HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Geo-Tech Report 2007-8-8 " 'Au., e, 2007' 4:04PM ~o, 1m P 3 " tom 'lroI- OCf/l/LJ ',' "'.;."~' . K &' A E"oin6cring, lnc, . 33'21 RoanQ~e Ave. fugane. 01197463 (5411684-9399 Vmca . (541! 6l!4.!!358 FAX a,~, engint'H,inq' Aullllm 8, 2l1G7 Project 135.07 Cot.lrot Cuslvm Homes 7BD N,W,Ymk Ik, Suire 204 Bend, OR 91701 SUb;ect ' foundation pad const'UctiOll ' Springlieid LOA? 20il7-00m r S21lGrayslonHp:,'$pringli6io. Oregon .. ,...... " ,. . , r;-.;it:;:""' L o''C . ,~.. -..-....-.....- 'I .', PUill'llSE AND SCOPE , As requ~slad, K & A Engineertng,l.'1C. has malle a geolBcl1nical evaltr.!~on of !he fouooativnsoils IlolpoiiW . '. - durtng ctinsfrucliun of a !,jundatkin pad ior 11m propcse<l !law single.family 11lSIdeoce to be ccnstructe.d at the ' subject project site, The pUfj)ose ofOVT evaiuallcn was to det~rmine tile suilMiiity of,lIle' site, ~or lt1e proposed 111l1'1 !Qunllaron arnllo make on-site re(:om~ations fvrfnuntlation pad construction, ' ,,'" . .~~. , , T~,{l scope 01 our saf\'fces included S!!Vilral site visits llurlngfoundation pad G~nstfUCtion, in-plaCll density tasfing 01 film, 'and Illis repurt.' fOUlIDilT111M PM Genlll1!l $lfa Cijf!ll!l!oo, The project silfJ is IDeated on an east-facing siope on 1M west siUe m the street. At tile IQcatkin 01 Ille loundation pad, the slOjlll grillllMlls approxima1e1y 2o.-~rn. Vegetilliun at tI1e loundaliQn area eM.Isls of !ghl g1<lS-S, Thare are no inmcaliur.s of slo.e Inoment, unOOCUfmmted mis, Of sigr,ifu;a~l S\lfface erosiotl. Genetal Sl.iMw1a~e Soil CllnllillllM , Ilased on Qur !JbSl;f1Illililn during IQundatIDn pad cOfl.inJllliun, soils afll'm sitll coosisl ot 210 ~ll1et at !lili<JlsMl!own p1~sti~ s~'t !l\I.r reddisMar. dewm,3cwi to Nghty w€atimad sandstone. N~ groundwater saeps we'll abserv8d loa depth of aPf/roximately 84eet inlhe cut Coollimlllhm , The twrn::aticn pad was wnSlr,JCtetl by culMQ ift-a llle hOlsllle 10 crnata a singkl,luvetll9l1ch, All plastic siits were remfl\led $-3 tMt ~ entire SUllg1ade lotated on undis!lJ1lled ~JldstOI1e, Cuts rnnge from a!lpfll)(ima1l1~1 . Heel /lJoo;J lhe east porJllJl1S Of tiW ~cavmiOn \l) Meef alOnlllhe ~esl oouMary <If IJ1e fllUnQ800npad, '" 4 A thin ill! (2 to 4.incIms) of wa!.gratWd cmslred aUiJlW81e was plaa~r. on the pmP~fllC sullgll!de" 0'" I{ ::,.,_...:.. ,. /:{<..( ,:.,"'.. ,~.,'. . , . .~ ~!. " /' ,';it i -~., . ':.. .' :(J Aug, B. 2007 4,04PM No, 1968 P 9 Ii 8. 1\ Enginufing, tnt. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Ganels! SMlIabilily The !oundilUon pad. a$ conslnmled, is suil~b!e to sUPpoi't me proposed 11t:'N Eil1llle.lamiJy residente suPPOrted hya col1'lenffonal cast.in-place com;,-ete spreM lr,olirog loUndafhn Ws lfl!:OOlillend acclIIl!;mel! lli lIi& Ioum!