HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 3/27/2007 - i- ,...'f, PRE-SUBMIT]';,';" PLAT . DISTRIBUTIONLIST: ." Date Distributed:' 3- 21-2007 . - - . /~ave Puent Co- B~ilding - / Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel- Fire.-- . './ Gary McKenney - Traffic - . .":, - /Matt Stouder - Public Works/Engineering ../ Les Benoy .:...- Public Works/Engineering . ../. Dennis Ernst/Jon Driscoll, Surveying '. / Bart McKee, Spjld Utility Board (Water)' _ . /Tamara Johnson, Spjld Utility Board (Electric) Thomas Jeffreys, 'Emerald People's Utility District P{anner, - 'JJ~ ~ ;1 . '.~".;:- '- ;" ", :~: ".' . , ,,' ,.,', .' '; ',"" , . ", ,<. ", , ~ -".., '.' ? t' ~; --.... ,', ,City of Springfield, Development Services Department,' 225 Fifth Street """... ',., ' " Springfield, OR 97477, " ., ',';'" 541-725-3753 Phone',' .." ' 541-726-3689 Fax 'i" ,~ . .' ,- , . :,'~e"'!~~F,l"!.~1 , ~... " , ,-,' , " '" '"". '. . . "..' ." ~ . " , Pre-Submittal Meeting' " , ..~'.., .... Case Number Assigned: PRE2007-000I7 .. ,:,..:,." "'. .~ ., --.:" ',' Date Submitted:: 3/26/2007 ;~ '.', .',:. . -,I . " ,.-' ' -". .f,. . "',' 'C" .... ,.,", ", . ~ : ".' " "," . .,- ".: ). Project Name: STROCHLIC PART 2L T 5059 D ST ;. ," , Project Description: , Pre-Submittal for 2 parcei partition plat '., " . " j: Application Type: Job Address: " . Partition Plat . '.~.. 5059 D ST ., -:', :>, Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1702332306100 DISCLAIMER: Applications wiU not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendinents that may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meeting and Subminal of the Application for Development Review, Please' contact , our office at 541-726"3753 with any questions or concerns, . A Planner'wUt'be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confjrm the meeting ,date and time, -' 3/27/2007 10:11:47AN '.,.;" ',' .< :'7" . ',-, " ,.,..;." ~,' " '.', ',' , '.. .,",. '-',"" .:. , w" ~ ,.. . , ,'-: , ' , ',',-',' ,'J..' . .', ~- . , " ,.. '. 'I ,.\, :';"! .'-, " "'.,',1 " , . ....... .' ,,- ..: " , .. r,,-- -"f .......... ., " /':. ',,,,',,', . ',," , . :' '~ '.~' ...... ""<p ,-: '" '.' ',', ~ ":..: ;': '., . '. '" ..\ " " .. \.,: -'.. .:: ;:. ,\'. I:'~;..: .." ',: ,~, . " . :--. ..'", '. "~ ' ..,. ' , . -"" -. -' .. .. ' ." "t ",'." , " , ., ,'" :' ~. -, ;.' ---.. ,-"." ;-- .' :>fe--SUJmitta~ .\t~e~ting ...:, ,.D:evelopment Services Department ,':,>, 'Room 615/616 ", '.' """" " ,'.' .~ ...... . ...."'.. , - 'PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE:' Friday, April 6, 2007 " .~. ,..,+, -', ..... , " , . "--. .' :1. , - PREcSUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2007-00017 (PART PLAT) STROCHLIC$325. " . Assessor's Map: .17-02-33-23 TL 6100 , ' , , , Existing Use: ResidentiaL., " , ' Address: 5059 "D"Street ,', .. . .,' , , ~: ,Applicant'submitted plans to plat a two-lot 'partition ,". Meeting Date/Time: Friday, April 6,2007 DSD 616 11:00 ::"0000. Planner: Dave Reesor"" ". " '1' .,' " .' .,", . .. ., , ,.' ." , , , , .: t '". ~,. . " '. .,' '. , '.~ .t.,' . '. .'".1 ~ . " ~, -. .-t.; ",,' ..,. ". .- ~. . . V. ..... ' . ..,'" -,.' o ..,', '.' .- .," ,,' . ....::1_.. . . ".' . :.' ""..' ~'. .' ". ~' , . ~. . .}. ',':' . / City ofSpririgfieid ., ' . Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street ". . d' ,,".:< Springfield, OR 97477 <:,'.: " " ., .. -". ...,." .' .' , , ;',., '/. .., ' ". ,y " , , '. .~ . ,Land Division Plat Application, Type II . ...~. ' .' o I 1 'I I I 1 , I 1 , , Applicant Name: Company: :. " .1 . .t;,." Address: ' I. t,::; i./ LD, L'I-ft... P'--, ~"'..v!