HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/21/2009 J " JAN 2 I 2009 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Plat Partition, Subdivision Date Received: Original Submittal . -. &. . . . . , , . .. . . Partition Plat Pre-Submittal: Partition Plat Submittal: DO'LOLl,L ~ ~;~: I~~~ ~lo~ ~~ i ~lW~'''- lLv-w.. t-. ComDanv: ~..k ,~~ ksol-<~ . Ii Address: l--.t>t +b...'1 qq A)"rt1-.. c:u'" l2-<A' tIlL Cf74D L I '" . , (j I ProDertv Owner: 0~ "--'7 "ir~l ~c..'" 1ft t IcomDanv: i IAddress: , IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: rl-c.-z,- ~Z--"3"?, ITAX LOT NOeS): --Z't>> ~ 2/7>/ IProDertv Address: I. ?'7_ 7_ U 2 ~ 0+-. . ISize of ProDertv: 1./7 !proDosed Name of Subdivision: Sk.Jc..k...T P<<..r-~ I Description of If you are filling in thiS~Y hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. ProDosal: -h, J..;v~~ "2b~_ l 0\-.. ~.-to L. I~l L;;\.., IExisting Use: l'2.e"..L...--l:-i-cJ.... I Tentative Case #:S~ 2='-00"2..., 1# of Lots/Parcels: h IAVg.Lot/parc~ISize: B.4"ilf sf I Densitv: J.i). du/acre Si natures: Please si rint our name and date in the a ro riate box on the next a e. ADDlicant Name: IcomDanv: IAddress: , IADDlicant's ReD.: Phone: I Fax: Dt2- qil.{o( Phone: (,,'i6-C)UI Fax: 4-'G. ~ -Cff.. -z, I Phone: Fax: Acres ~ Sauare Feet D . ,a a Associated ADDlications: Pre-Sub Case No.: PRfWg/ [XX) I \ Date: 2-- J lr og I Reviewed by: I IcaseNo.: S(jflllo0q~ !rOOs, Date:U/J-! /oq I Reviewed bv: 'A- ~~ IADDlication Fee: $ 41045.1 ~ ITechnical Fee: $ . i'~d. ..1q Ipostage Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: ~ tf. g'7 r O( l PROJEC~NUMBER: 1>R.J2mG" ao/0 1"'-.....'.f'~=~~.n.e<~""'~..... __' .,_._~__~",~_~ -.- - -"'''''''''~~.o=~~~-=~;;-~_::fq''"-~,~,:_,,,,:,~~~ Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 6 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal Owner: The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. D<'!te: Signature Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information id.entified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Date: Si . V~",.lL .\\o....~ Print Revised 1/1/08 Moily Markarian 1- J b -CJ r Date Received: I JAN 21 2009 Original Submittal 20f6 .~ . [City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Time Extension .Request Certain Improvements & Final Submittals ", to. ADDlicant Name:])..,,,...\!.. ~ Phone: ICOmDany: '11."",,- 9,~ ~"'*0"";r I~'.. . Fax: .IAdvdre~s: ql.c>.~,::l ~~ ~~d ,~\~., E1~df'~",01b,. ~~.~<:\ ". ,'''.crr"..,. IADDlicant's ReD.: M.CMrJ:,^ IL_!I'",-,h . . Phone: ~L ~. f:k.So l-'t-...hs IAddress: locI .~I... q "l {\}~~ fw..~ D~ "j/'(o L I '.' -.;> T:.>~, ':'"-<.~ .""""-R/J::?f. ..,....~'",~".._':,h=.:,."'."'. ""~-.T ....;;, '''''''''';~ "tr . .-n~'w.: " /L ,_",;;, ~/~ ;>r""._,4....'""'+=""...~,-'-", . . ,',JC;, _" '''":~K1i(:.r. -, '....... .~ ~ '.":"',, _ I IProDertYOWner: c;lLM..A.- ,_<, ".frl,c..,~-t- Phone: ICOmDany: Fax: IAddress: . I~SS~;~OR'S M;PN~: n-:;:;~--~~'? I;~x LOT ~~;;;.:.u; c: '~';/D;'""-i 1 2'2.., <. I'').b-c.t ~ I Property Address: "J'- J '-1~ <;)l. I.~ .... -, . '_-' -"~ ;-,. -..j.;. -.'."....'" "'...,..,,,,-,... ~"O".~ ....:=. '-"-,"""""'c-":" _ -- ':-, 1 ~"'.-'~""... < ," l>"C,' '''. -, .... ~ '_~' '. ~": '_ '<: -_'-_'_._:"'~,.1; ._'-.~.- '_,'.:'~ I ITentative Case #: <Sv-.6 "]..oD/- ODe 1..-1 I I Reason for . If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. I Time Extension: ~i~natu"r~s:~I_ea.~_e .,s~g~l~nd71J~r~in.t,.x~ur, name ~.nd, d, a;~"I~ tlh~ ,?D~:.oDri~t: bo~x",~n t,h,e, ~,e~xt ~~ge,' I . . I a.. . - . I ~ll . ~ a .. ., - - ., I., _.1. Date: !--'2-l-2ocA (50b20(:PI~ CDCOS) Reviewed by: L!~ ADDlication Fee: $ 3'2. \ ~ ITechnical Fee: $; Ipostaqe Fee: $0 ITOTAL FEES: $ 31- (00 PROJECT NUMBER:-PR.::r~-oOO&3 ICOmDany: Fax: ~~b- '17.-/f L/ '(,'{ - 1(.'3\ ~'.."s. ....~.'..." ,., <,..,.- .....i.''''_ Date Received: JAN l.t lOOg Original SUbmittal ---<..-.. Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 2 ., . . ~l Signatures Applicant: e information in this application is correct and accurate. Date: j-/h--C) l' Signa ure IJ-LL TWI"I,D,1f7ft' . [JClf(tlld tv Print /117f, .J-/Ii c- JJ.!atl $"...)L (_. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Owner: -, . ' Signature S?_~ /'L--- "'" Date: Print ., ..> . , , - ." .. .._N.' .. . , "' . . , , , " Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 2 , 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number SUB2009-00005 SUB2009-00005 SUB2009-00005 Payments: Type of Payment Check Check Job/Journal Number SUB2009-00005 SUB2009-00005 S UB2009-00005 Payments: Type of Payment Check Check cReceintl RECEIPT #: 2200900000000000080 Description CTY. Subd'>NonLDR Base +634 Ac + 5% Technology Fee CTY Time Extend Cert Improv . City, Jpringfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department Date: 01/21/2009 item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Paid By TWIN BUTTE MORTGAGE TWIN BUTTE MORTGAGE emm emm Description CTY Subd >NonLDR Base +634 Ac + 5% Technology Fee CTY Time Extend Cert Improv <":heck Number Batch Number Paid By TWIN BUTTE MORTGAGE TWIN BUTTE MORTGAGE Received By emm emm -. Page I of I 5274 5275 In Person In Person Payment Total: Item Total: Authorization Number How Received 5274, 5275 In Person In Person Payment Total: 3:01:37PM Amount Due 4,645.78 232.29 321.00 $5,199,07 Amount Paid $4,878.07 $321.00 $5,199,07 Amount Due 4,645.78 232.29 321.00 $5,199,07 Amount Paid $4,878.07 $321.00 $5,199,07 Date Received: JAN 21. 2009 original Submittal , 1/21/2009 -1 II CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SUB2009-00005 232 S 42nd Street ".