HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 2/26/2008 City of Springfield " Development Services Department -225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Date Receivl. FEB 2 6 2008 Original Submittal Land Division Plat Application, Type I . , , , , Applicant Name: Company: Address: Dr. Larry Laurinat 13-D Professional Group, LLC 175 West 'B' St., BUildinq 'B', Phone: !Fax: , OR 97477 (541) 746-3521 IN/A Applicant's Rep.: Jason Goshert Company: ISS&W Inc. - Enqineer's Address: Oakmont Suite (541) 485-8383 1(541) 485-8384 (541) 746-3521 IN/A Property Owner: Company: Address: Dr. Larry Laurinat 13-D Professional Group, LLC 175 West 'B' St. 'B'. ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-22 Detail MaD No.1 TAX LOT NO(S): 2708 Property Address: Vacant; Address not vet assiqned. Size of Property: 1.70 Acres /74,213 Square Feet Acres ~ Square Feet ~ P,:oP,2sedI'llCll11e ~L!i!:lbd!yj!~()_n: PARTITION PLAT FOR 3-D PROFESSIONAL GROUP, LLC lJ};']ii"."er;,..,.._.._..."'1',-1ll)[!i;.miiI';Xih::c;r:'lf@i",flnw'JiC,.,%,*""""jk0!i'?~I2,_",'''''''';,~,',i'-ifi"iili;'''''''0"",",;",,.:;m'"i,,'~i'''''''",''''.,,,,,",,",,,,,,";",,,,,",,,,,~^,_,,=,,,,.,,,:;;.:,".,;,,"-,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"'~''''''",",",''''''''"'':''':'"0",".;,0_'''''..:.''""."=,""c",,,>_,;;'~"";",."N"'''"';'''"''';'''~,*<';"-'''' Description of Same as at Tentative: Division of Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat No. 2004- Proposal: . P1750 into two (2) parcels. Existing Use: VACANT # of Lots Parcels: 2 Tentative Case #: SUB2007-00033 sf N/A Zoning: CC - Community Commercial Applicable Refinement Plan: Gateway Location: City Limits ~ Overlay District: NONE Plan Designation: Commercial Urban Growth Boundary 0 . . \ PRE2007-00028, DRC2006-00022 Tree Felling, PRE2006-00026 Pre-submittal for Site Plan SUB2003-00022 Partition (Fire Station Associated Pre-Submittal -1"'/)('') ^^ I ~-:z Case No.: Tf\t:.l-UJ r~ ~~: Case No.: SlPJ.a1- (JJ ~re: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: q-l-5-9t Reviewed by: ):~Reviewed by: '1,. tt1~. $ Postage Fee: $ Revised 11/20/2006 bj ~ [5 ).~-Ol1))-l..---- I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: X ~I !Urf~ Date: X ~ Fe:1 Dct Signature I Larrv W. Laurinat Print Name. Plat applications will be processed as follows: (See attached Plat Review Process Flow Chart) 1. The applicant submits a Pre-Submittal meeting application. 2. Within five to seven working days, the applicant and the City conduct a pre-submittal meeting. 3. The applicant coordinates any additional review of the plat and other required documents with representatives from the City's Planning, Public Works Engineering, and Surveying Section. 4. The City Surveying Section will notify the applicant's Surveyor when the plat and other documents are sufficiently refined to allow for the submittal of the plat mylars. 5. The applicant submits: a. The Mylars and all final documentation to the Surveying Section located in the NW Quad Section of City Hall. b. If document set is complete, applicant submits to Planning the Plat application, a copy of the mylar and final documents as well as financial securities including the application fee. 6. The City Surveyor and Development Services Director may sign the final plat if all other conditions and requirements are fulfilled. 7. The plat mylars may be delivered to Lane County for recording by the applicant's Surveyor or whomever the Surveyor authorizes. AFTER RECORDING: 8. The applicant shall deliver Five (5) recorded rolled plat paper copies, along with Three (3) copies of any other recorded required documents to the Development Services Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. Date Received: FEB 2 6 2008 Original Submittal Revised 11130/2006 bj - 3 - 225 Fifth Street Springfield,Oregon.97477 541-726-3759 Phone RECEIPT #: Job/Journal Number SUB2008'000 14 SUB2008-00014 . Description CTY Partition Plat + 5% Technology Fee Payments: Type of Paym~nt Check Paid By . 3-D PROFESSIONAL GROUP cReceintl --"'ity of Springfield Official Receipt development Services Department Puhlic Works Department. 3200800000000000130 1:44:12PM Date: 02/26/2008 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 2,599.00 129.95 $2,728.95 Amount Paid ernm 1133 $2,728.95 $2,728.95 In Person Payment Total: .' Date Received: FEB 2 6 2008 Original submittal Page 1 of I 2/26/2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SUB2008-00014 Vacant - Game Farm RdlNorth of Harlow Rd COJIII II I~~\~' ~ I I I I ~1-;-TiT1i- '-~J .lllllJJilllll. ''':::' o u ~ , = - -, SITE Map 17-03-22-00 Detail 1 Tax Lot 2708 + North RECEIVED By: 2-2.