HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 12/15/2005 L , PRJj'-SUBMIT1AL DISTRIBUTION LIST: Date Distributed: / J-. - / .5 -fJS- 0ave Puent - Building . '. / Gilbert Gordon/Melissa Fechtel- Fire' ~Gary McKenney - Traffic ~att Stouder - Public Works/Engineering ~ric Walter - Public Works/Engineering Dennis Ernst, Surveying Planner, .\;/a A.IJ .h City 'ofSpriu!,!field, Development Services Department , 225 Fifth Street ,Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax .... " Pre~Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2005-00084. Date Submitted: 12/14/2005 . Proiect Name: Project Description: Pre-Submittal for 12 lot subdivision located on the west side of S 57th Street ....'.~ Application Type:' Subdivision Tentative Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 780 S 57TH ST 180204~105000 . Job Address: DISCLAIMER: Applications.will not be. exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submittal of the Application for Development Review. Please contact ,our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns. ' A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and' time. 'I ,.......,. 12/14/2005 ,I, 3:28:36PM ...., . '.- .'"., Pre-Submittal Meeting Development Services Department. . ' Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Friday, December 23,2005 . . 1. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2005-00084 (Sub Tent) HORTON $750 Assessor's Map: 18-02-04-11 TL 4900,50.00 UGB Existing Use: Residential Address: 780 S 57th Street '. . . . Applicant submitted plans to create a 12-10t SFR subdivision, to be known as Lauren Estates . Meeting Date/Time: Friday, December 23,2005 DSD 616 10:00 -11:00 a.m. Planner: Sarah Summers 2. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2005-00082 (Sub Tent)GREEN/COLMAN $500 Assessor's Map: 17-03-25-23 TL 900 Existing Use: Residential . Address: 1344 "S" Street Applicant submitted plans to create a 5-lot subdivision with public street improvements . connecting "T" Street between Debra Dr and 15th Street. The subdivision will be kpown as Cottage House Gardens . Meeting Date/Time: Friday, December 23, 2005 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner: Linda Pauly ,~ " City of Sptingfiel'd , Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 " Land Division Application, Type II ~'...~~-.:r,""';.-' ..~ '''''?,','7!!r'''~''\\';'''''~'''''''''~''''''-J' "",..,.{'f.'.t".r.s"" 'l'" ., ~ ......l~ ... ~ppli~ation\:Uype.f.!'( ,~f"''lAi.f.,;ii'Ti;'Ji.1\i:~'!'Ii:(Applicant:~cljecl('ollcF.<' t' ' ' ,'.'.: ,,,..., "'\ . . " . ' II "> ,... ,.~ "-"<'"";'''. 't~"J:!<o J....., ~. . ... r, Subdivision Tentative: Partition Tentative: ,gJ o Subdivision Replat Tentative: Partition Replat Tentative: o o Applicant Name: fL".. fuA.,\ Company: . Ol"'\-\- f".-\""t"k'-. Address: .7~G <;, c:,~ ~~-:t Applicant's Rep.: I MA,'I.;"l1\. v...",-,-,l Company: I V ,"-u.i-.V\ '.,~ f\..~" <.;,<:\t...; Address: I '51.\ M~\<\~<,,\ l.....e/~' I 'De, ~bL-{"" ' I 0,1.\1+ ~*...;... ~~~> I ri:6c <;;~ Sl~ ~ I ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 1f6-b2.- D~"":ll Property Address: . ,9, 0 <;. s--trh- c;+.ru1 Size of Property: 2 , ~ Proposed Name of Subdivision: Property Owner: Company: Address: Phone: ]Fax: c; ,,,' ?"'-f.'<1!o(2.... J , ' I / -, IPhone: .jFax:' f)lL 'i'1'1.0\ Iphone: !Fax: Sh""-"+X.~ ('\(2 \ ,J ' . TAX lOT NO(S): I I I I I I Sn-~Q s-4 'I I , 91(i1% I _yqcc ~ ~oo I I I q-7 'Cl e bQl/1z..l I 4 '6 <{-'t/",:S I L....u:.N-,^ Acres ~ ~ Square Feet D Description of '\o.k"'IJ"~ 1. ~l l~ <,2+"'~ (,,-t>;) 11Cl\b 1'2..- k';)o..\ Proposal: lot<, Existing Use: ~,;~k-.lq,,\ # of lots/Parcels: l::l.sf Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan:': i.'.... location: . City limits D Associated Applications: Pre-Submittal Case No.: fJ}(" 791-,'- -f{,,<>r/.~'I Overlay'District: Plim Designation: Urban Growth Boundary D Date: . . Reviewed by: .h /2./ ie-I /o<;'~ (initials) I~ .( I Reviewed by: (initials) Total Fee: . Case No.: Application Fee: Date: Postage Fee: ~(\~-! I 0'_ 6D ~. \t/.-L~/O) , ~ , ..' ", Steps in the Process: c. 'I. The Applicant Submits a Pre~Submittal Meeting cApplication , ' The Pn~-Submittal Application is mandatory but there isno additi~nal review fee for this service, The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist, attached to this form, You are required to submit 7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review, Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday , and Friday between 10:00 am and noon. We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application. , 2. Applicant and the City .conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you,"the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting, . The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and , Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division, The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes, The Planner will provide you , with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the' end of the meeting specifying the items required to, make the application complete-if it isn't already complete, You will then have 180 days to make. the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. ' 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit is , copies of the complete application to the City, A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin, When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review, At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the draft with appropriate staff if certain issue~ need resolution before the final land use decision is issued. Owner's Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner's signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application'without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. , . .;:".'," Pre-Submittal: l2f Case' Number: qM.- 2cu:; -15l1:1:4 Date Submitted: I The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is corr~ct and accurate.for scheduling ofthe Pre-Su,bmittal Meeting, owner:'~ ~='lr~l~ Slgilatu re ' Date: id).h~/,r; . I i -=O"'J" . Print "\'V"I. ,~ \Z:\tJ J. " ..~ I represent'this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the' completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meetirig, I affirm the' information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written', notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227,178 pertaining to' a complete , ,application' , Owner: Date: Signature , Print --;-. ;-,." , La'nd Divii!;ion SubmittarKequirements C'hecklist *If you feel an iterii does n~t apply, please state the n:=ason :vhy and attach the explanation to , this form, ' . , ' 1. Application fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee , C:;r:P "!: calculation formula, A copy of the fee schedule is available at the' Development Services, ~. , Department. The application fee and current postage fee is collected at the time of ' "--complete application submittal. , ',,', 'v~., Copy of th~ deed and a preliminary title report-one copy issued within the past' 30 , 'days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances, If the applicant is not the property owner, written permission from the property owner is required. ',vi filA 4: / \/5. I Jtr 6~ " 7. , One additional copy of the Land Division Plan reduced to 8'h"x 11", which will be mailedas part of the required neighboring property notification packet, Right-of-Way Approach Permit applicatioll must be provided where the property has frontage on ~or~gon D~pa;tmentrOf lIransportation (ODOT) fj'l,cility., , ./(l.u..f"<vfl; . c..