---- - ~ j --!l!. - t+ ~ ;; 1 -aLlJ~Iill-~AV_ ~----r-r-r- l Date Received: JAN 2 1 2009 Original Submittal SITE Map 17-02-32-33 Tax Lot 2100, 2101 North + ,. .1 __.r" Date Received: JAN 2 1 2009 Original Submittal , . , DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR SKYCHIEF PARK SUBDIVISION THIS DECLARATION is made on the date hereinal!er set forth by TWIN BUTTE INVESTMENTS, TNC. and DONALD HAASE, herein "Declarant"; I. Declarant is the owner of the properiy known as SKYCHIEF PARK, in Lane County, Oregon, which is described on the attached Exhibit "A". ' II. Declarant deems it desirable in furtherance of the purposes set forth herein ta est,lblish these covenants and restrictions which shall apply to all afthe property described anl'xhibil "A". III. Declarant hereby declares that all of the Lots contained within the Exhibit "A" properly shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the following rest.rictions, covenants and conditions, which are for the purpose ofprotecti~g the value and desirability of, and which shall run with, the real property and be binding on all parties having any rigl\t, title or interest in the described property or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assiglls, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof. ARTICLE I Definitions Section I - "Owner"; Shalllllean and refer to the record owner, including contract, purchasers, whether one or more persons or entities, of the fee simple title to auy lat which is part ol'tbe properties, including contract seller, but excluding those baving such interest as mcrely ;IS Declaration of Covenants. COIultlilJIIS ~llId Il.estrictions Skychicf Park Subdivision l':Ig{' I off) , sccurity for the perfonnance of an obligation. Scction 2 - "Prooerties": Shall mean and refer to that certain rcal property describcd on Exhibit "A". Section 3 - "LoC Shall mean and refer to any plot of land shown on any recorded subdivision map contained within the Exhibit "A" Property. ARTICLE II Use and Maintenance Restrictions Section 1 - Residential Use: All lots shown on the plat of Skychief Park shall be used only for private residential purposes. No trade, business or profession shall be conducted or practiced on any of the Lots. Each Lot must contain one duplex in accordance with the City of Springlicld density requirements. Section 2 - Animals: No kennel, aviary containing more than five. (5) birds, dairy, barn, hutch or warren shall be erected or maintained on any residence lot. No commerciai operation or breeding for dogs, cats, birds, horses, cows, poultry, rabbits or other domestic animals or fowl sball be allowed thereon, except this restriction shall not be construed to prohibit ordinary household pets which do not constitute any annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. Section 3 - Trees: As required by these Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, each I.ot shall have trees planted at the owner's expense. Planting shall commence illlmediately upon completion of construction as per City code. Section 4 - Nuisance: No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried upon any iot, nor shall anything be done thercon which Illay be or become an ~nnoyance or nuisancc to Ihe neighborhood. Section 5 - TemDorarv Buildin<!s: No trailer, basement, shack, tcnt, garage, barn or other outbuilding crected in the subdivision shall at any time bc used as a residence temporarily. or pennanentiy, nor shall any structure of a temporary character be used as a residence. Section 6 - Drainal!e/Bioswales: Each Lot owner agrees they will not in any way interfere with the established drainage over their lot and that they will make adequate provisions far property drainage for the benefit of all affected Lots. For the purpose thereoC "established drainage is defined as the drainage which occurred at the time the overall grading of the subdivision by the Declarant." The Bioswale areas on the property arc set forth on the plat of this subdivisioll and shall be maintained as follows: Declaration of Covenantsl Conditions nnd Restriclions Skychief Park Subdivision Date Received: JAN 2 12009 Page 2 of () Original ,.Submitt~1 6.1 Swales are planted or grassed open channels that trap pollutants by filtering and slowing flows, allowing particles to settle out. All facility components, vegetation, and source controls shall be inspected for property operations and structural stability, at a minimum, quarterly for the first two (2) years from the date of installation, two (2) times per year thcrealicr, and within 48 hours after each major stoml event. Declarant or its representative shall keep a log, recording all inspection dates, observations, and maintenance activities. The following itcms shall be inspected and maintained as stated: 6.2 Swale Inlet (such as curb cuts or pipes) shall maintain a calm flow of water cntcring the swale. 6.2 (a) Source ofcrosion shall be identified and controlled when native soil is exposed or crosion channels arc fonning. 6.2 (b) Sedimcnt accumulation shall bc hand-removed with minimum damagc to vcgetationusing proper crosion control measures. Sediment shall be removcd ifit is morc than 4" thick or so thick as to damage or kill vegetation. 6.2 (c) Inlet shall be cleared when conveyance capacity is pluggcd. Sources of scdiment and debris shall bc idcntificd and corrccted. 6.2 (d) Rock splash pads shall bc rcplcnished to prcvent crosion. 6.3 Side Slopes shall be maintaincd to prcvcnt crosion that introduces scdimenl into thc swaic. Slopes shall be stabilized and plantcdusing appropriate crosion controlmcasurcs whcn native soil is exposcd or erosion channels arc forming. :,:,j1 6.4 Swale Media shall allow stonnwatcr to percolate uniformly thr()ugh thc landscape swale. [I' the swale does not drain within 48 hours, i.t shall be tilled and replanted according to design specifications and animal or semi-annual tilling shall be implemcnted ifcompaction or clogging continues. Debris in quantities that inhibit operation shall be removed routlllely (e.g, no less than quarterly), or upon discovery. 6.5 Swale Outlet shall maintain sheet flow of water exiting swale unless a collcclioll drain is uscd. Source of erosion damage shall be idcntified and controlled when native soil is exposed or crosion channels arc fanning. Outlets such as drains and overland flow paths shall be clcared when 50% of the couveyance capacity is pluggcd. Sources ofsedimcnt and dehris shall be identified and corrected. . 