HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence SUB 3/29/2007 Page 1 of1 REESOR' David From: CHINITZ Amy C. [AmyC@subuti1.com] . Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 3:56 PM To: Mike Shields. Cc: James Tudor; REESOR David; Fitzpatrick, Terry Subject: RE: DWP application DRC2007-00010 (Oregon Urology Clinic) Attachments: OR Urology-Pending Issues_3-29-07.doc , ) Mike, I've just reviewed the HMMP along with all the other documents you've provided along the way. The attached document lists all the pending "to-do" items for this application. I have several comments for the HMMP, though you'll see that they are mostly slight edits and modifications. ' Please note that one of the items on this checklist is to display wellhead' protection signs during 'construction and operations. We have the signs <;lvailable at SUB, and they should go up as soon as construction begins. Please let me know if you have any questions. Amy, .--'''' Amy E. Chinltz Water Quality Protection Coordinator. Springfield Utility Board 202 South 18th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 541.744.3745 Fax: 541.747.7348 From: Mike Shields [mailto:mshields@bhengineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 12:34 PM. To: CHINm Amy C. Cc: James Tudor; REESOR David; Fitzpatrick, Terry . Subject: DWP application DRC2007-0001O (Oregon Urology Clinic) ~ . .. .. Amy, Attached is the Hazardous Materials Management Plan you requested. I am still waiting to hear back from Jane Thompson at MWMC regarding disposal.of used chemicals to the sanitary sewer. Beyond that, I believe . that the remaining items for this application are limited to "prior to occupancy" items such as your walk-through. Please let me know if you need any additional information at this time. .Thanks. ' . Mikae(Shields. P.E.' Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard Enaineers Mechanical - Electrical - Civil - Energy - Ughting . Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability ': 100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303 '. . . "',' ~'; . . , R.ECEIVED,' ....~~.~ SlJB . ". ,.' ..'1. '-_"i ". .' "' By,::' 3;2-q - 07 ':'" 3/29/2007 . . OREGON UROLOGY INSTITUTE - DWP Application Pending Issues as of March 29. 2007 (Submitted by Amy Chinitz. Springfield Utility Board) CI City of Springfield Environmental Services must approve the disposal of both the treated and 'untreated chemicals to the sanitary sewer (as indicated in the draft HMMP). o Provide MSDSs for lawn care and pesticide products to be used on site. o Add a line to the inspection form for noting any problems detected and how they were resolved (in addition to "Notes").,. o On-site inspection prior to occupancy permit. RECEIVED , ?_IJJ:? ~YV\rn.w:b " II _". "?J-2t) "'01 CI Display wellhead protection signs during construction and operations. , ,'-.. .; ,- CI Hazardous Materials Management Plan o Section I (Facility Description): Please list emergency contacts. o Section II:, The hazardous material inventory statement lists only two products, where the statement in the original DWP application lists four. Please include all products to be ., used/stored on site. In the note below the table, please change "before use" to "before purchase." This will allow us to evaluate products for DNAPLs before the facility has them on site., This section would be the logical'place to make note of the DNAPL prohibition. , . o Section III (Separation, containment, and monitoring): Please identify the storage area on the blank line. The DWP application indicates that some materials will be stored in their original containers. Unless this is no longer true, please .check "original containers". ' under (1) Storage Type. .' o Please include the inspection form and description page as an attachmel1t in the final HMMP. ' . o The docUment titled "Oregon Chemical Sheet" has important supplemental information' that was not included in the HMMP. Please incorporate the information from this documentintotheHMM~. _ .- .,' .... "., ..... o 'Section IV (Waste Disposal): Add note that only approved materials may be disposed of .' via the sanitary sewer. ' ,,' o Section VI (Emergency Response Plan): Please indicate that 911 should be notified in the . event of an "emergency or spill." This is important information in case a vehicle.or other large spill occurs outside the facility. Does the service contractor serve as an emergency , . contact for a spill related to the processing equipment? . . D': Seciion VII (Emergency Response Training Plan):'The informationaboutemployee. , " training that was included in the "Oregon Chemical Sheet" document was not included " _here in Section B (i.e., that employees will be trained on spill procedures). Employee . training should include awareness of drinking water protection issues. ,Please fed free to list contact information for Amy Chinitz to assist with this part of the training.' . By:' " c- 'C:\Documents ~d Settinis\reesS082\Local Settings\L...I"'~."'