\x.c;? Il.:t L~ ~.;~:r~~ e;r'\ k""\ DD0--r-\::-~.,4...l.~~\:-'1' . Storm water anagement System StU'dy-four copies of the study with the completed Storm water Seoping Sheet attached, The plan, supporting calculations and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. 'Traffic Impact Study-four copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC Section 32,020(1)(c), Traffic Impact Studies (TIA) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system, In general, a TIA must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access i'l'nd mobility, and immediate and adjoifJing street systems, A TIA must also address; if needed, City, metro Rlan and st~e landUS~., and tra~sportation policies,a.nd objectiXf;:s. ' ~~~:~'~~;ies ~1~~ ~6~~;~~'- ~~~'s:tr;~~7~e ~l~~~~~:i~f~~eting OR Eighteen copies of the following plan sets for Complete Application Submittal All of the following plCins must include the scale (appropriate to the area involved and [0,." , . sufficient to show deti3il of the,plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1"= 50' or 1" = 100'), north arrow, and date of preparation, All plan sets must,'be folded to 8'12" by 11" and bound by rubbeLbands for.submittal. " a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions Q9 Prepared by an ,Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer iii Vicinity Map ':',' . ," o The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed ' ~ Required setbacks to the propos'ed new property lines for existing structures to remain on site _ !;fJ The name, loca'tibn, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department , " / ~'ihe 100-year flooaplain and flood0ay boundaries onft'i~isit~, 'as spe~ified in th~ latest' adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approv,edLetter of'Map Amendment , or Letter of'Map Revision" ' ,. . ' '" ' , 1$1 The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in Article 17 of the Springfield Development, Code and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department ~ Physical features including, bu~ not'limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when ,measured.4 '12 feet above,the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings, " , , [fI Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of , Lane County, A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soil~ and/or a high water table ' b. Tentative Land Division Plan ~ Prepared by.an Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor in accordance with ORS 92 , ~ Location of all existing and proposed easements ' , ' ~ Dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale ~ Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting , ~ Location; 'widths and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division ~ Location of existing and required traffic control devices,fire hydrants, power. poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities ~ Location and width of all existing and proposeq sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails, ' ' ~ Location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip aLocation and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewerr'nains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, . telephone, and'cable TV, Indicate the proposed connection points \':.' . Phased Development Plan required if redivision is proposed. The plan must include the boundaries;a,nd sequencing of each proposed redivision, Any redivision must progress in a sequence promoting street connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other required public improvements, c. Grading and Paving Plan " tB Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Civil Engineer' , ' o Planting plan, prepared by an Oregon Licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as pa'rt of the stormwater management system ,[8. Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations elf Pervious and im.pervious area drainage patterns ' ~Jhe size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to:, clrain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; storm water quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained ' , , ~, Existing and pn)posed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 'foot intervals (fo~ " land with a sloJJ~,over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) , ~ Amount of proposed cut and fill ' , ' ';.' r' ..; \ 8. ,Additional materials~hatmay be required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S ~ESPONSIBII,.ITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIO~AL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OR THE PRE-APPLICATION' REPORT AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 31.030: ~ i [j Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as specified in SDC Section 16,100(3) Riparian Area Protection Report For properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW , A Geotechnical Reportprepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table:p'resent Where the development area is within an overlay district 'applicable, address the additional standards of the overlay district".' [J If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in , SDC Article 38 ' . . [J A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lan'ds must be [ submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property [J Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted fiir review [J Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alte'ration permit must be submitted with the land use application [J Where applicable, any Discretionary Use; Variance or Modification of Provisions as specified in S'pC Article 10 or 11 , '...L~,L.A€LL.n.- K..,',U'40'l,- ",.,,,r' ' O.ll.L[ --OUH fC.n-' - T- -"'~nlv" ,,'S.,zr.. . . J~/.I.3' ~..r' 'I ct"F"rOr SI)R~I\ll:Jt'-It:L.D ff' '. 2900 ~8"'~oQ4-~ 1'11rJ:9~iQ059j(f400' '~. ~,/~ Cf)~ ~'" .,~, 2u' '~-\ '?!. . ,~, K.':;::~~ ~ , \..), I~ Tr f" '~2BOO(~. 3100 ~ . ~ ~ .. .. .. 