HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 12/19/2008 CC~ t:', .C i ,. ':~' f " ^ , , /..W WII WARRANTY DEED J I 0 ( .67":f.,\4:'Z I", ;/0-' 1).- / For Value Received. GOROON G. RENNIE and SANDRA:'J. RENNIE~ husband and wife, WILLIAM H. RENNIE and SUZANNE. M. RB.NNIE. hU:'~band and wife, , ' .... . the grantors ,:ao .,_.~. h~reby grant, bargain,. sell an'd com:ey unto WILLAHALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT.. 8 ~n1cipal CorpOration, the grantee Ii , the follow1.ng {lescribed piemises, to wit: :Beginning at a point 24.42 ciuins South of the' &>rthwest corner of County Survey No. 569; said corner being on'th'e -North line 'of .t~e -David lk.Nutt Donation Land .Claim No. .J5 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West~ Willamette 'Meridian~ ~31.35 chains West of the Northeast c~rner of said Claim and running .thence ,East 6.225 .chains; thence~South..23.293. .chail1s; thence West..6.225 chains to the Wes't line of said Survey No. 569; thence North 23.293 chains to the place of beginning, in Larie'C9unty, Oregon~ EXCEPT:beginri1ng at the N~rthwest corner of the above description, running thence South to a slough, thence Easterly along said slough to the East line of the above description, thence North to the Northeast cor~er of the above description, thence West 6.225 chains to the point of beginning. STATE---tW--oR.EGON..-COUNTY OF LANE, as: CWo.t.W;\ ;"1"1 day of . 'April 19 62 "''P~n\l.\;1_lw':t.Jl)e before'me, a Notary Public in and for Ba.id '. ~!fYnty..t'M *~..n named ./" ~ ~1ffl~...~:\Rennie and Sandra J. Rennie :'~ me .I'ersolUl\I"'~nown to be the identicp,J person'S de- -: scribed in .iQ1,ciE whll executed the within instrument, and '.,: .... Fic~n~It.d~a/t4'.~e. that they executed the sftn;e ",,:..!reelY .n~ ~Iqn.tllrily for the usell and purposes therem .(np.med.......fJ..'.....; .' '. I {vi~iJJl,~r.h.nd and se:al this day and yur lalt above W'itl'::./ :_ /;;/;, (i ,:~/!.14(/t[ ,///;z',V5rn,-",' Notar)' Publir for Oregon. ~ My Commilllion eX~irellft~...4- ?.# /5".5 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the 8aid premises, with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee , its' heirs and assigns forever. And the said 'Grantors do hcreb}' co\'enant to and with the said Grantee ,that t hey the ~w.n~rs in fee simple of said premises; that they are fr.r;.e from ,aJI incumbrances + .:.~ ~Ji~; ~X':~~~:\,.. ~j~d~~~il(;~.~\Wil1 warrant and defend the same from all ~~j0~;,iJ ~/ . YJ~ ' "~::}:Y.;//tj~i'lt. -"'c/ / -, " (,",< .((/{SEAL) J.~.L 'i~B.ennle '~"~;'\~'_~ -"2' _ ~ 0.' ;f~__r<_ YL-<-> ~ (SEAL) jfJi!pne M. Rennie la.....ful claims .....hatsoevei.. cl_ Cordon )~. /(, ~. G. Rennie , 0 --~L) .{i/. Sandra J. ~?~~~ _(SEALJ FiATE OF WASHINGTON) )66, unty of Ki~g ~I t is :L / ,day of ~ril ~ 1962;' personally came bef~re me, . Notary Public in and for said county, the w1thin named WILLIAM H. RENNIE and SUZANNE H. RENNIE. to me personally known to be the identical persons described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the 5~me' freely and volun~arily for the uses and purpose therein named. WITNESS ~ hand and seal the day and year last above written. 