-,",= coR 9"=1C;or Applicant's Rep.: I ,j{)I,UI.,'T\-\~ A-. O~ .' " ,IPhone: I M,s'4<=;os Company:., . '. POAb~_ CUf,II-lF,S","','u" i'7IJ'/Z..'-l E-Yl/J.C.., ItJe.IFax: 1491;, 7~ Address:P, 0: ~+ 2-'5'2.... E-LlbE.J.J"-. OQ..., 9.,4oL ' Property Owner: SAM~ A-? A-PPl..tc:.~ Iphone:1 Company: I Fax: I Address: , , , , ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: t 1- oz.::;" '1..:' TAX LOT NO(S): iolSO Property Address: '30'5'1 l> -';T12-E-E-, ?Pj2.i\.J.6F-1t:,;", 0\2-"1=;.4-1<0 Size of Property: II ,'Z..'?O Acres D Square Feet ,.B,. Proposed Name of Subdivision: 1"'1'<11:."\'''[0 I-i PLA"i" Description of Proposal: t: I':I-At., Pup..,- .M'PQlJ'-ip<\.- OF U'<1-.J.,,:> Pf'h2.TtllOt-! r~- fi:J'2- 'DE-bDo.A-tA ?TQ..<::>C>\-L-lc- ,l'<i>POo.leb \_J1-~1':\'2.. ~=oG-b,C07S' Existing Use: lZ-B..-h\ b~T1 k<- Tentative Case #: 'jujl, Zo:xo - 0003>'5 # of Lots/Parcels: 2- Avg. Lot/Parcel Size:' 9oro sf Density: 'b du!acre ,~;:' - , , "A'ed)~r.op'erty"InfoX'r'~tiori YCitVIfiFak~ 'staff:''Compleieih(ii'~ea:id.n)(jJ1f I I Zoning: Overlay District: Applicable Refinement Plan: Plan Designation: Location: ' City Limits 0 Urban Growth Boundary 0 Associated Applications: Sut) )..n'\ c;, - C),-<:\:::) ~~-', (/4t) Pre-Submittal '.,' 1 Case No.: O\A'?~;1- OlSbl'l- Date: '3/2[,/0'1- " Case No.: . Application Fee: Date: Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Total Fee': '-h-->-- Postage Fee: PRjzwb- <XD6( ,~d"f'y-\ ,4 ' ^ I-W--)-"" -:L : J~~ ~'. t .~ v':., . 1('('-;)--) , ,~' ".:" .~ . , . . : ". ,~ ..'. ". . "..>."'.' " ,,-<, I. " ,',' . t." '" -".. ....,. : :' ,...... i. ". ,. -'C:. . .. . . ~ . . ,~ : ::>:. :,~./ -;~ .~. ' ,~, - .;;" ...' ~". '.' ." . " ~ .', . " ..... ,. . ~ '. " ." ~; ."',.. . ",' . ~', '.. ..;: ,;-. .~:,. -:": ' .},' . " "; , The Pre-Submittal Applicatio~ is mandatory, Check the Development Fee Schedule for .-:' ' "'.: : application review fee, The submittal package must conform to the application completeness ',checklist attached to this form. You are required to submit (6) Six copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittai review. Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and FridaY'between 10:00 a.m. and noon. We Will strive to conduct the Pre- Submittal meeting within 'five to seven working days of receiving the application. . . ~ . " - . .. <.. '. - " ' . c. 2~ 'Applicant anc! th~ City conduct the PreCS~bmittal MeElting ,,:,' -..:": " ,.: . . We'strongly encourage you, the owner and design team, to attend the Pre-Submittal' 'meeting. The meeting will be heid with representatives from Public Works Engineering and . Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning ,-, Division. The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Pianner wiil provide you , . ".. , with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to . make the application complete-if it isn't already complete, ,You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. This ,is the time period when the plat and documents will be red lined by the City surveyor and the corrections , ", m~de by the applicant on paper copies of the plat prior to submittal of mylars. , ". . . . 3. ApplicantSubmits a Complete'Application " :.",:' " . . .', . . . '. ~ . When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist; please submit '(2) ,two copies of the complete application and mylars to the City. A fee will be collected at that, ,time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin, When the Planner has completed mail notification and review procedures, a decision will be mailed/faxed to the . applicant/owner/ design team and affected parties notifying the'm of plat approval. The plat may then. be file,<;j by the applicant and (5) five recorded paper copies delivered. to the Development Services Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. , " Owner's Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner's signatures are required at both stages in the application 'process, An application without the Owner's signature will not be acc,epted. Case Number: Prt7.