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V ~i --;, 5200 0,94 AC" .,rr. 6.r u LU o+~?B.ooo ~OT ~e~lc. :..:.1. , I ~ ~ V ::: '1- :tJ J " . ~, t 1'1..J \ 1 j ~; ~ , 1 'I ,~, :t ~l 0 ~:(P H- ,~ ~l ~ . - I LV , ti () 5; .. ~ .. ~~ - (I Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon , 800 Willamette: Suite 500' Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 683.5422' FAX (541) 683.5437 PRELIMINARY REPORT " TITLE OFFICER: Rainie A. Sanden ORDER NO,: 01.708249.46. A Amended TO: ',Don Horton OWNER/SELLER: ' Charlene L, Curry, et al BUYER/BORROWER: ' 'PROPERTY ADDRESS: 758,780 and 806 South 57th Street, Springfield, OR 97478 EFFECTIVE DATE: November 17, 2005,05:00 P,M,' .. 1 , Th,e policy and endorsements to be issued and the related charges' are: AMOUNT PREMIUM 200,00 100,00 Report Only Extra chains ,(2) 2, ' THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCR,IBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: " A Fee 3, TIT.LE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST. AT TI:1E DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: Parcel 1: Charlene L. Curry Parcel 2: Donald Horton and Lauren Horton also known as Donald M: Horton and Lauren E" Horton, as tenants by the entirety, Parcel 3: Ronald C, Nelson and, Patricia A, Nelson, as tenants by the entirety RASlras 11/30/2005 " -' ,,' .' ~..;"'- Order No, 0 '-708249.46 " EXHIBIT "ONE" Parcel One: Beginning at a point on the East line of the Richard G, Hixon Donation Land Claim No, 86, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West' of the Willamette Meridian, 'and No, 47, in Township 18 South, Range 2 West ofthe Willamette Meridian, 1247,00 feet North 00 01' 45" West of the most Easterly Southe"ast corner thereof; thence West 31,63 feet to the true point of beginning; thence West 181 ,00 feet; thence North 00 01 ' 45" West 1 5 7 ,00 feet; thence East 1 81 ,00 feet to the Westerly margin of South 57th Street; thence along said Westerly margin, South 00 01' 45" East 157,00 feeUo the true point of beginning, in, Lane County, Oregon, Parcel Two: . Beginning at a point on the East line of the Richard G, Hixon .Donation Land Claim No, 86, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian and No, 47, in Township 18 South.. Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 1155,80 feet North 00'01' 45" West of the most Easterly Southeast corner thereof; thenceWest 31,63 feetto the true point of beginning; thence West 207,00 feet; thence South 0001' 45" East 42,00 feet; thence West 68,00 feet; , thence South 00 01' 45" East 49,50 feet; thence West 1 71 ,00 feet; thence North'OO 0" 45" West 91 ,50 feet; thence East 9,00 feet; thence North 0001' 45", West 9'1,20 feet; thence West 9,00 feet; thence North 0001' 45" West 157,00 feet; thence East 265,00 feet; thence South 00 01' 45" East 157,00 feet; thence East 181,00 feet to the Westerly margin of South 57th Street; thence along said'Westerly margin South 00 01' 45" East 91,20 feet to the true point of beginning, in Larie County, Oregon, ' , Parcel Three: , Beginning at a point in the East line of the RichardG, Hixon Donation L'and Claim No, 86, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, and No, 47, in Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 1064,30 feet North 00 01' 45" West of the most Easterly Southeast corner thereof; thence West 31 ,63 feet to the true point of beginning; , , thence West 275,00 feet; thence North 00 01' 45" West 49,50 feet; thence East 68,00 feet; thence North 00 01' 45" West 42,00 feet; thence East 207,00 feet to the Westerly margin of South 57th Street;,thence along said Westerly margin South 0.001: 45" East 91 :50 feet to the true point of beginning; in Lane County, Oregon, -, '" 2 : ,,)"" Order No, 01.708249.46 AS OF THE DATE OF THIS REPORT, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN THE POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: , GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: 1, Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies 'taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records, proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records, 2, Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by,the public'records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession, 3, Easements, ocClaims of easements or encumbrances, not shown by the public records, reservations or exceptions in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance thereof, water rights, claims or title to water. 4, Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or any other facts which a correct'survey would disclose, 5, Any statutory liens for labor or material, 'including liens for contributions due to the State of Oregon for unemployment compens'ation and for 'worker's compensation, which have now gained or may gain priority over the lien of. the insured deed of trust, which liens do ' not now appear of record, SPECIFIC ITEMS AND,EXCEPTIONS: 6, Property taxes, and any assessments collected with taxes, for the fiscal year 2005.2006, Amount: Unpaid Balance: Account No:: Map No,: , ' Levy Code: Affects: $198,76 $132,50 plus interest, if any 0560902 18 02 0411 04900 19-37 Parcel 2 7, Property taxes, and any assessments collected with taxes, for ttie fiscal year 2005.2006, Amount: Unpaid Balance: Account No,: Map No,: Levy Code: Affects: $1,587,18 $1',058,12 plus interest, if any 0560910 18 02 04 11 05000 19.37 Parcel 2 8, Rights of the public and governmental agencies in and to any portion of said land lying within the boundaries of streets, roads and highways, 3 .' ;....../. / Order No, 01-708249-46 9, A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any' other' obligations se,cured thereby Amount: Dated: Grantor: Trustee: Beneficiary: Recorded: $155;000,00 October 22, 2002 Ronald C, Nelson and Patricia A, Nelson, as tenants by the entirety American Title Group , ' ~rontier Investment Co, dba Rainland Mortgage Company October 30, 2002, Recorder's No, 2002-084525 An assignment of the beneficial interest under said deed of trust which names: Assignee: Recorded: Principal Residential Mortgage , December 4,2003, Recorder's No, 2003-117159 10, A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount: Dated: Grantor: Trustee: Beneficiary: Recorded: $104,000,00 June 19, 2003 Donald M, Horton and Lauren E, Horton Western Pioneer Title Company' Western Mortgage Brokers, Inc, June 30, 2003, Recorder's No, 2003-059419 An assignment of the beneficial interest under said deed of trust which names: , Assignee: Recorded: First Horizon Home Loan Corporation June 30; 2003, 'Recorder's No, 2003-059420 11, A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below; and any other obligations secured thereby Amount: Dated: Grantor: Trustee: Beneficiary: Recorded: $50,000,00 May 4, 2004 Donald M, Horton and Lauren E, Horton, husband and wife, as tenants by the entirety ,Western Pioneer Title Oregon Community Credit Union , 'May 6, 2004, Recorder's No, 2004-033725 12, ' Subject to the ,re-recording of Property Line Adjustment Deeds recorded September 29, 2005, Reception No, 2005-077360 and