western and northwestern portion of the site, granular fill units (FU-2, -4) are underlain by a layer of wood waste ranging in thickness from I to 1.75 feet (TP-NW and -WM), This unit is located above the seasonal low water table and has been and is subject to degradation from the rotting wood, As a result, this material along with FU-I must be removed from beneath bearing portions of the site, and should, ideally, be removed from beneath all portions of the site. The areal extent of the area underlain by this material was not delineated completely during this assessment. However only two of the six test pits-were found to contain this material. It is most likely located only in the west-central and northwestern portion of the building. The underlying soil units (SU-C and SU-D) arc well suited for placement offoundations or structural filL At the time of the assessment, the unconfined compressive strength ofSU-D ranged from 5,000 to more than 9,000 psf. If the smaller value is used the ultimate bearing capacity of the unit is 10,000 psf and, using. a factor of safety of3 for dead and live loads, the allowable bearing capacity is 3,300 psf (Bell-Casagrande Method), None of the native soil units encountered at the site were under-consolidated, Both SU-C and-D appear to represent overbank deposits of the McKenzie River. An old slough has been documented in the easternmost portion of the former mill site, but'there is no evidence that a similar feature extends onto the subject site, Given the native and fill stratigraphy, two possible courses of action appear to apply: . Strip FU-4 and FU-2 'from the entire and stockpile the unit for future use and/or recompaction. Strip FU- I and -3 and remove from the site due to organic content. Then recompact FU-2 and -4 in very shallow lifts (4 to 6-inch) using a smooth-drum roller without vibration. Using a vibratory roller may cause groundwater to pump into the underlying SU-D resulting in progressively worse subgrade performance, · Strip FU-I, -2, and -3 as necessary to remove organics, Proof-roll FU-4 with a loaded dwnp truck and over-excavate areas deflecting more than Y, inch to SU-D, Then import select fill. Date Received: Mr. John Hammer November 2, 2007 Page 4 JAN 2 9 2008 Original Submittal In the interest of rapid development of the site and ensuring that all organic-rich material is removed from the site, it may be advantageous to utilize the first option, Excavated FU-4 and FU-2 could be stockpiled at other lots in the industrial park and utilized as structural fill during the 2008 dry season. The Aramark site could be brought to subgrade elevation by placement of select fill. If this work is to be performed dUring the wet season, only small areas ofSU-D should be exposed at anyone time and the select fill placed and compacted in thin lifts (no more than 4 to 6 inches. It is not recommended to use vibratory compaction methods as these are likely to result in degradation of the finer-grained native soil units as a result of pumping groundwater. The seasonal low waier table appears to be around 3.5 to 5 feet below current ground surface. Therefore, the location of the seasonal high groundwater table may preclude use of infiltration systems ("dry wells") for disposal of roof drainage, Conclusions The western portion of the former Booth-Kelly mill pond is proposed to be developed with a building for Aramark. The building is proposed to be 125' (E- W) by 200' (N-S). The rest of the parcel will be developed with paved parking areas. Based on six backhoe test pits, the site is underlain by a native, fining-upwards alluvial sequence. The upper portions of this sequence consist of silty sand (SU-C and SU-D), At the time of the field assessment, the moisture content ranged from slightly moist and BPL to moist and APL. The unconfined compressive strength of the native soil ranged from 5,000 to more than 9,000 psf. No evidence of the presence of under-consolidated slough deposits was found, The native soils have been covered by a layer of fill ranging in thickness from I to 4.75 feet. Most of the site is covered by) to 2 feet of asilty sandy gravel (FU-4), which is variable compacted and ranges in consistency (compactness) from soft to medium. In the west-central and northwest portion of the site, this unit and other fill units are underlain by a layer of wood waste (FU-3) which ranged in thickness from I to L 7 5 feet. Groundwater was encountered in two test,pits at depths on.5 (TP-SW) to 4.75' (TP-WM). Recommendations Foundations At the current moisture content the native soil units are well-suited to placement of foundations (shallow spread footings, concrete slabs-on-grade) or structural fill. If the units are not disturbed an allowable bearing capacity of 3,300 psf can be assumed. This could be increased if compacted granular fill is placed on SU-C or -D. . Date Received: JAN 2 9 2008 Mr. John Hammer November 2,2007 Page 5 Original Submittal The non-organic FU-4 is variably compacted. The Wlit should either be removed from the site and re-compacted elsewhere in the industrial park or it should be proof-rolled and softer areas identified during that process over-excavated and replaced with select fill. Removal of the fill Wlits is required in the areas affected by the presence of wood waste (FU-I and FU-3) in the wcstern and northwestern portion of the site. Removal of the fill should be initiated there and the entire fill section strippcd Wltil the margins of FU-3 are reached. Compaction of FUA or other imported select fill should be performed in relatively thin lifts (not exceeding 4 to 6 inches) and using non-vibratory methods only. Use of vibratory compaction equipment is likely to result in degradation of underlying SU-C or -D by "pumping' of groundwater, Compaction can be verified by proof-rolling with a loaded dump or water truck. If fill.is to be stripped and rephiced when significant precipitation is likely, it is recommended to strip no more of the site than can be covered with compacted fill the same day. If subgrade performance degrades nonetheless, use of geotextile may be required, Excavation and Grading All units encoWltered at the site can be excavated using conventional methods (backhoe, dozer, scraper), During the dry season temporary cuts in the native soil units can be installed essentially vertical to a depth of 4 feet. Deeper cuts and cuts made during the wet season should either be shored or installed no steeper than IH : I V. Fill slopes on either of the two units should be installed no steeper than 2H : I V, During dry weather the native soil units are expected to perform well Wlder traffic loads. If exposed to significant precipitation, the units will loose strength unless protected by compacted fill. Under areas which will experience heavy construction traffic during the wet season, it is recommended to place geotextile arid at least 18 inches of crushed rock. Use of Materials With the exception of FU-I and FU-3, which contain significant organic matter, all, units encountered at the site are suitable for use as structural fill. SU-C and -D cannot be compacted during the wet season, due to moisture control issues. Similarly, compaction of portions of FUA may be problematic during the wet season as a result of the content of silty sand matrix, During the dry season, this is not an issue, . Slope Stability The site is essentially level and there is no indication of natural slope stability issues. If recommendations regarding cut ,and fill slopes are followed no slope stability issues are expected to arise from the proposed development. Date Received: Mr. John Hammer November 2, 2007 ,Page 6 JAN 2 9 2008 Original Submittal Drainage Based on the location of the s,easonal low water table(3.5 to 5. feet below current ground level), it appears that use of dry. wells may not be feasible for storm water disposal, because the seasonal high water table is expected to be too close to ,the invert elevation of such systems. . Iris possible that the seasonal high water table will rise to within inches of the current low portions of the site. It is also probable that these'portions wili need to be raised in orde'rto achi~v,e the elevationS required'forfl.ow 'of storm water from roof and parking lot run-off, Therefore, the elevation of the water table may not be an' issue, If the' site. elevation is raised by 12 to I 8 inches above the current elevation, groundwater' will probably not be an issue. However, unless deeper foiindationdrains' are ins.taHee!, calculations regarding bearing capacity and settlements should take the elevation of the seasonal high watertalJle into account It ,is beyond the scope of this report to provide recommendations for such 'systems. Limitations , c This report waspreparedf.or theus:e of John Hamhier,and,his~uthi>rizedagentsfor planning and .design purposes: Our professional services were perfi>tIl1ea,~ .and ,?ur .reco.fuine~dationSpro"ided'i~ accordance with geri.enilly- accepted principles andpraciices. The'analyses, conclusions, ,and recommendations in'thisrepClrt are' baSed on ,site corid,itiollSaSthey preseritly exist and assume.ihat the'limited nkberofp<Jintsinvestigated are generally represeritative ofsllbswf~ce conditions; The repoi'tis ri(jt? WaITaIlty ofSubsurface conditions. if, in the future, conditionsaie foUnd which differ sigriifk!Ultiy fromthose pje$e:nted here; GeoSCiericem~stbe advised at once so that these conditions ' and ouuecommendations canbereviewedan~te:vi~e,d,;;fnec:ess.arY': Sho,uld ?substaiitial IllP'seof time occur betwe.enthis investigation and future siteaeiivity,or if conditions havtichahged due to nearby con_struCtiollornatufaI c,am;e~, th~ data c.ontilinedj~ this n:port should' be 'reviewed to detennineits continued applicabiiity. Ihis rep<>\'lis,!lotiritende<!JOi>ri>'\'id~ a.s~ism\criskevaluation of the subject pr,operty. The report should be made availa:ble,to pot~JltiaI contractors w.)10 \>f,.ill perfonrithe construction ,work. GeoScience caniiot, be ,responsible ror any deviation from, the recommended'construction methods or means ~iscussedi.rithis ~ei>oit, like~se,(}ur firm cannot be responsible for construction aciiviiy on other sites which neigbb6r or abut the subject property referenced iri this report. . . ,-, If you have any questions about this repOrt, please do not hesitate to contact meat (541) 607-5700: Respectfully submitted, , GeoScience, Inc. ' ~0if.