HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 9/26/2007 ~ PRE-SUBMITTAL PLAT DISTRlB UTION LIST: Date Distributed: Cj-d...k-D 7 RE,CEIVED 11u3- 5v0 By: q -w--D7 , V Dave Puent - Building V-" Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel- Fire ~ Gary McKenney - Traffic . V'Matt Stouder- Public Works/Engineering ~ Les Benoy - Public W orkslEngineering / Dennis Ernst/Jon Driscoll, Surveying ..-/ Bart McKee, Spfld Utility Board (Water) . / Tamara Johnson, Spfld Utility Board (Electric) Thomas Jef(rfJ)'s, Emerald People's Utility District Planner, X;;;"'.d~ . . . v City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax IIIE~"~ 'e' ,._r,.~.~_.,,\/ , , . ~..~. Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2007-00067 Date Submitted: 9/2512007 Proiect Name: PART PL 2 OF GAME FARM DENTAL Project Description: Pre-Submittal Meeting for Partition Plat - 2 lot partition Application Type: Partition Plat Job Address: Game Farm Road North of Harlow Assessor's & Tax Lot #: '1703220002708 DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submittal of the Application for. Development Review, Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns. A Planner will be assigned the following busin~ss day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time. PlanJobPrint.rpt 9/2512007 4:39:5IPM ?re~Su-Jmittal ~eeting ,Development Services Department Room 615/616' P~-SUBMIITAL MEETING DATE: Friday, October 5, 2007 1. PRE-SUBMIITAL MTG #PRE2007-00067 (pART PLAT) LAURlNAT Assessor's Map: 17-03-22-00 Detail 1 TL 2708 Existing Use: Vacant' Address: E of Pheasant Blvd & W of Game Farm Rd Applicant submitted plans 'to plat a 2-lot partition Meeting DatefTime: Friday, October 5; 2007 DSD 616 10:00 -11:00a.m. Planner: Linda Pauly City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 land Division Plat Application, Type I . ~ ~., o Applicant,Name: . Company: Address: Dr. Larry Laurinat 13-D Professional Group, LLC 175 West '6' St.. (541) 746-3521 IN/A Applicant's Rep.: Goshert Company: Iss&w Inc. - Enqineer's 123500akmont Suite . Property Owner: I Dr. Larrv Laurinat . Company: 13-D Professional Group, LLC Address: 175 West '6' St., Phone: /Fax: OR 97477 (541) 746-3521 N/A ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-22 Detail Map No.1 TAX LOT NO(S): 2708 Property Address: Vacant; Address not yet assiqned. Size of Property: 1.70 Acres /74,213 Square Feet Acres I:8J , Square Feet I:8J Pr~posed N!:Ime of_Subdivision: PARTITION PLAT FOR 3-D PROFESSIONAL GROUP, LLC . ~1cl1!i2lliiii"'- " ,-,,,.,,,,. ."""","j;W;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.~,,,,,,,,,.,,,,;,,,,,",,,~,,,,,;,,,~~,",",,"".,,,..",...;,_,",~,,"",,_."'.. _'_""'"'""''''''",'_,=,"~""""",,,,",,;"_;.,,,,,,.w,,ioi'''_'_,''''',~"~"~"""",,",,,"''',,,,'''i,,'';,',''"''''''_'''''''""';;"'~='';'"'"',.'