HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 5/14/2007 \' " .-.; i~ Ii; J !'!' I,;F" "'ll ;,........c., F,p. ";"!1:" ..";.... r' .,' . . ~ ';. ':',,'.t I.. ,,,:!,'")'I' ;:". ".. ".,,:i-.i-, ":. -',': .:!,':" .,.,'; II.""" ":.1 'L. ,'1:0':,'" "'.1 "." ~ r. :'"1''' ......... ...1;' 1,..1.1i' ",.,. .. ',." ".' ::':,' ,",' (1 f .~ :.~'~ t. .:1!.:. J' :',. ',' . C"',,''', ~; :E;~~: :~~~~;~r,~~~E;.~ _'~":',:,..~'~l~"~"'~;":" :'0 ~,'~..~~.l ~;...~O ~ :'1" -.!o.:'":ce '~'e I; t. _ " ':O~1J ..~ __.: ~~~o~.~ &\~tIC;~~~: ....,,: ,. !...s.:H: ...... n ~ ',:. :,.,'. 'I;", ,;", ;" """ ,,~~..,a""'~- ""',' . tt '".c......... 1'1:' '-0 I'{""":";' t'~..,,;.F'" v1'# ,'s l\~~~';'.' .'::t ~j:~':"~ ..~et ".:... "" ,,: cl ' . " ~ I ,. '.:.: ....... ,.-:.,." ". :'1:..!1 11:.-, "ll"' "II:': .......:...,1.. (COI ',;'L,;, V,I [}:~ :.:: .:,"1. -'.": .:';'- J:',," ,,; ,..:';.' ~-')-(f-:;- /....';, .,r,,' ","" "I.. .. \' ~~, .J ~~!:. ~6 !!. C:'O::J ;.':'"ej .!":':;;~ . i; :. 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'.,- , 'i ,. ., .~ , " . ~ !'1.~ -:.~.l, ?:;::..-~ 1:' JA':.'- S ~. .1 '" . -. iJi. ~f~~7 ~:;~~F~ ,', ~~:~~:~ -f, ..i,,: ". .;J.',A... ~: ~ ~: ~- l,: ~hl._; ." & LIC>HT COI.'lPAN'T' PACIFIC PO..'"::':.~...C. o.,..<>~ o \ ....".".::.-:.-- ~ ".m__ .._,:_~__ :::::: c,,<u,o__ ::= ~ 1."~.o.tO__ ~,""'HO""O__.__ ---;;;;;";'7';~.,. SC"Lt' PA 11 :' . ~1;' '~.~:i:i' ;-eri ;:' r::10_~P' '~~1" ~:'..':. E.:i\3~-:~:';:'i'? -',-.,. '.'8..l.ue receiveiJ. L.he u.nr.l-2t'5igncc, :.:.e:::ei:}E...fter refe::-red :,.:) ::":.; 'lGra:1tora:1 --.,', :'.::.-:::.;;/ Z,..rn.'l't 'tQ PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT CCKPi!..NY.. a corpoy-atioCJ} (;:az~tee J its t:'..:'':C~o8"::)=-~; and 5.5signs", an ee.aemer:..t and rigbt. of ~iay fen- electric tr8.nami.ssion and d~CL:itu~ion l:neb of one or more wires ~nd ~ll necessary or d~sirable appurte- Dsnces) in~ludip~ tele,hor.e ~nd telegraph ~1reeJ to.ers, poles} props, guys and oth~~ supports, and the right to place all or any part of f\uch linea in undergrcu.nd cond.ui ts J over, acrose and upon a strip of land of ~gu..l&r vidth on the following descl'ibed real property in Lane County, State of Oregon to ,,~i t : A portion of Section 27, Township 17 South, Rangl!i 3 West ot the Willa>>tte Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, &s more particulsrly d!tscribed in Clerk's Filing No. 22210 !llld, Clerk's Filing !lo. 22211, recorded September 11, 19L6, Lane County Oregon Deed'Records; ell as more particularly described and shown on Exhibits A & B sttached hereto ar,d made a part hereof: INCLlIDING the right to clear said right of way and keep the same clear of bruso, trees, timber and structures; the right to clear and cut away all trees outside of said right of way which Might endanger said transmission lines; the right to construct, reconstruct, operate, maintain and remove said lines; the right in the futttre to cnns"ruc", reconstruct, operate, maintain and remove additional lines, wires ,and all necessary or desirable poles, structures and appurtenances thereto, TCGEl'HER IITTH the right of ingress and p.gress over the adjacent lands of Grantors for the purposes of constructing, reconstructing, stringing new or maintaining and removing such lines and appur~enances, and exercising rights ',hereby granted.. ' the wires other The Grantee shall'pay to the Grantors ?easonable compensation for any damage caused by Grantee, or its agents, to any property or crops (growing or to be grown) on the above described real property, arising out of the construction, reconstruction, operation and maintenance of said transmission and distribution lines. At no time shall any building or within the boundaries of said right of way, any kind c.r nature that exceeds -20- thereon by Grantors, or by Grantors' heirs, anything flammable be erect~ or placed nor shall any equipment or material of feet in height be placed or used Successors or assigns. Subject to the foregoing the GrfUltors for roads, agricultural said easement. limitations, said right of way may be used by crops, or other purposes not inconsistent with All such rights hereunder shall cease if and when such lines shall have been abandoned. DATED this ..~-/'j{ day of k8J2Y,ffl-r' , 1~2-. /7'.. ,. ~/C"/J_... /1 I j \ I " ~ ;; a ! I I j I ~ ; ! ! I I i ~ I i I i i I '-0'-"Q7 ,JOiJ ,:; : ~. -::.' ;.J't Oregon J COU!j. t). of -I....rwc;-. ,; S~. '':5!}] ..:S A.D. / 19<'.- 2--; Personally appear""- the above-IlWIled Arnold E. Mayer & Jessie L. Meyer, husb6ud "lld vife. acd. !l.cknoYl~""- the foregoing instrument to be tbe1r voluntary act e.nd deed, Be:t:'ore me: ~..I"I"ft4flf ", A C. ", ." e.. .If 'J .....<) ,....:,.,...~...~ ...-.... .... ..,. '-".. .. . '" . . '?o- f::/... () T A Ii .\~\ - . \' F . tf' _ -:: I""" : ~ ~.. \,0 UBI- \ ~ f<< J " - ~ .",. ~ ~. -~... ~.. ';'" . ...*' ~ ..:- '''''7 ,.~.....,..... ~~'V;......",~. ~.:: ~.,\:t OF t1 I''"' . .""'''1'''''''' My , ........~ at Oregon, County or , BS. A.D. 19 du.ly who, being the Af he seal e.!:t:'1.xed to the "" foregoing instrument is the c said corporation and that, said instrument was' signed. and of said corporation by authority to be its voluntary act and Be:t:'ore me: /' ~' Notary Public' for Oregon ~,. My commission expires: ~. , C' H""Q'~ -._)..J'! L: ( Er-rrEr! A .~;;;:~:~'-'--,:~~:<':::'{ :0E"$c.:~.r?TION: Clerk' a Fili!1g No.. 22210 and Cler-kl a Filing No. 2221.1, r~~o:rdfld Septel!lber 11, 1946, PAHCEI, NO. JIC. ~al'! a NSlr81 A?nolrl Ea ~?