6.6 Vegetation shall bc healthy and dense enough to provide filtering while protecting underlying soils from erosion. Mulch shall be replenished as necded to cnsure survival of vegetation. Date Received: Declaration of Covenants, Cunditions and Restrictions Skychief "ark Subdivision JAN 2 1 2009 P.I14t' J of (, Original Submittal 6.6 (a) Vegetation, large shrugs or trees that interfere wilh landscapc swalc operation shall be pruned. . 6.6 (b) Fallen leaves and debris from deciduous plant foliage shall be removed. 6.6 (c) Grassy swales shall be mowed to keep grass 4" to 9" in height. Clippings shall be removed to remove pollutants absorbed in grasses. 6.6 (d) Nuisance and prohibited vegetation as described in the City of Portland. Oregon Prohibited Plant List (such as blaekbelTies and English Ivy) shall be removed when discovered. Invasive vegetation contributing up to 25% of vegetation of all species shall be removed and replaced. 6.6 ( e) Dead vegetation and woody material shall be removed to mai ntai n less than 10%, of area coverage or when swale function is impaired. Vegetation shall be replaced within three months, or immediately ifrequired to maintain cover density and control erosion where soils arc exposed. 6.7 Spill Prevention measures shall be exercised when handling substances that contaminated stonnwater. Releases of pollutants shall be corrected as soon as idcntified. 6.8 Training and/or Written Guidance Information for operating and maintaining swales shall be provided to all owners. 6.9 Access to the swales shall be sale and efficient. Egrcss and ingress routes shall be maintained to design standar,ds. Roadways shall be maintained to aecommodatc si/.c alld weight of vehicles, if applicable. Obstacles preventing maintenance personnel and/or equipmcnt access to the swales shall be removed. Gravel or ground cover shall be added if erosion occurs_ e.g.. due to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. 6.10 Insects and Rodents shall not be harbored ill the swale. Pesl control measures shall be taken when inseetsh'odents arc found to be present. 6.10 (a) If a complaint is received or an illspection reveals that a storlnwater facility is significantly infested with mosquitoes or other vectors, property owner may he required to eliminate the infestation at the City Inspector's discretion. Control of the infestation shall be attempted by using first non-chemical methods and secondly, only those ehemicalmcthods specifically approved by the City Inspcctor. Acceptable methods includc but arc not limitcd to thc following: (i) Installation of predacious bird or bat nesting hoxes. (ii) Alterations of pods water levels approximately ever four days in order Date Received: PlIgl'.t flf 6 Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and I{e,~trictinns Skychief Park Suhdivision JAN 2' I. 2009 Original Submittal to disrupt mosquito larval development cycles. (iii) Stocking ponds and other permanent water facilities with lish or oIlier predatory species. (iv) If non-chemical methods have proved unsuccessful, contact the City Inspector prior to use of chemical methods such as the mosquito larvicides Bacillus thurengcnsi:; var. isracliensis or other approved larvacides. These matcrials may only be used with City Inspector approval ifevidcnce can bc provided that thesc matcrials will not migratc ofr-site or cnter thc public stonmvater system. Chemical larvicides shall be applicd by a licenscd contractor. 6. I 0 (b) Holes in the ground located in and around the swalc shall bc fillcd. Section 7 - Refuse: NO LOTS SHALL BE USED OR MAINTAINED AS A DUMPING GROUND FOR REFUSE. Trash, garbage and othcr waste shall not bc kcpt cxcept in sanitary containers. All incinerators or other equipment ror the storage or disposal or such matcrial as prescribcd by ordinance shall bc kept in a elean and sanitary condition. During the period or constmction and development of the plat, this provision will not apply to the Declarant. Storage: of any kind of goods, chattels, merchandise, matcrial, fuel, supplies, or machinery shall he within walls of the building or enclosed hy light fenccs completely screened from sight. Section 8 - Vehicles: There shall be no ovelllight parking on the access driveways. Vehicles shall be parked in appropriate areas so as not to hindcr the overall beauty ofthc arca. All boats, trailers, and R.V. 's shall hc stored in an appropriatc area bchind a screen or rcncc no closcr to till.: street than the front of,t~e garage. . , Section 9 - Landseaoinll;:7Lots must be landscaped and maintaincd in a ncat, clcan condition. , Section 10 - Access and.Utilitv Eascmcnts: Easemcnts for access and the installation and maintcnance of utilities arc depicted on the plat map of this suhdivision. The casement areas shall bc maintained in a serviceablc condition. ARTICLE IV General Provisions Section I - Enforcement: In addition to the rights or any affected owncr to cnrorcc the covenants and restrictions contained hercin, ifany of the restrictions, covcnants or conditions arc violatcd. or ifit appears that an attempt to violate will be made, any afrected propcrty owncr shall also have the authority to institute and prosecute a proceeding to prevent or corrcct such violationS. .No failure to prosecute any person for any violation or attempted violation shall hc deemed a waiver of a right to enforce any such violations by the same person or other pcrsons. The Date Received: Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions Skychief Park Subdivision Page 5 of6 JAN 2 1 2009 Original Submittal prevailing party shall be entitled to recover costs and a reasonable attorney's fecs for both trial and any appcal of such procecdings. ;- Scction 2 - Conflict In the dise of conflict between these restrictions and any zoning ordinancc of any governmental body, the more restrictive provision shall prevail. I , Section 3 - Severabilitv: Invalidation of any part of the restrictions shall in no way artccl the remaining restrictions. I , Section 4 - Binding Effect The provisions herein: shall be binding upon and inurc to the benc/il of the succcssors, heirs and assigns orall of the o\yners of the Exhibit "A" properly. I Section 5 - Time: This Declaration shall be perpetual unless amended by an instrument signcd , by 75% of the owners and recorded in the Deed Records of Lanc County. IL.