~-og \. " , After recording, retnrn to: SS&W Inc. - Engineers 2350 Oakmant Way, Suite 105 Eugene, OR 97401 Date Received: ~(Q)~V FEB 2 6 2008 Original Submittal GRANT OF TEMPORARY ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The true and actual consideration for this conveyance is $ - 0 - . For value received, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, 3-D PROFESSIONAL GROUP, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Corporation, GRANTOR, hereby grants, transfers and conveys to 3-D PROFESSIONAL GROUP, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Corporation, GRANTEE, a temporary nonexclusive easement to use a strip of land twenty (20) feet wide as more particularly described on the attached Exhibit 'A'. 1) This easement is granted over and across property owned by the Grantor in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as PARCEL 1, and being more particularly described as follows: Parcel I of Land Partition Plat No. Oregon Plat Records. . Lane County 2) This easement is not personal or in gross but is to be appurtenant to each and every portion of the following property owned by the Grantee in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as PARCEL 2, and being more particularly described as follows: Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat No. Oregon Plat Records. , Lane County 3) This grant is made upon the following terms: 3. I) Grantee is granted the right to use the twenty (20) foot wide easement strip, including any paving and driveway improvements which may be constructed within said easement strip, as a means of ingress and egress to and from the land described in paragraph 2, or any portion thereof. 3.2) Grantor and Grantee shall, at all times that this agreement is in effect, jointly maintain the easement property and any paving and driveway improvements which may be constructed within said easement property. The cost of such maintenance and repairs shall be paid by the Grantor and Grantee in amounts proportionate to their amount of use of the easement property and any paving and driveway improvements which may be constructed within said easement property. Grantor shall pay the real property taxes on the easement strip. 3.3) Grantor shall, at a1I times and without 'restriction, have the right to use the easement property and any paving and driveway improvements which may be constructed within said easement property for purposes not inconsistent with Grantee's full enjoyment of the rights herein granted. GRANT OF TEMPORARY ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT PAGE 1 OF 3 3.4) This Grant of Temporary Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, is strictly temporary in nature. At the time of development of Parcel 2, the Grantee, their heirs, successors, assigns, transferees, contractors or personal representatives shall obtain an approved Facilities Permit from Lane County and construct the necessary driveway improvements to provide access to and from Parcel 2 from the Game Farm Road (County Road No.3) public right-of- way. At such time that an approved Lane County Facilities Permit is in place and the associated driveway improvements have been constructed and accepted by Lane County, this easement shall become null, voidand vacated and this agreement and the rights granted herein shall be revoked. 3.5) This grant of easement shall run with the land and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefits of Grantor and Grantee; their heirs, successors, assigns, transferees, contractors or personal representatives until such time that the easement is vacated and this agreement and the rights granted herein are revoked in accordance with the provisions contained in paragraph 3.4 above. IN WIlNESS THEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Grant of Temporary Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement on this 2.1 s. T day of 'F""-!,;~UAr<:.V , 2008. L~Pu~ Member, 3-D Professional Group, LLC Date Received: FEB 2 6 2008 Original Submittal STATE OF OREGON) ) ss County of Lane ) On this 2.1 g- day of t=='e:;13IC:.UA ~ Y ,20 OB _ there personally appeared before me the above named LARRY W. LAURINAT, Member of 3-D PROFESSIONAL GROUP, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Corporation, and he acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be a voluntary act and deed on behalf of said corporation. ___u ---- - - - - -- -- - -- - -- - u-r ,...., I