7'-a . fl:::r:~/f.v Notary Public for Wasl'lington j My Commiss ion Expires: ~' _ o";..' - ? f ".'ou, PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O DEe 1,,9'2008 L....NE COUNT... "I"L-E C:O~""''''Y. s _,:3 3 I .11 UL .jll L.1 IOV'"f--j- / r f) , .. J533698 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED 1250AOOl 09/23/B5CASC 6.01 IllI0003** RAWLIN LLOYD WESTOVER, EDWIN LOREN WESTOVER, and MELVIN LOREN WESTOVER, as tenants in common, Grantors, convey to WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT, a municipa'l cor- poration organized under Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapter 266, Grantee, the fOllowing real property situated in Lane County, Oreqon, to-wit: Beginning at a point being South 3916.69 feet and east 1130.26 feet from the Southwest corner of the J. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said point also being on the Northerly margin of Thurston Road (County Road No. 474); thence along said Northerly margin North 890 38' 15" West 25..00 feet~ thence leaving said margin Nor~h 00 II' 19" West 1554.00 fe~t; thence South 890 38' 15" East 25.00 feet; th~nce South 00 II' 19" East 1554.00 feet to the point of. beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. The true consideration for this conveyance is in terms other than money. i? '(t THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ANY PARTICULAR USE MAY BE MADE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT. A BUYER SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROpRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. z:t, /I - DATED this ;:CO - day of )(;I.-L./Jh'77J'/u//, 1985. ~Lo~d/~ l~.t~. t!;iL~~ ~~/1 ~~>-e--r -' --, . - .'. . _ EDW~. LOREN WESTOVER . ./ J ~ zUJ '-'~, ~~ ---. ~- ~~~U~~~ ,4fitVIN LOREN WESTOVER aKa Melv~n L. t'Jesto STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane) ss. ~pffi?7-!1.ev;:(o , 1985 #/~__L y~ Gr.-::\:':::... i.. '":,'._V'i":,)i"': Personally appeared the above-named EDWIN LOREN WESTOVER and RA\'ILIN LLOYD WESTOVER, individually and as attor- neyin fact for ~~LVJNfOREN W~~TOVER, and acknowledged said instrument to be 'f.'f1e'll: ~b1i utlta'fy>1al2:le1.nd deed. Before me: szih~_ y ;;;::~7 NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON Ity Commission Expires: 41-/-,8'7 . ."~,~'''i_~.'''~':,::;. - ;'j:::J~:~~ \,.: <"~.:;:':~ D",:XAx--~'l'?i"l'E.MENTS TO: Wil*a~alane. Park ~nd, Recreat~e_9UBMm'=REC'D AdmInIstratIve BUIldIng . 151 North 4th Street DEe 1.92008 Springfield, OR 97477 ' . C/ 'f"r,/'l1l.., ." -13"-3) 17 02 34 21 100+ T ., ," / / \0 8533699 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED 0250A001 09/23/8SCASC **0003n LARRY A. SAUNDERS, PAME~A SAUNDERS, and A. KATHLEEN HALBER'J;, Grantors', convey to WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT, a municipal corporation organized under Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapter 266, Grante'e, the following real pro- perty situated in Lane County, Oregon, to-wit: 10. ! Beginnind at a pQint being South 3916.69 feet ande~st 1130.26 feet, from the South'west corner of the J. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South, Range 2 \'lest of the Willamette Meridian, said point also'being on the Northerly margin of Thurston Road (County Road No. 474); thence along said Northerly margin North 890 38' 15" West 25.00 feet; thence leaving saId marginNorth 00 II' 19" West 1554.00 feet; thence Sou~h 8~0 38' IS" East 25.00 feet; thence South O. II' 19" East 1554.00 feet to the point "of beginning, in Lane 'County, Oregon. The tru~ consideration f6r this conveyante is $ -0- . This deed represents a dedication of the property to the ,above-named Grantee, a municipal corporation, and there is no consideration. It is acknowledged