~r, et ux. ; < i t i t All that part of the following described property lying South of the Eugene- Springfield, Highway, Beginning at a point on the North line of the aobert E. Campbell Donation Land Claim No. 59, TClItfnBhip 17 South, Range 3 West or' the WiU-tte Meri- dian; 228c feet wsst of the Northeast corner of said Donation Land ClAim; thenc" South 710.6 feet, thence West parallel to the Soutn line of the said Donation Land Claim 75 feet, the~ce North 710.6 feet to t.he North line of said Don"tion Land Claim; thence East 7, feet to the point of' btlginning, in Lan.. County, Oregon. I I i f I RIGh"T OF WAY DESCRIPTION I A.ll that portion of the above described property which lies within a strip of land of irregular width'bounded on the South by a line lying 50.00 feet Southerly from, when lIIll&Bursd at right angles to and parallel with the following described survElT line as now located and staked on '~he ground, over, across, upon and adja-::ent to tha above described property, and bounded on the North by the Southerly right of way line of the McKenzie Water Control District. I .:.uml!..i LINE DESCRIPTIONI I I J ~ ,. .j f f Said survey line being more particulArly described as beginning at a point in the East line of the John G. Day Donation Land Claim Iio. 58 in T01II1ship 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wl11amette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, wt...i~.h !'>-....ni: beers South 20 25' 048 West a distance of 2024,57 feet frolll the Northeast corner of said Donation ......a Claim No. 58; thence froln sc.i point of beginning South 880 30' 46" East a distance of 62.51 feet; thence South 20 3,' 468 West A distance of ,669.68 feet; thence South 810 49' 28" West a distance of 349.96 feet to a point on the East boundary line of the abaTe described real property; thence continuing South 810 49' 288 West a distance of 75.37 feet to a point on the west boundary line of said property; thence continuing South 81~9' 268 West a distance of 713.56 feet; thence South 720 58' 058 West a distance of 350.89 feet; thence South "310 30' :~n West a distance of 640.18 feet; thence South 90 13' 328 "'est a distance of 126,.12 feet to a point on t.he center line of County Road No. 388, which point is 1256.85 feet North and 650.71 teet East of the South- east corner of the Mahlan H. Harlow Donation Land Claim Iio. 57 in Township 17 So1.ith, Range 3 West of the W1lllllllette !!eridian, Lane County, Oregon. i i . . " I , ~ I i . !i ,1 J.?/~}' ,/. /~/,~,'.f -~__ , .......... .,,, -~7:7' " ~ 0" : ':' ' -.:: _ ""\ Ai '... ',/' ~ / '"- ----- -- .....r_.". \~~~.-t/or '~~ ..-::7",1 ~~.-= .J- ",_' -----/ ~ ~.-"" ~ I' .-- ."... . 'r'. L-" , .. , .0-- 1 . ''')L-'.~'V.. ,- L t/'./C- I -.- . '~-:.-:" ~:-~~;-~"':":"~"~~':;::'~:::":':"1!'~J:;:::'rr~:'.-=_7_:';''''-<'~) '",-,. , ; 1 ~ , ! ,......r-;___~_ ',~,,~. ""', "-_C l~ i~J ,;:- ~i\.">;'/ ~~-~ ,-..~'.' .-" ~j~~ f)/S'T/? /.::-'T --~\' \ \ 0, i:j Ie ".".. '~';::""''''''''--'-''',,:'''''_":;::..~~~~::r::;:r;~~ !j '; ;, ii , , f I II I I I , 'C-'.' 0 h) '2,rW ... (1, -,1'-7 ~, ['"I I I~ PARCEL FDL-31C r- '" //, I . , - , " f' ""/ ' , - r/.",,It:': \/;1_ ~'-.': I_"K ~'~:: ~/easem~nt data _zls-A;v Exhibit. P?&l Co. ~~_____ Grantor(s) C?--E.~----- DRAWN...?'....'. "a,.. '.ad..{ c .. TlItACI1" ,.~ It .. CHIICKEr' 1t_ !i Al"PROV...... ..- 0( ....ck- _r .:' ARlfOLD E: llEr<.R E'.WX. SEC. 27 T.11S.R.3W. LENG'l'H SURVEY LIKE: 75.37 LANE COUllTY. OREGOlf PACIFIC POWER 8c UGHT COMPANY ~OOI"""" A... ," 0",.,.. E." .CAL~ /':'/QO' PA CM..,. .".I"If&8 ~ " ; ,. ~ i ! i /~~ cd~~ p ~ ~ ~ 'U ^ 1111 ~ ~ "" - . ~~~1 2 ~ '" ~"O . ~ . H~ t Q C ~~ ~ f l"'f; . ~ ~ c: " ':ok IJ j~1 ~ ~ ' il ~fn :I 111\ Q if ~ ..... ~ ""'- ! I .... ~. 4.4. T . __."-.~,,.,,__ -.--" - ,~ r ~' ~"I~l; \, .to t ~.. j I i ; i i i l ~ j 1 'i i! \)1 ~\ r '\ ~' Jt'f: , ',I'. I j. ~ 10 I ) ~ ':: '""J ' .. ~ ~! J_~ ' ,~ : j~~ ! ,..... ; 1 , -- . ~.' ~",_"';~.;rio-"",;';:"'''';;''7~'~''<w'.1'~'':;,<*~!u3S;il;'''''~ff':d'l . ~ ','.~~;:...-_' ,t;.",~,-_!-' ,n~ft~~0~l. ^ 7770S5.1 EASEHENT ,I I I ~I\ 'j)'". . '....~ 't'flf? "'~li ' ,/ KNOW ALL HEN BY ~Tl-lBSE PRESENTS, that J. D. lNnne (Grantor} docs hereby grant, without H:lrranty. oxpress OT implied, to tho CITY OF EUGENE, L~E COUNTY, OREGDN, fOT the use and benefit df the EUGENE WATER ~ ELECTRIC nOARD, as Grantee, a perpetual permit nnd Ca5cmcnt to COn$tTUc~, maintain and repair, remove and reploce pipelines and/or mains for the purpose of conveying water through and under the following described Toal property oYer, under, across Bnd upon such real property is actually constructoa ana installed: ~; ~ !1;,/'(~~iii1Wl ~._I", .,"" ",iiii"" t:'''w:tca' ~'-:'~';'<"l$V,(i.'-,,'{f~ ~iYfL~;~I." ), r;;~ p'~":' "')l;" , 'i,rLi l." --.- ".' " , -. .;i!.t; ~ -~ ,.' <~w_ \i#,'1 '.j,1.~ !~ .1.::-], "" .r~ I .~ ,ill} ~ "" .;,~ ~ ''ill' l~- 1li1 ~- "" :J" j'g !5; -~ \'1:' '$; !If; ,-,,~, 'It) ~ ~ ~ ~' .~, \_.. (, ";.';; A parcel of land Iring in the :;~ of Section 2?,Tovnship, 17 South, Range 3 Weat, Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Or~gon. arid being a portion of that property conveyed to sritd Grantor. Tne said parcel being that por- l~n of said property in~luded in a s~rip of land 14.D feet iri vidth, 7.0 feet on each side of the Lcnterline of the 1-105 Jud~ns Point vater tco.nlulIi.ssioD. line," \/hich centerline ill described as [ol1O\1s: -";~~ { .~~ , 'i ~'1:' -;,:;.,,3 r.1 , '~I{:'.E ,,,t7i. ;.-.12 .:'i<'~ r.. (i; if' ~ r.: l.~. '~ ~: ~ ~: 8i~' ~. ~~:. ~, ~ ~:' t'!5; ~'1. ,",{'t.. t~, hereio ue bued on the Oreg-on StA.t. Cr!d Coordio.ate f,:f;:: ~.-< ,,!-[gr ~'--- f:":",c, 1~- ;l~'~ ..",,to.,, -> ~~;, .,))\. "",:, ......'\..,... ..... t:t.=. f.... ! ;;:,Ct\.l~, ~~ ''\ ,--' ,,' '<(.<1 r/ 1 \ ';,.{l","H f;t ~:.4 ~-- ~ _.....J..._.~....--...U: ~'!t + ~-+- - --~_., I...,.:~", Io'i! ~.... r;;' !ct~.<<:!\ ;.~ ,",," ," Beginning at En&ineer', 'ccnterHr:ae Statiot! 