OFFICIAl SEAl. , ,'GAILMUSS ' ." , NOTARY PUBUC. OREGON : \./ COMMISSION NO. 401439 ' ~,,~-~~~~~~ fbai/t0~. NOtary Public for Oregon My Commission expires: ~/8jd()1 Q , GRANT OF TEMPORARY ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT PAGE 2 OF 3 EXHIBIT 'A' Legal Description 20 Foot Temporary Access Easement A 20.00 foot wide strip bf land lying in the Southeast One Quarter of Section 22, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest comer of Rarcel2 of Land Partition Plat No. 2004-PI750, as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said point being on the East margin of Pheasant Boulevard; thence along said East margin North 00057'20" West, 27.88 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said East margin North 00057'20" West, 20.00 feet; thence leaving said East margin run East, I70.0l feet; thence Sout]:1 00057'20" East, 20.00 feet; thence West, 170.01 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: FEB 2 6 2008 Original Submittal GRANT OF TEMPORARY ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT PAGE 3 OF 3 After Recording Return To: SS&W Inc.- Engineers 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, OR 97401 . ~(O)[P1)f GRANT OF PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Date Received: The true and actual consideration for this conveyance is j!L. FEB 2 6 2008 RECITALS: Original Submittal 1. 3-D PROFESSIONAL GROUP, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Corporation, is the owner of that certain real property hereinafter referred to as Parcel I, the legal description for which is more particularly described as follows: Parcell of Land Partition Plat No. Oregon Plat Records. , Lane County 2. 3-D PROFESSIONAL GROUP, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Corporation, is the owner of that certain: real property hereinafter referred to as Parcel 2, the legal description for which is more particularly described as follows: ' Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat No. Oregon Plat Records. , Lane County 3. Both parties referenced above desire to create an easement over a portion of Parcel I. NOW THEREFORE: 1. 3-D PROFESSIONAL GROUP, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Corporation, GRANTOR, hereby grants, reserves, and dedicates to 3-D PROFESSIONAL GROUP, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Corporation, GRANTEE, a perpetual non-exclusive easement over, upon, and across a portion of Parcel I, for the use and benefit of Parcel 2. 2. The purpose of the easement is for the installation, repair, maintenance, replacement and inspection of private sanitary sewer line(s) to provide service to Parcel I and Parcel 2. 3. The easement area over Parcell which shall contain the private sanitary sewer line(s) to provide service to Parcell and Parcel 2 is described on the attached Exhibit 'A'. 4. The easement includes the rights o(ingress and egress to the easement area by the route whIch is least damaging to the improvements on Parcell, and to remove any vegetation and improvements which may hereafter be placed in the easement area to affect such installation, repair, maintenance, replacement, and inspection of said-private sanitary sewer line(s). GRANT OF PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT PAGE 1 OF3 5. The owner of Parcel 1 shall not construct any improvements of a permanent nature, including but not limited to buildings, over, upon, and across those portions of the easement lying within the boundary of Parcel 1. 6. The owner of Parcel 1 shall retain all rights of use and control of those portions of the easement . lying within the boundary of Parcel 1 not inconsistent with the rights granted to Parcel 2. 7. Maintenance costs for the private sanitary sewer service line(s) within the easement area shall be borne by the owners of Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 in an amount proportionate to the amount of use of said private sanitary sewer service \ine(s). Grantor shall pay the real property taxes on the easement area. 8. This easement and the maintenance provisions associated therewith are granted subject to all prior easements or encumbrances of record. 