that the market value of the property is approximately $8,155.45" and that this conveyance shall' be con- sidered a donation to willamalane Park and Recreatioh District. r THIS INS~RUMENT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ANY PARTICULAR USE MAY BE MADE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT. A BUYER SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CTTY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. DATED this lqt-n day of SeDternber. , 1985, 1985, ~k!f2~ LARRlYA'. SAUNDERS ' ~~!)~ ~tr:'A SAUNDERS ," , '4"%;<<4~J _$~~. A. KATHLEEN HALBERT ' ACCEPTED AND APPROVED' this ~C! 7:# day of ,.4L'L-fiul/''/" ANE PARK AND RECREATION L J ~_~- g~;~. ~a~nO O~<<~f /)1~e,AlP~ ~ By: W~ 1'7 1-U?2r- ~~ge~t~t~ndent PRE.SUBMITI~l REC'O DEe 1.9'2008 B Pane 1 - naron,in fln~. ~a l.p "'==.on ,..... 8533699 STATE OF OREGON) ) SS. County of Lane ) :f~fJI-. If . , 1985 .. Personally appeared the above-named LARRY A. SAUNDERS,. ". who acknowledged said instrument~o be hi~~~~ry act a~p' ' deed. Before me: $;f--IJJ/ _.)( ~ _' ,-' : NOT~~LIC.tOR OREGON - . My Commission Expires: ~~~-~j7 / , , STATE .OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) .: ,'" ..:.. -<, ~0f1-. /9 . , 1985 Personally acknowledged said Before me: appeared the above-named PAMELA SAUNDERS, who instrument to Yh. her vor~c~ iind ,deed. _" '. ;$~~ NOTA!f'.' PUBLICFbR OREGO~ r , My aE>minission Expires: Y-j.5"'.;p-J_'.. STATE OF OREGON ) ) ) 55. . 5"d) /1 , 1985. County of Lane (i , , Personally appeared the jjb ve-na.. med.. A. KATHLEEN HALB.. ERT, who acknowledged said instrument o. be. her~l~~~~ act and deed. .Before me: 'J$~){ ~ ' . . NOT~51YU~~IC 'FOR OREGON 7 . , My Commission Expires: ?~5....f' -' STATE: OF OREGON ), ) ss. County of Lane ) v1L/'JXrn/<-bV ;{.3 ,1985 " Personally appeared the above~hamed JACK STOOPS and DAN PLAZA, whoa declared each for himself,' and for the other, that they are tQe Chairman of the Board and Superintendent of WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT, an Oregon municipal' corporation, respectively, and further declared that they were authorized to execute the ~ithin instrument by its board of r- ( ~:.~O~C, it b~!lg its voluntary act: and de'ed. Before me: -i~L.:.k_ )< 7".c.-/- ' ,LJ.4~ /. ~, _~ I . ' a.-<-w~ /;~ - r, ~ OSAGe L 'AWTO NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON ;:'~~'2A'!Y FU2UC _ ;~EGO'J My Commission Expires':L,.!-,/-8j" -:"-':., L0r.-.l'~,:,~2~~E)'~1.ifl~s _.4- /_~ '--..,-- ~ ---~.. SEND TAX STATEME~TSTO: . Hiliamalane Park and Recreation Administrative Buildinq 151 North 4th Street Springfield, OR 97477 District Page 2 - Bargain and Sale Deed (End) PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O DEe 1:92008 " '- ,63121 17 02 J4 21 1100 !t -. '. 8540651 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED 3196AOOl 11/12/85CASC **0003.. 5,] '1 ~lILLAMALANE PARK ,AND RECREATION DISTRICT, il municipal corporation organized under Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapter 266, Grantor, conveys to GORDON G, RENNIE and SANDRA J. RENNIE, Grantees, the following real property situated in Lane County, Oregon, to-wit: Beqinning at a point being North 890 26' 48" East 1092.38 feet and South 00 11' 19" East 3927.09feet from the Southwest corner of the J. Whiteaker Donantion Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South; Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, thence North 00 11' 19" West 345.86 feet; thence South 89038' 15" East 25.00 f,eet; thence South 0011'19" East 345.86 feet; thence North 890 38' 15" West 25.