HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments SUB 11/16/2006 MI- SPRINGF1E1.D UTILlTY BOARD Wt\TER ~ERV1CE CE;'\'TER 202 South 18th Street Springfield, OR 97477-f5240 Tel 541.726.2396 Fax 541.747.7348 www.subutil.com November 16,2006 Dave Reesor City of Springfield 225 N. 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Dear Dave: SUBJECT: BACKFLOW PREVENTION INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS, Parkway Center (TL 17-03-27-10-3300) 104 W. "Q" Street, DRC2006-00085 In order to reduce the number of questions and problems related to the installation of back flow prevention devices in the Springfiel~' ~tilityi I?o~rd.ser\.:ice :area,,:we .are'p~9viding,more.detailed,inform~ti~m ab9ut .our:requi-r:ements ,than' ~re provid~fH in'-the:si!~~pl,!n ]cview. letter .'!rTJ1e, fo 119wing: r~quire.me.n.ts,add~ess tpe) issues.we :!l1ostc.cm-unqnly.,ha ve with backflow prevention device installations and also address some specific issues from our review of the site plan document~:'~ubtpiJ1:e~J0ct9De.~1~7; 20Q~:G; IlJ ::c'.:ocC;:JIJCG t'JfjI ::::?/;A,r:"'::"\8.l1n :ji;~"Jl13J l)G2I[;'U 2f1uqrl!.q?" '<; 'n rH~l~F9~iH, bJ.f;.-,f,U~(n;; q;;-:'lc.~., c;.)S'J! pr: r;j;;13:"f'~ !IPJ;,'-' ;;:;.o..u,}' pr. I){:,:::;~v:;q .\~ot:! ;l-~~:s'~':.l~ l-WA-; go ~()!...:--- 1. As st~ted in the site plan review letter, SUB requires submission of a detailed plan for installation of any backflow prevention'devices, The plan needs to include type of device(s), brand and model numbers, specific location(s) in relation to the water.meter andbuildings, type of structure housing,orcovering for the device(s), elevation view, plan view, and clearances around the device(s), ',.' " A fire service double detector check assembly is shown as a detail in plan view on Sheet 4 for the Walgreen store, The plan needs to be modified to meet the criteria identified in this letter and the Regional Design Standard. A plan for the required RP device for the I" domestic.servi,e line is also required, ,-No water service connection points or service line sizes are identified for the First Te.ch building or the strip commerc:.al building. Please, determine the service location and provide detailed drawings that identify': ':;:J:c'" . A double check valve assembly for the bank service . A reduced pressure principal backflow prevention assembly for the strip commercial building The landscape irrigation plan indicates the point of service at the southwest comer of the property on Drawing # L 103. Please contact Bart McKee to verify that service is available at this location in the sIze needed. The irrigation details on page 1.-104 Detail D indicates that the ,backflow device is below ground. The detail needs .to be corrected to'show the device above ground 'andprovide an'elevation view with cleara'nce 'dimens~ons~!.. '\." ,: L.,'" ,:.: ',':r; 1</;) ,l,.";!'" ''-~> ;:(.l~.,:",; ~.;.; tJIG G~~';: L).\l: ;l~~l;,:. i:.', _1J I. ",.'. I ;"-~!'_ "jl f' \.j,~~::-:,r\.i 1);1,:.: i:Y! ;;':;.i<.iijr.qOlJ c~,.J:.i\ 2. All backflowprevention devices shall be installed above ground, be protected from freezing, have a bore- '!V,.:r.wCi'sighted,~rair:!o .deyligh!, agg~be in accordance with EWEB/SUB Regional Design Standards. If.~W pSGl:,n:; t..,>, r.Hx.."'-Q~ri~GJJ (Ico' ~C'(' {,~~<lfti ~!9fi{;:,: :;JJ0 ~~~ ,I ;;(; ':-. "'~ ;~~;jl!('.~lC:: .r~':; t~:~H{:~ ,"j.CW (JIlL LW,;C1A (l;" .,Jt" e:H'-:; I:pn.: 3,,, h;.,,:, ,~Il;proposed,b'a~kflow;preyention ,devicejinstallations shall ,be:revieweg forapproval'by SUB' prior: to ,,;r !i: . . ii1~tallatior:!-,Y ~ria~ces,fromthe Regional Design'Standards must:be:made. in writing prior-,'to, installation 'of any'devices:. !;'!..,)r:, , ,.-:,: , , . s:\Siteplan\OObackflow.doc Site Plan #DRC2006-00085 Backflow Comments - 104 W, "Q" Street November 16, 2006, Page 2 of2 4, All new device installations shall be inspected by SUB before water service is provided. SUB staff may ask to be present for all initial testing of the device(s). In cooperation with the City of Springfield Plnmbing Inspector, we are asking that a copy of the test sTip be attached to the device. This tes(slip will be collected by the plnmbiog inspector prior to approval of the installation., If the device is in an exposed location, please place the test slip in a sealed plastic bag to protect it 5, Water service shall not be provided until detailed plans for installation of all devices and any requested variances have heen submitted and approved, Please ensure that any contractors 'or subcontractors who may be involved with installation ofbackflow prevention