>?l"J=i' - 6\)1:)\'1- The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this. application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre-Submittal Meeting. ' "Owner: .../"UW' / . '~- , . . /7 ~ '-~n8i:ul'e . .,,' _ ',... ' Date: ~ I u" \ 0),- I " ....--.--, L ' , ( velno-<c.{",.(', . -5f.zor-iA\\c.... pnnt Name' Revised 1111/2006 bj - 2 - -,'<' ': ,.,'. t, . ~~ '^' . . ~ , t. .; ,,' . '.' ,", -::::' " ,..-' -,,-",.' -, ,...'.' "", ! .'. '. " ',~ '~" . -': ~ ".' 'I.. .... .... . ,- - , .+';",.,.' .,,- ".1_, ' -. " ,,' .... ,.;"." '" < , "\;' r ". -., ~ v, ..... ",: ,', '..';: . ,- . ~. ~ -, ,.; :.- -'." .' ,-,'i:: ......, .." ',,', ',: 'WRITTEN STATEMENT ADDRESSING APPROV ALCRITERIA.., , ':l'" ,,', ,." ':, '" . FOR A 2 PARCEL PARTITION' '" . ., '. "", "',.,.. ,.' '., . FOR . . ";" ",-,"': " ",: " . ",,'DEBOR~H STROCHLIC" " " i, """":',:,'JOURNAiNO,SUB2006-00035,', .'''' .' ,LOCATED AT 5059 D STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON . .,. " March 19,2007. ' " .! .' . .,- " ..,;.. " ',' ~ '. '" This written statement is intended to address th~ conditions Mtentative plat approval and discuss , 110weach has been satisfied in th.e Final Subdivision Application, The subdivision was given. ," .c:onditionafapproval under case 'no, SUB2006-00035, The conditions of approval imd our , response to each areas follows: "" '. , ..... 1) 'For all public'improveITjents, the applicant shall retain a;privateprofessi~nal civil :, '"engineer to design the partition improvements in conformance with City 'codes, This '\ ' decision, and the current Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. The . . private civil engineer also shall be required to provide construction inspection services, '. .:. .. "., . '.' " ,.' . '. " ,.. -. ,~' - , . . .'~~ - . ,:' No public improvements are proposed or requirediIi conjunctionwith'this land use 'application, . ,j., . . '- . . -. 2),' ,Prior to appr6val of the Fina/Plat, the applicant shall install two 'streer trees as shown . on the Tentative 'Partition Plan from the City's approved list within thefi'ontage of . Parce/' r ".' " ',' . The applicant ha~ contracted with a landscaping company to install required stre~t trees and the applicant will,contact th~ city for fInal inspection when the trees have been ,installed, ',; 3) . Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall execute and record the accesslutilitylmrintenance easement needed,to provide access to Parcel? as proposed. . . A draft copy of-an AcCess and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreemen't covering the , future driveway serving Parcel 2 has been submitted with this application for staff review prior to being recorded concurrently with the final plat. The location of the shared access easement appears on the final plat 4) . . ,The applicant and/or property owner for Parcel 2 shallprovide and maintain adequate, viSIOn clearance triangles at the corners of all site driveways per SDC 32.070, " All driveways, to be installed in conjunction with''this land ~se application will be constructed in accordance with the vision clearance triangle provisions of Section 32.070 of the Springfield Development Code, i /' ,,'-, i '-. ~ . .,'. "', ',' .". " , , . .' "; :\.,' :. ... ", ,', '.:':::':,' , '"" - ......- , '-, . ",". ',.,: . <:' . '. (, ..:'~ '> '.'- -'". " .... ,,~ . , ' " . ., :" ,.' . . -' ," .."'