HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/14/2007 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 SPRINGFIELD Land Division Plat Application, Type I ,. .. . . ,. I. . I . Subdivision Plat: ~ Partition Plat: 0 :~ Company.: IBui Development Co. IFax: 1541-485-8130 I Address: 185903 Bailey Hill Rd., Euqene, OR 97405 I jRiji\'''Y''''t''"'''''1'P-*"'""",*''_Y'''!''''':sf''>''''''M'''''~'iY"""~",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'i"'1!!:W"'ln'<<~_''''T2_=~"",,_,,,"''''~''''''.._e''''''''''~'<'''''''''''''''''''''''''''1 Applicant's Rep.: Mike Kaiser . !Phone: 541-485-4505 Company: Ipoaqe Enqineerinq & Survevinq ]Fax: 541-485-5624 I Address:lp.o. Box 2527, Eugene, OR 97402 I ;~'~:;;;"~:'~;:~T;~::::a:~::::.".~.n~"'."_~.WK'''~-!'''T;~:'~:7'r~q-_.m_"&'~~1 I IFax: 1 I I I Company: Address: ~""~~"iM-1~~~""''''_,*''Ei";"",..~i;?''7~~~;;:::;,.,,,,,,,~\~.~,,,;'::'''',3''-''RPl!'<'i:li'k10i~~Ef-_f"~.~.~.,;;.";;:;;:r;iM,i~.-'-llIe:'~.'~""M"'~"'{"~.L~~~;'~"-!>.""'~'~ ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17032731 TAX LOT NOeS): 900, 1000, 3601 Property Address: 1226 1/2 Fairview St Size of Property: 1. 7 Acres ~ Square Feet 0 Proposed Name of Subdivision: 9uinalt Subdivision _ ,,,". ~.~~__w,._."" ~.,~~..~_,="".,."".","""",_"._.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,:.,......,,,,~"'".-_,..."'....._.",'~_"'==>..,~~"'.".~"":~"".,.........'"',.O'~..__..':.''',=.",.,.,._~.,,-..~~.~._.~_"'..- Description.of Create 10 lots from 4 existing lots for single family residential use. Proposal: Existing Use: sinqle family residential. Tentative Case #: SUB2006-000055 ,!~~~~~~~;.;,~.~,,,~,,.,,,,_'i~~~~L~:':~,,~!;:~,,,,,"~,;~",,,,,,,",~~~~i.t~,~~c,"-",~~~!,~~J . .. -'.. - --'. -'~ ~ _ . - ':"jr= , - - If ;..\, .. - I...... Zoning: Overlay District:. Applicable Refinement Plan: Plan Designation: . Location: City Limits 0 . Urban Growth Boundary 0 Associated Applications: !~:~~~:~';;;T1n:;;~~:':~:?~~~'"~:'-5r;tj6~~'-~~:e::::::~:~~ft~~ . ~ I Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee: $ I ~ ITOTAL FEE'S $ I j@~'t:Vd;::..~~Ail~z-- v~~lli:t.~mu::~~2Jfji,j;j&,i!~3'!~:,,':ifu~,~f:.>.~~~J~_~~::':..~...~i~~~'n"~"'W.Ii'J'!'l!"=A-"'''''-'''''''-'''-~~ r LJ .:2 DO~ (fX)~ Revised 11/20/2006 hj ..... Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application' The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory. Please refer to the Fee Schedule for the current application fee. The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form. Please refer to Page 4 for the Pre-Submittal requirements. Pre- submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 a.m. and noon. We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within Ave to seven working days of receiving the application. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team, to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at ~ . . ~ the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete-if it isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City.' . 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit a. complete application to the Survey Section located at the NW Quad of City Hall. Refer to page 5 for the submittal requirements. The plat application fee will be collected at that time if the application has been deemed complete. After Surveying and Planning staff checks and signs the mylars the plat may then be recorded by the applicant's surveyor at Lane County. AFTER RECORDING: Submit Five eS) recorded rolled paper copies of the plat along with Three (3) copies of required. documents delivered to the Development Services Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. . Owner's Signature . This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner's signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. -~- Pre-Submittal: 0 lease Number: loate Submitted: j The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre-Submittal Meeting. owner:__~ Signature Date: Tuan Bui Print Name Revised 11/30/2006 bj - 2- 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number PRE2007-0003 I Payments: Type of Payment Check cReceintl RECEIPT #: Description CTY Subdivision Plat Paid By SUI DEVELOPMENT 8P...~)j~I~C!FJ...~..,,_; ". '..... ~, " ; ,- ~ ~,..~,. ",~,' ...... .,.",~... "'-,~. ".. " Cil",.,"! Springfield Official Receipt Dt~t1opment Services Department .Public Works Department 1200700000000000568 Date: 05/14/2007 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received emm 1097 In Person . Payment Total: Page 1 of 1 2:51 :OOPM Amount Due 325.00 $325,UU Amount Paid $325.00 $325.UU / 5114/2007 i' '- I. ~TTENSTATEMENT for COMPLIA..NCE with CONDITIONS OF APPROV AI. for the QUINAL T SUBDIVISION (SUB2006-000055) FINAL PLAT APPLICATION MAP 17-03-27-31 TAX LOT'S 900, 1000,3601 May 10, 2007 , This written stat=ent is intended to address the Conditions of Approval for the Quinalt Subdivision, SUB2006-000055 and is to accompany the application materials submitted with the Final Subdivision Application. The Conditions of Approval for SUB2006-000055 are addressed as follows: 1) Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall iIistalI'the proposed Public improvements: pavement, sidewalks, curb, gutter, curbcuts and street trees for the proposed extension of West Quinalt Avenue as shown in the submitted Tentative Plan. The public improvements have been installed for West Quinalt as shown on the' Tentative plan except for the street trees. As-buiIts will be submitted for final City approval during the review of the final plat. The owner will work with the City to get the street trees installed with the development of the lots in accordance with standard City policies for , street tree installation.. . 2) Replacement of the existing LPS street lighting fIxture shall be included in the Applicant's Public Improvement Project (PIP) for QuinaIt Avenue. The fixture on West Quinalt Avenue was replaced with the PIP. 3) Applicant shall execute and record an Improvement Agreement for street lighting improvements on Fairview Drive prior to Final Plat approval. The Improvement Agre=ent for the street lighting is included with this application: 4) Prior to Final Plat approval, the applicant shall extend sidewalk improvements across the Fairview Drive frontage of Lots 9 and 10. These lots are both undeveloped and should not need the sidewalk improvements completed prior to final plat approval. Rather the sidewalk and driveway improvements should be constructed with lot development as with any other approved lot in subdivisions. It is not clear why this was a condition. A bond for these improvements will be provided prior to final plat approval if needed. 5) Prior to approval of the Public Improvement Plans, the applicant shall make 'provisions to direct stormwater runoff from proposed lots 1-8 to the existing 36 inch , Final Plat Narrative for Quinalt Subdivision SlJB2006-000055 May 10,2007 F:\ProjectslWPVobs 2501-400013464 FINAL PLAT WS.wpd Page I 013 ~, " public stormwater line, located adjacent to lots 1 and 5. The Public Improvement Plans (PIP) plans have been approved by the City and included provisions for the storm water runoff from the development. The final drainage plan was approved by both Lane County and the City of Springfield in the PIP process. 6) The applicant shall provide all necessary easements prior to Final Plat approval. All necessary easements are shown on the final plat and copies of easement documents to be recorded. concurrently with the plat are included with the final plat application. 7) MaintaiIJ. 20 feet clear widths on the panhandle driveway per 2004 Springfield Fire Code 503.2.1. There is nothing on the final plat that will preclude the ability to maintain a 20 foot clear width on the panhandle driveway. The panhandle has is 20.00 feet wide with a 22.00 foot wide easement. The easement is for access and allows for other utilities but only if such utilities do not restrict the access granted with the easement. With the easement and the panhandle width, the ability to maintain the 20.00 foot clear width is assured. 8) Prior to signing of the Final Plat, the applicant shall install "No Parking-Fire Lane signage" posted on both sides ofthe proposed panhandle driveway for Lot 9 per. SFC 503.3 and SFC Appendix DI03.6. The signage for the panhandle driveway should be installed with the driveway improvements for Lot 9. It is not clear why this is a condition of approval to be met prior to signing the Final Plat. We did not propose to construct the private driveway to Lot 9 prior to final plat approval. The driveway is also not required for plat approval in any relevant Code section nor is it required in the approval conditions. There is nothing in the final plat that precludes the ability to meet this condition after the plat is recorded. If needed prior to final plat approval, the applicant will bond these improvements. 9) Fire apparatus access roads shall support an 80,000 lb imposed load per 2004 Springfield Fire Code 503.2.3 and SFC Appendix DI02.I This is not a building permit application and no fire apparatus road was required prior to final plat approval. Obviously this is probably in relation to the panhandle driveway for Lot 9, but again, there is nothing in the final plat that precludes the ability to meet this condition after the plat is recorded. v\Then the fire apparatus road is required in order to develop Lot 9, these improvements will be constructed. IO) Provide and maintain adequate vision clearance triangles at the corners of all lot driveways per SDC 32.070. Similar to response for condition 9, no driveways were proposed or required so vision clearance triangles are not relevant to final plat approval. Nothing can be included or removed from the final plat to hinder or help to meet this condition. This is a building Final Plat Narrative for Quinalt Subdivision SUB2006-000055 May 10,2007 F:\ProjectsIWPlJobs 2501-4000\3464 FINAL PLAT WS.wpd Page 2 of3 . " permit issue and should not be included in the building permit review for all lots (not just Lot 9). 11) The applicant shall apply for an LDAP from the City of Springfield prior to undertaking any jill and/or grading for road improvements and/or building construction on the site. No LDAP was required as the amount of fill and/or grading on the lots did not reach the 50 cubic yard amount required to trigger the need for one. 12) The applicant shall apply for a tree felling permit prior to felling more than 5 trees on the site with 5 inch dbh or greater (within a consecutive 12-month period). Although the applicant is not felling more:,than 5 trees on the site (greater than 5" dbh), this is also not a final plat issue as the recording of the plat does not require removal of any trees. The approval of the final plat also does not prevent any trees from being removed. ,,~ Final Plat Narrative for Quinalt Subdivision SIJ132006-000055 May 10,2007 F:\ProjecrsIWPIJobs 2501-4000\3464 FINAL PLAT WS.wpd Page 3 of3 . . , ....~. (9) Wbere tbe Subdivision of a manufactured dwelling park or mobile borne park is proposed, tbe following approval criteria shall apply: (,ee subsections (a)-(g) in SDC). Findin2 50: Tne applicant is not proposing to create a manufactured . dwelling park' or mobile home park with this subdivision. Conclusion: Criterion 9 does not apply to this subdivision. CONCLUSION: The tentative subdivision, as submitted and conditioned, complies with Criteria 1- 9 of SDC 35.Q50. Portions of the proposal approved as submitted may not be substantively changed during platting witbout an approved modification application in accordance witb SDC 35.100. 'Wbat needs to be done: The applicant will ha've up to 2 vears from the date of this letter to meet any of the attacbed conditions of approval or Development Code standarcis and to bave a Final Subdivision Plat pre-submittal meeting. THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS AND THE FINAL PLAT MUST BE-IN SUBSTANTU,.L COl'l"FORMITY WITH THE TEl'.'TATIVE'PLA.l\;S A..l\TD THE CONDITIONS OF AYPROV AL. If the Public Improvement Plans and/or the Final Plat are not in substantial conformity to tbe .tentative plans; the applicant must submit an application for a modification. The Final Plat is required go through a pre-submittal process. After the Final Plat application is complete, it must be submitted tei the Springfield Development Services Deparuuent within 180 days of the pre- submittal meeting. A separate application arid fees will be required. Upon signanrre by the City Surveyor and the Planning Manager, the Plat may be submitted to Lane County Surveyor for signatures prior to ' recording. No individual lots may be transferred until the plat is recorded and five (5) copies of tbe filed subdivision are returned to tbe Development Services Department by tbe appllca'ut. .. Conditions of Approval: I. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant sball install the proposed Public improvements: pavement; sidewalks, curh, gutter. curbcuts.and street trees for the proposed e).1ension of West Quinalt 'A venue ~ sbown in the submitted Tentative Plan. . 2: Replacement of the existing LPS street lighting fiA1nre shall be included in the Applicant's Public Improvement Project (pIP) for Quina!t Avenue. . 3. Applicant shall 'execute and record an Improvement Agreement for street lighting improvements ~n Fairview Drive prior to Final Plat approval. 4. Prior to Final Plat approval, the applicant shall extend sidewalk improvements across the Fairview Drive frontage of Lots 9 and 10. . ,., .",.. . 5. Prior to approval of the Public Improvement Plans, the applicant'shall make provisions to direct storm water runoff from proposed lots 1-8 to the existing 36 incb public stomlwater line, located adjacent to lots 1 and 5. 6. The applicant shall, provide all necessary easements prior to Final Plat approval. 7. Maintain 20 feet clear widths on tbe panhandl,e driveway per 2004 Springfield Fire Code 503.2.1'. ~ 12 8. Prior.to signing of the Final Plat, the applicant shall install "No Parking-Fire Lane signage" posted on both sides of the proposed panhandle dri";eway for Lot 9 per SFC 503.3 and SFC Appendix Dl03,6. ' 9, Fire apparatus access roads shall support an 80,000 lb. inlposed load per 2004 Springf)eld Fire Code 503.2.3 and SFC Appendix D 1021. . 10. Provide and maintain adequate vision clearance ~angles at the corners of all lot driveways per SDC 32.070. . 11'. The applicant shall apply for an LDAP from the City of Springfield prior to undertaking any fill and/or grading for road improvements and/or building construction onsite. 12. The applicant shall apply for a tree felling permit prior to felling more than 5 trees on the site with 5 inch dbh or greater (within a consecutive 12-month period). Additionalbiformation: The application, all documents, and evidence relied ~pon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are available for a fee at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. Ii . Appeal: TIus Type IT Teritative Subdivision decision is considered a decision oftlie Director and as such may be appealed to the Planning Commission. The appeal may be filed with the Development Services, Dep"-rtIIlent by an affected party. The appeal must be in accordance with SDC, Article 15, Appeals. An Appeals application must be submitted to the City with a fee of $250.00. Tlle fee will be returned to the appellant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. ' ' . In accordance with SDC 15.020 which provides for a 15-clay appeal period and Oregon Rules ,of Civi1' Procedures, Rule 1 O( cj for service of notice by mail, the appeal period for this decision expires at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 9'", 2006. . ", Questions: Please ,call David Reesor in the Planning Division of the Development Services Department. at (541) 726-3783 if you have any questions regarding this process. Prepared By: .---:--JL/2 <::;.- A" . .J-- ,. /~.......- David R. Reesor Planner IT ' 13 .~~1 ",27,,1" I~~~"'. SCA",".'O" ,,~~-~~::.~ =._'~~ ' . ;.~~:::::, .._..,-', a.:~"""'" -'-W'i~FcoT' LOT 2 J" \~!I~' '" '" " ~I .',... ~ '" ~ .']' ~ _~l . -"lift -t I I J . ' 'd . Tto>O I~ ~rJ ,i "'" ..,;;...0,:'('....., 3~ 1:lir.""'-~ O. """ TLD2 "D ....=:~.r '" \~\\.....\ - .' 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SOLM ^CCESS . ~~~~~~Y . . ;~~~~lJallrt~i~~ww-:.R St_w!:S,.l<IS.ftO....::~-.....,- LEG^L OESCRIP =S."" l(l :':ff." =,Ta"-'PlIO- TlON ,..,..SR.Rl~~ ..""....0..... ~~ I ..~ 1f'-- ~;;,Ir;:: ~~~ j.' Mso::'iJ....r ---. .___ I LOrg'-GR . CJl055:i%~"ALE ~- "-.....ASSESSOR.S . HAF'll-OJ-27-JI SUBDIVISION' . TUA7JR PLAN SPRIN'c~ESSOR'S MAP B UI , ELD, LANE 17 03 27' COUNT 31 JUNE 2006 Y, OREGON TENT A TI ~ E ~~ I'Y!VOJ v 32 TAX LOT 900.1000..:1601. ,$. PORTION OF 3600 VICINT!Y M^-P .....,s;.u~ LEGEND =:--..:::===:::: [)O';t""lCUlllSD!:l'I)[W'^,-< =aJI8Sa:SIltW.l. P<<O/'mEo ""OI'tonlD,N;l.R' _ PR(JP(R1".lNl: _txIS1N:S""""(:IIZ[A!V<OWNJ ""'_I'IlOI'<IODl....u: . -1;>-""__ =="'.....""15121:.;. . __ ~....."'(SIZE.S~S>IQW>() ._. '_OI$1...~......(SIt[.s$o"""'l _,.......".,~_(...R) --~.'rnuo: (IJa)......E!l ._._~ _ fSlZ[.o.s~ __"'."[IlllN[ _sro~n...I.lt'[ll EmsracO'R[N'I'IlIf'''' (l<.srac...../Snta;ll-Qll' rn;To.o:::.hU.s><<>ftO (SnNOr-rS) =~ on.~~Tc.A~ f'Ot!....TI ~..k~rutUlEM1IS[ EU ~CDO'\.?'Nq . r HOO ~ o ~~ .~ ._1:X2W ,_L . I ~EGIS~ L~'i.~ES510N^L 1 SURVEYOR ~ 1 OOE""~ JON^t:i~;:-;'~A J ..,.' I<ES --. '\ ,/"" , ' ./ 0, " ..~ I GENERAL NOTES t ALL BOUNDARY AND- lOT DIMENSIONS AR!: APPROXIMATE. 2. CONTOURS ARE-.BASED-ON CITY OF" SPRINGfIELD CATUM. THE BENCHMARK USED IS A SQAURE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER 0, AT THE TOP BACK 0, CURS OF T AI..1ARACK ANS OUlNAL J STREETS. THE ELEVATION OF SAIO SQUARE IS 428.17. 3. THE METRO PLAN OESIGNt..noN FOR THIS PROPERTY AND ALL ADJACENT PROPERTIES IS LOW DENSITY RESlDENTIAL. THIS PROPERTY AND ALL ADJACENT PROPERTtES ARE ZONED LDR (LOW DENSITY RESJOENTIAL), 4. NO ,WATERCOURSES EXIST ON THE SITE. ~. THIS SITE IS OUTSIDE THE JO-VR TIME OF TRAVEL ZONE AS SHOWN ON THE WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREAS MAP. S. ACCORDING TO THE SCS SOIL SURVEY OF. LANE COUNTY, SOILS ON THIS SITE ARE ENTTRE'_ Y OXLEY URBAN LAND COMPLEX (IOl) THEses SURVEY LISTS THESE SOILS AS HAVING A PERCHED WATER TABLE 0.5 TO 15 FEET_DEEP. BUT FIELD tlVESTIGATION HAS SHOWN THAT THE WATER TABLE IS GREATER THAN 6 F2:T DEeP.' 7. THE SlIT IS N01 LOCATED WITHIN THE 100-YEAR FLOOD HAZARD AReA. 8. STORM DISPOSAL FOR EACH LOT WILL EITHER ElE TO THE STREET eg1~o w?[r~~;~~ TcgU~~N~B2~L1~~~2?f~R~~~HC~~~C~&LES ,IN THE CURB TO BE INSTALLED WITH CONSTRUCTION OF DRIVEWAYS FOR HOMES. AN ON-SIT[ PC::RCOLA TION TEST SHALL BE REQU'.RED IF ORYWELLS ARE USED. S. ALL NECC:SSARY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS (STORM, SANITARY, WATER, CURaS. AND SlDEWALKS) WILL ,BE CONSTRUCTED ALONG THE ENTIRE FRONTAGE OF THIS SITE. 10. NO'STRUCTURES EXIST ON THE PROPERf'(. 11. SANITARY SEWER CONNECTIONS WILL BE MADE IN CONJUNTION WITH BUILDING PERMITS FOR EACH LOT. 12. NO .oFFSITE'SHEEI FLOW OF STORl.o\ WATER RUNOFF RUNS ACROSS THIS'SITE. 13. STREET L1GHTrNG C:XISTS FOR, W. OUINALT AS SHOWN. A STREET LIGHT FOR FAJRVI(W WILl. BE INSTAllSD If REQU]RED. 14. ~~ ~~P~f~g~~~P::~T~]L~O~A~;51.5~IT~~~EER~~CLUOING W. QUlNol-LT). 15. STRE", TREES WILL BE PLANTED. W CONJUNCTION WiTH INDNIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT AS SHOWN (8 ON OUlNALT, 10N FAIRVlEW). 16. EXISTING POWER IS OVERHEAD ALONG 60TH SIDES 0::- fAIRVIEW A~ UNDERGROUND ALONG 80TH SIDES OF 1'1: QUNALT AS SHOWN. PHONE & CATV TO FOLLOW UG POWER TO w. OUINALT AND]S OVERHEAD ON FAIRVIEW. EXISTlI\I:G QUINALT UTIUTY IMPROVEMENTS \CITY PROJECT #3-0S3)_INCLUDE.:D_COi'JDUlT CROSSINGS AS.;:-OLLOWS: :g'{~ _4'i~~N~~~Jo(~LNI?fu~~~ UN0~:OPg~Ef(i FOR ':;ATV) ON': - :)" CONOU\T (TO so: USED fOR ?I--\ON'E) 17 EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY OEDIGATlQN AND PAVING MPROVEMENTS END AT THE WESTERtY BOUNDARY or' TAX LOT 36m ;COR WEST OUINALT AVENUE. HALF OF A- STANDARD cut.. -DE-SAC AS SHOWN ,(CITY PROJECT fN~-I~~6vl~ENR~I~I~J:DZfslb~~ CL't..-DE-SAC IS T~E D.EDICATED iL 103 18. ALL TRES'ON SITE ARE TO REMAIN UNTIlINtJIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT. FINAL DETERMINATION OF TRE: REMOVAL OR PRESERVATION SHALL TAKE PLACE WITH PERMITS FOR HO..E CONSTRUCTION, AT THE DISCRETION OF THE OW~R. 19 APPROXIMATELY .3000 CUSIC YARDS OF CUT/F1LL ARE PROPOSED TO COMPLETE 'i1-lt IMPROVEM.::NT~ ASSOCIATED WITH THlS SU8DIV]S]ON OWNER TUANBUI 190 S. 14th STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 ENGINEER/SURVEYOR POAGE ENGINERING & SURVEYING, INC. 990 08lE STREET aJGC:~ OR 97402 SOLAR ACCESS LOTS \-8 OF THiS SU801VlSlON COti\!'L'1' WITH TI-E SOLAR ACCESS S,ANDARDS OF SDC SECTION 35.010(3){b)(1) HAVING A NORTH_SOUTH DIMENSlON OF_90 FE, OR MORE AND HAVING A FRONT LOT LINE ORIENTED Wm-lIN 30 DEGREES OF THE TRUE EAST -WEST AXIS. LOTS 9 & 10 DO NOT. LEGAL DESCRIPTION REcER TO THE PRELlM]NARY TITLE REPORT SUBMITTED AS DART OF THIS M'''UCA TION. VARiES. 6.0' MAX I I SURF~~ I. :r: rAlT'SlDE OF ?AVNG I fUN1 SWAlE WITH I &;rG Af'PROVEDGRASSMlX ~3j-ro. ~O~ ____________I f ,~ ,~ LOT 9 - GRASSY SWALE _:... -- CROSS-SECnON----. NO SCALE ~ SUBDIVISION FOR rUAN ASSESSOR'S MAP 17 03 27 SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, JUNE 2006 TENTATIVE PLAN .', BUI 31 OREGON SfCR,l'CUTF-' ./1 FLa~1 i8/(, -SY"GLUY BlK8'ATl-f ." . 1\0 , I ~ . I~ 17 03 27 32 \89'~=~ - 41 ::1 LI/;'\~ TL 200~' '4'/:' , 1MNSl'!S~\C>!i.-' ~ ~5~~'~~~ '-- -4401- rL o?~L_ - ~ . -'S~~~;Y-h'--':~ '1:(~;iJ- -..::f::Jr----.:AAIb _ __ - .! J, U1 - +::::=---=- ] I [!;!Q..: TL ~ ----' ~ I'm - - -EXISTING I II LOT( 3 ~ ,1 10' PUE . 170T 1 LOT _ 2 7,SrO/ SF _ 1-:-: ,,/' )9,648 SF ~,IS~~ -)1 ;-- fD ~"II' ~ ~~Q>ftl ~~ SQ 811210 LOT 4&;'/ Q "'I g 9,381 sr- 1 :~I ;0'\;0'1;0' TL 1100 ! ;11 r" cJ~\~~ -Us.! G^S I~, AA'l>' f "'" EX lJG ,-... ""'Vi' II EX sAN M-I 1m [>;'~. SAN'SJr>IG$ PO' ,L FN435.5 WlTHI~ D FL(}JT429.I5(Sl: Jl/ "'-. <-) , FL N ~29.8 Ii'>E1 'o:.~' $"S-\ I TL 101 EXsS~E~Z.-'...... " -' \ ':);' TLI02 '\ ---::~;_~~:.,- ' H~1tro~WR \ \., ~--,.-:".~:""'- ;;,. !!"~-4Jl.28 ' ;,::I; \ \o~l'Ii\, <,"~C:~-?-,'-O:N'~':':. O~,o, '" ~",,\O'fjl~\~ I ~~-~ ...~{)"'_~ k -......-...... PAv..~rr ~':';/," ~.--~~ ~ . /.~:'~~ ~~v~ ....~:=~ . - A "'<r"E~.\J"B \ "'j"'",;-..--:- ....~ ~!i! 46..0' RIW RACl.IS '-1 ~'l.'! p..... ~~.._.' ;n .;:liOl!!'" QUll"P>' --,.~ .. ,.,ilo "W"SS't I _-~-..,.,...:.:--cr-o"f["'-',: 'I'-.. ~IPOWER l1Ul11 STCl1 afS....=>~~ ~_~"".f , ~ I I H^VfHOllNE "'!ii~"i" , , ,,' " ! EX pp 1I'6008I '\ - -.::!' '" <0 LO'T 8 ~:o~~~ o ,/:,i 0> w _,,:-.... \ o~'jf'( \ I TL 1101 \ Ol LOT 6257 SF '---g;~6~~ I EXHvI> I ' ~,.~.iI '1'1 TL 148 I "'I : 15~5~); _J II ~ ?O~ ~~ ,,\,~,"~",O III ~2:.l- ~PRlVATE i 45' ~ I I EX PP '"60000 W 3~gr IrWcifZoF:l UTlg , ; TL 800 f-< 'I~ _11/jPI? 03 ."'1., _EX~::"~'$~. ~_40._j~ _".27'''-1' ~ 86J Sr-, ~O<R~ '" 0 2/ 32' 11'11\~'ITr " ~'h.e2~6E~ICL ~I ~~ZlL ~ x \ ''''3& _-. ~~ OoSi) '~"--'1Vr 1'.1' ~ ,. "'" "MID ", T 1 'I '""""" SWAU U TLI47 -I (2JEX~so.N.9M:::s. g 1~~2l::'~----..J'.....l', s:o...AL -< --1 '\\lTH~ is? 1 I 2~-,"U.OW ,pi: THS 9-ET ~ 1'/ ~ - "'-XIS!ING 14 PilE ~, ,g';;,~;1 J~~ACCESSb -.... 'I~ .........'....4 f-I!'-. W \U..PRO?'D 12 AC PAY ::;; , -,L 1102 11:",11 -%~:;3 ,LOT 10 ~: DR"'WAY . < II ~ TL 1001 -, 145 FJ 1640 SF E-< ' I ,10 S 1-. INPOLEPORTI;?N' II TL 146 """"~ III~ \ .1[;(i"~'[\""J<O 'I' ~F~~~G~} TL 700 . ~~~, EXIRmEX~ ;:Jk'tI1'~~~~: _~nv:(2)-3'STMf'ffS I ~L".~ 1- / '" PIlESE!lVE,\ 5 ,- / S-2<m _ I I E'{ f'? 'EX I ~ 1- I 1 EX ~<" , -,- II I"'t:: - - - ~ ~OV!:':.L""'" ~I :~ iEXGA5 :OVWY:'Il~ti")--7S EXsk~:~CE! EX I~'" ii.""ELWN-UE -P..llHJ~:'_ '-:"'-=--=.__-==- B~ '"'-_-----:-- ,~I ~IJTL ~EX~: DYWY! g d ...L ~""--=..o!:"___ - .. ,r---,,' !~11E~---."+ 1 , ~ ,~x r ::!!"'~~::~_~*i~i=~~:_I:::~:~l~~f~L~~~~~_;:~~-:"d--,----':' ~- ; EX' : : EX ! I EX : b 'EX 5' Cl1Il8SDE i EX I, ' ~ EX : ~ DEl( ; . I :DYlI'YJ TL 145 :ovWY: TL 350~WY' i'S SlDn..1200 :oVWYI bv'I'Y' \.YIfY., TL i301 TL 1400 ft 1'1. . 8EXf'? "lPI?OJ' - _'API/Oj' [::! j I 2/32 2? 31 ~ SCALE I' . 50' ... TL 702 VICINTIY MAP ~NO SCALE- TL 700 LEGEND MAP 17 03 27 32 ClAllls.tlESJOEWALK "'!"".'\."'-;;....,"'.~.....~~~'"._~..""..~ ------~~--~------ EXISTING CURBSIDE SIDElJALK PROPOSED CURBSIDE SD~WALK SUSJEC"Z PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROP.OSE;D PROPERTY LINE EXISTlNG ;TORM (SlZE AS SHOWN) PROPOSED SWALE ~ROPOSSD STORM PrPE (SIZE AS SHOWN) EXISTING SANITARY {SIZE AS SHOWN) PRO~OSED SANrTARY (SIZE AS SHOWN) EXtSTING OVERHEAD ?OWER (OH p) EXtSTlNG UNDERGROUNO (UG) "'OWER E";<.!STING WATI::RUNE (SIl.O:: ....S SHOWN) #- ~" .k .p" f2 ,,$ "G /t. ,~ -m< -EX.SANSViR- ,;AN \ I I , ('JOF: I I PROPOSED PUBLIC WATER LINE ~ T PROPosED WATER IoAETER NEW DRIVEWAY TO LOT 9 IS TO 8E 20' WIDE UfJTIL IT INTERSECTS, THE 150.0' RAOIUS ARC CENTERED ON THE FURTHERE,," POINT FOR A FUTURE BlJLQING ON THi:: LOT. THE FURTHfREST POINT IS BASED ON THE MINlMl.J'l SETBACKS. ~SEMENT WIDENS TO 27' A T STREET. EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTJNG PP wi STRETLlGHT ~ EXISTING TREE AS NOTED (SEE NOTES). TL 600 o ~ SHADOW OF POSSIBLE FUTURE I-\OUSE ON LOT 9. SHOWN TO DETERMINE COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE F1RE CODES. PROPosm STREET TREE (9 0 2~ CAUPER FROM crT':' APPROVED STREET TI3EE LlS7) I" L OXRm EX 6" W _i_ \ I r REG]STERED l' PROFESSIONAL' ~ LAND SURVEYOR ---J~ [ .DReOON j . - -J~N'A fH~~;\' ~~a~~~~; . "0> EXPlRES,OECENBEf'. 31. 2006 POAGE ENGINFE.RI~~_! SU8,VUING, INC.. P.O. BOX 2527 . EUGENE, OR 97402 . (541) 485~450S JOB No.' 3464, DWN. BY CDN. DA TE: 6/7/06 CADD F:!LE = 3464TEN1.GCD GOGO FILE = 3464 REV: 8~22;..06' IEXPlRES: 06~30-20071 ASSESSOR'S MAP 17-03-27-3J TAX LOT 900. 1000. 360l & PORTION,9;:: 3600 .-/ ... <. \.. , ." .. ,. QUINAL T SUBDIVISION LOT CLOSURES May 10, 2007 1.: F:\Projects\WP\Jobs 2501-4000\3464 LOT CLOSURES.wpd May 10, 2007 ,OVER.A.L BOUNDARY (Figure 100) AREA BEARINGS 50 4904.1363 4880.0134 N 78- 7- 2.8 E 67.3868 193 4918.0117 4945.9562 S 11-52-57.2 E 31.0000 CC 194 4887.6759 4952.3393 DEL TA= 43-20-30.3 R CHORD=S 80-12-42.0E 22.8950 SEMI-TAN= 12.3182 E= 2.3577 M= 2.1911 N 31-27-33.2 E 31.0000 195 4914.1193 4968.5179 N31-27-33.2E 46.0000 CC 196 4953.3578 4992.5249 DELTA= 30-51- 5.8 L CHORD=S 73-57-59.7E 24.4711 SEMI-TAN= 12.6928 E= 1.7190 M= 1.6571 S 0-36-27.4 W 46.0000 176 4907.3604 4992.0371 ri\. N 0-36-27.4 E 92.0000 l!; 175 4999.3553 4993.0127 S 0-36-27.4 W 46.0000 CC 196 4953.3578 4992.5249 DEL TA= 55-49-54.9 L CHORD=S 62-41-30.0W 43.0722 SEMI-TAN= 24.3722 E= 6.0577 M= 5.3528 N 55-13-27.5 W 46.0000 197 4979.5946 4954.7409 N 55-13-27.5 W 31.0000 CC 198 4997.2760 4929.2778 DELTA=43-20-30.3 R CHORD=S 56-26-47.7W 22.8950 SEMI-TAN= 12.3182 E= 2.3577 M= 2.1911 S 11-52-57.2E 31.0000 199 4966.9402 4935.6609 S 78- 7- 2.8 W 56.3187 200 4955.3439 4880.5490 N 0-35-57.4 E 193.5128 153 5148.8461 4882.5730 S 10-57-28.8 E 1819.8600 CC 189 3362.1680 5228.5091 DELTA= 6-14-46.2 R CHORD=N 82- 9-54.3E 198.2958 SEMI-TAN= 99.2954 E= 2.7069 M= 2.7028 N 4-42-42.6 W 1819.8600 152 5175.8776 5079.0176 S 1-44-50.0 W 513.5369 54 4662.5794 5063.3599 N 89-29- 8.0 W 73.9147 150 4663.2431 4989.4482 N 1-35-17.7 E 121.4129 81 4784.6094 4992.8133 F:\Projects\\VP\Jobs 2501-4000\3464 LOT CLOSURES.wpd May 10, 2007 : L= 23.4501 @ L= 24.7693 @ L= 44.8247 @ L= 23.4501 @ L= 198.3940 [Q I c' N 89-28-25.9 W 114.0440 151 4785.6566 4878.7741 N 0-35-57.4 E 118.4862 50 49041363 4880.0134 AREA= 74955.922 SQ.FT.= 1.72075120 ACRES STREET CENTERLINE MONUMENTATION FROM 177 TO 196 N78-7-2.8E 114.7016 F:\Projects\WPVobs 2501-4000\3464 LOT CLOSURES.wpd , May 10, 2007 " L01' 1 (Figure 101) AREA BEARINGS 200 4955.3439 4880.5490 N 0-35-57.4 E 193.5128 153 5148.8461 4882.5730 S 10-57-28.8 E 1819.8600 CC 189 3362.1680 5228.5091 DELTA= 1-36- 8.6 R L= 50.8958 0 CHORD=N 79-50-35.5E 50.8942 SEMI-TAN= 25.4496 E= 0.1779 M= 0.1779 N 9-21-20.2 W 1819.8600' 318 5157.8209 4932.6696 S 0-35-57.4 W 191.9430 317 4965.8884 4930.6620 S 78- 7- 2.8 W 51.2104 200 4955.3439 4880.5490 AREA= 9642.430 SQ.FT.= 0.22135973 ACRES LOT 2 (Figure 102) AREA BEARINGS 317 4965.8884 4930.6620 N 0-35-57.4 E 191.9430 318.' 5157.8209 4932.6696 S 9-21-20.2 E 1819.8600 CC 189 3362.1680 5228.5091 DELTA= 1-35-40.4 R L= 50.6471 @ CHORD=N 81-26-30.0E 50.6455 SEMI-TAN= 253252 E= 0.1762 M= 0.1762 N 7-45-39.8 W 1819.8600 319 5165.3578 4982.7511 S 0-35-57.4 W 167.4763 316 4997.8906 4980.9995 S 14-30-36.8 E 46.0000 CC 196 4953.3578 4992.5249 DELTA= 40-42-50.6 L L= 32.6873 ill CHORD=S 55- 7-57.8W 32.0040 SEMI-TAN= 17.0680 E= 3.0644 M= 2.8730 N 55-13-27.5 W 46.0000 197 4979.5946 4954.7409 N 55-13-27.5 W 31.0000 CC 198 4997.2760 4929.2778 DEL TA= 43-20-30.3 R L= 23.4501 @ CHORD=S 56-26-47.7W 22.8950 SEMI-TAN= 12.3182 E= 2.3577 M= 2.1911 S 11-52-57.2 E 31.0000 199 4966:9402 4935.6609 S 78- 7- 2.8 W 5.1 083 317 4965.8884 4930.6620 AREA= 9025.341 SQ.FT.