HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 5/15/2007 . . .... . PRE-SUBMITL . PLAT DISTRIBUTION LIST: Date Distributed: . '5-15~07 " / Dave Pue~t - Building \ / . Gilbert Gordon/Melissa F echtel- Fire ../ Gary McKenney - Traffic . V' Matt Stouder - Public Works/Engineering 1/ Les Benoy - Public Works/Engineering ,/ Dennis Ernst/Jon Driscoil, Surveying . / part McKee, Spfld Utility Board (Water) j' Tamara Johnson, Spfld Utility Board (Electric) Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utility District Planner. : N (J 1ff.... . T. - .." ',-' . ...., " '," " ..' , . ... '.- ,,' -.,.,.. .'. . ,<:' '.~" "..- , <.City ofSprirtgfldd',', " ' ,Development Services Departrilent " n; 225 Fifth Street . " .. ' Springfield, OR 97477 .' "",', , , 541-725-3753 Phone'" :'541-726-3689 Fax" ,,:t,..' r'" .. ' .,:'/"!' .,>".,.;.... ',' ,~.~-" \'" :.'; ;,.... '.' ,--" '(.>:. , ,', ; .)....:. -',.,,-.. ." '.". .. -'-,-';"- :,:. .., , .~, . " ., '. ~'.. ~.- .~ ,. r-'" ,", " . .~,: ;' ':" !.'" " 'T"";' ,.'. J '" ',Pre-SlJ bmittal Meeting 0"-"1". .~ .-~, ~,.. ....' ..... ~. . .: - . ',_',1 ,""- .. ~. " .. . ~. . ,', ,Date Submitted:, , ,Case Number Assigned:"P~E2007-00031. ';";', . 5/14/2007 .-- .~ "-, .". . '. . "'f. ",' '" .'" .... .... ':1\ . ," ". --' -f.:. < < . " -', ..... >. "'.,.\" . , ~ . . ~ .....' ..'/" . ..... '.,,': '1, : ..' . ~ " ,.... '..' "-.' ,.~. . -... ~ , ";:.:' ;.' ,...... '1-" ", ..... ,~ C.''' ~ . ~ -,.::':' , .:.......-- ., , , , >, , ~",. ," -"" !/., ,,' ". ~': . '-'. " " " " . '.,';: ',' 'Project Name: .. ,';, Project Description:" QUlNALTSUBDlVISION )).' ,.,' .... .' ," "''''::.'' " "'.' '".. Pre-Submittal Meetin'gfor Subdivisio,n Plat ~ 10 lot LDR subdivision,' , ' ' .',. ~ .'.. ~ . . ..' ;; ....~ . ...'.:,; , ."-" ",,-:. ';'." " 1 .,' , Application Type: ,', Subdivision Plat' '" ',., Job Address: 1226 1/2 FAIRVH.'~W DR Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1703273100900 ," DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submittal of the Application for Development Review, Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns, A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and'time., ,; .--: PlanJobPrint.rpt , 5114/2007 2:49:38PM' e" ,', ~""'-,~.;.. i , ",:, '", ~ ,..' . ~.' .i , , . . .' ~ '. . -. ,- ;'" .',' ':1-;,:,'3 .. -", < ", " '. .,....:. ~; , ,. -- .' ::'.': ~'~. ., -,.r :"~ <~, . '.: ..' " .,.... '. -,.,", .. , ....~< .... '.' ." .,.",.. "''1'' ..',., ~' ,'. . " ';.,,- '. " " .":., .-~. : ~:" <.!:, ~ J.',",';:: \,. ," "<"'i';J.;'; . ",' ~ " ',': ;,.' ," . ,. '.' '~'. \.' ""'. '( ,,-,' ".\ ~ ".: '.......,::.. . .... ,. .' -~ :~:-_.., . ~ " : '. -,': ,; '" ~. .; !..,~,.,.. , , ',,, .;.-; <, '. .' .' . .' " " ,'.: ',. .... " ' .,' ,';"" . ,". . ' "~ :- ., :J: Pre~SuJmittal Meetingp~ , << Developrnent services Depa~erif " '" ,', .:'~'c: :,: ,.<:. '.': Room 615/616 '; .. ' ".:- " i. . :.~ . . -:','. .1........'