HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 2/12/2008 .' - After recording return to: Don Haase 143 Madison Street Eugene, OR 97402 le'- I , DECLARATION OF V ARIABLE-WII)TH PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT /NoTE fAG<=:' ( RECITALS: A. Declarant:. This Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement is made by Donald Haase, the owner of the real property described as SKYCHlEF PARK, recorded as Document Number 2007- in Lane County Official Deed Records. The Access Easement is described on the attached Exhibit nAn. B. Purpose: This Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement is made to specifically provide for: (I) Access to Lots 1,2 and 6 of said SKYCHlEF PARK, and (2) Maintenance requirements of the Access Easement, and (3) Installation and maintenance of utilities, and (4) Maintenance of storm water facilities, and (5) Responsibilities for all persons who are or who may become parties using said easement. WI1NESSETH: Now therefore in consideration of the foregoing recitals, which are expressly made a part of this Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement, the undersigned hereby declares 'as follows: (I) Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement: There is hereby declared,. granted, conveyed and created a perpetual and non-exclusive easement as a means of ingress and egress to and from Lots 1,2 and 6 of said SKYCHlEF PARK.i1t is further declared and provided that said Access and Utility Easement may be utilized for the installation and maintenance of such utilities as may be needed to serve said Lots. Said ,easement shall also be used for emergency vehicle access. It is expressly understood that no rjghts outside the Access and Utility Easement are provided. ' (2) Extent: The easement created by this declaration are not personal or in gross but are appurtenant to each said Lot. ' (3) Duration of Covenants Binding or Successors and Assigns: The easement created by this declaration shall be permanent and perpetual and shall constitute covenants running with the land and shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of all heirs, successors and assigns of Lots I, 2 and 6 of said SKYCHlEF PARK. ' .;, (4) Exclusive: The Access and Utility Easement provided h~rein shall be exclusive to owners, heirs, successors and assigns (and their guests) of Lots 1,2 and 6 of said SKYCHlEF PARK or any portion thereof and each shall be entitled to use the Access Easement for the vehicular pedestrian access and utility purposes for which it is provided. ' , . ... ~ (5) Maintenance: Any party may cause the Access and lTtility Easement right of way or any portion thereof to be maintained or repaired. The party causing said maintenance or repair to be done shall pay for such work, and other persons using the Access and Utility Easement shall be liable for contribution based on that party's relative use proportional to the total roadway use. This payment shall be made in a timely manner, not to exceed 30 days, from the date of receipt of proof of expense. (6) Storm Water Facilities Maintenance: All lots using the Joint Use Access Easement will share in the cost of maintaining the shared storm water facilities located within the easement area. Said lots will also have the right drain storm water from their loeto the storm water facilities within the Access Easement. Any private utility lines from lots to the Access Eas~ment storm water facilities will be maintained by the oWner of the lot to which they benefit, at their expense. (7)' Taxes: Real property taxes shall be paid by the owners of the property upon which the easement is located. (8) Indemnification: Each party shall indemnifY and save any other of the parties harmless from any liability, loss or expenses resulting from that parties agents and employees, any independent contraCtor hired by that party, and that parties permitees, invitees, licensees and guests unless that injury is caused in part by any of the other parties' failure to contribute to the expenses of maintenance of the Access' and Utility Easement. ' (9) Further Documents: In the event that any further giants or easements are required to document and effectuate the easement created herein for Lots I, 2 and 6 of said SKYCHlEF PARK or portion