5+29.63, said Statiot! bdng 2650.13 feet South And 155.01 fe~t ~e8t of the Northeast eorrier of the John C. DAY Donation Lnnd Claim No. 58 of Section 27, Town.hip 17 South, R4nge ) WeJlt, t.'111.amette Meridan, L.o.ne County, Or~on: run tnt!cce South 7)-5615)" ~e.t 5)6.05 feet to Engineer's cecterlice Station 10+85:82. ~': . ~. :"',,.t '.!'>)"/.'#ii/ :':~; "!J, ,'~~ , :.i~i ..,,~ ;~~ '~,.;:~~ ~:'J;,~; , ,',;,' cro..c" the EAat and West lines St4tio~ 8+!O and 10+10 respectively. The centerline of said Btrip of land of RAid Gr.antor'. property at approxlcAte V1dth 111n& parJl11~1 abov. deacrthed ease- Alao: ^ conatruct1on ease~nt being 30.0 fect in 800 lI-oj.llcc::nt to tbe left rignt-of-vay lJ...ne of the across &Jlid Grantor', property. vit.n ,""ot {~ -!f .~ ~ .~: ;, ,'I' ,-" :f, Thc bearing. used S1st~, Sout~ Zone. ~ !l ):" .,,):\' '" \~' ,t,.. ';\:~~~:~,\,t-&;~(~~:,:,:_", " ~ __~'\..- T L . ~ " ~~,J . -.' ... i,.... '\'< ii' 'ii \ .;,0 \~ !,-,' '-' " t" i.~ i \ '........', ~i, ~; :(~ .? ,:;-~ :.!;;:: ~~ .~~ .~, ~ ..;t. 'C"!i.:. ;.~" ..~ ",1;- .....' ....'" iJi.. ~' ~i+; fiR-' t~ f.!,,~ ..;t.; )$~:, 1.,'"r{ .;;'!' '.:0 "." '\1 ! ~; \'" The Gnntor her~ll'\ c.d.nO'ofleatcs that any and all .cqu~plll~nt,. Or replAccAoCnt t.heroor, i1'\~tAlled in or upon uld' preahesby .....ld Grl.1ltee ~h.al1 rc.euin the &01e property ot uid Gra.ntee and: Jl:ar be .removed [roa said propc::rty at li.ny ti~ a.t the discretion ot the EUf~ne Water l Electric floaI'd. ~j~-.. '" ... t #' - J~,~.;,~:,': L;,?~" __ L""- --.....- I.~ ~;. I~ ..~ .." "."..,S ,~.'},,1,~f,,:; _--i--=' '.... .:~l~Zt~. f"~:::.~ ~"."..-~t1!-w~ ;t-:::"~~ ~r /,;;1 ~ ~ rt~' .:~~:';~~ l{i ~ ~~.jj ti~ ShAll any buildint be erected or placed on said At no ri~ht-of-"'.r. SLiRJECT to the fore:oing: limitations said rf,&ht-of-....l!y JlI.3r be by the Grantor far Toad, par~ing, or any purpose not incon5i~tent s;Jld ea5~nt. used ..ith if And ....hen recordin~ . Al J ,uch rith ts hereunder shall ce,a,se abandoned [or fiye yc.&n; frola date of such line shall h.. YO been Other tha.n the lItTeeme:nts herein contained theTe is .e: teal of hu~,~~ ~n~ ~'ph~ rlnll~,~ 1Pd ~'xtv C~nt8 for th~s cOnveyance. Eirht Ertscm~nt. Par.e ] ~~:' ~_~..._~'!::';i~""-,,,-"" ,.""-'-""-"",......c_=,~~ ~~~..::~""Jh lMYfr%~71 ",'%,..,"'..'..1 r~;)~~~::'~( :. ' I~~\."t;"t.~.:fyt;,~; .~ ~\f"""~ :", ..:~ ;.;~~~~~~'..I-\ ,,,ILl""'"'''' i~~;~t{:;' " iif'1tiif.",".,.,. ~-R{:;;.:Y" :'~' ,-' r:.}r~r;::..'" '~~ ~t;}~~::'~' . ~i ,~,"'"'' 'J'j/ \.-:-.......... ,~ 17';";:,.,':-," ~,~ .',.f ?~ .~ ~ I ~ $ "l!I f~ rsl iWJ "I '" i!'i ~ ~ ~ ~ ...; )~ 4j '" ~ <~ :a " It ~ , "J; ~ ~~ ,~ ~ ~ :,)lr.l ~ I'f;... ~ :;11 '\it flii'l ~ I I I ~i ;'t;:'J ~ "J :~ .:' ~.1::' ~:: . ,.,.... ,; - .,' 7770551 .{~~it~~ .... . ."". "U!. ~~"~ The Gl:'fmtee nnd i:::s joint users shall nt all t.imes have the rightB nnd privileges therein necessary or convenient. for the full enjoyment and use thereof for the purposes above described, including the right of ingresn and egre9B to ll'ld from the real prope.~ty of the Grantors for the purposes herein mentioned; and also the right to r~ove trees, limbs of trees, underg~o~th or other obstruc- tions on said property of the Grantors, thar. overhang or othe~'iBe eodaoger the prope.;:ty or the Grnntce. . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same: unto the Grantee, ics successors' and aBsiBn~ forever; and the! rights, conditions nnd provisions of Eliis M.BemenE 811811 inure to the benefit of and b'e binding upon the heira, executora, adminiatratore, successors nnd assigns of the respective pnrcies h~reto. under5ign~d have executed this inst~lD.nt this 19.1L(!/\J! / " .. ) ,/, - <7 ..; _",,' J,~",,,~ J .~D. Wynne I / IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the ~ day of ~~~~~~ \o,'icness: ST~n:..OY ) .......... "'''''''' )aa. /-7~,~f"\ ) .' 4...... '...... : ..... I '1-'., ~ i~:'. ~v 0 Qk"~iB day perllon.nlly appeared b~(or-e ~ J. D. Wynne ~ ~: . QJ p. ~ : f"J ~ :~ 0 \ 'd....m,. t:t..0\0'1;I' ~~ be the lndividunl-L described 1n and vIlo executed the within and . N" r ..... "'r"....... 4 '"? . . nd L 1" -" h ' d h .\ '~'.O"lq;ornft.'~ln:2Cr:~. A ll.c...nOlJ c<.:Cicu t.at hf' a~gne t e &.'ttl~ 11:11 .....,('~~JllooI\..fo1.rl'ntllry lIct and deed, for the unell And purpo1lle. therein Dleationed. "" .... "" ........._......G1vcn under cy h.and and official .e...l thh --2.S...- cb.y of ...ll:::.1...~...r 1922...... " Hy to=i~Krbn'.ti::p1'Te"; H\\I.:.;t- 1"\/'''' If ',t,i ~ ...: ! ...,-er.---.._... ~';..~..... <-f'" _:_, .. "". -- .' .,.. .. '--' p~ , \ - 1 . . " - '/ " t ...1 :: N 11 ~ -i~-;~ .' ~1 ~ .. -= ~ '" .-I r"'" ~ J .~ A;:i L"l . l't 1 ~ . L"l ' , M < ,I 0 ; l ~ -' '" u , j '" " ii ~.~r g l:-E ;5' "" '" .. OJ ~ ! ~ co~ ~ , ; 1"- 6, ;':;0'" , r:: . ,J.~ . - -. " , .. . - . " ~ .. 'ii 2: I'> u '- ~ 1 ~ol 0," 'i ! ~ f , ~ U.B j - ~ " co m ct E..o.il.cment, rllgc 2 ~;~~[~:~~'-;:.-.:..._.; " ~< ~ Rd' d.h/)~!M.rfG Notary Public in and for tho 5tAte of c:... "._~;;.. t.... :". '~:..fJFr:'i~, ':.d~~ .~.,.::r.:J~ ,:.::;~ ,.~"1"~~ ''>~~~\1 .:"'j.:~ . .. ,);':~'-~ '._;'",1. ,.:;:'~;.1:~~t~:~~ '",?~,,"" .:fJ'~: i " i.~ , d;;:f~;~:~~~~~~~.,~~~:~::i.~1f.. " . , , - . " . " - . '. . .' p- 7770~)52 i"\/ \ \ F.A:::E!-!I:.;r K,':O...' ALL HEN BY TIfESE PRESE~TS. that Jessie :1cy~r. (r.r.l.ntor) does hereby grant, 'Without warranty, express or implicJ. to the 'CITY OF EUGf:SE, LA~E COUNTY, OREGO~. for the use and benefit of the EUGE~E WATER & ELECTRIC BOARD, as r.r~ntee. a perpetual permit and casement to construct. maintain and ~ep3ir. remove and replace pipelines and/or main~ for the purpose of conveying water through and under the following described real property over, under, across and upon such real property as actually constructed and installed: A parcel of land lying in the SW\ of Section 27, Township 17 South. Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, Lane County. Oregon, and being a portion of that property conveyed to said Grantor. The said parcel being that por- tion of said pr~perty included in a strip of land 14.0 feet in width, 7.0 feet on each sirle of the centerline of the 1-105 Judkins Point vater transmission line, which centerline is described as follows: Beginning at Engineer's centerline Station S+29.63, said Station being 2650.13 feet South and 155.01 feet West of the Northeast.comer of the John G. Day Donation Land Claim No. 58 of Section 27, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willame"tte Meridian, Lane County. Oregon; run thence South 7)056'53" West 556.05 feet to Engineer's centerline Station 10+85.82. The centerline of said strip of land crosses the East and West lines of -said Grantor's property at approximate Stations 8+-00 and 8+80 respectively. Also: A construction easement being 30.0 feet in width lying parallel with ~nd adjacent to the left right-of-way line of the above described ease- ment across said Grantor's property. The bearings used herein are based on the Oregon State Grid Coordinate System, South Zone. The Grantor llerein acknowledges that any and all equipment, or replacement thereof, installed in or upon said premises by 3aid Grantee shall remain the sole property of said Grantee and may be removed from said property at any time at the discretion of the Eugene Water , Electric Board. At no time shall any building be erected or placed on said right-of-way. used vith SUBJECT to the foregoing limitations 3aid right-of-liay may be by the Grantor for road, parking, or any purpose not inconsistent said easement. All such rights hereunder shall cease if and when such line shall have been abandoned for five years from date of recording. Other than the agreements herein contained there is t:t.QJ;l nn for this conve)'ance. r-' , ',. ~-, J E~:;t:"...:'!t. FaJ:c . . .' '. . . . . ' . . . - -- - ,77U~~~ TO Il"-VE '\"'0 TO HOLD the same unto the Grantee, its .succc.ssors and assi&ns forever; and the rights, conditi~ns and provisi~ns of this easement shall inure to the benefit of aud be binding upon the heirs. executors. administrators. successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the undersigned have executed this instrument'this 26th day of October , 1977. iti tness: ~. ~ .LJ..... J sie Heyer "'''r .. ) ( 55. ) STATE OF "",..'..roiiN'rr..qF .,..~...., .....~'.'., "... :.-""'..,... ....,: ., "'" r"f: b '1- '". .<.." , : 0 i ' c: .z, 0 :- ': cJ'M!: th1.s day personally appeared before me Jessie Heyer :-""11: . CJ) ll} ~";.. :C>i . ,~; t: ~. ,f;;: ' ~.~\~. ~~ ~~- to be the individual_____described in and who executed the within .....'b.i..:.at\.4..EQ~ng instnuJlent. and acknowledged that_signed the same as -"" "free ~ voluntary act and deed. for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. '~~I"""",,''''''.'' . Given under ~y hand and official seal this 26th day of October. 19..2Z.... ,\ ~. My:.~R~~~}!,+~~.,~~~res: , I ., My C';11",;~q,,;, EOr;I!.':> S"I,:crnt,~r 1/1. l:Jdl. - p~ ~'i '" Jl~.s~ ... "- ~ '" -1!"" i ;.H ~ ~.s.~.2 , ' :. 'll ~~ I .l:l 8 ;0. ",. 't '~ In Ii ",lI ~ \ .2 ~.. i'5 In " ~;j: . ~ z 0 i b '. . ~ ~ I 0" ~~.gc "" d~ Q - >. ~ f'- ":~ce , , . . , " , , . . 0 . , "'u Eu .5 ! EJ.=~::::!:,:t. "'--... . --0- rPl}./~*/,z-, Notary Public in and" or the State of Oreaon . .~ ~ , , " " :~:l ,',:) . ~ c:lI:tj -' < ,-4u ;;: 1:-15 a;:ii . u . J .5 . ~ ~ a .'.:-1 .:-:1 ..'1 .':?~j . -.,,:,:~ y ..,:~ . 7~ . ..',,", :-Li;1c,'~.j .,........l,....; '\~l ;,,?~~ ~ ....":0..".5.1 G;;:~';r!j -.- . ,,'-' -~~ :::.~~"'6:..H i i ~I . ~. " 0:: ..::: ,;~ ......,,, l~~~ c.e~ ~ ~ ;., ~ co CCl u .1, , . ~ J ..... , I' ,', :;;::.:2.b..,~.,,;,-,.:-.f~~.; '!.:'l;l.(:;:'.':'i;~:":)_'_:~'':':;':f::~~'''~d!-~~~zj;~W~~~::' ~. 7S11/10G ... S"" 0' O..~"n. c"",,,'y01 \Jno-". 1. D.~l. P,"'old, 0;'0<',. of \~. nop"." It.."..r \0."".1 ~~"';<... i~ ",ol r.... 'h.:.~d C",,",,-, do h".br ,.,,)I~ ,h>< ,I>, ~."lUn b,,"'mt",~...,....hl'<llo"<<o,d" = 1} l.'!:..~ ;3 I~: 0 :~:I.c~nt'~'~CI~. p...::.. tJ,~1. r."lold. Oi,....". 01 th. o,p'''''''''' 01 (;,"""15<<..1,,,. ~Il~' ~~\-!~U-- Ie,",,, " '" " , V'" I' :~::~: ~. ~(. ft~:' :;;~ I '''~i i1,'~i"" ,1~ .~.] :H~' l~a ~~~; ~!~I~ -t~;."l "F" ~" . ';" ~. ' ._,.",-. I<" [{iW;~tt'!i,~.~~R;'~~1f:,fl:~~.t,i<" ~~. "~~~~_t~~;;t~~~~~~~~~~~!~~'tF"'-;~~~~tillk't~~-- ';'81~'2()1 \~ '~-;"';':"~"'''''' ..;:; '~,i"L- ' i~r':=''-lZ ~~;'J:~;~ d ~ , CONSTHUCTIO~' EASEM2NT ~ cvr-I , 19~bY an0 between ", ~..",;. . Tf1!S INDi:NTURE, made this I r day of . _~J, D. l~ynne --- . parties of the first part, and the Cit}' of..!lugcne, Oregon.. a municipal for the'use and benefit of the Eugene Natcr & Electric: Board, party of part, of .' co:-poTation, the second. ,,", WITNFSSETI-l: That the said parties of the first part J. 0: 1I'ynne in consideration of conditions hCTcinaftcr specifiea, .co hereby grant and convey to said pan)' of the, second pan, its succcsso:rs and assigns, the right and easement to u~c as n const7~ction casement OVCT, alonR. n~~os~, and u?on the lands owned by the panics of the first part in Lv.ne Count)', Oregon, described as follows, to-wit: H : . ~U 1111 1I01i,~V Tne .North 300 feet of Tax Lot 17-03-27,;,31-1000 except those po..-tions with prior permanent and construction easements. The ground will be rctumed to as nea..- o..