HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments Miscellaneous 9/9/2006 .-~ REESOR David From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Debra Gelzer [debgelzer@yahoo.comj Saturday, September 09, 20067:29 PM REESOR David ala nbuchalter@yahoo.com SUB2006-00055 Bui development Dear David Reesor, Thank you for allowing me 'to share my wrltten comments regarding the Quinalt Di~ision proposed by Tan Bui. I reside from the 1981, the since. and.own the residence at 1203 Fairview Drive, which is located a few homes down proposed site. To give" you? br.:.iet history, a year after we purchased our horne, Fairview Mobile home division was developed and it has been problematic ,ever The number of.vehicles that have been left abandoned on Fairview Drive, the owners with several employee vehicles left on the street for overnight parking, and the numerous robberies, police and emergency vehicles that frequent this areas is astounding! The city of 'Springfield~llowed top many mobile homa units'~n this site th~t clearly does not support enough space for' parking their ~ehicles. Since th~s site is in Lane County, the Springfield Police do not pursue crimes 'committed to property in this areas, and we are forced _to resort to the overburde~ed Lane County Sheriff's Office. To allow Mr. Bui to develop a 10 unit housing area, where one or two homes can be situated, creates another crime area in 'the making. It is has been researched-that the nature of crowded,'humans creates more vlolence and by authorizing this development-you wii1 be adding to the already burdened neighborhood of property owners. Specifically; this past week, on Wednesday, September September 6th at 4:30am, my husband and I were awakened by my neighbor to let me know that our Toyota Camry parked on the street, suffered a "hit and run" accident. Three vehicles from the Mobile Horne "unit had parked their employee vehicles across the street, creating a dangerous drivlng area. To"authoriz~ 10 more units"in this area is' irresponsible and greedy. Please ask Mr. Bui if'he would like to like in one of the 10 units to be erected in this neighborhood. I think not. To preserve the modicum of humanity, I hope you grant Mr. Bui a building permit for one or two or even three stick built homes that will enhance the . neighborhood. Please review the city's response to low income families in 2002 with the lovely homes built on FairHaven' Ct. whic"h is. 1/4 mile on Fairview Drive going east. If Mr. Bui builds a development such- as this, then he is doing a service to the community. If you allow him to build with 10 mobile homes on the site, then you are perpetuating a crime ridden: area and shame on. you. Thanks for thinking progressively "in this money d~iven time.of real estate development. Sincerely, Debra Gelzer / 1203 Fairview Drive Springfield, Oregon 726-9427 . Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam?' Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around.http://mail.yahoo.com . RECEIVED . ..... ...: r By: .0-t1- O~