HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 2/7/2007 r ,'.. ~''-'>,-,..~ \~~":_.,_;~. ''':'O!^') "-'">:;k;'~"~ " .;', -''':' '.~' ......f~~~-=t, . ...........;;................ "''''-'1--'0- ~~'."'~ , :;-_.'::~-':f"_", w.'- ""-'~1 . ~ ,',. " -.'.,d.; . .~.....' ,. ~".. '. -~, c. ,.' .ff City of Springfield Development Services D,partment 225 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 . S~R1NGFHaLD . -," ->.~ - -,' --,. '" DWP Overlay District Application, Type I Applicant Name Oreqon Uroloqy Institute Address 2400 Hartman Lime, Sprinqfield, OR. 97477 Property Owner Name G Street Urciloqy Center LLC Address 1457 G Street, Sprinqfield OR 97477 Developer Name Oreqon Uroloqy Institute "duress 2400-Hanman Lane, Sprinqfiefd, OR. .97477 Property Address 1457 G Street, Sprinqfield, OR. 97477 Phone: 541-343-9259 Phone: 541-343-9259 . Phone: 541-343-9259 Assessor's Map No, 17-03-36-2-2 Size of Property Acres 0.94 Tax Lot No, 6800, 7000 or Square Feet .41,112' s, f. Existing Use of Property Medical Office buildinq Specific Description of Proposal Demolish existing medical office building and associated parkinq, Construction of a new Radiation Center buildinq, associated site improvements (parkinq areas, bio-swales, landscapeplantinqs and liqhtinq) Was this development proposal reviewed'by the City through a Pre-application Report? Yes -'.1 No X .. The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and'accurate. Applicant Signature ' 'Date If the applicant is other than the owner, the owner h Owner Signature .~~( e.-mission for applicant to act in his/her behalf Date .Ju 107 . For Office Use On Iy: Journal No. DRCZOD1-OOOO /0 . Received By Map No 17~{)3 -3~-22- Tax Lot No, r\~26\)1- ~ 5' ~ECFI'VED If/600. 7 rx::d ~ . ,,-, ~l~ - - ' H:_+ By: 7...-1-07 . ~Da,e r,ccepled as Lomplete G~~~; ~-,--:- -_.~ _ ~ -,,..",, ..~. '.,' ",i '. j ~AlK' 1 ~~~F.."j 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number DRC2007-00009 DRC2007-00009 DRC2007-00009 DRC2007-00009 DRC2007-00010 DRC2007-00010 Payments: Type of Payment Check cReceiotl ,'- , of Springfield Official Receipt L~"elopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 9:03:25AM 2200700000000000174 Date: 02/07/2007 Description Expedite Process FeelFlat Rate CTY Site Plan Review + 5% Technology Fee Postage Fee Type II - $150 CTY Drinking Water Protection + 5% Technology Fee Amount Due 11,000.00 3,960,00 748.00 150,00 957.00 47,85 $16,862,85 Paid By OREGON UROLOGY tNSTlTUTE PC Item Totat: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Paid tj tn Person $16,862,85 5749 Payment Total: $16,862,85 RECEIVED By: .1.-1-t) I Page I of 1 2/7/2007 "tt-ot I o:w~;:'k~:~", G STREET ~~=~:":~"~~"~-~~'~~I """",,;-t, ~~o;~~'o;- Of"""''''' ....... ,-,_....,. ,...., "'" "...., """"""'I">... ..~',:: t... /i~!.."'.;~t" ..,"'..,"'....." ;,.E,;",:.!:.!...: """.;.:- ,_....f",' /J .,.-'-----~ I ~.~.:""""';; -J-- ~'\' <<JNC..D.:~''''~i~'''''''7 .~..:.-,,""""""",.,,~ ~ -,I~--:::::I,:,""'<r"''''''''-' r-,,,---- ;:f~o}-\.ffilrll-.---'II'-i-+ Y"i---I.---:I--:r---t-'--~~F :j'~l'~;::~lC" i - ---LJ__I~jl ,",,,.p_c,"^",, ,'''''''' " "'''''''''''i,-\~:ti-'~''/ '-"1 ' ti;' '5800' . 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'1'1 ", .~,it-.,t~--- .~,",",-' .'r't= ~~ftO_ ;(...1 .,~ '--1 :;;..,,,. , ~ J, ~~I'=::::"'i"'~. -:r----r-~! ,; CUt ~,~" ""''' i' -I I >T_". - II - "''''''" "'.'- ""/"'"'' "''''--';-''' ,;.:.'"'' ;~~ ""~ ""'''' ,~."r I ,",'u',,.. .- , II , 6\00 I r' --------------------------. I 5200 ~ ~ I ~ ~ 6JOO 11 6400 ,I i 10 11Site Plan SCALE: NOT TO SCALE 6D TRUE NORTH r-"".........'" '1'-"'- , "'-'0( 6500 6700 , Ii J i" F STREET 0' 50' GRAPHIC SCALE: ~ 5' 20' ~^ Project Information BUILDING UNDER ROOF TRASH ENCLOSURE TOTAL AREA LOl 6800 Area Lot 7000 Arf!a ToiaiTOtarea 10,199S.F. 100S.F. 10,299-S':I=. = 33,559.96sJ = 7,552.15sJ. =41,112.11sJ. Max Building Area (35"io) = 14,389.24sJ. Max Parking (4S%) = 18.500.45sJ. Min Landscape (20%) = 8,222.42,_1. Parking Building Area Parking Area Landscaping Building sel back Parking,elback Sidewalk Area Provided 38 10.299,.1. 18,007,.1. 11.6465.1. W 5'min l,7465.f. Required 27(,&.nsJ,) 14.389,.f.max 18,500ma~.(4S%) 8,222sJ,min. W' 10'a'l5'min. !iiW I "" I -----n I ,.i& " ;') ~ Vl ~,' 0~U: 'JI Ole., 0 ~':' 50Eft; '-3 u g. <5 H~ I~;; ~f;J Urology Heallhcare, P.C New IMRT Facility I 1 ''':Cltn','' I ,'1~;,""""J.U""", '''~;; ~~~@':~~2Jfl ':~El:~:~A~:'=I'CO"D '1 .. "1C>JoI.....'._..., --"------;;;;0.". "'_....~"," ~"'..H "' "i'O~,~,~...::<.,_.! ~ ~;~; ~~',.~;: ';~~ j ~--, <y"!-: i - .p"""'--=, _r<?-I -,,()" =-c'" _;C ~" Site Plan ~" A1.1 10f' Drinking Water Protection Overlay District WRITTEN STATEMENT Background and Request Thc applicant, Urology Healthcare P,c', proposes to construct a new building with a 8,222 square foot radiology clinic, with associated parking and associated site improvements, The site consists of two properties; tax lots 6800 and 7000 totaling less than'l acre in size, The property is bordered by G Street to the North and F Street to the south and it is one-quarter block east of t4'" Street, located across G Street from McKenzie Willamette HospitaL The existing medical office building located on tax lot 6800 will be demolished as well as the small storage building on lot 7000, No public street or utility infrastructure improvements are anticipated, See the attached site plan for building orientation and locations within the property boundaries, This application is being submitted concurrent with a Site Plan Review Application for the proposed improvements. This application is required because the applicant proposes to store and use general medical office materials and commercial cleaning products within the 5 to lO-year Time of Travel Zones for the Willamette Wellhead (see attached Time-of-Travel map), The specific substances proposed are described in the following tables: Radiology Clinic materials Product Composition (% by weight) Use Incident KODAK RP X.OMAT Developer Replenisher, Part B Acetic,aCid (75~80%) .] ~pheny]-3-pyrazo1idinone (10-15%) Water (5-10%) Film developing agent As needed KODAK RP X-OMA T LO Fixer and Replenisher' Water (45-50%) Ammonium thiosulphate (38%) Sodium tniosulphatc (I-S%) Acetic acid (1-50~) Ammonium bisulphate (2%) Ammonium acetate (2%) Sodium bisulphate (<1%) Film developing agent As needed CIDEX Plus 28 Day Soll,ltion Glutaraldehyde (<5%) Polyethylene Glycol (<20%) Instrument sterilizer As ~eeded Avtivator for CIDEX Plus 28 Day Solution Potassium acetate,(<40%) Polyphosphoric acids, esters with triethanolamine, sodium salts Instrument sterilizer As needed Required Information In accordance with D'rinking Water Overlay Protection (DWP) application submittal requirements, all required information has been provided 'as follows: I. A complele applicalion page. A completed and signed application page is submitted herewith, 2. Uses af hazardaus malerials Ihal pose a risk 10 groundwaler Ihal exisled on Ihe properly prior 10 May 15, 2000, if applicable, The existing building on site was used as a family practice medical clinic. Materials used on site would have been consistent with those used in common medicat clinic applications, 3. Applications shall include six copies of the following information: a. A Hazardous Materiallnvenlory Stalement alld a Material Safely Data Sheet for any or all materials entered in the Statement unless exempted under 17.060 of this article. Hazardous material weights shall be cOllverted to volume measurements for purposes of delermining amounts - 10 pounds shaltbe considered equal to I gallon in conformance with Uniform Fire Code 8001.15.1; Hazardous Material Inventory Statements and associated MSDS forms are attached, The applicant notes that all materials will be delivered to the site in standard containers and in normal quantities provided by the manufacturer or distributor. All materials will be stored in accordance with the specifications for the applicable substance. b. A list of the chemicals to be monitored through the allalysis of groundwater samples and a mOllitoring schedule if ground water monitorillg is alllicipaled 10 be required. ' No ground water monitoring is anticipated to be required as part of this request. All materials, believed to be stored in this request will be utilized either within the interior ofthe building or off-site, All materials will be delivered to the site and utilized within the equipment in which they are used. No storage of these materials will be necessary. c A detailed descriptioll of the activities conducted at Ihe [aCilily thaI illvolve the storage, handling, treatment, llse or production of hazardous materials in quantities greater than the maxirnUl/l allowable amoullts. Developer materials for imaging machine will not be stored on site, Only enough materials necessary for the operation of the imaging machine will be contained within'the equipment itself and recycled though the machine as it operates, The radiology contract supplier will maintain the imaging equipment filter system on an as needcd basis to eliminate the need for on site storage of used filter media, The radiology contract supplier will store, supply and dIspose of developer materials off site on an as needed basis. All materials used during the day-to-day operations will be used in association with sterilization of medical instruments, The materials will be utilized in relatively small quantities on an as-needed basis, Any and all stored instrument sterilizing materials will be contained In an approved facilities storage room. Materials will be removed from the approvedlacilities storagc room for'use in the designated area of the building and retumedafter use. In thc, event that materials require mixing or decanting prior to application, all such activity will occur within the approved facilities storage room. In ac~ordance with Springfield Developmert Code (SDC) l7.070( 1 )(a), none of the listed materials will be stored in containers exceeding five gallons, nor will the total amount of open containers in the building represent greater than 150 gallons of material in aggregatc. Materials utilized for general janitorial cleaning purposes will be common materials used in cleaning medical clinics. The materials used are those typIcally applied for general cleaning purposes and will be utilized in relatively small quantities on a weekly or as-needed basis. For the record, a private contractor will provide the on-site janitorial services and will store all substances and materials used off-site at their own place of work. The products/materiats will be brought to the site for use at the time they are being applied, The janitorial services contractor upon completion of product application/use will remove any remaining and unused substances, Materiais utilized for landscape maintenance purposes will be those used in association with the care of sitetandscaping areas, The materials used will be common commercial lawn care and weed prevention products and will be utilized in' relatively small quantities on as-needed bas;,s, For the record, a private, contractor will provide the on-site landscaping services and store all substances and materials used, ai their own ptace of work will provide the on-site lawn care service, The , products/materials will 'be brought to the site for use at the time they are being applied, The landscape contractor upon completion of product.application/use will then remove any remaining and unused substances, ' d. A description of the primary and secondary con/ainment devices proposed and if applicable clearly identified as to whether the devices will drain to the storm or sanitary sewer. Materials will be stored in accordance with the manufacturer, MSDS ,and Fire Code specifications. The medical laboratory area will be equipped with fully contained floor drains conn'ected to the building's wastewater (sanitary) system. Material disposal, mixing and decanting will occur within areas designed for such purpose, The applicant notes that all employees,required to handle anyofthe materials listed in this submittal will be trained in their proper handling and disposal. Furthermore, the medicalIaboratory area will be signed with safety information and c1eanup'procedures in accordance with G Street Urology Center LLC's policy as well as,alllocat, state and federal standards. Lastly, groundwater will be protected from contaminates contained in stormwater runoff coming from non-building rooftop, impervious surfaces by discharging through a proposed treatment swale containing a low-permeability clay liner. The liner will be 12"inches thick and placed along the bottom and the side slopes of the swale for the full length of the swale. Contaminate risks are further reduced by the use of double chambered catch' basins, the treatment capability of the swale itself, and the treatment capability of the soil as the stormwater infiltrates, e. A proposed Hazardous Material Management Planfor thefacility that indicates procedures to be , followed to prevent, control, collect and dispose of any unanthorized release of a hazardous material. As notcd above, the medical1abratory area will be signed with safety information and cleanup procedures in,accordance withG Street Urology Center LLC's policy as well as all local, state and federal standards. f A description of the proceduresfor inspection {[nd maintenance of containment devices. and emergency equipment. Medical staff will be responsible for regular inspection, maintenance and cleaning of all containment areas, Emergency equipment, as required for building and fire code compliance, will be inspected at the direction and on a schedute established by the fire marshal. g. A description of the plan for disposition of IInllsed hazardolls materials or hazardous material waste products over the maximum allowable amollnts including the type of transportation and proposed routes. All materials will be delivered to the site in containers with quantities below five gallons, Allowable materiats will be discarded into the sewage system as per the product insert. Unused material will be stored on-site as discussed above (c) for use as needed. Given the nature of the materials, no,disposal beyond normal anticipated use is expected, 4, A completed DWP Overlay District Development Application, together with all required materials, shalI be accepted by the DireCtor prior to the review of the request asspecified in Section 3.050, Application submittal Acceptance of this application, written statement and attachments by the.Director willdemonstnite compliance with this standard, ' 5, . A concurrent Minimum Development Standards or Site Plan Review Apf1,licationmay be required. A concurrent Site Plan Review application has been submil!ed in accordance with' the standards contained in the Springfield Development Code. 6. Before the Director ~an approve a DWP Overlay District Application, there must be information submitted by the applicafl/ which adequaiely supports the request, If insufficient or unclear data is submitted by the applicant, there is 11 good change t!