-iginal conditions as practical. The top 6 inches will be from the best top sei1 excavated from the trench. Other than the agreements herein ($2600,00) contained there is for this conveyance. t~enty-six hUndred dollars 'Further rights and privile~es to be conveyed by said easement are described as follows: The party of the second part, through its agents, -shall h';ve the right to enter upon said lands for the purpose of II construction easement for the, construction of a water line over and alone? continuation of casements on adjoining property. The rights. conditions and provisions of this easement shall inure to the b;::nefit of and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, succcssor~, and assigns of the respective parties Clereto. )\lTNESS the hands and l.(.;~J1,f//'/ seals oi]he ,192$..-' pa:rti-cs of the .first part, .this -.LL day of ~;/j) C;:t:_~ tl J~ 0, w,y.e, STf,\TE q? O~N CDUNn' O~ 55. /7J-1 /J~~ 19 7~ before me personally appearec. J. D. \~ynne On this ~ day of ,..tne ",-ithin named ;.;,~, ,;,,~~11 to me to be : /~~:\\:r.'iJt)li','{"4nstrumcnt , .. 'I pc., , ../;i.v'v;-:;.:;;;,:;;.... 'fl"" I" l~/~~ Or A~'~~:.".'; \> :'tf :.I~:l" ~;"al:').P' "; " , t.(~j~~~:;;~~'!.~~l' 'I, t: .,-_.... 60",-. "'-_:::"" OF 0 ,?,t;: ,..,,\~' .- ...",..,,,,..,.:"'\\,....: the identical individual - freely and voluntarily. described in and who executed the /}?;l~, /~~ Noviry Public ~ o~e~~n "lr Commission Expires 1.-1...<;:; , YO Grant of (3;'78) T ~ r.- --: -i Right or h'<lY _l(,1<;( -;; / .. -,,:,... .:..'!7~:.;::2t~ I I II '-:;0:~.)' ;. .'"'~";' 'L4t> l'11n:1 10:' IIOC01"1 VG~ 14,1937; lO:13.o'clock 1\. ~i. "to ) W, B. D~l1flrc.. County r Evn ~,[lY P5t.~rDon . r By Evn L. Dllc)rv;ortr" ! (NC' Scamps) KNOW ALL M~H !3Y TlIr;;;;;.; I Jh:.,,1J:NT:S, T;"1at Petll!" Viig, (I! single per5on) 1:: _oi::o.ldor-stion of '!''.':In Dollar-II, llnd other val.,E.ble cOr1.'liderJ,tiOr1.'1 to r.lm paid. by Eva l<iny Fe:;s",:,on, ri.o'33 hel"eb~- grant, bnrgdin, ~611 und convoy unt.o :laid EVCl MSJ Peterson, he::- heiI's a.nd B.ssir:n~, '1.:1 the following ron} property, with the tenemen:;s, horcdltamen:;~ and appurtenances, 5jtu~ted in tho City _ EUBflne, County of Lune, anti Stat"" of Oregor:, boundod .and d05cribocl 811 foll0l'!'~, to-'lfJt: Lot Four (4) Block Thirteon (13) Rivor'lfood Addition, Lfln~ County, Oregon. 1'0 Hllve and to Hold, the nbo.ve dOl'lc:-ibed and granted .pr':lmi!l63 un~o the said Eva May Peter,on, her heir, and a.:o..5~gn.5 fareve=-. And he the 6=-antor above named does covenant to and with the above name:i grnntee, his heirs .nnr. aa:91gnll that thb lot lawfully aeL::od in feo :!limPle of the above granted pm mi!lo" that tha above g;-llnted promi:lee are froe f:'arn nIl incumb:'llnce3, 1'I'1th the oxcoptian of .G.l1 unpai< tR);.,:l, !Inrl that he will and his hei:'ll, er.ec:utorll nn1 ndmin13trlltOr'l!. Iihall wa::"rant and forever ::lefend the abovo grant60 prOOlt~O.5, and eve:-)' pa:-t Ilnd pa::-cel th!:lre6f, Bgainat the- la'll'fu1 claim;'! ami der.:nnd:! of nIl per:!onll "fIi'homs.oever, for -all time. Wltnenil my hnnd and aeal thi3 16th day of March, 1937. ~ y' ::;:XECL"rSD I:.I THE .PRI.':SI':NCE OF Peter Viig (Seal) STATE OF OREGON, ) County of Linn. }BS. BE IT REm~MBERED, That on this 15th day of March A. D. 193?, befo~e me, the undersigned. a notary public in and for said County and Stnte, personally appea~ed the yithin named Peter Viig who is known to me to be the identical individual o1e~c::"lbed in and who executed the within inB~rument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto Bet my ha.nd and official seal the day and yegr last abo\'e .....ri tten. Notarial Seal. J. C. Clny Notary Puolic for Oregon. My Corriin!.;'!sion Expires Nov. 1< ,---1939. -1W~ fY '" Minnie L. Andenon, at 0.1 GRAnT OF RIGHT OP 'flAY 55266 FUed for itecord Oct 14. 1937; 2:09 o'clock P. ~j. w. B. Dillard, County Clerk. By Eva L. Du?kwo~th, Deputy. to City of Eugene, Oregon T. L. B-1 R. 1:. 1/33 ,,' Stevens \~ GRANT OF'. KIGHT of 'RAY 'THIS INDSN'rURE made this 8th day of Oc'tober', }937, by and bet'll'oen Minnie L. Ande:'Bon And G. G. Annerson,. hell" hu~l)and; Fannie L. Wyman and Carl A: Wyman, her hU.9band: William H. Andll:"~on, and Ida AnDerson, hi:l l\'ifflj C. Ivnn Am:ll'lr;'!on and Vera Anderllon, hie 'Kife; pa:rtiell of the rirst part, and the City of Eugene, Oregon, B municipal corpo:,stion, by and through the Eugene WutOl'" Board, party of the aecond part. WITNESSETH: That aaid parties of the fi=-st part. for and 1n consideration of Ten and nO/lO! Do11Rrs to them in hand paid by soin pB~ty of the Becond part, the rocelpt wheroof is hereby ackno.....ledged. do h(3)"(3b:J' [; :-nnt, sell end convey unto Baid part~' of the second part, its SUCCes.BO:.5 ',\~ .'_~~:~~"'.-;;'~!.' of.:,_ ';;- ;~:JI"" ~{Y....<: .;U';;.;~"Ii';U..{;;~"'iZ<:.';,; .-..,~~;Z~~~iW-0;q:""'~~!'".;:r4"'1'~.$::S~;..,;"-.' ,;;';~;..;t~--<r>':". i R- . 50 and nSlJign~, -:he per-petu&l righ;; find o!l..'le:nont to const,uct, own, opei"nte and mn!-nt!l.in, infJpect, recoTIntruct, ane. remove obs::;l"uC:';;ion~ fro:::, 11 line of polos, tower:!, and "'1:-,on, with nIl neco."!- :Hl.ry anchors, guys, b1"8.ce.il, nn:i other equipment ther6~or. for th~ trannm:!'sslon and c.lstributlor of electricity, and for all purposes conne~ted therewith, and;~lrea for telephone purposes of sain party of the second part, its successors and assigns, over, along, across and upon the Inndn owned by the parties of the first part in Lane County. Oregan, doocribed as follows, to-IT1 t: Beginnlng a t the northwest corner of the Robort E. Campbell D. L. C. 'No. 59 In T....p. No.1? s.. R. :.'> West of Wl11~metta Merlcl1e.n in Lane Connt.Y. OI'ogon; running thence South 10 30' E~Lst 20.50 chnin~i thence South 8So ~5' East {.50 chaIns; thence No~tb 10 30'.West 4.50 chain~; thence South 880 45' Bast 15.50 chnine; thence North 10 3D' West 19 chnin~ to the no~th boundn~ line of lll\id D. L. C.; thenC<'l North 880 451 I'IO.'1t 20 chnln~ to 'the pll1;" of bl'Jf;jnninB. con~ll1nir 40.2 acres, more or lesB, 1n Lane County, Oregon. '!be route to be takelo by (l6.id line 6.0:'0.'111 said IannI! 