HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 1/21/2009 . r- \ OREGONTn1..E m Insurance Company 99076337 .~ I ~ l I ' State 01 Oregon CoUnty of Lane - 55. 1,lheCountyClerlt,'," and fot lhe said CoUnty. do hen!::by certify lhallhe within Inslfumenl wi! received for record at If - .. After~, RmJm to: '. 0rega1 Title InsurancB _"Z' an 450 Q:xart:ry Club R:>ad, Ste 150 &Jgene, 0rega1 97401 "19SEP 1 A"11:J2 2587R o until a dlarge is uquest:ed, tax ~~~..~ shall be sent: to the foll.c:M1n;J ...:.:..~: Twin art:ta ~ _..,-.,.-, :mo. lq3 Madison St. t:guene, UK ~/qU I ...., Lane County QFACtAL Records un.: County CJerk fl.;/! A --"'.R..)I a.. County Oeri< :;- In' ~- M1dlael G. STA1Ul'JRi' 111'1~.~j;.,,"".. DEII)' _".......~ and. "'--___ 10, "Twin Butte .4J.'.~, Inc., an ......~. ..........~....:....:at (MOUe'~.;.:.;~Gar^ti""" .:c;Gi~',ct ! copy of origi al :'8y:Ore~~'i1s. CO. . . ~ tile fo11cwing desc:rlbed Eeal ~....~~. :In tile State of 0t-egtID and,COunty of Lane nee of ",_--1-~,_~,~._",,"- as specifically set --..: 'lb> North ae-hal.f of IDt 13, .~, as platted and _~.:J in 8Xk 4, Page 67"Lare COunty 0rega1 Plat ~.:..&, :In Lane COunty, 0rega1.' ' (Individual ) Hussey and ....~~ D. Dewey EXCEPl' the Sarth 100 feet thereof. 'i l>JSJ ...~, the west 25 feet ~_.,..;: 0CIlIl<!Yed to the City tit SprUgf'ield by deed .~.:J 1I>..gust 12, 1968, '_..;m N::l. 34906, Lane a:.mty 0rega1 Doied --.....:,;.;, in Lane Camty, 0rega1. ' ~,OI'99ft04REC 5.00 ,~.01'99II04f'FlJND 10.00 EZ!S9' .01 ''i9tIOO\&T FUND 20.00 Tax l\a:nJnt 1luIlber( B): U7835 'Ibis ___--:..1 is free of ,:;..",...---:......_~, EKCD'l': 1. TaJIeB far the, fisca1 year 1999-00, a lien in an aII:lJIlt yet to be ~=.,.:md, 00t not yet payable. I, , 2. 'lb> rights of the 1'Jblic, "....""".~.~ bodies, and I'Jblic utilities, in and to 1i1at porticn of the herein des:rlbed ..._____~, lyUg with:lniithe limits of pIDlic roadB and highways. f 'lb> true CXDBJOe:ratialfar ttlis _..~,~_ is $150,000.00 THIS ~ WILL R7f' AUJ;M USE OF 'DIE ~_..:........~ ....:..::-~ IN '1HIS ~'Df vnJtA- TIm OF-APPLICABLE INm tEE lAWS AND RmlLATRI<IS. DGlI'u&"u:I SIQUH; OR ~J..:u._ 'IHIS INS'l'RJ- MENr, 'lHE rr.n.:llUl.'lI ~ FEE Trl'LE 'It) 'IHE ":&'\..;.:~., SI:D.nD am:K WIm 'l'HE AL':--,,;':a.....ATE CI'lY OR CXUNT'i PL................_ ....;.::.;.:..,____.ENr TO VDUFY APPIIJVED tJSfS N([) m ~.::.................. l\NY'LlXl'TS m Ll\W- SUITS AGAJNS'l' .:'~.&.~""" OR ~~... ~~~ AS 1...IU'.u.u::...r IN ORS 30.930. Dl\TED~3I&.-dayOf J\uguSt,1999. ,"CL..~,,' dl.,,~ rw-..A.'~."\)~\\N..,,A'I I~ ~ Michael G. Hussey - , DauL.i.:a 0: oE.wey 0 CWlI1'Y OF Lane)ss. . 2' ,V . t was ad<nowledg8d before DB ttlis 2l.::l1. day of 1I>..gust; and BarbaraD. Dewey', ' 1999, by D3te Received: 0rega1 My Q:mnissiln .Expires: I'.,' v;ck,IT'i:" A,t'<f,HMAN, ] ,.1,:.1'1 21 2009 " ; NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON . ./ COMMISSION NO. 3'6800 . lIYaJIDIISSII!IfXPlRlSIlt Il21D2 .. ... . , _...~...., ..