recorded October 10, 2005, Reception No, 2005-080411, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, to add also known as Donald Horton and Lauren Horton to parcel owners and to add conveyance language to documents, NOTES: END OF ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS 4 " '>~.,,:. . Order No, 01-708249-46 , Note A, YOU WILL 8E REVIEWING, APPROVING AND SIGNING IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS AT CLOSING, LEGAL CONSEQUENCES FOLLOW FROM THE SELECTION AND USE OF THESE, , DOCUMENTS, THESE CONSEQUENCES AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS, YOU MAY CONSULT AN ATTORNEY ABOUT THESE DOCUMENTS, YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSACTION OR ABOUT THE DOCUMENTS, IF YOU WISH TO REVIEW TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS THAT YOU HAVE NOT YET SEEN, PLEASE CONTACT THE ESCROW AGENT" Note B, Property taxes for the fiscal.year 2005-2006, Paid in full, Note C, Note 0, Note E, Note F, Amount: Account No,: ' Map No,: , Levy Code: , Affects: $1,907,32 0560894 1802041104800 19-37 Parcel 1 Property taxes for the fiscal year 2005-2006, Paid in full, Amount: Account No,: Map No,: Levy Code: Affects: $1,650,38 0560845 1802041105200 19-37 , Parcel 3 There are no judgments of record against Dale M, Curry, Charlene L. Curry, Donald M, , Horton, Lauren E: Horton, Ronald C. Nelson or ,Patricia A, Nelson, ' There are no tax liens of record against Dale M, Curry, Charlene L.' Curry, Donald M, Horton, Lauren E, Horton, Ronald C, Nelson or Patricia A, Nelson, We are amending this report to change vesting, legal and downdate, The last report was dated February 7, 2005, .": " ,- 5 , 2:~~/~/~s~/~;~ , ' ~'4800 ~' ,Ii, 22 'J ~ 1.61' AC: .' , f ,,~ 1 ~ '~'r' " ~ 23qO" ' ~f'~ : ",,' ." iJ~J.'t,. i- IJ"'~ ,'1 '/ 23 &.1' , /.11'./ ill Iv ",'r .', 4900 2200 jJs ~ 0.48 AC, .,........~ .~:;: ( . "'i-::~," i' ~ 'l'--. ' ~ 24 -';", , ~ 0,02 AC, i _......., "I JJC ~..' ,~' ...~~- . ~ -~, ""----- '~ ~ b 210;:;.;'......"'- '~~." O~~O~C ' li~ ' 25 _~, ~ ~rl.~' 'I Ll) -! j ~ ~' J 3; CD (I') .1. ,!f'H' " " ., /(1~."J'; or' H.1J'''...Y~'''l.. #.'11,*:-",r'-fC7 " , 2500 3400 , , , ~ , , , , , , 21 12 j, ~' ~ o T.L.'S 6200-8000 '~ 8"; 3700 3800 ~ I.:" \.. 'to ~ .; . ~ I(/). 3500 ,~ 8 ~ I ~ ~~ g. "\ 11 ~ ~ -::r. JO'.t J'" _ iIro<.llD'.. ," ~ ..../..0:.,(".' ,,,,,.3\ HI ':!Q' ~ - .. .. ~7~~~''''' '.. , . - -~:7 ,It("".t)/~fW:--/""~." r -,1..1'" I" 1V.4'/.r .If'/~"Af "E.,aT I ;~,,~"1~#:!7 'l"'~ J , ' , '~I ~ :/ ';1 ' MAP ~",~~~<~'-J:I ~I. ~. f-9M:Zq.li~' j .....t-' " '1'~:6t'- 5100 ' ,,:1'. 0,93 AC, " .'~ ~ 1 I ' , .A"~ '-: - _ -l- '. ,I 5300 ~ ~I SEE RIDGE C 1 _~F/"r- -f-:r.,q' ~ ..?~o. JI/' ~~I,'~' , 5000' " 0,44 AC, " , '~./I ,~~" 'J3'. '1' ..,.r7 -~' . I, '~:rT.tf.!l' . , \ .'~-"' ~ \, ~': , . I LU o+'3;B,oOi::> rDT._ ~' ME"','" ,~----, I I SEE MAP 18 02 04 1 4 ". '/ .II FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY This sketch.above is madesolcly for the purpose of assisting in locating said premiseS and the company assumes no liability for variations, if any, in dimensions and location ascertained by actual survey, Map # 1802 0411IHllQg QllQ 0 Ll.8'OC/ , OL{'1QCJ <J~CO , o 'f,'2..0 0 " j, , , , , , , I , L___________ i I !' I' i 1 II --~--------, I! ! it 1 i J i j ; (r---------- D::S'lK~1 Iii --~-----i I (1) I' ~ . ~ sraw DB WMU. ~ i I I I"lU'O:I(l'I COfIoEalClN.r'OIIT. . 11 I [ r r ~ ~ i . ~ ! Ij ~l\ I -----------1~] '1: r==:~- fI.:J-loO ill 'i 11 ~i ~~"""":"" ,i' '15 ~J~ ~~ \t-:" '~II I, Q 00 caM'a:OIl PaNT. 1\" fI, S', =-_...... ~: 'i' ; '!L 5bOO '(l, 5700 , ------- '1 '"~ ~:: &i~',f' IV:~ :1 '~~ ~:OT 1 8 -----------------~------l "". ".100 _""II> <=! LOT'2 ~I. '" ~& MOO stI.F7. rl I '1"'V' g-~'S r:: S,D05SQ.fT.: "'[3 ::::;r-- I ~I g 9.;t 'II~ .'!L 41100 i [~ ------f ~~ :;;,.;;;-165.00. r:'\f'~ ~,W ~ !' 11 f r ~~ 1 I ful.1I1 '-Ti& LOT 2 ell, ']1 ~OO 5 ~OI~ CI -= w l\g 6,054 SQ.i'T.~ l, If ~l '(l, G~~' I 'ij "~I"~ ~ :l~ 2 Id i i;i ,II 54"" 26,00 "',00 "'~' <n"' ,f -------, .,.- ~ ';-.50' U07 I 'l~ 11...,~ 207.00 rl-;: ~ ~. ,I "OO-J 0 ';O~ p,U,&--l Y hi 9~ ~ 0 lD[, ' · 'i li~' .-nO ~ g ll,r e' If II. W ;:! 18,878 SQ.fi. ~,,' I;; ~l '[1. ~.y- .. g I . r '" - f:; .~.~ 6,~:'~. ~~I ~f' [t>a.UIl P.U.E. 'tL 5000 . - - ,- ~::-! ~ "'.1oN 61.00 I! ri to: -.--.--- I. ' .t- jl , r;'';; ,lD[ 7 II 'j ~'I~ ~,:~~;. i ...,- ....,.Wi~ ~ 'tt- I ' ~.. "", gGf g s.002 SQ.FT., I I,..., i!S ,.., ~ 1 II '! tDg~ ~ 8 l ~', ..; ,...... 'tf.. 5200 I I 000 9 G ;;;~ ~II "'-00 ~ I' q -~~~~-~ !~ "',00 "'100 ~ ! ft: r ~__________m__________~_____________j 't~j . IJ. I 'j. i' ~ ~ rt.~ : ttl L _"" I a.DIWT -I S II :li.j! il I '., ! . ! L~UREI\j ESTiUES --1 i I J ~.C_'-_:!a:.U."V , " " i: " ! Dm: HORTON 780 $, 57TH STREE7 SPRI~GFlE8, OR 97"7.5 ~ 8-02-(]4-11 ~4800 & 4900 ,780 S, 57TH ,S,REET SPRICiGFIELiJ, OR 9~478 ,:RUSH AND ASSCC:ATES 54 CENTENNIAL LOOP EUGENE. OR 97401, (541) 686-9211 I (],~" , \ \ , \ \ , "- \ , ~i ~IOPTH / I \.1 I \ J I / SCAlI 1'=100' / C~I EUT: LOCA10~: SUR'/EYOR: zm.m,;c: UTIUTlES: DATE: i...OR WATER S,U,g, ELECTRIC ~ S,U,B, SEWER = CiT( OF SPR:i-IGFIELiJ GAS = NW NATU~.AL PHOHE = U.S. 'NEST CA3:"E = COMeAS':" NOVEMBER 23, 2005 REGISTERED PROfESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR l OREGON J JULY 104-. '1lI7ll MARVIN S, J<RUSH 1643 E:XP. ~UNE .:30, 2007 (j)) ., . IlQURN TO CASCAOE TITLE CO, - :I: CASCACE TITLE CO, " Division a( Chie' Depuly Clerk. lane Counly D..ds Dnd R.~ord. loos-ooml TITLE NO. 024751 j~~-"15 ESCROW NO. EUQ5-3086 TAX ACCT. NO. PORTION 0560894 MAPffAX LOTNO~ PORTION ]8020411 #4800 111II111I1111II11111111111111111111mllll~IIJIL ' $31.00 00748723200800841810020028 . 1012112oo503:53:56'Pn RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=6 C~SHIER 07 $10,00 $11,00 $10,00 WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM CHARLENEOL. CURRY, Grantor, ,:onveys and warrnflts to . DONALD HORTON and LAUREN HORTON, as tenants by the 'entirety, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein:. SEE EXHIBIT A WHICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USEOF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THis INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE,'SIGNING OR ACCEPTlNG THIS. INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTI' SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNtNG DEPARMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930.' ' Exceptlhe following encumbl1lnces: PERPETUAL EASEMENT FOR ELECTRlC TRANSMISSION UNES, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF. GRANTED THE UNITED STATES OF AMERlCA BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 9. 