HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 10/11/2006 ";', ,; Oct 10 2000 10:40AM , LASER JET 3330 p.2 ~~ . City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Application, Type Ilk II II - - ~pplication.'Tvpe . (Applicant: check ooe) Site Plan Review: IZI Site Plan Major Modification TVpe II: D Applicant Name: Phone: 801-5967711 ext27 Company: IThomas Fox Properties IFax: 1801-5967161 Address: 1515 West Picket Circle, #400, SalUake City, UT 84117 ',--:'." :,.-. , '\"""-'<:..;ii~,-\}~j!.',:.",~ir!'i'<~;:;;'::iIt~',""JiiJ;:.i:;1,~S-~~:..'fit.'ll:,;''':V,j~~~;l:t~,it.:;.t;~~,(;.[\;;'';.r;;;,:,~'T.~:t7>]!.;''ff!!,~,;.,j::..x~,":'~";;';":";' ;-,;"" .>;__,.l;',\':",.,....,.:,f,cc :' :;., .:, ,,".' '--'i,. .~", '; "-. -. ',,' "'1 .. Applicant's R~P.: GarvReed .... .lphone:1541-9571033 Company: Weber Elliott Enqineers P.C. IFax: 1541-9571033 I Address: Ipo Box 10145 Euqene OR 97440 . I. ;">.'__ ,:,; :::':';G"':~:: ::,"~':'~~'~~",.'-'~<\";','.~:'::'''i:.;;;~::f-iqi~'~~,:\i'';'':...,;:;;~iifi:m;<!;"II:r,~~'\HXltii!t~!6I':!i!l;r~;i,:;jjj;.lI!tJlii~lf~~';\1i>!!"ii:i"].jw.-Il,#i~mtM'.JjrnJ:eoi.,11i'ijt9IJ'ffi~!ir!:;'~:llilK~-;;',,:"~,r~;,':..j:::,\,fr:r;~4ii'~1j::'!iJ!~t.;\'~':::1;1:'ir."t."1 Property Owner: ISkWiew; LLC and South Plaza II LLC Phone: 1801-5967711 . Company: IThomas Fox Properties Fax: 1801-5967161 I Address: . .1515W:~t~I~.~~t~~rd~ #490, SaltLake c:ity,.~T84~17, . I . . .' ;':' "-.,,,' .-','- j: ",' ,> .:.~~:~;,< ':':. ",:,:-,':":;'i;:,:ll~ ~.,:,::;;",~".,)t;'1~*~f:.~l.t'~~~l!,,'::".~;\!,~~j.,-,>,,:,:..:.MliJ;}~'}_~,~'<;:;,i'I;,',~.:",'.~:' .'f"~ .'- q.:::;,;:,,~;':,,-;,-/?>.::. 'F >:,\.;, ,.' ,';;. '.<.',Of ':'1 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-27-10 TAX LOT NO(s): .3300 property Address: .104 West Q. Street Sprlnqfield OR 97477 I. Size of Property: 2.19 Acres IZI Square Feet D Prop()sedNameof .~r,~l~ct:. .. Parkway Center . '. .' '. ". .' '::", ,.,'", - ":,+,.,<~,.,,,~;;~J..:;;+,,/if;;~~!mrt:f,';,'itF.____",",:',;,'__""""_",B;;;~~;lt"~:r;W-~li:;,--<"",,:,,:~:.~~~t~:',-.;fk,!4i!']l';t!1~'I,iF,;\-': dj'~"i' '_':,.-,;":"_'^N,;";',-"'~',"",".';"r,',_:~:",_,' ,., '",: "'-' ..::<.r; ",:...,." . '_, :_~ .'_ ",",.". Description of Proposal: Development of a 24,838 square foot commercial center 1 .. -. Case No.: :Zoning: LMI/CC Overlay District: Applicable Refinement Plan: Plan Oesignation: L.ocation: City Limits [8l Urban Gr wth Bou~arv D .0,><1 .... A.ssoc.i~t~d .~.P.~.IJ~~,~i.g'~f~:;,;!:~l,f,~d,:BB2;~r,ffif.:i" ';;;"";/l"\L'","::::::;:~;~':.::;;:!;'~'!!Ar.~~- Pre-Submittal or"; / _ Reviewed by: . Case No.: ~ ~a76 Oc'<-l7if Date: /0 - 1(- 06 (initials) --yp Reviewed by: (Initials) Total Fee: : ..._--~~:~_-~-;----"7 Date: ApplicationFee: Postaoe Fee: . :: ;' ,'-',,': '::~: ':~~;,:, ,:ri---: ;'. :--"~:.' .'.: ::: ;C:';;';::'::_~\:"'~":;i'~:'~,~;';;i;,'!<'(,1""~!'f1r!i~;:;i;;~\":ff,i!rH'l~~r:~!;~t~g,r.f:~~;;''''::-~'~~hi.j 'i,::i!.\~tit,~J;-~lIt'").-"'..'>:";;n).:\~;:~',,;, ,;~:,";.:', !~.~ ;;..'lJ"':,~iS;if..{'-i,~-' ,""....:<.:l,.',':.:'~.;:~."~::: "'" .. ."1 1>~z.m6-0005f Page 1 of 1 I > ? Oct 10 2000 10:40AM LASERJET 3330 p.1 Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory but there is no additional review fee for this service. The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form. You are required to submit 7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review. Pre-submittal meetings willbe conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am and noon. We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Comm\lnity Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete-if it isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. 3. Applicant Submits a complete Application When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre-S.ubmittal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City. A fee will be collected at that time and the 120. day calendar review period .will begin. When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review. At the applicant's request, the planner wiH schedule a meeting to review the draft with appropriate staff if certain issues need resolution before the final land use decision is issued.. Owner's Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner's signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the OWner's. signature will not be accepted. The undersigned aCknowledges that the information in this application Is correct and accurate. for scheduling of the Pre-Submittal Meeting. owne~-_~ Signature Date: 10./10/2006 Bret B.Fox, Manager, Skvview LLC. Print Page 2 of2 I. .-.-'_.'.......... 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone -''y of Springfield Official Receipt =,evelopment Services Department Public Works Department. RECEIPT #: . 3200600000000000532 Date: 10/11/2006 2:27:39PM Payments: Type of Payment Check Paid By Received By Item Total: t::heck Number Authorization Batch Number Number How Received 9156 In Person Payment Total: Amount Due 325.00 $325.00 Job/Journal Number PRE2006-00088 Description CTY Site Plan Rvw Tentative WEBER ELLIOTT ENGINEERS DRR Amount Pai~ $325.00 $325.00 cReceintl -. Page I of I 10111/2006 ..- .~B ) iT, tBe4 33(). } , ..ol.-Ud." ~ ";. 4300 i T 1900 "".. i r lit . €!lY "'1:~EiIJ>.!G~IFI n t 'i N''':::':. : I ~ b 200t 7-03-=- i 7 -10 Tt: 3300 . 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L" I ,~.J.!., ...~-;.,.,: .~, . <.soll... -r"~ ' .. \' ... a ~ ., +tOO s.,... ./ {oJ. . S ~,t ,.S.W. CO~.-...::.:.~ .,. . or! H iJJACOB HA, L ..~~,.!?,' "'."/ '0..... -:If -n .~ - .~.> J - -o--l' . . u.L\". ....1' .3P ~ ". ~jO .~ or, - I,) " 11q6- " ';,1...1 ,111/.'''/" ,-,-,,' t '''' "'-" ~' 4200 w - 110:06."1' .. .,., "" S.~"':6'E:. l:f'C"\! t ~ Jo-fl ,/ ,,,,,,' 12-- ?-7(,. ,SvJ'" I,. '/ PLA S~ 5vl31.00'1 7800, ~ " 2 ~ - F~J' .iI\ t 1J ,; . N~ ~ .... 't ~ ~ ~ SIT E " ~ . .J!!!>.~ - .;,>)11-1) ': I' 34{)0 h-s'j' z ~ << ~ " ~ ~ .. 10Cl.1.'~ E....s' .... -"- s,,' -~ 17 03 27 " " . Parkway Center Site Plan Approval October 11, 2006 11 Application fee. To be submitted at the time of complete application submittal. . 2/Copy of the deed and preliminary title report. A copy of the deed and preliminary 1itle report are enclosed. The owners ofthe property are Skyview, LLC, a Utah limited liability company, as to a 50% interest and South Plaza II, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, as to a 50% interest; as tenants in common. 3/copy of the site plan in 8 'l2" x II". Copies of the design plans have been reduced and incorporated with this submittal. 41 The right of way permit application is not applicable as there are two driveway approaches existing on Q Street, one of which will be closed and one enlarged. 51 The Stormwater Management Sys1em Sludy has not been provided as we have been informed it is not required in the case of this development. The drainage design, utilizing a swaleldetention system, reduces the intensity of runoff from this site from predevelopment levels. Calculations of the intensity and depth of runoff in the bioswales, compared to predevelopment levels have been included in this submittal. The Storm water Scoping sheet, prepared by The City of Springfield, is attached. Hydrographs have been prepared for the Water Quality, 2 year and 25 year storm events. The maximwn intensity predevelopment runoffs from the site are 1.4 cfs and 2.18 cfsfor the 2 yr. and 25yr. respectively. The maximwn intensity runoff from the post development site are 1.25 cfs and 1.88 cfs respectively. A study of the existing storm water system is being submitted with this application. It is in a spreadsheet format and is 1itled "Downstream capacities of,the Storm System in Q Street." It has been acknowledged that, because of existing design circumstances, the system in Q Street surcharges from time to time and the sys1em for the Parkway Center has been designed with this fact in mind. Storm water from the building downspouts will be piped directly to Bioswales A and B. Storm water from the parking lot areas will generally sheet flow at a I % grade to the drainage swales where it will proceed to the ditch inlets and the connection to the 30" sewer main along Q Street. Not all storm runoff from the parking areas can be directed to the bioswales, but about 86% can be collected in this way. , . 2 In the worst case scenario, if all the systems are overwhelmed, storm water will flow from the site to the surrounding streets without flooding the building sites. This design meets the criteria of the Springfield stormwater management plan in the following ways: a)It minimizes the demand on the City's sys1em and alleviates future costs oftreating the discharge by reducing the flow from that which naturally occurs. b)It promotes wa1er quality by treating the discharge with vegetative treatment in the bioswales or filtration through the catchbasins. c )It preserves groundwater in that as much runoff as possible in encouraged to percolate into the ground. d)It reduces the peak storm flow. e)It minimizes the potential public and private losses due to flood conditions. f)It minimizes the stormwater di~charge impacts on water quality and quantity by reducing the peak flows. . 6/ A revised Traffic Impact Study is being submitted with this application. 7/Eight copies of all the plan sets are being submitted. Existing Conditions: A site assessment of existing conditions has been prepared including a vicinity map. All existing site features except for two trees are to be removed to prepare for the proposed development. There are no watercourses shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map that apply to this site. The 100 year floodplain and floodway boundaries do not apply to this site. The site is in the FEMA zone X which is outside the 500 year flood plain. The site is outside the SUB zone of 20 year time of travel. Physical features are shown on the site assessment plan including trees of 5" in diameter or greater. The trees are to be removed with the exception of 1wo large firs located along the eastern boundary (midway) of the si1e. A tree felling permit application will be submitted. The soil types are indicated on the map and include soil types 19, Brenner Silty Clay Loam; type 34, Courtney Gravelly Silty Clay Loam; and type 119, Salem Urban Land Complex. Site Plan: 2 4 The existing str~et lighting is shown on the site assessment plan. There are no additional street ligh1s proposed. Traffic control devices are shown and indicated as being relocated as required (Sheet 5). Location of power poles, transformers and similar public facilities are shown on 1he site assessment plan. , Hydrants serving the area have been located and shown on the site assessment plan. There are five hydrants capable of serving the development that are within 500 feet. One additional hydrant is proposed for the northwest comer of the intersection with Pioneer Parkw!ly. It will be connected to the existing 16" main located on the west side of Pioneer Parkway. Sidewalk on the public right of way (on Pioneer Parkway) abutting the site is proposed and is connected to the pedestrian system on the development site as shown on the plans. Loc.ation and sizing of the proposed private utilities is shown on the plans. Connection to the existing sanitary sewer is shown in the extreme SW corner'ofthe property to an existing stub which has not yet been physically located. The storm sewer will be connected to existing stubs located on Q Street as shown. One remaining storm stub adjacent to Pioneer Parkway will not be used. Connections to the electric system, gas, telephone and cable systems will be determined when we have more information on the buildings to be constructed. Grading and Paving Plans: The grading plans have been prepared and show the roof drainage patterns and collec1ion system. All roof drainage wil(be collected and piped 10 the bioswales. Surface drainage from the parking areas will also be collected via sheet flow in the bioswales and all drainage will be discharged to the 30" diam. storm main at.a rate which is reduced from the predevelopment runoff rat(;:s. . Existing contour lines are shown on the site assessment plan at a one half foot interval. Spot elevations are available but are not shown as they simply confuse 1he drawing. The. estimated fill required for the development .is about 818 cubic yards. Landscape Plans: 4 5 A landscaping plan has been prepared by Michael Minder, Landscape Design Professional and has been included with this submittal. . Architectural Plans: Architectural plans have been prepared by Mark McKechnie, AlA, and we include the building elevations and perspectives with this submittal. Other: The development area is not within an Overlay District. The removal of the existing trees will require a Tree Felling Permit. As grading and filling are proposed, a Land and DrainageAlteration Permit will be required. A zoning report is included that shows the existing zoning for the Laura-QStreet area. A Bioswale calculation. spreadsheet is also included to show that the minimum contact time for sheet flow runoff is greater than the nine minute minimum required. ., 5 ~~8104, 17 Q~ 27 10 WPT 7191~503862CL ~ \ <;- 10' 1\-" \-\ O~ "00 D:ivl",il:o~ .of Chief Deputy Clerk ~~~~c~*~nty Deeds and Records '. "'-'---"---....-..,. 20@$~~:1:~~ , . 'I. J 'f ,.... . .., '~ '--'-----:.:.--.:....~ 1111l~'.m.1 'i. ~'.~lmlllllllll~11.1'll'jl;IJIII11!II~r.llff.~. .... .' . ..$&6 , 0'0'6~3Za5i2:j1j0500L342003003a . ,., .. . ...... ........ . . 03104/20050,2:26:1161 .~~lhP'9~1il Cni=1 Sin=1. CRSHI'Ellos . $1'5.0'0 $'11. 00 $10,00 TH After recording return to: Western Pioneer Title PO Box 10146 Eugene, OR 97440 Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: Skyview, LLC 515 w, Pickett Circle #400 Salt Lake City, UT 84115 File No,: 7191-503862 (esl) Date: February 28, 2005 ST ATUTORYW~It~Nmvf>jEED . " "--,''''.-, ,." , .., Ralph Lane Walker, Jr.. ...... '.. ..; .', .~,i!1!~g~H~" successorsilitru~tilllder the Walker living Tnistdatec:i Aprn~9ti!!i9~~"~rt~nt?ri:~qfu~~Y.'i.i:lnd warrants to SkyviliW,,"tG,a Utah limited liability comp~i1y:~s tI:lSoW~W~~V~~f(~1t~~~~j,!;~~(~!a~a II LLC, an 0re9on limited liability company as tOSO%intere$l:;'~$t'~"lllit~'.j~::~;;":';,':;:!f(<B,,,antee, the following desari@ed real property free of liens and encumbrances, excepUisspeal!jira1i.y,sgf forth herein: . See attached Exhibit "A" , .... This property is free from liens and enclJmbfari'lie'~,.EX:..cEPT: THIS IN.STRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THEJ:1R9I?ER;ryi!!pSCRIBED IN rHIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND'REGI!:rW\mrG.!il.s~BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUlRiNGFEE!l'.;'~:lk);mEff~PPERlY SHOULD CHECK Wf'fH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNlY PLANNING. DEPARTMENT to VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINsTFA~MINGOifFOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930. The true consideration for this corlVeyanaeis .... .... :,,~~i.ato a qualified intermediary as . . , ".' " . ,', . '_: ',~ . '."1,": ': part of an IRe 1031 exchange, (Here comply wlthreq~ire')1e~~of'9Rs'93iQ30) Dated this 2nd day of March ,~~,05:. . Page 1 01 2 / Statutory .W~rranty 'De'ed ~ .cohtinued File No.: 7191-503a62.(<;s1l Date: O.2/2~/2i:1~5 li2~. ~ ~.~../ ~........ . , ,- - -' ,.', "," .' "'-~, ' '" "". ,..; . - " --" '-' -".,", -' "'.'.,;,-. Ralph ~ne Walker, Jr., Trustee ,. STATE .OF . Oregon ) )55, County of Lane ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on thiSC'.~Y ofA~ by ~ Lane Walker, Jr., Trustee. (J;;- Ralph . L. > fJ1, , , "( ~' . " . j CIl)dYLlhcl,V . Nota,,! ;PuljIlC;.fl;lf .()t<e~on Mycomhiis~\~h~~it~~: .. ALSEAL tEARY UG-OREGON NO 3640li9 SOEGEMBER 29,2006' .............. Page 2 of 2 , 20 'D.:\~ 'f / /' . /. ..... Page No. 4 Our No. 199355-RD EXHIBIT "A" . Beginning at the intersection of the SOllt.h.Hn.e.qf the Jacob Halstea.d Donation. Land Claim No. 47, Township 17 S01,:1:tJi. .-;~~h$:~,-',~':'::~..~:e.'5,;tr Willamette Mer'idian, with, the Westerly right of way line,?ftr.;$~";;t,~~;t~"A"i!,'c:ific Railroacj, which point of intersection is 1027 feet :Eastol..:th'e.'<Soiijti!we;sii':.comer of the said Halstead Claim No. 47; thence N0rth14.::19~~i;s.;~iiOeet along the We~ter1l:' right of way line of the railroad; then"'''';~~~'~::~~f~;';~,~'::~'e~t to the East line of that certain property described in in'~~':t~:n\~~t:._.'r~;;f9t.::'.~A:,,.:,,~:une 20, 1975, Reel 747, Reception No. 75-24839, Officia.l:R"",qcr:~:~/:R;~':ft~1'\;f.q?\mty,. Oregon; thence SQwth 486.12 fee.t to the center of thei2k'u:i1J;~"~'qa,{W~'!'.9::the South line of the said Halstead Claim No. 47; thence .E"...t a.r6ng.!i.h,"..s~'i.dSouth line to the place oE beginning, in Lane .County, 'Or'eg~n.. .' SAVE AND EXCEPT THEREFROM the fol1owiiigdescribedtract of land: ,II parcel of land lying in the Nor'thei\~t.",B~i4~";,,t:~'r (NE 1/4) oE Sect ion 27_ Township 17 South, Range 3 Wes't, Will_ai1:le1::'te ':',M~it::i;'q.la,n. and being a portion of the tract of land conveyed, to Jo~,ep.h :~~!ri.'~:'#~:~;'~~~,crt:)\:'.Ibina Vanicek, husband .:lnd wife, by'that certain deed record'ed.O"l1-'J;;;)i..~:qh.,:1~t1",I:,l;:940, in Book 197, Page SQl, Lane' County Oregon Deed Records, '~a:id:'."p'~'ii:~~~..'::h:~:~':ng 'described as Eoll.oWG; Beginning at a point South 2737 .1li fe""t~tld;"E\!,i;i.t'..;BI7. 78 Eeet of the Westerly ~Jorthwest corner of the Jacob Hai:s-t-~?d,,":Do~,rii\:fiWh:,'.).;'~,rtd Claim No. 47 in Section 27, Township 17 South, Range 3 we$t,wiitOij1{€tt:{::t)ii,i;idian; thence South 12' 11' ',,:", :.._,"":-,.:.,".-''';''::'.,;.':.-...,-,-,:.".,'-':::, '. . 58" East 470.40 feet along the We$ti:1f1y,.r:i!g)1,t'.ci'f')way of the SOlithern Pacific ' ,- '-,'0' ."'_ ___:''''__'';'':,,--,'.'_.' Railroad Company; thence NorthB8 .OO'~?,:'fW'e,..>t;;':ld~11. 30 feet along the Northerly right of way of a County lio;i.i;l"<i1Ai;jo",m\ii~rilY known as "Q" Street; thence North 37' 19' 14" East 72 .37~<;ii:tK9;;~\l'i9~I1;t. .Westerly and 25 Eeet opposite ,the 2nd and3rd Street C9l\P;+.e'~Ji:1)\ii+irf<1;'~I",';''''Centerline Station LW 31+95 p.o. t., as surv;yed in 1972 by . i:~i:~~h~;'\l~-~ti~~?~~:\1~;rtment of Public 1-lorEs; thence North 12 1]:' 58". West:. 4:09,3'-8_::::,f..~~t~fe::,t;.'~',ft,~.n;(j:t(:.>~outh 8So 00' 37" Eas<t 5'1.5'3 feet to the point of beginning, i.h 'La'!l~::q,,6ri,f,);~Y.~i.:::'6i-:~'gon'. 'yC5 tJ ~ ~ S89"51'46"~C..1.?!,~E~. .. /~ ".""".,. \\-\ \ 1''''- . ."\~ \ :\ L--_ , . " \ '. ~ \ \... '1 '. i\ ~. i ' -*':. i If / il \ \; I ! I (I ~ II \ f--. j~c;;'F:~ \ ~;' I ::J1.'-I.'IT~ l"-~-:-i" /;';;":~(i:~ . 4564 SF \\ , ; I L 6---':' '\ i' <:;:" 14 -; -.: \"~\\ I-LjLLW1~~-<\~\"- , Jr.1j...._,. _=,_v,'_" . ~(t\ . \\.-- ;.... l~' ~,_"rn ,,,,,,,, "'""\ '~ \ ~\~ \ :;; It ~ ,"",'0'"-"; ~, \,~ \~ . . It) l~ .~.,~ ,I' " \\ " ": 1".' ......."-.,,,.- \\\\~ I . ' ",\\ ~ ~II! .~\~~\ r" II \,\~ '-..J i '\11< ~ \ 1~~ o L '!' c . ---j~\\' " ~ il.\\\ \ --' '. ! 1 1\\ \ ---, ! -.- :,' \1\, -.J , , 'V,II.. m 11~,i i- I ~\ ' III I~.' Ir '- '~"'. C) I ~ ~-"-lIll' ~11 i .'1, tri II~I:I.'~ ---- I ! -II ---1.1-" X i r -~ ": l@ II \1 wI,; .. - - - ~~r~';<- )~T 11,:1/'1' LI TIT F 06]:;11' illll\ ' J' :@ cL ' i ;1) , "'~ " '. "_.,_.,-~ '\ I' ~,.. ....". , I' II I I I 116 ~. II II .Il~/,d.,r I , ! ~'Jl I ]1 J'I" I i ~.;" I' ie;/' ,,~ u-u- ,~} i I.' I "fE.....,"'....... _,,,",u,.,'__ ,~-,. ,'''''."..,." ,..-1 0/ .. 'I" , "".'," 3, 2.. :;' "" lWi-'r "./ "'~'~:';= ":~:;TREE1' ~ =-:\.\ L.- , 10812 Nwe PIG .R PARKWA Y AND 0 S~ IT SPRINGFlEL OREGON 11..'x150' t'" ~ ~) 'Il .- (I Fax: (541) 736-1021 , PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT f Engineering Division STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK ----- (A/'ea below litis line filled oul by Applicanl) ----- (Please ,elumlO Mall Slouder@City of Springfield Public Wo,ks Enginee,ing; Fax # 736-1021, Pltone # 736-1035.) Project Name: Parkway Center Applicant: Thomas Fox Properties Assessors Parcel #: 3300 (17-03-27-10) Date: Land Use(s): Commercial Retail Phone #: Project Size (Acres): 2.19 Fax #: Approx. Impervious Area: 82,600 square feet Email: 801.5967711 ext27 801-5967161 .Bret(a)thomasfoxproperties.com Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): development of a 24,838 square foot retail commercial center Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge location(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: Development of two bioswales on site to reduce the intensity of runoff to less than predevelopment levels. Connections to the existing stonn sewer system will be via two existing stubs located at the property boundaries along Q Street. , Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: Bioswales at minimum grade to retard and store runoff. Filtered multi-chambered catchbasins to treat surface runoff that cannot be directed into the bioswales. __ (Area below tlti, line filled out bv tile Ci/v and Returned to tlte AonlicantJ.- (At a minimum, all boxes checked by the City on thefront and back of this sheet shall be submitted fa/' an application to be complete fa/' submittal, although other/'equirements may be,necessary.) Drainal!e Study Tvpe (EDSPM Section 4.03.2): (Note. UH may be substituted for Rational Method) ~ Small Site Study - (use Rational Method for calculations) ~ Mid-Level Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) o Full Drainage Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) Environmental Considerations: o Wellhead Zone: o Wetland/Riparian:. ~ Soil Type: 19,34, and] 19 Downstream Analvsis: ~ NfA o Flow line for starting water surface elevation: o Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: o Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: o Hillside Development: o FloodwaylFloodplain: o Other Jurisdictions: Return to Matt Stouder \al, City of Springfield, email: mstouder(a)ci.springfield.or.us, FAX: (541) 736-1021 Page 9 of9 " , COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS I For Official Use O~ly: * Based upon the information provided on the front of this sheet, the following represents a minimum of what is neededfor an application to be complete for submittal with respect to drainage; however, this list should not be used in lieu of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) or the City's Engineering Design Manual. Compliance with these requirements does not constitute site approval; Additional site specific information may be required. Note: Upon scoping sheet submittal, ensure completedform has been signed in the space provided below:. Interim Design StandardslWater Qnality (EDSPM Chapter 3) Req'd N/A ~ D All non-building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e.g. multi-chambered catchbasin w/oil filtration media) for stormwater quality. Additionally, a minimum of 50% of the NBR impervious surface shall be treated by vegetated methods. D ~ Where required, vegetative stonnwater design shall be consistent with interim design standards (EDSPM Section 3.02), set forth by the Bureau ofEnviionmental Services (BES) or Clean Water Services (CWS). D ~ For new NBR impervious area less thai! 