. . "H : ,.,.... :. ,;. . ':: ~ ': . . :~, .,' j, ; . . ... " . " ..' .' " . .':, PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING 'DATE: Friday, May 25, 2007 ':.~.,.;:'. .,"', ,. ,.::-:;'-.'", .~ ." '.'..~: .',:: " ..~;.~.',~... :,'>:,,''',.' . >"'. - :_, -, . . <~ .. ';J>'; ~/PRE-SlJBMITTAi MTG'#PRE2007-00031 (SUB PLAT) nul $325 "';!, "Assessor's Map: '17-03-27-31 TL 900, iooo; 3601 ,,',' ':' '~;".." ',Existing Use: Residential . ' " , " ". " , Address: 1226 YzFarrviewStreet'.: ",,: ",!' ,', , Applicant submitted plans to plat a lO-lot SFR subdivision, Quinalt Subdivision ,Meeting Date/Time: Friday, May 25, 2007 DSD 616 11:00":' noon" --:. ":" Planner: Dave Reesor, ,', :, ", ' "/ ,." , ~. , ,,' "<".' , ~,':' <:' ',- .:.'; ',. ,. ..... ~' . .",,' \ .. ',' ,..;:: . : ~, :, .- ,...~. " .... .".' .'."" . .... ... "~" ,'! ': ~;., .. '.t,. .,', " 't,' ,,'. ~', !", ,:' .". .'<, , 1. ',,' ,. ,. ~. .... ',' " .':~ " . ' '. > ".::.;.' '" . . ;.~, .l . ~ ..... .. .'. ".' . ..Y.' ,.,:' ~~. . ...' .. : :. :~. ;i:~:::"'.'<: ;'/ ..' ....-..'..'...',.J . ",...; .; ., .. ,c, SPRINGFIEL.D Description of ,Proposal:, , Create 10 lots from: ~existing lots for single family residential use,' ," Existing Use:, sinqle family residential, Tentative Case #: SUB2006-000055 I #of Lots/Parcels: 10 'Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: 6974 . s(, Den'sity: 6 dujacre I &t~~$iZ:':i'd~:t!i>\~'ii:;:';;r~t.'F'~oe:';'~~k~~~'~~~~='~~~~~~..J1~qi;~"'.~.I~~~;,~tr ~'~:l;sr.n~{~':'X~iif~~~~.r.};lj'~~~I~J18 I I Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City Limits 0 " Associated Applications: ~:~~~~i;;i'.()~:~::~-'~'--'S~~J6?=#'~~~::i:=~:~"=W~~~ , I Case No.:, Date: 'Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee: $" TOTAL FEE'S, ' $ Overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary 0 1~,2:::J.:i:*-~,~2'i'jj~~i~::it(~'-U'l;j~_~~~?:~.~"':i,.~.rW~';td~~~"'"""'~7;itd~;'?4."'S<1i.IIPfiiS'i?8',;~,1~~;i~~']J,i,!Ij';~iri'A\0~~i'-!i>il0-"lt~~~~fi-j~~;rdJ:~ r LT :t DO~ {(X)~ Revised 11/20/2006 bj ..' .. 'J ....,. :,. ,.' , ';.::' : ...-;,..." .;',' , ~. t.; 'i~' .' .'. .'-,'" ", ."- .... ":'-,': '-.' ".:' ',,-' >- .-. ''-'.., '. '""....., , " . . ~." ,.'''1.' ,'- /"" -'. ~i. . ". ." ,-'"~::, ,i. .:; " ,: ,': .;. ~ '.- >,' - '.- "'I :J'- #I I;e~re5ent this apP~i~~'ti~n to "~'e co:m plete f~r' ~u~m itt~1 t~ t~~ 'City,' 'Co~sis;ent' with 'th~ " " completenessche,ck performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by, the City as necessary for processing,the application is provided herein or, ' " ", the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the'submittal, and the City may , begin processing 'the applicationwith the information as submitted, This statement serves' as written notice pursuant to the reCjuirements of ORS ZZ7} 78 pertaining to a complete application' ", ,,':,: " , . ",,': ~ .::., ',: ',.' ',:;.:' :,'. , ..( .. '... .;.' . 'Owner:: . \. " ,"':' ....\ .,,',1.', ....,. " '. Date: ,c" .. '.! -, .;: .~. ".