HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments SUB 2/12/2007 ~ ~ SPRTNGFI ELD UTI LITY BOARD WATER 'sERVICE CE0:TER 202 South 18th Street Springfield, OR 97477-5240 Tel 541.726.2396 Fax 541.747.7348 www.subutil.com February] 2, 2007- Dave Reesar City af Springfield 225 N. 5th Street. Springfield, OR 97477 ~?!~TI) Dear Dave: SUBJECT: WELLHEAD PROTECTION RESPONSE TO SITE PLAN REVIEW #DRC2007-000]0 OR UROLOGY INSTITUTE, ] 7-03-36-22 TL 6800,7000, ]457 "G" STREET The prapased medica] affice develapment is within the adapted Drinking Water Protectian Area. This area is highiy susceptible to. cantaminatian fram chemicals that may be spilled ar leaked onta'the groundsllr.fas:~...All:.chen;Jica]spillsar leaks shall be cleaned up immediately. All cleanup materials]shall be.dispasedaff-site and in accordance with,LaneCaunty and DEQ .. - 1 - .' . '.' ,",,' , -. . ,t';' C'. "-',) ,.". . 1~'.1.,.'" .; . J: requirements, ]~h.\l~e0':ca,se, care shallbe taken to. prevent gra.y.n~~ater~~l1tami?~~i?n.:;-..;,.. ,: '-', ...:. ~. ," ';~G}.' ':;~'.. .!' . ." ",:' ".., ,- ~i.....,..".,...... This property averlies partians afthe 5 - ]0 year time-af-trave] (TOT) zane to. the ]6th & Q Street Well. It is impartant to. nate that no. DNAPL chemicals are permitted far use ar starage at this sensitive site (DNAPL and Exempt Lists attached.) ., " GENERAL COl';lSTRUCTION: Cantractars/Develapers shall be respansible far the safe handling and starage of chemicals, petroleum products, and fertilizers, and the preventian af graundwater and starm water runaff cantaminatian. The ca~tractar and all subcantractars are required to. pravide the engineer with capies afMSDS far all chemicals prapased far use an-site priar to use ar delivery to. the praperty. Based an these MSDS, the engineer will determine if the chemical is appraved far use an this site. A capy af the MSDS far all chemicals used an the project will remain an the jab site as required by law. All chemicals shauld be placed in adequate secandary cantainment. "Care shall be tak~n to. prevent fluid-cantaining equipment lac~ted outside froin leaking. A dedicated,area fa[-.fuelil1gand:maintenance of equipm~nt shauJd b,\ wa~ided. 1~i~ ,area shauld ,be'prepared.and, majn,tail1ed su~h)hat; in the event af a leak ar spill, l1a'fluids will)iiigrate into. -the;sai] ar stanp.,wilter_drainage system. , ..- .-.. , . -. . ''', .'~ . c '. ." '(to .-:' . ..' '.' Care shall be taken to. ensure that no. chemicals used during canstructian .enter the sail 0.1' be '" washed into. the starm water system. No. paint ar cleaning materials ar wastes shall be allawed to. enter the sails ar starm water system. . Site Plan #DRC2007-00010 1457 "G" Street February 12, 2007 Page 2 of3 No fill materials containing hazardous materials shall be used on this site. OPERATIONS: If applicable, dumpster areas should be covered and contained to avoid wastes from leaking into the soil or storm water system. These containment plans need to be approved by the City of Springfield. . .. VehiCle storage areas should be constructed such that they prevent any leaks or spills from entering the soil or storm water drainage system. Runoff from parking areas should pass through asystem of c~tch basins, oil/water separators, and bio-swales before entering the City's storm water drainage system. These plans need to be approved by the City of Springfield. All chemical storage shall be placed in appropriate secondary containment. Sealants used in containment areas (if applicable) 'should be compatible with chemicals stored within them. Again, no new DNAPL chemicals are allowed in the Overlay District. As part of the process for a DWP Overlay District application, SUB should be provided with copies ofMSDS for materials proposed for use; facility Hazardous Materials & Waste Management Plans; a gen~ral description of storage areas within the structures and a complete description of storage amounts, including. capacity of containment and a containment plan for the facility; and a description of all activities involving hazardous materials storage, use, etc. This information will take some time for review. Rooftop mounted equipment and other fluid-containing equipment l6cated outside the building. . should be sealed and provided