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the BES for vegetative treatment D ~ If a stonnwater treatment swale is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for sizing, velocity, flow, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with either BES or CWS requirements. D ~ Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3.03. I ofthe EDSPM D ~ All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall he provided with secondary containment or weather resistant enclosure: General Study Requirements (EDSPM Section 4.03) ~ D Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon. ~ D A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological study map. ~ D Calculations showing system capacity for a 2-year stonn event and overflow effects of a 25-year storm event ~ D The time of concentration (Tc) shall be detennined using a 10 minute start time for developed basins. Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C) D ~ A downstream drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C. On-site drainage shall be governed by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC). D ~ Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable. Design of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04) ~ D Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set. D ~ Minimum pipe cover shall be 18 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficient to support an 80,000 Ib load without failure of the pipe structure. ~ D Manning's "n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All stonn pipes shall be designed to achieve a minimum velocity of three (3) feet per second at 0.5 pipe full based on Table 4-1 as well. Other/Mise ~ D Existingand proposed contoufs, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site drains D ~ Private stormwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stonnwater flows from one property to another D ~ Drywells shall not receive runoff from any surface w/o being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03.4.A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to the website: www.deo.state.or.us/wa/~roundwa!uichome.hcm for more information. ~ 0 Detention ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre-development rates for the 2 through 25-year stann events 'TIlisform sllall be included as an attacllment, inside thefront cove" of tile stormwater study 'IMPORTANT: ENGINEER PLEASE READ BELOW AND SIGN! ~~~h:e:.ngineer O~~\rd' I hereby cer7,Jhe above ;equired items are complete and included with the submitted stonnwater study and Signature: (},J-:-,,) ~ - -l j~ Date: I tJ // ) / tJ/!, Page 10 of 10 . PARKWAY CENTER BIOSWALE CALCULATIONS: 7/1/06 . WATER QUALITY STORM EVENT (1 yr-- 0.83In) PEAK DISCHARGE OF O.18cfs Tc=3.5minutes BASINS DESCRIPTION BIOSWALE SEGMENT DRAINAGE AREA Q (WQ cfs) SUM OF Q's LENGTH in feet depth of flow velocity time of retention Qxtime WEST BIOSWALE sf cfs cfs (ft) (IUs) (minutes) AREA A Parking Lot 20,709 BUILDING A downspouts 5.454 0.06 133 <.1 0.2 11.1 0.64 BUILDING B downspouts A1 4,564 0.06 0.00 AREA C Parking Lot 11,321 1/2 BUILDING C downspouts A2 7,410 0.04 0.09 140 <.1 0.2 11.7 1.09 AREA G DIRECT TO STORM 6,921 0.01 0.0 WEST BASIN TOTAL: 56,379 0.106 273 1.73 FLOW WEIGHTED AVERAGE CONTACT TIME: 16.27 EAST BIOSWALE AREA B Parking Lot 81 10,253 0.02 0.02 64 <.1 0.2 5.3 0.10 AREA D Parking Lot 6,806 1/2 BUILDING C downspouts 82 7,410 0.03 0.05 100 <:1 0.2 8.3 0.38 AREA E Parking lot 83 8,373 0.02 0.06 100 <.1 0.2 8.3 0.52 AREA F DIRECT TO STORM 6,169 0.01 0.0 EAST 8ASIN TOTAL: 39,011 0.074 264 1.00 FLOW WEIGHTED AVERAGE CONTACT TIME: 13.64 SITE TOTALS 95,390 0.180 537 AREA OF SITE TREATED: 82,300 MAXIMUM HYD CONTACT: 24.9 minutes AREA OF SITE UNTREATED: 13,090 MINIMUM HYD CONTACT: o minutes 25 YEAR STORM EVENT (25 yr~ 4.8 in) PEAK DISCHARGE: 1.66cfs Tc = 5.3 minutes BASINS DESCRIPTION 810SWALE SEGMENT DRAINAGE AREA Q (WQ cfs) SUM OF Q's LENGTH in feet depth of flOw velocity time 6f retention Qxtime WEST BIOSWALE sf cfs cfs (ft) (IUs) (minutes) AREA A Parking Lot 20,709 BUILDING A d~wnspouts 5,454 BUILDING B downspouts A1 4,564 0.61 0.61 133 0.26 0.78 2.8 1.72 AREA C Parking Lot 11,321 1/2 BUILDING Cdownspouts A2 7,410 0.37 0.97 140 0.35 0.92 2.5 2.47 AREA G DIRECT TO STORM 6,921 0.14 0.0 WEST BASIN TOTAL: 56;379 1.111 273 4.19 FLOW WEIGHTED AVERAGE CONTACT TIME: 3.77 EAST BIOSWALE AREA 8 Parking Lot 81 10,253 0.20 0.20 64 0.19 0.65 1.6 0.33 AREA 0 Parking lot 6,806 1/2 BUILDING C downspouts 82 7,410 0.28 0.48 100 0.28 0.8 2.1 1.00 AREA E Parking Lot 83 8,373 0.17 0.65 100 0.32 0.87 1.9 1.24 AREA F DIRECT TO STORM 6,169 0.12 0.0 EAST BASIN TOTAL: 39,011 0.769 264 2.58 FLOW WEIGHTED AVERAGE CONTACT TIME: 3.35 SITE TOTALS 95,390 1.860 537 AREA OF SITE TREATED: 82,300 MAXIMUM HYD CONTACT: 5.6 minutes AREA OF SITE UNTREATED: 13,090 MINIMUM HYD CONTACT: o minutes .. . 1'.-; 589.....'6"E. 156:BL. ___== . . 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U GONGRE.'Jt; lJRI\'E ^ ~rlo-;:C" n....., CF " ~~ ~ BU/LO/Ni; I ' "i r.. OJ ~~ "' ,fl.,\Ffl'_ :,!~" "JSf .,. ~. ~ . Downstream capacities of the Storm System in Q Street Station distance Size FL(actual) FL(plan) slope "nn value capacity 0.013 16+ 07 439.81 439.84 51.0 30 0.0037 25cfs 15+56 10" stub no 30 0.0037 25cfs 14+ 79 439.50 439.38 86.0 30 . 0.0037 25cfs 13+95 439.10 439.13 48.0 30 0.0037 25cfs 13+47 10" stub 114.0 30 0.0037 25cfs 12+ 33 10" stub 550 30 0.0037 25cfs 11+ 78 438.32 438.32 127.0 30 0.0037 25cfs 10+ 50 198.0 30 0.0020 18cfs 8+ 48 437.50 437.50 291.0 18 0.0013 3.8cfs 5+ 67 437.13 437.13 55.0 18 syphon syphon . 0.0387 4cfs bottom 435.00 435.00 . 30.0 18 syphon syphon 0.0670 4cfs 5+ 05 437.00 437.00 69.0 18 0.0072 9cfs 4+ 36 ~~'3i1ffi.;7i~ 436.50 ~, '," ~~ < , ." -.' 'to . ~. . -..,,":" "-, ~. .' . "."; ..,..." >:.:.",-:... .' '''1::j',.~~. ~;.. - '" . ."...., '"", ~~ ,.-l . " .1.' --, .' '- _,jL...!!!!01' <,. _11""''-''-'''1' D"'U"",".,-'~I. L . . JI. "I. 'l'i":iiff';;[,'o,~tf}QC:. ~ ~.:J <'! 7,ii~''-;~~o~~;', ll,~[ '~, ~\\~., Ir,';;;iJ,[ ~V/'9., t "~.j\ ".- .-.. I " ',.' \\ ~//.I ~t~ ~ 's.~. ~~ "0"' e~' s,. 1_ 'f2.JL ====:) \\ " _1~~>~-: - ~. \-,-~.. = . ,-.- ~ . . - - - .\ \' . ~ '~-~L,- J~~ ., .' "lL 0;'~~~ ,. [ jDL"~ ~" ... NO. 227 ~ . ,..-, ~'- - . . . ~~ -IN ~ '\=-=~="~;t: . . JIOlYMPIC I:;; Ol~~ ~ = .iI ~:"i'" ~ ~~ ,,"...JD . <', "t'" · JDGiJOD" ~ 'K. ... J~D[]D C ' :l: " '::. ~I, .~~ ~~Q ~~~N;-";:.':~~,~ It. '1' ' , , ADDENDUM TO: . . THOMAS FQX. PR.OPER.TIES . .QSTREET.@ PIONEER:.PARKWAY .~ ,... ,.' '... _ .c:.'."" ," " .' . ";' ":'"~'.::'~::-~"~" -, .=--~.. :". SP~INGFlELD,OREGON-f,: \:": . - ,'........ ' ,. , .. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS. OCTOBER. 6, 2006 . . ,.. ., .' .~' .' . ' , ..' .,. . D '. , ' .. JRH TRANS/'OIZTATlON t'NC/NEER/NC ,. . . ,. . 4765 VILLAGE PLAZA LOOP. SUITE 201 EUGENE. OREGON 97401 I wwwjrhweb.coml {54]} 687-1081 : .. . !, " \~~ ~ ADDENDUM'TO . THOMAS FOX PROPERTIES Q.STREET AT.PION.EER PARKWAY TRAFFIC IMP ACT AN AL YSIS SPRINGFIELD, OREGON .:. -. (".- ,. PREPARED FOR: THOMAS FOX PROPERTIES .. 51,5W"stPlckctt Citcle ". Sui;~ '40'0 . ~aIt,:~~keCitY, Utah 84115 , . . ~ /." ':. ' f"llJ(ires: ~ - 3O.fn_.,.:~: - :,', I>~?>~~ '{; ;" ". ., :'",'::-_~i"=:' .~' '.: 4 - '~~Cj_'___ ."'. ~"- ~ -. ' .. PREP,AREl) BY:. . JRH:jRANSPORTA TION ENGINEERING 4765;YILLAGE PLAZA LOOP, SUITE ZOI, . .. . . . . EUGENE. OREGON 97401 . 541.6SnOSI FAX 541.345.6599 11<H@iRHWEBr:C1M . . ,'to ., '~ . PROjECf MANAGER, KELLY SANDOW EIT PROjECf PRINCIPAL, BRIAN OENOVESE I'E, PTOE PROjEq NO. 06.822 OCTOBER 6, 2006 . ,,-- - "..,..."" . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DESCRIPTION. . . . . . . . This report addresses revisions to theThomas Fox Properties Q Street at Pioneer Parkway TlA dated March 2, 2005 as it corresponds to changes in the site plan and addresses comments made by the City of Springfield on September 6, 2006. The original site plan consisted' of 28,140 square feet of shopping center. The revisions to the site plan .reduce the total square footage of the shopping center to 2{838 square feet. Appendix A . contains the revised site plan: Appendix B Contains the City of Springfield's Comments and JRH's response. RESULTS . .' The revised site plan reduces the total square footage Of the proposed development from 28,140 square feet to 2(383 square 'feet reducing the number of vehicle trips entering and . exiting the developm<,:nt. Vehicle trips generated by the development were deterrnined '. , using the ITETriD Gen6ation'Mailllal.7th Edition. The total vehicle tripsanticipated to be generated by the revised site plan is fewer than the trips anticipated to be generated in . the March 2005 TlA As a result, the traffic volumes used in the March 2005 TIA are an . overestimate of the traffic volumes expected after full build out from the revised site plan. .,. " ,. ,-.ci:'t,;...':........;~ ,~. . An operatio~~l analysis was conducted for the PM peak hour for the year 20ui ~iththe. :"'. " .......- proposed. development in place, using the volumes and methodology outlined in the . .... . _. ... March 2005TiA: The analysis was performed coordinating all'signaliiedllit€rsections".' .':~ f ':,. .i";.. 'V" . with a 12,9,~e;fond;cyclelength and with a 100 second cyclelength for a comparative ,.' '.' :,....,;'.~.0~--'. . analysisJfhe results indicate that all studied signalized intersectionsw(ll operate w,ithin .."" ",.,;.. :. ,. the mobi)!ty standard for both the, lOOsecond and 120 second cyclel~gths.. :.. ........ . ~'''F~ , :':- A queuing analysis was performed for the studied intersections representing year 2018 traffic coriditions.with the addition of development traffic. The.model was built to represent.a'ri.optimal.timingplan using alOO and a 120 second cycle length at all. . intersectiQlls. The re.sults of the queuing simulation conclude that under these timing conditions;)he 50th percentile queue at all intersections is within the measured ;'link . distance".. with the exception of the northbound and southbound left turns at Q Street at . Pioneer Parhvay. The reslJlts of the queuing analysis indicate that thejOth percentile queue is anticipated to exceed the measured "link distance" by less than 50 feet during the pm peak hour traffic volumes. . JRH TRANSrORTATION ',ENGINEERING IQ Street at Pioneer Park~'a.yTIA-ADDENDUM I October 6, '200611, .. TRIP GENERATION The revised site plan reduces the total square footage of the proposed development from 28,140 square feet to 24,383 square feet reducing the number of vehicle trips entering and exiting the development. Vehiclelrips generated by the development were determined using the ITE Trio Generation Manual, 7th Edition. As shown in Table. I the proposed .: development is expected to generate approximately .110 vehicle trips during the PM peak hour, with approximately 52 entering the development and 58 exiting the development. ,--:-~", ,. ,~" .--- ".',.... 'f ,~ . ',. . . "c.'" ," > : 'oJ~' "''', '," ,. . ",; ~~),'~~_:~it,~ ~..:. ~ , . (_ ~i' ';;::"'~~9, . ~ \. .. * . . . T= 2.4(X).hi:4': .. , . :. ," -'f.;. : ". . TRAFFIC VOLUMES. The total vehicle trips.anticipateq to be generated by the revised site plan is fewer than the trips anticipated to be generated in the March 2005 TIA. As a result, the traffic . vOIUl}les used in the March 2005 TIA are an overestimate of the traffic volumes expected after full build out from therevised site plan. The traffi.:; volumes used in the March 2005 TIA and shown in Figure 5 were used in the Synchro and SimTraffic modeling for this . addendum. The year 2018 traffic volumes were.chosen as they represent the worse case scenario for traffic volumes. . . . .. . . . ". JRH TRAN?PORTATION /NG1NE~R1N~IQ Street at Pioneer Park:-",a'y T1A-ADDENDUM IOct~ber6. 206612 :~c ". . PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OPERATIONAL ANAL YSIS An operational analysis was conducted for the PM peak hour for the year 2018 with the' . proposed development in place, using th'e volumes and methodology outlined in the March 200'5 TIA. The operational analysis was conducted using the softwa.re program Synchro. The Synchro analysis has been performed coordinating .all signals wi1h the same cycle length. The analysis was. performed with a 120 second cycle length and with a 100 second cycle length for acomparative analysis, As shown in Table 2, theresults indicate. . that all studied signalized intersections will operate within the mobility standard for both the 100 second and 120 second cycle lengths, The resulting Synchro outputs are included in Appendix c. . , . . TABLE 2: OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS" YEAR 2018 TRAFFIC .CONDITIONS WITH DEVELOPMENT "\ ~. '.''''''''''''",''~-''''''r~'''~.''''~---=='''''-II~. +'I"'-~'~. " . """"",",""~'m&!F._'~''"'''1'>-~. >''''m"'!ll; ,~ign\oVaY:p;126!atd~ion~~er1RarKw'ay:j1;?:, ",;. ~"'.' .~ ~i~ . ::).C~~~_: ~"" ". ~;t~'-~~~~ ~rrjj,~~11r&,~~~~'t,: ~\~t~2t~ 6 " "t?l~I'~1:~~ '..."" .......,.,"" .u_';"'~^"~~;,~""'_\rlM"~ ,~' ...':>HO\' , --, "'... '''li'ii'.il_,''''''~ ",.,="..I_,-~.1l(i".~__;;lll~{'~" ".....~ ,"'~ "".n. .."...,,,,,., n"",,"",. """.'t'I" .'+'..".'..nl''''''''''!1J<l. "m"""""'''''''~''''B",,,,',",f''',;,,,,,,,,~,,., 0""'''''''''''''''', """B'''''''.. 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".:.. _ , .' ,. : QUEUING ANALYSIS . .! ,; ~.i~'-:""';::' ':, . ~- ~~':; :. _"-."'01 '. . .' .'. , ,A queuing analysis was performed for the studied intersections representing year 2018 traffic conditions with the addition,ofdevelopment traffic, The model was built to .'.., represent an optimal timing plan usi.ng'a'lOOand.a 120 second cycle length at.all , intersections and optimal timing conditi6ns, consisting of allowing the northbound left. , .tum phases to "lead" the and the southbound left tums to "lag", optimal phasesplits..and optimal intersection offsets:Table 3, illustrates the results of the queuing analysis, The. SimTraffic queuing outputs are included in Appendix D.. . -.' .. . JRH TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING lOSt,,,, "PiOn,,, P"kw,yT1A-ADDE.NDUM I OOlObe! 6, 200613, . TABLE 3: QUEUING ANAL YSIS .YEAR 2018 TRAFFIC CONDITioNS WITH DEVELOPMENT' --.,...- .., - . _.>l' , -. . _ ij'.'..,,- "':" . ;lftIT-".."""""" ,OJ''''!'r,,,,". ~,.~~;-;t f~\,'''''''L..~'';=~ l'f.'~,c'~';;'!m;:~ '!:lfl,ffi~~~'--""'''~~p? '1.I."T';;:''P.'JtY'''-iQB''''~\'' ' !2:1! ~,EBll'!i,1j' h,;,1tiIJ. 96oii,~~ iJ;::1f.,302i!11Jtl1 ",,~c2J 6".:~k;"~i;'''(i}j35 7k\\~,~J ';*,1;;;'600'.- . ~ r-"'.f'~;;:;..jO~~,y", j(o""'....,,";I.'co~'.' ,,', ' " .. ~ ~~,.__"_'...= """',I'~,.'~' :"-".._""",,,,,,_:;l,,,~ -l., ,_""',..~"" - ,~,1 ....,.".....',., fir.oel"-..' -~,,,..., '~.---='1I-'.' '~9.''"--~''Jl'' J:i"""~ ""W,",,,,, "'.'''' .".-'...-..' ,.... '.EB""""-"7.3'""'";,V''285''' -." """.199-'"~' """'364.".'""1""""="''''600.' .. Be ~ .1i"'IO::~1 '~~!J;'lil'.' i ~:{;;;e;. ~".'."":l.;'~:. i~.'!.'.~ ,*:,~.~,;;.. 1..~r.,."-oIl;. ~"'f';""'&.'.. ,.:'1!'p~...".ti. ...~~.!t1:.I\.f.'it.,F~., ., :~;;,., '. 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'50th percentile queue at all intersections is within the measured "link distance", with the. exception of the northb()und and southbound left tU111S at Q Street at Pioneer Parkway. . The results of the queuing analysis indicate.thanhe,50th percentile queue is \lnticipatedto" exceed the measured "link distance" by less. than 50 feet during the pip peak hour traffic . volumes, 'cONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This report addresses r~visions to the Thomas I'o~ Properties Q Street at Pioneer . Parkway TIA dated March 2, 2005 as it corresponds to changes in the site plan and addresses comments made by the City of Springfield on September 6, 2006. The original site plan consisted of 28,140 square feet of shopping center: The revisions to the site plan. reduce the total square footage of the shopping center to 24,838 square feet The revised site plan'reduces the total square footage of the proposed development from 28,140 square fe~t,.to,2ol,3.83 square feet reducing the number of v.ehicletrips entering and exiting the develoPment.- Yehicle trips generated by thedevelcipmeni were determined using the lTE TriD Generation Manual, 7th. Edition: The total vehicle trips anticipated to be generated by the revise.d sits plan i~,fewer t~:lh:tqetrips ~nticipatedto'be generated in .the March 2005TlkAs:a.result,.the traffic. volUmes used in the March 2005TIA are an overestimate ofthetn;ffiC:~olume~ expected~f"t~r:full build ~ut.frorri-therevised site p.l.an~-< '. ''',' '~.L':'- :'.'~~~'''',i;~~'~~"~,'-'~'-~'''~.'<~ ~:';~<'.,:.:: " ::.~>'_ '.,:,-:-.,," . . . .' _, " . ,.-:' ,,f '.' ,"'-'" .~._ ,~. ..>. . ., .' . _ :', !, . \ . ' - . . ,., AnoperationaJ analysis was. conducted forth'e PM peak'hour forthe.year 2018 with the . ,,' :' '. " . ~. -.' " . proposed development\l{pla~e,t.lsiltgrJierv6IuI!1~s and methodolpgy,Q.uilined in the '. March 2005 TIA:Th'e'analysisw'as'jJerforme'(rcoordinating ailsignalized intersections with a 120 secondcytle length.~nd wiih.a 100',iecond cych~length fora comparative. . analysis, The results:indicaie;th~ialjsiud;edsig;aiized int~rsections' wili operate within - , . - ,,'~~ '- '. " -' .' ..', ' ".', ,-'.,., . the mobility standarMor both. the 100 .secondiuid.120 seconcLcycle leiigths. . . . . - '. ' , . " .:: ". _: :- H_ ' :'. ,." -,-, " -' ,:._ '..: ,.' '. "-'---. '. '._" " ~~._.- . ",' ',',' ", ,,' , "','" ' A queuing .analysis '~~spei:for~ed for th'e studiedintersections~epresentlng year 2018 traffic conditions with the addition of development traffic. The model was built to ' represent an optimal timing plan using a 100 aJlda 120. second cycle length at all intersections. The results of the queuing simulation conclude that under these timing .. conditions, the 50th percentile queue at all intersections is within the measured "link . distance", with the exception of the northbound and southbound left turns at Q Street at Pioneer Parkway. The results of the queuing analysis indicate that the 50th percentile '. .queue is anticipated to exceed the measured "link distaIice" by less than 50 feet during the pm peak hour traffic volumes, . . . JR.H TRANsrOR T~Tl.ON: -ENGI N EERI NG ~ Q ~treet ~t Pioneer ParkwayTIA-ADDENDUM I October 6. 2006)5 E N GIN E E r P. R'O I .E C T MANAG APPENDIX A REVISED SITE PLAN :'~"~;' '::.,' '; ~ . ' .,<,' ., , ,..::..-:1__"'-,_ ..,' , . ". ......~. .~, \,' . -" > "_ . . ~,.' JH ~ ,. d. .__ .;,. 't" 1.,; -!',:<",.,.#,f",;: .'.>\~ :::~.- "'--. -' ,. .....'., '. ,,' .';). '.... ., ,.". "~ ' ,.' ,~ .. ';~~,,!',:';;;.-: >;>; ~,'.: . .,,;-:',~~t.;-:.:,:;T~ t~:1::~~:.~':'. ;. ~,~,\,:,;:C..~~;~:,;~~,':;::, . . ....:.,. ,~,~~,jl:,.::-.H1"~'t.,... !~',-,,-!,: ._ ~. . ~ . ....- ., . . .,; -. .: . ,",,'. '.~:.-;:': ., , .~ -. -:." " .;-~ ... ~.. , . " -:-;0-:. ..~ .:. ,:''';.,' \'1'; " " ., , ',;,,' ...J I. (;.: :;:: j.,' .'~:" ,.: r,,:' It \-';:~ ~ ... . .- .VOICE 541.68'7,10'81 4765 VILLAGE PLAZA 'TAX 541.345,6599, L ci 0 P SUI T E. 2 0 ( . EU G ENE S ~ ,.,- PLANNERS . 1 ,,' "". " .' , '-. "r' ':. "".', "" .,~ ;: " -;-, . <) . ..',',' ,. , ,. ., . v;:r: II ' J 'R H WEB. COM ORE G O.N 9 7 4 0 1 Ii.; I I r= 13 ~ .~ . ;=. [~-, II-I. ~: I~~ lllll. ' 0:- ~ 14 II] If . .J/?'r--~~ ~ I . fl C) z o ~ :::J OJ C) Z I- (f)' X W ':l SS9'51 , 46"E. 156.00' I 7S:2 .~ ~ ;t !;; .. ",. .. '" 4564 sf' . -r .'?:':'~...~.."... ~"'-";</- , :..1-1- . , ". ~ ., .,. , k ~\ -I' ":'-"f~,~lJi,..:.L!, IItH11' 2 W++-4,t J'w',;l:UJ .: IEX~t 30. W1[l~, __ ~'""'*' 0 --..- 'L~~jri"~irE[)~~',;;,3J:lSf2a~':WJqEI - rlltlrfi'FTF ~L.N: _ , .' CONCRETE ORNE rfl~ ... r::r.p= CONCRETE WALK Blk:E: PA.l}! ~ t "Q" STREET. ~ "''; >,' !!.l >..r I;' ;' :"" ':..'. -", ", . ' . pREL"IMINARY"LA)'jE . " l~ . DESIGN ,j ~ , , .'. _:~. SCALE l' , .....-. o 20 40 " I., .. -" .1'UITa<1t:c;-"""""'.'Di:SJcNm~ ~~~,. ',' ,~-: ,-::~'~~~. ::,'. ~.,.:~'.,": ,'. ,;--'\ .I 40' jJl : : ~1f( J 80 ,," JRH ENGINEERS' PROJECT MANAGERS. PlANNERS ":0~fYl~\~~~J~;~,J~PSU1TEIDl '. VOICf54lG871081 FAX54IJ456599 ,':" : !i~ , ,,'- 1:--", Jl II , UK" J )It J ~,,~ '1 "~)=:..:<~ I ~~I: ~~(l_,,",,_ -f["ojj:i- ..........<iREEN" STORE_IOeli! ..we plQNEEFl PARK",AY AND Q STFlE:ET ""..IH[;I'I(...D, []RE:<iO,", I 1[: ~~I --- .........-..... l.n_...XXX;; r - h~ .. '". E N GIN VOICf 4 76 S' - . p '\" tl, . MAN A G .\ PLANNERS PRO.I.E C T, '. I APPE~DIX .B I H . CITY,OF SPRINGFIELD ,COMMENTS ON MARCH, 2005 TIA . - -.-'-'",:<;,.. -~- .. ".'~ . :; ., r ","'" J.' :. ", ." ~ ~'}, 'l4: ,:'~;~i'~~:::.fr~~~k~2:" ., 'j ~ . :'~:,\~-:~:~lr;?;};:~~~,': ~ >N':'-. ,. ',. -,I,' '.1' . .-1.-- -',,:" ." '.. .'~ ". .-,' .,:, .: ~'~I ',;.... - .,,~ ~. ,( ; i:~. :",0-" ". ',i , 'i" l' ';". ~~.'. '-.\~ '. .'.'-..""". '" '. ~-I- ., ,i J; -~~) .do' :_"~. , ",- .-;, .,:. " '-..: " ;~:~;~~,~~~:~.~~;~;~~ ~ '.. T." '..~' .;.~":.:: " - ..:_,::._~,..-.,.;','.'.: ' . ,7:~~- ~ ,.' "; '~'.,J -. ,-: ., r ., '~'<..' 541.687. VILLAGE FAX 5 4.J . 3 4 5 , 6 5 9 9 . SUI rE 2 0] . . E U G ENE I I 08 ] PlAZA LO 0 P VI' [B 'J R H WEB. COM OREGON 9740] Page I of2 \ . . . '~--"-"-"",-",~"-,,,,,,,,;^",,"-~"'''~ .... .' .' From: Brian Genovese . Sent: Monday, September 25,200610:20 AM To: Kelly Sandow . Subject: Walgreens - Pioneer Pkwy at Pioneer Plaza - Commenis from Gary McKenney Kelly, . .. Please describe the process for, comment number 3 below. Thanks! . BG ,..~..__'_'___. ,_,.__.. _",,"____._'_'_'~--.-,...--'---~-"""'~. ,,'_~'~'"",'~"____'~'" _'. -0'-.-----.--".-. ..'.- ,.. _.._,__..__._______,"""_____,__._.._,__.__,.... -.,---,--,,---- From: MCKENNEY Gary [mailto:gmckenney@cLspringfield.or.us] Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2.006 1:03 PM . To: Brian Genovese . ... . . . Subject: RE: Walgreens - Pioneer Pkwy at Pioneer Plaza 1 Brian, . Here ~re some comments regard~ngt.he materials you forwarded: .... "' 4).. 1) In the Synchro analysis the two OR 126 ramps interseCtions use a 100'second signal 'cycle while. the qther two, intersections use 120-second cycles. For th~ four intersectigns~~qgp~rate ig,~.,;._ '. .. coordinated-actuated mode all ofthem must use the same cycle le\1gth.. . ';"~:~:'''''-'; c.'''A~};i,{,::> ..;. In the SimTratlicqueuing aiuilysisthere are numerous instanceswheret!1~59thr.d-!i.l{q.y_~~.