. ", .".... . .', ~. ;-"",," ';,5)" " Pr'ior to ihe issuance df a building permit for Parcel 2, the applicant and/or property " :',';"". "~,owneroiParcel2 shall reconstruct the existing 10 foot wide dri~eway to a minimum of a " " ' ., ',,' , ';12 foot throat width consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Pr'ocedures., " :':".: . .:'Manua(as adppted in 2006 and depicted in City of Springfield Standard Drawing 3~19 ':.' ..,..' :".....,:., _.>;:",.. _,... '."'.~':::;' ,'.' - ,~ ',- '. ' ';'_.'.:<: ',c',; "'-;". :~ ,; ", ,',' '. '''" . ': ,'The 'ownef/appiicant iS,not currently proposing to develop Parcel 2, When the....., , ,.,' owner/applicant decides to develop Parcel 2, he/she will initiate the reconstruction of the existing driveway approach to meet the minimum throat width standards outlined in the 'Engineering Design Standards ~nd ProceduresManuaL ' ::' , ". . ~ ,~' '.,' ,. , .,' . - , . , ~ ',,-,' ..':::-... ," ""'1;. .~~" -~" '::. .;~',-' .. '_.; ,,;.!.,,::,,-'.' -;( ~. ...." i"-'-' ':' , l ,.,-.' ., .~ :',. " " " ~ ", ." ,. ;." . " ",6X ,:' ',Prior to approvd/ of the Final Plat'the applicant ~hall stub th~ p;oposed sanitary sewer" service lateral for Parcel 2to the property line ofthepanhmidlelo('(northern boundary .. '.',: of the access easementto Parcel 2, :" " ',' , '" ..' ,,; , ' .. , .. '" '.:' ,\:',. ,,'. . >'.~ ..,,~.,',:;", ",":; .-, ~:.' '~.,.', .. .", ',;. >' ',,; : ....-; ,''-. " . 'Theapplicanthas initiated the process to receive a building permit to install the sanitary' . . " sewer service lateral to serve Parcel 2 of the proposed partition, . . -. ~'. . . _;.,"'" . -::o;!: , _'.' .' ',. -'. '" "-' , ': . . " 7) :,,'. Prior to approval o/the Fi~~l Plat the applicant shalt denote: ~ntheplahs: the size of the , ,'existing sanitary sewer iateraUhat serves the'ex'isting house on Parcel. r. ". , '.". ' ' , .' , " - ~ . , Once the size of the existing sewer service lateral serving Parcel I is coritirmed during' the construction of the new sanitary sewer sen.ice l<iteral to serve Parcel 2, the applicant will ,"update the grading plan accompanying the tentative partition.to retlect the actual size of' the. existing sewer service lateral," . , , " ,'-,.. .' . >. ." ., ,. 8) Prior to issuance of a Building Permit for Parcei 2, the applicant a~dlo; property owner for Parcel 2, to comply with Sections 32111(4) & (5) shall direct the runoJJfi:om the , Parcel 2 driveway access to an approved stormwater management system with sujjiciem , capacity to accept the discharge, ' ' ' , .,' '. , The owner/applicant is not currentlv proposing. to develop Parcel 2, When the owner/applicant decides to develop' Parcel 2, he/she will initiate the permitting process to construct the access drive to serve Parcel 2 in compliance with Sections 32)U(4) & (5) of the Springfield Development Code, " ' r' 9) hior to approval of the Final Plat, the partition plans shall be revised to show eleciric 'service extended to the building envelop area of Parcel 1. The copy of th~ tentative partition plan which has been, a~ended to show the location of the overhead electric lines serving Parcell is being submitted in conjunction with this' land use application, . . . , ~, :.::i " .~ '. -. '. ~ '" ";, '. -~ . , \... ". ,~ ~, " .:. ..t.. "'-', . .." . !. ....:.." "'" -- ~' ....-.. '. J - ~", ~ . ~ ~ -,'t. \~;". c.; , ' . ,.' .. ~ ...., . . -', ,.,'- .', ", ~ \ ,-' ,..' , ,: ." .:" ,:.,.,.'~'..1?+ _"""'-:'_":_:";'~:"';:_:'-';' '" ".;'" :' ..'~. ' .::". ::'-:'--";:~'~'-":" ' -:J ','., " ""'_;' ..~\. ,IG/" Prior to'issuance of a BZlilding Permit, the applicant/owner afParcel 2 shall instcdlall > ' " necessary underground'electnc lines and other utzlity lines, to serve, Parcel 2 In: _ " , - __.. a~cordance with SDC 32,120.