=~""'"",''''i'.,'''''",,,",,,,,,;_,,",,",'',,", Description of Same as at Tentative: Division of Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat No. 2004- Proposal: P1750into two (2) parcels. Existing Use: VACANT Tentative Case #: SU62007-00033 # of Lots/Parcels: 2 Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: 37,105 sf Density: N/A du/acre jnzlliJ2l1illi't"ffi%Rrt'mw"'Jffi'5fuT;:;ill':i.~-<:!c~<:,,;:;.v"e"iHe2ffi8ifX:liii~:~::ti"t:+jbi:~",,,~:";;;!t:m~HTJRWWill[:~iill&;lli1:'Y:::~ii:Xi:]r:1sdlli:G18tilliill~mm::i};:":Ls;;:.:,,,,:,tj_i!8iii%i#il!iii:m:~dkt\1*1f~~m1i'+:!:rr0;'1it::,",",;:":J;!""':"",T+~,:2"'!mm~+0lliilifu~ .;';:"ReqJ.f[ed,Prop~r~y;;rijfo'~i1iatlon (tit'i'liJta~e Staff:: com};"/ete 'thls Sr;Cti.C?~)?\: Zoning: CC - Community Commercial Applicable Refinement Plan: Gateway Location: City Limits 1:8J' Overlay District: NONE Plan Designation: 'Commercial Urban Growth Boundary D Associated PRE2007-00028, DRC2006-00022 Tree Felling, PRE2006-00026 Pre-submittal ,Allplications,: for Site Plan {expired), SU62003-00022 Partition (Fire Station Property) ~7!WfuI,mG'"+I#,u'~"M"""""'C::~"\.';;""'::82;;;:ti-;tE2@,/'t1W'i0'>,i1ii'ili)'ii'Cir.K,'':!":L"hh'ijilidt;&lliE~E"''':>,ijiiih.1uV'~.0i;1;lM1f:$filli:0R!f.&i'icii3Hilli';;ijf~0"h$'i;;;;;;U'"~'"'*illiiLlliitruiE1lli'fBt~~ii\\.~'2\t,;~!rtW'2jjl(;ffil?~fu1Ai28ifY,M';;';;;i"':'iii';;'itii[i~' Pre-Submittal m '. ltT'Vnl- 01....,-/"-;,,... J 'fA, Case No.: . rrOaf/>>^fjate: ~ Reviewed by: f' fVlv Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: .I Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee: $ I TOTAL $ I hJ'dJJi.p-OrJJ};l,- Revised 11/20/2006 bj Written Statement Addressing Compliance with Conditions of Approval FINAL PARTITION PLAT for 3-D Professional Group, LLC 1 Dr. Larry Laurinat (Tentative Partition Plan Approval: Case Number SUB2007-00033) Map 17-03-22 Detail Map No.1, Tax Lot 2708 Springfield, Lane County, Oregon SS&W Job No, 07-6563 Laurinat / Per the attached 'Type I Land Division Application' (Final Land Division Plat), the purpose of this written statement is address compliance with Conditions of Approval as set forth in 'Notice of Decision - Partition Tentative Plan' per City of Springfield Case Number SUB2007-00033, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ISUB2007-00033\: 1. Prior to Plat approval, the applicant shall provide evidence of an approved facility permit from Lane County for access to Parcel 2; OR record a joint use access easement across Parcel 1 to benefit Parcel 2 and allow access from Pheasant Boulevard [SDC 32.020 (1)(c)): )Ilr-.. , . / {N.P-Cv, WI;' , A draft copy of a 'Gran!;dnemporary Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement' creating a 20 foot wide joint use access easement over Parcel 1 to provide access to Parcel. 2 from Pheasant Boulevard is included with this submittal. This easement is to be created by separate document, but has been shown arid dimensioned on the final plat. Spaces for future recording information for this easem~nt have been provided on Sheet 1 of the final plat. Please note that this document includes provisions for vacation of this easement and revocation of associated rights upon acquisition of an approved Lane County Facilities Permit and construction of driveway improvements for access from Game Farm Road at the time of development of Parcel 2. 