~''- ()fuuuJ/vfM;) -;: G~~EGON 0 '<\ /Gunnar Schlieder, Ph,D" CEG ( F (~W~,j"-R SCHL;i'!)~", \ j L' S' MdT p'" ! C!-:tLm??(j/ i/j{{,.f?I') ! ~tt: ocatlon Map, Ite ap an est It LocatIOns, Test PIt Logs, Site Photos. ~~\ 1::113'9 /-../ "\\.\ ~ ;1 ,~ '''' r\' 0 ~ \" ~'-.. . <,~o"....,/ ,,;:,. '{:; c;.:-:% "~:::-::--/ * 17' E Name: SPRINGFIELD Date: 111212007 Scale: 1 inch equals 2000 feet JAN 2 9 2008 Copyright (C) 1997, Maptech, Inc. Original Submittal , 1:1 '- I) l> . (. Z ?J ..., !ll <.0 C1 ..., CD = <: = co CD , C ~ "'-- , .. ~ i;I~-I-II-I-I/r"u l-j:'ll-I~I-ti HE{Lj~?-~~-: : !, "I" \1 'I, !il: " ,'Hi "I .., ! '1 =-....1':,--, "" -:D';"j (---' 1- i~ ~~--TP~!Y[---~l!r:il:j"l,_' -I, , 1 '\" I TP-NE L '(. --L II' 'ill 'r!1~P.NW I !'JI I ,iii Ji!ii 'ii, /111 /Iii J.:i' --1-'- ft:::~c .........i ~ I"""""D) '''''lJ1 ,~Lill I 0 - I f <'" ~ ...-. ~ :==Ji , .... TP-S~,,~~.. 1':::':]2 , !iTP_SWL~','i, :: r !~!f i G",____o I, ",JJJ ['::::1."iJ r:::::::1]) loom ~' ,~ ~.....- " " --------~- -....---........-.--.--...-....--........-.'"-"..... - 1- -1-: , , "; I:' L! : i, , :v - , T :.. T -, ' T -, I T~ . l t:jj~~i f+-H- i 1+1 --~- Proposed Aramark Site, Hammer IndustriaI Park, Industrial Avenue, SpfId, , Figure 2: Site Map and Test Pit Locations 10/24/07 Base Map from Robert Shaw, Architect; Scale Approximate: 1" = 60' D.ptlo. 1 2 - 3 - 4 - :; 6 - 10 - 11 - 12 , Lillo._ S,.1oo1 I~;r~~ii : K~!f:'!~':'~~!~:'!~:l~.;:!f:~ 7 8 9 Uili Nu... D.s<nptwll TP-NE. Page 1 ofl EQUIP_: Job. D.... Bad::lo.o., 18- B_ ADDRESS: hhstrial Avo_/Aruurl< CONTRACTOR: Hul...r LOCATION: N 230., E 240. CLIENT: Hula.r D.volop".JLl, LLC LOGGED BY: G~ S<lliolor Plo._D_ CEG DATE: 10-24-07 Gr:U._ Est- cw_ fmos} G Co USCS Stile M PI C , 0-1.5' Silty SaJ-'Jdy GRAVEL fill, gl"B.vel to 10", fled, to Soft. FU-4 1,5 -2,5' Brown siltySAND, Vetyfine1lrained to 8U-D - medium1lrained, . _ 60 40 tvbist B PL H$J'C c 8M OIottom ot Hole ~ <" No water encountered, P.llOtro...t.r (psf) Torn,.,. (psf) > 9,000 , , - --,------------------- o -,------------ ------ c' g: -- - - - -- -0 - -- - - - - - - -, l>> (1)---$-----' -------- <: :z: CD CT . :rmN'm:;O- ___m__ ::+ CD Dr-- - - _<.A..._ - -c;:)-. 7 - - - - - -- c- '" CD I c::::) -. - - -- --= -- ,<-' - - - - - - -- , co CD ,-________0., ____"___ D.pt.. 1 2 3 - 4 5 - 10 - 11 - 12 Lith_ SV-looI liiil!11 .............. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- . .... . .. . . '" . .. .. .. . ..................... ..................... -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... .................... -._ ._._._._ ._._._ "_n ..................... ..................... .................... _._ ._._._"_ '_._._._n ... .. .. . .... . .. .. , . .. .......-............. .................... . -.-._ ._._._._ ._._ '_n . " . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .................-... .................... - ,_.-._ ._._._ ._._ ._n ......... ............ ................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 7 8 9 Uail Nuo.. FU-4 SU-D Dos.riplioll TP-NM Page I of I EqUIP _: lob. D.... Bad::l.o., 18- B_ ADDRESS: hhslrial Au_IAruo.art: CONTRACTOR: n:uo..... LOCATION: N 250", E 140' CLIENT: n:uo..... D.uloplll.ti, LLC LOGGED BY: G~ S.llid.. PlI._D_ CEG DATE: 10-24-07 GrU_ Est. CUr_ fnos) G S tllC M PI C o ~2' Silty sandy GRAVELfili, gravel to 10", Soft. 2 - 3,5' Brown silty'SAND. Very fineilrained to mediWr1i1rained, - 60 40 Moist A PL Stiff Hah:! Bottom of Hole @ 3 S, No water encountered, ' USCS Co c SM PtUlro...t.. (pst) TOrTUlO (pst) _ _ _ _ I ~0~9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) 9,000 - -E)- - n - - _ _ _ _ n n__ .... __<2~_nn____ ____nn ill, (I n____~-n~ nn____ (J> > ~. <:: CI ~ ~r:r - - 2- -- - - n -- - - - - ,a. '" ;:II - -_ - - - - - - - -C1 - - - - - _ _ _ or c..c ~ - '" CI ------l::f"'---,.------- c:> < - - - - - - -~- - - -g .-.- - - ~ - -- , D.,O. - 1 - 2 - 3 4 - 5 - 10 - 11 12 ~ Lillo.. Sy:ahI ~~~:~=~~~I~=~EI~I~~f. .. ~'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O~O I (; 7 8 9 TP-NW Page 1 ofl EQUIP.: Job. D.... Bad::}'o., 18- B. ADDRESS: lU.utrial Avo./Ar:uo.ark CONTRACTOR: aa.... LOCATION: N 250', E 40. CLIENT: aa.... Dnelol...t, LLC LOGGED BY: G~ Scllid.. Plo..D.CEG DATE: 10-24-07 GraJ.. Est. Cbr. 'fws) G S tHe M PI C Co USCS Uail Na:a. D.scri,tio. 0-2' Siltys&J'ldyGRAYEL fill, gravel to 10", M& to Soft. FU-4 FU-J _ 2.3' Woodwaste, darl< gray to black 3 -4' Brown siltySAND, Yeryfine-grained to medium-grained, SU-D - Bottom of Hole @ 4', No water encountered. - 60 40 Mlis( APL Stiff . C Hard SM . Ptutro:atttr T o...u.o . (Isl) (lsl) - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - --, 5,000 > 9 ,000 o --- - - - - - - - - _. - - - - - - - - <9: -~ - - _._ __ _0_ u_. u_ I!'- II> ..... ... - ~u -~--- (IIi,- -- U U_ U~.U_""'___ u____u ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ------------------ , De,l}, - 1 c - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 6 1 8 9 ,-- 10 11 - 12 " Lil)'_ Sy:a)ol ::11'070'0'0'0'0--'-0;070.0 , - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~$ -.-._ ._._ ._._._._ ._u ..................... ..................... .................... -.-.-.- '-.-.-.-.- .--- ..................... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . --.................. . - -'-'-'-'-.-.-.-.-.--- ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --.................. -.- .-.-.-.-.-.- .-.-.. ..................... ..................... .................... -'-'-'-'_'_'_'_'_'_n TP-SE Page 1 of 1 EQUIP.: lob Deere Ba.et),oe, 18- B. ADDRESS: hhstr:ial Aft./Arut.ui:: CONTRACTOR: Ha.a:aer LOCATION: N130", E 240' CLIENT: Ha.a:aer Deftlo,:aut, LLC LOGGED BY: G~ Sclliei.,. P __D, CEG DATE: 10-2:4-07 I GrU.. Est. I Cbr. fws) G S tllei M PI C Co USCS UUl N.... D.scri,tio,. 0-1'. SiltysMdyGRAVEL fill, gravel to 10", M=d, to Sofl. FU-4 SU-D _ 1 -2' Brown siltySAND, VetyfiM-grained to medium-grained. Bottom of Hole @ 2', No water encountered, - 60 40 Moist B PL Hat'( c SM ,I P....tro:a.I.r (,sf) TomllO (,sf) __ ~ ? <0_09 __ __, _ __ __ __ _ o :3.----______' ________ D ~ - - - - - - - -0. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - '- l>> -'I.L --l>-- - it. -- - -- --_ <:: :z: ~---....---~, ____om a c.o 0 -l>>--------iIl- -------- - 1'"00,) _" g < - - - - - =- - -11)- - - - - - - -- a. , Dellll. Litll._ Syal>oI Ulril NUIle TP-SW Page 1 of 1 I EQUIP~: Jon Deere Ba.eHoe, 18" B_ ADDRESS: Wulrial Au.IAruurk 'I CONTRACTOR: HaJO.:ae. LOCATION: :t:l130', E 40' !CLIENT: lIaJa_o. Do""lo,,,,,o:a.l, LLC LOGGED BY: G~ Selliolo. P- _D_ CEG DATE: 10-24-67 ' Grd._ Est. Cbr. (fius) Doserillioll G S tHe M PI C Co USCS POlltlro:aUO. (,sf) T o....u.o (lsf) - 1 J'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O i!!~ljl!ll 0-2' Siltys811dyGRAVEL fill, gravel to 10", ,FU-4 - 2 ......... . - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. -.- -- .-.-.- '-'-.-.-.. ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ..................... -'-'_'_'_'_'_'_'_._n . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . .. ........ .. -, '. -... -.-._ ._._._._._ ,_._ h ..................... . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . '. . . . "..... .... ..",.. -. .. - 3 ,- S';S";S'S';S';S'S;S";SS,;" .. ',',',',.,.,','"',',,',.,',',,,.,',', .................... -'-'_'_'_'_'_'_'_._n . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... - - ~:<:<:<:'~~:<<:.~~:.;~:<:.~; . t,:;.;:.:.:.'....................-............ ~--_.- 2 -4' Brown silty SAND. Medium, M:.ist, APL, 'Ie"! - 55 ~5 Moist APL Stiff C SM fine-grained to medium-grained. SU-D - 60 40 Wet A PL Med C 3M Bottom 01 Hole @ 4' . Wat.er at. 3 S 5,000 - 4 2,000 - :) l) ;0- 1 8 9 - 10 - 11 12 \ -c------o-' -------- '- Q) -ul>u---- uuu__ :z: <1l - - u __ u :;a- - - - u - - _ _ :;: ~ CD . i"'--c'o---O-- ------~- - '" <1l I = _. c-- -cou-<< __ u_ _ _ _ __ co <1l __ _ u u u 0._. _ _ _ _ u _ _ luuu___~~_. _______~ 1- - - u -- - u - - . -- -- -- - - . De,llo. - 1 - 2 3 - 4 Lillo.. Spo)oI '-'-'-'-'..-...-.-..-. '-'-'-'-'-'-.-.-.-.-.. I~:':~:':+:::+:::~:::~~::~::~::~::~I .. :..9..9'.';".9..9"'O>'.9'.O.<-~,g::.. ::-i::'~:'::::::'::::::'2::.:~b::::::':::::::-.2::-.:9:I . . ri:::-i:::-i:TiTi:TiTi:::-i:::-i:::-iI ::-i~::-i:Ti:Ti:ri:T'i:ri:::-.:2:ri:::: ri~'::"'.o.-::-i-::-i~~::-iThT2Ti::._ "~':::-~~-;--:-",:",-:--;--:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-_-;--l ----------- ~---------- .. -:-~-:-.;.-:-.;.-:-.;.-:-.;.-:-.;-:-.;.-:-.;-:-.;.-:-.;: - ------- -~......_----- .................... -- ----------- ----------- ..................... ----------- ----------- ..........-.......... ----------- Um Nuu FU-l FU-2 FU-<l -. . 5 .... ,_ ::~:~:~:~:~:~:~:;:~:~ SU-C - 10 - 11 - 12 . 6 7 8 9 Desori,lio,. TP-WM ADDRESS: LOCATION: LOGGED BY: Page 1 of 1 1U.1ISlrial A -n _I Arut.art: N 190.. E 40. G~ Solli.il.. P Gra.il. Est. G Stile M 0-1.5' Silty sandy GRAVEL fill, with 5-10515 batl<lwood chips. 1.5 -3' Brown silty SAND , Hard, SL moist, BPL, 3 - 4 .75' \'Ioodwt\Ste ,darl< gray to black, EQUIP.: Job D.... B....::b.. 18- B:-t, CONTRACTOR: Ha.a... CLIENT: 1I.uo.... D.-nlo,ae-". LLC _D. CEG DATE: 10-24-01 cUr. (fius) PI USCS Co C 4,75 -5' GravsiltvSAND, Raoid dilatancv.low touQhness, I - 55 45 Moist APL tv'ed, C Bottom of Hole @5', \'later at 5' SM P.Ulro..l.. (,sf) TOrn1f: (I sf) > 9,000 ------------. ------ , -0---_______, -------_ ~ cD' S.---------- -------- Dl ,0 -g>--- :t=- -- fJ-' - - -- -- -- -0"-- - 2:__ -;::0' - -- - - --- ~ '" CD lii- - - ....-- - n ' - - - - - .-- - '" CD . - - - - g- - - ~.. - - - - - - - - ex> CD . ---------0.. -------- o ::l. ce S' I!!. en c: 0- 3 "" - I!!. 1\,:'~~~t.3f"~:f:';;;;!""'S"/';:':';:>:'~~'.;:":":. . .', 7"!, ..,. "'<~ ,,,;;'!,!:,,,,,,'''i -.:;e.....,' , ~;i~\~.!':;J1~.<.:,,":;l '~T>' ., ',,- '. '. .,;it:~~f:~Y~;;~~~t~~~1~1' Ci "". ":';ii~~J ,,:':;'='-;:'''- "';'" ~ .-~. . . "':~' -!::?':~ ':'.;-~' ...... .' .~~. <"~"~t""". :,."r .,~." s' n ~;;, . .;-_~_~-......~,;t.~,,-,",' ~'<' ""'~'''''''''' .-r. . .. ". '.,,,. - ~~.;._... ..... _ ~ . ~:.