HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 6/30/2006 , ~, ~ , ,J t\FFIDAVIT OF SERVICE RECEIVED ~Jj. - 3D~ria By:~ dlr~ STATE OF OREGON) ) ss. County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared and caused to be , mailed copies of :5uezoo~- a:;oZCl JJ6'tLa <I, ru A : . ........ - 5.J:,:A4 ~ (See attachment "A") on 1i21 '30 . 2006 addressed to (see Attachment B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. ..!)~~~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ~.I-,o. .2006. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Pro r m Technician, 'Who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. efore me: . My Commission Expires: ~ ~O ,:kJo.g . OFFICIAL SEAL ~J . .; BRENDA JONES J \.. NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON COMMISSION NO, 379218 '_..,_._ MYC~~'~I~N!.~~~'!"Y.21:~ , . TYPE II TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION REVIEW" STAFF REPORT & DECISION Project Name: Lauren Estates Subdivision Project Proposal: Subdivide 2 tax lots into twelve (12) residential parcels Case Number: SUB2006-000029 Project Location: 780 S. 57'1, Street, 18-02- 09-11 TL 4900, 5000 Zoning: LOR , Comprehensive Plan Designation: LOR Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: December 23, 2006 Application Submitted Date: May 8, 2006 Decision Issued Date: June 29, 2006 Recommendation: Approval with Conditions Appeal Deadline Date: July 14,2006 Natural Features: Existing single-family house and scattered tree stands Density: Approximately 6 units per acre . Associated Applications: . LRP2005-00039; PRE 2005-00084; lON2005-00062;, COM2003-01276; SUB2005-00004; SUB2006-00029; lON2004-00031 ;SUB2006-00039 I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM I POSITION REVIEW OF . I Proiect Manager Planning . I Transoortation Planning Engineer Transoortation I Public Works Civil Engineer Utilities; Sanitary & Stoml Sewer I Deouty Fire Marshal Fire and Life Safety I Community Services Manager Building NAME David Reesor Gary McKenney Steve Barnes Gilbert Gordon I Dave Puent PHONE 726-3784 726-4585 736-1036 726-2293 726-3668 APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM Owner! Applicant: Don Horton 780 s. 57TH Street Springfield, OR 97478 'L- Engineer: Poage Engineering . 990 Obie Street Eugene. OR 97402 ,. DECISION: Tentative Approval, with conditions, as of the date of this letter. The standards of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) applicable to each criterion of Subdivision Approval are listed herein and are satisfied by the submitted plans and n~tes unless specifically noted with findings and conditions necessary for compliance. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS, AS WELL AS THE FINAL PLAT, MUST CONFORM TO THE SUBMITTED PLANS AS CONDITIONED HEREIN. This is a limited land use decision made according to City code and state statutes. Unless appealed, the decision is final. Please read this document carefully. OTHER USES AUTHORIZED BY THE DECISION: None. Future development will be in accordance with the provisions of the SDC, filed easements and agreements, and all applicable local, state and federal regulations. REVIEW PROCESS: This application is reviewed under Type II procedures listed in SDC 3.080 and the subdivision criteria of approval, SDC 35.050. This application was accepted as complete on May 8, 2006. This decision is issued on the 52"d day ofthe 120 days mandated by the state. SITE-INFORMATION & BACKGROUND: The subject development site is located west of S. 57'h Street, and immediately south of S. 56'1, Street. The Assessor's description is Map 18-02-04-11, portion of TL #4900 & 5000. The proposed subdivision comprises a total of 2.3 acres of land is desii,'l1ated as Low Density Residential on the Metro Plan and zoned LOR by Springfield. The Property currently has one single family dwelling on Lot 5000, with the remainder of the Property as undeveloped land. Adjacent properties to the east and south are zoned LDRIUF-lO and lie outside the current City limits, but are inside the Urban GroWth Boundary (UGB). The adjacent properties to the north and west are within the City limits and are also zoned LOR. The proposed subdivision will create 12 LDR parcels. Existing S. 56'h Place will be extended to serve the development area. WRITTEN COMMENTS: Procedural Finding: Applications for Limited Land Use Decisions require the notification of property owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject property allowing for a 14 day comment period on the application (SDC 3.080 and 14.030). The applicant and parties submitting written comments during the notice period have appeal rights and are mailed a copy of this decision for consideration. Procedural Finding: In accordance with SDC 3.080 and 14.030, notice -.yas se.nt to owners/occupants within 300 feet ofthe subject site on May 11,2006. Four (4) written resp.onse letters were received from , the following Springfield residents and/or representatives: . . Barry D. Smith, Thorp, Purdy, Jewett, Urness & Wilkinson, P.c., 10 II Harlow Rd., Suite 300 . . Shirley Reade, 975 S. 55th Place, Springfield, OR 97478 .. L. McGillvrey,930 S. 56'h Street, Springfield, OR. 97478' . Melvin and Barbara Eugene Oppliger, 983 S. 55th Place, Springfield, OR. 97478 Written concerns can be summarized as follows: . Access -/lis already difficult to get access of! ofG/acier Street onto S 57'''-, . . Lot sizes' - Square footage of panhandle portion in relation to total square footage - compliance with lot frontage standards. . Potential rental homes because of lot sizes .. . Effects oIstorm water drainage onto neighboring properties '. Siting of the homes on the lots/ density . Preservation of older existing trees . New development ~ffects on already low water pressure in neighborhood 2 . Number of street lights requiredfor new road extension . Fire hydrant location. . COJl.