~;{~~ .,~' ::;. and/or 95th%-tile queue exceeds the "Iink distance." This is a particular cQ!1c~inwhere:g1~1L;~2~.~ .... involved linld:1istances are between signals. . . . .~ . -' - ,. -. :-:.;,;t,./,::' .;. .. . ' i .,~. ,.' '.'",' ,"i~:-"~ ~!~;i~:~:7' ... Without knowing the .input parameters I caru:ot tell how ~1UC~ tinle >>-as i1S~~ f6r. eac'~:';irt~i~~;;: >. .... SI)nTraffic run, but WIth I20-second cycles l.dreconm1ened.sl~ulatmg/recordmg for at}e~,s! 3O;5,'0':".r". numutes.(15 cycles). ", ti ..~. fA;:6i~:' l;.;zI '. .. . - . ".>.....:~..,',..;,~..:~;..>-:i1J::J~i2~~.;:.~;I.~ When you submit th~ completed TIS we will want receive the SynclU-o files so \hatwe may;.ui~ . .. ., them in our review. . " ' (,,:r .'....,.. ,- .,',iB""'...::: ,;0. (' 4) ~ - . . . -~ +-" ,,~ , . '" ~ . '. ' 3) ... . ~..:.t, ~, .. . ...:"".. , . - '-, -,. ,<" -~ . .;' .",. Regards, .~. ~' "'1:.:/'^;:-, Gary I;rom: Brian Genovese [mailto:BrianGenovese@jrhweb.com] .Sent: Tuesday, August 2.9, 2.006 5:35PM To: MCKENNEY Gary. 10/6/2006 '.;,...... . ~'.,.,~ . , . ,"". "'"'. "":.~"l~ ..' ~ J-': . ",';"., 1:-" ~':':'.. -' . ..''" ',- . ..~c... -",,', ,,',. ....~:t;,.~' .This response' addresses the comments received from the City of Springfield regarding the Thomas Fox Properties Q Street at Pioneer Parkway JIA, dated March 2;.2005. The following outlines the received comments and JRH's response. Comment 1) In the Synchro analysis the two OR 126 ramps intersections use a 100-second sigualcycle while the other two iutersections use 120csecond . .. cycles. For the four intersections to operate in coordiuated-actuated mode all of tbem must use tbe same. cycle length. Response . The Synchro analysis has been performed coordinating all analyzed sjgnals with the same cycle length. The analysis was performed with a 120 second cycle length and with a 100 second cycle length for a comparative analysis. The results . . indicate that all studied signalized intersections will operate within the mobility standard for both the 100 second and 120 second cycle lengths. The resulting Synchro outputs are includ~d as an attachment to this document . Comment 2) In tbe.SimTnlffic queuing aualysis there are numerous instances . where .tbe 50'h.%-tile queue and/or 95'h%-tije queue exceeds the "Iiuk distance." This is a particular concern wbere the involved link distances are bctweeu signals.. -- Response . . A queuing .analy.sis was 'performed for the studied intersections representing year' }O 18 traffic con.ditions with the addition of development traffic. The rilodel was.'.". ..;built to. represent an optimal timing plan .using a 120 second ~yde length at all .- . .intersections arid ciptimal timing conditions, consisting of allowing the . - .... . _ : northbound iefttiiI:n;pha~es t'o lead the through moveinents.and the southbo~nd ...." :/'" .. ,J.eft t.~ms to'.'lag".ci[ifo1l6w the thru movements; optimal phase splits, andoptima} . ..' .'iiitersection oIfsets. The results of the queuing simulation conclude that under. '.'. .:. these timing t<:1l1ditions, the 50th percentile queue at all intersections is within the .;c'}neasured"link distan.ce",'with the exception of the northbound and southbciund t,~.left turns at QStl'eenit Pioneer Parkway. The results of the quelling analysis -. .' .:.hndicate that 1he 50th percentile queue is anticipated to exceed the measured "link . . distance" by le.ssthat 50 feet during the pm peak hour traffic volumes,. ... .. . " ~t.. ... '.'(~. " . . ,. ~~ i~ -.. .'+ .,~~c, :._ 'L~ " ,.~{ ~ - .~~, y~,:-; .1 _;,. ~;; .~ "~,I ,~. : .-'. :t' 7/ J~ ~.~ .:'."i ~~ .~, .~[~': " 'j-=< "'--- ,,' Co~me.it 3) Without knowing tbe input parameters I caunot tell how muclitime \vas used foreach SimTraffic run, but with 120-second cycles I'd recommeud simulatiug/recording for at l.east 30 minutes (15 cycles). Response.. . . . The Simtraffic artalysis was run in accordance to the ODOT methodology outlined in the ODOT Analysis Procedures Manual dated April 2006. The . methodology consists of a 10 minute seed followed by a 15 minute and a 45 . . , . " .. :.' '. !' ';"0 ~,~;i:);-'~'i'1-I.~,. ~. ..,,'~,'- .'.... ,. '. . , .',_ 4.-..~_ :. ~,~ '~'.-< ;t::~:~&..~, , '.i~4~~fj~?,J~":': " ,'~t,;~~I~;:~}~' ,"'- '~ ':: ;;~.. .:;;-.~:. . "'(.. ,'. , ~ , . . .-...',,;......,, ~':;",' ""':~" ~. . '~-', '.... ,';";l'- . ~i:,: .: .,. minute rec.ording interval for a total of 60 minutes of recorded simulati~n. The simulation was run. 5 times with the average of all 5 runs recorded in the Sim1raffic output and subsequently reported as the res.ults'ofthe analysis: Comment 4) When you submit the completed TIS we will want receive the Synchro files so that we may use them in our review.. The Synchro files are included on the-CD accompanying this letter. .. .' . . . . .'..'H_. .. ... ~ '- '.', '- . :::-.'. ;; ~ ",. ;1+./..:L , ..'. .' "..:' ~:,'~,!.,.> . ',-".. ., ~,' .-- ~ .,~> ;'~.', ,,'., -, ) ., 1.' -'.~"- '-, ....~ """7"'" -..'.,'>...,.....~ E NG I NEE P .., ~....",.. ' ..no ...".... ","''"'" .,..~..""''''''''' ,~--""o"'..,"''"'', ,",,~<?.-" "..,,.,. 1 MANA,G' 5 PRO ,1 ,E C T APPE~DIXC SYNClIRO OUTPUTS: "':-"~~F ~.,~::-"'...." , :' ,-.'~ .. ,~., " ;""~1'" :.. -~'::. ,.,'ft,_ : ~.. =--,...: , ';.,i;",j_'~":.. -: ;:".:.-.;;;';L'.".-:.' . .:~~::~s~:::-~; .:~';nY1!;;\';_ .: t,' , '~~Jl;tg~r~<' ;~t:~~~:.,.:..'; : ~:~~ :'.~- ~.,'\ '. 1-" . l~", . ., ~ '~t. ,',':",' ',' . VOI'Ct 54]. 6,~ ~..1 0'8] 4765 VILLAGE-PLAZA , . , c~ _ t ,I,. ) '~.' :'1 . , J,-"'.=<.;.,. .., '",\[ -;1 , .' rAX 541 345.'65'99 L 0 0 P 5 U I T E 2 0 I E lJ G. E NE , - --~, ~" .~.". ,,- .'. ,~ ,,~ ,- ..,,~~. '--~"'- ,~,-~"~:::"--,,,,. I r LAN N. E ~,S I I Vi [" I R H WE B . COM OREGON 9740] HCM SignalizedlntersectiorrCapacity Analysis 1: Hi~hway 126 EB .Ramps & Pioneer Parkway 10/6/2006 .J- - t f - " ~ t 1"'. '... + ~ Movemeiitl%ti~J;;~4\I;~t~%'!EBI]~J.E~T\I$i~EBB~~WBl:1:f;.WsT..h~\wBR~1'NBG,,>ct;(NBjr~11NBR~.S81l':~sBtl\\~SBR .. Lane Configurations 'i 4'.. l' +t . l' . 'i'i +t . Ideal Flow (vphpl) . .18001800 ..1800: 1800 1800 .18001800 .1800>1800:. '1800'i::.1800,".18QO Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0' 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lan~ ,Util. Factor'. O~95 9.95 ." 1.QO. ,', f" -" ',' ,', j,~"~"O;~5';:'.'~r99~~~;:~O,:~Ti~~:':9.~95~~;"::!:;;~>~: Frt 1.00 1.00 085 . 1.00085 1.00. uio . . Fit Protect:ed .0.95.:".0.95. :1.99.'" ". ,.... ,,::.:,1:Qq~;;S:t.o.Q."';;:Q}~5.!,;.~.1)QO)::,,\:'i/. Satd. Flow (prot) 1577 1583 1485. 3320 1485 3221 3320.. Fit P~rmit(~a._: ",~...' ,,0.95, q.95",,--\ .t) .Q9, .,'>" '. ~,; ,~r~:';'J1~:QP~"l:'JiQ9.~~;~.qc;~q~i'~}~~Qg:;,':~~~'Fr~;:' Satd. Flow (perm) 1577 1583 1485 3320 1485 3221 3320 Voi~ni~(vph)'D,\',:;~.,';.4,53<.'.) 1i,~:;;'}~9. . .0", '.9'1' ';,::Oll:~;;.\';0.~;,tO.?l?:;,:..*1}Q'.~t~~5~Q:;;f{~t3'f;;Fi;;10 Peak.hour factor, PHF . 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 '0.95. 0.95 0.95 0.95. 0.95 Adj. flow{vphl,!; t.; ,to" \477>:. . 5,. 3~7! . ,0 ,.' . 0:".';9,:<,;';,0\:~.1p~,O,;,'~2~3T-'~j!!!,~58';"':9611t:'"'0 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 O. 130 0 :0. 0 0 0 14 0'0 . 0 Lane Group f:low:(vph)"'<t239."/'243;;';'217"'i';' '0;." .0 ,;. . 'f o>""r07A080,1;"F;;123c;"1'558\i\'i;c:W61<:'.',,,;0 Turn Type. Perm Perm Perm Prot Pr6t~gte~d.1~H.~~~~ii~'f~::.*'~:,;i~:;i-"'1t:'.h,~~'~'A:;;<< ;...: ~ ' 5J'.. , ," . ~~... ..,~-,~ ){:f;' ~ '."^, 2" '~"'" ,',. ~;(,1t.*.. ,..,.6 '. ""'., . .~~;::l~dt~~~~~'(S)'.;".\.2 ;.,ci:1.....21'5.~;:.21..ci.... ' ,.", .., ~.;,;;Ci.':;~~f:,\:~;.;:~~~~8:~.;;':1:;~:~?~:~~~~':~~;~;,':i':: Effeciive.(3i'e~n,g"(s) .. .21.5.~215."..21.5' , 458 45.8 20.7 70.5 Actu,at~~,!l/C;1'.@0)~'!{':C;~;0'2,?':';;0.??;j":Q'22:. . , . .{;'r;;;";b:4~';t:~'946.t",,1i:Q:?H;!'Q,zQ;i'f'~N . Clearance Time (s) 4.0. 4.0.. 4.0 4.0 4.0 Ven ide :,E:deHisiorl ,( S }""~~'~::;'3: 5.~Jt~ &':_3':'5,. '::. ".'- ~3:5 ,":.:.~, ~?~~~;;~.:J~,' ;"-1:1F~~~01:3!5 %p~1:~3!5LW:€;'ti2~j5.~J~~~3:5~,ni';~.:t Lane c;rp!Cap (vph) .339 340 319 1521 680 667 2341 . vIs:. Ra't.!i?' '.?to! :~~b'~tJi~\:'f~:Y{":';~~~;:!'::\ ~;~~..t\~;~~11:,. ~r:{';.'" 'f~,1 .. 3:.t; :~: ~::f'ii.{9Q :,9,~:~:'~}Y~{'f~~~~:~i:2QL1,;?~i~~ti\Q~?~,,;tt!i~g~~' y/s,Ratio I~erf'.: ... ': 015' : 'Oj5 ,023 . . ., '. ......._".::,~(,'..c'....,.0..,..~7.....1..'...;......~...,....00..:..,01. 98."'.~"'..'!.:..,';'~.,..4 ....:..!..t.0.,.4 ...1.....',..,,',..'....,:...,,"......'...'...... ~fc~;R~tio.~, ;>O;..:t.:t:"~:~'7f.;~~"::".~:.-,".~.:'O:.I1-~"..~O.?,1!:,~,~,;O~68:)::~!!{!'i:-: ,,: -'l$i:~'i+",~F~~"~'" .' ~,',~'~,~~. " ~.' _. .... Unii'cirin'Clel~Y:d1" :'::'. 363..;,;,i'6:;J'c:<36.1;. ........... .21.8. 16.0 38.0. 6.1 . ~r~g'tt~si,:~~ {~~Jo'(1;.~~~~:'i:,?\,',1 :.9Q,':,f~:1:f9.Q:4&i"~Jj'q9,:7\ ~~~'\;~r?:;"" ~"~*jtt~~'"~~'~~':~\i~;':" -- :~,.'t:'!.'9?~~J;lO.9..~-:;')~li Q9.fxrtqR?,:~~~.i,9;; 171~~%~&:~ Incremental Delay, d2 .' 6.8 ~ .:7.2, 5.9' . ";' -.- .~ 2.8; "0,6.'. 4.6 0.3 ,-- , D~laYi(~ ).'~;:?~;'::\'>cS,~;t.jE.?~':'~~:.~.~.I~:~~1,~& ~><~:~1~'Q'~ "?;[~~~ _~-"';:':;F:Yiff:,S~-"!:?~L$J~t*.19; ~~2.~?,~t191:~0Tif,~;;1,~::" ~j~\~,;~~t Level of Ser:vice.. ,..,: 'D ,;;ic{;Q.;:::. D . .,.. '.i~,' Ci '\,'.,.B .' C A App'rp'~,Sn~ Q~I~y:'( ~ t;.4::~.~~::~-;~~::~:-42.L8.~H(>:,&,:'1~..~~~~~~'t~t~.'i ~':~ 0:9 ~Y;'1~:it~~~.~:'~~l ,~.;.:;.:;r:j~l~~~~..,?~~~ii~I~fu1~ll~ff;i:~~~if~j;~~1..~}T;~~~.i~~J ~p~~.:~o:~,_._~_, ;~~~:.f,~:~,>:} '..~.. :":w <. ~il'~~ :~''ff'fj,''''~;: ...., q.:;. ~.. .~.".,,~,;,. B. .,. ,.lntersectl')n!Summarv,\!l~'.~.I!'1il\,l,$''UJ,]!I'lt~~~~....ll".~~_~,~Ji!t''tiic~~ , HCM Ave'ragE>.Control Delay. :;;''''''''..'. .239.' HCM !;evel of. Service. . :,:...~:..;. C I'. ~ B9fV1,Yql~m~',:J9 ~,f~'p~~i!X:r~.lq'~~:).~i~B~~;f'O ~,~~ ~~', ,~\':t~:,';,:",,;:'~1~1'~,~~~~I~:~~':f'~1;,~{':~:~.~lj~1~::~i~;gfr4?t1;f!f~~14~~{;i.,f-:4'j\~~~~~;~:j~~]~;" Actuated ei;Ycle Length (s) ..',. .,;:: , 100.0 Sum of lost ,time (s) . . 120 .. . Interst?ctibn CaP?l9itY l!!i~tz~tiqn;~~~:-&;'~~?9 3,~';t.l:'::'~ leu Leve~.o.t geNic~,,: pr;.,~:-}~>>:ft ~~;~-~'~C,,'!r~ ,;.~4?~k~'t' ,)\~;~;~':;,.~_;:,J Analysis Period (min) . ., ' ' .15 c. Critical.Lane Gr~y'P_ "! ~ . . . Pioneer f.'arkway at Q Street 4:00 pm 2/2/2005 2018 Build phase 5 lead_100 sec cycle length'. JRH Transportation Engineering .. . Synchro 6 Report , Page 1 ., . HeM Signalized Intersection Liapacity Analysis 40: Pioneer Plaza & Pioneer Parkway 10/6/2006 / - " f .-. "-.. "'\ t ,.... ',. + ~ Moveffi~-rij:~~~1*'~lf~B:iEJ~EBr:f~~lEBt$.~~EB~~1f~V\lat1*lwBttt~:tWBR~~~~NBH'fi.*s1NBf~~:~NBFf:~iSBITflWEsBt~~S'SR' Lane Configurations <t r . <t .r 'I Hr. 'ltl> Ideal Flow (vphpl) .1~001800. ..1800 1800 18001800: 1800'18.00 .'1800' . 180Q 1800.. J~O.o Total Lost.time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4:0 5.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 L:anEl,LJtiLFactor ...... . .1.00>1,00 1.00j:'1:00<1.00.,0.~5 ,'1.OCl' 1.00:' 0:95, Frt . 1.00 0.85 1.00. 0.85 1.00 1.00 085 100 foo FltProtected'f'..". ":. "0'95;; ,1'00. ,. .0:95".1.00,..0,95.;.>1.00/1.00 :,0:95: 1,00: " '..,'" ' . .. .' ," , ' '.' . c, ,.;' -.. '.;' ",.' ~ ' ~ . . .Satd Flow (protL 1660 1485 1660 1485 1660. 3320 1485 1660 3306 Flt.8eff!:li!l:e~J,. . 0..9~.,.,}QO. .. "..:. .,j.Q:95".:1.o0;''''i095:;;1.00.'::J:00:;~0:95. :':f.gO':.::c;.; Satd. Flow (perm) 1660 1485 1660 1485 1660 33201485 1660 3306 . . \lolum,~(y,plJ)~.?"-i:'~('; ;,4f.,.~0;,~,:;74:122!';'2:',:,Q' ;<J,9.4i';l'i;.t?,~>:".88f'ii:'1fi2;' "; .19~~' 1l~?Y".\;~34 Peak.hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95. 0.95 0.95 0.95 .0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Adj, ~lb\'y'{vph). ' ,:'.'44:."',.,0.", :78 .1281:. 'O:~,<.',99,}~: .,~.:65,;ii. 927,:'*:1\>0'" 107,. '.1177<"'36 RTOR Re;juction (vph) . 0 0 72 0 0 86 . 0 . 0 60 0:. 2 0 Lane GrOlfpFlow.(v'phY"':.l, ....0.".'.;:44 :',', ..'6,":,,:~: 0 ::;'.128;j::"''',13;;.'':U65.;i&'92Ti~'' .100.,c:;AO? ;:121lJ::;. '0 Turn Ty~e Split Perm Split.Perm. Prot perm , Prot R ro' te. c. te. d 'Rh'a's. e's' "'."~,, ;.,'e ';':"~" ">"'4 ,." ':;>':"4' ., ;: . 8" -1"~', '-.';"""8 :::~'1!3v,.):\'Mj>-;:q:~';'''''5'1(&i'~~,~. ';",2,(;"' 'f"A;, '/\:~: ~;', --1, ,,<; ~ r-' 6 ~". .' 1, ~'-..-'"r~,-,..,'..ij.,. "",!">,,..,,', ,;.. _ ~"J ,<' ";<,;""~,,".J:''''''~''~'>''''''''.:j:..;:.,/f;,,,,,i''' '-".''-'',:,.,.,-,.';'__',.",;:",.;;~'..'',.!~~''..1>,>;' _'" ""'_--">'~.'*""'"-'"'''''',"''''.~,; ~'''"",,,,,,,~,.,.. j,~',.. . ..,~,. ''''':''''_"-"""",:".",_,,-,,,'~'~''>''''- '""~,".""".-,:.....",,' ""'-' .,<N~,"", Permitted :Phases . 4 8..2 i\ctu~\e~ '3te~~:,'G,(~h;%~;''\.i,''f,?:8':: 6:8~Ci. :,;,,.,,::12;~ ';:":;~2;2f'fm~q",::?}'?'t:;?2.2.t.'~.19:S. . '.~4,P;' . Effective Green, g (s) . . . 7:3 7.3 . .13.0. 13.0 8.0 52.2, 52.2 .10.5 . 54.7 . ActUate.d:~lf,~.;~a!io' ;>i,i ,"rif;;~{i'~2;{ O'Q?". ';0. 07,1.":~;":'::~.ft:O,.13>~;;0h1.~~:{ o,p~y~ O;!5'?';;',:Cl. 52';',:~O,~.o"':::9.55 ',\:;i"{;, . Clearance Time (8) ... 4.5 4.5 _ . ... 4.5. 4.5 4.0 5.0. 5.0 . 4.0.. 5.0 . . Vehicle; Extensio',fi( 5 )':'S:;':i,~\,,';::''-;';!:3:0. ",'.; 3. O-,;~J:~\': ':,,;1t;..3;0~&:.:t3(O;::M1"3 :01' :~, 5:0 ;:;,;'.,';5' 0 .d':::3.5('S;;"5:0,:;~1l;".,.,:y, Lane Grp Cap (vph) , . .121 108 216 193 133 1733 775 174. 1808 . YLsB~"liQiB.-(9t:;;'1~1:{;~;~1~,~I;}~'~I~:)~:,\;'(~'~,;:; 7;q~'Q9..~.~~t Uci,;!:.. ':('~~l ,}~ j~cQ;g,,~.~~"nl;!r;~;(,~:,~;jg'.~q~~~qQ;f~::;~ .~3(~li~~t:f6g;'~9J:~c9.~~?';~~fj~,,::~;,~f~~\ . vis Ratio Perm ... J... .:.. . 0.05.. ._', ..,.0.07., . 0,11 , ... v!~,'R;~t(~J~~~~~~~\~~\'~~::~:?q'1;':~'. ';',~ ~~'~'O;~6;'~' " ,,9 :,Q5 . " " rQ;.!?,~.~~:.:p~.o"Z::'~~:'~9:~~; ,.;\;~q:Q,;?::,~~,;d,:',13'L?~> 9'9i1.'t~~~.o.:??\t~~~~;\"~::'; ,... U~i!~r.m_Selay-, d). ,-.: ."",441... 4~'.\'f""..,;,:,_410'" 382~. ~40 ,15.8 .122. p8, .162:,;., .. prQgr~,s::?~p.f.I.'.F: ,?ctqr~~'~if~.v'<.\,~d,~:,t:~~.~?;r1.:,qq.;1~;:; 1: 09"t?i:;~~:1~ j~,u:::r!!,i oqt,i$~'!4,~ OQ~~t~1 ~?B,\~yQI,~ l:[~r~:~,O.. 1 ~~ '/.~1o ;.9~qy:~t1r1 ;PR';t~::it.: ' Incremental Delay, d2..... ' .. .. ",: ~ 1.9:., 0.2' :, ..' '<) .4.3;; 0.1 1.8. .0.8.. 0.2. 6:6.. 2:0,_, . . . ~:~~qi)sm~:\~;:::~~~'~~:~;1'C1$~?::3.g:j;~..,:~~~r~,~2'i38;g:A'::~:~,', :~1i,;}:"'~'1 {,:.:~~~~~;~:t ~,~~:j~~~,~? . ~Rp'n??FQ;q~1~Y J ~),\~.:,':.{~~; ".:.t" <~t~;~: 4:t~'>5~~{:>,~ti';z,-~':~~t2\e:'~?':~x4f),~ ~}l:. <~t:~I~) ~:ii<..;;;1tt{j;y~-p;~:,:,?,J tp,{,Yt'~,~l"~!i; 29,~~,;:.:!i:..fJ.>!i0 Approach'LOS ,. c.. , .,..., :. ., D . . :: ;' .'.,.;;.,':0.. A :: C ~,~...._..~-~-,,' "'- ~ftE~ ','-,.. ii',' ,~" ';.'. ""iiIf;;t-1';':~~;':C';~'>"~ '",_::~!"'t!'. ','" .~';"~'~'.' ',' ~",",":,..' ,., 'i",j;::.:'. "r,'-' " Interse.ctl()n,surnl}1ary"~_I:(!11ll~~1&,~""'_~1t_,,,,~~_~,,,~~!i'!t~jli~'lli'm f:lCM AverageConlrol Delay., ;:. .:;:.,.::. '18:3;. ~,., :.~HCM.~eveiof Service,; ^."<.:;.;, . B.. . c. . - tl QM,.y'qlt~rf!~J9 .9?!P'?SitY,d~t!O;~~\:1~'~$%~~~q.'9?~:Jt~t~~~;;r;>~~;'~i1~~::.:i$it~~'::.l;,;}~~:,~;::~:,,?~'.fl~~;~':t~'~;~':~;:;',~,~,(:~,~~~:'~:':~~<~:; . Acti.,'ated -:::ycle Length.(s)",\" ,.:\1050 ,~.;Sum otlosttime(s)' - ",'.:' .'lEi6.. . , .. 'rt~.rs~cti2'ii. <::~pa!:ity ;,\.!tilizati9.ri;ff~\\!;k6g,0,% ~:.;,~;:.:;~'-.'i9!J'~eve,!.bf.~~&.li:e,;)';)>,,;;;(~il::;t,~, B 'i:i'~~l~" ;:iff: ',{ Analysis F.'eriod (min) '.. . ,;'.." .15 .... ' . . . .,'. .. .. . ....c.'.Critic~.IJ.-a!l,eGro.u.P/;- ~.:<r:,::~,.... '~,:'~:'~',. .. '~'.~;:?/.._J'- ,"~_ '" ""';1.\ ,:;:~\-",-,~,--~;. Pioneer Parkway at Q Street 4:00 pm 2/2/2005 2018 Build phase 5 lead_l00 sec cycle length JRH Transportation Engineering . Synchro 6 Report . Page 2 . :i ., . .. HeM Signalized Intersection Gapacity Analysis 41 : Q Street & Pioneer ParkWay . ..f '-+t f' 10./6/20.0.6 - 4..... '"\ t r \. + .; , . , ".' . .' Movemenft~:,:t%1~ffJ~\~:(!~%\~A~EBl1~Ur;EBjjStl~tEB8'}~rffNvBUl1i~\WBJl1:.iWB'R1~!iNBU~~~~:"t\JaI;t~gi,iNBR~\~~',SBli'~f~~s'B1;~:rSBR Lane Configurations. 1 l' ' 'I 1 l' 'i'i 11+ ' 'i 11+ Ideal Flow (vphpl) . :,1890., . 180.0.. 180.0. 180.0.,' 180.0.. 180.0. Total Losdime (s). 4.0. 4.0. .' 50. 4.0. . 4.0. 4.0. 5.0. . .4.0. .5:0. Lane Util: Factor ,. .., . . . d 1.0.0. . ,1:0.0.. 1.0.0. .1.0.0.. '1.0.0., 0..97 .' 0..95 ' .... "..1'0.0. 0..95.,;:'<,,', " , .' .' ,~ .~ ~" ,." '. ',' Frt 1.0.0. 0..85 1.0.0. 1.0.0 '0..85. 1.0.0. 0..96 1.DQ 0..99 FltProtectiid ." ",. .. '.., 1.0.0. 1.0.0.'.,0..95' 1.0.0..:1.00.',.0..95' ,1.0.0.."..:, .0.:95:". r:Do.':'.:.~."'" Satd. Flow (prot) "", 1748 1485 1660.. 1748. 1485 3221 3177 . 1660' 3275" ..' Fit Permitted " ; ',10.0. ~,:1,DD , q.~5 "1,0.0. :1.0.0. ,D.95:.,.10D,.,::,.o;~5/i'.:tDD:;;':;;":,,, Satd. Flow,(perm) 1748 14851660. 1748 1485 3221 3177 1660. 3275 Volume (v!lhl':":"'i'/';;,, {c ,t~j ::' 140. . 2Q9',. '<720.,' 350. "i338'-;12D",1?I5Ei ':"3D?'.;~18:r.:;";1 D2~:~:~AD3 Peak-hour Jact6r, PHF . 0.:95 0.:95, 0..95 0..95 0..95 '0..95 0..95 0..95 0..95 0..95 0..95 0..95 Adj Flow (vph)",',pc~ '>.(,0..'.147 :211.:',232.. 368. . )356 ; 442'<'i D9:; ',,< 321. )1,19~;':i,1D78":',10!l RTOR Requction (vph) .0.. 0. 155 0. 0.,188 0. 44 0. 0. 8 0. Lane Grolfp'Fiow,(vpn),,', ,1'0..' .,..147:,; ':'.",56", 232, 368. :168. ." '442."10.72"'.'.:':',:0.':';:.),.193.'1\1178',:\",';;,,;'0.. TurnType .". ' Perm Prot .Perm . Prot .. Prot 'prot,~,c~eg.B_~~.se~ '-'<},i4';r;~,~;~~~~':. ";~j<';i,~: ' 8 .i:'.l~'J-: '.~':.,~,~. ..1~5~'}~1;.:2:~"" :;1~~tii~,97~;ht;i~V; Permitted Phases 4. '. 8 ActuatecJ pr~~h, G(~):Ni,''i~,t:,,~' '5,0.;",'50...' '11;0. .i 26.0. ,,'260. 1DD.t,~.tD;~~~r::;,',:,~,1D,.o~~'4)'91'.',~!ii Effective Green, g (s) 10..0. 10..0. 16..0 31.0 ;31.0. 15.0. 41.0.., . 15.0. 41.0. f>.c~uit~ci g'/~iR~ti9:';:; ::~':,'i:~:1:'~,\:D;:1 0.' 0.,10.,"0..16 " '0..31,',. .:0..31... ..D.,15::'!'D,4tEi.i?'r.,,'\ ,'::0..' 1~J";Q:4.1:f,"i:':W. Clearance,Time(s). .90. 90 10.0.. 90: 9.0.90. 50 .90. 5.0.. VehiCle Exterisi6h,(s);~'i':/'~[i!,., ~ltY.1 ,5,:";'. ,Y5,'.'.i 3.5""2.5.:.. :.'.2.5',. :,,)'3;5',~; ~3.5 ;'~~5''''.1!?i\''!''.1. 5.J~,':3:5!h";:t~' Lane Grp Cap ("ph) 175 .149 266 542 : 460. 483 130.3 249 .1343 vf,?' ~?ti9,,;8.r()t~~i~{j~~:~.~ ~;;f~{.~~4~f<;:::"~\t-'~,;~..O,:, 08~i.,'~,".'~ ~',,,,- ;? ~~, [j: 1 '4 . . Q:? t"::';J;::!;:}'~~\'{_~~I;';q:'.,14'., ; ~Qt:~q,:;i~~?: ~;';;.r.~,:ZQ:;1 ~r ':~g:' 3?,~~~~:H vis Ratio P1erm : . . .. 0..14.. ,..:.0.,24 .,,' . v!c,~a,tio :'rf,;P,;.~';~~:'~:!~~'';o':,';h'';;;,y .;0.:,84 y",D,38:;. ,D87.i~D68 )';,;;.D,:36"D,92,';'::9.~2't;"il,~:r,"(o.78J~:,D8~3~;:"'~;'. ' . . Uniform D!,~I~y; d1, ' .44.2' .-42.1 i .41,0 ,'.,,~9.~, ':.....2?:,8~-'~.4t,9...~.26,3: ,"40.9 27,2';, .. :..",~ p.rogresslo,b.f ?cti5r"N~:Khti'f.:J::?,,~,,:i1 ,D(ji\''{,l. DO"f' Q 95 i' \.D~4jr~~~ 1 't1t7v q,86","D. 87-,i,l';';;;;~:~;'~1~D; 7.Q:f:D: 6qfi~f'l)i .. ..' ',\ Incremental Delay,dL:, ... ,27.8 '- 0..6.' 22.3 .. 2,5': .: 0.:3" 1:7,.5 : .4.4 " ;: 10..4 . .6.8 ,,-.,.: >< , DelaY'(s)i~'''''\<''~'.'''''''''':.'''...:'.A 720. :', .427 ;"61 f" 31 0. .;"300>" 536'.''''19'3''''''''. :. >'392 ""'231'. ,.'. ,~,;.. ..'; ;~~t~~~;;~~;:;:;~:f~:,,~:,~,~f:~5t~~;i:i"~;.i;:i"0(::3~,~,:~;,;i~~;~*~~~~';~~,;~'~';~::);"k;.",~ ':~25,~';:;;;':.{ ,.;. ;,:. Approach LOS., . , D' . D ,.:.::';.':,~. . C , :', C .' ,~,_...,. ... ~'"lim''''''''''''''''''~_'''''~''''''''.'i!i\""""""~'''_~~'."",,,,,,,,,~__l!iW... " lr:lten~~,cti()nl::;tJmmary,~$i~~"i:;:zt~\>';i~;t:lE-tl~rlf~~~1kM~!{i>'l~~b1Z~~~~1~i~}l'~~tiY,~,T}t,~~~~~1fZ6\<!'iM~i1i<~~~m~~j ~ '..j:' HCM Average Control Delay'.: :', ....: 32:0.., .:,' Hc;f\I!,Leveil:ofS;>rvicei:.:' ,.'. -._. . C...i::,'.. '. .., .:. '.. HeM, V~lutn~ tci';C~P?qiJY~ rati6~';i{t ;;~;~!:;:~~~:~~,.;O~.93':~t>: :,,~>~!::~~\:';$.7~:;;7.: ,~~,f~:~~. ,r;'>I'), :: Actuated Cycle Length (s) ,;, 10.0..0. Sum of I~st tirne(s)' . I ntersection., Capacity' Utilization;,;,:"" ';.':81.6%. ICU; ~evel of ,Service ";:.,,j."i;:'~.[),,;?"Y:":?:?;~;:,\;):ir:~l<t:: Analysis p'eriod (min). ',." ., 15. . ...7 ., . .,. c..Cri,ticallane (3roup {,'<i.; , ' ..'. > '" , ',~ ,,~.; ,;,':>, r.:~ . " (. .' Pioneer Parkway at Q Street 4:0.0. pm 2/2/20.0.5 20.18 Build phase 5 lead_1DD sec cycle length JRH Transportation Engineering Synchro 6 Report Page 3. j ":l' . HeM Signalized Intersection vapacity Analysis 73: Q Street & WB Hwy 126 Off Ramp 10/6/2006 -+, 1- (' +- "'\. ~ "'," "..,-'Wh'"",,,;,-',,:--,~'; .~" ~>&."'..,~' c..;, '" .n",'..""-- - -~, ~'~V''<'1' .... ,- :,."", .''', , ' ," '.''-~' ,,' - ".~-:d''''''''; ,-"', , ""t:- '" n '-'-'V.~<';;r:!}"'~'~;"'"t,,"~.".' c. --- Mf<i"""'''"'frffi''~''''"'''''----'''''''''''' ';'_';;':"'__''-''',;"" "i.w;' :--~"oj)- ~'. Movement~Jkr~~~h~~~!~~';f~~iEBT4i1ftr~EBR~tt~WB~tr\WBT{~::~NB1!~NBR;~}:t01fih~::ri~:;aj';:;ftl;~~t!-..r~e~t~~~!~~,~~~:;~1i":~~;1'8'~~~ti~ Lane Confi9urations t . Ideal Flow,(vphpl) .1800<: .1800 .1800 Total Lost \ime (s) 4 b LaneUtil. f'ac:tOf.i> 1.00. .,. Frt 1.00. Flt.Protecllld.:.A'?,J.'1 :00,.:" Satd. Flow, (prot) 1748 FltPermittild',!; ~.;"J, .;;,1,OP,,\I,:":!,. SatdFlow:(perm) .'1748'. . Voliimei(vllh);,:,..';" , '.:'.,.'628;.'::. 'O:;i;;.: 0, Peak-houri/acto.', PHF. 095 ... 09~' '.095 .. AdJ.flo,y.:(vp'h) '.:t-+;?it:.: 691..~"-t,..q,,,'!fO. RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 l<inirGroup Flbw'(vph) ....1'6611. ~!(. .O.{/ :";'0: .: Turn Typel I?rotectea 'I'hases :~;,t}., ,.'" h,,"""'___ ."....".c" ,'. '...,,' -,..''' ~". Permitted Phases. . 8 Actuated GfeeiritG:( s)' ;,.;;619 ,il~.'.',i::f;;~61' 9, :.'~~:J.f',; ?~.,1.:,\'ij~:" ,\'/1" Effective'C;ireen,g(s) . .61,9'. .. ". . . 619 29.1 291... A. . t...t'~ 'I"R"t. "," " 0 62 "" .. '.' ".. -.' '.062' .'029 "'."0'29.... ,. ,,~..ua~e;L!,g,.S',,' ~}q'~<'~r~.,( :. .?ify;'::~~~.~~:~~j>1:)1,.'""-'-t .~.;i'~ ' . ,\;,: ,~.,....,'~?"C~,;l..~\ "'.. Clearance:Time (s) . .4.0., 50,. . . Veh iCle; Ex'tensioh/( 5 r~.t"':'t'>~3~ oi"~~:', '\;~'~~'\}::\ '\;7.:L'~ _,1~ t3:0 .-::;:ill,3!'07ji )f~~,3!01?i~2;~'..!<?,,-'~" ~~; Lane Grp Cap (vph) 1082 . 1082. 483 432 v/~': f3~U9.J:[9(t::tt~;\\~:' {~'~:i,.:pQ.:q,? ::k;l~~7'f'~~:1.~:'~'?~J-,} '~,i . '.:''',9.29,._., ~O '-?I;'\Tt:~;~~>~U;J~~i;-~~;l~'"i~7\f'~L~~;!:~1f\(~t ff.f;{!::li;;~i~~~~(;~'~<'~~4{"~.~f~~ vis Ratio Perm .. . . 0.05 .. , - ~,!IG. ,~C!~io'~t~~~;~r:~;~~~.::'.;,:~< i;.' ;r' q;61~ff?"' .Jl' ;:;'~_ .' ~:";~.~ r~, .',~, O. 93 ;:~fii'9.::Pf?}:~, ,,:.:, 7,:' ':~':Ed~:,':~:~~~'~;~ :.~:, ~;~G%;t$~~..1~~~? Uniform b,=lay,ch . , ..fj7,.~. : ,: 10.2. 34.4 .255 . ..... ....",.;'. ;;" Pfog r~s~iC;f(J. ~a,c~o~:'~1~':~1;; .p ,:7.~)\'t~c1r~'~k~?0~:'~~r' <: :~~; ;:~ . ~iO:: ;:: t: pq ,~,:*':"r09.~j*;c~f:~~:'i::?!~);~~:tr~'*J;~1~ltt'(ft~ ~~i5~~l~~~1~f~:tf;'~--ii~*~ . : ~ . . , Incremental Delay, d2. 1 A ' . "/' , .': '. 1.5 . 24.0 ,0..0' .,' r:.~; <':: .; .. ..., De!?y".( ~ ):~~t {{",,, {..t~'ft,;~".: "':~:,;1 q :.9/;~Y<: ,;~i' H.. ~ 1 Y 7.; ~. ;5~ :~:,:~'!f29.~ ?~~~~'~:t'.{}~f~~\~,'1:~~~$~i;':}~i/~;.?i~";~~::~:~'~ ~.~~~;;\t@i~:'~:' . ~ Leve[ofSi=rvice . B.... ..8 ,:'E..,..'