-" }-:, , , ': ,,:,;', ';,",; :Signature , '" ~., ~' ,,': ~.. ~, .', ;,'" " ; . - . ~ ....' . '''''''''., .' ....-, . ,,', .r.....,... ." .. ~.' - '.. '.-. , " :. ; ~' .., - ,e, , , . , , Tuan Bui._',' ' Print Name, .':..,:'<,' " ", , " '.," .. .. . ", ..,', ,I.t '." .,' .t,'" : ;....' .',' ..-- '"., " . r; .... . , , .-,'.' , ' ,:. '..",: , ' Plat applications will be processed as 'follows: (See attached Plat Review Process Flow Chart)' " , , ~. . ' .~. ':',." '.i'-.'~, ~., <,'..... :1:, -,:~,: . ,.~..,...-:i"'.',':'-'.'." ',," . " ,,< , , 1. ....The applicant submits a'Pre-Submittal meeting,application, ' , ,i , ", ' ,:: .;, ," ,,' ,,2., " Within five to seven working days, the applicant and the City conduct a pre-submittal meeting, ',' 3.', The applicant coordinates any additional. review of the plat and other required documents with' " ; ,'representatives from the City's Planning, Public Works Engineering, and Surveying Section" '4.' The City Surveying Section will notify the applicant's Surveyor when the plat and other, '.documents are sufficiently refined to allow for the submittal of the plat mylars,' ',5. ,The applicant submits: " , ..' ' " a. Th€'~"'1ylars and all final documentation to the Surveying Section located in the NW QuacJ ",Section of City Hall. , ' ",' , , b: If document set is 'complete, applicant submits to Planning the Plat application, a copy , of the mylar and final documents as well as fi,:ancial securities including the application ",fee, _,',.. ' 6. 'The City Surveyor and Development Services Director may sign the final plat if all other' . conditions and requirements are fulfilled, -,' " " 7. 'The plat mylars may be delivered to Lane County for ,recording by ,the applicant's Surveyor or", whomever the Suryeyor authorizes, ' , . .,., AFTER RECORDING:'" ' '.'-' 8. The applicant shall deliver Five (5) recorded ~olled plat p'aper copies, 'along with Three (3) , ,\ copies of any other recorded required documents to the Development Services Department prior to th~ issuance of any building permits. ' ' , " > ,,' " ,~, . ,.', . '.' Revise~) 1/30/2006 bj '.' ," . -.' .', . ..; - 3 - -.., , ..-" ,-- " ;"~ ' ,... J ,,;. " ,,""' '....- .' ;- ""'" " ..~. . , '.' <" . . .Y,-, ~' " j,' ",':',,' ~" ,~ :'. '.~ :- ,:'_' WRITTEN STATEMENT,' '" . . \ . ~. .... " f .' . ~ " ~'. >'.' : . ',or:. , _. " ,COMPLIANCE with CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, ., . , , ,. for the ,:' ,':. , ' ,.'.. QUINAL T SUBDIVISION (SUB2006-000055) " FINAL PLAT APPLICATION, ' MAP 17-03-27-31 TAX LOT'S 900, 1000, 3601 . . May 10, 200]' "," , ," " , .' - -,.' , :e" ,..:", ;,. ." .',' " .'. .' .' . . ,.., -, . This ,written statement is intended to address the Conditions of Approval for the Quinalt" , ,Subdivision, SOO2006-000055 and is to accompany the application materials submitted with' ',:',' 'tlie Final Subdivision Application: The Conditions ?fApproval forSOO2006-000055 are' '. . addressed as follows., " : .'