with secondary containment or a weather resistant enclosure. In \ the event of a spill or leak, this will prevent any fluids from migrating into the storm water drainage system. If applicabl,e, chemicals stored outdoors (fertilizers, pesticides, etc.) should be covered and piaced,:in.secondary contaimnent. . STORM WATER: Storm water from parking and landscape areas should be routed to discharge to an infiltration system that incorporates vegetative treatment methods. These plans need to be approved by the City of Springfield. Bio"swales, such as implied in the working drawings for this site, are an . excellent way to retard the infiltration of runoff. Soils lining the swale(s) should be amended with clay as a means of further reducing their permeability. A sub-surface layer of heavy clay soils beneath the planting beds would also serve the purpose of directing excess moisture . containing fertilizers and/or pesticides from porous planting media into the bio-swale(s). S:\SITEPLANI1457 G Street site plan DWP _2. I 2_07.doc !;.I!.': Site Plan #DRC2007-00010 1457 "0" Street February 12,2007 Page 3 of3 Catch basins at loading docks should be connected to the sanitary sewer. Areas directly over loading docks and the catch basins should be covered. Cut-off trenches should be installed up- gradient to the catch basins to divert rainwater from entering the sanitary sewer. All injection wells (if applicable) must be approved by both the City of Springfield and DEQ based on proximity to domestic/public drinking water wells, soils type, and depth to groundwater. Because storm water recharges the aquifer, SUB requests' that wellhead protection signs be / placed -adjacent-to 'Ioading docks and ersewhere on the site to alert contractors, subcontractors, employees, and others to the importance ofreporting and cleaning up any spills (sign standard attached). Please contact Amy Chinitz {54 1- 7 44- 37 45) if you prefer to purchase signs directly fromSUB at the cost of $ 15/sign. . . Feel free to contact me at 541-744-3745 for further details or with any questions. Sincerely, ~h:i;ZUY Water Quality Protection Coordinator AEC:mkm cc: Terry Fitzpatrick, G Street Urology Center LLC, 1457 G Street, Springfield OR 97477 Ryan Nossman;Balzhiser &Hubbard, 100 W 13th Ave, Eugene OR 97401 '- S:\SITEPLANII457 o Street site plan DWP _2.12.07.doc FEB-12-2007 04:56 , .: 4! .,' . i . , . I I . SpriDgfield Utility Board Water DivisioD 202 S. 18th Street Springfield. OR 97477 Pbo~e (541) 726-2397 Fax (541) 747-7348 FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: 02-/2-07 LY ~ K....v" ,., '.)/l- 7..2 ~ - 3 t:, g CJ C~ c7 (including this cover pagl~). TO: FAX: a.~ Number of pages (total) -1 f FROM: COMMENTS: \\s.vr-data\wliccngnr\MAlU.f.NBM\forms\FlIX l'o!ID.doc P.01/04 FEB-12-2007 04:56 P.02/04 ~ ' .,;"? ! . .. . I . I , , ~PR1NGFI[,L.D UTILITY llo.ARD 1\'."\'1'1',1:, '1:11\ 1\ I: (('\:"IT). 202 South 18th Street Sprin9tield, OR 97477-5240 Tel 541.726.2396 Fax 541.i47.7346 www,;ubutiJ.com February 12, 2007 . Dave Reesor City of Springfield 225 N. 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Dear Dave: SUBJECT: WELLHEAD PROTECTION RESPONSE TO SlTE PLAN REVIEW #DRC2007-00010 OR UROLOGY INSTITUTE, 17-03-36-22 TL 6800, 7000, 1457 "G" STREET The proposed medical office development is within the adopted Drinking Water Prol lclion Area. This area is highly susceptible to contalllination from chemicals that may be spilled or Jeaked onto the ground surface. All chemical spilIs or leaks shall be c1ealJ.ed up immediately. All cleanup materials shall be disposed off_site and in accordance with Lane County and DEQ requirements. In every case, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contaminaticl1_ This property overlies portions of the 5 - 10 year time-of.travcl (TOT) zone to the 16 h & Q Street Well. It is important to note that no DNAPL chemicals are permitted for use or stora~e at this sensitive site (DNAPL and Exempt Lists attached.) GENERAL CONSTRUCTION: Contractors/Developers shall be responsible for the safe handling and storage of chenieals, petroleum products, and fertilizer( and the prevention of groundwater and stom water runoff contamination. The contractor and all subcontractors are required to provide the