1949, RECEPTfON NO, 88436. LANECOlrNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS; AND PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEEDS, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 29, 2005, RECEPTION NO, 2005,077360, RECOROED OCTOBER 4, 2005. RECEPTION NO, 2005,019049, RECORDED OCTOBER 7, 2005, RECEPTION NO, 2005-080051, AND RECORDED OCTOBER 10,2005. RECEPTION NO, 2005.0804' 1, LANE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS' . The true consideration for;this conveyance is $90,000.00 AS'PAID BVrrO AN ACCOMMODA TOR PURSUANT TO IRC 1031. D",dth;s [;.7,:?;${daYOf~ ,~ State ofOregoll Counly of LANE This instrument was acknowledged before me on F"'- '-"',,.---...-- 'H_ OFFlctA1.BEAL l!. ". .... LYIIN TBlRIEN-BALDWlI , , NOTARY ~BUC.llREGOII '"," 00NMSSl0N NIL_ .~~~~~M8ITIt.m -. - ~~.......,-.......... Od .,;zo ,2005 byCHARLENE 1. CURRY, 4_ ~, vP u /J (Notary, Public for Oregon) ,f'/3Ij,...,.9 My commission expires CHARLENE 1. CURRY 158 S, 57TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 GRANTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: .....SAME AS GRANTEE.... DONALD HORTON 780 SOUTH 57TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 91478 GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS After recording return to; CASCADE TITLE CO, 8 I I WILLAMETTE EUGENE, OR 97401 .' WRD.[;X. .....""""'-. ..... >.,; '~-,:;,,-,'-~'. ~. {-. .i' . LEGAL -","''"'..",~~.~.,,~........_.........~.~tl.o. .o....JI"',~.lj,l&.~ 1..._," ". ~'~_'''._-_,j~_ ......oii;iIi....,~WllilWj...II~UOo:l:.lL;~~' ,...........--r.....:..~....~ L,...;......l.c <W,......_.'li:J , " EXHIBIT "A" Beginning at a point on the East line of the Richard G.- Hixon Donation Land Glaim No. 86, in Township 17 South, Ran~e 2 West of the ~illamette. Meridian, and No. 47, in T9wnship 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 1~4 7.00 feet North 00 01' 45" West of ,the most Easter,ly Southeast corner thereof; thence West 31.63 feet; thence West 181.00 feet to the true point of- begin~ing; thence West 265.00 feet~ thence North 00 01' 4511 West 157.00 feet; thence East 265.00 feet; thence South 00 01'.45" East 157.00. feet to the .true point of beginning in Lane County, Oregon. ..,r. ~, I I I ~ II ~I-I J . f 'f . ~ }o' -f I' ill> I !l;; 1 "I '" '~ " ~ /F'!-... . 'i\1"(:RJ "t-" , ~ U1," ;,'~ \ " -" " M+t+41fl It 111 tlllllllll#T+l1 "'l ' OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVlCES , " \ " 'HEALTH DIVISION ' "" ~ 'CENTER FOR HEALTH STATISTICS r.. I' CERTIFICATE OF DEATH I "1,36, , 4585 to. TAG NO. LO"~~NQmt Stal8 Fila Number: . 'j! \ /\.DECEOENT'S' Flrsl MKJr1/8 (UI 12.SEX "3. DATI! OI'Oe..-.lH {MomI'l,o.Y,'Y"TJ O~ NAME Dale Maxwell CURRY .. M 'June 20, 2002 ~!:r""" .. SOOAl.. SECURITY NUMBEA 151.AGE'LlSlllirthdJ'/1 5b.U~Mr\Y..r I Sc,l1rI<HtlDIV !5.BIAlHPLACEfC. i/)'.,.dStJ/,.orF~ 1. DATEOPBlFffil rMor1th,O"y,..,...,j -Et.-' 543-26-5422 I {Yu"73 I"" :"'~ """', J""" ,PorTland, q.~ 'Aug\L'!t 29, 1928 I- I B.WAS DECEDENT EVER 'Nl -r " ~~CEOFOEATH(C_"",,,,"""I~,' ,,",".'. ' w ". ,.. U.S.ARMEOFOflCES1 I~' c ~ Y'"II 0 No . ~ 0 In~..\..n\ 0 ER/OvtIal;lnl 000,\ 0 N~TIl"1 Homo ~f('. HOlM' 0 olhilifsMcHvJ C3~ llo. FACILITY NAME (II II/Jr Jn$lllllllOrl, {I/VlI.frflrf."O/lumtJIr) J lie. CITY. ~OWN. ~R LOCATlONOF OE,t,TH . '1.1Id. COUNTY OF DEATH ~~ 758 S, 57th St. Spn.ngheld "\ Lane orf1 10a.CECEDENrs USUALOCCUPATlON I lOll. ~INOOFaVSINESSllNOVSTR~ I': MARITAL STATUS .UMNd"'I12. SPOUS~ (IINMrwd, W~) to- ) re,~~~o~=.~dtlMQmosto,~It""'ldfl . ~~jdo-.1, "1, . I . ," ': . ~~' Owner/Operator/,Pharmacist, Phar:macy Married ,', Charlene ~") 1:laRESlOENCE.STATE jl3bCQUNn' I l1c..ClTY. TOWN OR LOCA1l0N 13d.STREEiAND,!UMBfR ~Il/ Oregon , Lane \ Springfield 758 5, 57th St, 1.:l8.INS1DECITY I 131. ZIP COOE I 14. WASOECEOENT DFHISPANIC ORIGIN? jls.FlACE"""'rlcanltldllll'l' I 1.,~~~:.~5~~~.~,' LIMITS? ~NoorVn.I'r-','I"'<!IyCub8n. 811ldl.\WlIl,1 ".1Ie.. (Sp<<.,,) -"...."....-.r:;;-.....'..-"'" . t.4a<ical1,Pu.noAlClIn,IIe.1 ~ DYos J El ~. ;0:121 rColloogl(14-4or~.} '\. oy..~flO 97478 Sprdly . . . .... .: White l .,. 17.F"',HEIl.,:NAME liBl middle IUI le.MOTHER.N"-ME NflIt 1'IIiddle" ~n 'l.... 1',19.INfO~~T'N~ME'll\clrelallcnlll'ipto<l~ued !,'-": '~~Il~J'.JC~ freJ ~.iarLiJ.l CUlTrj- ~ l;~li" i-IaywaCd--'" .or-, ........ ~'~_erlaL."1Ene~ CUi.:xy, "wi-.L~' ',.,. , 2.CIA METHOD OF D1S?SITION 0 MavcoIeum 4'ClD. Pl...A.CE OF DISPOSITION (No~ 0/""".'.')'. ~h>ty, 0' _ 20<.. LOCATlOf\l,' Oty or Town. '''''If ."~,~."",.,,iI. OSun.1 !RC'ltlTl.lbOn OFlemovalh..mSlal~ . 0ltItnpiw;8) /'~ ," " ";.' .' \ OOCOIt.lion DOfIer (Spedtyi Willamette Valley Crema~oriun . EUgene, .DR 2'e SION"TUREOFOREGONFUNEAALSQ7RVICEl e:NSEEOR 121b OAEQONL1CENS!:NO 22:'~E.ADDReSS".NOZl!"'O.,f'F.'O. UlY. " . Jr"'."CTING AS SUCH . ,. ~ 1,' I ,~~I, T~toph:ase 9[~tton Se~.~e~ O~ ~ene >?i{!!/1/J _ -, ' 0065 ~QJ. ~.18th Ave,.. . Eup-ene , OR 97401 .I.!I"ii~'...:,<IIA. il O"TEFILEO{},klnIn.D4lr, ""'Jf/ .7-2' '4' ,'ZOO', ~- ". 2~,~~E':~-;:Z:;E.~i't,) "_:' "-A/l:' " ..I."~ f f. ',' "'~ ....,1/.-<" " :J(~; 1/~ crn~EO 'o~ REGI~"R'S /' /\ " , '" 'i:i,' ':": ~. T08E'COMPLETEO;BY CERTIFYING PHYSICIAN \' fii;"~'Tp:.a~i=U:TEci~Lv-fItf':M..~r)JcAttfxAMINEf(.. "....... I'. ::. ::O:.~:~,::::::::::~~:::.~:'~~:~ .'U'.tWne dllte,plecaeoddua",tllacau.H(ejendmeMeretelecl ...- ~&pn.rILi"'} " .' ~l', " '\ ""...-, 33 DATE SIGNED (Monlh'D"v YUI) , COUPfn' r ; .,-, - : ,1.. ',0 "1" 27. TII.IE. OF DE"TH '12a.:W~1i~.~~~~c,.,L ,EXAMIN,EFI ~TIF1~O? ' 10,42 P. M _ B Yell:.:l1'M,'. .~ __ .~:' . I . _""i-'II~"""IIoo. " ,(i\~' ,.r;7~ ;/ ..',.. ",:" . . ~ - ' 34. NAME, TITl..e, ADDrfES5 A~ ZIP cij:-'CERTIFIERJMe'DCAl EXAMINER (Type Of Print)' Geoffrey Sin1nonsi'JP", 1200 Hilyard St, '11200, Eugene, OR 97401" ,;.'~ . 4 ~ONOI,TIONS 35.. NAME C:U:: A TTE~OING PHYSICIAN \>:, OTH€;l J'-HAN CEFlTiFIER (TYJHI or Prln;) .V~116~~Ve- '\.: .. tl.l~~~~~~E / JO IMME.DIATE C"USE (ENTER ON~\' ONE C>lUSE PER LINE FOR (1/: [bl. AND re}.) Do nor en',,( rnod~ 01 dying, 6'11 C/t,rfjIC Dr RMpi."i",y,A"..i." C"USE PA,F1T J.\ c:::..,...", ,_- '/re. --' r .U,TINGTHE ---!!~ "DE~~\'IfIG DUE TO, OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF: "~~l~S~...~ ;'.. .fi1t""A&.-L~4!J= ",SUP"I!r;"QI.I ~. l CUETO ASACONSE.OUEN~EOF' I.J-J ~ '0' 'f L.01.1ofv.J Ua..W.e..- ~ PART OTHER SIGN NT'qONOITlONs. II CQf\diti?~' conL'iblJ'~ll ~ d...ttl ~l nol rUlIlllny in \I... \Ifldenylnll calise lI""!n ~ PA.FlT I. . In,....... t>efwll8ll 0I'lIIe1 aod!)ols'h \ /' ..;'. Inl........b<<woenONl.' aoddellln 1M1,"''''_non~el .~~II!IJ!L...,...-____,-_.. -,-,-~.-- \ , 37 0lllIobso:.oo.....<:bn!l1bu1. . 13lIAlfTOPBY]JllNYES_1Itdno;IIc:tn&Qsrtd 10 IhIdlalh? ' j "~CMJN"'_1II1 ~v OP1f>lHJbIy I Othlk,,,".n' OY"~NQI DruONoOwA ld DESCRIBE HOW INJUFtY OCCURRED !:. .. ~ I 40. MANNER OF DE"TH ~1', O. ATE OF'INJURVI4It. TIME OF j41c.INJURY ~~tu'al OP"nding ~ ~;~ 'I~~ DIY. ~"'''':, --1t'WAY , .~, ......rWORK7 \ o Aocid.nl In_~~uon ',,:::', ~'.~. ,'. . o SlIiciOll OUnd41'.....ned\ :,' l., l,.. . MOreS ONo o HOmicid, ..0:;-' "I.~'l'.';~PlACE OF INJURY. AI Jla!II. l'lm. .'.....I&a:llory. alr.cii IOlU-NlfIllOll. ;,;o,.d~ng.ete(s~J 'U!:;:O.Dem" , 0 Olh,,' 'III . 'ISTflUcr'GO;; r RESERVED FOR FlEGISTFlAFl S USE . P~'/ERSC: 510E ' ~O"~W~"'o ' MO;~COf" ... """'" . " ,- .' 