~':;!'4; TP.SW on L, TP-WM in middle, TP.NW to R. (541) 607-5700 Aramark Site Foundation Assessment, Industrial Ave, Spfld. o .... <<5' 5' I!!. en t:: 0- 3 ;::;: Iii .. g_~~'''''';Iil:'''"''d'~__'~W_--,"",,'''~'-'-'~ .."-- " . !~~ 1';;-l,~~""C"..w.:"~~--"".:'1Iii!lIi:,l.:~r":.--'.~"""-=---i. r--;.............~r~ ':-... . ~" 4. ~ .1 -;- ~ T ~..., I 1:. .~.: l~_:.:..; ~ '; . -.~. ~ -~ l:~;~r':l. ..;..-i,~U~lI':.~~~ r;~". ::-'''..::i:i'':-~~;-~~''~:~'l"::-~~-~;.t:t'': "'-;: ;..!;'- ',., :'.:Y;:.~ .::.. -~._.~:,tl"",:,;~~:.~- . ~ '::";"~~):~"!~1.~~ ;:~-?s:.~.~:c."~i~~ .~;;:....: -.: ;_,,::-.;::'~<:~~~~~...~ :( ~':'fl~'_" : ..:,...:;..,,~ . '.:-.~ -~~~ --..:. . .-...." v':'''::';ft::::.;~\... ".."'>:",....!<,"'':/::... ,,'. '~I" ,,.:t~~i_~..'.'" -~,'~;':;.i:".~t'~';'*,',..rl.'"'.l~:h_,'.IJ+~ ~" ~{~~[~':;:~';;0~~~~'~~ ~ . ~.~ .': .~- t :~'~~i:~7~f~~~S~:~~~~:j;~~';'~:;i~iJ"~ I...:-..~~.:..\i~r.~?'\',;.t~.;>" . 'T:":::~1'\'~I=-"4-:::::"":"'....~"i~~i:-~~-t: f~~~~~~B~:~;~~: " ' ~~."""~~~~~~~tti~;<~i~~ ~;::;~;-,:~,~:. ~ ','r,~, ~~;~ ,,':I{.::~I<;;~~~r~l~~ ' ."'..!-.' i.\~\l{l't,' ~. ,:.t. " ~,.~~~,"'t-."I;'~ '.' ;"~\i' ~:':.....~, '>'''::.~'~ :..~,.j;~:.~,;::.1';r.l!3~):;).". ~'S! . . .. .~~. ":.~,,, > ~';...\~~.,--:;,.:t-:~~r~-'~~wl~'~::~'~~-::';':"ti$~;; "",""'~1, .,-"~:,,,., ....... "~...~.">;,,,,,~.,,,.,.~ '..~,,> ";""""""':'""~"~_"'., ,~~..I,~ NI~,,~.i ':'- '""""'~i~, ",,~-.-~ 11, , ~ ,......... >-'o:t'-~~)~" .,...... ~...~~~. ..-~....::..~ f",. ',;'.( f~": j'{~ ~ ~.::~ !i'~""'A"'~ :.~..._' .(;J"\~"~~~;:..r--:=. '~':,"}~,...,.r;)O'~2'"~;':'.;.:".~--),<:'.,;",,~ ;l4. i~:'.;~ ~,;'- ~~t~.*~,~:~~::;,...r-.'~;:~1!:~~:\.,~~~~~~~.:.~.f€'-;'1i'5.~:l :j:~~:..:\;~'~~ ~~I?lt..: ~~"::;"'~~~".:' ic~.;;,'!:~~i'~:~~~~~~f;~~~;?1~i~ijlt~~~~~'~ -,.~:i;;.:I~~r~d """'-"" v ''''''"-to?",.",,,., ".....,_""~.-}~~.~."'.~' ~i'r}t1~,~.. , .' - ":"::':~Z.':"::~::~~~' \t.::,::~/,---',;~~;'::~;'1~:A ,,' ,;;~~...... .. ....;;~~~~ ' ~r:~{'"",o;;,: .,.....,~:'2'.I.., ,...i\"'''~'i_.t.~7_,_ ,'-..::' e.~. .'~'::..,-"",..,H ~_",_, ,.',,".~...._-.., .'~ <,1._ ._.""-";"~"- . '..l Spoils from TP-NW. View NE. Mostly FU.$ and SU.D. Negligible FU.J. (541) 607-5700 Aramark Site Foundation Assessment, IndustriaI Ave. SpfId. Tuesday, January 08, 200812:13 PM .,..1... Date Received: p.02 :\uraW\Hammer\4Lna St U6\ARAMA~.,_.dwq, 12/7/20079:24:12 AM "1'1 I'O~ '" JAN 2 9 201"8 ,~ " ~R!1ifia~'ittal- (>) -- - J~!I, ~_C, -. -, -:t;;:' I ' IJI \ I i .......l_W__: i : r-' .'. ~ '-I' [l"litt . tf!i1itIT1H-r 1 M1"I"Hti"t - HI ti'1t- II r-1I' .' 11 Illi[III,lj ii, Ii'! !!:i I:; ~-+-; I -,I ::, i Ii' [iI ~ 1::91Itl ~ ,[ I'j 91 illlli. 1/ ,t~1 ,l',) = II I 1!1'li iiill'::1 1-- ~'Ii. II'! ~ - 3 I 1"11 ',I " :' I .. I ',' , C II ~ i : Iii ~ III [1 :\: j ill r Ii ~ I' In" I" III' . I '1' , " ' 'I I I I ; :". :. I' : II I III 'L -1;."'" I' ~ ,..._, L "" : :ti' ~ 111. 'Il~ wM_'''...._ I ,1-., '-----'--- .--~"""=, I' C= I '1.- __ ,I I \ ~ .' : It \\\\ J:t ,_ ..I . f 1\ .::, ---:> )" : i I' ,."~=r,,-:::;;:.;;~~:~;::::i---<:! - 6-; {,:- I I \ '" ....:>:>,/ ---- ,- \",,-~,"'....,,' ...... ..L~ I ..... - .... - '10TH STREET III ~~.~ --' --.-.-.-------------- . .........--- I I / ,./" 1 /., ,./" : ~' ' //./' -------.- - - - - ) /" ,/ ~...- ...- ..- .-- ~ .. .~ '" ,~ . . l / " ~ . - ,t, ... ., u <0 W_ I f ~ ,~ I ' ~ '. ~ ~. .1 ~ .. ... li ,-_. --.- ~ -~4 ~ I I ~ ,\,- i ~, ~4_~r ~l ~~- ~ i"~ '~ ~ ~ I 1.'-0" ! rt '11 '! . I I ,a. ARAMARK mR?IH"RT E 5MAW ODDl K ( " I T t ( 1 - Yo .~. .q r I {, '0;.,' . J , 'i1>.t. l'fV'\ -~ SITE rLAN ...-tr._"'" ....,-,- ._~- ~., " '"iF;' . - . :,,:,'-' WD US! nANNING AND COHSUlJDlG SlRVlCES Date Received: JAN 2 9 2008 Original Submittal SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR IRISH GLEN, LLC (NEW ARAMARK BUILDING) Property Owner/Applicant: Irish Glen, LLC PO Box 2266 Eugene, OR 97402 Tel (541) 683-1166 370 Q STREET SPRINGFIElD. OREGON 97477 1541) 302-9830 . FAX 115411 610-1805 'Project Coordinator/ Applicant's Representative/ Architect: Robert L. Shaw 656 Charnel ton Street Eugene, OR 97401 Tel (541) 485-4963 Fax (541) 342-2909 SurveyinglEngineering: Olson & Morris c/o Scott Morris, PEl Larry Olson, PLS . 380 Q Street, Suite 200 ' Springfield, OR 97477 . Tel (541) 302-9790 Planning: Metro Planning, Inc. c/o Robert Stevens, AICP 370 Q Street Springfield, OR 97477 Tel (541) 302-9830 Landscape Design: Susan Crabtree Landscape Design 89618 Amirante Eugene, OR 97408 Assessor's Map: 17-02-30-44 Tax Lc,ts: 100 & 200 Platted Lots: Lots 5/6; JP Hammer Industrial Park Zoning: HI (Heavy Industrial) Plan Designation: Heavy Industrial Area: 114,357 Square Feet (2.63 Acres) Irish Glen,LLC Site Plan Review December 14,2007 Page I ~,:" cr' v'-' , Date Received: JAN 2 9 2008 Original Submitb.1 Back!!round . This application is for Site Plan Review approval for one new industrial building and associated parking lot for Aramark. Aramark is a commercial laundry cleaning company that will be relocatinl! its existin" facilitv and 45 emolovees from Eu"ene to Sorin"field. This Aramark facility will only be for the cleaning of mats, All other cleaning activities (including dry cleaning) occur in Portland. Primarily, the facility will serve as a regional distribution center; which is the reason for the cross dock building design. The doors on one side of the building will be for dropping off dirty mats and the other side will be for distributing clean mats. The facility will distribute mats throughout Oregon; including Albany, Medford, Klamath Falls, and Bend. The subject site for this proposed development is zoned HI (Heavy Industrial) and platted in the J.P. Hammer Industrial Park as Lots 5 and 6, The J.P. Hammer Industrial Park was platted and recorded on April 17, 2002. This industrial subdivision created three public streets (Kathryn Street, 40th Street, Industrial Avenue). The proposed Aramark building will have frontage and access on 40th Street. Adjacent to the Aramark facility will.be the existing Mount Hood Beverage Company building. ,When the J.P. Hammer Industrial Park was created, all of the necessary public utilities necessary to serve the proposed development were constructed and are available in the public right.:of-way, There are codes, covenants, and restrictions (GC&R) that apply to said subdivision. The Aramark facility will,be in compliance with the CC&Rs. The proposed building in this Site Plan Review application will be located across the existing platted line separating Lots 5 and 6. To allow this development, a deed restriction is proposed to require that Lots 5 and 6 remain in common ownership. This written statement addresses the Site Plan Review approval criteria found in Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.17-125. In this written statement references are made to some of the sheets in the attached plan set. ,The following is the ordcr of the sheets in the plan set. ISheet No'lsheet Name S 1 Cover Sheet I S2 I Site Plan IA1 IFloor Plan IA2 r Elevations IC1 IExistinq Conditions IC2 ISite GradinQ/PavinQ Plan IC3 rUtility Plan 1C4 rStorm ManaQemenl Plan IEC1 ILand DrainaQe Alteration Plan ILA1 I ' I LA2 I Planting Plan I SL 1 I UQhlinQ Plan Irish Glen, LLC Site Plan Review, December 14,2007 Page 2 '') , " Date Received: JAN 2 9 2008 SDC 5.17-125 Site Plan Review Aooroval Criteria Original Submittal A, The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. The Metro Plan Land Use Diagram designates the property as appropriate for Heavy Industrial. The Mid-Springfield RefinementPlan Diagram also designates the property for Heavy Industrial uses. These plan designations are consistent with the current zoning of HI (Heavy Industrial). Per SDC 3.2-410, in the HI zone cleaning plants and 'regional distribution' are permitted uses. The Aramarkfacility will be a commercial laundry facility for the cleaning of mats and distributing those mats throughout the state/region. Given that theAramark facility will be engaged in HI zone permitted uses; this site plan review application will be consistent with the Metro Plan and Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan heavy industrial plan designation. The proposed development also meets the development standards for the HI zone perSDC 3.2-420. Both of the existing lots are each over I acre in size; thus meeting the minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. The existing Lot 6 has about 174 feet of frontage and Lot 5 has about 131 feet of frontage; thus exceeding the minimum lot frontage of 75 feet. In the HI zone there are no interior yard setbacks for buildings, but there is a minimwn 10 foot front yard setback. The proposed building will be setback over 130 feet from 40th Street; thus exceeding the minimum front yard setback of 10 feet. Per the same section referenced above, there is a requirement for landscaped seibacks of 5 feet around the parking lot/driveway. There will be proposed landscaped planters around all of the driveways and parking spaces and the minimwn width of the planters is 5 feet. There will also be ample landscaping'along the west property boundary for screening between this industrial site and the adjacent residential area. Please refer to Sheets LA I and LA2 for details about the Planting Plan. The existing chain link fence along the west boundary will also remain to help with screening this industrial development from the residential neighborhood. Based on the above facts, the development standards ofSDC 3.2-420 are met and the new Aramark facility will be consistent with the HI zoning designation. ' v Further, since the proposed building will be located across the common lot line between Lots 5 and 6 of the J.P. Hammer Industrial Park a deed restriction is proposed that will require both lots remain in common ownership while the building exists on-site. B. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including but not limited to, . water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets and ,traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. The existing public improvements, including the 8" wastewater line, 24"/30" storm drainage system, and 40th Street were constructed during the platting of J.P. Hanuner Industri'al Park. Other utilities (i.e. electric, water, phone, and gas) are also already constructed and stubbed Irish Glen, LLC Site Plan Review' December 14, 2007 Page 3 Date Received: JAN 2 9 2008 Original Submittal to the two existing lots of the industrial park, These utilities are located within the existing 10 foot PUE (publi~ utility easel11ent) located along the entire frontage of 40th Street adjacent to the proposed development. There are no traffic lights or other safety devices adjacent to' the proposed subdivision, There are existing street trees and street lights already installed in the public right-of-way. All of the existing public improvements'are delineated on the attached drawings. These public improvements were sized and constructed to accommodate the type ~il.intensity of development proposed with this site plan review application. In the table below al-e calculations showing the maximwn, future anticipated water usage that will be flowing into the existing, public wastewater. system. The maximum number of washers that will be used at the facility is two (2) and the nwnbers below are the maximum discharge from two commercial washing machines. Anticipated Water Usage (Discharge to 'I Wastewater Svstem)' Maximum Water Fill Capacity: Maximum Gallons Used' per Load: Maximum Gallons per 8 Hour Shift: 516 Gallons 1 ,306 Gallons 126, 120 GaIlO~S Maximum Instantaneous 1,032 Gallons DischarQe Flow < 1 Minute: per Minute Average Flow for 8 Hour 154 Gallons per Shrift: Minute' . Calculations based on 2.5 washer loads per hour per machine. Calculations based on two (2) Jensen 800 OP washers. With the nwnbers above in mind, the project engineer at Olson & Morris has carefully sized the private utilities to handle the anticipated water discharge volwnes, The pertinent calculations to demonstrate that the proposed private utilities and existing public improvemef!ts have the capacity to handle the discharge are included on Sheet C3 (Utility Plan). All proposed utility lines and connections are delineated on the attached utility plan. C. The proposed development shall comply w'ith all ap'plicablepubIic and private design and construction standards contained in tbis Code and other applicable regulations. The public improvements necessary to serve the proposed development were constructed as part of the original J.P. Hammer Industrial Park. The applicant is proposing to construct private improvements that connect to the existing public improvements. . A utility and grading/paving plan are included with this site plan review application. The private improvements include the proposed private utilities/parking lot necessary to accommodate the new Aramark facility, All of the private design and construction standards of this code Irish Glen, LLC Site Plan Review December 14,.2007 Page 4 ' Date Received: . JAN2 9 2008 . Original Submittal are complied with in regards to the private improvements. Please refer to the attached utility and grading and paving plans for applicable details. D. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood . activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. The existing public street network, 40th Street and Industrial Avenue, provide sufficient and safe vehicular access to adjacent streets Kathryn and Olympic Streets and 42nd Avenue. This stieet connectivity also provides for connections between the proposed development and the neighboring residential area. 40th Street provides existing sidewalks for safe pedestrian access to the proposed development site, In addition, there are already two existing 36 foot driveways that will provide safe vehicular and pedestrian access from the public right-of-way to the Aramark building that will be 'constructed on the development site. No new ingress- egress points are proposed; thus controlling access onto the adjacent'street network and minimizing the number of curb cuts onto the public street. The proposed parking area on the subject property has been designed and constructed to blend in nicely with the existing shared driveways to ensure vehicular and pedestrian circulation remains safe and convenient. The parking lot design conforms to the dimensional requirements ofSDC 4.6-115. The parking space dimensions are shown on the attached plans. The parking lot will be paved, as required, and the stormwater run-off from the parking lot will. flow through one of three bio-swales. The bia-swales will be located within the landscaped setbacks along the north and east p,u/'~'~/lines and in the southeast corner of the site. These bio-swales will pre-treat the stormwater runoff prior to discharging into the existing public storm system in 40th Street. Where necessary, due to landscaped planter widths wheel bumpers are being provided. The parking lot will also be clearly striped to indicate pedestrian crossings and parking spaces, Regarding the minimum number of parking spaces, a cleaning plant/distribution plant use most closely falls under the primary industrial (manufacture/assembly) category thl!t requires I space for each 500 square feet of' gross floor area. The proposed building will be approximately 24,800 square feet. There would be a requirement for 50 parking spaces. . There are more than 50 parking spaces being provided with this application, In addition to the required vehicle parking spaces, there are nine (9) bicycle parking spaces being provided on-site to meet the minimum requirements, As required, seventy-five percent (7 spaces) of the nine bicycle spaces will be located outside for short-term use. Two long-term spaces for bicycle parking will be located inside the building. The parking lot and ingress-egress points meet the applicable requirements of the SDC and thus this criterion is satisfied. Irish Glen, LLC Site Plan Review December 14, 2007 Page 5 Date Received: ,. JAN 2 9 2008 Original Submittal E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or. geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas; wetlands; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97,740-760, 358.905-955 and 390:235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. . There are no physical features on the subject p.up".;j; this includes trees, shrubs, watercourses, riparian' areas, wetlands, rock outcroppings, or historic features. Given the absence of any physical features on the site; this criterion is not applicable. This proposed Aramark facility in the J.P. Hammer Industrial Park on 40th Street clearlv meets all aooroval criteria of the Sorimrfield Develooment Code. The applicant respectfully requests that thePlanning Director approve this site plan review application. If there are any questions . about this written statement, please do not hesitate to contact me at Metro Planning via email (robertlalmetroolannine,com) or phone (541-302-9830). For questions relating to the project in general, please contact the project coordinator/architect. Respectfully, . ~tJ~." Robert Stevens, AICP' Metro Planning, Inc Irish Glen, LLC Site Plan Review December'l4, 2007 Page 6 01/02/200R lA~37 FAX 541 485 0307 RElUHN IU .....f-\;:JL>t\uc "I L..l_ VV. CASCADE TITLE 1(&]002 _11- CASCADE TITLE eo. Dlvi$lon or ChJ6f Deputy C]e~k Lra~le Count.y Deeds and Records 2007-085154 $26.00 .) , TITLE NO.. 0257088 sy ESCRDW NO., EU07-3142 TAX ACCT. NO. 1688587 TAX ACCT NO.. 168860j MAPffAX LOT NO.. 17-02-30-4-'4-100 MAPffAX LDT NO.. /7.02-30-4-4-200 1111111111 111111 1111 /1111111111 " 1111111111111111 00S6625620070065154001001S 12/3112007 RPR-DEEO Cnl=l Sln=l CASHIER 05 $5,00 $11.00 $10.00 10:53:42 AM WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM Date Received: ., OAKWA Y GOLF, INC., a,. Oregon Corporation, Grall/or, JAN 2 9 2008 conveys and warrants to . IRISH GLeNN, LLC. all orego" L~mited Llablliry Company. Gratltee. Original submittal the followfng described real property frse of enctLm'brances except as spec(/lcally set forth herein: Lots5and6,J'.p. HAMMER INDUSTRIAL PA.RK, as pJ.at:t:ed and recorded April. 1.7, 2002, Recept~on No. 2002-0301.22, Lane Count:y Deeds and Records; a~~ in Lane councy, Oregon. BEFORE SrGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS. rF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300 to 336. THIS fNSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTV DESCRlBED IN THrS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTlNO THIS fNSTRUMENT. THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRJA TE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED rs A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 0<215.010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMlNE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS. IF ANY UNDER ORS 195.300 to 336. Except the following encumbranct:S; The true conslderalionfor this conveyance Is $371,660.00 Dated/his.-/"<' dctyOf~.-?.k ."..~ OAK~LF, INC. . '____ +l-c~ JDHN AMMER. PRESIDENT I .....,..--.. OFFICIAL SEAL . M.'~~.... Sl~.RAI~ J VAil ~;;:.~.,~_t, '.e NOTARY PUBLIC - ORmON \\.:.!d!t-/.J COI.iMISSIOl"I NO. 37<1103 ~y MY r;Ol.lrAl:5SlCl' EXf>IAE~ .!ANUJ.RY 7, 2008 Stale 0 rsgon COlmty of LANE ./7 _ This Instrument was acknowledged before me on ~ PRESIDENT ofOAKWAY GOLF, INC., on behalf of the gramor.. V'~~~ ~ (NolaryP~r.gon) My commi~sfon expires /- ? .. ~ zc. . 2007 b)' JDHN HAMMER, DAKWAYODLF. INC. p, D. BDX 2266 EUGENE, DR 97402 GRANTDR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Until a change "S requested all tax statements shall be Sl1nt to Ihefoflowing address: ....SAME AS GRANTEE..... IRISH GLENN. LLC po. BDX 2266 EUGENE. DR 97402 GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS After recording rett~rn to: CASCADE TITLE CD. BI/ WILLAME1TE EUOJ'.NE. DR 97401 WRE 1 ;'~ ~ ;'i,T'; CASCADE TITLE CO. ..11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Date Received: STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT . JAN 2 9 2008 Original Submittal JOHN p, HAMr~ER P,O, BOX 2266 EUGENE, OR 97402 Our No " CT- 0257247 Date, JANUARY 3, 200S Charge, $200,00 Government Service Fee; $25.00 As requested, Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices as to'the following described real proper~y: Lots 5 and 6" J, p, HAMMER INDUSTRIAL PARK, as platted and recorded April 17, 2002, Reception No. 2002-030122, Lane Coupty Deeds and Records, all in Lane County, Oregon. 