.C . .<,., '.5-~,. "~' ~'.; . _ :f~~PP'~9,~ctU~l?~@Y;( S )~!f/>~-);'1 0~5'f;':';:i;.~'~~;.~~.!,,~~:!;tl'~J'~ ~:.1:t:~,'t;:0.'~4:' 1 ::t5.i?;;~\>9~~~,;'1~);~i1:'~.:{Jir~:~'{;:~i~;'~ ~~~~:tx~~t_!..0;;'~~~<~~:~'~ff-!~~};',~~"~~~;,, ,: ~ Approach LOS, ... B.: .. .. B. D,' '.' .u .h' ,;.-) .... lmer:Sectiohlsui'i1'i11a""'rY~l~t~B~~~~~.1l.~$l~~:fi'lr~~_~~"''''i!jl~'~1i!, . . HCM A~eiage Control Delay . .24.2..' HCM Level of Servicec,;.;.:..-:,~,>"c:"EC.,.:s;... : . ..... . !1qM.Y,9J~ ffi~ ,'~o::q~p~c!~t t?ti~\,.~;:~~~~:~~. ,,:". R ?,~ ~~r~!;fpt:, ,~~ ~s;,~':f,\~t:~,~~,~~:~;~J~:~c,~r.~\:~J'!1~~:~}7i~l~~f:.%}5,~~.;~,%~;}t,-~!f;:~~;':;~'" , Actuated Cycle Length(s) .. . . 1000 ... Sum of lost time (s) .', [:rc.""~"90" J>> . . .lrite.rseqtj()rifi!P,?c!ty'utiJj~aJi9j1,~ft"!J,.:;:97, 3 %'~",: IGU. Level of, Se!"!9.e;''':i:j,,;r<~!'fu~.;;;.:f i~:M,'t4;.,,~7''i'.'1t~!i:i..:~i4'',,{ . Analysis Period (min) , ,15" . ..... .. .... . . c.:. Criticallahe !3r,?,up.f:""'~:: ~ .. " ,.. .." . '';' '~"(!!.;'t,. ."(o';';;"'1)"t.:rS>;.; t 'I 7' 1800 . 1800, 1800 . f.r """ ' 4.0 . 5.0 5.0. 1.00 1.00., 1.00 1.00 1.00 085 ':..1.00 ., 0951 :()O 1748 1660 1485 .:,' '. 1..00 .0.95.,1.00.,.,.:"". ..... ,. 1748 1660 1.485 '483'.. . 426.'.:': ',65:~:""""',< ".or, ,'C .~.- " , '.' ",.' ~,_"; ""..8 "'i' ,,' , . '.O.,.:~ 0.95 0.95. 0:~5 :,'508,: ".: 448. ':~68'1~,'~/'.'...'" o 0 48 .'508 ..', '448~.;','t20};:,g,.~:.:.. Perm }-.' . ',. , ,'~ :-;' "" ., "';;..,';.., -" . " ~. ':1'.,. ~"., 't..c~,~ '. '~~:. . '~\.. ..,:',..:,~- """."'::'~ . . . Pioneer Parkway alQ Street 4:00 pm.2/2/2005 2018 Build phase 5 lead_100 sec cycle length. . JRH Transportation Er:g.ineering . . .Synchrb 6 Report . Page 4 . Lanes, Volumes,' Timings. 1: Hiqhway 126 EB Ramps & Pioneer Parkway 1 0/6/2006 / -+ ... f +- .,- "\ .t /" '-' ~. .; l!ane1.,(3roU'i5i~~~1~i~t?;:~~~~~CEBm0~'EST~:E{EBR~~tWBmt~\NBjt~\WBBi~iNBL~N'B]!~~iN,S'f~~'~~S8l?1!~Sttf,~~.S'B'R Lane Configurations 'I 4' I'H l' '1'1 , H Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1800e 1800 .1800 1800'1800,1800.1800 18001800,:'''800,.'1800 1800. Storage Length (It) 600 300 0 0 0 20 325 0 Storage Lanes,<'...'. .,.1. .:",-,', :0',1. .. 0';. . . ..0 C', 0 ,1 ")<~2 ':,.. :'.'>:':0 Total LostTime(s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 . 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0, 4.0 4.0 4.0. 40 4.0 'Leading Detector (It): 300 dOO< '300':: .. ..:.261l 120 ;j~'22D'. 220 ," ~.:! Trailing Detector(It).' 100 100 100 168 10 110 ..1fo.""'" TurningSpeecj(inph),. .,..15>'.: ,,>.:,,:','.,9:;-,,15"'''''. . <'9. ,,15. ,",.~ ",9;<i",15:"'.,,,.\,;.,,.,';,;'9 Lane UtiL Factor . ri9s' 095 '':00 1.00' 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00'.0:i17' 0.95' 100 Frt. ~~,'f~'i ";"::6.~';e :'~ :'~ ,. :;ifr~:i'.; ,0. 8~9>"<:'. - "C:!';"~~:~ ,..Q: ~?Q ~~:~~~::,;~B~:':~:;,..;\ ;~~/:'~;~~..'j:.i>t;~..~j~,:.; Fit Protected 0.950 0.953.. ' 0.950 Satd.:FloW:(prot)', 1577 ..1582,.:1.485 ' O':'i.~'i"O.." ',' '.0:,";". 0 ;,3320"':\1485,)' 322,1:';'3320 ',.i':O , Fit Permitted '. 0.950 0.953 . , . , .. . . ,. " '. '0..95i)" , .. . Satd, Flow (perfn) . .1577->':1582:/:1,485 ':0, ,:O~;i;:\" 0>.-':', O"'3~20,'.ii,::1~,8,5~:~2~;1 :~i~32g,:~':~;;',0 Ri9ht Turn on Red .' Yes ., Yes Yes Yes . Sata :;Flow,i(RTOR) ~ . /. ;?~;'8(:~JgtiK~;>~~ ;:1 ,99}~ ~()-'., ~:F~~~,(,;s.~::;'t:~~~':~~~' ,dit;"f~~i'it:26 ';~f~y~~;~;~,'~l.~:~f'Ti~?;:';~;:~t4~;-": Head;;'~y FacIor' 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00. 1.00 ':100" fiio "ioo~' 100 Li,nk :Sp,eeg. (rDPh) :.h~'>'.,c.( :'~: "\+~~;f~~t'~30 '<1f ~~}t;~.j .":\:'-;:;.~~r~~~:,(,~,:';~:~30 /~(.,~:..' ;'d::;~ '!j'.~i~i," :}5 i~? J,r~~:iY~~~i'},{:;,,::' :~j; ;~\~,~1'."}:~,;f~:~, . Link bisiari~e' (It) ~ . " ., "558' . ."', 312 .".~' 526 .... 603 '.". .rc3y.':etl.'.T...im. ..e,...(s.).',:....:' ",\.: "'12<7~~'"";t"~o~",, ~ 1~ : '-1 ~:".'7'1 ,~'~":' ';,i..:-::', J"1." . . .~.r,<{,"10:2~':'~:~~7.f,;j~^.-~,.r~,: :;:r 11 7'f ~;:;);"'." "~"'_ "", .' ."'~,,-..~"""'::,..,"~','~~.: .~ ~r; ~,,_' -''Ll"~~. ..".'-, ."'.W,'i>>",""nl'-~<r '.':__'J"";~ Volume(\iph) 453 5 330 0 0' 0 0 1026 130,. 530 91.3.. 0 f'eaK;.I,ili?urf~s!or:'~:i'~:.". "0. 99~;';09.5,~i9,9,51.1''O .~?SL()' 95"< ;9'9,5;;;' 0 .92~,t,ig!g?:j.f;,Q ~5~j"j, Q~,5j.:::~ o. 99,>,' 9:~!l . Adj.Flo~ (vph) 477. 5 347. 0., 0 0.. o. 1080':'13Y"Y558 ""'961 ....0 " .~an.ej~f9YP .FJoli,i;(vph) ;.'''l3.9,i;:k44};1':',;;:~4 7f~~~: .:'O~"i~:~Q,,~. .;iQ.;t"';)!~O :' ,: lQ,?9;i:;~J3.:;;\{(:t,5~"~,,~:~;~~;1ji,],i~~~i': 0 TurnType, ,Perm Perm. . ., ,.". 'Perm Prot. .... . Protected Phases'~.'';,~.:;-;~", :"~'~,;~"'. :: L }=-f~-."~" ~ ~-.>.~: ~2- ~~ ~JJ~.~'s~::;r1:-.;-".' '7 "6 !4',~-b,j,'~ ',:_'p'."""~""" ;.,": '.:' '~';~"~":" .,,'~~~~1'~l''''-r''+' \ '7,",1-;-'Jf..-,'-"'''':!;>::,':''' .;.:"1J.'....Ni<:'.,"^ .Permltled Ph~s~s . 4 ',.. ,. '., .. 2.: :. ..'..., :. , ,.:. '. ., "p~t~~~or ~R~:a,s,E?s~~f 'tf:,;;'.~. \;~:.,t~; 4~~~~~%~~,:t/R.::~,~:, 1~.\ ',f~ :ii)':~t,:~~i;~;j;~~~? ;;,';?~~~;:~;?1il'~{l;~i~~~~J~i:~~;k~~f;{t~:~ ' .: ,..Minimumlnitial(s). 5.0 5.0. .5.0. .",.: ::,8:0. 8:0,'.' :510,:. ,.8:0, . "MibiM~trC9~lj!is) ", i: "g6:5~26.,~':,d~;~. ... , ':t:t;!";,,;,;,,,'~;:,;;:t;2~9'i.f,~~.5.1,il),ctQJ';7r?~W56;}~;;%i~:..:' . Total Split (s) ,29.0 29.0 29.0 ,00 0.0. ,0.0 0.0 .45.0 45:0,' 26:0.,.71.0; ,00,. TotaISplii(% if> ': ''0/'' ,..29. 0%, '29:0%, 29.0%:' 0.0%\:0.0%" <0'0% ..0.0%. ;45.0%'45.0%"26,O%i7,J'tO%';JO'0% . -'..",.";,1< ','_,,;',',Y. "'.' ..,,' , '<, ...,'";,, "':,:'~L . "'~""',"'~'''','''''';'::''', ,~-"""c,c;,c~~.v,__"".~''-'-'t';:o.-~,--,~;.::\;..t'.II-t"...,;,,~.,.'.\~"."~~"_ Maxi~um Green (s) . 25.0 25.0 25.0 '. .,. .... . .,,' 41.0.' 41:0 ',22'9;,67.0... 'f~I~~~;:,,2t,;~,!J~~~:~r:~:.:5'1;,~;;:,Jt~~~~!~~lt;,.'5, - Y~~I,cle Extens!on (5): .<;.,,3.5,.,,~ 3,.5. 'c :3.;;. :.':". ';1':,';" '. o,'c 3.5 i:1"j3:.?, "'''',?:5cC;. '\.} 5.., , ,:... Recall Mode. . None None None C,Max C,Maxc:~N?.:Je',G,'Max W?J~ Tlm~(s) ,:~';;;.k'! ;;;.;.15:0:,"., 15;0.>.' 6.9":F:-~. ;.'.: ';,:,' '.'.' 6:q';$A',,0,'i;\it~~~\}6.0 Flash Dont Walk(s) 16.0 . .16.0 16.0 13.013.0 9:0 . Ped~s.trj?,n Call~ (#/hr):.>, .",;1.D )h/, '.10;:'>. 1 O~ij:. . . ' ,,;1 Q }~\:i~~ 9 ~ {;~~u~;"';":";Ti 19 '::Vi";(' Act Effct Green (s) 21.5.. 21.5. 21.5 45.8 .45.8 20.7 70.5 Actuated g/C Ratio.. ,~'022 if.'. 0.22\'0.22"," . .,., ';:; &:"" " ".' .'," 0.~6'.',,0:46,:,021 '0.7.1;.1,;;.".. 'v/cRatio :..... "o'7f 0.71'0,7'7 ., .071' '0:2'0 ~o'.84 ' 6:41'''. . U~if9rmDelay, dr, :.";~15,3';~6:4 >18.6".:,. ',,~.' .<'.' '.~1.8~;:'12:9F.,38.9;"~(6.:1'!,,,~"!;;, Control Delay.. . 42.5 42.8, .26.4 26.4 f5.6. 32.0. 3.4 Que~!l Delay:.:";,:,,,. . ,~O,O:.i..i; 0.0 l'; "0..0 '1. " . , .,.. ' : 9.0''', .9:0:.>'~0'0 :. ,,0:0'.':':'; Total Delay 42.5 . 42.8 26.4 26.4 '15.6' 32.0 '3.4. .'Pipneer Parkway at Q Street 4:00 pm2/2/2005 2018 Build phase 5 lead_100 sec cyCle length .JRH Transportation Engineering. Synchro 6 Report Page.1 ,..... " . Lanes, Volumes, Timings .. 1: Highway 126 EB Ramps & Pioneer Parkway ;f 10/6/2006 .- '" (' - ~ ~ t /": '-. . .; Caiie'{Gro'ui5'''~i1r!~:tC~:ffili:gEBI!:!f'1);;EBt~:EBB'tr',WBL::\~i;WBf,~\iVitBR,~NB~;t"NBT4~~:NBR~:\\i]SBI5f('isEi:t,!~ SBR .. ,:.<:, B' 25.1 C;:..:, 'c. .' A 13:9 B:. ", LOS"., Approach Delay Approach LOS :' D.; '.-:0,. .C 35.9 .L,.:' ,/.Q.:;. ;~," . ,;,: "'. Area Type:. ( >.,' Other, ".,.., Cycle Length: 1 06 ... Actuateg Cycle Length:,'100..' ", . ':' 'c.,. ., '... . .", Offset: 59 (59%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Natural ~ycle:'89 -",:!"/,:,)ii\i;",,. .,', .. ",'. ','. Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated MaximumV/c Ratio::O,84." \.', ' ,'" Intersection Signal Deiay:' 2i.9 Intersection; CapaCitY, Utilization.69.30/o'., .:.;". Analysis Period imin) 15 .,,, .. . , .', , , "'.'c. ""... , ,~. _ ".~..;-,,:,,~~:.J',C;.,:, .~~~., :'t ,,~. .::.,; Intersection LOS c. IC.U Levelof.Service,G.:,i';.;'i' . .,.' , ' ." ~ " .-,' ,.,,~ ,,\. Splits and Phases: 1: Highway 126 EB Ramps & Pioneer Parkway 12\.6-'~'~'""-;-';' '''')Il>7/ H "I '5t:~""",W'~;;:"''''''';''''''w"" ._",-,,;t"'''''~C,"I-',,)-2.9'' :~""";;iiI&'"'''''- !!f.'" "'H"g'I~"11 S1t7):<:o...Uli,<",~_,,,,-"'t.c'!tL~ _~'", AU" ~ BiG"""lH""'" - ~tl-1Iifen.i!!!\"","~~"'-"_ _ ~;,.,~ .iUl<i :i;'~I., s.~",,,,,"-;,-a; ~iOO,~",> """~ fIiOi;-h!!tt>~.... I .1. 0g I , ,. .;r ,: ." '~, " ~ ., .,.,_.,..,. " ,'- ~ .":-;;':'C. .....' .,.' , ' -C:'_ . . ";'" "'i'~:':~J~f _ ~;J~~~~ .~f' T",; ;~; i.: ;.. :~~;;,:,:';;:~ii\~~i~~~l;? """"~ "-;;,:~ 4,-:;- '...J .,.,-,..'1-~;<' .';'~: ;;,j .~.""~":. - ... ~,~~~.;!~ ; ~ : "'r" -. .. :"~';:' ~~', r, . " r2:'~'-;'::' '. . :~, --=-:::':":';; ;~;,' -. ".:,_c,",',,-;.>' :'3",", .::,.' '. '..,: .'~ "'f,,.. . ~ '... . " . ': ,.-'-.<~;:~{< ,;:- . ~;" .~~, _ Pioneer Parkway at Q Street400 pm 2/2/2005 2018.Build phase 5 lead~ 100 sec cycle length JRH Transportation Engineering , . . Synchro 6 Report Page 2 I." Lanes, Volumes, Timings 6: Q Street & 10/6/2006 ',. ..) -+ - '- \. ../ Ean~rG"foup1~t~~1_{~~i,~'EBEWk~;EBJ~~~\NBf~~WB{~~~~iSBt~}~~.SBRi:~~il~~i~];'~i:~ii~it~it;g;!~11~~~~~~ Lane Configurations t tfo r' . Ideal:FIOIN (vphpl).:'c.:<, 1800<.1800 1890 1800 180.0, 1800, <':" '. ~ , Turning Speed (mph) 15" . 915 .9 L?heUtil. Factor '. ,;.: '.. 'TOO;" 1.00. 0.95 .0.95.. 1.00: '.1.0.0; .:. ._. Frt 0.997 0865. Flt'Pr6~~gte(p'f.. " "', ' .,~" ",,<<t;ij:- .:"~~*>: ' ',,\' - . ;:~ -.;'\ "-"~~:.::i\'::;"'::;,Jl~? .1;\' .; "; .~ Satd. Flow (prot) 0 1748 3310. 0 0. 1512.. Fit 'P.~fm[.tted ,': :::,~~',:< ., ,: .~r :7;:,::';~~; '('iJ~~~~:~n'~t)-.::J~' :; ,'i'-t'~ -' ~:'i~~:~:I~;?;,~\:~~:;::f:~",7'~~~'::',:;'::4',~':<:-:J" Satci.Flow (perm) 0. 1748 3310 0 0 1512 He,!d\ll~\t;Facti:>( :':,;.:<:.' ;1.00li-;i.Q9 -(f,1OQ\;;<>,190.1.OO,i.. Link Speed (mph). 35 35. 30 .' LinkDistance.(ftj;,"'U','" "<,513;,,';;',-171::,:':'. ,'Y,: 143...-: ~ .. -- ,.' ',.' ,.", ,,,- '-- ," ~..' . .,' ~ ' --' .~. ,", ,. , '. TravelTime (s) 10.0. 3.3 3.3. " Volurriei(vph } "r' .,~,; ?!~~:,~ 1~,~1:"~~3~g t:'~~::; ~s.~. ;~% .:2q~",_~ .r; /;d~~.. :~ ~~r:l~ ,i:::,:x',:;::::.;~~,):,.J;~~:~fl~~'t~{~;t?&i~..t.,g(';f1'~~"';~~'?i;:~~~~'~};'.i;~:~;f;~t; Peak Hour Fa~tor 0.95 0..95. 0..950..95 0..95 '0.95.. . . f,djf.'FIO,,( (yp,bJ f;.~i;,,:,,'''::;f;Q::!I;>{35?;\'~~,89.8.~1 \:," 21;(;; i'~9:" 8>~9. :;;~:~~;,;c"'h\\,i! Lane Group Flow (vph) 0. 358 919. 0. 0 . 9 $ig,Q,:~~qriJrQI ~"r;t:V-1~t)\:~', j;';'~,{ ;~{::!~i~'P:;"{-irrL~~'4: .,P t~e.!':~:;:~.t'(~~~"'~IJ),~ StoP,l~~ "~:~:;~'~,~. :;f~~[:';~~~,~!~~t~1'i;j,t~t{~~~T~L .1ii't-"'r'-se.c't".o-n':S..u-'m'~m-a'ry'~"\1'lfI1;'l::~"'~i~lli'f~'~'i"r!~~!";Jil.l'!'i'~1~~~.t~!itI;"'l'''''':r,f,fM"'!l'''!fJ:lf'.G'!'i'~}~-''' .". e:. _ . ,L -' ,.J _~, __.'. .. ,~~~~2';(:(~:!!&J~~5f,'j/d!}'M~,~~e;1C~-?;~~M~~1(iLl\:i;11:,~iJf~~W:\e"'r",,-~':',18~,tJi!N'l\~'St,"mid',~,~~li;~,.~~~W.~\';~;!2W~~ ~r~~': TYP'~'::"f:-;'~~~~~~!f:.~{. Oth_~r.![:~;~\i:~";,t~di~(:f.6:~';:~-; ~1~~'~~ > ' Contr?ITypeUnsig~alized, . . . . . ..' .. . . ......._ I nters13ctign. <::apacilY, Ul!Jit:ation :35 ,6ro i~,<;(~(': .'F '.,1 CLJ.' L~velo(.SeryiQe 'If.. 'h.<;,....';. ;",,'.','_,:~:{il.i:;;;~"il':t~~},\i;'}l;:ji%h- Analysis Period (min) 15. . .:,,' .,,,.", . , ""\t~>~~~~?"~' , .,;' ,'. . . .~,,,", ". " .." . ':.. - .~ ...;'" ",' ..,: ,.i. .-~ .'. ," :'J:~:'.:)';: " .,' ;;.~~';.::~ :f!'(~ <; , '-", " . i' ....,"1' .! ". ".,' ~',. --~. . .. < '~:tt.{.~ rt):[,. ~ ." ."" . " ..... ' . '~,' i. ., '.: (: , ':-}:"--:-;' , , ,~~;~: ::;:;f~o~ ',",-",',"" . --"--~ "' . ':;OW .'i';-'>i.". ..,..-':;...; r'" ,.~;~.'-,,' ..~ ~~':~i~~"~;;t~ ;:' ...,; ~: ""'.-, .,. ,":., . .;.... . 'v: \, ..,.,;;;,.',,,.. :~ . Pioneer parkway at Q Street4:o.o. pm 2/2/20.0.5 20.18 Build. phase.5 lead_1o.o.sec cycle length. JRH Transportation Engineering . Synchro 6 Report Page 3 .Lanes, Volumes, Timings.. .40: Pioneer Plaza & Pioneer Parkway 10/6/2006 ~ - "). .f +- "'-,,\ t ./~ \. ~. .; lHl'ne\(3F(rup,_l~~~~1l;\El3l!t~i~EI3~~lEI3R)*~VVI3I5j;/;'C.W13t~)WBB~);l~NI3IT<:~NElt~~~NI3R~~SI3L~;fsBtl11fiSI3R Lane Configurations of 7' of 7' . "i H 7' "i tf> IdeillFlow(itphpl),.. 18001800,"'180.0, 1800.1800 1800 .18aO~1800',1800:,1800 ,,180.91800 Storage Length (It) 0 . 0 0 0 200 140 225 0 Storage ~al1es ',: ",.0. . ': ';,;' v;:1 a 1....1 . ' , 1: .', 1~<,;o"':;. ,. ,,_:1. .0 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0. 4.0. 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0. 4.0 50 - 5.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 Leading DeteCtor (It) " . '120. .120:...120::',55 120 .5.5" 80.' 260.,"; 555S;.."380' ,S,':::: Traiiing Detector (It) 10..10 10 0 10 0 15 15 0 0 15 Turrifng Speed (rnph) 15,.:' :, ;,:":"",,,9.'. :': 15;.,.-: ".,':'.::..',9\, 1,5:.~,;::".':;;'. 9 ; .15,:-i.,:.'../:,(, .,.9 Lane Uti/. Factor 1.00 . 1.00. 1.00. 1.00 1.0.0. .0..95 10.0. 1.00. 0..'95 0..95 Frt .',;e,. -, ,., '.".:0.', , ':0..850. . .,. ," <a 850.:' """','('",,/-:-,- "'.;'0.. 850.. . ":.::: 0....,9,9.6..',,'...-.'.'.',..... ","__" ,'~~" r. _',,," .",,,, ~ .~. . '~"",,,,'_';,_,~,,'''''''''''''/',.,,',,, ", ,__ ._ Fit 'Protected .0950. ..... '0;950.' . ..'.0950' . .. .,. 0.950. Satd:flqw (prot) \.:"/.(F- 0'1(360 ,,1485':;.. o 166Q" ,1485\'1660:,:}32D~::,1485;j.166D.,<3307;l:. 0 Fit Permitted 0.950. 0.950. 0..950. . . 0.950 S<jtd"FIC?w(p~rf:D):},,'..;1660'.:1485:,,",,~. D., 1 Ei60' ,:1485"k1660!\33~0,:.<1485; :f1660;; 330.7(,/:,0 Right Turn on Red Yes. . Yes Yes Yes Sata '-:'F.;lb~j R:TQ R},~f,:~-,.'~.:':.~ . ~:E~~i~~~,:;)j~,;.~~;~/," '~~3 7 8 \. I <;,. ,~'~.~,~,~':j;,'.;~f.'.':~1?j1:.~~:~n}~S:,126J:~?::5:n~~::~:il:~: ;'J::~'/:\- Headway Factor ... 1.00 1.00.: 1.00 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.00 1 :0.0 .- 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 . LJn k Spt?eQ ,( mP..bn~~;~~'t!:':i;:i'~~~~; \!}.~4~:'~:;;~~Oi~<:- ,;~t,,'~)'~ ":~," ./:. ;" . 25.ri-l4~<:<'~'i'.:.:,h":" 'i:.;~~,+.lf~.:-;t~9J.;.~;t?r~~;.:'~'"?' ~", ~~~f~q3';':j~,fi~ Link Distance (It) .~. . . 193..... . 271 . 316 - 951 Trav~ll~rn~.;J s t.pl('4it.:~;).?;{f~~1\~~~>+;~i::;t41::+ :~)r:?~:~~'~:: ,',; :"/N', . ~! A.'..:',\~1;:;,{~i:~!,~~iHt/~$~,/ 9,:~::',~~{~;~~~~~':~;~ ';'~l:;,,~~t~(~~.~; :~,~: 4i::,;J,,:~~" Volume (vph) .. ,- 42. ~-- 0- ..74. 122 a 94 62.881 152 102 1118 34 "" ' ~,'~'" '." "',, .~'\ "'.''\l' " ',,', ' "" . "0-:,', ". 5 . 0.'95".01' -' \l!i"'..' :"0.' 95.' '095--""""- "5' ""~'''''D' ;'95. Pe,9.kliou[,Fils\or;:tf:i:1:k'.i,Q.Qs;:::'i: O}5.;;,o...~5:~'3P,95"'~.o...9 .""; : . ,;(.0.~~::0,95t::(;. , ;i'.i','.. ,,'>)i&~...:'{.; . Adj' FloiN (iiph)' . .',-. ... 44 . 0 . 78.'.128 0 99. 65 927160 10.7 1177 36 ~a.rie q,r6~p~FJ()w :Jyph),,(.Ji; PJi'};':4~~!;, i7.~~i;}l ':P. ."1.28J:;~.;;"9~:J>;.:.':65.(~~~Il77,f,~,?'19Q~~~~:1,Q7:~':'3:1 ~1 ~!::l'-:~iii9 Turn Txpe . Split. Perm Split. . Perm Prot . Perm. Prot . . . 'Protecte.d Phas'es .,.'i'V' ..'.;'';;"4'':. .>.",.,, "i..' , .,.~' ,,; "8' ;.. ...,' 8."""""'.".". ,"'5'.<.""," 2'.\"" "".!'""", ...."'.r<""1'+.6~ ""'o;;i . ,"~. ~'r ...,.L '" ","::'fciJl:, >~~.,:; 1~',)' ': ;"" ,~,. ,'~.'.r:~:,..:-~ '..... " ;,:" :"', ,', 'i-7';-:i::;;:::'.~'::-:~!.:!;:~".> :~./,,<;:J',.i,., '~':~;',',\,f.'~):'$j'J(! ..J~t'!if:,,~h~~.r ''J,:"-'.' ;'. p'ermittea P.hases... . . ... 4. '" - ' . 8 ... . - 2., .,. '-'. ,",". "~' -cr.. _ ' . .~. 'p~i~qtO"r ~ F;b'~sesc~tM, ;,:': >.::~~:t~'4::,:f~~,.~~:s{~~1.i.~~.~~t~:'~1~"~1,~:~:?:;~;:'~~::::;:"8 ~\t-:i,'f~~ ';,~~~;;~i~~:'/f.;.5;'!l4i5%N?~~;~~:!t~"i?'::::~~~~:~~;17?~~;~?~~~*)~';:~(\z~:!~i~~ . ' .,:. Minimum'lnitial (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0: .'5.0. '.5.0 50 4.0 8.0 80. .6.08.0 ., - MiiiTlllum,Split,(s) '.20..5-" 2D;5.~ "20:5;::"22'5 .;~22.5 :';'22.5;",1 D.5J24'5_;c~24:5., ;:1 0.'5itt,:W()l.1',' ,(: ,-c"-,' i5ia-lspiit'(s) '.. "205.' 205 20.5,"225>'225 225 107 4ij' 433 137" 46~i 00 . . ."i ::'!CT~i~t~~iit,:(~ )"j\{i'f' ~.'2q:,5%2,a~%; 29;~o/o, ..-??:50Io.:22,:~.%' 2,2:'50/0,,)0, 7%.;4~:;3~j~:i!3.,.~.o/~;~,1n,~::~1~;~ f:'i~i; Qq% .', ,i.;, .:Maximum Green (s) ,.16.0. 16.0 16.0.. ,18.0 .18.0 . 18.0. 6.7. 38.3 38.3 9.7 41.3 .. . . . :y~iICl,itv.:time!( s )$:1~1'~i'f' ;;40;,;~'4 .a)#~t;".4 '9;9~'4: 0 .;, .1, a' ,,',v"i4,a, ".'V4.o,;f;Ui!a/;[,;.) 5. o.!'\; ,:4 ;9;"fd,r{s;\o;:?j\t~. "...."..~,61!:~e:a'IJ.Ij1"(s) ... 05'. 0..5.0.5,,05. ' .0.5 0..5 '. 0..000... D.O... 00 ,. 00. . ; .. '" .'. j', .-"Leaa/tifg. oS,/,i::'i'.~""'i.;.,'.o;r,.."i,'",.."" ".;,'ifI.''';",'",:;;, .," Lead"'!L. ead "" Lead".P~urg'. .".i'P' Lag".""fil-i',.,,'" . "<.r:;'.;,:' .. '.. , "', "':'U~~:'>:''i''~~''iUZ~.'>''2\,\'.:..r;i';1:::',,;,;'',~,L4'c{,';-,f'.. j.,i;~, ~ ~ '.: _'- ',i~ ., ,;",..'\ ..'~".. .".;,,' : " "2/'~'t..,,.. ,;;c~~'::,~",~.i' .;. -.). Lead-lag Optimize? .;. '. . ".,; '.. .. . . ".. Yehi~le.!=Xteri~i9hJ~1.:';" . "3.a.:~3.0; <:3.0. .,;:f}.a" .,:3.0. .'.".3,0 '_\'~.0,;t&f5,a,,;;it5:D.~; f3.V';:(q;?lO!,:'';.;;':", .. ", Recall Mode . None None None . Min Min Miri None C-Ma.x C-Max ' . Min C-Max . . . VV!i1k:'"Time,'( ~r0:i{1~!t:!:;.:~. :'<'t.. 6; o. ,:,~~', 6;0' ~., ~/;6. O'~~', ,,,l::~(Y(f:/..'{6: tJt~',':;~~€ro::;;:~\,,~;";,;~) ~\:<i~::~,6:0\~~:{00>.> . .Flash Dont Walk (s) .'.120 12,0.' f2.D-. .'13.0:. .i3o''''..... 1'2.0.'. pedestrian9alls(#/~r)..". .'. ,;....:"::Ii?~li,!i>,..;... 10, '",10. ,'~(;10;";:~;:,,j~:iI:Z'i,,-1a::,:;t';19:.:'.'.1>",i~VX:'i",;,,10",.,,,.,:.... ActEffct Green (5). . . 8.3' 8.3 13.0. 13.0.' 9.1 53.9' 53:9 - 9.7 56.4 ' Actuated 'g/C.'3~\io'.. .' "i; " o.,O?~!,. 0.08:~: 0..13 .0: p.,' o.a~::,p.?4;, p.54.~' ,O.1o:.;:a.1iEil'0ri<: v/c Ratio 032 .0..40.. 0.59 0.35 0..43 0.66 0..65. Ur\iformD~laY:',.d1i,,;>." . .., :'44.t,,'!.0.0'?,. 41.00..0 44.9(J15.8,';;")?5~ .;4~.8.<J~"1;<:'i'i';. Control Delay . .. 438" i2.2 .... 44.3 9.7. 59.6 5.9 0..9 64.5 20..7 . Queue DEllayi>'_.... ',. a.a':.'~. 0.:9 .,:,. 0.0 0..0. .9.0.","',1.7. 0.,0.:,-,0.0. ':.Q:4"',~".' Total Delay .. 43.8. 12.2,. 44.3 7.6 0.,964.5 21.1 .. Pioneer Parkway at Q Street 4:00 pm 2/2/2005 2018 Build phase 5 lead_1 DO. sec cycle length JRH Transportation Engineering Synchro 6. Report Page 4 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 40: Pioneer Plaza & Pioneer Parkway / 10/6/2006 -+ ...... f .- :\... ~ t I' '. + .; Lane~GfOup:~\~~~Ji;1\:~j;;~EBL~:1\'i'lEB:ti~;jEB~~~ WB~1;,WB;r,~'!1:wBR'i,\J:NBL~~i\rBTl'l!;':NBR1!l'}'SB8\i\~SS:Tt&SBR ... B. . :A E .'A,....A.,,< 9.6 '.'" :A"~', , .'" E., C." 24.6 ., C, LOS,..: .'-",. App~O~Ch Delay' ' ,Approach LO,o;/ D' .23.6 .C D' 29.2 .,..C "..' \ ','.' interse:CtionrSUmmarY~J~~~t~~~~lf!~1It~~!~~~~i,~~~ff.'~~~kt~rr~~~.;m~t~ft~~~~l~~~~'1i~~}R~I~i~,~~~' .Area TYP\l:.' ( :' Cycle Length: 100 Actuated Cycl~.Length: J 00 .., '.," .:' . , . '.., :" .. . .offset: 12 (12%), Referenc€,d'to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT; Start of Green Natur~ICycle',9,q.ift;i~ >>: :', {:, .oi':-]. . N' ' .;'i:,ll;:. Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximuril.v/cRatib:.0..6(3 ';>":.':.;"'." ,;. Intersection Signal Delay: 188 Inter~e,9.tio.n,Capaci!y LJti,lizati6n,f?2.o%~i ' ':: .;, Analysis Period (min) 15 .Oth~r;.' " '.."',,,; 4;"'::\' -~, ' ,:.,,~ .\.,,}U<;:-~ ~::i.r:;J" ,'J,. ;~",~ Intersection LOS B ICU Le.veliof Servic,e B '. .. -. Splits and Phases: . 40: Pioneer Plaza & Pioneer Parkway I f. ~2. . I '. ~, ~ ~4 IV 08 .. 1~3!3;S~~J~Bilt~~r~~~~~~~~~~t.'t'~11~~ l~ms""~~~~~tl[~, 20;5rs~lrtifU~"'~1~1m<i22:'5rs!j'C:.fiti~JJ,\'l'fl:f~E;~I&~ h ~5 1+ o6u -.--- :. 11m-7[s"ltl~1tl.W(~6!3rsit~~i$1f~~~~'~}fW~E~~I~-i~~1 ..... '~ ,.' ..'"". '.-, -0' 0" . ,--- :, f:';";:-~":-:~'o: . >~,~:..:-- ~Z~;::~".,,::~ ,~;: ~ .. -, . !..I'Jr';'F'0rr.:,.1~~:o!f{ ,:' ~~ '."t ~;~~,,:;,;'i;;';E.'.- .. " '.~ ".;\~a,hr:T)k (,?; ':,-.~ ~ : -.)" ',. ~:l;',::;:. <,., C.. .,- , ,~'i ,,-,>,.' - l...,' ., :,~'i'?:~~;~~~tih}~:' ' "-' ., . - " ,;".0 . ..' ':',,;-"';:::-i,:,:;<~'1:i"o';';(j:;:"-- l"' .- ,<' ,,~:: P, ", ...,' ,;.. - Pioneer Parkway at Q Street 4:00 pm 2/2/2005 2018 Build phase 5 lead_100 sec cycle length JRH Transportation Engineering . . Synchro 6 Report Page 5 Lanes, Volumes: Timings. 41: Q Street & Pioneer Parkway. 10/6/2006 / -+ .'\- .....-. '- ..., t !" \. ,! ~ [[8ne1Group.~~g~il,'tl;~\~rEBi!-tiz.rEB:f;jji:~EBR1li!1WBIE~VvB:f~,!i,Vj!BRl!:W~NI3l!((~12NEl:ti~~NElR~i,:;~SEl@~F~\l.SI3:fI0.~SI3R Lane Configurations t I' 'i t I' 'i'i tl> 'i tl> . Ideal Flow,(vphpl) :.' ,1800 .1800 1800 1890 1800 1800 18001800 ..1800. 1800.1800: 1800 Storage Length (It) 0 50' 110 110 200 ' 0 180 0 StorageLal]es'.' .::. 0.. <. . ....1.; 1 .'.. 1.. .".1 .:'.: '.,:'{.O .1:'.','.::.::" ..::<'0 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 50 4.0 5.0 5.0 . Leadihgpete~tbr'(It).'. _:76":76. 76 180,< ,76 >.76 320 .;) ":., .7\3: ,':300:" Trailing Detector (It). 0 0 0 .15 0 0 160 0 150 TurningSpeeci (mph), '. . '15...' ,,; .. , ~ 9 15.,' .,<.,.;. .: ",.,'9,.. :.1~. " ".; '::>:9;'~:~i..15l'l;,:;'r;i'P:'::~'9 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00. 1.00 1.00 0.97 0:95. 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.95 Ert~:~~r~i':;';"~F.':~,{<~.~ ::'1'" ". 0.850'.,. ,:; ~"O:8~9..,. '.', .?~:~,"~_'.Q:9?7;4:~T,~;:,~~~:~~~:~,;{::'1;}::~~~t'Q;.9.~_6.o/4fi~z Fit Protected , 0.950 0.950 0.950 Said.,Flow:(pr6t)': '.::..,0' J748 ,1485, 16601748.: 1485' '322.1 ,'3178.:"'/"'0.:1660.:3274},i,'~':,0 Fit Permitted . . 0.950 . .0950,' ' 0.950".. ~.atd.:~low, (perfil):;:.:,): ..~,;.'.!;O. \1],48,;1185.: 1669 \ 17 48':, !485,:t32~)}{3J 7;8ff:'t;0 .~) 660.;.,"??? 4/;.~t;0 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Yes . Yes ~~t~t; F1o'iY :(I3TO.f{) ~nt~~t:'}~?~~l~'f,:~';~;.~~~~~~r -":,~;17,4." . i~f:;},.; ',;:'.<r-:;"'t' :'!\27:3:\ ~!!~t/;~'~,;Z<~~? 1~~,l~~fl;\~::~~j1~.~$~~fn~~1~ ':l.,~~f!;t Headway Factor 1.00 . 1.00 .1.00 1.00, 1.00 1.00 . .1.OQ 1.00. . 1.00. 1.00. 1.00. 1.00 tiriR~Speed (mRh)~\,"ij::'\i~~!:;~;~-~,~:~ JIV:~:'~, ~,~:, 3S ~ ;, ?~::\\J4Q:; (,;< ". '.;...;r~:',~~~:!-:~Z~i\',;'~~~lf<~"q ~7~"{~t1~r!;'}~~'P!{~q~f:/.";:~95.~~~~~;:: . Link Di~taric~(itj. "~" ....:..':1Yj:.. .. ". ?97., .603.., .. . 316. , T~~YeIJj!ne,,:( ~) ~{~~~:5~,;'~t:\0:~Tt~~~f';ff'~:'9":i~~: !t~ ,~~:';~:'~:>}.8<>t:~:;' r '.~: ~:".~;~~\/ ::~~ \It;:.;::~:;~ :~~":~J;?lt~):'1.;~R%~;i1;'~f~",~iih~t3~?S~{f>3~ Volume (vph) _...0 140~.200 .220_ 350 338 420 }55. 305 183 1024. 103 B~?k)lou r: F a~lcif}~\:,~;,."" ();9_5~",'0 ~~;" ,,:0' 9.~; ;'.:.0 ~95. <, 9. ~5/i{0. 9!j < ,,0. ~5_j~'();9.5:,i' ;D9,!j~iQ: ~5.J;Q"~,5~~\P;g,!i Adj. Flow(vph) ... . O. 147 .211' .232 368. 356 442. 795... 321. 193 .1078 ..1.08 L. '.G ..FI .'( .h)."'''..'"0..''17''''.'''.'2.11.'' 232' ..368.'''''356. .'442......1116 --'.'-O""c.193"'1'186(i;il'i".,0 . ~n~e_.,}9.~ P;,., o.Y'!, YR,. ',{,<, :~,t",.',~:,t:,,4 .. ::.?~',~j: ~,;' ,,': ..<;',~ ' """ .....'". "~' ,.;~, ,;." :~,:.~,~ '" -'; .;. ~~. .,~~\ ..' f~(,";:'i'3j: ,,~Y.:!..<... 3f:i::\ ,_;-,~,__~,':lt~~t$},f". .Turn Type . /. . 