41f.LOC"'TJON (S\lHi end NlImbei- Of Ru~ RcuIe NumboIr, City or Town. Slale) I \ ", 't ..,',..,r-:." ..... THIS IS A TRUE ANDE~~~~,:AEPB~~A~';"~;~,::.~~:.t~i~FFI~IALLY '. ,'. _,. '. " ''''''. . .:. ".;::.:.... :.... REGISTERED'ATTHE OF.:FICE OFTHE LANE COUNTY REGISTRAR, _'-:-;'":;'~.:\"\\\''''\: \ _ _ ~"--'I'':oA'' ~ .-1 - ..~ .' /,. '.', :- ,.\ ,>.JUN 2 5 2002 ( C~C~MA:~~'~~~AA LANE C:JUNTY, 'OREGON .:'THISCOPY NOT ""UC WITHOUT INTAGliO STATE SEAL AND SOROER. I: .'hTil~I';it.\~a~~:;~ ~~:'~;~~"~-,',~~'~7";~~ DATE ISSIII:n. "' , ~. F , "". t ':)0... . . After recording retmTI to: ,', Don Horton 780 South 5rh Street Springfield, OR 97478, r Division of Chief Oepuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records . "\ l~~~.~~~~ll U~U~J1IJllI1~llI11'Jl~1~lll!11111111111 $46,0~ RPR-OEEO Cnl=l Sln=6 cRJ~fW~~5 04:01:17 PM $25,00 $11.00 $10,00 PROPERTY LINE ADnJSTMENT DEED Donald M, Horton and Lauren E, Horton are the owners'ofthe pr~perty referred to herein as Parcel one, Ronald C. Nelson and Patricia A, Nelson are the owners of the property referred to herein as Parcel two, Donaid M: Horton and laurenE, Horton , and Ronald C, Nelson and Patricia A, Nelson are setting forth to adjust the property line between Parcel one and Parcel two to comply with Lane County Land Use Regulations and the provisions of O,R,S, 92,190(4), . ~ The reference to the legal description of ' the Parcel one property prior to this adjustment is contained in the property line adjustment deed recorded October 7, 2005, Reception Number 2005-08005I, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, The reference to the legal description of the Parcel one property prior to this adjustment is contained in the propertY line adjustment, deed recorded October 7, 2005, Reception ,Number 2005-Q80051, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, Following this property line adjustmen~ the description of the Parcel 1 propertY is described on the attached Exhibit fl A", Following this property line adjustment, the description of the Parcel 2 property is described on the attached Exhibit "B", , ' The portion of the legal des~~iption that depicts the new adjJ!Sted line(s) between Parcel ,1 and Parcel 2 is underlined on the attached Exhibit" N, The true consideration for this conveyance is $0,00, Dated thisK. day of f)f1ktMr .2005, 1HlS INSTRUNfENT Wll_L NOT ALLOW. TIIE USE OF TIIE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN TIllS INSTRUNfENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING 1HlS INSTRUNfENT, mE PERSON ACQUllliNG FEE lTILE TO' mE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH mE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNIY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY USES, suJ...l\.. i\ +<>-'f'5tJ-e.....;tto;.-Th. (\D ch'\)'j~ '.', ~ ., \\., '~dLM1, Ii i-. ( -~,-"c-- Donald M" Horton ~ tJ ~0) LA~:~tlrt~n ST ATE OF OREGON ) '., ),88, , Couilty of Lane, ) . -" I~ '.1"" 10/8 !os; Date I / 10/ gJoJ Date ~ , , li.lI. 11111.. III I .., I. .0,.1 i 11.1 , On Of'!;?'f(, , , 2005, per1lonally aweared the. above ~edD~ald, M, Horton and Lauren E. Horton, and acknowledged the foregoing instnlment to be their voluntary acts and deeds, ' ,~ --b A ,(;lev If; (-elJO-JJd. Notary Public of Oregon LllruIUtR,,;(ClJ ( My Commission Expires ;-S:SS~~=-=-,::,=::::-O:-~-~-~~ ~ -:- -=-, I I) OFFICIAL SEAL ,( I TASHA M MOLD I I \, i NOTARY PUB. Lie . OREGON I I ' " ." COMMISSION NO, 379044 I I ' MY COMMISSION oXPIREB MAR, 28, 2008 j ~::.y: ::_<; ~.:.-=-=,.:._:>.c= 7,:"'J,,'-',___', , :1. ..? ''i " . , '~c:,~~ ROIWd C, Nelson \ Q~(l.~) Patricia A, Nelson \ STATE OF OREGON ) . )ss; ) County of Lane ,(0 68"-LJ'S-- Date' I 0 ~ O'i) - aS- Datc On Dcl-ol?~ 9/~ , 2005, personally appeared the above named Ronald C, Nelson and Patricia A. Nelson, and acknowledged the foregoing instrumentlo be their vo lun tary acts and deeds': '~~.n.<<5. - , Notary Public of Oregon - ""l ) uW_ 1.-0, 1j:JQ, My Commission Expires f . OFFtClAl.SEAL '< _ / ~;~~~u~~~, ~~o~ '." COMMISSION NO..3tl4085 . MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 20, 2009 ~. ',.,.,', I .".. . II, .' . ., " .' .. <i;. , Exhibit" A" , . , Beginning at a point on the East line of the Richard G, Hixon Donation Land Claim No, 86" in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WilIamette Meridian, and No, 47; in Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 1155,80 feet North 0" 01' 45" West of the most Easterly Southeast comer thereof; ,therice West 31.63 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence West 207.00 feet; thence South 00 01' 45" East 42,00 feet; thence West 68,00 feet; thence South 00 01' 45" East 49,50 feet; thellce West 171.00 feet; thence North 00 01' 45" West 91.50 feet; thence East 9,OOfeet; thence North 0001' 45" West 91.20 feet; thence West 9.00 feet; thence North 00 01' 45" Wellt 157,00 feet; thence East 265,00 feet; thence South 00 01' 45" East 157.00 feet; thence East 181.00 feet to the Westerly margin of South 571h Street; thence ,along said Westerly margin South 00 01',45" East 91.20 feet to the True Point of Beginning in We County, . Oregon, ' .' ,,'," "'Ie , :::. ,.; ~ .: '" '. Exhibit "B" c Beginnin:gat a point in the East line of the RichardG, Hixon Donation Land Claim No. 86, ill Township 17 'South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, and No, 47, 'in Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 1064.30 feet North 0" 01' 45",West of the most Easterly SoutheaSt comer thereof; thence West 31.63 feet to the True Point Of Beginnirig; thence West 275.00 feet; thence North OC 01' 45" West 49~50 feet; thence East 68.00 feet; thenceN6rtb 00 01' 45" West 42,00 feet; thence East 207,00 feet to the Westerly margin of Souih 571h Street; thence along said We'ster1y margin South 0001' 45" East 91.50 feet to the True Point of Beginning in Lane County; Oregon. " , ' .. " ~ , , .r ,. -,,,,,..: ~' ., .. 1', , r, Division of Chief Deputy CI:rk, t~~~.~~~~~I' , Lane County D,eeds and Reeo.