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Dcclarant has cxccuted Ihis inslrumcnl on the I~ay 01' ~'''t'tl ,20Otf DECLARA T: TWIN BUTTE INVE TMENTS, INC. By: tDoNALIf HAASE, President STATE OF OREGON q. I. " Ii : ss. COUNt)' afLalle ) j~\ ',' -tI--- Personally appeared before~ie this J~ _ day of ~J",_,,-~~~_,____, 200f. the ahol'e oarned /)(JNAl.IJ HAASE as President of TWIN BUTTE INVESTMENTS. INC, and acknowlcd~ed the li"e~oill~ illstrll1lJcJ)t 10 he its voluntary act and deed. !;:, " ~;;hi~)i(i;2N -. OFFICIAL SEAL AARON M ZEH NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON C0I.1',,"S'0N NO. 420885 MY COMMISU"., '::'I'IRES SEPT 3,201 STA TE OF OREGON :ss. COllI/I)' (~lL(/l1e Persnnally appeared before me this JJ1!'day of -:1~ . 20(Ylf. Ihe abnl'e, DONA 1.1) tIAASI:. and acknowledged the foregoing instrull1ent to be his volulllary act aml.-{lccd, . OFFICIAL SEAL MI"lOiIJ M ZEH NOT:',": ':?UC - OREGON G. '0, C\!O, 420885 1,1''1 eOi'!,' .,". ~ES SEPT 3,2011 Nt~~1ti(-I:~.'.. Date Received: Declaratioll flf Covenants. CondiliOlls and ){estrirtioIlS Skychicf I'ark Subdivision . ..,. JAN 2 1 2009 P:t~t.' () flf(, Original Submittpl . (">0 ~. OREGON TrrLE m ~ Insurance Company -...-.; , 99076337 State Of Oregon County of LaRe - 55. ' I, lhe County Clerk; ill and for the said Counly,'do hereby certify lhat the wuhin lnsirument was received lor m:ord i!lt After _~, I1etum txl: oregcn Title Insuraooe Q::up&1y, an 450 eamt:ry Club 1Gld, St:e 150 a,gene, oregcn 97401 . '995D' 1 A"11:32 2587R o Reel until. a ~ is :requestEd, tax ;;o.......~.;.... shall be sent txl the foll.clwllg ...:.:.~: Twin Butte........~, Irc:. lLJ3 Madison St. t:guene, UK ~/qU I ume CounIV OffiCIAL Records t..an.e County Clerk By. {].-.P A --I.uf"JI County 0<'" :;- /0' ;4- Michael G. Hussey and ~~ D. Dewey ~....,................... 'loI.""\.o"",~~..;.l I.EE) (Individual ) .8y; _~.........~ and .........__a~ 1:0 . Twin Butte ,;.......~, Ire., an UL~~ ........-~...:....:..at the foll.clwllg cIescdhed ....u ~~~~. in the Stab! of 0re!P> andQ>unty .of. Lare free of ~._ ...:..._~, elICE(Jt as specifically set forth herein: i\1e N:Jrth cn!-hal.f of IDt 13, r~, as platted and _~.::....I in 8Xi< 4, Page 67, Lare COJnty oregcn Plat -=US, in Lare COJnty, ~~_. EllCEPr the Sc:ut:h 100 feet .;-.,.,.;:. AISiJ Go"-"or. the _ 2S feet <.;_~~ ~ txl the City of Springfield by deed .~~ August 12. 1968, Recepticn lb. 34906, lane COJnty oregcn Il<!ed Records, in r.ane County, oregcn. . .~.01'99lI04REC 5.00 ~.Ol'99U04PFUNO 10.00 ~ .01'99ftOo1A&T FUND 20.00 Tax ~t lUIiler(s): 127835 'Ibis _-.:'~:... is f:a!e of enc-.:....,c-~, ~..- 1. Taxes far: the. fisCal year 1999-llO. a lien in an ....,.,,-rt: yet to be .;.,_..~. but not yet payable. . 2. i\1e rights of the public, ".._~._.~.:..:..1 bodies, and p1bllc utilities, in and to ttlat part1cn of the hexein described ....___ ~J 1yiJg within the 1:Im1ts of I1JbllC roacls and highways. i\1e true lXI1Biderat:l<n far this _...~,~_ is $150,000.00 'lHIS INS'l'R>>IENT WILL HJl' ALl.Cii' USE OF 'DIE ':J{\...~":"""",. ~ Df 'DIIS INS'l'R>>IENT IN v:tOlA- TIW OF.APPLIQB[.E lAND USE I.mB AND R:FDJLAnCIIS.. .x.rURr. ~_......- OR ~A""""" 'lHIS INSTRJ- HENr, 'IIIE ~ AlXlJ]llIJC FEE TI'l'LE m 'mE .:.\...,1.:6.'-.. SIDJID QIEO( W:rIH 'lHE ..",.:~..........m CITY' OR C1XlN'lY PL.,....w-~ ....e.l'..'""~,JEXl' m vmnY Ar.n'\U...:.....- usm; aND m -..:...~--~ MY LIMrl'S m LaW-'- smTS AGI\DIST FAIMING oR ~uN:.oo:t... PRAC'l"ICE; AS ~.u'l&.r IN tJRS 30.930. ~~t~::~.~' 1999. .~ ~ Michael G. IIuBBay - IJ &.ba.ca 6: Dewey b 1999, by D3te Received: Oregcn My CcmnisBial Expires: Ordei lb.: 43027Sa t'... VICKI'rI:C.B~t~HMAIl ] J.,:,N 2 12009 i NOTAAY.PUBLlC. OREGON '-.. ...... COMMISSION NO. 316600 I . lIYaJIIIIlSSIIIlEXPIIUlK..llllll2,., -. . .:...... .u,_u ,,,,,';)I';iubmlttal , \ . (""'. 1 OREGON TITLE m ~ Insurance Company ~. , 99076337 . State of Oregon County of Lane - ss~ I, the County C1eTk. tn and lor the said cOUnrv. do Ivreby certify thai the within InslrurMnt w~ received lor recon:t at AftBr !lel::mdirg. Ratum to: ..........:r-. Ti tie Insurance \.A.At.'l--a;., an 450 CDm'ay Oub Rlad. ste 150 E)JQeIle. Qregcn 97401 - '99SE1' 1 A"11:J2 2587R '0 Roel Urrt:iJ. a dlarge is requeste:l, tax .;:...,g....-....:;.;........ - shall be sent to tte fo1lcw1ng ...:.:..~: Twin 8rtte ._~, Ire. lLl3 Madison St.' t::guene. ut<. ~J"WI ulne County OffiClAL Records l.anlr County Clerk "" fJ.;J1--! ,.j.<Jf..)l CountyOerk $"'- /0: eA' Mi.ctlae1 G. ~......"................... j...,~....'''',,,~_,, JJEI!J) c..-..,~..l"'" :and '--____...... 1::0 . ,Twin Butte .......~, In::.,"~ .......~. ...........~Q~ (At:i:Ne"Sp;:e.~lfar(r:~h:~';:u.:;iSiuSii" ct copy of original Ore~tI . By: 1/ the.following clescribed :<eal .__.~ ~J, in the State of OE"!JCD and. County of lane free of ~._-.:..__._~, except: as specifically set forth heJ:ein: '!he >Drth aE-half of Lot 13. ..,,',-...~. as platte:i and _~.:.Jin Bock 4, Page 67. lane CamtY Qregcn Plat .~.:..;, in lane COunty, Qregcn. (Inii.vidual ) Hussey arD D;U.~o. D. 0E!rey. Co. r../!.l...I:or& the Sarth 100 feet ~-...-......:. AIBO ElltEPr the West 25 feet ..;~....: a:meyed to tte City of SprinJfie1d by deej .~.:..l J\uguSt 12. 1968, ,~;;ioo Ie. 34906. lane COunty Qregcn Deed k........:... in laneCamty, Qregcn. ~.01'991104REC 5.00 ~.01'99Ull'lPfUllD 10.00 :iTI2SEP.Ol'99I1O'1MT fUND 20.00 Tax }l<Xr.Urt: NuIiEr( s): 127835 'lhis r--r~:".. is free of ....."'