'and as of, DECEMBER 31, 2007, at 10,53 A.M, we ,find the following, Vestee; IRISH GLENN, LLC, an ~regon limited liability company Said property is subject to. the following on record matters: 1. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Springfield; recorded June 20, 1986, Reception No, 8622936, Lane County Official Records.. 2. Easements for utilities over., and across the premises formerly included within the boundaries of 40th Street, now vacated, if any such exist. 3. Easements, ~onditi9ns, -rest~ictions and notes shown, set. forth or aelineated on the recorded plat. 4. Covenants, conditions and restrictions, including the terms and provisions thereof (but omitting any covenant condition or restriction based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, fami~ial stat~s or national origin unless and only to the extent that said covenant' (a) is exempt under Chapter 42, Section 3607 of the United States Code or (b) relates to handicap'but does not discriminate against handicapped per~ons) in Declaration recorded April 17, 2002, Reception No. 2002- 030124, Lane County Official Records. 5. Improvement Agreement, including the terms and provisfons thereof, Notice of Potential Assessment Lien, between Oakway Golf, Inc., and the City of Springfield, recorded April 1~, 2002, Recorder's Reception No. 2002-030595, Lane County Official Records. continued- MAIN OFFICE' 811 WILLAMETTE ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401 '"PH: (541) 687-2233 FLORENCE' 1901 HWY 101 - S. 2 . FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 . PH: (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX, 485-0307' E-MAIL: info@cascadetit1e.com . FLORENCE FAX: 997-8246 Date Received: JAN 2 9 2008 Original submittaL NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 1688587, Assessorts Map No. "17 02 30 4 4, #100, Code 19-00, 2007-2008, in the amount of $2,970.61, PAID IN FULL, ,Taxes, Account No. 1688603, Assessor's r"'lap No. 17 02 30 '4 4, #200, Code.19-0Q, 2007-2008, in the amount of $3,065.92, PAID IN FULL. This report is to be utilized for information only. This ieport is not .to be used as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the real,property described. The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO" by, ,j/ -; kd/Title Officer: BOYD STEELE ~~. ~~ ~ I 900 "- '05'.C. ,I . I ":'f .". J ',,", I'~ , 1 SSw COp. SE'~,CQR, W, CmJEOY~ W, C611~GYS I O,L,C. 59 0 L.C. 59,_ /0 ",'II ~ '''-., ItH ELL IH~W COR / ' Ip' COIAEGYS P. COM~EGYS 0) ,/"------. . C D.L.C. 80 ,/ ",/ -- jO,L. , 80 . f'? .!"'~ .--.. /'i / 1,~.::.1 I ('" rv'co V,,,,, -:r- !".l\C::'~ 0 ~ ~ ~,?~</<<'" ( . S.3291'; 1...- I _'--::;:~/' ~({.,:;..,~/-" Ie:) --€(. ".,. (".1'--0"..,-:''''" ->.'"7-'< ";"-', V..ATHRYt-l_ AV[.~ L_'.:-;t,(i" :r.l't,. a" . II~ @. --:--""-~:;-~:'i:"'" "" ,'" '", ,I;('~;'.~ r......:-.H~r.:.)-~ ~t,tj,l II "t' ,'V Ie) '~- -.--rn"':::-'<(ff. / 500 ~ - ~.!:V C:0 ?' .n.... .~ ~l..) 0.;8 AC ; ~ - ", , cO" 8 " ~ '. -'r",. -<t.}. (~LI:> ';Ig ::: - :1.;:" (' ': >.... " . lS"0 0);; ;:I~, o ::: ....C, r'5,~ : ":r '----8_ ',,,,'0'" o ~ ,'l;':~i~ :i! .' .J ~ (:'\'e~ ... '. r-- "",\~0'" (:.-.0 "" - ~":0i'~ I .. erc,.) f \'0~ _ .! ,;t'" I 400 "- @. u.,'c, W S: \j . l~e'"'~Of" ~ ~ ~c B ;~ . 600 11.31 t.C. .~ ~ p,,'? ~l.l' r .n;,to I I :19~! ~~;I ;., I'" ~ b ~I , V'I 1 , I '" . - ~ ~ ~ tJ '" '" In :i : >- 0> , '" - : W I 1 I 300 1.34 AC. J ~e~L" 7~O r r ~ ",....100' ( "'I' I . ~I!~~.J?\:'~T ph\I 5. I I Y9'~ Joo' r JJ~h I rc.;,.' ~ ~~'''~l' N OII']'l~' C ~ ..-I~I,W~C, :> ~~:..-:t~~< ~bOll l~ fl ~ - - -ff - - - -t)~ #~~Ot~~Z1( - - -- lilt'" (O"..c~ J ~. .....~~. r ""J),.. f i/']_(: -f:... .0 c- '1,(/ THIS MAP IS TO /\SSI8T LOCAliNG PROPEHY. THE COMPMY'/lSSUMES NO liABILITY fOR INr~CCLJR,~CIES. Date Received: /"/".... JAN 2 9 2008 0, """" '.J, "'.,,;(~ C(ig;nal,SUbmittal ': :',.' "~""(,':;~.:.?:.? l~' //' (J'rii.;c ',;,<,(:..~'<,',' or,.. '/" /... ~ >;..~ ~ ", ~ ~ "~/0 ',,------ I~l' ,~ s,: ~~ \9,\\"1<= , ,\.(',~ \;~I,.. '~ ------- 10 __ ~ ~..~. fIo' r <6;..( -- - -- - ~~~~~ ~'[NU( ..<<~-- r- SEE l.lAP 17 02 3' 1 CIMARRON SERIES Cat # Job APPUCATlONS . Area and walllighling, SPECIFICATIONS . IES Type II, III, IV, V (square) light distributions . Flat lens design for full cutoff control . 175w to 400w lamps in HPS, MH, Super MH, and Pulse Start for design flexibility . Mounts on upswept, straight arms for poles or on wall bracket for a uniform project look . 5 standard, 2 premium, and custom colors are available Type USTlNGS . UL and eSA certified for outdoor use in wet locations. I ,;,.. I( 17I1m,,~ @@,. "" "'., For more detail, see back. 6.0" 152.4mm r----j 5.625"1 If 143.~ mmr-----t " EPA = 1.2 '11 (single unit wrth arm) "6.313" ltGO.3mmJ ORDERING INFORMATION ORDERING EXAMPLE CRt . A I I Series Mounting H17 I Wattage! Source SERIES CR1 Cimarron MOUNTlIIG A' Arm Mount COnstruction (6"'straight rigid arm included & acceptable for 900 conflQuratlonsl AD' DecorntiveArm Mount canst. (6~ decorn.tive upswept arm incl. & acceotable for 900 conflQuratioost WI Wall Bmcket Const (includes Wall Bracket & 6" straight arm unless WBAD option Is chosen which substitutes Decorative Upswe~t Arm) o No Arm or Wall Bracket (only order without ann or wall bracket when they are ordered as accessory) WATTAGElSOURCE METAl HAUDE 175W (EO.2B) 250W (EO.28) 400W IEO.2BI_ SUPER METAl HAUDE 175W (EO,281 250W (g0-2B) 400W (EO.28) PIILSE START METAl HAUDE looW(E0-1V 125W (EO.l?) 150W (E0-281 200W (E0-2B) 250W (EO-281 320W IEO'28) 350W IEO-281 400W IED-281 HI7 H25 H4D MS17 MS25 MS40 PIO PI2 PI5 P20 P25 P32 .. P35 P4D 1 W1renorr1eringpoles,specifyPaleOriIIPattMn12frxAandADmoonling. SPAULDING U6I1T1NG 'f}1( 6.625"/"- 68.3mm L H2 I Lamp Orientation/Distribution F I Lens Q ! Voltage WATTAGE/SOURCE con't HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM 510 looW IEO-231/21 515 150W (EO-231/21 525 250W (EO-181 S4D 4ooW(EO-181 LAMP ORIENTATlOII/OISTRIBUflON H2 Horizontallf H3 Horizontal III H4 Horizontal IV H5 Horizontal V (sauare) LEIIS F Flat VOLTAGE . Q auad-TaD"jI20. 208. 240. 277VJ V Five-Tap (12a, 208, 240. 277. 4BOV) (250 & 400 MH. 250 & 400 HPS onlvl 5 480V T 120.277.347V D No Ballast E 50 Hz 220/240V 1250 & 400 MH. 250 & 400 HPS onlvl COLOR DB BL WH GR PS RD FG CC Dark Bronze Black White Gray Platinum Silver Red (~remium colo~ Forest Green (premium color). Custom Color (premium color) ,*~':'~ Apprqvals SPAULDING ~~ Date Re-ceived: ~.'!.I 3.J 2008 ,;'i:~":', ;l:I~~al sUlT;;~'" \ 16.0~ . ~06[1 SrIIAlGHT ARM / / / / / / / /. 1.25" 184.2mm -----, r' '\ 8,625' I I( 219mm I l L", '\ WALL BRACKEr STRAI6IfT ARM 7563" -192mrii1 ') r~'~( '\ ~ 3.625" f/ / ~ I UPSWEPTARII . --., 19[ ~ '( > 'WALLlIOUttTUPSWEPTARN'" DB i Color PR1 I Options OPTIONS Substitutes Decorative Upswept Arm when we wall bracket mountillf!. is chosen Round Pole MaD_ler (2~U -3W') Round Pole AdaoJer (3Y4"~30/4") Round Pole Adapter PW'.4W'} Round Pole AdapJer (5W) Ro'und Pole Adaoter (6") Fusinq, 120V FusinQ - 208V FusinQ - 240V FusinQ ~ 277V Fusino - 480V FuslnQ - 247V Pholn Button - 120V Pholn Button. 208V Pholn Button - 240V Pholn Button - 277V Photo Bunon - 347V Pholn Cell Receo!acle - 120V Pholn Cell R,ceDtacle - 208V Pholn Cell Receotacle - 240V Pholn Cell Receotacle - 277V Photo Cell ReceDtacle ' 4BOV Photo Cell Receptacle - 347V Quartz AS with lamo_ Internal House Side Shield lavail~' fo< H2. H3 & H4 <lstJibutionsl Polvcarbonate Vandal Guard lamp WBAD RPA2 RPA3 RPA4 RPAS RPA6 FI F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 P1 P2 P3 P4 P6 PRI PR2 PR3 PR4 PR5 PR6 Q2 HS VG L SELECT UNITS ARE STOCKED FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT. CIM-5nC-I/OS ACCESSORIES ClMARRON ACCESSORIES CATALOG # ARM-cR..S.XX',' ARM-CRD+S-XX1,. ARM-cR-K-TA-XX' ARM-CR-lI(- lA-XX' ARM-CR-l(-5-XX'" CR1_ CR1-A5--23 CR1-A5-4 CR-RPA2-XX' CR-RPA3--XX' CR-RPA4-XX' CR-RPA5--XX' CR-RPA5--XX' CRD-RPA2-XX' CRD-RPAJ-XX' CRD-RPA4-XX' CRD-HPA5-XX' CRD-RPA6--Xll' WB-CR-XX1 Date Received: JAN 2 9 2008 OESCRIPTION 6" Rigid StraiQhtArm 6W' Ri51id ~~swept Arm Tenon Alm{singlel adlustable Tenon Arm {double 180D) adjustable Adjustable Arm (for flat surfaces) Polvcarbonate Vandal Guard Internal House Side Shield (H2 & H3 distributions) Internal House Side Shield (H4 distributionl_ Round Pole Adapter for Stra~Q.ht Arm (2% - 31,4') Round Pore Adapter for Straight Arm (31A - 3~j Round Pole Adapter for Stra~_htArm (37,1.. 4W') Round Pole Adapter for StraiQhl Arm (5") Round Pole Adapter for Straiaht Arm /6"! Round Pole Adapter for Upswept Arm (2~ - 3W:1 Round Pole Adapter for UosweOIArm (3V4 - 3314") Round Pole Adaoter for Uosweo.t Arm (3~ - 4W') Round Pole Adapter for Upsweo.t Arm (S"l Round Pole Adapter for Upswept Arm (6") WaHBracket Original Submittal , HOUSING ArcMecturally styled, one piece die-cast alumirium housing with nominal .125" wall thickness. low profile design reduces the overall wind . loading while providing a sleek, unabtrusive look which complements most building architectural styles. OOOR Die-cast aluminum door hinges 10 housing and secures with two captive screws providing four points on contact ensuring a clean lens and optical assembly. Both the ffattempered glass and door are sealed with one-piece extruded silicone gaskets. ' OPTICS Specular, anodized aluminum reffectors provide IES type II, III, Iv, and V distributions with a horizontal lamp orientation, The type II, III, and V reflectors are one-piece hydroformed while the type IV is a multi-piece design, All meet IESNA Full Cutoff classification and are field rotate in 90 degree increments, House side shields available as either factory installed options or field installed accessories, . MOUNnNG' Two arm designs are avaliable providing maximum design flexibility. The die-cast aluminum arm offers a sleek upswept look while the extruded straight arm includes the housings contoured lines for continuity of style, A wall bracket and polellenon accessories are also available allowing easy mounting for virtually any application, , R~plactl n with color cholco, ~g.: OD ro, Dark Bronzo 1 When orchuIng poles, specify Pole Drill Patlem #1 ClMARRON 1liNON TOP I'OU BRACIIET ACCESSORIES (ASS VersiOll requires round pole adapter) CATALOG # OESCRlPTION SSS-490-XXI SQuare Pole Tenon Ada~ter .14 at 90 deorees) 855-490-111 Round Pole Tenon AdaDJer (4 at 90 de_orees). RS5-312D-XX' Round Pole Tenon Adapter (3 at 120 deQrees) I Rep/ac4D wlthcolorchoice, fJ(J.: DB frNDarkBronl~ ADOmONAL ACCESSORIES CATALOG # PTl-l PTl-8 PTl-5 PTl-6 PSG ELECTJIICAJ. Energy efficient HID lamps up 10 400 walls, Pulse rated porcelain sockets have spring loaded, nickel plated center contact. All units offer factory or field-installable photocell options and fusing. BAUAST HPF ballast circud, starting rated at -20 deg F (-40 deg F for HPS), Ballast and otller electrical components mounted directly to housing for excellent heat dissipation and long Ide, OESCRIPTlON Photocontrol - Twist-Lock Cell (120Vt Photocontrol- Twist-Lock Coli (120-277Vl Photocontrol- Twist-Lock Ce1l1480V) Photocontrol- Twist-Lock CoIlI347Vl Shortino CaD - TwisHock RNISH Durable Lektrocote. TGIC thermoset polyester powder paint finish assures long Ide and maintenance free service, Standard finishes include Dark Sronze, Black, White, Gray, and Platinum Siiver. Also availabe are Red, Rlresl Green, and custom colors. USTlNG UL 1598 approved and CSA Certified for wet iocation applications, Due to our continued efforts to improve our products, product specifications are subject to change without notice, SPAULDING lJdJgJL'Uu1J~ Spaulding Lighting. 