\\l!on pad,l!i $1lllSlnlcWU, by llt~ ((ll)lll b.i1lrll1g Oflltlal, fDunllalliln SuppilJ'l T'rm founaatiun pall. as prepaled, is suitllble (0 SUpjlOIT a com~ntiunal ':asHreplace cancrall! spread lO-311r.9 sysre.'li, Tna ffiCommeno aliowaeli> d5Sign allowat!l: Oeming prnssure is 2,OOll-poum15 per squal'll IDnt EIpailsive /lolls Tile decomposed III highly wea1h611l(J samlstlln~ hilS a ill.. p.;telltiallllr volUme chal1lle !IIM chilnges ill w1!ter cootorrr, We anticipate llrnl final graG.'IlQ 'IIill if1clu~ ;rt I~.as! 3 to a.leel of select tOO .rOlmo tho plllimerer l\1uodiltion. No further additional construction is reQuired to ilodrnss ellpa,1SiIJe soils, !lnllnag~ W. ,",,,,,....00 that a pelimeterftmting jrilin be inStalled around the all sides 01 the perimeter laUf1oa~on, The footing llrnin should cllI',sist of ~ 3.1;1.0 miOin1lJl1l diamffier pertorated rlrninplpe CovGfed wllh at i~ilst t2.!m;hlri oj dmln I1l1;K that Is il!Ml!opM in a sepa,!!Ition yuolexlile, SfECIR!:JlTlllNS frroMSlilllll)flli~ ,Perforated drainpipe Shouia cOOsist liQid AOS SOOt} Triple Wall. scl1edu!8 40 P\IC, or an eQtO\'alent rigi4 pipe. The perforatillns should be pi.coo dowr. 1M loumlawll drain@lJiJlU NOT be connecred III the foof drain unless lne Cilnnectiml is mede oownliill W. tM imm1aUDn lltmzlng a badd!aw prevenf..on dwiG~ tffil prohillits 10(\1 diailla~a fmm !lackino tip fino the tOi),~daijon drn'1 system, Grain !\oct Orain 10ak 500uJd consist of CIMri, durable, open-.nldad IllUI1d 01' r.!WI1~d slone. The rook shGuld be pial:ed owr and lall1'1 side 01 tha par!w.!ioo pipe lID lhal too pipe hilS a minimum ot12,jrn;hes of ewer, The drain ror-k should IJ~ covlffl1d I'M slIflarotion !)I'Al1e<.!iia Sllllara1l1ll! GalllaUle SaparilliOi1 gooleimle sll-:luld he platoo 00 the grade (<>1 fooling [ev~') pli(Jr b) {liacelTIllllt 01 U\a perlomt\Jd pipe 51) lhala1ter the p$.. js laid and drn;n mck plata, !he QOO~a car. Gomplet~ly wrap anliJllG It'llll1rain rocl\. Separawn gemeJlhle sha!! coosist of a poly}l{~er.e nao'WO\!ll;n nlJ9dlll-puI1C!~ fallrit thai is stallilize!l against dilwadillioo !>om ur"'a'<kJlat light e>q)(fSUI1l (SlJnllgt.f" . Too f<\lrtc soou!rl fiave a minlnfJl1l JlOS QI 70 (US ,*-rid. mave stz~), . lIMiTATlllNS Of THIS REPORT This royillt I1as boon prepared fur tha e~~!usive use at Calalyst CUSWo Homes and tts dll.o;lgn GOflSUltmts or sl;iJcc-olrarJors tor thasubjecl;JlDllOOOO slrucrure. . f'roj€ct 135.07 5211 GnlyslOO1l Lp" Splillgfiald, Orogon Gient C:Jtllyst Custom Homes Page 2 of 3 August 8, 2007 <'7~ A"~ l 2DOI 4,D4PM No, I%C p, 10 K & A Eall1DllCl'illg, tnc, This geolechnicaljnves~gation, analygis, .nd rewmmendatloflS meet tl1~ SlllIldan1s 01 care of tOITljlelellt geotechnical engineers proYidi~g slmn.r MNices at lhe lima !l1aSll serviCes wern prollldoo, We do not warrant or gli,\liIDtSll1h~e<;e r€cnmmandaoons, ~it" suTf~c<i, or subsurface CQ~dilions, The scope of our ~e"'ices Goes n<ll ioclude cO!1strucliorfsafelyprecaUliollS, wchniques, sequences, or prm;m1ures, ~apt as specifically ;~""'<<IIHtGH';edlrlthi5 ft;Jort Our $e.rvtt.-es should not tleir.re~te:d as an elWlronmer.'