..........:....c.-._.:...-:o, ~...- 1. Taxes f= the fiscal.year 1999-00. a lien in an arJI1I[lt ~ to be ':;"~...;red. l:>.rt: IX>t yet payable. 2. The riglrts of the public, ".....=..,~.;,.,1 Ixldies. and public utilities. in and to that particn of the hemin described ____ ~J lying wittrlrl the limits of public roads and highways. '!he true a:nsideratia1 f= this cxn'~J~~ is $150,000.00 .. 'IHIS INSImI'4ENl' WILL l<<J'l" AUDIl tEE OF 'lHE u.....;,:.::-......... ~ IN 'lHIS INS'I'R>>f!Hl" IN ViQIA- TIm OF-APPLICABlE lAND \SE lAWS l\ND ~.......~_ DCol'ur\Co '~"'IU..l"" OR ~,U.L......~ 'lHIS INS'l'RJ- MENT, 'l1tE ~~Io 1W:'Q.JIRlJGFEE TITLE 'IO 'lHE ~i.WJC~J, SiDJID 0Jm( WI'1lI 'lHE b.C~~n.Lh...'O:' crIY OR 0XJNT'l PLn........._ ....,c.('.ba"I..A.&.JENT TO vmIFY APPROVED u.;fs AND'ro .....:.....:.r.......1I:o:o ANY'" LIMrl'S eN LaW-. SUITS AGA.INST FAR'tDG OR ~~... PRACTICES AS UI:ol'.uv..u IN 'aRS 30~930~ DATED thf'; --3-I:ll- day of . August. 1999_ ' r-vY'\N. \).~\) %-\\w. ".' I. ~ ~~ Michael G. Hussey \J Barbara D_ newei . () STATE OF rnEXnI. roJNIY OF Lare)SS. 21,V- ~', f . t was adcrowledge1 bef(l[e I1B this .2l:ll. day of August. ~t and E.,..;""Q D. lJeIoey. . 1999. by Qregcn My Q:mt1isS:f.on Expires: Date Received: order Ie.: 430275.. I I V~~~I%~~~kt~~~A~ -- t NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON COMM\SS\ON NO. 316600 . M'falJltillSSlllllUPlIllSIlt.II.2DU I __U. H____~ JAN21.2009 C"!'-jinal Submittal \ , -- After recording return to: Don Haase 143 Madison Street Eugene, OR 97402 Date Received: '.. JAN 2 12009 Original Submittal DE CLARA TION OF VARIABLE-WIDTH PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECITALS: A. Declarant: This Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement is made by Twin Butte Mortgage, Inc., an Oregon corporation, the owner of the real property described as SKYCfllEF PARK, recorded as Document Number 2009- in Lane County Official Deed Records. The Access Easement is described On the attached Exhibit "A" and shown On the attached Exhibit "B". B. Purpose: This Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement is made to specifically provide for: (I) Access to Lots l, 2 and 6 of said SKYCfllEF PARK, and (2) Maintenance requirements of the Access Easement, and (3) Installation and maintenance of utilities, and (4) Maintenance of stonn water facilities, and (5) Responsibilities for all persons who are or who may become parties using said easement. WIlNESSETH: Now therefore in consideration of the foregoing recitals, which are expressly made a part of this Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement, the undersigned hereby declares as follows: (I) Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement: There is hereby declared, granted, conveyed and created a perpetual and non-exclusive easement as a means of ingress and egress to and from Lots 1,2 and 6 of said SKYCHIEF PARK. It is further declared and provided that said Access and Utility Easement may be utilized for the installation and maintenance of such utilities as may be needed to serve said Lots. Said easement shall also be used for emergency vehicle access. It is expressly understood that no rights outside the Access and Utility Easement are provided. . (2) Extent: The easement created by this declaration are not personal or in gross but are appurtenant to each said Lot. (3) Duration of Covenants Binding or Successors and Assigns: The easement created by this declaration shall be pennanent and perpetual and shall constitute covenants running with the land and shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of all heirs, successors and assigns of Lots I, 2 and 6 of said SKYCHIEF PARK, (4) Exclusive: The Access and Utility Easement provided herein shall be exclusive to owners, heirs, successors and assigns (and their guests) of Lots 1,2 and 6 of said SKYCHIEF PARK Or any portion thereof and each shall be entitled to use the Access Easement for the vehicular, pedestrian access and utility purposes for which it is provided. " Qlte Received: JAN 2: 1 2009 -, Original Submittal (5) Maintenance: Any party may cause the Access and Utility Easement right of way or any portion thereof to be maintained or repaired. The party causilig said maintenance or repair to be done shall pay for such work, and other persons using the Access and Utility Easement shall be liable for contribution based on that party's relative use proportional to the total roadway use. This payment shall be made in a timely manner, not to exceed 30 days, from the date of receipt of proof of expense. (6) Storm Water Facilities Maintenance: All lots using the Joint Use Access Easement will share in the cost of maintaining the shared storm water facilities located within the easement area. Said lots will also have the right drain storm water from their lot to the storm water facilities withili the Access Easement. Any private utility lilies from lots to the Access Easement storm water facilities will be maintained by the owner of the lot to which they benefit, at their expense. (7) Taxes: Real property taxes shall be paid by the owners of the property upon which the easement is located. (8) Indemnification: Each party shall indemnil)- and save any other of the parties hannless from any liability, loss or expenses resulting from that parties agents and employees, any independent contractor hired by that party, and that parties permitees, invitees, licensees and guests unless that injury is caused in part by any of the other parties' failure to contribute to the expenses of maintenance of the Access and Utility Easement. (9) Further Documents: In the event that any further grants or easements are required to document and effectuate the easement created herein for Lots I, 2 and 6 of said SKYCHIEF PARK or portion thereof, Grantors each represent that each will execute said grants of easements. ~4_,,_ /J Ji)(>nald~tof Twin Butte Mortgage, Inc. Date /-/(~ -07 State of Oregon)ss County of Lane) The above named, Donald Haase, as President corporation, acknowledged the foregoing d~~~ ~ ;009, Notary Public for Ore~ of Twin Butte Mortgage, lnc" an Oregon before me this iI,;1'h day of My Commission Expires: &r-h""b.... "?:., '201\ . OfFICIAL SEAL AARON M ZEH NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION NO. 420885 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPT .3, 2011 -. (; Exhibit ;'An Easement Description: Beginning at a point Being North 890 26' 00" West 33.40 feet from a point that is North 00 19' 00" East 918.08 feet from the East Southeast comer of the Reuben R. Harper Donation Land Claim Number 57, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said point also being on the Westerly margin of South 4200 Street; thence along said Westerly margin, South 00 41' 48" West 129,67 feet; thence leaving said westerly margin, North 890 26' 00" West 379.64 feet to the True Point of Beginning, said point being on the Easterly margin of South 41~ Place; thence along said Easterly margin, North 0019' 00" East 30.00 feet; thence South 890 26' 00" East 41.25 feet; thence North 500 00' 00" East 53.31 feet; thence North 0019' 00" East 24.23 feet; thence South 720 20' 46" East 21.20 feet; thence South 89026' 00" East 76.01 feet; thence South 00 19' 00" West 21.00 feet; thence North 89026' 00" West 67.47 feet; thence South 500 00' 00" West 53.79 feet; thence South 400 00' 00" East 20,00 feet; thence South 500 00' 00" West 12.00 feet; thence North 400 00' 00" West 20.00 feet; thence South 500 00' 00" West 29.04 feet; thence North 890 26' 00" West 38.37 feet to the True Point of Beginning in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: JAN 2 1 2009 Original Submittal LOT 2 8,380 SO.FT. C'< ~ ,.... '" .~~ .,; LOT 1 C'< 7,577 SO.FT. 4J 4J U :5 a 0.. 0 Iii '" :; b LOT 6 z 8,537 SO.FT. ~ 0 ~ <0' 0 5' ~ '- ~ (J) )> c :z: ~ a- 3 ~ a - ~ ~ ~ = <' u::> CD 0. VARIABL(-WIDTH PRIVATE JOINT-USE ACCESS AND UTIUTY EASEMENT AND t.tAINTENANCE AGREEMENT. c EXHIBIT "B" (S 89'26'00' E 380.50)2+4 LOT 3 8,307 SO,FT. LOT 5 8,369 SO.FT. (N 89'26'00' W 379.64)2+4 LOT 4 8,113 SO. FT. !z <5 0.. J . ~ .q " 'I ,.... "! '" N ~ ." . :; b Vl <) ":;'. , i.. After recording return to: Donald Haase. 143 Madison Street Eugene, OR 97402 Date Received: JAN 2 1 2009 Original Submittpl DECLARATION OF PRIVATE SHARED STORM WATER DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECITALS: A. Declarant: This Declaration of Private Shared Strom Water Drainage Maintenance Agreement is made by Twin Butte Mortgage, Inc, an Oregon Cu. pu. ation, the owner of the real property described as SKYCHIEF PARK, recorded as Document Number 2009- in Lane County Official Deed Records. B. A private shared storm water drainage easement burdening Lots ], 2 and 6 and benefiting Lots 1, 2 and 6 of said SKYCHIEF PARK, which was created on said plat and is as shown on the attached Exhibit" A". C. Purpose: This Declaration of Private Shared Storm Water Drainage Maintenance Agreement is made to specifically provide for: (I) Maintenance of storm' water facilities within the private shared storm water drainage easement, and (2) Responsibilities for all persons who are or who may become parties using said easement_ WITNESSETH: Now therefore in consideration of the foregoing recitals, which are expressly made a part of this Declaration of Private Storm Water Maintenance Agreement, the undersigned hereby declares as follows: (I) Storm Water Facilities Maintenance: All lots using the private shared storm water drainage easement will share in the cost of maintaining the shared storm water facilities located within the easement area, Said lots will also have the right to drain storm water from their lot to the storm water facilities within the shared storm water drainage easement. Any private utility lines from lots to the shared storm water drainage easement storm water facilities will be maintained by the owner of the lot to which they benefit, at their expense. (2) Taxes: Real property taxes shall be paid by the owners of the property upon which the easement is located. (3) Indemnification: Each party shaJl indemnify and save any other of the parties hannless from any liability, loss or expenses resulting from that parties agents and employees, any independent contractor hired by that party, and that parties permitees, invitees, licensees and guests unless that injury is caused in .part by any of the other parties' failure to contribute to the expenses of maintenance of the shared storm water drainage easement. ..,. " 1~/5-01 Date D ard Haase/PresIdent of Twin Butte Mortgage, Inc. State of Oregon) )ss County of Lane) The above named, Donald Haase, as President of Twin Butte Mortgage, Inc, an Oregon Corporation, acknowledged the foregoing before me this I b-ti-.. day of ':l '''''''', ~~ 2009, . ~ ~~ )- Notary Public for Orego~ My Commission Expires: ~-\:-~ lu.- ~ '20\( , I . OFFICIAL SEAL A.ARON M ZEH NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON . CllMMISSION NO. 420885 MY COMMIWON FOIRr:S SEPT 3.2011 Date Received: JAN 2 1 2009 Original Submittal '" r:::- '" .,; '" UJ UJ ~ . n. 8 .... e" In ... b z ~ J! If-- C o ..... rQ: :3 ~ en c CT 3 ;:;: - ~1I> EXHIBIT "B~' '- )> :z: "'-> o Q) - CD ::0 CD o CD <" CD a. - ~ = <C o (S 89"26'00. E 380.50)2+4 LOT 2 8,380 SO.FT. LOT 3 8,307 SO.FT. LOT 1 7,577 SO.FT. LOT 6 8,537 SO.FT. LOT 5 8,389 SO.FT. '"'V (N 89'26'00. W 379.64)2+4 - PRIVATE SHARED STORM WATER DRAINAGE AND UTI LIlY EASEMENT. LOT 4 8,113 SO.FT. !Z i5 Q. ~ ~ -t) II J: .... '" .,; '" - .~ ~ ... b In v After recording return to: Don Haase 143 Madison Street Eugene, OR 97402 AFFIDAVIT OF CONSENT BE IT KNOWN BY THESE PRESENT, that Register-Guard Federal Credit Union, is the beneficiary of that Deed of Trust dated September 6, 2007, recorded November 8, 2007, Document No. 2007-075937, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. BE IT FURTHER KNOWN that Twin Butte Mortgage Inc., an Oregon . .