'perm Prot Perm Prot ..... Prol. . ~~~~~;".:,~~~~~~,; ,,;~,~~;~;;;;~~~~;~;~:;~:; Mlnlmu,mSPJ.lt.(~) . :"";"'n:f,: / ~:'!;;14'9',-".'A4,0.",,',1,70 . . nO. .,.29..<),... 14.0_.,..29.,QJ,'.!':':"!i",11.Q..'tj~9..Q.*'i,'I/;' . Totai Split (s) '00 .;:1'4'OoC.V14:0 21.0 35.0', 35.0 19.0,.46:0-' :0.0' .19.0 46.0 0.0 Total. 9PIi! (o;o)';~*%~; ,"0'9~(o~,1~\9ro';~14:90I<.':21: .0%'3Q.R%" 35,0% .1 ~.0~/ot~6i9o/~::fQ;o°/o;(@.0% ~:l~;0."toK;9J%. . Maximum9reen(s) . '.. .':l\I,;5'0'''!;;o'5'O'''.H.0 26.0.::' 26.0. .100 -.41:0:...' '10.0..41.0 . Yello'.w T.lm. .e. '(s,), .. """4'0' "'.4. 'D.': ,50" . '40.'.. .40.""" "40.'..5.0 '. .... "...:'.""'4. 0 '''''5'0)''.'-.'--\; , ,'., ..' ',:<" .;~,;",;t!.~.:",., .J.~".'" .;'It >,;""r,',: . '.,';li'''-'.",. .~:. " .~Pi""""'\\'~",~" :,-"";<";,,;, "'~","~,:;..,;,-.,\f;', AII"Red Time (s)' . ..; ,::'".:'5~O..;1-;5;0" is 0" '50'" 5 0"5 6: 6ii"'..:' is 660....(.. , ~,'''' __ ,-"...,~ ',,,,~..,",,..... '>......,..__'.'.''~"'~~""";tr~,~,--"..,...'_...".',.. \,~ ~'.> : _ ".,"'~..:,; ,': .l-~,,' '. ",." "., "'~ ,,'-., '""" ./' '" ""'"'<" ;.,'~.".-,,, " J~eaq/~ag "r~.t~ :;~~07:~'~ ~:,~"~~~1~~.--:i~1l~?d7~::~~qct -'f ::L~g c~~~.- ,~~,~,!;~K..~)):l~'.~i~,.:-l, '.' L~,a9~',tl:~~d:,13,4;~i.,~~~!]~ .; f:: ~ag ~:'" !';:~~g :~;~~.::f: Lead-Lag Optimize?. ..,:,;2;~ =,..,.~; ,~<..:. . ....... VetiiCle,l~ict~~~iOn(~) .. ;:.:;.(\tti1(5~t~:';15t:;,.';."3.5' 2:5,5' "':2:5 3:5:,;: ::3.5' :;;;}'ii,',X,1.:5,i",3:5;,;:;;,i!;:.';'.. . Recall Mode. ;..,- ',':Min. -.". Min Min. Min. Min Mi.n' C:Max'. MinC-Max . Walk Time:(s)'i~:,::}':l,~{ r-.";i:";:,~'{~:'~'Ar;k'::~k.. '.6.0:':' :':'6.Q ',. ;'1"':"6.0. ::{,:t:t'~<'i",,~/~~'~~~?f:l't~~:3"~.O~~';~:'~,':;'~ Flash Don! Wali<(s) . , 'Co'.' 14.0 14.0 18.0". . '16.0 . P~9E3~tri.~h Calls.(~/hr);~\;';'.,'" '; ./..~ !';;,\"i-:" ~" :,'~.{:':~" r .;~ 10 . '.. ,1Q _' .>~ ,i(~'~?~~s~"~0"f'<'1;I:i~:\"~1>;fXc",",\,if;t};';~:~~J;'1P,~j:;~t~:~~' Act Elfct Green (s) . . ,10.0 10.0 16.0 31.0. 31.0. 150. 41.0 '15.0 41.0 ActlJate<;Lg/C,R~ti6:"~ ~. :'OJO ,:,,"'0.'1.0'.. 0.16; i~ 0.~1 9.31 0.~1p~~:f<'0.4.1-,. . : O:15::+~0.41.'~~:~;4'.\','\" . vie Ratio ,. . 0.-8~ 0.70 0.87 0.68 0.55 0.92' 0.83- .' '0.78' 0.8S'" ' , Uniform.pelay;.d1.;, ., '44.2, ;:,7,.1 ,.'410.,i 30.2-' '6.0 41.9 <,24..5 '.' ,40:8//4(3.g"31q".' Control Delay 81.9 242 667 34.7 10.9 56.9 18.7 47.6 23.7 . Queue Delay..... .. '3.0 0.0 1.6 31.4 1.2.., '0.0" .1.4.', .,;'.0.0'.,,22:8. T()tal Deiay" 84:9 242 .68.3 66.1 12.2 56.9 20.2. 47.6 46.5 -, Pioneer Parkway at QStreet4:00 pm 2/2/2005 2.018 Build phase 5 lead_100.sec cycle length JRH Transportation Engineering'. . .., .' , Synchro 6 Report Page 6 Lanes, Volumes, Timings . 41: Q Street & Pioneer Parkway ..f' .10/6/2006 ..- .... f +'- ,-.~ t ~ '-.. ~. ~ l2ane;Gr61jp~~~'Ji;~~l;'~,EBLI'Y',e'EB;j",ifil\tEBRit(tiWB~MBT~1~WBBj.:'\f,NBf!~~JNBT,r.rNBR1li)'€SBliI',d1,SB![f~BR ". <:F , 49.1 R. B ~.E .' 'C.'.' .30.6 . ,,::.~: . , "~; . ".. D: ':;.,D' . . .: 46:7 \;~,~';~~~.,7;. ~". - 'D.I.~ . LOS 'c., Approach Delay. Approayt) LOS ;; c :,S:"E E. 46.5 [)., ! ,';1 Jnter~ec.t,on~~'SurrfrnarvJZf~~rt~~t~~~$mJ~tJfjf~lilJ~~~li~1~1~t~~f:~Wt~~1i~~_~~.~~i~~~~' AreaJype:<.""".'~;". ;,,:()ther.'~;:.\,... , '::," .., ':... " "':);:~. Cycle Length 1 ao ActuiilEldCyCle Length:.100 1";'. .,:....., .,..,.., '.'~: ,: ,L':, Olls.e! 10 (10'10), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6SB1-, Start ~f Green Natura["C~/Cle:f3D, '~iS':.:- .,',:J~~~~~f.r1':~(~;~~,~ ';';J:~:"" .." -\';. ControiType Ac;tu~iea-coord\nated' .' , Ma.ximumv!c Rati6:0,92 : ",;f",r.,:,:.;J;. .. :e:. ., ,..:: ..'.. " . -', ,', -;,.-.'".'" ",.",,;-<,;.,., " ,. Intersection Signal Delay: 40.9 . Ihtersection CapacitYUtiliiatlorf81'60ld./';,. .\' A.naiyshPeriod (m'in).15 '.,' " -'. . '.""., ].,.?:! :<:~" ;i~~ ;-~-')~~~~~'.;~~:~!.:t; "1fli~1:~';~S;~~~,,:S:~j~';'i ~~;;~:.;..?1' ,~;j;.1~~,~"':i7'::~}~fhf~:!;~;~~~::; '" .Iniersection Los: D. . ..... . .IC1J, Lf=Y~J qtS;~~!.9~\Q>;~~~;~~,,~~~'.:,~i1:'Lf-,:~,~, ~;::.;~~;~{~,~t:,~if~',~~::~~:~-;,;, Splits and Phases: . 41: Q Street & Pioneer Parkway I t ~2 ... . .1'-..", . .,~0~ ..Jf"3 .1 ,"""~":,~' "'''''',";1.' ','''~' ': ~ ''"F'"''':T'''--:~"''' ,'-':~'-:;~"":,""":"~"""~,:,_,~,,,,,.,,,, , ,,~,.-:,~. , ",..-,r:lt.;,,",,,,~.- .:' ''':, n ,1-'"'-'0 '''-~,:,,:,", " ~' '" ,-, ,P,>,", ,~" ,"". 146's~,'lIi\ll!~H_;;.~!liL'll,,"!_;1Jli\:ii!!,,,'!!iII!1"1!ft,,il.S;sll',,1)!t,,.I!,(,,,,,. 1.4S'.d~'IiB!1 2.1'S1i<im'~1"'~@" I~ .5 I ~ ."6 ,. . +'- 08 . . ~1'9fsl0}t~J.'~I!f1~~46~~~.m~tl,~:~'f~~~!N~~iltKJ-~~,~i~n~>~135~s~;q*~~~;li~~f..11~'J~_ '.~ '- ~ !~ ,. ,"'. , ; .-,'--" .'. ,;..,.... - . ..;i: l");,.~-:,'.c_~"..f;'.,,....-;- -;. L;\:':';t-1,;:., -:V~1?1? -~'. '. -,"',,;.. '-'. " ':...:- ><: . 'l--~' ;".:"~~('4''-:: .'';'J.t')~~ . . .....-"..,.- - ..-... ~.."..-" '::""'1'~ '., . .. - ." 1~~'}! r:'~~,";: -: . -; .jt:-'J::(;jrw::}p-:...;~~~tl~i. :.. :;., '.'~," ~. r" . <. ' .', . - -'. ~.,' .".!'> ' . , . ,,".~ .. --, ~. ',.....' ,,': .-.~.rr;. ""''''";.'1 :.,; .' .~, '::" , ~if.'~~ft?~.f~j~ ":'~:~ ~ :-.:-'" "; ';l.""', '.-. \'.~;' ~ . ,,'... ~f"t:4tt;~~,~ Z:;'f;C";',__' '.: '~.~Z~~:~~(:~~1" ,. ''!>' p. :: ~'" .' . ~". ." '.., ,.' ,.. ,"..: .J't: .... .:..~>.., ; (., , .-,- ~ ~ .-..-- . '. . ,~' - jc '. . ' , " ,'~' "-', - " " , ~ '.' . \,,'.:;.:,~~;.~:., . ".,\ . ',: Pioneer Parkway at Q Street 4:00 pm 2/2/2005 2018 Build phase 5 iead_100sec cycle length. JRH Transportation Engineering' . Synchro 6 Report. Page 7 . . Lanes, Volumes, Timings 73:,Q Street & WB Hwy 126 Off Ramp 10/6/2006 - ~ f +- '"\ 1 l'a'nelGr6up'!f1~~~~&t11~~E"B_I~~1;~'EElR"'[~*:WBUirlwB,t~~NBli'!!:tNBFi1*~;~~~~~t~i!~I~;f~~$f~~1r,fS~$k'2;I~l~J~1~'14~~ Lane Configurations t t ' 'I r Ideal Flow,{vphpl) ,1800 '1800; 1800 1800 1800 1800..... Totai Lost Time is) ..4.0 4.0 40 4.0 50 . 50 Leadingpet!,c,tcir (II). 180. 180 . 140 140 Trailing Detector (II) 15 15 80 80 Turning Speed (mph). '. ; ..915 .. ,15. ....9 Lane UliI: Factor 1.00 1.00 .100 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt.,.'. '. '" <,,-', .r', ,: '."~.', ~ '1. .. '",., :,O.850...'~, ' Fit Protected .0.950 ~atd,F.I,?w(pr6t).'.'.'.1748,.':0;J' O. 1748... ,~6.6q;' )4,85 ,....",. """,., l':: Fit Permitted .0:950. Satd. F,kiw.(perfn),. 1748 {\.;O'.,u "0 1748. .1660' ..1485. RighfTurn on Red Yes ' Yes qat9~l:low(I3T9~t',:.',,"'h?':'-' i:;, ii':;:<r;~,i':; 6,83;:' . ',' Headway Factor. 1.00 1.00 1.00 .1.00 1.00 1.00 Lihk:,~r~e'd.(r]Rh)':::tr',,;'/:4P.. . '" 40;' :"25 j .". '. Link Distance (II) 297 . 431 350 Tf?Yel.Jiij1~.(~)'!i",:1/'::liP':':5!J. '.':, 7.3:::!,~5:,,:;;'!,,: Volume (vph) . 628 0 0 483. 426u .65, ' P,ea~!il~iir..fac:ti:j[.<V{,:,0.95;.~,O.9~~' 0.95,.,09,5\' 095 ~~O..Q?:;r,:i"'i,.,.;;:r~,,;:;):.':,:' . . .,. , ,. Adj. Flow (vph) . .661 .0 O. .,508 448. 68'", _ '. . ~,~t!eLQt9~ p~f.lq~?(yp.~)>>- :~~Ji!'~~f$J~,~~,; P'~I,~t(::~QY,~" i50.8;jii' 44~.~~~~~~,:~p~,'J~'~~~f~~';:~~~~fi:?~ii~~:~;~':~~,<i,i:~:f" > ~:~:: .' .\,,-,,,}~;j~~~'~~?:: ::J::"f.Y5.:::X . Turn Type . .. Perm.t~.' ... . .....,. . ~to~.~,ste-g.~,p h.a.~~~>~:~:f~,:' ~i;.r;i~;i": ?'~'~:'~jtk~\.7;t~1:~: ij:f:<;.:: '6',"" Permitted Phases .,. :. .. u . '. D.eteS,t.6t;'~ch:~~~s'1:t~.. ,~\ ,.2~-i\f:~~;&~r~tf'Z,~>~tJ~~f;"c:'''t;~::;'~'tt\~ :;:';::;,?,;'. :~~.; ~:i8, ,:y~~~~<: Minimuminitial(s) 60."..' :',6.0 6.0 .t3.0.:~;".". M!~iITluJnJ3pli!;'( ~ )J<:~\,t~.,~~<~ 4f,:,Q ~~t;~~:fJ.11,~~~1p~ ,~:::,~~i:.-19 ~9"~ . ~,; 2}: o:~ ~'27 :q::!4;trf'~~U"~:;::~:~:6~;~~.~~;;:1~:';;~k,nt ::~~~;;9N~~"1~,~j~Att~~~.. '. Total Split (s) .. . ... . 56.0. 00. '.0.0 :560 440.. 440';-,t~;:. ''': ",'y .. , '. . ... T9t~1 Split (O{o) ,V)\:,;,;':::56 0% :;'9.0%.:?OQo/~;:56:0% '440%;'440~(?~~.,g",';-,~lt''-i) ..'. Maximum Green (s) 52.0 ... 52.0 39.0 ".39,0?;"'P":'''',;;f.'. .. Y II"""'''' ., ",. -.J" 'I' .--- '~ """~""""'="'.""Ii'>.,}." , e owTlme (S)J.:'I";''; ,"., ~,..4:Q'l.~,'~.~r;9f:""-,"',~,'i'l,~~,;-.: ,,~'~:'i~:';~>4.,..O.,'..,j:;:"; 40 l'~~:'4'O~:'r":'I'~"~\""'<d'.;.:,~ ,'..." ""';~ ..,,~, ~":I.:,.:",,, . \'. . . . '", Yr':.' . .~~;!';~j~"',.:~,~~,~ ; >, 'v All-Red Time (s) 0.0 ., ...'i,'"." .:0.0, 1.0.. to..",...,.,.. ".' ,,'. . hea",q/~?!f~i~,~;~!(:i,~~1f;~t~' ,. . ~'~:; ',<&*htt:ti~*;?~~.~.~.r~~~"~;:~; Lead-Lag Optimize?, ...... ,. ,o-f-:7i'o.{f:i;:'"'" Ye~ i~~ :Ext~~:~iqii'.-'(~) "~";~'~~'~';::3.;Q ~:~<;~,~~,~:~~{:: ':3:0 ;~,,:::-'( 3:9 j', :,,?:.31q;t~y[~,~~~:\,t~:t7'~fj!,t;:; Recall Mode. . C-MaxC,Max... . Min .Min~;<' L~',. C',. .. yValk Tih.ie(~)'(S..::,\" .::.}; 8.0 i ", ~ :,:.',';~.O . ..:'8,0 .,. Flash Dont Walk (s). 10.0 ,14.0 . "'14.0~\......~.;. .. 'x. .. pede.striari'Calls(#/hr) ;:, :10;',,~t\: ,~~~,:..,...., 10. ; '16".~: .. .,,', Act Effct Green (s) 61.9 61.9 291 291 '. ' .Actuilte.dg/C;Ratio{:,", 'O.62;,p':':,'. 9,62 ',,0.29 9.29;, .', . v/c Ratio 0.61 0.47. 0.93 .0.14 Unif9rI11,Del~Y/91> '11.7 '.. 10.2,.34.4 .:'9.0 ,',' Control Delay. .. 12.4 13.7. 39.5 5.6, ClyiJue D~Il;lY';:;"': ,,:. 3,5 r . . .'O?,i ,0.:7....' .0.:0 Total Delay . . 16.0 13.9 40.2 ..5.6 ~9S,>,(.:::~:~':~~',;.;.:':"t~":;i~'~;""'~:, ",J!<,B;'. ~'..,~' (~" ,." B .' D,:,,~,,':~:.'A' Approach Delay,' , .' .16.0 .13.9 35.6 .~', ".-:.~, !;-. .,,' . , ';:,,! :;,~ " ,': ,) .f:,' :.\" ., '.V. ,~ . ~ , ,,';'::',"':{::'~T:}';' .. .e. . ; . .'.' , . :';!:~'L.['- .. ., ,"1'-",.' ". ,.,1,";,1." ~;i,;. '" "".. ....'. 1)---" "." , :. ~: . '.' ,.'" ',,;' :.n",., x :. _:'; . , ,~ ,'(,,~ Pioneer Parkway at Q Street 4,00 pm 2/2/2005 2018 Build phase 5 lead..:100 seccycle length. JRH Transportation Engineering. Synchro 6.Report Page 8 Lanes', Volumes, Timings 73:Q Street & WB Hwy 126 Off Ramp 10/6/2006 . -+ "). f ,+- .~. r ,'l!an'e:.GfouP~i!~j~t~i~f~EB*~41rE'BRI,~V\iBlY~WBlf~~NBL~N~J~'m~~~t~~~f~it:~~~it;ll~~~~~ ApPf6ac:h'L9S.':,"~j." B: ,D:,; ,'1'.!"; . , Afe.a.TYR~: "</~'.;.'.~;Other",, ,.,'''. Cycle Length: 1 00. . . Actuated Cycle. Length' ,100.~;')i\.':"i ';,")i.:.. {'c' . j,'" <. ,......., Offs~t: 3 (3%), Referenced 'tophase 2EB{and 6WBT, Start of G;ee~ Nat'ura..1 C' ycle. '60:k'.~.,..,;:"."'i\",;,,:'......'-" .... ", '.'. ,.' .- , "',' ,0,,:, Oic'(;;,' .~" ,''O_ ."" "._' . .,( :: "" ,,;,'. Control typ'eAct~~ted-Coordinated Maximumv/c Ratio: ,0 93.!,',;:;}r' I~te~section S;gnaiDei~y 21:4 IhW~eciion<::apacily~~tili~~tj6n6p%~l:;: Analysis Period (min), 15 ,,,,: , ~: l ," ..'{i.:.,~~ .'" ....,. . -, ",(;~ ..;.t ;.;':',;-~;;,_4. ~",t, ~ ,{:,~*i~')f(r,'~:\'~/j;:': ::,~: Int'ersectiori LO.S' c. . .' ICU tevel:of,SeiViceiC. """"'.jj...~3 ., , . ',~ '.' ' .-- ~" '!'< , ,'. .., , . .......; :~\ ~~,;'~,~':~:,':';; f {' --~ - :,;~,"'~:'!"~~~'~" ";' o Splits and Phases: 73: Q Street & WB Hwy 126 Off Ramp .~~,." ;;;::~;~-'" r .',. ;-"..- '-:-;:'-:.' , , '", ~ .~ .< \' ,. '.,1 , ~4" .: . .,.. '. 1 " ~ , " 'I ..~ 'j_~ '....< ~.~~"";.~l':--:" "'..~..~,_'." .;'~~~~~,~.tt<..:~:'~~~~~:-~~.~ \ .....: '. .f;.:~;'{~:~r~".i;"~I.;;: (. :::': ~: '~. ;~-.qt~~'7i,~~i ~\;'T .. ..,' .., ...:. , c . ; .".. .... ",~' ". . '~.) ',... " ....... ' . " ':-'0 ',i' . '.;, ".,: ';" .. ." " , ',}~~0::\:,;~;' .~ '. " ~ . .~ . "''"_ '~'''-:''''',.!L'':tt'~ "-'..,; , _.' '.'- -.'.'-,"'" ~ . :"~,~,""--,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.::t.':':,l-!,"_ . ~'1:i:;'::~':~'" , .'.,,' . ..S,~~:~-;37",:;.,.' "~-, :) " ~ ....:~..'-' 1'1"-:<,~,:, .... . ~:;~ :~ ~ j". ,':':::' . ., Pioneer Parkway at Q Street 4:00 pili 2/2/2005 2018 Build phase 5 lead_100 sec cycle length ~RH,Transportation Engineering . Synchro 6 Report Page 9 HeM Signalized Intersection-"apacity Analysis 1 : Hiqhway 126 EB Ramps & Pioneer Parkway 10/5/2006 ~ ...... " ~.f +- ",. ..., t ,.. \.. L ..., 'Movemeiit;i~~~~r",,~'fiIJ,\~EB@!!it~EB'l7~!EBR~tWB[I![!I.'iWBT~;WBRfi!.tlNBI:~~NBij(~'NBR\'t.'&iliJS~1ffi[~ffSBf~!t)S'BR Lane Configurations 'i 4 ,. Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1800 . 1800,.1800 1800. 1800 Total Lost time (s) 4.0. 4.0 40 Lane UtiL Factor, .' 0.950.95. 1.00 ., ~ 1.00 1.00 o.~ Fit Protected;' 0.95. 0.95: 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1577 1583 1.485 .,FltPermitted:, . '. '. - 0.95 . 0.951.00 .. Satd. Flow (perm) . 1577" 1583 1485 Vol Lime (v'ph);; .' ..'.>':,453'.",:;.,5 <330. \..,.':0, ',c . O. Peak'hour factor, .PHF 095. 0.95. 095095 .0.95. AdfFlow.(vph): 477:' :.5 :.347.';':.',;' 0 -i ,~ 0' RTOR Redu~tion(vph) 0.0 132 0 0, Lane Grouj:fFlow (vDh)~'.,.'239. .2-43H215Y: ~,:,O ";,-'";.0 . Tum Type Perry1 Perm I3ro!<;tc\1ld iPn~~es;j:,,:j,f';;":':1.;:-::!". .~ ,. Permitted Phases ,. .. 4 .. Actuated Green;G (S)";i 255>.,255 .. 255 .:: .," .,."".., Effective Green, g (s) . . . .25.5'. 255 25.5 . Acluated'g/CRatio,,');','02.1 5'.021:' ;0;21(, '" Clearance Time(s)' . 4.0" 4.0 4.0 . VehiCle' Exten'sicin:( s)' I",",::}; 3. 5.}..... 3.50"", :'.~3:5 :~:,,'i' !P Lane Grp Cap (vph) , . 335 336 316 . 1605 718658'.2393 . ~!s:.f3a~o.~ef~t "~1i:;'1~ ~'~''::~;:L:l;;!jf~:~'~ ;:. j;.;,:~~~:!i.i1::~ij~:~{;';;~;';;!i~&r':;~l\". ~:~~<l~"'.';; ,~,,':~~~i~~Ji.:t;3f.;}t.:' \39p:'3~~~,~r~}~tS~;~l{;qq :'j:t~fktg:~~~~im'~~l~ vis Ratio Perm 0.150.15 0.23 . .0.09.' .,. . .. v/c RatiO ~ ,.''''', '. '071 .0.72.' 068" . '., ;, .,.,m'.. \.."-,,..'067'. '"'0 H.....0'85~'0"AO;~.''''".\'"' . '. ,," ';:~,t~,~.~;,~~.>:,''.;." ,':' '->(;~ ;~,;i c' ';~;" ,::,' : i~~' '" r'..:~: , . ", ~": ):. ,;~i'~:""'~:;:t,.':,"t' ':, ': 'c",,:',~'~:' ,..~ .,pH: ,.~ ~..'~l\,>" ,.';.~".;.:(j~''ffc~::J~Y;;f~'"f LJr;iiorm Delay, di' 439 44:0.. 4i5 . ' . 23.7 17.5 460"',66 . . .i:~;~rr2~~~'b~~~~~1' '170~~~) 70~;'i'1~0~;!!"'~!.""";'i),,~"'i:'!F'}{iFlf';~;'~,~,:~~~iit1~0~i'~"q~~1~~g~~~j~t:':;~:(' . '~:~~~~)i:~;;: . .' ., .51\~ ,',51.6 '( 1~'6i", '.;"J.~' F "J:'; 2~g":'" 18:.~j'f'~'~:&f!~3J~~~~!l1" ~ App',:o?gQ. .R~I,?YJ Sr'(~ ~)~r:< '}<.:.,,:;' : I " 59 :,$'f1iJN~tS';~~l~'Jt.' ~r:< ~f: '.~"i 0 :th';1~>!>,~"'~';L~}.~'~\':~;~.' :]:;'~ 25:;1~~~~',t~1,~~j~:~f@&~:~~~16~;Z',{-~:~~~f:e:j;' Appr~~~h~O~ .' .0 ~""A""~'" " ',,' '~':'\~'::~". :\3~"""~.';~'<:".~' }",:~~::~:;~';'B~~:~~.',.:~:,' rntersecflQnrs1rnlma~,t1\J~~~~t~~IW~~&f~~~~~ik~~~~~t.~~~~~~1.c._ HGtv1.Ave~age Control Delay.... .... . 27.5 . HCM Level of Service _, .. . "~ii., . /:;'.!i:,,:,.;P&",ii'... HeM, Y6IU,r!1.~,t~..:G;C!P~qi.ty ;fa.tLo~:~i'~' '~:'~'~1:: '5~~,Q,:?) ~'~~;'}i]~~~~~II,;;:@::Sri~'1~lff'~~71'i'n~t',,:~;;t:,;:~:~~o::(!?J1}~:~~:;1f~~'~~::G(~1~~~~~~j::H~Jr~i~ii'. Actuated Cycle Length (s) .. .:120.0 . Sum of lost time (s) ,.12.0, ,.';';."..::', . '.' Int~rs~cti?n CapClcitY Utilization .".. 69.3% ".';, ',ICU,Level ot~~rYj9~.r "'~q",:',,~~~J;~;;;:r:.':;!;;.'i:[~,1! Analysis Period (min) , ."15"..' . ' ,.,' c,; Critical Lane.Group. : '" ' ' ,'.",--"': .".'. ') 'H ,. 'i'i H 1800" 1800 '1800.1800 '..1800:.1800 ":1800 , .. . 4.0.. 40.... '4.0. . 4.0 .. .'. .,0.95 .,l.OO'., 0.97 "',O'95';! 100 '0.85 1:00 ioo - 1.00'::' .t:OO" .50.95.~: 1.00,j"',,,:., . .'.,,"," " " "'.', --,' 3320 1485 3221 3320. ..1,00 '1,00'" ,0:95 ;,: 1:000(:,:;~'; '. --,"'- .",..' .',.- " ;)\"' "..,. 3320 1485 3221 3320 ;~'..O.;" ", 0';.':1026~):,)30;';; ;530'~:i:9J8ij~;;/to . 0'95 0.95 095 .0.95 - 095"095'b:95 '. '.. . ,"", , ',...:^., "',' ' ,",,, . "'2,'."'".",,, . ..,' 0"...: . O. ,10~0,1;, .,,1371,:,,558 '. :;,~,61:;':';'h.,;0 o 0.0. 11 0 . 0 0 ,>0.'),:0 ,1080' ,,:126'i'>:558;;'~'96H;1:i~{,m Perm . Prot . " 'l~ .. "'" '","0;. '.58:0:!': 58' 0;" :"'24. 5.,'. ,86 .5;(,;',;(',1!:;; 580 58.0: 24.5" 86,5:" 0'}j;:,,;,::~':,~";:i~':.::~4~::;;~~~~',:t~:~:~~~ .. j-i,-',. . I,' , , Pioneer Parkway at Q Street4:00 pm 2/2/2005 2018. Build phase 5 lead_120 sec cycle length . Synchro 6 Report JRH Transportation Engineering . Page 1 , . Lanes, Volumes, Timings' . 1: Hiqhway 126 EB Ramps & Pioneer Parkway 10/5/2006 ~ - ,. f' .- '- ~ t' !' \. + ./ tane'Groi:tpj~lif,~t!lt\l(r1~:i\'iiEI3L!ljii"l~EBt~~~EBRt~,vVBL11l1l,WB;r>\iiiWBR'Ej~NI3l!~~Nl3f1.Mi~NBR;~iSI3(,~;;:SI3J:~~lSBR Lane Configurations 'I <f 7'H 7' '1'1 H Ideal Flow (vphpl) .1800 1800.. .1800 ,1800. 1800. 1800 .1800 1800..1800 1800.1800. :1800 Storage Length (It) 600 300'. O. 0 O. 20 325. .,., 0 Storage Lanes .:: ' ,1.. '1. O. 0 0 "'. " .'...1".;, 2,,'\~'~:':%::,p Total Lost Time (5). 4.0 4.0. 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0' 4.0 4.0 Leading Detector (It) 300 300 300". c, . . . : ' ,268 . 120 ' :.220":; '??O.l')t:f;'; . Trailing Detector (It) 100 100 100 168 10 110. 110 Tuming Speed (mph) ,,,:15 . ,'.. 9, '15. 9 15.. '. ,"l'." 9" ,15',/. ,":,.; "" +>9 _ _ . . ,,__ ,__ ," . '. .__.... "'0 '.",. '_ .'--'';<" .',,"'f.',.. Lane UtiL Factor 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1,00 0.9r 0.95 1.00 '-.F:rt,<~'~ \;,< :"'."> ''-'',- '.,/:f<>'.~';,>;>,::;".,;'O..~5Qf~i;~~',;, ,'." "';-,"".., -.~' '9;850':";;l.;~:i.$":::f~:::~:t.?i'::0't,;~~~~r Fit Protected 0.950 0953 . . . . 0.950. . Satd:.F;lciw(pfot) ;157T::;.:15~2{ 1485!Y~i-, 0 ci~0'''03320:c!1485 )3221.,,\'.~3:?9:"::?;"b Fit Permitted 0.950 0.953 .., . .. 0.950 . Satd.,Flow (perm). .; . 157hY,1582 51,1485":" ";,'0,,:;;, '. '0:.0..;--"<,'0,.3320";!485';)3221.,.-3320'i'ifh-0 RightTurnonRed. ", . 'Yes.'. ", ". .... Yes" .Ye';:... .<... .""Ye5 ~?td~':, EJ9.~~( RJO R }{~~:,..:.:'.~:'til~1~:~";~f~,:j;,~~~~:, ~~:.,1 ?_~.:;:;f{,!;~~,; i !i'" :')~';.:',l"~. /; "<>";~":~':1 ,;, ~,~~., ~,~ .>.d~:O~,:'~' ';"~J :?~~~'~~{-(:fit~i}~$,1 ~.:" ~'~~~\~~~it Headway F~ctor ... ., ]00,1,:00. 100 1.60 . 1.001.00 1.00 i .'00 100 '100 1.00 1.00 LII"!k., Spe.ed, ~ mp.h) '~:.,i;~;'k~~\;;:,,'~'1l,,~t";')t9.Q\?;~;J:: . 130,~~.~' .;,~:t,~5:~;-:'~~'.k-~"]'":"~;;~/f~;,;j~;~~~:~9 ~~:~jt~:' . Link Distance (It), 558 312 526. ......603 ' .. yrayel. Time' (~) ;,t~:./ ~.J:~~i'.+~'.~'.~ )~~::~12.;~,vt.,~;t~~<t.,::J:tf~:~n~:{i~.:.~~. !: t~~::.:'4.:~t{.;:". . ':~e'" ~1" q ,2,:'::~~,;:{;t};r~;:K~~"Mi~1':~~r!.~~~~1 :Z~~~}~;~~~ V6Iume(vph) .. 4.53 .5 330 0 0.. 0 '. 0 1026 .. 130'530 913.. 0 . 7. P~ak'Hour..F;a9tbrtr:;' ;;.." o,.~5 ;>i~Q, ~lie1;' 0.~5.'::';;9:9~J\;0.. 9.5 :,;.;;0 ,~5";, ::.0. 9,5~'<O...9.5;:;:,:'o;g? '.';itoi~!;,;iri:Q,;g~~.i~4.Q@!5 . ,: Adj. Flow (vph) . -, 47T' 5. 347 ., 0 0' 0- 0 1080 13.7. 558 961 0 ...".-. Lah~.~f9;~~;flfl"":(VphY,,,i,..2~9':i~iW 1,;;,f;~~H'~ :t,": q t:t;.t:,p,:li;,i:f:/ q;;:':i~':Ot,~. 080/~f'!. 37~';l,~r5.58..~:!ge;1};f!,14'~i.9 . Turn Type P.e.rm . .' Perm Perm Prot P t t.~ Ph. '.es ,.,,,,' 'iI',"'" '''"'~4. .,'t, .,'...' ,.-- e.", \ '2 ..., " ' . "-, 1 ."',,, 6' . ro e. c. eu..... .as . .,'" ",.".,;,~".".";r;.~~... ',"-'\,:",'.',.',S.".i.{',,:''''.,'.. .~. .'..~,' -". :_. '.~ )'..' ~,.'~.~'!~.,~. A-.= '~h~~.::i""t, Permitted Phases ...,'4'-'-:.' '4. - ,.,.:..~i"':}""i~~~,'i:;";';,,\,,;;:,.. Det~qtpr f?h,?'~e~J !-~~';~~~r~t~;~~~t\~:/~1~:~;f.1~~:.1t:~',1! '3~,~ ~...~t~,,", :'::"::/~'~75i~~~;"'~'~"'~~' ::1 / '~;,('2, --~ .r~2:,~~t'1~'-'1i\~~:;\~,~t-;~'~$~1 '.~. 5 ~~ ...,~ Minir:num Initial (s! c:.::.::,:5.0ch,50, 50. .., ....q.. .... 80 80..5.0. 8.0, ,. -. -," Mlnlmum'Spllt (5),., .",!;;;\26,5.1; ..26'5. .,'26,5 .,<~'\,l>~'i;"'l,.t':,,.\.,.., c"'>:"',; ...".c; 23 5 .,'23,5. .",1 0 0~'~'2i. 5"i.i'."",r, . ,; .. . ,. ,- p'r' ," ""~ ,,"", '.. __ ',,"4 "",d." ...."... '.," .' " .' r ,-:_~'.'t.,',,-:-> .~;, ,Jil<_"~~-1f' ..;.....:.. :-~. Total Spiit(s) . -". )5,O,,~,35.0 35.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 54.0 540, 31.0 85.0 .- :0-0 ..~,I:,'.::.. ; T t. 1"S.I.t(O/)..." :;""2' 9-:2.0/'2'9. "2' '.07.2920/'; O' '001" '0.001 '.0'00/" 0.'001 45.00"4' 5'00/:..'25.80/"70'801 HO.O'ol ."~;'-,~ ,':.,. . '. 9. .~,' P.l, ; \~9,', ,., -- ""'.~~:~.~ ~_??_'!t ,..~:.f~', . ~'" 10".: ,"., ~(O '.~' " .10 ~'. . ,. 10 '.-': ',.(0 " .~ ~O.";, ',I!J' .....";,,.. 10",\;,. -<-;,.,,,2~::,~:t..: JO " ,'" J::;'.. ~~.~.! ~:~.~" " . .Maximum'Green (5):", 31:0. ,.3,1.0 31.0. 50.0. 50.0. 27.0. 81-.0 ., ,. .,,,y~_;, ';;, Yel.~~:TtmeA~t~~;~;:~~;'>,:/Aj}~;t;i:4:p,u~C;~:::'~,:b~,;~i;~,};{4i.i;,/, '. :i;:.-,{;:j:, ;', .:~,,9 '4:q~]~~:')1~)9tlt1;;Brft':g::{,~i~~':~' ~ <-<tj;:,:~' . AII-RedTime (5) . ,~~~:. '~'O:O--::- -O:O~:. 0.0 0.0 0.0., '0"0, ,0.0 , "':"..~,:::~~",.,. . t~:~~t~~'~~tt~;~~?~~t~"~'::W~:t"::'t'. .:,. _ _'. . . .. '" ~.. !c~g\:;:~~ag;5"~~~a:lti~%fi~~~~~~J~il'~:' "~1~;;::::.~ \iehlc.1e,E{tensloQ (5) :',,,35'.0:,3,5,,:"~._5'.;'>!\; ... J.. J'..f'!'., ~~/5'f!1,:;:?5:!1"~;?:?\~:~;:3!5;"~;':'ir:;t,.'J Recall Mode' ".None None,. None. ; C-Max C-Max, NoneC-Max . . ,,~,.." , ""," ,." "" ,~,,,. ,,' , ','>',' " '. . Walk Tll'Jle (5) '.":;..',::,r-':!!;"!'i,,6,O"'5~j6,O.'~: ,6.0' ... ." :-,.<'.6:0'>,. 6:03;.\{r1t:::.,:r,,~6.0'''f':~:''. Flash Dont Walk (5) 16.0 16.0 16.0 13.0 13.09.0.' Pedestri?n <;:alls:(#/h~)':'.;'1.O;;'h' 1 O'.":~.,1 O,,;,t'::: ;..: ~'1q .", .,1 O'(;.r*Jj{:,Mt~2:1.Q:;~;~i':'t Act Elfct Green (5) 25:5 25.5. 255. .58.1 581' 24.5 86.5. Actuated g/C,;R<lliq,;O.21 ,~0.~1,:~"0.,2) 'N:; '~.':e..'"'" rg.4~;;g,~8_i!:9.~0,:,~::.Q.72. vlc Ratio 0.71 0.72 0.77 , ' 0,67 0,19. 0.85 OAO., Unifflrm Del<ly,-d1.. '438;<43;9.t: 22,2 fi';"'< ...,\ 23.7 :,)4..6, ).~?Q;,:.,~q),!t"r,), Control Delay .49:0. 49c3 .29,0' ..28.1 17.7 38.7 3.6 . QueueDelaY", .... , ..0.1',;.0.1' ,'.0.0'''' . .,'..' ',' ',.,'0,0 :'(,:O,Oi;.:.';,.Q.Q r';}.O'~ e'.. Total6elay 49.1 <19A . 29.0 28.1 17.7 38.7 6.6 ...'- ."'-- .,'; -' .!l Pioneer Parkway at Q Streel.4:00 pm 2/2/2005 2018 Build phase 5 lead_120 sec cycie length. JRH Transportation Engineering Synchro 6 Report ,Page 1 Lanes,. Volumes, Timings 1: Highway 126 EB Ramps & Pioneer Pa'rkway 10/5/2006 / -+ t .f - '- ....' t I' '-. .. .; . . . . U8ne';G(6i1Rfr{;i~1>'fIt~~~;j)EBIA~~EBm~~EBB\il!:lcWBi!;~iWl3t,?fr'!}iVBB~W,NBi3f~ilNBt!t:If~NI3~!;glWiSBf!!!,,'1'liSB'I')\'j'~SI3R LOS.., .. .'D.. ,'. DC. ...1" ,',C,'.' .'B .....;:p...;;" .A .., . Approach Delay '40.8 26.9 18.4 Approa,chLOS '."';:.:';; D..... ., .;. <,;,C,' "'(;;:;.8",,.,;.': liiters~r'ct\on'~:SJj~mmary~i~f~~~~~!i1t~l~l!~~~~~~~~~~;i~1l~~i~~~~R\~.J~J1f~~'ff'~_ AreaTypei,::,,:,:. 'c"';' " Other.;.;.... '. '" . ;.".)::;,'\,'Y[ Cycle Length: 1'20".. ".. . . Actuated,CycleL.eng!h';:120'\;'!~, :i:' ',. ,: " .., ;'.".,t.':.;'.;X~,;:;.L>h;f< Offset: 49 (41 %j, Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green N t I C. I .80 ,.;,....,.."., ~, : ., ........'c..' ~q~r~~' ,yc.,~.,>,~;';,;.l >:. ,(~;..;t: ',:,0',:'. .',_ Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated . Ma~ifriurnv/C:Rati()::0.85~~"'!!:;;:"11; : Intersection Signal Delay: 26.5 Intersection'Capacity UtilizatI6i169.3%" Analysi;Period (m1n) 15' , .->. . . :"'/'1- ". '~'~'."'~''':\\''>';'M/;{€~:i''::-';;.':''~;;::;:'i; Iniersectio!l LOS C" . t~,1 QY: C~Ver{~f ",~.~r.yj~~,qi:,;:<~,~:':;:;l;~~:;;€;~~~{~:~,?3t~:~~~~~,~,;~~~ ~~:~)~j';~:',L,~~i"',f,7i{l~'f?tt~;:;;'t;~,~:<~~'~,},f:~~:;~~{., Splits and Phases: 1 Highway 126EB Ramps & Pioneer Parkway t, ,,2 b . J ..". ~~ . 3 5,. "",,'~,"""'.O"'''.'''''''~. ~"'i"''> ;s~&,;,:~,~g;;t:'i'iW-,,1i.j~~.":l!f~\.'"'t~.;t,'~;;-~i! (t-':~ I .1.. ,,6 <' ',: ~ - - -".. . .. -~ ...:......\ ~,,':" . . ".' , ' ., -'. ~ .' ','.,',' ;" ,.,.. ... ~. ~ : ;;'~'.> ;. :-. ~,' . , ,.