2. Prior to Plat approval, the applicant shall provide maintenance agreements for the private storm sewer system between lot 2708 (parcels 1 and 2) and lots 2709 and 2710 [SDC 32.120 (5)(a)), An existing 4' Private Stormwater Easement, created by means of Land Partition Plat No. 2004-P1750 as shown and referenced on the final plat, already exists over the private stormwater improvements in question, This easement is already in full compliance with the applicable provisions of SDC 32,120(5)(a), On behalf of the applicant. we hereby respectfully assert that maintenance obligations for . the private stormwater improvements contained in the easement are provided for according to the provisions of ORS 105,175(3) (highlighted copies of which are attached hereto) and that. creation of a maintenance agreement by separate document would be superfluous and unnecessary, For purposes of clarification a note has been added to the final plat stating that "Parcels 1 and 2 hereon and Written Statement of Compliance with Conditions of Approval for SUB2007-00033 Page 1 of2 Parcels 1 and 2 of Land Partition Plat No. 2004-P1BOB as shown hereon are subject to joint maintenance, in accordance with the provisions of Section 105.175 of the Oregon Revised Statutes, of private stormwater improvements either existing or hereafter constructed within the existing '4' Private Stormwater Easement created by means of Land Partition Plat No. 2004-P1750 as shown and referenced hereon. " ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please note that the "Date of Survey" on the final plat has been left blank. Monuments marking the new parcel division line will be set in the field subsequent to the Pre- Submittal Meeting Application process and the date of survey will be provided upon submittal of the final mylar copy of the plat. . Prepared By: Jason Goshert Survey & Land Use Planning Technician SS&W Inc, - Engineers 'Written Statement of Compliance with Conditions of Approval for SUB2007-00033 Page 2 of 2 Chapter 105 - Property Rig Page 3() of 77 contract for a residential dwelling unit or for utility services provided to that unit. [1993 c.369 931] (" . EASEMENT OWNER OBLIGA nONS 105.170 DefInitions for ORS 105.170 to 105.185. For purposes of ORS 105.170 to 105.185: (I) "Easement" means a nonpossessory interest in the land of another which entitles the holders,of an interest in the easement to a private right of way, embodying the right to pass across another's land. (2) "Holders of an interest in an easement" means those with a legal right to use the easement, including the owner of the land across which the easement passes if the owner of the land has the legal right to use the easement. [1989 c,660 91; 1991 c.49 91] 105.175 Easement to be kept in repair; sharing costs; agreements. (I) The