HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 3/30/2007 .,J '. ,f CITY OF SPRINGFIELD , DEVELOPMENT'SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97471 (541) 726-3759 NOTICE OF REVIEW DRINKING WATER PROTECTION OVERLAY DISTRICT Date of letter March 30'h, 2007 Journal Number DRC2007-00010 Aoolicant Oregon Urology Institute: ' 2400 Hartman Lane , Springfield OR 97477 Prooertv Owner 'G' Street Urology Center LLC, . 1~57 'G' Street ' , Springfield OR 97477. . .i' Reouest . Drinking Water Prote'ction (DVvP) O~erlay District approval is requested for a 10,299 square foot' Radiation Center Building (including a doctors' office) and associated improvements(parking . areas, bio-swales, landscape planting anp lighting) and other infrastructure. The subject site is located on two parcels totaling 41,112.11 square feet, located at 1457 'G' Street, Assessor's Map 17-03-36-22 TL 6800 & 7000. The.subject property lies within the 5-10 year Time of Travel Zone pf the 16'h& Q Street wellhead. ,-. . Backaround . "-.:,.. Nearly one hundred percent of Springfield's drinking water comes from wells. Springfield's drinking water supply and water quality protection is a critical part of Springfield's Drinking. ' Water P(otection Plan..A Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District application is . required in conjunction with any change of use or occupancy and/or development application' . when the development will affect the storage, use and/or production of hazardous materials that. pose a risk to groundwater (SDC 17:050). Oregon Urology Clinic has applied for a Site Plan Review of a newly constructed Radiation Center Building. '. . ,. , . ' Decision' , .', .,', . , ' : '. " , , ,I ~: ; .: . . . The Preliminary Plan ha~ bee~ reviewed and conditions are stated for final app~oval of the ..application...,;. . ',.." ., '. '. ., l .-'.'." . - . Other. Uses Authorized bv the Decision ,. ,. .' . None. . .' ," ....!. 1 " . ,. SDC 17.050(4) Review , The Applicant submitted a DWP Overlay District Development application that contained the' information required by SDC17.505(4) and was deemed complete for review on March 20lh, 2007' ' . SDC 17.050(4): REVIEW a) Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement and MSDS sheets Finding 1: A Hazardous Material Inventory Statement and MSDS sheets have been submitted and reviewed for chemicals to be used/stored on this site. Finding 2: No DNAPL chemicals have been proposed for use at this location, b) List of the chemicals to be monitored through the analysis of groundwater samples and a monitoring schedule if groundwater monitoring is anticipated to be required " . .' ..' .. Finding 3: No groundwater monitoring is required because the applicant does not anticipate , , use/~torage of any extremely hazardous or,.large amounts of hazardous materials., , c) Detailed desc'riptiori of the activities conducted at the facility that inv'olve the storage, handling, treatmant, use or production of hazardous materials in quantities greater than the maximum allowable amounts as stated in SDC 17.070(1). , ,- .' ~ >' . . .;. ,.'. . ..,... . .. . ' Finding 4: The applicant has submitted a detailed technical description of activities conducted at the facility that involve hazardous materials. ' . Finding 5: Springfield Utility Board (SUB) has requested that'the applicanfprovide a layperson's description of howchemicals move through the imaging machine, the amount of, " time that chemicals,sit in the machine, and how leaks from the'machine are prevented,' " ' . .... " ,j" . _. -.,' Condition of Approval:', '... :, ::' .. . , :' .' " 1. 