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. The true consideration" for this conveyance is $ -0- THIS INSTRUMENT COES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ANY PARTICULAR USE MAY BE MADE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT.' A BUYER SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COU~TY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. WILLAMA NE PARK AND REC,REATION DISTR / ~ By;,~6~~~ .M\ ". u v,:.;.:CK STOOPS " ..., ... By:Ch;?a:JrXf~~~ DA'N PLAZA Superintendent STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) lVo"~??1 Ct:/l q 1985 Personally appeared the above-named JACK STOOPS and DAN PLAZA. who declared each for himself, and for the othe~, that they are the Chairman of the Board and Superintendent o~ \HLLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT, an Oregon municipal SlorpQr;a t ion, . respec ti vely, and further decl ared 'tha t they were :authorried to execute the within instrument by its Board of i\Ud.~~J?}o5's~ it being its voluntary act and dee~. Rpfore me: )U~':lC.),~J ~iJ /~~J () , ".."..<~Q~....' -NOTARY PUBLIC FOR ORF(,tO~ Jf: oR'-","" My Commission Expires: ~'.J3'1iC- """'''''1''- SEND TAX STATEMENTS TO: Gordon G. Rennie , Sandra J. Renn'ie 6222 Thurston Road Springfield, OR 97478 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O DEe 1,;92008 .CT l,.6.3121 > ) 8540652 170234211101 3196AOot 11/12/85CASC *lf0003ii 5 :-l i BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT, a municipal corporation organized under 'Oregon' Revised Statutes, Chapter . '." 266, Grantor, conveys to GORDON G. RENNIE and SANDRA J. RENNIE, Grantees, the following real property situated in Lane County, Oregon, to-wi t: Beqinning at a point being North 89026' 48'" East 1,092.38 feet and South 00 11' 19" East 3,581.23 feet from the Southwest corner of the J. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, thence North 0011" 19" West 432.l7.feet;thence South 89038' 15" East 25.00 feet; thence South 00 11' 19" East 432.17 feet; thence North 89" 38' 15" West 25.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. The true consideration for this conveyance. is $ -0- THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ANY PARTICULAR USE ~lAY BE MADE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT. A BUYER SHOULD CHECK WtTH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. w~~;~' NE PARK AND RECREATION DI/A; T ,( d B . _ ~L-/ ;L'7~7~__ {lJACK STOOPS . Ch~man, Board of Directors By: ,M~ ^ @)c;^- DAN PLAZA Superintendent / 1\t h1~ 1 /0 [) \ ",,!, 00 ral' Q I" Of) STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) l1.hv{;"J?l60i' 1 , 1985 Personally appeared the above-named JACK STOOPS and DAN PLAZA, wh,o' declared each for himsel f, and for the other, tha t they are the Chairman of the Board and Superintendent of WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT, an Oregon municipal corporation, respectively, and further declared that they were authorized to execute the within instrument by its Board of ",,>,,,,I[)'ir'ect.~~s, it being its voluntary act and deeMfo;e me: /J:\\~:~/lr.0:_ tLti tJ" vO ; ",,0 U 13 1I C/'" . NO'fARY PUBLIt FOR :-mwG~ -. -::j ,.