-, 5 . " \\\ 1\11"\ '\\\\\\\\\\1111\\\ 1,\ \\\\\\\\\\\1\ ' ,,$46,00 00,.,42412~lS00800S100Sl0-010/07/2005 0\:52:30 PM RPR-DEED 'Cnt=1 Sln=7 CRSHIER 02 ' $25,00 $11,00 $10.00 After recording return to: Don Horton 780 South 51' Street Springfield, OR 97478 PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED Donald M Horton and Lauren E, Horton are the owners of the property referred to herein as Parcel one. Ronald C, Nelson and Patricia A Nelson are the .owners of the property , referred to herein as Parcel two, Donald M, Horton and Lauren E, Horton and Ronald C. Nelson and Patricia A, Nelson are setting forth to, adjust the property line between Parcel one :ui.d, Parcel two tocornply with Lane County Land Use Regulations and the provisions of O,R,S. 92, I 90(4), ' The,reference to the legal description of theParc~1 one property prior to this adjustment is contained in the property line adjustment deed recorded Octob'er 4, 2005, Reception Number 2005-079049, Lane CoUnty Oregon Deed Records, ' The reference to the legal description of tlie Parcel one property prior to this adjustment is contained in the property,line adjustment deed recorded October 4, 2005, Reception , Number 2005-079049, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, ' Following this property line adjustment, the description of the Parcel I property is described on the attached Exhibit "A", Following this property 'line adjustment, the , description-of the Parcel 2 property is described on'the attached Exhibit "B", ' The portion of the legal description that depicts the new adjusted line(s) between Parcell and Parcel 2 is underlined on the attachelj Exhibit "A", The true consideration for this conveyance is $0,00, " '~ ' Dated thiS to-day of CC\nhe.r , 2005, TIllS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT Aliow THE USE OF THE PROPERTY ,DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND , USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING TIllS' INSTRUMENT, TIlE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WIlli THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY pLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY USES, S~ ~\\ -+<>-{<- ~~'~~ -+0: VIe L-~~ ~, " ~ , J '-:-n -:JJ. m~ l~ ' ~~d 1'..1. Horton '. ~ , 'i~ /os- ,.Date "N (J J u ('\... /0 /0 it? U25 Date " , STATEOFOREGON . ), )ss, County of Uine ) -- ' , . +t\ On ~\')e( lo ..-,. , 2005, pel1lonaIly appeared the above named Donald , M, Horton and Lauren E, Horton, and acknowledged the foregoing instrurnentto be their volJllltary acts and deeds, '~p~ s!1/, ~ Notary Public of Oregon ' . ,:"lClAL SEAL , MeLISSA Sl clAlll ,'. NOtAIII' P\IIlUC.()llEGON , cOMJ,\1SSlON'N(J, A374224 ~ hfl~EJ<P\lIESOCT2q.2007 . IO-.Qq~ 0"1 , My Commission Expires .' .. .,'. , 'p _" ". " ~(I-~~ Ronald C. Nelson /0'-' 7- 05- Date ~u)Q,mo~ Patricia A, Nelson '\ ' ID - ,'- V..s- Date STATEOFOREGON ), )ss, County' of Lane ) , , ,,-n-, , On Oc-+O~ ., - ,2005, personally appeared the above named Ronald C. Nelson and Patricia A. Nelson, and acknpwledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary acts and deeds.' ' , ~uM ' Notary Public ofOreg~ OFFICIAL SEAl. . SHAWN sAMpSON NOTARY pueUc-OREGON COMMISSION NO 370465 ' MY OOMMlSSION EXPIRES JULY 14. 2007 . , ~lL\ -0, My Commission Expires if I , '. I c~ "'i>r. ~t.. ,.... ".' :...1(..-' - Beginning at a point on the East line of the RichardG, Hixon Donation Land Claim No, 86, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, aild No, 47, in Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 1155,80 feet North 0" 01' ,'45" West of the most Easterly Southeast comer thereof; thence West 3t63 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence West 207,00 feet; thence South 00 of' 45" East 42,00 feet; thence West 239,00 feet thence North 00 01' 45" West 42,00 feet; thence East 9,00 feet; thence North 00 01' 45" West 91.20 feet; thence West 9,00 feet; thence North 0001' 45" West I57,OO feet; thence East 265,00 feet; thence South 00 01' 45" East 157,OO.feet; thence East 181.00 feet to the Westerly margin of South 571h Street; thence along said Westerly margin South 00 01' 45" East 91.20 feet to the True Point of Beginning in Lane County, Oregon,' .' , ' Exhibit "An - .. .do. ., ,~. ". .' I.. II " J Exhibit "B" Beginning at a point in the East' line of the Richard G, Hixon Donation Land Claim No, 86, in Township 17 South,R.:mge 2' West of the Willamette Meridian, and No, 47, in Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 1064.30 feet North 0" 01' 45" West of the most Easterly Southeast corner thereof; thence West 31.63 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence West 446.00 feet; thence North 00 01' 45" West 49,50 feet; thence East 239,00 feet; thence North 00 01' 45" West 42.00 feet; thence East 207:00 feet to the Westerly margin of South 57th Street; thence along said Westerly margin South 00 01' 45" East 91.50 feet to the True Point of Beginning in Lane County, , Oregon,,' ' " " " , After recording re~io: Don Horton 780Bouth 57'" Street Springfield, OR 97478 , , I Division of Chief Deputy Cle~k ~nn~.ninnln, , lane' County Deeds and Reco~ds 'UU~ U ~U,~ , ,111111 111111111\ 1\111 1\\\111 \ \1\1\11\ \\llll\' ,$46 : 00 , " 0074~...720050J790490051054 10/04/2005 03 :40 :31 PM RPR-DEED Cnt=l Stn=5 CASHIER 04 S25,OO Sll,OO S10.00 '\ , PROPERTY LINE ADJVSTMENr DEED Donald M, Horton and Lauren E, Horton are the owners of the property referred 10 herein as Parcel one, Ronald C, Nelson and Patricia A, Nelson are the owners of the property referred 10 herein as Parcel two, Donald M, Horton and Lauren E, Horton and Ronald C, Nelson and Patricia A: Nelson are setting forth to adjust the property line between Parcel one and Parcel two to comp'ly, with Lane County LaUd Use Regulations and the provisions ofO,R.S, 92,190(4), The reference to the legal description of the Parcel one property prior to this adjustment is contained in the property line adjustment deed recorded September 29, 2005, Reception Number 2005-077360, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, The reference to the legal description of the Parcel two property pnor to this 'adjustinent . is contained in the warranty deed recorded June 10, 1996 in Reel 2182R, Instrument Number 9638690, Lane County Oregon Deed Record., , Following this property .line adjustment, the description of the Parcell property is described on the attached Exhibit" A", Following this property line adjustment, the' description of the Parcel 2 property is described on the attached Exhibit "B", The portion of the legal dcscnption that depicts the new adjusted line(s) between Parcell and Parcel 2 is underlined on the attached Exhibit "A"; . The true consideration for this conveyance is $0,00, Dated this 3 'day of_'~__, 2005, TIllS INSTRUMENr WILL NOT' ALLOW THE USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION 'OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING 'OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, TIlE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO TIIE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK wrrn TIIE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPART.MENT TO VERIFY USES, 5e..J,-",,\\+~; ",~~~-h.,l\O G~,c.."'(f- .' ;- I)" .ail fY1~ ~d M, Horton ~A)iWJa ( fI(~^ men E. Horton' , . , J_D/~ /05 Date I / 10/0 'f/n5 Date On f:Y ki'<:x?.,... l.\ {l.. . 2005, peIllOnally appeared the above named Donald M. Horton and Lauren E. Horton, and acknowledged the foregoing inmurnent to be their v tary acts and deeds, ' Jvll &011 K- \\1 "3\oP1 My Commission Expires. .. OF~aAlSj:Al SAIIAH\M CULVSl NOTAI!I' P\J~ COMMllIIIIQk NI;), .. ""COIl\' II ON f.lalIIES'Nov }.,,' 2lXlIl ! . _ ,_."