thereof, Grantors each represent that each will execute said grants of easements. Donald Haase Date, ) State ofOregon)ss County of Lane) The above mimed, Donald Haase, acknowledged the foregoing before me this .2007. day of Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: .01. .. Exhibit "A" Easement Description: Beginning at a point Being North 890 26' 00" West 33.40 feet from a point that is North 00 19' 00" East 918.08 feet from the East Southeast comer, of the ,Reuben R. Harper Donation Land Claim Number 57, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WilIamette Meridian, said point also being on the Westerly margin of 'South 42nd Street; thence' along said Westerly m'argin, South 00 41' 48" West 129.67 feet; thence leaving said westerly margin, North 890 26' 00" West 379.64 feet to the True Point of Beginning, said point being on the Easterly margin of South 41" Place; thence along said Easterly margin, North 00 19' 00" East 30.00 feet; thence South 890 26' 00" East 41.25 feet; thence North 500 00.' 00" East 53.31 feet; thence North 0019' 00" East 24.23 feet; thence South 720 20' 46" East 21.20 feet; thence South 890 26' 00" East 76.01 feet; thence South 00 19' 00" West 21.00 feet; thence North 89~ 26' 00" West 67.47 feet; thence South 500 00' 00" West 53.79 feet; thence South 400 00' 00" East 20.00 feet; thence South 500 00' 00" West 12.00 feet; thence North 400 00' 00" West 20.00 feet; thence South 500 00' 00" West 29.04 feet; thence North 890 26' 00" West 38.37 feet to the True Point of Beginning in Lane County, Oregon. " ~ L\. ._ ! ,t, .:-,~ ". ': -~. . . After recording retum to: Don Haase 143 Madison Street Eugene, OR 97402 .- DECLARATION OF VARIABLE-WIDTH PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS , AND UTILITY EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECITALS: A. Declarant: This Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement is made by Donald Haase, the owner of the rea) property described as SKYCHIEF PARK, recorded as Document Number 2007- in Lane County Official Deed Records. The Access Easement is described on the attached Exhibit nAn. B. Purpose: This Declaration" of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement is made to specifically provide for: (I) Access to Lots 3-5 of said SKYCHIEF PARK, and (2) Maintenance requirements ofthe Access Easement, and (3) Installation and maintenance of utilities, and (4) Maintenance of storm water facilities, and (5) Responsibilities for all persons who are or who may become parties using said easement. ' WITNESSETH: Now therefore in consideration of the foregoing recitals, which are expressly made a part ofthis Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement, the undersigned hereby declares as follows: (I) Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement: There is hereby declared, granted, conveyed and created a perpetual and non-exclusive easement as a means of ingress and egress to and from Lots 3-5 of said SKYCHlEF PARK. It is further declared and provided that said Access and Utility Easement may be utilized for the installation and maintenance of such utilities as may be needed to serve said Lots. Said easement shall also be used for emergency vehicle access. It is expressly understood that no rights outside the Access.and Utility Easement , . are provided. (2) Extent: The easement created', by this declaration are not personal or in gross but are appurtenant to each said Lot. , (3) Duration of Covenants Binding or Successors and Assigns: The easement created by this declaration shall be p~rmanent and perpetual and shall constitute covenants running with the land and shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of all heirs, successors and assigns of Lots 3-5 of said SKYCHIEF PARK. (4) Exclusive: The Access and Utility Easement provided herein shall be exclusive to owners, heirs, successors and assigns ( and their guests) of Lots 3-5 of said SKYCHlEF PARK or any portion thereof and each shall be entitled to use the Access Easement for the vehicular, pedestrian access and utility purpo~es for which it is provided. ..',,, ~ .. - .' (5) Maintenance: Any party may cause the Access,and Utility Easement right of way or any portion thereof to b~ maintained or repaired. The party causing said