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Mountaingate Subdivision
I Site Investigation Questionnaire for Consulting Design Professi.onals
SITE ADDRESS ?'/~-; ~~ L.p; CITY JOB# L.-tJflP ''2607-OcJl''12-.'
1 .
Foundation re~JUirements . new structures on residential lots
This form may be used as a verification to allow construction to continue on the job
site until the :stamped 'AFFIOA VIT For Site Investil!ation Ouestionnaire' is
submitted to the City. This form must be completed by a licensed design
professiol)al (engineer or architect) or hislher authorized representative, and
submitted to the building inspector prior to ~equesting City inspections or placing
foundation concret~. It is important that all questions be answered completely for
the foundation site to' b'e approved for construction, .
Owner' IZwtt.. U~ htAIUJt:='tZ5
Contractor 12(vf::1Z- (/lh~~ bt,,{(t-/J~f
A, Date(s) of the design IlrofessionaI's site evaluation?
. 1-vI 4-1 "'Vn-? .
B, Has the design professional reviewed a copy of the geotechnical information
that was prepared for the subdivision relating to this site? Ye,.,K No~
If not, please contact this office for a c;opy of the repol1, The design professional-
must be familiar with the.geotechnical information before completing this form..
C: In which Geotechnical Investigation category is this site located?
Level I 'I.....
Level II
Note: Level II reouires a site-soecific l!eotechnical investi~ation & reoort
We're any site conditions identified that would chattge the category? YES_
(For criteria determining category. see the specific Geotechnical Report for the correct phase'of the subdivision)
If "yes", explain (use the reverse side of this sheet or an added sheet if necessary)
Cll:1ll11unlly sl'rvi(l's Div. Building S,irCIY
':::25 :;Ih StrC-t',l. Sprin!;fi\:'kL OR l)7~77 Ph. 726-.i75<.:;
Mountaingate Subd. Lot # -; 7
Was a geotechnical engineer involved at the site to verify that conditions'are
suitable for construction of the proposed building(s)? Yes ANo_
Name of geotechnical engineer .~, y~ ~UU-Ir-~
D, What was the nature of the excavation and lor fill?.-5.L,~ CdJ.1 <;' I C;ij" a;e-
ce"l-d..-SI-" A..vc.- <A.-L-~ IG~ kt.T ''Ii IT - /? u J ~. Jz-/~
, ~FI7 ~ d7]::i:F3u ~/A/6- ,!, ,,-'01 t/JJlu,J
/' d>. j r17UA r:n I. ;/..
Was existing non-structural fill or expansive soil encountered on the lot?
Yes_ No~ If "yes", what types, depths and locations, and how does it affect
. the building foundation?
Whatmeasllres were taken to remedy the soil condition (include type of
enginl'ered fill used to stabilize the soil)?
~J ~TILIP bLn..:J-O"J ~'7 LA--<t f:"iL- '
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"" I /)4;jd: ~ .. ~ ^ (' ~",-A-vF1 c4?- CA fA r/1'fI) A l> If /t.(",,~
/'. .. ,
Is the site as prepared adequate I)l inadequate 0 to maintain constant moisture
content in. the sub grade? Note: Verification of moisture stabilization ill'1he sub
grade is a requirementfor site preparation, and must be affirmed before
construction can continue:
If inadequate, what measures are to be taken to provide constant moisture content
in the sub grade?
Is the site, as prepared, adequate~ inadequateD to support the proposed
structure? An affirmative answer is requisite toproceeding with construction.
. ,
If inadequate, what additional work is needed to provide adequate
foundation support?
E. Did the design professional witness placement and compaction of the
engineered fill, or is there a special inspection report forthcoming from a
qualified agency? I witnessed Placement 0 Speciallnsp/compaction report 0
L>>~F'~ (2-tu- I~ /51 dfV!-t=7t.-S.
((\ll1IJWl1ily S~rvii."~~,'i Div. Building S,'ir~IY
225 5lh Sln':cl.Srri!i)2jj~kJ. (jR ln477 Ph. 72(""~375Cj
Mountaingate Subd. Lot # 1/
F. The design professional intends to use the following method for installation
of perforated perimeter footing drains:
The design on the attached drawing provided by the design professionaL... 0
The method shown on the original construction drawings.......... ...... . 0
The typical 'Fomtdation Drain' drawing attached to permit .........,......... ,.gl
Perforated perimeter drains are not required... .............................. 0
Comments: ~
JU.:>. A.J ~
(C~Q .1A-/Il{$D
Note: City inspectors will inspect installed drains prior to cover upon request,..
Call: 726-3769 to schedule inspection.