--.', ;gi1':;)! biJbmlttal 0J:der N::l.: 43027Sa \ . r OREGON Tn1..E ' ~ ~ Insurance Company ,99076337 -..-;;.. ~ ' St~e of Or~ COunty of Lime - 55. I. (he County CIeri<, In and lor the said cOunty, do hereby certify that the within Insln.ammt was receiwd lOr record at Rtiel '19SEP 2587R 1 A"11:J2 o After~, Rrtum,m: .......~. Title InsuranC:e u..............z, 450 Q:xart:ry Club R:>ad, Ste 150 &Jgene, 0rega1 97401 ' 'an until a -:'.o.~ is request:erl.. tax '::'\.Q~""'" shall be sent to the foll.c:M1n;J ...;..;.~: Twin Butte .........~, :IJ"c. 1 q3 Madison St.' I:.guene. UK . ~f/4Ul I..M.e County OFACIAL. Records !..aM: County Oerk ~ fl.;/! A ..d.Jl..)l eounlyOeri< :;- 10: ~- M1dlael G. .::.~......~. ....~iIo......""'..~_.. ~ _."..0....."'" and '--___:....; "to . Twin Butte ~........~, Inc., an .......~. .........~.,.~ (MOUe'" Sp;te.r~::Ilfoti~:~~VSl~.. ct copy of origir. 1 . 8y: Oreg~~ I liS. CO. ~ . the following desc:rlbed real r--r~~. :In tile State of Oregan and COunty of Lane free of ~,_~"_,.""', ~._.,,_ as specifically set - ~: 'lb>North ae-h81f of IDt 13, .~C. as platted and _"':".:J in 8Xk .4, Page 67. Lane ca.mty \oU.~~ Plat _~..:;..;., in I..a:re Ca.mty, .......~.. (Individual ) Hussey and &Lt.-a D. Dewey, EXCEPl' the SaJi:h 100 feet ~-~. l>JSJ EXCEPT the west 25 feet ;;_....:: 0CIlIl<!Yed to the City of Spdrgfield by deed .~.;...J August 12, 1968, RecEpt:icn N::l. 34906. Lane a:.mty 0rega1 nero Reamls, in Lane co.mty, oregcn. :m!SEP.01 '99ft04REC 5.00 ~.01'99I104PFUND 10.00 >o,,"tr.Ol'99ft04A&T FUND 20.00 Tax l\a:nJnt 1luIlber( B): 127835 'Ibis r--rolO-:'J: is free of enc:.-..:-,,-~, gK[Dl'1':' 1. Ta><es far the fisca1 year 1999-00, a lien in,an aII:lJIlt yet to be ~~...:md, 00t not yet payable. . " 2. 'lb> rights, of the 1'Jblic, "....~._~.~ bodies, and I'Jblic utilities, in and to .1i1at porticn of the herein described ..._____ ~I 1y.Lrg within the liinits of pIDlic roads and highways. 'lb> true CX:r1B1deratial far ttlis o::m~"~~ is $150,000.00 i~ 'lHIS ~ WILL H)T ALUM tEE OF 'DIE ~~.:-....... ~ IN 'lHIS- ~ IN' VIOLA- TIm OF. APPLICABLE IAND lEE LAWS AND RmJ[ATI(N;;.. DU"~ '~.....- OR Au...r.c ....&.l....... 'lHIS INS'l'Rh- MENT, 'lHE "'~~ ACU.JIRlRl FEE TITLE 'l'O 'IHE ",.~~.:,SDliD OlEO< wrm 'DIE ."ot'''':....................ATE CITY OR 0XlNT'i PL,J"................ ~~,mr '10 VERIFY APPROVED USES AND ;,'1'0 U6....:-........~ MY LIMITS QiI lAW- SUITS AGADSl" FARMING OR r~"" PRAC'1'lCES AS UU'..u1Ul DI ems 30.930. DATfD ~ 3ffi- day,of August, 1999. " 'Y'i\^'v.,,\)~\~~~1 .~ ~ Michael G. HusBey l) 8arl.ira ;0. Dewey , (j , STATE OF CIlED:l'I, roJm'Y OF Lane)ss. 2\ ,Y ~ng J,bstrunEnt was ac:Iau11e;Jged before... ttlis ...Ll.:ll. day of J\ugUBt. ~\. J~'.irt~. Dewey. , ~ 0rega1 My Q:mni.ssicn Expizes: , ' 1999, by Date Received: oroer N::l.: 430275a 1- . OFFIClALSEAl. I VICKIE L BAUGHMAN ...,; NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON ..../ COMMISSION NO. 316600 . MY mMJmmI EXPIRES Ilt. 18, lDB1 ~ ----------::- - .----~ I~ JAN'2 12009 \ '. C:'I'::;1oal Submittal