eng:neer with copies ofMSDS for all chemicals proposed for use on-site prior to use or delivery to the property. Based on these MSDS, the engineer will detennine if the chemical is appnved for use on this site. A copy of the MSDS for all chemicals used on the project will remain on the job site as required by law. All chemicals should be placed in adequate secondary contairumnt. Care shall be taken to prevent fluid-containing equipment located outside from leaking. A dedicated area for fueling and maintenance of equipment should be provided. This a-:ea should be prepared and maintained such that, in the event of a leak or spill, no fluids will mi grate into the soil or storm water drainage system. . Care shall be taken to ensure that nO chemicals used during construction enter the soi I or be washed into the storm water system. No paint or cleaning materials or wastes shall be allowed to enter the soils or stann water system. FEB-12~2007 04:57 P.03/04 Site Plan #DRC2007-0001 0 1457 "Gn Street February 12, 2007 Page 2 of) No fill matelials containing hazardous materials shall be used on this sileo OPERATIONS: If applicable, dumpster areas should he covered and' contained to avoid wastes fTom kaking into the soil or storm water system. These containment plans need to be approved by the '::ity of Springfield. Verucle storage areas shouid be constructed such that they prevent any leaks or spills from entering the sailor storm water drainage system. Runoff from parking areas should I'ass through a system of catch basins, oil/water separators; and bio-swale~ before entering the City's stoml water drainage system. These plans need to be approved by the City ofSpringficld. All chemical storage shall hc placed in appropriate secondary contaimnent. Sealants Hsed in containment areas (if applicable) should be compatible with chemicals stored within Ulem. Again, no new DNAPL chemicals are allowed in the Overlay District. As part of the process for a DWP Overlay District application, SUB shOLLld be provided with copies of MSDS .:or materials proposed for use; facility Hazardous Materials & Waste Managemenl Plans; a generd description of storage areas within the structures and a complete description of storage amounts, including capacity of containment and a containment plan for the facility; and a description of all activities involving hazardous materials storage, use, etc.' This information will take some time for review. Rooftop mounted equipment and other fluid-containing equipment located outside the building should be sealed and provided with secondary containment or a weather resistant enclosure. In the event of a spill or leak, this will prevent any fluids from mib'l"ating into the storm water drainage system. If applicable, chemicals stored outdoors (fertilizers, pesticides, etc.) should be cpverE)d and placed in secondary containment. STORM WATER: Starin water from parking and landscape af()as should be routed to discharge to an infiltration. system that incorporates vegetative treatment methods. These plans need to be approved by the City of Springfield. Bio-swales, such as implied in the working drawings for this sit~, are an excellent way to retard the infiltration of TUn off. Soils lining the swale(s) should be amended with clay as a means offurther reducing their permeability. A sub-surface layer ofb eavy clay soils beneath the planting beds would also serve the purpose of directing excess moi ;ture . containing fertilizers and/or pesticides from porous planting media into the bio-swal :(s). S:ISITEPL^NI1457 G Street ,ite plan DWP _2_12-07.doc FEB-12~2007 04:57 P.04/04 Site Plan #DRC2007-00010 1457 "G" Sttcet February 12, 2007 Page 3 of3 Catch basins at loading docks should be cOIDlected to the sanitary seweT., Areas direc :ly over loading docks and the catch basins should be covered. Cut-off trenches should be ins1alled up- gradient to the catch basins to divert rainwater. from entering the sanitary sewer. All injection wells (if applicable) must be approved by both the City Of SpringfIeld aId DEQ based on proximity to domestic/public drinki.ng water wells, soils type, and depth to groundwater. Because storm water recharges the aquifer, SUB requests that wellhead protection sie ns be . placed adjacent