(2) , \ ' " ", ":,', ~", ',' '::' ., '.' . " . ~ r' '".' _ ," . . J '-"..: . ". ; The,6wner;applic~t is n~t c~ITently proposi~g todeveiop'Parcel 2, Whe~ the' '. ':. , :" owner/applicant decides to develop Parcel 2, he/she' will initiate the permitting process to",.' C':' , :', install undergr~und electric lines and other utilities to serve Parce12 in accordance with ' . ,'Sections 32,120(2) oft~e Springfield De~elopm~ntCode; ", . .' . ..' . . . ~ . ,'- )-.... ", .' ;....-1.. _'.. ,"" . .. ' . . , . I ' . .:' ". ;"" . ':r' ," ".... . '~""., .:, .'11)" ' Fi;e apparatu; access r'o'::tds shall have an unobstructed ve;tical h~ight of not le;s than ',. '13 feet 6 inches, No parkingwithin the 20. foot wide 'easement for the fir~ apparatus access road (2G04Springfield F!re Code 50.3:21):.'" " ,- : ,; .-,\ : :. ' . ...... " "\" ...... '.. " '. .". _'. c . . ,,'..- :.,. x , "" ".' The proposed 20 foot wide private access easement seNing Parcel 2 has an Uriobstriicte'd vertical height.in excess of the,minimum required height 003 feet 6 inches. The'" ,.,' . ,easement document stipulates that no parking will be allowed ""ithin the. easement area,,~ " '. ';", !.","', ,): . q. '. ".. , , -.... ' . . -." ." '. ". ; , ~I ." . .... 12) . ,-' .; ,. .' '. . . . ' Fire apparaiusaccess' roads shall support'an 80.,000. lb, imposed load p'~r 20.0.4 Springfield Fire Code 5G3,23and Sl!C Appendix DIG2.l " ,,;. . ....' ";, When installed, the proposed ~ccess drive s~r~i'ug Parcel 2 will be designed in' accordance , . wit~ the Springfield Fire Cod~ Standards" . .. . ' , . ~ , ~. , . '13) "No Parking-FiI:e,,~ime" signage,shall be posted on both sides Ojthe 20. foot wide' easement per SFC 50.3.3 and SFCAppendix DIG3,6 'L ' , .'.' - . ' ' Required signage will be installed at the time the acce'ss drive serving Parcel 2 is installed, 14) Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the 20. foot wide access/maintenance/utiliry easement benefitting Parcel 2 shall be executed and recorded and evidence thereof provided to the ,city, ' A draft copy of a private access and utility easement serving Parcel 2 is included with this land use application for city review and approval prior to recording in the Lane County Official Records concurrently with the final plat documents, 15) The 7 foot wide Public Utility Easement along the D Streetfrontage shall be recorded on the Fina/ Plat, . " , .,' A 7 foot Public l(tility Easement, adjacent to the south margin of D Street is shown on . the final plat and dedicated under the Owner's Declaration, . , . ..,. 16) " Prior to appro~~l 'of the final pi;; ~h~ applic~nt shall sati~fy thepdrkingreqitirerrzentsjiJr " , :.:,' , ' -; , thee,~istmg house on 'Parcel 1 by installmg'a minimum of two, paved off-street parkmg' .. , ' '"" , ~paces (as'shown on the Tentative Plan) to the specification as set forth in the SDC : , . .. . .... ..;:....... ". ~ ' ,,-: . ". -. 'c.::', :~::,_:'_ ~"'.. ~. , ~'I'- ; "" .~; - '., ,/ ::=;,." ';.~ .' .. ,. {'. '.: ...1 . ;-0. .. . , .. , '.; j,..' '.",. , "", , ., 'I" t,. '''.' " " , , " ;. ,'.:'.\ ' ~, , . ~ ~:.'... " ..".... '." .' .'"'......., .',. ..' , ~. ~, ',., :..;.. "". ,'. '. , >.' '1"'. " , "" ...... ",,-' "',,. . '';'',.. ..'" -.:." ,'" ..,-,' . ~, .' ~ ) :. ..' ',." , . The applican't has initiated the process to receive a building permit to'construct the'off' street parking 'area to serve Parcel I as shown on the Tentative Ptan, " "- '.', ' , ' ". ,..,...... " . ,. ' '.. .,: ....' .'. , . ' ': .. '.. : .' '. . '. ".,' . .... '..' '.