= 0.20719331 ACRES LOT 3 (Figure 103) F:\Projects\WP\Jobs 2501-4000\3464 LOT CLOSURES.wpd May 10, 2007 ., AREA BEARINGS 316 4997.8906 4980.9995 N 0,35-57.4 E 167.4763 .319 5165.3578 4982.7511 S 7-45-39.8 E 1819.8600 CC 189 3362.1680 5228.5091 DELTA= 1-33-27.6 R L= 49.4756 fj:..J CHORD=N 83-1- 4.0E 49.4741 SEMI-TAN= 24.7393 E= 0.1681 M= 0.1681 N 6-12-12.2 W 1819.8600 320 5171.3719 5031.8583 S 1-44-50.0 W 155.9198 323 5015.5246 5027.1043 rr:J S 29- 5- 3.8 W 25.1368 @1 315 4993.5575 5014.8854 S 29- 5- 38 W 46.0000 CC 196 4953.3578 4992.5249 DELTA= 43-35-40.6 L L= 35.0000 .f!lJi CHORD=N 82-42-46.5W 34.1618 SEMI-TA.N= 18.3962 E= 35421 M= 3.2888 N 14-30-36.8 W 46.0000 316 4997.8906 4980.9995 .AAEA= 798,6146 SQ.FT.= 0.18333668 ACRES LOT 4 (Figure 104) AREA BEARINGS 152 5175.8776 5079.0176 S 1-44-50.0 W 1975155 314 4978.4540 5072.9954 S 72-40-44.4 W 38.2930 313 4967.0532 5036.4389 S 72-40-44.4 W 46.0000 CC 196. 4953.3578 4992.5249 DEL T A= 43-35-40.6 L CHORD=N 39- 7- 5.9W 34.16] 8 SEMI- TAN= ] 8.3962 E=. 3.5421 M= 3.2888 N 29- 5- 3.8 E 46.0000 315 4993.5575 5014.8854 r;::\I N 29- 5- 38 E 251368 U?J 323 50]5.5246 5027.]043 N 1-44-50.0 E 155.9198 320 5171.3719 5031.8583 S 6-12-]2.2 E 18]9.8600 CC 189 3362.1680 5228.5091 DELTA= 1_29-29.6 R CHORD=N 84-32-32.6E 47.3741 SEMI-TAN= 23.6890 E= 01542 M= 0.1542 , N 4-42-42.6 W 1819.8600 152 5175.8776 5079.0176 L= 35.0000 @ L= 473754 fE} AREA= 9572.987 SQ,FT.= 0.21976554 ACRES F:\ProjectsIWPIJobs 2501-400013464 LOT CLOSURES.wpd May 10, 2007 <J LOT 5 (Figure 105) AREA BEARINGS 50 4904.1363 4880.0134 N 78-7- 2.8 E 46.0893 310 4913.6264 4925.1151 S 0-35-57.4 W 128.3900 309 4785.2434 4923.7723 N 89-28-25.9 W 45.0000 151 4785.6566 4878.7741 N 0-35-57.4 E 118.4862 50 4904.1363 4880m34 AREA= 5554.715 SQ.FT.= 0.12751871 ACRES LOT 6 (Figure 106) AREA BEA,RINGS AREA BEi'\RINGS 310 4913.6264 4925.1151 S 0-35-57.4 W 128.3900 309 4785.2434 .4923.7723 , S 89-28-25.9 E 45.0000 305 4784.8301 4968.7704 N 0-35-57.4 E 128.3638 311 4913.1869 4970.1130 N 29- 9-28.0 E 46.0000 CC 196 4953.3578 4992.5249 DELTA= 2-18- 5.2 R L= 1.8477 II) CHORD=N 59-41-29.4W 1.8476 SEMI-TAN= 0.9240 E= 0.0093 'M= 0.0093 S 31-27-33.2 W '460000, 195 4914.1193 4968.5179 S 31-27-33.2 W 31.0000 CC 194 4887.6759 4952.3393 DELTA= 43-20-30.3 L ~ L= 23.450] @ CHORD=N 80-12-42.0W 22.8950 SEMI-TAi'<= 12.3182 E= 2.3577 M= 21911 N 11-52-57.2 W 31.0000 193 4918.0117 4945.9562 S 78- 7- 2.8 W 21.2974 3]0 4913.6264 4925,115] AREA= 5921.294 SQ.FT.= 0.13593420 ACRES F :\Projects\ WP\Jobs 2501-4000\3464 LOT CLOSURES. wpd May 10, 2007 LOT 7 (Figure 107) AREA BEARINGS 311 4913.1869 4970.1130 S 0-35-57.4 W 128.3638 305 4784.8301 4968.7704 S 89c28-25.9 E 24.0439 81 4784.6094 4992.8133 N 35-52-42.7 E 48.5383 iN] 308 4823.9381 5021.2601 N 1-44-50.0 E 96.0981 312 4919.9915 5024.1902 N 43-30- 5.7 W 46.0000 CC 196 4953.3578 4992.5249 DELTA= 72-39-33.7 R L= 58.3347 !i<i CHORD=S 82-49-41.2W 54.5036 SEMI-TAN= 33.8271 E= 11.0988 M= 8.9414 S 29- 9-28.0 W 46.0000 311 49131869 4970.1130 AREA= 6073.777 SQ.FT.= 0.13943473 ACRES LOT 8 (Figure 108) AREA BEARINGS 313 4967.0532 5036.4389 ...... N 72-40-44.4 E 38.2930 IEJ 314 4978.4540 5072.9954 S 1-44-50.0 W 156.0215 307 4822.5051 5068.2383 N 88-15-10.0 W 470000 308 4823.9381 5021.2601 N 1-44-50.0 E 96.0981 312 4919.9915 5024.1902 N 43-30- 5:7 W 46.0000 CC 196 4953.3578 4992.5249 DELTA= 63-49-10.0 L L= 51.2375 ill CHORD=N 14-35-19.3E 48.6296 SEMIcTAN= 28.6433 E= 8.1889 M= 6.9514 N 72-40-44.4 E 46.0000 313 4967.0532 5036.4389 AREA= 6486.186 SQ.FT.= 0.14890234ACRES F:\Projects\\VP'Jobs 2501-4000\3464 LOT CLOSURES.wpd. May 10, 2007 LOT 9 (Figure 109) AREA BEARlNGS 54 4662.5794 5063.3599 N 1-44-50.0 E 160.0000 307 4822.5051 5068.2383 N 88-15-10.0 W 47.0000 308 4823.9381 5021.2601 r;n S 35-52-42.7 W 48.5383 - 81 4784.6094 4992.8133 S 1-35-17.7 W 37.9172 304 4746.7067 4991.7624 S 89-29- 8.0 E 54.1464 303 4746.2205 5045.9066 S 1-44-50.0 W 83.5003 302 4662.7590 5043.3607 01l S89-29- 8.0 E 20.0000 54 4662.5794 5063.3599 AREA= 6858.719 SQ.FT.= 0.15745452 ACRES LOT 10 (Figure 110) AREA BEARINGS 150 4663.2431 4989.4482 S 89-29- 8.0B 53.9147 302 4662.7590 5043.3607 ,N 1-44-50.0 E 83.5003 303 4746.2205 5045.9066 N 89-29- 8.0 W 54.1464 304 4746.7067 4991.7624 ' S 1-35-17,7 W 83.4957 150 46632431 4989.4482 AREA= 4510.524 SQ.FT.= 0.10354738 ACRES F:\Projects\WP\Jobs 2501-4000\3464 LOT CLOSURES.wpd May 10, 2007 ~ , After Recording Return to: Poage Engineering & Surveying, Inc. P.O. Box 2527 Eugene, OR 97402 DECLARATION OF ACCESS & UTILITY EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT- RECITALS: Tuan Bui is the owner of Lots 9 and 10 of the Quinalt Subdivision as platted and recorded on ,2007, 'Document No. 2007- of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. This easement is being created to satisfy a condition of approval (by City of Springfield, planning approval SU82006-0(0055) for said Quinalt Subdivision. This easement and maintenance agreem,ent impacts Lots 9 and 10 of said Quinalt Subdivision. DECLARATION OF EASEMENT: 1. Easement Created. Tuan Sui does hereby create a perpetual'easement as described in Exhibit "A" attached, for the mutual and exclusive use of Lots 9 and 10 of said Quinalt Subdivision. 2. Puroose. The easement is to allow access, ingress and egress, and driveway purposes for said Lots 9 and 10. The easement may also be used for the installation, construction, inspection, maintenance, repair, reconstruction, and replacement of all public and private utilities and facilities necessary for the allowed future development of said Lots 9 and 10, along with the right to enter upon such premises for said purposes as long as such use does not interfere with ingress/egress access. 3, Use of Burdened Prooertv. The owners or occupiers of the lots affected by the easement shall have the 'right to use their property, including the area described as the easement, for any purpose as long as the owners or occupiers do not interfere with the use of the easement as granted by this instrument. No parking shall be allowed within the area of the easement. 4. Maintenance and Reoairs. The cost of any maintenance or associated repair of the area within the easement shall be proportionate to the use of the easement by the owners of said Lots 9 and 10. 5. Successors in Interest. The provisions of this instrument touch and concern, and relate to the use of said, Lots 9 and 10, and are intended to be covenants and restrictions running with the land. All provisions of this instrument, including the benefits and burdens, are binding and enure to the heirs, successors, assigns: transferees, and personal representatives of all parties who own any of the aforementioned lots.. F:\Projects\WPVobs 250 1-4000\3464eO l.wpd May 14, 2007 Page 1 of 2 ~ Dated this day of .2007 Tuan Sui STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss County of LANE ) On this _ day of , 2007 there appeared before me, a Notary Public ih and for the said state and county, the hereon named Tuan Bui, known to me or proven to me by satisfactory evidence to be the same person who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal. Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: Exhibit "A" BEGINNING ATTHE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO ROBERT H. BENNETT,ET AL, IN A WARRANTY DEED RECORDED SEPTEMBER 9, 2005, DOCUMENT NO. 2005-071165, LANE COUNTY OREGON OFFICIAL RECORDS, SAID POINT BEING ON THE NORTH MARGIN OF FAIRVIEW DRIVE, 30,00 FEET FROM, WHEN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO, THE CENTERLINE OF FAIRVIEW DRIVE; SAID POINT ALSO BEING NORTH 89"29'08" WEST FROM A FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD MARKING THE SE CORNER OF DREWS DALE PARK AS PLATTED AND RECORDED THE; THENCE ALONG SAID LAST DESCRIBED NORTH MARGIN, NORTH 89"29' 08" WEST 22.01 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH MARGIN, NORTH 01"44'50" EAST 84.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89"29'08" EAST 22.01 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST BOUNDARY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED BENNETT; ET AL TRACT; THENCE ALONG LAST DESCRIBED WEST BOUNDARY, SOUTH 01 "44'50" WEST 84.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. F: \Proj eets \ WP\Jo bs 250 1-4000\3464eO 1 . wpd May 14,2007 Page 2 of 2 RETURN TO: C[TY OF SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. 97477 (Bar Code Sticker) IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT INCLUDING NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT LIEN (In Lieu of Immediate Construction of Public Improvement; includes Waiver of Right to Remonstrate) IN CONSIDERATION of the covenants herein recited, the City of Springfield, hereinafter referred to as City, and Tuan Sui , hereinafter referred to as Applicant(s), does covenant and agree with respect to the real properly described below as follows: 1. Applicant(s) warrants and represents to the City of Springfield that it is the owner of the property more particularly described and set forth in Paragraph 7 below arid, as owner, has the authority to enter into this Improvement Agreement with the City of Springfield. 2. Applicant(s) desires Development Approval from the City with respect to the following Development Application Quinalt Subdivision, Citv of Sorinofield Journal No. SUB2006-000055 3. The development will cause both an immediate and long-term demand on the various public facilities of City and Lane County including the specific public improvements necessitated by the . development as set forth in paragraph 6. .. 4. This Improvement Agreement is an alternative to imposing a condition on Applicant's development approval that the Applicant make immediate construction of any public improvement that the development necessitates. The objective is to promote efficiency, coordination, and spread costs by providing an opportunity for a district wide improvement mechanism where construction occurs in a coordinated project with the participation of adjacent and other properties in the area, instead of requiring immediate improvement in conjunction with each development application. There is no guarantee, however, that such a coordinate~ project will be possible and the City reserves the right to require construction of the improvements in the future at City discretion. 5. (a) Applicant and City agree that Applicant will pay the cost of the following public facility impr6vements described in Paragraph 6 in accordance with respective cost assumption policy estabiished by City at the time the City determines to undertake and complete such'public improvements. (b) Applicant and city acknowledge and agree that the cost of such improvements and the portion thereof to be paid by Applicant are presently unknown and may be greater that the costs that would be apportioned if the improvements were constructed immediately or by Applicant now or later. (c) Applicant acknowledges that the timing of the construction of such improvements is within the sole and exclusive direction of the City. ' 6. (a) STREET IMPROVEMENTS along the frontage of Fairview Street to include: ( ) surface paving; ( ) storm sewers; ( ) 'sanitary sewers; () curbs; () gutters; ( ) planter strips; ( ) street trees; (x) street lights; ( ) sidewalks. (b) TRAFFIC. SIGNALS at the intersection of None (c) OTHER IMPROVEMENTS None Applicant acknowledges that the list of marked improvements reflect those that would currently be required under the appropriate City codes and ordinances, Applicant acknowledges that it understands that the improvements made will be those required to bring the street to full urban standards for the then current functional classification of the street as those standards exist at the time the improvements are made and may, therefore, differ from the list of improvements checked herein. 7, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (SEE EXHIBIT "An) AKA 1226 Y, Fairview Street Property Address 17,03-27,31 TL# 900 Tax Lot No. 8, City agrees that Applicant's execution and performance of the tenns of the Agreement will be deemed to be in compliance with City's policy pertaining to improvement requirements, and if Applicant complies in every respect with all other applicable laws of the'State of Oregon, Lane County, and City, Applicant shall be entitled to Development Approval, subject to the terms and conditions of approval set forth therei n, . . 9. This agreement is enforceable by the State of Oregon. Lane County or City, 10. APPLICANT AGREES TO SIGN ANY AND ALL WAIVERS, PETITIONS, CONSENTS AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO OBTAIN THE ABOVE LISTED IMPROVEMENTS UNDER ANY IMPROVEMENT ACT OR PROCEEDING OF THE STATE OF OREGON, LANE COUNTY, OR CITY AND'TO WAIVE ALL RIGHT TO REMONSTRATE AGAINST SUCH IMPROVEMENTS, Applicant does not waive any right to protest the amount or manner of spreading the assessment thereof, If the same shall appear to the Applicant to bear inequitably or unfair upon said property of Applicant. Applicant's acceptance of the non-remonstrance condition is in consideration for the City's waiver of the requirement for the immediate construction of the public improvements that the development necessitates. This improvement agreement waives the property owner's right to file a written remonstration. It does not waive a property owner's right to comment on the proposed district or any related matters orally or in writing. 11, It is the intention of the parties hereto that the covenants herein contained shall run with the land herein described, and shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, assigns, administrators, and successors of the parties hereto, and shall be construed to be a benefit and a burden upon the property herein described. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Lane County Deed Records, NOTICE TO APPLICANT/PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER If you.are the applicant or a prospective purchaser of this property, you are advised to discuss this Agreement with an Attorney of your choice. Execution and recordation of this Agreement will place requirements on the Owner and any subsequent purchaser of the Real Properly described in Section 7 and their heirs, successors and assigns. These requirements include but are not limited to the payment for the public improvements described in Section 6. This may result in an assessment lien on the Real Property described in Section 7 and significant costs to the Owner and Purchasers, and their heirs, successors and assigns. An Applicant's signature on this Agreement indicates that the Applicant has thoroughiy read this Agreement, understands it, has had the opportunity to consult legal counsel prior to its execution, and understands that execution of the Agreement may result in significant financial obligations imposed upon the Owner of the Real Property, Any prospective Purchaser of the property burdened by this improvement Agreement shouid also thoroughly review this Agreement, consult with legal counsel prior to purchasing the property, and understand that this Agreement may result in a significant financial obligation imposed upon any Owner of the Real Property described in Section 7. WHEREFORE, the parties have set their hand this day of_ ,2007, By TLian .sui STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LANE ) On this day of before me the above named applicant(s) . Tuan Sui ,2007, there personaily appeared ::tnd signed the above document. Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires By Don R. Rogers - City Surveyor STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss COUNTY OF LANE ) On this day of , 2007, there personaily appeared before me Don R. Rogers, the City Surveyor, for the City of Springfield and signed the above document. Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires. EXHIBIT "A" Lot 9 and Lot 10 of Quinalt Subdivision as platted and recorded , 2007, Document No, 2007- , Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon, After Recording Return To: Poage Engineering & Surveying, Inc. P.O. Box 2527 Eugene. OR 97402 AFFIDA VIT OF CONSENT Northwest Bank, beneficiary under that certain Assignment of Deed of Trust executed by Cascade Capital Partners, lnc, an Oregon Corporation, and recorded January 1 8, 2006, as Instrument No. 2006-003489 Lane County Oregon Official Records, in Lane County, Oregon, does hereby consent to the platting of the property described in said Deed of Trust. Name Title State of ) ) ss ) County of On , before me, personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory e,~dence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that executed the same ill authorized capacity, and that by signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument as a voluntary act and deed. Witness my hand and official seal. Signature e Fidelity National Title Companv of Oregon 800 Willamette. Suile 500' Eugene, c1R 97401 1541) 683,5422' FAX 1541) 344-4534 May 9, 2007 Poage Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Attn: mkaiser@poage.net 990 Obie Street Eugene, OR 97402 Order No.: 00'710953-46 We have enclosed 1 copy(s) of the Preliminary Report for our Order Number 00-710953-46. Please call us immediately if you have any questions or concerns. Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon .. e Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon 800 Willamett8, Suite 500. Eugene, OR 974Ch [541) 683,5422' FAX (541) 344,4534 PRELIMINARY REPORT TITLE OFFICER: David Forstrom ORDER NO.:' 00-710953-46- B Amended TO: Poage Engineering & Surveying, Inc. ATTN: mkaiser@poage,net 990 Obie Street Eugene, OR 97402 OWNER/SELLER: Tuan Bui BUYER/BORROWER: PROPERTY ADDRESS: Map 17-03-27-31, Tax Lots 3601, 1 000,900, Springfield, OR 97477 EFFECTIVE DATE: May 3,2007,05:00 P.M. 1. The policy and endorsements to be issued and the related charges are: AMOUNT PREMIUM 200.00 Part Bill Report Only 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: A Fee 3. TITLE TO SAID EST A TE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: Tuan Bui 4. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, IN THE COUNTY OF LANE, STATE OF OREGON, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF DF\dk 05/09/2007 Order No" on-n0953~46 EXlEEBIT "ONE" BEGINNING AT THE FOUND 5/8" REBAR MARKING THE INTERSECTION OF THE WEST BOUNDARY OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LANO CONVEYED TO JAMES L. CROM, ET UX. BY , .DEED RECORDED.APRIL 20, 1959, ON REEL 131-D, LANE COUNTY OREGON OFFICIAL RECORDS, WITH THE SOUTHERL Y MARGIN OF WEST 'QUINAL T AVENUE, SAID POINT BEING NORTH 78"07'03' EAST 81.93 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 7. FIRST ADDITION TO CENTENNIAL GARDENS AS PLATTED AND RECORDEO ON BOOK 38, PAGE 14, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN. NORTH 78"07'03' EAST 67;39 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY. SOUTHWEST CORNER OF, THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BY 8ARGAIN AND SALE DEED RECORDED OECEMBER 13,2002. DOCUMENT NO. 2002-096994, LANE COUNTY OREGON OFFICIAL RECORDS FOR A PUBLIC ROAD; THEr-ICE ALOr-lG LAST DESCRIBED PUBLIC ROAD TRACT THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES AND DISTANCES: ALONG THE ARC OF A 31.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 80"12'42" EAST 22_90 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 23.45 FEET. ALONG THE ARC OF A 46.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT. THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 73"58'00" EAST 24.47 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 24.77 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY, SOUTHEAST CORN ER THEREOF, NORTH 00"36'27" EAST 92.00 FEET TO THE MOST r-IORTHERL Y NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF, ALONG THE ARC OF A 46.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT. THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 62"41'30" WEST 43.07 FEET. A DISTANCE OF 44.82 FEET, AND ALONG THE 'ARC OF A 31.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT, THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 56"26'48" WEST 22.90 FEET, A DISTAr-ICE OF 23.45 FEET TO THE MOST NORTHERL Y, NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF. SAID POINT BEING ON THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF WEST QUINALT AVENUE. 25.00 FEET FROM, WHEN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO. THE CENTERLINE OF WEST QUINAL T AVENUE;'THENCE ALONG' SAID NORTHERLY MARGIN. SOUTH 78"07"03" WEST 56.32 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST BOUNDARY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED CRaM TRACT; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY MARGIN AND ALONG LAST DESCRIBED WEST BOUNOARY, NORTH 00"35'S7" EAST 193.51 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF THE O'VERSION FLOODWAY AS DESCRIBED IN A WARRANTY DEED RECORDED JUNE 22.1959, REEL 135,D,'INSTRUMENT NO. 71168, LANE COUNTY OREGON OFFICIAL RECORDS, SAID POINT BEING 90.00 FEET FROM, WHEN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO. THE ENGINEER'S CENTERLINE OF SAID FLOODWAY; THENCE ALONG LAST DESCRIBED FLOODWAY MARGIN, ALONG THE ARC OF A 181986 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT. THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 82"09'54" EAST 198.30 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 198.39 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY PROJECTION OF THE WEST BOU NDARY OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO ROBERT H,' BENNETT,ET AL, IN A WARRANTY DEED RECORDED SEPTEMBER 9.2005, DOCUMENT NO. 2005-071165. LANE COUNTY OREGON OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE LEAVING LAST DESCRIBED FLOODWAY MARGIN. ALONG LAST DESCRIBEO WEST BOUNDARY, AND ITS NORTHERLY PROJECTION, SOUTH 01"44'50" WEST 513.54 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH MARGIN OF FAIRVIEW DRIVE, 30.00 FEET FROM, WHEN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO. THE CENTERLINE OF FAIRVIEW DRIVE; THENCE LEAVING LAST DESCRIBED WEST BOUNDARY, ALONG SAID LAST DESCRIBED NORTH MARGIN, N 89"29' OS" WEST 73.91 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LANO QUITCLAIMED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BY OEED RECORDEO DECEMBER 15, 1975, REEL 825-R, INSTRUMENT NO. 76-65494, LANE COUNTY OREGON OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONG, LAST DESCRIBED CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TRACT THE FOLLOWING TWO COURSES Ar-lD DISTANCES: NORTH 01"35'18" EAST 121.41 FEET AND NORTH 89"28'25" WEST 2.08 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO BOBY LEE MOURTON.ET UX. BY WARRANTY DEED RECORDED JUNE 5,1975, REEL 745-R, INSTRUMENT NO. 75,22269. LANE COUNTY OREGON OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH, BOUNDARY OF SAID MOURTON TRACT. NORTH 89"28'26" WEST 111.97 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST BOUNDARY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED CROM TRACT; THENCE LEAVING LAST DESCRIBED NORTH BOUNDARY. ALONG LAST DESCRIBED WEST BOUNDARY, NORTH 00"35'57'" EAST 118.49 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON 2 c Order No. 00-710953-46 AS OF THE DATE OF THIS REPORT, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO CeVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN THE POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOllOWS: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the plJblic records blJt which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inqlJiry of persons in possession. 3. Easements, or claims of easements or encumbrances, oat shown by the public records, reservations or exceptions in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance thereof, water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Discrepancies, cooflicts in bOlJodary lioes, shortage in area, encroachments or any other facts which a correct survey wOlJld disclose. 5. Any statutory lieos for labor or material, iocluding liens for contributions due to the State of Oregon for unemployment compensation and for worker's compensation, which have now gained or may gain priority over the lien of the insured deed of trust, which liens do not now appear of record. SPECIFIC ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS: 6. Property taxes, and any assessments collected with taxes, for the fiscal year 2006-2007. Amount: Unpaid Balance: AccOlJnt No.: Map No.: Levy Code: Affects: Miscellaneous: $1,014.31 , $1,01 4.31 pilJS interest, if any 0230589 17032731 00900 19-39 Code Split 7. Property taxes, and any assessments collected with taxes, for the fiscal year 2006,2007. Amount: Unpaid Balance: AccolJnt No.: Map No.: Levy Code: Affects: MiscellaneolJs: $134.70 $134.70 plus interest, if any 0230597 170327 31 01000 19-00 Code SpiitlLand Only Account Order No. 00-710953-46 8. 'Property taxes, and any assessments collected with taxes, for the fiscal year 2006,2007. 'Amount: LJnpaid 'Balance: 'Account 'No.: 'Map No.: levy Code: 'Affects: Miscellaneous: $7.92 $7.92 plus interest, if any 1,175460 170327 31 03601 19-00 Code Split/land Only 9. City liens in favor of the City of Springfield, if any. There are no liens as of May 3. 2007. 10. Rights of the public and governmental agencies in and to any portion of said land lying within the boundaries af streets, roads and highways, 11. Easementls1 for the purpose(sl shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document. Granted to: ,Purpose: Recorded: 'Affects: City af Eugene Electric Distribution October 14,1937, Recorder's No. 55266 Blanket easement 12.. limited access as set forth in deed from 'Arnold E. Meyer and Jessie Meyer to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, recorded July 26, 1956, Recorder's No. 90751 which provides that no right of. easement or right of access to, from or across the State Highway, other than expressly provided for, shall attach to the abutting property. ' 'Affects: 1-105 13. Limited access as set forth in deed from Stanley C. Broaddus et ux. and Fred A. Price et ux. to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, recorded April 17, 1959, Recorder's No. 65337 which provides that no right of easement or right of access to. from or across the State Highway, other than expressly provided for, shall attach to the abutting property. Affects: 1-105 14. Easement(s) for the purposelsl shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document. . Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: Pacific Power & Light Company, a corporation Electric Distribution February 7, 1962, Recorder's No. 58786 Blanket easement 15. Easement(s) for the purpose(s} shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document. Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: Pacific Power & Light Company. a, corporation Electric Distribution February 7, 1962, Recorder's No. 58787 Blanket easement 4 Order No. 00-710953-46 16. Easementls) for the purposelsl shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document. Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: City of Springfield Sanitary sewer January 7, 1977, Recorder's No. 77-01125 Westerly 10 feet 17. Easement(s} for the purpose(s} shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document. Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: City of Eugene Pipelines November 3. 1977, Recorder's No. 77-70551 1 B. Easement(sl for the purposelsl shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document. Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: City of Eugene Pipelines November 3. 1977. Recorder's No. 77,70552 19. Easement(s) for the purposelsl shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document. Granted' to: Purpose: Recorded: City of Eugene Pipelines March 13, 1978, Recorder's No. 78,16506 20. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document. Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: City of Eugene Construction Easement March 15, 1978, Recorder's No. 78'17261 Northerly 300 feet 21. