HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 3/12/2007 . . I~' CA,\lEH.ON McCARTHY GILBERT SCHEIBE L,\;\"nSC,\I'E ,\RCIIITECTS 1.L1' e ..... 160 East Broadway Eugene Oregon 97-l01 Tel ~4IA85.7385 Fax 5-lU85.7389 www.c-m-g-s.com M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Dave Reesor Planner III City of Springfield Springfield, OR 97477 FROM: Colin McArthur Associate Planner DATE: March 12, 2007 REGARDING: Oregon Urology Clinic Site Plan Tentative Review (DRC 2007-00009); Response to Conditions of Approval This memorandum outlines the conditional of approval imposed by the director in the Site Plan Tentative Review decision (DRC 2007-00009) (February 28, 2007) for Oregon Urology Clinic and describes the project team's response to those conditions as part of, or prior to, the Final Site Plan approval process. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall obtain written approval from the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) for all proposed utilities shown. ResDonse: Refer to Attachment A. 2. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, all new easements shall be recorded and evidence thereof provided to the City. The Final Site Plan shall show the location of all utility easements. ResDonse: No new easements are proposed. This condition is not applicable. 3. All utility lines to serve the development site shall be placed underground. ReSDonse: Revised Sheet 0.0 Site Utility Plan illustrates that all utility lines will be placed undergrou,nd. 4. To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of Springfield's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the proposed private vegetative water quality swale shall be shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to approval of a temporary occupancy permit, while Alternatively, is this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes fully established. , ResDonse: The proposed vegetative water quality swale and has been designed in accordance with SDC and EDSPM standards and requirements. Associated plant material sizes to be installed are in accordance with SDC and EDSPM standards. Plant material sizes are indicated on Sheet L3.0 landscape Plan of the permit set. Plant material will be planted 12 inches on center for swale bottom plantings. Swale species will be selected from Plant List shown on the landscape Plan and will be installed and established prior to occu'pancy. . Oregon Urology Clinic Site Plan Tentative Review (DRC 2007-00009); Response to Conditions of Approval 2 S. . The property owner / applicant shall maintain a 3 foot clear space shall be maintained around the circumference of fire hydrants. ReSDonse: No existing fire hydrants are located on the property and no new fire hydrants are proposed. An existing fire hydrant is iocated off-site approx. S feet from the northeast property corner in the 'G' Street right-of-way. No development is proposed in the current clear space surrounding the existing fire hydrant and the applicant will maintain a 3 foot clear space around the circumference of the fire hydrant. 6. The property owner / applicant immediate access to fire department connections shall be maintained at all times and without obstruction by fences, bushes, trees, walls or any ather object for a minimum of 3 feet ResDonse: The applicant proposes to install a dual backflow preventer and enclosure with fire department connection in the landscape area east of the proposed west driveway at 'G' Street, as illustrated on revised Sheet 0.0 Site Utility Plan. This connection has been approved by the Springfield Fire Department (Attachment A). No obstructions are proposed within 3 feet of the fire department connection and the applicant will maintain a 3 foot clear space surrounding the connection point. 