- . '.: 'i~ .. . "',. '. '.]7) "Priorto'approvalof a Building Permitfor Parce12, the proposed access easement shall ,. be paved from the 'edge of the pavement o,n D Street to thepan area of Parcell in '-,< " ,,'accordance with SDC 16,030(6)(b)5b Pavement width s~al! be a minimurrz 12feelin widthassetforth inSDC16.030(6)(b)5,a,' ",'. ./':.' '''',,';- ".," '" '".,', . I- ~ " . . ..' . . - ", ,., , ' ;,.'{ , . -.' .- l' - .. ' '..,' ~ >' , ....'. .' , ,Theowner/appticantis not currently proposip.g to develop Parcel 2. 'When the "", , 'own'er/applicantdecldes to,develop Parcel 2, he/she will initiate the permitting p'rocesi to' construct the access drIve to serve Parcel 2 in compliance with Se,ctionI6,030(6)(b)5,b.of . . . " 'the Springfield Dev,eloPrnent Code,.. ,,," . , ~, ".' ,.' " , , .". , 18) . , No driving or parking shall be allowed on the' existing /;raveled sul'jac'e (the proposed 'access easement) until paving is completed ". . ,.' , No parking or driving will occur on the existing gravel surface within the, pt;oposed a~cess . easement. until the access drive has been paved,. ' .,'. " , ", , r' ,', , , " " ,':". .~; ; ~~. ., :.''', ~ ". .'. ,.... , .... ," . " , ,", :\ ,.,-' '.... ., ~ . ..:;"' ,. ,'-,' " ," ,- " ,> " ",:\:1110,'".. o ~l' ,'1\0\01 .......~ lolO- 'l.~ NO ,,,II. t.fa'l.O~ 1'.1 ,...,,1 1'.1 ~t",. tlO. 91 J1A5ISOf BHAJl.ING fSI3 I ROO ISa9"5J'OO'( 11lO31< 1'.1 WI lEllOW PlASTlC LD CAP ; ';'$;'00' E 1,1.10" ______~ ISWS511 [5100,5 ST/JE'ED'l(IlVS~PlSI6'U I . ,~.-;;;".' ~OtO~'12 " IS !9"SJOIl" E 569111 """'. ~ ~ ,"""." f "'" . '_~,:,,- ISW4ll"SO"[R2L41')' ISOO'OS'OO'(250::nl f~~~~--~' ---;-. __________~S8~.S:'::_=________~~p~ STRE~~.OS.WE1>-OQ' " ," --- .' . - lSI9'SJ'llO"ErogIJJ1. ,;..1----:------ , '>-- (42J5Q'I~,' ,...... ,," ".:' S,!O'S!'OO'EI09l.2!" :is lS!9.si'E,~.OO'11 . 'I" G:-'\ d:~.:~:13~' . 42_~1~ \:. Jj--t- ~t3~2.9:"" ~':p r -. (mgg:)I,.ti~ ~~-~_:~~~&8:~o~~'~:~~EI~OO'gj,Q~- 1141GO'II . ,,',' CIe:lOO11 . .Jql~ : ~TlAL "ro. 518- I ROO . .. rD. ri2" I PIP( ro. V2~ I PJI>E s J.~i-~~!'~ ~.~, p ;;=CEL 11 POINt S OO'W'OO' W OQ9' S 00'o.l"91Y W 0.3,' S 00'01'01Y 'N O.l,' '~OI SO FT, : J U.G~ND rout;lJI.lONUt.IEIH AS/IOHO. @ fOUNb ~/S' REBAR WITH A HLLOW PLASTICI.O,CAPS1Al.lPED ~ 'S~INII[R 6 ASSOC_ INC' Il> roUNOP_K.NAIl 50 :,/S'. 30' REB~R'WITH YHLOW PLA511C '0. CAP STAr.<P(O'POACE ENC.6'SURY.INC: . o COI.lPUT(OPOINI..NO UOHUl.lEHT so " , -I, .,-C OA1AQr RECQROVlITH AN ENDNOTE CQRRESPONOINC..TO'A REF[R[NCE~' fNUI.lBERSHOWNHEREo.H.., . " .,INOICA1ESlINENOTO.RAWHTOSCALE OI:NOTES PUB.lIe UHlITY EASEMENT. DEN01ES IRON PIPE OWCITH.IRONROO '+ ".' ',P,U,E.' I. PIPE I.-ROO ..' "'. .'-' ~ ~ "..., Zw ~:I '.' >... ' ,,~ I~- ~ ~:i:: ,"~ , ~ ...I~~ -< <7> :;::::> ~ 001' 'i-8 :- I"' z ' o .,{ ;,'; " LAND PARTITION PLAT No.' .PARTITION PLAT ~ FOR DEBORAH STROCHLlC NW 1/4 ,SEC. _33 T 17 5, R 2 W W.'M. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON MARCH 19, 2007 L...NE COUNTY SURYEYOKS orflCH C.S, PILlS NO ;pnlNG VA TE r- "______--;_____~__ _____~ ___l.:.__ RECORDED OAl€; __'--______~__~ ,R_E_f_E~!!1:!..6!S= < '-' COUNTY CLERK ... _C!s~F.:-\2. 1'.C" I..SII.l...ONSAOO'1I0N BOOK 12,PACE ,6 _', 0,. l'NECOUNTYPLATItECOROS 2, C.S.~.- Ng. 3141; VIOOOS 2002 3. C.S.f. No..21~g6 CUILE 19l5 ~. C.H. HO. JJO$! Do BROWN . 19~5. S. C.S_f No JO~6J KRUSH 1~92. 6. C.ST. No. 142~4 HUTCHISO~ 19~~ .7.C,S.f.NoU3J9 S14ilH ,1919 . S. C_S.f. No. 1~~03 [114ST AD" 1964 " 9. WARRANTY od:o RECORDED OCTOBER.n, 200~ ., ,INST.. 200~'OSJ61! . . LANE CotJNH.ORECON OEEO.& RE~OROS ..BY' " .~.. -~- '<,7;'- " SCALE:r.40 ,. _.c-- --- , G 1~.~3'00' [1':.l.ln2 .--......1\ .' . __~.~3.oo'E_r.;~____:--' _..........:..