__~olJl.()I'lI.ti~nis.s.ubdiviclingthe. property described in .said Deed of Trust.The. _ subdivision name is Skychief Park. NOW BE IT FURTHER KNOWN that Register-Guard Federal Credit Union, Beneficiary. does hereby agree and consent to the platting of the above referenced subdivision plat. Dated this I /0 I>-.. day of c:- -?r. \:\.."....'L~ U =:;- ,L ,2009, Cc,"-""}:i" :r. ~;/).."as CE.o for Regts'ter-Guard Federal Credit Union ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: State of Oregon) )ss County of Lane) .(~...c....j: LEA~:~~A~~~~~Li~ ~ NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON "" COMMISSION NO. 407451 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 19, 2010 . Personally appeared the above named ~ 0 kl'~ (I W for Register-Guard FedeA.'1 Credit Union on / IL /.II- day of CAaAWLUt-t 1 /' . 2009 and they acknowledged foregoing instrume~ their ioluntary act and deed. , as this the Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires ~7tl / 9, pO! D Date Received: JAN 2. 1 2009 Original Submittal ~ Western Title&Escrow Western Title &. Escrow Company of Lane County 497 Oakway Road, Suite 340 Eugene, OR 97401 Office Phone: (541) 485-3588 Office Fax: (541) 485-3597 REVISION # 1 PUBLIC RECORDS REPORT FOR SUBDIVISION PRIOR REPORT IS REVISED FOR THE FOLLOWING: To update the report. THIS REf>.Q~T)S.E.QRJH_EE!.<CL_LJS}YE USE OF~ Twin Butte Mortgage 1960 Gilham Road Eugene, OR 97401 Date Prepared: January 14, 2009 Report Number: 11575 Fee: $200.00 Local Government Lien Search: $30.00 (I) Definitions: CONDITIONS, STIPULATIONS AND DEFINITIONS (a) "Customer": The person or persons named or shown on this cover sheet. (b) "Effective date": The title plant date of January 02,2009. (c) "Land": The land described, specifically as by reference, in this public record report and improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property, (d) "Liens and encumbrances": Include taxes, mortgages, and deeds of trust, contracts, assignments, rights of way, easements, covenants, and other restrictions on title. (e) "Public records": Those records which by the laws of the State of Oregon impart constructive notice of matters relating to said land. Date Received: JAN 2 1 2009 Original Submittal Public Records Report Page 10f 7 /"'--.. Western -'.,....0 c.",." , I c. ,-v c_,~,.. ,", Report No. 11S7S (II) Liability of Western Title & Escrow Company of Lane County: (a) THIS IS NOT A COMMITMENT TO ISSUE TITLE INSURANCE AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A POUCY OF TITLE INSURANCE, (b) The liability of Western Title & Escrow Company of Lane County for errors or omissions in this public record report is limited to the amount of the fee paid by the customer, provided, however, that Western Title & Escrow Company of Lane County has no liability in the event of no actual loss to the customer. (c) No costs of defense, or prosecution of any action, is afforded to the customer. (d) In any event, Western Title & Escrow Company of Lane County assumes no iiability for loss or damage by reason of the following: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public -- ------records,-.-------------- __un ---._ - 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3, Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, encroachments, shortage in area, conflicts in boundary lines or any other facts which a survey would disclose, 5. (i) Unpatented mining claims; (ii) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (iii) water rights or claims or title to water. 6, Any right, title, interest, estate or easement in land beyond the lines of the area specifically described or referred to in this report, or in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, ianes, ways or waterways. 7, Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning laws, ordinances or regulations) restricting, regulating, prohibiting or relating to (i) the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land; (ii) the character, dimensions or location of an improvement now or hereafter erected on the land; (iii) a separation in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the iand has been recorded in the public records at the effective date hereof. 8, Any governmental police power not excluded by (II)(d)(7) above, except to the extent that notice of the exercise thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at the effective date hereof. 9, Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters created, suffered, assumed, agreed to or actually known by the customer. Date Received: JAN 21 2009 Public Records Report Page 20f 7 Ori~~al Western Tiiie&,su.)w Report No. 11575 (III) Report Entire Contract: Any rights or actions or rights of action that the customer may have or may bring against Western Title 8r. Escrow Company of Lane County arising out of the subject matter of this report must be based on the provisions of this report. No provision or condition of this report can be waived or changed except by a writing signed by an authorized officer of Western Title 8r. Escrow Company of Lane County, By accepting this form report, the customer acknowledges and agrees that the customer has been afforded the opportunity to purchase a title insurance policy but has elected to utilize this form of public record report and accepts the limitation of liability of Western Title 8r. Escrow Company of Lane County as set forth herein. (IV) Fee: The fee charged for this Report does not include supplemental reports, updates or other - ______additionaLservicesof. Western Title 8r. Escrow Company~oH,ane~County; Date Received: JAN 2: 1 2009 Original Submittal Public Records Report Page 30f 7 /" .../" "--- Western Till',&[';c"jW Report No. 11S7S REPORT Report Number: 11575 Effective Date: January 02,2009 at 5:00 p.m. A. The land referred to in this public record report is located in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, and is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" B. As of the effective date and according to the public records, we find title to the land apparently vested in: Twin Butte Mortgage, Inc., an Oregon corporation as to Parcel I and Donald Haase as. to~ Parcel II _ C. And as of the effective date and according to the public records, the land is subject to the following liens and encumbrances, which ,are not necessarily shown in the order of priority: 1. Intentionally deleted. 