HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 2/26/2008 :,...-...... /: ~ r Dlvlsion or Chlef Depu~y Cl, Lane COUnt.y De.ds ~ Records g ~ '0 S lH a: ~ ~ "" t- ~ ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 GJ'Ontor', Name and Address 3-D PROFESSIONAL G~01)P. LLG,. t' 175 W. "B" STREET., ....06-. f> SPRINGFIELD. OR 97 77 Gl'BIltee's NlUIl~ and AdtIreslI rvi:RGRtlNLANb TITLE CO. ' P.O. BOX 931.. , ~GFIELD,-OR 97477 Until a change is nquested. aU tax su.temeats sbalI be sent to the folloWing~. SAME AS GRANTEE 2~~~.oIOO~1 \ IIIlUII\lIIll\\11I\1\ \1\\1\ IIIIIIIII!\IIIIII $26,00 1 '546045200400105910010011 02/1712004 02:08:58 PM RPR-DEED Cnt=l Stn=5 CASHIER 08 $5.00 $11.00 $10.00 TITLE NO. ELT.43804 ESCROW NO. SP03-16404 TAX ACer. NO. 1523180 MAP NO. 17.03_21-00-02701 WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) , KNOW AlL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION hereinafter ca1led grrurJor, for the COllMemtion hereinafter stated. to grantor paid by 3-D PROFESSIONAL GROuP. LLC. hereinafter called grantee. does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said grantee and grantee's I,eirs, successors and assign!, that certain real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and applJ.rtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining, situated in the County of LANBand State of Oregon, described as follows. to-wit: PARCEL 2 OF LAND PARTITION PLAT NO. 2004-PI750. AS PLATTED AND RECORDED JANUARY 23, 2004. RECEPTION NO. 2004-004812. OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON. To Have and to Hold the same unto thesaul'gruntee'and panree's heirs, successors and assigns forever. And said grantor hereby covenants to 41Uf with said granue and grantee', heirs, successoTl and assigns. that grantor is lawfully seiud in fee simple olthe abOft granted premise!. free from aD encumbnuu:~s except Subject to any and all easements. restrictions and copeRants of record . and that grantor will wanvnt and f01'e'Fer defend the said premises and every part and parcel thereof against the lawful cloj~ ond demand~ of all persons whomsoever,.except thou claUning under the above described encumbrances. The true and actual consideration paid fOT this transfer. stated in terms oj doUars, .is $890,508.00. .However. tht actual consideration consists of or includes otl,er property or value given or promised which is (the whole/part of the) consideration (indicate which).. (The sentence between the symbols *. if not applicable should be del<ted. See ORS 93.030.) In construing this deed and where the context JO requires. the singular includes the pllU'rll and all grammatical changes shall be implied to ntake the proviSion! hereof apply equally to corporations ant/. !p individuab. In Witness Whereof. the grantor has txeCUl/!d this instrument this I :;l. 'th day of "Pt:,B~~l . 20 A!b if a corporate grantor, it /u:u caused its name to be signed ~ aJfixed by its ofJkers. dul, authorl:wJ /hereto ~~u~W~~M~~ . THIS INS1"RUMENT WILL NOT ALWW USE OF THE PROPERTY v~~ IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND usE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING TIllS INSTRUMENT. THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR coUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENI' TO VERIFY APPROVED ANDTODEl'&RMINEANY LlMlTSON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING ORFORFSl"PRAcrICFS ASDEFINED ]NOBS 30.930. ~~-'".. ,". OFFICIAL SEAL AMY L SOWA j NOTARY PUBUC OREGON -"-, , COMMISSION NO. 352109 ..~~~~O.EXPIR~~V" 200.1 srATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OF /...rUle... ,~, TmSINSI'RUMENTWASACKNOWLElJGlIDBEFOREMEON ~UPJ"I- ../3 ,,,,fl!L.,BYMJCUAELKJ!ll.Y, AS CITY MANAGER, OF CITY OF SPRING:FIELD V ~.Jow7>-. . N e for On&rm M1ro..........upl=1!,'d)-dDD5' c.,"" 0"" S('\'YL t'-'",,,,"""I:> P\\~",,<<~v~~ ~ \'l<:'Cc)<'H~\ "..A,:} f'\" "" ~d.t........ f\'--'>'" ("",I'l\'l'~ rr-r JC>>~~ Cl","" '-~~ \ ,,,,\-mYll-4'-f =~a <;,.\'1 ~ ...,DC:;~~ "0 Q) CO > = .2l = C'l CO .l!! Q) :!::: e::: C'l E 2 CD .Q ~ :J III rJ) Q (ij c .0, 'C 0 ,;' I