HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Fire Department Referral 2008-4-15 OCCUPANCY GOODWILL.lNDUSTRIES AODRESS 1820 PIONEER PARKWAY WEST INSPECTI.ON / Page 1- of.l . ClJM~~ 0),&0" Person Contacted (Print) , Received By (Sign) , .' .' . I H I Start Time I , I End Time,j I Hrs: I I Minutes: I A:.04/.15/200el REGULAR INSPECTION ' "Ilst Reinsoection . I 2nd ReinspmjJ> 1 . .' $25:00 I REFERRED TO HRE MARSHAL $60Ihr. /, I I Outside Vlsuallnspeclion . I I o I I I I Business PMne #: ',: . Owner: 1!1 BRET FOX/JOHN FOX PROPERTIESISKYVIEW, LLC . 515 W p'ICKETT CIRCLE, SUITE.400 .SAL T LAKE CITY, UT 84117 (801)596-7711 X27 Manager:, 0 I System IAlarm I Sprinkler Knox'Box 0 Verily Key Works 0 Extinguisher Inside Residential Unit 0 '... Service Date Service Contractor '. REINSPECTION TO VERIFY COMPLIANCE/CORRECTION WILL BE DONE ON OR ABOUl IBC . . B Date Pre-'03 OSSC Inspectors: Gordon . VIOLATION CODE .' ..' Shin / Station . LOCATION / COMMENTS (See back for explanation) Date: . Violation Abated (corrected) ., , ~I'nal ~,-- I__u_.'~_ 'rb 006M2881' "lft6S "~~"e'\'t:~ \_.. 6" .r S' , .~ IJ ......J. . . ...... .........-.....-............ . V' _ . .~. . Ii: --''''1 '''I-'oJ. ....'.,.::iIII.~. -o..l"",. .III~ Inspector Robert Castille. . . ~)' #t . l' I. . , ..' . . 1 1 . I' . 1 ' '. '" " I;' .. , , 1 ,.1 . .1 I 1 I . . .' .. The item(s) noted are in violation of the Springfield Fire Code. This is an o"icial notice of violations requiring correction: Failure to coniply' with these requirements may lead to legal action. The inspection'is intendedfor your safety and the safety of the citizens of Springfield. Your cooperation is greatly apprecia\ed. For more information concerning this inspection call 726.2296. . FD-48 Rev 6/07 ," , This'is a summary reference 01 lire code violations/For a complete'reference ci the tire:code. ' acopyo! the 2007 Springfiel~Fire Code, can be f~und,~\ t~.e ~pringli.eldPub-'ic Library. ' ELECTRICAL . "', A-l ':605:5 . Discontiniie use 01 extension"cord/flexible cords as permanent wiring. . A-2 605:6 Approved covers shall be provided.for all switch and outlet boxes.,Dpen junction boxes and open.wiring splices are prohibite J. A-3 .605.3 I A clear space 0130" width, 36" depth, and 78" height shall be provided in front 01 electrical service panels. .r. A,4 ,60S.1 Electrical wiring, devices, appliances shall not be used if modified or damaged and constitutes an electrical shock or fire hazard. A.S .,~;05.4;., " ~~~~ntin~eu~e ~~rnulti'PIU9 ~~ap~er, un,fused plug st;,i~s~r a~~.~~he:..de~~~e,~oJ CO~PIYing w~t~ICC E!~ctrical.9~de,rc;l B,11008.1.8.4 Manually,operateollush bolts or surface.boltsare not permitted. UnlocK all:exit do'o'rsduring"businesshours. 'B-2 . 315,2.2., ,Conibustible materials shall:not be stored in exits or exit enclosures." ..,: -.,,:' .'c. . B-3 1028.3 A means 01 egress shall be free from obstructions that would prevent its use. including accumulationol'snow and ice. B-4 1028.5 Furnishings. decorations or other objects shall not be placed as to obstruct exits. access. egress, or visibility. I:' EXIT LIGHTING"" . ..... ",.... . :. . . '...... C-J: '1027:3 .c, Exit signs shall be internally or externally illuminated. C-2" . 1006.1 . Means of egress incluoing:exit discharge shall be illuminated at all times when building is.occupied. .~.,. '. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS . 0-1 ;906.3 Minimum extinguisher size is 2A-1 OBC for.a commercial occupancy having ordinary combustibles: Maximum travel distance of 7~ ft 0-2' '906.9 Extinguishers <401bs will be installedw/handle not more than 5' above Iloor. >401bs will be installed notmore than 3.5' above f oar. 0-3 906:6 Post signs to indicate location 01 lire extinguishers where visual obstruction can't be completely avoided. 0-4 906.2 Extinguishers shall be maintained annually by a certified technician in accordance with 2007 NFPA.10. '..; D-S906.6 Extinguishers' shall-not be physicaily obstructed. .' 