\'fl1IC/ioll equipment ifust and noise . Increased trq{fic . ProjJerty line andfence location between subject property and Tax lot 2200 STAFF RESPONSE: . Access: The proposed subdivision's access and .traffic issues have been' reviewed by the City's Transportation Planning Engineer for compliance with City Code. Based off of calculations for average weekday vehicle trips and peak PM vehicle trips, the proposed subdivision meets the standard for the existing access from Glacier Drive onto S. 57'h Street. In addition, the applicant has proposed to extend S. 56'h Street to the southern edge of the subject property. This meets City Code requirements regarding constructing streets ,to acc,?mmodate future connectivity with adjacent properties. Additionally, the City's adopted Conceptual Street Map indicates a future east-west C(lI1nector road just south of the subject property. This will provide alternative future access ways to and from the proposed and existing neighborhood. . . . . Lot Sizes:' As noted on the Subdivision-Tentative Plan (sheet 2 of3), each proposed panhandle lot has the pan portion square footage noted on the map, as well as each total lot square footage. As proposed on the Tentative Plan Map, all lot frontages and sizes comply with requirements set forth in Article 16 of the Springfield Development Code (SDC). . Storm water drainage: The applicant for the proposed subdivision is required to submit a stoml water master plan to City of Springfield EngineeringlPublic Works. As noted on the Tentative Plan Map, the applicant is proposing a new 10-inch storm water line extended d?wn S. 56th Street to the southern limits of the new 'property, serying all new lots. Two new catch basins are shown to collect the drainage from the new public pavement (Extension of 56'h Street) and the rooftop drainage from all lots, and direct it to the City storm water system for stoml water treatment. The applicant has also signed a development agreement proposing to build a storm water quality manhole in Glacier Street 'near S. 57'h Street with City participation. Rooftop storm water from Lots I through 12 are piped through weep-holes to the curb to be collected in the new private storm line within the city right-of way. The proposed storm water system has been reviewed by the City's Public Works Engineer, ",nd is sufficient to drain the subdivision' as proposed and conditioned in this Final Decision document. . Home siting and densi(J': The City retains control of where proposed homes go on each lot through required setbacks that are set forth in Article 16 of the SDC. Each new home will be reviewed after the Subdivision approval through a building review. The proposed density of the site is in compliance with the allowable density for the Low Density Residential zone. . Potential rental houses because of lot size: As indicated above' and throughout this report, the proposed lot sizes are in compliance with the Low Density Residential Zone requirements. Small lot sizes do not necessarily indicate housing tenure type (Le. rental vs: ownership), and is purely speculative. In fact, in many instances, smaller lot sizes make buying a home more affordable to families because there is less cost for the land which the house is located on. The City of Springfield does not have any section of Development Code that restricts or. limits rental housing units versus ownership housing units. This subdivision application is reviewed for compliance with the existing Devel~pment Code at the time of application submittal. 3 . Preservation (if older existing trees: The proposed subdivision will be required to adhere to all regulations set forth in ArtiCle 38 of the SDC regaqiing Tree Feeling standards. The applicant has not yet applied for a Tree Felling Permit with this Tentative Subdivision review. Prior to Final Plat approval, the applicant will be required to apply for a tree felling permit for trees existing in the proposed right-of-way. Preservation of trees on the property is at the discretion of the property owner, as the subject property is private property. The Springfield Development Code (SDC) currently does not have requirements for preservation of existing trees except in areas desil,'l1ated as open space and in areas designated in the Hillside Development Overlay District. The subject property is not designated as an open space area and is not part of the Hillside Development Overlay District. However, the SDC does require the planting of street trees within the right-of- . way of proposed streets. As shown on the Tentative Plan map, the applicant is proposing to plant approximately 21 streettrees (at approximately 30 foot spacing) to comply with the SDC. . Low water pressure: The proposed subdivision has been reviewed by the Springfield Utility , Board (SUB), who is the agency .which provides water service for this area. The civil engineer from SUB has indicated that adding 12 homes to the subject site will not advers~ly affect water pressure to the surrounding neighborhood. The existing neighborhood and newly proposed subdivision are desil,'l1ed for a minimum 1500 gallons per minute (GPM) to meet fire flow requirements. The reason that the existing neighborhood has lower water pressure than other parts of town is because of the neighborhood's elevation in relation to the reservoir. This will not change because of the newly proposed subdivision. . . Street Lights: As noted in this report; the applicant's Tentative Plan illustrates a street light on the newly proposed street. However, the narrative indicates that no new street light is proposed. Public Works Department Staff have reviewed the proposed plan, and have indicated that a minimum of one street light will need to be provided