HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 5/8/2006 1. /~ .' After recording return to: Don Horton 780 South 51' Street Springfield, OR 97478 Division of Chief' ,ly Clerk lsne Counly Deeds s".. Records ~~~~.~~~~H---: III II 111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111 ,(46. ~O 00744649200~~08041100~J0~. ! RPR-DEED Cnl=1 Sln=6 cAJ&i~~/~$5 04 :01: 17 PM $2~.00 $11.00.$10.00 PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED u Donald M. Horton and Lauren E. Horton are ihe owners of ihe property referred to herein as Parcel one. Ronald C. Nelson and Patricia A. Nelson are tin: owners of ihe property referred to herein as Pareel two. Donald M. Horton and Lauren E. Horton and Ronald C. Nelson and Patricia A. Nelson are setting forth to adjust ihe property line between Parcel one and Parcel two to comply with Lane County Land Use Regulations and the provisions ofO.R.S. 92.190(4). The. reference to the legal description of the Parcel one property prior to this adjustment is contained in the property line adjustment deed recorded October 7, 2005, Reception Number 2005-080051, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. The referenee to ihe legal description of ihe Parcel one property prior to ihis adjustment is contained in ihe property line adjustment deed recorded October 7, 2005, Reception Number 2005-080051, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. Following this' property linc adjustmcn~ the description of the Parcel I property is described on ihe attached Exhibit "A". Following ihis property line adjustment, ihe description ofihe Parcel 2 property is described on ihe attached Exhibit "B". The portion ofihe legal description that depicts the new adju.~ted line(s) between Parcell and Parcel 2 is underlined on the attached Exhibii "A". The true consideration for ihis conveyance is SO.OO. Dated this L day of f)t!lo.bfr , 2005. TIllS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW THE USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN TIllS INSTRUMENf IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING TIllS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUN1Y PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY USES. t>"':\ S~l\..l\ +o..~ f)khA~'> -Th: (\0 chCV'j{, , ~.' ,~dL ~..u:JLL- Donald M. Horton I"~; 8 os '. Dale -- --;--~--_.__.--- c/ tUAM4Lt Lauren E. Horton tL!8t~ II' _J.o./Jllrz ;) . Date STATE OF OREGON ) )8S, ) County of Lane On Of1/: )?"-K. .. ,2005, personally' appeared the above named Donald M. Horton and Lauren E. Horton, and acknowledged ihe foregoing instrument 10 be iheir voluntary aets and deeds. , ~'-Io~JJ~fl1 ,--12JdJd. Notary Public of Oregon Jilf1A(J JUr', ;(6!J/ My Commission Expires ;, ~. ~- '. -::::>------_.__._._._._._.-'-'~ i .~._' OFFICIAL SEAL . f j , TASHAM MOLD I j "" ) NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON I j '",' COMMISSION NO. 379044 I ~~ ",'_ ::c~:'~~o': ~~;s,~:'~ 2~~~ ,., - I, 'i' , ~"~ . c. " Rortald C. Nelson' " ,--.---", " G~(l,m~C1{~ ' Patricia A. Nelson. v '. " , STATE OF OREGON ) )ss, County of Lane ) , ..- /_ O. '6 '8' -c- (J S___u u, Datc 10.. ' ----- , Date O'i) - O~C;;- '. On Dc.tz,I?.u- C(:;;>1"Vl , :2005, personally appeared ihc above named RonaJd ' 'c. Nelson and Patricia A Nelson, and' acknowledged ihe foregoing instrument to be lheir voluntary aets and ,deeds. ,~~1)_~ Notary Public of Oregon ' ' " J0W.-,1-f),1j)04 My Commission Expires , t . ' .' OFFICIAL SEAL , '-. j ~~~~~~~.~, s~ , '" ..' CO....ISSION NO !l!A086 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES Jl INE 20. 2009 ",' ~ <. Exhibil "A" Beginning at a point on the Easl line of tJle Richard G. Hixon Donation Land Claim No, ' 86, in ToWnship 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, and No. 47, in Township 18 South, Range 2 West ofihe WilIamette Meridian; "II 55.80 feet North 0" 01' 45" West of ihe most Easterly Souiheast comer ihereof; thence West 31.63 feet to ihe True Point ,of Beginning; thence West 207.00 feet; thence South 00 01' 45" East 42.00 feet; thence West 68.00 feet; thence South 00 or 45" East 49.50 feet; thence West 171.00 feet; thence North 00 01' 45" We~t 91.50Ieet; ihence' East 9.00 feet; thence North 0001' 45" West 91.20 feel; thence' Wesl 9.00 feet; ihence North 00 01' ,45" West 157.00 ,feet; ihence East-265.00 feet; 'thence South 00 01' 45" East 157.00, feet; thence East 181.00 feet to ihe Westerly margin of South 57lh Street; ihence along said Westerly margin South 