/at the application will be denied or delayed. The applicant has attempted to provide clear and cornp1ete data to support this request. If additional information is required, the applicant will submit it in a timely manner. 7. The application fee. In accordance with the current City of Springfield Development Code Application fee schedule (April 20, 2006), the applicant will included a check in the amount of $957 ,00 to be paid at the time of final Site Plan Review submittal. 8, A copy of the deed to show ownership, A copy of the deed is included herewith. Conclusion The applicant recognizes the importance of spill prevention and safetylsecurity measures necessary to minimize negative impacts to the drinking/ground water supply, Throughout the construction phase and ultimately for the permanent operation of the proposed development, wellhead protection signs, meeting Springfield Utility Board:s (SUB) standards, will be posted as recommended by SUB'~ wellhead protection staff. Construction documents will address approved and unapproved construction activities to avoid negatively impacting the drinking water welfs. Also to be addressed on construction documents will be the requirement that Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPL's) are not to enter the site either via construction materials, heavy, equipn1ent or construction vehicles. c~ <tl~ - 0 o...~ o <l>' - . 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"I" _. ~' '1'l'1'''/'t, ,~a.- !_~~! f.O=:If . t..n..-, .' olo '"i"r~' '!~ >;-iT Ii: , , I '--- , I" '( 'I;' -..;:..-.....,,, 1 ' ~I -, > r::~~: _ .: .__~~_J~_~__! _I~ I~ ~: Ji if' -'-T-;l;;;;'i! r-' -"1;--;-1'1 -. ]~_.L ~i5 j I J:~ ~! ;: un ~I! ~: ..... II j' ;1 ~ gy:~ !!!i :'~!'-~~'_.:.~.'t(;- :_.~'_.. : 't\" i,~~ II , i '--~' ;~ . , l i ......9gJ. . ~r~~. .i :1.: ! !; " o o ~ , ' Ill,! I !i ,I." , _..'~...,,, rL.. !!~~ : )....:~;;-. <, '" il! '" . -------'-----...-- " ~ . o ~ ~ o o ~ 1 ,- I f- -;:;,;;,-- ".;'''''1 , , -! , i ---I ! i ! ;1 o o ~ " o 'I ~ o ~ ~ ~ o o ~ ~ "lS HlVl "" By: ~ -1-07 ~ :g:~' :;i~ ~.. ' ~.. <C'" 2' " ,I ., ! )2i li ii 1 I I~ ,W 'W II" I'" ~ r " J" i L ' w ~ <( () "' () 'i' a. r2 C! Q~I' ~e:~ Drinking Water Protection Overlay Oregon Urology 2100-071-06 5 year TOTZ 10 year, TOTZ Zone of Concentration 20 year TOTZ RECEIVED Ll. .".. N o R T II By: J.-7-()7 Not to Scate Wellhead Protection Area Map Detail G Street Time of Travel Zones Source: City of Springfield c' j MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision Date: 06/09/2006 Z17000000230Nersion: 1.4 Print Date: 01108/2007 Paqe 1/7 11. Identification ofthe substance/preparation and of the company/undertaking 'product name: KODAK RP X-OMAT Developer Replenisher, Part B Product code: 1249259 - Part B Manufacturer: EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, 343 State Street, Rochester, New York, 14650 Supplier: EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, 343 State Street, Rochester, New York: 14650 For Emergency Health, Safety & Environmentallnformat,ion, call (585) 722,515~ (USf,) For other information or to request an MSDS, call (800) 242-2424, Synonyms: PCD 5228. Product Use: Professional photographic processing solution I 2. Hazards identification CONTAINS: Acetic acid (64'19-7), 1-phenyl-3-pyrazolidinone (92-43-3) ." DANGER' POISON MAY BE FATAL OR HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED CAUSES SEVERE SKIN AND EYE BURNS DUST, MIST OR VAPOUR EXTREMELY IRRITATING TO THE EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRAC1 MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION BASED ON REPEATED-DOSE INGESTION STUDIES IN ANIMALS, A COMPONENT OF THIS PRODUCT MAY CAUSE BLOOD, TESTICULAR, AND ADVERSE REPRODUCTIVE EFFECTS COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID AND VAPOR HMIS III Hazard Ratings: Health - 3>, Flammability - 2, Physical Hazard - 0 NFPA Hazard Ratings: Health -3, Flammability - 2, Instability. 0 NOTE: HMIS III and NFPA 704 (2001) hazard indexes involve data review and interp!eiationthat may vary a'mohg companies They are intended only for rapid, general identificati9n of the magnitude of the potential hazards An asterisk n, in the HMIS III health field, designates potential chronic or target organ hazards, To adequately address safe handling, ALL information In thiS MSDS must be considered, I 3. Composition/information on ingredients Weight % 75 - 80 010 - 15 5 - 10 Components (CAS-No,) Acetic acid (64-19~7) 1-phenyl-3-pyrazolidinone (92-43-3) Water ('7732-18-5) RECEIVED ',. " -', By: d--l-D( MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision Date: 06/09/2006 Z17000000230Nersion: 1.4 Print Date: 01/08/2007 . PaQe: 2/7 ~. . I 4. First aid measures Inhalation: If inhaled, move to fresh air. Get medical attention, Eyes: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty.of water for at least 15 minutes, Get medical attention immediately, Skin: In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Call aphysici2r; or poi::;on COlltr"ul center irnmeci;;,t[:y. \//asil contaminated clothing before re-use. Destroy or thorou;;:liy deall C0:il~:;Tijnzltf;c shuc~' . Ingestion: If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting, Call a physician or poison control center immediately, Never give anything by mouth to,an unconscious person, , ' 5; Fire-fighting measures ' Extinguishing Media: Use water spray, alcohol-resistant foam, dr-y chemical or carbon dioxide. Special Fire-Fighting Procedures: Wear self,contained brealhing'apparatus andprotective,clothing, Fife or excessive heat may produce hazardous decomposition products, ,Use water spray to cool unopened containers. Hazardous Combustion Products: Carbon oxides, nitrog~n oxides (NOx) Unusual Fire and Explosion H8zards': CIG;:.~.ifi~c; (;7. '.-:,;x;-,bu::,~i~JI!? M~d;..::-ial conj;:;in~: c' cornbustiblc: s-olven~ that may accumulate-irl the; contoiiH::i' hl;(jc.:::.;t:i~cc. I 6. Accidental'release measures Methods for cleaning up: Remove all sources of ignition, Absorb spill with vermiculite or other inert material, then place in a container for chemical waste. Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination. I 7. Handling and storage Personal precautions: Do not breathe vapour at concentrations greater than the exposure limits, Use only with adequate ventilation. Keep container tightly closed: Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on Clothing, Wash thoroughly after handling, Prevention of Fire and Explosion: Keep away from heat and sources of ignition, Keep fr,om contact with oxidizing materials. Use only'with'adequate ventilation. Storage: Keepcontainer tightly closed, Keep away from incompatible substances (see Incompatibility section,) I 8. Exposure controls I personal protection Occupational exposure controls RECEiVED By: J..-l-07 . MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision Date: 06/09/2006 Z17000000230Nersion: 1.4 Print Date: 01/08/2007 Paqe: 3/7 Chemical Name Acetic acid 1'phenyl-3, pyrazolidinone Regulatory list ACGIH ACGIH OSHAZ1 EK HPG Value Type time weighted average Short term exposure limit Permissible exposure limit Time Weighted Average (TWA): Value 10ppm 15 ppm 10 ppm 25 mg/m3 0.2 mg/m3 Ventilation: Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to maintain airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. Controls shoulrl be sufficient so that applicablo C'~:C' c:<posure limits 8~C :-.(:; (: :.:c.:-':;;:;,c: ~' Respiratory protection: If engineer-ing controls do not maintiJin airborne concentrations below recommended. exposure limit~, 8n~ approved respir8tor must be worn. Respirator type: full-face organic vapour cartridge. If respirators are usec, a program should L;,::.' iiISl::'..!tcd tc assure cm'nplidr:cc v.'ifh applicable federal, state, commonwealth, provincial, or local laws and regulations, ' Eye protection: If a full-face respirator is not worn, wear vapour-tight 'chemical goggle and a face shield, Skin and body protection: Wear impervious gloves'and protecli\ic, clothing appropriate for- the risk of exposure. Recommended Decontamination Facilities: Safety shower, eye wash, washing facilities as appropriate to condition of use, 19. Physical and Chemical F"Oj'>f,rtics Physical form: liquid Colour: orange Odour: pungent, acetic acid Specific gravity: 1,081 Vapour pressure (at 20.0 oC (68,0 OF)): 18 mbar (13.5 mm Hg) Vapour density; 1,7 Volatile fraction by weight: > 85 % Boiling point/range: 100.0 oC (212,0 OF) Water solubility; complete pH: < 1,0 Flash point: 56,1 oC (133,0 OF) (Setaflash closed cup) 10. Stability and reactivity RECEIVED 8:Y" ,. \I d.. -,-Of MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision Date: 06/09/2006 Z17000000230Nersion: 1.4 Print Date: 0110812007 PaQe: 4/7 Stability: Stable under nomlal conditions. Incompatibility: Strong oxidizing agents, bases, amines, metals. Hazardous decomposition products: None under normal conditions of use, Hazardous Polymerization: Hazardous polymerization does not occur. 111, Toxicological information Effects of Exposure General advice: Contains: 1-phenyl-3-pyrazolidinone. Based on repeated,dose ingestion studies in animals, this chemical may cause blood, testicular, and adverse reproductive effects, Contains: Acetic acid, Acute overexposure to extremely high airborne concentrations of respiratory irritants has been associated with development of an asthma-like re3clive airways syndrome (RADS) in susceptible individuals, Extremely high airborne concentrotions are not generated during normal conditions of use but may occur following a spill. The potential to generate extremely high airborne concentrations in a spill situation depends upon physical factors such as the concentration of the solution, the volume of the spill, the surface area of the spin, the size of the room where the spill occured, and the venlilolion rale in the roorn. Inhalation: Airborne dusVmisVvapor extremely irritating, Eyes: Airborne dusVmisVvapor extremely irritating. Causes severe eye burns, Skin: Causes severe skin burns. May cause allergic skin reaction based on human experience, Ingestion: May be fatal or harmful if swallowed, May cause burns of the gastrointestinal tract if swallowed. Data for Acetic acid (CAS 64-19-7): Acute Toxicity Data: . Oral LD50 (rat): 3,310 - 3,530 mg/kg . Oral LD50: 4,960 mg/kg . Inhalation LC50: 5620 ppm /1,00 hr . Dermal LD50: 1,060 mg/kg . Skin irritation: severe . Eye irritation: severe Data for 1-phenyl-3-pyrazolidinone (CAS 92-43-3): Acute Toxicity Data: . Oral LD50 (male rat): 476 mg/kg . Oral LD~O (female rat) 336 mg/kg . Dermal LD50: > 1,000 mg/kg RECEIVED ..., By: J..-l-67 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision Date: 06109/2006 Z17000000230Nersion: 1.4 Print Date: 01/08/2007 PaQe: 5/7 ' . Skin irritation: slight . Skin irritation: slight (repeated skin applicationf . Skin Sensitization: slight . Eye irritation (unwashed eyes): slight Definitions for the following section(s): LOEL =Iowest~observed-effect level, LOAEL = lowest- observed-adverse-effect, NOAEL= no observed-adverse-effect level, ,NOEL =no-observed-effect level. Repeated dose toxicity: . Oral (90 days, rat): LOEL; 032 % in diet (target org2n effects: test,,,,) . Oral (90 days, rat): LOEL; 0,08 % in diet (reduced feed intake) . Oral (90 days, rat): LOEL; 0,02 % in diet.(target organ effects: red blood cell) . Oral (90 days, 'rat): NOEL; (Not established) 112. Ecological information The following properiies are ESTII":I/L,TED from Hlt:: compon~I'Ii~, of 1I1E PIETcll2tions. Potential T o~icity: Fish LC50 10,100 mg/I Daphnid EC50: 10 - 100 mg/l' AlgallC50: 10-100 mg/I Waste treatment organisms EC50: > 100 mg/I Organics Readily Degradable:, Readily biodegradable Potential B[oaccumulation: log Pow < '1 COD (approximate): 1163 g/l BOD (approximate): 644 g/I 13. Disposal considerations Discharge, treatment, or disposal may be subject to federal, state, commonwealth, provincial, or local laws, Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied ' 114. Transport information The information given below is provided to assist in documentation, It may supplement the information on the package. The package in your possession may carry a different version of the Ie. 'W""~~ ll&UlfVE D date of manufacture Depending on i~ner packaging quantities. and packaging instr ' '\F'* ~ayD'e- subject to specific regulatory exceptions Please consult the product packaging foru ~t~!l.... ' ..... ...-, By: ;;l-l-o 7 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision Date: 06/09/2006 Z17000000230Nersion: 1,4 Print Date: 01/08/2007 PaQe:6/7 lATA: UN Number: Proper shipping name: Class: Sub-nsks: Packaging group: UN Number: Prop;,r shipping name: " Class: ., Sub-risks Packaging group: IMDG: US DOT: UN Number: Proper shipping name' Class' Pack'aginggroup: , UN2920 Corrosive liquid, flammable, n.o,s, (Acetic acid) 8 3 II U N2920 CORROSIVE LIQUID, FLAMMABLE, N,O.S, (Acetic acid) 8 3 II u'N2790 Acetic acid solution 8 II For more 113n~,por12tion il1forrr13tion, 0c- lO:'i/':""'i'i.;'~()c!ak,(:om!go/shil:'. 115. Regulatory information U,S, California Prop, 65: none Carcinogenicity Classification (compqnents pre~,cnt at 0.10/. or mOt c): International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC): none American Conferenge of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH): none U.S, National Toxicology Program (NTP) none US Occupafional Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): none Chemical(s) subject to the reporting requirements of U.S, Section 313 or Title 1'-1 of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986 a~d 40 CFR Part 372: none ' , [16. Other information US/Canadian Label Statements: CONTAINS: Acetic acid (64-19-7), 1'phenyl"3"pyrazolidinone (92-43-3) DANGER! POISON MAY BE FATAL OR HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED CAUSES SEVERE SKIN AND EYE BURNS DUST, MIST OR VAPOUR EXTREMELY IRRITATING TO THE EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION BASED ON REPEATED-DOSE INGESTION STUDIES IN ANIMALS, A COMPONENT OF THIS \lED PRODUCT MAY CAUSE BLOO.D, TESTICULAR, AND ADVERSE REPRODUCTI~E1~FEO!fSll E' COMBU~TIBLE LIQUID AND VAPOR , r\ t:. V , ."i---l--01 BY.- - - MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET' Revision Date: 06/09/2006 Z17000000230Nersion: 1,4 Print Date: 01/08/2007 Pa~e: 7/7 Do not breathe vapours or spray mist. Use only with adequate ventilation. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing, Wash thoroughly after handling, Keep container tightly closed. Keep away from heat and sources of ignition, FIRST AID: If Inhaled, move to fresh air. Get medical attention, In case of contact, il1)mediately flush eyes or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes, Get medical attention immediately, Wash contaminated clothing before re-use, Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes, If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting, Call a physician or poison control ?enter immediately, Never give anything by moutl) to an unconscious person, Keep out of reach of . children, po not handle or use until safety precautions in Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) have been read and understood. Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after c<?nt'ainer is emptied. IN CASE OF FIRE: Use water spray, alcohol, resistant foam, dry chemical or'carbon dioxide, IN CASE OF SPILL: Remove a!1 sources of ignition. Absorb sriil with vermiculite or olhAr ineri materia!, then place in acontainer}or.chemical waste. Clean sudace thoroughly to remove i'<2sidual contamination. The information contained herein is' furnished without warranty of any kind. Users should consider these data only as a supplement to other information gathered by them and must make independent determinations of suitability and completeness of information from all SOurces to assure proper use and disposal of these materials and the safety and health of employees and customers and the protection of the environment. The information relating to the working solution is for guidance purposes only, and is based on correct mixing and use of the product according to instructions, R-2, 8-3, F-2, C-O REPO RECEIVED '." By:_ J.,-I-07 r : MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision Date: 10/25/2006 000000019088Nersion: 1.2 Print Date: 01/08/2007 Pa~e: 1/7 11. Identification of the substance/preparation and of th.e company/undertaking Product code: 8868804 Product name: KODAK RP X-OMAT LO Fixer and Replenisher' Supplier: EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, 343 State Street, Rochester, New York, 14650 For Emergency Health, Safety & Environmental Information, call (585) 722-5151 (USA) For other information or to request an MSDS, call (800) 242-2424 ~ynonyms: None. Product Use: photographic processing chemical, For industrial use only, I 2. Hazards identification CONTAINS: Ammoniumbisulphite (10192.30.0), Sodium bisulphite (7631.90.5), ,""celie acid (64,19,7), Ammonium thiosulphate(7783,18,8), Sodium thiosulphate (7Ti2,98,7) 'CAUTION! ' DRIED PROOUCT 'RESIDUE,CAN ACT t,", t, REDUCING AGENT, MAY BE HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED, NFPA Hazard Ratings: Health -,3, Flammability - 1, Instability, 0 NOTE: NFPA 704 (2007) hazard indexes involves data review and interpretation that may vary among companies, It is intended only for rapid, general identification of the magnitude of the potential hazards. To adequately address safe handling, ALL information in thisMSDS must be considered. I 3. Composition/information on ingredients Weight % 45 - 50 38, 1 - 5 1 - 5 2 2 < 1 Components (CAS-No,) Water (7732-18-5) Ammonium thiosulphate (7783-18-8) Sodium thiosulphate (7772-98-7) Acetic acid (64"19-7) Ammonium bisulphite (10192-30-0) Ammonium acetate (631-61-8) Sodiumbisulphite (7631-90-5) I 4. First aid measures - ' · ~ D Inhalation: If inhaled, ~o~e to fresh air, Get medical attention if symptoms occH teE I V E ..... By: .J..-l-oi ....1. , MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revis;on Date, 10/25/2006 000000019088Nersion: 1.2 Print Date: 01/08/2007 PaQe: 2/7 Eyes: Any material that contacts the eye should be washed out immediately with water, Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Skin: Wash off with soap and water, Get medical attention if symptoms occur, Ingestion: If swallowed, only induce vomiting as directed by medical personnel, Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person Call a physician or poison control center immediately, 5. Fire-fighting measures Extinguishing Media: Usewatel' spray, afcohof-resisfant foc,i), CIY dli~':;lic;~:; :x Cell ~':'Ui\ c:c,;.:ic'i... Fiu~~i; with plenty of water, Special Fire-Fighting Procedures: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus anc p1ot::.ctive clothing. Fire or excessive heat may produce hazardous decomposition products, Hazardous Combustion Products: Carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides,.(see also Hazardous Decomposition Products section), Unusual Fire and Explosion Ha;:.JlOS: DI-j;..;c piOCJ:..:C: re::;i(vi..:: ,.",' :,~:i violently with oxidizing materials. May caUSe sponlcHleous ~leaJi;'I~: ~-'.rllj combustible, porOl!S material (e.Q.,raQs" pal').;~r, sawcJusl, cOnC'~-l ::,.. '. i, (:1...:.:.;.; :; i . ~. i:::: '" " ,;:~) . ., . . . :]'ti I,: 11 '.':: :~,;:i . .';~<~ 0:": i. 6. Accidental release measure:s Methods fqr cleaning up: Absorb,spill with vElfniculite Or other inert maler-ial, thctl place in a container tor chemical waste, Collect in a noncombustible container for prompt disposal. Clear: 'yrface thoroughly to remove residual contamination. For Large Spills: Flush'With plenty of water. 7. Handling and storage Personal precautions; Avoid breathing mist or vapour at concentrations greater than the exposure limits, Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing, Use only with adequate ventilation, Wash thoroughly after handling. Prevention of Fire and Explosion: Keep from contact with oxidizing materials, highly oxygenated or halogenated solvents, organic compcunds containing reducible functional groups, Remove and wash contaminated clothing promptly, Storage, Store in original container, Keep container tightly closed to prevent the toss of water. Keep away from incompatible substances (see Incompatibility section) I 8. Exposure controls I personal protection Occupational exposure 'controls Chemical Name Regulatory List Valye Type RECEIVED Value .... ....;. By: J.c-l-61 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision Date: 10/25/2006 000000019088Nersion 1.2 Print Date: 01/08/2007 Pa~e: 3/7 Acetic acid ACGIH ACGIH , OSHA Z1 ACGIH ACGIH ACGIH OSHA Z1 time weighted average Short term exposure limit 'Permissible exposure limit time weighted ave'rage time weighted average Short term exposure 'limit Permissible exposure limit 10ppm 15 ppm 10 ppm 25 mg/m3 5 mg/m3 2ppm 5 ppm 5 ppm 13 mg/m3 Sodium bisulphite Sulphur dioxide Ventilation: Good general ventilation should be used, Ventilation should be sufficient so that applicable occupational exposure limits are not exceeded, Ventilation rates should be matched to conditions. Supplementary local exhaust ventilation, closed systems, or respiratory protection may be needed in special circumstances. Respiratory protection: None shouldbe needed under normal conditions of use, Eye protection: Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles), Skin and body protection: For operations where prolonged or repeated skin contact may occur, impervious gloves should be worn, Recomrywnded Decontamin31ion Focilitil?s: Sufety ~:hO\i.'2r. r::ye v/<:1f,h, 'N3shing fClCiliti'.?s 8~ appropriate 10 condition of use, 9. Physical and Chemical Prorwrties Physical form: liquid Colour: light yellow Odour: vinegar Specific gravity: 1,29 Vapour pressure (at 20,0 oC (68,0 OF)): 24 mbar (18,0 mm Hg) Vapour density: 0.6 Volatile fraction by weight: 45 - 50 % Boiling point/range: > 100.0 oc (> 212,0 OF) Water solubility: complete pH: 4,8 Flash'point: does not flash 110, Stabilityand reactivity' Stability: Stable unJcf-nonllal conditi<)ns. RECEIV~D .... ...' By: J. --7-() ( MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision Date: 10/25/2006 000000019088Nersion: 1:2 Print Date: 01/08/2007 PaQe: 4/7 Incompatibility: Acids, Strong bases,'sodium,hypochlorite (bleach), Halogenated compounds, Oxidizing agents, Contact with sodium hypochlorite (bleach)'may form chloramine (toxic gas). Contact with strong acids liberates sulphur dioxide. Contact with base liberates flammable material. Contact with base liberates ammonia. Hazardous decomposition products: A,!,monia, chloramine, sulphur oxiqes, nitrogen oxides (NOx). Hazardous Polymerization: Hazardous polymerization does not occur. 111. Toxicological information Effects of Exposure General advice: Contains' Sodium thiosulphate,The toxicological properties of this material have not been fully investigated and its handling and use may present additional hazards. Expected to be a low health hazard for recommended handling jl1l'I::II:::111011: Expected to be a' 1:::0\") h.-:;;:;::)j::~ :CJ( rc'cc'i;ir;lC'ijr~c'.:,~ 1;'; C:(1n:c'c:~ .../i~h 2,:,irl~ ~:,.- if heated, sulptlites may liberate sulp: IU) CIOXICC:: gciS. SUlp~lUI ,G:UAi";L 0;:;0 i~, lo; ;~G;i;If:.;,,;l! ;; 1<.:: I ~::'~tj: ;;"~\..." i tract. Some asthmatics or hypersensitive individuals may exper-ience difficul! br-eathing Eyes': No specific hazard kno\.vr-i. fv1clY C;;iLJSe llcHlsieill irrit;:'liioll. Skin: This material has a low potential to cause allergic skjn reactions; however, case~, of human skin sensitization have been reported, Ingestion: May be harmful if swallowed, Some asthmatics or sulfite-sensitive individuals may experience wheezing, chest tightness, stomach upset, hives, faintness, weakness and.diarrhea Data for Acetic acid (CAS 64-19-7): Acute Toxicity Data: . Oral LD50 (rat): 3,310 - 3,530 mg/kg . Oral LD50: 4,960 mg/kg . Inhalation LC50: 5620 ppm.l1:00 hr . Dermal LD50: 1,060 mg/kg , . Skin irritation: severe . Eye irritation: severe Data for Sodium bisulphite (CAS 7631-90-5): Acute Toxicity Data: . Oral LD50 (rat): > 1,600 mg/kg RECEIVED Data for Sodium thiosulphate (CAS 7772-98-7): Acute Toxicity Data: . Oral LD50 (rat): > 5,000 mg/kg .,.,. , ~, By: ~ - 7 - 07 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision Date, 10/25/2006 000000019088Nersion: 1,2 Print Date: 01/08/2007 PaQe: 5/7 . Skin irritation: slight 12. Ecological information The following properties are ESTIMATED from the components of the preparations, Potential Toxicity: " Fish LC50: > 100 mgll Daphnid EC50 > 100 mgll AlgallC50: > 100 mglr, Waste treatment organisms EC50~' Organics Readily, Degradable > 100 mgll o Readily biodegradable Potential,Bioaccumulation: log Pow < 1 cue (;:opploximate): . 306 gll BOD (approximate): 2,.9 gll 13. Disposal considerati,,,,,: Discharge, treatment, or disposal may be subject to federal, state, commonwealth, plol'ir1Ci2:, 01 ]0031 laws, Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. 114. Transport information Not regulated for all modes of transportation For more transportation information, go to: www.kodak.com/go/ship. /15. Regulatory information , U,S, California Prop. 65: none Carcinogenicity Classification (components present at 0,1 % or more): International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC): Ammonium bisulphite: 3 (not classifiable as to carcinogenicity to humans), Sodium bisulphite: 3 (Classification not possible from current data,) American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists'(ACGIH): Sodium bisulphite: Group A4 (Not classifiable as a human carcinogen,) " US National Toxicology Program (NTP): none U,S, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): none Chemical(s) subjeCt to the reporting requirements of U,S: ~ection 313 ~r Title IIOE'Ger E' .1 V' ED Amendments and ReauthOrization Act (SARA) of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372: A;D; " ' , '.,.. By: d.. -l -0 l MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision Date: 10/25/2006 000000019088Nersion: 1.2 Print Date: 01/08/2007 PaQe: 6/7 (as a source of aqueous ammonia), Ammonium acetate (as a source of aqueous ammonia), Ammonium thiosulphate (as a source or' aqueous ammonia) , , 116. Other information The data below reflects current legislative requirements whereas the product in your possession may carry a different version of the label depending on the date of manufacture, US/Canadian Label Statements: CONTAINS: Ammonium bisulphite (10192-30-0), Sodium bisulphite (7631-90-5), Acefic acid (64-19-7), Ammonium thiosulphate (7783-18-8), Sodium thiosulphate (7772-98-7) , CAUTION! DRIED PRODUCT RESIDUE CAN ACT AS A REDUCING AGENT, MAY BE HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED, Keep container tightly closed, to prevent the loss,of water, Keep from contact with clothing and other combustible materials, Remove and wash contaminated clothing promptly, ' Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of vapour, Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing, Use only with adequafe ventilation. W8sl11horoughly after handlirl!;J FIR~,T AID:. If inhaled, move te.. f;i;S~: z:ir, f\ny lIi~::c;:i21 the!! con}:.::::: ;~'I(; I~,:,e ;..:,0U!'.:: ~Y: v/;;!sh"~< (;U~ imnF?cfiCltely with water. Wash r:;;r'"...,i,h ~.c3i- ;"'K; v.<::~:::. Ci . ;",': . '. . .',' .:; , ' swallowed, only induce vomiting as directed by mecical persoilnel. !'JE;V':;:j- g:v;,:; <Ji',Yi;'i'irlSj t;~r' r))('Unl lu an unconscious person. Call a physician or poison control center immediately, Keep out of reach of children, Do not handle or use until safety precautions in Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) have been read and understood, Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after qontainer is. emptied, IN CASE OF FIRE: Use'water spray, alcohol-resistant foam, dry chemicai or carbon dioxide, Flush with plenty of water. IN CASE OF SPILL: Absorb spill with vermiculite or other inert material, then plac~ in a container for, chemical waste, Collect in a noncombustible container for prompt disposal. Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination, For Large Spills: Flush with plenty of water. The information contained herein is furnished without warranty of any kind. Users should consider these data only as a supplement to other information gathered by them and must make independent determinations of suitability and completeness of information from all'sourcesR E~.lE:~l<iJE D disposal of these materials and the safety and health of employees and custo iW.toe'Bnow "" .... By: :2~I-ol MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision Date: 10/25/2006 0000000 19088N ersion: 1.2 Print Date: 0,1/08/2007 PaQe: 7/7 the environment. The information relating to the working solution is for guidance purposes only, and is based on correct mixing and use:ofthe product according to instructions, R-1, 5-1, F-1, C-1 RECEIVE D By: ;),-1-01 ;I j g ADVANCED SfERlliZATIOO' ~ucrs' il.~ccmpanJ IllrllllCl1C11'EllllcDn.~~ Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS 012 Rev: Product: Issue date: C Activator for CIDEX Plus 28 Day Solution 12/13/05 It. JDEN'I, 'I FI,C,A\T, ION, ,0, F '1,,'HE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND THE COMPANY /lINDERTAKING ' Supplier: Advanced Steriiization Products' 33 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92618 Customer service telephone: Emergency telephone number: Product name: . 1-800-755-5900 877-208-6653- 24 hrs Activator forCIDEX Plus 28 Day Solution ~, COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS I !Potassium acetate IPolyphosphoric acids, esters with ftriethanolamine. sodium salts ' 127-06-2 68131,72,6 <40 <30 , I J&J .OElData (TWA . 8 hr) I Not Determined_ I Not Determined J&J - OEl Data J&J - OEl Data (STEL): (Ceiling limit Value): Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined I Not Determined J&J . PBOEL Compone-nts CAS Number Weight % Not Determined .Not Determined ~'l, HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Emergency overview: None Properties affecting health: None Principle routes of, exposure: Oral: Eye contact: Skin contact: Ingestion: Can irritate the tissues of mouth, esophagus, and other tissues of the digestive system, Direct eye,contact may cause irritation and tearing. Moderate skin irritant. Symptoms are temporary and reversible. May be harmful if swallowed. Ingestion causes irritation of gastrointestinal disturbance. ' May cause irritation to the upper respiratory tract. Symptoms are temporary and reversible,' Inhalation: Hazard information: Target organ effects:, Reproductive effects: ~~i~e';'aterial is not reported to cause reproductive effecREC E I V ED Company: ADVANCED STERLlZATION PRODUCTS Product name: Activator for CIDEX Plus 28 Day Solution , P~e1~6 Product code: ASf>CIDEXPL:US ACT CO-28005-1 ' . " -, - By: d ~ 7 -Of Mutagenic effects: Sensitization: . This product is not know to produce mutagenic effects .in humans ,Non-sensitizing. . Carcinoqenicitv ratinq: I Components' IPotassium acetate IPolyphosphofic acids, esters with ~rjelhanolamine, sodium salts . CAS Number J&J: NTP: IARC: California J Proposition 65 List: Not Determined J Not Determined I 127,08,2 68131-72-6 Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Deterrnined Not Determined Signs and symptoms: Medical conditions aggravated by exposure: None, None k'nown, 14. I'IHST AID MEASURES Eye contact: Flush eye with water for 15 minutes. Keep eye wide open while rinsing: . If eye irritation persists, consult a specialist. Do not induce vomiting. Call a physician or Poison Control Center immediately Move to fresh air immediately, If experiencing difficulty breathing, seek medical attention, ' Ingestion: inhalation: Skin contact: Rinse with soap and copious amounts of water, Remove contaminated clothing and wash before re-use, Protection of first-aiders: None, Notes to physician: None, ls, FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Flash point (OF): Flash point (OC): Autoignition temperature: Flammable limits in air -lower (%): NFPA rating: HMISI NFPA rating and classification: Fire fighting information: Suitable extinguishing media: Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Health: 1 flammability: 0 reactivity: 0 Use any extinguishing media which is suitable for the surrounding fire. Extinguishing media which must,not be used for safety reasons: None. Specific methods: Special protective equipment for firefighters: None, Hazardous combustion products: Wear self-contained brea)hing apparat~s for fire fighting if necessary. Carbon oxides, Phosphorous oxides and oxides of nitrogen, Explosivity: Explosion limits:' lower: upper: Not Applicable Not Appl ica ble Not Applicable RECEIVED Company: ADVANCED STERLlZATION PRODUCTS Product mime: Activator for CIDEX Plus 28 Day Solution , Page20f6. Product codi':.ASPCIDEXPLUS ACT' CO-28005-1 ""~, - By: .2 -7-D7 , ki, ACCIDENTAL REI.EASE MEASURES Personal precautions: Environmental precautions: Methods for cleaning up: Wear eye and skin protection while handling material for clean-up.. No special environmental precautions required, Clean-up methods Contain and absorb all spillages with an inert absorbent material and place in a disposable container, Flush with plenty of water. Do not flush into surface water or sanitary sewer system, 17, HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling: Technical measures/precautions: Safe handling advice: No special'technical protective measures required. Use only in well-ventilated areas. Do not breathe vapors or spray mist. Avoid contact with skin and eyes, . Storage: Incompatible products: Technical measures/storage conditions: This product should be stored between 590F (150C) and 860F (30oC) Strong oxidizing agents 18. EXPOSURE CONTROLS I PERSONAL PROTECTION Engineering controls: Eye protection: Hand protection: Skin and body protection Respiratory protection: Other/general protection: Ensure adequate ventilation, especially in confined areas, Eye protection required. Wear chemical resistant gloves, Wear suitable protective clothing, None required, None required. rJ. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical state: Color: pH: Odor: Boiling temperature (OF): Melting point/range (OF): Freezing point/range (OF): Specific gravity: Density (20/~): Vapor pressure: Evaporation rate: Water solUbility: Partition coefficient (n-<>etanol/water): Liquid Dark green 7,8-8.2 " Vinegar-like Not established Not a'pplicable Not established Not established f'.!ot established Not established Not established Soluble Not established RECEIVED I." By: d.--l-Dr Company: ADVANCED STERLlZATION PRODUCTS Product name: Activator for CIDEX Plus 28 Day Solution Page 3 of 6 Product code: ASPCIDEXPLUS_ACT CO-28005-1 110. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Chemical stability: Hazardous polymerization: Hazardous decomposition products: Materials to avoid: Conditions to avoid: ItLTOXICOLOGICAL INFOHMATION Acute toxicitv Local effects Oral: Eye irritation Skin irritation: Inhalation: Chronic toxicitv' Oral: Inhalation: Dermal: Subchronic toxicitv Oral: Dermal: Soecific effects Corrosive effects: Sensitization: Target organ effects: Mutagenic effects: Reproductive ,effects: Developmental effects: Ca"rc:inoge!1ic effects: Stable under recommended storage conditions: Will not occur, Carbon, potassium and, sodium oxides Nitrogen and phosphorous containing compounds, Strong oxidizing agents, Extremes of temperature, direct sunlight and prolonged heating at temperatures above 40'C Gl,tract irritation and/or disturbances. Mild eye irritant. May cause skin irritation, Mild irritation, Unknown on product. Unknown on product. Unknown on product. Unknown on product. 'Unknown on product Unknown on product. Not a sensitizer, None, No data is,available on the product itself , No data ;s available on the product itself No data available , 112. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data is available on the product itself. ~cotoxicitv: Ecotoxicity effects: Aquatic toxicity effects: Mobility: Persistence / degradability: Bioaccumulation: Degradation: This product has no known eco-toxicological effects, R E eEl V ED This product has no known aquatic toxicological effects, Unknown on product. Unknown on product. Unkn,own on product. Unknown on product. By: ;;l-1-o7 Company: ADVANCED STERLlZATION PRODUCTS 'Product name: Activator for CIDEX Plus 28Day Solution Page 4 of 6 Product code: ASPCIOEXPLUS ACT CO-2800S-1 - 113, DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste from residues I unused products: Waste disposal must be in accordance with appropriate US, Federal, State and International regulations, This product, if unaltered by use, may be disposed of by treatment at a permitted facility or as advised by your local hazardous waste regulatory authority. Contaminated packaging: None, Methods for cleaning up: Clean-up methods - large spillage Contain and absorb all spillages with an inert absorbent material and place in a disposable container, Flush with plenty of water. Do not flush into surface water or sanitary sewer system, Clean-up methods - small spillage Wipe up with absorbent material (e.g, cloth, fleece) It4. TRANSPORT INFORMATION OOT: OOT UN-No: OOT shipping name: Hazard class: Subsidiary risk (hazard class): . Packing group: OOT reportable quantity (Ibs): IMOIIMOG: Hazard class: IMOG page: IMOG-Iabels: Packing group: MFAG table No,: Proper shipping name: UNlld No,: Not applicable Not regulated Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not regulated Not applicable AOR/RIO: Hazard class/packing group: Item: AOR/RIO-Iabels: UNlld No.: Proper shipping name: TREM-<:ard: Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not regulated. Not applicable, IATAIICAO: . Hazard class: Packing group: .Proper shipping name: 10/UN No.: lATA -label: ERG # Not,applicable Not applicable Not regulated Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable RECEIVED TOG (Canada): Status: Packing group: Not applicable Not applicable By: ~- l -07 115. REGULATORY INFORMATION Company: ADVANCED STERlIZATICJN'PRODUCTS Product name: Activator for CIDEX Plus 28 Day Solution Page 50f6 Product code: ASPCIDEXPLUS_ACT CO-28005-1 , SARA (311,312) hazard class: Immediate health: Delayed health: Fire: Sudden Release of Pressure Hazard: Reactivity: TSCA inventory list: None None None' None None Listed under TSCA: Yes WHMIS: WHMIS trade secret: WHMIS hazard class: None None Canada DSL inventory list: Listed on DSL: Yes Notes: 1. SARA = Superfund Amendments and the Reauthorization Act. 2. CERCLA = Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensations and Liability Act. 3. FIFRA = Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act 4. TSCA = Toxic Substance Control Act 5. Vv't-IMIS = Canadian Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System 6. This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard critena of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS .containsall of the infonnation required by the CPR. ' 116. OTHER INFORMATION This data sheet contains changes from the previous version in section(s): None Additional advice None Literary Reference: None MSDS format: North American Format - U.S, and Canada This Material Safety Data Sheet was prepared in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910,1200, . Disclaimer: . The information and recommendations contained herein are based upon tests believed to be reliable, However, Johnson and Johnson does not guarantee their accuracy or completeness NOR SHALL ANY OF THIS INFORMATION CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE SAFETY OF THE GOODS, THE MERCHANTABILITY OF THE GOODS, OR THE FITNESS OF THE GOODS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, Adjustment to conform to actual conditions of usage maybe required, Johnson and Johnson assumes no responsibility for results obtained or for incidental'or consequential damages, including lost profits arising from the use of these data, No warranty against infringement of any patent, copyright or trademark is made or implied, End of Safety Data Sheet RECEIVED By: ;;L -7-01 Company: ADVANCED STERLlZATION PRODUCTS Product name: Activator for CIDEX Plus 28 Day Solution , Page 6 of6 Product code: ASPCIDEXPLUS ACT CO-28005-1 - -, _ AIJVANCED SfERIIJZATION m.Jl)ucrs~ Ii~corbpany awhJbT en' ftlTfam. tlc. Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS 007 Rev: , Product:' Issue date: E CIDEX Plus 28 Day Solution 12/13/05 11. IDENTIFI.CATION OF.THE SUBSTANCE/PREPAHATION AND THE COMPANY /LJNDERTAKING, ' Supplier: Advanced Sterilization Products 33 Technology Drive Irvine, CA 92618 Customer service telephone: Emergency telephone number: Product name: 1-800-755-5900 877-208-6653 - 24 hrs CIDEXPLUS 28 Day Solution 12, COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS The inqredients aUheir qiven bercentaqes in this product are not considered hazardous to ~oui health, 'I Components CAS Number Weight % J&J. DEL Data J&J - OEL Data J&J - eEL Data (TWA - a hr) (STEL): (Ceiling Limit Value): k3lutaraldehvde 111-30-8 <5 Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined IPolyelhylene Glycol 25322-68-3 <20 Not Determined Not Determined; Not Determined J&J - PBOEL Not Determined Not Determined ~. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Emergency overview: Properties affecting health: Principle routes of exposure: Oral: Eye contact: Skin contact: Ingestion: Inhalation: Hazard information: Target organ effects: Reproductive effects: Mutagenic effects: Sensitization: Not expected to be flammable or be a significant health hazard May cause sensitization by repeated inhalation and skin contact. -\ Can irritate the tissues of mouth, esophagus, and other tissues of the digestive system, Symptoms of over exposure can include vomiting, diarrhea and nausea, Risk of serious damage to eyes, May causeskin irritation, May aggravate pre-existing dermatitis Ingestion of this material may cause oral thrush, nausea, vomiting; epigastric distress, diarrhea, headache, fatigue, dizziness, insomnia, ~ental confusio-n, -and impairment. : Inhalation of mist or vapors may be severely irritating to the nose: throat and lungs, None, This material is notreported to cause reproductive effects in humans This product is not know to produce mutagenic effects in humans May cause sensitization by inhalation and skin contact. Glutaraldehyde has been reported to cause occupational asthma and maYaRv~~i~f\thlt- D inflammatory or fibrotic pulmonary disease, C. V C I V C. ' Company: ADVANCED STERLlZATION PRODUCTS Product name: CIDEXPLUS 28 Day Sol!Jtion ' '-\ie. .. ~ Produclcode: ASPCIDEXPLUS CQ-28005.