'Theapplicant,sh';1I provide a layperson's .d~scriptibn of how chemicals ITlovethrough the' imaging machine, the' amount of time that cnemicals sit in the'machine, and how leaks from the machine are prevented. , ' '. ,'. ..',', '. ,'.' : ... r .' ~',. :'",;'~ , " . ., ' '. r',' . d) Description of the' primary and any secondary containment devices proposed, and, if ' applicable, clearly identified as to whether the devices will drain to the storm or sanitary sewer '.' . ", , ' , .." .' , Finding 6: The applicant h~s n~tsupplieda ~o~plete description of the primary and . secondary containment devices proposed, and how they will drain into the storm and' sanitary sewer. Findings 12, 13 and 14 in this report discuss secondary containment devices' in more detail and state necessary conditions of approval. .' ., ' . ' (:" .", .1'" ,.',' .... '.: ". ," , " ;'. - ,2 . ,., .,.... .', , ' , " e) Proposed Hazardous Material Management Plan for the facility that indicates procedures to be followed to prevent, control, colle,ct and dispose of any, unauthorized release of a hazardous material ,'Finding 7: A Hazardous Material Management Plan (HMMP) was not submitted with the initial DWP Application, The applicant is required to submit a HMMP using the Springfield Fire and Life Safety template or an acceptable equivalent. The HMMP is required tofollow the standard procedure for notification of a hazardous material release in Springfield, to call 911, which dispatches information to SUB, Following this procedure is important because SUB needs to be notified as soon as possible if a chemical release has the potential to contaminate our well(s), Th13 HMMP is also required to describe the facility's policies for preventing groundwater contamination (e,g" that all hazardous materials be stored in secondary containment, spill clean-up procedures, inspection and monitoring, signage, 'DNAPLprohibition). ' , . ' : ,Condition,of Approval:' '. 2, The applicElnt is required to submit a HMMP using the Springfield Fire and Life Safety template or an 'acceptable equivalent. The HMMP is required to follow the standard procedure for notification of a hazardous material release in Springfield. to call 911. ' , , which dispatchesinfonrnation to SUB.. " , ' ' f) Description of the procedures for inspection and maintenanc~ of containment devices and emergency equipment ' . .' .' . ,Finding 8: The applicant did not submit a description of the procedures for inspection arid, .. maintenance,of containment devices and emergency equipment with the initial application., " " Specific Findings and conditions of approval related to this are discussed in Finding ,18 in " this report." " ' " , ' ' ' ": ;'\'" '.- . :.;;;" .' ,'.., ....,.',.. . ,'....J,. ; '~:, - ':" g) Description of th~ pl~n for'disposition of unused hazard~us materials or hazardous . . _ ~ .' material waste products over the maximum allowable amounts including the type of ,,'. " transportation"and proposed routes, ' , . .'. .' . . ".- '", ~"" _'i':: :. ,- . < . '~. ,.~. . . , , ..:." , J :", ~ . ". ,.;". ," . ,. , " Finding 9: The applicant has submitted a plan for disposition ot'unused hazardous material , . . ',,: and ppzardous materials waste products over the maximum allowable amounts. ,'" .,., '.'1 ."~'~. c'. ',. .'-:' 4 .~....' -,;.,,,-,,'~j. "'~."'., . ".. ' .. ._; .' .'~ '. " : . .::~~:," -..:. ." . ':.: :.' '". . ,'" .. .-. .. . . ,.; , -"-. -. . . '. '.: ~<" ~ . '.,;. '. . " ;.,,' " ' , ,SDC 17.070(3): 5.10 YEAR TOTZ STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL ,.' , ' :" ,,,,: " : ", . , ,. '. ," ,'" ' ", ," . . ' ,~, ",' .'. .:' ," ',:- .. ',. ',"'~ ,;,_ ,:,' a) The storage, handling, treatment, use, produ'ction or otherwise keeping on premises of ;,',..:'.,,, :,;;_;~ ._:.. ,more than ,20 gallons of hazardous materials that pose a' risk to groundwater in ',.. :;'Z;-!"<'~:'~~~1iggregatequimtities'not containing DNAPLs shall be allowed upon compliance with '.' " _;'":" :;:.- contai~ment and safety standards set by the most recent Fire Code adopted by the, , , "', City,' .. ,',,':~ :. ,:'" . . \ . .