-' +' My Commission Expires: :r2,3-f{, ........... . ,-" (() . S'Et>fD\)~X STATEMENTS TO: Gordon G; Rennie Sandra J. Rennie 6222 Thurston Road Springfield, OR 97478 PRE-SUBMIlTAL REC'D DEe 1.9 2008 It '; ,~-I / iii Y if .. . It . If II , I I I I I I / . I I WARRANTY DEED AS33700 W, )VER INV,ESTMENT CO., an Oregon pc. ,1ership comprised oE RAWLIN L, WESTOVER, EDWIN L, WESTOVER, MELVIN L. WESTOVER, and MICHAEL R. WESTOVER, Grantots, conve~ and warrant to WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT, a municipal cor- poration orqanized under Oreqon Revised Statutes, Chapter 266, Grantee, the followinq described real property free of ' encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein situated in Lane County, Oregon, to-wit: ' 900 Beqinninq at a point heinq South 3916.69 feet and East 1130.26 feet from the Soutll\o,Test corner of the J. h'hiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said point also being on' the Northerly margin of Thurston Road (C.oun~y Road No. 474 j; thence along said Northerly mar-gin North 890 381 15" West 452,24 feet;", thence leaving said North margin North 9'0 54' 49" West 1579~ 27 feet; thence South ego 38' 15" East 719.02 feet; thence South 00 11' 19" East iS54.00 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; 02S0AOOI09/23/8SCASC Hi0003u EXCEPTING: Aeginning at a, point being South 3916..69 fee~ and East 1130.26 f~et from the Southwest corne~ of the J. Whi!teaker Donation Land Claim No. 51-, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said point also being on the Northerly margin of Thurston Road (County Road No. 474)'; thence along said Northerly margin North 890 38' 1511 Hest 25.00 feet'; then'ce leavinq said ~argin North 00 11'19" West 1554.00 feet; t'hence South 890 38' IS;' East 25.00 feeti thence South 0.0 11' 19'" East 1554.00 feet to the point of. beginning, in Lane County,_ Oregon; 12.00 ALSO EXCEPTING THAT PORTION DESCRIRED AS FOLLOWS: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lq't 5, SANDALWOOD,' as platted and recorded in file 72, Slide lID, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said point also being South 3810.11 feet and East 884.92 feet from the Southwest corner of the J. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, in Township 17 South, Range 2 \-Jest oE the Wil1amette Meridian; thence North 890 381 IS" ~es~ 7.00 feet; thence North 0.0 11' 19" West 95.00 feet; thence South 890 38' 15" East 7.00 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 5; thence alonq the \-lest line of said Lot 5, South 00 11' 19" East 95.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; AND ALSO EXCEPTING that po~tion which lies within the plat of SANDAU-JOOD, as platted and ~ecorded in Pile 72, Slide lID, Lane County O~eqon Plat Reco~ds, in Lane County, Oregon. " The property is Eree from encumbrances except easements, conditions and restrictions of record and the fallowing: 1. Real Property Taxes, Assessors Map No. 17 02 34 2 1 00400, Account Nos. 1113230, 1113255, 111324B: 1985-86 - A lien but not yet due and payable. 2. Easeme~t for in~ress and egress ove~ a portion of said land, includinq the terms and provisions thereof, in favor of Gordon G. Rennie' and Sandra J. Rennie, _as set forth in instrument reco.r-ded March 7, 1979, Reception No. 7913277,' Lane County Oreqon Recor-ds. r/ . . 7.3,,/77.-2-/ The true consideration for th.is conveyance is $ 17J,vuu .~ WESTOVER INVESTMENT CO. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ANY PARTICULAR USE MAY BE MADE OF THE PRO- PERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT, A BUYER SHOULD CHP.CK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERI'FY APPROVED USES, By: ~d~ .7'4J,_ RAWLIN L. WESTOVER ,/ ~ -" By: ~~r Jd'A/~~ ~L~WY~ ~...:.p- :::~:1E;~~U_l REC'D iff&L1N L. wt::S'l'uvt::k, ._' attorney in Eact Eor DEe 1"92008 . MICHAEL R, WESTOVER Paqe 1 ..., Warranty Deed .- . , , d, II . .. II I . I I I I I I I I / 0 I 0 I'- C') C') . tr) CO I County ( dne , ) ) <8533700 ~, -r 1985 .~n-Lu./ A'/J ' Pe rsonai 1 y' appeared the ahove- named' RAW LI f\! L. WESTOVER I individually and as attorney in fact for MELVIN L: WESTOVER and MICHAEL R. WESTOVER, who declared he is a partner in WESTOVER INVESTMENT CO., a partnership licensed to do business in Oreqon, and declared this to be the voluntary act and deed of ;J::;<;---';Oh~a,0, I..... _ Gi-iA,:;._:!..._ .~ ,\\'v.: ~:lN r-.u.l AR't FUl'3~_IC - On:=GON M~' CCI:-,rtiisr.:iu;! Ex:';f;'~;.ti:- /-8''; STATE OF OREGON County of Lane 0fr/Lz{, ;;( ~~,-/;;, NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON My Commission Expir-es: ..:I_/_/).-c; SS. LU,,:2Zn;rj/.I/ ;:{j) , 1985 , Personally appeare<'l the above-named EDWIN L. WES'TOVER, who declared he is a partner in WESTOVER INVESTMENT CO., a partnership licensed to do business in Oreqon, and declared this to he the voluntary act and deed of ' said partnership. ~:~, l ::lTofu~ ! NOTARY PUBLIC - Oi~~GON . My Cummisslon Ex~ir~s U-'-J-.8~ , SEND TAX STATEMENTS TO: Page 2 - Warranty Deed !7/lIZCC Y'. ;(:/UC~ NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON My Commission Expires: 4- )-87 willamalane Park and Recreation Di~trict Administration Building 151 North 4th Street Springfield, OR 97477 St.t.orOregon, I County of l.n.--u; l,th.Coun<yCI_r1t, in.nd tor th'5.id County, dohu.by ".nlfy th.t tho ...ithin Inltr""'.l\t.... n'al....d for r.~ord It :.oJ ;::F &5 ;,;; ::.1 13,68R "'." OM" om"" ..,"'" PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'I "'." 0..." "H' DEe t:9 2008 Rul By: j)7/ D.p..'y , C '}O.~) """":"-~" . 'e"'" "~r ' ~-<'- \;> : -1:'<"'" ., .~~"" L .~,";~'>'; ..."~~~: ;;; (7 n. J.~l l(}O ';~.~ . ;;---" -,,-' - " ?- ~"):'- ~f~r~ 'i'S1MH2 --.MJiOttGS.,~. u.a.c\!IlZI!iplll~_"_~to: MIl,ME. ADOttCs. z_' WARRANTY DEED-5TAnITORY FORM MARILYN J. DAVIS ----------~-_... ----.~._._------_. oooweys and wrarnntJ to ...._~_~~n._!.~._~~~!:..~!nl?~..~~~,--~~~- ODd wif. r......... cftntee. the followina described property rree of encumbrances., eIlcept IS spec:irIcaUy set rortb bueia.. '. Beginning at the iron pipe marking the Southwest corner of '.: .,' the J. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township 11 SOuth, aange 2 West of the Willamette Meridian_ thence South 89- 26' 4S- West 6.00 feet along t~e North line of the David HcllUtt DOnation Land Claim No. 75 to an iron pin markinq the TrUe Point of Beginning: thence 'South 9- 54' 49- East 3973.10 feet ~ an iron pin set on _the North right of way line of, County Road"'No. 474 (Thurston Road) being a line parallel with and 30 feet Northerly from when measured at right Angles to the centerline,ther~fJ thence North a9- 381 15- ''lest 452.25 feet along sal~ 'rtgbt 'of way, lin.e to an iron pin marking the Southeast corn.er' of ,~,,_..... No. 16053 as filed September 1969. under File 30x40, OffiCe'of the Lana County Surveyor; thence North 00 16' 15- East 300.00 feet along the East line of said survey to an angle point therein: thence North 00 451 56- West 352.97 feet continuing-along the Eeot line of said survey to an angle point therein. thence North 890 31! 