.I' Intem~ Files\OLKD\QR Urology_Pending I~sues_3-29..Q7.doc ,Ii!.. ,. .: .. ,., ... , SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD WATER ~ERVICE CE~TER 202 South 18th Street Springfield, OR 97477-5240 Tel 541.726.2396 Fax 541.747.7348 www.subutil.com February 22, 2007 RECEIVED 'T\R (- UNrr~ .j..(:~ '300 By: .2 - J-J.--O-' Dave Reesor Development Services City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 SUBJECT: 'OREGON UROLOGY INSTITUTE OVERLAY DISTRICT APPLICATION DRC2007-000010 Dave: I have reviewed all documents provided for Oregon Urology Institute in light of the items required for a City of Springfield DWP Overlay District Application as outlined in Article 17 of the Springfield Development Code (SOC). The property lies within the 5-10 year Time of Travel Zone from the 16th & Q Street wellhead. Areas that still need to be addressed are explained below: SDC 17.050(4): REVIEW a) Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement and MSDS sheets COMPLETED b) List of the chemicals to be monitored through the analysis of groundwater samples and a monitoring schedule if groundwater monitoring is anticipated to be required GROUNDWATER MONITORING NOT REQUIRED c) Detailed description of the activities conducted at the facility that involve the storage, handling, treatment, usc or production of hazardous matcrials in quantities greater than the maximum allowable amounts as stated in SDC 17.070(1) COMPLETED. Please provide a layperson's description of how chemicals move through the imaging machine, the amount of time that chemicals sit in the machine, and how leaks from the machine are prevented. d) Description of the primary and any secondary containment devices proposed, and, if applicable, clearly identified as to whether the devices will drain to the storm or sanitary sewer INCOMPLETE. See Section (b) below. e) Proposed Hazardous Material Management Plan for the facility that indicates procedures to be followed to prevent, control, collect and dispose of any unauthorized release of a hazardous material INCOMPLETE. Please submit a HMMP using the Springfield Fire and Life Safety template or an acceptable equivalent. The HMMP should follow the standard procedure for notification of a hazardous material release in Springfield, to call 911, which dispatches information to SUB. Following this procedure is important because SUB needs to be notified as soon as possible if a chemical release has the potential to contaminate our well(s). The HMMP should also describe the S:\Amy Chinitz\Businesses_DWP apps\Oregon Urology Institute\OR Urology lnsl app response_2-22-07.doc facility's policiesfor preventing groundwater contamination (e.g., that all hazardous materials be stored in secondary containment, spill clean-up procedures, inspection and monitoring, signage, DNAPL prohibition). . I) Description of the procedures for inspection and maintenance of containment devices and emergency equipment INCOMPLETE. See Section (e) below. g) Description of the plan for disposition of unused hazardous materials or hazardous material waste products over the maximum allowable amounts including the type of transportation, and proposed routes - COMPLETE. SDC 17.070(3): 5-10 YEAR TOTZ STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL a) The storage, handling, treatment, use, production or otherwise keeping, on premises of more than 20 gallons of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater in aggregate quantities not containing DNAPLs shall be allowed upon compliance with containment and safety standards set by the most recent Fire Code adopted by the City See Section (b) below. b) All hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater shall be'stored in areas with approved secondary containment in place (Uniform Fire Code Articles 2 and 8003.1.3.3) The applicant noted that materials will be stored, mixed, and decanted in an approved facilities storage room but did not propose any specific secondary containment devices. (Please note that a floor drain does not qualify assecondary containment.) All materials listed on the Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement must be stored in secondary containment. Material mixing and decanting must occur in areas with secondary containment. Please (1) list all hazardous material storage areas and describe the secondary contaimhent used for each (2) provide aJacility sketch that identifies all hazardous material storage areas, mixing and decanting areas, and location of imaging equipment. The applicant stated that signage will be provided at all hazardous material use and storage areas to provide safety information and cleanup procedures. Spill, kits should also be available in these areas. All containers with hazardous materials should be labeled so that the contents are clearly identified. c) All new use of DNAPLs shall be prohibited MSDSs for chemicals intended for use have been evaluated and determined not to contain DNAPLs. Any new chemicals proposed for use/storage