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount: Dated: Grantor: Trustee: Beneficiary : Recorded: $433,010.00 January 5, 200S Tuan Sui West Coast Title & Escrow Company Cascade Capital Partners, Inc. January S, 200S, Recorder's No. 2006-001089 An assignment of the beneficial interest under said deed of trust which names: Assignee: Recorded: NOTES: Northwest Bank January 18, 2006, Recorder's No. 2006-003489 END OF ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS 5 'Note A. Note B. Note C. Note D. Note E. Order No.. 00-710953-46 We are amending this repo.rt in arder to. update. madify the legal descriptio.n. and to. mo.dify Exceptio.nNo.'s 12 and 13 from the last report dated 03/14/2007. YOU WILL BE REVIEWING,I APPROVING AND SIGNING IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS AT CLOSING. LEGAL CONSEQt!JENCESFOLLOW FROM THE SELECTION AND USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS. THESE CONSEQUENCES AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS ANDOBUGA TIONS. YOU MAY CONSULT AN ATIORNEY ABOUT THESE DOCUMENTS. YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN A TIORNEY IF YOU HA)lE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSACTION OR ABOUT THE DOCUMENTS. IF YOU WISH TO REVIEW TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS THAT YOU HAVE NOT YEt SEEN, PLEASE CONTACT THE ESCROW AGENT. 'No.te: Any do.cuments bein~ executed in co.njunctio.n with this transactio.n must be signed in the prese'nce af an authorized emplayee o.f an agent, an autho.rized employee af the insured lender, ar by using IBancserv ar ather approved third-party service. If the abo.ve requirements canno.t be met, please call the campany at the number provided in this repart. Praperty taxes fDr the fiscal year 2006-2007, Paid In full. I " Amo.unt: . $117.01 AccDunt ND.: 4102990 MapND.: 17 03' 27 31 00900 , Levy Cade: 19-03 Affects: Mo.bil~ hame in the name o.f the vestees herein/CDde Split There are no. judgments af 'ecard against Tuan Bui. There are no tax liens af re :Drd against Tuan Sui. 6 EXHIBIT A AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION'LOAN POLICY 110-17,92) Bnd AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION ,LEASEHOLD.LOAN POLICY (10-17-921 'SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE n- fil!k>willg l~tIlIfS lIfll etJlI'ru..r, udl..d.d from ttw. C'OI/!Ill1g. of thr;- polio;:\, .nd m. Company w~1 not p.", loa or ....m."'.. ""sts..lttOmlV'< f'lI'" or lIXPO",," ~ ..n.. by rq~on of: . \. ~llvr'!law.CII"dKlan.,.org-o""lTI'THIlJClll'<IQuI.tio"\including butl"O,liInitlld tobuildinllloozlInirlgla>M:, online"".... orTollluiatiol'\l;j..wictino. prohibiting llf..lotino tcHlthlloccup"ncy, ....,o<..nioy.....ntoi the land: (ij) th. dwr..:_. dimlln~il"'s fr location af any mpro........".nt now <:It harutt.r e,.cud on lh8 ql'ld;:iii)._par.riani1~hlfJo'<l(:hango.inl...lIim.nslOn;lIr.re.o.oftheblndllr.nY~rr:.'oj whieh u.... Iond iI: orworr;;l pan; or livl .."virunrnllnta11ln>toctio:>l\, or theefte<:t Qf...,y v;oation ofm-. IIlws. <>I'lii","n~ or <;Jollornnem:al f811ui.1:ionI<, ..,,,,,pI to tho .",.m th..t . ll<>1ic:oo of tho lImar::o.......nt tt-.of or,. notice at'. doel.,c,;, lien or .nclJmb+-.~ r~1tioo from I yjoi.tion lIr.hged violni"n Iftacfuo It. '-nd h... 0-0 ,..,.,rdlOd in m. public rw<:oo"ds at D.~ oi Po~. IbIAnV." polioe powornllt u:<:lu:laG'bV (a).lbo_. ohCopttD tho lI:rnonrtn.11 " ootic. C1f1n<l o:oocin 1""',..01'0'-. ooUCII of.. delooct, j,," C1r e"""mb....... ,uultinv from.. violation, or.alleoQed viobbon,..tt.c::tmg thoo I"nd Iou b_n r...::coded ., thio poi1lic ,-=ani.. .t De"" 01 PoliClV. 2. Rio/ms Qf...,j".nt 13om.oill unle<;s noDoe oft'- .""rei.. the....f fla" b...nnocat'ded In.th public 'ReOI'd.- iIIto..h1otPolicv,butnot..xclu:iingf""mc''''.~..lly''king.....I>ich.n."oc::ou....dpriol'too..teoIPoliay which wuuk! btlbinding 01111>10 rir.;lhboo:>l.. pun:n.......for........ ",,"hout i<r1oWl8dO.. 3; Oet.ca:. lien:.:, M1CUmbr.."","_, ..~ cliIIim", or ot"- rmo1ter>:: 1.1 ~md, .uffw..::t. as"umed <H ~d b;l bv tM iru:u..d d&imant: jbl not l<n<>wn to the CompM1V. nOt r-=.Dad. in tn. pubic recordi; ., Data of PoIi::V. bU'l known to ~ olrlimillnt .nd not di=clond In vvriting to the Company by me i"",und o.......-ot prior to the dall< IDa insU'lld claim.nt b.:.om. Y.n ins...l utldOor this: policy; ~cl .....ui'tinr.l in no k>ss or demillge to thoI ins~ elllim.lont; ~dl att.mnIH.rCl\Ut.d .ub...q....-.ttD o.u of?ollo'i, or leI ruuttino, in D= or MmaQ8 whi<:I1 wUUd ng( have beeflcw;taOned il tha....."'-'O cAlmant had peid ,..,~ lor tt. oGU'le or ;m-...t ........-1 by thir; policy. 4. tlr>omol'CPbilMy of the i_n of the ior:...., !flortQa<j..b.c......QIth5imlbiiiqt orfUureo ofthei\$U8d..1 OU. afPolicy. or IllDinabiiity or '..ilo..... ol..ny subo;equontO'YVl'1eroftn. no.btltdn..". 100e>mply with applicabl.do~buo;-ines"liJVWsoft""'SUhllnwhir::httJel.ndil;si\ulI'ed. 5. Inv.lidity orunoonfgrCOl;lbiliiy of th" Iieo oj thei.....-d mortl1"g", o.eleim ""'nol, wllich;lrK.,.olltof 'the tr.~ction .videnced by thiII innnd mOl"lljliog", ..nd is b<1,.od ......" UiIIurl' 0' .nv ".,,,,,umer credit pnn.'=!ion Dr IfUUl in lIlndirq IiIw. 6. Anv .Ututory Iirln for service." lillbor or ~T....k jar !htt claim Df p.oicrifr Of 0Ifry S'tiIIwwry ilillll lor ..",ic.rs, I.lxrr or m.mo.... ov-r t..... Mn of Tn. i...:n".d mong.ge) arisinQ from Kl improV1lm"rrt orwott ..lat.a to the lIInd whir::h is eon1r..ot8<llor-iII"" camm....CfId cubalq..nt I<> [)a(oI 01 PoicV .."" is nol !inem>>d ., 'Nholo or in f'iIIrt by plOClO"d,.DftheindillbteQ.....a .iIICI.....dbvtn.ir>sUf.dmor1l;l..Qe...mh ..to.u.oIPoicyttwm.......hn.dv.ncador...obIiq.tedtCl...!v.nc.. 1. AA'(~", which ;lriilla oU'l of the lI'riru;;aC'tir>n or..tng: thiII mtareo;t of lhe m01tg.illg_ ino:urad bv this policy, by r..eon ..fthe opoillrationofftoderelbankr~tcv, rtal'8 irml>_ncy, orsimiDr cr.ditor.-' righu IJVW$,!h.iIIlisb.sadon: (il th.. u......""'.ion c,...nino th& inm.--1 '" tn. munod mortQag.. beillQ d._m.d ill fraudU""'l conwv.oolt orfreudlllenlttflnlfer..,r em the subordmbon of-the .....tror=1. at h ;nwred morllC\a\l_ u a ,_"jt 01 the appr..:..tion of the doctrioB<1flOqum.b"subordfliitiem;or (~'l the-tn~tion e,..tlng tha;n~otthto jn",~ mortg"lI.obe~~' p........nt;"l tr.nrier ..."."t "","-e the pre","",tiar lnndar .-cul",- f""" the f..iIur<l; 1.1,0UnillIy racordttMinsuurnwrtaftnnrl1rr;or (bl or 'lIOn ......,cro.tio... to imp.1t noli.,. to . purctlKer for v..... Dr ill judo"m""t o' IiiIIn CJ'ednor. AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY 110-17-92} AND AMERICAN LANO TITLE ASSOCIATION LEASEHOLD OWNER'S POLICY 110-17-921 SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE Th" lollowiro;, m.tmrs .,.. ~=ly- It''cluc:lod n.:.m the 00"*"'IlOl ot Ihi:; polq .nd the Companv will nat PfIY loss 00" d.1omilloQ", CC>$U. .ttl;>mlty's i...... or -i:r_.... which iII(P 101'....-00 of: 1. (,,'ArY'(law, o.d....nc.orQo_mm.....ul.-ou..'ion (inciurln:, bui not lirnli'ed 'IObuiding .....-.]zoniogl..""". ordnncrn:....rllgUlariorwl .-.slicing, pt<>hibrtinc;J ornilatin'll tolu1h.....ocupancy, u...,ore.,pym"ntot tho. lend; (iil- In. oh..fillctillr. dimel'l$io<r~ or Ioc3tiDn of any ....prt;I...m..,. no"" or I>e...n.r er.cntd on the land; nm.. ~...Oon in o"...".rship or . chang. in tIMt dim.rmon", Or ....... of 1n. I;ood or al'1V p"n:oK 01 wnoch m. I.... is Dr w...,. p-art: or INl .,viro......-rtell"""'l.ction. or the efhlct of any violation of tt-. .Ie"'" <>rdi"",nC>I!Is oe 'llo..............,ul '..II.....tio"". ~ to tiM "":tem thAt a n01ioe of ~he ""ion:."",.nl ma"",f or ~ notice 01 .. dDf"ct,. I.... O. .....,umbl3R:" ,esutil1Q from fl. ...",..tion or .sl.....ed violnion .H1oc:ling thelM1d n.",beer>f1IcartMd n tiM public recorckal Date ofPol-ic:y. Ib} Arti oo....."'mentoo! 1l<'1ic:.. pOWllr not ..1tCluc:led by j..l alx>w. ucapt,o tI:w .",\:11111 wt...oooo. of the u.n:is.. lI1Neof or . nate.. 01 . d.;.:t, Nil or ..ncU'T\bnl'lCll ~<1ll from .. violation or af80ed ....io..tion aftrtctinQ'the l"nd r-........ RlCOrded In 1tJe public rtCOf"d. at D.nt of F'olicv. 2. Rights oi ernnent dOm.a'" .n..... notio. of tf. exefCh lherroothasb-... racotd.l in r;I-. ,,"ubi" rr'lc:oros .t o..tD or Policy, but no, 8'l1cluclirI;J from CQV.....Q" i1111V taking which n.s:oocmm.d prior m Dal8 of Poli<;y wili<;h 'M>uId b. binding em It-. Jighbs oJ ill pun:n...r fof v.iua with:nn: knowllldo". ... O.fDcu, h"....., .ncumb..."""". adv-r>:" c.ms. 0..-..0- mlltten;: 1.1 ofOilltlld..uth".l. iIIl<a.rmador.O...o'lObVu...Inn.-ecIcbtimilln1; {bl IlOtkl1own to the C<>mp"nv. nottilloordtld in the publie r..".,rd..to.t. 01 Poicy, but kNIwnw the i<=n>d c"mant ..nd not d..ciolSad 'in wrilinO to _ Comp..e"v by the ncur.d cJ,oim<1nt prior 121 1M a..l" th"i.."..d cl;oimJombRe..tnD.n'ns.....o ....a.rthio; polic'(; je) ~tno ., no 10" of d.maQt:I to tI10t Il"&U"ad "im.ent: (dl~ltiIct>illQorcr_ed:nrb..~ttoDa1lo...tPollcy,or le) re..u.tr.Q " Ioc~' or dame(;Nl ...hi<:h wot.*l not hav& l:leen n.ain.d i/ tkro in"i....o cl.imillnt ty. p..id vallie fortho.r...t:'iII o,nsur.d bymis policy. 4. AnV c",,"in> which ;1';""- out oj the Uan:=ec:tion v..:tnQ in u,." Insu"ad ~ utill1. or m"..~t inl;....-.d by thioo peliicy, by ......son of \he opDratiDr> 01 led....1 ....n~'UptcV. nIlUl .,solvency, o. .,m.., c..ctiIDrs' fioot:;Ie~.'lhalisba:;.don; W tf. II"IIrrncrlon c.."tinQ m. .lrtrlm or int......t ............a. by ltris p..lioy billing d...m... . lrliudu..nt COr'lvDy.rceorlraudl.llemtr.ncfar.OI" .rii} the tl1tnsrlctian cfNling 'thoI ecnh Of rn.tiII"r nsured by mil: po/ic./ ...iog ......m_d . p..f...."ntiel tr."",f..., u~pt wn.re tn.. pr..n.....ntial u.rorl.r.-cults hom the l1li1.lro: \.1 to tirn.IV rec:otlitheimlrum"ntOf_transfer;cr [b) of .uch reccrtlation to ir'n.;NIrt ""tic. b:1 . p..-chenr for valUlt of a iudoetMnt or lien. cradittw, lhro;lb<will ALTAF>Olioy form.."",y b. I=.s.....d to offord either Stood.rd Co.......O.. or EXho...d"d eov"",O.. In .dditi= to thiII .bove Excluo:io.... !rom Co"~", h Ex'coopTio",,-from C<>v"..o. in. SCI"".rdC<>~"""ioy W1~;l1so ,,,,,,"lude tIMtollowing G..--.IExo~: SCHEDULE 8 GENERAL EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This poIicV dblll: not ir>sure ~g.'t'"CI 10'"" or dD....g. I.nd In. Com"",,,y wi. not pal' cosI::I. ..norIlillYs' f.K 0' 8)(J'GN'...j whi::h .rjp by ..."O:On of: l. l..",,,,,orUE_m,,nbs wtUc:h;lr.""I.<ho.....n ijse:ris.ti'l;llianr;- bV 'lhenocon:l,..ot...nytaxinQ authoriw 1....t IIwie:s tu..,.. or .......cm>.nts on ...;11 P"'''''ftV or by me p>bic ,...,..,.as, ~ by JI pubic '"9"n::y wnch mav racUI in till... Dr _.amillnt:l'. or flOlr:.s- of such p........dings .......~ 01" not shown by 0... ...cordl: of Sl:Ch ag.ncV or by Ih. pubic- ,.co,dI:. 2. AIT\I iactI;. rl;ihots, mm....to- o. olll;rns wtUch _ not dlown by the pubic fiIIoo-I'Ih: but which eou'd b.. UCiIIlrtloin,.,; by .n NpseWn of Aid IIInd or bV ",.king ""uiy of p<<sorlC in pos$lIOo:oion. PART 1 J. E....mentl;. or e"~ of ..u..m....tc ..r .....,u-nbr.1IlO81:. not .tro-..n by !he public "",orO:s. r.;".......ti::on= or ..o.pt;on. in ~l8ntc or in acts ..uIhoritino IhII .cu.=- Ih_..,f. ...._ rigoa:, elll,,- or litIo b:1 V\f,I1...-. 4. O.h. _.. CIlf1IlkIs 'n boundary lines. sholUoQ. in ;I'"" 'Its. or anv ou... f;eetc which .. corn.cl"'urvev worMl disdo... . _. Arw statl.llory ..rtiII' for l..bor or m.arial, including I."" tor """"Dibutions 4..... to Cha Stale at O...oan for unempbym.nt <:om"".--oon ..no:! for wo,l.r'. ct>...........titm. whicll ......... now ".n.d or m..y g.., priority 0"'" thoo lian ot the inIi\red d..d "t tn.>Ot, which Iieroo d.. not new .,,~r of record. , Fidelitv National Financial Group of ComDanies' Privacy Statemant, July 1. 2001 We rucognize and respect the privacy expectations of today's consumers and'the requirements of applicable federal and state privacy laws. We believe that making you aware of how we use your non-pubiic personal information i"Persooallnfonnation"), and'to whom it is'disclos8d, will form the basis for So relationship of trust between us and the pubjic that we serve. This Privacy Statement provides that explanation, We reserve the right to change this Privacy Statement fTOm time to time cDnsistent with applicable privacy laws. In the course of our busins8s,_ we may collect Personal Information about you from the foRowing sources: From applications or other forms we receive from you or your authorized reprasentative; From your transaction's with, or from the services being performed by, us, our affiliates, or otners; From our internet web sites; From the public records maintained by governmental entities that we either obtain directty from those entities, or from our affiliates or others; and From consumer or other reporting agencies. OUf Polidss Re98fding the pfotection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Pefsonallnfol1Tlstion We maintam physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized accass or intrusion. We limit access to the Personal Information only to those employees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other legitimate business purposes. Our Policies and Practices Rel}8rding the Sharin9..~f Your Personal Information We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates, such as insuranca companies, agents, and other mal estate settlement service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Information: to agents, brokers or representatives to provide you with s13rv;ces you have requested; to third-party contractors or service providers who provide services or perform marketing or other functions on our behalf; and to others with whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you may find of Interest, In addition, we will disclose your Personal Information wnen you direct Dr 9ive us permission, when we are required by law to do so, or when we suspect fraudulent or criminal activities. We also may disclose your Personal Information when otherwise permitted by applicable privacy laws such as, for example, when disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising out of any agreement, transaction or relationship with you. One of the important responsibilities of some of our affiliated companies is to record documents in the pubtic domain. Such documents may contain your Personaol Information. Right 10 Access Your P8f'Sonallnfonnation and Ability to Correct Errors or Request Changes or Deletion Certain states afford you the right to access your Personal ~nformation and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom your Personal Information has been disclosed. Also, certain states afford you the right to request correction, amendment or deletion of your PersonBllnformation, We reserve the right,_ where permitted by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs Incurred in responding to such requests. All requtlsts must be made in writing to the following address: Privacy CompliBn~e Officer Fidelity Nationa'. Financial, Inc. 4050 Calle ReaL Suite 220 Santa Barbara, CA 9311'0 MuttipN Producu Qr Servic8$ If we provide you with more than one financial produot or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from us. We apologize tor any inconvenienoe this may cause you. 'ff ./~') 'I~ j-;~'- 7p\ ~.~ - --;;;. - T' - - - ~""S"W._ _ _ _ ~ , I. - .1' '=~. 111 13500 Ie' I I I I ~ -r! '~7'_<fl"~~~~LLY":" Bll<EPAnfi -----t------!C' yl-~'3600I-----1"..~"~.,.~' r I I.~ I I~~ J ^ ".~~_<-"~_ /-..,T.=. ,~" I l=~ Lb. 600 ' I ~ ~ 'II \' II~ 3.93 ;[;. 1 i,Olc ' T..:. ;:,....00 ~ ...-' ..----- " 900 --1.:.,: ~_o,.1. _ - ~ " . .. 1100 1000 - r ,'~ Q.BO M:. .} \ ' r' , I ~ j ~~ .. s",:"'/o.; ~- ijj 1$' { '~~ ~_I FAIRVI EW "-",,,.';;;,," ;::",,~ ':0. ~:_ tlt L'~j} -=:~>~LJf,.j ~ h~ 1200 ,~...: 1:301' 1400" 1500 I' ~ ,,141',' "..~ (.; I. 'I . ~ 1.1'" ~ ~ '-' I ~,,1202 ~. L':'~::'i-: ' ;, 1~: t~3! ~~ FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE CaMP ANY ~ :;Y"-;'i ~/-r;ir'\\ (, I, "'~'i' '~,,?' I.i _".:' . i . ~ ; I: S ..,.702 ~ ;, -- ~ ~ ";t 800 700 "'I i . , . , . . , ;0- o o '" :,~S'l1' ~~ QUINb-UL ~ ~:::I .~. '-e.~.91.'lo.,_(I" 7,,1101 ~, Cor. 81K 7 ~ .:: ddrtlon to ... mnu:f GOI"r2en:s . i ~ , , 5.).4413 Wl~~' ,: ~ , ." . . l H' ~ 1J! t 11 , . - ~ '" '" ,.. '" .., o ,.. ""~ 0lil0.0' ; r~'\I'T"'" '1'..... ;.r1S<ii.-'.,,.... ~~..;... 1102 \ 1001 1 , . . i r , =' 7.."",........ ...-'~-......._w ~ ,., ,., en 1601 "'..' " ,\ ,.1. rP~, .;-":... !i .!1 {: u, =!- ,j., " ~\ /.: :~~).i SEE DETAIL MAP NO, I i 1, ~: ~: ~_ _ll~ r - - -"Q~ I " I I f. ~- . ~ ~ ~, .;; , , ~ . ! ~ . : ,. ~ . 0' . , 5.38347 ~ J t {. ~ l I I I I I I I I .--------- \ ~!'M"J""V: Q """" ! ~ I :>Irr"~_t. 1I"';;;;r" ~ ! 300 I ;LO.,.AC,. I ,'Ii ~ , I' - - ..._~.!....~ -'~.,.; ~ ~ ;. )~3 ~D<- ~, ~; ; i 0.19 ~- ~j ~O.13 Ac':f . lOlr........' ~ll . II .In''''O!9''Y 'J _''<... 11"401:> ,..,.. .........VO'_ __ ',lr i < 2 .~10 . ,,, 11< ,=. , ~~"' .-. L- -- 1500 ""#1I1'JI( H' 1700 ;r_or 1600 .....' :tOOe r..1 ,,-. . 1901 0.14101:.. : 2100 "'-.,,- . , ~ . ".,''#V-,.l-;&. N' 1902 .0.24 AC. < , o . , This sketch above is made solely fur the purpose of assisting in locating said premises and the company assumes no liability for variations, if any, in dimensions and location ascertained by actual survey. Map # 170327 31 00900000 JOb 3~DI " , . :".. r.., )if- J * v ':l( j." 8. s. 10. 11, 12. 13. 14. 15. Order No. 00-lI0.953..46 :Property tax~s. and any assessments cnilected with' taxes, for the fisc31 year 2006-2007. Amount: Unpaid Balance: Account No.: Map No.: Lev.y Code: AffectS : MisceUaneous: $7,.92 $7.92 pius interest, jf any 11'75460 17032731 03601 19-00 'Code Spiit/Land Only City liens in fav.or of the City oi Springfield. if any. There are no liens as of,May 3,2007, Rights of the pubiic and governmental agencies In and to any p'ortion of said land lying within the boundaries or S1:reeTs, roads and highways. Easament(s) for the purpose~si shown beiow and righTs incidental there'to as granted in a document. ' Granted m: Purpose: Recorded: Affec~: . City of Eugene Electric Dis"tribution Ocmber 14, 1537, Recorder's No. 55256 Blanket easement l,imited access as set. forth in deed from .A.rnoid E. Meyer and Jessie Meyer to' the State or Oregon. by and through rrs ~ta!e Highway Co'mmisskm, recorded Juiy 26. 19561 RecorderJs No. 9075"1 which pr.ovides tfiat no right of easement or right of acc~ss to, from or across the S tate Highway, other than expressly provided for, shall attac~ to the abutting property. Affects: 1-105 Limited ac::ess as set forrh,in deed fram Stanley C. Broaddus et ux. and Fred A. Price et ux. to the State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Commission, recorded April 17, 1959, RecorderJs No. 65-337 which provides that.no right of easement or right or acces,;:; to, from Of- across the - State Highway, other th~n express:y provided fOfl shaH attach to the abutting propertY. Affects: 1-105 E.asement(s)'for the purpose{sl shown below and rights. incidental thereto as granted in a document. . Gramed to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: P3c)iic Power & Light Company, a corporation Eiectric Distribution February 7, 1962, Recorder's No. 53786 Btanket easement Easement(s) for the purpos~is} shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a. doc'..lment. Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: AffecTS : Pacific Power &. Ught Company', a corporation EleCTric Disrribution February 7, 19f?2, Recorder's No. 58787 Blanket easement d ,. ".fl..... 16. ~C~CC~ 17. J 18. '* 19. ~ 20. J i 21, ~- '*I, NOTES: Order No. 00- 71 095.3-46 E:asement{s) for the purpose's! shown below and rights incidental thereto as grarrred ill a dOGument. Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: City of Springfield Sanitary sewer January 7, 1877, Recorder's No. 77-0J 125 Westeriy 10 feet Easementfs} tor the purpose~sl shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a docurnent~ Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: City of Eugene Pipelines November 3.1977, Recorder's No. 77-70551 E:asamentlsj for the purpose(s) shown below and righTS incidental thereto as granted in a document. Granted 10: Purpose: P.ecnrded: City of Euaene Pip~!ines - November 3, 1977, Recorders No. 77,70552 Easeme!:rt(s) .tor the purpose{sl shown below and rights indde.ntai thereto as granted in a document. Granted 'to: ,Purpose: Recorded: City of Eugene Pipelines March 131 1978, Recorders No. 78-16506 Easement(s} for the purpose;s; shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document~ ' Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: Oty of Eugene Construction Easement March 15. 1978, Recorder's No. 78-17261 Nor1heriy 300 feet A deed of truS1 to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other. obligations secured thereby Amount: Dated: Grantor: Trustee: Beneficiary: Recorded: $433,010,00 Januar/ 5, 2006 Tuan Bui West Coast Tide & Escrow Company Cascade Capital Parcners, Inc. January 6, 2006, Recorder's No. 2006-001089 An assignment of the beneficial interest under said deed of trust which names: Ass:gnee: Recorded: Northwest Bank January 18, 2006, Recorder's No. 2006-003489 END OF ITEMS AND EXCEPTiONS , I ,~l :1 ._.'C,;.. "''',_ ,-,,':'; "" ,..'., ~ltl;;'5t -~.~---.' ..;.' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises with their appurtenances, in fee simple, State .of Oregan, by and thraugh its State Highway Cammissian, its successars and assigns fareve: And. we the said grantar....s. da hereby cavenant ta and with the said State .of C thraugh its State Highway Cammissian, its successars and assigns, that ........we...a.ra.......... in fee simph;of sa~d premises; that they are free fram all incumbrances and that ...... we will warrant and defend the same fram all lawful claims what> ........ hand . I~ WITNESS WH?iF' .............."'.~........................ ha~: hereunta set ......a.ll:r......... thIs .d...41t.... day .of .......... .......... .............................., 19....... " Danein presence .of: 1 I "t:I C!) CD o ~ " >0 .g ..... '> J:: :;; ts .s .... .... - v ~ ": i I' '. \. ... ,"::E o. '" 'I&, ~ I ~ ~ ~ E ' " ~-~ ....__..__........_______._____.__....._......____.........__n ............... ,..................................../ " : : Yf"I ~i~.'1 .,.0' . (1); : t...: lll; 0 ~ E-l ill: ~:i "CI ~ 1l>.'I:l ~-= ~ ..'to!: "'811~ ~~ ..~ OIl>.:lII ~:tCll ....=&l~ :l8"'~ ~ 0 ~ I;,J_"='E .sO of . ~ ~ to" ~'" ~ ~ ~ 'U1:",!! =~J88.s ~! ~'tlf~ ~..,f-lioe '-' -6 ~.~.: - - :. "0 ;.-.=] ~~ f c.;c...:==....-t ~g ,~'C~~ 00:"- ~;:.: .i 'Tl: '0, ,..-1: 0: Ci "', .-,:: .<<~~...f.,..~~., ...~........i......~,.. v N N ~ o w If' ~ \0 N .~ ~ 0:: -' => J ~ ri ~ 11:..; '[ . ~ ~ .~ n . ~;1?: ! i ~.~ 1 \ cj : "~~ """..:: -; i~ 0 ~~ ~: '-'~ ..;5 ~= ;.. :J l'O o __:.'u_ ~~__ .____... _ .___'___ _ , _. _ --'.~~--~.~',-='''-' .. ',~~. ~~,~,~,_o,-~t;:~~~GP~~>~~ c,~-~_:.~-'~~> ~.' ,.' -4 ., .... '. ..:-. i...: '-!~.;--~~1::I~:~::.~-;. ~,.P - -~~7~". ~:"",::~J~.{~ , "",~'d ~"""""""'~'''''c"'.. ,I, <,.: ~. .- 'f _. .-. "...",.'.=""""",,o~T~C''F'-''~~~'~''':'''W~;I;.t''_r:l~j',~.',.;':!.""i!': __ :Y.:~_:~~~~~~::~~~:~~ ~;~1 . .1". ...1..'....' ~.~~ ..-.' .:Cd_ -!\. ;~..' :li.::, ." ~ ..6-{-f / ff'-- . ", .~.I I] " "1. .."--1 .."., ",~, ,..-,,_'- .__:-:i_~____ :@I . ''''~;:.. - ,::"n~.." ',.,': ;}~~-"<~;~::.:::~;~J~t~(~~~t~ ~~~~ ~-'"i~:;-~._~~;~-'-=;i:~.~=~::.,.,i~~~_~_.,._~.."._~.,,:-... ~~_..~::_,,-~~~ .. ,: "'='>~- - -': '~~';!fl~~~'1}~ .,.... ........ :~~~Ii!{ ,'" 1 Fii2 N(l. 2j:5;.,j WARRANTY DEED (Indi\'idua I) iotu 1m jRen bp Qrbese ~resents', That. '.~e, SL'ir:.l.eJ' C. n:-oaddu9 a.nd ::r..a \r. d.'.l::., h'.l3ca:Yi 3..:'::1 wife, lego.l owners; Fred A. Price a::d :~hoda s. P~ice, husband a...'ld ~o~t~-act p~~c11aseI's . grantor ~_., for the consid'~ratiOll I)f urn of One. nJndr'2d Fifty ~'1d ;.;o/lC(\ (:'1 <;n 00' ........-'v... }.. -- - - - - .... .. .... ..... - - - - DOLL\HS 'lS p<3id~ h;1\'C b:1rgajncd and sold Clnd by the~e presents do bargain, scJl ilnd cun\-cy unto the fE Or' OREGON, by and tlll'CJUgh its STATE HIGHWAY CO~Il\lISSION. the following descriiOl'd premises, t: A parcel cf land J..:,'ing in the Robert E. Campbell D.L.C. #59, Township 17 Sout.h, Rang" st. W.Y., 12ne County. Oregon, and being a portion of that property d"scribed in that deed canle.,. C. and Ima G. Broaddus. recorded in BooK 341. Page 140. of lane County Records of s; the said parce~ being that portion of said property'lyinG Northerly of a line '~ich arallel to and 90 feet ~:ortherly of the center line of a Diversion Floodway, which center is described as follows: 3eginning at Engineer's. center line Station Channel 155+53.32, said Statjon being 211. 51 , ~outh and ~322.13 feet East of the Northwest corner of said Campbell D.L.C. #59;' thence 1909.26 fo'ot radius curve right. (the long chord of which bears North 340 10' East) 15 feet to Station Ch~~el 158+86.47, said center line crOSses the West and East lines ~id property approximately at Stations Charillel 156+25 and 157+40. respectively. (Bearings used herein are based upon the Oregon Co-ordinate, System, South Zone.) The parcel of land to which this description applies contains 0.1 acre. As a part of t.he consideration hereinabove stlited, there is also bargained, sold, conveyed relinquished t.o the Grant.ee all existing, future, or potential corrmon law or statutol7 ter's easement.s of access between the right of 'way of the public way identified as the cat.ed Pacific Highway and its connecting legs and all of the Grantors' remaining real crty consisting of all parcels contiguous one to another, whether acquired by separat.e eyances or otherwise, all of which parcels either adjoin the real property conveyed by instrument, or are connected t.heret.o by other parcels owned by Grantors. It is expressly intended that t.hese covenants. burdens and restrict.ions shall run with land anel shall forever bind the Grantors, their heirs a:,d assigns. if through it,; Stale lIighw,lY C')lIltlli%j,m. it,; Sll~'l't'SS()],~ ~md Olssigns. llwl in f~: simple of :mjd !JI'l'llIis< s; that they fire fref..' (rom al! I'IlClIrnl..1l'aJlcL'S alldth~t . .... .we. .. wiJ] \\'arranlund dd~lld the same f!'Om ;llllawflll cJnim~ WhflISPt'v<'1 IN W1TNESS WHEREOF, .......___.vm..... 1~ . this (;r-~~ay of .........J:\:\_~~,~~.._Cy...,. Done in'presence oC: f- ~ ~ ~ \~Q-:) \ '::- ::, ?::, ~<\\ I ~ _:~;;- ~ ~j ~<~-, ~ ~ ~ i ! ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ i"'Il t tIt Ghi "" -'" .. l'l,~ ~8.<l... 8 00 t:l l~ti.! . i8 h"j~'f~' o't ell 'Q ... -...... ..... ~ 0.<:8 'i~"-- t ~ c ~'!r:; 5 ",u ..;05_ i ! , ! i. STATE OF om:Go:'~, County of ...... ... .. J"",ue.. On this ....2l.s.t. ..._.. day of . , "Barch" a Notary Publi~ in and'~or s~id county and state, the within Ilmiled Stanley...c~ ..81'oaddu5 -..~ ",1:~ 19.59... .. have hereunto set _.. ,our, . hnnd s,. and s~':l1.s . I \ . "t{i~ < G: '( ( ,.!~__l_ c.!:'-J,f....<(i.(.~ /~'>.,:. "'_'-'L'/cl.i'..I..:'-~'''''-~, . , ; I ~lll' "WI\<'r~ [S~i1J) [SC'~1 J [Sea]] [8('1\11 [Selll) [Seal) [Sl:'Rl] [Senl) .u,.., 195.9.., personally callle before me, My corlll11issjrlll(>J<llircs <, l.'~~__A J)--',~~~:'f2--~' .. >,,;l<tCcd~,:._~..J. :(h.,.,:,,". " "1 J~ .1 ,'~iiH \~ " ' t; .~ t'..J -l~ ~ ~~ ~i- 8= ~~J < "", ~~.)';\~ ( \ "" ,~ '" u.. L: , {55. J' f' '-. r" " ~ ~ ,".,.....~ ,and IlliA G. Broaddus .., his' wife, to me perso08~~o~'niW 1;1e the Id<>ntlcal persons dcscnbed In, and \1 ho cxC'cutcd the \'Iltlnn in~trumcnt, lmd who 6Ac\).~ou~l,1Y.,\~\lOwledged to me that the yexeculcd thp sflme frecl\ Ilnd vuluntnriIy for the uses llli~fIit:lses tkrei.rf<(:?o.med . "'d-' WUrst ~ IJollIl.d &9d offiCIal se.?] lhe day and )ear Vlst aho'>!:' wnUen "d f:: ~"" ," '" , ,j,' .,y...."!-.:.q"..""- ,r.~. "'/,/iI .. s ~ ~ '.. ""'P" l ^.,,-<..~;>. ___ "' "" ""'61~?'p~l;ii~"-,~; O;~."n ,",tg , !"; , \, '. " ","" ~ ~'. .,'" : ";. ':"""t',.. :...., .,: .".' ii.~~,' '<," .",," - \,1". Lid" ',,' ,.,' "'1':',.' )1'-'-' :i;-'f(' j.!,:j,';',,,. .,',.;: :."., : ',,,';-.;'. "',,', "[ '":,:,. -',", ...,' .r- "".,., ,,:., " .,;.",.;. ;",-! "0-,"'1'1. '.'!r' .",' c, f !:. ~''-, i: : l!o ~ ' '",' c? '~:'O:l .:j'" La:w :rPO:'L10G 01 Sac' "~ >.'. ~;la ",li11l_-='L"lO.. ~7 1'. '!'owns>\ :~~ C~::~~~: ~,~ - ~~~~~;L;;~~~~~t~ l.,~~'J,;l;,~'" ,:;0; .,~.~ ,;L-~O~~';io~: ~~~ : ~ .~~: ~~d: ., _ :-~:- I J,,-:1 '11' ",,' "," ~ ~" ::j:,,!: ",.,,' "' ,--'(,p J!.'.:J6!! !.... ,-,:"oi . /; II! ....." :'~"6.::.:-6:" J. :::"0_';:1' c,; ;...:;C(;;-::) ._-.~ or ,'f ,"" " ;, 'I'~-:-~- r'~- "','~t-" 10",'.."',' I r/';'\';,~,I" 1.0 'KK: , ,:i'1l.yt;: liWJ:S l!,O:t:"... "~;l, ~;:t.,..~6;';'[ .li... :,',. -.j" ',. '"," .,,' .:.',. ":;~' "'"., L\/O::t:.' I CO) ':',:".' /,'., ;1 "~rHO ,"/' 'l. (:""") :';'"d f:' ~ .~<) //:-!' ., ,(, r~',:,) :'-"80", !-':'l::1:' .r._..:1',;: 587B6 h" ',:,:, ',:,: ,,';ii,,) i":C.) . ,- '-,----" .- .. ""__n. _ _ ._.~. _._____ , i '[1-1" E~,~_7 1962 . 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';tll1'"'' "-I\C fLC"'1I0...j"<l~ed ~ll" fOrt'.Ul".: lIl~'.rl.J.'ll"'I:' 1.0 ue VO.:.UI1 1.11 1".1' !lC t. li:l<.l '1<: C(l , ;,c;" Q~" ;ne: Nol."'"y PUll,;:: i"(J:" On'....ol\ f',.Y C :,In;:n ~ ,,::; : Ul: C ~ i. : r ':" ; :;1.11\,., or 0re,!o<: Cuunt:: ,,:' <l,Ll. j'i )'"rl;QI11,.11y IIp,,,,,lI.red '.nc "UOve "><!!led and ll.cO;:!10'.'led;.'e<.i U't" (,,,-....:oin.: I,,,, ~rl.ullt'ITt :." ,.t' voh"ll~a!'y act alld de",!. bc'[o,.-" me: ------------.--.---.---- /: I) 1.1\ : u i '<II' ~ ; c t- , I: "II - , . .. ' J: . ,'t'" C0."Jl'f.;';!;.'I"."';' , --'I ., . t ~ . , j ~ ~ ,"..hJ.II.II.JJ:..J"~~&>',"":i~.;.:.l_~.