9. This agreement shall run with the land and shall bind and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of Parcel I and Parcel 2. IN WI1NESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused this Grant of Private Sanitary Sewer Easement and Maintenance Agreement to be executed on this Z I g day of FEB~UAI<:. Y ,2008. ~l/ i{)~ LARRY W. LAURINAT Member, ~-D Professional Group, LLC Date Received: FEB 2 6 2008 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Original Submittal STATE OF OREGON) ) SS. COUNTY OF LANE ) On this ZI ~ day of FEBRuAR.Y , 20og, there personally appeared before me the above named LARRY W. LAURINAT, Member of 3-D Professional Group, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Corporation, and he acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be a voluntary act and deed on behalf of said corporation.. ~7-~-----------------------. j OFACIAL SEAL : j Q GAIL M USS , , ,-'i NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON : !. \, ./ . COMMISSION NO. 401439 , ~ '.. --- MYCOMMlSSION WIRES fEBRUARV18, 2010 l ~----~~~~------~--------~ ~.~ Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: c:2/1 tj d-O / 0 GRANT OF PRlV ATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT PAGE20F3 EXHIBIT 'A' LEGAL DESCRIPTION Private Sanitary Sewer Easement Over Parcel 1 to the benefit of Parcel 2 Land Partition Plat No. 20OS- A parcel of land lying in the Southeast One Quarter Of Section 22, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Springfield, Lane CountY, Oregon, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest comer of Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat No. 2004-PI750, as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said point being on the East margin of Pheasant Boulevard; thence leaving said East margin run North 8905I '25" East, 170.00 feet; thence North 00057'20" West, 14.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence South 89051 '25" West, 55.55 feet; thence South 00008'35" East, 7.00 feet to the Northeast comer of that Seven (7) Foot Public Sanitary Sewer Easement recorded October 12, 1994, Reel 2001R, Reception No. 94-72939, Lane County Official Records; thence along the North line of said Easement South 89051 '25" West, 14.00 feet; thence leaving the North line of said Easement run North 00008'35" West, I4.00 feet; thence North 89051 '25" East, 69.45 feet; thence South 00057'20" East, 7.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: FEB 2 6 2008 Original Submittal GRANT OF PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT PAGE 3 OF 3 /~ ,_<,J . DivisiDn Df Chi.' Depuly Cl~ Lane Count.y D..ds am;l Rec:orda 8 ~ '0 5 !fi '" I C> ... ~ => ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFl'II STREET SPRJNGFIELD, OR 97477 Gnuator's Name &ad Address 3-D PROFESSIONAL G~01JP. LLC....a (I 17SW. tlB" STREET,. (,...D6-. D SPRINGFIELD, OR 97 77 Gnmtee's N8Jne 8Dd Addrt55 rVERG~~ TITLE CO. . P,O. BOX 931 ' SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 -lJntil&. clumge Is nqnestell, all tax statem~ts sball be sent to the CQUowh1g address. SAME AS GRANTEE ~~M.~IOO~1 \11\1111\11\\1\\\11111111\ II \1\\ \11111111111\\ 1\\ $26 .00 00546045200400105910010011 02/17/2004 02:08:58 PM RPR-DfEO Cnh1 Sln=!l CASHIER 08 5~.00 511.00 510.00 TITLE NO. ELT-438G4 ESCROW NO. SPQ3-16404 TAX ACCT. NO. 1523180 MAP NO. 17-03022-00-02101 wARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) KNOW AlL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That THE CITY OF SPRJNGFIELD, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION hereituifter called grantor. for the consideration hereinafter stated, to grantor paid by 3.D PROFESSIONAL GROUP, LLC. hereinaftercaHed grantee. does hereby grant, bar'gain. seH and cono;ey unto the'said granles and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, thai cenain real property, with the tenements, ,hereditaments a.ruJ appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining, situated in the County of LANE and State of Oregon, described as foHows, to--wit: PARCEL Z OF LAND PARTITION PLAT NO. Z004-P1750, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED JANUARY 13,2004, RECEI'I'ION NO. ZOO4-0048U, OmCIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON. To Have and to Hold the same unto the said grantee and grantee's heirs. successors and assigns Jorever. And said gruntor hereby covenants to and with said grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, that grantor is wwfully seiud in fee simpk of the above granted premises, free from aU encrunbranc~s except Subject to alfJ and all easements, restrictions and covenants of record and that grantor will warrant and forever defend the said premises and every pari and parcel thereof againSt the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsOf!Ver, except those daiming under the above described encumbrances. The true and actual consideration paid for this transfer, stated in tmnsoJ dollars, is $890,508.00. "'However, the actual consideration tonus of or includes other property or value given or promised whkh is (the whole/part o/the) consideration (indicate which).. (The sentence between the symbols., ifnot appUtable should be deleted. See ORS 93.030.) In construing this deed and where the context so requires, the singular includes th.e plural and aU grammatical changes shall be implied to make the proviSionshereol apply equaUy to corporations am!!P individuals. - In Witness Whereof. lhe gmntor Iuu executed Ihis instTDment this I ~ 'tb day oJ _ f:'t7BJ2u~_. 