HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 7/24/2006 ;~..: ~~-:D'<'" " /. " American Title Group Escrow No. 00025766 \, WARRANTY DEED (INDIVIDUAL)' DEl.AIN,E R. MEYER, herein called grantor, convey(s) to TUAN nUl, Grantee, all that real property situated in the County ofl.ANE, State of Oregon, described as: See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. and covenant(s) that grantor is the owner of the above described property free ofall encumbrances except COVENANTS. CONDITIONS. RESTRICfIONS, AND EASEMENTS OF' RECORD. and will warrant and defend the same against all persons who may lawfully c~a.im the same, except as shown above. The true and actual consideration for this transfer is SI45,OOO.OO.* Dated J:inuary 3, 2006. ~,,'"-,d?,~ DEl.AINE R. MEYER 6 - STATE OF OREGON, County of LANE) 55. On thiS~tl.-J1.'f.Aj t..J 1-1 .;z('lD~ personally appeared the above named DEL.AINE R. MEYER.and acknowledged the foregomg instrument to be HER voluntary act and deed. Before me ~ :~~_._- a'FIClALSEAl; ---t1. ~ c,)V( / Ua.n~ '= GINAlLARSON' ~. ~ ~ : "~ NOTARY PUBLIC .OREGON : Notary Pu?ll~ lor O~r..GON I, '!Y'I. : ~ COMMISSION NO. 3i4108 j My commiSSIOn expires: J/!7""!)/og y. ., . MYCOMI,IJSSIONEXPiIIESJAIWARY2B.2008 :, . - . - .~;:~-a.:.;:;;:,~.-..>:,~,:,',~Jclude cash plus all encumbrances existing against the property to which the property remains subject or which lhe purchaser agrees to payor assume. WARRANTY DEED (INDIVIDUAL) STAT.I=_r.-c.r.-n.r::co..'_.. , Division of Chief Lane County D..ds Deputy Cl.,.k and R..~ords DEl.AINE R. MEYER TO Coun J, on tho o'cl~( Send Tax Statements to: TUAN nUl . 'd'SCio3 f3",lc,:/ >/1111&, ~J~f1e, ~,e Q?4l'5 After Recording Return to: PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE OF LANI<: COUNTY, LL.C 560COlJNTRY CLUB PARKWAY . SUITE 110 EUGENE, OR 97401 W Title By Deputy _ V1aionFonnS00030R Reooo.tl11Zll97 \ " , ~ , Exhibit A BEGINNING at a point on ~hc North line of the Robert E. Campbell and wife D.L..C. No. S9 ill Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, 2280 fed West of the Northeast corner of said D.LC, thence South 710.6 (ecl, thence West parallcllo the South line of said D.Le. 75 feet, thtmcc North 710.6 feet to the North line ofsaitl D.L.C., thence East 75 feet to, the place Qf ~cginning .in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING therefrom that portion conveyed to the Slate of Oregon by d,eed rcco~dedJuly 26, 1956, Reception No. 90751. ALSO EXCEPTING that portion conveyed to Lane County by deed recorded June 22,1959, Reception No. 71168. ~ \ ; ~:r ,. " r DivJslcn of Chi.f Depu lerk lane County Deeds and k__~rds RECORDING REQUESTED BY FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY OF OAEGON '"1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $31,00 00771033200600010870020024 RPR-DEED ,Cnl=l Sln=5 cJJ;~~~6 12:39:31 P" $10,00 $11,00 $10,00, 2006.~~J08i GRANTOR'S NAME James D. Wynne and Robert F. Myers, aka Bob Myers and Geraldine R. Myers GRANTEE'S NAME Tuan Sui SEND TAX STATEMENTS To: Tuan Sui 85903 Bailey Hill Road Eugene, OR 97405 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Tuan Sui 85903 Bailey Hill Road Eugene. OR 97405 :;'t"AI,.;~ J.l\tjuvt. 1 nl~ LoINt: r-Un Hcl...UHUCM :;. V:::'c STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED James O. Wynne, as to a undivided 50% interest and Robert F. Myers, aka Bob Myers and GeraJdineR. Myers. as to an undivlde~ 50% interest. Grantor, conveys and warrants to Tuan Bui. . .- i' Grantee, the following described real property, free and clear of encumbrances except as spec.j~ically set forth below, situated in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, SEE EXHIBIT ONE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Subject to and excepting: Rights of the Public, Easements, Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of record, if any, THIS INSTRUMENT Will NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY OESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING"OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY DR COUNTY PLANNING OEPARTMElliTTO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO OETERMINEANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINEO IN DRS 30,930, THE TRUE AND ACTUAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS CONVEYANCE IS $200,000,00' ISee ORS 93,0301 .. 