~l~~ .,j.FEB,7 If.:.-.:...... . " ., '. , ..t_l ,-- 19i62r '. " .... .,~;r.. :::(,:1 "I'f . _.' ':j"r\.--'! c"; 11".. No. 7li'hJ, r~Cl)rrl("1 ,;lIn.. 2), l?5';. ; , . .._ :.\ ~.. :....~'1:.,:; ;i;\Jrr.: .~:'t::'.es J., Sroll'" ,,:. 'lY.. : '1:"r:!lIl""r'.'I --..' ..",".. I r i ,.", ,,~ 'IX. : "Il' ~ fc~j~"~ ,i~",~r il'-,,:,I 1.t"11:-...:-tJ' l.~-i~'" :;-.'ltl. 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"r ] ;;,.i; f""L :.,'" ., jO"ll. 1tl :.11" ',;',,-.t. "o"nll'11":. 1~'1~_ of :n)" ['I'C';:"r:.;,': ..,':11'.: .,.,nl.i.'di"',. 'or':,'. .j" it., ;>" ....:,1." ,~i,.~1.~~" "-~ ......,'..}1 ,......'. \.~:'I :"0:1):' '..:1''')<:'' :;"':J.~ 770 t ,j, (1:';" ....:>1. -'l dl."v'"(',, .,r 'lr:n,'l'i r.....,~: :..!\..I)c.... .lo\\l.h .j. ,,;;t ;, .j,:..~~...~ ')f ,.,11D,;'\ fc"l.; I.l,,:m<:e JOI)' fl ";J"- 1)' 3;:" ."".11. ~ ':i~I..:!:H'" .1:' )1'(<.1;> r".,J. :.:) ..oin:" on till> r"II\.~r li~" or (.~lmLr :1,1.,d '!r:. .I::'" ~.:,i,::, ,,":~L is ]."t., ~:.: r,:;:t. 1:,,)1'1./, nr~\ ~':;C,71 r"..t !::P.:>:. of L!I" .;~'!:.h""':::" c:orrl':'. ,,1' ~.i,', j'.,n.1Q:l ", !:a.1"1 m.' :;~n'l:.ion t.:Vld Clnirr. 110. 57 ~n i""'IlShi;-- 17 "'"n l.iJ , ;t:\;,(,~ :: . :",,1. of :,):" ':j 1];un'! \.t." ::'lrl rii :'In, i,.""c Coun:.;: ('r"'.(1n. 4 </~;) 2- .. ~.u.. .I.~,;~ ~J ~,./ '.i ti ~ '-.:.:-"'} FEB 7 '~., '. -;.,. .., /9,62 7;n: -- I '. " , , / i "'.L.. " , \ 7 , -~ : r- _"I'. !'1.K-:-,[, ~'~.>:'.E; JA;.::-;S.~. :;::.,-~~~ ,",":'.;;L ~;;~7 ~~;~~F~ ~.~:d~.:;i .f, ,,;. to;;:"..:,,!: ';./j(.~;.- / , '-~ - & L"GHT COI<\P^N'l' pO'::;"~~."o. o~,....,,~ PACIFIC , 1".''''''----- <:: .".o,"~_____~=::= ~ c"'c..o__.____~,._ ~ \~~r"ovr"~_. "Pf'IlO""D_-----:- --- ---;;::;;-;;0 '".~... SC"I..!: PA 11.n , '.1;- .-.~:,:3' ?;~l;' ~C_J.~~~J? iA'f f.:,;"S~:':-L=:;'['T' _'r;, >..8....~ue rece1veil t..he unJ.~.rBiiShec) :~e:cei:15...fter referT~d :.':) e..::.: P~G-ra:1tora:l -;""".:.'=" ;:~:'::.:;'---::/ '.(::'E!."l. 'to PACIFIC PC);.{ER & IJ.GRr C~tpA'ry! e corpo::-atio(Jj C;la.z~tee, its f:'~'::'.':c,=,=s'=-':r'~; and assigns" an ,easement and right of :'18/ for electric tre.nsmisBion and. ii.5~:-ibutio!1 l::'ne~ of one or mere ~wireB and ,all necesaary or d...r::sira.bl.e B.ppurts- ~&nCe6) iDcludip~ tele,hone and telegraph ~1reei to-era, poles) props, guys and o'the:r supports, and the right to place a.ll or any part of such linea in und.ergrcu.nd conduits, over, acroBB and upon a strip of .land of irr@gul&r vi1th on the following deec:f'ibed real pyoperty in Lane County, State of Oregon to ,.~i t : .\ portion of Section 27, Township 17 South. Range 3 West of the Wn.la:!lette Meridian, Lane Cou.'lty, Oregon, as more partieulSl"ly d!lscribed in Clerk's Filing N'o. 22210 snd Clerk's Filing Ho. 22211, recorded September 11, 1946, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; all as more particularly described and shoYn on Exhibits A & B attached hereto ar.d made a part hereof: INCLUDING the right to clear said right of way and keep the same clear of brush, trees, timber and structures; the right to clear and cut away all trees outside of said right of way which 14ight endanger said transmission lines; the right to construct; reconstruct, operate, maintain and remove said linesj the right in the futt~e to cnnstruct, reconstruct, operate, maintain and remove additional lines, wires ,and all necesssry or desirable ,poles, structures and appurtenances thereto. TOO..e.-J.:.t1Lr>. WITH tho:=- r:f.ght of ingress and egress over the a.djacent lands of Grantors for the purposes of constructing, reconstructing, strir~ing new or maintaining and rem~v1ng such lines and appur~enan~e8, and exercising right.s ',hereby granted. the wires other The Grantee shall' pay to the Grantors reasonable compensation for any damage caused .by Grantee, or its agents, to any property Or :rop~ (growing or tc be groYn) on the abo,'e described real property, arising out of the construction, reconstruction, operation and maintenance of said transmission and distribution lines. At no time shall Bny building or .ithin the boundaries of said right of way, Bny kind 0r nature that exceeds -20- thereon by Grantors, or by Grantors' heirs, anything flammable be erect~ or placed nor shall any equipment or material of feet in height be placed or used successors or assigns. Subject to the foregoing the Gr!Ultors for roads, agricultural said easement. limitations, said right crops, or other purposes of way may be used by not inconsistent .ith All such rights hereunder shall cease if and .hen such lines shall have been a.bandoned. DATED this ..s-..//f day of kBEV/ffl..Y. ,l~2-. /7~ /1 I j '"' / r" ./1 _ _ j , ! , 1. ~. ~ I . 1 j I . I I i ! I i i I I , i ! . , , i , i , 1 ! j ! I : .~ '-0"-"Q7 ;:)0,0 ", . '"::' ':Jf O:re~on j COU!> t)'9 of ././we;;- ... S8. ""--ef_< ..5 A.D. 19c;. 2--; PersoD&.1.ly appe!l.red the ahove-!l8lIled. Arnold E. Mayer & Jessie L. Meyer. b.usbmd :md vitti. and !l.eknovlo,dged the foregoing instrument to he their voluntary act e.nd doeed. Before me: ,..'"''''''4'1 .., It. (fl'" ." a.. n. JII'i .,",{) .....-..<r~...... .. /~/ ""~';, -~ . T '.. . J,_ = -.{ ;' ... () "..... \'.... . . . '" { .(ft. .:.: rCO : ~. l*\,oUB\..\~/.}, ".n', . -'>0., ,,-/,-'. . ~~~ "'.. ~ .'. .' i";:-.7 . '.," l"1>"h"'~Qf''''''~ :' ',- .. or o:"v ~,,," '. -'. ~I. ,.\ ~.".."n't. ,h~ t~ PullUc for Oregon ' My eOllllrlssion expires: My Com"".,;"n Exp/reo July 12, 1965 . "-~ at Oregon, County of , BS. A.D. 19 dUly who, being the A and tb.a he seal affixed to the said c~.~~.~tion and that, said instrument _s' signed and said corpOration by authority be its voluntary act Before me: /' ~. Notary Public' for Oregon ~ . My commission expires: ~. ,..--c-.,......."Q.'"'1 ~:h~fL~e n:-rr.BI1' A .::;a:!;~.:_:r~~:_..'.-'" ::=rg.~c.:ct..rPT10N: Clerki a Fili!W NolO 22210 iL:n p~ord,,,d September 14, 1946. PARCEL NO. 31G. E~ ~y~r, at ux. C1e1'"k:i 8 Filir2.g C'\ib.er~ a Name J No. 22211, A.rnold , ; " ~ ~ . . . I All that part of the following described property lying South of the Eugene- Springfield, Highva;Y1 Beg"....nning at a point on the North lill8 of the 3.obert E. Campbell Donation Land Claim No. 59, Township 17 South, Range 3 Weet or' the WillA:rtette Meri- dian; 2280 feet West of ,the Northeast corner of said Donation Land Claim; thence South 710.6 feet, thence west parallel to the South line of the Baid Donation Land Claim 75 feet, the::Jce North 710.6 feet to t.he North line of said Donation Land Claim, thence East 75 feet to the point of begiruiing, in Lane County, Oregon. J I I RIGh"'! OF WAY DESCIliP1'ION I III that portion of the above described property Jlhich lies wi thin a s trip of land of irregular width. bounded on the South by a line lying 50.00 faet Southerly from, Jlhen measured at right angles to and parallel wi th the folloving described survey line as nOlI located and staked on '~he ground, over, acroBs, upon and adja~ent to the above deecribed propert;y, and bounded OD the North by the Southerly'right of way line of the McKenzie Water Control District. i J I i 1 I I ~ , . ! . , , t l ~- ~ i i ; , , ~ ';i .:>un v.w. LINE DESCRIPTl ON I Said BUrVey line being mare particularl;y described as beginning at a point in the East line of the John G. Day Donation Land Claim 110. 58 in Township 17 Scuth, Range 3 Wast of the W1l1amette Meridian, Lane COW1ty, Oregon, vt'.i "'.h !".",p+, hee!"S South 20 21)' 048 West a distance of 2024.57 teet from the Northeast corner of said" Donation ~Q Claim No. 58; thence trolll s~ point of beg"'..nning South 860 30' 46" East a distance of 62.51 feet; thence South 20 35' 468 West a distance of 669.68 feet; thence South 810 49' 28" West a distance of 349.96 feet to a point on the East boundary- line of the alxml described real property; thence continuing South 810 49' 28" West a distance of 75.37 teet to a point on the "est boundary- line of said property; thence continuing South al~9' 28" West a distance of 713.56 feet; thence South 720 .58' 05" West a distance of 850.89 feet J thence South "310 }O, 3h" West a distance of 640.18 fest; thence South 90 1)' 32" Nest a distance of 1265.12 feet to a point on the center line of County Road No. 388, Which point is 1256.85 feet North and 650.71 feet East of the South- east cor-ner of the Hahlon H. Harlow Donation Land Claim No. 57 in Township 17 Sot.ith, Range 3 West or the Wl11smette !leridian, Lane County, Oregon. ".eo_.., V\.->,:7/ .!~-~ k_, ../'.' l)/5'T/?/CT r--or-,.,"",.;, ^"~,-~,,,,-? :k~.,(i r. ~" "........-- "- '-". -..;;:"",-:,-;:t:::;/~~~?F,l~ ~~~- , ~ fj ii I! I I, l !/ " I "'~ k:,<~.!,' .' ,:/~~....:-~__ ;~Q.yLj c>' ..:~_~' :;''''''p-3~ .... ~ ' _...._~. - \ ! ~ -. I. _ ------ .i-' -- ------/\ \ \ (J\ (:J Ie ~-'//)L"r-'" ,r"-"/"~ r~/1"',',k:' J/L_ ~-:'" ,_,'k/ ~'4": Elp4iA/emm~nt date _ys-a.: v. Exhibit.. P?&L Co. ~"_____ GrillIoT(s) L2-F ~ ...-_ DRAWlf...?' ..r', TR...CCt CHItCICI"""'" A.PfIAOV..... .a.,-. , ".e ,.~ "_ ,..-..- o .. a: Id ... .J I( /c~___ --' r-::: -'~.i.. .4.::- 0: .... _ Y.' .c;-<-C:~ - S'd.' 0,,(928 'w PARCEL FDL-31C ARlfOLD E: AEr~ ET..Ul. SEC. 27 T.17S.R.3W. LENG'!'H SURVEY LIlfE: 75.37 LANE COUllTY. OREGOlf PACIFIC POWER 6: LIGHT COMPANY ~..",,,.... A_..."I..... 1:,.. IlCAL" /';'-,:cX:I / 'F"A CM..,. ....,.... .J ------k ..- , - i ---- , --- I' ---; ~. '. .v."L:,~)v....~...~ L///c' I I I L i.~ !:i l!l l'~ l~ 1~ 11 I:; 'j t. :r~'''7~ cd ~/ j/ .....- ~ ~ ~ G"t \l ~ "" . 1~~ 11 ~ ~ " '\ ~ - 8 ,II ?t:~ ~~ ,~' rt~ t.~ c '1?~ ~ ~fl ~"f" '~ll1\l ~ ~ " ,j~ ~ d Jf:i - -~~. ~ -~. ~ ._ k_. l , ' ! ; i I I. a I ~ Q ilJ m ~ . gl ~" \! 'flee . ""0 '-... : ! ~ I ,~ r ~ ~\i~i; J~ .t! J 'i i \(}f ~\ ; ,,~~ Jtfi , '.1'-. I J.. ~ \0 I ~ ~ ':;: -;) I ' >I \.1' ~ ~~. \~ :, ,~ I, ~~~, ' : " : I , I , ri . 'j j . .'1 . - --.. ~ . \, ~~~~" :~';:" ;.' . , '."j -.r' (, : ~ , . ..r,t~ ~ '.li;>l~ <.:1 . .*-~: J.$ ,,~ , I $ .~ ~1 .t~ j~ ~ >f" dli ~ ~ !J1.: l(jP 'I!i '~ .~ ;r,; 'IF -~ ",,' "'. ~ "t ;~ e_~ ~ ~ ~ 'ti~ ;:::s -",i' ~ ; ~Z; ;: 'i#.: , -~' ~ :<< ,";) ~ ~'-,!,," .-t'. .:':Y.' ,~= ~ ;.~:i '.~ :1;:. ~~ .~..;; ~ .... ~. ~, ~ 11 ~"lI!; .~~ .' t' Also: A CODAtruction easement being 30.0 fe~t ~n vidth 111n& paral1~1 v!.th .!Ilnd II.d'Jac~ot to tbe lel t right-of-inay linll!: of the .above deacrlhed l!:J1.IIe- ~ot acrosa aaid CrAotor'a property_ herdn are bued on the Oaton State Grid Coordinate ,.-:p- C.~~?; t-- ;., t}~(t... 1):! '::'~",t.." ,,~ ...1;"K ~,b >~.h't,,!.\f.l f:"'Cp,~'t .t. 1: ~ . .. . '\ !.. ;.....a; ... .,...,'; \ "I r ('I t I ~!l""r"\ '" 1';-' ~ l' ?;~ <,.r, ;;':.~ '~_' ~-:"'_.,. _......_.._.A, . ",I:" ~:,~ ,'.', .. _ - \ ~ " t" ".-. ~~- '- ',; __:..-- _..... wi) i '., . .' ~ ~ '...- / ..::. "j' ,::...--_..-~ i \),,-- 1" I ..,.....::..~--r-'"""'..... o{'- .;-'11' ji{~ ,~: \ \ '.......-;-- ,":,';..;' "i".t, 1 f:: i,'l< 'J.: ~ \ ,. L- },y)V ,I- . ;....,~--, \ ,,~ :~~,. ,; ~- '- ..,j'<: p"", :':1Hf':n.~ i~i. ,~.{~~t" fP"j ,;~,.f,;.:, ,,~." i~~r "~ ::~~,'" '~ "", '<. ,~UJ ~,' ___ ...~.~7lil . _ ~"~-:, ),' ;'.i:-:i:;~..a!'~ ..!"""..,,~~~.~.io/~ti:'~fa.~"~''''''''':'--''''';~ ,._..-=~_~""K...']", -. ~. '" '''''"''.~ H~~i~f:R~~Bt~ "M': 'r !\ T7()'-"1' t, ' JJ. EASEHENT ., ( I I II I! ,I KNO\~ ALL HEN BY THESE PIlESENTS, that J. D. Hvnne (Grnntor} docs hereby grllnt, without HarTant)', oxpress or impnod, to tho CITY OF EUGENE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, for thc use Ilnd benefit of the EUGENE I~ATER fr ELECTRIC BOARD, I1S Grantee, l\ pcrpetu<llpcrmit nnd euernent to consLruct, ~aintnin and repair, Temove Ilnd replace pipelines and/or lIlains for the purpose of conveying water through ilnd under the following dcscribed roal prop~rtr over, under, across Bnd upon such Teal property as ncfual1y constructoa ana installed: A parc~l of land lying in the ~W\ of Section 2?,Tovoship 17 South, Range J West, Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, flrid being A portion of that property conveyed to said Crantor. The said parc~l being that por- ~~~n of said property included in A strip of land 14.0 fe~t in vidth, 7.0 teet on each 8ide of tbe centerline of the 1-105 JtidLins Point vat~r t:-nn~miBgion line" vhic.~ centerline b described as follow-a: Beginning at Engine~r's centerlin~ Stition 5+29.63, aaid Station being 2650.13 feet South and 155.01 f~et ~est of the NortheAst corner of th~ John C. Day Donation Land Clal= no. 58 of Section 27, Tovn.hip 17 South, Range 3 Weat, ',,'illamett!! MeridiAn, L.nne County, Oregon; run thence South 7)-56'539. ~eat 556.05 feet to Engineer'. centerline Station 10+B5;82. The centerline Of~ilid atrip of land ero.~e. th~ EAat .nd ~e5t linea or n&id Grantor'l property at approx~te StAtlo~ 8+!O and 10+10 re.pectlv~lr. The bearing. u8~d System, S~t~ Zone. The Grantor herein 6c~n~ledtel that &ny and all ~uip=~nt. Or replAce=nt ~he-roo(. ilu_tzdied in or upon uid' pre_hel by ....id Grantee ,hall rc~in the ~ole property or ~Atd Grantee and ~y be ,removed (rom said property At Any til:!!:: at the discretion oC the EUf~ne Wa.ter 4' Electric BO.ll:rd. At no riehr-oF-way_ ti=e shall a.ny bul1dinr: be erected or placed on Hid us~d '.dth SunJECT to the forcfoing limltations said right-of-....ay llt.3y be by the Grantor for road, parring. or any purpose not incon~istent s..:lid eUM:C:nt. hi ve been }...II such ri~hts hereunder shall Cell.3e abandoned for fivo rean from date of if an.d ....hen recordinE, such line sh:1l1 f.:ir-ht Other- than the IIzree-~nts herein conl;.-ined there is a total of h\lndr~d t1nd elph!" rlnll",.~ Jlnrl ~iyr-v ....eotli for this converance. E~s~m:-:nt , I'ar:~ 1 " _. ~,~ """~-"_,~~.. 'e_.~~ .~"'".._~ I.. r. ~ : ;. ~: ~t.. ~.<" ~ .", If;. Wf~ i? ~l t:l~. ~~. R~~ "". ' ~{.'f Qj;if. i!r....; ~, ~~ ~lit f;! ("f;' ....r.-~ t:L:, P' f;: .. -t}., U- 1,,. , :~~; " f," !,.,. ~l: L;!'; .;.,- t~. " >~;~'Y;~Y~~~ . (":~k ~ ',Ji: . ;.; \,~ (":'.1,'::1 '.:~~i ( '~ " 'i ~:::' ,~. ':,:.t ',! ';:~ 'J>! ,~', .-~>: . " .....-r.~ 'f'>;-" ~',~~ "2; :"\>. ': :k1 :,,r-{:.t -ttJ '~~~ r;~;;; " :' ":t~ . ., ~'" ',~ J'~~f !.i- ~-<1~ . ~,j~ " .~~.;r~/ .'~~ , : ~~~j5~ ''r..f:7j-:;~: :';-f::" . \Ii;;~;,f!~;U('~ rl~~,{.-'::';~~,.",.,' -I 1~1,~,~~~~:t~'1 - .f;;~,:I "-,,l;~~ " ':~<:":~I' ,'" " .-_.~" ~- ,.. ,r a),~~: ' ~ ~~1.r> < :1 ", ," ;$ii,...,. .';,:;.;." ~ ,'@$ .~ "'" /il!i ~ I ~ i"",ji &~ r~ Ii "<Ii( '1 J; l1i ~ t;l1 '"' ~ ;/fi .; Wi -j{ '1i ! ;~ #k ,~ ,,); .<\1 ,); ~.t!.~ ~ ~,~~ J.ll Ji I ,;:tj .~\ e:tl ~Jl ~ 'w," I ~ e1~ i ">lil ~1 /~j ~ ~-ej ;~ .- '4I,. ~: . 7770551 The Grantee and i~s joint users shall nt all times have the rights and privileges therein necessary or convenient for the full enjoyment nrid llse thereof for the purposes above described, including the right of ingress and egress to ll'ld from t-he real property of the Grantors for the purpoaes herein mentioned; and also the right to remove trees, limhs of trees, undetgro~th or other obstruc- tions on said property of the Grantors, thEt overhang or Dtbe~.i8e endanger the propl!.i:"ty of th~ Grantee. ' . ' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Bam~ ~nto th~ Grantee, its successor!!. snd aBsign~ forever; nnd the rights, conditions and provisions of tfiie easement snall inur~ to the benefit of and b'e binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors nod assigns of the respective pnrties hereto. undersigned have executed this instrument this 19.1.L(! /lJ')/ 1,/ /> -) ,-"",' J '/.7"~' J./D. Wynne / / IN WITIffiSS WHEREOF I the --2...5.....-- day of f'v. .."'1-.....,. \,,'itness: ) )u. ) 7.::~rt:.or... ... '" /e; ~i"'" "'~'>-/~"'''''\ /,:;;/ ~ v t "h~ill day peuonJllly appened b~!ore me J. D. lJynnll': !~: ~ y',. ~ :r'J ~ '\ 0 \ 't~~ t..O'J'Q' ~ be .the 1nd.! vidunl-L del!lcrib-ed in and --no executll':d ~hll': vitbiD .\~'.fOn'I;O'rn~..~lru::lcr:.~, and a.ci::.nO\.Jled~et3 tOllC ho: ~lgned the S:l1!li! u, \.{'~..A-~.\.~...1.ztnt.llry .act and deed, for the uses and purpo'I'IeJ: therein .entioned. """ ('..... ...........-, Given under try hand and affic.Lal .e..1 thi. --25..- d..,. of _r.-'''........ 19i7 . ., ; My L,""=iilCrbr;"t,=p{r~!!: H{l!.:.;?' I"H'UJ( I.hi 1": I ~-~'''-'''': ~..;.-..... "::.'" _:_',.'~ "tl' .&if' d.b-/)<':j/P!l2~ Noury Public in and for t.he S"t.at. of , , " , l'~ 1 " ~ . . ! '" t .1 ~ N 11 ~ -::.:-" .... .;; c"] ~ Is l . ~ 1 N ~ l ,..., ~:;:1 it' J .~ ~- (---"'. L'J 6~r, " .. L'J t. M < l 1 0 : ~hl '" g ! ,,- l" d l:-- ~ , , "'''' .t:l: ;; ~ DI j t. ".l _' ~ 0 ~ z w':. l~~ t- 6, ....'0"'0 r; >== " .. , 0_ . J i ~ . ' " '" ~J _ c ;: u ~ , i . "i" t " , ! ~ u.5 .l OD , 5 ~ ~ q; E.n.scment, Pngc 2 ~;~)0: ' ,. '!'~.: ---~,~ And ~( .;;, f~' _i' ,{{ jS~. !f4. ;g:', 1]f; I. ~, ~;;,~:: fi., ,",,' ~ ~'. ~k' W4. '{B1/ '-,' ",.t'.. i!l ~Fi', . 'lX' ~. 'E ~ ~ r~ t$"" ~: ~' iii, ,'Jr' @.; r.~~! . {Y""". F~...: ~" ~__It..'~ . ~~' 5ff::. ~ ~;. ~ I\?fh,'-' &:r~ ~,." H~,. IV Ii ui'-i~Y" I~:f'" ~,ti%~';' , ;!l,.""...".. ~~:~,,,,-~ ~.: ~:. tf:' I:' ,.:~<;~:.~.:~m~ .~~~fX - . .~.t~.:r:~~.'1 .&!!;Zf~8~~-::~~~~,f-'dO'Z5:;::,,;~;,~,;.j~~~:'" ..~~, ,:' "" ~; ""'~" ...' . h '. :, ~ j '.. . ~.' '. . : . 7770:i;J2 (\ F.ASHlE;;I tJ~Oi'l- Att. HEN BY TIfESE PRESE~TS. that Jessie Meyer, (Gr:lIltor) docs hereby grant, without warranty. express or implicJ. to the 'CITY OF EUGE~E. L~~E COUNTY, OREGON. for the use and benefit of the EUGENE WATER & ELECTRIC BOARD, as Gr~ntee, a perpetual permit and casement to construct, maintain and ~epair, remove ana replace pipelines and/or mains for the purpose of conveying water through and under the following dcscribcd real property over, under, across and upon such real property as actually co~structed and installed: A parcel of land lying in the SW~ of Section 27, Township 17 South, 'Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, and being a portion of that property conveyed to said Grantor. The said parcel being that por- tion of said pr0perty included in a strip of land 14.0 feet in width, 7.0 feet on each side of the centerline of the 1-105 . Judkins Point ....ater transmissior. line, ....hich centerline 1s described as follo....s: Beginning at Engineer's centerline Station S+29.63, said Station being 2650.13 feet South and 155.01 feet West of the Northeast ,corner of the John G. Day Donation Land Claim No. 58 of Section 27, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willame-tte Meridian, Lane County, Oregon; run thence South 73056'53" West 556.05 feet to Engineer's centerline Station 10+85.82. The centerline of said strip of land crosses the East and West lines of said Grantor's property at approximate Stations 8+00 and 8+80 respectively. Also: A construction easement being 30.0 feet in width lying parallel ....ith and adjacent to the left right-of-way line of the above described eas~- ment across said Grant~r's property. The bearings used herein are based on the Oregon State Crid Coordinate System, South Zone. The Grantor llerein acknowledges that any and all equipment, or replacement thereof, installed in or upon said premises by 3aid Grantee shall remain the sole property of said Grantee and may be removed from said property at any time at the discretion of the Eugene Water & Electric Board. At no time shall any building be erected or placed on ~aid right-of-way. SUBJECT to the foregoing limitations said right~of-\iay may be used by the Grantor for road, parking, or any purpose not inconsistent with said easement. ., All such rights hereunder shall cease if and when such line shall have been abandoned for five years from date of recording. Other than the agreements herein contained there is !;4qRnn for this conveyance. -,.1.. J .,~~~~1i , .-c..;.i~!:::~ E-:!~~ll~_"lt. Fa~c 1 .' . ~ .- . ". . ... ',':;.' - . . '. . 777UJ5~ TO Il>\VE AND TO HOLD the ::;ame unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns for~vcr; and the rights, conditi~ns and provisions of this easement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators. successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. .,"' " IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the undersirned instrument this 26th day of October have executed this . 1977. jlj'itness: ~. ~ .'" ~. . . J sie Heyer ~......n. Q STATE OF ) ( 55. ) ..........COUNrr'qF ----:....'" .....~..' " "'" ..-,:;, .,'" ....: ., .... Tol.. ~~-=s. ""':"A":this day personally appeared before me Jessie Meyer ?"l:' to "'- ~~. :oi' . ;~;~;~!~1 . \~~.' "'1:0 "'ATe ~~ to be the individual_described in and who executed the within .....:v~..~~tl..Q..EQ#1-ng instrument, and acknowledged that_signed the s~~ a,-:-- ~~~. . free ~.v~luntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes there1nmentloned. .........1\....:" .' Given under ~y hand ,and official seal this 26th day of October, 19.22.... R,144tc.-Y!c Z/-' Notary Ptwlic in and for the State of Oreoon '.';',' My:.~~~~~_~~R~.,~~~res: 'I' I My r::';c;'r"i~~"jCl E~r'ill.':; S',r,:ernt,o.!' If). 1'Jdl .,--~I 't , - r~ "0 , : " ~ , ]'i ~ " C\I , .::-5~ ., "" .e,g ..., . ~ '" 0 '\ -...,..... ~ C ~ ;.s ! l:lI:l . 0 , 3.s.... .. ~ J ~ - , \' I ~ .::I,g -' "0 '} , ' op < S ~~ I Q.~ > 1<\' 1"""1 u lJ') . :!it:: ""1 ;;: ~ , _ i .2~~.. 15 ~:~ lJ') I i -; = : t- ~ g ! :z: c 1i'E 0 i ~.3 ~;-:~ ~ <<), ?> ['- , c -aJi, ' .( I 0"0 .-: e,:) 'U C ~ Q- - ~ o- r. ";;~ " .. . ~ i ...; ~ ~c 0 ~! .... ~ , c c ," ~ c , , g o 0 . .3 Qe,:) c:l u , ~" e u.5 ), ! E.:I':~=::~i::.. ,,~~.. 2 --eo- ;.j ~. ,: :'i ~:1 - ;' .~i J , "!,.5 - ,;~i ,.:t '\;~::"~;~! 'J~ . . .._,,'~ _..,;t~~ ...... .' ,-: .. ~-. -=l.':~..:,<;~j '/ I '.~::_l;:!,;..~;~.l";p.,;,,::;., "l'~ ," .,. ... ....'~~...<;...,.,. .~'.__. : - ~-,:,';:?.-., ".,~~",~''c;~~.,.~.~~~~~~~3;~i'i~~~:~~' 7S1lj~()G Sti,. oIO,'~on. Coon'YDJL..M-," 1 ().~L P,"I~'d. ni,,,,,'." 01 ,I" I,).p.il' mO," ~r G.~<"\ !",....,;,.., ir. .nd (0' th' ..ld (""n,'- do h,,'l>>' ,,,,iI,- ,~" ,~~ w;,hin b"",;';'n,~,..,..;.;,-.,lI,,"..,"rJ" = I~ l',,-'i ;a 1~: 0 ~::~ COUM'~-~CI~. ~,~::: 0.'.1. r.~ro\J. 0\'<'<"01 01 ,~. O'I""",,"t or C.n."lS;u.';OO" ...,;!I>" ~r"r\,"') "..t:' 0 \r>>" ~l " ~~"''fI!~j1~~~~~~j\~~;~r~~1) - ' ~!~::~~i_:~":\;';:-~;"~!:iC;I; r , -tr " iY> "'-". i\i-. ~~:'" :/: I '~~'i Ms;.~ A~ :~ "~ir: .iif,,"t'i '.~~;~ ij-~~ !~~f~ ~J;.,<' : ~':- .:. ~iiE~K1~l,~l:.:f~,W" '"~';';';.';'~;'<<t~~~$mf.'~;&3_~~~~r.~~~~<";~"~f:~I~~;:-i~ .' ';'81~';:t)1 . - - le~, ,~~~~;,J:~"!~~ ,'~~".L.I "'~.~~~~ ..J. ;-r , I \~ ;:>.. ,,',.~l'!'TI to me to be ,", .."t~~ \ I'"~ ik)lw"i,nst rwncnt t~J&~~~:iiW~\~. . 1J<\'1.Vel IC'", ,:,- \:;~.:~~:~::':;~~j~l: . w.....:::.,., Dr 0 p. S ,'\"~~ _ . ,"1..,,,,,,, ~l'\ \' ; &.:. cmlSTHUCTro~ EASEl-lENT. Tf1IS INDENTURE, mudc 'this ---LL day of . ~J. D. \\'ynne nn-~1, 19~bY nn~ between . ~.:.',}.. . parties of tile first part, aml for the' use and benefit of the part. the City of ",Eugene , Or-egan,> OJ. municipal E~gcnc Natcr & Electrlc Bonrcl,party of corp(,\T<lrion, the second. IYITNFSSETH: That the said partles of the first part J. O. l~ynne in consideration of conditions he:-einaftcr specified, -db hereby grant and convcy to said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, the right and easement to U!;C as a construction cnsemcnt over, along, acros~, nn'd upon the lands owned by the parties of the first part in Lane County, Oregon, desc,"ibed as follows, to-wit: H ~ . ilIa I1II 1I015.~' Toe ,North 300 feet of T'a" Lot 17-03-27.:.31-1000 except thosc po,tions with prior permanent and construction easements. The ground will be returned to as near original conditions as practical. The top 6 inches will be from the best top soil excavated f~om toe trench. Other than the agreements herein [$2600,001 contained there is for this conveyance. twenty-six hundred dollars 'Fufthcr rights and privileges to be conveyed by said easement are described as follows: The pnrty of the second part, through its agents, shall have the right to enter upon $<1id lands for the purpose of :l. construction easement for the, construction of a ....ater line over and alont ~ continuation of casements on adjoining property. The rights, conditions and provisions cif this easement shall inure to the b~ncfit and be binding upon the heirs, executors, adrilinistratoTS. successors, and assigns the respective parties hereto. ~'TNES5 the hands and LI-;~/...f""</ . seals oire . 192$.... parties of the first part, ,this ~ day of y;/j) ~t:~ ~ lt~. WYjlI>o STATE qF O~ON CDUNn OUo.-.!- s s. /7?"l /7A.A~ 19 7~ before me p'ersonallr app'eared , J. D. h'ynne On this ~ clay of ,the within named the icienticnl individual - freely and voluntarily. described in and who executed the ~./Q~ NOv.i:-y Public {or Oregon My Commission Expi.res 1/,7:. 76 Grant of Right or Nay [3j78) T.:. /,- -: .. c,f' r;,1 ,,--7- 7 'C o. of I I 1\ "':f,l~~.:;;:' . .'-'~.:; '.LCt> J'JiU;l lOr' ltec.or"l UC~ 1<;.,193'1; 10:13 o'clo::k A. ~i= "to) V,', B. Dillard, County r EVI1 Muy Pot~~~on .) 5y Evn L. OUC:IVlo"tt" I.. (Ne< Stamps) KHO~; J,LL M~); nv '!'JI8;,;'; JJ\u.,t!;tlT8, That Pete::- V112,:, (e dngle p'3r"SOr.) 1:' _o~~id(J..ation of T'3n Dollur~, and other va)~ble con~ider8tion~ to hi~ puld by Eva May P6ter"~on, nQ~3 hereby grunt, bargain, 3611 anG convoy unt.o :laid Eva M6~' Potflrso:-" he:' neir-s sno a.s.'!if'n.~., 1l.l1 the fol1o~ine ranI prop~rty, with the tenement~, hor~ditaments una appurtonan::es, ~itu~ted in the City _ Eugene, County 0; Lane, /IntI State 0; Oregor:,bounded llnd de::lcr~bod aa fo110\ll'::I, to-.w!!::: Lot Four (4) Block Thirteen (13) Riverwood Addition, LRne County, Or-egen. ore 1l1lYfl and to Hold, the above deacr-ibed nnd gr-anted .pr'3mi~e3 unto the stl.~d Eya May Peter3on, her beir:! and 113.'1~~.'l forelyer. And he the grantor above named doe 5 covenant to and with the above name1 gro.ntee, ~ heirl3 .and 1l.'l.'1ign.'l that this lot lawfully .'lel..zod in re~ llimole of the above gr-nnted pre mise.'!, that tho above gl"nntod pl"omlses are fl"oe :-rom all incumbn.noll.'l, with the exception of all unpai. tn.T.'3:1, flnrl that he '1111 lind his hei:'.'I, executors and ndrnini.'lt::-ator'lI, Iih0.11 warrant and forever defend toe shovo srllnt8d pr6'1lL~e.~, aod every pa.;-ot and parcel thereOf, ll.gn.inllt the la'fi"ful claims Bnd der::nnd.'l of 1I11 pernon.ll whom.'loever, for 'all time., \\Iit,noni! my hllno. nnd aonl thL~ 16th dny of March, 1937. r E:XECU'r::DINTrlE-F'RESI~NCEOF PeterViiE; ,,_ (Seal) STJ.TE OF OREOON,) ~ County- of Linn. JBB. BE IT REMEM3ERP.D, That on this 15th day of Ma~ah A. D. 1937, before me, the undersigned, B nota~y public in and for said County and State, personally appearod the within named Foter Viig ____ who is known to me to be the identical individual ~escribod in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged bo mo that he oAocuted the Barno freely and vol~~tarily. IN TESTIMONY V/HEREOF, I havo hereunto .'lot my hand and official :leal the day and year last abovo wri tten. Not:arirJ.l Soal. J. c. ClfiY Notary Public fOr Oregon. llly Commission E;r:pire.'l Nov. 14,"1939. -1W_ f! Minnie L, Ander:lon, et al to City of Eugene, Oregon T. L. 5-1 GRANT OF RIGHT OF WAY 552~6 Filed for rtocor-d Oct 14, 1937; 2:09 olclock p, ~j, W. B. !:lillard, County Clerk.' . By Eva L. Du?kworth, Deputy. R. \\'. 1133 Stovens 'i~ GRANT OF KIGHT OF 'IIAY "THIS INDSN'rURE mado this 8th day of Oc-tobor', 1937, by and between Minnie L. Ando:'Bon nnd G. G, Ande:'5on, he:, husband; Fannie L. Wyman end Carl A: Wyman, her husband; William R. Ano.A:,son, ann Ida Anner5on, hl.'! wife; C. Ivan Anderson and Vera Ander.'!on, hi~ wife; partiea of the flrst part, and the City of Eugene, Oregon, a municipal corpo:-ation, by nnd through the Eugeno Vlat.or Board, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: That sdd pB.r~ies of the first ps.rt. for and iTl Consideration ot Ten s.nd no/lOt DollRrs to them in hand paid by oa11 pa~ty of the .second ps.rt, the roceipt whereof i~ hareby acknowledgod, do hereby grant, ~ell and convey unto :ndd pB.I"t:~. of the gecond part, i,ta BUCCO:!;'!O: s : ~ '. ~~~:;'\?~-;;,::~;[." ,'".. ;', . ,,'~:..r' r .'.c<.r--:,'~V:;'1C:;~.~.;("?ii:2:~ ;'-"r::~~@~~i':Z~""W-'ii~~",i,;,;~~'~,5-';i;,)J"'. ,r;;;'~,,~,""1. c"" R-. . 50 and n~nign~, ~he pe~p6tual ~ight.and oBsemont to con3t~uct, own, Op6~Gte and maintain, lnnpect, ~6con~truct, a.nd remove ob~t:"uc'.;lon~ !:-o:::;, n line of polos, tower::!, Ilnd Y.'