to loading docks and elsewhere on the site to alert contractors, subcontractors, e!"ployees, and others to the importance ofreporting and cleaning up any spills (sign standard . attached), Please contact Amy Chinitz (541~ 744-3745) if you prefer to purchase sign; directly from SUB at the cost of$15/sign. , Feel free to contact me at 541-744-3745 for furfuer details or with any questions, Sinc'erely, ~- (. Ctz) -AmyE!Chinilz 2J Water Quality Protection Coordina,tor AEC:mkrn cc: Terry Fitzpatrick; G Street Urology Center LLC, 1457 G Street, Springfield CR 97477 Ryan Nossman, Balzhiser & Hubbard, 100 W 13th Ave, Eugene OR 97401 s:\SrrEPLANI1457 G Street site pl.n DWP _2-12-07.doc TOTRL P.04 !, .' :,1 '.. ... ~/~Q) SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD WATER SERVICE CENTER 202 South 18th Street Springfield, OR 97477-5240 Tel 541.726.2396 Fax 541.747.7348 www.subutil.com February 12, 2007 , -. Dave Reesor City of Springfield' 225 N. 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Dear Dave: SUBJECT: SITE PLAN TENTATIVE #DRC2007-00009 OR UROLOGY INSTITUTE, 17:03-36-22 TL 6800, 7000, 1457 "G" STREET Listed below are our comments for the above referenced development proposal: I. The proposed development is within the Springfield city limits and currently receives water service from the Springfield Utility Board (SUB). 2. Al1 new w~ter-s'ySieinJacilities and rriodificationstowatersyst"m facilities:poth:inside and":' , adjacent to 'the .pro"jJCised development shal1be placed in streetrigllt-of-way at-a 10gition'and'depth of bury that meets the standards of the SUB Water Division. "f' . J;. 'b:._' .;: ":,, . . l';' " . .~~: , Al1 waier fa'Ciliiy materialsshal1 be to a standard that must meet SUB Water:Divisionj" I ' '. specifications. c' 3. .n ,:. 4. Al1 worlarianship shal1 be performed to meet or exceed SUB Water Division construction standards. . . '. . 5. Size of waterline and other facilities, including water meters, must meet the needs of the SUB Water Division and the long-range needs of the City. These needs include, but are not limited to, 111eter location a~H access, sizes of water distribution and- transmission lines; pumping facilities, and communication lines. 6. Please askthe developer to contact the SUB Water Division for detailed information on the materials and construction standards, detailed costs for installing SUB water facilities, and a schedule of construction. Construction expenses may be reduced with good planning of required water facilities, good timing of facilities installation, and joint trench opportunities. ~ . J All water meters will be placed in public right-of-way at a location identified by the developer. Each lot or"parcel must have its own water service. .....t' :.' 'f( :.1. . '. _ 7. 8. Wate'r'servi'c~facilit;es:will be installed upon col1ection of development'charges: -DeyelopI]1ept.,;.. policies aili:fcharges identified in this letter are subject to change. Actual charges'will be those in effeCt at the time water service is requested. ':,.' .... ,~ r .' Site Plan #DRC2007 -00009 1457 "G" Street February l-2; 2007 Page 2 of2 9. Springfield has several wellhead protection areas. Ninety percent of Springfield's drinking water comes from wells. In every instance, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contamination. Contractors/developers/owners shall be responsible for the safe handling and storage of chemicals, petroleum products, fertilizers, and the prevention of groundwater and storm water runoff contamination. . . Special requirements may be necessary for groundwater protection at this development. Contact Amy Chinitz at Springfield Utility Board Water Division for details at 726-2396. 10. Backflow prevention devices will be required for this service. Please contact Chuck Davis at 726- 2396 prior to installing water service. Chuck can help in the selection ofthe most economical device and location. Water service will not be provided. until a backflbw plan has been submitted to SUB Water Engineeringand approved for installation. PLEASE NOTE: SUBdevelbprhent charges are paid directly to SUB Water Division and SUB Electric Division. Sincerely, , '3~ E.. ~e~~ Bart E McKee, P.E: Senior Civil Engineer - Water Division BEM:mkm cc: Terry Fitzpatrick, G Street Urology CenterLLC, 1457 G Street, Springfield OR 97477 . . ili Ryan Nossman, Ba]zhiser & Hubbard, 100 W 13 Ave, Eugene OR 97401 '.'j " i. S:ISITEPLAN\14S7'GStreet site plan 2.9.07.doc ) FEB-11-2007 23:05 ~T" . DATE: TO: FAX: FROM: Number of pages (total) COMMENTS: , Springfield Utility Board Water Division , 202 S. 18'11 Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 726-2397 Fax (541) 747-7348 FAX TRANSMITTAL ~-/z--07 &auJ _ ~~A 7~~ - .3(P ~7 7Y? c-. x: ~ .