need to be evaluated for DNAPLs. Please submit MSDSs for any such products before purchase. Please provide MSDSs for all lawn care and pesticide products used on site so they can be evaluated for DNAPLs. d) Any change in the type of use or an increase in the maximum dailY inventory quantity of any DNAPL shall be considered a new use and shall be prohibited. See Section (c) above. e) Requirements found in Uniform Code Appendix II-E Section 3.2.7 for inspection and record keeping procednres for monthly in-house inspection and maintenance of containment and emergency equipment for all amounts of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater except those exempted shall be met. The primary and secondary containment must be inspected for leaks and damage at least monthly. This procedure includes keeping a log book of inspections with date/time of inspection, who conducted it, any incidents/spills, and how they were resolved. Please include a description of the inspection and maintenance policy and a copy of the inspection fonn/log book in the HMMP. S:\Amy Chiiliti:\Businesses_DWP apps\Oregon Urology Institute\OR Urology lost app rcsp~nse_2-22-07.~oc OTHER AREAS THAT NEED TO BE ADDRESSED a) Materials used for landscape maintenance purposes should be used only according to manufacturer's' specifications. b) An inspection to verify physical aspects and processes of the site is required. Please contact Amy Chinitz at 744-3745 to schedule a site visit. c) Ifnot already posted (and as already indicated in the application), exterior signage that uses the sign standard provi,ded by SUB should be placed in conspicuous locations (parking lot, outside of structure, truck entrance) to alert staff and visitors to notify 911 in the event of an unauthorized release of hazardous materials (please contact Amy Chinitz at 744-3745 to purchase signs directly from SUB). . d) Employee training should promote awareness of the sensitive area that the facility occupies and special precautions that need to be taken to protect the drinking water supply. Please include in the HMMP a list of topics to be included in employee training. Please contact Amy Chinitz at 744-3745 if you would like to schedule a brief drinking water protection presentation for employees. Please feel free to contact me at 744-3745 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~~, Water Quality Protection Coordinator S:\Amy Chinitz\Businesses_DWP apps\Oregon Urology Institute\OR Urology lost ap~ response_2.22-07.doc I . , ~~[ ;tJ 7~ vf'8 1(lO IV~' ~y{, , February 22, 2007 RECEIVED _1)R.~eoWl~ L.... "5u.0 By:~-^"J.-07 ." Dave Reesor Development Services City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 SUBJECT: OREGON UROLOGY INSTITUTE OVERLA Y DISTRICT APPLICATION DRC2007-000010 Dave: I have reviewed all documents provided for Oregon Urology Institute in light of the items required for a City of Springfield DWP Overlay District Application as outlined in Article 17 of the Springfield Development Code (SDC). The property lies within the 5-10 year Time of Travel Zone from the 16'h & Q Street wellhead. Areas that still need to be addressed are explained below: SDC 17.050(4): REVIEW a) Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement and MSDS sheets COMPLETED b) List of the chemicals to be monitored through the aualysis ofgrouudwater samples and a mouitoring schedule if groundwater monitoriug is anticipated to be required GROUNDWATER MONITORING NOT REQUIRED c) Detailed descriptiou of the activities conducted at the facility that involve the storage, handling, treatment, use or production of hazardous materials in quantities greater than the maximum allowable amounts as stated in SDC 17.070(1) COMPLETED. Please provide a layperson's description of how chemicals mave through the imaging machine, the amount of time that chemicals sit in the machine, and how leaks from the machine are prevented. d) Description of the primary and any secondary containment devices proposed, and, if applicable, clearly identified as to whether the devices will drain to the storm or sanitary sewer INCOMPLETE. See Section (b) below. e) Proposed Hazardous Material Management Plan for the facility that indicates procedures to be followed to prevent, control, collect and dispose of any unauthorized release of a hazardous material INCOMPLETE. Please submit a HMMP using the Springfield Fire and Life Safety template or an acceptable equivalent. The HMMP should follow the standard procedure for notification of a hazardous material release in Springfield, to call 911, which dispatches information to SUB. Following this procedure is important because SUB needs to be notified as soon as possible if a chemical release has the potential to contaminate our well(s). The HMMP should also describe the facility's policies for preventing groundwater contamination (e.g., that all hazardous materials be C:\Documcnts and Senings\rces8082\Local Seltings\Tcmporary Intl.'1llet Files\OLKD\OR Urology Inst app responsc_2-22..o7.doc stored in secondary containment. spill clean-up procedures, inspection and monitoring. signage, DNAPL prohibition). 