101 Corporate Drive, Suite L. Spartlnburg, SC 29303. PHONE: 864-599-6000 Rlr more information visit our web site: www.spauldlngllghllng.com COIIJr'gIlt C 2OlI5 SPAULDlJfG UGIITUf6 All RIg/Ib Reserted CIM-Sf'fC..IJ05 I'rlnted In USA .. . ' PERIMALlTEH@ WALLPACK PGM/PGL GLAsS SERIES Cat. # Job APPUCAnONS .' Perimeter lighting for safety and security. High "pertormance with wide, lateral spread. SPECIFICAnONS ' . Cast aluminum door frame with prismatic glass' refractor. Door seals to housing gasket with twin Hubbell Gard' captive fasteners. . Die cast aluminum housing allows firm mounting over recessed junction boxes or on flat surtaces for W' surtace conduit Casting dissipates ballast heat for long Iffe, Side hub supplied for field installation. of button photo control, ordered separately. . Specular aluminum reflector with kicker panels drive maximum lamp lumens to the refractor prisms. Vertical mogul base lamp with these .' optics provide six to one spacing to mounting height ratio for maxi- mum spaCing or better uniformity, greater lumens and lamp life. . PGM features 70-250 watt HPS and metal haiide, PGL features 250-400 watt HPS and metal halide, HPS is avaiiable in NPF and HPF units. All metal haiide is HPF. QuadTap', 347V and 50Hz 220/240V available. Many listings include lamp for contractor convenience. . Dark bronze 800 Series powder paint finish standard on frame and housing, For optionai finishes, black, gray, white, consuit factory. 'USnNGS . CSA certified to UL 1598 for use in wetlocations, @. , "' Type .K",;'"':>",,, ~~:;; Approvals Outdoor Lighting L A ~c-j f" .. B, A B C 0 PGM 147/8" 15" 73/16" 613/16" 378 mm 381 mm 183mm 173mm PGL 147/8" 15" g7/8" 613/16" 378 mrn 381 ffil)1 251 mm 173mm Date Received: JAN 2 9 2008 Original Submittal ORDERING INFORMATION ORDERING EXAMPLE PG M 175 H 1 2 8 -1 LP QSS " I ! I i I I I i I I , I , Series Size: Wattage Source HPF Version Vollage Finish La~ Option Medium or large Inclu ed CATALOG NUMBER WAlTAGE VOLTAGE/BALLAST WEIGHT . MEDIUM SIZE Ibs. kO HIGH PRESSURE SOOIUM PGM-670S-128-1! 70 QuadlAl (HPF) 13 10,4 PGM-1DDS-12B-l 100 Ouad/AL IHPF) 24 11.0 PGM-15oS-12B-l',' 150 Ouad/AL (HPF) 25 11.4 PGM-15OS-12B-l LP' 150 Quad/AL PGMM15OS-521-tLt 150 120IReactor (NPA 18 8.2 PGM-250S-12B-l'" 250 Ouad/M (HPF) 3D 13.7 PGM-250S-128-1 LP' 250 Quad/AR IHPFI METAL HAUOE PGM-070H-128-1Lt 70 Quad/AL (HPF) 24 10.4 PGM-l0oH-128-lL' 100 QuadlPLA (HPF) 25 11.3 PGM-175H-128-12., 175 Quad/PLA IHPFI 25 11.3 PGM-175H-128-1LP' 175 Ouad/PLA (HPF) 25 11.3 PGM-250H-128-1LP'-' 250 Ouad/ALlHPF) 27 12.2 PGM-2SoH-12B-1LP' 250 QuadIPLA (HPF) 27 12.2 PULSE START METAL HALIDE PGM-1SOP-128-1LP' 150 Ouad/Pulse Slart IHPF) 25 11.3 PGM-25OP-12B-1LP' 250 Quad/Pulse Start IHPF) 27 12.2 I tampfncludrJd. 2 Onthest'unlts, change 1 tol for.l1rayLektror;otll"finlsh(ex:PGM-175H-128-J).Forallemalivefinlshes, conSUltf;Jctory. ,. . 3 MefC/Jry vaPor /;Imps may be operated on MH ballast. ., AvailabJein480v,chiJrtge8 105. NOTE:KJrrri.T~(12012n/347V}change8106(fo1Ou8d-rlll1"batlasts,208&240VnotCSA). NOTE; 50 IU 22O/Z40Vavailable on 70 walt HPS. ISO watt Hps, 250 watt HPS and 175 watt MH. NOTE: 208V CWI ballasts avail. on 775 walt MH and 250 walt HP5, 240V CWI" ballast avail. on 250 watt MH. HUBBELL OUTDOOR L1GHTIHG CATALOG NUMBER WAlTAGE VOLTAGE/BALLAST WEIGHT LARGE SIZE ibs. ko HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM PGL-250$-128--1 250 QuadIPLA IHPF) 32 14.5 PGL-4DDS-128-1 400 Quad/PLA (HPF) 36 16.3 PGL-400Sa128-1 LP' 400 Quad/PLA IHPF) 36 16.3 METAL HALIDE PGL-250H-128-1 250 QuadlPlA IHPF) 30 13,6 PGL-4DDH-128-1 400 Quad/PLA IHPF) 33 15,0 PGL-4DDH-12BCl LP' 400 Quad/PLA IHPFI 33 15.0 PULSE START METAL HALIDE PGL-350P-12B-1LP' 350 Quad/Purse Start (HPf) 33 15.0 I Lampl(l(;/uded. NOTE: Unlls af8 OUiJdraj1". For Tri-Ta{f" (120/277/3471/) change 8 '08: For 48aV change 8 ta5. Standard finish is darl< bronze. Units have mogul base sockets, lamps not inGluded unless noted. NOrE:50Hz 2lO124OVavailabJe. I SHEET # PGMlPGL-SPECIOI05 " " ORDERING INFORMATION ACCESSORIES . Gataloa Number PRT.! PRT-234 PGPS' PGWG' PVLV (order as separate part #) OPnONS Uescriotion Photocontrol, 120 volt Photocontrol, 208, 240, 277 volt Polycarbonale Shield for refractor Wire Guard for refractor full Cutoff Visor, formed aluminum. bronze finish Cataloo Number .EM -QSS -RS " j Guard & sltleld can be usoo on the same fixture. PHDTDMETRIC REPORTS CataloQ Number PGM-150S-)()(J(-X PGM-175H-12X,X PGM-250H,12X-X PGM-250S,12X,X PGL-400H-12X-X PGL,400S-12X,X ~ /- Report # HP0724fi.IES HP07245.IES HP07252.IES ' HP07358.IES HP07232.IES HP07229.IES Date Received: JAN' 2 9 200B '(factOl(\~~ffiX) Uescriotion Double Contacl Socket for remote Dower.lless tarnol all 'units Quartz Restrike System including relay (less lamp) all units (double contact bayonet socket! Hot Restrike System..Quickly restores main lamp output after power DutaQe (HPS onM Due to our continued efforts to improve our products, product specifications are subject to change without notice. Outdoor Lighting Qj) Hubbell Outdoor Lighling . 101 Corporale Drive. Spartanburg, SC 29303 . PHONE: 864-599,6000 For more information visit our web site: www.hubbell-:-lIg.com Copyri<jhtC200SHUBBELlUliHTIHG AlJRJglrbReservecl PGMlPGl-SPECtOf05 PrlnledlnUSA LitePro 2.024 Point-Dy-Point Results PROJECT: Aramarkl100207 GROUP: Site AREA: Site GRID: Main PREPARED BY: Steve Carpenter VALUES ARE FC, SCALE: I IN= 60,OFT, HaRZ GRID (U), HaRZ CALC, Z=,O.O Computed in accordance with IE~ recommendations Statistics . I 1(+) V....\IS .'l1lt )<'1' lJlJ' 112.)0 112.'00 10>.)0 :lOB. >lUO 171,. loJ:<lI ~lllt "v. '112'" In.. 112," IoU. ,oIl. 11110 Ill" ''')II "'1. 11):10 nIl. IIUo OUo Il.). 71." ,.. ,.. 'UO n. :l.l/I GROUP I MIN I 0.32 A VE/MIN 6.22 MAX 7.92 AVE 2,00 .- 10/3/2007 MAXIMIN 24.58 j '" 1.11 "'" 1:'0 1>1 I'. I.U I..'~ '" j, "', 01. II'" "I '.7" .., ''''u'J+Od;".,r,-Ol -1."-0.'..'.11 I,ll 1.11 ,), 1," I.Jl 0'>9 I.) I.Il I." '.Il , 'I' ' :, , I ~ III~ '__I oc i. , , . I I I i I. ! ..' I!o 'DO t<. ] i'l~'~1- ;:il .'.il' 'Ic~-I-.;'Ii';i:-;:;i""':i~' .l:?S 1- j;, " 1,'1, , , ',1 'I" I c 1- 1.1i l:'l I.'.' I.J; 1.011.10 Hl.a 1.-lO 1.11' '.'11." : I. I. I. _ ,1.1 ,I ,I ! I. I. ",:,. '" l.l' "1". '" lU 1-"::.6J'" lJ' .." Ill,.! ,.. r:rd:::'''''''''''''''''" '" '" OIl -'.7)' '.lJ' '..0" .". ..~~I- .'.JI-l..' I , I'" 1;' ..G111;; -, 1.11 J.O, ),17 Uj 1.7) ,~, ,,;.1';1 -----,"" ' u~,-),SI Ii '''''''''~';'i'l I ,. '" ,," ';'-,;,hl '1 _j'_1 I ""' .." 1.1. l.1. n5--rWtl.l:3::: Q '"'''''' ';";'I,:~I I '~f ,.. '" '~' '~ 'JI .,1 '1'1'1 !' '" ::: :::::: ':::::: :;~ :~1111 II f, '" '" ::: '" ," '" ::: ::i~SII r-I-I-'-~I 'II' I l.ll lJO 1.)1 I.J' 101 ))1 ':'~ l?~~,j LJ . I \ \ \ '" ,.. 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I'" '" 0'. ,., I+Q 1" l'J 0.. v., .:. 1,0' ltl :,.. I III III ,6l 0" I 00 ,,~ ,,, 0" .., O.J> '.11 _ _1 '-J." "" 14l 1.'_ 1." III 0.0' ,., 1.10 "" .WI WI l-.. -0" '11 I... 1," I. In III '''' loT ,,, lU 001 'II III ll. '" 1..11....'" 1,1'l1" I." , ,I. n, '" '" Jr. HI 11' ". U. 161 1!1 WI .'.01 J.n 1.llI ,~, I .. 1 'I '"' L 1.11 'IJ '-'. J"" 21: 1.7:' IOj 1'1 1m WI '"' III , 11, jO' 1.:0 ,.~ 'll 10 lJO ,., ll' '" ... WI HI lU ," n: 10) 10' III ,," I": I." '""ll 1," 10' I:' ," l1< I" ,.',- ~.'" .n 'uJ ", ,'j ll. "I 1." "l 1-'1 >II 1"1 11'1" )OJ _\\~I JII l" \'v1"'1 "1 )" l.il '", ,,, ,'. '7) '" 'lJ]Oj '" ~,'9 HI ," 1'1 I.. ll~ ON , .,-,- 111 ).10 L.J< I,-J: '" I."! III 1." -'-,\\rl~, "01 ,,, 1.'- t~"ll "; Jol '" !.~ ;"~",",'I-ll07 ,,, H'\\' I llll H. ,n , 0.11 III '0(; 1'" 110: l~ II' 110 I~ 1M 0" ,WI -.WI '\\'l~llJ1 107 1" U. 11. 1.1 110 III 1.10 1'0 160 UI HI ," ,.; I" 101 1.1. II' 1,71l'lO ll. lDo 1:11.1" !I' llo III L.:. ''''' '" no ll" '!,16 In 100 I." 1,0, 1",101 ),71 l,l. ,,, 1.\0 l.I' 111'1'1." I.', I." 019 OJ~ III I" ,,, II' III 1.1. U, III '-'l ul 1'1 '1' I." I.lD I).' 'Ii I." ,,, ;"J,<I]; ." 011 ... "1 O~)' 'II 1" '" 100 .11 .~_;__-,.<-:-.1 ., "'I "'" .J" H< OIl ".,,'",... 1."",. I!). U. ... o.U 1." 1.Il.w l.lI "" 1.10 II' 107 1"'0/ '" I... ,., I." ,.. Il' 1.]0 I., 1.11 1.1. ',Ll I.ll 1.9 '" 1.1 1.'1 1.1l ll9 '." 112 I" '.J< '" 1.7' '" ..OJ 1.1, IJ. l.O' 'II .,..~s I I." 1.10 II' "I a. '" ')1 ,.1 J.1l GO] 0.00 ,... 1.;0 '.'1 0.'1 J,U '" 1." ?<i' 7" .'." ".'0 ," "'" ."" ,," .","') 01. 0.]1 "I' o.o. o ::!. (Q :i" !!!. en c:: CT 3 a ~ '- l> z NO <a NO = = co o III - <D :::u <D o <D <' <D a. Page J Date Project Name Project Number Project File Group Name Power Density Luminaires Used TYPE QTY TEST# C 6 L9665CRI WI 12 HP07232 Project Schedule Oct 03, 2007 Aramark 100207 Aramark.PZP <All Groups> 0.05 Watts/Sq. Ft DESCRIPTION Spaulding, CRI-P40-H3-HS General Site Lighting ClMARRON RECT ANGULARAREA LIGHT LAMPS: ( I) MS400/H75/ED28PS, 40000 LUMENS BLST: STD, WA1TS= 453 Hubbell, PGL400H-x2x Wallpack ARCHITECTURAL - PERlMALITER 11 LAMPS: ( 1) MH400/U, 36000 LUMENS BLST: STD. REF. BALLA, WA1TS= 460 Assemblies Used IASSY QTY DESCRIPTION S I 6 single @ 25' SSS 22.5' 205' concrete TYPE I MHT ORI TILT ROLL BRKLEN I BRKROT C 25.00 0 0 0 0,00 0 o ::l. ee =j" !!!.. ...... iil '--r+ )> (J) :z ;0 ,- ~ ..... CD c:> ;;:. 