..:., '., , ' . ',',' ;,:,' , ',: ' ' <. ,: ::,' ',:" , \; - , ~.' . . '. .' __' ; ':' '., '." . '. - _..., '. >' ". . '" ,,' ..-' ;"--'. ,', -'\ ,-.;, : If 'Prior t'o approval of the Final Plat, the applicant sh'all iristall the propo'sed Public, . ',~provements: pavement, sidewalks, curD, gutter, CUI'bcuts and street trees f~r the '",' ',,' proposed extension of West Quinalt Avenue as shown in the submitted Tentative',,' , Plan. ;,,' ': ,",. " '.,.'.:,"'" '" ,.,,' " ", ' ", ", ," _,,' '~"J:,..,:.. ..':'~'.;';.' :.;;",... ,.,:'.:,' "'~~' :~'~:_,'::~~"" :"".,_,',' __',: ....:-. ".:,,:. ". ..,',....., ,/,' The public improyerrients have been installed for West Quinalt as shown on the Tentative" , . " ",plan except-forthestreet'trees,', As-builts V!ill.be submitted for final'City approvalduring. , the review of the final plat.' ,The owner will work with the City"to' get the street trees ,',' "... ,installed with the development of the lots in accordance with standard ,City policies for ~ streettreeinstallab:on,;, '...., ,..':',.,,: ';.'.. '....' "",' :" , (' . ~ ." , ", ;. ,', ,,';f.; , , _ _', .,: ~. ..~ " .; , . ."--, <" .-'",:~' - '\ ~ . '. -, . "., ' 2J.', ' : Replacement of ih~ existing LPS street lighting ,fIXture 'sha:Ube included in the /. Applicant:s Public Impr,ovement Project (PIP). for Quinalt'Avenue. " . .-, :.":-. .,-::' .,:.~.<:,'>~:~);y)',,'::',',; ':'~". ":.''.,. .,;. -:<:;':"'''_'':'0;'''''' '. :'~ '_'~\ ~',"";'~:.:.,., The fixtUre' on Vj. estQ~;~alfAveriue wairepl~c~ciwith,the PIP,<,.,: '. " '_ :_;~:,--"," ;_',";'(,"; ";'"'('<->;'>', ;,"~: ,:' ~.':; "'. ,,:, :'. . .:.,.,...._ ' . ..': ":',';' /T .", <, . " ,Applicant shall ex~cut~ anire~onian Improvement Agreemimt~f~r str~~t'lighting .. , improyemerits, on .!iairview,Drive prior to Final- Plat approval.' ' '.' . ~:;':>,':.:,:,>, :,:' '. t;;:);'-,:.,:,/;' ,~\:'.-.-.'<~:;.:,~" , ,',::~ :'~ :., ~,.,~,~~;':"",<' ;':: .:-- ,:.' >:~:\;'; .::"?l;, ,t~"" ':;~. j,' ~':'.,' _ ~ ,;.,,'.'The'linpiovement'Agreern.ent for i:he,streetlightmg is mcluded with this' applicatioIl:' . " '_':i. ',,' ~'<::'~'" i~c'; . - -. ':.~:c:."" :. <"::':,"'. :. :. ," ".;:.... , ,~'; ;:~ :':~.;;;:~. ',:>". ". :'- ,;.'. ;.:.,~... :i:"',:/ '/,_, i..\::. ::' . :'l,'rJ.or to Final Plat approval, the applicant sb'allextend side-ialk ~pr~~emeritS:, , across the Farrview, Drive frontage of Lots 9,and, 10. \::~:'}',) :::::"\:~:':"i, ':". :::. : ;:~,~7"",0"/"~.' ~~.~:_:~' '~'I: .. ":; .",\~ ;, '>"_' -'. .,' . ",,'. :~"~;: :.~ .!;~X:,~.;)~~),:~/~.. -~:;<~~j:':, ~ ;';::.~ ,".,::' ~":<:,:,;, :2~,~'::~ ~:, , ,These lots are both' undeveloped and snould,not need the.sidewalk iIDpiovements' ," .' , completed prior to final plat approval Rather the SIdewalk and driveway improvements:" ,,", ,shoul,d be constructed with lot development as:with any other approved lot ill:' "... ,..'.... . " , , subdiyisions, ;It is not clear why tllls was a co~dition,A:bond for theseimprov~e;;ts: '. ", '. ,,; , will be provided prior to/final plat approval if~eeded, ,;,.