HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 5/12/2008 ..) ss. . 'V 9nc.-Engineers / SURVEYORS f PLANNERS 2350 OakmontWay, Suite 105 .. Eugene, OR. 97401 (541) 485-8383 . Fax (541) 485-8384 email@SSW-Engineer.com ittaI To: Jim Donovan From: Jason Goshert City of Springfield - Development SS&W Inc. - Engineers Services Dept., Planning Pages: Cover + 9 + Check 225 Fifth St., Spfd., OR 97477 Date: May 12, 2008 Re: Recorded Development Restriction ee: and Corrective Fee(s) for: DRC2006-00022 (Laurinat) Job: #07 -6563 Laurinat D Urgent D Please Reply I For Your Review D No Priority Greetings Jim: Attached per your request in emails dated 5-2-08 and 5-6-08, on behalf of Dr. Laurinat and 3-D Professional Group, LLC, please find three (3) copies of the recorded 'Declaration of a Development Restriction Requirement' and a check in the amount of $2,156 to cover the corrective fees associated with DRC2006-00022. Sincerely, Jason Goshert Survey & Land Use Planning Technician SS&W Inc. - Engineers RECEIVED By: Q-l2-0f 225 Fifth Street ...\ . Sprin-gfield,.Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone -~~~~!. : " . ._. ~* ..., . _."- City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 2200800000000000640 Date: 05/12/2008 9:57:05AM Job/Journal Number DRC2006-00022 Description CTY Correct Tree $200TR+AppFe Payments: Type of Payment Check Pa.id By . 3-D PROFESSIONAL GROUP, LLC Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 2,156.00 $2,] 56.00 Amount Paid kaI 1142 In Person $2,156.00 Payment Total: $2,]56.00 cReceintl Page 1 of I . 5/12/2008 ~s :.' '.;." .:. ,'." , . j" "..,.. Division o' '~ief-Deputy Clerk Lane Count} .~eeds and Records L~~~.~L~~ W $36,00 '!" \.: ~~e;r~;;~~~;~~f ~~~;'~L~~ ., . jl 1111 1111111 111111 1111111""11111111111 111111 175 West B St., Bldg. IRE C'.'E I VE000995373201'l80 J2 i0100030035 Springfield, OR 97477 05/09/2008 09: 44: 30 AM . PR-REST Cnt=l Stn=15 CASHIER 04 $15.00 $10.00 $11.00 . C . 5~ likD<t DECLARAtrl\fN OF /" DKVELORMlfNT RESTRICTION REOUlREMENT 3-D PROFESSIONAL GROUP, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, is the owner of the following described 'parcel ofland in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon: Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat No. 2004-PI750, as platted and recorded January 27,2004, Reception No. 2004-004812, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. The above referenced parcel of land shall be subject to the following restriction regarding re-establishment of on-site vegetation during site plan review and tree felling procedures for any portion of the site: The above referenced parcel shall be subject to compliance with City of Springfield Site Plan Approvals and Tree Felling Permits implementing the Tree Replacement Plan from Schirmer & Associates dated December 20, 2007 by Carol Schirmer -LA and attacbed bereto in addition to all other conditions or requirements prior to Final Site Plan Approval or occupancy on the subject site. Should the above referenced parcel be partitioned or subdivided subsequent to execution of this Restriction, re-vegetation of each resulting parcel shall occur through the corresponding Site Plan Review and Tree Felling process for that parcel only, and sha.lI occur in accordance with the Vegetation / Re- vegetation Plan noted above and attached hereto as Exhibit "A" prior to Final Site Plan Approval or any occupancy on the subject site. In no case shall the trees provided during site plan review or tree felling permits be less than the number of trees prescribed herein. This restriction is the result of corrective actions and fees taken in response to non-compliance with City of Springfield Tree Felling Permit DRC2006-00022. This restriction shall run with the land until compliance with the applicable requirements of City tree felling procedures are fulfilled as determined above. Release of this . restriction shall be as described herein. Existing Trees: All existing trees shall remain until such time as a Site Plan Approval and new Tree Felling Permits are issued in accordance with this restriction. Any amendment to, or removal of, this Declaration of a Development Restriction Requirement by means other than compliance with the aforementioned Tree Replacement Plan requirements shall be subject to approval of the City of Springfield Planning Director or his/her designee. The provisions herein shall be binding upon the owner, the owner's heirs, successors, and assigns and shall inure to the benefit of the City of Springfield. Release of Restriction: This restriction shall expire upon compliance with the Tree Replacement Plan attached hereto as memorialized by recording of a City of Springfield Site Plan Review Development Agreement for all portions of the site or satisfaction of the tree replacement requirements described. herein on any portion of the.. subject property. DECLARATION OF A DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTION PAGElOF2 .' .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused this Declaration of a Development Restriction I " C:l.Tf-l Requirement to be executed on this D-day of tiNt' ,2008. ~~ k)~~ LARRY . LAURINAT Member ofJ-D Professional Group, LLC . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: STATE OF OREGON) ) SS. COUNTY OF LANE ) On this D~ day of ~ , 2008, there personally appeared before me the above named LARRY W. LAuRINAT, Member of 3-D Professional Group, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, and he acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be a voluntary act and deed on behalf of said corporation. ~---~--------------------~ i OFFICIAL SEAL I f. GAILMLlSS I : ,..', NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON : f \',/ COMMISSION NO. 401439 I f.... ./ MVCOMMISSION EXPIRES FEBRUARY IB, 2010 : t...__":....:~__ ..:.________..:.-::...:.______',~ Q,A'~'~ ~or Oregon O? //'if laM () , , My Commission Expires: RECE""~\ .f':f'~~D' ... .', '. ~,.. ....~'C' . '....6...'. ,,' i..... .; ;' ~ Woo.;. By: 6-/~~D~ DECLARATION OF A DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTION PAGE20F2 <:( I 1 101' , I'-M l" I I I I I I I 1 I I .j j I I ; l ~~ I _ I):r' 01 I I 1'0, I I --~ I 1 IE' I ' I I ~ .~ ~ ri ~c., ~ I - --1 I ~ , ...., d <(I ~I ;:1 1 I .t:J .~ .c: x UJ 1 ~ , 8 . H $ ~ ~ . Schirmer + Assqciates, LLC rANO UhPLANNll>l_C, ,$ITt-IHSIG N ANPlANO"CAI'E Allt:;ltl.TEC1Uli( . -'-' .. 375W. 4IhAve.-Sulle 201 cugene,OregonS7401 Phone:(541)666~540 Fax: {S411 586-4577 Wetr. www.schirmerassociates.com ,\.1 o. . -<.......... , -5'-; " [J / ~ I I , I I' ,-I , I Ii I' : 5'CONCllJ:TtWNJ<. ~~* ~~- *~ (~, . )-- tJ'v- I~ ~~I .- ~ '1- C[~ ~ I. ;. / -~- , M ~ ~. ~ --.-.-". ..~, I I '\..':: :: :: :: _- - _ ,6';'\ ---.:F / - 1 1 I' \ \ I , . . ____________________~5 ~~ I ----------- ~~~'""~ I!' \ \ '." 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