~ . "'- ""'.:' ",~,. ':. :~, ' ." . 'I'" ..'~ : :.i..;....: ',i,:-':;;'r-;_r:':.;::-:::'~ :';'::.:..,~';':'i::- .... : .'-- .,. -"'--~. '~.-~;- . ;~. , :,,::J~.;,'i~'~. '.,>~,; -, - ". '. '~. . -, > ~1:'...\: .-:- ~'i ~-~;'~3; .J;., . '.' .. -":.' . f.-~":;1.~':;f'-'-. .I..~ .....~, -, . . , "'.! -,' - ~; to'," ,. , .,.__,',k -',:.:..', ,;'-::.;;: .' '.--,: H ....~''':"~J~:.' ''-''-':;:'0' '. I ",~ " . '~},'::i:,.~\'!j- ". 'f~,~, '7 '.... ..' :-:....-" .~..:,.2.<..L~,.; . .; :,. ,"'" '", .. ~ ,.. .r::r.....'; . -"'~ . .;...:t-. . --: Pioneer Parkway at Q Street 4:00 pm 2/2/2005 ~018.Build phase 5 lead~120 sec cycle length JRH Transportation Engineering. . . Synchro 6 Report Page 2 HeM Signalized Intersectionvapacity Analysis 40,. Pioneer Plaza & Pioneer Parkway 10/5/2006 ~ - .. .f - '- .... t !"\.. + .; M6vemeht~~h~~~i1~~~~~.~~t~EB~~~EB]if;~~~EBRvlt,WBt:~'~;fWB~l1J#VVBB~~~:NBli~l~KfBt*~~N6Ri;f~ti,Si3L\~,SBrr~~{~iS8R Lane Configurations of . . 7' of 7' 'i ..H 7' 'i 1'1> Idea,l Flow (vphpl) 1800.,1800 1800 1800..1800 1800 .1800.1800.,1800. 1800 1890,':1800 Total Lost time (s) .4,0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 50, 4.0 5.0 LarieUtii. Factor. '. 1.00 1.00. LOO."1:00' roo: 0.95':1.00., 1.00...,09.5,~>v;<' Frt 1.00 0.85 100 0,.85 .1.00 1.00 0.85'1.00 1.00 F.lt Protected: . 0.95 '1,00 0:95.,.1,00 . 0,95 ;.; 1 :00... .1.00 0:95....:.1:09.;...;. Satd. Fiow (prot) 1660 1485 1660 1485 1660 33201485 1660 3306 FIt,Permitted ,:.., "',,:: .0.95 .1:00.,i ,O.95i 1.00.'0.95/.;,.1.00",.1.00...0.95.'.',.1.00{"".. Said Flow (perm) 1660..1485 1660' 1485 1660 3320 1485 '.1660 .3306' . . Volume (vph) ;',....:. '..':"" 42,':' ',,'ox;,.,:i74:. ..122 ..:.;:0'::+";9!r7,,:.\62. .',881/.,1;'.,152,...;:: 102,~;'t1,18",,-,',':34 .- "" '. .' ,., ", . . ," ,.' ,,,' . ''',,:, ,,' " .,0:, or ',".', ,'." '.".. "'~','" '.~, '", " ," ,.> " '", 'l-.' ." Peak,hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0:950.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95. 0.95 Adjflow(vph)' .,: .,', 44';' ..0.,.)8't128 'CO:. '99:.,.:..65....',927.-:,. 160":..10r't !~77:!:: 36.. RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 7.3 0 0 87 0 . 0 . 54 0 . 1 . 0 Larie.GroupFlow.(liph) ;~:,:"o is>;. 44.\<. t,.'5 . 0,. 128 - . ,,(.1'2.1'Y. ;~:65 ','927 :106.,:!,107:"1212".;;::",,:6 Turn Type Split Perm Split Perm Prot Perm. Prot p.r6~este9 f>h~s~~.~~,~;~~,;;:~..f~~~<;'..!4:~;./,.,}:c:4 '~':',~i'~'; :~'-i:~::'i.::~'.,: 8k1~ "~.'.,:~:.?::~:1:. ",~~M~t.~~~:~~~,~ ~~r:,~~r:~~?J.\~"i~~~.~l~~!{~t';~:;?i1;~]~.;r~:;,:,~f.~';t~;:~i&.~C Permitted. Phases .4., 8 .. .2 ..' . . l\~tpat!3d~r~E!n~G,(~)'", ~,3 "(',-7,:3-. " . ..1~A~ii:.':1.4:1t"~!;~!5Xt'.13.41,';,::~6~..1;,i.'t16.5. ;;~Jg:r''f;'(jT,"' Effective Green, g (s) ..7.8 .7.8 14.6 14.6 8.5 64.1 64.1.. 16.5 72.1 . 6ctlg\ed,g/C. Ratip:\,~ 1,\';:.}~V: \9.96//0096. "," ". 0..12~~:;iQ~1~'.~O'!QIJt!.Q5.3\,:'i:,Qg';fq9b~1;'~:i{0.?P>i;:~;~~( 'Clearance Time (s) , :. 4.5 . 4.5 . 4.5. 4.5 4.0 5.0...5.0 4.0 5.0. .\,iehicle.ExtensiOn(sF'\;,;::,.;'\t' :;";3:0\\; ':'3.0,.,.':;,;, . \'M' .'3.0>~',;,:3:0 ~:t;';370't;E>l':'5.0 ;J"'i';5.0hX,;3.5:.."",~5:0!,~li1;,i'lr . Lane Grp Cap(vph) .. 108 97 202 .181 118 1773 793 2281986, . Y!$;,f3a~~o J'rot )t:: 1~~;~ ,;~,~"'~:J.~':;~ ::~i'~:.~~i' O;O}',::,;'O;;':l'::~;t~\;:'~ . ,.,~O ~.Q8 ';I~~~~~:~~(j~':f.'P~q~:~1&q9~?~~il~~,~i~t~~~~.Q~O~q~3~O}Zikif~}~~t vis Rati~ Per~ . .'- ..,.0.05'. ...0.07.... _ ,0.11, _ .. '. ... v/c'Rat.,o'."."""'~":", \c' ...... ;,y .0.41 ':"005 -',.,. '.;' '063" ,0,07 -"0'55 ... 052:....",0 .13..,".i;0'.47l,t;0'61;'1"''';'''~'. .;, ~_, .' '~"" ....' ' ::..:;> ,:;::, - ,h . . :' ~ : "'~ ':. . ,.'", " :" .. 1. :. _,,~ ~,.., ; " , i"!!.?~ ,. : '.' ,,~'!!:' ~;'.;,,~ ,,_ ,~.:\.::; .: -0;, '\i-'~'.. :,,.. .;>'., \"',.,;" ,! ','\.~'1;a"Z:;'-;;; Uniform Deiay', d1.' . "53.9 .. 52.6 .' 50.2: 46.7 '53.9 18,1 14.0 47.7 15.1 . . .' prqg ~~~~.lq~, ,F~~tPf'::~~;i;:::8P~";"I'<;~~;~,~,f:'O.b~~,\~~r ~Q~:'1~~:~r~1.~~ri'~~.',~1 : oqrJ.::~J~Qo,,:~~:'1'~,~9.:~,i~&~'?~1.fi#&f.,~,?,~~~\t;QQ'1t':'/~lj,>P.Q:;~~~li\tr~ Incremental Delay;,d2 ..;' 2:'5'0.2.. ~.'..6.4<.02 ,37 . 07 0.2. 1.8' 1.4 , . ~el?y~( ~ }}-:~d1'~!:~:",;'~~~';'"" ' "~l:fW \,523t~t.~ 52: ~ ~~\"": .'. ..~;, . :::t~~,: 5 ~;.~~4.~: ~ :,~~0.73; ~ ~~1:~ ~.6;;3 :Wh,,'~: 5;;~A~ ;,5: '~~::!.1 ~.,5i~~;~;':'?\( . -/Level.6fService..' .--. ..':'E:.';': D .~" -::;:,: E'...,.,: D. E A A DB. ': -I.Ajip'roach":"beiay~(s)' "'4,'>,,~h;:~":~.{;';:~ii54 !'1\:t s::-.f""" '. '1~;::'~' ~~,~,:.~;{..? ;..,~,~tf2. 3"::;!iiE;;':1~i:";'~!~'~'" ~>jii,. ~ ,:(.,;: 9 6,Fi~f~::'*':{:'A.,;~j'~i;~'~;:'i." ::,;,'.19':2"\~~t~~71t...' APprc;~.s~~~? S"_c, .~:t':~ : ' ,~~..,,-,;;, .,::~:.l. :;"~ ':.~:;'.~~>' ~!: ..:'~": .. :<.' :' ;~~>::';:"D ~-:~~:~~:':":'{ ~. '".,,""~ "~:' .." . ,,'A' _'~F';;~''''\ "..'., ~,":>~~', "". . "~B""~':i'" 'Y' .In...ters.ec.~t.,-o. nii.-u'm ma"~v""'''~''''''~~~~''''''''''"'IiJ.'.'''1f\~~5lj1!<Jr,~~-,,,'''",".~~iillti~~'~..l\\1ii:''''!-~ _...,-,',_ _^.... ..~.9 ....,. .!.,,~,zr,.~;:-"1Q',~jB:r':4~.~~~,{-::li~-.;.,r;!j"'Y"''='~~L~+~~:~rM'i!~f1J";:;';:~t.:iij'}-!"~~,~ff'it"'iio,t",~,,:fii'~,~~;;;&;,~..,.pbWi~~,:;;;ijf,"\~~, _HCM Average Control Delay.. ,'., 19.4. HCM,LevelofService B. .."' . ~~.:'8qF0~gR!~ ri1~:tq:'!2?j:)~9!ty~;r~ti9;5i.~j':~~~}t~:,:~~tR6..1~-~;~~~;g;1i::\~'\~Cs~ifS~;~tr~~~::~~~:~{:"{~:':::r~,t~i}:;ii;\%1~l~"~};',!~;~t?~~~/~4~~~.~:~?j~fi:r~I~~J?!)lf.!;1~;~~it . . Actuated.CycleLength (s). .:."",;:,'.120.0Sum.oflostt.ime(s). . ".180.. . . .. Ji1t~[s~Stiori C~pa"city 'lJtilli~!i6~~",<:"..?2;0%j, . ,)ell [~~el ,citpeiliice.~'S\.\:;Yf),;;~::rElL;~i;~:1 ii' {~3(..... Analy~isF.'eriod (min) _ ,15 c:,.:;Cr~tical Lane Groupi\;,~:,)'~1'::"i. ., ." ... .' .,-/: .~. ,', ", .' ..,..(: , '''>:l~Yf~;:~J'I', . . I" Pioneer Parkway at Q Street 4:00 pm2/2/2005 2018 Build phase 5 lead_120 sec cycle iength JRH Transportation Engineering Synchro 6 Report Page 2 :~ . Lanes, Volumes, Timings. " 40: Pioneer Plaza & Pioneer Parkway 10/5/2006 ,.f " - '- '\. t.' \. ./", + .; - l ('" l!an~GroupJ~~~~1r.zfiw~I~~~E6I.t~;~~EBJ1~~~tE'BRt~1)WB~~:W8m'~~~bWI3R:JJE:i~N'B'l1:~~~)'Jtrt&1NB-R~~~lS8~1{~~~S.B,f4~S-B'R Lane Configurations <t r <t r 'I . Hr. . 'I tt. Ideal Flow (vphpl) . "1800.1800 1800. 1800, 1800, .1800, 1800 1800,.1800 ~ .1~90~, 1800 1800 Storage Length (It) 0 o. 0 0 200 140 225. 0 Storage Lanes. .. . ,.0... ,. 1. 0,.' . 1 ';. .1 . . ,~1 .,>:,~J. ". 0 Total Lost Time (s) 4.0 4:0 4.0' 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 4.0. .50 .4.0 Leading Detector (f!).. ';, .120" ;120 ': 120 . 55' 120 ,55...80. :260 , . ;55"':,>, 55~.~80'''' Trailing betector(lt) 10 10 10 0 10 0 15 15 0 0 15 Turnihg,Speed (mphk. '..15.,; (.,!~:,g,' 15', ,'g,,;:: .<15. ~., :;;1;'> i",;9'iJ:,,15;,i:i"b",:" );,g Lane UtiL Factor 1.00 1.00. 1.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0:95 0.95 - Frtt; ',~,L:l~~;f>~'~'~::"":)'tl':;':" ,'". ,::~>:'.;\;,~";h&;::;..O:850i:"-''''rT>-" ~..'~' . -.:.i:~~i-':, ~ O.?!?O.,;; ~:;";:< "~,'..;;: ~'.,.-' ~ ~;:i>9:~~O''';~,5~L~;~;t,O;~,,@6'1;~-:~;~'~~:.. . Fit Protected 0950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd.!f,k?:W(p[Qt)' . c ": 0./1660 :14W. .0 .1,660' 1485 r,1660'., 33?0:;:14?5',:,1660.,\3307;''' . $'0 Fit Permitted . 0.950 0.950 0.950 . .., 0.950 . S.a1d: flo\^i(pef[i:))~f;:{: ";;,<,, '0; :~ 166.0 'v1,4~9::;. ',{.:,;O"16.6Q, ,14,85,,16.60 .33,20 :~~ 148~!';:,) R~9 t~'.;;P9H'1( 0 Right Turn on Red .. . Yes . . Yes.,." __ yes Yes Sa. td "-Flbw.'(RTOR) ~;.-!.; "'4.' ":;"'~"""","''':,fJ';~''~j;:'! -: -"'~~78<' ~,':'/.F~":'" ,",... ~ "0 '99(1;">;;. ;~;l'<: ':';""<;i:'ii-J.iiZj"'''':'':~'~115':;;':1~?,~?~j~~''"<-':~;~)-.:~'3. l"ii"~"f " ,,"; ,\ _,: ;'. ,.,.', __ ;:.~' '"'-'i."~\hr; ';: ;;" ';h'~,.~;;"~ '.l;."~,..'-i --:',i~:, ~","';" '.'," ".c ,,:',>J'~'~/-.-:'--; ,.,.....'~,i:.,. ,.:~;'~::;'-.'s., .R~C\:;;f;;';r>';'.:1:\ ",J:?";".).'ir,. '"",,,:- Headway Factor .. '100'100. '1'00 .100.. uid 100100 .{bo Un k~,sp' ee'a -(Illph) ,'..;",,''"~:: ,'r "sf'" ...:'~ ,,'; ...~ 30~'~",~:'~'",? ':""',:'i~ b( , "', ~ 2, 5. '~.',...'.' .1.';:'}~':~...';.{."...~,~ ~:~..,."".:;. ..".,,::,.' '.',t,..",,35.., ',.:~i:.:;,2~~"},',,~~:{.,.:i.,,.~~,"~.'~~.'ht\,:".;'..;.,:'.':',~~~,'.',~',."r',~.~,.,O'.' '<'\,~~i~.'.}1','.~;' '. .,_~~', '......',__. ",,' "", ,."""-""~,+.,,,,,,;,..},.,,:, '''''-;''_;;.c.~~,.>''''';~',:~,..''';.. ''i' .0',', , -.", , , c' ,," " ,_, '.", , .- Link Distanc.e (It). . , : 193. 271 ..' ,316 . 951.. , Travel Time'"?(s) ~~..,A,:d.:.;:.~,~,.. .i::\\:i;:,,~!j:'j:, J:~'4 4:'\1"~;'ft'l~, {.t";J~:;-.:< ~.. . , ]A ': .~::.t.,~.~'~.~",..\,~.:r..'~:,;<~..:7,.~i,;.' i.' :.6. :2..... ::r.:,.~i~...,'.'~,~'~....I,:,~,!;:;.".',..~,";>,':~.:',',~;r),.~..~.;,..~7/:,,'.,'~,1.',',.!1..6. ..',-2:,,~~.,.::,',.~,~;!:."~.,. '..:.': ".:> ,',. !i~,,;,. "~"';""k''j~.,''"-,",;,,''''';' .. '..""'..~. .;<';"';fi,''''",,~;'' :.:..j....::.:',t:~. :-;';~'<'~''''-'' ..i. .... . '. .. .... . ...' ,. .. ",. ,';;., .~. Volume(vphL.4';. ..,,42 0 ...74 122 0..9462 881 152 102 1118 34 F@~"f:I,(j~r,F, a~t9r,i:\fi~~/i,1;..0 ,~5f,,!>,09.? 'i;' .0.g,5;',,~0: 95, : .0, 95;;')',0 :.95,t<0 :95 2:": 0,~5.;~;0' 9,~}'t,Q;9Si:~f,gX9? v\;'O,,~~ 'AdjFlow(liph)7':;'::;,;.':" 44'.0' 78."128. 0 ..99. 65 927 160. 1071177 36 Lan~ Piqup' .i=lb,,!~(y"p"n)~i,:;i~;%~Fh ';>iL4: ~i;;',78'."~> .~b'(. . 128..~ ':":'1t9~:;,~i.' 6,5~".',@27.~. {;:(189.B,~~1QZt';:~,1.?'18}:)tS)~P Turn Type , .. ... , . ,. 'Split Perm Split Perm. Prot. . Perm Prot . Prot~9~~d,' .P,~~~,e:~~~,~;:'~,t;. 1';{; 4..;. ' . ?~>,,~ i:.:',f.~~' ; '~tl.;)"N..~;; ',~~8,'j,,:~,<::.x 8):,:: ~~~~'~~~~~~~~;< '~ '?:- ~~'.~.~:2:?:':~~~~e~;\j~??!:;j*t:;1.r:!~ '.~"~i~~::,;.r~t~~i~ ,~:f~ Permitted Phases,,;,',;o.:,.,...". .. 4:,. 8' :.. , 2 ,_ O,~,t~~t9~',.R~.~~'~~~~~f,~i~~.~~ti~ji:~:.?~,.;';h,;:.4.:'~..Z~~,,:;#i~:~~',:l~ifb,-~'~ ~,' ~s';t~ .8" ^~~tTo~~~l:~<~~:il;: ~'5. ~::.. ;'~ '2 "~~t;>,~:i:t:.N~~':~1~'~~(~~~,~;~~;~'~~~i~~;;; Mini.mum Initial:(sk,i,.,::,:,.':':,40." 4.0 ,,' 4.0. . 5.0 5.0...5.0:..:,.4.0'_ 8.0. 8.0 6.0 8.0 . ~i~i(dum~pJit<(~){d\~.;~:ig5::'L;?9;5;;': 20'5.,:t',<~2~-", :.22,5Y::;~~'5;~ ;1 0;5"\24..5,',:j.~4'.? ~i'21,O:?4;i',24;9',;;\;ii,~, c Total Split(s) ",;j'r':;.'x'''',.,;'20.5 20.5 .~20S',22:5 22.5 .22.5:'.,,,14'5. ..57.3 57.3 19.7. 62.5 . 0.0 , "T,otal Split'(~~)~;~::i:i':;it:~i7:'1~' g1"lo.P:.1o,;~~i18.8%, 18 8%j;1..8fl"i?:::~t~0o/c?~47~o/":'47.p/~;:,16.~o0~2 )0/,,)00% MaXimum Gre~.n.:(s)r,"G:".16 0 .160' '16.0 _ '180 180 ,.18.0:' .105 52.3 52.3 15.7 575 . Y~I!OW<TifnEt~~).(:~i'~;j\E:~~?rl:iftl'Q;j:.,;4:.g~;;;:~.1.0::, ,40. '.... 4:0 ;~;,'tO;.if,5gf:;"~iO::;'.~:1!.Ot?i!.~.(j~;~<;i::.{, .. AII,RedTlme,(s).......,.,~,~,,:0.5._~, .0.5...,".0.5.. .,0.5 .,05.",0.5,_,.,0.0.. 0.0 .0.0 00 0.0 ."' ,J;~a,~!P?g ;{~~'f~:~~~~~~~~~~~~:t:~tr:~~\~~~f:\~..,~,:J:!ri1:~i:~\\?~ ,': /i" '"' :}:t.:~~~:~l\l;~~,d ',;~ L~~~ " ~"~ L~~q {~rl,~g'){ ;'::h-~~f~~:'f~ l:ead:LagOptlmlze?"~'.'':,'<."", ,', . ...,'.,',...._, ..., :. ".. . V .'h"" '1""'E.'t'." ''''''-'-"--'(')'~.v~';j;~3'0 .' I;" '0 .~, 3.0 "'30 .30' ,.(' 3 0 -,l"--'-""3.0;~ '5 0' .'''''-'':'5 0 ' ''-'''~3 5"""'~""5"O e Ice',xenslon's ~.{;.~':j' .~;,:.3. ,;., . .'.';:" . ;.'':. ...,..., : i;.~';. ":...., , ."',:.:'," : j,:i,'.~' .,t;",":" Recaii Mod~,:;~:",~,:!,,~:::t,jo\i;';:,' N'orie' .N'one ..Min ' Min... r,iinN~neC-MaxC~Max.. ..Min dJax W. alk'.T.I.m'e-(.s. ).",~,,;,"t',;;~:'>'.~"!" , .""60....' 6 0,' . ,6.'0"'" ''',' .." '6'.0..':,';,';'6'0. '..'::".ilii",';;"',"li6"0,-:),''i;;;''';' , '~.',' ".,.,.,,',. ':.':\",J;;'-~-""";:' ~ ~"";"" "":';:i', '; ";', ," ,:~.. "...','. .', '" ",' .' ':'..,: __,~,"I;:-~':""'~"'::"'<'~'::;';';'\l"";'''':'' '..'"',,....<.-.'T,''''';'<."~,. Flash DontWalk(s)", ..:. ,12.0 12.0 12.0 13.0 13.0. .12.0. Pedestrian .Calls~(#/hr)'::".<~,:,(:;;;:,,}:;:-,'~ '''+~'..~:. .~,'.~. .~6\', ,,-,' ,,', ,:1 0' .' ,:~1 0 ~~.: .;: .1 O~; ':r':?~, :i;,':.<~...~.:1 0" :~{,,:.~;.~,~'{10., ~'1,:;,:t~~,;r.'~..~,;.:,;.:~,.~~.;."I'::~,0.1 Q.?~.",?:;;~~,3' ~ . " '- -- ~ ",' '.'. '" ",,--,';.. , ",' ,,> . . ~ \, . " " ~ - " ,'~ '.,-- - Act Elfct Green (s) 8,8 8.8 147 14.7 9.6 .65.8 65.8. 15.7 73.8. . Actuaieclg/C Ratio; 'i ...:,: '.O.D7"-O.OF;:.:.. 0,120:,12'., .0.08..0:55,.'0.55t';'0,13'.;0:62.",;,:'! .~/c Ratio .... . (136 04'3.' 0.63 .037049.051' 0.18'0.49 . 0.60" . , .Uhifotin Delay,id1 . .',:,53.9,. 0.0') ::-. , .50.2',. .0.0.'53.9," 18.1 {- ,3.8,:47.7.':, .15.0 " 'Control Delay '. . 54014.0 557 .113' 72965 '12 57.018.8 Queue Del'JY~_: \ .. .~' O,q. '.,9.1' 0.0,;.' 0.0:"0.0" '~1.7. ~,: iO'5!':";;,..Q:0:... Q;5:' ;-. Total Delay 54.0 14.1 557 11.3729. '8.2' 1.757.0 19.3. , Pioneer Parkway at Q Street 400 pm 2/2/2005 2018 Build phase 5 lead_120 sec cycle length JRH Transportation Engineering , ,. Synchro 6 Report Page4 Lanes, Volumes, Tif)lings '. 40: Pioneer Plaza & Pioneer Parkway 10/5/2006 ' ,/ - " f -, '-. ~ t .~ \, ~. ~ Ltane'iGi'oU'~~ii~'ir~i~;i~~EEll]!~~EEl'f~li.E.BR'!ii\1!WBlf\iltWBij~WElR~i\'lNBll~~NB:f~~1NS.R~irSBL~~4SEl:t~iSElR . LOS'~\f;'. ,'.:D, . 8" '., E:.i;i<R~:,. "E .;A.:"~;:,A;E '. ~ Approach-Delay. 28.5. . 36.3 .10.9 22.3 ;;'ppro~di;L9S... C .,0,:'.':.:..;;.'".\;:,,\;,,:::,;\,., ,',El ." '. ~<C..:. '1."'t'..""-~.t''''''''S. ....._'"~.~.:Iiilt."1!W'~."";iii-'...,"''''W'''''$...~n<..'",.~-,."...,..i<i1!l"'<"''''''l<li~'''~'''~~''''''''.b''_~_''''''''''''~'"''''''''''''''''''' n erse,c IPI"I1.., ul11rna,ry~d~,ti~,!~~~fb~tEl<ic};~~)~;M~t~:w:i1Jr~&It~iJi!i~~\~~;iiUi~@'~~~~~;j.~~~j:1'i:%jj~tr.i~gfrjJ.'~~~Pi~~~~~ . Area l;ype:.,;"":.' - .. .Oth~r. ... .'.' Cyclk Length: 120 . Actuated CyCle Length: 120 '. :', '" ,,; ., " :';cc Offset.' 107 (89oj;l: Referenced to phase 2:N8T and 6:S8T, Start of Green N~14'ra! ~yqie.;.9q:.."~,,..?-;.::.; <co. _'(" , ..' ..1 ,,<'J;'7\~-:~'~{,;'~~' ':~'~~~S,~J~:j~~~~:~'l:;':t; ~~ Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maximum.ii/cRatio: 0.63; ',,:, . .---, , " '.. ", ",^,' Intersection.Signal Delay: 19.1 1!l!etseCiio!1~iipacitYUtiliza!ion 620%.;(;".." .., . Analysis Period (niin) 15 '. -.,'. " ~,', ',. ,.,. -. . ~ ..... " '(; ., '<,;i r ': ,; ;::0 . :~'"4'~~ ~1l~,~~ i~"~''1;::t~c:~;'~i::5 f~',''-(!J:''''~~:1 :r~- Intersection LOS: 8 .. . :';:,ICU ,~.e,.V,~1'9t $~fyi9~":,E3,:-,:~itt; ~'~ ~'$~'t,:~~~~';t:::',~l~~;:'~:~ ':. , I,l;;;(~;. ;__~'?':. {~. ,:,:;' r Splits and Phases: 40: Pioneer Plaza & Pioneer Parkway . I t. ~2 ... .. . \'-. ~1 . 4 04 jV .8 . I 157"-=v"""""._,,,,~,~,"_~m""""""~."""'''''4'''"''I1il''''ll.9'''''''''''''"'''""I''''" 2D'5'..'~""."''''''I'''..ffi 22~c'''''~~'''"<~'1'''- <OjS~T';'"*~A~iL\I[,,""1:1~...m.'it:ro!lilii'~iH@f;~twli,r;ci!i'ili:::' '!'.,;r,(ii! , :d,St~,~0i!-mi ;'tw1l',; ,; :S"i~~"ilt'{ '.%!I!f ""o,'LS~$J~:o.."W::~~~ tJ',~ 06 -. " "';-'''''''cS.';',~,-:,; . ,..~,. ......-,.,.~ .' .~ ~. , 'l-!.~"'.O'.: ","; ,'.' .. " , ' .~: ~ =r",.:: .,,':.1:.>;,'-.; , 't,.. ;~'. ' '\'d .......~ ,-'-':.\::'",' .i' '-'.; <~ ,;-;':-;,''''~'''::~~r1::H'~~.~-.:-f~::'; .,~:~:: .'~::;~:::.5,.:~{E~~J~:::~:.~~.~ . ~::~;::::'~::i~~i'Y;;f~~I~~~;~';{~ .' ,:r::~__~.f.:-. -'~::"~.::T"/ '. -'I.~; ~... -,"" ; ':;'f,',;~~1~~r.f~~:~:~x'~' ..~'::~';;.,.~:. 't :; '-;~'''::::,;}f~~~i:~r:{f;:;:t(...'' 'l,-,::-~', '. - : j, "~ -. 5..~.,' ".,.",-' ..;., ....,". ,:~ ::~,. .~.... ..... " "-, ~ ..~'~<~f:~'_~:'.~ ~~'>; . .. -~- ~." :. :: :'::~ . ". ,,~"~'~r: .~i-r~-~. ,':'1' ,<'.'.:. ' :'-'~:~":;-':~i_;:.'f; ~~ '.- ~'<""\tr;':,-:~; .. ,,'. "'--,' '';,: '.".,' '., "". " , r'....... '. ,"'.': '""~ - , -.., ''''''',-_. ....... " .,,'".. ""'-"-"~;;-' .-,"'",.--', ~ """,,..:.. -. .."., . '..",,'.;,' '. ~ . - ',' , . t." ',;'! ~"{;'~},::;~;'-~:i-:fsf::, .' . .- ., -':,,' ;' . - :..::-..... <" :. .'.. 'C \; ..;'; ..;,' .~,' 1';:" ~ ,--" - .:., ~,r . ", -"'~ ,'......... .",'" .-.' ,- .,-,' Pioneer Parkway at Q Street 4:00 pm 2/2/2005.2018 8uild phase 5 lead 120 sec.cycie length JRH Transportation Engineering. -. Synchro 6 Report Page 5 . HeM Signalized Intersection vapacity Analysis . 4,1: Q Street & Pioneer ParkWay 10/5/2006 .;. - .. of .+- '- ~ t ~. \. + .; Moveii1entiltl1!;i~i.~{~'l~-\\;~~~EEl(}~~!EBT;lt'aEBR;'I.i1WB~~ViiB7TjI,iV\iBR~riliJNBL~~NB;nf!k)JNBR~'~SBL~~SB:T#~SBR . Lane Configurations t r '1 t r . '1'1 tl> '1 tl> Ideal Flow (vphpl) .1800 1800 1800' 1800 1800.,1800 1800 1800. 1800. .1800 1800: 18QO Total Losttime (s) 4.0 4.0 5.0. 4.0 . 4.0 40 5.0 4.0 50 Lane UtiL Facior , 1.00'. 1 :00 1.00 1.00.. 1.00' 0.97 0.95. : . :1:00 0.95":.<',' . . _ . ,.".....' ~ 1.00 O.~ 1.00 100Q~ 1.00 0.% 1.00 Q~ Fit Protected ..: . ..,.; 1..00 1:00.0.95 1.00 1,00.0.95.' 1.00 0:95. 1.00."):':" Satd. Flow (prot) 1748 1485 1660 1748 .1485 3221. 3177. 1660 3275 . Fli Permitted .:., d .. ,.,. ..1.00. '1 :00 .' 9.95.1:00. 1.00.' 0.95: 1.00 .,.'0.95 t'. 1.:00.... Satd. Flow (perm) 1748 1485 1660 1748 1485 3221 3177 1660 3275 . VoiumEl,(Vph). ..... .:',.9:. .140/:.200.... 220 .350:- :3~8 ,420:." 7~5:..:305.1?~j.;.1Q21>?.,103 Peak-hour factor,PHF. 0.95. 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95' 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Adj.FI6w.(yp~).; ::i:e' ,.,0,. 147~.:.21t:;,,:232.;. 368' 356..'. .442> 795',.321-:.:.193>".1078."':';108 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 129 0. 0 156 0 36.' O. . 0 7 0 Lane Group Flow (vph)<. ,\ 0".>147.7"".;'.82.' .:232'.: ..368'. .200.:. 442~.; 1080,,;..... 0 :h::.193 ~'l179 ,.....\:.0 Turn Type Perm Prot. Perm. Prot Prot. '. f~o!ect~{qj'Ph,~~e'.s,{..~~~ ~. :i::'~:.'.. t ~*~'~:::~.>'~~';:T:3 '~~::;' ~ :~, 'r~~~ ;;t7}~~~:~,~'p.~\ ; '"!",:!.2 ';, ,~~r~'~e:'Tf~~'~~j;~Jy~(;::~:.~S:~(.;~:~~ Permitted Phases 4 .; . 8.'. .': . ~:9tuatea. C?r<:1~~,(3;( s),c,: ,'\'i<;' ;.:?: O. 'j,: 8,0':' \)5'Q'.j 33,0. ,;."33,0:,:: 15.0 ': 5.1 :01;J: 0,;;';;49.' D~'.'i,.e~.i) Effective Green. g;(s) 13.0. 130. 20.0.-.38,0 38.0 20.0 51,0~ 18.0 49.0. A~tQat~9 glC R.atl9'.j:' :''':'~';1':'":,O ..~ 1 :;:,;.OJ}: i\ 9) 7':;I~Q 3.2 ?~O 32 ::"", 0)7: !; 9,42 ;.';i, r,:.'J '1::'1.01,5 t'~JQ ,41 ~,"''(:'';'1 ClearanceTime(s),.._. 9090.10.0.".9.0,..;90.9.0.. 5.0.. ..9.0.50 . Veh icle.Extensioi1( s r::. .1'/, ,vt'.. 'j;, -:.1 :5.:'kiij1', 5 ':,'.k3 '5 ':'~:,2: 5:,~:;i.-0 2:5., "".3: 5. j{;:.;':3' 5.'. '~?O,'':'1''i-'', \1:. 5 i;~C, 3'5 '::~,'.'il';-:. Lane Grp Cap (vp~) 189 . 161 27,7 ',554. 470 537 1350 . 249 1337 . y(tj, :;~*io P~'?t~tf*:,~}t~;':.:.f: \t~/../::1~,: ';i~;9:'Q,8~\':}'I:~,i~;;~,::.:~,,:I:"~9 .:;1;1?':(;9~'~,'1'~.:(~;~'~ ,~;~~;( ';"<9~;1;~~:~,9o.:'~~_)Y~i~~.~~'~':~~ii:,qI..1g~:;i9q~~6,:~J~wJ:hz: vlsRatioperm ........ ",,014.;;','.,..024. ,.... ,.. . vie, R~lioi;,:,'<:,:L,:",):,';:_,,;;:j;t:.;:.,{'OJ8.l.'" O.51r<.0:!l~'>~0,66 'r0,42 .0.82.:,.0:80.:.:~078:,!, ;:0.8il;;~I::'A~?-)' Uniform Delay. d1 .. 521... 505. ,484'e~~:35.5".:32~. 48.3 ,30!~. 49.1 32.? . P~ogr~ss.LoriF asto!;i;5'i,),,'r~.)'... '. ;;, '1.. 00:, '.~! ;00.~;fO)ii;.~;~0:8.9 ^'e:1,;o'9.?1:>;, 0.9Q 'j,; 0:?1~~;~~i(;~0)~: ~;';.O :6?~,:)t~~f; Incremental Delay. d2 166'. 0.9 t'17;1".:"~"2.3:,'':::.0:'4.. 7.9 39 '. 10.8 ,.7.3,.,. Delay (sF .('.k;.;*"i'~ ""e,>,' "". " ,: 68 i:.~1::.51'4.>.'61"0.;:,"'<33!8 "~;;3'1'0 .,. "'51 2 ."'23'0!..;.'.'~' ~."" ...:47'O'",';28'.7'''~''.'i'!kl~.' . ~~~~~~~;i~~;~;s;.;..,.. ;,.....:., ~ "."'58:;~.~:,;'kgj.:;;~;~t~~~~~~~#~~,,:~,::~~~'.':.,~j~~;i?~~.~:;~'~~ii:~~t::>;:~~~:~~~;. . Approach LOS E...' ., ".,,,.'".,....1:'D'" ..' . . ..C'.., .. ..C.' " ," ,.' ,',-:",'~~[f.~'-,'>"'-':-','-~';.t;, ," .;-...,..... ~~., .', .">: ".' .~.._~,=..= ....~"..._~;,~~!"'... .,,,.,,,dl"'i"'1>!l._"'\lIIV"'_,,",,";W;""""""*{""'''__~!!r~.~~ .lnte,~eG:tloll~,S,Wmll)ary..ir:~1?f~~~M:1~~}F:t~~iJt.~~if~h~~'?i~~~~"1r~~~~~~~~'~~2~~\~~~1f~:~m\(~ii:4:{~'._ HCM Average Control Delay '. .. 35,.3c. ..<..HCM' l2evel,of Service D .' . . HCM'Y~!~Q1Efto'Gap~~i!Y.t~ti9~?~1,~(':{::~;A~:'-:O;~.1It~'1,;;:;'I~;~~:'.t=:i:~f.Y.~:~~~~;~:~.1:~~(~'~':;f..~l:,. ~~ ~:>~,'f}(iY'o{\:;~~:,;t~~i;~;:~J~~~~~:.~?:"j '? ~"i~:. Actuated Cycle Lergth (s) . ,1200,: .":;'1:' .Sum .of.losUime (s) . 14.0 Interse;ction.Cap,aCit)t Utiliza~()n', ',.81 .6%, i;~\f.' ;1~,LJ'_Levelof S~rVice . : ;:;., :..;. '9 Analysis Period (min) . ...~. 15. 'Co. . ,. ."..' . c;. Critical.Lane Group:. ,): '.'.' ;..' '. - '. '" .~. '. ',"';" , J -,.- 1 ,;..' Pioneer Parkway at Q Street 4:00 pm 2/2/2005 2018 Build phase 5 lead_120 sec cycle length. Synchro 6 Report JRH Transportation Engineering . Page 3 , . Lanes; Volumes, timings 41: Q Street & Pioneer Parkway .f 10/5/2006 -+ ,. '( - ...... '\ t 1": .... + ..~ liaiie<;Gr()uP'\1~.I"1!lf,~3~;EB~~i;EEil;i11t'iiEBR!~WBtEiJf:WB;p~VVBR'i~iNBL~NB.Tif1ifJ\iBR~SBm,\\1ii'SB.I4,i!?fSBR . Lane Confi9urations t l' 'It l' '1'1 tf> 'I' tf> Ipeal:Flow (vphplt:. ,,: 1800, .1800 . 1800 1800., 1800,1800 , 1800. .18001800 1800. 1800 18.00 Storage Length (It) 0 . 50 110 110 200'.' 0 180 0 Storage'lanes'.. ,..~; .'.:: 0 . ,'1..,.,1 1 "';;l' " ',1,.: .. ...' '..0 '" .,,1 ..>," .~. ,;.0 Total Lost Time (s) . 4.0' 40. . 4.0 .,5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 50 '4.0 5.0.,5.0 Leading Detector. (It). ../i... .'.,i;, 76', ';,76.: 76 180. . . J6"'::O-. 76 .,. 320.. .,. .,,76.' '30Q:"iS);: Trailing Detector (Ii) .' ., 0 .0 0 15 O. 0 1600 150 TurnirigSi>~.~p,:(fr)P.~):(; ..,:~5~"..,;, , ;~I~ : 15" ,<. .:;,~:"<. 15::",:(i~(':'<;'.;..9.,."'.,15k'::r",\~\;:.'~'i:9 Lane UtiL Factor 1.00 1'.00 1.00 1.00 100 '. 1'00. ?97. . 0.95 0.95 100 095.. ()95 E"Jt~it"~:;4;'G>' ~~:7~,t:, ; '. , '. ~,; < ~':'" t ,:/.0: ~,5,Q ';;:;~!.:,>, ,...~I ,.0: ?,5,.9 ;::T.:,.~:-';,f~~:':: O. ~~7 j:,3<?i\'t (.\:'<' ..,/~:<, ,.0 :~8Q ~:~~ ',~;:;~;~ Fit Protected . . 0.950 . 0.950.. .. 0.950 . Satd.:Flow'(J5r~tF:'.';"'.:, .""'0,:;.1~4~",;:1485 ..1.66Q . ..1748' ".148N':322F3F8:..<:'::'<.0~':)660 :.3?7~..:;.i~~~:0. Fit Permitted 0,950 0.950 . 0.950 ' . Sa,ta'FI6w:(perl11).',;~\0<17~~~,:/1A85 "': 1.6~0 ..,.1748 : '.1185'~.3?? 1t ;ri~17~i.U('-0;;1660:,3.27 :lr~"';('\;Q Right Turn on Red . Yes .Yes~ ... " Yes. . Yes Satcf.FloVi;' (RtO R Yi';'.''i \"..<~ ~:.~. ~',:, f ~.?JI~~. <"';; ~" ,,:145 ::'~. . <. -\~:, ::-::-';2~itY~i;'f:~ ]I(;:; ~"''/~~r~3~~~~~;;:~:'3?{:;Y~~'~h':'~ fJl~';1.1}~,~~~",Ot~tt~ HeadwayFacior' '., '1'.Olr'\bci' i06" 1.00 1.00 166 100. 1.00100 1.00. 1.00 . tl~~.b~~:~~~in&1r!~l~'J;";"IJ'; .;;:'J:~~T' . .;;c., .,. ~~~ ;:~i~~~~i'~4fb:l;)(';;'f ~~~;:' ";,"'~i,:/":,:;'*Jr'7;~~!,;q;*ii; . :r.r~X~I/JLr!i~ '( $) :.~~t!;\(:}'~'{"f.t:};:}~,;.::>j;~,.',:~;,~,~l~;i!~~%,::~~{t.l~,;t~; ?~,:~?.i'".5 .:'~ ~ \;';~~~i*.{~~l:1}~~i;)~'i{?f~1: 1;~~{:a~;~:~;~!1'?}'~1~}~;~::~;'~;?~ '''~~~~~~;~~1 Volume (vph) .. '. .0. 140' 200 .220 350, 338 420755 305 ,183 1024 103 l?e~K;t1ourt?stQrJ;;,j,.j;'.':';: O.~~,' ,:};O ;9?/w:0 Ig!5 j,:, 9" ~5;~:, o. 9&i'*;:0~~~~~g, ~~t729:~'?t';':jQ.95, ,;';',Q9"~.:~;~;Q;g5?j\0 9? Adj. Flow (vph) , 0147 211 232 368.~356..'/ 442 ' 795 .. 321 .;193 1078.108 @\'~;<3fClupf,l~w (Vph)" ':"r"~:q;)''j~\14 7,',,"2).. 