HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance APPLICANT 8/11/2008 r .JffA'" r'-~~~, '... .~~. . . 1)07 ;.\ 7'7760'75 ORDINANCE No. l70' ... ,,~r(:. All OROJrlANCE VACATING PORTION or A PHOLlC UTlI.ITY EASEMEIIT III TNE CITY or SpnlNGnELll, LANE COUNTY, OREGOn, AND OECLAIlING All EMERGEIICY. WHEREAS, t.he SprtnQf1cld City Councll prnvlously tlct:ll\rcd Its Intention to vacato .1 tertil(n portion of 11 public ut111ly cilSr!Il\enl In the City of Sprln9f101d a~ descrtbed Delow. and WHEREAS. Such '1acilot1on h tll the be51. !nlCI'cr.l nf the City in carry1nlj out lts lllans and pl"Ogrftms for thll 9~nl!r(J1 devt!lopmCDl nr the CIty; 11M WHEREAS. lawful notice of the proposed VIICi\t1011 ",,!. puhllshed and postcO; dnd WHEREAS., the Spl"lngflnld City Council Itlp,l 111 tllU Hunlcl",ll ''1tet.ing Room of the Springfield Utility Uoard Bldg.. 250/(n, "^" Sl.. SprlnE)fh.JtI, 0,.,. on MondilY, tilt' HI. d':!'y of Novcmbp,I', HJ77. tlt the heu,' nr 7:30 II.nl" to hc",' .\ny ohjectlom, to till' proposed "'AC,Hion and nn person~. tll)()l'lnred to OhJect: 1l0il. TIIERtI'ORt.. TIlE SflRI:1GrltLo ClT"i CnUNCI\. OOrf. OROt'lfl: Scction 1: The Council find~ lhilt IUC)fll notler') of ttm Mill'in!' :.,.,!. lawfully fltJh ISlle,1 an(1 fl(l:;tCII. thilL /Ill ohJl!etlntl~, wer!.' lll.1dt, tn tht) ClISClI\Cllt vaciltinn ilt tho ho,w1n9 hold; thlll till' SlUIII ie hltorc!.t will /lot bl' Itn()lllrcd by the properl}' v/l.c.\t ion: .\nd lhi'll thl: IlroperL:t Vlleil t Ion \1111 be LO tIle belOt Intercs t nr the pub. Ilc Ilnd IncrlhHC the! br.ncrh of tht! prOpp.Ny Invol...cd. Sr.etlon 2: TIm rollowllllJ llll\cl'lbmllJuhllc pl.one-t.t)' In tilr: City of Springflr.ld is llcl.:l.lrcll to bll V.1C.ltc:d: ,I'ortlon of .1 Puhllc Utility ElIscmonl III Old Windmill Tri\ct lMoI'l(!~tCltvl. Jlle ~oulll IJ faCt 01 tlW /:U fOnt WHIr. l.'olSfllll(lllt ,'Innl) ttw flartll I lilt' 1)1 lot~ 39 ')Ild "ll I.!~Celll lhl,l IMrt of ~,dd l!i1sr.mC!nl Olithin 7 fect 011 C'""ch !>lrh~ of thl' r.runnnn llulI llfllw~('tl lol~ 39 .HId 40. in Old Hlndmill Tract, il!. Illl\ltCll "ml reCorded in Uno'; 13. rilljC 2.1. blM County l't.ll nacord~,' h, I.dn~ I':ollnly. nr"lJnll. $ccllolI 3: Il j., .l fill" lilt.,. cnmJlLlnn III thi'. V,ll:.ll.lnn ItMI nnthin? CClnt,\{nllll III till:. IJrlllll.lnCI~ ~.hllll C.lll!.l' or rr.'quirc' llll' rl1l1iOV.,\ nt. t1\(! ah"t1dOllmtml or ,HlY \(Iwor. wlll...r t1ltllu. 9'\', n1o\111, ~olldllll, tll' t.h:vltllll~r.\1 or Illlt.'lIdt:tl for .Illy flUIdic sorvicl'. I!J(~ eL'pl by muLu,ll ,\!:1 '1'1~nl Ilclwllcn thl.! 1\9t'I1C\' hClldllllJ such ,.lfllIl Jml till.! "rOfl~rty ow. llcor', III WhOUI lho tft.lI! to tlw "',lc,ltl.ld IIl"l)lll!t.ly "hllll \I~"l. Sect lOll 1\: fill' r.lly Rl'crll"lJ~I' It. directed to fth- CertHlctl conit:!; of th'~ ordj~ IMnc~i'~thc Loll.l'~ CnIJol\' CII~rl;. LolllL' t:OU!,!l\' ^....'il!"r,~r. ,l~d LJM.COU']~,! ,Su.t",,:oyor. ?t.~ct{t')1l 5: It i-. Ilvreh)' fDUlld ,lOll dccl.m"d t1Mllf\.ltlp.r', PI!l"l,llnill!1 tn thl! y". c,\lloll 01 lluul te nrOll(lrlv ,We! miltr.~I'" .,ffceL\!ul lIUl {mill Ie. I1IMlth. ~.lff!Lv. and \oml. I"r~ 01 Lhe l:IlJ 111 'jlH'llllJfll!l.\ JIIlI lI11lL llll:. orlllll,)!1t..1' -:;11,111. lhcrcCurc', tJl;l.' L'ffcel irmlPllf,HI'ly Upt'ltl lro: [1.1':.....11)" by till' Crmnr,11 '111'1 ol.lmrOV,l\ II}' th(' Hllyor. AOQrTW hy UIl: Com:nol! Council nf LhQ Cll~ of Slldnl]rlllld this 7th day of Novcmill"', 1971, hy.1 ....otl.' or .:1:_ fOI" Mltt _:J:~ a!hllll~t. APPROVCD tw lhl.' '.lJVOI. tlf thl.' Cfl\" of Sllrlul}(\I!ld ATTm,~/ -c~~~,,,,. llll:; 7th d.,y or flovcmber. 1~77. VI,' ~ ..:~- .... 'r--'~.'l~J-';o-.. r -. 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I, GEORGE p, VINSOH, City RI!c.ordar for the City of Springfield, Orl:gon, d€l heroby c~rtlrV that the ~tto~hcd document rcprc~ent$ " true und correCl COpy or Ordln..nc:c ~~. 3704 o~ rll~ In my oUlce.