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Permit Electrical 2009-1-22
UI/~Vi~O !~~ ~~.~~ .'n... .............vv_ UHUiTll51'IlUT. SPiWlGnEl-D,OIl""'" 'I B~!4I)'lU-S7" ..",q54I)~ ELECTRICAL Pf.RftPT APP~ ,nON City lob NWIlb... ~()l"'() =:j "1 JOirt"",."" """"''''. '':'lli'.''~''''9rP'tiii.''',r..''''''''''''''''''I''. L .~'I.: , " ;vp:., '. i1il~:ii~ f!:,~D:;''ij=;) . r4t"5t'S. "k4.:m':tr~ \'~"".. Lf:rn~~D O\2d) JOB DEsOW'TlON: 1000 Sq. ft, or less '" 1\ -(I n~l" LJ,..1 "f Bleh u14i1ioDa1 '00 sq.l\. Ot' Q(...I '1)\ 'S . K. .' JUU. (f' ponlon 1I1l:reof ''''';Ila arc ...-trus!. . u4 ~ .rk is Each Mc\llllOl'4 HDmc or Dol otonocl wIlll'" 180 days.f b...."" 0' If "ork io Mo4u1or OYielling 5<n'ice ... SaIp""d04 ror J go da,.. ,..0.,' " ......."'iiJ ZON ~\)~-.- ~ ll'-1TL'Il.S \,/'n " -. '!'lATE J.,::-~c..-r"M_ _ SQl;\lCB 'K<'V\o"-- , ,- DelIl L ~!~~t~,.~;~:.~~,.~.~~.'",s~ :~~:(~~~ ':~,:';~)f ...~~~:J'~.:.l'... ~:;.;.,~. .,~'.~~J-",,:-'''*' _,'_J. .' _,_...lJ"~~,....\ lilCL'lriool Co!lftOlOf l.v NtJ's f. h.d t:t..- Co. r "ddrt.. ~(I)t A ell)' _,;.,\ \ Cutk ,.7rr: 7S't{' Pbooo (i'S'V-s"L"'4 I ~~~7 - $ S\Il>.rvi"" Ucense NWDber Expinsti.oDole lolt /1 0 , " COllSV, COllll'. Number _lot. '311. .'~..,n'..','~~:"~' '".'.\.r,..'ro'''''_''''''''''~'~''';~'~1''"..ll'''''"''.-~''''~~~'''.,.'_t'...'.il"'."-;:.:...,....~!,..""""""l':~ 3. :,:m;iWiWi ,: ,-:~,;'". -", ,. 'r.rr~'Ii'..lf.W "h!'t;;~}\jrut:f~j~,~~.~::\,~t~{~iJ[': .-'j~"~~~~' ^.......!6.~.w~..'..~;"'"'~.~'....-'=I."'.;..,~~ "l"..~;t....>':..;l~"a.-:I.!lii'g:.w.:;.. At ~~~~~i~;~~~~~~~~~~t~B~ t..~.~~.,!.,~~' ~k,.....'t~~:'::l.~"...'"""'._'"....~~..:.~......._.'" I..~.~ Scnlco laeJu40d 5117,00' $ 21.00 $55,00 B. ~lIjgjj~:t~,~;~~~,~~i~i.Wf~:~ '4 ", ~..;;&.~,'!W .'" ,.".Ii5-~~::::rJ~;:;..~.;~!ii~...~~l,...~..A~"<lI;'l..'U("." 200 ~ or I... 20 I AJIlpI to 400 .....ps 401 "-to 6OO.....p> 60 I AlII", to 1000 Amp> Ova 1000 ,b,mp,^,ollS Rcconllect OIlIy $ 70,00 $ 83 ,00 . $131.00 $110.00 $413,00 SIMO c. 9i~,~~~~~~::,h!~\ff~:?,i;!.0~ff;i\;~1:~~:.~:;:it:~wf:~rj;Hi~.t '. ........'" ..~ ~....~~.~,~_,,.,....,,....J:.,:.LI__Hl...~.~.,.,...t..:::.:.-,il!.~..,.j,12.~2.~,1."". LntaUado~ Al..,..rion or RdHAdo. 200 Alnp> Of Ies, 201 Al11'S 10 400 Amps 40 I Amp. to 600 Amps 5 H,oo 5 16,00 . $110.00 Expiration Del. I 0 I' 'I f /I , ~i4~~\~~,;:.~~"~:,~"~~y~".'""'r"''''''''...,,-; SipalUl'< of Supctllisioa E1octrici"" O. ,i:.. '. '.CQ Ih" :,;lli:;{C(:;,i~L\&of*j;~~',,;,;J!lj~!~Jifi)c&f'r~;!t:;~ -:!~~s~~~~~~~~ ~~.:qn:- ~ ~;~.."'~~~'~. Tho in.tallatlon i. b.ing modo on propcr1y I 'I>'ll ..hicb Limit04 EDot1lY/ColM)elCial S ~o.oo ill ....t intended Cor ........... ... rent MinimCllD 1\Iedric POtl!llll~ ,.. i. $5O.tO + Su...urzu 4. r:;;ij"'!'::;~...~'~-~f1i'i'!&i@:'.1i:~T,\Y'N";~;;q1,)~i.~; \ \ cP OWoe.tS SIgnaturo; ti~~~~~~~~~~i~i!.!'::ih,L.~i',t,llidJ~':d~,~:..~~:~:..t:i' - q. .. ...!- J?-/. SbIte Surcharge -'\.8'2.. "__ __.. . 10% Admini.stnlJlv. fee 5" T_olollY Fee ,.::q.l~.;:~':~. . 1...~1ion RoqUosti726-3769 . "CO; . I. ,~,mON: Oregon law requfres yaI ,iO\ follow rules adopted by the Oregon lIiIlIlr ' NotlfLdl. ,Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952 001. 0090, "'" may obtain copies of the ME S bJ caOlng the center. (Not&: the telepho 18 p ,number for the Oregon Utility NotiflC8lOll} ";c.; Center Is 1-80Q..332 '2344) , ,~"~ . ;:~~~ ~.;a, .'-'5 ro~ ~ ~S..'tdDrM:(T:)l9u.iWin8 ;crmllt:J.&lIical ~:T.'Iit .-'ppliIO&liQr. 'I.uf.doc NOTICE: Nft~/''': . THIS PERMIT SH ,'. ~UTHORIZED UN~~~ i~~RE/F THE WORK OMMENCEO ORIS ABA PERMIT IS NOT ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. NDONED FDA ': 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2009-00057 , COM2009-00057 COM2009-00057 COM2009-00057 Payments: Type of Payment CreditCard cRcccintl RECEIPT #: Description Add, Alter, Extend Circ Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add + 5% Tecltnology Fee + 12% Staie Surcharge Paid By, LYNN MOORE " ..... + \',-1\ ~ <.11 y'Ur SPRINGFIELD OEVELOPl1EHTAL.SVC. DEPT. 225 5TH STREET SPRltKiFIELD,.OR971177 (541) 72Gc3791 Phone{Or:der 1009 chant: 7004&68 22/09 i'Code: ;lERCARD &xixxxmes61M 12 Code: prCode:32109' tal: Invoice": CU5tOll\erCOPY THANK YOO c City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department 1200900000000000036 Date: 01/22/2009 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received kr 32109P Phone Payment Total: , L ,.., 12:2 Ii- , Page I of I 11:36:57AM Amount Due 55,00 6,00 3,05 7,32 $71.37 Amount Paid $71.37 $71.37 1/22/2009