-1, Page 1 of 7 By: 2-7~O 7 ~ CarcinoQenicity ratinQ: I Components: Glutaraldehyde .. [Polyethylene -Glycol CAS Number J&J: NTP: IARC: , California 'I ProDosition 65 Lis~ Nol Determin~__1 Not Determined I 111,30,8 25322-68-3 Not Oete"rmined Not,Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined . Signs and symptoms: Medical conditions aggravated by exposure: None. 'Inhalation of vapor may cause asthma-like symptoms (chest discomfort and tightness, difficulty with breathing) as well as aggravate pre-existing asthma and inflammatory or fibrotic pulmonary disease, 14, FIRST AID MEASURES Eye contact: I n the case ,of contact with eyes, rinse immediately With plenty of water for 15 minutes and seek medical attention, Call a physician or Poison Control Center immediately, Do not ingest emetic, Move to fresh air immediateiy. If experiencing difficulty breathing, seek medical attention, ' Ingestion: Inhalation: Skin contact: Rinse with water, Remove contaminated clothing and wash befor~reuse, Consult a physician if skin redness or irritation persists, Protection of first-aiders:' None, Probable damage to the mucosa from oral exposure may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage, ' , Notes to'physician: ~.FIRE-FIGI-ITING MEASURES Flash point (OF): Flash point (oC): Autoignition temperature: Flammable limits in air -lower ('!o): NFPA rating: HMISI NFPA rating and classification: Fire fighting information: Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Health: 2 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Suitable extinguishing media: Use extinguishing agent which is suitable forthe surrounding .tire. Extinguishing media which must:not be used for safety reasons: Specific methods: Special protective equipment for firefighters: None, None. Wear self"contained breathing,apparatus for fire fighting if necessary. Hazardous combustion products: Explosivity: ::~:on dioxide and carbon mOl1E eEl VE D Explosion limits: lower: upper: None. None. By: ,;(-7-07 Company: ADVANCED STERLlZATION PRODUCTS Product name:CIDEXPLUS 28 Day Solution Product code: ASPCIDEXPLUS CO"28005-1 Page 2 of 7 r>, ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions: Environmental precautions: Methods for cleaning up: Wear eye and skin protection while handling material for clean-up Avoid breathing vapors and/or mist. Responders should wear gloves, goggles and suitable body protection, Where there is a risk of product contact with shoes, chemical resistant shoe coverings are recommended. Do not wash down sewers or waterways Clean-up methods - large spillage Contain spill by placing suitable absorbent material around the edges of the spill and work inward. Carefully scoop up into waste container for disposal. For each estimated gallon of spill disperse about 228g of sodium bisulfite powder (CAS 7631-90-5) or 25g of glycine (56-40-6) on spill. Thoroughly blend into CIDEX Solution. Allow 5 minutes for deactivation, Dispose of in accordance with applicable Federal, State and Local Regulations, Clean contaminated surfaces thoroughly. tl, HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling: Technical measures/precautions: Safe handling advice: Use in well-ventilated areas and use with appropriate exhaust ventilation, for example a minimum of 10 air exchanges per hour or as defined by State or Local Regulations, Avoid breathing vapors or mist. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before use, Storage: Technical measures/storage conditions: Incompatible products: This product should be stored between 590F (150C) and 860F (300C) Avoid contact with strong acids and qases, Keep from contact with oxidizing material. ~q, EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PRUI'ECTION Engineering controls: Eye protection: Hand protection: Skin and body protection Respiratory protection: Other/general protection: Ensure'adequate ventilation, especially in confined areas Rooms where CIDEX Solution is used should have appropriate exhaust ventilation, for example a minimum of 10 air exchanges per hour or as defined by Slale and Local regulation Eye protection required Chemical resistant gloves required. Wear suitable protective clothing R E eEl VE D In case of insufficient ventilation wear suitable respiratory equipment. None required, By: :1-7-07 Company: ADVANCED STERLlZATlON PRODUCTS Product name: CIDEXPLUS 28 Day Solution, Product code: ASPCIDEXPLUS CO-28005-1 Page 3 of 7 r), PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance: Physical state: pH: Odo;: Boiling temperature (OF): Boiling temperature (OC): Freezing point/range (oG): Fre,ezing point/range (OF): Specific gravity: Vapor density: Evaporation rate: Water solUbility: Unactivated, colorless; Activated, green Liquid 3,2-4,3 (unactivated) 7,5,8,1 (activated) Characteristic aldehyde odor, 212 100 o 32 1 029g/cc 1,1 1,0 , Completely soluble 110, STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Chemical stability: Hazardous polymerization: Hazardous decomposition products: Materials to avoid: Conditions to avoid: Stable under recommended storage conditions: Hazardous polymerization does not occur, None, Strong acids, bases and 'oxidiZing agents. Extremes of temperature, direct sunlight and prolonged heating at temperature above 40'C. In. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute toxicitv LDSO Oral Rat (mg/kg): LDSO Dermal Rabbit (mg/kg): Local effects Oral: Eye irritation Skin irritation: Inhalation: Chronic toxicihr Oral: Inhalation:' .Dermal: Subchronic toxicity Oral: Dermal: Soecific effects Corrosive effects: Sensitization: 4250mg/kg >2000mg/kg Unknown on product. Severe irritant and corrosive to the eye when tested in animals, Skin contact may aggravate pre-existing dermatitis, Inhalation of vapor may cause asthma-like symptoms,as well as aggravate pre- existing asthma and Inflammatory or fibrotic pulmonary disease Unknown on product. Unknown on product. Unknown on product. Subchronic ,drinking water s,tudies in rats, mice and dogs usR'n lutaraed y EVE D concentrations of up to 1000ppm showed no evidence for a mat,' c1lt Unknown on product. ' u;: , I Unknown on product. When administered to the skin of guinea Pig,S using the ma{ii'l'ii',~ti,on method the, I L' compound was found to be a mild senSItizer, [J j , ~ - l -0_ ,; ~ Company: ADVANCED STERLlZATION PRODUCTS 'Product name: CIDEXPLUS 28 Day Solution :F.:"~.- ... Product code: ASPCIDEXPLUS CO-2800S-1 Page 4 of 7 Target organ effects: Mutagenic effects: None. In vitro studies have given results varying from no genotoxicity to equivocal or weakly positive activity; however, all in vivo studies have been uniformly negative Reproductive effects: . Not a reproductive effector in animals. This 'material is noUeported to ~ause reproductive effects in humans At maternally non,toxic doses, glutaraldehyde does not produce fetotoxlc, embryo toxic, nor teratogenic effects. No carcinogenic effects were o'bserved in rats or mice. Developmental effects: , Carcinogenic effects: 112, ECOLOGICAL INFORl\IATI(,)N Ecotoxicitv: Ecotoxicity effects: Aquatic toxicity effects: This product has no known eco-toxicological effects, T~is product has no known aquatic toxicological eftects. Unknown on product. Unknown on product. Unknown on product. Unknown on product. Mobility: Persistence I degradability: Bioaccumulation: Degradation: 113. DlSPOSALCONSlDERATIONS Waste from residues I unused products: Waste disposal must be in accordance with appropriate US, Federal, State and International regulations This product, if unaltered by use, may be disposed of by freatment at a permitted facility or as advised by your local hazardous waste regulatory authority. Contaminated packaging: Methods for cleaning up: Do not fe-use empty containers Clean-up methods - large spillage Contain spill by placing suitable absorbent material around the edges of the spill and work inward, Carefully scoop up into waste container for disposal. For each estimated gallon of spill disperse about 228g of sodium bisulfite powder (CAS 7631-90-5) Or 25g glycine' (CAS 56-40-6) on spill, Thoroughly blend into CIDEX Solution, Allow 5 minutes for deactivation. Dispose in accordance with all Federal, State and Local Regulations, Clean contaminated surfaces thoroughly. 114. TRANSPORT INFORMATION Not applicable Noi regulated, Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable RECEIVED Not applicable ,B, y.. Not applicable Not applicable d.. - 7-D( Company: ADVANCED STERLlZATION PRODUCTS Product name: CIDEXPLUS 28 Day Solution Product code: ASPCIDEXPLUS CO-28005-1 Page 5 of 7 '" Packing group: MFAG table No,: Proper shipping name: UNlld No.: ADR/RID: Hazard class/packing group: Item: ADR/RID-Iabels: UN/ld No,: Proper shipping name: TREM'-Card: Not applicable Not applicable Not regulated Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable. Not applicable Not applicable Not regulated Not applicable IATAIICAO: Hazard class: Packing group: Proper shipping name: 'ID/UN No,: lATA-label: ERG# Not applicable Nol applicable Not regulated Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable TOG (Canada): Status: Packing group: Not applicable Not applicable 115. REGULATORY INFORMATION Components CAS Nu~ber 1 Weight % Plutaraldehvde 111-30~8 <5 l Components 9AS Number I Weight % lutaraldehvde 111~30-8' <5 SARA (311, 312) hazard class: Immediate health: None Delayed health: None Fire: None Sudden Release of None Pressure Hazard: Reactivity: None I ACGIH TLV (TWA -I ACGIH TLV (STEL) I ACGIH TLV (Ceiling II 8hr) Limits) I 10.2 mCl/m~ I I OSHA (lWA 'Bhr) 1 OSHA (STEL) OSHA (Ceiling Limitsl 0,8 mQfr.l~ Components I C~sNum~er I 111-30-8 Weight % New Jersey pennSYIVaniallY'~ssaChusett Connecticut ,I Michigan Critical RTK List: RTK List: s RTK List: Hazardous List: Material List: listed. listed. listed. I .l3lutaraJdehvde <5 ~ .' TSCA inventory list: Listed under TSCA: Yes WHMIS: WHMIS trade secret: WHMIS hazard class: None None RECEIVED Canada DSL inventory list: Listed on.DSL: Yes By: ;2-7-07 Company: ADVANCED STERLlZATION PRobuCTS Product name: CIDEXPLUS 28 day Solution Product code: ASPCIDEXPLUS CO-28005-1 Page 6 of 7 Notes: ' 1. SARA ;;:"Superfund.Amendments and the Reauthorization Act. 2: CERCLA = Comprehensive Environmental Response; Compensations and LiabjJjty Act. 3. FIFRA = Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act 4. TSCA:; Toxic Substance Control Act . 5. WHMIS = Canadian Workplace Hazaraous Materials Information System 6. This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled ProduCts Regulations (CPR) and the MSQS contains all o(the information:required by the CPR. ' 116, OTHER INFORMATION This,data sheet.contains changes from the previous version in section(s): None ' Additional advice None Literary Reference: None MSDS.format: North American Format - U,S, and Canada This' Material Safety Data Sheet was prepared in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 191Q120Q , Disclaimer: The information and recommendations contained herein are based upon tests believed to be reliable. However, Johnson and Johnson does, not guarantee their accuracy or completeness NOR SHALL ANY OF THIS INFORMATION CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE SAFETY OF THE GOODS, THE MERCHANTABILITY OF THE GOODS, OR THE FITNESS OF THE GOODS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Adjustment to conform to actual conditions of usage maybe required. Johnson and Johnson assumes no' responsibility for results obtained or for incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits arising from the use of these data, No warranty against infringement of any patent, copyright or trademark is made or implied. End of Safety Data Sheet " RECEIVED By: )-7-07 Company: ADVANCED STERLlZATION'PRODUCTS 'Product name: CIDEXPLUS 28 Day Solution Product code: ASPCIDEXPLUS CO-28005-1 Page 7 ofT "-.,., .:'~'-' , \ ., , , " Publication No, IC7070 May 1994 Supersedes 2B6835, July 1993 ,635883, April 1988 "" , , SITE SPECIFICATIONS' , for the Kodak RPX-Omat Processor, Model M6B , ... ",~~' ,.,',. ~ . .--- '- Q~"'/"" , , 'r,:::;n1\... ',' d--" .. ~/ '" '.. ,-' ""',. .- ,',t ,_ ,', 1l11111W ... . ..........0. , . ," . ;-' _!..~.,..~. . -........ .-:' ::..,. '..... ." .~-..,~.-:. . .'" ,: ' ," . .... , .. , ," .~ - . ---.. . . .' . . . .., . , \ r;'-. ~ ;1 ~ f;f~.." ~.::'. .' . .,,- .... .-." " ''';:. ",,":: - .......... . ..... 'of.. "-",:=- '. . ,', . . ",""" . ,~, . ',~ ,'. " , ' , . , , . " :. ,,'<,:,- ," ""':.",', 'R"',::"""",..' C.,EIVE",'ij'" ~, '; ..:~~;" :J.lo,'", ..' ,- _ , " c., . + .!' ", . ',.,i.::,' -- ,. . ----- '. : . ". .' '-'.. . -. . .' ....: . .,~ / z,: r . ", .' . .' ' CUSTOMER EQUiPMENT SERVICES'bivS I~ "11'.li, . '"",-. . /i;)Eastman Kodak Company' " ' .".. " " ~-~ \:aJ ESD . Possible damage from electrostatic discharge. ,- - --: ~. . \: ',~ . .~, l:~ "I ,"-..':.-..,. 2 . , rtE. ,CEIt\r~D '. ---- ---., ,',: By:. ".' l " May 1994 -IC7070 _l~ .,.,~-. ""'. .,.1, ~-;.: /~. " ',J, -." ~... , .~>. .....,...,,,..,.. ;....',,.,.,,. -" :'i"~ :.,.' "".y.. ,',i,'~ ." ~ .~. Table of Contents '.7 .~.: :'~;-' ~ 7;,.;' .....,. '."'., ~ ~' ;' '1,'" . i ", ;;.,... . " ",........,. Description Introduction ..": ' , , . , ' , , Dimensions and Weights Electrical Requirements . Basic Requirements, , Standard SerVice Options' Water and Drain Requirements Water Supply, , , , ' Drain,.,'", , Environmentat' Requirements , Room Ambient Temperature; Air 'and Heat Diagrams . Center of Gnlvity , , ;". ,.q ~ '''C- " , " -,.. ".." ., ,.1.' .. ',j " " ,< ,'," " ':: " " " .- ".' ,.. " ~ ,.,; , .,. ..,,' ...~" . " :." ,-', -..' , , , , i. '..' ,'.' lC7070 - MaY1994 '-'.: , ',' '--. ~ , 'Page 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 7, 8 8 8 10 20 " .~ J " -,..,..... , .~, 'J .- " '.~ . .~ ., "c.