50% of which is paid to an accommodator as part of an IRC 1031 exchange . AFTER RECORDING RETUP.N TO. FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE . COMPANY OF OREGON 800 WILLAMETTE ST,. #500 EUGENE, OR 97401 t"l~~<~- ~~~:.~ It 'iJ- fJ f/U~--I'J.., ~~l;1(ers 1 DATED: January 5, 2006 STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE This instrument was acknowledged before me on Januarv 5. 2006 .- --.- by James D. WYnne. Robert F. MYers. aka Bob Myers on" Gerold;n. R. Mve.. ~ " { NOTARY PUBUC FOR OREGON 10/:" J,() / MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: It -:.L-l.) / t.,! "P _ OFFICIAl SEAL C P Me ClOSKEY ',-,' NOTARypuauC-OREGON COMt.ISSlONNO.361873 ~ ;!:~",,!~~SSIONEXPIRESOCT. 20. 2006 - -:-- -- FORO.313 (Roy 2f9Sl STATUTORY WARRANTY OEED C%t" _ 5117:13. 'I,. .~ " "" ' Escrow No. 01-51175S.cM .46 TItllll Ordllr Ng, 00511758 EXHIBIT ONE PARCEll: Beginning at a Point on the North line of the Rober! E. Campbell and wife Donation land Claim No, 59 in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian. 2481..2 feet West of the Northeast carner of said Donation land Claim, which Point of Beginning is also 80 feet East of the Northeast corner of County Survey No, 1015; thence running South 711.6 feet. parallel to the East line of County Survey No, 1015; thence East 112 feet, parallel to the South line of said Donation Land Claim No. 59; thence North 711.6 feet. more or less, to the North line of the said Robert E. Campbell and wife Donation land Claim No. 59; thence West t 12 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion thereof conveyed by Stanley C. Broaddus, et al to the State of Oregon by and through its State Highway Commission by deed recorded April 17, 1959, Reception No. 65337, Lane County Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon, ALSO EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to Lane County, Oregon, by Stanley C. Broaddus and Ima G. Broaddus by Deed recorded June 23, 1959, Clerk's File No.71244,and Rhoda S, Price by deed recorded June 23,1959 Clerk's File No, 71243, Lane County Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT that tract to Lane County, Oregon for Fairview Drive by deed recorded by March 16, 1961. Clerk's File No, 26236, Lane County Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT: Beginning at a Point on the Northerly right-of-way tine of Fairview Drive, said point being 220.81 feet South 00 47' West.and 80,0 feet South 890 56' 10~ East of the Northeast corner of Block 7, FIRST ADDITION TO CENTENNIAL GARDENS, as platted and recorded in Book 38, Page 14, Lane County Plat Records; running thence along s~id Northerly- right-of-way line, South 890 56' 10" East 112,0 feet; thence North 00 47' East 120.0 feet; thence North 890 56' 10~ West 112.0 feet; thence Souttl 01;1 47' West 120,0 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL II: A tract of land in Section 27, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the WilIamette Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of that property described in Reel 131, 'Instrument #6550, Lane County Deed Records, which point is 2369.2 feet. mare or less, West of the Northeast corner of Robert E, Campbell Donation land Claim No, #59; thence Southerly, along said line, 711.6 feet, more or less, to the North line of Fairview Drive; thence Easterly, along said Fairv;ew Drive, 10 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of that property described in Book 331, Page 63, said Deed Records; thence Northerly, along said property line, 710.6 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of said property; thence Westerly 10 feet, mare or less, to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, EXCEPTING any part of the above described property lying South of a line 120 feet from and parallel to the North Iight-of.way line of Fairview Drive and excepting any part North of the South right.of-way line of the 0 Street Floodway.