HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 2007-11-27 p, -4 / Itt; I 2/ LJJmo/)'Dl- Q083Y KOHLER. POWER SYSTEMS. Startup Notification Follow the startup checklist on the ~~Ck of this form; Then complete the fOnTI. This form is required for coverage under the Kohler limited warranty and must be completely filled out at the time of initial startup. Representativ~s of the distributor/dealer and owner must sign the notification for~. Signing this form ropresents acceptance of the unit' and that all Information on the startup form Is correct. Return a copy of the completed fOfm to the Kohler Co. within 60 days of the startup date. I! . I Startup Date mo II ",;:)7,,07 ...';..:;:<'..1()Wijj,t;;.lait!iW"ft:~ociiiiICln'... , ,. -.-- -.-."'. . " "I , ...,......Atilh~r1Z~ilK~I~f.R~P..esiih~aitYe.pa~"rtnir.g'st.l&ip,.....",.. Telephone TelepnCl'1e 5) 0 ;)0 '. PO"wf/ ProrL c f $ d7'b- 5 (11- ;);:}S I Comp~ny N-!IIT10 PM:.[,C I Ad""'''q()Q'7 <.- ~ !2f3hri'l-i-< ICi~ (' oiol/'f'j IS'"'" ()R I ZIP/PO"q; LI 0 8 ICo:",~ U~A I <;'-/1-- (" B(' I Company Name/OM'ler ()/I'YVILJ,'C I Add,m. 01 U" L~"i,. /I-I () I L ~ I s~ .,Jruf IGi~ St>f"", e, C,'t' /d Iswl"~K ~ . I ?JPJPCt:;:1 7 7 I I Co"'jX\ A I ! Round-trip miles from Ilearaslllulhorizod Kohler servicing dislribuloridealer 10 the pOWBf system equipment o Prime o Renl.' ~ Standby .traij~~~;~jfli~tF~~\:i.~~l~g~r~~~elii~~:'~19;n;ld@1;; ...... I ATS No, 2 ATS No.3 ATS No, 4 t:JI ).::;i&()7 IKJ17S/,()B I Spec No. It 5..<, - Dt!1T 4-l'ilti $)('6- rJMrA- 61lh<:1 I CDnt~ctor Serial ND.I - 771 } '7 ;;;. 1 I Model No, Kohler Representatlve's.Nama (pri~t) Zl1d:, 5f-,e~,rI.a/1 Kohler: Representative's Signa~ur"!,! and. Date " , I Seria/No. r Model No. , j Spec No. r o Industrial )if Residential/Commercial ,.. I . ".. ,. .... ...... ....,..,. .. - -- .- ._"B.' ..... ... ,. ----- ./ Serial No. S/J/,'/1 ",0 r: / J.,,/,'/c 0 , Prl, I' ,. " ., ,r '. ...........,.".G~i1erl!io~s~l.,;p~€r~I~~I~l!!ri~;;fat~'!r,fiji~"ilij~:.. ....,........ 1 '1 sPrY Sc./lB L Generator Set No.1 Engine. No.1 Engine No.2 '.1 I I Generator Set No.2 r ;}I 7(')./ ()~ 1 :.25' It 2j..,13 (,,11.:.?~~tT:..~~j~~:I61~'tm~I~~[~~~:jrt~:~'~:~Jitiiri~.~J~,~~,~~j.: o Mobilerrowable{Trailer-Mountsd ]I( Stationary ATS ~o. 1 Switchgear Owner Representative's Name (print} Jim Rp';vS';')A! Owner Representative's Signature and Date mo...J.L'.,..:u,..Q]~" /5 .vM, mol I "".;21 ",.J22 Form Distribution: Mail WHITE CDPY 10: ,'I . . Warranty Department, MS 072, Kohler CD.. Kohler, WI 53044 .jo,' ~. " PINK copy; Distributor YELLOW copy: Owner's Representative K-825 (1/07e) ..:.tJ~, ." ., nit! L.-( , I . ~ @ ::~;::~ DIESEL-ALLISON. - 'I. @ GENERATOR TEST DATA Anchorage X Coburg Fairbanks Hawaii Kent Medford Redmond Ridgefield Spokane . PAGE DATE: / ! - d)- () 7 SRO# 30F CUSTOMER: Ci)vC\Q:c '\,;f:.....,Lt(1 /I/ilco GENERATOR MbDEL:;):::-'R2 A c-, GENERATOR SERIALl,Df7,OI Dt=:; GENERATOR # ' ENGINE MODEL # ENGINE SERIAL # ) , {-,M 3, OL ~ P oL '3 (" Ii R , ' VOLTS, L-f&J 'AMPS ~37& HERTZ (iJ{) KW ;:),5 KVA J 7 P,F,' S. PHASE 3<'>. TIME 1 i " " , I I' I r " REMARKS: iA (\: {- CUSTOMER REP: P,D,DA REP: o_w! 1,)<./<(' I 1,')-:<'';0 1()-l.~S bL/OO !l)'-1i5 I be,''','' I. IOLII!51 It)SDOI ' I I I I I I I I I I II I I I 1 I I :;::0 ,3> I S6 I (!'1lJl L-fq;l 0'1 I "'i~() 3D /76 '2.,(> I, ~6 '<,6 I L6.3 i..{q I LiC, i i'lJ ).8 /76 I ~ (;, I ,i ~ 0 01'1 I LI'73 '<..,q,,2 I L.f00&0 I d {5 no I j'1 1:'30 I d'? I ~/ Cfc:;1 (-/1021 (/q! ('] 0 I ,,/8 I J ;f-' I 1 d 0 I i:3 /1 301 u'1sl (11/ I (I CfI ~() I 0/8 1 /701 I 30 1 :3(,) I .3 C> 1 (/!..~ 00.;2 1 ll<1/ i <:P() 1 ;;?f3 1 170 I L;;C, 1:~301 ;;If] /(6;21(/01 {/tio Gel ;'78 1/701 130 1:.30 I dl Il/qjl (,q/ (/'1/(;0 I dE:., I no 1 30 1'-3 ( 3(> 10031 (;'it l/q) 1 {JQ I;/f; 170 I . I i, I . II' I 1 ill I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I, I I I I I 1 I' I I I I I I" " " I!: () 1\ ~1.f) d (J,;lIP'/ ('v I( JOiJd: '-'(/1'4:--' ()O (}IO t: JI'rh5 TITLE: ' TITLE: 7/1e? -5.. I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1