15- West 211.00 feet continuing along said survey.line to an angle point therein; thence North 00 l6' 15- East 146~61 feet continuinq along said survey line to an angle point thereuu, thence North 890 58' West 550.19 feet along the North lin.-'of . ._ said survey to a point on the East line of Survey No. 17769, ae' file!. . January 1973, under File 18x27, Office of the Lane county SU- I ._..'...-,.>> it said East line is projected Southerly J thence North O. 11" 19-' . Wellt 3104.40 feet along the East line of said survey to an iron,:,' pin set on the North line of said Claim No. 7 S; thence North 89.-,. 26' 48-East 548.25 feet to the True Point of Beqinninq, in' Lane County, Oregon. SubJeet to Mort&as4 exeeuted by'~rllytt J. Davll. to MOrt,e,e BencorporatlOD. OQ. OregOD Corporation, in the !lIDOUDt of $9.&00.00 dated October 4, 1974 and ncoTded Octob4l!r 9, 1974 Reel. 711, Receptlon No~ 74-44652, Official aecorda of (.ane County t Oreg01l. " , PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O. DEe 1 ~9 :2008 " . . ., L .. [ii~?~~?:~~ :~- 1,RI'tI)!};,_' - ....'-,-, 'i..ii-~!,.,;,,: ", . , "':::_:'::;'_ '.A(r:'o.,,':-:'_~..- H$; j:L--:"~~', _:.~(;<-_. " -'-. '- . )!,}~~;k~",. .. . . ., ' " - .. --- '~"tg~:,,;~:i;,,&:;;';~~(.;:''!'f-h:\_!~~: :@':;:~:it>ti;}~-'- '. ~-. ; ~, '_ :~:';r~'I';,g , ,~~~~~ .,,~'1; 'i':;i' :~":~ . i; " :'d~~~;,:' fl.P UidV....I(:In.T..AC..CONTIH\a DlIICR!"fOHOH . ,-~1I\tIlIN) . . ~.,~~#}: . '. Theoald..,._., l>r....rtom.U.ncumb...COS.Xcepl cobdlU_. ....d.U....._dd ...~_ .,~....-., ' of reeord. 750160Z .t:.... - :.. V, _ n ......&.a.-.::-., 'r~. , .':~' '....-..-..-..--...., '.,,;., ",'r; "-....... ..'. ~. . .~ . -. . ~ PRE.SUBM\ITAL.~EC'P~~t!l _ DE C 1;9 >i:'''d; ~ij :.,p", o u w .... ... (~ '\ , J u: Cl z '" IL II) ,......._..nn __....._..... _.._._._._._..____._..~.__..._...:___:....--..;.....-..--..-....,._...__n..._....___~._._..._..!__;~~~ '". Will l .-anA D::>""l~..&_.BP,..Y'Alli.orl_lLis Lrot- 0.....________....._________:: ' ............. .......".".._......a. /.rlnP r.0urU:.' Sr:hnn 1 f):Ls;tcict._Mo..._M>-_........_____.._. convoy" and warranto to 1 ............-.--.---.----.-... _,0'_' . .......On_ .. --......-...--...---.------...--......--.--. GrQllteo, ...............--.----.--..-.-.----..---.. excopt 01 spaciflcally, 101 forth horoln aitua10d in the following described rool proporty Iree 01 encumbran"," Lane_..._..___.._..._..Caunty, Orogan, to-wlll ........................--.-.. I Commencing at the northeast corner of the David McNutt Donation Land Claim NO. 75 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridan; thence South 890 45' 39" West 1658.25 feet along the north line of said claim; thence parrallel to the east line of said claim South 3142.88 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING in an existing East-West fence line, said point being refel'enced by a 5/8 inch iron rod bearing South 7.90 feet; thence North 89050'. 48" West 405.16 feet along an existing fence to a poi'nt in an existing North-South fence being referenced by a 5/8 inch iron rod bearing South 320 22' West 10.64 feet; thence North 00 51' 35" East 436.86 feet along an existing fence to a poing being referenced by a 5/8 inch iron rod bearing South 340 12' West 21.79 feet; thence leaving said fence East 398.60 feet to a point being referenced by a 5/8 inch iron rod bearing South 18.03 feet; thence South 437.90 feet to the POINT OFBEFINNTNG in Lane County, Oregon. Containing 4.035 ac;res. THIS INSTR~MENT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT ANY PARTICULAR USE MAY BE MADE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT. A BUYER SHOULD CHECK WITH ,THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPART- MENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. The aaid property il froe from encumbran,," except easements, conditions, and restrictions of record. . , $ None The truo con Ii deration far, thl. conveyance I. ..