10 to be 'continuDllll ",ith ann a pnrt of the geoe~al ~outo 4cr05S othor and adjBcent land~, and is described morc speclficn11y as [ollows: Beginning at n polnt. on the En~ t boundary of the above desc,ribod t~nct, said point being eppro~lm!ltely 534.4 feet South nnd 1311.0 [eot East of the llorth",ent co~nor of the Robert E. Cc.:::pbellC1, L. C. No. 59, T. 17 S. R. 3 W., II'. M., Bnd running, thence S. 720 48' W. 1386.2 feetr more or less, to n polnt on the Wost bo~~dary of the sbove described tract, 56.id point b~ing approximately 945 feet S. 00 371 w. of the Northwest corne~ of. the said Robert E. Ca~pbell D. L. C. No.5.... being the 10c3tion of the t~ansmiBaion lins as surveyed and con~tructed. It i5 ~greed and underscood that the party of the eecondpart may construct imd mGinte.i:l gntes w~th lock~ at any or all fences crossed by said transmt~sion 11ne. It is understood snd agreed that any futU~B damages to fences, c~ops or live stock due to const:-uction, operllt1.on, maintenanoe or rebuildingo[ snid trllfl.'lm15S1on line. shall be paid for by ~he party of the second partl and at cu~rent prices therefor, except that the abovo named consideration sha'}l include the perpetual right to trim, for safe clearanoe, orch/.lr1 tre~e~ either e:dstinEino" or planted later" and to trim_ or r~tI1ove other tha.n orcha!""d'tre"ls that inter_ fere or may interfere ~ith said 11nes. T.L.3-l R.W. 1133 Stev~na .2. !t'is also ft~rtherfunder5tood a.ni! .agreed that the party of .the SElCO::lQ ;:'lirt shali Bt all ~jmes have the right to enter u~on said premises and to do any ~nd s11 things necessa~ or con- venient for the ir.Bt~llation, maintenance, care and reb~ilding of suid transmission line. The rlgh~sl conditione 'and provieions of th~s enSOlllont shnll run ..dth the land, nnd inure to the benefit of. a.nd be binding upon the heirs, executo:,!!, adlllini."ltratoNs, :lucce:-;sors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. IN WITNESS WlfSRSOP, the undersigned have executed this instrument thls 8th .jay of October, 1937. WitnesS61): P. Po I'd Northrop LucIlle Norton Minnie L. AnG~rson Glen G. Anders on Fannie L. \'iyman Ca:,l A. yr'yman Willia~ H. AnnerDcn Ida Anderson C:. Ivnn And.erson Ver-a Anderson (SEll L) (3EAL) C!sEi:L)J (SEAL) CfSEA:D r(3EAL J::::' (SEAL) ,(SEAL jJ STA TE: Of OREGON, > COUNTY Of- LANE: )SS. On this 8th day of Oc~ober, 1937, perBonlllly appeared before me, Mlnnl('J I" IlnJ'lI':> on /ind o. G. ^nder5on, her hUl1bElnd; Fannie L. Wyman IInd Carl A. I'r'ymnr., her hU:\~lJnr'l; \'!lllialT; H. Ander.'!or. and IdG. Anderson, hl.'! l'Iife; and C. IVlln Andergor. and Vera An~}ersor, his wife, to ma personally kno\'ITI to be the individual.'! described ir, and wbo' executed the 'vdthin and foregoing in.'!t~u:-nentl and ac~nol'llec.ged to rne tha't they algntod .the same ae their f~ee and voluntary act and dead, for ~he uses and pur;:>qses ther-ein mentj onad. Given under my hand and of;icis.l BSal, thh 8:.h day of Oct!=lber, 1937. Lucille llorton liotary Public, in ano [or the State of Oreeori. Residing at: :Lugene, Oregon. My cc~i3Bion ~7.pire~: Oct. 15; 1937. -L'^'- Nota.rial Sen.l. c ,~.- I1i1r r vi -.Y){ ,7- ,..,:" kJ: n'l., r~:. -. " ,,~ -= '.' 8t.. )OSBG7 DEOICATION Of A PUBLlC ROAD EASEMENT J, 0, WYNNE GRANTOR, grant and dedicate to LANE COUNTY. a political subdivision of the State of Oregon. GRANTEE, a public road easement on and over the following described property,: A parcel of land lying in the Southwest one-quarter (SW 1/4) of SecLion 27, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, WilJamette Meridian, and 'be iog a portion 0 f the tract 0 f land conveyed to J. D. WYNNE, by that certain deed. recorded on Reel 807-R, Recorder's Reception Number 7641398. Lane County Oregon Deed Records, said parcel being described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Block 7, First ^ddition to Centennial Gardens as platted and recorded in Book 38, Page 14 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said point marked by a .1/2 inch iron pipe and being 485.54 feet South and 2567.92 feet West of the Northeast corner of the Rober.t C. 'Campbell Donation Land Claim Number- 59; thence North 780 18' 30" East 81. 93 feet along the South right-oF-way of County Road Number 1662 (West Quinault Avenue) to an iron pin marking the True Point of Begin~ ning; RUN thence North 780 18' 30" East 114.71 feet; thence North 00047' ""East' 51.20 feet; thence South 780 18' .30" West 114.71 feet; thence South 000 47' West 51.20 feet_to the True Point of Beginning. and there ending, in Lane County. Oregon. It being the intent here in to create <1 publ.ic road extension of r.oiInty Road Number 1662 ( West Qt;inCluLt Avenue). being 25 feet from centerline onhoth sides of the centerline as said r-oad abuts the Grantor's pr-opertj'. Said parcel being forever dedicated to the use of the public for road purposes and granting a public road easement. There is no consideration .for- this dedication~ /J ' \~l<ai<-L_. 1911 ,:7' u .~: '(. - ...~ , ,J;~~; ~ . ,.r. _: ..",,"".~- . ~-,.;. .:,\,"'~~()':KO ;"., _'_~, _..'''.,........l','......,~O':'~ :::....1.. .....:.. :~ . .....;i,...... STATE OF OREGON ) . " 3/1 ' , ... COUNTY OF LANy....,) 55. , ,:':~,i"'t,'.:---..'IJ, ',::';;!, .J ~ .......7.1...,...... on~UL<~.!fi_L7 _ .(y J97~ pcrSOlla~lYappealQ,\::e".~:ve~~~~ ~_ , fZ. g 0<2 :fz,'Y'-=- -'<I.,. . '... ' . and ack~~wlcdied the for~g~i~g)nstr~m~rrtto b~ .,~~,Y,olunta:.r~.:~c.t.~Sa~~~r _,~~u,L~:,;L', i~_, Notary Pub tic r6';-&;=~ ///N,.J-? My commiss~on exPires:,;:f&,t~----+-L9gL l~' J ' SB:gc 1-10-79' M505-78 W. Quinault Ave. i7-3-27-3-l TL 1000 APPROVED FOR REC;'1RDING DATE '-,}-';,J....