holders of an interest. in any easement shall maintain the easement in repair. ' (2) The cost of maintaining the easement in repair shall be shared by each holder of an interest in the easement, pursuant to the terms of any agreement entered into by the parties for that purpose or any , recorded instrument creating the easement. Any such agreement, or a memorandum thereof, shall be recorded in the real property records of the county in which the easement is located. Failure to record the agreement shall not affect the enforceability of the agreement among the parties to, the agreement and any other person with actual notice of the agreement. ' (3) The cost of maintaining the easement in repair in the absence of an agreement arid in the absence , of maintenance provisions in a recorded instrument creating the easement shall be shared by each holder of an interest in the easement in proportion to the use made of the easement by each holder of an iriterest in the easement. (4) Unless inconsistent with an agreement between the holders of an interest in an easement or a recorded instrument creating the eaSement, in determining proportionate use and settling conflicts the following guidelines apply: ',' (a) The frequency of use and the size and weight of vehicles used by the respective parties are relevant factors. (b) Unless inayy,vy,:ate, based on the factors contained in paragraph (a) of this subsection or other relevant factors, costs for normal and usual maintenance of the easement and costs of repair of the easement dllIIliiged by natural disasters or other events for which all holders of an interest in the easement are blameless may be shared on the basis of percentages resulting from dividing the distance of total normal usage of all holders ,of an interest in the easement into the normal usage distance of each holder of an interest in the easement. " ., ( c) Those holders of an interest in the easement that are responsible for damage to the easement because of negligence or abnormal use shall repair the damage at their sole expense. [1989 c.660 992,3,4; 1991 c.49 92] , 105.180 Action for failure to comply with duty of holder; recovery of costs; arbitration. (1) If any holder of an interest in an easement fails to maintain the easement contrary to an agreement or contrary to the maintenance provisions of a recorded instrument creating the easement or, in the absence of an agreement or recorded instrument imposing maintenance obligations, fails after demand in writing to pay the holder's proportion of the cost as indicated in ORS 105.175 (3) and (4), a civil action for money damages or specific performance or contribution may be brought against that person in a court of competent jurisdiction by one or more of the other holders of an interest in the easement, either jointly or severally. In any such civil action, the court may order such equitable relief as may be just in the circumstances. Nothing in ORS 105.170 to 105.185 shall impose a maintenance