HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2007-10-18 'ZjgD 0 J t1' JET STREAM:.... ~ ~ ..rf'.. FIBER GLASS BLOWING INSULATION ~ BATTS AND BLANKETS C, -i1/ T~:AL PERFORMANCE (ATTIC APPLICATION) When installed in accordance with the man. The stated thermal resistance (R-value) is provided by installing in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. the ufacturer's ~ ..._. ~ldations, Knauf batts required number of bags per 1.000 sq. ft. of net area, at not less than the labeled minimum thickness. Failure to install and blankets will provide the full R-value. both the required number of bags and alleasl the minimum thickness will result in lower insulation R-value. [ _.. -. MI1IIMUM ' ] INITIAl MINIMUM ,R-V4UIC.. _ _ _THI~ __ MAXIMUM MI1IIMUM tllSTAUEO SETTlfO To obtain an Installed insulation <-R'.VjLUE* BAGSI1.~.Sf.. COVERA&I WEIGHT_ ~Es.t T.!!!.C!!IESS.. Insulation should not be To Dbtlll" Till number 01 bags! Contents Of tllll U; Till welgllfJ1f Installed Insutation Installed Insulation (R-Value) at: less than: insulafion nrststancl 1,000 Sf or net.o lIlould not CO", of InstalletllllS4flalloll should lOt be sllould lot be R.38HD 10.25" I IR-::~elol; '1I0Uldll~lr.:esstlllff; m;~~;~;; 1Il0Uld.4l2b~ran; I~.:.n; 1~.~II;"n: R-38 1200" I R-49 25.3 39.5 SF 760 LBS 16 SO' 16 SO' R-30HD 8.25" I R-44 22.1 45.3 SF 663 LBS 14.75' 14.75" R-30 10.00' I R-38 19.0 52.7 SF 569 LBS 1300' 13 00' R-26 900' I R-3O 144 69.7 SF 431 LBS 10.25" 10.25' R-22 6 SO' I R-26 12.4 1IQ.9 SF 371 LBS 9.00' 9.00' R-21HD S.SO' I R-22 10.4 95.8 SF .313 LBS 7.75' 7.75' R-19 625"" I R-19 8.9 111.8 SF 268LBS 6.75' 675' R-15HD 3.SO" I R-13 6.1 164.3 SF .183LBS 475' 4.75' R-13 3.SO" I R-11 51 197.6 SF .152LBS 4.00" 400" R-11 3,50- Bag Net Welght-Nooun_ 30 Ibs" Millimum 291bs R-8 2.SO" Coverage and inslallabon data were determined USing a VoIu-MatlC" It blowing machine In third gear With 13- gate opening, 2.0 psi air pressure and ISO' or J'lntemafly-corrugatedhOSe. This product confOlTI\S to the . ., requirements of ASTM C 764, Type 1. and ca~led Federal $pea!icatlQl'1 HH-'-10JOB. Type I. Class B R-valuesaredetermine<linaccordanceWlthC687andC518 . 'R' means resistance to neat flow lhe higher Itle R.value. the greater the Insulallng power To get the marked R.value. It is essenliallhalthls InsulallQl'1 be installed properly If you do It yourself, get instrucllons and follow them carefully InS\n.ICllOns do not come wrth this package .. I testing shows al'el"age seltllf'lQ for thiS type ofinsulalion is O.07~1- Q,OJIIlChes. affecbng!he R-value by less lI1an one half of one percent, whICh IS ItlermaRy ins.gmfican! VoIo.Malic'lIisaregisleredtrademarllofUniSul ~ "R.tS," 11 55' caVIty. Conforms IoASTM C 665 and FederaI5peoflcallOr1HH-I-521F EQUIPMENT REQUIRED To achieve labeled R-value, this product must be applied with a pneumatic blowing machine and a corrugated hose with a minimum .25- internal corrugation, a mini. mum length of 150 ft. and a diameter of at least 3~ Coils in the hose should not be less than 36~ in diameter. Acceptable material feed rate is 5.35 Ibs.lminute. R; J. ,..;.. feed rate is 15.25Ibs.lminute. BUILDER'S INSULATION STATEMENT Batts and/or blankets have been installed in con:.....G. ,~~ with the above recom- mendations to provide a thermal resistance of. . R.VAlUE THICKNESS Attic Area R- at Inches Sloped Ceilings R- at Inches Walls R- at Inches Floors (over an unheated crawl space) R- al Inches Crawl Space Perimeter R- at Inches Date Installed - dl-/ ;Y-()7 - Blown insulation has been installed in "",. ,;V. ,,'O....ce with the above . ~..~......~7...'.~".;. to provide an R-value of: R. :i,Y using 'Z bags of thiS insulation to cover square feet of area at a minimum lhickn~ of inches. - /~ ---(.J./ '- ""1/ InsulabonJI t/. /. .!) ~ I .-76"",,, Cc~r-r Company /O-/6-d71 Oale I HomeBUlk:let(Slgnature) I Cooooo, Oale -- ATTIC CARD FRAMING ADJUSTMENT To compensate for framing members. the number of bags per 1,000 sq. ft. of area to be insulated should be as shown below. 1 limY iAGSlMsf BACSlMSF R;lIAlUE T- DIIIEM\O;:' 16".O,C",LIIAM!fIG__ ..z!iJl-qR.\!llllG 2x4 31.2 31.3 2,6 308 31.1 2,B 30.5 3O.B 2x4 24.8 249 2x6 24.4 24.7 2x8 24,1 24,5 2x4 21.5 21.7 2,6 21.2 215 2x8 20.9 21.2 2x4 18.4 18.6 2x6 18.1 18.4 2x8 17.8 18.2 2x4 13.8 14,0 M lU ill 2,8 13.3 13.6 2x4 11.9 12.0 2x6 11.6 11.8 2x8 11.3 11.6 2x4 9.9 10.1 2x6 9.7 9.9 2x8 9.4 9.7 2,4 B.S 8.6 2x6 8.2 8,4 2,8 7.9 82 2x4 5,6 5,8 2x6 5.4 56 2x8 5.1 54 2x4 4,6 4.7 2x6 4.3 4.5 2x8 4.1 4.3 R-60 R-49 R-44 R-38 R-3O R-26 R-22 R-19 R-13 R-11 kRAUI BW-AC-14 NOV 2005 UAUF INSULATION GmbH One Knauf Drive. Shelbyville. IN 46176 (800) 825-4434 ex!, 8300 FAX (317) 398-3675 wwwKnaufUSA.oom Cl2005 Knauf Insulation GmbH