.a1 assessment of Sfie ~iJ!1dmoos, ' Thank yo~ for the oppornmilyto be oj Service, Please call1JS If ,you have Q\,o;.s1I0ns O[ oeetl fuMer ass~ce, Sincere!y, ",ifs.'O PROF.<i0 ?i- :.:n-i;. .;;v,s'/_, ,-?f 'Q (' ~ SJ . ~ ....~, \"\ ~.1.iil1 ;,.,/7 ~V' ',--r:~,!!~~~v ~/'f'i~L . , Mi~hail Remboldt, 1'.E. . K & A EfI{)inemifl{), 1m:. Project' 135,07 6211 tirnyslooe Lp" Springfield, Oregon CIen!: Catalyst Custom HOfTIlls Palje30fa August 8, 2001 /J~$;llnfomuition , ~vhS1~" .10 Build on ~.....mg. OM_l!il" ~ ,July 21,2000 'RElIlSED FEBRUARY 16, 2007' . Mr, Mark Vukanovich Sulltrll$t Land Compa.ny LLC ?SONV>' York Drive. Suire 204 Eland, Oregon 97701 Re: , Earthwork Summary Letter fur !ooNidual Building Lots Mountalngllte SubdlYislon - Phase 4 Lots 1 throuyh 129 Springlielrl, Oregon 97478 PSI Report No, 722-65013-10~ Dear Mr, Vukanovk'.I1:' ; f;' ,:" F ;-- I I I PSt Is pleased to submit 001 aarthlNork summary letter and geolechl'llcal requirements for Individua! building lots fur the Mountain;;. Subdivision Phase 4 ~ Lols 1 through j 2S in SptingiW!6. oregon. PSI has ba~m providing Qb'*lrvatio/1$ during construction of tr.-e building pads from Fabf\laI'Y 9. 2006 to prasent. 1'he earthwork was performed by Oakritlge Sand and Gr8VEI uriaerlhe dimc~on ,of lhllgenera! oontractor Eugene Sand and Gravel. Observations during our site visits were docume1l1ed !n cur daily field raports VJhleh ware typed and contained a site plan $howlng the areas the contractor was l'Iufkinllon those l'iIllYS, l'leli!'le reference thoseraports 722-'65013-1 through 722- 6S01:~ 102, Copies of ttlose faIlOlts were also pro1llti!!lO to Eugene &md and Gravel. OIlkfidge Sand and Gtall$l. City 01 Splinglleld, and The Favreau Group, Based on Ollr o!llJervations dlJrtng the time frame manliorwd alloll<!, #Ie earthwork was t'''';~'' ,ed in general at<:Ol'dan~ with the prtlject geo!eclmicsl report prepared by Soire and MWciates, Inc. dated April 5. 2004, CIty pf Sprlngiisld reqlllmmel'lt$, and spplit:able provisions ;;( the wITent International BuUdlng Coda, The se;;ondafy purpose of this Ieltat it;; to QUllinegeatectmical e. 'l,1;"",,,,ring inves!igatio111l- L'1a! should l:l(! completed for indlvid\.!al lots 1 through 129 plior to rasidential , oom.lnID!lon. To 00 cO~'lSis!$nt wM. Cri'1:ari1l established duling, conlStrut;tion for. Phasal> 1, 2, andl! by Soire Associates, 1m;, and KA Engll'lI!H!inng in Ill!ll~ dated F~.hl'ljary 1 a, 2000 lilfIO Mare/'! 28, WOO. Il\$pectlvely, we are recommending Level I and LeMll II !lel:l~hnir;gl inves13galicns be performed Ol'll-ots 1!hro\lg11129 tl$ follows: LeVl!! 1 Goomctlntcal !lMJstigatiol'l To be consls\lml with the previously stlbm1!t!d repu/1$, we recommend " level i gelllechnicai. ;';\II!!Stigliltion . be perfurrned for the residentla! bullding, lotS whlllre the 'lii.IDsurlace condilionli< are k,"l0Wl1 to coosiSt of competent $(lil or rock and l1a>re been observed by, PSI during grading opernlions permrmad by the earthwork COflb'llctor, Lots in the Molllltaingale Phase 4 arel11lhat fall 111m Ihis &ategory i;lra 7 through 23, 29 through :\4, 40 through I) f , end 74 itlrough 1111, .. ~~"tn~S{m<ir$~R>"~, inc." fOf.:)'ASIlOO.;y~'tre81" SD-rl~~.O.