obligation on the holder of an interest in an easement based on the maintenance provisions in an instrument creating the easement if such holder is not a party to such instrument, whether the instrument is recorded or not, after such holder ceases to use the easement. (2) The prevailing party shall recover all court costs, arbitration fees and attorney fees. , file:llE:\QUINN\105.htrn 1/26/2007 _ Jo'fr l't'l~- 0'f-1Jj~ poA ' ~".. .... '''J un ~". N..SS'Sl:aS'..(. 35'32~ ' 107.24' ----,--... . .~~OZ:.. no ,... "" ;~ ~PCL, 2 2702 f'<>w'l'ctJsue. z,c""Z..'l.-<f<+=f j o 2704 1,09 AC, a ; ~ 0.46 AC, S ~ '\:, ~; ~o?c, ~ ~ F ~~ ~ t ~ 1 sa. n.:-- ", :L. :5 I ~@JJ~ ~ &::s~ i ~_~ 8'3'57'30' E, ~ N a~''5~:3a' E\.O :;0 --1~9-:-':l9-;---------\ 4Q' ];--;;-;7-/llJJ;rn;;-,,;,-;,~ ." . " N 8<r;;I:.25' f 2'1'>6.75' peL. 2 0 I :' i 280'0' rr ~ m:;' ~ L!!<<;,' @ """0'","",<, "SoW" ': E:J' ;r 0..35 AC. I b ~ ! ~ 2706 _ ~, 2705 M I ~ 0.42 AC. ~ ::: 0.53 AC. ~;o b ! ~ 1Sp32C'L'Q, 2FT. ~ ~ i:!29p'C'L'Q',rT. r5\.q'I ... ~ I~:-' . tf'.\fg)\:l \ :fiJ8' I:> l~ II( ~ I S 44'53'43' 1J)j r, ': I 271J')l:' M:l5~'u Un Un I "12' I 4(1' {,'24" E JS' '--t------------. I ubi. BS".Sl'Z1:L.fu.!2n.7S' .., "n as~J'i:~' (" l382<)' ~~1 ------------- !- i: : : . ". - '. -1m _"-,!""'2" E ~--- ----- -----I]:::----::~---jr-----~-{CO:-RQ:-439T-----------+~.._ . ~-_ ':r,'~O ,"' " .." .... Un -'~~~-. ~ '. .'.1 ','. l'-.'j " !r " }J ',~ ) J o I~ ""U ~ ::J:' ~ < S1,? ZI -I III !< !=' I rlL~~1?:~.:._F;.. 1 75.00' , , , >I , ole :::~ . ?I~ 0'- 0, zt , , ! :I._2~..1 ,"' ~ " l~;.m.'c~TY .OF. SPRINGFIE 'mle 17":022-00 D1 TL 2 - _ ..4\'\ Yle-u..,( o ,B' q ."'S" INITIAL' o 'R,,~ o<cl~ paIN..': . 10"<'6 (C."p q<;< - s-s) ~l~~OZC, (R'" s-t..:l-i",,) [\I 86362 sa.. FT. ~ PCL. 1 Ci.+y :mH -,: ';,~':7.~1" 4 z ~~ ~~VV , ~a. 0 . Ql'\:, ~\ S.38407 ~ \'t"_ ?....-!_c:t)s...e2t:...3 - Cc6"., . .' ~~~'~~'QFtct~o-' ~@ __ ~~ll, 2708 rcY(f;f' 1 ,70 AC, (i)) C0'::0 7':>~t;T (!?'::0 SITE PCL. 1 o o ~ , '" q < z ~ w , C ~ N P ...~ J Oi ;;.),3Q' 35' I '~U~1J ~:; ~ ~ In , :i ,.0 ~ . ~ . .(,H ~'- '-' b ~l.~ O!), f'1 ! . ,; ~ ~ ~ " . z Y ~ ~ I~ \Q w ~ ~ <0 W ,.,,,,1illlIlIII Wf~o.w. \ ; LEGEND ~~ 0 FOUND l.roNUMOO EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION 9~ EXlSTlNG TOP OF CURB ELEVATlON ~ '" STOP SIGN .0." FlREI-MlRA.NT w. WATER VAlVE -0 WATER METER OVD WATER VAUlT ~~ uo ELECTRIC T1'!ANSfOIU,lER . ELECTRIC METER ITD ELECTRIC VAULT a~ ~~ POWER POLE WlTM NO UGHT , .L PCM'ER POLE WlTM LPS ~ WMltuJRE STREn UGHT " CURB SIDE STREn UGHT WITH LPS WMltuJRE UGHT ; ., SITE UGHT ~~ ..... GUYWlRE . ~LE1VRlSER $~ " CLW<lUT @ ~1TAR'1' SEWER IllANHOlE ~ " STOfl.M SEWER MANHOLE fiL:~G;""'~ '" ClJRB INLET F1.lr[_433.711 '" CATCH 'BASIN ILlrS_433.71 FLlrM-433.. ~ "" MEIER ; .. GAS VALVE ~~ . TElEPHONE RISER ., '" TELEPHONE MANHOLE ~a ,'" TELEPHONE JUNCTION BOX , ~ AIJl'OIMTlC SPRINKLER CONNECllON "., EXISTlNG,WJL BOX ~-19 EXISTlNG OECIOUOUS TREE (SIZE AND SPEClES ~ NOttO) 11""" . EXISTING CONIFEROUS TREE: (SIZE ANO SPECIES ~ NOTED) ~ ""'" -.