as shown on the map. This will be a required condition of approval as noted in this document. . Fire hydrant location: The Dcputy Fire Marshall has reviewed the submitted plans and noted that the proposed fire hydrants are in compliance with the International Fire Code (IFC). . Construction equipment dust and noise: Residential construction dust and noise will be regulated through the Building Department and Public Improvement Plan process when development improvements occur on this site. Typical requirements are to not allow construction during early morning hours and late evening hours. Dust abatement is often required through, spmying water, on the site. . Traffic concerns: Traffic on S. 56th, S. 57th and Glacier Road are all subject to traffic patrols and enforcement by Springfield city Police and Lane County Sheriffs Department. Over time, these 'roads will become more "urban" in nature with abutting residential development and street intersections and, consequently, provide more options for street connectivity. . Property line andfence location between subject property and Tax lot 2200: The applicant, Don Horton, has applied for a concurrent Property Line Adjustment to rectify the discrepancy between the existing fence on the ground with the surveyed property line. , ' CRITERIA OF SUBDIVISION TENTATIVE APPROVAL: . . SDC 35.050 states that the Director shall approve or approve with conditions a Subdivision Tentative Plan application upon detemlining that criteria (I) through (9) of this Section have been satisfied. If conditions , cannot be attached to satisfy the criteria, the Director shall deny the application. 4 (1). The request conforms to the requirements of this Code pertaining to parcel size and dimensions. Finding I: Pursuant to SDC Section 16.030(2), lots on north/south streets shall have a minimum lot si'ze of 5000 square feet and a minimum fron!~ge of 60 feet. Finding 2: All of the proposed lots are'located on north/south streets. Lots 6, 10 and II are proposed as' panhandle lots. Lots 10 and II are proposed as, multiple panhandle lots with a combined access of 26 feet lot fTontage, and lot 6 is a single panhandle lot with a 20 foot wide lot frontage. All of the proposed lots meet the minimum lot size requirements of 5,000 square feet for north/south streets and 4,500scjuare feet for panhandles. Lots 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9 & 12 all confonJl to the minimum lot frontage of 60 feet. ' , .' . Finding 3: Pursuant to SDC Section 16.030(a)(l), single panhandle lots shall have a minimum 20 feet of fTontage. . ' Finding 4: Proposed'lot 6 is a single panhandle lot 'with' 20 feet 'of fTontage on the handle portion of the lot. Finding 5: Pursuant to SOCSectiop 16.030(a)(2),.l11u1tiple panhandles shall have a minimum 26 feet of frontage. ' Finding 6: Prop~sed lots 10 and II are multiple panhandle lots with 26 feet oflot frontage. Finding 7: The applicant has submitted a concurrent Property Line Adjustment (PLA) application (SUB2006-00039) for tIle western boundary of the subject property that abuts tax lot 490 I. , '. .' Condition of Approval: I. The PLA (SOO2006-00039) is required to be complete, including recorded with Lane County prior to. Final Plat Approval. ' Conclusion: As conditioned herein, this proposal satisfies Criterion I. (2) ~ The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. , Finding '8': The subject property is designated Low Density Residential (LDR)' by the M~tro Plan. The proposed' subdivision does not fall within an adopted Refinement Plan area. 'The zoning of the l'wl'~,ly is LOR, consistent with the Metro Plan desib'l1ation. No change to the zoning designation or boundaries is proposed. . Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion 2. (3) Capacity i-equirem~nts of public improvements, includhlg but not limited 'to water and electricity; sanitary sewer and. stormwater. management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shaD not be exceeded, and the public improvements shall be available tO,serve the site at the time.of development, unless otherwise ,provided for by this Code and other . applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity i~sues. '. " 5 General Finding. 9: For all public improvements, th'e applicant shall retain a private professional civil engineer to design the subdivision improvements in conformance with City codes, this decision, and the current Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). TIle private civil ~ngineer also shall be required to provide construction inspection services. .General Finding 10: 'The Public Works Director's representatives have reviewed the proposed subdivision. City, staff's review comments have been incorporated 111 findings and conditions contained herein. General FiJ}ding II: Criterion 3 contains sub-.elements and applicable code standards. The subdivision application as submitted complies with the code standards listed under each sub- element unless otherwise noted with specific findings ~d -conclusions. The, sub,elements and code standards of Criterion 3 include but are not limited to: . ' Public improvements in Accordance with SDC 31 and 32 o. Public Streets and Related Improvements (SDC 32.020-32.080) o B*eways, Pedestrian Trails and Accessways (SDC 32.090) o Sanitary Sewer Improvements (SDC 32.100) o Storm Water Management (SDC 32.110, 31.240) o Water and Electric Improvements (SDC 32.120( I)) o Fire and Life Safety Improvements (SDC 32.120(3)) , o Public and Private Easements (SDC 32.120(1) and (5)) Public Streets. sidewalks. street trees & imnrovement a!!reements ' . . Finding 12: Section 32.020 (7) (b) of the Springfield Development Code requiresthat whenever a . ' '-, proposed land division or development will increase traffic on the City street' system and that development has