1) Description of the procedures for inspection and maintenance of containment devices and emergency equipment INCOMPLETE. See Section (e) below. g) Description of the plan for disposition of unused hazardous materials or hazardous material waste products over the maximum allowable amounts including the type of transportation, and proposed routes COMPLETE. SDC 17.070(3): 5-10 YEAR TOTZ STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL a) The storage, handling, treatment, use, production or otherwise keeping on premises of more than 20 gallons of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater in aggregate quantities not containing DNAPLs shall be allowed upon compliance with containment and safety standards set by the most recent Fire Code adopted by the City See Section (b) below. b) All hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater shall be stored in areas with approved secondary containment in place (Uniform Fire Code Articles 2 and 8003.1.3.3) The applicant noted that materials will be stored. mixed, and decanted in an approved facilities storage room but did not propose any specific secondary containment devices. (Please note that a floor drain does not qualify as secondary containment.) All materials listed on the Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement must be stored in secondary containment. Material mixing and decanting must occur in areas with secondary containment. Please (I) list all hazardous material storage areas and describe the secondary containment used for each (2) provide a facility sketch that identifies all hazardous material storage areas, mixing and decanting areas, and location of imaging equipment. The applicant stated that signage will be provided at all hazardous material use and storage areas to provide safety information and cleanup procedures. Spill kits should also be available in these areas. All containers with hazardous materials should be labeled so that the contents are clearly identified. c) All new use of DNAPLs shall be prohibited MSDSs for chemicals intended for use have been evaluated and determined not to contain DNAPLs. Any new chemicals proposed for use/storage need to be evaluated for DNAPLs. Please submit MSDSs for any such products before purchase. Please provide MSDSs for all lawn care and pesticide products used on site so they can be evaluated for DNAPLs. d) Any change in the type of use or an increase in the maximum daily inventory quantity of any DNAPL shall be considered a new use and shall be prohibited. See Section (c) above. e) Requirements found in Uniform Code Appendix I1-E Section 3.2.7 for inspection and record keeping procedures for monthly in-house inspection and maintenance of containment and emcrgency equipment for all amounts of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater except those exempted shall be met. The primary and secondary containment must be inspected for leaks and damage at least monthly. This procedure includes keeping a log book of inspections with date/time of inspection, who conducted it, any incidents/spills, and how they were resolved. Please include a description of the inspectian and maintenance policy and a copy of the inspection form/log book in the HMMP. OTHER AREAS THAT NEED TO BE ADDRESSED C:\Oocumcnts and Settings\recsS082\Local St.1tings\T .....t'~....,1 Internet Fik-s\OLKD\OR Urology Inst app rcsponse_2-22..o7.doc , - . < 'a) Materials used forhindscape maintenance purposes should be used only according to manufacturer's specifications. ' ~ b) An inspection to verify physical aspects and processes of the site is required. Please contact Amy Chinitz at 744.3745 to schedule a site visit. c) lfnot already posted (and as already indicated in the application), exterior signagethat uses the sign standard ,provided by SUB should be placed in corispicuous locations (parking lot, outside of , structure, truck entrance) to alert staff and visitors to notify 91 I in the event of an unauthorized 'release 'of hazardous materials (please contact AmyChinitz at 744-3745 to purchase signs directly from SUB).' ' . d) Employee training shoul.d promote awareness of the sensitive area that the facility occupies and .special precautions that need to be taken to protect the drinking water supply. Please include in the HMMP a list of topics to be included in employee training. Please contact Amy Chinitz at 744.3745 if you would like to schedule a brief drinking water protection presentation for employees. Please feel free to contact me at 744.3745 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Amy Chinitz' , . Water Quality Protection Coordinator ,. . " , ' -,'.' .- :',' ." " .~ v ..\" ',' ,- C:\Docu~entsaf!d Settings\t'cL's8082\Local SetLiri'gs\Temporary'lntemet Files\OL,KD\OR Urology Inst app responsc_2-22-07.doc . '. ..'., . ,. - -".' . . '- . ,.,' ,:I . ," , ' .", "