-.-.- FENCE UNE ~- CONTOUR WlTM ELEVATION --"Or... __ STORM SEWER (SIZE AS NCJT!O) _r__ ~1TAR'1' SEWER (SIZE N3 twTEO) EXIST1NG CURB UNE -.-~- EXISTING UNDERGROUND WATER UNE --- EXISTING CMRHFAD WIRES -~_c_ EX/STlNG UNDERGROUND CAS UNE ---- :20-YEAR TIME OF. TRAVEl.. lINE -..-'.- SOft lYP( BOU~ l' .,<~'~ .'>..~\ "'. ...-' ~~~t~~f~~i;.* EXlsnNG ' CONCRETE n-r.:'lllI;'~' Fl,.lI"'_42a.1S FLlr,_ 418..1' 1'1.24"[_418..11 1'1.24"11_418..0:1 I'LJO"N _ 41~1P7 >U ~...:,. ~:~ ,::.i~:;r#:;;;:;;;j"1r 'Cf~tlt~;~1~~~~;;'.'; . 'y.~"j.~~""'.n"'-~ l: '~- ~~17000'\-- ',,-- '[ ~~ D:ISTINQ700'M ~LPPNO~ ~ l> PARCEL 1 ~ 3~,198 5.F. / 0.82 ACRES CII ~. ~ \ ~ [m!INQ1.or1IU ~~,:":- :"~~~PIlI tJ~PIlIU'PNO~ ~~"~~ IS'f',NO. 2(I04-fI1711O- b 'if rc~ I RlIl.43II~ ~7.00'_ 111 'if ~ IZ FLlI"1I-4J1D7' 1'IlWJt!NCTNn' r -~ !: I ~... - u,:,,~~......- ~,'llk;':.r ....... __441.07 ,.l~I,~:~' ._ f~-~.,..:'lc--1, ~~~~i_ c 1~~~~'=:';-~' (~'.. .' ~.mm:~~~p';':':" .. I \ :l~ '---___ s "51'''. W, "",;-1 " : ---- ~~~ ~~~ m~mo 11-OJ-22-.cll 11--(U-22-dl 17-03-22--dl EXl5IIN07JXtllUlllJC SNfiARl'SDI'DlEASDlDlT IlCRP.cx::TOIIElIl2,'llII4, 1U!.2001R,RU:.NO. M-72ll3lI,l!:Oll.~ ,":sJ I .~ ------ ~ IL 12" t.. 11_ 431.117 ~ F\.IrM",..43U7 ~I") ~~ n :::~~~ I Fl.lrW_~ ''.:::: n.\rN...~42 1lIlI_43lI.70""""" ~~~ ~ ~,lS -'" '~w 1'._" ~ <> , ~~ '11 F,.,...',. ~~ t-~~. , - ~ll' N~_=:.:~ . ~ Fl.S"E_429.27 Fl.8"N_4:l11.12 n.r,_4D.lO _~o.",," . PARCEL 2 38,411 S.F. / 0.88 ACRES @NORTH SCALE 1" = 40 FT ~ - ;, 2~ 1. ',6U EXISTING HiD PROPOSED EASEJ.IU-trS ARE I>S SHOWN HEREON. THE SITE IS .&LSD SUBJECT TO AN ANCHOR >>"0 GUY fASEMENT GRANTED TO MOUNTAIN STAlES POWER COlolPANY, RECORDED NAY 19, 1926 -IN BOOK 148. PAGE 493. lANE COUNTY OEEDS AND RECORDS. NO SPECIFIC lOCATION OFlHE EASEMENT IS INDICA.1m IN SAID DOCUMENT. NOR AAE Nf'( POWER POLE GUYS Ofi ANCHORS PRESENT WlTl-lIN THE SUBJECT . PROPERlY. 2. lOCATION AND TYPE OF EXISTING STREET UGHTS ARE ~ stfOWN HERrON AND ON 'SHEn 2 - SITE ,lSSESSMENT OF 'EXISTING CONDITlONS PlAN II' OF II'. NO NEW SiREn UCHTS ARE PROPOSED. . 3. NO STREETS. TREES CURRfNTLY EXIST ADJACEtrr TO THE SUBJECT PARCEL NO ,NEW S'lREET TREES AA[ P~POSED. 4. PROPOSED STORMWATER AND SANITAR'1' SEWER CONNECTION POIKTS FOR PARCas 1 AND :2 ARE }oS SHOWl'f HEREON. AU. OTHER ununES ARE AVAILABLE FROM .WlTHlN THE PHE.AY.NT BOULEVARD AND GAME FARM FleW) PUBLIC RIGHT-(lF-WAYS N3 SHOWN HEREON. ~. NO FUTURE OR PHASED REDMSION OF PAACElS IS PROPOSED. TENTATIve: LAND DMSION PLAN IlTll rTY NO~ SHEET 3 OF 3 TENTATIVE PARTITION FOR: DR. LARRY LAURINAT SE 1/4. SEC 22, T17S. R3W, W,M, SPRINGFlELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON SSfW9nc.-Engineers SURVEYORS f PL.ANNERS nMcwu.-.Way.......1a".~.~17401.1..')4U-8383 unUTY LOCATIONS SHOWM HEREON ARE EWiED ON A COIdBlNo\TlON OF FIELD SURVEY Of OBSERV..tBlE E\r1DENCE ANO unUTY COt.lPAN'!' lOCATION w.PS AND ARE SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION, ASSESSOR'S MAP 17-0J-22-dl, TAX lOT 2708 JOB NO. 01-6563 5563EXIS.QWG 08-14-01