any unimproved street frontage abutting a fully improved street, that street frontage shall be,fully improved to City specifications. , ' Finding 13: The '~pplicant proposes to'fully improve the portion ofS: 56th Street th~t fronts his , development with new paving, curb and gutter, sidewalks, and street trees within the right-of-way with a Public Improvement Project. Final design, <if the public improvements will,occur through the Public Improvement Plan (PIP) process. A minimum of one street light shall be required as shown on the Tentative Plan Map. ' Finding 14: The applicant is proposing street 'trees along S. 56th Street. As shbwn on the Tentative Plan Map, the street trees measure at a distance of 30 feet apart, which is'compliant with Section 6.02 ,of the Springfield Engineering Design Stand~rds and Procedures Manual (EDS!,M). , 'Finding 15: The applicant is proposing to extend an existing City street (S.56th Street) and use the same street name. This is consistent with the Cit:r's street naming policies. Findi'ng 16: Section 16.030 et s~q. requires that all panhandles fronting onto a fully. improved , City street be pa~ed to the pan portion.ofthe rear lot. . Conditions of Approval: .',. 2. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall install the proposed Public improvements: pavement, sidewalks, curb, gutter, curbcuts, street trees and a street light for S. 56th Street as shown on Sheets 2 and 3 of 3. 6 3. Concurrent with submittal' of the Public Improvement Project plans, the developer shall prepare and submit a comprehensive street tnie plan describing the location and species of proposed street trees. 4. Prior to Final Plat approval, the handle portion of the panhandle lots shall be paved and fully improved to City standards.' , ' Bikeways, Pedestrian Trails and Accessways Finding 17: In accordance with SDC Section 32.090(3)(a), pedestrian accessways are used to facilitate connection between rcsidential areas and neighborhood parks and open space. The proposcd Subdivision will have sidewalks built to city standards, continuing along S. 56th Street. Finding 18: In accordance with SDC Section 32.020 (I)(a)-(b)., residential street layout should not create excessively long travel lengths; particularly for pedestrians and cyclists. The proposed extension of S. 56'h Street measures 339.7 feet in length. The existing portion of S. 56th Street , between the subject property's northern boundary and the ncarest intersection (an existing cul-de- sac of S. 56'1, Street) is another 209 feet. Thus, there is a 548.7 foot distance bctween the southern most portion of the subject property and the nearest intersection. This complies with Section 32.020( I )(a)( I )a.-iii of the SDC, which require~ that blocks be no longer than 600 feet in len/,oth. , Sanitary Sewer Improvements Finding 19: Section 32.100 of the SDC requires that.sanitary sewers shall be installed to serve each new development al]d to connect developments to existing mains. Additionally, installation of sanitary sewers shall provide sufficient access for maintenance activities. Finding 20: TIle applicant shows a new extended main sanitary sewer line down S. 56th;Street to the southern limits of the new property, serving all new lots. Finding 21: In accordance with Section 35.040 and Section 32.100(1) of the SDC, the applicant is required to extend sewer lines to the pan porti'on of the proposed panhandle lots. Conditions of Approval: 5. Prior to final plat, the sewer lines to Lots 10' and II shall be extended down the panhandles to the buildable areas of the lots. ' Storm water Management Water Quantity Finding 22: Section 32.110 (2) of the SDC requires that the Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate public and/or private stormwater management systems provisions have been made as detemlined by the Public Works Director, consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). Finding 23: Section 32.1 JO (4) of the SDC requires that run-off from a development shall be directed to an approved storm water management system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge. 7 Finding 24: Section 32.110 (5) of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) requires new developments to employ drainage management practices, which minimize the amount and rate of surface water run-off into receiving streams, and which promote water quality. Finding 25: Sheet 2 of 3 shows a new lO-inch stormwatei-line extended down S. 56th Street to the southern limits of the new property, serving all new lots. Two new catch basins are shown to collect the drainage from the new public pavement (Extension of 56th Street) and the rooftop drainage from all lots, and direct it to the City st0I111water system for st0I111water treatment. , Finding 26: Rooftop storm water from Lots I through 12 are piped through weep-holes to the curb to be collected in the new private storm line within the city right-of-. Water Quality Finding 27: Under Federal regulation of the Clean Water Act (CW A), Endangered Species Act (ESA), and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), the City of Springfield is required to obtain, and has applied for, a Muni~ipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. A provision of this pemlit requires the City to demonstrate efforts to reduce the pollution in urban stonllwater to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP). Finding 28: Federal and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) rules require the City's MS4 plan to address six "Minimum Control Measures". Minimum Control Measure 5, "Post-Construction Stormwater Management for New Development and Redevelopment", applies to the proposed development. t Finding 29: Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield to develop, implement , and enforce a