7. On or before the time of building permit application, a Hazardous Materials/Flammable and Combustible Liquids construction permit is required for the removal of the underground tank. The permit must be approved and paid for prior to work to remove the tank. ResDonse: The applicant obtained a Hazardous Materials/Flammable and Combustible liquids construction permit prior to removal of the underground tank. 8. Prior to removal of the tank, the contractor shall: Remove the contents in the tank and connecting piping; disconnect and remove the piping; cap and plug tank openings leaving a .125 inch to .25 inch diameter opening for pressure equalization; purge and inert the tank of vapor (2004 Springfield Fire Code 3404.2.14.1). ResDonse: The applicant's contractor (McKenzie Commercial) removed the contents of the tank, which consisted of old bunker fuel, per the instructions noted above on March 2, 2007. 9. Prior to removal of the tank, the contractor shall contact Springfield Deputy Fire Marshal Joe Wicks, 541-726-2298, for witness inspection of the vapor testing. ResDonse: The applicant's contractor contacted Springfield Deputy Fire Marshal Gilbert Gordon prior to removal of the tank. Springfield Fire Department personnel were on-site to witness vapor testing and removal of the tank. 10. The inerted tank environment shall be monitored by an explosive meter during removal of the tank (2004 Springfield Fire Code 3404. ReSDonse: The applicant's contract coordinated with the Springfield Fire Department prior to and during removal of the tank. The tank environment was monitored by an explosive meter during removal. 11. The submitted Site Plan shows a "possible future Phase 2 second vault expansion. The applicant will be required to submit a Site Plan modification and/or a Minimum Development Standards (MDS) application if he/she chooses to expand. Any expansion will be subject to all applicable SDC provisions, including but not limited to SDC Articles 16, 17, 18,28, 31 & 32. ResDonse: The owner/applicant will obtain all necessary approvals prior to expansion of the Urology Clinic facility. 12. All proposed landscaping shall be installed prior to Final Site Plan Inspection or issuance of Final Occupancy Permit on the site. All plant nursery tags identifying species and variety of trees and shrubs shall remain on plant specimens until the final site plan inspection. All seed containers shall be retained for inspection during Fino/Site Plan Inspection. ResDonse: The landscape contractor will be notified in the permit drawings to leave plant tags on all plants. Revised Sheet L3.0 Landscape Plan includes a note instructing the landscape contractor to leave nursery tags on all plant material and to retain seed containers for inspection. March 12, 2007 .CMGS Oregon Uroiogy Clinic Site Plan Tentative Review (DRC 2007-00009); Response to Conditions of Approval 3 13. All new signs on the site on site shall comply with SDC Article 16. ResDonse: All proposed signs will comply with SDC Article 16. 14. The applicant shall refer to the decision on DWP Overlay application DRC2007-000 1 0 for more detail related to DWP Overlay requirements, and shall comply with all conditions of approval written therein prior to Final Occupancy. ReSDOnSe: The applicant will comply with all conditions of approval imposed by the DWP Overlay decision (DRC 2007- 00010). 15. Driveway control signs on 'G' Street access points shall be in accordance with Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards. ResDonse.: Driveway control signs on 'G' Street will de designed in accordance with MUTCD standards. 