..., . "" ~ ,,' J , ,( 010" . . ~t:7tL frnn.M (' Nplonn/ ~ ......."".....,n.................A&>v... /()-"3~65 n::ltp ~~~ Q~~ll.~ Patricia A, Nelson / If) - 3 - ~~'"'- Date , ^. ,STATEOFOREGON ) )S8, County of Lime ) On C)~v' ~ , 2005, pefsoll!llly appeared the above named Ronald C, Nelson and Patricia A. Nelson, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their wluntary acts and deeds, ' . ' ~~ NotaIyPublic of Oregon I l ~ 14-07 My Commission Expires , OFACIAL SEAL .' SHAWN SAMPSON ' , ,NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON COMMISSION NO, 310465 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 14. 2007 " .\' .. . '.1.. .. .-.' Exhibit "A" Beginning at a point on the East line of the Richard G, Hixon Donation Land Claim No, 86, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WiIlamette Meridian, and No, 47, in Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 1155,80 feet North 0" 01' 45" West of the most Easterly Southeast comer thereof; thence West 31.63 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence West 207,00 feet; thence South 00 01' 45~ East 91.50 feet; thence West 239,00 feet;. thence North 00 01' 45" West 91.50 feet; thence East 9,00 feet; thence North 00 01' 45" West 91.20 feet; thence West 9,00 feet; thence North 00 01' 45" West 157.00'feet; thence East 265,00 feet; thence South 00 01' 45" East 157.00 feet; , thence East 181.00 feet to the Westerly margin of South 57'h Street; thence along said Westerly margin South'Oo 01' 45" East 91.20 feet to the True point ofBegirming in Lane CoUnty,' Oregon." I .; " . Exhibit "B" .' Beginning at a point in the East line of the Richard G, Hixon Donation Land Claim No, 86, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WilIamette Meridian, and No, 47, in Township 18 South, Range 2 west ofthe Willamette Meridian, .1064.30 feet North 00 01 ' 45" West of the most Easterly Southeast comer thereof; thence West 31.63 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence West 207,00 feet; thence North '00 01' 45" West 91.50 feet; thence East 207,00 'feet to 'the Westerly ~argin of South 57th Street; thence along said Westerly margin South 00 01' 45" East 91',50 feet to the True Point of Beginning in " Lane County, Oregon, ' " , Afterrecording reo.n to: Don Horton 780 South 51b Street Springfield, OR 97478 r-- ----__ Division of Chl.f Depuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records ' , ~!~ll!llI11,ij~tWtlIJ~WWlmlllllllllll RPR-DEED ~n'=1 Sln-_6 09/29/2005 II:J9:4HM . CRSHIER 07 ' $2!,DO $11,00 $10.00 , , l~~o.~ma~' $46,00 PROPERTY UNE ADJUSTMENT DEED Chiu:lene L. CU!lY is the owner of the property referred to herein as Parcel one, Donald M, Horton and Lauren E, Horton arc the owners of the propcrty referred to herein as Parcel two, Charlene L: Curry and Donald M, Horton and Lauren E, Horton are setting forth to adjust tIi,~,yw,..".;j line between Parccl one and Parcel two to comply with Lanc County Land US" Regulations and the provisions ofO,R.S, 92,190(4)" The reference to the legal description of the Parcel one property prior to this adjustment is contained in the warranty dced recorded March 20, 1961 in Reel 169R, Reception Number 26582, Lane County, Oregon Deed Records, .' The reference to the legal description of the Parcel two property prior to this adjustment' is contained in the warranty deed recorded June 30, 2003, Reception Number 2003- 059418, Lane County Oregon'Deed Records, Following this property line adjustment, the description of the Parcel I property is' described on the attached Exhibit "A", Following this property line adjustment, the description of the Parcet 2 property is described on the attached Exhibit "B": The portion ofth,~ legal description that depicts the new adjusted tine(s) between Parcel] and Parcel 2 is underlined on the attached Exhibit" A", The true comideration for this conveyance is $0,00, ,pated this~day of ,~---k.' 2005, THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW THE USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED \J\ THIS TNSTRU1v1ENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS,. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRU1v1ENT, TIIE PERSON ACQUIRING, FEE TIILE TO TIIE PROPERTY ' SHOULD CHECK WITH TI-IE APPROPRlATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEP ARTh1ENT TO VERlFY USES, 5....~ -+0--,<., 5"~...._-\' -\0 ,: 1U> c1...."'''JL ",. . I .~. . ~:-k~~" , ,. . ..' .. t'. \ Charlene L Cupi: , \ ," " ' ~ ' ' f?kk- OatV' .. /' ST A IE OF OREGON ), ")ss, County of Lane .) '0 ,/1-~ L -,'" On ~r/J1mlk!/;-c.;( I 2005, personally appeared the above named Charlene L. Cunry, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to, be her voluntary act and deed, ' .. ",da~a /0,' '/7J~d, Notary Public of Oregon ~'~~" -- . --.",.<: ,",- '.' - -'~ ~ . OFFICIAL SEAL I ", TASHAM MOLD , . ) NOTARY PUBLIC, OREGON, I "..' COMMISSION NO, 379044 \ '~~~"':"":'~' 1iJ;iAt.fLc.? 9c :;2QtJcr, My Commission Expires " .' i I I , I (( I ")"",.,p,j, WI ~/ ~ "'BoIlaId M, Horton ' " ,,' oftzM/vw? c" iI ovfC7f\ Lauren E, Horton STATEOFOREGON ) )ss, County of Line ) " Cj h-3 105 Date I I q /J3/05 'Date I ,On5:o()).......Ih~ 2.~ ,2005, personally appeared the above named Donald M. H~,auren E, H,orton, and acknowledged the f<?regoing instrument to be their vo In tary acts and deeds, ' \P;dJJ!LMA Hf3/0'O My Conunission Expires ;,:'..' ,. OFFIOALSj:AL SARAH M CULViR ' NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON COMMISSION NO, 3~ ftR( COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV 3, '2008 I .. - ; , ' , ; :', lo_UJ., .,1 . Exhihit "A" Beginnmg at a point on the East line of the Richard G, Hixon Donation Land Claim No, 86, in Towmhip 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, and No, 47, in' Township i8 South, Range 2 West of the Willamene Meridian, 1247,00 feet North 0" 01' , 45" Wes(of the' lltos('Easterly Southeast eomer thereof; thence West 31.63 "feet to the True Point of Be,ginning; thence West 181.00 feet; thence North 00 01' 45" West 157,00 lh .' feet; thence Easl: 181.00feel to the Westerly margin of South 57 Street; thence along said Westerly m.lrgin, South 00 01' 45" East 157.00,feet to the True Point of Beginning in Lane County, Oregon, II 1.1 .,0, \0 ...." , Exhibit "W Beginning' at a point on the East line of the Richard G, Hixon Donation Land Claim No, 86, in Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 1155,80 feet North 0001' 45" West of the most Easterly Southeast comer thereof; thence West"31.63 feet.to the True Point,()f Beginning: thence West 437,00 feet; thence North 0001' 45" West 91.20 feet; thence West 9,00 feet; thence North 00 01' 45" West 157,00 feet; thence East. 265,00 feet; thence South 00 01' 45" East 157,00 feel; thence East 181.00 feet to the Westerly margin of South 57th Street; thence along said Westerly margin' South 00 01' 45",East 91.20 ti:et to the True Point of Beginning in Lane County, Oregon,