prol,'Tam to ensure the reduction of pollutants in storm water runoff to the MEP. The City also must develop and implement strategies that include' a combination of structural or non-structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropriate fo: the community. Finding 30: Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield to use an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to address post-construction runoff from new and redevelopment projects to .the extent allowable under State law. Regulatory' mechanisms used by the City include the Springfield Development Code, the City's EDSPM and the future Storm water Facilities Master Plan (SFMP). Finding 31: Section 3.03.3.B of the City's' EDSPM states that all public and private development and redevelopment projects shall employ a system of one or'more post-developed BMPs that in combination are designed to achieve at least a 70 percent reduction in the total suspended solids in the runoff generated by that development. Finding 32: To meet the requirements of the". City's MS4 permit, the SDC, and the City's EDSPM, the applicant has signed a development al,'Teement whereby they propose to build a storm~ater quality manhole in Glacier Street near S.57'" Street with City participation. Conditions of Approval: I , " 6. Prior to Final Plat approval, provide a water quality storm water manhole as required in the Improvement Agreement. ' 8 7. The proposed stomlwater line in 56'1, Street requires a manhole or a cleanout at the southerly terminus ~t the property line. Utilities, easements and rights of way Finding 33: Section 32.120 (3) of the Springfield Development Code requires each development area to be provided with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish adeijuate supply to the development and sufficient access for maintenance, Springfield Utility Board coordinates the design of the water system within Springfield city limits: The current plan proposal shows locations and sizes of proposed water lines and meters. Finding 34: Section 32.120 (5) of the SDC requires applicants proposing developments make arrangements with the City and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to fully service the development or land beyond the development area. TIle minimum width for public utility easements adjacent to street rights of ways shall be 7 feet. The minimum width for all other public utility easements shall be 14 feet. Finding 35: As required in Section 32.120 et seq. of the SDC, all utilities need to be extended to pan portions of the panhandle lot~ prior to Final Plat approval. Finding 36: As required in Section 32.120(5)(a), all handle portions of the panhandle lots shall have a mil\imum 14 foot wide utility easement. Finding 37: The applicant has proposed a 7 foot public utility easement along the street frontage of all proposed lots, satisfying Section 32.120 of the SDC. Conditions of Approval: 8. The applicant shall extend all utilitii,s to the pan portion of all panhandle lots within the subdivision and provide all necessary easements prior to Final Plat approval. 9. The applicant shall dedicate minimum 14 'foot wide public utility, easements along each handle portion ofj:Janhandle lots prio'r to approval of the Final Plat. Fire and Life Safety Improvements Finding 38: :The Fire Code criteria for this development shall be based on the International Fire Code (IFC). Finding 39: The proposed panhandle widths are a minimum 20 feet in width. The proposed width is consistent with requirements set forth in the 2004 Springfield Fire Code 503.2.1. Finding 40: In order to maintain a clear passage way for emergency. access, "No 'Parking-Fire Lane signage" is required to be posted on both sides of the panhandle access roads per SFC 503.3 and SFC Appendix 0103.6. Finding 41: The 2004 Springfield Fire Code 503.2.3 and SFC Appendix 0102.1 require fire apparatus access roads to support an 80,000 lb. imposed load. 9 Conditions of Approval: 10. Maintain 20 feet clear widths on the panhandle driveway per 2004 Springfield Fire Code 503.2.1. 11. Prior to signing of the Final Plat, the applicant shall install "No Parking-Fire Lane signage" posted on both sides of the panhandle driveway per SFC 503.3 and SFC Appendix DI03.6. 12. Fire apparatus access roads shall support an 80,000 lb. imposed load per 2004 Springfield Fire Code 503.2.3 and SFC Appendix Dl02.1. Conclusion: As condiiioned herein, this proposal satisfies Criterion 3. (4) The propo~ed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and . construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. General Finding 42: Criterion 4 contains two elements with sub-elements and applicable Code standards. The subdivision application as submitted complies with the code standards listed under each sub-clement unless otherwise noted with specific findings and conclusions. The elements, sub-elements and Code standards of Criterion 4 include but are not limited to: 4a Conformance with standards of SDC 31, Site Plan Review, and Article 16, Residential Zoning o Lot Coverage and Setbacks (SDC 16.040 - 16.050) o Height Standards (SDC 16.060) o Off-Street Parking Standards (SDC 16.070 and 31.170-230) o Fence Standards (SDC 16.090) o Information' Requirements (SDC 31.050) o Landscaping Standards (SDC 31.130-150) o Screening aild Lighting (SDC 31.160) 4b Overlay Districts and Applicable Refinement Plan Requirements o The siie is outside the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District o The site is not within an adopted Refinement Plan area Off Street Parking Standards Finding 43: SDC 16.070(5)(d) requires 2 off-street parking spaces' for each single-family dwelling. The future lots will have driveways that provide at least two off-street parking spaces. ,It is likely that future dwellings also will have single or double garages/carports providing additional off-street parking spaces. Condition of Approval: 13. The proposed subdivision shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. . Conclusion: As conditioned herein, this proposal satisfies Criterion 4a. 10 4b Overlay Districts and Applicable Refinement Plan Requirements Finding 44: Development Review staff have reviewed the application in regard to the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District and Refinement Plan requirements. Finding 45: The proposed development lies outside the Zone of Contribution for Springfield drinking water wells. Therefore, no policies of the DWP 'Overlay District apply to the subdivision. Finding 46: This site is not within an adopted refinement plan or overlay district. Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion 4b. (5) , Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize curb cuts on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable rcgulations; and comply with the ODOT access managcment standards for state highways. Finding 47: The Development Review Committee reviewed the proposed 12 lot subdivision on June 6, 2006. Except for the following, the proposed parking, driveways and access points are sufficient to serve the proposed parcels. Transnortation Svstem Imnacts ' Finding 48: Based on ITE Land Use Code 210 (Single-Family Detached Housing) additional trip . generation from this subdivision is estimated to be as follows: . Average Weekday = II dwelling units x 9.57 trips per dwelling units = 105 trips . PM Peak Hour = II dwelling units x 1.0 I trips per dwelling units = II trips In addition, the' assumed development would generate pedestrian and bicycle trips. . According to the "Household" survey done by LCOG in 1994, 12.6 percent of household trips are made by bicycle or walking and 1.8 percent are by transit' bus. These trips may have their origins or destinations at a variety of land uses, including this use. Pedestrian and bicycle trips create the need for sidewalks, pedestrian crossing signals, crosswalks, bicyCle parking and bicycle lanes. Finding 49: The development' site is situated at the south end of an existing dead-end section of South 56'h Street and has 91 feet of frontage on the west side of south 57th Street. Both streets abutting the site are fully improved. The applicant proposes to extend South 56th Street southward approximately 340 feet as a 36-foot wide local street in a 60-foot wide right of way. Finding 50: Note 2 on Plan Sheet.2 states that no new street lights are proposed, however, one new low pressure sodium street light is depicted on the plan. Street lighting is necessary to provide for vehicular and pedestrian safety during hours of darkness. Finding 51:' As conditioned, the existing and proposed transportation facilities would be adequate to accommodate additional trips that would be generated by the proposed development in a safe and efficient manner. . 11 Condition of approval: 14. Street light shall be installed as part of public street improvements in accordance with city design standards. Subdivision Access and Circulation Finding 52: Installation of driveways on a street increases the number of traffic conflict points. The greater number of conflict points increases the probability of traffic crashes. Effective ways to reduce the probability of traffic crashes include: reducing the number of driveways, increasing distances between intersections and driveways, and establishing adequate vision clearance where driveways intersect streets. Each of these techniques permits a longer, less cluttered sight distance for the motorist, reduces the number and difficulty of decisions drivers must make, and contri\:>utes to increased traffic safety. SDC 32.080(1) (a) stipulates that each parcel is entitled to "an approved access to 1! public street." Finding 53: The applicant proposes to continue access to the house on Lot 4 via the existing driveway onto South 571h Street. Proposed layouts for the remaining lots would provide adequate street frontages to allow future driveways to be constructed in compliance with the standards of SDC Article 32. Finding 54: The applicant is proposingpallhandle lots for lots 10, 11 and 6. . Finding 55: In order to provide access to both panhandle lots 10 and II, a joint use access/maint<;narice easement will be necessary along the joint handle portion oflots 10 and 11. Finding 56: As conditioned below ingress-el,'1"ess points will be planned to facilitate traffic and pedestrian safety, avoid congestion and to' minimize curb cuts'on public streets as specified in SDC Articles 31 and 32, applicable zoning and or overlay district Articles, and applicable refinement plans. Cotidition of Approval: 15. Provide and maintain adequate vision clearance triangles at the comers of all lot driveways I?er SDC 32.070. 16. The applicant shall dedicate a joint use accesslmaintenancelutility easement along the joint handle portion of lots 10 and II prior to Final Plat approval. Conclusion: As conditioned herein, this proposal satisfies Criterion 5. (6) Physical features, including, but not limited to significant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map and their associated riparian areas, wetlands, rock outcroppings and historic features havc been' evaluated and protected as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations. Finding 57: The application Page I of 2 shows 12lB-Salkum Silty Clay ,Loam soils on this . property. Finding 58: Any fill and grading for road improvements and/or building construction will require a Land Development Alteration Pemlit (LDAP) from the City of Springfield prior to undertaking such activities on site. 12 Finding 59: Therear!" no st~te-rec6gnized significmlt wetlands within the subdivision area. Finding 60: The Metro Area