-..,,: ,;;X;:," 't:,,>,:i;,' ,'>::,,' ;:;', . ..... '.,-"; - -".;,.;:.-- , . . " " '. .:-( " .>~' ," ,,~ "" '.',. h ..,~.},'.:~<~"....::~.'.(" .. ' :. ;:', ~. ": ' ...t. ,',^ l , ',." - -,.;'-.., I "' < . c',. ~:~;... ." __' >. \ '.,'.~" ...".. ....'. ., ~ ~.' :. ..' . '~""":'''.- ".' ,".'., ..-..-..,."~'~" ",'-'., . ~,.,,:,; .' ."'" 5);" Prior to' approval o(thePublic Improvement Plans;'theappli~antshaiJniake.'.,' ," , , ' , , c', pr()vi~ions ~o direct,sto,rniwater runoff from propos~d lotsl ~~ to the existing 36inch ." . ,,:;,"\,2i:~V:t " :\''',. '."," ,',.';. Fmal';l~;N~;~~e ;f~r Qu~ai/S~b~;;~;o~Sim;006-~O~055:' , " >~. . .' .' . ~;:~,o.':~r:;:):'~'i :::~:.~;_~:~.- '~~',!,t,:": c'. +~', :.;,'~: :;',' ',;.) ':'; 'A,~ "",,<,' .;' "..,;~, '~~'~::~;:"~;~~~\ :~'i;,:;t':;:!'1,:->;;!::..j'::: ;~~~<;, )}vIay ~ 0, 2007 ,:~:" _{ , ,./.- ,F:\Pro)ectslwpIJobs 25.o)-40Qo\3464 F]}i1\.L PLATWS,wpd:,':'; ",:',.; ","'~:','/',;/.;..~;.;.."""",,, .'~agelof.3'g~" :::,iJi,,(;t.;;~~~~s.:.;;'i:''i':~";~:k;:;';. ;;;:}~.'<!,"'~; f~; ': ,,::jl~~:::~~]~:~:~.J''1);:,;'::.,'~~~;0rf';',' " '.":';'/;:' ,::' " "." ......'.', '--'-".i","':;":' .", ;" ,:.;. ".:' ( ,-. ", .,'.. ....': ,-, ". .,! ", ,j-. " . ,~ . .,,-' :'. '... ' "". " ...j'", ,', ','. r -,,'-.-.:, . ".., .- :) --." .....-;."f <t. ..j,' """,'~. ", I ,', '. '.. '"". "!, ,,!" '" "'i.; , ,- -\ 1.,," ".::l..., f-'" . .' ,'",;,'.~. " ,.:::.. . - ~ "". , , . '," . ~ .- " . " ',' ' '" 'public sto~mwai:er line, located adjacent to.1ots 1 and 5.; " ",: ,l <' s.. . ,I'"' .' ~ . '. '>.' The Public Improvement Plans (PIP) plansha";e bee~ approv~d byth~ City and inc1.uded " provisions for the stormwater runoff from the development. The final drainage plan was,' approved by both LaneCourity and the City of Springfield in thePIP process, ' '..' " : 6) . ' . . '.' - ,", .,'. ..,' " The applicant shall'provide all necess,ary easements prior to Final Plat approval. ' , ,All necessary easements are 'shown on the 'final plat and copies of eas~ment documents to be recorded concurrently with the plat are included with the final plat application, ' . '. .... '.' . ""J ' . . " "".. '; '" . ,".'. .c- ,.".. 7): Maintain 20 feet c1eilnvid,ths on the'panhimdle driveway per 2004 Springfield Fire ,'Code 503.2,1. ' ',."" " ' ..' " '..,-,", " -. ' -.. . i","' . c.:''." '. ';,'or ;., ,-' .,- '.,' .. " " " ,.;. ',,'" '. " :;1 ,~ ;;:- ...... ',~.' ; ~ . '\',.; " :,' permit issue and should Dot be included in the building permit review for all lots (not just Lot 9), ' " " ' " " 11) " The applicantshall apply for an LDAP from the City of Springfield prior to undertaking any fill and/or grading for road improvements anti/or building ,construction on the site. No LDAP was required as tJ:i~ 1unOunt offill and/or grading on the lots did not reach the 50 cubic yard amount required to trigger the need fo~ one, ' 12) The applicant shall apply for a tree