~".. '" ".. ..., . . " ", B~CE/\!ED By'~, . . ~-> 01;..1,," " -.'" . - ------ ....,;. ;." " , ',' 3' SITE SPECIFICATIONS Introduction This publication is part of a series of instruction books that provides technical support information on the KODAK RP X-OMA T Processor, ModelM6B, For the ease of referencing and reordering the other publications; the following tables provide the part,numbers for each of the publications, Publications for M6B Proeessors - Serial NumberstlS,OOO and Above I Complete Operator Installation Service I I Binder Manual Site Specs Instruetions Manual Parts List I Publication 246630, IC7061 ' J C7070 246626 246628 1246629 I Part No, I I Publications for M6B Processors - Serial Numbers 10,000 to 14,999 I Complete Operator "Installation ' Service 1 --'Binder Manual. Site Specs Instructions Manual Parts List " 'I Pubtication 63588t IC706t t C7070 63588~ 635885 635882 1 Part No, Publications for M6B Processors - Serial Numbers Below 10,000 I Complete I Operator Installation . Service 1 ' Binder ' Manual Site Specs Instructions' Manual J:'arts List ,[ Pubtication Not IlC7061, t C7070 635812 635828 635860 I " , Part No, A vailabte I ',. , :, It is recommended that these publications be kept in' the binder provided, If an individuat document gets mispbced or destroyed, reorder a copy from your Eastman Kodak Represeptative, ','j ,> .", .. .,....... " I." ," ';. ,.' ',.' ,>- ~ .... , , " ,~ ~ ., 1'.:...:' "'.<:\':.' -' f' '. f.-~;1 " '-,"'" .. . ~ . ~, ',. ',.' , '- .~.... 4 , I, ,.t. ".' ,"", ',' ;,. ",." .'" '-"';', ..... '('--\ " ,/!],' '~'. ';', .'\ ;, , '-". " " . " " .- "', ,,- :< '4 .,,' .,,", .-" . , ,: ;\ "-. .. , .... ,.M~y 1994 -lC7070 < " ,,,-, , Dimensions and Weights ., , ' , Table 1 Dimensions and Weight ofthe Processor Description Crated 71.1 cm (28, in,) Length I Width 90,2 cm (35.5 in,) I Height ]52.4 em (60 in.) I Weight (Tanks Empty) 223.2 kg (492 tb) .1 Weight (TanksFull) Not Applicable 'IAPproximate Solution Height', Not Applicabte from the B~~eofthe Processor ' '" , Table 2 Maintenance and Operation Access Requirements , '\ Description, Recommendation I . Dryer End of-Processor 91.4 em (36 in,)' . ,I Feed End of Processor 91.4 em (36 in,) , ,. <I Drive Side of Processor 91.4 em (36 in.) 1 Non-Drive Side of Processor 91.4 cm (36 in,) !TopofProcessor' 91.4cm (36 in,) I, >,. 1.-: .. , "'.' .....' i' ,. .' -~. -:. ~. :1, . .. " ,,-)I.., " )'-. ."-'" . -":- <..'."f- ", '. ", .," ., <~~ ~ ': ',.,- . "." -~-;. .- ",., " , ~. .!;:'l" '. i..' : ",.,,'- ,. ;", I;" ....r ", y.-,' '. -'.' ;". ?" . ."', .". ~{ ,-,;:: ," "r .", . ~, \". -,'" ....,; . ,. "" ... '" '.;" ~. +..' l, ".' ,," ." ' .. .... ,lC7070 - May 1994, ,', '.. ....... ," , ... '-" . " :. ',- ,; ~: Dimensions and Weights .'- , .~" .f-,- :.,/.': ,,' .., ' ;.1. "_ ",' -, .-.....--' Uncrated 63,5 cm (25 in,) WitHout feed tray (Includes knobs and fittings,) 97,8 cm.(38,5 in,) With feed tray (Includes drYer knob,) 76,2 em (30 in.) , 123,2 em (48,5 in,) 20t kg (442 Ib) 235 kg (5t9 tb) t07,2cm (42.5 in.) ,': . ,.... . 0'-'-' " . . -. ',.' ',,'; , .. 5 , - ~, "1-' SITE SPECIFICATIONS Electrical 'Requirements -, Basic "Requirements A Important '.' All electrical services, including earth ground, must comply with local and national electrical codes.' . 30 A, single-phase, 208/220, 3-wir~, earth ground required. . Main,Power Disconnect (wall-mounted, not furnished)' The main power discOl;mect switch must consist of a mini mum 2-pole thermo-magnetic circuit breaker with solid.neutral and common trip, or a fused disconnect switch. This switch must be: located on a wall adjacent to the processof'in the lighted area easity accessible' from the processor site visible from ihe'processor site, , -' , I Standard Service Options ' A import;~t " ..,' .' Alletectricalservices,including earth gr~und? must ~omply with tocal and nationat electri~al codes, , i ' , Table 3 . Service Options ~ , ' Voltage Frequency Service I Volts Hz , ,I, i 100/200 50/60 Single-pliase, 3-wire I . 120/208 60 Three.ph'ase., 3-wire, Wye I . , .1120/240 60 Single-p~ase, 3'wire I '.1127/220 50 Three-phase., 3-wire, Wye I . , 1220/380 50 Three-pt~ase., 3-wire, Wye I - 1240<415 50. Three-ph'ase", 3-wire, Wye I 1220 50/60 Single-phase, 2-wire I 1240 50160 Single-phase, 2-wire I f , " .L1, L2, and Neutral used in this configuration are sometimes referred to: , ' as Single-Phase connections, ..' " ." "'". . .:'.~"f ..... .. ,~ ., , '. '~ ... " " .-' , ~ ' ' . . " ~,. ~,.. ~ , , . , ....:."f. ,'. , 1 . ~, I . ! ":;...',,: ", ~ ", . . ,. '. .' ~ ~, J' " '.-,>- "., ,-" . .. '.,. . .-:"', .{ ',. " , ~., " ' May19~4 - IC7070' ., 6 > '," "-.. ~ .;'1 Water and Orain Requirements Water and Drain Requirements, Water Supply a, Processor Supply I. Temperature: 4 to 29.4C (400 to 850F) 2. Pressure:' 172,35 to 448, t 1 kPa (25 to 65 psi). Install regutator if required, : 3. Volume: Controlled within the processor to 5.7 Umin (1.5 gal/min), , 4, Filtration: A 50-micron filter is required, but it is riot supplied with. the processor. b, 'Water.service must comply with local codes. , " . ' c, Tempered water service is suggested for processor cleaning .and for mixing chemicats manually, d. A motded adapter and washer are provided to adapt the processor garden hose fitting to the 1/2 in, . .. - . , " NPT(male), .. ' , L . D _Note'" ' :' , . If the upper timit 'of the room mubient or the'water supply temperature to the,',processor is'exceeded, " the developer temp~ratur~ may not be controlled correctly,. A water chiller' may be required, ' " Drain ' , . ' -, "':-:......~-,:.~- '-"-"~_.- ,"'" ,." :' ", -.0.. .. "'!."" ,:~~.~. .:. . '-~';'-" -;: -. -',:1, '....,..;.. ,;.} .>J L~ " ,".r' :" ',,:...1 ' t',',. ." 'j '-J 4 Wa~~ing' ~.: ' , " .. Drains must be nlade of chemically resistant, non-corrosive material. Use PVC or'the equivalent. The drain must have a 'minimum diameter of 7,6 cm (3 'in,) and be free of obstruction: ' .' :Drain service must comply with alllocaf codes. ", .. .Locate th~ drain within 1.5 m (60 in.) of the processo~. . The drainiine should.~lope gradually downward to the floor drain, " " . Capacity:.,,"~" .. 15 Umin (4 gal/min), Open drain; avoid solid connection:, ' /" '.. ".' _Connection: . ',; ,,' " ..'.' ".':, .":.: .~~, ..' -- \--,' \.' ..;,. '" , , . ,-",:~ , ' .. , ;',:. , . .. ..... . , , . .. ..',," .. ',' ..',., ','. ~ ',.'.' " , ',;{ ,;., , ~', " " .l-' ::c' '-j~ " .. -, ,. , , .~ ,': .; f: '- " , '). ,,' " ,.. . ~: " .:. . -',. -',.. .., . ":",~,, .... .' ...,.... ,.~. ',. .,.. " -,' ~'" '. >.' . -' ", :<" , 7 1C7070 - May 1994 ""~ . ,.".. . " ~" , " ,:', ., ~"< i.; "'j. -,. - ~.. . : '" I" , ~ -~, .- ."~ SITE SPECIFICATIONS Environmental Requirements Room Ambient Temperature. Temperature: t 50 to 300C (590 to 860F) Humidity: 15% to 76% D Note . , If the upper limit of the room ambient or the water suppty temperature to the processor is exceeded, , the devetoper temperature may not be controlled conectly,' A water chiller may be required, Air and Heat a, ,Air Exhaust (full load) 1. Votume: 1,9m3/min (65 ft3/miil) 2, Temperature: 660C (I 500F) maximum . 3, Moisture>300 gr/minor 121 gr/kg (55 g~/ib) ~f air' '. 'b: Heat load to room: 4220 kJlhr (4000 Btulhr) ", . " :" . ,-.' " . " t . ,+ To protect the processor and equipment directly interfaced with'the processor, the dryer must be vented ac~ording to tti~, following specifications. Failure to properly vent the dryer exhaust can cause corrosion within the proeessor and interfaced equipment. In addition, the probability of . , . . I . processor-related film artifaCts is increased, ' " ", ' :1, The processor exhaust duct must be connected to the building exhaust ducting system, Disposal of effluent air must'compty with prevailing environmimtat codes.,. . ,. . ." .-' ,. 1 .' 2: The following tabte should be used to detennine the' proper amOlini of negative air within the duct, at the end to be connected to tlie processor', To prevent venturi effect at the: duct opening, all ',~ mea~urements should be made at a point 30.5 cm (i 2 in,) from the open end 'of the duct to be., attached to the processor. ., '!, ,...., -,'~ Compare th~. average reading with the tabte b~tow.. :~:' Table 4 Static Pressures , ,. "'.'::' I .,' I Duct,Diameter 176 mm (3 in,) 1102 mm (4 in.) Negative Static Pressure, (Water Head), MIN MAX , 0,76 mm (0.03'in,) 1.02 mm (0:04 in,) 0.25 mm (0,01 in.) , 0.51 mm (0,02 in,) I I I I ,', " , , ..... ~":~ . .' ~. 'I [ .,". I' I I ,"J,' t :", ,j".. .) . I .: . " ' ..(' . ',! . ,. . ',' " '" 8, :' May 19?4 -IC7070 " . "- , .~ >"" <;".. ", j" .',' 7 "",., l." _......_."..0 ..", :: {,' '"' ... <,. . . .. , .,.;.. .' . :. , ~-- . ~j '; ,". ", <". (, "i,_""'\ '. Environmental RequiremeQts ,', "/ ~ ': 3. Measurement can be made usilig an Air Meter, avai1abte through Service Parts Management as TL-243 L Measurement of negative air within flexible duct hoses will be simplified with the use of a modifiedChemieat ReptenisherCheck Tube PIN 592380, cut to a 30.5 cm (12 in.) straight line 'length, and connected to the rubber hose supplied with the Air Meter. An alternative is to use a hose support made from a' straight piece of wire, such as a coat hanger, and tape the rubber hose to it. , Figure I Measuring Negative StatiC Pressure EXHAUSTHOSE RUBBER HOSE or' MODIFIED J TUBE y ,.' '~~ " 30cm (12in.i~, TAPE (3 places) "-HOSE SUPPORT ,', . -: ~~ CENTER CONNECTOR ..'.. AIR METER .~' ,', , , ./ HQ480118BCA . ,H04B_01tBBA' .) .f: ,1< . ., .,' . '4,' If. solid metal or rigid plastic ducting is attached to the processor in a manner which would " " prevent easy removal, a smallhol~ may be created at a point approximately 30.5 em (12 in.) from the processor vent connection, The,"L" shapedmetat tube provided with the Air Meter can then be inserted through the opening, When measuring negative air, the tube tip' opening' . ',should be, pointed in the direCtion of airflow away from the processor. . ,. 'A I~~~~t:~~; " , ' , " ' '., . -The processor must be turned off when making air measurements, The Air Meter. should be hetd in the vertica1.position to assure the greatest accuracy, The' meter tubing'must not be kinked, . '., -, , ',; . .,- " '. " . ..... .. -.' " '.,.' >';"" ..,' , ." '5", It is most ,important that'negativ~ airflowin the processor exhaust duct remains cOIistantwhen ': " , . .', '. , , ',", <the processor is in the run, standby, and shut-down modes, :,::' \,' ,. ,. ".. .,' ,,~ ,'. .... _' _" -. '. .' c'" .' r , . ..,'. . .':When processors are installed in darkroom wall openings, it is most important 'that darkroom' air . pressure ex~eed~ the air pressure of the area surrounding the darkroom,' This is intended to prevent air '. , cascading through the processor into the darkroom area, Proper batancing of dark/lighted room air in 'addition to correct dryer venting will not onty maximize containment of'chemieat fumes and vapors within the processor and its dryer exhausting system, but the incidimce gffilm artifacts oecurring in the gut-of~sotution transport roller sections will be greatly reduced, . t'.,,", '-' -" ',,'. -, , ,'. ,.. ,,< :-....... ;.,-': . '," . ", '. .; 1_"," . ~ ." .',: ,I.. : 1"~' " " ..... ,", :,': .. i' ,":.' .' .,..,. " ... .' .~. ~ . ~ < . ". . , " "'-.. ',<, IC7070- May 19~4,. ", 9 " Uv " " :",.' ;, ",.;.'" ';f> / WATER DRAINVA~VE = '",WASH OVERFLOW, , . ~ and DRAIN, , '~ FIXER OVERFLOW, i ~ and DRAIN, ,,' ft'. ~. '. ' ' ______ DEVELOPER, (jgJ . _ ~ OVERFLOW I/Y~ ~ ,.' and DRAIN --r~&=-:---r ~ _____ BUZZER, ' ,Q:. ~, rr-' , WATER INLET ;-(()). U.s. GARDEN -, ' /: HOSE CONNECTOR SITE SPECIFICATIONS Dia2Tams' ',. b Figure 2, Feed-End View o(,the Processor " , .---~,--. INTERFACE~' ~~~."""', ", JACK .~..~' RUN SWITCH ' . '~. , _'-.:-c SAFEl~IGHT/ ----------~ ACCESSORY RECEPTACLE------. -:~ --<ii MAIN if CIRCUIT BREAKER FIXER AUXILIARY ____________ . , DRAIN -~ DEVELOPER, AUXILIARY DRAIN l EXHAUST-'" "'" AUXllIARX' , CIRCUIT -': BREAKERS ;, -', ... .~- . .'. , ,~' <;, . , " '. "; '.~ ..... " ,.>, '. ,. . 10 ,-' \ FIXER DRAIN VALVE , D RUN SWITCH FEED TRAY and SHELF. ~ " '. J "r.J; ..,." DEVELOPER, ,DRAIN VALVE REPLENISHER TUBING' INLETS from REMOTE TANKS .<.... ~:_~~:~-'-."l"- 'L',. -,' '. "',,,,, . , ~. . .' . ,,-,-' , .' H048_0085DCA H048_0085DA " ,.,-', -'. ,....,C.:, " . \ , I l" J i , ), r ~ ;". ....,., . ._1 " ~. -,~. - ,', , -I~ """"1:'., [' :' .j..... - .... " " .. !.. ...:. ,.':~' ~ ;~~,- ~. ";.' ~> ,- -j.. "..'~, l ::'" ....... ,','" ;! .' " ~ , May1994-IC7070 .,', ".' ,.", J. ..", ,'- ',', -". .'" "." '."'. Diagrams Figure 3 Receiving-End View ofthe Processor ".' TOP COVER DISPLAY __________' PANEL, CJ> Qi~ : o. ' ,. [B]~ ---- , "~ ~, <, / \ ;/ RECEiVING BIN )L1llLLrt '~)'. ,~ " ...." 1 " T' ",'. '.,' .~ 'I '\ ..;. .t :. , <,' ,. . H048_0086DCA'_. H048_0086DA. ' ''''-. .' :1;". ..-' "Figure 4 Display Panel,~" Receiving-End of th'c' Processor, DRYER "'7'" .- ,,' TEMPERTURE ,,-,.', CONTROL ., ' .,-; " " ,,DEVELOPER' '. 'REPLENISHMENT REPLENISHMENT SWITCH' FLOAT ." <, '~ " ',... ...,"..... -:":':~ ~ " "KODAK' ::1' ,~ f.", '" ,,' ~ RP,'X:-OMAT p'rocessor. Model M6B .. \, ~ epl ,: ,,,'. ~. : .' ",/ I " ;r =:J .,.." ,; '. .... "",' "',O'",Y~: ",. ,",; /:'" DRYER INDI<:;ATOR'" 'LAMP' ' )("" ..,' . - . -. - '. , , . '. . . , "," 7",.. ". Oev, '. '-' '-, ".' . , . , .: ,,'.. '-'.' " e ~ \ \ " F,/ , Fix ,Dev.' .', :'" , DEVELOPER' /. DEVELC;;ER, FIXER , 'TEMPERATURE ," INDICATOR REPLENISHMENT' '! ,METER LAMP " FLOAT ~~. ,,~ .~ '. 'r..' '<".. .... ". . H048_0025BCC . HD48_0025BA \. 'f;',';, )"..', .:. ,,,~ . "', -, . , , '.. lC7070 :- May 1994 ' :' . 'll "\,""~- . ',,' ..'. t,.' ,;',,' ", "-"'. "'.. ....,-, . ,,'. SITE SPECIFICATIONS .Figure5 Feed-End,Dimensions ofthe Processor ,..." ~,. 12, ",.'. ". 57mm (2.25in.~ 121 mm(4.7~in.) . 406 mrri"(16.00 in.) ...c 38 mm (1.50 in.) ~ ,c". .:,.... , ' ....c 76'2."mm (30.00 in.) 196mm (7.75 in.) ..q ~.. ,Y , -+ -+ '0' -+ G .,0 o = =, o L ~ . . 1 c;: n (1\, ~ ~,~tl r $ " ,,; \...) D . r +1- " - .- ~ ....c 686mm. (27.00, in) Center To Center Distance Of Leveling Feet ' '. ,~ , ,,' " " 196mm (7.75 In.) ~51mm . -~(2.00 in.) I + 425mm (13.25 in',) -0- .( ... ,0,- " -+ -+ ~ ;~" ~ 114mm 4iI- (4.50 in.) . 57 mm (2.25 in.) t_ t 5tmm '(2.00 in.) .'" " '. :. < "r) ..' ,,~ t, f 362mm . ~14.25 in.) ," .-,"" '-.. ", i'" , ' \' 83mm (3.25 in.) . A ,t t 77mm' (3.12 in.) .1232mm" ~48.50 In.) ".' "' 'I ".: . ~ H04S)121EC May 1994 - IC7070 .;.. _. J,;" i' ." . ," ;', " Diagrams Figure 6 Replenisher Tanks , :., HOT WATER, . SUPPLY , " COLD WATER SUPPLY, Two 8-, 14-, 30-,' or 55-gollon replenisher tonks con be ordered at additional cost. Recommended locotion is' on the some floor and os close ,to the p~ocesso.r. as possible. Mixing faucet with hase bib " ", " I r , 'e'." ~'B'~ . I COVER I PLATFORM t. ..'106.7cm '(42 in.) Maximum' Height, ~from,. floor "~ .' " ." -.:" [... , ,'- jA-~' '. " . ~-. /U,,\ "." 