General Plill1, Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map, State Designated Wetlands Map,. Hydric Soils Map, Wellhead Protection Zone Map, FEMA Map and the list of Histo,ric Landmark sites have been consulted and there are no features needing to be protected or preserved on this site. If any artifacts are found during construction, there are state laws that could apply; ORS 97.740, ORS 358.905, ORS 390.235. If human remains' are , discovered during construction, it is a Class "c" felony to proceed under ORS 97,740. . ~ . Finding 61: TIle proposed street right-of-way has more than 5 trees with 5 inch dbh. Section' 38.0 15 requires the applicant to apply for a tree felling pemlit with the City of Springfield prior to any tree felling on tlie site. Condition of Approval: 17. The applicant shall apply for an LDAP from the City of Springfield prior to undertaking any fill and/o~ grading for road improvements and/or building construction on site. ' ] 8, The applicant shall apply for a tree felling pemlit prior to, felling more than 5 trees on the site with 5 inch dbh or greater (within one calendar year). This includes, but is not limited to the removal of trees in the proposed public right-of-way. Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion 6. (7) Development of any remainder of the property under the same ownership can be accomplished in accordance with the provisions of this Code. Finding 62: All of the proposed 12 lots within the subdivision are considered buildable lots, given the square footage and access to each lot. Finding 63: All of the property is proposed for ~evelopment. Conclusion: This'proposa] satisfies Criterion 7. . . (8) Adjacent' land can be developed or is provided access that will allow its development in accordance with the provisions of th~ Springfield Development Code. Finding 64: Adjacent land to the east and west are already developed and all have access to existing roads. As previously mentioned in this report, the applicant is proposing access to extend S. 56th Street, and stub the road along the southern boundary of the subject property. Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion 8. (9) Where the Subdivision of a ,manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park is proposed, the following approval criteria shall apply: (see subsectiolls (a)-(g) ill SDC). . Finding 65: The applicant is not proposing to create a manufaCtured dwelling park or mobile home with this subdivision. ' " , Conclusion: Criterion 9 does not apply to this subdivision. 13 CONCLUSION: The tentative subdivision, as submitted and conditioned, complies with Criteria 1-. 9 of SDC 35.050. Portions of the proposal approv'ed as submitted may not be substantively changed during platting'without an approved modification applica.tion in accordance with SDC35.100. 'What needs to, be done: The applicant will have up to 2 vears from the date of this letter to meet any of the attached conditions of approval or Development Code standards and to have a Final Subdivision Plat pre-submittal meeting. THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. IMPROVEMENTS AND THE FINAL PLAT MUST BE INSUBSTANTIAL CONFORMITY WITH THE TENTATIVE PLANS AND THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. If the Public Improvement Plans and/or the Final Plat are not in subst.antial confomlity to the tentative plans, the applicant m~st submit a.n application for a modification. The Final Plat is required go through a pre-submittal process. 'After the Final Plat application is complete, ,it must be submitted to the Springfield Development Services Department within 180 days ofthe pre- submittal meeting. A separate application and fees will be required. Upon signature by the City Surveyor and the Planning Manager, the ,Plat may be submitted to Lane County Surveyor for signatures prior to recording. No individual lots may be transferred until the plat is recorded and five (5) copies of the filed subdivision are returned to the Development Services Department by the applicant. Conditions of Appr~val: . I. The Property Line Adjustment (SOO2006-00039) is required to be compleh~, including recorded . \ ..." with Lane County prior to Final Plat Approval. . , . 2. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall install the proposed Public improvements: pavement, sidewalks, curb, gutter, curbcuts, street trees and a street light for S. 56'h Street as shown on Sheets 2 and 3 oq. ' '. 3. Concurrent with submittal of the Public Improvement Project plans, the developer shall prepare' and submit a comprehensive street tree plan describing the location and species of proposed street trees. 3. 'Prior to final Plat approval, the handle portion of the panhandle lots shall be paved and fully improved to City standards. . 4, Prior to final plat approval, the sewer lines to panhandles to the buildabl~ areas of the lots. 5. Prior to Final Plat approval, provide a water quality, stqrm water manhole as required in the. Improvement Agreement. " Lots 10 and I I shall be extended down the , . 6. The proposed ~torm water line in 56th Street requires a manhole or a cleanout at the southerly temlinus at the property line. 7. The applicant shall extend all utilities to th~ pan portion of all panhandle lots within the subdivision and provide all necessary easement~ prior to Final Phit approval. 8. The applicant shall dedicate minimum 14 foot .wide public utility easements along each handle portion of panhandle lots prior to approval of the Final Plat. 14 9. Maintain 20 feet clear widths on. the panhandle' access roads per 2004 Springfield Fire Code 503,2.1. . 