--- (Hare comply with Ihe requlrementl of OilS 93.030) Doted thl. ....9J.O.J!f- day of _~'t'ftI&^' 19._g. &~c~ion Dist. BY: ' (, /'( ~p- . -;;TLE: ~~..-f- ....n....__..__.._ , ,-----.-,9-'- 20 ,19ft STATE Of OREGON. County of ..J....'!!J.F_----......) IlIi. "~r<> H __ ~"., _ . P. II. ad the above namod Wi11amabilll'..l'.....rk and Fn__" -____1__. L, QU'; ";'LUU"U' eroona y appear -d' '''pr<>n{ , ,,~~ ",' Daniel R. f.lazat_fiupprin"'pnrf~nt an _~p<:.rpt"!1~~.h.1I. .' _ . ~~'d"'.;d~:i~---~;d th I e Ins Inltrument to bo, _._?:!:.~; voluntary oct and dood. ;{ - ;;. -:5- FG ' Belarlll me. .... ..... ..... "......' .. . .. '- .........--.-....-... -My' Comml..ioR~MITTAl REeD ry Public far Oregan. DEe 1,9 Z008 '. Groote,,', Addrau. . ......... _.~.-_._...~_..-._-_...__._..-..._..._..-......--- ," ':> / ,D 894642( BARGAIN AND SALE DI SEND TAX .STATEMENTS TO: .. ",-: ";~~;a /1" I II 02- ~ Larry and Pamela Saunders A.. Kathleen Halbert 88535 Periwinkle Road Springfield, Oregon 97478 WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT, a municipal corporation organized under Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapter 266, G~antor, conveys to LARRY A. SAUNDERS, PAMELA SAUNDERS and A. KATHLEEN HALBERT, Grantees, the following real property situated in lane County, Oregon,. to-wit: Beginning at a point being North 89' 27' 27" East 1117.38 feet and South O' 10' 40" East 1693.66 feet from the Southwest corner of the J. Whiteaker Donation Land Claim No. 51, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence South O' 10' 40" East 679.83 feet; thence North 89" 37' 36" West 25.00 feet; thence North O' 10' 40" West 679.43 feet; thence North 89' 27' 27" East 25.00 feet to the Point of .Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Tax Lot 17 02 27 00 01101 ~~~QOCT.13'89"05REC ~~300CT.13'89"05PFUND $-0-. 5.0e lD.Oe The true consideration for this conveyance is THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES. Dated this c::. fI..-. day of O~ b~ , 1989. WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane) (0 ) By: '-(',-:(/ ..'j,,' )} , \V_'{r._J.,--J HMS:: I~JriRO EI,X'SE MYERS Ch~}Jperson o~~he Board . By: Jf/~ A~ DANIEL PLAZA Superintendent /OIJl-L-J i-, ss. , 1989 Personally appeared the above-named ELYSE MYERS and DANIEL PLAZA, who declared each for herself/himself, and for the other, that they are the Chairperson of the Board and Superintendent of WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT, an Oregon municipal corporation, respectively, and further declared that they were authorized to execute the within instrument by it,~...~~~,rd of Directors, it bein~' .sv,o~untary ac a~ d~. Before me: ,""\\ I" M "'., ,) /, ,) .,,' ~ . ,.. . ( ", ,v~' " . , .,." J .-':~,\j~:,s;.1~~~~~<.. toj.", ?"Notary Public for 'oregon c.; j.,;"V~otj\ir"'",-;" . My commission expires:IJ=-.,'1 J-t2 _1.1, . .r .". ~,('~!'h ~:'~ ,,; ; o~)'i!.fi1n? "l~,..~aJe Deed "';~J''';'''' . .:>.n.<;:: .-- "(("'~ OF.O~~~..,': ". !..~.- . :~...\._~. , PRE.SUBMllTAL REC'O DEe 1,9 200B