~ron, with nIl nOCC3- Bary anchors, guys, braces, nnct cthe:- equipmont there~or. for the tran~mi5s1on nnd ~istributlon of eloctricity, and for all purposes conno.ctod thero'fl"lth, Il.nd w1roe for telephone pu:-pcsee of' sain party of the second part, its 5UCC633orn and oenlgne, ever, along, across and upon the Inndn owneG by the partiae of tho fi':"st part in Lane County, Oregon, d~Hlcrlbed ae followll, to-wi t: BoSlnnln6 G t the no,th'fi'est co:'ner of the Robert E. Campbell D. L. C. No. 59 In Twp. 1./0.17 S. R. ~ We.:!t of Wil1~mette Me::--lrUan in Lane County, Orogon; running thence South 1" 3D' EB5t 23.50 chnin~i thence South 8S" 45' ERot 4.50 chaine; thence North 1" 301-WBSt ~.50 chaine; thence South 8S" 451 East 15.50 chains; thence North 10 30' West l~ chnln~ to tho no~tb bounda:v line of Mid D. L. C.j thence Ilorth 880 >151 We:Jt 20 cho.ine to 'the plocll of bl'lf;inn1ng, conto1n1r"; 40.2 acres, more or les5, in Lane County, Oregon. The route to be taken by Tlaid line acrO~1l said lnnds in to be continUOllB ....ith nnd a pnl"t of the general route ncross other and adjAcent lands, nnd i3 descr1bed more specirically BS follows: Beginning at n point on the East boundary of' the above de3cribed tract, sald point being approximately 53';.'; feet South and 1324.0 feet ERat of the North"ent comer of the Robert E. Cc.:::pbell ::l. L. C. No. 59, T. 17 S. R. 3 W., W. M., and running thence S. 720 481 w. 1386.2 fee"~1 r more or less, to n point on the Wost boundary of the nbove described tract, said point being approx1mately 945 reot S. O~ 37' w. of the Northwest corner or'the said Robert E. Ca~pboll D. L. C. No.5.... 3etng the locstion of the transmiaaion line as su~veyed ana constructed. It is ~greed nnd understood that the party of the second pal"t may construct and rnllintai.-. gates with locks at any or all fences crossed by said transmission line. It is understood and agreed that any future damages to fences, crops or live stock due to construction, operatl.on, maintenanoe or rebuilding Dr sold transmission line, shall be paid. [or by the pnl"~y of the secone pnrt, nnd nt current prices therefor, except thnt the abovo nrimed consideration shall include the pe:-paeual right to trim., for snfe clearance, o:-chn~ tre'!:!, either existiD&nOll 0:" planted lnte:"", and to t,im or :r~tnOVe other than orchard tre~.s thnt inter- fere or may interfere ~ith said lines. T.L.B-l R.W. 1133 Stovenl! -2- It"is aleo ~~rthe~de:rstood and agreed that the party of the second ~nrt ~hall at all ~lmes have the ~{ght to enter upon said p~emises und to do any and All things necessa~ or con- 'venient for ::he installation, ma"int.enari'c6, care anc. robui.J.ding of snid trnnsmlse10n line. The rights, condition:l .and pro\'isionll of thi:l onsecont shall Nn .,..itn the lend, a:ld. inure to the bene:it o~ and be binding upon the heira, executo:rs, admlni~trators, SUCCB:lSOrS and assigns of the respective parties hereto. . IN WITRESS ~~RSOP, the undersigned havo executed this instrument th1s 8th 1ay of Octobor, 1937. Witnes:la:l: P. Forj Northrop Lucille Norton Minnie L. An~~rson Glen G. An1eraon Fannie L. Wymnn Carl A. Wyman Willia~ H. Ander~on :ida Anderaon (SFA L) (SEAL) (JsEAL!J (SEAL) (fSEA:L1 ({'SEAL):::' (SEAL) ((SEAL)! C. IVlln J,nder:lOn Vera Anderson STAT:::: OF' OR~GON, ) COuNTY or-- LANE: )ss. On this 8t;h day of Oc::03erl 19::;7, perllona12y appeared befo:-o me, Ml:1:"Jle L. ^n~~~ on and o. G. Ander~on, her hu:t':lnnd; Fannie L. Wyman cnd CA.rl A. W~..mar:, hor hun~lln"'; \'.'1l1iar.'. H. Anderson and Ida Andc~ on, his 'l<:ife; and C. Ivan And!!rson and Vera An:Jerso1". his wife, to me pe:-sonally kno'fO to ba the ind1viduals described in and who" executed the '1"1) thin and roregoi ng in~~:-ument, and ackno~ledged to me ~hat they eignbd the same as their f:-ee end voluntary act and deee, for :he uses and purpo:!os the:-sin mentioned. Givon unde, my hand and of:"icis.l 66&1, thi~ 8th day of Octoba:r, 1937. Lucille Norton Nohry Public, in and for the State of Residing at: ~ueene, Oreson. My co~i~aion e7.p~res; Oct. 15; 2937. _L'N_ Dr'g ml e No:a.ris.l Seal. > '. ~, ~ " '\, r Division of Chief Depuly Cle~k Lane 'Counly Deeds and Reco~ds 2~~D.~~I~~~ \ 1111111,1111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 $86,00 00771139200~00010890.30138 . ' 01/06/2006 12:39:31 PM RPR-DTR Cnl=l Sln=S CASHIER 04 $65.00 $10,00 $11.00 , TRUST DEED ~Y\vJ\ * ~s-:tv>y DATE: January 5 '/-11.. 2006 PARTIES: Tuan Sui . j I . 555q 0 3 8atlt'.{.{ ffJi/ Rc), ~~nt"', Ctl/Q7'1o'S" ("Grantor") West Coast Title & Escrow Company 250 NW Franklin Ave., Ste, 201 Bend, OR 97701 ("Trustee") . AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: PACIFIC NORtHWEST TITLE OF LANE COUNlYl.LLC , 360 East 10th ill. Suite 101 Eugene. OR 97401 Cascade Capital Partners, Inc. an Ore9on corporation 250 NW Franklin Ave, Suite 401 Bend, OR 97701 ("Beneficiary") RECITALS: A. Grantor is the owner of real property described as: Parcel 1 : 1226 Y, Fairview Lane, Springfield, Oregon, the legal description of which is set forth on Exhibit 1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, Parcel 2: See Exhibit 2 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. including all appurtenances, buildings and existing or future improvements located thereon and all fixtures and,attachments thereto, all of which real property is hereinafter referred to as "the Trust Property," B. Beneficiary has agreed to lend to Grantor, and Grantor has agreed to borrow from Beneficiary, the sum of $433,01 0 upon the terms and conditions set out herein and in promissory notes (the Notes) dated concurrently with this Trust Deed, with final payment due on the 4th day of January, 2008, which is the maturity date of this Trust Deed, Grantor MERRILL O'SULLIVAN u.P Trust Deed ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1070 NW BONO Sf.. SUITE 303 BEND, OR 97701 Page 1 C:\Documanl' and s.tning,\ginB\Loce\ SGlli"lg.\Temporsry Inlemel Filn\OlK79\1rus\ Deed.ooc.'Z has agreed to deed to Trustee the Trust Property to secure punctual payment of the Notes and any other indebtedness owing by Grantor to.Beneficiary and to secure performance of all of Grantor's obligations under the Notes, under this Trust Deed and under any other instruments evidencing an indebtedness of Grantor to Beneficiary, C. The loan evidenced by the Notes is for commercial purposes and is not intended for personal or household purposes or to acquire real or personal property for personal, household or residential purposes or usage. THEREFORE, to secure payment by Grantor of the indebtedness to be evidenced by the Notes ih strict accordance with its terms, including payment of interest thereon and payment of any prepayment penalty for which provision is made in the Notes, and performance by Grantor of the covenants contained herein and in the Notes by it to be performed, and to secure payment of any other indebtedness of Grantor to Beneficiary which arises directly or indirectly out of the Notes or this Trust Deed, Grantor hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to the Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the Trust Property and presently assigns the rents, revenues, income, issues and profits therefrom to the Trustee, its successors and its assigns, upon the terms set forth herein, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that until the occurrence of an event of default, Grantor may remain in control of and operate and manage the Trust Property and collect and enjoy the rents, revenues, income, issues and profits therefrom; and PROVIDED, FURTHER, that if Grantor shall make all payments for which provision is made in the Notes in strict accordance with the terms thereof and shall perform all of the covenants contained herein, and shall make all payments due on any other indebtedness and shall perform all of the covenants contained in the Notes and this Trust Deed, then Trustee shall execute and deliver to Grantor, without warranty, a reconveyance of the Trust Property, The parties covenant and agree as follows: SECTION 1. GRANTOR'S COVEIIIANTS AND WARRANTIES 1,1. Payment of the Notes. Grantor will make all payments of the interest and principal for which provision is made in the Notes, and in any note or notes given in renewal or replacement thereof, promptly as such payments become due and payable, and will pay the unpaid balance of the Notes upon maturity, 1.2. Warranty of Title. Grantor warrants that it holds good and merchantable title to the Trust Property subject to no liens or encumbrances other than the lien of this Trust Deed. Grantor covenants with Beneficiary that it will defend Beneficiary's and Trustee's rights hereunder against the claims and demands of all persons. MERRII L ()'s'ULL1VAN LLP Trust Deed ArrORNEYS AT LAW 1010 NW BOND ST.. SUITE 303 BEND, OR 9770\ Page 2 C'IDo<:umllnl3 and S8Uings\~iJ18\L0C81 SallingslTempOrary Internel FiloslDLK79\Trust Dooc.doc-2 1.3. Use of Trust Property. Grantor covenants and warrants that the Trust Property is not currently used for agricultural, timber or grazing purposes. Grantor further covenants and warrants that the current use of the Trust Property is in compliance with all laws, ordinances and regulations of all governmental authorities, 1.4. Taxes and Assessments; Liens and Claims. , 1.4.1. Payment. Grantor shall pay when due all taxes and all assessments imposed against the Trust Property and all claims and demands arising from the Grantor's use or occupancy of the Trust Property, Grantor's timely payment of the real property taxes on the quarterly installment basis shall be deemed for purposes hereof as "payment when due." , ,1.4.2. Protection of the Trust Property from Liens. Grantor shall not permit any lien prior or equal to the Trustee's title to be imposed upon the Trust Property, except liens for taxes or assessments assessed 'but not yet due. 1.4.3. Grantor's Right to Contest. Grantor may withhold payment of any taxes, assessments, claims or demands or may elect to coniest any lien if Grantor is in good faith conducting appropriate proceedings to contest its obligation to pay and for so long as the Trustee's interest in the Trust Property is not jeopardized. If the Trust Property is subjected to a lien which is not discharged within 30 days from the date that the notice of claim of lien is filed, Grantor shall deposit or cause to be deposited with Beneficiary cash, a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security reasonably satisfactory to Beneficiary in an amount adequate to provide for discharge of the lien plus any interest, costs, attorney fees or other charges that could accrue as a result of foreclosure or sale. In any contest, Grantor shall, at Grantor's expense, defend itself, Trustee and Beneficiary and shall satisfy any final adverse judgment before enforcement against the Trust Property. 1,4.4. Evidence of Payment of Taxes or Assessments. Upon payment of real property taxes and assessments, Grantor shall furnish, to Beneficiary evidence of payment of such taxes and assessments, Grantor hereby authorizes the appropriate city or county official to deliver to Trustee and Beneficiary at any time a 'written statement of the taxes and assessments against the Trust Property. 1.5. Insurance. 1.5.1. Property Insurance. Grantor shall procure and maintain policies of fire insurance with standard extended coverage endorsements on a replacement cost basis covering all buildings and improvements, including additions thereto and replacements thereof, in an amount sufficient to avoid application of any coinsurance clause and with loss payable to Beneficiary, The amount of insurance shall in no event be Jess than the amount of principal owed on the Note, . MERRILL O'SULLIVAN UP Trust Deed ATTORNEYS AT lAW 1070 NW BOND ST" SUITE 303 BEND, OR 97701 Page 3 C:\Document5 and SBtling~\ginll\loca: Setliog,\TBmpOrsry Irllamel FilusIOLK79\lru$\ DEled,(Ioc-2 1.5.2. Insurance Companies, Policies and Certificates. Both the ,insurance company providing the policy required by this Section 1.5 and the form of the policy must be acceptable to Beneficiary, Grantor shall deliver to Beneficiary a certificate of coverage from the insurer issuing the policy required by paragraph 1.5.1 containing a stipulation that coverage will not be cancelled or diminished without a minimum of 10 days' advance written notice to Beneficiary. G'rantor shall deliver to Beneficiary at least 10 days prior to the expiration of any insurance policy required by this Section 1,5 a certificate showing the placement of a renewal or substitute policy of insurance, 1.5.3. Notice of Loss. In the event of loss, Grantor shall immediately notify Beneficiary, which may make proof of loss if it is not made promptly by Grantor. 1,5.4. Insurance Proceeds. Insurance proceeds shall be paid directly to Beneficiary which may deal directly with any insurance company, All proceeds from any insurance on the Trust property shall be held by Beneficiary as collateral to secure performance of the obligations secured by this Trust Deed. Grantor may elect either to restore or not to restore the damaged improvements, If Grantor shall repair or replace the damaged improvements in a manner satisfactory to Beneficiary, Beneficiary shall, upon satisfactory proof of performance of work, payor reimburse Grantor from the insurance proceeds.for the reasonable cost of repair or restoration completed. If Grantor notifies Beneficiary in writing that, pursuant to its rights hereunder, it elects not to repair or replace the damaged improvements, Beneficiary shall apply the proceeds not to be so used toward payment of all or part of the indebtedness secured by this Trust Deed in such order as Beneficiary may determine, Any insurance proceeds which have not been paid out within one year after their receipt for the repair, replacement or restoration of the Trust Property shall forthwith be applied by Beneficiary toward payment of all or part of the indebtedness' secured by this Trust Deed in such order as Beneficiary may determine. 1.6. Use, Maintenance and Alterations. , 1.6.1. Duty to Maintain. Grantor shall maintain the Trust Property in good condition and repair and promptly perform all repairs and maintenance necessary to preserve its value., 1.6.2. Waste; Nuisance. Grantor shall not conduct or permit' any nuisance on the Trust Property nor commit or suffer any strip or waste thereof, 1.6.3. Removal of Improvements. Grantor shall not demolish or remove any improvements on the Trust Property withoutthe prior written consent of 1.6.4. Beneficiary's Right to Enter and Inspect. Grantorwill permit Beneficiary and its agents to enter upon the Trust Property at all reasonable times to inspect the Trust Property, MERRILL O'SULLIVAN LLP Trust Deed ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1070 NW BOND ST.. SUITE 303 BEND, OR 97701 Page 4 C:\Documa"lts and Seltll'lgs\gina\Local SeUlngsITemporef)',lntOl'T1ot FilllS\OLK791Trusl Oeeo,ooc-2 1.6.5. Compliance with Governmental Requirements. Grantor shall promptly comply with all laws, ordinances and regulations of all governmental authorities applicable to the use or occupancy of the Trust Property, Grantor may contest in good faith any such law, ordinance or regulation and withhold compliance during any proceeding, including appropriate appeals, so long as Beneficiary's and Trustee's interests in the Trust Property are not jeopardized, 1.7. Eminent Domain. 1.7.1. Notice ofTaking or Condemnation Proceeding. Ifthe Trust Property, or any part thereof,or interest therein, should be taken or damaged by reason of any public improvement or condemnation proceeding, or if Grantor should receive any notice or other information regarding a condemnation proceeding or similar type of proceeding, Grantor shall immediately notify Beneficiary. 1.7.2. Condemnation Proceeds. Beneficiary shall be entitled to all compensation, awards and other payments or relief related to condemnation, and shall be entitled at its sole option to commence, appear in and prosecute in its own name any such action or proceeding. Beneficiary shall also be entitled to make any compromise or settlement in connection with such taking or damage, All such compensation, awards, damages, rights or action and proceeds awarded to Grantor (Condemnation Proceeds) are hereby assigned \0 Beneficiary, and Grantor agrees to execute such further assignments of the Condemnation Proceeds as Beneficiary may require. Beneficiary shall have the option, in its sole and absolute discretion, to either: (a) apply such Condemnation Proceeds, after'deducting therefrom all costs and expenses (regardless of the particular nature thereof and whether incurred with or without suit), including attorney fees incurred by Beneficiary in connection with such Condemnation Proceeds, upon all or part of the indebtedness secured by this Trust Deed in such order as Beneficiary may determine, without regard to whether or not the security of Beneficiary is impaired, or (b) apply all of such Condemnation Proceeds, after deducting all of Beneficiary's costsahd expenses, to the restoration of the Trust Property upon such conditions as Beneficiary may determine. . 1.8. Security Agreement. This instrument shall constitute a security agreement with respect to any fixtures attached to the Trust Property to secure all indebtedness and obligations secured by this Trust Deed and all future advances and all future indebtedness and obligations of Grantor to Beneficiary. This instrument shall also constitute a financing' statement and shall be filed for recording in the real estate records of the county where the Trust Property is located. 1.9. Reserves, If Grantor has failed to perform its obligation under Sections 1.4 or 1.5 of this Trust Deed, Beneficiary may require Grantor to maintain with Beneficiary Trust Deed M~RRIU ()'~LJLLlVAN LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1070 NW 80NO ST_. SUITE 303 BEND. OR 9770' Page 5 C:\DOCl.Imenta 1In.d Souing5\gine\l..acel SettinoslTlIll"lporary Intemet Filea\OlK79\Trus.\ Oeed.doc-2 reserves for payment of taxes, assessments and insurance premiums, The reserve shall be created by monthly payments of a sum estimated by Beneficiary to be sufficient to produce, at least 15 days before due, an amount equal to the taxes, assessments and insurance premiums, If 15 days before payment is due the reserve is insufficient, Grantor shall pay any deficiency to Beneficiary upon demand. The reserve shall be held by Beneficiary as a general deposit from Grantor and shall constitute a non-interest bearing debt from Beneficiary to Grantor which Beneficiary may satisfy by payment of the taxes and assessments, If Beneficiary is required by law to pay interest on these funds, they shall earn interest at the lowest permissible rate, and beneficiary may impose any reasonable and lawful charge for holding and disbursing such funds. Nothing contained herein shall cause Beneficiary to be deemed a trustee of the reserve or to be obligated to pay any amounts in excess of the amount of funds deposited with Beneficiary pursuant to this Section 1.9, ,SECTION 2, EVEN1;S OF DEFAULT The following shall constitute events of default: 2.1. Nonpayment. Failure of Grantor to make any payment required by the Notes, or either of them, or to make any payment for taxes, insurance premiums or for reserves for such payments or any other payment necessary to prevent filing of a discharge of any lien within 10 days after written notice by Beneficiary (or Beneficiary's agents of any such nonpayment. No notice by Beneficiary shall be required for nonpayment if during the preceding 12 calendar months Beneficiary has sent notice to Grantor concerning any nonpayment hereunder. . 2.2. Breach of Other Covenant. Failure of Grantor tei perform any obligation contained in this Trust Deed within 30 days after notice from Beneficiary (or Beneficiary's representatives) specifying the nature of the defaultor, if the default cannot be cured within 30 days, 'failure within such time to commence and 'pursue with reasonable diligence curative action. No notice of default and opportunity to cure shall be required if during the preceding 12 calendar months Beneficiary has already sent a notice to Grantor concerning default in performance of the same obligation. 2.3, Misinformation. Falsity in any material respect of the warranty in paragraph 1.2 or of any representation, warranty or information furnished to Beneficiary in connection with the Note or this Trust Deed. 2.4. Other Obligation, Failure of Grantor to perform any obligation required by any other instrument (i.e., other than the Notes or this Trust Deed) evidencing or securing any indebtedness of Grantor to Beneficiary, 2.5. Sale, Transfer of Possession or Encumb':an~e. The voluntary or involuntary sale, transfer of possession or encumbrance of the Trust Property or any part thereof in any manner by Grantor, whether by deed, mortgage, trust deed contract of sale, Trust Deed MERRILL O'SULLIVAN LLP ATrORNEYS AT LAW 1070 NW BOND ST., SUITE 303 BEND: OR 97101 Page 6 C:\DocumBfllB and Selling,\gif1ll\LO"'....81 Setlinl;l,\Tampore.ry Internsl Filas\OLK19\Trust Daed.ooc-2 lease or similar agreement, or execution, appointment of a receiver, probate or other proceeding without the prior written consent of Beneficiary, The execution and delivery by the Grantor of any joint venture agreement, partnership agreement declaration of trust, option agreement or other instrument whereunder any other person may become entitled, directly or indirectly, to the possession or enjoyment of the Trust Property, or the income or other benefits derived or to be derived therefrom, shall in each case be deemed to be a sale or transfer of Grantor's interest in the Trust Property for the purposes of this section, Grantor acknowledges that the loan secured by this Trust Deed is personal to Grantor and that in making it Beneficiary has relied on Grantor's credit, Grantor's interest in the Trust Property and financial market conditions at the time this loan is made, SECTION 3. REMEDIES IN CASE OF DEFAULT If an event of default shall occur, Beneficiary or Trustee, as the case may be, may exercise any of the following rights and remedies, in addition to any other remedies which ma'y be available at law, in equity, or otherwise: " 3.1. Acceleration. Beneficiary may declare all sums secured by this Trust Deed, including all interest arid prepayment penalties, to be immediately due and payable. 3.2: Books and Records, Beneficiary may examine all books, records and contracts of Grantor pertaining to the Trust Property and of any guarantors and make such memoranda thereof as may be desired. 3.3. Receiver. Beneficiary may have a receiver of the Trust Property appointed, Beneficiary shall be entitled to the appointment of a receiver as a matter of right whether or not the apparent value of the Trust Property exceeds the amount of the indebtedness secured by this Trust Deed. Employment by Trustee or Beneficiary shall not disqualify a person from serving as receiver. Grantor waives all defenses and consents to the appointment of a receiver at Beneficiary's option, 3.4. Possession: Beneficiary may, either through a receiver or a lender-in- possession, take possession of all or any part of the Trust Property, and Grantor shall peaceably surrender the same, 3.5. 'Rents and Revenues. Beneficiary may revoke Grantor's right to collect the rents and revenues from the Trust Property, and may, either itself or through a receiver, collect the same, To facilitate collection, Beneficiary may notify Grantor's tenants to pay rents directly to it. Beneficiary shall not be deemed to be in possession of the Trust Property solely by reason of exercise of the rights contained in this paragraph 3 5. If rents are collected by Beneficiary under this paragraph 3.5, Grantor hereby irrevocably designates Benef,iciary as Grantor's attorney-in-fact to endorse instruments. received in payment of rent, in respect of any part of the Trust Property, in the name of Grantor and to negotiate such instruments and collect the proceeds thereof. Trust Deed .MERRILL ()'Sllt llVAN LLI=l ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1070 NW BONO ST.. SUITE 303 . BEND, OR 97701 Page 7 C:\DlJcumer'lt~ and 5ettings'QinalLcCBI Sanings\Tampofary Intemel Fi!asIOlK79\Trust D6Sci.doc-2 3.6. Foreclosure. Beneficiary may obtain a decree foreclosing Grantor's interest in all or any part of the Trust Property, 3.7. Fixtures and Personal Property. With respect to any fixtures or personal property subject to a security interest in favor of Beneficiary, Beneficiary may exercise any and all of the rights and remedies of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code. . . 3.8. Abandon Security. Beneficiary may abandon any security afforded by this Trust Deed or any other security instrument by notifying Grantor of Beneficiary's election to do so. 3.9. Power of Sale: Beneficiary may direct Trustee, and Trustee shall be empowered, to foreclose the Trust Property by advertisement and exercise of the power of sale under applicable law, 3.10. Sale of Collateral; Bid at Public Sale. In exercising its rights and remedies, Beneficiary shall be free to sell all or any part of the collateral together or separately, or to sell certain portions of its collateral and refrain from selling other portions. Beneficiary shall be entitled to bid at any public sale of all or any portion of its collateral. 3.11. Cumulative Remedies. Election to pursue one remedy shall not exclude resort to any other remedy, and, unless the context otherwise requires, all remedies under this Trust Deed are cumulative and not exclusive. No delay or omission in exercising any right or remedy shall impair that or any other right or remedy or shall be construed to be a waiver of the default. ~"" SECTION 4. RECEIVER OR TRUSTEE-IN-POSSESSION Upon taking possession of all or any part of the Trust Property, a receiver or Trustee , or Beneficiary or Beneficiary's representative may: 4.1. Management. Use, operate, manage, control and conduct business on the Trust Property and make expenditures for such purposes and for maintenance and improvements as in its judgment are necessary, 4.2. Rents and Revenues. 'Collect all rents, revenues, income, issues and profits from the Trust Property and apply such sums to the expenses of use, operation, management, maintenance and improvements, 4.3. Construction. At its option, complete any construction in progress on the Trust Property, and in that connection pay bills, borrow funds, employ contractors and make any changes in plans and specifications as it deems appropriate. 4,4. Additional Indebtedness, If the revenues produced by the Trust Property are insufficient to pay expenses, including, without limitation, any disbursements made by Trust Deed MERRILL O'SULLIVAN LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1070 NW BONO ST" SUITE 30:3 BEND, OR 97701 Page 8 C:\Oacumunl!l end Sattings\gina\Local Seltings\Tllmporery Intemet Fil!lsIOlK79\Trust DftIlO,doc-2 Beneficiary or Trustee pursuant to this Section 4, a receiver may borrow; or Beneficiary or Trustee may advance, such sums upon such terms as it deems necessary for the purposes stated in this section, and repayment of such sums shall be secured by this Trust Deed, Amounts borrowed or advanced shall bear interest at a rate equal to the lesser of fifteen percent (15%) per annum or the highest rate permitted by applicable law. Amounts borrowed or advanced and interest thereon shall be payable by Grantor to Beneficiary or Trustee on demand. SECTION 5. APPLICATION OF PROCEEDS ,All proceeds realized from the exercise of the rights and remedies under Sections 3 and 4 shall be applied as follows: 5.1. Costs and Expenses. To pay the costs of exercising such rights and remedies, including the costs of any sale and the costs and expenses of any receiver or lender -in-possession, 5.2. Indebtedness. Tb pay all other amounts owed by Grantor, payment of which is secured by this Trust Deed. 5.3. Surplus, The surplus, if any, shall be paid to the clerk of the court in the case of a foreclosure by judicial proceeding, otherwise' to the person or persons legally entitled thereto. SECTION 6. GENERAL PROVISIONS 6.1. Reconveyance upon Payment. Upon written request of Beneficiary stating that all sums secured hereby hav,e been paid, surrender of this Trust Deed and the Note to Trustee for cancellation and retention and payment of its fees, Trustee shall reconvey, without wimanty, the Trust Property then held hereunder. The recitals in any reconveyance executed under this Trust Deed of any matters of facts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfuln'ess thereof, The grantee in such reconveyance may be described as "the person or persons legally entitled thereto." 6.2. Substitute Trustee. In the event of dissolution or resignation of the Trustee, Beneficiary may substitute one or more trustees to execute the trust hereby created, and the new trustee(s) shall succeed to all of the powers and duties of prior trustees, 6.3. Trust Deed Binding on Successors and Assigns. This Trust Deed shall be binding on and inure to ttie benefit of the successors and assigns of Grantor, Trustee and Beneficiary. . 