( .:6~ -3 (including this cQver page). \\!:zvr-dnta\wscengnr\MARLE.NEM\Fonns\Fu Form.tloc P.01/03 r1 FEB-11-2007 23:05 P.02/03 ,... .~ .' .. \" I c , i SI'IUNGI'IF.l.D UTILITY HOAR() \\'.\'1"1"1.' .\I:I>\'I\.\ ('r~...!TI'I: 202 South 18th Street Spring':i~ld, OR 97477-5240 Tel 541.726.2396 F...it. 541.7..7,7345 w.......\ov.sLJbutil.ccJIll F~bruary 12, 2007 Dave Reesor City of Sprinlo.field 225 N, 5th Street Splingfield, OR 97477 Dear Dave: SUBJECT: SITE PLAN TENTATIVE #DRC2007-00009 OR UROLOGY INSTITUTE, 17-03-36-22 TL 6800, 7000, 1457 "0" STREET Listed helow are our conunents for the above referenced development proposal: . I. The proposed development is within the Springtield city limits and currently receives wakr service from the Springfield Utility Board (SUB). 2. All new water system facilities and modifications to watersystcm facilities hoth inside and' adjacent to the proposed development shall be placed in street right-of-way at a locatl<ln and depth of bury that meets the standards of the SUB Water Division. 3. All water facility materials shall be to a standard that must meet SUB Water Division speciiications. 4. All workmanship shall be performed to meet or exceed SUB Water Division construc .ion standards, 5. Size of waterline and other facilities, jncl~lding water meters, must meet the needs of t he SUB Water Division and the long-range needs of the City. These needs include, but are no t limited to, meter location and access, sizes of water distribution and transmission lines, pumping facilities, and communication" lines. 6. Please ask the developer to contact thc SUB Water Division for detailed information un the materials and cnnstruction standards, detailed costs for installing SUB water facilities and a schedule of construction. Construction expenses may be reduced with good plam1ing of required waler facilities, good timing of facilities installation, and joint trench opportunities. 7. All water meters will be placed in puhlie right-of-way at a location identified. by the d weloper. Each lot or parcel must have its.own wal<:r service. 8. Water service [ad lities will be installed upon collection of development charges. De, elopment policies and ch'argcs identified in this letter are subject to change. Actual charges wi!. be those in effect at the time water scrvice is requested. FEB-11-2007 23:06 P.03/03 -:;: Si,te Plan ffDRC2007-00009 1457 "G"Strect February 12,2007 Page 2 00 9. Springfield has several wellhead protection areas, Ninety percent of Springfield's drin .<ing water comes from wells. hl every instance, care shall b. taken to prevent groundwater conta lunation. Contractors/developers/owners shall be responsible for the safe handling and storage c f chemicals, petroleum products, fertilizers,. and the prevention of groundwatcr and Slorm water rur off contamination. . Special requirements may be necessary for groundwater protection atthis developmen', Contact Amy Chinitz at Springfield Utility Board Water Division for details at 726-2396. 1 Q. . Backflow prevention devices will be required for this service. Please contact Chuck r: avis at 726- 2396 prior to installing wat~1" service. ChL~ck ean help in the selection of the most ecollomical device and location. Water service will not be provided until a backflow plao has been submitted to SUB Water Engineering and approved for installation. PLEASE NOTE: SUB development charges are paid directly to SUB Water Di rision and. SUB Electric Division. Sincerely, '$~ f 7Y;e~~ Bart E McKee, P,E. Senior Civil Engineer - Water Division BEM:mlan cc: Terry Fitzpatrick, G Street Urology Center LLC, 1457 G Street, Springfield OR 974T. Ryan Nossman, Balzhi,cr & Hllbbard. 100 W 13'h,Ave, Eugene OR 97401 S:\SITEPLANII457 G Street ,ite plan 2-9-07,doc TOTAL P. 03