'V'I '/ , I ~ ,'; " FINISHED FLOOR, " , '". .,', '; . .~ H048_0120DCA H048_0120DA . ,'< -, '.".., .'. . i' ," ' Table 5 . Dimensions for Replenish~r Tanks -'I' " ..', I : DESCRIPTION Max Platform Height, ',1 Tank Diameter " I TankHeight '1 External Replenishment , Tank Area" . ' .. . . I DIMENSION I ,14 GAL. . : 30 GAL I "A'; Fig. 6 I 48,3 cm(l9 iny 35.6 em (14 in,) I"B" Fig. 6 143.2 em (17 in.) 55,9 em (22' in,). '~C" Fig, 6 58,4 em (23 in.) , 70.5 cm (27.75 in.) ':D"x"E'" 61.0 X 127,O.em 6LOx,152,4em (MIN) Fig. 7 '(24 X 50 in.). ,(24 x 60 in,) ,. 55 GAL 115,2 em (6 in.) 61.0 em (24 in.) 90.8 cm (35,75 in,) 66,0 x ] 72.7 em (26 x,68 in.) I I I ," I , . '~.'~~' ',",' '-",., "',. ;'. , , '.- '. ," '," .' '.." .~ ";' ," . ~ ; , " "'.:-.' ..... L" " >-'} r". .,..t ,f' -,', ". ",'" .. IC70;~ ~ May 1994 " "j'., ~; " " . .~. ,.",' ~. . . ,. :', , . . . :~ . 13 ',., ", I. " '. , ';i," , .:' , .J....' "'";." , J' SITE SPECIFICA nONS' Figure' 7 Suggested Room Layout aud Drain Locations . "E" see table . i ',,5'6,4 em (340 in) minimum L 'I; 'j., 14 . ';" CURBING ~ r"D"l . see table ~ " " " " " " " '0 " ~:c..''', ' . II. ~~"""" " , :: . . . "'- II' . " . " " . " " , 0, <::/" .' 1- J. . <- 91,4em ___ ~76,2 cm. . (36.0 in), (30.0 in) minimum . Recommended for Servis:ing ROOMLIGHT AREA FLOOR DRAIN CAUTION II Uo not use Brass or Copper ., .. 'J'iO IIiJ I " 'h:: EXHA,ul, /. : . ;;; ! , ,FLOOR DRAIN '61,0 em (24,0 in.) minimum' I Description I Receiving-End ofProcessar - I Feed-End ofProcessar . I Drive-Side of Processor I Non-Drive Side ofProeessor I Top of Processor "', 1;" 91.4 c m ------. (360in) minimum Recommendea for Ser-vicing ~ i 91.4 cm (36.0 in) - minimum Recommended for Servicing 1 \ FEED DARKROOM AREA " " " " " " " " " -'II . , ,/k;::", DRAIN / , " , . / WAS'H AREA / ~ 50.8 cm .'(20.0, in,) X . 76 2 cm (30.0 in.) . ",'Stainless Steel Sink' TRAY ->0 0<- 7.6, cm' ".' , (30 in,),minil1'!~n:, Recommendation' 91.4 em (36 in,), 91:4 em (36 in,) 9tA'cm (36 in,) 91A,cm (36 in.), 9tA:em(36 in,) I " j', .'. . ..' . ' , ',:".,V,", , ~ ' " , ",~. " " ." . .~ ~ ~ '. . .' " . '-./ ' H108~0006DA _ .... ,) ". '"," - ,May 1994 -lC7070 . - '. . . . '. ".'" , . ,. 'c' o .~. :"'" . :..~,1 -:' }', ';c , " , ' ",.; ....... .", Figure 8 Side Dimensions. ,SAFELlGHT FIXTURE (not furnished) connect to safe light' outlet of : processor ,(for visual feed indicator) LIGHT-TIGHT GASKET - compress to approx. . 1'.0 em (,38 in,) .. upon installation ENTRANCE ROLLER ASSEMBLY DRYER EXIT ROLLER::> '. ~. ., .,". .. ',. "",- ,'<., ':' ::' .,. .lC7070 ~ Mayl994 t:,. ....,'~.. ...,.-.. .' ,....:'}'. , , '., 50,8 cm . -(20.0 in,) 1 "'3.8em,..:..... ;.'(1.5 in,) " ."--., . . '-j "" ,<: . .~.', ! ., ..~.-. ',' ~ "-, _ \.' ;~! , ,ROOMLlGHT ARE,A DARKROOM AREA r . 57,2 em (22.5 i,n,) l 51 em 1I,(20in,) ~ 38,1 em (15.0 in,) ;. .7.6 em ,..J(3.0.in,) J~ t CD '=1;: ~ ~ 121,9 em, (48,0 in,) minimum .1.12,1 em (44 in.) . 49,5 em ". .- (Hl:5in.):...:.... Center to Center Distance of Leveling Feet' ,,~ , ' FLOOR, " , < ~ ,; 't' -'t. " ,- ..'> , . '~ :..' ,',' ',,:' .,. ...., ~ " "-",' ..'\ .'1. " " '0. ''!' .. " , ,_., \. ~ - " '':-' .~ ,.' , Di~grams 'I,' . '" , .,- .. - '.", , H048_0090DA "I" ~ .. '"..~ , " 15 '- SITE SPECIFICATIONS , Figure 9 Electrical and Water Coimections '. DNote ie-- , , I , , I " g -' o o D g- o (}.o "0 ~~~ "\ (c) o --I , , I , , I --- g ~ -.l. CD .," Pass service th~opgh the wall to the feed-end of the processor in the darkroom. on either side of the processor for easy accessibility, , Seethe Table on Page t 7, " '. 16 '" 0 _ c- o o \J o ,!l, If ~_ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ j\ u-----r,-----.J " " " , I L. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ...: . o ~ = =.= ='== J nn ~ . , < .~ .f" ',,' I I . . ~ . " H108_0009DAA H048_00890A SerVice controls ~ay be tocated .'0" '.- .~.~ . ,~: May 1994 - I C7070 ' ",.,', , '- C' .' , ..:': r'. ".~, ',- -'/. IC7070 -:: May,199~, '.f< I I I ,I I I .,.... , , A B o G H J ..'-- ..." Diagrams C Table 7 Electrical and Water Connections, Continued Service H9se - suggested tength to reach the Processor and Reptenisher Tanks, V2 in. NPT Check Valve Kodak Thennostatic Mixing Vatve 1/2 in, NPT avaitable from Eastman Kodak Company, Part No, 467621, Not supplied with the Processor. & Imp~rtant A mixing vatve is not required for the Processor if incoming water, temperature is between 4' and 29.4'C (40' and 85'F) , , Shutoff Valves V2.in. NPT, Two additional required, Availabte from Eastman Kodak Company, Part No. 459981, Not supplied with the Processor. Cold Water Supply 1/2 in, NPT 30 AMP - 2 POLE, Thermo-magnetic Circuit Breaker, Locate safe distance from water service, Not supplied with the Processor. Shut off Valves V2 in,. NPT" Two additional required. A vailabte from Eastman Kodak Company; I' Part No. 459981. . Hot and Cold Water Supply Yzin, NPT, V2 in, NPT Union. Locate as close to the Processor as possible'. E F D Note , .,' . . 1-ll<; processor is UL listed, CSA certified. . Specifications are subj~ct to change. wjtho~tnotice, F9110w toca1 electric~1 and plumbing codes, _ .,~ .' ;". '-! ",', ..,' ,,' .'Ii ',. ';, :, .~- " 'lJ. '.1 '.". "., "'" ....-'..: ..... ~ , ' , ~ i- ~ ;;:-'" . ~., '" .. ~ . ;.-.;. .,.....,. , ' . .',- .... "r. .. f, " .', ,. - .' .RECEIV:ED.<: <'. " " .' '; '.'" . "."" .,'"",!,; ...... . .~ . 8y': .. .". .... 'ff:.... ,'. " ~ ... ",'F.,~. . ." " .,. '.'t,. <' ,,~ Ii ," . ,) ,-: , r"", ,17 . ,',' " " '. __._. PANEL (0 PANEL' '- 1,9 cm'(.75 in) OPENING Plywood or equivalent material 73.7 em thot complies with local codes (29,0 in,) . (Larger thon woll openlng- maximum 5 1 em (2 0 In) overlop " ' ' , , recommended) , ~ t' " ~,~ I ,~ ,~', ",'~ SITE SPECIFICATIONS Figure 10 New W'all Installation' 121,9 em (4,fo in.) @ , PANEL .'OPENING il1S,7 em' (4675 in,) minimum :120,0' erri (47.25 in.) "moximum ~ ;;.--- ~ ::;::::~.- .---c.:::---- ., "" " ,I ,~,., , . .'~ -. - - . - ., ,I .' " BOLT " . ~ASHER~' ~: , !~" , ~I'i:,' ANCHOR ' . ~I:' . '~r' , 0 ' '" I : I , ! ! ~. . ~ LIGHT - TIGHT GASKET furnished to be opplied . to proce;;sor prior to installation, BRACKET. . FLOOR CUP '. '" H048_0005DCA H048_00050A -,: '"~..~ " .' 'a. If the wal1 around th~ opening is straight and exactly perpendicul~~ to'the floor, this pOllet may not,be necessary. The wall opening dimensions should match the inside dimensions ofthe panet opening., ' . ",' ", I , b, Make sure that the vertical dimension of 48:t Vl6 in, for the wal1. openil1gis measured from the finished floor. . . . . .: ~. 'R' EO' '(:-:;'IV" 'E' '>;., ',- ,; -,-'. '.' .' ." '.'. , ..: -~,;" ,:.' -< ~'~ ~.:W:'c: ~)i . ." ~'}'" ., _ . . .:;. ,\ H'. . ~, I " .';....-'-. . -;'" By: '" :. I; ),)'<-" ,. \ ' ".':" '.n;c?,..~,~,_....., . " 18 ", ., '.'. ,".-' \ ... J - ~ '" , \ " . .,~, ' , , " ., .' ':'. . f"~. . ." ".,' " (,...' " -"-'." - ,.-;.<. .'. ~ .:: t<'~ ;",. ,', '." .' ~ " ' . . ~ " ~:ay 1994 -1 C7070 .i~ . f ."._ , ' . ".,. :','- ,.,' . -"'. " ", 1.' Figure 11 Inlets for Repleni~her Tubing ~, ~1t L; _---- I ~ . \~~; "~' ~ ~~ fr "Figure 12 'Alternate inlets for Repienisher Tubing ..;" ' _ Inlets. for Replenishment Tubing , . " .,.- , .....;" ,. "." ... '". ;"0'" ;" " ~, ;', .",.<' 1~7~70 ~ May 1994 ...' ..' ','. .FRAME BOTTOM PLATE I / ',.', . .:- .4-22." n:m ~ (869 In,)' , ,; J .' 113 mm (4.44' in.) l,:.'. .;.. 0,'- 143 mm, (5,63 ,in,) t ",I' .-1 ;'." .':" '. 0 ,:: ~. .' ! ...~\.! .' ". " "21 mm (0,81 in,) DIAMETER' ',"" ';' 2 HOLES WITH CAPS, ALTERNATE, -' IN~ETS FOR REPLENISHER 1UBING~ '1." ! ' 'J" "'--: ,.;.' ,. '. ~" ...... .. '. ',' .;, '.' ".' NL:_' .. ';''>-;~ .";. ..,' " .'; ~i H048_0091ACA H04B_0091AA. " '.I "~. -, ' . RECEIVING ,END I," , " "'. ~.. , :~-< -.:/ ... Diagrams '. - ~.. ,;' --, 'R'EQ'EIVED . ." .:.;......;.,.:' - . " ~... " . ,By,: "I ,...:t.: ....-,. ~. .' .\. ".. ,. " "'~ ....,. ~~ -:.. "... 19 '-"',.-, A.... '. ~~. ~.' , . Center of Gravity Center of Gravity Figure 13 , Center of Gravity I I ,I FEED TRAY SIDE ,/ / (H) 72.2 em ~--- ___ __ / > (28.43 in.) - ~ " ./ . " ----- '/;/, 57,2e~ '/ ,~76.2em. ' ,..' (22.5 in.) "" (30,0 in,) .' , , , ' -----i/ .- '~""""" I .I_.,~ ~l /,1 l" --"--/' ~~ I" :' '(D), ,(W) _____ ./34.0 em . 38,8 em (13,14 in,) (15.2~ in.) '/- . /' ---- ";---- 123,2 em (48.5 in,)'. , .., Center of Gravity , with TANKS empty -, ,. :,.. .,0 . . ~ ,,",. ". ..:- , 'r"' . ,- " ,," ',; '...., " , :." '.I" ',' ~048_0117DA .'~ . ~ ' . 'L....../. Note " " -'., " .. ' , Center of gravity is shown for.theProcessor with' the DEVELOPER, FIXER, and WASH TANKS empty', v. ,."'.' ' ".' ",. ." "... ".;'. . , ;'.- ': '~..;:..(, ',. '-'0" "E' \~EO "': ....~~' - - .. :~Rb ,:' ': - "I ,.' ", _ ,~,,' t. '. .". Kodak and X-Omat are trademarks. , , ' .'.' ' I .", ;<", ,': , r~.:-...: .,) .c. .,' -:< ~, '. ',., :.......'. ",'" .' " ,.Q'J:~' 3040ss_b.doc. . '~';1' {'~' '-~ " " ' , . Customer Equipment' Services Division II Print~d In"USA .' " EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY . ROCHESTER;N.Y. 14650 ..,"..... '. ;""."'" " .~ . ~.-, '";,; ',', ,.,.' f HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN , . , .' SECTION I: FACILITY DESCRIPTION . ; Subdivision , . Lot Springfield, Oregon 97477 Assessor's Map 17-03-36-2-2 Tax Lot 6800,7000 Site Address t457 G Street General Information , Business Name: G Street Urology Center LLC Address: 1457 G Street State: OR' Zip: 97477 Title: Operations Manager Phone:' 541-343-9259 City: Springfield Primary Contact Person:. 'colleen Parker Phone:: (54l) 746-1618 Em,ergency Contacts: . Name' '.1' . Title ) . Home Phone Work Phone " " '. \' 'Principal Business'Contact: ,Terry FitzPatrick Title:Administrator . Phone: . , ,(541) 746-1618 ' ...{ ", I ',,~ c' Property Owner:'G Street Urology Center.LLC Address: 1457 G Street 'City: Springfield State: OR . '. Zip: 97477. Phone: 541-343-9259' Principal Business Actiyity:. '.' Radiation.Therapy " , , . . ':" " c.,!..'. .. ,..', ~ ..... '" Number of Employees:: , . :' ,," Number of Shifts:, Hours of Openition: ,,' 15 , ,; . ",'" . :,)-. ". . ',,' c'. .r- \RECltiIVE,[)" " . ~' J' .. '. !,'." :, ..... :., .,~, ~,';~' , ..' ., 7:00 am -6:00 pm . ',,"::, " .', " :",'.: :"":"-.,_....:'<. '.. ....,-"-. . '~'.. ";', ,.... -:";,\,\,," ",v ,':,".," . ' .)"'; ...- ~~'. . .' :~ ,". ".... '., .,.'.' ".: ;:, '<,,:' ~ ,.:'" 0-" !."_ '..' .' , .,:, '.;?,~ . ,; -<;,;+),"::-:.- '" "''''''<8''1' ~.,,"', ,'. "~, ': '" ~. .".. . . , "~'t,.' .' . - - , ,,'Declaration:'..'." , '..'" ". . " ,", ,..,.'..,",' ',"",;, ,-: .'," , .... ,~ '" . '. , ' . ,~.. -.,' ,.' . . , , ., ,., ..' '. 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',~ " ';. " H57G~ Spo-;"sJ,e\d,On.....', ". 9;-<17 ,', 2......::::-t..""'..:.~:::=..: :-..:--:: ::...~-;.= ._~.......-.._-- JOB NO; - ORA-WNBY: I.'<SUFRFC.oRl) ?-""''' ,OWlN""''' .. '-~. ..' "", ~" REVISIONRECORIl- "''' ,,","""""'" :SHlOHTm.E !;lark Room Plan ~.' - . SHEET NO A2.2 20f2 ':'" ~.. ". "-".' " l' SITE SPECIFICATIONS " "-',' ','/".r: Figure 7 . Suggested Room Layout and Drain.Loeations . . ~ . ,',.'. " ."i. .:.'. i,' ," . 'CURBING, 'r'D"l' '.--.914 cm__...762 cm.'. , . ~ ..' see' , '(360 In). (300 In) , " '".~ table ' . minimum , , , Recommended ' for Servicing ,r'.'" ", F .. ( . .., .'-':- _ . '. .: ~7.:.~':~:;~>.;~ _ .". .. ~ ,Ta~'e 6: 'Maintenance and'Operation Access RequirementS' .;:.': '" , " . , " _.- , i. l.,i~ '. . "," "':-:':1 Description" Recommendation 1',:+';" ' ' ,"".,C.' ," ','" ,:"" Receiving-End of Processor 91.4 cm (36 in,) 1:-: '.. ,''',' -;;;::. "",., ,_.,;;:..,." ;.,.._',' ".>;:'- Feed:Ei1d of Processor 91.4 cm (36 in,),': I. c,"" . ': '~;;j,i~';;7:;~i;'~"''ff;;;!'~,h'fiJ~{,~J~::,,,: Drive-Side of Processor ,'. 91.4 c!?~(36:in,)', I,~'~",~_~{i';", ,~:::.' ';: .:::, , . "'" ::: "',' '." :".;,>; . ::' ':.c J Nor:-Drive Side of Processor 91.4 cm,'<~\L,i,t.n ",' I';:. O..."E.. 'G:'E' j'V' '.E. '0" " '" ':[TopofFrocessor 91.4 em '(36 in.) I~;...,t:l'.'>, ':,', :',"". , ' ..., . "!=''' , , , , , ., see table ~iOO~" , , , " 1 . "- , ., , . , , , , ' ., t' .q :; " ", " " " " :;. 0 0 '.11 ':?/,,,''- '.j P/,. ',., , ,-,<,~",:.:~ '//, , .DRA~/ '" wAs: "~RE~'/' ': 50.8 c'm "(20,0 in,) "" .'"" i'X . ":"" .~.:..> _~:.76.'Z'cm.'. , " ,'(30.0 in,) , ' , :. ".','" Stainless 'Steel, Sink' :...' . -.. -', .' .' 'L, ,~ _.,'. " . . ' , 86.4' em (34.0 in.) ..minimum ',I' . .'"., '..' .~.... ~ ,-~.~ .....~.:<..;~-:-~.,.:. ," ...~ , <, " >',' ",. .-,,' '::. ", ~< , '. '/ ...,', ';;. " """,1 '14 " '''' .'-f~ '-, ,,' 91.4 cm ~ (360 in,) minimum. Recommended for Servicing -.../ ROOMLlGHT AREA .,., 1 91.4 cm (36,0 in,) minimum,. Recommended ,for Servl,:lng , 1 ' , . . " ,'. FlOOR DRAIN [~UTION Ii. Do not use Bross or, C:OPP:( rr"'" jj" ,.)., c ',.1 '~ , h~ ,;~', EXHAUS~ "FLOOR: DRAIN' DARKROOM, AREA; . " " \', 'FEED .J'_' :rRAY '-" " ~ '/6 em (3,0 in) , ' "e. .~, ,t- '- "",..' " minimum 61:0 cm (240iri) [Tlinimum , . "~" . " .;~~~,~{',~: . , ..... , , \:' ,,. ",'-T' " -..', : ",~, <, ; .-~ "':",:J ...,,, :,_-:- 'f" i ... .. . .~. .~: ...,~ '. c ,. <,.' :;.~. " ,~, ' ."..,-' . ,~.x. ",~'~ ~~H~68_0006DA ..1;-....-,.. '.' , ,'-' ,~I ~~.' . ".' -'.1 ;...... '--t,' ;.. '.<.". ~ . . ';,~ .. ' .,'. ".'. ,'. .,.;' .;"'. .... , , U,May 1994, -IC707jl,.,, " -. ':;.....' ';,.. ~?:':;' ''l( . , ,;.. ::. SECTION II: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY STATEMENT SEE ATTACHED " ~ ,,' '" ," j< .~ ;' '.... ,..', '-:.- \ ~'< ...: ".- ,.,.'t " " 0', .~ <;. .' . " :.::,,, !,/< :'- .', .':. , " ",' '.' ".t,.-.,""-' '" :' ,,',-' ........."'..q~D' -; ....... ..;...... '~. ."'i:~: C~~""~I'W';'i1_ ~I,,\ '.;', ',', . "'-""':h' ,"CV ~""ih'" { 1" 11 ') '--~ lf~'" , ~I '. ","'" h', ." ' '\: ...''''01 ,;'..;' \f '.... , "-. ,.', (""'" '''',;,~~......... ' "::;";:'1.';1~' ',/ .'~~ ;,,'l~:. ~.. '. " . i' ",;'", "'.---'-"-,: .-, , 'Ioi~ I,. .'-.. .:'1".:':.1 :: .,' " ..... ',:'6'1',""~ ~, "..'.i;a;;JL ,.G_ -",'.,';.1." ~ ' -"',',- . ":,oJ.'., ",-",,:.~'. :., """ J' ..': ':,,' '.,' '''';-',' ,,,...... " ,; ~ .';' "}", \.' I' j'. , , " .. i " \ " ','.' .. :} '. " .:;-i ,"-, ,. .....,... ;.:-' ':" ~.' ." ) ~ I P' ". .. , ,," ';l. . r,.. . ,,' .",.' " :;,' '. ""- ,,1',., .-,. or..... ," " ",.,; -~ . 