0-6,. 906.7:. Extinguishers'not housed.in cabinets shall.be.installed on hangers or brackets provided by manufacturer. FIRE PROTECTlON/ SUPPRESSION AND NOTIFICATION SYSTEMS" ,. . E,l', 'SOB.S.4. I ,Maintain access to FPS. Materials, objects or-growth:shall'notblock:hydrants, FOC or protection system control valves. ; E-2 107.4 "FPS shail ribtbe made inoperative or inaccessible except as needed during;emergencies; maintenance: repairs, alterations or o rills'. E-3. .904.11.6.4 Provide semi,annual hood suppression system service report in accordance wiSpringlield Fire Code & NFPA t7A E-4' 904.11.6.3 Hoods'shall be cleaned at intervals necessary to prevent accumulation 01 grease. Records shall state eXtent, time, date clea led. E-S 901.6.1 Provide'annual fir{alarm system service report in accordance.wiih Springlield F.ireCode i\'NFPA>72 ' '. ':. E-6 901.6.1 Provide annual sprinkler system service report in accordance with Spril;gfield Fire Code &NFPA '25 E-7' 107.4 Pull stations not accessible, blocked:. E-B 503.4 Provide access to.lire lanes.. Fire apparatus access roads shall not be obstructed In any manner, including the parking 01 venlcles. E.9 S06.2 Maintain updated keys in Knox boxes. Owner/Occupant will provide a new building access key when a lock'is changed or'rekeved. E-l0 NFPA 13 Maintain escutcheons on sprinkler heads '.' ~"'. ,. .,. ,. ..;,.. .,., FIRESEPARATIONS I Fire doors, smoke barrier doors shall not be blocked, obstructed or made inoperable. Fire door assemblies shall not be mtdified. . Fire rated'construction shaft be'maintained. Repairs to openings shall be made with approved'materiaL . .. .:. : .'. Trapdoors and scuttle covers shall be closed alarrtimes'exceptwhen<in'use. . . .'.... :1 Automatic doo'r closers. where brovided;shallbe maintained.:" '1 Holes in ceilings w/sprinkiers shall be repaired., FLAMMABLE/COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS AND COMPRESSED GAS'. I G.l 3404:3.4.4 Flammable Iiguids >1O'gal shall be'in approved listed Ilammable liguid locker. <10 gal are allowed only in approved contai lers. RFM-Class 1'( ex: gasoline).>5 gal inside bldg,>10.gal outside: Class II (diesell,& IliA >25 gal inside >60 gal outside 'RFM ,Compressed Gas, Flammable >200 cu It., Oxidizing.>504 cu It. :.exception: vehicles using compressed gas for lueL Warning signs required lor storing-or using flammabliillQuids. "NO SMOKING" sipns s'hall be reguired. Storage of flammable/combustible liquids shall nolbe stored-near orallowed to obstrucfthe.route 01 egress. Compressed gas containers and tanks shall be secured to prevent lalling caused by contact, vibration or seismic activity. STORAGE Co'mbustible materials in buildings shilll be orderly. Storage shall be separated lrom heating 'devices bv distance or shield ng. Combustible material shall not be stored in boiler rooms. mechanical rooms or electrical eguipment rooms. I Storage shall be 2' below ceiling lor.nonsprinklered areas. Sprinkler clearance.shall be 18" below'sprinkler head deflectOr>. MISCELLANEOUS Material su'sceplible'to spontan'eous ignilion shall be siored in listed'container:Contents sh'<iilbe removed and disposed I f dally. . Provide address numbers that are plainly legible and visible Irom street or road.lronting the properlY., : Weeds. grass, brush, other combustible materials shall be kept a minimum 0110'from LP-gas containers, Waste containers.;,40 gallons shall be provided withiids. Containers shall beconstructed'ofnon-combustible or approved IT ,terials. No'chan'oeof use or occupancv shall occufwithout being made to complv with' the Building'andlire Codes' I I OTHER... . . I IFe F-l F-2 F.:3. F-4 F-S .703.2 703.1 S07.1." . 703.2.2 107.1 I I I I G,2 10S.6.16. I G.3 110S.6.8 I G-4 I 3403:5 I G'S3404.3:3.3 G-6. 3003'5.3 1'1 ' 31S.2 c 1'2 I 31S.2.3 IC3. 31S.2.1 I I I I I J-4 I'J.s I K J.l J-2. J.3 304.3.1 SOS.1 3807.3 304.3.2 102.3 . I . .'.