HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 10/27/2006 \ ~ 228104, 17 03 27 10 03300 ,,"'\".' ,~7191..503862CLq, , , , Of"I..lo" 0' Chi.' Ooputy CI.rk _ Lano County'Doecls and Recorda " m.ol~i ' 1111111111111" 111111/1111111111"""""1111 ',$36.00 1067328'200 10818342003 .e38 ,,' " , 03/04/2005 02:26:16 pft' RPR-DEEO Cnt=l' Stn=l ,CASHIER D5 $18.00 $11.00$10.00 \$. " ,10' ' \\--' ,. ..."( '\)'.:11"., -+ " ~t . '~" . --~~ ,TH 'I After recording return to: Western Pioneer Title PO Box 10146 Eugene, OR 97440 . Until a' change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address; Skyview, LLC , 515 W. Pickett Circle #400 ' Salt Lake City, UT 84115 , " File No.: 7191-503862 (csl) , Date: February 28, 2005 . -:- , " STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED 'Ralph Lane Walker, Jr., " ' " ,Trustee: or, ", su.ccessors In tnJst u.nder' the Walker Uvlng Trust dated April 30, 1999, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Skyview, LLC, a : ' utah limited liability cOmpany as to 50% interest and South Plaza n LLC, an Oregon limited , liability company as to 50% Interest, as tenants in common, Grantee, the following described real property free of liens and encumbrances, except as specifically set forth herein:, _ .1 i I , ,See attached Exhibit "A. ' , n1isp~opertY is free from liens and encumbrances, EXCEPT: .-. . " ..'. . \' ." ,.[' . THIS INS11l.UMENT WIll NOT AllOW 'USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN ' , VIOLATION OF APPllCABLE lAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPl1NG ')HIS INS11l.UMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND'TO " DETERMINE ANY llMlTS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS. DEFlfjED IN .. ORS 30.9;30." . '. ' , " , ~., '. , " . ',: ' ... .' . '.", ..~> '; . ". -' . - - . ; '. ' , The true consideration for this conveyance Is '$2,220,000.00 paid to' a qualified Intennedlary as " part of an IRe ,IOU exchange., (HerecomP1VWIth,eq........,tsOfORS93,D30):,'" ' , Dated this '2nd 'day of March ,"' . ',20~.'.'".' I .1 , , :'; . -,C', " ' -,.' '>,. Pagelof2, " . ~ " . , .. l" .'." ' I i ".;'. . ". " . " \....:;'.... ".,' -.", <,'-'. '.. ~ ' ,', .\f "-'. '- ,."f , " '. APN,228104 Statutory' Warranty De:ed ' . continued Ale No,: 7191-503862 (al) Date: 02/28/2lJ05 -f12~~ ~,' ,~~ ~ RaIPh~ ~alker; Jr., Trustee ' " ) )ss. County of Lane' " ,,). " " . , This;nstru~e';t was adno~led9ed before rri~;n thl~daY of 4", J..,.' byaliQill Lane Walker, Jr., Trustee. ' (~," " Ralph ",", ,~L .', CindyUndy', " ' , Notary Public tor Oregon , My commission expires:' STATE OF Oregon ~ ',20M /' " I) . ~~A}}~1v NarARYPUBUC.QllEGON ~ COMMISSION 00.384069 11/ co.1MliSIlN EXPIRES CEM!Il29.2006 1_, "".' I i . ~ . " ....,'.,'. " . I" ...... '~' '. ,,; .', ': i- <i ,',/ .". " "\~' . ',." , , ,,; ".-". '.' ." ".... ',>- .... '1..' ',' .', "~' -"" .'; , -'~ -. " .." '",' .-, '. ,,;,' . >,: ,-' . ,,'.' ---'.' 'j i ".' -:. " .- <" 'Page 2 of 2 '".' ,,; " .:. ;i .- ,,' ,,;;.. " . . "'". . . , ~ , Page ,NO. 4 Our No. 199355-RD i ! , I I , , I , ,EXHiBIT . A' Beginning at the intersection of the South line of the Jacob Halstead Donation' Land Claim No. 47, Township 17 South. Range 3 West. Willamette Meridian, with the Westerly right of way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad. which point of intersection is 1027 feet. East of the Southwest corner of the said' Halstead Claim No. 47; thence North 140 West 501 feet along the Westerly right Qf'.way line of the railroad; thence West 208.21 feet to the East line of that certain pr~perty described in instrument recorded June. 20,. 1975. P.eel '747~ Reception No. 75-24839. Official Records'of Lane County, Oregon; thence South 486.12 'feet.to the, center, of the County Road and 'the South line of the said Halstead Claim No. 47; ,thence East along the said South line to the place of . beginning, in Lane Cou.n~y.. Oregon.. " SAVE AND EXCEPT THEREFROM the following described tract of land: A parcel of land lying in the Northeast <me-quarter (NE,lf41 of S';'ction 27, .," :,Township 17. South. Range 3 West, Willamette .Meridian, and being a port~on of the tract of land conveyed to Joseph Vanicek.' and Al.bina Vanicek. husband and wife, by that certain deed recorded on March 14, 1940, in Book 197, Pag~ sQl, . Lane County Oregon' Deed Records, said pa~cel being described as follows: Beginning at a point South 2737.10 feet and Bast 817.78 ,feet of the Westerly Northwest corner of the Jaeob Halstead Donation Land Claim_No. 4,.in Section 27, Township 17 South, Range 3. West. Willamette.Meridian; thence South 120.11' 58" East 470'.40 feet along the Westerly right of way of the Southern Pacific' Railroad Company: thence North BSG-CO' 37"_West, l08.~~ feet along th<e . Northerly right 'of way of. a County ro~dwaycommonly known as nQ" Street; thence North )70 19' 14". Eastl 72.37 feet to a point Westerly and 25 feet- ,opposite the 2nd' and 3rd Street Couplet Engineer'S Centerline Station L~ 31+95 'p.o'-t., as surveyed in 1972 by the Lane County Department of Public ~Jorks; 'thence North 120 11'SBI' West 409.3B feet: thence'South 8So DO' 37'1 East 51.53 .,.. feet to the po.~n,t.:of be9i~i~g. in Lane County, Or~9on. ' ; .,~ .,. 'I i " ,,-j. . ,.t'; .- ' ":-:.: -1''-' ,.'.- .:t., ,.' '"..c. ~ - -..,- :,..,.' '-'- " I,' ,,- ',. '.- ,.,.' "', ." " .-.._ -.'t_ <-': ~',: ,,', .' ,',. .,-:' .... '.' , .,' -r,' .... r.. .,'., ',I'! ,; . I ! I ..1,,', .,-' --} " . ._~ " .-..,',v' " c' .t , -~ " " ,,',. I " ',''-