6,4. Indemnity. Grantor shall hold Beneficiary and Trustee harmless from any and all loss and expense, including but not limited to attorney fees and court costs, in any suit, action or proceeding or any appeal therefrom brought against Trustee or Beneficiary MERRILL O'SULLIVAN LLP Trust Deed ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1070 NW BOND ST.. SUITE 303 . BEND, OR 9770\ Page 9 C:\DDOJmllrlU and Seltlngs\gina\Local Sutl1ngs\Temporory Internet FiIB$\OlK79\Trust DeGd.doe-2 by a third party resulting from or attributable to Beneficiary's ownership of the Note or Trustee's interest under this Trust Deed, except suits, actions and proceedings based upon a claim that Beneficiary or Trustee improperly entered into this Trust Deed or Note or loaned money thereunder, 6.5. Notice, Any notice under this Trust Deed shall be in writing. Any notice to be given or document to be delivered under this Trust Deed shall be effective when either delivered in'person or deposited as registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the party at the address. first stated in this Trust Deed; provided that any notice pursuant to exercise of the Trustee's power of sale in the event of default shall be sufficient if such notice complies with all provisions of Oregon law applicable to exercise of such powers of sale, Any party may by notice to the others designate a different address, 6.6. Expenses and Attorney Fees. In the event that Beneficiary or Trustee shall take any action, judicial or otherwise, to enforce the Note or any provision of this Trust Deed or if Benefic;iary or Trustee shall be required to appear in any proceeding to protect and maintain the priority of Trustee's title to the Trust Property, Tr.ustee or beneficiary (or both) shall be entitled to recover from Grantor all expenses which it may reasonably incur in taking such action, including but not limited to costs incurred in searching records, the cost of title reports and surveyors' reports, and its attorney fees, whether incurred in a suit or action or any appeals from a judgment or decree therein or petition for review, or in connection with nonjudicial action, Grantor shall reimburse Beneficiary or Trustee (or both) for expenses so incurred on demand with interest from the date of expenditure until repaid at a rate equal to the lesser of fifteen percent (15%) per annum or the highest rate permitted by applicable law, 6.7. Beneficiary's Right to Cure. If Grantor fails to perform any obli,gation required of it under this Trust Deed, Beneficiary may, without notice, take any steps necessary to remedy such failure, Grantor shall reimburse beneficiary for all amounts expended in so doing on demand with interest at a rate equal to the lesser of nine percent (9%) per annum or the highest rate permitted by applicable law from the date of expenditure until repaid. Such action by Beneficiary shall not constitute a waiver of the default or any other right or remedy which Beneficiary may have on account of Grantor's default. 6.8. Applicable Law. This Trust Deed shall be governed by the laws of the State of Oregon. 6.9. Time of Essence. Time is of the essence of this Trust Deed. 6.10. Headings. The headings to the sections and paragraphs of this Trust Deed are included only for the convenience of the parties and shall not have the effect of defining, diminishing or enlarging the rights of the parties or affecting the construction or interpretation of any portion of this Trust Deed, Trust Deed MERRlll_ O'SULLIVAN LLP ATTORNEYS Ai LAW 1070 NW BOND ST.. SUITE 303 BEND, OR 97701 Page 10 C.\Docume.1Is end Setl\Jlgs\gina\i...oCQI Soltmgs\Temporary Intarnet File.s\OLj(7S\Tl'IJsl DGed.doe-2 6.11. Severability. If any provision of this Trust Deed shall be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions of this Trust Deed, but this Trust Deed shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein, 6.12. Entire Agreement. This Trust Deed and the Notes contain the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the matters covered, and no other previous agreement, statement or promise made by any party to this Trust Deed which is not contained in its terms or in the terms of the Note shall be binding or valid, 6.13. Cross Default. A default under the Trust Deed orthe Notes or either of them shall constitute a default under the remaining documents'. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this Trust Deed to be executed as of the day and year first above written, GRANTOR: --...... ------ STATE OF OREGON; County of /vi h.e. : ss, On0.J1UUlt:Lr4 5 , 2006, personally appeared the above-named Tuan Sui, and acknowiedged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act. Before me: v ----- ---- -- - - _-.'-- --- --- --- ---"'1 ~ ~ OFFICIAL SEAL : , ,~......<>;: GINA llARSON ~ :' ,~' NOTARY PUBLIC -OREGON , I ~" COMMISSION NO. 37410B : ~ MY C{JMMISSION EXPIRES JANUARY 2B, 200B I , ______~_-______._~--.---~4 ~.f~a)~/)~ Notary Public? k..e5regon ME:RRILL O'SULLIVAN LLP Trust Deed ATIORNEYS AT LAW 1070 NW aOND ST.. SUITE 303 BEND, DR 97701 Page 11 C:\DocumanlS ant: Selling~lgina\Local SettinOls\Tetnporllry Interne! FileslOllC791Trust OIlflc;!,Qo:;.2 " Eeerow No, 01.511758.CM-46 Till. o,dsr ND. 006.11768 EXHIBIT.TWO PARCEL I: Beginning at a Point on the North line of the Robert E. Campbell and wife Donation Land Claim No, 59 in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, 2481,2 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Donation land Claim, which Point of Beginning is also 80 feet East of thil Northaast corner of County Survey No, 1015; thence running South 711.6 feet, paraliel to the East line of County Survey No, 1015; thence East 112 feet, parallel to the South line of said Donation Land Claim No, 59; thence North 711.6 feet, more or less, to the North line of the said Robert E. Campbell and wife Donation land Claim No, 59; thence West 112'foet to the Point of Beginning, in lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion thereof conveyed by Stenley C, Broaddus, et al to the Stete of Oregon by and through its Stllte Highway Commission by deed recorded April 17, 1959, Reception No, 65337, Lane County Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to Lane County, Oregon, by Stenley C, Broaddus and 1m. G. Broaddus by Deed recorded June 23,1959, Clerk's File No.71244,and Rhoda S, Price by deed recorded June 23,1959 Clerk's File No, 71243, lane CountY Deed Records, in Lane CountY, Oregon, ALSO EXCEPT that tract to Lane County, Oregon for Fairview Driye by deed recorded by March 16, 1961, Clerk's Rle No, 26236, Lane County Deed Records, in lane County, Oregon, ALSO EXCEPT: Beginning at a Point on the Northerly right-of-w.y line of F.irview Drive, said point being 220,81 feet South 00 47' West and BO.O feet South 8So 56' 10. East of the Northeast corner of Biock 7, FIRST ADDITION TO CENTENNIAL GARD~NS,as platted end recorded in Book 38, Page 14, lane County Piat Records; running thenc. along seid Northerly right-of,way line, South 89056' 10' East 112,0 feet; thence North 0.47' East 120,0 feet; thence North 69056' 10' West 1'12.0 feet; thence South O. 47' West 120,0 feet to the Point of Beginning, in L.ne County, Oregon, PARCEL II: A t,"ct of land in Section 27, Township 17 South, R.nge 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of that property described in Real 131, instrument #6550, Lane CountY Deed Records, which point is 2369,2 feet, more or less, West of the Northeest corner of RObert E,. Campbell Donation Land Claim No, #59; thence Southerly, .Iong said line, 711.6 feet, more or iess, to the North line of F.irview Dr;ye; thence EllSterly, along said Fairview Driye, 10 feet, more or iess, to the Southwest corner of th.t property described in Book 331, Page 63, said Deed Records; thence Northerly, along seid property line, 710.6 feet, mo,e or less, to the Northwest corner of said property; thence Westerly 10 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, , EXCEPTING eny part of the above described property lying South of a line t 20 feet from and parallel to the North right-of,way line of Fairview Drive end excePting any part North of the South right-of-way line of the Q Street Floodway, ~ I.,? .', ., 'l' RECORDATION"REQUESTED BY: NORTHWEST BANK 4900 MndowBRoad SuIte 410 lake Qswego, OR 97036 Division of Chief Depuly Cle~k Lane County Deeds and Records 2006.00j~~~ WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO, NORTHWEST BANK 4900 MuadowsRoad StIlle 410 lake Oswego. OR 9703& 11111111111 \ 11111111111111111111111111111111111 $56.00 00773678200600034 :90130033 01/18/2006 10:21 :07 AM RPR-ASN Cnl=1 Sln=6 CASHIER 07 $15,00 $10,00 $11,00 $20,00 SEND TAX NOTICES TO: CASCADE CAPITAL PARTNERS, INC. 250 NW FRANKLIN AVe. SUITE 401 RENO. OR A7701 ~PAr::1' ABOVE THIS LINE l~ I'nR RFrnRnFR'S lI~F ONf Y ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST THIS ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST dated January 11, 2006, is made and executed between CASCADE CAPITAL PARTNERS, INC., whose address is 250 NW FRANKLIN AVE, SUITE 401, BEND, OR 97701 (referred to balow as ~Assignorn) and NORTHWEST BANK. whose address is 4900 Meadows Road Suite 410. lake Oswego, OR 97035 (referred to below as "Assignee"). *2006-001089 DEED OF 11l:UST. TUAN BUI. the Grantor, oltocuted and granted to WEST COAST TITLE &: ESCROW COMPANY. as Trustee. for the benefit of CASCADE CAPITAL PARTNERS, INC.. the Beneficiary. the tollowing described Deed of Trust detl'lcl January 5, 2006 Ithe "Deed of Trust~J. "* REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION. The Deed of Trust covers the foUowing described real property located in Lane County. Stete of Oregon: See Exhibit 1. which is attached 10 this Assignment and made a part of this Assignment BS if fully sat torth harein. The Ree! Property or ils address is commonly known as lots with the following talt account numbars locateiin the city of, SpriJlgfiald. OR. Tha Real Property tBX identification number is 4102990. 0230589, AND 0230597. ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST. For valuable consideration, represented In the Note dated January 1 1, 2006. in tha original principal amount of $346,408.00. trom Assignor to Assignee. A!lsignor hereby BS!ligns and conveys to Assignee 1111 of Assignor's right. title. and inlerest in and tothe IIbove described Deed of Trust. together with all of Assignor's right, litle and inlerest in and to Ihe promissory nOta or notes lor other c~edit agroemlfntsl sec;ured bV me Deed at Tru!lt. ASSIGNOR: ::SCAD:nr/ JAME5 ~cu ., President of (.:A5CALJt: GAPITAI.. PARTNERS C. , , . ~,~ :'" :.,~..: r . ~ \ .,::~.~'f.";::~; ~..::' A CORPORATE ACKNOWI ~~~'Il<It;., .." ~,. ..,.. ..,... . STATEDF V.ft7t1t1V-- t.' JUUE~~' ad ~ ISS'! NOrAIIl'fI\JlIl.JC-w.,,",,,~J = ) ccnlS8ION NO, 380978 COUNTY OF, -" -~ '/'A I ~ IfCOIIIIISSIOll EXPIRES MAY lIt Zl108 or" On this 1/& day of ~~4 _,20t2L.l:!:-,beforemo,theunde(!IignedNotlryPublic,personBlly epPllared JAMES M COLE. presidenl~f SCAOE CAPITAl..,A>ARTNERS, INC.. and knoVlffi to me to be lIn authorized agent of the corporlltion that eltecutod the Assignment of Dee /. Trust and acknowi'edged Ihe Assignment 10 be the free and voluntary llIci and deed of the corporation, by authonty of its,Bylaws'or by ra80 Ion of its board of dlrec;tor5.. lor the uses IInd purposes therein mentionll'd. end on oath steled that he or she IS lIutllor~ execute thIS A Ignmen and In fac! executed the ASS'9nmllnt on behalf of the corporalJon By U 4- cf'. R_d,",,, L Q _ . ".......A tJL ,;U~~~C-inBndfOr1h~~of_{7ALJ~ Mvcommlulonnplrlls OS//9/03 \~,:~\.,~,c, ,', "'l.~ _ ~--_.- 'J. ......."""..-......."'_C...................__""-,.Il._ ""......___ .Iio '_.JCTIo-",..., ""!r'hq,-'> '. .~'y~.d~ 2 .:, ..;'...... . - ... ............;..,..:.. '" 'c'/:./ #,';if~:;;:~"" This ;r,trument ft!sd for record by Fid"iity National Title Company as an acr..crnmodation only. It has not been examined as to its execution or as to its 8(reet upon the litle, ~ / I -- oL/ 1(1 ", 11.."'''hl~,'''._'''"",,,U_,~~ 1111.lil _,"..L..,...II '....I'~..". j&llloioli... .M1,"I...... I. 1 I, I, ..1.., "ill..oIllllll:.iI<.",.".I..~.ilO1Lllllll"."',H;..':;.I~lil""..tl" .".I....U.lM.~,. " ...\, EXHIBIT ONE PARCEL I: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Robert E. Campbell and wife Donation Land Claim No. 59 in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, 2481.2 feet West of the Northeast comer of said Donation Land Claim, which Point of Beginning is also 80 feet East of the Northeast comer of County Survey No.1 015; thence running South 711.6 feet, parallel to the East line of County Survey No. 1015; thence East 112 feet, parallel to the South line of said Donation Land Claim No 59; thence North 711.6 feet, more or less, to the North line of the said Robert E. Campbell and wife Donation Land Claim No, 59; thence West 112 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County Or~gon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion thereof conveyed by Stanley C. Broaddus, et al to the State of Oregon by and through its State Highway Commission by deed recorded . April 17, 1959, Reception No, 65337, Lane County Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. , . ALSO EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to Lane County, Oregon by Stanley C, Broaddus and Ima G. Broaddus by Deed recorded .Tune 23, 1959, Clerk's File No. 71244,and Rhoda S, Price by deed recorded .Tune 23,1959 Clerk's File No. 7]243, Lane County Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. . , , , ALSO EXCEPT that tract to Lane County, Oregon for Fairview Drive by deed recorded by March 16, 1961, Clerk's File No. 26236, Lane County Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT: Beginning at a Point on the Northerly right-of-way line ofFairview Drive, said point being 220.8] feet South 00 47' West and 80,0 feet South 890 56' 10" East of the Northeast comer of Block 7, FIRST ADDITION TO CENTENNIAL GARDENS, as platted and recorded in Book 38, Page 14, Lane County Plat Records; running thence along said Northerly right-of-way line, South 890 56' 10" East 112.0 feet; thence North 00 47' Ease 120.0 feet; thence North 890 56' 10" West 1 ]2,0 feet; thence South 00 47' West 120.0 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL II: A tract of1and in Section 27, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast comer of that property described in Reel i 31, Instrument #6550, Lane County Deed Records, which point is 2369.2 feet, more or less, West of the Northeast comer of Robert E. Campbell Donation Land Claim No. #59; thence Southerly, along s!,id line, 71].6 feet, more or less, to the North line of Fairview Drive; thence Easterly, along said Fairview Drive, ] 0 feet, more or less, to the Southwest comer of that property described in Book 33], Page 63, said Deed Records; thence Northerly, along said property line, 710,6 feet, Page 1 of2 ".~ .... ...liJII.j....I.l&..&ilil.l"".........~"-~, ,.~ ...... .~ ";"".11.,"-1 . "0> ...., .......li-lli.'1I .. .k' " '...,. ..,. " .. "'.IL.l.lil.I:..i.I...n, u_'1 .'Iv:'. '.. A!'/_.Joa\rhll7.,'.m,,-',," .W'~~L..<!..O...",~.oUI"""" ..(..~'....,.-.. l' more or less, to the Northwest comer of said property; thence Westerly 10 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING any part of the above described property lying South of a line] 20 feet from and parallel to the North right-of-way line of Fairview Drive and excepting any part North of the South right-of-way line of the Q Street Floodway. Page2of2 ..,.,,: .' , , /4 j . ~-,; , ~J '-'..~-- . \;; .,...,..... 01. 31'il al!^,-,','-,= ~ ! ~?:'~' ", Ir.& "~I' /"1;!; ffr&:;- ~ +~" ~""d. i ~m ~ -<-<; -. (I (] ~ iW I I 0' ORDER NO. G550~ G) ~-1 ., BARGAIN AND SALE DEED THIS INDeNTURE WITNESSETH, That husban~ and wJf~, the GronlorS ,for and in consideration of the sum of ONE AND 00/100 and other good and valuable consideration to the'll paid, do hereby, bargai~ sell and conyey upto Ja!res L.Crorn and Margaret J. l..rom. husband and Stanley C. Broaddus and Ima G. 3r.oa ddus, DOLLARS wife, the grantee S , the following described premises, ll>wil: ! , ~ Beginning at'a point on the Nor(h line of the Robert E. Campbell and wife Donation Land Claim No. 59, in Township 17 Sout~.Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian 2481.2 feet West of the North- east corner of said Donation Land Claim which beginning point Is also~80 feet East of the Northeast corner of County Survey No. 101:0, thence running South 711.6 feet parallel to the East line of County Survey No. lOIS, thence East 112 feet parallel to the South Ilne' of said D. L. C. No. 59, thence North 711.6 feet. more or less. to the North llne of the said Robert E. Campbell and wife D. L. C.No. 59, thence west 112 feet to the point of beginning, in lane County, Oreg~n. Subject to easements,reservations and restrictias of record. Subject also t,o mortgage to the United States National Bank of Portland, Oregon, recorded February 6, 19p, under Clerk's Filing No. 77062, Lane County Oregon Mortgage Records. " \, ' \J%~\il-;It>tJ;.."'f lLtf-'"1X ~ t I),{; ~ ( " ,; -;; " I,.j_~ " ,"" ,f- '''r!/ .fi;!i :,i _ ; :~:: _ _ .' ,_ . . ",~:'~,"~, ;:~,~~;Ji':;~;~ . ,',',' ,.'.'..'..",".'.,'..',.',.. > ,'> '" '. ,".' '.' .'.' ",., , '.',', ",.'" ' " ,'"""" , I.,' \.::::!~ . \!!f"\'~ .; ~' ~ ::)::' =: :..... ~,..... .'. ....... - .. - - :J - - - ~ The gr05ntee S , the following described premises, to-wil: 3~;.i~~i~; 3t'2 point on the North line of the Robert _. Campb~l! ""oj .Ii fc- uonation Land Claim No. 59, in Township 17 South,?'nnge ; ~est of the Willamette Meridian 2481.2 feet West of the North- ~2St c~~~er of said Donation Land Claim which beginning point is 3150 30 feet East of the Northeast corner of County Survey ~i::J. l:;l~, thence running South 71i.6 feet parallel to the ::ast line of County Survey No. 1015. thence East 112 feet par3llel to the South Une of said D. L. C. No. 59, thence North 711.6 feet, more or less. to the North line of the said Robert E. Campbell and ..ife D. L. C. No. 59, thence west 112 feet to ~he point of beginningi in lane County, Oregon. Subject to ease~ents.reservations and restrlcticrE of record. , ~, rl~ Subject also to mortgage to the United Portland. Oregon, recorded February 6. No. 77062, Lane County Oregon Mortgage States National Bank of lqo, under Clerk's Filing Records. r. I~,' I' . I I }:::7;1t~ "'\1':1'-" .~,~~~?t~ _..: II" "II' '" , , . - ' ...: ,.. ,.. .~;. , ' " -.. , '. . . 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"",-:, tc;EAU ~...r:.'.____~:>n,. .n. . .j~:.(SEAt) t ., 4t~\J--:nnr\.~1 riz- / r,;i .: _'_,.: ,... : / / I:',. - ,/./ .. .. . . i '; ~\ Puo\..\'- o:~7r<:W) ..__n ..n...n...n~..n.p<.<~....,(SEAl) Ie) o. ..,. .. .,' .._ J.. : ~ j ~"-'~L'""'j::'~- . ::~ '~~~,.c', :;C) :~~E". } IS. : I~' 'il '. .::' Apr 11':<;;' ' , 0:9 ./:~:.;~j.., 1m ~1~~~~~~~~~i7;~i;~~~ii~~;i;:;~1~~~'f:::/;',';~~.~~~ ~ ',to ine~...,.' ,Jlykilo\Om'jO bit the ldenficalperson 5 ;: " ,"';:L. " ;desaibed ;o.nd who' executed the within '," ;:: " . ,"; ;'i, (if)5()~ ) '. ~.".,.= Bargain and Sale Deed 1"1 . ,'-'- "" ..,<. .- u_'"~!j)"_ Ii FIlOM I itJ \ J. Z (, '., ". ~ '7'1/ tv "''''>"''~' ,'Tltle.J.\:Osfract !~~.~j:;~{:():!,~.,C;';'.,:~..:/~ ~;--"<'~.- r,: ". ':: '. ""B'" "..,.,.:" ompany .oregon' Ria... 01" ",,". Cout'Q' 011....1 .. , " ') IIan7 L. ,(lhaae, 00111117, elM &114 o';;"f~il"o a-dor of ()oD"'b~~ &114 'or oaI4 ()o1lll17. do bo.. 7 --.4 \bGI tIlo ""'IbID ...." "" .. I _ recolT lor ,oooord .. 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' t. ~ ..:.J^",-- , r: -- ~ ,.'. t.;,,;, _bee f~ ?~=:-_J3 ----.., /VC:>-eTH L/A/6 /f"E CAM,P,.f?E.t...L OL.e; /1/.0 ~ N 8?-.2/'S7"W /Bz:1:t/ </i!Qc=) t. /~80 C<? ' C/':::SC.o.o) 1\ 1\ " ~ ~h ~ ,~ ,~J ",. i ~i } 1 ~50~' fi/rd' '/~# L! 0;0015. ~ \ '\-- tl~ ~ ~ ~ IQ 'I ~ ..5'CALE /"';,- /00 ~ J --- ,[~~ :~ __-5 87-=-",1 ,~,__-:+:3es:~~-i 0$ 87"24 SO w~~ -' -' 't'.~" c.. /~Ol/ f._'A-"'" I~~~ ~> I III ~ " _--y ~ ';1O'".J--.--.., -P,' -I " , _ _ _:0----" ,~ ~1 -'~-' I 't:I IJ\ _..--"- -j 7Z- 7t'l/ _~ 0--, J V; ~ " ,-,.-' /1 ' - .'1 ~ ~\' , v I f""~-""', I """'-~"!r-' - !I:" -_....--- ~, 4J CS"'15'::;.---,~ ~... il ~__---- . ~ I"~ \-~-~' ____~\J ~dJ'~ ~ " ' ' :~j>'~ "",5EW /53~'- ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~- , I. ~,~ 11=P5/8"/~ "} r -~ re 1 1 zo~ ,,4cRES -..?so/~ SB9';:!Y'/ONE ~ o . ~ ,~ n Ii =< ~ "J ~ , ,- ~ _~_ _ -sa5"€::J'OB"'~_ ,.r:r<:t./A: V/E"W .DR/vc .~ ~ ~~-,t "':;: /: '....,-"5-~') o " ~ ~ I / . m , . ! rC-'i;,>R ~o lz.: IP r .x- ~ .; .---: - .~, /; ~., ,....\~/..Jl,. ~, , /),"'_.. l ~ ~ '" i>I' ~ ~. I': ~ . ~ '> '> , " ~ (, .MAr',(/O /7,:15-27-3-1 FP -..tK 5,PjKE w/.Pv.M':h' -- ___; /'JI0Je:cJ}E1:? -~ All3""I< eLL - \N?"_~ \ .::;s /+740 FP ~~LR ... a ~ ,ill ~ '" '> . ~ ~ f'l;>~/.c.MP M/...."""1I ..:::5;=~ '~ " I\:: ~ II) " W ''\ II) jt~1 ~./-- ~ n .~ " 0" ~) @ ';f'I N B7':'24'5a~ E 10.0/0)(3). FOUND 5/B" {REBAR(/} , fELD j /50.00 B.R. '_____ ..) ;, TAX MAP /7-03'27-3/, N 02"3515" W 35.0001"). " \D '" ~ "' b '" ~ :' is " ..-- (:=-- 20:.23 150.03 (/50.00)(2) S B9"29'08~ E BAS I S .0. F TAX LOTS 400, 500 & 600 I 'N :87"24'50" E. 293.46 c '" '" a; \D ~ ., b '" ~ ~ is " r~r ~~OLD LuT LINE:S I I I I I I I , I I I I I S 89"29'D8" E /73.80 ,~ " 102.40' 3.80 ,,- 71.40 I ~~~~SL~T--:J. r I i" REVISED I '" g T.L 500 a J ~ 8088 sq. PT. "J ~ is 15 I "'---- ---............< l5D.omZ). ---.... ' r :?: __ 75.00 ---- ," '. ----- 102.40 ~~~-.:_ 71.40 N 89"29'08" W 375.03 0 ! " 525.03/1)(3"0 q I . "_____ B EAR I N G S :iij FAIRVIEW DRIVE ~Ys.~1lli T.L. 600 S.BZ7 ACRES S >89"29'08" E OLD LOc L'JE~ . BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT SURVEY ,FOR CARA V AN PARTNERS 1/4, SEC. S.W. 27, T.17S., SPPJNGF'..ELD. LANE COUNTY, 1997 1"=40' JUNE 20, SCALE NE CORNER DLe. No. 59' PER COUNTY SURVEY FIlE Noo's J4740 {I. 23042 NOT TED ON THIS SURVEY FOUND LEAD {I. TAC( IN CURe ON EAST LINE OF R.E. CAM,cBELL D.L.C. No. 59 (2)(4) 'f d , 75.00 "~ ~ /;) '" ., ~ 0 ~ "' "' ~ "' b 0 '" a g if " ~ is is '" " .. ~ b '" ~ ,,~ is <0 " \ \ , Seg"Zl'37"E /754.90: (/755.0Q)(/) I il I 'I .k t;~1 T~I I w I & ( "'.8mlED 1 ~ PROFE8SIONAl. G LAND SURVEYOR I 2C D--:J L. 'C::... ~ *' ~ i' ,~ In ~ C ~~ .i=Ul "", "'.... ~: "lll ~.. I! .,'" llI! v OR=:GON j .Il..LY 20, 19S~ < DAVID L BROWN 2609 EXPIRES DEe 31, '997/ REVISED g T.L. 400 rz; 5639 SQ. n. I / FOUND 51B~ REBARl/) __~ /f ~ HELD --'.:-~ Y 525./0 ,(525.00> ___:::;:.:--= B,R. .. ~ 5 e8~29'08" E 600./0 (N 89"48'50" W 599.95)(2) I LANE COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE C.S. FILE No. 3"'Y.Lfp 3 FlUNG DATE ".~ 30-9] C. R.3W., W.M. OREGON FINAL MAP THIS SURVEY MODF1ES TAX LOTS 400. 500 AND 600, LANE COUMTY ASSESSOR'S MAP No. f7-03-27-3/. NARRATIVE THE: PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY WAS TO MONUMENT THE NEW Lor L1NES CREA TED BY THE LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT GIVEN CONDITIONAL APPROVAL BY THE CITY OF" SPRIN5F/EUJ AS JOURNAL No's. 97-0'1-89 AND 57~04-90 AS REQUJRED BY SAID APPROVAL WORKING ENTIREL Y wrTHIN THE BOUNDARY PREVIOUS!.... Y ESTAfJLlSHED BY DON BRANCH AND FILe-o IN THE RECORDS OF THE LANE COUNTY SURVEYOR 48 COUMTY SURVEY FILE NUMBER 23042. WHJC,H WAS RE-ESTABLISHED TO OUR S/I TlSFA.CTJON FROM FOUND MONUMENTS, WE MONUMENTED THE LINES REQUIRED BY ORDINANCE AS SHOWN HEREON. NO SIGNIFICANT D1SCREf'ANC/E6 WERE ENCDUNTERfIJ IN TIE EXF:.cUT/ON OF THiS SURVEY WHICH WAS PERFOR&ED AND PL4 TTED PER THE REOUlREMENTS OF D.R.S, CHAPTER 209. I l'.EFERENCES J. COUNTY SURVEY Fl!..E No. 23042 BY D. BRANCH. FILED JUNE I, /979. COUNTY SURVEY FILE ND. 9752 BY R. FOLLETT. FLED MA y, 1955. 3. EVERGREEN LAND mLE co, REPORT No. ELT-J325 EV, DATED FEB. 20, 199? 2. 4, COUNTY SURVEY FILE No, f3202 BY O. CASWELL, FILED NOV.. /963. DREWSDALE PARK - BOOK 5S, f'AGE /7, LANE COUNTY oREGON PLA T RECORDS. 5, LEGEND FOUND MDNUMENTA8 NOTED, SET 5/8" x 30" REBAR wrrH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP MARKED "BRANCH ENG. LS 26D9~ CALCULA lED POINT. NOTHING FOUND NOR sn. DENOTES MEASURED BEARINGS AWD/OR DISTANCES ARE EQUAL TO DATA OF RECORD. B.R. DENOTES MDNUMr::.7fT USED To ESTABLISH BASIS OF; BEARINGS. I) @ o .. + .DENOTES LINE NoT- TO SCALE. DENOTES OA T A o.~ RECORD. DISTANCES SHOWN ARE IN FEeT. / .J I ALL . S.E. CORNER ~ DRE:WSDALE PARK ./ I FOUND 5/8" REBAR }J MARKED "PLS 655" ~/ HELD (2)(5) / 1/ y ~ Bran'C.~ngin:,ering ~Fifth SQ-eet Springfield, Or-e,on 9'74-77 (541)?46-0837 FAX (541)?46-03SQ PROJCCT No. 97-37 -;-jell 6-20-97 DWG. Nc.- 9737SURV.DWG/A.D. ~ I @ @ .5-"6/ '5"/ :w.........(' S.7.::u",.:r7 NO....S'~/M/.wO.7 Aw A.iV6',N?6'2 ? _ . ,Nq9#,,,YO ~ '::>/76'/7.,r -1YiY.,LC/y '0370 q,/VP" ~:>IY .1_;-'.#/7;>0,4 ..!I'Jft' 7J?<:>.L .L.1Y3.rv/74'~h/ b,,1.NC!1:>~i'D~ ~#....L 0.3-!:1<;T.;?7MO/y-V.7jr 34'S d/Y'~, ~",,":7U'/7;:Y.L.>/l"/ 7Ar:;>9er ~#..L oJ.L/7.::>.5'-r.? o,..YA1 #O.riT.3t,/7~/..LH.?O/ 7.#.L ?e o.L .3I&.yO.L NM"IY-V ~O>.3'".7d ~7P/Y/S /T" ("NoSJ.?OA'V 17'17/ 03~6'/p 3AOBP' .:7'#L O...?.:rtY3dd'b' n77b-HOS.dY:fd C7"t?" /Y6/ .9/ ",/:I'M" ( ~#b7'30 A~#nO~ $S L,N'09.9'~o ".$C ?.Lb'.LS ..L/'I3LA(:?9C7 ~7MO>> J/:J fr' ~^~'\ (' iH,' '; f..--:i ,~ '-., ' ,r ,. -.,;;;'- IS 01 s Ai'....n.. /. r-r,,~ / 'P,' -, ".'/ AJ:l . 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"".......0 ~ /, '2,.4NO a C~ LJ,j;.oC~ 7' 0''& ;=?,If$r~- "'/'0# n:> C6Vm".,,/V/A~ qA.4a6/"<"S, l,/Nr/,,L. SlA::::N A r/o"H4! P./.dT WoE C#/.e;:- ~I'TA,q'/A~ - ~'f' rYlf/rr.e# .oe'::::-"::..o"""'7'4:>N, ce,.rrn- F/-e:> PAr $.J:J./,? ,;..ar.;;. .v~".~ =rl.s~.,... i?R,A./'^'~M -~/e.&.-O$, ""NO ~7" ;SA/&>- Ad.<J~'::'~' PREve.<rTYA/<;- .....=.,s.~ ..... ~=.i..::>7S 5~.e ,Pk!!~EP BY ~ LJ.H2 =.J""'7Y "'L4N'N/~ =.a,.w_"S~/O"....'. JUNE 1963 ~j 7'/..,1' j' " .... ~J \ 21 ~ 1 '~ . -r ~ \.} ~~ ~ , ,.(~ ~ ~ ",} q :t~ I; ~~ .~ ." '" ~ I~ '(\ ,~ 100 (>"J' ......,Zl: c:.#/'4,c' ~.-r""''''/A''''''' JO#N C. SroAls.(' SCALE: /~~/ao' ~-t---- -rr--- 7' 'pV6.:../C VTN_lry E"q.5c~EA/T U.vLCS$ or....C,tWZSE S..,4",,#. ..,.<OH.......C"".~.....orJ-'i..s. ,E~,</r -_5Wi1r. " . .- ~ " '" . , , t " ..-:' " ;. 2 I'Q- i.. " J~ ~W!'5{,~(>~E' { I"".,D ,~ i" ~ - ~ ~ , ~ ~~ ,~ 'J o " .~ " ~ ~ . 4i ~ ~ . . ,o,/sr"st.:urw 7<J- 10D...-0' , . It! ~ ~ 4. ~ ~i... ;+~ Q. .: ~~ ~>.: ~ ~ -. '" J"".4~' r f"' S81"I.3'E .' I 100.-41' I , I :3 I I , i:" . , \ \ L!:.D AL_._.. _ -.:' (J'r:t{lr;; _._ M JUt 1 0 1963 1 (7J';,'-i:.'E-'e:"/"iS ,4PPI?OVAL5 IN~ _.lIfOOU'II. Dirwor ~r:~ . ~lClR"'''.'>r>1[~".ll>....~ BY '1'176;<_<; j;"';,___f.rr:-- / .J1;:"UT'r C'O~~/SS/O,4/€.e ~"7"~..9 L---:"'-/~",/ I~ - ~ \F eOM'"IISS/(M/6A! ~.-...,.....,. ~../L .CO""""ISS/b,4/€~ .J_..... ~.// /-3-c~ A'.:SS€S:>~.e ~~/..c r ("'";:>-;;~ /1~..1"7~/._;.... A /4/-I-5""Z; .sU-cV€Yo..c::~ ~;-~':"--."-_ /":./<1_;:;:..3 ~"""'<J7' L.AA/e eavA.l~ ~L"p.vA//"';9/,~"""~/$.s/Q.v C~"/"'M""" :::!!/ ,4/_::o/:,.c. ?>~ ~ ..5ec..t:.€T.UY ~;:::;f ~a... 7-2-'-' ,,:{..r....... tJ v "57ATC: OF c7RESOIv 7 CCJVNTY Or LA f./C: J ~.~" I" ./O#N LAURfL..A JR, .8E/NC Pv"LY ~WO.eN . I'?EPPSE:. A'NP~AY Th'A7 7J..//'S /.S AN E.Y../CT coPy OF ThiS F/NAL MAP OF rUE 'FI,esr APPIT/ON TO CE-NTElVNJAL CJi?PENS ~ SEe. Z7. T/7S"f':t.fY ~ TN€- WILLAMETTF MF.e/PM~ L..ANE CZ7L/"yT~R.EG1.' _ O-L,~.. ;>z,6~C.e/8,F:P JNPSWOR/VTO B'EFO,e~ MJi: 'T.4'/'5 /~ PAY. - CP JVl.Y_ 1"94~, A...P.. NOTAey pue~ FCRO.e5'QON , ~-cJ_~ d.4"2""-=-.. MY COM,M'S-'!:/ON _ .c=-.rP/R~ to "'~'{; ($ .;Q,,=-7 / ..,..-...,. HFFIOr?VIT STAre OF ~-eE<i~] , $.$ t:LJV<VTy of LAA/6 . -.T. JOHA.I L",v,e/LA'/ J.e..~ P€9/.s7~.e.:~ ,P.e~~SS/&:J.v"AL 6...v9/N"cc.e/ ,r:;/2S7..Be/~<f L/ut.y SWO.(!A/ ON' 0047/>'/, SAY 7,;.,'.RT.J h'AV':: C'LJ4,A!.E.CT(..y .su.cVEY~o A,vJ:' .A-fA..ek€O WIT# PA!c,P€A! "...,,"NU_E....rs '7'l6LA.vP ,.,t;.s S""""w.v o^,?h'c ..QN.N'c:KE.:;J P~0 T.....,4TT.I,!€ J-'//T/Nt. ,A:l/..vr ,IS AZ.'X'.3'" ./~~A/'r'.;.P.:: G:. ~ 4~L~1A./ r.lr"€ SU,t;!,&'.<1CE aFUeqA!cuAI.o, THA7 ':;/t'/DJ..wri/9'- ~D~-VT 4GA'teS S<?"'SS'3o-W 8Z~.19 r€t:'7" rn",.., 7J>IE N':I</. elUU./.!9l. Or me ,,2,DJ!f~.iCTC'A"""""L!lELl.. .a.::.c.N'..".s~ 777.:s;'R3x.-; WM./C-A-VE Cbu..,-ry', O.eE90~ ,aL ~~'d Jr. .sU4SC.e/8€P ..Q-v.o S-o<e-v 7D Me TI-I/-t,:.3~ .o..;:yJu.......=, 19J:.3A.P tVo,r...q..ey ?v4..t../C,~a~ .cJA?ErjOA/ _;;t~.d ~ My C'.oM__I.:SS/O..v €"'y'p/Re:s _ ~-;; /3 ;1"c:.7 . ~ c' ~ ". _ c;,'=~5~C;fio, ~ =:::..'::: v \~:)~:.;:~-~;~..;~ aOOK 38 ,P#ltG~I"i GARDENS DESCR/PTloN L5e'9/.A,/A//Mej AT,4 ,.00/........7" 50"'S5'30~w 821.../'/ FeeT ,c.en...-r PlENnL7;l,fWE',sr' Ca.tl.Iv'l::..e. OF 7h'€ R04S~rCA'H~6E.::L LJ.~.c.A/a.59", 7/7S, ..e.3~ W-M., T;I€A/c€ 5o"SS"3offW 4Z"l.Z:5 FG€T, 7H€J./CE S88"S~'S"VE /Zo.OOF~Er: T""'_NCe NO"SS'3o~E Z48.0bj~.trcr; 7....G.vcc S 8"'04-'.30-': /1S'.ObF€.:T.. T"""~^,ce Nt.S"S".3S~rEt!.7,S7 ":c.:T. me-VCt ...5dS.S4'S4--.f'"4Z/.o/ ~cET~ r""EA.lCS ,v'f8-/S'..30-E 501,71 FeE7; 7Jlc.k'CG N59"'I4' z(r€" sa.!;.7 FE€T, 7H'Et4'C~ S 8"./3'00"6/00.4'1 rE.E7, 7J.I€.vc~ ;.; 0"47' OO"'E SC3,73 FeET, 7.1o/.c;...uct= .5 78_.!8'30-W /()Sf./4 .FE€7; TH'"E-'/C€ .4'::OA.l'f A 40-f.S7 raaT .eALNUSC'/At.:'UL-AA:, Cl.I.eYE: rD WE LEFT (1?t'E L~A/tf. c!No.eD OF WH/CN 8C"A.eS .550."'