~g?-ifll"~f3M~ln'~'$l",~);~1f]4!).nfiJ Earthwor~ Summary Lalter for Individual lots Mou.r.ain Gele SulxlivisiOl'! ,.. Phase 4~o!$ '-. through 129 Springfield. Oregon 722.65013 , ?age .2 in general. the iots in Lelle! 1 should not require e:ctemsiVegrnd!ng operatiollS to construct the single family residences, A!:Gllrdlngly. a 101 specific geoteohnical ii'westigation is not expected for .foundation design priOr to construction of the Level 1 resioonlja! huildings, ' We recommend thai a gelllfichnlcai engineer or ,,,,,'MO' .tative observe these IOIs during excavation to verify that the above listed condltions ha1li! been salisfietl and the slIbgrads conditions are suitable far construction. .1\5 a minimum the geotechnical engineer should provlde: i. Verify lhal site worn dOM not adversely jm~mct adjacent lots, utililles. and slrae1 improvements, 2, An examlnatlon of ali \lcitJndetion axcaYlltions during constructlon to verify design l)ntsril2l11ilsumptions anel to provide recommendiltions. if ne~sary. 3. Note allY sPeciSl.unexpacted. or latent col1ditiol'1S that would require a le>M !l ilWestigallnn, "F~ph removed regarding' prooffofled l(lts. The surfacg soils witl be add1'essed during the L<!;va/1 G.~.J....I,llica! Investigations. * As mentiOned Iii ow previOusly subrn!tteG reports, Lois 117 through 99 haw been capped Wi'J1 matll,'ml that is pQlentiafiy ~ll!l"ive basad on laboratory 10$1$. This malerie! s!lt,uld be rernowd prior 10 resk!!!!1#al con51wClion, Lwei:! GII1>~l1nil:all?'lVelitigatlan We sugge$t a Leve! IlIl'l1Iesligallon be completed on all ather TelTl&irling iots in Phase 4 whltre n6 grading operations Il-ave yet been performed and lhe lots are currently in their natural state, Some at mesa lotl;mllY be steep. ,the sW$urfaC6 conrlilions \lI1knawn. alld slructurallills and/or retaining walls may be flSeded. We reoommentllotl; l' through 6. 24 ihrou9h 28. 35 through $, 62 through n, end 102 t>....rough 129 00 included within . the le\l8i If cat<.!gmy, ' In ~rl!ll, iI1& lots ill Le>roJ 1 mayraqWl1l! axWllsive esrl!wrorK or grmlirlg Qparations to c,onslroct !he singie famlly residences. ,For leis Wlthill fua Uwel II "";">8"./, WI'! ...w...,..""d a 'sil~e 'geotechnical in\ll!lstiga!lon be completlld poor to .hOme site davalopment. Within these areas, partlmllar atWrtiQll slmuld he given to: unstable ground. soWwet soil conditions, e;q,wnsiw $0112, drainags, ClJis,'flIIs. and retaining walls, The follo\'liog 'lams are mJggesred as rrJl1imum requlremenlll for,~ geoteChn\calinvastlgation reports, EarthWork Summary Letter fOf Individual Lots , Mountain Gate Subdivision - Phase 4 Lots 1 through 129 Springfield, Oregon 722-65013 Page 3 1. Subsurface explorations using either exploratory test pi'.s andler soil borings io detertrJine fouodation.condftions, 2, Laooratpry analysis of the soils to include at least moisture oonter,t and dry dem;ity, gradation, and Al1el'barg L\mhs tests, Testing may also inolude ExpaO$ionlndex if the soil Is potel'lliallyexpanslve based on vislJal analysis. 