20 A.!h' if a corporaJe grantor, it has ca!JS€d us 1UJ1Re to be signed and ~fZ1 affixed by its officers. duly authorized /hereto by order oj its board of directors. ' THIS ~ WILL NOT ALWW USE OF mE PROPERTY DESCRIBl;<<> IN THIS INSl'RUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND RF..G1JLA110NS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPIING THIS INSI'RUME:NT. THE PERSON ACQUIRING FER nn.E TOTBE PROPERTY SHaULl) CHECK WlTHTBE Al'PROPRIATEClTY OR COUNI'Y PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED ANDTODE"I'ERMINEANY LlMITSON LAWSUITS-AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES ASDEFINED INaRS 30.930. , -j OFFICIAL SEAL AMY L SOWA NOTARY PUBLIC OREGON COMMISSION NO. 352109 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV 2Z ZOO5 . - ~ - -->--- ~ArnOFO~O~CO~OF L/uJe.. ,~, TIUSINS1'RUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BRFORE ME ON FebYu Ill,,\- ,/3 ,1IJ~ BY MICHAEL KELLY. AS CITY MANAGER, OF CITY OF SPRINGFIELD V ~-Jow^- NQ iCorQreeoii: My,. . .... u~lI-~)--doD5' c:..~...., O~ S<;">TL NE.~~~I:) ~~"<<\lV~":::'" ~ ~~C::C)C'k\~\l--J~ I~~ ""f't') ~~t-'\.- f\\~O CotJ\"f~ I!'f ~C>",.~, ~ LI"A~""'1 \,<>-,~~[ D~~~ ~ C\ \- a ",-,'1 :tI -,,::,c~~ .. '0 Q) gg > .~ C> ....... Q) c.o ~ c::: ....... 'E Q) ffi .0 - :> 1lI u.. (J) Cl Iii c '0 'C 0 ~. FEB-26-2008 10:41 Colleen LeahH 541 485 0307 P.02 Ilmi III1 mllillmlll~II!~1 ~111lI, - =r: CASCADE TITLE CO. Date Received: PRELIMINARY TITLE~EPORT 5" SUPPLEMEN'I'AL FEB 2 6 2008 CASCADE ESCROW ATTN: CHRISTIE SHORT 821 WIL4AMETTE STREET EUGENE, OR 97401 February 22, 2008 Original Submitt!>1 Report No: 0254252 Your No: EU07-0933 Seller: 3 -0 PROFESSIONAL I~ROUP, LLC Buyer: TO COME PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR, Owner1s standard Policy $T/C PREMrUMS: Owner1s Standard Premium: Government Service Feei Tempordry Billing~ $T/C $25.00 $225.00 We are l?rel'ared to issue 2006 (6/17/06) ALTA title insurance policy (ie,,) of CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY of OREGON, in tne usual form insuring the title to the land described as follows: Beginning at the initial point which is a 5/8 inch by 30 inch iron rod with yellow plastic cap st.amped "Dah;r:ene, LS 6005211 marking the Northeast corner of Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat No. 2004-P1750, a.s platted and r(~corded in the Lane county Oregon Plat Records; run thence along the boundaries of said Parcel 2 the following four (4' courses: 1) South 041;1 3'8' 3BIlEast, 21:~.la feet.i t.hence 2) South 99~ 51' 25" We5t, 359.26 feeti thence 3) North 000 57' 20" West,. 210.60 feet; thence 41 North B9' 51' 56" 'Ilast. 345.67 feet to the point of beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, Vestee: 3-D l?ROFESSrONAL GROUP, LLC an Oregon Limited Liability Company DATED AS OF, FEBRUARY 15, 2008 AT 8:00 A.M. Schedule B of the policy(ies) to be issued will contain the foUowing ,reneral and special except.ions unlesl!l removed prior 'to issuance; GENERAL EXCEPTIONS (Standard Coverage POlicy E~cel'tions) , 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the Public Records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments. or notiees of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the Public Reco~ds_ 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the Public Recoras but whicn could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land Or by'making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. No liability is assumed hereunder until policy has been issued lind/ill! poiic)' premiu/!//1(lS been paid. MAIN OFFICE' 811 W~LLAMETTE ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 9740l" PH: (541) 687-2233 FLORENCE . 