-Sb ~i \ '" ~""""\/ ReAi::'~:TATE Orql~N ,(LV , -"'- @ I. ~. f:t 1'>-' ~;::~. . ~;; f' ~i m;:- k'~; t ~'" ,,;, ~~' 0"-, ~-:': ..... .. :.~ f{ '.);,"0 r ;,' ",.,. --< ", ..... ...,:;'.".', --. ..'~ t}l~:.. .-.,....".. i. ~/S:~0~~~ ;.~~ ._..~.: :.:;,~, . . :..:. ':' 'i , W; ~- tl!! ii1~ :.,;i?': . "'.,.,~ . :!~i~ ;~~~: 'r:.;::' tiL ~!' .~: L:;j:~-~' rf. ,.~.-::.. J&;~: f$i;)" W'r;,".' ,~,::.:~:,~{.. I;h~~~ ~~I ~:,;'..<"',;,; :~~~il 'r?,,{:.,;.e'"J*,.~''' Ii :t.\ '.:, ..,..:; .i/-tz~ , ..~;,~- ,.t~ ,',~..,:.': 8()()9&J,? ~,."~~ . .;(' .', "t' . , , .-""-'.- --.----...........- .-" ~ State of Oregon. County of Lane-n. I. D.M. Penfold. Dlrector of the [)epar.to mElnt of General Services. in and fOf lhe.8a~d County, do hereby certify that the WIthin butrument Willi rec~ived (or reeord at \'.', -i~ '. ~~ <, ~ ~' '". '-'; .,.." "-~'w . I . 26 fEB 60 10: 12 ~1.co~ntyolFl2A~R~'~ - \ ~.M. Penfold. Director of the Department of Gerura! ~rvices, B~S})()) 1(1 i'nrlD . Dotpuly v.. , '" ~ .: ,- -I .,' " " .\.. cao.~3 -: ~ ) ."; '. ....( .'~ ,.,.,!-,. ~.; , " ') " " ",.' ~.~is;~if'J~;j;j1::'i'::)' ..',,' @ '0 / o " ',,- " i'~ J.._'"" I ,". ....: '"'.- i;.. , ~~ - 1 . ' ~~ . ~~ ~ ~ J ._.:1_"-_ ~"" Ri$h I ;;, ~ l.~. ; 1U~' .'- I' ,A< I ,:';, ~~ ~ GPi ::>. . !!Ui I ~i ;J l ~ 0 ... j J. ~ .~ , G" , ""-.~j" ~. --..... . :',,---, i F' , .l ..., H I , ,J i 1.1 , ~, l' ; 1 " , ~ . ' .' i : ' ~ ,', -1-. !i 'I, ; , , , , ' r ,. . ~.~ t " " ;: " 'I , ' \ I 'i i i 1 I ! I ! (,1 .' ; I 1 1 i ,~ : ~ I~ fj i ~ j ,I ~, : ~B I . ~ ,~~ 2 I '.. "t: j' L , I '" ~ 1 r;:' ~ I '!, ~l:g i , ~. \1 I, 'i'f' 1);9 ii . ii, .4:1 , " . '_~ ~ l. Ii {< il,. _ . ~~ t Ii ".' """! 'I '.: .......t..~.. {i H'\ · ,:\:C . .Of;: ~"" i ; ,.i !' i. i, ~ ,'{ , " .l. ., , ~' :t _......,- II ""', 'I " i "['-c:" , I, , ~ ' ,t,. . :~ ~. t"1 ~ ~;-Y".[j- oj" " ~, ! . , .- -;..\ " )~i~~;; :i).q~ ',r,\p, ;,....-l,..~,!;: . ~~~~~:;~~.. ,i\!",'", t~~}$f~~~/i; <,!~<' ~~fg "l11'ii"'" ~!:~J.t ~~;; :?~t~)~\~j, .c;:?4V-!""'ii~, '.:if?!}~/;:-. ,",;:"".", , 'J1:, .:::t~: ':.,~~'. .'::: -.';, , ,;I.{ !if; (:n!: \W"i:~.{ ,I :!~;;, ,j :\:!', ,". ,~, , . I , i ~ ;~' , .,,~ (i, ~, I)"~" i-' F.,~!" \ '"--'" " t \t.! t-\._'j ~}.iL:. ..~.,.....,.,-. '--11. .l.\~~,.w.i.i.1..&:JJi.t~~"1.u.u..~' ".-"i.:..........,~-'"'Wllft1J.!.ijJW.;a,g.lJ;Jl..n;Jr--~ ~G/ 0-;/ ,";'01125 I'!.Ht!IIi' rillS INDENTURE fll\OE by ,1no bet,...een ...2!1::...,_ day of F. Myers December ,1912- and cnlered into' this ,j,lmes D. Wynn, Robert hereinafter referred to as the Grantors, ,lnd THr corporrltion, in Lane County, Oregon, hereinafter ^' CITY OF SPRlI'lGFIELD,. il municipal referred to.as the Gril~tee. ~JJTtI[SSETH: In rnno;iri~r~t1on of the :1cccpt.::r:::c by G,i"u.,t€-i? iirld lIll: u~e uf hultiing of 5ilid eaSement for nresent or future public use by Gr,lntee, Grantors, hereby grilnt, bargain, sell and convey unto tIle Grantee, a perpetual casement feet in \~idth, together ....Ii th the right to go upon said easement arca hereinafter. described for fllJrplJse of constructing, icconstructing, r:;,)~;-ltJi"ing J"d ;;::'ln9 iI ::.anitary 5 (:'tlel' storrn drainage facility ....,hich may hereafter be iilstalled on the following described property, to-wi t: Beginning at a point 100.81 feet South 00471 West and 80.'00 feet South 890 56' 10" East from the Northeast corner of Block 7, First Addition to Centennial Gardens as platted and recorded in Book 38, Page 14, Lane County Oregnn Plat Records; , thence. North 00 47' East along the grantors west property line to the southerly right of way line of the Q Street Floodway; thence Northeasterly along said right of way line to a point 10.0 feet easterly, when measured at right angles, from the prolongation of the last mentioned courr,e; thence South 00 47' West to a point South 890 56' 10" East 10.00 feet frorn the point of beginning; thence North 890 561 10'-' West 10.00 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, TO l!tWE fIIlD TO HOLD the ,lbolle easement to the si!id Grantee, its successors and ilssigns forever. IN ADDiTION .rllERETO, the Grantors do her~by give and grant unto the City of Springfield, a construction easement of 6{;~(;J . feet in :.tidth along and abutting the _~ .:=~"'C ':r side and for the full length of the rlforell1entioned ilnd df?scribcd PC1:pctual easemeot" (or the purpose of giving a \'/llrl: <'Irea during the construction of a stol-m.drainage facility fwd/or sanitary sel',(>r ~'/ithin the pel-petual easement. TO HAVE AlID TO HOLD said consll'uction Cilsement unto the said City of Springfield und to.its successors anrl ilssi~ns, during the cons1..r'Iclinn of the storm iJl,d/or sanitilrY SC\'If~r. Upon lhp. cOllslruct;Qn or the slonn (h',lin'lgr. r,lc;1iLy ,1ndlor sanitary s('\'lcr ilnd its .1cccptancp. for 'J:;!?, thr. r:ollstruction (>.lS'~II\f".'nt herein tMlned :;hall become void. IN l-.rrTNL.SS lJ1II::I<Eor, the (;1',1n:'ors above n.lmcd h,1V" hr.'relll1l.o seL tl1e;l. hands ,1nd seals this _7___ day of j,~:_'r~:':'_'~'':-'L:'.:...~C_' 19Lt.:. . /~ (/,~_~ _ l _/"~y~.o-~-,,-_~(S'Al) />/.-? --// \ ( =~,,(j,Jd~~~.V.L,-'-'':'''c_(SIM) . .<~~'?~~.'~..~~:~'.:: SH,IE OF OR[GON, ilcknO\~ledged the ffi.e: couhty of fon~9oi no 1>,:.':/'; ,S5. ins trUnlcn t to be __,~~~~, ("'~( ;~J\l) ",;,-r, "c-,~ _,_. __n__u__~5~~~L:;J,~~:A:t) rCl-:.OJl,~ 11y 'lP!,C'.ll"lld Lhc ;11;o"e:.;;i;ll~d 'and Zf:.....~_ volunLilI-Y lId (IrHJ deed. flefore Da lcd p~(' I / c "-},' / _"';''''---' I ~"/. ( " r .., -, ~('"'''.Lc1' . !lot a ry(..Pub 1 i c for On.'gon / ^,O" 19/7'::: My COl\vr,ission Expires. I;.."! ... ./:")S'/ (~ "~i~l: ''f:.:jJ~.'; ~~."'''' I~~.'; Nfl'! \~t r~: r~ ,; '1111'<1 l}:~t~ ...: V/{.~t ",;, " w.,,1 _ ~,."" ~):;;. ~::":(' ,.... .. .,,',:;'.. ','< 't"'" I..,'".. . :.:'. !