felling permit prior to felling more than 5 trees on the site with 5 inch dbh or greater (within a consecutive 12-month period), Although the applicant is not felling more than 5 trees on the site (greater than 5" dbh), this is also not a final plat issue as the recording of the plat does Dot require removal of ,any trees, The approval of the final plat also does not prevent any trees from being removed, ". ',',' ,0:;' "'" ,',',',' .. ,',' ,," " ..', , '," " " ~, ..r' .... '\. ," " " ..;. ',',; -,,'.",' " .;.:' ~: " . . ~ . .... :' ~' .' . ~,~., '.- '" .,,;, . .,1' :.". ..' -':, , ,,' ',: .." . ~ :" ::. .~ ...'. ~,Hi .' ;.' ~ .:,J '''. ~, ," .~ .r.. .,,' ~ r " ;, ~ " . . :~~ ~1' ':.,..,.. .' '" " , '..,i , ..... " " ...... ",". '.- .' <, ,'" '.-., .. -. ~,-, '.'~' . ..' -"< .-..' ".". . ..... '[",; ,'..': ",' ':' " , <t' " -<:'.< :., , ~:- ''''- .. ;-' ...... "'-.. ..r' , ";.; '" , :'\, j"- 'f:. ..~. ,'..,..+ . . . . '.i ',". .<' 1"- '. , " d.. " ,~ ' " ," :." .~..;. " ,'.<.. " , , .: ,,-. .. ".:"i -,., ,"'. :.;. /: ~, 1."'''- ~ ~'r "" .' ~..' .~: -, .. ~'''..'- , \>),~:..'. " " "': ,:r:';... ',. ..' .... ',' , ' .' .~, " h' ..,;-,.': .... ' ,,' .' . "\f' '. .-.' i"; / ~:~'t" . ,,'.. ':. ,'; :./ '.'" ".', , .:' ~. :- ~ ., ~ -.' ....... ,~ .. ' . ',~ ", " "" ~~: '- , .., ,', .' .\ . ;'.; ..' l . ',~- . .. .....' ': " " ....' .', ,-OJ , ", -. ',' '..': ';. -:::-'~ ':} ",.1;:";',:. ; ::~. ,- "~I' ,-, -,. '..... -, ,." Final Plat Narrative for Quinalt SubdiVision SUB2006-000055 " ," ",,',,' ' May 10,20'07 ~': .'.'. ,.,,- Page 3 of3. " "'f\Projects\WPlJobs 2501040()0\3464 FINAL PUT WS,wpd ,':, '~; ~i':~,: ,~~: c',:;?,::t:>}5,',fr,{.:">i:; ":,,';:; , ',.,. ~ ~,,- '.' ;,' ~:- ;,", ':""'.,' ,-;. -:.-..'.} '~"." .'~ . t-~. .i.' "':-.- - , .'. .' ; ~ \, ~. ."" > ' . " , . ,2: Replacement of the eXJ~g LPS street hghnng futur~' shall be included in the APplicant's Public ..' ',lmprov~ment.ProJect ~IP) for QUillalt Avenue, ': ' ,,;, , " ',: ',; ; " , .,' ' .~ "'_ .c_.... <:,,-'~:"', ! "; '. ,'--' . ';.':':-:'-:: ..' . . "~; ..... ,':: 3, Applicant shaUexecut~ ';'d record a.D'lmprov~ment Agreement fot street lighting improvements' o'u ",~"" '." .. :;,. 'Fairvie"'Dri';epri()rtoFinalPlatapproval.','" ';. ....~.):' ," ,,' " ;: :::":<;:; ~,:'Pri;"'~o F~~~la/a;pr~~:: the ~p;iic~t shaile:~e:d'side:alk i~provements a20~s th~ ;~6~:' 'i:' ",', Drive frontage, of Lots 9 and 10,: ,'. " ' ," ..."" ", "<,,' .,'.. ,::;... ': :', :'.'::.' ,', "', . "r" ., ~ . . ..:~, -. - . '" , . '. . ,'- " , . ': ", , " , , 5,' Prior to approval of the'Public 'Improvement Plans, the , applicant shall make provisions to direct, " storm water ,runoff fron1' proposed lots 1-8 to the existing 36 inch public storm water, line, located.' 'r adjacenttolotsland5"..".' " ",;:',,':".', '".'.;, ,',' ", ",.. ......' ',,'... ,",' ," ',' ,:L .'::" .i ': :':: ,"..).' ,;"".' <.~ '.:., .'