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Correspondence PLANNER 5/26/2006
'1' ,.....f c. 1-' . . .~., , ..... . ' ". ' '.'" ,.' V' . ;1. '''~' '," ,. '.r t. . !~ '.' ..:}:.'." .... ." . SPR'lNGFIELD' .--; . ,'. ',.<' ..-.,,- '. -."'> -'-.' . ,-.- ,. .>: ..!....'<.""'o- ' , . ....Cit~ c)f 5 p'ringFie\d, .' '. ' . ..Devd~fmeni ~e~ice5. De~~rt;n,,~<, - ' '"', ,~.... ,'" " ',', '.:'" ,~ ,. i: ',' "', ::<'facsiTi\'e, C~ver rage " f~x:' (54'1) 72/)_7)682" r -;.-1 ) " .', I :'.>,:..' ," ," '.. ~. ..' -. . ~~-, '., .'\. '.. 'F~x: ':3; 0 -z~ -2: 6'SI' , T o:~';7?r:8 biZ';;';: '. , ..,' :1 ~~ ,:' t' ,\..,., ..' ,.",. ;," '" '-. " Compan~:"'" .Fro~: .?p/fi/iV .~EC5 07(, .'" 7();.;trJ2: x'" ','" .... '., MessaC'e" w' . .'s~);r-r~i//e-7~ . ~ 1.--v1' . 5G1.6', , Y' , ~M27\..-f3' . <("'. I/L-rA-P Number,oF pages including this one: -;;. . . . lr II' , d' I " 'd ,r I . '. t a 'pages In Icat::O ar:: nO'J;eccIVe,O[lt.:!OU nave an:! tr~uble receiving this transmission,.ple~secall (5+ 1) 726-375 3 22.5 Fifth Stred, SpringField, OK 97+70 ....-... .:'-.' .';J:. ..',' ~. .;' f:. :' ., '.' .::t ...