1$ (1) '0. w C ~ ~ ~ !!. Date Project Name Project Number Project File Group Name Power Density Project Area Summary IAREA NAME ISite - -- --Prepared,By: Steve Carpenter Oct 03, 2007 Aramark 100207 . Aramark.PZP <All Groups> 0.05 Watts/Sq. Ft I/O OUT Project Area Summary DIMENSIONS 417,60x359.40Ft W A TTS/SQ FT (6) 0,05 (I2) LUMS/ASMS SJ (Asm) WI (Lum) ,P.repared,For: JB Electric Generated by LitePro version 2.024, which is provided and supported by Columbia Lighting, Alera, and Prescolite. Calculations are performed in accordance with IESNA procedures. Columbia, Alera, and Prescolile are not responsible for rhe Iighl output of lamps and ballasts, or design variables not shown. , QTY I IJ 0 ='. (Q 3' 0 !!!. 01 C/l <- - )> m c :z l:T :::0 3 ..... m Ii <D g ~ <' al m 0. . , --. J --.Jlte. _ ro Date Project Name Project Number Project File Group Name' Power Density Project Calculation Summary Oct 03, 2007 Aramark 100207 ,Aramark.PZP . :<All Groups> 0.05 Watts/Sq.,Ft Project Calc Summary IAREA NAME 11/0 IDlMENSIONS ISite IOUT1417,60x359.40Ft Prepared By: Steve Carpenter IGRlD/T\'PE/GROUP I #PTS I SPAC I AVE I MAX I MIN IMX/MnIAV/M~. IMain I H-H I <+> 816 10.001 2,001 7,92 0.32 24,581 6,22) Generated by LitePro version 2.024, which is provided and supported by Columbia Lighting, AleTa, and Prescolite. Calculations are performed in accordance with IESNA procedures. Columbia, Alera, and Prescolite are not responsible for the light output of lamps and ballasts, or design variables not shown. Prepared For: 18 Electric o .... cO' S' I!!. en c 0" 3 ';j: J!. '- > :z ..." <0 ..." = = ''- o Q) - CD ;;0 CD o <il <' '" Q. -. -:l --..JI te. _ ro , L,B,OLSON & ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors Urban Planners 380 Q Street Suite 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 302-9790 Fax: (541) 485-3253 Date Received: 'JAN 2 9 2008 Original Submittal Preliminary StOIUl Drainage Analysis Aramark Development November 28, 2007 Prepared for: John Hammer By: Olson & Morris Date Received: ! JAN 2 9 2008 Original Submittal The proposed development is located on lots 5 & 6 of the J. p, Hammer Industrial Park plat. Site is located within Tax Map 17-02-30, This analysis was created by the use ofthe Rational Method. Existinf! Svstem: The site is flat with an earthen berm along the west boundary and 40th Street along the eastern boundary. The lot to the south of the subject property is developed and has an internal drainage system for its drainage area. (Mt. Hood Beverage). The lot 7, to the north of the site, has similar topography, which is flat and is bound by the earth berm and 40th Street. The lots have one 12" storm sewer stub each, which were installed during the roadway construction process. The site runoff enters the public system within 40th Street and is directed to the existing private detention ponds to the east. These detention ponds were designed to accommodate increased storm runoff through development of the lots within the above stated plat. Prooosed Svstem: The proposed system will consist of a pipe system to collect the Stormwater runoff and direct the flow into the existing 12" storm pipe stubs along the 40th Street right-of-way. The site has been divided into five (5) drainage basins based on proposed site grades.. These areas are as follows: · Area A = 6,827 sf of paved area . Area B= 24,996 sfofpaved area '. Area C = 4,831 sf of paved area . Area D= 18,249 sf of paved area . Area E= 24,922 sf of building roof Area A consists of paved surface that is graded to sheet flow into proposed bio-swale A, which will provide pre treatment to the runoff prior to entering the piped system. Area B consists of 24,996 sf of paved area, which is graded to enter the pipe system through catch basins as well a sheet flow into bio-swale B. Swale B will provide pre-treatment of the runoff prior to the flow entering the public system. Area C consists of 4,831 sf of paved area, which is graded to sheet flow into bio-swale C. which will provide pre-treatment of the runoff prior to the flow entering the public system. Area D consists of 18,249 sf of paved area, this area is graded to enter the pipe system through catch basins which will be equipped with filtering media to provide some pre-treatment to the runoff This area then is piped to the existing 12" stub at the 40th Street right-of-way, Area E consists of 24,922 sf of building roof area that is collected by roof drains and conveyed to Date Received: JAN 2 9 2008 the piped system for Area B. This area is routed through swale B.Original Submittal The proposed system will have 77 % of the impervious area directed into vegetated treatment swales prior to entering the public drainage system, The other 23 % of the runoff will be treated by mechanical facilities as stated above. Calculations: The calculations for this system were calculated the Rational Method where: A = runoff area in acres C = runoff coefficient 1 = rainfall intensity in inches per hour Q = runoff volume in cubic feet per second System Flow Summary: Area to Swale A: A = 0.1567 ac C = 0.90 WQ Year Event I 0 Year Event 25 Year Event - 1 = 0,25 in/hr - 1=2.10 in/hr - 1 = 2.40 in/hr Q = 0.04 cfs Q = 0.30 cfs Q = 0.34 cfs Swale A consists of a 2 foot bottom with 4: I side slopes, a longitudinal slope of 0.5%, and a length of 104 feet. The contact time and depth of flow are as follows: Flow velocity = 0.42 tps WQ Year Event - Tc = 4.1 min. d = 0.04 ft The required contact time is 9 minutes, we have added rock check dams at intervals of20 feet along the length of the swale to provide additional contact time. Area to Swale B: A = 0.5738 ac C = 0.90 WQ Year Event 10 Year Event 25 Year Event - 1 = 0.25 in/hr - 1=2.10 in/hr - 1 = 2.40 in/hr Q = 0.13 cfs Q = 1.08 cfs Q = 1.24 cfs '. LJdLe ~ecelvecl: JAN 2 9 2008 Original Submittal Swale B consists of an average bottom width of 14 feet, 4: I side slopes, a longitudinal slOpe or 0.5%, and a length of 110 feet. The contact time and depth of flow arc as follows: Flow velocity = 0.32 fps WQ Year Event - Tc = 5.8 min. d = 0.03 ft The required contact time is 9 minutes, we have added rock check dams at intervals of 20 feet along the length of the swale to provide additional contact time, Area to Swale C: A = 0.1109 ac C = 0,90 WQ Year Event I 0 Year Event 25 Year Event - I = 0.25 in/hr - [=2.10 in/hr - [ = 2.40 in/hr Q = 0.03 cfs , Q = 0.21 cfs Q = 0.24 cfs Swale A consists of a 2 fooi bottom with 4: I side slopes, a longitudinal slope of 0.5%, and a length of 115 feet. The contact time and depth of flow are as follows: Flow velocity = 0.42 fps WQ Year Event - Tc = 5.21 min. d=O,04ft The required contact time is 9 minutes, we have added rock check dams at intervals of20 feet along the length of the swale to provide additional contact time. Conclusion: The proposed development has been designed to provide water quality and conveyance for the runoff generated by the different drainage areas, the BMP facilities provided within this design will meet both water quality requirements and covey the runoff without adverse impacts to adjacent properties and the public drainage system. i Date Received: ({ 1<. JAN 2 9 2008 Worksheet for Swale A Original Submittal Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For: Normal Depth Roughness Coefficient Channel Slope: 0.00500 fVft Left Side Slope: 4.00 fVft (H:V) Right Side Slope: 4.00 fVft (H:V) Bottom Width: 2,00 ft Discharge: 0,04 ft3/s Normal Depth: 0.04 ft Flow Area: 0.10 ft' Wetted Perimeter: 2,36 ft Top Width: 2,35 ft Critical Depth: 0:02 ft Critical Slope: 0.04691 fVft Velocity: 0,42 fVs Velocity Head: 0.00 ft Specific Energy: 0.05 ft Fraude Number: 0,36 Flow Type: Subcritical Downstream Depth: 0.00 ft Length: 0.00 ft Number Of Steps: 0 Upstream Depth: ft Profile Description: Headloss: 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity: Infinity fVs Upstream Velocity: Infinity fVs Normal Depth: 0,04 ft Critical Depth: 0.02 ft Channel Slope: 0.00500 fVft . . Worksheet for Swale B ~"'~"'~';11 t""'-'<"':::':<.-I":-<""{"'~"~iifNt;J;)~~.;. "it<>:(i;,<-~r<Tt.~~~<%!~~\:.i.'W'~~~l~i~~~:i~gf'(:~~~i{";,,:,,,,'1<*"~~ E;!-,9J~S.kf.?~~9'lR!P!.1d:~~....b'9fLPi'lrr$i:~':;;}!:~~';g,~ ":If.!, ~tr:~;~f':f':tlirry~~~:?"",:;:n_*,'+,~~:lti}ff"J.:':9 Flow Element: Trapezoidal Channel Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For: Normal Deplh Roughness: Channel Slope: Left Side Slope: Right Side Slope: Bottom Width: Discharge: fVft fVft (H:V) fVft (HV) ft 0,00500 4,00 4,00 1.4.00 0.13 fP/s Normal Depth: Flow Area: Wetted Perimeter: . Top Width: Critical Depth: Critical Slope: Velocity: Velocity Head: Specific Energy: Froude Number: Flow Type: ft 0.03 0.40 14,23 14,23 0.01 0.05450 0,32 0.00 0,03 0.34 ft' ft ft ft fVft fVs ft ft Subcritical . Downstream Depth: Length: Number Of Steps: 0,00 0,00 o ft ft Upstream Depth: Profile Description: Headloss: Downstream Velocity: Upstream Velocity: Normal Depth: Critical Depth: Channel Slope: 0,00 0,00 Infinity Infinity 0.Q3 0,01 0.00500 ft fVs fVs ft ft fVft Date Received: JAN 2 9 2008 Original Submittal . . Worksheet for Swale C Flow Element: Friction Method: Solve For: Roughness Coefficient: Channel Slope: Left Side Slope: Right Side Slope: Bottom Width: Discharge: Normal Depth: Flow Area: Wetted Perimeter: Top Widlh: Critical Depth: Critical Slope: Velocity: Velocity Head: Specific Energy: Froude Number: Flow Type: Downstream Depth: Length: Number Of Steps: Upstream Depth: Profile Description: Headloss: Downstream Velocity: Upstream Velocity: Normal Depth: Critical Depth: Channel Slope: Trapezoidal Channel Manning Formula Normal Depth 0.030 0.00500 4,00 4.00 2,00 0.03 0,04 0,08 2,31 2.30 0.02 O,04992 0.37 0,00 0.04 0,35 Subcritical 0.00 0.00 o 0.00 0.00 Infinity Infinity 0,04 0.02 0.00500 ftlft ftlft (H:V) ftlft (H:V) ft fP/s ft ft' ft ft ft ftlft ftls ft ft ft ft ft ft ftls ftls ft ft ftlft Date Received: JAN 2 9 2008 Original Submittal . '1111 i i I' r - -,- - - - - - _~ II~I~ I ~ : I :1 I lliH 1000.n 1 I II I I , !! ~ PU.E 'I ' ~ ~~ ~ f / / " ~~ II I I : : :1 ----L__:L// /41 I Il ,11'1 , .. -' I I I I I I - / / ;III"O~I:::J 1111,' Area C '// . I I I I I I I 4,831 SF", ~//.i~ '1/;11 i ~ I: :~:I .)