~ '. -,'., .: :; " . . .' " . '" ' . " .', .' " - -' '.... ; ,;.. . ,or ,. '.;'" '~'. '; '.". :,- 6",The applicant sha~pr.ovide aU necessary eas~lTIents pri()r t() I'ina] Plat appr?val," ," ,';,-., :__ .'.'._'" ,:,\~_::",.::;"..; ", :,~,,':' y':':.:c.;~;~,,"_,;: ..,~".~:;...'.:,' ,_,~-,,':: :'.,:,..,". ,~',',' .' ,:,,7. Maintain 20 feet clear ..iidths on the' panhandle driveway,per2004 'Spnngfield Fir~ Code 503,'2:1'. '>, ' ~ ' . -,". ' -',' :,l' :, . , ,'....~'" , ,.... " , ; .' ;.:". -' , ,,~'.: '. ..,- "c' " , ~ - - " ',' : ., .'1. (9) . " . Where the S'ubdivisionof a manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park. is proposed, the. following approval criteria shall apply: isee subsections (a)-(g) in SDC), ' '.'; FindinQ 50:'Tne applicant is not proposing to create a manufactured dwelling park'or mobile' home, park with this subdivision, .' , ' Conclusion: Criterion 9 'does not apply to this, subdivision, ' , , ' CONCLUSION: The tentative subdivision, as submitted and conditioned, complies with Criteria 1- 90f SDC 35,050, Portions of the proposal approved as submitted may not be substantively changed during platting without an approved modification application in, accordance with SDC 35,100, \Vhat needs to be done: The applica~t'will ha've up to 2 vears from'the date ofthis letter to meet any of the attached conditions of approval or Development Code standardS and to have a Final Subdivision Plat pre-submittal meeting:' THE PUBLIC A..~"D PRNATE IMPROVEMENTS AND THE FlNAL PLAT MUST BE 'IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMITY WITH THE TENTATIV,E PLA_NS AND ..-. - ,,' ,THE CONDITIONS OF .tJ'PROV AL, If the Public Improvement Plans andJor the Final Plat are not in , substantial conformity, to the tentative plans; the applicant must submit an application for a modiiication, .. ,.'. . , ' , The Final Plat is required go through a pre-'submittalp;ocess, After the Final Plat application is complete, it must be submitted to the SpF'illgfield Development Services Department within 180 days of the pre- , submittal meeting, A separate application arid fees will be required, Upon signature by the City Surveyor and the Planning Manager, the Plat may be submitted to Lane County Surveyor for signatures prior to recording, No indh~dual lots may be transferred until the plat is recorded and five (5) copies of the fIled subdivision aI.'e returned to the Development Services Department by the applicant., ' " -....; .... , ,,;. ,: Cond,itions of Approval: /:. ' ~ -,.i ...., . '.:' . .... '. ." ~,.f. , .. ." ",- '" '.' ..' '. _. ",'. ,0,. _,' . ,,'. " . ..' .' , IPrio~toappr~vil.! or' tli~ Finai Plat, the applicarit ~halljnsiall the proposed P;'blic impr~ven:,edts, , : :pavement, sidewalks, curb, gutter: curbcnt&,and street trees for the proposed e>..'tensionofWest Quinalt 'Avenue as shown in the submitted TentativePlan.',' .. ,'" ' ' : ':,' ~.. . , " :.2, .,--; . ,,',,--- ~'~" ' . '. ..':,~',' ';,", '" . ','. , ." '",C'> , ~ ~. :'. . " ' ".-' ,..'.,; " .. :":" '.;. ~ . '~ ",:',,, ", , "-A;'~I '".' , .