.3'/0 "W 374,74~cc.T) /0 me PO/NT OF.8~9/NA//.4/~~ ,4'-.(.. /N' L.""'.v€ C:OOA/Ty; tJ.eG~' O€O/C.4T/OA/ KNOW ..9t.L.- biG.</' TI-I'AT W~sTv./~'r: #1) /.<1>:__ ,,4^, O.e~9o-V Co..e'peA!AT7~~ 1.5 TJI€ aWAlSA! OF 7.7.'.::: ,/;t3on~ .Pe~c.e/&EC> ?.Le?~ry AND J;i;!A7' IT ODE'S #~~,Y L..AYbUT ..9,vp .5u.!SPIv/PE rUE ..::fh.9~ii AS ...5Nel..l.A/ oAf WE ,,4...u..v€X~ ?.::A'T, ~A/.c> TI-t'.lJT IT L;)OE,5 #EJZE..By.OC:PICATtE. T"7NE Pui!!>(../c ra~EJ/e:1t ~';'.5T~E~Ts ,Q.s .5h'04.M./ ON /H'/.:> .P4.AT. By WESTWA.e.o Ilfo SJC. !fZP.t- 13 .J.~ _ .....wl2:.4/...w; .6, HIl:.Truv, v.ll!L ?A~.:sIP6""'T 8y k;Jf 4. <,. ,_.,,_J W~ ~. E. St9#Dc,c~~.v. SEC~ET.4.1l.J' ACX,vOWLEDGjEMD/T STATE Or OL.E.cjn.uj Cau^,Tj' O/" LA'N'.; s,s. ~-' 3 /9~3.4P .PE.Jl.'sO,v!9UY ;P/'/'EAII!L:L' W'Il.~/i,>.1' g,,4'/'-7e.v,J./!._,4,1./.t:> W~ S.c. ..5J;-VPE.e..:5C4I, WHO 8E/u~ .oU'-Y SWn~ 5.Ny TIr'.#'T hiE 7),/€J ~/O t..h4,,"A.J-f'.8. #1,-T4...." Jil../:S. 7)(E P.2.ES/Pc,J.,lT 4/o1D fiE 7},16 5AIC t.J~ S. E. ..5A.v.otE.R.S"".v IS, r"",€ ~.:::e&"TA..ey . or W.f'STt-y'AE.a Hn fl-/c.. .~..~a'€E';;04/C:~I'DA!./ff7(J~, 4.vcTI-I'ArT#€~ 4.Fr/)fEP 70 ?HE rOiZ.~9"n.I'i /NSTJ!.U#.:.</T ,IS 7h'E t:Dl.pO.c.ATE: S€"f/L OF SA/a Ct1.fl,POA!A'T/O-V lJ..vc 7~""T THE J/V.5TLit,...,c,v-r W..v.::< SIt$..vlitD ~P SEAl.c..P 1-,/ 8e#o(..,r OF 5;#/.0 C!O,(!'pOA?ATI""""" By TH'€ ...96eve A/AHEa OF':lce~sJ~DJ'.it'EY 4c.l:iVOWLEPqEP .5t4~.o JUST;(!U_€/../T To ~c Jrs VO'-UA/T~.€Y .acT ,.::)-VD CJcED. 6,sFo/Z.€- HE: #.mcr..e.Y,Pe/&l.IC -/ / FolZ OA!E~OW ;....- - .J =" d-1?...._ Ml'C'4~J.uSS'i:l,l./EXf"le:>~7 /5 ';~~7. COAlCL/RR€I./C€ KNOW ,41.t. .MG,v 7'.'NT .lPA hl.vP€~:;S""A/, ,.,t; 5#./~at/'c.J!:se^"J h',t;.s ,.,t; M""R.TbAifc CDHOAtI..v., TilE. P/Z.DPeIl..TJ' #€IZEO.v PLATTED, 7;.,1"17' J ;:,,. 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J23YV; WM,; L4NE CO.. 'o.eeaON- PA.er OF EOB'r E. C4MP- BELL DONATION LAND CLAIM NO, 59. NOT/F 3241 ~ 1~.51 ' (lo'()Ofl t.J 8'l' SllW JJ <l o . ~ T i.. .") 5_,':G ~ o N 8'" 55' 03"E. F. ~{r.". 2 ~ ~,Ib' ~:( ~. 1--' , ...' oj N .. .0 FJ'YaH.~, ~,-,_..., . .-.. . , .'>;/1';..<;\ c. AUt.:f " Ql1lN ~ ~)- p. vvJ 11 ~'?.. s" ~',~ FJ V6 1.1\, , o o , r- oj- .., o z, ...., 'I) < t/ r- ~' oj 10 !! .. 0 V\ ~ ~ '-' I~ " "' II) "l . VI of I!l o "l Tf.. '~; ;~(:. . ,<lS/," r.~. ~' :'~N~"I~'SS"W ' l.lb' . o . o ,J, } . o " .. '. o '" ".:/<I':i"H. " F-"1 117.. VIE.. W [)I(, 1 FJy' r,~. ' '-, .sURVt.,/ FOil.. JIM WYNNE.. NE.:.;j, .')"'~, .Je.CT'ON 27, TI7S" ~,3W:, W.M. LMvE, COUNTY, ORe.GON ~C"LE: A5SHOUJU Fe.8/COI\Il.Y I', "7& (> MONUME.",r FOL"'D o SJe" ['lOlJ MD SET F~CE. SCALe.: .; ,'.. SO' :' r~ .5CIaU~.: i',zoo' /.J0J2:Tlj WJe. 'RaBen E, CAI1PBeu. D..L.C. IUD. 5' ( N 8" 5" W 83.5.00') 837.e~' ~ I"~~ei) dl..4-.Io::t c:.. H po. ~ N €- L... 1 8 " ) '0 ,0 ~ , . o '" .. '- I ~F<I'%"r:^-. :~ se,'I7'21"r:.. FA FJC. V I E...,^I' D A:.J.1/ 6. B24,4-s' (/l2S.00') , 'I I " ~~ N !~. r''''~c''(''r$.'r-r.1) ..." l ..L ~L-J. _r'\."--._ '\ Lot , P~'i();O'2.~;E:IONAL 0,'.IJ':) S:'I:-1VEYOR , / I I, ~ 12 u.a...u..fl /) ~ ~ o ~ o ,/ C G C N Julf 9. I',jl':,; RUSSELL D. HErIDRiCKS f;~8 ""-.J I ______L ~,?1672 ., ....,. -" '" '" .:;, , : (~""""FJ~" , I /61.R. /oJ Vol 1:oe.J~ ! b<<'.W5 DALE. P4-"K. I ...., 0 .. In '" .... I/) t '" '" <U 'If , . . 0 ~'" Ie ;. .. 'Il . . - '" " 0 '< ';/ '-- "s' f".~ (,II.., .s 'W tOIWQ , J DItE.I.!JDAU /l"i"/\ ',,' ~ ~ ~ .. S""(':;~. ~d J ~-= UJ >- .... f' " r;: () ,-~ W U :.1 (, j., " ~ :: 'I,~, ',',' ~~' : I I ,;,' Nr---'r;! . 1---< +-.Q'OC' ]1 01 .0 II 'I C\ rn 1> .' ~ . . II' 50'&'- 1\118 I '1 QUlWp..\JL, yJ(;S\ c' J'''''IR'? rOV,", ,~ .11p'" t-Jc Co~ 1\<D<,t:. ?,ISt-/.l.OJn." TO . C.e./HEllo I~~ . G.....Ot!tJS Q " 0 \!l 0 :? I'- - '" "<' '" ~ '" 0 Ii) l)- V UJ if) ~ . 8 . ~ . o . I"- ~ 't {J , . '-..J " 0 0 0 ;J :2 ~ TL 3e('D HI.'Ya'I.~ '-./.J " - - f-f-l ,)'f!J ~ REGIS'rERED '\. PROFESSIONAL' !..AND SURVEYOR ~~b4~ .. OREGON JUly 9, 1965 RUSSELL D. HENDRICKS l'\I\B ./ CI-IANNl:-L- 3. c.ullle-It!'. ' D.I'O"p,j, ~xc "i'i.:j::.i)\:: " ~ - ~ ~, ,t!I.SO'J1."E.. J. _ I' -'Lt.s..tv , ,^- "'0_'09'5"", } 5~.'~ ' )(~i..t.Nou , >.~., StY) -- (\ ;< ii}. . 'C. ~ :- , " (' "- ,.j - " .,., "'l fA J(CtL C. ~ ~. cJ ;;"; 'l'!. fiU:.... 0 " '0 0 0 . ~ + . . 0 . 0 0 :< :2 T:,., ,<'~:'.' ,.'t,\l) ( " ., III %>, rAIlCEL 3 .!l!. 8 , . .~' . . o o < '51.55' '"' 'g. . ~ r::. 'o~ o ~' -~ AV~~ \)\:.. ..~ - , , ,,4-7/ " T!.. i!:"::! h <0' " .. ,"" ! . :: PA R.CE.LI ~ o l) t- O- <u o ' D ~ ot- ~ ;[ .' . , 0 'Lh 1: rd q. I.r,,.~~ )," 1.15' J.JOA7H . . . ~ 1<15;" I.l'aI-V," SH.I~'5S'6 111..0' (c S.KlQ, 2,010] 'S&~'I7'OQ'~) " Fd %.1, KaD O,7~ OpFE1JC6 ! :...,: ;:~:! . PAUlTlol.l .5U/tue..y FO~ V 1M WYN "-l E.. NlO.~, jlN' /4.,' 0E.CTION (.7, T.17.5., K..J \J.) \<I.M. LA/oJE: C,(lVlIJry, O~c.()"-l ' ~c:.~lti: I "~5o ' D':"-"'''-Il!.ea/8, J'7! <> MOIJUMB<Jf fo",,/) o 0/';' t. ft)o SI:>T -x-,-,,~ FEoOCe.. ., S21499 @) .)(- '- ~~ -~,,-,.- --- -...... -' ""'"- r ; ""'~ " ReCORDING REQUESTED BY FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF OREGON GRANTOR'S NAME James D, Wynne and Robert F. Myers. aka Bob Myers and qeraldine R. Myers GRANTEE'S NAME Tuan Sui SEND TAX STATEMENTS To: Tuan Sui 85903 Bailey Hill Road Eugene, OR 97405. AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Tuan Sui - 85903 Bailey Hill Road E~gene, OR 97405 Oivi::;lon of Chief Deputy c!' Lane County Deeds and Re~o~ 200S-00JOBi 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111'1111111 00771033200600010870020024 01/06/2006 12:39:31 PM CRSHIER 04 $3i ,00 RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=~ $10.00 $11.00 $10.00 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED ::.t"'At.;l;: At!UVt I HI::' '-INt, I-Utl l1.l:.I,..UI1Utli ::. u::.t. @ 'j James D. Wynne, as to a undivided 50% interest and Robert F. Myers, aka Bob Myers and Geraldine R. Myers. as to '~---an undividetl-50%'~ir.tere!:t.';'-~ -"--'~-- -._--,- --..- Grantor, conveys and warrants to Tuan Sui, Grantee, the following describea real property, free and clear of encumbrances except as specifically set forth below, situated in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, Subject to and excepting: SEE EXHIBIT ONE ATTACHED HERETO AND MAOE A PART HEREOF Rights of the Public, Easements, Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of record, if any. THIS INSTRUMENT WilL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY OESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LANO USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD' CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING OEPARTMENTTO VERIFY APPROVED USES ANO TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST,PRACTICES AS OEFINED IN ORS 30.930. THE TRUE ANO ACTUAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS CONVEYANCE IS'$200,OOO,OO' ISee ORS 93.0301 .. 50% -o~ which is paid to an accommodator as part of an IRC 1031 exchange DATED: January 5, 2006 AFT"R RECORDING RETUP.N TO FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON BOO WILLAMETTE ST,. #500 EUGENE, OR 974q,1 STATE OF OREGON .COUNTY OF LANE This instrument was acknowledged before me on Januarv 5.2006 bv James D. Wynne. Robert F. Mvers. aka Bob Mvers and Gerald;ne R. Myers ~ . { NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON to/::"'" -I,n_'::-- MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: /1 ~/V'f" rfL-- ,-;l~ 1 - :J ames 0 Wynne ~~~4'~~ Robert F Myers, aka ~yers It .!!. _ - jl f?i.7-'" -<' -"'..l-.. ~~ft N1yers - ~ OFFlClAlSEAl ':! C P Me ClOSKEY I) \..' ....' N~~~~I~O_~;:g~ :) MY COMMISSION EXPIRES O:T :....20-:.. ~_~,.J FORO-313 fRo" 21961 STATUTORY WARRANTY 0==0 l%vi _ 511159 1/, "'.. ..,....,~.,_. - --.---.- ~ 'f ~ " ,/-\' CJ!j . ,.# "" Escrow No. Ol-511758cCM -46 Title Order No. 005 j 1758 / --EXHIBIT ONE PARCEL I: Beginning at a Point on the North line of the Robert E. Campbell and wife Donation Land Claim No. 59 in Township '-.1-7'S'~uth, Range 3 West of the WiIlamette Meridian, 2481.2 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Donation Land Claim, which Point of Beginning is also 80 feet East of the Northeast corner of County Survey No. 1015; thence --" running South 711.6 feet, parallel to the East line of County Survey No. 1015; thence East 112 feet. parallel to the South line of said Donation Land Claim No. 59; thence North 711..6 feet. more or less, to the North line of the said Robert E. Campbell and wife Donation land Claim No. 59; thence West 112 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion thereof conveyed by Stanley' C. Broaddus, et al to .the State of Oregon by and through its State Highway Commission by deed recorded April 17, 1959, Reception No. 65337, Lane County Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. .....-- ALSO EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to Lane County, Oregon, by Stanley C. Broaddl.:ls and lma G. Broaddus by Deed recorded June 23, 1959, Clerk's Rle No.71244,and Rhoda S. Price by deed recorded June 23, 1959 Clerk's File No. 71243, Lane County Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. V ALSO EXCEPT that tractto l.ane County, Oregon for Fairview Drive by deed recorded by March 16, 1961, Clerk's File No. 26235,_Lane-County De~d Recon:::!E,_in Lane Count-;;-O~eftO~r- ALSO EXCEPT: Beginning at a Point on the Northerly right-af-way line of Fairview Drive, said point being 220.81 feet South 00 47' West and 80.0 feet South 8go 56' 10~ East of the Northeast corner of Block 7, FIRST ADDITION TO' CENTENNIAL GARDENS, as platted and recorded in Book 38, Page 14~ Lane County Plat Records; running thence along said Northerly right-of-way line, South' 890 56' 10" East 112.0 feet; thence North 00 47' East 120_0 feet; thence North 890 56' 10~ West 112.0 feet; thence South 00 47' West 120.0 feet to the P.oint of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon.. PARCEL II: A tract of land in Section 27, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the WilIamette Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of that property described in Reel 131, Instrument #6550, lane County Deed Records, which point is 2369.2 feet, more or less, West of the Northeast corner of Robert E, Campbell Donation Land Claim No, #59; thence Southerly, along said line, 711.6 feet. more or less, to the North line of Fairview Olive; thence Easterly, along said Fairview Drive, 10 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of that property described in Book 331, Page 63, said,Deed Records; thence Northerly, along said property line, 710.6 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of said property; thence Westerly 10 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING any part of the above described property lying South of a line 120 feet from and parallel to the North right-of-way line of Fairvie.w Drive and excepting any part North of the South right-of-way line of the Q Street Roodway. - --_.- ~ t~' , ~ tt'" 0 __C:' . ".t. i' t'r ~ ."- -". I P t J t=.\...: M'i Vol,! " e ,. _:\-.!"~ .~ , J.';' "".'." ..- !.J;:.:';~ :;.:.:~;- .. -.- r"l:.O"'" '€r::: al" ','":;1 ,',;> )PG <;...,. fI, , \-' Ie, ~ 4...) -".I_.,!".; ...".. .. '/ /"t ~ 1 f'"l~'f t..,,\ ,.;:.' CJ{.)' k F,'It. I 'il J 3 .......'. :(I II,i)f \ '$),.1"/ '~l' " .....-\,. - @ ;' American Title Group ESl..TOW No. 00025766 WARRANTY DEED (INDIVIDUAL) DELAINE R. MEYER, herein called grnntor, convey(s) to TUAN DUl, Grantee, all that real property situated in the CountY of LANE, State of Oregon, described as: See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. and covenant(s) that grantor is the owner of tile above described property free of all encumbrances except COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD. and' will warrant and defend the same against all persons who 'may lawfully claim the same, except anhown above. The true and actual consideration for this transier is SI45,OOO.00.. Dated Jan uary 3, 2006. ~~.. 'n ,~.~ DELAINE R. MEYER -. 6 . STATE OF OREGON, County of LANE) 55. On this~tL.I'1.lUt.r <-4 . 1--, dOOfo personally appeared the above narned DELAINE R. MEYER and acknowledged the foregomg insOllment to be HER voluntary act and deed. Before me: ( /)( ;J~ 'ii:-- --;;'~'~S~~--'---' 4 ~ ;;))~~ - = GINAllARSON . - bl'" ' ~GDN a:-:.,. ~ NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON Notary Pu. l~ ror O~r::. ,,~ COMMISSION NO. '74'08 ,'j Mycomm~Slonoxp'res: J~O?; .~MYCOMMISSlONEXPiRESJANUARY2B.200BJ ... j.. _.:'~ - un: uulfaf~:j;::'':;,;.-.,.~,:.:;:==trlclude cash plus all encumbrances existing against the property to which the property remains subject or which the purchaser agrees to pay or ~sume. , WARRANTY, DEED (INDIVIDUAL)' ST A T.l=_or-=~.pcc.,,"J:---.. . . . , DiviSlCin of ChiRf Dcput.y ClcrK Lane,Counly Deeds ~nd Reco~ds 200D.~~W88 TO COUD 10 011 th o'doc 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 00771037200600010880020028' 2 01/06/2006 I :39:31 PM RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=5 CASHIER 04 $10.00 $11.00 $10.00 $31.00 DF~LA.I~E R. MEYER Send Tax Statements to: TUAN SUI _ 'i?SC/~3 f3a,Ic'f 1-/111 1&. . E:u.2~r/C'1 {)!"< q?4~S After Recording Return to: PAClFIC NORTHWEST T1TLl<; OF LANE COUNTY, LLC . 560COllNTR\' CLUB PARKWAY . SUITE 110 EUGENE, OR 974UI W Title Bv I)epuly _ V,:oiIm FOITIl SOOOJ?R Rw.-.01123/97 ~\ ." i~" \ I \' ; '\~ ,- \. / ,- , Exhibit A ) BEGINNING at a point on the North line of the Robert E. Campbell and wife D.L.e. No. S9 ill Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the WiIlamette Meridian, 2280 feet West of the Northeast corner of said D.Le., thence South 710.6 feet. thence West parallel to the South line of said D.L.e. 75 feet, thence North 710.6 fect to the North line of said D:L.C., thence East 75 feet to the place of b~inning in Lane County, Oregon. . i EXCEPTING therefrom that portion conveyed to the State of Oregon by deed recorded ~Iuly 26, 1956, Reception No. 90751. ALSO EXCEPTING that porlion conveyed 10 Lane County by deed recorded June 22,1959, Reception No. 71168. ,/ *.\~ -k\o\o, ,!..~ ~"2- l:)'I-0J..'51 .. I ~_. 'j o tl .. .&-,\1...<"1, ~-' ., " ~ ~' I. ;- i t7"". I -. ~~ -~, -._~-"._'._., ~ @ TL 1000, MAP17-03,27-31 / BARGAIN AND SALE DEED KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, thaI J j) ~~y IVflI"'- Grnntor, in consideration of the acceptance by the. City of Sprin isld, Oregon, Grantee, and the use or holding of said property for present or future public use by grantee, grantor hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys UntO the said grantee, its successors and assigns, all the following real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, situated in the County of Lane and State of Oregon, bounded and described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED I The same hereby and forever dedicated to the public to be used as public mad, TO HAVE AND HOLD, the above described and granted premIses unto the said grantee, its successors and assigns forever. . The monetary consideration for this conveyance is NON:=- IN /- !SEAL) , (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) ; State of Oregon, County' of .L...a!:.LV'~; S5 Personally appeared the above named and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed, Before me: . '0H ;$Jd Nota Public TOr Oreg6n /, ?;/f) -[).s- My Commission Expires e OFFlCIALS~ KAREN L, WALlERS NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON !,-~: ;;:." COMMISSION NO. 347B5E MY COMMISS!~.N g(p!RES AHSYSi 11i. 86 The conveyance set forth in this instrument conveying title or interest to the City of Springfield, a Municipal . Corporation of the State of Oregon, is hereby approved, and the title or interest conveyed therein Is hereby accepted. City of Springfield bY: ~ Q.p-- Don R. Rogers - City of Springfield Surveyor ~""~ 3,2.=z. Date r Divi.sion Of Chief' Deputy Clerk I Lane CDunty Deeds and Racords 2~~H~Q~~~ $31.00 1111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 00367467200200969940020023 12/13/2002 RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=l CASHIER 03 $10.00 $11.00 $10,00 RETURN TO: . CrTY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. - 225 FIFTH STREET _ SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 10:52:46 AM Send Tax Statement To: City of Springfield, Finance Dept. .225 Fifth S.treet, Springfield, OR. 97477 (~~' '" 16~) "-L::!:__/ " ^......". _..~..., ~'" _ ,"., .. ." EXHIBIT'IAJJ DEDICATION OF A PORTION OF A CUL,D,SAC WEST QUINAUL T AVENUE Beginning at the Northeast comer of Block 7, FirstAddition to Centennial Gardens, as platted and recorded on Page 14, Book 38, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said point marked by a Y, inch iron pipe and being 485.54 feet South and 2567.92 feet West of the Northeast comerfo the Robert C. Cambell D.L,C, #59; running North 78018'30" East 81.93 feet along the South margin of West Quillault A venue to an iron pin; thence continuing along the South margin of West Quinault Avenue North 78018'30" East 114,71 feet; thence North 00047'00" East 51.20 feet to a point on the North margin of said West Quinault Avenue; said point being 25,00 feet from, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of said "I}..Tes! Quinatilt A venue: said point also being the True Point of Beginning; thence leaving the North margin of said West Quinault Avenue North 00047'00" East 19.91 feet: thence along the arc of a 46.00 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 64007'19" West 44.82 feet) a disffiIlce of 46.82 feet; thence along the arc of a 31.00 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears South 56038'15" West 22.90 feet) a distance of23.45 feet to a point on theNorth,margin OfW;:Sl Quinault Avenu'2' said poim being 25.00 feet from, when measured at right angles to: the centerline of said West Quinault A venue; thence along the north margin of said West Quinault Avenue North 78018'30" East 60.43 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon, luBO: -:-:-- Beginning at the Northeast corner of Block 7, First Addition to Centennial Gardens, as platted and recorded on Page J 4, Book 38, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said point marked by a Y, inch iron pipe ana being 485.5<' feet South and 2567.92 feet West of the Northeast comerio the Robert C. Cambell D.L.C, #59; running North 7801 8'30" East 81.93 feet along the South margin of West Quinault A venue to an iron pin; thence continuing along the South margin oiWest QuinaultAvenue North 78018'30" EaS! 114.71 feet to a point, said point being southerly 25.00 feet from, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of said West Quinault Avenue, said point also being the True Point of Beginning; thence leaving the North margin of said West Quinault A venue South 00047'00" West 20.79 feet; thence along the arc of a 46.00 foot :radius Cu.-ve- right (t.~e chord ofwmch bears North 7500] '49lt \Vest 26.41 feet) a disffiIlce of26.78 feet; thence along the arc ofa 31.00 foot radius curve left (the chord of which hears North 80'01'15" West 22.90 feet) a distance of23.45, feet to a point on the South margin of West Quinault Avenue, said poim being 25.00 feet frOll'" wben measured at right angles to, the centerline of said West Quillault A venue; tllence along the South margin of said West Quinault Avenue North 78018'30" East 49.37 feet to the Point of Beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. ' ,----, The above descrihed property is a portion of Tax Map 17-03,27-31; Tax u>t 1000, ,"~........ t" I $,.-' \--.:.:1) _c.,- Filr ,. v ~){ ~ :':.: j:::"~. ~~" ", /'C '.' &iOSBG7 DEDICATION Of A PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENT J. 0, WYNNE GRANTOR, grant and dedicate to l.ANE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, GRANTEE, a public road easement on and over the following described property: A parcel of land lying in the Southwest one-qtlarter (SW 1/4) of Section 27, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Williur:ette Meridian, <.md 'being a pnrtion of the tract of land conveyed to J. D. WYNNE, by thc'n certain deed, recorded on Reel 807-R, Recorder's Reception Number 7641398, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, said parcel being described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Block 7, First Addition to Cent€"nnial Gardens as platted and recorded in Book 38, Page 14 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said point marked by a .1/2 inch iron pipe and being 485.54 feet South and 2567.92 feet West of the Northeast corner of the Rober.t C. 'Campbell Donation L.:md Claim Number 59; thence North 780 18' 30" East 81.93 feet along the South right-oF-way of County Road Number 1662 (West Quinault Avenue) to an iran pin marking the True Point of Begin- ning; RUN thence North 780 18' 30" East 114.71 feet; thence North 00047' 'East' 51.20 feet; thence South 780 18' .30" West 114.71 feet; thence South 000 47' West 51.20 feet_to the True Point of Beginning, and there endi.ng, in Lane County, Oregon. It being the intent here in to create a publ.it: road extension of r.ollnty Road Number 1662 ( West Ql;inault Avenue). heing 25 feet from centerline on both sides of the centerline as said road abuts the Grantor's property. Said parcel being forever dedicated to the use of the public for road purposes and granting a public road easement. There is no considerat ion .for this dedication. (~-1i'd--2-<l~_ ,:7 cr 19]J .:,', .~.~ ...::...;. . ,~<~~'~"":' }.' , , ..':~.':' ,.."un'i.." . ~.".;" ,...~"..,.. ~,:WO l#f., ---.---- ------, n__.___.____.~_~~ ......../o-...~ ,.:: '.' 'j. tI...." . '::' ~""~ STATE OF OREGON ) . .' 3/1 . ..... COUNTY OF LANY---jl 55, ' " ':~lJ ~ (f.; ': ~:?f".} "1 ~ 'n~L<~~~~-? -=~jJ~~~ ~~~::~ appea\.\"~:~"~~~:1 and acknow1.c<lged the fOreg"ing"ff,~trument to he~~ V~lllnta:rY,,'kl,~b6~\~l ___&(.~,,-Li~__ Notary Public ~~-Fiit;:n-;A.n..J-~ My commission eXPires~~-l-L9gc........ l-~~"::' SB:gc 1-10-79' M505-78 W. Quinault Ave. i')-3-27-3-1 TL 1000 APPROVED FOR REC,~RDING ~ATE 'A-';~l-,-i~b ln~ro.n)' \' ~ ~""-\, ~ ReAi::'-~~TATE DIVI~N -(U) (f!) '. ...-.- ii;,< ~;; },.., l'" ,,''':.'. . r~.;:~' !1!-::, ,~- , :f!::.." ..,;" !.i, '.,' ~;: "i. at\" [::.. ". :i7-.' '..\;\J ;)-~:.- .: :;::'t; 1"~ r,' ',,".-~;' _. . . :~~"l::,.;'i t~.. ......;, j;'. '. .:<', .... . "~",{.~S ~.;.;,-;,:",,,,:',"',..,,,,, . .,- .... "~;0~:: : :i.;h~'\~".>."i:..;:::' .,' ~_:'~'" .':..~,),1 >i- . ::~..:; z.;;- ,.' ~ .;'.; . \ilL . .. ,'. ~i~\ ,,' ;,~.?':;:" ..... . .w:~,; . ~~...' ~. .~'.- :~\ g?: . "':"," .~'. iIt:~. "':1';:' ~.' ,;;:".:. ,.<'c"~ ,~"'?-_',:","'., ' ~. .">.t~:~~ ?h:', ...:>.~.;::;.} '" ~,;.~_":':';!.:SJ ~"'.. .:,f~~~ Mr~;,.,;:,.:;~~ ?~"<"'..~~-.;:Ij , ~t'~lt~ ~i;', ~'i~.(~ jl~k ,.'.c....,: .";;:. .~:}j2 '~:':.-~ , ...." , ..;~ ....:. '" " ,.,''; ',;;,~~ g~-;:~ 8( lO$&J'I' "',.'.~~. : ';ii< " T' . ../_'0- ._'~________-" :" State of Oregon, County of Lane-I'. I. D.M. Penfold. Olrector of the Depar.t. mInt. of General Service,. in and for thl!l.lNl~d County, do hereby certify that the wlthin Instrument Wall rec~ived for record at '..'/. . <~ I , 2& FEe eo 10: 12 ~1.co~ntyJFlgAPR~'~ I-~,M. P.nloid, D~o<,", 01 tho D.p"tm.nt 01 General Servicell. an()) 11'1 })or1o B '. . ~p"t~ C30.~3 ---I ....; ., .....1 .'- .... ~" ~.; . " 'J " ~ @ ~ < " i. ',l. ... -...-!. ~ k'~ I ~~ j ~i~h " I' ~~ ; r~i ! ~i '0 ~ p~ ! I' .... :J l !~~~ . . I I l} , ~ "lll~{l, ' . - '" ~ ," u I I fiU:.' i 1. I .; , I " oi;l. ; I s'-4l: ,; , ,"~ ~r~~f '1',; !rmJ :, ,tj!IL-l:'i~i '" 1 ~ I', * .~ G'\ "'il'lf.i k ~~. i '. \" i ,r~; , ~1 k~ ,~I , "j, F~ ... t I ' " \,-.., ' .liftl ' . .":.11" i i' ~'I ~ ~ ~ ':1:1 H1i } >. -~ ~fl;ti ,1I 1 _ . '"lfl i ' ' 'j I, I I' i1l1 'I r 'l'~ n'l' . '11' t' H ,".' I ,\'!f1,l. . I ~ ~. ) !; . . 'j, herieinaft~r called 9Fan\dr, convey(':S).to RA::tv L. "Mourto:r;.'a~,Rc:g,ba.nd llodp.,rife' _'; a\!: that nial property SitJI<It~ in th~ Cprn,ty " I : -:' .'. .' '" i d ; :...-.f .' , . .' , '~1 Beginn!ing at a' point on the Nor.therl 'V rlgr.~.:.: of \lay 11 Ie !:Jf. Faib1tl.ev Drive, said pe1nt'being 22Q.81 .feet Sou~h 00 47' westan~ 80.0~~eet Sou.th ,?'9,o 5~_1_; .+,!'l East of the Northees't:~ cor.ner Df B109k- t, r:L:di:~ Additipn to~'Ce~tenn.ial GardeI"..s,' as plaT.ted :and' :re.cord~d i-n Vol~ 38, page ~4', Lane County Or.ego~ Plat'Records., Lane County, Oregqo; rurmtng bhe~c:e 'along ~ai-d Northerlyr1~t ~r~::~a.Y" ~i.ne~ S'?uto 89] 56' :tall Ea.st.112.0 'reet; thence North 0. 471. East: 1201;.0 feet; I thene.s: North' :89.~ 56.1 10" 'West 112:.0 fe.9t; thenqe South or 4yt w6st 120.0 '.feet t-o the point of" beginrrin&, ":1:b Lane Gounty, Or6gon. ,\ 'i "j 'j I ; . . "" . ..:1 and covenantlsJ that \7sntor is.thelownef: of the above'described proper:iy, free ohl! 'encumbra ices. 8xcejn ---1- r:n~nq r. ....~...'!-.,..~,r"":"i,nF"O...,...Q,..,,; '~.D<>',Dm~nt'R: {"'If' "'~f"'nM k 'i ;: .-(; ...> [I:: and will:warrant 8nd'defend the'!>3ITle against all persons who rria~' iawtiJHy claim the same, ex~ept~s shown above. . i 1 lP, Q:;0 n(.) i i 1 i J '.~ :3 , 'i,' '9'~~-: .1- !~n,' j , :.; per ,3 appear,="' ,,,,above'n3med . .. :~:: '; (an aCKno~.ledged the for.~ing voluntary ac: and oeed .:'. I r I . "1 I :. .' f,' , j B"d";". ., . ." l /. I 1:.... 7.! -" /i! . .. y.r~~ , ~l .' . :., _" OONI'iA"K. RICKf_~"),'/ :i "''''''''''''''' :-~''''l.;tl'l;,; ,,..,. ,. ..~. 1\ I 'I'..._'t ~. iNOtl.H'),p .8"~-lc~'f!fP~.Y: UC,O '., -: ::fl ;1'lt~!~:~~~Il"li: t!'J~ P-.t~1 . "-' .;-'~'~;if.~j,1 ".f:;:--:-'..: ;" }JI! lIUiDO';~res . z:J rt:; ~ . . ~.. ;. ..;.',.....,.:.,..' ",'_.:;J. . .. "My~ol'~. ""'r'''~'''' . ".1' .i . .)'" J' "" ~j, '. I ".'" I 'I" ; T;':1e dollar: amount ~oul~ Include cash plus, all e~fumbrarisei. e.~inin~ aga-ins: the property t\J which the 'pr?Derty.rema,in~ subject Or,~hlch.tn~ pur,chaSer agr~~ to pay..or':a~me;: If'~consider.ation: indud~"oiher property' or value: '~dd the; foilo":"ing::-"However the' actual consideration consists oi'~'or incllJde1.-:. ;t.he!" pmper.ty or Val~'E ,given or:, p;omised V\-:,ich j's par! ~f the/thr. whol~ cOnslderalio~," {'Indicate. which)' . ,-, .,.... i_ i,' f ~ -".,.1' ",,"~..f'ii'.'~''';:'-' I .'".0'.....':"- ,~ ''- :1teL'Crd~ ii~. L';II$J;;;elica TIlis ;--'--:"-='" f'< J . 5t""'9309- 3 I [ _II ~. I '752226-9 W'ARR'AN:rY DEED'{JNLJIVIDUA\'.l Al ~~ r. C li'..q[T1A7.0f'l1 s Rohv 'T-AA Mnll....t.'!lp and -i . ,'Sta1:e of Ore9Dn, delOCribed as:. of ::~~ ! The true and aClua'l consideration 1m thiS'lransler..is'$ Dated this :=) ;:day 01 _ \. '"VI ,197S . . r :...-2ti...;...->" eihi~"i .\ lUfll:m ~;i ~e~q!') '1' I 'i ~. : I ! STATE. OF OREGON, Coun~y of lane ~. . '-\""''{'\(- ~ ~,~_n' ~.'~e~on his , ioslrumen! tel be i ti~;' ~ '0 '.~. ~~~ e ~ i;j ~:'.:.~ ~: ~"~ -q' t ~ l~;\'\' ~ ..l." ~ o e. ~.. ) >- z c' j '" ~ : ~~' .: ~ .~ " "" ~ c p,.- ~. l) '::m;?PUI-Y WARRANTY.DEED (INDIV;IOUALJ .',-:' . '. ,- I. 'STATP,nt: 0r>:-r.-;., i~ I ~".~ ];..: '. :: ~ ',., ? ,Countj'i:' ., ,'0 ~.,~, ';: . II; i . ~:.~.:~ ~ on.the.:<>:-e _ t at.. E:'~:~.5 ~.'! . "'.:l.. on pa<j~ ; tl '0 f': " ~J; =;..t.~:~~~. ,:: I. \ ;~!,~,:~ :l t., ~' ~,~;.}~;i~~ ~ li:~'lHl ~~. I I ! ." '::' fJ). " ~ ~ N N L~ r- TO '" ., e; '" ~ ~: ii~"!l ~:her Recording''F'tetu:m to: '" Ui!: kf' ~ " 4'. i~ :0 -, .~. '", -)07 ~ 3~ KI' ? r:.l' b. ( i , 1(; .(,1 '~H--!lfv~. J: ".' ~.::=No.~_ ~ i i~ ::.: 1:; j;.": ",. ;,: !.:. "'; ~ .. 1- !J "'1 !~ \ ;i I:;. fJ:\. '''' .n ., .~ TL- @) " ; i 'I , " I 'I ! 'I f \1 @ 10.:11 ,'.. .' (~j~!' ~il,::,~' '~'''''::'i,"-l" t,,~~~1) ....ijf~""."p t(~W[~~: f~,;~r.~~; ....' " .":;'i ';',~~'. . ;~;~" :'~'. ~,: ',.. I I ,-.1(('Y.1 ,,:;,,: I ,...-- :\,:,1, ,'., , 'j I , ! , i i \ "f r-:iC_",,~,,~r _@fJr", , C:.'{~~4 :_".J.., _. '""',, l...I.tir~~~ ~ -' ...,p......IIU~~~..!.tLlOM..JI'-- 00/ '7/ . J ......'. '- '-.iiI!L' ~'''''h- ,')0112:.; f ~ ~ f ~ f !i 1. rillS IIWENTURE flAoE by -lnd between ,19]L ~._ day of F. Myers Decentler and entered into this J(lmes D. Wynn, Robert hereinafter refern~d corpordtion" in Lane "- CITY Of SPRIIIGfIElD" a municipal referred to .as the Grantee. to as the Grantors, ~nd TH[ CQun ty, Oregon, here; na fter WITt/ESSET!!: In ronsirl'?ration of th~ :':!cccptJr:.:c by GrJntEe ,ir,G UIL- u~e uf hulding of said eilscmcnt for nrescnt or future public use by Grantee, Grantors, hereby gront, barDain, sell and convey unto the Grantee, a perpetual casement feet: in Hidth, together .,.,ith the r~ght to go upon said casement area hereinafter. described fe'r f)lJrpose of construc.t~r.g, rcconstructir:g, j,jJ~iitJh;ing Jr:d using u sanitary ~~\>Iet' storm drainage facility ~/hich may hereafter be installed on the following described property, to-wi t: Beginning at a point 100.81 feet South 0" 47' West and 80.00 feet South 89" 56' 10" East from the Northeast corner of Block 7, First Addition to Centennial Gardens as platted and recorded in Book 38, Page 14, Lane County Oreaon Plat Records' ' thence. North O~ 47' East along the grantors west property line to the southe~ly r!ght of way l~ne of the Q Street Floodway; thence Northeasterly i'llonfl said rlght of way 11ne ~o a point 10.0 feet easterly, when measured at right angles, from the prolongatlon of the last mentioned coune; thence South 0" 47' West to a point South 890 56' 10" East 10.00 feet from the point of beginning; thence North 89" 56' 10'.' West 10.00 feet to the point of beginning, in lane County, Oregon. TO II/\VE MID TO HOLD the ,lbove r!asC'lncnt to the silid Grantee, its SUCf;c:>sors ilnd i'lssigns forever. IN ADDiTION THERETO, the Grantors do hereby give and grant unto the City of Springfield, a co.nstrucj:.ion eilsemcnt of _6{:~t) feet in '..tidth along and abutting the .,..