<:/ /,-: : 111l!' I :s ,I I ~I ~/ //: ,Ill I I <::> I 'ill ------~///:II'II~~ ... I:: 1'1 / /~/'j' ,=-u 1 ////; Irh: 'I I: :: <:fCoor..= //j/ ~IH~' ,:: II ;;::7U5 " . II';' II I III II ::':""-" Soale C Ki" ' I I I " I I I "Fl oor..= ,~. I 1'.; I~ J II II' QlAJE..".os .. ,1;""J'II12"'" III i--,----,s:~I~ I 1:::1 f-- _ 1!~~ .' II \ \1 I I' I I \ ll~~~ - 1 - . J \ i ' \ lie I \ \ II L-,:w~-_- , 'I} r~1 \ pl \ \ \ . '~,J;t~'\ 1J i \ \ \\ ,o-n.."OL, <~-\ ~\~ I \ \ \ :;':::If'1 \~" ,\ \\ , \\\ ~ ~..~II, \\ \ \ \ ."" ,j \ -\~-\' .", I ' '\' la.\ ~. '" \~ \. \ \ \ \ \ \ \\~ '\\:~\ \\\ \ /" \\\ \\~ \~~.-4>'\ \ \;<\ \\~ \\ \ \ \ ,~\ \'\ ~\~ \ \\ ,~-\ \\, ,"-\ ,~~, \">- \, ~ ' , ">- \,.< \ \ \ "~' , " /\~\\ ,~">- ./ 0$0' ~"\' ' , '- - -------- /" /" /" ,..~y '" '\.;~'" ~ ~ '':::-':::-~ - ~~ - ,,'" "~ . --==-- _ _ _ ~, ,,~, ,\ ':r !"" "'. - - ---;7 ~" ~....." - .A--- ", " "'" ..... , /"./ ~ '\" ' /" ," , ' ,.... ~ .... ...... / ~ ~---~------- .'" Area 0 [ ./'" 1 8,249 SF---------- [ . j , i I I \ " ...-- .' " ,.01" I J"' "." ~l' In ':.;~: .. ~, . ....,_. - -., " STOOp co # Area C 15.347 SF ~" ~I , I.......... - ~.~ " . i r~- 'I ~ i , ~ I ~ , i I , . - - - - - - - - ~~ ST'" ~ - :;! " - ,/ ,/ ./ ,/ ~ ~-- - STORII DRAINAGE S1'llUCTURE TABLE co " 5" R. OOT-476.64 ST.OO 'I GRAT!-478.14 10 Fl oor-4~.1l1 RIl n.EV.-420.40 co " 15" Fl 0llT-47lLM Sf en '2 GRATE....78.14 10' n. our-475.41 RIl w.v.-477.85 Sf co 13 IZ" fl OUT..,.." RIl ELEY.-4n.1O ST"',. 12" Fl 0UT..7..48 RIl ElEV.-478.15 - 51 co 15 12" Fl 0lIT-47J.9; RIl81.V.-4n.2ll ST"''' Ir n. our....'l.H RIlEl..EV.-4~ ST",p 12'" Fl 0UT-4n.41 RIl EUY.-475..5S - CO" S"FlOlJT""'7lLl!'.i GRATE-477.55 co ,. llo Fl oor -4715.00 GRATE-477.50 ." ," . ,;.} I - ~ 12"Ellv-m.,57 Fl H (sW)-410.27 24: flit (NlW)-47tl.15 30 Fl OUT (SE)-f7Q,10 , " "'" Izoll 0lJr"'flD.02 GAATE-47.1IJ I "'fl 12" FllN-471 Sf 12" Ft our-47U* GAATE--473.13 "'IJ S"Fl'OUT-47J.37 GRA~-475..04 ',' " :~ Date ~ceived: JAN il9 2008 Original SUbTp, SCJLE: '";w,M' 20' t o 20' f!!J!BOL LEIlKND I F::::'lDfT ~ tSl==~ Il8lJEXISIIfG5.UAEl..Et.VAl.U f-I EXISIIfG QJY N<<::IOt ~ fXISTJ<<l POWER f'Q.[ 101 fXISTJ<<l snm TREE ...-j ;:::::.:.u """"J I-i, EXISIIfG cu:NWT DRAINAGE BASIN AREAS NaA -6,8279'"toSWAl.EA AAfAB -24,905SFIDSWALEB NaC .4,8.31 SFtoSWAl.fC MEA D - 18.249 Sf Il.lUlN: ' MEA - 24,922 Sf to SWAI..f A TOT"-""""" Na -711,ll25Sf NO.1RfATED Erf SWAIl:S I TRrATm B't sw.us - 1I1.5711 SF - n,t I ~ ~ ~ M C ~ 0 ~ ~ 117 " ~ e ~ ,Ii!, 3 o C '" u"'''' ~ U) ll~h; r::: '1:: ~311~ 1 0... _!l! I <3 ~ iff: I ",' ,tJ~ ! ~ ~~~ =- s '" .. c5 q C<j .---< p-< i> ...., ~ q 0 Q) ...\c CJ S !-- ~ ~ tl ~ C<j .:; ~ "'l q tl C<j !-- ~ ~::f .. S ;e, ~ g> B .t:: U) ~ '? ." - ~ J I ~ q : 1- H ~ ~~B~~ .w .. .~~ !-- a ~ I!l I!l I>l <0:::0; >>>< o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ..........-..--~ u; z o u; '> w '" SHEET C3 of 4 18/08/2007 08:28 FAX 541 736 10?' '10/04/2007 09:J7 FAX 541 486 J: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW ",..,. OLSoN & MORRIS Date Recei\li&{;2 !ill UUl . fiOPJUtlIOFI.LD "" ... JAN 2 9 2008 , .. ' I -' - H I ., 1 ',' . I _ '. PUBLIC WORKS DEP ARTMENT. / Engineering Oi vi sion Phone: (541).726-3753 Fax: (541) 736-1021 STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK ___oo (ATen below t111.~ Iltreftllcd (IU(by Applicant) ...;. (Pleas. re/Jil'tr /0 MattS/oude,@Cityof Sp,ingfield Pub/~c Works ElIgln~~,itrg: Fax # 736-1021. Phon.. /j 736-/035.) ,ProJectName: ~rh-,",,"""'I<' Applicant: o/s.- +- 1Lf.-4., A.qsessors Parcel #: 17-':' 2 ~ ;0 - 44 - If)() -! Zeo Datc: It) /4 /r-. Land U5e(B): I+~ - /-f/f'/ko',( I,.; 0"""""'10-1- Phone #: .~ ./, _ . '11 1 Q , Project Size (AerC5): 'Z. c.~ L!<.N--'. Fax#: 4'1,.- ~"1. q Approx_ Trnpcroou8.Area: ~_"'l.4 .0.,.....", Email: 5'"rr-e n/$DW_o"""..,.tt,. t'..~ Project Desc:ription (h)clude a copy of Assessor's map): C,,~..J-..-vd /.,l.ft:V F7k:U-, ~.,.. ;w....----~ ..../t-'""'...,'---t.-) -z. 5 00"" , Fr~ Drainage Proposal (Public connec!ion(s), dischargolocation(s), etc_ Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: I 'g.'-~ )......1-<. F..r 14'" t4_s.J-- n 1: ,,,I- ,,~.-,.:.) ~..... .:;.-J tCb....~od'V~4-rt'"" I>' .~ ,j .. I --' J _._ 5'1-.-', _ ~ trl'(O/.I-). . el<rst..:.) /1><<.1... irIS' /..JT<> 13"""", .Q."""'~j ?~,-, -".~ 1.1 . t I'"~".I.,,,- !v<<J..s--"" At--k_J.:~ i<o.r -rc..; ~ Ir--<J' -",(,i-_ lI- ^"~ 1 tJ-o-Sl'~.--l 7(> , Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: ... 0/ fl . A Pvd C 1.,,_ J...... C'A,J." (, 8Io?;....~L.. .,:c..... :>Ol~ r'p-v'ri) . ;ze"''''-'-j I'f>"<''' /3..5'....... """'ft..... r; I-/...- r...;~,-h. __ ,Arnn helow rlli> line (illed nllt bllllle C(~. and Retllmed {o the A,ml1clI'lll- (At a miniml1m, 'III bo:xes checked by the City On /lIe1:ont and back oflhi. .heel shall be sub milled for an appllcarJon 10 be comple/ajor submittal. although olher requlfWrlents m"y oe neces.rary,) Drainll!!S Study 'I'vne (EDSPM Section 4.03.2): (Note. UB may bc~ubstituted for Rational Method\ o Small Site Study - (use Rational Method (or calculations) o Mid.Leve! Development Study - (Use Unit HydTOgraph Method fur calculations) . iii Full Drainage Development Study - (use UniT Iiydrograph Method for cakuJations) Environmental Considerations: , ::> -IP ...:.-- t\...- iii Wellhead Zone: ~ y.....-ll... ~ \ I'ML . Iii WetIandlRiparian: !ij SoU Type: Downstr.eam AnalYsis; Ii IlJ Iti HllIside Development: FloodwaylFloodplain: Other Jurisdictions: Ii N/A o Flow line for starting water surface elevation: o Design HGL to uSe for starting water surface elevation: '0 Mannole/Junction to take aiJalysis to; Return to Matt StoQd~r lti), Cit,v ofSpringlield. em'\.i!;_ iTI.to,u"',er@cl.~pl'ingticld.or.us, FAX: (541) 736.1021 Updated 12/812006 Brenda Jones 10/08/2007 08:29 FAX 541 736 Ie' 10/04/2007 09:37 FAX 541 485 3. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW OLSON & MoRRIS I4J 003 ~002 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS I fm()fficl.IU" Only: ~<. * Based upon the injormaliOtl provided on Ihe fronl of Ihls ,h,.I, the following represonlS a minimum qfwhal is needed/ar an applicaOon to becomplelefar submittal with respect to draln(1f(e: however, Ihis liSl should nol be used in lieu oflh. Springfield Developmem Cod. (SDC) or the City '" EngineeringD(/Slgn Mam/ol. Complianc. w/lh Ihese reqJlire~~~eck sile apprwal: Addlt/anal sile spec((lc Information may be required. Nole: Upon scoping shee! submittal, .nsure camp/etedform has been sil!ned In Ihe space provid.d below: JAN 2 9 2008 Interim Design StandardsiW.ter Quality (EOSPM Cbaptar 3) Req'd 1'1/04 I!iiI 0 All nonobuilding rooftop (NBR).impervioUll surfaces shall be pre-trellted (e.g. multi-QriliRal&~.wIei-I filtration media) for stormwater quality.. Additionally, a minimum of SO%,ofthe NBR imparvious syrtilce shall be treated by vegetated method" ~ 0 Where required, vegetative stormwater design shall be conslstenr with interim design srandlltds (BDSPM Section 3.02), set forth by the Bureau of Environroental Services (BilS) or Cleatl Watet Services (CWS), o Ii For new NBR impervious .tea less .than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the BES for vegotative treatment. . ~' 0 1m siormwater u-eacmenl swale is prQl'o..d, submit calculations/specifications for sizing, velocity, flow,'side slopes, bonom slope, and seed mix consi,tent with either BES or twos requirements. o Water Q\lality calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 oflh. aOSPM D All building rooftop moumedcquipment, or other fluId contlllnlng equipment located outside of the building, shall be provided with secondary conw.inment or weather resist/lflt enclosure, I Celleral Study Requirement> (EDSPl'>f Section 4.03) Ilj 0 Dni,inllge study prepared by a Professiorull CMl ilngineer licensed in the .tate of Oregon, . ~ 0 A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4,03,1, including a hydrological study map. Ii 0 C;>lculatiQT1s showing system capacity for a 2-year storm event lJJ1d ovorflow orleets ofa 250year stann event, ~ 0 The rime of coneenl:r:ltion (Tc) shall be d.tennined using a 10 minute start time for developed basin.. Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4..03.4..C) , . " o ~ A down.tre"," drainage analysis as desenDed in EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C: Onoslte dminage shall be govemed by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty CQde (OPSe). o ,PjI EleVations oCme HGL and tlow line." for both city IlIld private systems where applicable. ' Desi~orStO"" S)"ltems (EDSPM Section:4,04) Ii 0 Flow lines, slop." rim elevations, pip<! type and sizes dearly indicated on the plan soL ,. 0 Minimum pipe cover shall be t g Inches for reinforced pipe and 36 mches for plain concrete and plll!llic pipe materials, or propel' engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficiont to support Iln 80,000 lb load Without failure of tho pipe srrucrure_ , o '0 Manning's ;'n'; values for pipes shall be consi$tent with ,Table 4-1 of the EnSP. All storm pipes shall be designed to achieve a minilnum velocity ofrhreo (3) feet per second at 0.5 pipo ti.lll based on Tablo 4-1 as well. Other/Mise 'Ie- 0 Ex i,ting and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. InClude spot elevations and site 'llI'ades showing how site drams . a I;] Priva14 storm water easements shall be dearly depicled on plans when private stormwater flows from one property to another o Iii Drywellsshall not receive runoff from any surface w/o being Ireated by one or more 3MPs, with the exception of residential building rootS (EbSP Section 3.03.4.A). Addh:ion~l provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to the websi~: yJ\\J\.v.deQ,Smre,ol..us/wa/!!rollndwZJ/uichome.hcrr:. for more infoIrrultion. o Ii Detention ponds shall be dcatigned to limit runo~to pre..dt:velopment rate~ for the 2 through 25..year storm everntQ f1tnllvjfJrm .vhall hi! included,as an aJtachmentJ,i;,~idi! thef,,!/nt cover, lJfth~ .'1'tnnn.water study * fMI'Okr.4N'f.. l/NGlNEr;:R PU,ASERF.A/) HF.tOW ANI) SIGN! As the engineer of reClrd. I l!l7l.!lb certity the above required items are complete and included with the submitted stormwarer stUdy 3.lld plan set . Signature: _ Date: 1'[.. I to /0 7 I ' I Updaled 121812006 Brenda Jones