^~, . ::. < :. . '.: ' '. '" -. -,:..' .: . ~. ;;. . . . ".: ":".' . '. . '. ' " Finding 10: The applicant is proposing the stor~g'e and use of more th1m 20 gallons of " " ,," hazardous materials that pose a risk to' groundwater in aggregate quantities not containing, DNAPLS.", ..' " " '" , 3 .v. :-r',' :',1 '< '. ," ,.4,' .:! ". " . ;' ,", : . .,.... " Finding 11: The applicant did not submit information on secondary containment with the initial application submittal. Findings 12,13 and 14 in this report discuss secondary containment and applicable conditions of approval., ' . b) All hazardous materials that pose a'risk to groundwater shall be stored in areas with approv~d secondary containment in place (Uniform Fire Cod~ Articles 2' and 8003.1.3.3) , Finding 12: The applicant noted that materials will be 'stored, mixed, and decanted in an ' approved facilities storage room but did not propose any specific secondary containment devices. (Please'note that a floor drain does not qualify as secondary 'containment.) Finding 13: All ~ateri~ls listed on the Hazardous Materials Inventory Statefnent'sliall be stored in secondary containment. Material mixing and decanting shall occur in areas with secondary: containrrient. ' Finding 14: The applicant,has stated that signage will be provided at all hazardous material use and storage areas to provide safety information and cleanup procedures. Spill kits shall also be available in these areas, All containers with hazardous materials shall be labeled so that the contents8re clearly identified. , . ' ,', ....a:;..~:". .. ,Conditions of Approval: 3. The applicant shall list all hazardous material, storage areas and describe the secondary, , . ,containment used for each and provide a facility sketch that identifies all hazardous ' material storage areas, mixing and decanting areas, an'd location of imaging, equipment. 4, The applicant shall assure th'at spill kits are available on-site: All containers with ' hazardous materials shall be labeled so that the 'contents are clearly identified. ' ", -'." , , c), All new u'se of DNAPLs shall' be prohibited' '. Finding 15: MSDSs for chemicals intended for use have been evaluated and determined not . ..' to contain DNAPLs, Any new chemicals proposed for use/storage need to be evaluated for ' "'DNAPLs. .,,",> ," " , ',,'. '" '. ' . . \l .... ~ . , . , ,. .' .'. . .. . Finding 16: The applicant is required to provide MSDSs for all lawn care and pesticide ' , ,:' products used on,site, so they can be evaluated for DNAPLs.',' . '" ."'; -.. . , .~:.. '. . . - ',.. ~ . ","t,. . -r';.',.,:,. . ..~ ' ....., . ~ ' .. .,' < ~. .1 ." '-. .. '., . ,", " , .:' ~ . .< ~ ,,"" "," .~ '. ~"" , :"'. ;.... .- >;,~ . , " 4 ,.,. ..' "". '. ," , ' , " , d) Any change in the'type o.f use or an increase in th,e maximum daily inventory quantity of any DNAPL shall be considered a new use and shall be prohibited. '.. ' Finding 17: As noted in Finding 15, any new chemicals proposed for use/storage must to be evaluated for DNAPLs prior to use, Condition of Approval 5 in this report requires that the applicant submit MSDSs for any new chemical proposed for use/storage before purchase of the chemical.' . e) Requireme~ts found in Uniform Code Appendix II-E SectiC;n 3.2.7 for inspection and ., ,record keeping procedures for monthly in-house inspection and maintenance of ,-, containment and emergency equipment for all amounts of hazardous materials that ,pose a risk to groundwater except those exempted shall be met. " . J ' " Finding 18: The primarY arid secondary containmenlmust ,be inspected for le'aks and damage at least monthly. This procedure inc1udeskeeping a log book 'of inspections with' , date/time of inspection, who conducted it, any incidents/spills; and how they were resolved, The applicant is required to submit a description of the inspection and maintenance policy and. a copy of the'inspection form/log book in the HMMP. ," . 