~.,!: r',y, -.f,;;: ~'r:: ,t,.".. ~':'. ,t":;~, L ii' 1;,. f:';:':~ !~. ( ,: ~, H" r:' i,' i.' " I [.':,. 1-" fl' '~. " k c. 1 (.-:. ..\.... r I' ,~,0,~ ~~~~~1!\!j ~~ji}/~::~'~ ::3::1M~. .~ /h\ " ." '-:~ :'i;Ai,5~}1t;'~I1':1~t~~t~b!f~~!'~~~!~~f-~~'=~ ,I" ;-.~ . ,'" 7('011:.35 ,.~ , --_.--- - - St.;tl" of Ore\i:on. County of Lane----i;~. 1. o. M. P",nfol d. Dir~ctor of tho: O",partrnent ot Recoro~ :..nd [;1",ctio05. in a.nd for the !aid County. do hereby certify that the within inslrurnenl wa5 rec..ived for record ;,t '\977 JA~ 7 Fil 2 18 R~d l)'2,8 R Lane Cvunty OffICL-\L Record,;, D. !\.L PE>:FOLO. Director of tn.;:: De?a.f{:nenl of Rec{'rd~ 1.. E\ection~. , B ..r, a~, ,,/ ~ -/,,'0, s:-_" Y.~ A ---= - Deputy . c ~9c08J/O; .~. "-='=:;;'~~"~- ;'f~~s :~'\'C"'~'1~5~~*;;'f1~iln~~1J~JW'~'fii10~7't~W~T!~~tj}~; . , Oi.' " " ;'~:, . ~ . """ ""mummu ' "u, I ,'}1 "",.1 ' n_.....__.u.___ '~m.__~.._....._. __._...._..u-:.:~._~ ,._ ::.___nU_h.~_ _ _ _ _ _ 1'-0-=' ....m.............................__..__ ...___...___ , a:-J th.t ...thay n., .....iII ~...the..ir~:~~ =h;j;~, -ju~d~~ and Admirri~'.ton. '~ "~anJ and loren, j , ~~ . -:l.eJ,Ul(tJht__.aba~._Sr:.tInl~:Lp-r..(troJlI!'J.,_.tLnd_~~ftLy~.pHL.and-P4coaJ._th.aoio--"-Aai,.__the-1erl-cl-d==O-IC..-=I-~--dI~- I ' ~., . __, ~ oJ! ::::~=:.,' .,=L.~.~;~~:.~0~,~:~~~~=;~;~~i~~.:J~.:"~~.::-~~~~~~~r: t. '. ;j "";j'-"__II'''C";~:' ,..,_:.'.~~:;::t:;.;;~;:'~;:-~:~O._<'._L .",~_...- . ~---"' '-"-' ---"." '-"-- Jr.,.., ill. . -- m~ u~f!~U1< ~df::;o/ (BuL) , _ '''t~1"!~'::'~:>(,~': ~ic:::: I ,~\~l;,.~b"~,:;.;,c.,; .", ,.",...', .>,.,.m",mn ,,(~~r:Jj)~ ~~~ li1'- :~~..: :~i 'P ~~:.;;.._'" ,_.~._.__ ."..........,.. ~_~..."..,..c.,_".. ~m .."' ,._ ">.- -. I , " .-----.'---;- " , ----------- .~".......,. il r , ,I .-j-:-,~I L':. !l "!- '-.L~"''''' 7;1912 i(. Ii " " !: " p /1 " ~ I I . ':-"-?crJOw, AL;L MEN~BY- T~-~~E PRESENTS:~T1if.{ ...P-~~:.~-;~~~_.~i:~.-:~~~._~.~.~_~...1.:..~-.~~~~~-~_ -.. .huabM.~...fI,ni:l~..'W'_i.ft:_: - ............__ n_. .......... ...m..m............__._...... _m .....m....~.m:m_.:__m ..\", I I ! i ! "do: .....~r6by ,rlint, bartairi: 8elhul<[ciJnvtJy unto UJid .._.LW:ifL~unt.Y.,....Oreionr..a.._po.U..i~::__ II . ._B.ub_d,iy.11i].Q_n..QJ.__tl1._~...S;.~~_t~...q.LQ_r.~&9.JJ_, __............... _ __. ..... ! ............... .....:1..t:.I!.:.eiU.CCOJ3oor.s ::..:MM'ttnd owlns; clJ the ioJlowini n!!al properly. rith-tl.e ttu,.,iMnta," i :;~~:o::ua;:eda:':/~lJn:n~.~:u:~1~:, tt~f::rrt: ::081 of' -~~A~--:~'''~''~b~~E~ta~ I bell OLe #59, TCl'\lmShip 175, RaQ?;e 3W, 'Ji~K. J La.ne County, Oregon, am. b8:1i]g & porUon or that property 'described ii1 that deed on Reel Z2":'53D, Inst. No. 10692, ot Larie COUllC.7 R~el?Td of Deeds; t~ said parcel be~ that portion of Mid pr-ops:rty inclmed. in .. -str::l..p of lard va,riB.ble in width, ly~ on each side~f the cent.er ll.no ()! a DivereioD. no~1IIllTl lIdlich ceriter li.:ne i.zl; described al!l follow!!: B~..gtnning at ~inB.er'8 cem... l1.De -station I 1 Channel 155+53.32, .aid station being 2ll,51 root Soutb &I1d 1.322.1.3 toot Eaot or tho IlII II corner of said CamFhell DLC #59j thence on a 1909.66 toot r&diile ,curve right (the lotE: , /,I! 'Chord'or wbich'be&r. N ar.o10'E) 33)';15 roOt; thaix:oN 89"09'50"&; '93 root to' Station ' I :i 159+79.47 Bk.- 150..oor'\.h~ce Ii 89009'50''E, 107-7.84 fee.t to station 160-+77.B4, &aid eent.l line croSl!lel? the We~ ani East lines of !laid property approx::i.Dately at Stations 158+25 I ii, and 159...75 respectivelY. i :1 .., -, nE ridths in n~et cfi!t the stri p ot lAnd abovtl referred: to- are aefc:ilJDwiI:' .1, 11 W:ldthon Nortmrly Side Width on Sout,be'rly Side i ~ "i[ 3ta.,._:i~n to station of r.enter Line cr"Center T~ 11' i . cell , :,55+53.32 i~:;;6.t(, Blc.. "9i5 90 I ~, Ii ,i~~.t(, Blc'~51'{)O 90 55 I . . ;:. !~~'CC'I~ 't~a,c::lt>ohaie:~;;fh~~i;~;~' ~~~.~o~t;.~ th~:;'~~t~~~.,s.c;;~~'J:"l~- !I' I Higb~y, ,..e:.i.::h cent,1T l.ine ie del!lcr~~ at!! foll:oWll: Begim;1.x:lg at Enginiter'. center ~ I St.atton 145-+0<>, said. station beil'€179.1 feet North an::!. 2626.4 feet West of the Hartbea I i cormr of said DLe #59j trnnctl 5 8<)018140-&, 60J teet to Station 151...00. :' ',;' ',~III.. ., .Bearinge USed herein arebat3er\' "......rJ .the prego~Co-:-or<i1.nate Sy-8t'l!!ISlj South Zone.' '~ ~,.pe.rcel of lain.to ..t-,:.::.i~ ,-,' :.:':lJ.cri~~~:m applies cout.aint!: 0.62 ac.::e. .)'_.__'. ,j , j' To Have IInd to Hold thz '!bw{' ri~Y.:rihN:1and iJ,rantecJ premillea unto tM aldd.lAOIL COIr.iII:t:.,._"Ol:~.n, i i1 considBration of _ _ Q P.~. ,~.np.. :N.~iiQQ:~:~:~ :~. ~ -~: ~:~:~:; :~X;.';.~ ~~-"~.~:~_~:~'.~ :~,-.~'.;_';_~:;.~ .';: ~~:~ _~:~~"~~~'~.-;.'~',~~~"~,;:~.;.'~.~~j~' '.. h 'd Lane "'oUTItv a rY\ 1 it ic al ,',~,',j4iii~~~,',9.'g,',',~,j~_'_-,ti,,',',','e,',',',,','st,',',',',~,','t,',',~,',',','o,',',f,',',',',Or,',',',',~,.;~,',n,',', ;~ -:.:~:~~'_:::;::-~-_..~;:::::::::::::::~:~:::::::~-~::~:::::::~:~:::::::::::::: :c.~ .. -:-H., ....:si.l.ac.oUQr~ ~ and ifNj~iiJ lor~ve"i. 0 I, '. I , 'i . .~., 0" .':. . ~;.. ,~,r,I.", SWl;la.]', ...nd..,ErtD.O"L.., ,S,urul8Y", ' 'And. i I ',;1,: ! .............--..--.....---... .C'I'..........,............ . ihit Jtrallt~r.I.: 4bo~:e,~lirmd do cdvenllnt .tD. lJnd with: the IJbove..nIl~ .~rimtoe. .~ ". 'm.i.ac.ee.eciF,5 __..,.... lUJd .;.Uilri~ th:at-;i:,_~h.ti:jU..L.. ,lawfully Rizt'd'in loe simple of-t1M .bove ,r.nled p~mi..., that the abOve. ~rantod p,."mi",8 .lUe f~ from 1111 encurnbroUlON. .L&.cop.t...an...un.t:O.COrad......lADd.....al....eoutr.ac.t..'_..;. .. . _ enter.cd. ..iD.to._.be.tw_~eD...E;l:~;::__~__.. __~.und...)'.__AD.d..~~n~...n.su.ocWo:....__II.cU_t:r.I...cm_d..,J,U>>...D_, ...L."..,~l;I }'Ab.~..C~.~"~~e. Hullband .'and' wif~_. p.u,:cn~i~i'~... ................. I I