16. Extend the proposed on-site walkway from the adjacent parking lot to the existing sidewalk on the north side of 'F' Street. ResDonse: As illustrated on revised Sheet A 1.1 Site Plan, the proposed on-site walkway accessing the southern parking lot has been extended approx. 3 feet to connect with the existing sidewaik on the north side of 'F' Street. March 12,2007 CMGS " f. ". t ;{l!.J-'e-rer Pc {. I-e.~I. fjrO ~cr, . . ,l " L'r, ~ ILp7 G ,::; I DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY Approved Valve Box I,~~~, , 'ir'.'-"'r.~ -~ 24" min. clearance I Flow_ PLAN' -IRRIGATION VALVE BOX Boiled securely to bottom box . 1- DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY ~ \ ~ '~k"'Q8'Q;,"'~O'~ i C " " ~~~~ Do"".. !l0.:o~.""'~~.o!().3' .:0' . Flow -... '~~~~~..3 ':"'.,..,.......~......,..,................................. . ~ Provide a 4 cubic foot drain rock filled sump under backflow prevention vault. SECTION - IRRIGATION VALVE BOX Set up side down, square, plumb, and securely prior to valve installation. NOTES - Finish Grade ATTACHMENT A \./ ;> ()\D <.-c 'X -'\ ~~/ \y ~ ,>>~ A ,{tf {of' ~ ty ~\~ . Install double check valve assemblies to allow ready access for repair and inspection. . Provide plugs and caps at all test cocks. BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBN~;~ f} Ii. (-:>//f'_) LL.:;,c",lr CiA .~1'~~,~ f,. ,. .1/,l"'"C" _ . 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I I I REFER TO SHEET C5.0 FOR ] CIVIL AND SURVEY LEGENDS ~ SHEET NOTES: " 1F1Sl/olL COl<[P(Il~~F &Lo:.",~e 0/1 ~C'1l< "!If Sf~'~U:'ND O~"l:S!lC SDl\llQ L"'ES C(~ OUOIl </c;j! - BAlZHISER & HUBBARD . . ENGINEERS I' ~ ,r Iii q , , 1, n ;i ;. , ;, Ii !~ j;'_O CI':-;SI-!l> POC>: ,...;"'" !lllS 1, WA!ER r.~,rs 11-1.1 p~;Aun SANrl~RY SfWE:~ lINCS S<1AU OE lOC~lm . ~INIIolJ" or ;,. iJ'lOY[ SEWERUN(S. Nl(R[ S[RI'lC(SAR(rjQ!HOIlIZ0Il7AlH<,tP"",o,TrOSY 10' 2. I'oIlliltl 5' or ~ flL~r.~c STRLFCTURE, !IUIl.D1N(; CODE "",P~O\'[D Plf'[ "'H[RI~l "0 }:"-O CRUS!-1:D ROC~ {!A(lmLl SHAlL S~ LF5tO j, S<OICU1. P[MOI'[ ANn R(P./R'P,S1ING SURr~t[S 10 "'ATCIi n:5nt.-c ASPH.l1, CWCR(Tt, 00 lolNDSC~f'1NG t: ~RE.S \\\~Ch DO'ml REm\/( N(W lurRC~~U;TS P~OWJ[ .. "IN""Uld O[P11-< ~S?IfAlT OR COI<CR[!E P~vrlol[Nl. o:l toC~ICH tXISTING P~V[l/(tH 1l<'C~t<[SS, WHlCIiEvrR IS CR(~ltR 4 3{;" ",NI,,:)l.< fUR fll-1. SfRIilC( PIP[S UNOER .I.R[.S lR~mCEO Sf "i:IfICLES (NfPol a 10--4) s. INSTAll mACER ""R[ ON mVPIP(UN::(S) cor'smUCltO OC"'OI<-..nAUIC PIPE "~l[RIAl. I ; j C:::::: CONSTRUCTION NOTES: l, 5<1(1 W'TI~ 10 PRO'~Ol: 'ND FNSI"-I.I. "-1.1. UJ''i, cc~"[[n~s. f'lPl '.'<0 V^l\uroo N(WnRE SfPIKf cow<[cnoo, CQl<J1UCfOR 10 COC<[;N'l!: ~NlI Nn~T( Si.!~ _~, O'WE!< 10 P..:;w (CS1S D!P.[Cll.t. , 2, Si.>lI "'>I'D' 10 PROV\Dl; ."10 I!lS1A1./. AU UPS, CON"U:IIO-'<S P1f''t.,VAl\'fS'''[l!:R. .....0 l/ClfRBO,.SRHlOIRCD fOUP~.l[lf [,(lsn'IC O('O<[SllC Sf""Ll COtIt;(Cl,r;<-;, CW!1l~C1OR T~ CooRD,NAl!: ~NO ~nn~rr SUU II'JR., O""lR ro PAY "iUS COSTS'DlRECT.' J ";<;1",-,-,' f1Rr SfR;,<C[ 6fp OfvtCE ~\IQ Vi. DOIl(STIC 5Ol\1ct 6T1' C-[I'lCE "" ~OV( ~"'[lJNO [NQOSCJ~( P[P TiE TAil llill CC"1Il.C1C<>TOCOORD"IATf..-TH[C[CfR,CAlCONffiAcTOOFOl! 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TO V[JI!, .~CH'IT( Tl.lRAl PU.NS FOIl , ' CONn~o~TlO'I .....'1'....'... ."., ~ ~.~ 2. SS llI!~'~ 'ot~T ., ~ . ~ "'" L'J(;~Fl WIIlHIN 6 ~ a'[(lUOfW~:.! "o~ SLOPE... ,'-f------lroolltC \,. ~. T PlIMClIDflOllUl-H \ilUUlIOI'1.OH5AHIJ AS UXA1[D 011 Pl'~ ~C1~~~~.:.s ~ SloP( ,,,cp.~.nDII ~ " '" 7. CONS1R\JC1.-RI;J<;w-~.IN(RO)C(.hhn:11()j, llIICTH-l,OIJ'. SI.JYLo- O.OIOO,f;/Fl IJIN FltH~ 10 1.l[()WIlCAJ./l'lUI.l1)lNG PV'lS fOO t:ON1lI-IJAllON, COCRJiN.rr f'tjo<.llOCHc(J!. 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