1 . . . "0' , .c...:;'" Conditions ,of Approval: ' . ." ' 7, The applicant is required to keep a log book of inspections with date/time of inspection, , who conducted it, any incidents/spills, and how they were resolved. ,,' 8. The applicant is required to 'submit a description of the inspection and ma'intenance policy , and a copy of the inspection form/log book in the HMMP, , ".- :' . '..' .. , .' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL:' .--' The following conditions of approval musi be met prior'to issuance of fi~~f building, , :', occupancy, Final approval of the DWP Overlay, District Application occurs when t~e ' conditions of approval stated in this. revjew are satisfied, :,' , " , ' .... \. ~ - ." ".' . . '," .' " .' ", ~. I '.' , 1: 'The applicant shall provide a layperson's description of how chemicals move through the" :. , '. , ' imaging machine, the amounl'of time that chemicals sit in the machine, and how leaks .. ''::'';:'';-::.'',,;,:;'',from the machine are prevented.>:... .,..,. .: . , ,",', /,', ~ . ' .. '.' ,.,.. '.' : . '..' '. . \..; ~" ,j'" ' ,'~'" .' - ;' .<:/:' ~' . , ',".'.',' 2.. The applicant is required to submit a HMMP using the Springfield Fire and Life Safety' ,: ,,,' :','..' template or an acceptable equivalent. The HMMP is required to follow the standard .1. ... _ '.. , ,. ,procedure for notification of a hazardous material release in Springfield, to call 911, ''':', . '-" which dispatches information toSUB. "..., " .' ' ." .' ~. ,3, The applicant shall list all hazardous material storage areas and describe the secondarY,: containment used for each and provide a facility sketch that identifies all hazardous ,,' , " . "material storage areas, mixing and decan!ing ~reas, and location of imaging equipment. ' ' ~~. " 'J' ..' ~ ' ", ,. .'.... ,-,. ". " ...., , ," . .. ~': :,". 5. .... - ",-"'J ," ',-; , .~ .'-, " , ., .'..... .. ' ,......; . ..' ~. .' . , ~ ' - . , " 4, The applicant shall assure that spill kits are available on-site, All containers with , hazardous materials shall be labeled so that the contents are clearly identified. ' ' 5, The'applicant shall subr1!it MSDSs for any new chemical proposed for use/stora'ge before purchase, . ' 6. The applicant is required to provide MSDSs for all lawn care and pesticide products used on site so they can be evaluated for DNAPLs, " 7. The applicant is required to keep a log book of inspections with date/time of inspection, who conducted it, any incidents/spills, and how they were resolved. , ' 8, The applicant is required to submit a description of the inspection and maintenance policy, and a copy of the inspection form/log book in the HMMP, ' , INSPECTION: , An inspection by SUB prior to final approval of the DWP application is required to verify physical aspects and processes of the site. Please call Amy Cl)initz at 744- 3745 foran ,inspe~tion appointment' , Questions, ' , ' ' ,,' Please call the David Reesor at 726-3783 or Amy Chinitz atSUB 744-3745 if you hq)l,i..'. , questions regarding this process, Preoared bv ..,' .. David Reesor; ',Planner III. ' .," " '-:;,. ." , , " , ;". . ',' .::,.:...,: "..- .' ,.', ,'" '" '-.',: .-"-". .: ):. . ,^' ,to ," "'f' " .' ;' ~. ~.' t. . , ," '" " . ::, ". ..,' :~. ,')... . ," " .." " ',. ~ ,.~. ;, .' -:',_,,:. ;~.1' , .' - ,~_. ',,,I '., ,', '.. '-, . ,.- . ~ .. ""'. ... i,i', " "" .6 - .". '. '" ' . .'.":.<- '.' . .~ '.. L i:'Il""'nll'l\,;]!r1CLU, un ;:l'/'ff I I ~~ . " IL~~ ~p 'v-n' "I E I C ",,'~C" NOrDt:[ iC\JC~;,;'LETO'toR\VAP.i)'J.,,-, (;\ A' - /1/fP 'I.~A{){JR::~,V! 8LFO SUCH NUMBER vdAIJL -~J~\ E TO FabiA:' Vi\CAf;TD REFUSED ;lJillilJ ' i_~ li'~SUFPICH:NT AOD~E~S ; ~~ .- TTENIPTEO NOT lG.:J..;;J CJ i~O ;\,;~I,iL RE(;F.YT':\CU~ "e' Street Urology Center LLC 1'457 'e' Street Spri~gfield, OR 97477 ~,..,..., - / Ad~-)r I.';~' j1ft:'fj c',;, ' , ;CiTABfr:' IJ';).~.,:"'_-, ,,;'o,::!) -....: . "":" '.~ /'J/'fjf(h~1Rf)' , o MailedFrom 974n US POSTAGE o o l. ,III