1,iJ:,:\?32 .;;;,:~6~;:"~;;39R,Vtf~:j\,42,;1..11,1q10.':t;~ Q;:::;Z~ 91L~1~~?ff':.;~~r;(Q . Turn Type ... Perm . Prot .. P~rm PrC!t. . Prot. . . . ;~~~~tf;iiii;~J;+;;;~";:i~r~:'~:~,;:,'::,~,:t.;~;':',:;f~~:,~it~~~~~:~\t~~~~:~r~i?::::;;.;~~::.::;~;~:::;~;~ ::.,~ . Minimum Initial (s) . .... . 5.0 .5.0.., 7.0 60..'...;~.9',,',:.5.0i":,~8.0 ;..,', .\5.0.; '.8.0: '.. ,;, .... M. .m..u'ni.SI.t'(s.) '".: ..' '.".14,0,> .14.0 ',,17'.0, ~'29.0"":'29'O"~':'14 0.,.1.'29 0" .,);c, ,,'.<140"'~.2 9.0',-,;;:,hl'" ,.;,. .!r:11 ~ '; . .,;, J~),,~, . /if".,,,, t'~', ~' .' -',', '. . "-:, ,.," . .:. (""" _ ',;~"'J~fi.~,~.,,";, __~<::':..>.:.~. " :J,' '. .. ~,;, ..f...", .:~..' .""'~ ....."/ ~~, ~~. ',,, 'Jf~~<'\;: t; . ;"" .-:,: Total Split (s).:, .0.0 17.0 17.0 25.0 <420 ;:',,~?0,:~,,240,:;: ,(560 ,00 .220...54.0. 0.0..;... Io!aU:;pljt (%mjf10X.>\..o::()~/o, 142".1ot1~.2% '20.80~ .$~:OO(o:.:3?:.o~;i'?():.o%}i~~.'?o/~~>O..QO!o'''48~~o/?'iI,5;Q%':i,OQr..:. ' Maximum c;ree.n(s),;. 8.0 ., 8.0: )50 . 330,:,~33;9.f;.~,5b: ,.510 ., S!30. ;499 . .', . ::. ~~~i;~~~~~<ll;:~~~;J,!~$!~~J#~J~;:~~~I~~}~:;. cc... Y~hlcl.e .!,,*~:Slqn;(~ )J)i'i'F,I)-'.i'; ..1 '9":':'01: 5 .... ":'~; 5 B'''.. '2,5;1 'i2',5';~\4;i~,5:'I~',:3,5.i::~,::,"",;;:~x~~1,;5.,'r~r,,.3:!5':,:;tL.~ Recall Mode .'. : Min. . Min . Min.. Min.. .Min."..r,;Min,G~Max: ... ,.Min C-Max .... , Walk-:'Tihie"::'(s):~li~~~::i\L'(;,;;~stw"'k-'.~:.;;:;.",.,. .- ~ .t':-, _T :-:~,. ~~l' "" '6.0"',;.,:, 60 :d':?.;?'.:r-'<""~ ,,';, ';6,o/,..;m',."i'~"'M"""j,,:'~: f';"'~.{6 'Q".,t.',!-;\;jlt'$ ~"..",: ,i {~~"'.:.t,,,,.~,,,.y,,},,i'~'~"'''' .'.. "::.\;~{~ .'.,~~."".' ::;~'t.. ...~",..."'i"",;J.,..~ 1\ .;."",,::';'"')~~''-'-"''.'-.'.;'. ,:'~ :' \~':'i~.? .:' Flash Dont Walk.(s) .. ..14,0 14.0.. 18.0 . . 16.0 . Pedestrian Calls (#/hr) '1." ".,;,.. "1: ,;':1 0."":,c:.:19*'~;i;!;j:,~i:~y!i..,10t":"::P7';~"!:::h';",,'i:tJ9:(~f(+.:" Act EffctGreen (sj" 130 13.0 200, 38:0.380 ..200.51.0." 18.0,49:0 . Actuated g/C Ratio" ....0.11..<0) 1 .. ,0:17'... 0,3?,1: 9}2,;:':;;Q.'lV\9.~3::,;1;"~';9.'.1? ;'''~9.~) . v/c Ratio' " .0.78 0}3 0.84 0.66 .0.57 0.82 0.80. 0.78 0.88. Uniforni:Delay;,d1,.'i'"l:':'i~2.1. . 15,7 .484: .35.5....11.1....48'3,; ;,28.3 ' . 49.0 .. .32.5. Coniroi Deiay 79.2 33.0 66.6"'37.4144" 543 . 22.2 .55.0 '; 291 Queue DelaY'.' . .5..'!I 0.0 234 48.9..2:3;;:"0.0,,:::,>;722,';0:6..'15.5 Total Delay 84.5 33.0 .90.1 86.3 .16:7 54:r. 94X. 556 44.7 . Pioneer Parkway at Q Street 4:00 pm 2/2/2005 2018 Build phase 5 lead_120 sec cycle length. . JRH Transportation Engineering. . . Synchro 6 Report . Page 6 . ,. .' . Lanes; Volumes, Timings ." 41: Q Street & Pioneer Parkway. j 10/5/2006 '- " f - 4... ~. t r \,. + .; . . . tane.:Gt6Ui5';f,:i~i~1~;;'~~EB['1\~j;-EBt~':~EBR!'1WB~;WBti1\WBR~~~NBlJi\',~NB:(,~!iNBRii;;J;iSB~'f~SB;ti!liYSBR LOS. .' " .F C F F B :0'. .:.F, . iE., '0 " ..' Approach Delay 54.2 61.3 .83.0 46.2 Approach LOS. , .. D, .~ F .'.:,<',' ~D , ." '. ~. .. . ;./ ' 1"t.";"".'."t"'~""S.' ,.""'""...~",,,'<-,,'''''''''!Il~''''$ili''''''','''''''''''''W"'i/'.,,'~'"'.,''-''''"",.!)j.~"""~";<;!II1'-<il;,M";.,'\I""~'~'t'U!c1.,,'''''''''''~'''_''',.,''''^ n. ersec IOn!, ummaryit~~ii;1t,~#~~j03~tt~;~4';'P1!Jtf<<:~,:~(,~~t~~~~~ftU;F:!f~';'i~;t9.r.p:.',".,;l~:!liJi~ritr.;:~~,i~,~ttw~:t>;l.:jy,:4r~j}~~~~it.~;:~~j~ffi.~~ AreaType:',. {',;.:.,;Other,'~i.:,". :..., ,'.,',,,:. :.f ,.., ..,f,". Cycle Length: 120 .... .,.. . .. Actuated Cycle Len(jth: 120. ",t,,.:,.:'J ;. '..""..'" '.. :' . ,.'. Offset: 112 (93%), Referenced.to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBT, Start of Green Na\QraL,cycle:,90'. J, ,H~..:,: :c';';,:,;,;'.':::' .,' ",;~: . '(. Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated. .MaxilT]ufn:v/c Ratio: 0.88"'.;,},,' . Intersection Signal Delay: 63.8 IntetsectionCapacjty Utjlizatlqn81.6:Yo.'" . Analysis Period (min) 15 . .- ",r?~ ,~,,,t:.:,, .;' '-" ",!". h~:"\':\" ',,~"}'. ", ',: . ;~':':4f:' ~~, ,c<:;:,;,,, >~"-~ ~".":it'?:.,;. ~';:l~; '.:l!-\-f,,:~',i: -'.'; Intersection LOS E . 1. JCU Level:or:;;eivice,D.~ j """, Splits and'Phases: 41: Q Street & Pioneer Parkway t.~~......,,,,..~>..__..............,. ,..1 '-:,~1, .... . .l~,~~, . 1_<~3 ,....,,~ 50 "'s",:';'L.!Ji;;;i;:;::'.~""'--h~ii\!.~:n-r~--~.--____"'.l'*fi""'fl< --ii~'i'-,,'"'~_"~~.'";;,;.;,'",rc".'.'''-.------'"~J}'~'i'~~''' "j~~1IiJ:"",<qj: 122 "S"''''%\',t''~'Jt~,[I'''''''':'~'_. \, (1 _.?Si;;U. .";IJ?I"lt.'_25'S~~';$""'~."'~JI'S':;:if; :. '-'''''''~.Jm';'''''t''~'''_'..''"'.~'''''''''''~'. ..,,"', ".'-'.""''''''''. 1:-.'"'' ,," , d.,":'=~"."'_ \~ . d '.. '.. ~ ... 12 ".''''''';''i,''''''''I''~' 5"s"",n"""':"",""._M',.,~_r,';"',$',w""'j!_"'~""I'.~'" '2"'"'~""-.'---"''''''''~-'=IJ'''''' ~lSOl",!..,"""--.,,,,.-~ill" ,;...l,,,,. ~,. 'cc""<i'-:lP""Elffil'lreil'~gUljI3',l.:';,~,~j",;,\-,~~""!Ul1l3'$d'~,-,,W4."m,"&l,''!i:"L',~;' ;.1"1;,.\ ~ ~'S~~l'"~A~ """~- .'"". ':" .. ,t... .-. .', ..' . :-:~ c ~~'~_'~~:;..) . "2"'~::~'~':~:, "'.' _ ':~:.-_ ~ :,-.., " ~~~~.:~.~~.:.ff:t....~ ~~'.;'..,~.~ :' ?~-~',~t.~f~?i,"'!:;~ ~?~: ~ ~:.;: :. ''- .-':.. -~~-/..::' ~..:',~.~:,,':: ,. ,- ~"~.~~,~,,?~:3~l~~:~:t!t{~:::::~ ;- ~,Z:~f0hi~!~:~t~,;~:;,~. .. , ..',' .'> . t:. r.: ,':':'l" ., ,'" ".,r .X":,.. ,... .' ~ . \e.....,;(!:;-., ",".J' .'" '". - -'~' . '. "'-"-; .. ..~ .,J . .:~6~i;"',:::-.-M;,~ic..._~ ',..~'0': . ~ :~, ". .. ;'.:'!,' ,;.'.' ...', ~ - '~~-- ',,,, -i ~:,~';;:;1,..i._.-::~ - ~ .:':' ,--; ;'- . Pioneer Parkway at Q Street 4:00 pm 2/2i2005 2018 Build.phase 5 lead_120 sec cycle length JRH Transportation Engine.ering Synchro 6 Report Page 7 ., HeM Signalized Intersection ~apacity Analysis 73: QStreet& WB Hwy 126 Off Ramp . 10/5/2006 -. " (' .'+- ~ I' . . . . ,--''',, ",,-,,".1__"""~';~:1'5~:";:'~" "t?'"" -'., ,..''':'..,- ,.~.~, "'-'~"-:,',..,___',' ." ,'," ,u,__, "" - .',', '-,,",,' ','-- - o;."@AA~W"';""" "'l-~.,.'","~-,'-'w~tf~;'""",1t""*j<'i)I'Ii,"',;"ioiUj "~~,,,~~ Mbvejnent~iJf<i::m%~~"i~,~t~1;:~\~EBJ~~~EBRiJ}WBI.5~WBJ;~NBlft~NBR~:~~";h~~~,~~~~ltt~;y.f~~J~$f:~i'@2"&~t~~~11!f8t~4fJ!.f~':;~~i~'~\~. Lane Configurations t t 'I " Ideal Flow,(vphpl).". ,.,1800 n800, , .1800 1800 1800 '1800, Total Lost time (s) . 4.0 4.0 . 5.0 5.0 LaneUtil. Factor, " .),00/"., ': . . ,1.00 100 1.00, Frf 1.00, 1.00 100. 0.85 FltPro\e~tE?d, ';'.' ,'1 ,.QO.., '> .".,: i. .'1.00 0,95 1.00.:'" . 'Satd. Flow (prot) 1748. 1748 1660 1485 F:ll:perinilteij"". .'., ",'1.00;';"' ',' ',' 1.00 .0.95.'1:001 Satd Fiov/(perm) 1748' ,~..,. 1748 1660 1485 Vcilurrie(v'ph):<,!.;" h ':,628.!"r:0;;;",-0" '483. . 426., <65,~:?,'j Peak,hour'iact~r: PH!:" 095.' 095' 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Agj:'Flpw,(vph) ',;,':';::i,:,',;661'..:;,::, , \O~" ,;0: '508 448 ,. );t'::y~: , RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 0 0. 49 . . Larie"'Group~F,16w'(vph')~;~'i'661 . t~: 0"'0' ," '",ro 508 ,\. 448t~{; ~f';19{,;,~~:~"~j(...,-''-~c;3::,{f;jt:tk~';,j,:1~<~;2:;~~-~t~l1,~'~\,,;;~;~Z'\t::~f~. Turn Type Perm PfRt~,~!E!d P.ha.s~st~:'ij;>" 6.",:. Permitted Phases A~t~~t~9l ~~e~n,', G:' ($). '!~. 9 > . :,.,t"~';:)~'~,' :;16.9 ~:,;.~4. 1 ~~:t .~4.:,1."/:~:/~!:':";~~~1~~: }t{~~H~;t~<t~{~~~~;~s,~;":;!l ,t~~:~t::1~t(.~} EffectiveGreen,g(s) 76.9 76.9 34.1. 34.1 . - , A,c,iuate.', d. g/.,C,'..R. .~t,i6),::,;~..,'""ii'.Q64:,..,.::."""':t,, . 0 64 028. '028' . ,. "" <>.' '.'''V~ u.'. ~, , . ... Clearanc'eTime'(s)' '4.0' .,:\0.; 50":; '50';"~'."':'."',:~,Jii;~;;;;;;'{;:~\~:~~;;:C~~~' _' . '\IehiCle. ExtensiOn;'{ s r";!~,';f>:\';;' 3 :.o>~ .\ 3. .0,[ "' .,-3.0."':; <3,0 !?~ ':~}'!~~' ''',J ~~'?::f{!~"f ;g}j9I:~~~y ';}":+~~~':f(i';*7if~~i.S"~?~~~::;~1. . Lan~ Grp Cap (vph) 1120.. . , '_. 1120 472 422 Vl.~~~_a!i~ ;Pt?~~~J,~~;:,:%~~ ~;' ::/c.o'}~.t'~~~;;~~;';?~:j:(/'<~,.~' ,~O ;29,'~' 9.0 :?7~',?: ~';~'i~~~~::"~~~~~ A,\(,:~~,~;],~~~~t~~::~'.Jt [~~~~}2~~'~~1~~f}~"]~~i~~; vis Ratio Perm ... 0.05 ", . . ., v!<?':~,~~o:l~~';:';~cr -::'~.J,~'c;;~~;,;'<,,9 .5.~.z~"i;.~: ,/ "', ,.' ,;7" :,,:~t: -~:-:,'. O..'1:?:.'.- 9 :~5, .,:,.' 0 :,P5,' ~::~:\~'~:;t~':;~!.~~~;~~~;~~{~tj~;~J~~~W~;~g1~ft:~~:L~,~.~'i; Uniform Delay,d1 12.4". ."10.9, 42.1 31.2'. .. :', '.:, :".'.:.'7'.::::~;.. ',,: .. , ~rog r,~~~(oJfI ?(:to"t~ :~i:~i :~p.."e?};;~;~-,~~,?~~:~~?j;'~'::!.~i}~~~ :'~~ .00, '~'. ':1:. Op ~"" ',. 1,: q.()' ""''';fiJti~~>~~~~~FJ~:f~\;~it9f<~~*~~f~~l~t~~~~l~;t , Incremental Delay, d2 1.3,... ., .1.3 . 28.6 0.0. . ...' .::: .:;-""'''~;-l:-!','\ :'''~.o,~,: :"" Delay' "'(5) ',":,:,.:,>j" :');}'t..,;.~W;:-Lk-L12'0'~:-':' .~'~ 22 ";707' .;,. '31'2~ "'~'~d,;;li"".,}" i;':~:-""";:--'i''!t~r~..,~"i'~'!.f;~,-",:~.e.r''~~'k.(~-tt);!;;.'oi..,.:),~~.i;t';<",_J , .." ,., ,. "" . ';'..if.:':!.',"!,';,1":c:':~":-2,~"i';!",' .'(':' . ~ . "',.t-' '., .:,';', ::. ,. ;~~;;"',':-'~'.,',,,.tj:-,,j;)~'t~,',>':X~~\;~~"'''~';:rb:~:}~;l;:lI':"<.\-'~~"~'-;~\;,:~,::' Level of Service B _ . B ,E C .. .~.",., ,.c1;',F..''lif:'.'.'d, \.. . '~~~~~~~~1f~t(S);;;;(,:;<: ~~.2~':~'0;;:':;i~t~J;~;";',1J'~.:.f65:~'i:~~t.k.;;}~'t.';;i~\i~~~~l~~~Y~~~~~~~~~~;~~&;h C"C~'C'~"''f''''''''~-'''''_.'''l1'", '"'' '~.'~""' ",,,,;wm"_r_~"""l'i:""~il""'T;i1i':l~~,,';;'4~';:~1ti.~,,,j~ In!er$e9tlolhSUl11l11ar:y~.;,~;~_DllIli'l(-!li.~"""~,tll!'!~,l!!1'llili;\\!;~l!i",~_,"",,,ii'<'1li!i;/,'_,d,_"C.' ,,~~~.._~~_,,~;ii\1 .,'. ~~~:~~l~~~~t;~~~~~(;~J~~tib:'~(:i; "~~7.~ ~, :: ':: ,~,~?~~~~:~~~~,:~~~~~:~~ 1~:ff'i)~:i~~i~0,~fti'~{{~~;&$~~tk;t Actuated Cycle Length (s) . .120.0," Sum of lost time (s).., ' ., .,9.0:.4:",:""';,':.";"'..::'; - !bt~rs~gtipn };;~p>~,pitY . Umi~~~ion ' :{: 6!}~~ '~;- .)- I C~ LeY,e~, cif:S~rVJc,~'. ?f7>?~\?~i,~~~~tJt~~~{S;.6~;~~~~~~~~frl~~;~.f.0;,~;'~~,+:t~~~W: ,.Analysis Period (min). 15 ... .~. ,..... c '.CriticaI..Lan~e',Group;:'c-~,..,.... ,~. ..' ~ /'._ J' '-\ .~~,;~"\~.~,:,.~i";;;~:~~~;;)~f'?,.;~t;;:':":' -:' '-)'0; . ". . :~.~ ~:, ~i;" .';' .:,..:Jc. {"~ ,'''.'' ..: ., ~:~.., , ;',' ,/.~,;::/""7- . ,"'" ,'~ ~~. , ,r.-., , ... .~.:-' ' . .. ;.0.' .... .-"""" . : ~ ',':.t ,.. Pioneer Parkway at Q Street 4:00 pm 2/2/2005 2018 Build phase 5 lead_120 sec cycle length JRH Transportation Engineering Synchro 6 Report Page 4 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 73: QStreet& WB Hvity 126 Off Ramp 10/5/2006 .- ..... of +- ..,. ..1 -~~nefGrou~~~~l~t~~!~EBlt~~~EB'R~~WBI~'~jWBJ~~~lij'atr~NBR~jk~~~~~il~{t~!~~~}*,~~Wi~~ff"l~~~~llg~ Lane Configurations t t 'I 1'. . IpElal Flow'(vphpl)".,. .1800,1890. 1800. 1800 11\001809.., Total Lost Time (s) . 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 Leading Detector (ft)1 :180 .. 180. 140:, j40 Trailing Detectot(ft) 15 15 80 80 ;rIJr~i~gSpeed.(mph)\.'''., /9 ,.15" , : ;, .-~~,";i\"9 ,..,.. Lane UtiL Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00' 1.00 1.00 1.00 . t]1'.'..,,<.',\, ..',. .,. ,'.', ";'U.';,;:f.Q:859~. Fit ProteCted 0.950 ~ilt~::Flo,#(prot) 1.748/:;,'. >0.\.'>0, ,1748", 16~Q(?:148fi';':>:)~;: Fit Permitted . 0.950 ~atcL FlowJperm)'\:":, ~1748 <,.<.:,0,.1/';,::0' 1748:..1660~~J4?5:c:'i ., Rj.~ht Turn on Red '., .,. . Yes . ., . .. Yes . .. Satd. ",law '(RTOR).":F..,',;..i: ,','. .... . ".'/L' }V,'.. i,,', , ,',' ""'". '~",'Y"'68<);'.'ir, ,,0' , ',' ,', """ ," ',u, .,', '. _', . ,",'.' .'"' '. ,'" ~ ','." ""':'~ ,,' ' c."',.... ,v'-~ .'-\:, ;'.. . "',""'" , ,.' .., Headway Faclor'. 1.00' 1.00 '1.60 10b .100 .109 ,." ~irik, Speed ,( rilph), /,~:~,t'":;',l~?;:t40;"~f)';{'f:;'~ :.,~.." ~;:;::6r,;~#&~,,:.(6 . 40;~~ ~:'~:),: 25 :'.)}1;~\,,~,\~::-;t";'V':L":V ~;7'.;:. :. ':' Linkbistan'ce (it) , , . . 297.... .... "'43'1' 350 ',' .'... Tiavel.Time'(s);;"'i.;y,..L":i.5..1 7.3~>'i,9.5,;:r:\.'j,,~$,~e,i"if;i.) ; . v'" Volume (vph) ... . ....., 628 483 . ' 426. . 65 . . .. . R.~~~t!ourf~c!6r';,f:,,,/!r;:.9,~,5 1 " 0.~5' :;0~9~; :.:0;~5:~,~9;~~.':<i,;;Q:9!j;ii'f~".;!,:;.~;~ ,;,;::,<;{. Adj. Flow (vph) .,..661 0 0508. 448 68 .. . ,~~~.~'~h~'[94PJfI9~(.c~'p,5)~~~;~L:~~:11;f)"t~:,,':(f9;,~'i;':;~~< Q t::~:.,r'.~9,?,if;~~ :~44,?r;:~~l,tt.~~/>~{~~~~~~2*,';(:'~~~\;:,":~~'~;~:;; ~;~)~;:;~:;ii;;[{.;:;,.:".~~~~,~,~~g~~{lt:~~~: . . .Turn Type . .,;'...'..... . . Perm . ."~_. -"." n't~'~"~lPh' ....-."" ",," """'2 ~"~'~,li ",~.",,' '.t<6'^;(""'~'~'18 >?J;"''''"'''''''~''"1.'' ,..f. ;>;_."~"~'.."~"""Ji'~":'&':":~''l,,;;:,,-'''~~.'..1,;1~n''i',,,,~:-?;.. .r:/.9,'~.~!~Y.~',,~", a.~.~~j~';~i~;3~X:~J~1/:' :.,:?",;J~:.~~~/.'p,~;;:~tf~l~~7;f\;,"'.1J~~ '. ti~~1~~;,; :..~Y:~.i:i~,~~~i:~,i,'t~<:~;:t:'\,~i-;' :- ,~i;,~:.!t:->:Pd ~'r::''-:'''0!F'~Y:'l~::r;~iiiKi'''< . .P~rr:nittedPhases... :.~: ..,~ .... _.. .... B,.... '. ......._.. . - !?~~estqh.'~ha,s.~,~ ;~{~:~. ,~;:~~?'~J;,/'? "t!:;~ ~f;j;:fL.~j'~$!r~j;~~j(;it:lJ?c :\\;'V\:~;~;:~:~jl1:~t;~:~J~:'~~ ::-; 'f,::; .' ,,~, ': >,'i~:. ;li '~:~':" if>'; ;'ti:~~jti(t,~~~;j~i::;}t.;~~~~~; _..'~ '0.-," ., Minimum Initial (s)..' . .. 6.0: ' 6.0' . 6.0.'. 6.0. . . . .. .,. '...' ..' "' -.',.'",..., ',.' ~.-- ,'~ ',n"..~',.."""-":~"","""""\~.' ",~,.""", , "c'.,,' , .";', " ',n", ' , ,?'. . ~ '#"'"',",.._,,,,~...-''''''''' .. ~,..IQI,m.. .ym.., ,?P.!.I.t( ~) lc.."~..',.;:,;;...,.2. 2. ;O.J.';'",",i~..,.':i!b"..:!:"..~, .,.,,~.:I:;.Yi' "1,1. .0., :,0, ,::i' 27;..0. ,27.. 9...4;'. -'.C. " ," ...., ,. Total Split (s)- ,,,:':';,.,, 66~0 =: 60 .0.0 '660. 54.0 540 .;,t'#,i;i'0;-:"l\~'ii!1;';!~"?~~:~;~\~~::/':i,\;.:,__ '. :, ;;rot~l.ppht '('Yo)::\\":~;I::;..~5:00/?. - 0.0% .0;0~/o5~;Q% 45.0'lo'~5;P%i~":~~i"1',;..,~;, ". ...~ ".: c'"::.<,;./~r';i;jR'if.).'-ii?~~~i,,:~t/:..,:;,;: . . .:': ..;<;~~~~~Tm~:~s~~~ii*tt::.JU:;i';~1~;'i:ji:" . ,~,~: ~;t,\"~:'~'l;;,,;~~:~v;;t~S':~ : 'i,. .;i~s;.i.;'";i~'i;;;,~,;?,~~:,f~~;l,~t4:~k~:t~i:,' ..:;Ail-RecrTime (s).".::7.;';.;'cfo; :'. . 0.0 1.0 .10'. 'H . '"P<_' .q.' . ,,- ~~~q~~c!g'~~;;~;~'7$~~r~~..~??1.:~~1$~ i:~::?:, .' '~:;~~~I~J,",~~fi;~;f~Z~~" ..""";,,, ''''O;'i'~Q"t'':;;''',w;i:;,~~;~~lt.~~!".', .Recall Mode <.;,,' .C'Max. '. C.Max Min.. Min: . ., .... ,....ff..<r.,'~'::~, . 'lJVal~"I'if1"e!;(s) .':"i':j1"i';~'8;0,;"r.~':i I '. . ,"'" ;,)',,)'\".8.9 ;..~~i-8,Q..~, Flashtlont Walk (s)lt..:,.lO.'O.... . .14.0 . 14.0 Ped.estr.ia~,C~lIl~ (#/h,r)" ,,:.'t10:~<.;""':-:.,J.. . .' .,':~_.'i'}:';<.'\' 10>'.;'(",10 ..' . .'.',",,:, Act Elfct Green(s) 769' . ,. ... 76.9-' - 34.1' '34.1 ," Actua~~d g/C.R?tio ;c' O,13~'{4j''',i':'j'i.':f', ,.. 0.64 0.28.. ;0.28 ' vie Ratio .. 0.59 0.45 0.95 .0.1'( Uhiform'Delay; ,dl. 12:4':,~.i'i.\:".. '-, '" ,,10,9 .:',.~2)::.: "0.0 .". Control Delay . . , 14.0 . . 141 46.1 64 . quetifDelay ...." A:O .,....".'.1',:;,. :9.2 :,.':> 1.,t., . .9.0:",.'.>":,. .... . Total Delay 18.0 144 47.2 64 ... LOS,... ....,' .. '., B' B. .''':0. . A'.'" Approach Delay .18.0. 14~4 41.9 .,~ . ';' :!..~ -':' ..J.~~ .~. ".. .... ,>0 " , .--'~ .;\.- ,'t." . ,'" '" . ;~:. . 'l,"":;'''{. '~~:-r' ~;,~r .... . ~;,}.r " "~-. ~, ..' .,. 'i:~:~f;~:;13t?~~:~:-:~~:4::~"',: ~",' ~.~ '--,' ~'." '";'" "',' '. , . .' Pioneer Parkway at Q Street 4:00 pm 2/2/2005 2018 Build phase 51ead_120 see cycle length JRH Transportation Engineering Syncliro 6 Report Page 8 ., Lanes, Volumes, Timings. 73: Q Street & WB Hwy 126 Off Ramp 10/5/2006 -+ t ..(' - "\ 1 l!ane1Gi1)'upJ~,~~Jr~lt~~~EB]~t~~EBBflJlWBlf~,I;WBf~lNBIl~~NB8~~i,*ti~ir(4~~f#~~li~~lg*'[%.~ Approach LO~ ., .:/" ,B ," : .. B. .D,. ~', ~ 'I; ~? '. .'~ .I'rt.'. '~'"'t."....'ts-."-' .",.' ,.,,"'r'~'""''''1lt.''''z:!i5''i''..,'.'.H''''~;:''i\'':;,v,!d' ;~.'","..""""_,~..."_,,:,"c,,,c;~_'",,,2:l:i\'.'.;\!'fdl'~~~'''';t~: n erse,c lon~, ummary,~';'~$1:~~~r~~~W:~lll,;JJ2,~;1..','{}3k'i},~ik;~,~,'\}"l/!,.;,i;t~:l~~:4;,~lk'7a,~'1'~;-~1l,~;4'Z~~\N(,;~;(t~f~1~~;';;':'~11f~t&f"~%"{:~k1fi\;:"%iiiJij,,',}i^'ttt~,:;;;MI Area Type:. .~ "~', Ot~~r': Cyde Length 120 . Actuated Cyc.le Len.gth. 120."'.'" . ,. . ", .. " ",: , . ,"k', ,.. . ,. _,._, ,., .'.;.' ...J-:.~e~"~:~:':",:-~,.'''';''il\3. . OJ' _,.~..,.'.~. Offset .100 (83%), Referenced to phase 2:EBT and 6:WBT, Start of Green Natural .Cycle. '60 :".""'.' "....:,, .,1"': ," ',. '. <;.. '., . " ,~, <"""..::i,--'.~:V',-,,; ,1 '.- .,' . .~ !,", Controi Type ActUEited'Coord'in'ated .. Maximum.v/c Ratio' 0.950' y;tr,:.:..:~' ;'", .:,j'V. ; . , ",' . ." ." .-. ",,'.,. __ "' ' ':>"," ','" . ""~ ;;:: ~'" ,", . ',(,.,,011" .~. ' Intersection Signal Delay: 24.2 I htersectionC!,!paClty lJ.!ilizatioii,67,3%iL,,':1. ' Analysis Period (min) 15 . , ;- ,.~ '.,'1, fl<'. . ~ "'5' Inte.rsection . .'Icu.Levelqf?~rvJc~'9' J'\'S~~;:;1:;;P::~~.~~t~1t':;~~:rj'ri,~: -j,:;;\~~~,~,~/ '::~;1" r: \:~"' Splits and Phases 73: Q Street & WB Hwy 126 Off Ramp ~~. ~~ i66rs"'~'j~'r;?l~1f~'j-J~=.1,~ilu.€';;:il*:~:i!i~~'~,!;,;'%w1f{,:l;~:;'~~iw~:g~",ill'H"Tc",<;v"'fc~~~,I'.::!k~t 5'.o1:S~'''lk~.E?$i>~lEi~~~~''1~~~;a~'f~''JJlf;;r~~:'~it:i~~rl'~' . ,",.~~~..'l'-"...:",t~''';"L,::tW:~,."@;,L~tJtW.~'M;'""",;:iM''''^~''''fe,.i6#~:'h-",",s)>.~1I>,\~<1I,;'~"F.::'" ,';,~ij", ~, . c""""'~'~;t"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,""'r,<~,,,-,...4~~;:j~S\'i")='~"'1""",,-~, ~fN.~ ' d _ . ... . .'....... ....,. '-~ ... -,.- '-. "". .. "'""'~' ',-.-'" ' '"-,-"-... ,,";--',-:-::, . ~-. .~~ ... .~ . , ::., , '. '- ."....., ". :"~">;'~ :. <'. ....-'.'.. .~ :,~F~' :~,~.' - . " ~., "I..... ..' . . ,,' .. .~; , ,.' , ,'. r:",c '-.'-',:,>.' ,.-.. -.:..~ .. .'~' - "1_ tC~~f:- :~. - ,-I; ;-";';,~'.'''-'----'' '''- '.r ,~_'" - ~"'~""""'" --;.'z., ;'. .,' /{:~,... - -. . ,:;~,7,t.i::. \: ,'. '. . c -:,..., . ,:'~"":1,.:-' '. .:- ",' r ~.~':.f~.';S:~~:",. .,j..." ':-. '::: '< -_ft ':' , .i ./j;".,'.,." .. F;{JJ:t.,~';~:~. f:L ~',! ~...:.s""'~:1'~; ~"~_'i,:-:::~'",,.f:~,- . .--:-,.";'" .---.~ (..--~~'"'--~ . oJ.....:. ~;7. _ '-'" .,. ..": '':'~~., ~; ....~. '.~'.';, --~-'""....... '. .. ;. - '".j,",.- '." '.' :~ ~-;."..~'j ,.,' ", .... ..... f',.. .,. , .... ",...., -,..., -, ,.., -' ,. -, .,~ ' .,' , :./"/ ,. Pioneer Parkway at Q Street 4:00 pm 2/2/2005 2018 Build phase 5 lead_120 sec cycle iength . . JRH Transportation Engineering . Synchro 6 Report Page 9 ... . 'h! ,~ ,----.,.."""-' ': ~.\ :;,' !.. " ~~;~" ,.-.;.." "/~: : --"C;:.-' .- ,,- ::~~~~~~t::&:~(';i'~~', - ";'::!:4,~~.. ,~;~!.:.'f' ~,~.:. ,-',~:J--;:.;>,:, -:~'__l~, ~'~~:!:;I:~!?.J-....~i;~ -;":~"i" ~ ~:'. .-:.!ji.'::>..,., . ~'~"'. .. " --' '-, ~ ,..~;"" , ." " . . vo I CE__ E N GIN E E.P .PROI.ECc MANAG P LAN N E R S .';- AP'PENDIX D SIMTRAFFIC. OUTPUTS ". ",' , '~ , ,; . ~ '.:. ," 'I.::'.:: ; :,--=,;~f ,;:', , ,:Y..;,::;' ~~ , "-J _t.t~:~,;~< ". ; ~,;;;... .-.' , . .' '.~",';.... ,.' \:-,.,-~ " ? ,,: '~', ,,-," :~ ~ ,.} 4765 54 \ .687. VILLAGE I \ 08 \. n.A Z A L 0 0 p ,r,AX 541.345.6599' 'WE B J R H WEB, COM OREGON 9740\ 5 U I T E 20\ E U G ENE " Queuing and Blocking Repoh Z01,~!=luild phase 5 .Ie~ 190~_ec(;vcl~~~nEt~~_ Intersection: 1: Highway126EB Ramps & Pioneer Parkway, Interval #1" ~._,_="_,,.._,.,,__o:z::=o > 1 0/5/2006 :', '," ,,,'" ',,' ," , , " ,,"',,, --", ,',,' ,,' ',' ',' ," , ,," ',''', ' ,,', ' Movementf~~~sft~1tr~i)ft~~l~~t}~'EB"fjftf{~~EBJf?JfJf;:EB~!~1f~Z'f NBur~~iiNBjt~t~;NB~tsii:.SB.t~J~~\S-B~~i;~isB3:j\~~4S'B~f~}lS,{fifj'~~}~t1.~tft Directions Served L LT R' T T .R L . L T .T Maximum Queue(ft) 259. 226 '193 456 480 48 .142 161".,85 116 Average Queue (It) . 204 173 103 353 432 .40. 90 113 . 40 .. 61 95th Queue (ft). 287 266 201 539 605 47 163. 176 . 88112 Link Distance (ft) 497 487 487 516 516 Upstream Blk Time(%) 0:09 0.27. .. '.. '.. Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 Storilge Bay Dis! (ft): .'. 6.00 300 . Storage Blk Time (%) 0.00 0.00 Queuing Penall}i(vehf... . .' 1 1 .-. , ' . ' .~ . iM9vemenl~~lo/r~~1f~~~;~~j,~fE6~~iIfE~e*~c~~ESf~~~~NB*~~;;Jt2jN'B~rJ~~NB11~,~,~~rsBItf~:~~sBI~~~~sa1:~~~$'B,:~~~~:~C.f~~~~~.: . Directions Served L L T R T T . R . L L. T T Maximum.Qi.ieue (ft)?>,.."333. 323'.256.:. 508 . . 512< ..:.52S:.e196,~.:.226;-.;:,.,116'" ..'152, Average'Queue(itf" '194 173 112 460 503. 40 103 129. 41 .64 95th QueiJe (ft).'C<;..:,....:.. .;305 291.210. 563 528" .;.57 '183.."<209W.f99. .122 Link Distance (ft)' ,... .. 497 487 487 . ..'...! '.. "516 ' 516 Upstr~ah1E.lJ~n;ii,rie1(%)',::. 0.23. 0.54" .' Queuing Penalty (veh) , 0 0' StClrageBay.oist(ft)}') ,: 600 . .:..,; :(.399. "...".' )..' ..r}O .:,';.325"; '..?25,'~:.",;:r.. ~ '. StorageBik Tim~ (010)" .... . 000 '0.00 . . 0.47. 0.04 . Q4!!uirigge.n~lty:(V:eh).:;';,: .., ,.. 2..' :;0 ," . ,60", :,2Q,: . .' c '; 'MQY~1TI~~ntl~.~'E~$lll!i:Ea~~~8};[~~B.~~NB,~!ilN13iB~N'a,:f~se~~~se~lf~saii~~~B~Jt~j~~li~~. Directions Served: '_ . . L. LT .'. R T T..' R L . L T T Maximu.n1:queue;(m)'~""::~33 '323, 2,6?,..508 . 512<'"\$~';'20Q: .226 ;',1?1 ;160 .: Average Queue (ft)"-- ... 196 .173. ,J.10 435. 486 40. 100 125 41.63 95th;Queu~;.{ft)~~"f,rf~;:~:,;>302 ,285~'?Q8 '583 "587F";'5S:;,,':1W 20.2: 1,;96,. ,,120' ".~. Link bisi'ance?(ft).' ..". . . . 497' ,. 487..487 . . . . . _516 516 .. UpslrealTl E3lklinieJo/c;)'.. .,. . ,.. .,6.20 '0.47 .'~';'.,,' " QueJing,P€"~'~ltyi(veti):;" , . ' o' ....0' , Sl6fage'Ba.y'D,isr@:~>,;'~O'o,:<\',~3QO .' .'i'::'~, Storage BIk':Time (%f 0.00 ..0:00 .. . . 0.46': Queuing P!~i\aliy NElli)' .2 . ".:.0 . 60 . ,'. . .' ',.V;: '..':. .: 0.45 :61 . :.20, 325 0.04. .22......: . . ';~~':.'.'i~~, ;.~:;;. -. 3~5, ,'\,' , , . Intersection: 1: Highway 126 EB Ramps &, Pioneer Parkway, ,Interval #2 Intersection: 1 : Highway 126 EB Ramps & Pioneer Parkway, All Intervals ' , 20"""325'. 0:04" . 20 ,.325, ~ .' . ,_t" ,f, Pioneer. Parkway at Q Street JRH JRH Transportation Engineering .' ,'" ::.,.,:":" '. I, "';'- :"';'. - - ,.... . SimTraffic Report Page 1 . Queuing and Blocking Report . 2018 Build phase 5 lead 100 sec cycielenqth. Intersection: 40: Pioneer Plaza & Pioneer'Parkway, Interval #1 10/5/2006 . -. . ,MoY'ement~g!{~~~1,fu~~~~*i~1t~~{~,~i.EBt,;ifj%~,E'S~~f{';k,(~WB,~~~~,W8,1z*t\:'NBO\ltt;~:?NB7~i)~B'Wr~t,N6"'ai~ftifsa5}ft~''i'$B'~1:~,~S.B~~!~/ifj;.f,"{ Directions Served LT R LT R L T T R L T TR Maximum Queue (ft) 88 90 144 59 102 102 116 100 .252 . 812 698 Average Queue (ft) 40 47 82 30 49 33 52 29. 104 482 364 95th Queue (ft) 89 96 167 61 .107 99 115 93 229 887 726 Link Distance (ft) 136. 136 194 194 206 206 914 914 Upstream Blk Time (%) 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.05 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 0 0 . StoragE! Bay Dist (ft) 200 .140. 225 Storage Blk Time (%) 0.01 0.39 Queuing Penalty (veh) 2 42 Intersection: 40: Pioneer Plaza & PloheerParkway, Interval #2 Movemfj'nff~~~~~~at~:~~ft~::EB'~1~%~tEB.}~l~~vva~~WBJi'~;~1fNBJtlii}~SNBR~g~~~f-fai~,nr~N~~tF~*~7sa'~}fb~~SBt~1WI'SB,S~it~Wi~ Directions Served L T R L T R L T T R L T TR Maximllll1:QlIeue(ft)'.j'4 .',';,125.,.166.. '64 90 102'.1~1. ';.79, 254._.937922 Average Queue (ft) 28 43 87 27 41 34. 54 23 136 792 681 95thQlIeue(ft)';':,., > 67'.92.166,. .51 ..81 85 '117:..68'io'-286',.11321044 Link Distance (ft). 136 .. 136 .194 194 206 206 914 914 Upstreari1Blk Time (%) .';.; <'<OCiD ':'.9,02. ..,,, .. ... . . . ... o.?t . .0.02 Queuing penaiiy (veh) . '..0"'; . 0 _ 0 0 . Storage E1ay Dist(ft),' ,'.......'