G. Low-point cra\vl space drains are required to prevent the build-up of excess
moisture inside the foundations during (and after) construction, This drain
may be installed after foundation placement onlv with the express permission
ofthe desil!n professional. '
a. The design professional has determined the following:
The crawl space drain is required when the foundation is installed..... 0
The low-point drain can be insialled after foundation placement without a
significant moisture build-up problem within the foundation............. 0
. (The .low-point drain may be installed at the stage
oif t t'o) post & beam, [ramillg. roofing, etc.
eon$ rue ~ n .
b.Has the design professional observed and approved the installation of the
required low point drain?................................... Yes, ~No_
if "yes", where is the low point drain located under the building and
where does it terminate at this time? (M'fstbe an approved location, i.e.
s/reet gutter, storm sewer, sump pump and discharge line to the street,
etc.) .
({reO '4.{ ..leW
The design professional must determine whether the approved permit drawings have
adequate foundation steel. Is any additional foundation steel required that is not
. shown on the foundation drawings f~r the building?
. Yes _ No -X-. If "yes ", describe additional steel required (or provide drawing).
Cnml.1ll!l1il;/ ,c',LTvicl.:s Div. Building SafelY
225 5111 :~lrl'<;:!.'Spri:lsfi\.'kL OR lJ7477 Ph. 726-.~75lJ
Mountaingate Subd. Lot # 17
The individual doing the observations and providing direction for the excavation and site
preparation work on the property must sign the following statement.
The undersigned design professio'1al (or authorized employee) attests that.he/she
observed required moisture stability procedures on this site, and that such procedures
were accomplished before any changes occurred in the moisture content of the sub-
grade under and around the building (where expansive soils were encountered), The
undersigned further attests that the sub-grade, as prepared, is adequate to support the
building proposed for this site,
Additional comments:
(Note): A copy of.this report shall be kept on site with the approved plans at all
This report shall be followed by an affidavit, signed and stamped by the design
professional under whose auspices this report was completed, affirming the information'
herein, The signed/stamped affidavit together with a copy of this report shall be
submitted to this office prior to requesting framing inspection for the building.
Signature ~ '\ ~ ~-
Name M (C-'Hd-rp #1 ~~4'U1r- Title ftl ^-,/j/-"(;(:::""
Companyfc- (~ P Ilf c-nu(S7DL-',v(,-..J3vc- .
Phone tJ, 9'eL _e; T"i''' ..
} , . ".
Licensee .Il-1, c/~/l.-1~ L ~ 1'5 o/L~~r
License # /1&/-74- expires_,,/.../dY
The geotechnical report for each phase of the Mountaingate Subdivision makes
recommendations for placement of building construction on each site. The report also
recommends that site preparation during wet weather conditions be :avoided unless
special measures are taken to mitigate soft soil conditions and moisture collecting in or
around the foundation areas durittg and after the construction process, Positive site
drainage must be provided,
('(ll1lll'\l1l1il)' Sel'vict::-; Div. Buildin'g Saf..:\y
~25 )lh SIH:Ct. Springfield, OR 97:.1.77 Ph. 72h-J75l)
Mountaingate Subd. Lot # '7"1
. ",~",-"-"'.,,.
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Sl'te Address "'I ~ ." "., ~ ..~ I ~. +i>':';',:i.,;;.,.. .:::.:::. "":.:,'
. ..se. "") ':J f___.... ( I f'J Wlr LASV,-- ';L:J<:"',~.;.~'.,'-;-,~l'--'~;'.;.-~:" -"""',":' ,
For Site Investigation Questionnaire
Foundation. Sub-Grade Approval for
Residential Building Site in Mountaingate Subdivision
The undersigned hereby affirms that the excavatioil, structuraIfilI and moisture
stabilization methods for the' building site at the address shown above were observed by
. me or an authorized employee of my firm and that the following is true:
1. The geotechnical information for the subdivision, specific to this site, was utilized
as part of the determination for foundation preparation and drainage requirements.
2. The foundation sub-grade is capable of supporting a minimum of 1500 psf, and is
adequate to support the building proposed 'for this site,
3. The moisture content of the excavation was adequately maintained during the site
preparation proce~s and the site is adequately graded and drained for discharge to
an approved location in .order to maintain stable moisture content throughout the
construction process and thereafter. '
4. The accompanying report titled "Site Investigation Ouestionnaire for Consulting
Design Professionals" containing field observations and instructions made on
(dates) I "1/4-/-z...hY7 for this building site was completed either
by me or b/an authorized representative' under my supervision. To the best of
my knowledge, the information contained in that report is complete and accurate,
. Date~/'1.-u,~""7_
1~~~ ~~\
~~~ OREGON.,} ....
~ ,q... C'::)
%,!;~BER ,6, fO~
t DENNIS v....~
EXPIRES/~-!;I /WclC,
, ,
Name of Licensed Professional (print) JirJ rCo#A-Ft:..;.