00 01' 45" Easl 91.20 feel to'ihe True Point of Beginning in Lane County, oregon. ". '.., ',.' , , , .. , ' Exhibit "B" Beginning at a point in ihe East line of ihe Richard G. Hixon Donation Land Claim No. 86, in TOwnship 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, and No. 47, in Township 18 South, Range 2 West ,of the WiIlamette Meridian, 1064.30 feet North 0" 01' 45" West' of the most EasicrlySouiheast comer"thereof; thence West 31.63 feet to ihe 'True Point of Beginning; ihence West275.00 feet; ihenceN~rth 00 01' 45"West 49.50 'feel; ihence East 68.00 feet; ihence North 00 01' 45" West 42.00 feet;' iheneeEast 207.00 feet to the Westerly marginof South 57111 Street; thence along said Westerly margin South 0001'45" East 91.50 feet to the True Point ofBegillning in Lane County, Oregon~ . " " o . f1/;11l/LUU<.l J!:iL L'U d ~'~RNTO CAS~-AOETITl f CO, - ~iii. CASCADE TfTLE CO. 041 ;f444;);S4 TITLE NO, 024751 ],L 1'"e, ESCROW NO. EU05~J0815 TAX ACCT. NO. PORTION 0560894 MAPfTAX LOT NO, PORTIOr... 18020411 #4800 '. ------. ~HI91' II~Rijl~I~Alllm~lMijIJ/WnI/L $31.00 10/21/200' 03:53:56 ~ RPR-DEEQ Cnhl 5\"=1 CASIol!ER ~7 $10,00 $11.00 $10,00 Dlvi5Jon of Chiof Doputy el.~k lan. County D..ds and Recorda WARRANTY DEED -, STATUTORY FORM CHARL-E~[ L. CURRY, Grantor, conveys and warranl5 10 OO:'lALD HORTOl\. and I.AlJREN HORTON. as IcnBnhb}' fhe cntlrety,Gnlntee,' the following described'real pcoperty free <,>f encumbnm~es except as specifically ~et forth herein; SEE EXHIBIT A WHICH [S MADE A PART HEREOF BY THJS REFERENCE THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLO\' USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN TIIIS INSTRUMENT, IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND'USt LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNTNG OR ' ACCEPTING THIS INSTRlIMENT. THE, PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO TIf[ PROPERTY SHOULD CHECk WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANC\'lNG DEPARMENT TO VERIFY APPROV1W USES AND TO DETERMINE MIV LIMITS ON I.AWSUITS AGAINST fARMING OR fOREST PRACTICES AS,DEfINED IN ORS 30.930, . -. Excepllhe rollowiIlg encumbrances: PERP'-TUAL '-AS'-MHiT FOR [LE(TRlC TRANSMISSION LINES.IKCLUOTNG TI:RMS ^ND PROVISIONS THERWF, ORANTED THE lfNrrED STATES OF AMERlCA BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 9, 1949, RECEPTION NO. 88436, L,\NE cotiNTY OREOON DEED RECORDS; AND PROPERTY UN}; ADJUSTMENT DEEDS. INCLUDINGTHE;TERMSANO PROVISIONS rnEREOF, RECORDEDSEPTEMBBR 29, 2005, RECEPTION NO, 2005,077360,;R'-CORDED OCTOBER 4, 2005, RECEPTION NO, 2005.079049, RECORDED OCTOBER 7, 200S, RECEPTION NO, 2005',08005 [, AND RECORDED OCTOBER! 0, 2005. RECEPTION NO, 2005,08041 [i LANE COliNTY OFFICI^L RECORDS The'lrue cunsideration for this conveyancc,;s $90,000,00 AS PAID Byn-OAN AC~OMMODATOR PURSUANT TO IRe 1031. Da!ed'hiSb-7pX(Cayor~~_..,~ q(1tE(-~~. ./ Slate of Oregon County of LANE , This imtnlmenr wa~ acknowledged before mean 0 J 0110 , -~-- .._....;...2005 b)' C.IIARLENE L. CURR\'. " , 'r'''':,':''' .. H(f},' CJmOW.llfIl. H lYIIN TBIR1EN-lIAlDlQ 11.: '". I<<1WlI'MU1._ L.__ ;"cW:imme~,lIlIl . , .-.>:"1= (:..:..._>ff' .. f"(~otary Public (or ~on) . My commission expires ;>Iil iu. , CHARLENE L. CURRY' 758 S, 57TH SrREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 GRA~TOR'S NAME AND ADORES, Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be: sent t~ the following address: ."SAME AS GRANTEE... DONALD HORTON '_..___ 780 SOUTH 57TH STREH SPRI1\"GF.IELD, OR 1;17478 GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS. Al'l.cr recording retum 10; CASCADE TITLE CO, .81 I WILLAMETTE EUGENE, OR 97401 . WRD.EX" . !4JOI8/0:14 " . ~ r .... , ,. 1-1; EXHIBIT "A" (~~ Beginning at a point on the East "ine'of rhe Richard G. Hixon Donation Land Claim No,' 86,' in TOI-Inship 17 South, Range 2 West ''Of the WillaJnette Meridian, and No, 47, in Township 18 Soutr.; Range 2 West of ,t.>,'e Willamette Meridia.o, 1247. 00 fee~ North 00 01' 45" West of the most Easterly Sout""a'sc corner-thereof; thence 'West 31. 63 feet; thence West 181. 00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence W,est 265.00 feet; thence North 0' 01' 45" West 157.,00 feet; thence East 265,00 feet; thence 'South 0' 01' 45" cast 157,00 feet to the true Point 0: beginning ih Lane County, O,regan. 11/_1$a.. )'1~ libt II/,. ll'~ -" " I~ ',,~ b "/~ '. ~ ( f;, 'f - o ~ ( I " . . , , LEGAl. , , -------.---- .._~---_._._._-.-.- , , - '_.h _______.___.