.,';'.j(";:r:.' ". " '200:/ . ..,140/225"":.. '.... Storage Blk Time (%j" ooei . 0.00 . 0:00. 0.58 Queui.n~fPerialty(ve~)' ,: . ,lV;,::; teV'J;':.. :,',\: . ,.;.,', ,.,..',.0 {U" 0'.:, 0.::"':58.:.. Intersection: 40: PionSlg~r.Elaza:&J'iQ6:eer~Eark\IILaY,:.I:\II)itervajs ..', MO:v~'meJl'tr:!~'-it~I~~r?~~~t~e){1,J'J~B\%~S.vB,~~wel:!k~'NB~lffi~~'t~t6~~)\J,B~I~~6~~[$ij~lfs.B:~SB~'~~ Directions Served-'L:r..:f;o.."R~':S:'~~I , '. R Maximum Queue (ft),""~2;"J:j29::'0"f~9'~' '.6'9. . Average Queue (ft) ., .'31';'; :;';'l;,,'~,.\f86;.~, 27' . 95th QUElue (ft);. ... .: ;:i73~!:'~H93;";:16,7.. ., 5~f:~ l.ink Distance (ft)136""~'"1j6'Cltr194: . 194 UpstrOOla.m'Blk Time (%) '. b.60''''i+;0:o6';;!:P6i6{'''J~.;' . Queuin9 Penalty (veh) . , :>hO'::jP8o"F.~':'1:"o"':;' Storage ~ay Dist (ft) "c:TigC' "?:{tJl~,\"'V: Storage Blk Time (%f ' ..' . 'c.":, .,'~.,j'" :"" . Queuing Penalty (veh) . ,.,~;.":.":,,?!'1;t; ~,~.~':-- L. T,:'.-..l". R 'lc' T TR 114:': 12~';:,,148.",108.:": 25,r?;,9j? :922 43.' '''34r' 53 24 "128 :- 717 . 605 c88.:::' .(8!(:. 117., ,,"75:; .275":.\1136,0 1031.. . 206,.. 206 . .914 914. . ....,~..., ..>..:. 0.24 0.02 ._. , O. 0 '140/. .225-;/ : ,.,.r-. :0.00. . 0.00 : '0:00 ;' 0.53 1 . 6 ... . 054 200 ;.\:;. ':, ~~ ..: '. Pioneer Parkway at Q Street JRH . . JRH Transportation Engineering SimTraffic Report 'Page 3 Queuing and Blocking Repon ,2018 Build.phase 5 lead 100 sec cvcle length. .-----------------~,.__.'.'.."" " .._,-, ",'-~. ..---~. Intersection: 41:' Q Street & Pioneer Parkway, InterVal #1 . 'o..'v'."m.".e'''n'.t\c''c'~;;i.'','.r.;',.#;s,,'.,;, E. B"""'''E'.Su ;"" WB.' .. ""';'W.B','i.l~lAJ.ulB.. oi.f..""N..B. ';;"""C'N'. B.'''''''':N. B' ':'i""N. .B.. ""'/"'S S..'';'''''''''S'S. .';;,"\;,:S'.' .B' . 11.'1 .... ' T/;~<","-.~.?-i.7_l:",t.,:,j\"'~"'!>,:~IL'~'I.~' .::"'t~.:'l' ~-"I'.:":?' .,' ...~ :,,~t.l"'" .;..,~:.::;,,, ,:"tii:':'"i'-.;" ,~;:t~{'t': ~:>:-,h- .;,:',;;.,.~r,.(f~;~~ii~.::~'~'~" " Directions Served T RL T R L L T TR . L T TR .. Maximum Queue (fl) 152 65' 142 260 144. 230 511 500 381 207 '300 250 Average Queue (fl) 147. 55 127 225 124' 208 451 304 262 186 241209 95th Queue (fl) 159 84 169 264 1n 259 665 560 421 243 326 286 Link Distance (fl).73 197 516 516 516 206 206 Upstream Ejlk Time (%) 0.89. 0.07 0.47 0.23 0.01 0.09 0.17 0.09 Queuing Penally (veh) 317 0 451 118 .6 0 119 63 Storage Say Dist (fl) 50 110 110 200 180 Storage Slk Time (%) .0.82 0.16 0.34 035 0.09 0.34 0.60 0.23 0.12 Queuing Penally (veh) 173 23 248 204 51 .75 133 .' 127 24 10/5/2006 Intersection: 41: Q Street & Pioneer Parkway, Interval #2 . . Mo'Vemen'il~~~~~:~:iij:~~~h~t;tEB'~f~,~ItEB~Jitl\WB.:,t:t~J~iWB~~WB~~~~JNat;~';~*f~)~B~r*i~,N'B~~~N'B'ff~iiff$-B~~~~S-Bf~:~~SB' Directions Served T R L T R . L LT. TR L T TR Maximurri Queue (fl) .153.. 66144. 272..147" '234,,: .,560"',568589 207. '315',.265 . Average.Queue (ft) 149 59 126 228 120.225. . 534 356 286. 178 <ZS1'. '221 95th Queue.(ft) 158 86.. 171 . -268 178 ::: 239 ..:58l ..:646 . 507 255. 311., .. 266 Link Distance (it) 73 "'197 51'6 516 516 206 206 Upstreall)'l?lkTimE!(%) . 0.89 .0.08~ 0.48. ... .,'0:33' .0.01' .0.00:0.09. . 0.24 :0.16 Queuing Penalty (veh). 296.,,0 '.432 .', . 160 6 2..0 156 106 S!()l<lgeSay qist(ft): .,. 5.0.::'1W'~.::.';' 110'".20q,,;,' >::'. ',1~fL -, Storage Blk Time (%) : '0.81. 0.18 .0.34. 0.37. 0.09 0.48 .0.79. . 0.20. 0.23 QueuingPeHijllty:(ireh)'., ,158 . 25:..229.t:-20?...;52c'..;9~5'.163.':'j,;;;! ... ...100 ....:.4?-'.,~~:' Intersection:41: Q Street & pfoi:1eeFPar.kw:~y;AIII rl!ervals ~ .. Movemenf~ti~~j~~?i.llEEf~~Ea1~~w~~"@l~~W~~~11JNBl1~fN~.~~B~~N,al{~~~SSi~sB~tKiff~'$~ DirectionsServed ' .c...>. T ,R":>".L~,'t."':.T:. R.. L L'. T TR' .'.1: ..,'. T TR . Maxiinum.QuElue'.(ftV '0',153 . .6.6"'i."'1~1c,':B?73"t.2,148:',''':234 '::560':.':::5~9 . - 589 ',_".2(j?,.:,';3,1s.".i,276 Average Queue(ftk '.,' .149 . 58',T:.126'~'2,2,!l.tiJ;,12L.::.22k,'514,:~.':.343;280 >,180 .:.'249 .218 . 95th Queue.(ft) ~:-:;e..,,, . '. 158. . 85 ',Y170",&,26~.(;r' 1n-,~' 251 c:,.:641''';';,;628: .:)189 : ,'-253 :.c;,,3:Hi < 273 . . - - '". ''', , ' .". ", !;;,.' ',",," ,'-, . ,t....' ,~, , ' ..'. '"-. ", " '",. ~~ " ,'." " ,- ,"" . " ' . Link Distance (ft). ;. . 73 .. . ~'J~o(''''~J9il':.' ... 516.", 516 ".516.' . ,206. 206 . Upstream I?lpimEl(%) ~0:89 ':.0.08"",-:'''!~X~~16:48:,~~:''i~. . .. 0.30 .. ;0.01 : .. O.OOt. '0:09,0.22,/0.15 Queuing Penalty (veh) ,. 301,.. . ;0""_!;-'::"";~""43i;',';';\.. 149'6.. . 2 . ~::.O' .147 .95 . Storag~ Bay.Disl(ft).; ..:.....,... . , ,50".',1111Fl'Y;"o,'c.: 110.':'200 . :':'.:; ,." .. .:";';"180'::":-:'_. '. Storage Blk Time (%).. '0.81:: 0.17' ";(),34';;"1f36:.~:'0.09 .0.44. 0.74'.. ,. 0?1 . ,0.21 QueuingPerialty(veh).162.. .24.; 234."'202'<'. 52 '92 155. .'10T.38 . . ,. ".. . Pioneer'Parkway at Q Street. JRH JRH Transportation Engineering. . SimTraffic Report . Page 4 :,' . , Queuing a~d Blocking Report .. 2018~u~d phase 5 lead 100~s~_c_c.ydelength Intersection: 73:Q'Street & WB Hwy 126 Off Ramp, Interval #1. 10/5/2006 . , Movefnent~14~:<~a~:jjt4;:"0,'@i~\~'~t$f~E.BS1ii~\'wB'J~;i~n;NB~;;f::>t~ NEr~t~~t:4:w,t~~;~~!,~;;}~:@f~~:~i!~'t~YR~'~~~~Y~~~;~5~~~~~i~~ltf~~~jW4~~j~;i~~~~;?i5:~~j~Zt~ Directions Served Maximum.Queue (It) Average Queue (It) 95th Queue (It) . Link Distance (It) Upstream Blk Time (%) . Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (It) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty (veh). T 210 181. 232 197 0.07 44 R 84 40 95 316 T 420. 416 422 398 0.8~ o L 336 313 395 316 0.48 o . . Intersection: 73:Q Street & WB Hwy 126 Off Ramp, Interval #2 Directions Served , Maximum Queue'(It), .." Average Queue (It) 95th Q~eue (It) Link Distance (It) UpstreamEllk TifTle,,{%f Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Say Pis((It), Storage Blk Time (%) , Que~ing.Pen.alty (vehr' . . T T L R 715, ,:fl263f10 207 164 416 317 57 '231 425 379: 174 ..197 3gB 316 316'. .0.0e;''''.Q.87'OA7,'Q),02: 29 '0 '0 0 .. ..!, ',,< I" -.."" ,',;,.' -.; , .",' ',' ";"'" ,,,. ::"..;:':;;.' .{~:;" ~.'.-". .. " ""/'1 '~ ., . . .'. .;, ..,,'~" ," '.' .,',' , f;':::~~.. '.'~::;,'.~ ;>:.-~;~ :" :-~.'. ~'- , . .;, . Intersection: 73: Q Street.&WB Hwy.126 Off Ramp.; A\1I;lriteiYals'j: .";., ..:,',,'. '.- .~.,' . 'M." .'.""'ment"jfi,"'Jij;jij(f,,,,~,,,;rEB"'''1lt;;w' .B""iJI"!'N'-B",:!,,!iN'.B' ,t"~<l''''lij;;'"jfii'"""m;''Jl>'".''1'i';@~l!!,..,tl'''''''l>'i"~..,,,~:o\;,,,,.~t'''!9~'\iiIj::...; ; ,.. . ~. aye "]:j~~J.:ifi.H,,'~i:<~~jl1f,f'~:N~~1,,. ~,llit, ..1~t3~i~{i ,~!1(r. ,'~~,-,,,.w'f..3Jii-,"'l';'.W%';g~~'$'H:,;'t.1.\:Jt~~"";,~.'t'-'f~':t~-I1;~W:~'j>5~~~,;;.,J~'!~l::;',;';;:i1:a0l:!!;'lil!:it::3t~, ....'..;" - ~i~~~~~~ g~~ueed(It)' .:..' ..21~ . ~~2~ ?,;',3~~,'~'20~~:,~;'::: ,:~~;;;~~{":~,~i:~T{::;::~.":,:,,,:'~C::2~" L:~ ., ;~~~, ,.':,.: AverageQueue(ft),-.-.'.:"168",-,'416.'., 316\,' 53. '.'~,;,;,,:::,,!~j:~;i;""(':'.'.i..:.?; .,: , ,.,~ E' ,.;, ..;.,1"";.<;.:- , . ~.. ,'. _', ,. -.~~. ~ ,', . ',~ ,~~~, .-" '_W1 . . ... " 1 95th Queue (ft),,, , >. .. :233. >. 424 '.,383.;', 159 ..~."'.-'.,"f'& o',t", "','- ".'" ,Pe . C:." ,., ':., ' '; ... Link Dlstan~e(ft).'197':398 316: 316'::'~-'.' j~~h7!~~iX&, ",'.." .. . UpstreainBlk Time'(%)/.0.05.::'0:86 '<0:4T}' O:OY";.~'f;.,o:;}'i~R,1:!lf;;~:f::'~. . .::", .,-:::,: . ~~~~j;:;~~ti~~~!:::,:,:::";;;::~:;3':;,O::' o:~.;~::::,~;~~~;~:~t:'.. ,,. ,., 'c.",-" StorageBlkTlme(%).. ' ,.. ,.:,.' ,.;.,y. ..,'."''','.'' .. .." .," Queuing Penalty.(veh) , .. ~.:;j?...t;,,:~,,".'': .' . Nework Summary' Network wide Queuing Penalty; Interval #1, 2306 , Network wide Queuing Penalty, Interval #2: 2395 Network wide Queuing Penalty, All Intervals: 2373 .~ioneer Parkway at Q Street JRH . JRH Transportation Engineering SimTraffic Report . ~age 5 Queuing and Blocking Repen 2018 Build phase 5 lead 120 sec cycle lenqth Intersection: 1: Highway 126 EB Ramps & Pionee(Parkway, Interval #1 10/5/2006 MoVement~t01t~~f(i~~tt~1EJ3~rEB~4+2i~::;it,EB~~1{NBIf{;~~N'Bfitt~t~i'.B)rj~lt%sl~~~t~~'.sBJ1$f~l~sBIf:~If{SB~~~~~ll~~'i Directions Served. L LT R T T R L L T T Maximum Queue (It) 337".297' 263414 50;3. 48.. "187,:.216 102. .106".., Average Queue (It) 218 190 133 268 442 40 112 136 46 60 95th Queue (It), ,;.'co 342' 322,285409567.. 48 ..184. .208;.100....109.,. Link Distance (It) 497 487 487 516 516 Upstream BlkTime,(%r . '. 0.01 0.21' 4,:';.:, '.:'.: ", .. Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 . 0 StorageBaYDist(It)) .'600., 300" \ ....:' Storage Blk TilT!e (0/0) 001 boo 0.50 QueuingPen~ltY,(Ve,hh'l';\ ....: .6... .; .1> , " ~9: -, . c-:,: '0. 20,. 0.04 (,24" ,325. :'.: ,'.~2?:J;''''v:.,~ :',,!: ... . Intersection: 1: Highway 126 EB Ramps & Pioneer Parkway, Interval #2 ".""~'~"'"'-~Wll.~",,,,,,,,x""''''~'''.''''=E--'''''4'''---. ,,",.J" .'''.''''''"'N..'B''.''C''l'-.''''''iIc .,....",."..'.. -",,"'''' ..""'.""-"""'''-''''''''","''''"",",'''''- Mo~~ment?)k~;r(~:f,S~i~~;~~'!flr~ ,S.IA~igjES.~4~~1;6;€~~. lt~~NBI~~4~S~1;cJi&,SB!~~iS6~;t{}Jb.S,B}j~"&SEt~g,;~;f~~~'i~~~ Directions Served L LT.. R T T R. L L T T Mii}<,i!il,urj'1 q(1elle,,(~);.it:{}9.~^);f12 ~;.~';\~278 ,;~504 .(.: 512.;;:'rM;;;;;, '205', 'Ff30;'},,~1}8,:}: ..1. 74,iL~'~r {>ii;i;i.J\th Average Queue (It) 216 . 202 143 365 490 41. 121 144 53'.75 9~th:9ueue;(It)~i;,!!;:';";,';:3f3.1~;<t;376.~J;;:265\,}~38. '<':5~~,'r; '\53.}(194i, ,,"2f9~'f.iH ?~':;L14f1:k::f.<t~~;~~':;t~" Link Distance (It) . . . 497. . 487.. 487 . 516 516 .. . UI"S~.r~C!fri.';~lk, !i!l1~';{%) iir1:0_,Q 1S~~t~~;O~~;~i~kf~:.'}~':-.:' Q, Of? ~,,-, ,0, 3.~;;::'.'~~f(::;:i?:t~~~y~tf:~:~::;f;'~~,~;'f:.~~~;~:{~:~-i:~I1~?~<,,~~'i~~~1(~~~:;f~.~{i~,{~ Queuing Penalty (veh).. . o. . 0 '.'. 0 .0 --. . ,.,.~. ,.. -.... .. . . '. 9~q,~a.g~~:',~_?y;:D~s_(( f!hi't'.~~t'~ ~6Q~qfJt!~t~,t~.:':i;':;?i{~PO,,~~~~,~;t.~:.;,~., ~.'..,: ~7~t.~<\:~::;;;;"~4_9;:.:i~,:<,~g~ ~'~li:Z?q.t;;T~'i:;:i:~'~~~~~\ti';~~.Y!f:,~.;tf~$i.f/*?~/3;''i. Storag: Blk Time (%). .0.01 0.04 0.01.., 0.50 0.04 . , . . . . 9ye.uin~rp~~i!tty~(Y~ti)4~,):~ ~':~~:~i~,. ~~~-" ~?;3'~~:~;;~3:'~\+ :/~~fi~':' '~~, :.h'l;i;:~,~~~~~~~~$:$r:~f~t1~~~~~~~t?~$f~~t~~'~i~}v:~tt;t~;i:f~~~~I;~.i~:!~~~H~it.. . Intersection: 1: Highway 126 EB.Ramps &Pioneer. Parkway,.AII:llJter)ials.~,:;:,,: .1., ~,-,-'., . . .ryfOy'e"merrt~~_~~Ell.~E:~~r;JE~i!liiiit:J_B~NB~~NB_S:El_~~~l~$B1ifli$ETIr"~~, ., 'Directions Sef\ied, "".,.. C.H,:"K-.::.'r:- :''-T:~'''':~R'''-'~[~~'::.~Ii'~:::~l'C:~~~T:.~..==:::::;::: . .. ry!<!~lrn~m; QueueJIt):(:,/:>.93 .';"',,27r'.~:.298' .,.?04 .:t[;12' ~,:54?;~ 2J()'I'"",;2tl5$i>.,;1f.10yc.i, 1:Z1{~I;i":it'.:'ri'~'>.i,'~.. . ' Average QU6ue(It).. :. ,216,.199.:. )41.,.t ,)41: .47,9'. '.4,1..'j:1i1~:,'+"i1:421'i:~5):... }1.~." .~',:;",:::. :. .'C".. 95tj1.9)uE?ue, (ltl.:<:'?r ~i..;';:i357 ", 3~4"' '::. ?z,1'; . ,?21..>: ,.,??6 >i:' .;.??::.;'i;19?;'i:I'~:?,l?,;;l.i1}1}Z ".;i~. ~,3.7 :?:~~:'"lif.c"~;~:r': . Link Distance (It) 497, . 487 ,487, ,.' '~""':~~~":""",;516'- 516 .':: :.:.. . , ... Upstream BlkTime(%):,. 0,01. .'.0:02."" .,,:",.'.,.0.04.. ,'0.30:,..;'2: ".,,,,,~~,,;,,b,,,J";"'$1!'-i::!!t"~,,,,;,. ",.;!,;,:"!,?~~;\i:. . ,. ~ili~~~n:::yn~~t1~j~,..", ..?Q~'~'...J~'..':;:~'~0;,2.. i~~~'.';"h~'.~ ..;~;~;~'~:~~\~~~:'i~~i~J~;j;~F{~W~:.!:;::::i~~;:', Storage BlkTime (%) 0.0,1,0.030.01: ,. :0.50. 0.04":. ':;~..i;..-::'t:A"f:'.:'.,\., .. .,.... ;.., 9ueuing ~Elnalty:(,!~h):.. . . 6 .~18..,;:. /2"',,65<,.:: 23,!.:,.,:.;",1:f.;r.:~~!~;~'..:fd;';":<:;';f'''' _', "c-=- _ '._ :.'_'_' ~_~"..,._~..r'~-_'".,.,-"."'_=_'_"'..,~<-..",~._,,"'.'- ,- ~..---~ ,'___ '. - 'C""""'~'_-"-----~-,~'" , .. '.." < . : Pioneer Parkway at Q Street jc at JRH JRH Transportation Er19ineering SimTraffic Report Page 1 Queuing andBlocking Repo,.,. 2018 Build phase 5 lead 120 sec cycle lenqth Intersection: 40: Pioneer Plaza & Pioneer Parkway, Interval #1 10/5/2006 rvlOyem,enH~gel~;~%~~~tI;J~~~lf~~EB:~~f~)1~;EB~~Ili0WB%fli~JIWBWX6~iNBt~~NB:~~.~1iiNB~~~!frB~~~:SBjt~)~{SB'~W.}~~rSB~i?~~~~&~ Directions Served LT R LT R L .T T . R L T TR Maxim~,n1Queue (ft) .71 84 177 49 102..'86" 99., 61 . 254 803.,726 Average Queue (ft). 31 51 103 26 50 26 43' 19 152 653 530 95th"Queue (ft): 79 107. 177. 51 99,.79102. ',62..308 1067. 89.8.,'. .Link Distance (ft) 136 136 . 194 '.194 206 206 914 fi14 Upstream Blk Time (%) 0:00.. 0:01' , ..' , ,. ", .':+,';:. Queuin9 Penalty (veh) .0. 0 0 0 Storag!,Bay,Dist(ft);. '. .,., 200.,,' ../..: 140 .225', ., .'. Storage Blk Time (%)0.01 0.01 049 Queuing. F;enaltY. (ve,h)'.'.. . ;"'0" , .1:i,::;;...'Af,,',,8,.,,:. .,52;.,<::X,~i"~W7';: Intersection: 40: Pioneer Plaza & Pioneer Parkway, Interval #2 . . 'M,oY,ementlff4t11~"ri~~;~~fE-B,_~r~EB,~~!lt~WB~i:n1b1:WB~]NSi~l~B1ilf~~NE3~~~NB.~f1~SB1t~tSBl:'~i.SB;~1i~ Directions Served LT R L T R L T T R L T TR M;Wrt@nQYe.ue(ftr"~t2" 104 <138. .'292 ',72;.,120""':;,1.?9J.:;154,.,!i.~7~,,,:,256 883,.: 862"l1f;,~;i:.. Average Queue (ft) 32 44 118 ' 2? 58 38 . 52 25 106 766 660 . 95th.'Queue (ft)e':"",. .. .~5::'j :'1 02' ,1 ~9, ,.,,51," .1 Q8 ';:\,,96~:;~115',::.f".q3'< 252.; 1'142:'.,1()~..~4';\;k:::; Link Distance (ft) 136 136194 194 206 206 .914 914. . Up5tre:amJll~ Time (010):0.00.4 001 004. ..... 0&0)',000 j. JO.2~:iOO5'~pf~~: . Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 b . 0 . O. ,.0. . 0 O. Storage: Bay. Dis! (fty,;;;;~, : :":,,~': 200. '!ii,;;,g~~~;;J~i :t;j,;, 140.,t,,:;225',;; ':';~,.!i.i';L . Siorage Bik Time (%) . 0.00 0.01' 0.00 '0.56 . 94euin'g' Perialt)i:(VEm) ~i.'6j~' ..;~ ::""..'. .:':,:.:~:;PJ~~;,~,,~!::f.\t. '~h',:": ~'!,'t;+ ~'f:'~~~Q:~ ,;.t~,:L?~r:~,~ Intersection: 40: Pioneer. Plaza &.Pioneer Parkway, AIIIDtervals., ..;" _,~. ',:: ,':c~o::';'.;i:,.i/ ,',' ~-"'- .,....-.. ....'"""' ' .- ~-' '.' ".,.: '-,,; "."........."..:..,., ",,..',- ......".. ,. .. ,-- . '... ". -" "- ~6yt;rneiit!i1fj;filllZ~~EBjJ~EEl:~Jllj[JvYB1.li'~WB~>{J'[B!'f!,..iliB_i'iBlJM~lIfBm.t!Si3_$~~SB~~"!'l_ _ __._h,...:....' '_.~._ "Directi6nsServ,ed . , LT ,R".n R :L;.""r '.T'-'..R"'.,-';:,r;[.:'~;:r~~'TR:.~,~'-"'" ..~._-~"'~ . , Maximum:Queue (ftr"', ' '1 04 '.~' 138,,:".(,208:,:;.1', 79 .,.122,.":/..144/rt",154'<.i" j,?8-;.i,:2256~,;";.!8834'/864":{""'r;" . ,. . ,:;~r~~jJ~~~~~,j~;" ..,,::.>~~ .:;~ ~~,~,J~l. .. ~I., .~)gf::~tin~,,:j;.~gr~".;gj~~j~wf~t~~~I~~~~r~ ::i~i~1;~;!" .' ,:.' Link Distance (ft). 136 .136 194 ,194, , ,C ,206 ..206.. "";~":->~-f91.4:.' ,:{914 . '\.Jp.~!fe~n:ElIK Time .(%):, ,0.09, . 0:Q1!t;.W03'l'<:<; "lNi'f;'.:i~o.&Q;.;;,Q:Q9t't~;!t'iitt'%!~~'?:l(:?*~1tgj2?.1?i!;'bQ~'!;):~~2; . Queuing Penalty (veh) . 0 0 , 0 . .,.. ,. .. ,;0 ,.,0 . ...',. " T';;';~,i1>'O;"i::"," O. . c,$tQ~~ge"'~~iJ~~is,t '(ftY'~.~, r ~-.. ~.) 4. . ~'':t~;?9q~i\t~~~~~:~~'~~f<#:,:,;~,~;:t~',:, 14Q!$~;-?~~;~}~'~;i~~~~~J1~'-F~If:~:fEf~1ji~.. StoragE;' Blk Time (%) . ." 0.00 .0:01 ...; ':Q..QO,' Q);4;~.;,: ", .. Qu'e. .u.rn. g. Pen ally (veh) . '." '''.0'' ,,, ..:.<..,.:, ' '. "2,.'50'..'55'.'; ":Hi ;".:: .0."''''' .',..,. -'. . ,., ' - ... '. :;'.:~"~"~"",\,I.!,."~i'-:~'~' !.~.' ,"fJ.'~"~E.r"...;'$':i':"'~.<'>1:.,;:;J~~"';i'.',~;::,'::~J.. . " ., Pioneer Parkway at Q Street jc at JRH JRH Transportation Eng,ineerin.g . <; SimTraffic Report. Page 3 Queuing and Blocking RepOrt 2018 Build phase 5 lead 120seccycle length intersection: 41, Q Street & Pioneer'Parkway, Interval #1 10/5/2006 Moyewre'fit~~fl~2~t~~~~~~~;i:'E621.4~jE'E{~~VYB~~~~WB1~~yVB~4~F~NB~0lNB,111t~TN'B~f~T~~-NB-,%il'r~SB'~Yll;1.i,S,BlfJJlSB Directions Served T . Maximum Queue (It) 153 Average Queue (It) 146 95th Queue (It) . :. 1,56 Link Distance (It) 73 Upstream Blk Time.(%)i'O'86 O,05i;"... .... Queuing Penalty (veh) 307 0 Storage Bay Dist (It),; .'. H ~".,..:5Q.':;. ,lJO Storage Blk Time (%) .0.81 0.12, 0.23 Queuing Penalt{(veh).. HO... 18,;./,1.65 R '65 54 . ~7 L 140 117 166 . T 258 218. 257. 197 0.52.' 500 R 140 110 171 L L 226 . 431 190 313. 261568 516 "~ 0.04 22 ,200, c.. o 16 .0.30. ..3~.".. 66 . T TR L T TR 493., 532<;.207'.'.. .~Q8>;: 242 343 395 179. 255 227 534 >.572' , 246.,.'318>}'..'..247 ,",'",' """, . '~.,' . '. '. '. 516 516 206 206 0.00,'0:02',. ,,0.08.n 0.25;'1.'0.18 . 1 13' . . rJ . 173'. 128 048 . 2~0' 110.. 0.D7 . ,-40 C';' .. ~l:~:~~:~,l;,~)t1.~~};'~~~~~tIt;:,lj~#'\.' '( 0.16 0.27 :(,":: ;~rj j'j ~/f,;! ~,~;~'.;.~~ .~~~ ~.;tq~.r'I~:~;'~"'~ Intersection: 41: Q Street & Pioneer Parkway, Interval #2 Movem~~~~~'lt~Bli~lEBlf~~\i5JS~~;lwSl}~~V\lB211\~fiK~-B:i~"~NB~~Nt{if~~Ns!ti~';S.B~!!:[SB'~_SB,. Directions Served T R LT.. R. L L T TR L T TR Maxirnurl'!'q~_Elue(lt) ~:;:;;,l~q:i"," 66~.:'::';1.121<,p3:, 1A6;.. ,~32 ~...! .5?5 ::'.574~(25W.l,,~:;:,q?'J"J~t}Q9;i:.;'?~9 Average Queue (It) 148 '57 124223 107 193 325 375 408 163 238 .225 95th.811euEl(It)/.H.1:i;\:~'}1,5~"1'":c,~2;#idEl7;,,261,"' 179., ':zpO" 5~~' ,: ~91 i;\i;~,Ei~9:~f2~pr" )29q:.'~":250 . Link.Distance (It) 73 . 197 516 516 .516. 206. .206 . tJpstream;BIICTime (% ));'.0'88"';. O. 06 !~ii:!!iili)'",'.,.0.51 ; . '. '.';, '''.~''S:._'." O. 03j."ip'0:ot.~:;0',04;;." 0:05;.:;,f,;0:29~f~0,23 _ , " ~.. ~"., '. '.- ,r '.'",' ""'. .' .'~_.'" .. " . '\'. ',"' ,<,~, '""." (, '~, ,,~- " _, _' '., '. '" ~ ~".- --, ,'." '" ", ',- ". ,""c >". ',-,A' '. >~___\.:,,""'~,"'-""'" . _,", ,'".' >~. -'" ,_ ~ ....... ""..,. , Queuing Penalty (ve,h) 294 0: 453. . 16 7." 20 . 0 .184. .151 ., ?tor~ge' B~Y.:Ip!~}:(ft) :;tJ~\Jk'~i~i::'~$}t~r gO )!:!.:11Qi';;>4~ y:-2 ;r\:,~ !~; ~ J 0 ",~",.lQQ';;;!4~;;~'~'s~ >;~~\~"~:'11~i~:t~,~::1i'fh,;~;,i.1.119~~i7.f;;J.~{rffkl~f:~~~~, . Storage Blk Time (%). 0.83 0.13 0.28. 043 0.07. 0.16 . 0.30 0.09 0.32. ., Q~euJng . ~~JialtY :(\i~h) ~;:;~' .:A~? (~~~~;,<~t~; ;~~, ,,19.1 ::i,;,:, ?3:3.::' ," ,;j3~ .':'.' :~~~:},,2,,"~:;,::~}, 6:1.:~:.Ot.~~'{~:i~,~~:.:~~{t~'~i~~t~J,~,~~,~'6K$?,,1tr.~~~ ~:.::, Intersection:.41::Q Street & Pioneer Parkway, Alllntervals' . .- -.,' .... ~ ,- -,'..' ,,"~.:,~'''''.;:~~:f~<;:,:,';''-, -M-~-~t'-~~E-.B~'EB-"""'r-'.- ... VIJB"""'.-WB~"-N'-.B--"'N'B-'~i~'''''N'-B'"'''''''''N'.B'.\liIfu';'t1iiS-B.--S-B-lIl~"ilrS'-'.B=- . .~ ~";~_ ,_oy.ernen, '~~~~J;~r~j,~:l.~I;~:l_~~ . '&'~;}ihWB~, ~ ,)}];~\..., J~~$i, ,ff\i!!H:te1, m ~\1t.lc:,~*~i., _ m;~~ ".~~*~ ",~~5~'m,.:i':':1~ ~ ~~?;::: . ."".;.,;"", Diiection.sSe.rVed".,',- ,/_.', T - R L T R"t: . 'L"".' T" TR" ... -.. L,-...'.-T1....~TR~f' ..;:;'t,"'~ :..-- .",,~ .. M?lxift1ulT!9,ueu13>(f!)}/.'0'!jr~'1.56,.:';:6El::' _,,142... ;2?4 . "':14p::-.2~~"'i544'>~~9?4:;;li!.5~9k~0?9}ii'ffi?o..~Uif:;g~?f,t1:~t"';)! ., Average Queue (It)''.'; ':;",.147 ,56 122. 221 108. 192-. 323 . 367 405 167'. 242:;1.;226~;'",: '~y.; .. . ";,,9;;th pu.e~e (ltks~~f.~!t~:ti?<..198 ~,;:" 84'1";' 167:-1.: ,?P1.,' :.,~ 78; . ~260,,'\;5~q,,' :~5?~'~ .::.~~"6~;t~?4?;';*t~?98.t;~i??~gB;~:";~k~'; . .'- LinkDistance(It)",;';:.,~.73. '. . .197... .: 516..516._ 516,:,.; .206'>'206;"L}";- lJPstre.?rn(BI.~'Tl~El:(?Mlf::0:87:,~;Q,O?;:,;" . 0...51 :~".>':r, ::}. .;' PQ4::(:;qW"t.;P01/:;7~,RJQ8~~t_Q.2~ \f>:,Q:2.?;~;;'.{iU .' . Queuing Penalty (lieh)"; :297 '0 465' .' 17" 5::'.18.;. 0... .~B1J~.1!l5.~:;"'o"-,.. Storag. eBay. Dist.(It),...,'''.....;....'. "'~i.' 50.;'.'. '110"-"., ., 110.. 200"";:.",."",_.,."..,;"rA.,,.;.:r ;. '!.!.";180.'2'.c".:k',r,"qi.."'....:...~....- . ,. . .' '.' ," . ,,';!i:';;;""~-;'~':"<rt, ",',:;i;:-:,., .:'~' " ' , !~~,,~. . . ,~",:,/ " ,.,' ' .." ~~:,:;;,:',!:,~;~ ';~';;e.;~.h1~N"'-~)\;t.'_::.5 .,<",.:;"O\',';;~"'~-"'~'t*ri-"':.J__',';;'.' ,',' : . Storage Blk TimEr(%)'. 0.82... 0.13. 0.27 044. 0.07...0.16. 0.30 - ,. 0.1,1'. 0:}1;::., ,:',,:>;iO:; . Queuing'Penalty,(veh)".:;.:;.1i;>4 18. C' 184 . ::245.'. 39.,' ....33:....,'.. 63' :~::ii:..5~/.;;',t,;513!."\";;,,..,.~'. i.- Pioneer Parkway at Q Street.' jc at JRH .. JRH Transportation Engineering SimTrafficReport Page 4 Queuing and Blocking Report. 2018 Build phase 5 lead 120 sec cycle lenQth Intersection: 73: Q Street & WB Hwy 126 Off Ramp, Interval #1 10/5/2006 M-9Ve'me7ntt1t~~~v~jft~~~EmJJ~;WBl~~NS~~~-r#].~'B~~~~f~~t~~~~%~l'~~~~~m~:Wt~~~l~irtr~~Jt~i~~~~~k~~~'ili"i~ Directions Served T Maximum Queue (It) ,'.. . 217 Average Oueue (It) . 196 95th Queue (It)'. . 239 . Link Distance (It) '. 197 Upstream'Blk Time (%) . 0.14 Queuing Penalty (veh) 96 Storage Bay:Dist (It) ',. Storage Blk Time (%) QU,euingF:'erial!y (\ie~):;;'::<,,~,,: ., '''. ' T L R 418. 334 ' 138 409 319 59 46r. 375 154. 398 316 316 0.83' 0.43 .0.00.,,;' :: 0 0 0 ", ""e;-.. .. ~'::'" ..', < .~~' " ','. .-' .i/.;~~' Intersection: 73: Q Street & WB Hwy 126 Off Ramp, Interval #2 -d"_''''-,~",,,,,,,,.,,~,,. """'.-.~.i"li".'--""""-"""''''''-.''''''''~~''''''~''''=G"",,''''~M'''<l~;"""""_""_"~"I'\\m,,~~I!l''''' Mov,ernet1hi~,~;~~~~1i~ii["~~J,EB,)~~WE3fl:~f~JNB.1~!3,-w~4;;'1;;t~~~~W~!!f!~rf1;k:G~f.;r;~~~~l'~~Y~;~J'f~t{,:;;%~~i1~~~~,.t~~~~fJ~ Directions Served T T L R M' .,'.....0 ,,' . '(It).":. 216 ' 2 "3.4..2 '232. ,axlrnUI]l,~!l~~. '':c,:,:'/,.,:Hi!,~..f. .'.. ",l.. \ Average Queue (It) 190 415 '329 60 95th,Q~eue,(ltJ';% :~.~" ~,'~j,\',241',' ~:425 ,c),'353 Link Distance (it)., .. 197 398 3 i 6 316 U..'.".BI"T.....(O/) 018 8 '."0 6.'002.".. ..,",,.,.,.,,,.,.,.,.;,., 'pstre9-m ~ 1\( Im~, ./0 :~~i;,,: .',1::, 0: 9 ," > ~A '.:~,,' ~~'''::t.;2I!.j:,:,'J:;. ~i~~:~":~:":~~~/:'if'1 :~+~.',,~;\' , Queuing 'pe'nalty (veh) , 1'140' .0' 6 .. ..",,, Storag'eBa'y Djsf(ft)[\,~~,,'t'~('f[,:, ',.': - ,'., -- ." _, '-. '.'" --, -.'l;~"". .~,,' ~ " . " StoiageBlkTime (%):, . . 9ue\!jiig''1~riicllty~ (veh ry:;,+:,.";:;;,, .. ~:'.l?.:::""':W . Intersection: 73: Q Streef&'WB.'RWy 126 Off Ramp,.AII Intervals " ~ '1 :"i'?~.:; -'".MO'~~t~~7i'l!lEB:&WB~l'fN1:{~~~fijB\l"~!f.~~~_~~'~ ;-'i'i'c1';""DirectionsSer'ied '."..: T""c'.r"<' [.."., R . .~" .~~i;; Ma~im~ITl:.Que~~,(ltl':c$t.;,:217'~'-424jc,t:,;342-:''Y:f33,. . .," 'ii,,:\,i"';~;;:!<1;~j';"f1~'ll\t,,;l!i~fc:. ;~-'(f>Gc, A)(erage Queue.(ft)' :. .:,- 192', 414!4":326:: ';' 60 . . . .,. :,. ",,'';;j, ".'95t" Que.u.e..(It)"""'."'.:";.:.':;241."~44. 1 ;".;362. ,w183-,."'.. .~~.~:,~;;.".,.~I~"...,_,,,:,; .,f"1;~~'c:.~'t.:;;~'''+,: __.--",,,-t-'~.., ~"'~H':' Toi'.-, ""-":::~,.." -- 0'co',.: ,Unk Distance (It) . . ,~::'197:398' ;'.316 ':'316 .. . .. . . .~'f;{$.i;,;U pstreairi Bik' Time. (%) ,;;o.,0.'17,i'Q,b. 87,fJ!;;0 .45,: .~O.O 1:,."~;':,, foil"li:.'Y);}, ,'.' ,;\> '. ~~;~~.:: ~~~~;~:a~~b'~t-i~),~f;;:~~.l? ",;,J~c'!;~?:;i?',~:~., 0 ", .., " . - ":;0',"< 'StorageSik Time.(.%)';;::' ':'".~~'. ,... '9u~iJiD9 p~.~il!ty:(ve~)!,~,;:':',: ..' {ri;;" ,",. ',-,;,''''l> ,,,--.,..,.,,,...,,,,,"\~ -,' ".,' .-;.. ,.<:1 ,'" " .r ..-.,~~ ','.. .~ ; '",+., '. ~~. '. ., '\. ~, '~,,' :.:r-t<~,.:;; .,+~;~:_: Nework Summary. .. Network wide Queuing Penalty,lnterval #1:2314 . NetWork "";ide Queuing 'Penaity, Interval #2 2255 . Network wide Queuing PenaltY, All Intervals: 2269 .' ...... __ ' ' 0'" .,," '_ . ' '." ., ... "~,:. '.; :., ';.'-'0': 'c ". , I~~ ,\ , '. ~,' '"'" . . :;:' 'O'i':' 1..'~.~\J<;);.;,.ttt'j>:~:o' . Pioneer Parkway at Q Street jc aU RH JRH Transportation E~gineering SimTraffic Report Page 5 .