'j: ,to '.. .. .. : '<~, ......., ') "'\.' '." > 1/~ .-' '., ". ,.f "', .~ ~ .,: <. ,',J." . .~. ~. "-": .~ ." :te !. ,.:,'" '", ',." ~ ' .. " , , , '." ,:..' ;' " '."': ~- . . '"'1 , ' ';r" '..: " " ,,- '.,. "t ,', " , ~. . ....' .i; ,\. .,. ,.... '",' .. ,'. ',' ,.': ".,' .\, ~'r:" }' " , .;~ -,~ .'1.' ;~) . ,\1'; " '- " ~l: . , ," (fJ ...J, <3: [2, 'w' . '1--' .' .,<3: " ,:2: . (fJ{ :J iU ti': O ,U ca Q) - -"E l:; U .' .',. C "Q),~'~ ~~:}:~~~.~.:~: :B.;,,~ "'-, N,' 0,... - '. ." ,":;:; U) . ~t:J~.<- ,: <3: ",,~,~ ';. ;:; ':C' ' ~ O,Q) , ',::::~ ~'\ . . - ~ U, " i:= i.,_".:;" ..,.... ,Y ':::J _.--:~ " '., -Ura~:~ .:~,~:.{ ,..,.~".~-.,.."" ,,' ,}.;,:' ."', , ";" ~ ~;i. ",,' , 5. ..~-<{-~.:: :=~-~~=:-_~:::,'~':-~:,~{l ",';.'iA~~ ,~. ~_ '., .__ . ..'. . -~J,~;~3.~~;~~:t, ~.,;~;,~,-~;,..:,,~r;"~.:,#,_~~,,~',</~,-,~ ~(~ ;:;~",,?),~~~ is: ,. , '. ">:::"~ 1 :g , ~ . 'J:!.= ~,. .~ '" 0;', , -' 9- .""t, ,. U <( , ';" ...........;~ '~ . >-' 0:: o I-- Z W > Z '.:, ,,' " , - '". ""'," 'J> ~ ~'! t, " ,. " ,. " .~ ,- '.1' -~-' -' ~~ " " <'I,' t~. 1~'-' . , - ,0 ... t: l.'l '0 '-, ,- E ~ Q) ~.r: O.U -' ' t: o 'v:;:; o ... ... l.'l <(;;:: a. 'in u. en Z ... U Q) '- en ,0 ::l t:"C Q) Q) c.en 0.2 U - - o .!:!! 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E o ~ E '5 E 0 <( en "E ~ ,'1:: o "E 'E '<( ~ ~i" ~'-a- '.. :;"";' _lJ) 1:l '1;-':0 'g ~".!:l '5 ,Q) O,U en <( "', ~ 1-: .'<t: ,::;; 0' x'" 0.: C W' " cr:'~ ~' ;~.~.~ ", r,' ..0 LL 0. ~s&: -'-" "I, i,t, ::~ ,,~,; ~ ; _,' . ~ , .f:!", q';-O;:' <~',,"".,_"'~-=,__.,, '!;' "'-~'~. ~ .1." ',' _, , .c . . . . i,"~....t:..E U :.:~ <.~;r,!..B~'''''': --:~.... ,1 ,1l -!';:,~r >-, .,.";" \l.'-:-~,' "'-', '":,' -E " '_ ;'(0__. " m <(,.!: _ ..' >: ,_ ti t): ffi !9" '~g,., "'.. <CU E o o ~ -'" ro o o II ~ :0 co en E ,0> <n ::J <D ~ 0' - <D .0 "C OJ <I> o U ~ <D Cii c :0 ~ o o l.'l E ~--". 'Ol ' o ~ -.,_,0.. .,.c .Q 13 0> "0 I... '" D-' "C '5 . 0' :::; c- d:, q> . "N C- C- C- ';',. , , "".\:, ";'.' ~ 1, '>':' ,. "-',.' .~: ',~, ~ , : . .~, . '," ,', " -.,. '" .. ., , " ,. '-J,. '.- ;'1' " ,." O:~.r , ."f~ '-'r.' , "" ",.- ":.~:-,., ,', : ~ -:' " .,..... '.:.. .,. " "" . "'.t~ '. " ',' -"j. .',- " , 1~, " ~. ',. '..- . , ;', <L ,~" " :;'. t' ."'; <..1' . ""'. "; . ~.. ~-~ ",;- , , Yw'" ... .,' ~ ~ I -, . '"'' .,- _\ " , SECTION qI: 'SEPARATION, COl'iT AINMENTAND MONIT()RING . ;., ~" " PART A - ABOVEGROUND STORAGE AREAS, .; Storage Area Identifi~atioh (as shown on facility map): " 1. Storage Type: x ,Original Containers Inside Machinery 55-Gallon (208.2 L) ,Drums or Storage Shed . Pressurized Vesse! Other: .2, Storage Location: X Inside Building 3. Separation:, x',' All Materials' Compatible Separated by 20 Feet (6096 mm) , Other: , , .' .' . ~. Secondary Containment .,.j .. , , Approved Cabinet X . Tray . ,;,' ' .", Vaulted Tank, " .. ,Qther:. .... , '.. ....,: ',- -'n'" "'J ".. ;;" 5, Monitoring: ': : .",'.... '>.< ,': " .. '. . X' ,.., '" Visual Other: . .1'-" '"., '.,' r../~':~.'~: ::.-;, ~~~?~>" ;.:~,:" ,...~~. . ,'-.__-t v',' "" '....,' . ,....., , 6, Monitoring Frequency:"';, . Daii' " . Y..r Other:, '.-. ". :;".~;; !.<,' -.' x ,. -' Safety Cans Bulk Tank. Outside Barrels Outside Building , Secured ., . One Hour Separation WalllPartitiori . Approved Cabinets' -.-=...';'" .. ~ ., , Secondary Drums Bermed, Coated Floor I, Double-Wall Tank r..,-, -,;,/- ~. :<." 4', Continuous :':, .;,' :., Attach specifications if r:ecessary ".,,": .P;' ~} ,,_, " '/",:'.. ... ,",. \'.,":'.,. ~ " Weekly "",, ',. ".;' . ~ DOCUMENTED BI-WEEKL Y Attach, additi9nal sh~~ts as~ecessary" :7' .. /t ,I: "'" " ., " J.-, .. . ;,. ~ .j..., "^' - ,:' ~~~";~~:~~t\~,EO~; _[~.\ 1;ss2\iJ)~- ~', .,. " .:. .; .,,~,: '>~"l:~;":'.T~,~..f ~~~:::..1} ~. ~. ~:" ,.:(.;::..... 't, '/"", ';."" . '.1 .....; .... ",'~-'. '-., ' ".... " ;., S' ; ."Y:'~;.. -':"::~:;.:7;..~ ..";,,", Y'V;~'" ~;. .:(. ':~,: -". . " '~. ,,' L, ',.'~ .'y "". "'1'" .~'. . . , , '.: ~ . , '.1. ,\ .,' ," . ,''-..,.' , '.-;',. .,':' .... , ~ -:. . ..:, :;..,; ,...,..,., .,.t,.. ' ~ '- ...~.. " " . , . . . ".... " . '" '..'.'-. .:" :;l' , ' .. .'.' .. ~. . c...'. ... '.:1'~ ~'..(- .,' " ".' ';., .:."-;" ,. .5. ,'1. : ' ,... )' ~ ,~ ..... "..i'1 .")-" ':"." ; - ~. l,; . ;"....,.. .....:': .:: ,'" ''::,' " " " ,'.' " ,,," .,'! ,.... ......' '.' "", , ' .,. ~' " ......., SECTION lII:SEPAt4T~ON, CONTAINMENT AND MONITORING '. ,.Ii . ','" .,. PART B - UNDERGROUND STORAGE AREAS ", , SINGLE WALL TANKS ANDPrPrNG TankArea Identification (as shown on facility map): NiA , ' 1. , Backfill Vapor Wells- Model and Manufacturer: ",. Continuous'Bi':Monthly Testing: , ' . , . 2, Grou~dwate~ Monitoring Wells , -' ': ..' . . :, .'.:' , c 3, " Monthly' Precision,Tank Test 'I. -.,: 4, 'Piping, '''', Monitoring Method: ." Frequency: '.',. -. Other:: /, ..,' "'," -...... ......' :,-. "'-. DOUBLE WALL TANKS AND PIPING ,." Tank Area Identification (as shown on facility map): , . " .... ,.. . , . , .' ~. . " .. -- '"' . , " ,,' ," ,. " .-~:"."; ~I '~',/ . ,~, . 1,' Metliod'of monitoririg the anriuia;sjJace: !;~, i .' ..' ;' . .; ". , . ~.., . " ,: :r. " '\. .~~ ,,' ,'" ''''", ..',,' '2.': F ' . " " ',' ". requency:,' ',': :' . ...,': '. ," " '..",'_;' ",::',:,_'" :Continuol},s '" ',' Othe)'::>.~:':, '. .A~ "',~_ ...~.~ _. ... ',~/,:. " .;'~'..,r'~-~',":4":-<'" ';.."~ <'-""_~~ .."~' y '; 3. List ,the typ~;ofsecondary con'tai~men; for pipirtg:'" , ,,-, . ; " . .' . . . _:. ~. .' _,. ; . ,_ ___. .i: .; __ .,' n " "~" ... . ''', ;' , :. " 'Daily":,'.'", .>.: ,".. ~'." .weekly;", :t .... ,,', ," {v,:.... '; ~::1: ,,;-.-,t ",' t;'..., :"" . '"'I.. .,~ ; '~ " ..". , ' .' ~ .~, ," '. ".:..'",;, ',.::'~-,:.- ... -- "" . '-- ,,.',--. .... '-'" -..,_.,' "'. :. ,-'; -'",,""" "-, .~::~,. List the'.method,ofmonitoringthe secondaiicontainmentfor piping:'; ,. .' -. . - -- , >' ,.' .; - . >> ,-,<.' -' . '.' .'~, ~'i. ,':-, - ". i-i. ," .' .-' .~ -. " .'~ ~ .",'. ", .~.. .... ..' '.., '5, :Are theieincompaiible mateii~]swith;n the same vail1t?" /-:' ~. .;':)< :'. '~2;: ~-_.,;.'. ',".'~" :~Ye~' ',.t', ,i>J::"'">:'_::':~;:~' '-"" ','-'. '. No ' ," , If yes, how is separate secondary containment provided? ",: ~-~:_ ~ ~'~_. ,......>';'f c.:_", . c'" ':.. '.., ,~.<:~ : :; ':: ~~; " .::: -, , . , . -'..: ~ ;,' :,,'.,, ,~", ~,.:, ;~ :: "..> ".,. ~,- " j- :.\...,,"': ,'" .', _, ~' .... '~'-'-." '. ~". "C"",.' .. ~ .__. . ~'"~"+~"""'_( >'_., '.~. .' ';"_~.,.' _ .' .._~';_ ... _ _,.. '_' ,,'_ i_ \-..". " ~ :;;;~.,.,.,~Note:Jr:yoii,have contiiiiious;monitoiing equipment, you shall maintain copies of all service and maintenance work,Such "'."-~'."" .'~..--~.""'--'-~-.".--=-." '.-.'.:":. ,'j . .., -' - .' ';,;,;;;;;";;r:eports;i!ia}1J'~~~~;~~~i1aOle:fo,r;re~je~,O$' sits;' and. shall ,besuDl;'itteq ~o the fire p~ey.;',nt~~!l.,..~,ti.1ea~ l!PO~ request ", .~, ;/';' ,. '.--' ., "-"~', . ~. "r, "'::~-' -. 'oJ'" . "<',:}. ." .~<;<."1,? - ~, .~ '4~>~7.; . . :~::. .'.>~, 'r '~. ;~_\' :,,:,:.i\.t - [;'''_~'' '" ;::';, ".:~. :';', """ .-.;.~: - ',d' 7' .*. '. i ":;"~'-":~: ',< .. . "," ,.' '~""h"dd;';~' 'h':""~'~>';B~(6g'i~~Q~'~ ,~..~. f ~/.:, ~:::. ,'_'~'~ .c.:",> ',,-. .Y'j' :.:::~~:>.~ ... t~:.~:. ,,' ~~jtJ-'," . , . " ... -~ ~,t;(~:> ;:. ');i::!.;:>~'::;t~By':'i:; ;,.,'" " ,,-. ,," ,'. , ..' '; i~;:: ',;;~~~;';' ""j~~~;/;)::.~'~~:.;: i ~-~ :'f':: L" ,', ," .. -.., "t;::\".\ ~,:;.\;" .~. ,~ 'i-';- ~ .... .' 1: 'oJ SECTION IV, WASTE DISPOSAL x Discharge' to the Sanitary Sewer- 'Wastes: UNUSED FIXER , . Licensed Waste Hau1er- , Wastes: " " "I. . P.retreatment - IV astes: -, '. Recycle - Wastes: <f'. X Other- Describe Method: USED FIXER PRETREATED IN SIL VER FILTER TO SANITARY SEWER " Wastes: :-,., No Waste SECTION V: RECORD KEEPING Description of our inspection program:. :0<::..' f' " ,I , '." ~ '.l _ -, x We will use the attached sample forms in our inspection program, , We will not use the sample forms, We have attached a copy o(our own 'f<:rms,' ~ . ','. t ' '. .' (; . ., .' ".' "....j:, '...., ",! .. ~- '""-"".;, .... ".,". .~~:,. - ,- .~ 'J. .. >".-- .,::: ~ "':'.'" ~. ", ,",' w.,'_," ""' ,..;. ~~ \ ,. ._; .' . ,~.. " . ~: ..;" ". " :'.' ,', i' ". " . . ,~"',::,,.,.. ~ .,'" i ":'c.:i,:~~JJ2;;;:k;;\:~..:~, ~~,~~~ _:' " ;.: ~,~:~. ~;:r5~~ ~,:;,;}, ;':, , '., .,', ;;: , ~ ,"" . :I~'f;, I. '{,. ~.., h.",!> -"';c' '. .~' . \ . " .'. .'St:-1 ',- I, ' :11/., ...... ..~ .:, +,", . ~ . . "j ,..-P',,;.._1,f'....~' fd'<""~'~"'I'" ..,l'l,t.;..." . .~ ~~:~i.l;\~ .:.'\r.-.g":~.1>{~;~~~I:~~(1~~\~'~~,., .. ~:':' ~.',-:.'" .><.."(. -,:,' ," ~,t;,~:XB:$; '" ;..-~ ",' ,..'" :." . ",."' ~ ., ... '--"', """ ".'- "1'"'-- - - ~~ '-/. . ,~, " '., ~~- " ,',. " . .'~ , , '.~ .':' "0 ." . .--'-- "-", '" .- "- .~ ., ',,~:,. ~. ~ .'l_~,..<~:; /~'''"l:';: .~ '.' , \,- .. " '" "r .J, ...' ~ . 'r" '!/" .' ..' ~,' .... .t.... .... -' ~ I' :'~' '., ;'J, ,,-,' .,,' -j.. ~. .'"", I ~~ " '" -.r ...-.,,'" ,", ( .-.,-., " ,..,," .'c '" ""; , '.-. -,'~ .. ~ j' .,' :" ,', .,.' '.;.- ". .. " ,:" .'-. " i' " . . . ~. ('. ". " j',' " , '.; ',.f....." ,': , , -',' ',' . J. ;, '. SECTION VI: EMERGENCY-RESPONSE PLAN ,. .' ~ " -,_\ :":1 . . ~,~ "'~ ~;r q .' . - - . ~ . I~ the event of im' emergency, 'the follo:ving sllall be notified: '--. )}.:, ... ,.',." ,';! '-j " ,-, ,'- ~ ,- ."; ",0' ~. : 'A, .On_site'responders: - ' , ' Name' Colleen Parker \.' "':--'-''-''1'''' " Title Operations'Manager '.. Phone (541)746-1618 , .~ '. B, Method of notification to resp~nder: AutomaticAlarm -,: ' Manual Alarm' , Other: x X Phone, , ' Verbal ." :,-" C. :"gency' Fire Department: .' State Office of Emergency Services: Other: , ~' Phone Number 911 ." ' '- ","'r'" , , " " "2 Designated Local E,:nergency Medical Facility: . <..,: "'. .. ,... " '.. -,- . ,'--~. . . .,' ",. ' . .;' './,."-, .' ,Name, '>'."".'-,_".'i , McKenzie Willamette Medical Center Addre~s t 460 G Street .. ,.:','" : Phorie (24liob~s)', 541-726-4400 . ~ ,: ,--..,. ;.' "" . ./::'~I" ,'> ".J '.; 3 '" Mitigation Equipment:' ''";..,';..';;''. ,,' ',...... ~, ~. " .- / 'Monitoring Devices:: , ' . ' Toxic or flammable gasdeteciiOll F1uid'detectioil, " ,~" Qther',: VISUAL c'" ;:". ."" "<(..." .;~.. :.' !"'. " , , -,-' '::.,' .~,. ',' ." ~; , .,'" ".',;,.; i _ J - A' ", .---,.....,r" .."i. "".' .~, : .."cr-.. ..,.', '\.- ;'-:r-"'-" X ,I. .. , ' -'-';\' ' -';.'--'- I', ',1- ....,'B" SpillContaimnent:, _", , "...> ,x-', Absorbents,::.'" 'j":'''' :-,:'t;:,:;, ..".., (~f~';;:';~~~~;:~~0f;..f::\)'t:,;> 'I: ' ""'" "'~'c:':: Split Control and Treatment: -.' S':(~ '. ,I, . '.' , " ~;?'~;~;i~a;: '. " . ~:~;s~a~~J~;:j;':i;,';:' ., ~:~~~~:;'a;lc~~~~:~~~~/:' :~]f{;~~~t\~~;.~i][~W~:~A; J OfuO";,;:::;,, .....;;~ . .' "..;/')~t;~; " ,,,",";' X '.' .~::~d~~~~u~~;;;:;:~~~:;~:~~~~r~:t~~;elo~e;~'\'! '-:"<~~:REC,E lV ED ,,' ::,/ " Assembly are~s prep1anned,.. ,,' 'Evacuation maps' posted " y' , , ',c, " ';, .. Other:~' ,.,.,,,;,;, : ,. : ,,' " t ,: " Other: ";r:~-";~. c:;._ - -"~::l~'::;',:; ';., 5 -- ,", ";"""',,: .,";'" ,,', :-,ay.,~,,;, . 'Supplemental haZa~dous'materials 'emergen'cy response plan on site..: . ,\;::',:, i:'" '-L":<.:T.:;':,~i;""':;' ,~; '-2;'~/.'~,~: ,"l:.,,'i :;"~ '.'.'" -.' .,'/> '.\ ," .~,.' :~" .;~:.::_-,'..~_,_,_ ~ '. ,. A:; ".;,', .." '::~i., E-t' ___,,:,,',~::~,-t<.-;::~,~,.f;:,.,'~.;,:,~~,.:;.:':":";'",.,'.',," >f~ ~ .~,.,~ ?,~c ~,:\ ":,;..' . ._" ~,',' ,~\ '" ,.'-;. ",_." '>' , '1: ,~:..."",,~, !::~1,':>~,'~~~:~:",,'~' .~ . ,,'~:',>;..' " .- ",-i:l'_",,"':~,::~,:;,,,~";,..:,_ #~'. ';-~~'\" .,.,"; J,~' -! '.," '.'...;;' ',', " ' .J, '. -=:~,,-::m' ,'.' '"r , ,~. . '.. .- ~ " .:.< .( Location: Responsible Person: Phone: " .....:. --.......,.......'" ,,'.;.'-,,:, .' .'~ '.~ ~.:' "',~;. .,_... '.;.' -"'" ,e "". ~ . " .~. ' , ~' .,'::-'." . Co lIeen', ice Colleen Parker (541) 746-1618 '-..., "'1.'" ,.' ",. ." l... l. " ~ .:.....:,. '.-.;:, '.: ".,j'.- , r:. -.' , .:~., .'",. ~f,,~~'" '. ,;. ?::--.,: - ";, .~ :',. ~ t_' ~~::""'''.'. ,':'}:':~j;;/::~~~t~j~~;:ill';" \. " ',Y , ~' ",> ." -~ " . ~ ~i,.... 1 ~~ . ...... ~ :<:"'-,...{ .' '1'.' :1, , " ..~~'.,~ ,,':., " "., .,' .", ';:'i' --',' ,'" 'j '. .'; . ~i '.. .d.' '~. . " " ,.,' ,:" .. "'"., :'l' ;1',:'-' ,; '" " ... (' ,;' .>, '.; :1': " .... , A ., .' ,:,.;~ ".' .;':', .... ..'''. " ,- ,~. ',. ',' "'.' ~ , .' ~ " .{ ..', ""-,,, ,~, " ,": " , ., ,,' 5. ~'. . ,..' ~I' ." 4' '. "..... '"," .,.,,,;:,:. ":f ','1" :1" j' .-.....- :< "..... _....--l~ -',:', ".1',. \ .... ~ '~.~. ... ~,. ",:. .,," .. .... -.-' ',; . <'\ ,Y " ~. " ;~. '.. ;:".~, ,. -'~ , ,. -' ';.r. '., " , :" . ~ .,-, " ' SECTION VII: EMERGENCY-RESPONSE TRAINING PLAN ,., \ " !' 1. Peison'respo~sible for the 'emergency-response training plan: '.:, ',"Name ,,' Title ",,- ., 'j. Phon~ "-,,- ," 2, /,' Training Requirem~nts: , " '" ' A. All employees trained in the following as indicated: X Procedures for internal alarm/notification X 'Procedures for notification ofexternaJ'emergency response organizations,: X Location and content of the emergency-response plan' B, Chemical handlers are trained in theJollowing as indicated:,' ,Safe methods for handling and storage of hazardous materials Proper use'ofpers-:mal protective equipment -', . ". , ' _ --__ ~ ' ,-Locations and proper use of fire- and spill-control equipment _ Specific,hazards of each chemical to which they may be exposed :. .r c. Emergency-response team members are,tralned in the following: . X ' Procedures for shutdown of operations '" . ',., .. .'" .','," ' '," /' "'. .'." ',' ..,- Procedures for using, maintaining and replacing facility emergency and moriitoringequipm~nt , "'1, , , ,'" ,.""" - "', 3, The following records ar~ maintained for all' employees:,' " X ,Verification that training was completed by the employee - Description of the type:and aniount of introductory and contll:uing training. ',.", , . Documentation.on and ~escription of emergency-response drills conducted ai tl1e facility" .", ,. " " , " . . . ' ., ..'. .'. , . 4" Amore comprehensive and detailed emergency-response ,training plan i~ maintained'onsite:' Location:', ,,' ',' .': Colleen's Office . '. , ' : '. ,.,' . " .,:,,' . Responsible Person: Colleen Parker '~'.~Ph6ne:_~"",~' " ,(541) 746-1618 . ,~' ::., ";j:::-';:~::<':~ ~.:~~~::\'~. ,,'I,., '.'. ..' . :'-".". .\<- ,'. ~,' ., '_ ~..1:..,:;.:'t. :il<-!"'.::':(~,,:"-' "'~.>~fr;~;1~i~i~':' '. ..,..);:~.;, \:;",h--~.~:>. o' ~.:' ";'_ "t.", '/. , '" ~ ."... f . ~;:_.:!~..:T. :;,:~" '. .~.. ~" ~ ,- .' ~ '.'''.'';' , , ~, ,.' .1-,.' 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