___.:.... . . --~, \ ' :n 519'5:rOO"EI:!J_26 15 19"53" E 123111 . ~ , , <'C_ "nn' ?':L,!!T,.EACCESSN<lO ",U[L1fV.EASEll:NT ~ SEE NOTE.A. 0" .... \ 1: \ ,VV ~ ~1ii:; ~~~ , C,'" 'iI\,O . , ';1.00" S ~9';nlO' I. . . ~~ ...1 :1' ~ '" " 1-' -::. ~I-~ . ,Act- "'1 ;;" ~ "' __ c '_ ~, . ~~~ ~~ 8c ,; I 1 ,.,. '" ~~~ ~8g Z ~.~ 0,,5 5 \~_lA .. . .:~~~ 888 1;3;Z 1 I rO_S/I'I.ROO, 0 'IIfV(UOWf'tAS1IClDC~ I StAl.f'tD "BRANCH EI'lG lS 2609 IN !9"3:l4a.E102r ~0001Ij!i.fligiI4 n22! ~ 3000, I21S3 r- -' ~/J': ~~"1<~6 SO~"~::_/' i.~ (S~~61~ ,W 130.00141.: ... i~ ,... IE! ~ 8 , ~ P6tl~~~\/ . "" /'ENeE . "1 - F~.Jf4.i~..'_' '. ., eW COIl LOT 9. E1tK. 4 S~9'~6';rW2S~.~SAOOlTFJN IS 19'~9' W 25001 \1 ,,_--: I, . , -, " :~- " :'., ,...: PAllITJON..: :~~~TS1~r~~';.cE "nJGEN[ OIl. 97~0' , , "- .cnY'Of SPIINGPIBLO CAU NO. SUlloU-.nu ...SSUSO~'S MAP N~. 17_01,U_1' TAX LOT ITO" M.onu, '"' DEl'GI< JEI ~SOC i'K: l4'oSl640^"'" R~' C""l."EN1Al'~Yl^!."'C M'l ~. C . " ,N01~ . 01"-----.:3.A~_-I--~lllOO(B[~l .__::-: - I~,gg:"'! ~ / I S !'l6'~I' E ~_SO FO liT S~ S W~6'sr W ;';'lOO' ------ Sa"36'43'[0,)O' IS 89'49'EI2t0011 SW46'51'WI2US' . (5 W54'SO"EI2',~113. IS 3;'49' W 1125_0"11 , . IMI_011 S47_OO'. ','.' Non " REGISTERED] PROI'E5SION^L U,ND SURVEYOR. A_PRlVAlEACCEssi,~UTILrrYEAS[14[NT' RECOODEO. ffiTRU!.lENTND lAt.{COI.ImoorCOJjCfTlClOlP.ECORClS B. PUEl.IC-S'OR~ SEWER [ASEI.IENT BY AN INS1R\Jl4E;;' Il[COROCDt.lARClj2!,193S,RECEP.NO.I!959 V~lE: CO, OREGON DEW RECORD, 'C_fA)Bu..ONG,STR\X:llAlE,T~E,5I-flWllERY,OROTH!:R ~STRUC1I()NSAALL9EPLACEOONORNAPlalC UU.lTYfAS[l4EN1. rOAGH ENGINEERJNG &. SURVEYING, INC. E.......' O.CE.~'E. JI. "",. r,o_ lOX "17' UICUII. OUCON "'''' IH') ....<1.. . 10J N....", DWN.IY)"O,"""LAT.CCO. D"n:.... ./ PAGE .1 Of," '2 " " ". " ...., .... '"( LAND PARTITION PLAT No. PARTITION PLAT c' POR . . DE'BORAH STROCHLIC NW 1/4 SEC. 33 t 17 5, R,2 W W.M. - SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON , MARC\! l~, 2007 (' " :;' ";", . ~. ;; , " ~ >. ". ," ;' ..." ',. .....;:,.'... .",- " -, "". .... '.: " "...' " .,' ,.,;.". " .'T"" .- . SURVIIYOR'S CERTlP1CAT! " .. I, JON....nlAN A. OAHS; A REGISTERED PROfESSIONAL LAND SUR~EYOR. 00 HERESY, ." . CERTIFy TIiAT 1 HAVE CORRECTLY SURVEYED AND MARKED, WITH PROPER f-lONUI.IENlS THE' HEREON DESCRIBED PL"'. THAT THE INITIAL POINT IS A 5/8' .'JO' REBAR WITH A YELLOW PL A 5 TIC 1.0. CAP 51 AIdPED 'POAGE ENG. & SURV. INC. SE T FLUSH WITH' THE SURF ACE - OF THE ~ GROUND AND IS LOCATED'AS DESCRIBED MID SHOWN HEREON AND I HAVE'ACCURATELY DESCRIBED THE TRACT Of LANOUPOH WHICH THE PARCELS Of THISP....RnTION AR ELAIO OUT ONAS rOLLOWS: .,' "'". 'THE WEST 56.0 fEET or lOT 1. BLOCK ~ or SI"'l.lONS "'DOITION AS PL... HEO AND RECORDED JNBOOKJ1.PAGE25LANECO\JNTYORECONPL"'TRECORDS... .JONATH...N.... O"'KE>~lL/ NU.2105.. I" ".._ NARltATlVB ,,',' THIS 5URVEY WASPERfORl.lED AT THE REOUEST Of THE OWNERS TO ESTABLlSI-l IIIE OHRIORBOUNDMlT or THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN A WARRANTY DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 28. 2DO~ INSTRU!.IENT NO. 2004.083511 l"'NE COUNTY OREGON OFFlCI"'L RECORDS "'ND TO fURTHER PARTI110N SAID PROPERTY INTO TWO PARCELS IN ,c ACCORDANCE WITH O.R.S. REOIJIREI.lENTS...NOCONQITIONSOf APPROVAL Of ... l"'ND USE APPLICATION APPROVEO UNOER CI1YOf SPRINCFIELOJOURNAL NO. 2005-00035, HIE' BASIS OF BEARING IS DUINEO8Y THENORTHl.lARGINOrO STREET PER C,S,f. NO. 31419 MD THE' !"tAl or SfMI,(Or-tS AOOIr/fJN AS PLAITW AND RECORDtD IN 800/(/2, PACE 26 tANE . COUNTY.PLATRECORDS. THE NORTH IAARGIN Of D,'STREET WAS ESIABlISI-l EO BY HOLDING mE POSITION or THE fOIJNO 518' REBAR WITH A YEllOW PLASTIC 1.0. CAP SUl.lP[O 'SKINNE~ AND ASSOC. INC' PLACED ON THE NORTH'MARCIN or 0 STREET TO MARK THE SOUTHEAST CORNER Of PARCELl OF lAND P...RTlTION PLAT ND.1001-PIS45 ANDTHEUNE 'iS~m~~E~l:g~Efg 1HA~ lS\SAT!.I~f5C.