2, Unpaid taxes for the year 2008-2009 Original Amount: $3,512.05 DUE, plus interest Tax Lot No.: 17 02 32 33 02100 Account No.: 0127835, Code 01900 (Parcel I) Unpaid taxes for the year 2007-2008 Original Amount: $3,178.85 DUE, plus interest Unpaid taxes for the year 2006-2007 Original Amount: $3,217.80 DUE, plus interest Unpaid taxes for the year 2005-2006 Original Amount: $3,146.90 Unpaid Balance: $2,074.44 DUE, plus interest Date Received: JAN n 2009 Original Submittal Public Records Report Page 40f 7 -~ Western -,~:",., ",q.".... . " ~ ,-.. .__~,.. .v' Report No. 11575 (Exception No, 2 continued) Unpaid taxes for the year 2008-2009 Original Amount: $1,248.01 DUE, plus interest Tax Lot No.: 1702 32 33 02101 Account No.: 1744299, Code 01900 (Parcel II) Unpaid taxes for the year 2007-2008 Original Amount: $1,129.61 DUE, plus interest Unpaid taxes for the year 2006-2007 Original Amount: $1,104.13 DUE, plus interest Unpaid taxes for the year 2005-2006 OriginalAmount~ - -- -- $1;079,81----- _n - .. --------__ Unpaid Balance: $480.15 DUE, plus interest 3, The rights of the public in and to that portion of the herein described property lying within the limits of roads and highways. 4, Terms, provisions and conditions of easement, including but not limited to maintenance provisions contained in Declaration of Joint Use Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement Recorded: February 21, 2002 Document No,: 2002-013998, Lane County Records 5. Jurisdictional Transfer Document, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded: December 23, 2003 Document No.: 2003-122204, Lane County Records Executed By: State of Oregon, Department of Transportation Date Received: JAN 2, I. 2009 Original Submittal PubliC Records Report Page 50f 7 ...//"'----- Western -',tl"&'5,"'O" Report No. 11575 6, Line of Credit Trust Deed to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby: Amount: $154,295.00 Dated: September 6, 2007 Recorded: November 8, 2007 Document No.: 2007,075936, Lane County Records Grantor: Donald Haase Trustee: Western Title & Escrow Beneficiary: Register-Guard Federal Credit Union (Parcel II) Line of Credit Trust Deed to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any 'other obligations secured thereby: -- --- _~__u_ Amount: - u $245,000;00---- - Dated: September 6, 2007 Recorded: November 8,2007 Document No.: 2007-075937, Lane County Records Grantor: Twin Butte Mortgage Inc., an Oregon corporation Trustee: Western Title and Escrow Beneficiary: Register-Guard Federal Credit Union (parcei I) 7. END OF REPORT Any questions concerning the Public Records Report should be directed to Jerrilyn Egger at 541-431-3710, or email at iep'p'erriilwesterntitle.cnm. Date Received: JAN 21 2009 Original Submittfll Public Records Report Page 60f 7 /'/~. Western -';".'.>'<;'.'''0.'' ,. - .. --,~...; "" . . . -. Report No. 11575 Order No. 11575 Exhibit "A" Parcel I: The North one-half of Lot 13, FREDERIC, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 67, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT the South 100 feet thereof. ALSO EXCEPT the West 25 feet thereof conveyed to the City of Springfield by deed recorded August 12, 1968, Reception No. 34906, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 13, FREDERIC, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 67, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the Northerly line of said Lot 13, FREDERIC, North 890 26' 00" West 15.00 feet; thence leaving said Northerly line South 00 19' 00" West 117.50 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 890 26' 00" West 47.08 feet; thence North 500 00' 00" West 82.65 feet; thence North 890 26' 00" West 76,26 feet; thence North 00 19' 00" East 65.00 feet to the Northerly line of Lot 13, FREDERIC; thence along said Northerly line South 890 26' 00" East 103.50 feet; thence leaving said Northerly line South 00 19' 00" West 71.24 feet; thence South 500 00' 00" East 53.15 feet; thence South 890 26' 00" East 42.60 feet; thence South 0019' 00" West 12.50 feet to the true point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the City of Springfield by Bargain and Sale Deed recorded June 20, 2006, Document No. 2006-042858, Official Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Parcel II: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 13, FREDERIC, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 67, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the Northerly line of said Lot 13, FREDERIC, North 890 26' 00" West 15,00 feet; thence leaving said Northerly line South 00 19' 00" West 117.50 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 890 26' 00" West 47.08 feet; thence North 500 00' 00" West 82.65 feet; thence North 890 26' 00" West 76.26 feet; thence North 00 19' 00" East 65.00 feet to the Northerly line of Lot 13, FREDERIC; thence along said Northerly line South 890 26' 00" East 103,50 feet; thence leaving said Northerly line South 00 19' 00" West 71.24 feet; thence South 500 00' 00" East 53.15 feet; thence.5outh 890 26' 00" East 42,60 feet; thence South 00 19' 00" West 12,50 feet to the true point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the City of Springfield by Instrument recorded June 20, 2006, Document No. 2006-042859, Official Records. Date Received: JAN 2 1 2009 Original SubmittC'l1 Public Records Report Page 70f 7 /^'---- Western T,tio(;Esc',,'