3. A wJittan report prepareo by a quallflP"d gectechfliool enginser that summarizes the site condmons. presents the laboratory test results, and addresses the reoommendaoons for cutslfins. foundatlons. drainage. retaining walls, and clher items tilat lllay be necessarY to the de""lopment of the proposed !"!!Sidenoe. Similar to Level 1 lots, we recommand tilat a geoIeclmical engineer or representatillG obServe these lOts dunflg excavation to wfify that the a!:love listed oonditians ha,~ been sailsfied and the 8I.lbgrada COnditions afe S\J!tatlle for OOllsll'Uc:tiotl, As a minimum tn!l! geotechnicalllnglneer should 'provide: 1. Ve1ify ll1at site wor'~ lloos not adversely ImpaGt al1jar;:enl lots, JJtilitles, IInd Gtreet improvements. 2, ,A..'l examihalion !:Ifan foundation excalmtions during ""..,~..Il;tjOO to writy design criteria assumptions aM to provide recommendations, if necessary, 3, Note any special. uooxpeCled, Of latent rondiIJons that woUld require a lallel Ii InllSsllgafion. It Is l'lWommended that PSI be retained to examioo and identify soil exposures created dtllirig projeCt excavations 10 verify that soi conditions are as lin'llicillated. We further feCllffimsno that sti'JClural !iUs, if any, be continuOuslY obsaNed and tested by our repressnlstive 10 evalUate the llmmughness and uniformity of comjl8ction. Samples of fill matertsls should be suhmilJOO to 0\.'1' lalmratOl)' for evaluation prior to pb..., """t of fills on site, This report is for tl\e excliJ$!IIe use of the addressee and lheir reprilssnlaliYl!i to design !he ..' "...."lld struCl.um lleS!:/'l'bed harein and to prepare COi'lslruction documents, The data. lina!ysllS, and recommendations may notlle appropriate fur other slructur;;;s or pUl'pQses, We recommend tr,at partias contemplating orner struclt1res or purposes oont:act us, In lile 8bllenca of, our written appro~'3i, we make no rsprnsematton and lissome no feSllooslbiUty to other parties regarding ihis report, The .;.,...,,,,,,er,datlons contained in this report are based i:m the available subsUli'ace lrlfoTIll<llioo obtained by PSI. and design det:aHs furnished for the proposed project if there am any re\<i$ioO$,to the plans ror this project, or 1f deviations from Ihe subsuliece oondilloris !1<lted in this repoo are ern:cuntared during oonstr>lctlon. PSI should be. notified Immedlelaly to determine if changes in the foundation I9lXlmmandalions are required. if PSi is nol rellllrnild to perform \!'lese fUnctions, PSI 'o\1'l1! not 00 responsible ror ' tM Impact of those oondilionl! on the lllVject Earthwork Summary LImer ftlr Indlvillual Lots Mounlain GaW Subdillislon - Phase 4 LoIS 1 throogh 129 Sprtoglleld. Oregoo . 