1~02 HWY 101 - S. 2 . FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 . PH. (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX' 485-0307' E-MAIL. info~oasoaQetit1e.com ' FLORENCE FAX. 997-8%46 FEB-26-200B 10:42 Colleen Leahy 541 485 0307 P.03 O.der No. 0254252 Page 2 3. Easements, or claims of easement', not shown :by the public Recordsj reserv.al;.ions or ex.ceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereofj water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Any encroachment, encumb~ancer violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien. for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compenBation heretofore or hereafter furnisheo, imposed by law and noC shown by the Public Records. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS, 6. Taxes, Account NO. 1724051, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 22, #2708, Code 19-00, 2007-2008, a balance due of $2,978.24. (Tax was $8,~34.69) 7. Anchor and Guy Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Mountain states Power Company, recorded May 19, 1926. in Book 149, page 493, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. (No exact locationl 9. Waiver of time limit on consent to annexation, including the terms and provisions thereof, recoroed January 24, 1994, ~eception No. 94055~3. Lane County Official Records. 9. Annexation Agreement, inclUding the terms and prOV~S1ons thereof, between Lawrence James Moors and Dorothy Moore, husbane and wife, and the City of Springfield, recorded January 24; 1994, Reception No. 9405584, Lane County Official Records. 10. Improvement Agreement, including the terms arid provisions thereof. between the City of Springfield, and Lawrence James Moore and Dorothy Moore, recorded January 24, 1994, Reel No. 1915, Reception No. 94055B7, Lane County Official Records. 11. Consent CO annexation, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded February 3, 1994, Reception No. 9408524~ Lane County Official Records_ 12. Easements as shown/set forth on Land partition Plat No. 94-P0453, Lane County Official Records. ~3.. Easement, including the terms and pt"ovls~ons the;t"eof, grant;.ed Cit.y of Springfield, a muniCipal corporation, by instrument recorded October 12, 19941 Reception No. ~472939, Lane County Official Records. 1~. Easements and notes aa shown/see forth on Land Partition Plat No. 2004-Pl'50. 15. Deed of Trust, including the 'terms and provisions thereof. executed by 3-D professional Group, LLC an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Grantor, to Pirst Ame~ican Title Insurance Company, Trustee, for the benefit of Umpqua Bank, Beneficiary, dated February 13, 2004, recorded February 17, 2004, Reception No. 2004-010592, Lane County Official Records. to SeCure payment of a note in the amount of $59B,000.00. said Deed of Trust was modified by Agreement dated DQcember 21, 2004, recorded December 27, 2004, Reception NO. 2004.0~7B54, Lane County Official Recox-ds. Date Received: continued- FEB 2 6 2008 Origin'll Submittal FE8-26-2008 10:42 Colleen Leahy 541 485 0307 P.04 Order No. 0254252 Page 3 Exception No. 15 continued- Said Deed of Trust was modified by Agreement dated September 2, 2005, recorded September 13, 2005, Rece~tion No. 2005-072224, ~ane County Official Records. Said Deed of Trust WaS modified by Agreement dated October 20, 2006, recorded October 23, 2006, Reception NO. 2006-076817, Lane County Official Records. Said Deed or Trust w~s modified by Agreement dated July 19, 2007, recorded July 23, 2007, Reception No. 2007-049924, Lane County Official Records. 16. A copy of the Articles of Or~anization and/or Operating Agreement of 3-D professional Group, ~LC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, should be furnished to Cascade Title company for the purpose of ascertaining members authorized to execute on behalf of the Limited Liability Company. NOTE: According to the public record, the following deed(s) affecting the property herein described have been recorded within 24 months of the effective date of this report: NONE NOT5: The pOlicy to be issued may contain an arbitration clause. When the Amount of Insurance is less than the amount, if any, set forth in the arbitration clausel all arbitrable matters shall be arbitrated at tne option of eitner tne Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. This report i~ pre1imin.ry to the issuance of a policy Of title insu~ance anQ $hall become null and.void unless a policy is issued and the full premium paid. Cascade Title Co. By: C {l€lf kd, Title Officer: COtL~~N te~t ce: 55 & W ENGIN~ERS ATTN: .:rOllN STAPLETON '2350 OAl<MONT WAY EUGENE, OR 97401 cc: NORTHLAND REAL ESTATE ATTN: BRANDT MCLEAN E-MAIL.MCLEAN1031@AOL.COM Date Received: FEB 2 6 2008 Original Submittal TOTAL P.04