HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2008-4-2 '! APR-2-2008 03'29P FROM'HILL&DALE I. i ; ~.~ ! "\J. .~i ! ,: i' i 'i. ., i i I' :1 'j';'.: "', ",','. ..,~. . iJ:. :':';;,j' , 5418'869205 TO: 6877038 P.2 Cnmzy3)~- CD 2ft I ....;.::! ! HILL& DALE ENbNEERING. LLC 1850 OAK STREET SUITE C EUGENE. OR'EGON 97401 541-86:3-0667 FAX:54H396-9205 .~ Apri I 2. 2008 .,. ...t ':. . Kast Construction . '." -.' ~. . : "2860Martinique Eugene, Oregon 97405 -lIc.:\ RE:f!~& 828 S 31" Place. Sorinefield - Site inspe(.tion and compaction report - Job #123-08 . I As you requestcd, a site investigation was performcd 'on February 28, 2008. Thc sites contain imported fill material which consists of clay 1011111 soils ofllllkriown origin and bar rull gravels. The sites were excavatedthru this material to suitable bearing strata,lwhieh is a silty/clay loam with a United Soil ClassiticiIiioll,of ML-CL. After the sites were excavaled to suitable bearing material, imported crushed rock was installed and compacted. Thc maximum de~th of the crushed rock is 18 inches. I On March 5, 2008, a compaction inspection was performed. The compaction ofthe gravcl surface is . greater 95% 0 f a standard proctor and a bearing capad;ity of 1500 psf can bc used in the design of the foundation. As with any imported fill material, being in situ or crushed rqck, there is a IJotential for settlement. The maximum settlement that can be antipipated of these sites is Yo" to 'I.", which will not affect the structural iritcgrity of the prcpared pad or pr'Oposed structurc. I . ! i Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Services performed by the gcoteehnical engineer for this project have been conducted with that level of caic and skill ordinarily exercised by mcmbcrs of the profession currcntly practicing in. this area under similar budget and time restraints and with the . equipment provided for this site evaluation. No wam!nty, expressed or implied, is made. If you have questions rcgarding this report, contact me at 868-0667. Sincc)'c1y. Pamcla S. Hillstrom, P.E., G.E. Owner/Manager Hill & Dale Engineering LLC