722..6501 S Page 4 , Services pelformed by ttw geotechnical engineer' for this project Mill'! been rontlucted with lhat level of <:am ..nd skill ordinarily exarcissd by members of IIle profes.9iOl1 currently practicingi" this area. No wan-an1y, expressed or lmp~ed. 15 made, R~,",""';':;)lly Submitled, Professlomrlif &!Nice ;"dm;1ries, 1m::. " ~o~ Raymond V. Ailpern P"'jec! Manager Charles R. lane, P.E. seniorGb~w"i;.......1 Engineer RVA:f\/1l c: Eugene Sand and C...-avel Oakridg$ Sand and:Gl'evaf' The Favreau Gl:oliP Ciiy of Spnriftekl Attachment Table <" Leve! 1 an;llevel :1 LOW lP~~' lriformation ~""fI .To Build On .~Adt..e_'Ol~tl~ Mountaingate Subdivision Phase IV Table of Level 1 and 2 Lots P':~T~ ~.'~':...,=:'.:=.=,!~"r,'.'."f'. """'l.E\ll!Cii '~ ,~ .......-. I ;2 ~ 1 I :\ " I 4 ~ I j Ii . i -; I 6 'i .1 I 7 " I 8 " j I I< " i I 10 'I ! 11 " I 12 ., I I 13 , ,j , 14 .J I. I 15 .; ..J l 1 16 I V,_ I 17 'i ! 18 I ., i 1il ;f i 20 , .. I 21 r " \ t :a ;f j 23 " j 24 -; J 25 ~ 25 ..J i 27 '<I ! 2ll ., ! I 29 ..J h3\l I -oJ i. " ,- I . 31 ! " j , I j I 32 .. ! 33 " 134 -J I 35 .. 1 I 36 " I I 37 '/ 1 i ,~ " I 3ll j 39 ..J 43 .. I 41 oj 1 42 ..) I I 43 ..J ! ! 44 .:j ,1 I 45 ,) 1 46 ~ Moulairrgae SubdMSloh Pl1as$ !VYsble of Level' and LeII..,121.1ll>i Pr,)~~ 5-ftr\~ ~trles. tfl:c?... 'S-MO-A ~m1~ S~el" St>>t~~. C-~ 'ntQ1... Ph':lM54ltflt:&-OO~" Fo\x~..l,1fM6..nea Page 1 (jliw.e:mfl' . JnformaJion iIfJtD<iiiJiilB . . . !i!l~_ .1bBuild On ~wfng'~'~ Mountaingate Subdivision Phase IV Table of Level 1 and 2 Lots F~~?,!,I!'" :.,:r:.... :'r.EVj~~......:+...~..' ~Ii!~~n'] 47 4t! " I 49 " 50 .. 51 >i I 52 " 53 ~ i i 54 " I I 65 .) I 56 . I 57 " I 56 " I 59 'i, \ 60 " i f 61 . 1 62 tI 63 'i i I fl4 -v , I 65 ,J ,j I ~ '1/ I ~ I 68 >i I i e9 'I I 70 " I I -11 ... 1 H2 '<l 73 - ! "I ; 74 'i ~ .. I 71> .,; I 71 -, 78 ..J 79 ~, BO .~ 81 V il2 oj 83 ..J ............. I 84 .J I ,I S5 ,) I I 811 l 'i I B7 ..} 1 I lifl. ..J' i 89 I 1 v' 90 " I 91 -I I 92 " M<>Utliingat!> S\Jl:dM!!ltm Phs... IV .abla of L1i..,,11 and Level 2 l.OlS - ~'.."...",.41 g.,.4\>le0:mdcmt'~. tnc. ~ l<>>l:i-A $Iw~~ st~. $p~1:'1. DR 91417"" ~~34.l:Jf~a,~~9"'~'1r1iS."Hi3 .,.2 IP$t'llnfolmLl1ion ~SI1b)Juild On ~$::p>>Uft.,.....;;,v,* lll.~.mllUtlJng... ~ Mountalngate Subdivision Phase IV Tabla of Level 1 and 2 Lots, [t!VEl.1" " ""'I..EVEI.:f~"~i f,:n 194' 95 96 97 96 91; 100 1l)1 102 103 104 i05 1GB 107 "103 'os 110 ! 1 1-- , I 111 112 113 114 115 I. 11e t 117 j . 11& 1~9 -';20 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 "Ii --i ~ --i -I "Ii. 'i -.I 'i ,.__"_"_'n~"".""""_".' -I -I i 1 I 1 '4 .1 oJ '-.J -./ - ., " I <i < --J j 'i j 'I! '\f 1 .. I -J I -.j 1 -J ! , --i I "Ii I 'J ~ oJ -J I ..J I .'<1 I -J I 'i -f' -I I '\i '-1 -{ .J J , -;~ \......, , <r ~ - ,,~. ..~:, " , ,~:, ';. J;" [r..... Mout.airlgate SulldMsioo Ph8);ElIV Tw", of lll>"'" 1 "~l"",,,12 Lott' Prof@:t:t'~'lA 5SMoo ~d!i$tl'~R 1:<\t:."1U<EG-A $~w S1~~" ~~. OR 'l.lro$n-..~ $.-tt/Ua..~l<'~,,'l: 5'ilr-1e--?H~~ P;!jm a . "