~, ., "'''.-'' .>.. -":' '. .../:?,"' , ' "12 , , " ' :'"w,:":'-"' . , "t, ,'. -.: '." ':-:~, ~, . ""')i:.JI~{~,~ ,'j' " .:.::...~. ,,'. , . ''';" '.'. .i, . .. ,.,: :0.;:,_' ' , , , , ,," 'j' ': ,,',:; :.., . "., .. .. ('" ':/ ':.',;,-,.. ..,. ',.' ", 8, Prior 10 signing of the Final PIa!, ~e applicant shall install "No Parking~Fire Lanesignage" posted 'on both sides of the proposed panhandle diiveway for Lot 9 per SFC 503,3 and SFC Appendix DI03,6, - 9, Fire apparatus access roads shall support an 80,000 Ib, imposed load per 2004 Springfield Fire Code 503,2,3 and SFC Appendix D102,L , ' . . .' -' 10, 'Provide and maintain adequate vision clearance tr::ang]es at the co~ers of all Jot driveways per SDC 32.070. '," , 11, The applicant shall apply for an LD'oI>J' from the City of Springfield prior to undertaking any fill and/or grading for r~ad improvements and/or building construction on site, .. ' 12, Tne applicant shall apply for a tree felling permit prior to felling more than 5 trees on the site with 5 inch dbh or greater (within a consecutive 12-month period), Additi~nal Information: The application, alldocume~ts, and evidence'relied up.~n by the applic~t, and~' the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspeciion and copies are,availab1efora fee at the Development Services Departll1ent, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, ' , AppeaJ:-This Type II Teritatlve Subdivisio'n d~cision is considered a decision of tIie Director and as such,' may be appealed to the 'Planning Commission, The app'eal may be filed with the Development ' Services : Depanment by an affected party, The appeal must be in accordance with SDC, Article 15, Appeals,' An., Appeals application must be submitted to the City with a fee of $250,OO,1he fee will be returned to the 7' , appellant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application, ".. '" In accordance with SDC' 15,020 which provid~s for a IS-day appeal period and Oregon Rules ,of Civil' ',', Procedures, Rule 10(c) for service ofnoticeOy mail, the appeal period,for this decision expires at 5:00 ' " p;m,?n Monday, October 9",,2006. :, :: ':', ',' ,"',..' i, ",.. :",.",' ,', '" ," 4'. "':, " , 'Questioris: 'piease ,call David Reesor ~ the Planning Division of the Development Services Department" 'at (541) 726-3783 if you have any questions regarding this process, ".' . '. 0,... .' . :,'..:-, :,PreparedBy::" " cj2: r:;J' .'.',' ". ;,.-r'- ~ '/(~~" , . '". ....' ,- " '. "". " " ;',' '" "J',' '" " ":""- . .....-. David R, Reesor' " , Planner II :;"; ;, . .' .,':',! . " ,.. ',' " -..f " :' " -',,' '..' , . ,;: " " ; : ","-',. .,'~; , '.., J -. .". '}. ',\~ ;!; . , , ," .:: ; ;;~;n~;i: ,:,:;~?C,/,;\, ; ',' ,.:.., ,:", "'. .. " ,.~:'~ ~~~;:,~:..~~;:~:~~;::~.;~~{i\:~.' .- '- '.. ... ,,,, .., '. _.'.-.1" ;'. ,< .~. '-'- }I':,Ir. , ~ ' . , ,) ,'.' " - ~ ' '~ -, .\~':::"j..". 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