devices on this' project are aware of these requirements. If you have any questions regarding the installation of back flow prevention ~evices in the Springfield Utility Board service area, or you would like a copy of the Regional Design Standards, please contact'me at 541-726-2396. Sincerely, ~/Q~ Water Quality Manager CSD:mkm Cc: Bret Fox, Thomas Fox Properties, 515 West Picket Circle, #400, Salt Lake City, UT 84117 Gary'Reed, Weber Elliott Engineers P.c., PO Box 10145, Eugene, OR 97440 SUB Water Division Backflow File ..1 SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD WiHER SEI{VICE CE;\"TEn 202 South 18th Street Springfield, OR 97477-5240 Tel 541.726.2396 Fax 541.747.7348 www.subutil.com November 16, 2006 Dave Reesor City of Springfield' 225 N. 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Dear Dave: SUBJECT: ,- ' SITE PLAN TENT A TIVE #DRC2006-00085 THOMAS FOx/SKYVIEW 17-03-27-10 TL 3300,104 W "Q" STREET, PARKWAY CENTER Listed below are our comments for the above referenced development proposal: 1. The proposed development is within the Springfield city limits and will receive water service from the Springfield Utility Board (SUB), 2. ... :\:~;.J~,;...-.!. .fC. .,:..::'" All. new water1system faci,li,!ies ans! modificiatjon!?to ,\Vat~r(~yg~D! f~c!H!ie~})(?tb.J\"~9,~ ~f\d:( :, m a.dj acenl ;10 the; prop~sed c!!,'~eloP'ne!',t:sha.ll~e pla~ed, i[1~tr~~Higl}k.of~'fa.,Y,'~~t~)0~W?,~,311(1,~5pth of bury that meets the standards of the SUB Water Division.' . ' < - _.;' \, ,_'" !.'L t.. ';M::". . - .'. '" All water facility materials shall be to a standard that must meet SUB Water.Division . '.-' ',- , specifications, ' , ',',' " 3. 4. All workmanship shall be performed to meet or exceed SUB Water Division construction standards, 5. Size of waterline and other facilities, including water meters, must meet the needs ofihe SUB.' Water Division and the long-range needs of the City. These needs include, but.'are not limited to; meter .1ocationand.access, s~zes of water distribution and transmission.lines, p~mPi.ng facilities, and commul}ication lines. ' .,' -'.' 6. Please ask the developer to contact the SUB W'ater Division for detailed information on the materials and construction standards, detailed costs for installing SUB water facilities, and a schedule of construction. Construction expenses may be reduced with good planning of required water facilities, good timing of facilities installation, and joint trench opportunities. I . 7. All ~ater'~et,ers will,be;pla~ed in public right-of-way at a locationidenti~~d ~y t~e ,~eveloper. Each-lol or parcel must have its own water service. . , , _ 0,:,.[;.:0. ;,,~r( ':'''>-'':'\''- "" ~.:",,~,,: . ,I, 8, Waterservice-facil;ties:wi11l:le.:inst~lIed' upon coll~ction of development charges.., Development ... ; , . -...... !-. ~,,-... - .,;... '< ," <,H'}''':: ,-' -. sV" ;,j',.i ./_.. ;~ ~J"" ,,,:,,,;. it \~ policies and',chargesidentified in this)etter are,subjectto change. ,Actua1.charges ,Will be those'in I '- ' .. ',' f'. "'~'...- "t" -..' I', .....'::. ,"..,. ,_ ..J.j~JI.,.'\'. -,...n. effecI at the time water service is requested. ' , '" " '.-; , .~; . ',j,. '.1. ." , / , Site Plan # DRC2006-00085 104 W, "Q" Street November 16,2006 Page 2 of2 9. Springfield has several wellhead protection areas. Ninety percent of Springfield's drinking water comes from wells. In every instance, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contamination, Contractors/developers/owners shall be responsible for the safe handling and storage of chemicals, petroleum products, fertilizers, and the prevention of groundwater and storm water runoff contamination. Special requirements may be necessary for groundwater protection at this development. Contact Amy Chinitz at Springfield Utility Board Water Division for details at 726-2396. 10, Backflow prevention devices will be required for this service. Please contact Chuck Davis at 726- 2396prior to installing water service. Chuck can help in the selection of the most economical device and location. WateT service will not be provided until a backflow plan has been submitted to SUB Water Engineering. and approved for installation. PLEASE NOTE: SUB development charges are paid directly to SUB Water Division and SUB Electric Division. Sincerely, 3cv.7 ~. ,life ~/-J- Bart E. McKee, P,E, Senior Civil Engineer - Water Division BEM:mkm cc: Bret Fox, Thomas Fox Properties, 515 West Picket Circle, #400, Salt Lake City, ur 84117 GaryReed, Weber Elliott Engineers P.c., PO Box 10145, Eugene, OR 97440 S:ISITEPLANII04 W Q Street site plan II-I6-06.doc r .