-,-_ <:.':.7:. .~r side ilnd for the full length of the aforclI:cntioned and df;scnbcd perjlet~a~cmcnt (or the purpose of giving a \"/tlrk ilrea during the construction of a storm.drainage filCi1ity ,lnd/or sanitary sewer '.',ithin the pr.rpetual casement. TO HAVE MID TO HOLD said conslruction eilsement unto the said City of Springfield ilnd to. its Sllcccssors anrl i'lssi9ns, during the conslr'lclinn of the ~>lorm and/or silnitory S!?I'/r.'r. Upon the cOllslr'uclion or the stonn (.It-,lin.liJc (,)cilily ,lnd/or sanitary sc"/cr and its acceptance for 'J')(' , thr. r::onSlruction e,lS.~tllf!nt herein tJ.1tnr::d shall become void, IN \.!J1NCSS !1I1ElIEOF, the Gl-,lnLors above n'lmcd hllVl' herellnt.o set lheil' hands ,1nd seals this _7___ UilY of ...../:,'_.,~:....<'..::'.:..'L/_'c:.L_, 19tJ.:' . ,,1 .: I (/;~'_~':?<'Y" -'-'-~-'----( SEAL) } ,.. -~ j) (='-cl/. ,)dL~~'~/.L-'-'''-=o,:~,JsrAL .' ./ Sl^IE OF m~cr,oN, Covhty uf ,((,i..?~ ,55. acknowledged the fon.'90inl] TnSLrUnl(~nt to be me: ,."...""'" .--:', Q~:I u u .,..~..,...... '.(... _~~~~~'(.c~(;\jl) , : '1.... (:.- 'j/l' .,__ _______5~~:~L~!C~~::'D reI': UI1o.'I1 ly ,1ppc,werJ the ;1h)"';:';;t;!I~d 'and /f:.',,~_ volunlilry ,1'~t (11llJ deed. Defore oa led ..v~(' /- . '_."_/~.f:.6.~'L/ '::<!:.', .., ., :("'''-<..:1' lIotary{,.Pub 1 i c for Orcgon \~ A,o, '9,7(; My Comrllission Expires I;. n ,_. ,/~/r3:/ "t~*~;~:: 'ti'l",-"" t;::tr ,!p,', I~)!~~I \l,i ~~ ~i~~~ i~::~\:' [/;;1: I'i,""" ~~:;'>'I}I" , ::!:;:>' : 1}i,...\"l -. ~, .'.:JwJ;':';? i~1 .'",.ttg, , t-c:~.;'-I . . ,}f..:,:.~8fu _ l1iT' ~~;:. ~1;..., . !!:.':',:';-,: ~.-l- . ~ ~:~;~,:' ~{>: t. ,\ <r" -~~\'" , .' ~',', .~,.: " f I;:, ~f';; ~,} ~,:; gt,~! r~"" '-~. ii:' '\ pi ..:! [~;:~, [." , f: i;' 7,",. I, ~.: r~:' It. I r: , !{;. r" ! ~.: " , i~' I' f/ ,- " " b i~" 1, t.~ '. . I~ ,,--.... ';.' , ..~ ' >.::.' ,~_~', ~:rt:'rl ~'""" ;~.- '},. , ~~ , . - -.!':HiJ'if"~~'~~--~" ,,"Cr_"~l.,~~&.~Ri'" "<,~ ,,~',.-. : -' - ';,' -' ';':, '/ l-'f,~- , :' '~;t~~!~~tt~!~~"'~:t: - .' r ~..... .' ,==' "~ 77011:.35 Sl.;l.i." of Orc:p;on, County of Lane~5. 1. D. M. p<!f'liol d. Dir<:clor 01 th" D"partment of R"cor(l~ ~nd E\.:ctions. in and {or the ,aid County. do hereby co:nify that the ",:ithin instrument Wi!:;; received for record ;,t O. ~I. PE:-.:FOLO. Direclor of tne De?artmenl of Rl:c('"rds " Elcclion~_ /J aL/~7 j:_," By Deputy C ~9-08J:~OS '-:"-~";;~' -""""~:":\)~~~~:~r~F;1'~1j~li -I 'i~;:;~-c:l jW::';::~:';:"'~:;'ro' --J ,-"" , ~"'I ~~ti~~,ti""~~,' ;:~~~:~~:~~ ~ ;:.~j~~~ !~IE~:~~~;j;:.\. ~_._. f____ _ ,,_,,: _: ~:~"i~:';:,~"b::~:;~;; .~"'...... . -\,l31..,r-"" .._. 'i- , 'I ..+:--~,j~~:.::- ."-' --KN~W ALL l~tEN BY THESE PRESENT5;TIw-;- ~:r-~L.S~~~y.:_-~~~Q _ Erma L-.-='-~-~_~~~_ ,I .. husbAnd...4nd.__",i.f.e.:. :... ..........._................ .......n...u.._.m....nn.._n__ .........m....... _........... { . Ii il I) H ~ I' : " il il 'I j- --11 ~-- - :~ I I :11 II . i I I . !- _i" I' I j I I I " . . =:'" ~~,~;"~~.~~,~~:~~:~"~ ~..~ ~:.4~~;~~,~,,!,~ ~,~ I J" "'I~::- ; ., ~-. '__'__":"\::':n~~~~ , , ~"'. ,:i..~' . -~._.--_.._;-- 71912 :i.. ,I -~n,-, I I I I i I II I , I in -~~de';~~';~n of. ...cm.~. :.a.~~ ;:~~jiQQ:~:;:~:~ ~:~:~:;:;~:~:~:;.';';.';'_~.'~:~.~:;'.~.'~:.~.~.'~'_~.'~.~.';'~~:~;:~:_~~~--~.~~~.~~~~_~.~~~~~~_~~i~ to '~.t;h~.. paid by. ::~~:::~g~'y':~:::~::p.?:~i~:~:~. .~~.~.~-~'~.9.ri":.~i.""!J}'i":.:~~i~~":Q_t:...Qr.~B.t " " 'I I! Ii I' , r ft I - d6: "..__ 1u:rcbj' iltiiit, b.sriain::'~;I'~';;d~ convey unto UJid .....i~~:::~~y.~::o;~g~n~:::~:f~l~~~. ..B"Dd.1Y.ldqll..qJ...n~_l;!...$J.:'~J.~...9..f...O.r~&~p. ............ ....................... ........ ......_._.......... ............ ......... ....J.J,II!.:eU1CCo.e:KlrB..:: _:MM'and 4";4"', lJlj the JoJlowinB T'Dlll prtJptJrly, with-the tenem,ntl: heN'ditamenta and appurlen~a; situated in t~ County 01.................. .......-La.ne...............:......................and State 01 Orelan, bounded and detlCribed a. follow., to-wit: A parcel of land lY'iIE in t.iJ!! Robert E. ~ bell DLC #59, TCMn.'ihip 17S, Rarge J'ft, '1I.K., Lane County, Oregon, am. btdilg a. portion of that property -de~crihed in that deed. on Reel 22"':'5.3D, Inst. No. 10692, of Larie CouDi:.,. R~c<?1"'d of Deed.sj the said parcel beirE that portion of said pr"o;:erty i.ncluieci in a .strip of 1a rrl var1&ble in width, ly~ on each Bide of the cect.er l.i.nc of a Divereion noocl""'l Mhich center U.lm is deecMbed as fol.lowe: Beginning at ~i.nterI8 ctuX.e!" 11.i1. st&t.1on Channel 155+53.32, said Station being 21L51 teet Soutb lUld 1.'122.1.'1 teet Eut ot the III , corner of said Cam~ell DLC //59j thence OIl & 1909.86 toot radi~ .curve rlgtIt (the loq;: :'! 'Chord.of whiCh"DeArs N lIj,cIO'E) 333'd.5 teet; thence H e9009~50~~ 93 teat to' Station ,'. 159.79.47 Bk.- 150.oof'u,,,,ce Ii 89DD9'50"E, 1D77.84,reat to station '!J:IJ+T1.84, a&1d cent1" line crosses the West art!. East lines of said property approx1m9.tel.,y at Stations 158+25 and 159~75 re5pectlveIY. ~ 'lddthe in feet di!f the stri p ot 1And above referred to- are ae 'fcil.lDw,,: - I WIdth on Nort.lBrly Side Width on Scnit.beJrly Side I of r..eot~ line of-r.anter Tjl2l ~ : S"ta...... nn to station 159+79,47 Bk.- -:.55+53:32' '150+00' Ah. 159+79 .47 Bk.- 150+00 Ah; 151+00 90 55 ,'..C ", " EXcept, that Jx>rtJ,o"n, oC~aid,.trlp,ot, laml ,l::1n!; _1/l1,.-t.IErly o!'alino .aich u,,,parol-c.., "-I;I'tC;--"rd, '-i98 feet Southerly .of the" ,:ent.er 11..Do .of the relocated El€ene-Sf:iDgt1eld. . '~'I Highway., 1C:~h c~nt'T line te de:5cr:U..i:Id as toll;.on: BeginI!ing at Eng1oear'. centez- l..i.D8. Station 1:45+00, .alo Station be1~ 179,1 reet North ani 2626.4 teet West ot the Ncrtliea' I corner of said DLC #59j thence S 89c18'40"EJ l:iXJ teet to Station 151+00. , , , , ! 9b 90 Bearlnge liS-ed nere'in iu-ebs.ser~-''';''''!l.the .Oregon. 'Co~.rd1nate S7trt-., South Zone.' ._.__~.: parcel of la.ixi .to wr,:,;:.~-; ~" .'::::{Jcri~~~n appl1.e~ contains 0.62 ac~... . _ 7'0 Have and to Hold 0"";; ...bo"!' rl...y.;ri~ llnd Afllnted premiae. uoJoth.e a&id..lAnc...caunl4f.Io--:-.or_~.D. ';i-t.j; ...:51.l.Q.c.OI.lQr.~. . ..~ and iWiim !on;ver. . ...'m....'... 'And, "l'JJo,or,'!", Sv.n;\,ej', ",ond ..Erma,!.." ,S,\lrulay, i "./ i.-,; ,~;,,: , , ....m__......._.......___ ...... ........_... the iran1m-S..o. .~~~:-~~"d~" co"enllnt .to luld with the abo",,' n,.Tiled ',r.nttJe . .1t. 8..:51iQCeee.or.~.....__. ~ and .Niirij th:at..::_~...~b.Q:::,4n:,e..~ ~ ........ .'.". iawfulJy ~i6ed in i~ simpi. oJ.tI... ..bo~e ~r..nted prCnUNc, that the above" irlUlted premillJ8 'are fTtltl from all oncumbrlll'K'lea, ..h.cap.t....AD.-.unr:ec.or.d.m.J.and......&l.a&..c:.oa.tr.AC.t...,.;,. . . e.nt_e.r.e.d...1D.to...b.e.twecn..E.lme.r..L_.....SJ.Uld.Ii)' ...ADd.. .!rmI...L:&.Jiw:td.aY...___a.e.ll.c[.l...AAd...J.~...p......l._..~...pc;i ~iriby_-.C:..Le.e;. Ru~band'..md. ~wlte.. --p.1:Ircb.~.~u_~ ... ....... _..... - . .... . ..,. ,- .' .. , ..;~...,.., W;t--I>>U--.~,,,,:",:-.q~,r 'lcr-_-l. d'f!..kuIJ, ~L, ~ ./.Dv./J,"""" &, "{ I'~- -_.~.~:\~:~.~. }~~::.,:.:L...~~;:...~.:,~;~;~~~~~;t~.\ (Bou,) : (B.",:) (BUL) , 1__ _I_ (B"1'4~';-, ' ~~,-,ilf.-"", ~ ,,-.. 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"...",.".-:~,.-,. -.,,,",,,:,; ,,'-'-' 'I I 71912 _ _, ~- ------ I I I' I I I ~...,'",",. ...- (J. ST~:,,:FoIL~' }~ -'" OA /J BE IT REMlM'BlPiED:':;:'h., o~ lIu, ~0I2__ ~'r, oJ.. ''';'F.=m.;. _n__. __ ....n" /f1", before me, the uroenilrlod, II . . ~ __ .. _ _ . ,~andJo, .mtt:;~~~ ~~:~no~5:' ~:.~n . to me to be th1! 3'de 'caJ individual .a......- derirbe(j in and ""ho executed the withz-n in;trument arid .cknowledtod to me that _. _ .._. m__ ... executed the _me freely and voluntarily ,Cl t,' ", IN TES(ffTloIMIONY :R';'~t:;'::" hereunlo ~I my ~ and "" m,:, <,,: n '_~,~:7",..nl~n~'1 ,-'1, ,- Notary Publtc/or ~ ~ -.-,. I , , I " ' '" <t' - IV .. 6':;: '. I - My Comnuulon explT~ ...........mnu...___n_.__..._ ..:.:~~,,~ .r:~ l., t ,. C c :' .:.,,,,,,, 'I,j j' I ' ',' .,', , j ~ , ~ >>::, "l '. ': ~liH' -~, ;~"':- :-:j,.", ~ Ii' ,.,',,' U!, , l:'. ""B'", , 'g" " '0' % :""'il'l '''j!lf-'' I ~ i-t.it }fjll .,i, ,~. ~"a.il~~~-- " ' ( h,', '- I =~ 4 ' :: j,.~c:~~..... r ....~.... 1'- '~m..__ i~J' }d,['1 .~ :, :'h:.__J:B~. y.; rt' ,i.< ,--~~~",~'-., "",p~,"'~ :I! ", N. ,I<> u: "~" '" "~~'" " a, '~ -. . :=--.:...-=:-":-::~-:::. :'--;'::-:"_;::-'=;-~'-:::":':'';.';;-- ""::::~-, . : :;,:.~....,,~ :c", "I. ~-. ':; ,-.:-.<-",-;":~..:;".,- ""';',;.~-;, ,;',_.",.-'...-,-.",,,',.c""'- , ~.. ;.;}.; ..-,--. I',.. ~, ........,. '.' '~;i~ :'0" .:~: . i'," .....-" "..,_,;,t<;." (ii: , .;!ti ~ ,jOi; tl' ~<:e: r."--~fir .' ;;'.. " -':>c,_ ~-_ . . )'tr:':, '~;, ., c '''it,:' "'1!J,; , .......t:r..; ~':~I't ..... ,.--. (';'@ :-;:-:~~: 'J':::~" .~:.- :.'G;:';o .~I' .~'. i'- :~ ".<," . .~'. ," ",. .~. - .":".:;:----::-~:~.. ",: I" .:",". 1.,- ~~, 7Ei6G4~ QUITCUIM DEED LANF. C~UNTY, n political Aubd1vialon of the St.te of O~egan. releages and qu.t1:.cldmlll to 1'1Ir: ::ITY OF ;.rRrNGf"I~L(J, Xnll its dRhtfl. titl~ mid"1nterest , , { i ; In r.nlJt T;8.1 prtlpcT"ty Rllullted in ,J..nnc County, St"t.e of Oregon, dellcribcd 118: ^G~e8BOr' h roar Humber 17-03-27-3 i 3600 l~-O3.. beins 1n $::cctiofl tW'ent:y-aeven (27) ,"TownBnLp 17 5Tluth, Range 3 WeRt. Willsrae.tte Meridian. &rginning at the ND~theaat corner of thRtproperty dft8c:.~bed in Instru- '.~ ~"6550. Reel 131. Departne!nt of Records and tlel::tlana, vh1c::h point ....- 18 2369;2 feet,.nre of leBA, Wast of the North.at eornlrr.o[ Robert r., " ea..pbell "Donation Land Chtb '5q, thence Southerly along ..1d lhe 711.6 feet, more or lesa. tv the North lin~ of Pairvl~ Drive, thence Eaacerly a10nl( .!laid rain'ieli Delve 10 feet, "or~"or less, tc Soutilll.at corner of that property described In Volume J3t. P~se 63. of Aaid T~ne Ccan~y ~"lIrt~nt of RC'cordll arid F.Jec.tlonll.. thence Nortru!l:rly &long said pro- pf'rty lint' 710.C, fNOt, ",OI"C or !('FlK, to the Northeast corner of DlJid propcrty; thence Westl'_rl)' 10 fcet, IKIre or less, to the point of beginning_ !JJ?c,o'1 ! ; The true And actual cooRldcration.for thift transfer iB ~. DATED tniB lr;~ day of _n _~ "'-- I.,.."... -' 197.. flOARD OF COUNTt ,CCHtlSSIORERS ~ OF LANE COUNTY, OR~y--;, !U;i-t:" k /,-,r-~ 44-_ _/ ~~_i5f,,_""one. GClmnlllultoner .L71:~A..~ (.!=L~' (h.~; (A~/dContfAiS8iOner STATE or ORF.(~ON ) } K", _,' ',c.ounty of I.ane ) .... ,~l', .' A1.A; ';:!. ".', ~~ :'-",DJ:..t.,,-~.I',::(,"_ ~~,,J._,'_ _. " 1976, ~.~r~un,,;J.1 ~y .1ppe;lt'cd the lJbove nRlIled 'F~ f"~...f- .1..,__,~~/.~,:..'.(.,_, J-.'A_-~~t:.~-___,,"L.::..~'_~'_-:'::_. and _M~~-,~~~ ';I~" - , :~,,' "'(:~lIIl!1lf!!l j 'llle;h f Ilr 1.'-lIIc C"wll v, ;UHI_nc.knfJW1, ,""," 'he f6;c,!tOlng tnssttnrullIent f '~,j..'l Ii-,:i'j h"lr vtoj'"1tJlr'l H("I. ,",.r";f> ",,,', ..) / . ~ ' l, ,.~-> ,,'} " / ,. /, (.,e 7'0. / \' >N.( I . ': __"L~~(.': ;;_(!x~...._'.:..._~.. L-l.V~~ !~ _ ': ,I , ~."t. '::r ifaCt;)' Public for Oregon :' --:' t7' \~.t>rj..,ot,~,./' My COlftllli6HJOII Expires: //-//--'l'a. :\'4;\::,:..i:..'.--;.-,.,.r , 12-1)-7fi "' tJj).~.---- i" -', r -..\ ) \" " , . ..." ,'=' . " I I, , .,;" }~ -I-~J. , .:i~ ,.<, ~ ;-_:-0'.'- ,." -,," -..;;;..... Lf";'~~<,/ '":C';':~"~':;':'~';"":';": 'f:;:C':-;":'~'$.,~:::,~,";i"~T~""~"-;..:J:.:.Xi;: '~:.~i-1.:-::~t~~'-~._"'''~'''';:~'';L'''~'''''$~......,".;..~-'l~,\~.-=1:"~~~~~ff~!'~r~ ';I " .~ .. ;'.i.....- ')~:f.ti:~.~l'~::~?i1~::~t~~~1:!~'~;~~1~~.~i~~ft,r,~~?';,' . 'H"~~""""""-V'''''~'fI\I,_"",,~_....___-.. .',~..._ ~._~~._....." _ '~"","" ~,.>->1<.4-",1-4~~.....__,_.,.~, ~...~.,...'.). ~ 7666,19,1 1 ,. I II " 'i,). ~:: ~ Ii' ,~, V, j~r ' "~?:,f;, . ii' ' ~e \':) '~f'~ ,1% :~l~: l~, ~t ;..;",: :.p''.:' i:f}",', ~'" I.~~ ~~_." :~/: ,~~';).'. '11444.,;. y,l,:--; ',;t,:' ;~t\ ~ &1;'~';~c,' '*";1 i: :c,'<j., '.' ' ,!~~','~,,'.~(': s:~~-'.':,~, .' " . . '. .:~::{ ':..:.' . :~~;"'l ~~ ,.::!. , ,-.----.- ! Sla,. of Or.,con. I C"uluy..r l...aa._.. " I I.D. "'. P..alold, Dlt"clnr "r ~h. thpatt,"--n. o.lhe'ulll....nd EI..nlon.~ ,In "Ild for, tho. ...~d Cc:...."y. do h.ilT.by t Ctnlf,. ~,h.jt lb. ...lthin hUtru,"lfnf ...... : r":e1v~d f()r r.eord.1 m6 [>Ee 16 Pd , 2 Au.t 825 L..n~ CC<\lfUY OFFICIAL R ReeordJ. . O. lot. PC:ffrOLD. Dtrtetor..f th.. D.p,utm~~t o( R.e~O~d. . El.et'~~. ,; hi Cj(. "'1/;').. ',1-<1 (( :c 19-0SJ.O; , Deputy i !.7\~ " ....-:.. ", I i1" ~, .,{ '!J :/1 " J ~ ~ J '~l : ' i ~1 ,~ t-,. -" ;.' ,;':;. ; ~':I r'".2: ;0 !:/,l ,'~ .' -'! j . , -"-'.: . '7; ---, ~, ~; ~; '1 ill", it'; ,i ,,4,1,'1 :,>i '.j .... .,!,' .~. <''ii, ,', d. ~:,.,. ~';.J' ;'li ~i" :' ~ l 7J I';,~'I ., ,,~ :;::11 ;:11' /~ di ~~I, '''': ;~ ..~ .:! .:; .ji 0,.1 1] , " ~ , , , , ;t ' r 'f , ~ ( . I , .. , ,. ,.. . '""', 0/;hl"" " !::'; :f.',',-, i~' "t\li(:>;' :J; . ,. ';-?fjG~-~-~;;- /i':' .;t6;J,' QUITCLAiM DEED THE CITY OF SPR!NGFr.u~, a muniCipal corporation of the State of Oregon, reieases and quitciaims to/James 0, liynn and Robert F, Myers, all its rights. titie and interest in that real property situated in Lane County, State of Oregon, d~scribed as; " 'Assessor's Map Nullber 17-03-27-3 1 3600 19-03, 'being in Section 'twenty-seven' (27), Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Wll;amette Meridian, D€ginning at the Northeast corner of that property described in lnstru- men!, #6550, Reel 131, Department of Records and Elections, which pOint ;5'2369.2 feet, more or less, West of the Northeast corner of Robert E. Campbell Donation Land Claim 159, thence Southerly alon9 said line 711.6 feet, more Or less, to the NOrth line of Fairvfew Drive; thence Easterly along Said Fairview Drive 10 feet, more 01' less, to Southwest corner of that Property described in Volume 331, Page 63, of :;aid Lane County Department of ReCOrds and Elections, thent? Norther'ly alon9 said Property line 710.6 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of said property; thence Westerly 10 feet, more ~r less, to the, point of beginning. Excepting any part of the above described property lying South of a line 120 feet from and oarallel to the north right of way line of Fairview Dri ve and excepting any part north of the south ri ght of way line of the Q Street F1 oodway" . of a The true and actual consideration storm drainage easement. for this transfer Is the granting Done by Order of the Coomon Councl1 of the City of Springfield this /7 day Of.../;r/?u,7n./ /-177,. ~ ',,", ~"""",m" ATTEST; t.r::/J. by t7: ' t1i, IAJ'- 'Jf" Mayor ' , ';-1 ~ . : County of Lane ss, On this ,1/- day of,/.'l/7L/L'-lr<l .' J9!Z..:before me appeared __,~_ ;,,{..,'O /1,.-'I("~ , "to me personally <nown, who bei"y first duly swo'-n, did say that he is the Mayor of the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation in Lane County, Oregon. and that the seal affixed to the forego-ing instru~nt is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of the City Of Springfield , A by authodty of the COrTmon Council of said City, and that //'-//7 1}7c\(.c/~ r ,adnowiedged said instrument to be the free act corpora tl on. WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my h,nd and sea] this ~ day of , i9ZL of said ~Imicipal IN WITNESS .. la /.7(/a r'-/ . ,\~.,'UII~.""I"f( . ,.., -""i~E, 11-4.(:/", . r;~ ~~"~~%'r~~~:.~'~."',;,~o;\ ,':- l~i"<,~,,~~:'~F?>-;;:,'} ',' ;' ""U [)\.,I":' f. " ~'\';"'h'." ",o~ ~ . \'r~(;,,.:, ...!..~..>.~(, .._.._~". . . \, "t ~'OF 09- .,.~_.l", . 'i"~-. ' '~"\ " ,: :;;:::l'''~~~.~:{~.>-:::~:, -'. ' ::~ . ", l~:~. f ... l: :.~.';, /. - ""/ , / ~.--,: --I r-("H--<. ~I c -'" _~, I./"Ji / J L~~ Notary Pub I it for Oregon / ~ '/)0/ !{~{ /7 /_, / >CJ My Commissfon expires --~@',,:-l .' (, t) ,"" " f~" \ 1./ ~ (2:l) . '7705223 ",n '-,,",~,"":' ',.r . "',~'.': "r. , --~- ,;:'. '-~. '.. State of Oregon. 'County of LAne __.. I, D. M: P"."Jol d, Director of the Dep..rtmenl 01 Record. oi.nd Ell"'ction., in ~nd fOr the said COunty, do hl!reby certify th"t the within instrument w;u re:;:,~ived lor reco~d.ill lWT JAN 28 A\f 9 20 I R.., Lilne 831 At COUhty OFFICIAL Record,. D. M. PENrOLD, Director of th" ;nm:;;;, R.,o'd, . E""'on, By, ! u..~.7-( , Deputy ~ 9-08 \ -05 , 'I /" .:'iv, .' '.', , " -, , , " ,,' , - , , " " " \ " ,. . '"(,-~~ ,~ "..,;- So- oH. ~.5' Aft~r 'Retlltding Return To: Western Title & Escrow Company of Lana County 497 Oakway Road, Suill! 34Q, Eugeoo. OR 97401 (0 f D1vision of Chief' Deput.y Cler-k Lana County Deeds and Racords 1~~.071ID~ After recording return to: WESTERN TITLE & ESCROW COMPANY 1345 NW WALL STREET, STE 200 BEND 1 OR 97701 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $71,00 007346012005007116501001~7_09/09/2005 02:59:42 PM RPR-DEED Cnt=1 Sln=6 CASHIER 07 S50,OO SII,OO S10,OO Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: J.O. CAPITAL,LLe JACK o. OLOF 1700 ADAMS AVE., STE. 212 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM ROBERT H. BENNETT AND JEAN P. BENNETT I CO-TRUSTEES OF THE BENNETT FAMILY TRUST, AN 'UNt>IVIDED--20-rCO--'l'1:NANCY INTEREST, RICHARD BRASHEARS AS TRUSTEE OF THE RICHARD BRASHEARS ,AND ~TZI LAZZARESCHI FAMILY TRUBT, DATED 11/19/03; WHOSE PRpPERTY SHALL RETAIN ITS C~TER AS RICHARD BRASHEARS r SOLE, AND SEPERATI: PROPERTY WITHIN THE TRUST," AN UNDIVIDED 20% CO...,TENANCY INTEREST I MARYANN MOON, TRUSTEE OF THE MOON FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST, AN UNDIVIDED 20% CO-,TENANCY INTEm:ST~ COURTENAY p';- ":mO'lMAN;" AN UNDIVIOEb"~6':67i' CQ":-TENANCY-INTEREST, DUNCAN--' FOOTMAN, AN UNDIVIDED 6.66% CO-TENANCY INTEREST,' FAREL FOOTMAN, AN UNDIVIDED 6. 67%\CO-TENANCY INTEREST~ Grantor, conveys and warrants to J.D. CAPITAL, LLC, AN OREGON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, Grant~e, the following described real proper~, frae of encumbrances except as. specifically set forth herein, to wit: v SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT 'A' Tax Account No(s): 0230506 0230530 Map/Tax Lot No(s): 17-03-27-31-301 31-702 17-03-27...,31-800 0230548 0230563 0230571 17-03-27-31-600 17-03-27-31-700 r--=-. '. 17-03-27- ~ This property is free .from encumbrances, EXCEPT: All those items' of record, if any, as of the date of this deed, including any real property taxes due, but not yet payable. The true consideration for this conveyance is $ 2,650,000.00. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN ~OLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTI~S AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930, Dated this' ~ TN day of September, 2005. THE Bb .FAMI~} YOST,- 8Y, ,c#~, /OBERT H. m:mNETT, CO-TRUSTEE 8Y'~) ~ ~'J'f-- ~AN P. BENNETT, CO-TRUSTEE RICHARD BRASHEARS AND MITZI LAZZARESCHI . FAMILY TRUST BY: RICHARD BRASHEARS, TRUS'l'Ji:E THE MOON FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST BY: MARYANN MOON, TRUSTEE C~ .-- , - ._~ , .;';. .I,' . COURTENAY P. FOOTMAN DUNCAN FOOTMAN FAREL FOO'IMAN " STATE OF O/l. ,COUNTY OF :T\,sr-Lksss, "",' .... ,.,..."..., .,. '-''"7~, "'I.. on 4t>Pt."';~~ 0 , 2,005 joy _~<JpPH- II. J<e"""*"""c( p. J..<i:J>itll'ff-;-I..Ju'J.D<lJ at~~ :E,etJhe-fl;;;"n;,d'1- ~ ," '~':;.e, M;""-' , , ' ~, - (Notary Public). / , My commission expires 7-1,?-09 10-0257605 10-0257605 TITLE NO. ESCROW NO. ~ _ OFFrCIALSEAl BEVER1.Y Me KAY ~ , NOTARY PUBUC.OREGON MY COMM COMUlSSION NO. 392976 r~~....-:~~~~~~y~ ~~ f '~ ,1 ',,' After recording return to: WESTERN TITLE Iii ESCROW COMPANY 1345 NW WALL STREET, STE .200 BEND I OR 97701 until a change is requestadall tax statements Bhall be sent to the following address: J.D. CAPITAL,LLC JACK O. OLQF 1700 ADAMS AVE., STE. 212 COSTA MESA, CA 92626. WARRIlNTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM ROBERT H. BENNETT AND JEAN P. BENNETTt CO-TRUSTEES OF THE BENNETT FAMILY TRUST, AN UNDIVIDED 20% CO-TENANCY INTEREST I RICHARD BRASHEARS AS TRUSTEE OF THE RICHARD BRASHEARS AND MITZI LAZZARESCHI FAMILY TRUST, DATED 11/19/03, WHOSE PROPERTY SHALL RilTAIN ITS CHARAC'rE:R AS RICHARD BRASHEARS I SOLE AND SEPERATt PROPERTY WITHIN THE TRUST I AN uNDIVIDED 20%- CO-TENANCY INTEREST r 'MARYANN MOON, TRUSTEE OF THE MOON FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST I AN UNDIVIDED 20% CD-TENANCY .... --INTEREsT I '.COURTENAY P. 'FOOTMAN, AN UNDIVIDED-26 :'67~'.CO":'TtNANCY'-INTEREST, DUNCAl'~> FOOTMAN, AN UNDIVIDED 6.66% CO-TENANCY INTEREST, rAREL FOOTMAN I AN UNDIVIDED 6.67% CO-TENANCY INTEREST, Grantor, conveys and warrants to J.O. CAPITAL, LLC, .AN OREGON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY I Grantee, the following described real property, free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein, to wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT 'A' Tax Account No(s): 0230506 0230530 Map/Tax Lot No(s): 17-03-27-31-301 31-702 17-03-27-31-800 0230548 0230563 0230571 17-03-2,-31-600 17-03-27-31-700 27-03-27- ." :~ This property is freQ from encumbrances, EXCEPT: All those items of record, if any, as of the date of this deed, including any real property taxes due, but ;not yet payable. The true consideration for this conveyance is $ 2,650,000.00. THIS INSTRUMENT ~LL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS: BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FAllMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930, Dated this day of September, 2005. THE BENNETT FAMILY TRUST BY: ROBERT H. BENNETT, CO-TRUSTEE BY: JEAN P. BENNETT, CO-TRUE!TEE RICHARD~RA HEARS AND MITZI IAZZARESCHI FAMILY TR, T I U ' BYr. ' _ /J... - RiCHARD SRASHEARS, TRUSTEE THE MOON FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST BY: MARYANN MOON, TROSTEE , -~~ _.'.._."..-~~." . ~- '"" , ~ ,7. '_.; STATE OF-f:JJ!- ' COUNTY OF ~&.~ ) This instrument waDI ackncwledged,pefcrQ I( ~c..k.c::..-...d t'J["...$~d ..h-d~'T'......c..... .,:.. COURTENAY P. FOOTMAN DUNCAN FOOTMAN FAREL FOOTMAN SS, "" me on Sept:emblilr ~I 200S by ,.,'~~~-;7 ~ (Notary- Public.) .----..... '~- . ~.nw",,~., ,.~.n___ My oommission expires ,?{~(~7 TITLE NO. ESCROW NO, 10-0257605 10-025'7605 e" PATRlCIAA.TERRY ::.~,~":":" ...No:~.~~~ " v-~,.=. . , i After recording return tc: WESTERN TITLE & ESCROW COMPANY 1345 NW WALL STREET, STE 200 BEND, OR 97701 Until a change is requested a.ll tax statements shall be sent to the following address: J.O, CAPITAL,LLC JACK O. OLOF 1700 ADAMS AVE., STE. 212 COSTA. MESA, CA 92626 WARRANTY DEED ~- STATUTORY FORM Rt;)BERT H. BENNETT AND JEAN P. BENNETT, CO-TRUSTEES OF THE BENNETT FAMILY TRUST, AN UNDIVIDED 20% CO-TENANCY INTEREST, RICHARD BRASHEARS AS TRUSTEE OF THE RICHARD BRAsHEARB AND MITZI LAZZARESCHI FAM!LY TRUST, DATED 11/19/03, WHOSE t'ROP'!:RTY SHALL RETAIN ITS CHARACTER AS RICHARD BRASHI:ARS I SOLE AND SEPERATE PROPERTY WITHIN THE 'I'RU8T, AN UNDIVIDED 20% CO-TENANCY INTEREST, MARYANN MOON, TRUSTEE OF THE MOON FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST, AN UNDIVIDED 20% CO-TENANCY INTEREST.;-~OVR1"'ENAY ~P", - FOOTMAN; ~ 'AN-'Uh"DIVIDED' '2-6 ;'67%"'CO-TENANCY-' INTEREST-i'-DUNCAN FOOTMAN,.AN UNDIVIDED 6,66% CO-TENANCY INTEREST I FAREL FOOTMAN,. AN UNDIVIDED 6,67% Cq-TENANCY INTEREST, Grantor, conveys and warrants to J,D, CAPITAL, LLC, AN OREGON LIMcrTED LIABILITY COMPANY, Grantee, the following dBsoribed real property, free of encumbranoes except as speoifically set forth herein, to wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT 'A' Tax Account No(s): 0230506 0230530 Map/Tax Lot No(s): 1,-03-27-31~301 31-,02 1,-03-27-31-800 0230548 0230563 0230571 17-03-27-31-600' 1,-03-27-31-700 17-03-2,- This "property is free from encumbrances, EXCEPT: ~l those items of record, if any, ,as of the date of this deed, inoluding any roal property taxes due, but not yet payable, The true consideration for this conveyance is $ 2,650,000.00, THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND ,USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED ,USES AND TO DETERMINE'ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930, Dated this /(?-dv day of September, 2005, THE BENNETT FAMILY TRUST BY: ROBERT H. BENNETT, ~O-TRUSTEE BY: ,JEAN p, BENNETT, CO-TRUSTEE RICHARD BRASHEARS AND McrTZI LAZZARESCHI FAMILY TRUST BY: RICHARD BRASHEARS, TRUSTEE THE MOON FAMILY RZVOCABLE LIVING TRUST Byrr /1)(" , " , w.RYANN J!t)ON, ,ffl---.-.- '/;;':;;) TRUSTEE -' , ., " COURTENAY P. FOOTMAN DUNCAN FOOTMAN FAREL FOOTMAN STATE OF ~ ' COUNTY OF MUt17llJtVf16 ss, This ins~~.nt was acknowledqad before me on September G, I VY\aH.","'lo\ Yl'\.O".,.."" h-ur~~ - -~-~, - ---- ~~ 11~ A-:j1I/-Jep-- () (Notary Public) / ^ / My commission expi~gs . . 1~J'It?;llJ~ 2005 by . . _._-.;0.-........-- TITLE NO. ESCROW NO. 10-0257605 10-0257605 ~ OFFICIAL SEAL JOHN A. UAROHDE NOTARY PUBUC . OREGON COMMISSION NO. 365747 MY COMMISSION EXPJAESOCTOBER 10, ZOllB c ,7:<; ~ ~1c:J~,~~ DUNCAN FOOTMAN FAREL FOOTMAN STATE OF~' COUNTY OF '1trn<.pr((N5J SS, 'I'his instrument vas aoknowled~ beforlll me on Cv. uJ..l...a lo'\r'1o._ r_ ~l..,..l- AV'~__ , September ~, 2005 by , n1i([JJ);l-f.'ilAw;d}H \../1 f~o~ Public) My commi.sion expir.. 7/;;' 7job T1TLE NO. ESCROW NO. "10-0257605 10-0257605 MAR'fllOWERt MotaryPublit,StareolNewYork QuallfttdinTompkinsCounty lil_ My Commission Explflls07n.7f]IJvo,v ,~" '.;F", . COURTENAY P. FOOTMAN ~~ ~~ t~1L-- .DUNCAN FOOTMAN FAREL FOOTMAN STATE OF~ ' COUNTY OF ~ ,) SS. This instrument was acknowledged before m~~ ~f 2005 ~y 'OvO~U '00,:1/ ~ '- .r--,.,~ _ ~- ~'--'~--'-- ~~::I' ----'- A(J9J\. 0. Zoo "I My commission expi~Qs , TITLE NO. ESCROW NO. 10-0257605 10-0257605 j~, '.' ~~:'~;.El'" ' ~ Nc*Iryrw.c.~ L. ., ~~~C:::~, , --.. ,-,c,:- ..' , .\'li.il~~I~lol'i/: . ..,.1.~. ''''''''~C''r> f';I ~,., . ~:,;,,'W!f 6: ;:;;7:: "'~ ".' "-:'~\l\' ,pl/.<' '~..., ;: ~;.'" "~l/-~'''' i :~ ']'"! '~,2 \ = <["'. \':. .. \G ...0;; ::. ~.,;) ~'~' .1 . .~ \. \~". '.,~ ".! ~:2 (1'-<1, ~";.... .,'0: ~"""p.: ..Ir,Q.~-., ",1 ~~:~~~~~~~/~~~,~~'~~ . . COURTENAY P. FOOTMAN DUNCAN FOOTMAN ~' F1i1'!r,~~ , L a/ .4..1.J,/ STATE OF Cjifir"'''f.O=Y OF ) SS, This inst~ent was aoknowledqed Defore me on september ~, 2005 by 'P~r~- F-~l_c"" "___'c~~_:, _b':.J? 'b:zb-..-.:x.:..'" -:--:.~-,._., .'_'_.,--"_'0-""'__ My commission expires (Notary Public) ~ TITLE NO. ESCROW NO. 10-0257605 10-0257605 L 1~'" .~. - , ~~~AL~ .;ADO~'A~ - -. _ Commissi,on II 1452~~ r ~ -a..... - Notary PubUc - CallfornJo f' 4" em Ange"'-' County , ~..' . MyComm'~~~2007~ .............-. " J -.;;:ol- :-, ~ :.:~;;.;~,;:';,:.::..:;.~;-,,;;:.-;'r:.:a::..'J.~:.. - ~'T _,,,~~._,,,,.,,_., ~",~.~_,..._,."".~,._. _''t7'"~-- '~""J. . " . < 5. - The land referred to in'this poliq is described as follows: Situated in the City of Springfield, County of Lane and State of Oregon: Known as being a pan of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quaner of Section 27, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamene Meridian and being more particularly described as follows: . Commencing at a point at the Northeast comer of the Robert 'E. Campbell Donation Land Claim No. 59; thence, North 890 21' 37" West, 1680.00 feet to a point; thence South OJ 044' 50" West, 126.23 feet to a 5/8" rebar found at the point of beginning of the parcel of land herein described; thence, continuing South OJ 044' 50" West, 386.65 feet to a point; thence North 890 29' 10" West, 75.00 feet to a point; thence, So~th 01044' 50" West. 116,79 feel to a 5/8" capped rebar found; thence, North 890 29' 06" West, 173,80 feet to a point; thence, South 010.44' 50" West, 79.00 feet to a 5/8" capped rebar found on the Northerly right of way line of Fairview Drive (60' Public Right of Way); thence, along said right of way line, North 890 29' 08" West, 351.23 feet to a poir:tt, said point wimessed by a 5/8" rebar found North 380 24' 53" West, 0.49 feet; thence, leaving said right of way line, North 01 0 44' 50" East, 427.44 feet to a point; thence, North 800 09' 30" EaSt, 153.09 feet to a point; thence, North 01 ~ 44' 50" East, 67.65 feet to a point;' ....- thence;,North'Sr 24' 50" East;'10;0l-f~t-'tci"a-po-int;,thence;-North'020 35'-15"-West, 35;00 feer-to'a'point; ",;." thence"North 870 24'''50': East, 443.85 feet to the point oibeginni~g, .' . LENDER'S POLlCY ,2, 50,0360605