~I:I~~E~O~~~E~~st~~ I~~~ rpoLuANgd;lt~ ~~~A~O~li~ ~ r.tARCIN OF 0 STREET TO MARK THE SOUTHWEST CORNER or PARCEL 2 Of LAND PARTITION' PLAT NO. 2002-PI5~5. A LINE PARALLEL W"'ND 50.0 fEET SOUTHERL YDf THE BASIS Of BEARING DEfiNES THE SOUTHt.4ARGIN or,o sTRH! AND THE NORIHBOUNOARY OF THE' 5UBJECTPROPERTY,THESUllJECTPRDPERTYISALOTANDBLOCKDESCRIPTION . ,CONvEYINGTHEwEST'S8fEETOfLOT2,BLOCK40F51MI.lONSADDITION.THESOUTH' BOUNDARY Of BlOCK'4 WAS ESTABliSHED BY HOLOINC TliE POSITION or THE rOUND IRON. 'PIPEIAARKINGTHE50UTHWESTCORNEROflOT9,BLOCK40FSAIDSII,lI.l0NSADOITION.,.' AND THE L1NE:ESTABlISHED BETWEEN THE lAST DESCRIBED MON1JMENT AND HIE rOtlND P.K.NAIL REPCRTED'TOBE ON THE NORTH LINE Of THE A.W.HAMMITT DLC. NO, 38INc.s.r. NO, J30SI. HIE WEST BOUNDARY Of BLOCK 4 WAS ESTABLISHED, BY HOLDING THE RECORD ANClE'PER C,ST, NO, 1lS951lETWEEN THE SOUTH BOUNDARY or BLOCK 4 ANO THE WEST BOUNDARY Of BLOCK 4 AS !.IEASUREDrROt.l THE AfOREI,IENTlONEDI,IDNUI.lENTS HELD TO DEFINE THE.SOUTH BOlJllOARY or BLOCK 4. THE WEST aOUNDARY or WAS THEN CLOSED' ONTO THE SOIJTH MARGIN or 0 STREET TO ESH.BLlSH THE NORTIIWEST.CORNER Of BLOCK - ',. _ ~H~~L~~~E~~fHI~R~~O~KR~V~E"REO~A~~EO~~Al/:;?oP~86TS~~~~~~l~IT:~N I,ITtAEs~k~~K. THAT EASTERLY. FROI.! THE WEST BOUNDARY or BLOCK 4 ALONG THE ~jQRTH AND SOUTH " -BOUNDARIES or THE BLOCK.. I HAVE FOLLOWED THIS SAt.lE METHODOLOGY T O.ESTABLlSH; .'THE WEST BOUNDARY Of lOT 2 BLOCK 4, B(lI{G TflE WEST BOUt/rJARY or TIlE SUBJECl .:,I'ROPERTY. AND THEN MEASURING EASTERLY THE RECORD WIDTH OF sa.o PEFlTI-lE DEED, or CONVEYANCE TO ESTABLlSH'THE E"'ST BOUNDARY Of THE SUBJECT.PROPEFHY. WITH i 'THE DTERIORBOUNDARY SO D[FINED THE PROPERlY VIAS THENPARTIIIONED AT THE QIRECTl~N> ~~ !!'~ OWNER AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PR~L~MI~~~.Y.,PlAN:'. . ,<, -., :\. .,,'0 l' ',. ~ . l~ ',.... r ,\.' ClTy"Of SPRIN..PliLD CAU NO. Sill 1~~'_~1035 ...saUSOR'S MAP No, 11.01.31.]., TAX LOT 'I.. , N.CT1~R "" o..",n JET ~~pC "'" Hr'5164P^"'" F~".: CO/IliNEHIAl.HYl^".I"C"" ,~' .. ,. AP~ROV ALS: CITY or .SPR,INCFIElO CAS.E NO SUB2006-00035 .CITY OF SPRINGfiELD DATE PLANNING DIRECTOR CITY Of SPRINGflELO SURVEYOR DATE lANE COUNTY ASSESSOR DATE .,-,' --1' i..,' .,'- " ~, ',' !' .-' POAGE ENGINEERING" SURVB)'Ir.!_G, l.I~C. f.O. tOX Ill' . KUGINJ. O"GO~ "..1 . 0,,/ nl-"~I /Ot ,.... U". O"N. n JAO/llun.<T.GCO, .PAn, ._~. ,', RECORDED LANE COUNTY SURVEYORS OHICR C.S. FILB N.... FILlNC OATB' r-- _______'- ____ __ ________.,._..:.L___ DUE; COUf':lTY CLERK BV._______________ ,- DECLARATION' . KNOW ALL !.IEN TH~T DEBORAH STROCHLlC IS HIE OWNER OF. THE HEREON DESCRIBED PROPERh. ANDSHt DOES CAUSE THESAI,IE lOBE PARTITIONED AND PLAfTED AS HEREON . SHOWN "'CCORDING 10 THE PROVISIONS or INE OREGON REVISED STATUTES. CHAPTER 92 . AND SHE DOES DEDICATE TO THE PUBLIC fOREVER THE 1.0 FODT PUBLIC UTI LITYEASEMEliT SHOWN HEREON AHtI SHE.DOESCREATE A PRIVATE 10.00 FOOl ACC(55 ~ND UTILITY EASEI,IENT BY A SEPARATE DOCUI.lENT ~EFERENCED HEREOH 'DtBORAHSTRDCHLlC ACt:;NOWlBDGEMHNT STAlE aF OREGON 1 '" COUNTYDrlANE I ON THIS -,---DAY or 2007 THERE APPEARED BE'FORE ME. A ImTARYPUBliC FOR THE STATE OF OREGON. COUNTY Of LANE THE HEREON NAMEO DEBORAH S I RDCHlIC AND K~JOWN TO !.IE OF! PROv ED. TO ME ON A SA TISr AC TORY BASIS TO BETHESAI>lEPER50N WHOOECUIEQ THE DECLARATION HEREON SHOWN ANO'ACKNOWLEDGED THE SAME' TO BEHER VOLUNTARY. ACT AHD DEED IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I HAVE HEREUNTO_ SET MY ~AND ANp AFFiXED l.IY SEAL " . ~. NOTARY PUBLlcrORORECON .I,IY CO~~ISSION EXPiRES: " REGISTERED I PROFESSION1.L LAND SURVEYOR 1 ..1:\10~.. ) .xiN"'1H.~N .... OMES ,.. ,'","""o.""...e"'200' .". PAGE 2 OF 2.-/. .