10. Prior to signing of the Final Plat, the applicant. shall install "No Parking-Fire Lane signage" posted on both sides of the panhandle access roads per SFC 503.3 and SFC Appendix DI03.6. II, Fire apparatus access roads shall support an 80,000 'lb. imposed load per 2004 Springfield Fire ,Code 503.2.3 and SFCAppendix D102.1. ' 12. The proposed subdivision shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. 13. Street light shall be iristallea as part of public street improvements in, accordance with city design standards. 14. Provide and maintain adequate vision clearance triangles at the comers of all lot driveways per SDC 32.070. 15. The applicant shall dedicate a joint use accesslmaintenance and utility easement alo'ng the joint handle portion of lots 10 and II prior to Final Plat approval. 16. The applicant shall apply for an LDAP from the City of Springfield prior to undertaking any fill and/or grading for road improveinents and/or building construction on site. 17, The applicant shall apply for a tree felling pemlit prior to felling more than 5 trees on the site with 5 inchdbh or greater (within one calendar year). This includes, but is not limited to the removal of trees in the proposed public right-of-way. 18. The proposed development shall be in compliance with all applicable portions of the, City of Springfield Development Code. It is the applicant's responsibility to acquire all other applicable City, County, State and Federal pennits that may be necessary for said development prior to construction on the site. Additional Information: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria' of approval are available for free inspection and copies are available for' a fee at the Development Services Department,- 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. ' Appeal: This Type 11 Tentative Subdivision decision is considered a decision of the Director and as such may be appealed to the Planning Commission. The appeal may be filed with the Development Services . Department by an affected party. The appeal must be in accordance with SDC, Article 15, Appeals. An Appeals application must be submitted to the City with a fee of $250.00. The fee will be returned to the appellant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. In accordance with SDC 15.020 which provides for a 15-day appeal period and Oregon Rules of Civil Procedures, Rule lO(c) for'service of notice by mail, the appeal period for this decision expires at 5:00 p.m. on July 14, 2006. . 15 Questions: Please call David Reesor in the Planning Division of tile Dcvelopment Services Department at (541) 726-3783 if you have any questions regarding this process. ' Prepared By: ~i-/z..v Dayid R. Reesor Plam1er II 16 Please be advised that the, following is provided for' information only and is not a component of the subdivision decision. FEES AND PERMITS Svstems Develooment Charges: o The applicant must pay Systems Development Charges when the building pemlits are issued for developments within the City limits or within the Springfield Urban GroWth Boundary. The cost relates to the amount of increase in impervious surface area, transportation trip rate, and plumbing fixture units (Springfield Code Chapter II, Article II). Some exceptions apply to Springfield , Urban Growth areas. , Systems Development Charges will apply to the construction of bnildings and site improvements within the subject site. The Charges will be based upon the rates in effect at the time of pennit , submittal for buildings orsite improvements on each portion or phase of the development. Sanitarv Sewer In-Lieu-of-Assessment Charge: o The de~eloper must pay a Sanitary Sewer In-Lieu-of-Assessment.charge in addition to the regular cOl111ection fees if the property or portions of the property being'developed have not previously been assessed or otherwise participated in the cost of a public sanitary ,sewer. Contact the Engineering Division to detennine if In-Lieu-of-Assessment charge is applicable (Ord. 5584). Public Infrastructure Fees: . It.is the respol]sibility of the private developer to fund the public infrastructure. Additional oemlitslaoorovals that mav be necessary: . Tree Felling Permit . Public Improvement Plan . o Encroachment Pemlit or Sewer Hookup Permit - Required for working within a right-of:way or public easement. Example: a new tap to the public storm or sanitary sewer, or adjusting a 'manhole. The current Tate is $130 for processing plus applicable fees and deposits. No activities requiring an Encroachment Pennit are shown on the plans. . Plumbing Pemlit . Land & Drainage Alteration Permit (LDAP) - An LDAP will be required in conjunction with the . Public Improvement Plan for each for new home construction. Contact the Springfie](J Public Works Department at 726-5849 for appropriate application requirements. . J €i '- . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Don Horton 780 S 57th Street Springfield, OR, 97478 ~ 'oloiI;; . ':":;"l~~'\' ,CITY OFSPRiNGFiEI.D . ';~".;;"". DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ". ,," 225 5th ST . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 - ~ ~~ ~- ~oage Engineering .990 Obie Stre'et Eugene, OR 97402 " CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT .- 225.5th ST " SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 .:1 .'. '.e,:. " L L. McGillvrey 930 S 56th Street Springfield, OR 97478' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ,Barry D Smith, Thorp, Purdy, Jewett, Urness &. Wilkerson 10'11 Harlow Road,Ste 300 'Springfield, OR 97477 1 ! j iJ . , ,,,,y , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ' DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST' . ,SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 - / Shirley Reade 975 S 55th Place 'Springfield, OR ,97478 crN OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225'5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 M,;lvin and 'Barbara Eugene Oppliger, 983 S 55th Place Springfield, OR 97478 , / ,\ \ ,cQ