HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Fire Department Referral 2007-8-21 " :..;....: i:-'>: I::" : I,'"",' ,L} ! ::-', I .,"... I',: I \) I' ", ! HHli~ I Start Time I I' I ' 'C' 1 End Time . I. i ;. '-< 1 Hrs: 1 I Minutes; I '. I I ~, A Ofll:W20D/1 R~GUlAR IN~PECTlDN'" ',I, ", I(~;j , 11s1 RelnSDectlDn . I I, ",' ?nd Reinspecllnn --', IS)5,00 I [, ',:, ,"; . " ' . , . ~~fs~;eR~rs:~ r~::e~::n~~ALI $60~r,:, !~,~ :, I System . Service Datli Service Contractor . , UnaD9tea: :j, i ",i" I:';. '-.: " 1 Alarm, .... ',' ; REINSPECTlil~ ~~VERlfY, COMPLlANCE/~O,',',RRECTION' I::.,~~,! ;,I,:::;~:~ 0'; Vliilly Kliy Works 0 Wltpr~~R~iNIE,~~N ~~f~O~{ ~('1rj:;e:('?,-fflF! h,~A,~ '--.' . ",' ..' , .Q<X'upancy C'ass <:1" <.:., EP7 /'~' d/rY1f" I' (',,';: ',::~c::~:~e~,::2s:~n~~h~~ /" '" ,. " 'ShinlStat:~n'~ 8.2 '~:te:?~/~;Ij)~,;:'~ (,>)1 VU)LATION.i:ODE~' I ,.: ',' , ,., lOCATION / COMMENTS (Seebacklor explanation) . , , ':"'fi~la;ioitAbat~d ;~m;~cted): I ie',>;) 1) # "", .~ee prel;lou:, I~spectlons 5/~OI07 81fl66 and 6/5107 81669 fOrJSSI;es p~Jtaini.ng to:, .... :oe:211200i I i),~~ . '" ~l'\rll"Ovl.~r~....n>o...._ ...,,+_""' .-"'...........f-..",...+I'..... .,....~ ...,,,1"'0<4'1 r-,..,.........'tt'" .' ,. ..~-- ,.;' ! ~ , ~.. --. ">>'-, "C'"""J'-- --^-- " II .. ?J".."'~~"":;;;ii':;~;h~~~i~;~;;Il~i~i,;~t~,~;::~;':i'~'2~6'~~J~~i;,~,~"i~:!~~:Rt~;ii2.... .,..,,,..,, If, rj . co~~ructionpf f\GW,l<tructuresin7Iuding OffiCils.lTlezzanine <lnd t1emi!;I~{! Wiill,i'Virl1?,llt :' I: R,M~e ~eRstFlle.leR "'eFml"" ?r ~ 'I"....' 't alOll".."el ffll~ .~ - ~. ~----'t' I" ~..'". , ~.' -----, " , , I -- - '" , " 01],~ '. '~~~:r:r:~ ~ .~,{~ .~ 111\~;)I,"\'~~',:~!',:~~:~i~' JRe'l' :::'U~ 1:'''I!.~:''''-I' ~:1~'~',~~~.~:_~~ c'f~_~r.=)":~'~:r~'.:: ~'.:":-"':\. 'I' ~ :,~'f:;.:~~ .. . - ~~~;,7;;n~tr~~t, ~~~;:, r:~"i~;~~ova: d~~O;;~h'~; ~tiji~~"a-b~i;~i~~',"~;tii;~~~;:'"'':''''' I II.. :.-} .. ",pre,r;-is~sor~ystem regul~ted,l:1ytl1is <:;Ode"orc::u:se. semelo be done..lnconflict:.vithor I .-:>,:~ ..', 1II.Ir.l~J~~IOII.~1 (t~tr 'o.H .!elll:;:,....::' "',I.7'-I~I:';;-"~~ t.LI~:~I..~.n;;:. ......~'_I.~~~, ? 11ll;:"'~.CHtI~~t:..Y!"li .CU~ :~"H.<~e'(II~t:-l "'..' II :... ,~ .:~:'~ a deml~.l."a waiiw.,,!; "meterl In Violation of the Orepcn Structur,,1 S~~Cia,t\I,C~<l,e ,,'I":./:~ 900,O"Provid,,' sprinklers tor'vffic~structIJh";md mezzanine or remove,structure;l'wh,ch '\I'~ II', ~"~"~ an..olistr,uctioii t" the l?xistihg spr.inkler systeni,tcr,the ,buHding, To rei11o~e'the ,-- 'I i :::",',:S "'''".I~LI V~~I~II.~; ~~n.~~I'.5),~E'~.!~I.~~!~!_1 t'~~ Hili IIVIII Uil;:'I.,....If,.'i.I.:'I..,:,~ilHfyl't;!i(,.((,)UUVHly- I <; I '" n"""rt~""f. , . .... , . ~ ' . . "IIlA'H~ I..,... 1"':1,: I".~ I . ,\., .. ..... 1:-,.,; 1-' ~ \.'-..j:: 1-:' -- II ".: I . .......~. II" ;: , I,' '-: , l'I1Rftl , . P:\,:,~ " II':' '" ~ . . ..: , ~ ..' The item(s) noted are in viDlatiDn 01 Ihe SpringlJeld Fi;e'CDde. This is an official notice of viDlaiiDns requiring correction, Failure to coinply i, ::,1 with these requirements may lead to legal action, The inspection is intended lor your salety and the safety 01 ihe clilzens of Sprin'glield,: . I,::'" "3 , YDur cooperatiDn is greatly appreciated, For more information concerning Ihls inspection call 726.2296, FD'48 Rev 6107 I '.- ,;,,~,.:: 'J; .... ,'. ,;,;" '. '..".. ., ~ ~ ::.;, >':'; :.J.. ~~t~] FERGUSON CO,. F,EJ, , OCCUPANCY . . INSPECTION Page 1 of 1 R , 720 35TH STREET if-All, e; ADDRESS'''','',.., 'Person Ct:i~i~~ted (Print) I da'k>~/] ,L . '. ,\ ~tl&ei;;.t8'f(stgn}~.i. \,a ~(A. ' Oc. Q J -- . __ " , ..?:Z6-9432' , , ' 'c-Busmess1'1Ilii1e1f , ' '.. ,', ' , , .. . ,l!1 . .. ME-TeO INVESTMENT REf.cTY, .INC' , Owner: 326 MAiN 8T ' " Manager: O. --SPRINGFIl:U) 01'1 9/477 383-H001 .. ,ComLDm ~iD) LjiCA " .. . t ~; 4\ .1..' . 'I"'" , , I' I I .1 .".":.' ilj