maintenance or repair to be done shall pay for such work, and other persons using the Access and Utility Easement shall be liable for contribution based on that, party's relative use proportional to the total roadway use. This payment shall be made in a timt?ly manner, not to exceed 30 days, from the date of receipt of proof of expense. (6) Storm Water Facilities Maintenance: All lots using the Joint Use Access,Easement will share in the cost of maintaining the shared storm water facilities located within the easement area. Said lots will also have the right drain storm water from their lot to the storm water facilities within the Access Easement. Any private utility lines from lots to the Access Easement storm water facilities will be maintained by the owner of the lotto which they benefit, at their expense. (7) Taxes: Real property taxes shall he paid by the owners of the property upon which the easement is located. ' (8) Indemnification: Each party shall indemnifY and save any other of the parties' harmless from any 'liability, loss or expenses resulting from that parties agents and employees, any independent contractor hired by that party, and that parties permitees, invitees, licensees and guests unless that injury is caused in part by any of the other parties' failure to contribute to the expenses of maintenance of the Access and Utility Easement. (9) Further Documents: In the event that any further grants or easements are required to document and effectuate the easement created herein for Lots 3-5 of said SKYCHIEF PARK or portion thereof, Grantors each represent that each will execute said grants of easements. Donald Haase Date State ofOregon)ss County of Lane) The above named, Donald Haase, acknowledged the foregoing before me this .2007. day of Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: '" ..,i~' ."' Exhibit "A" Easement Description: Beginning at a point Being North 89026' 00" West 33.40 feet from a point that is North 00 19' 00" East 9] 8.08 feet from the East Southeast comer of the Reuben R. Harper Donation Land Claim Number 57, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said point also being on the Westerly margin of South 42nd Street; thence along said Westerly margin, South 00 41' 48" West 26.00 feet; thence leaving said westerly margin, North 890 26' 00" West 31.66 feet; thence South 50000' 00" West 54.83 feet; thence South 430 31' 06" West 25.73 feet; thence North 400 00'00" West 24.15 feet; thence North 500 00' 00" East 44.23 feet; thence North 3 10 57' 49" West 10.29 feet; thence North 00 19' 00" East 24.71 feet; thence South 890 26' 00" East 78.65 feet to the point of beginning in Lane County, Oregon. \ ~ . . ,~~,~ ~:f::z~ .;~, ~ .' ~, . .......--,. .' ~ .'. "'" .. l,'_ 'PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D FEB 1 2 2008 ,~', - i, ;~ ,,~':~;'E~; 'DECLARATION O,F ,JOINT USE ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECI.'l.'~"'S :, " :~,;~~~: ~J}~~ ", '. l';:"IDeClara'nt: This Decl"lration of io'int Use Access: Easement a~:4NH~intenance' Agreement is declarkd ahd granted by TWIN BllkTJ.lt:'MORTGAGE i 'INC. ," "CU1j Ot'egon Corporation ("Grantor"), in ,fa,vo'r"'t'of Mccabe', Investments Li.mited Par,tn'ershlp, :~and Twin .,. ".' -'... - .. .. '. . ", . - .~ 'Butte Mo'r-tage Inc, t1cCabe Investments Limited Partnership is ,.t-h"e..(,~8~n~i- Jof :p:~'~-cel ,1/ dS 11escl~ibe~1 (jl~:,...E;xhibit ~\Arr. Twin , Bul,t:e';C'Mor-cgage';"rlnc. ,is the owner oE-Parcels 2 and 3, ,'IS '.~ '>:;~,-Yt;~:,."-" ~ ",. ,....l~'.,...' ., ~. . .l Qescr,lbed,on E:dublt "A". . ,'I '-.-~'i~,:4@~~';/ ~,~ ,: 'r :"'_ -t\":' - ' " . .,.,' ,f '2\ti:i\lJibject> Pr8P,erty: 'Gt-anl:ur is the owner .of' ,fee,.;ti tie to the'~itEjal. pl:ope~ty; described on ExhibH "B". ::~ ,,:,' ':'/;~1~~~'." "~.. ;::~:. '. :ti !:l~" ' ..j I :'3 ::;'Purpose: Thf's Declaration establishes. a private ',easement for; la'CCess: ,ane];, Hlaint>~nance. :3aicl ea:s'ement is described. on Exhtb~i:'i:.' !Ie'.'. ,: .,. ... ::<";~E~ ,\~ :.4. .:'Considera,tinn: The ,;on s iderabon, for thi s easemen tis .,.,.,.~,."othe'rc'.tha!1'ciT1onetary-;-'._m . -.,. . .: "t~\'V'~'~~~: _ ,.". I;:V; 'WITNESSETH :'., , I", ">, ; .. . \" . " ~ . 'I' " ,. '1_7 '" , ,\- . ," NOW,. ,THEREFORE, in. cO;1~idel:ation of the ,foregoing,f-ecitals, ~,whi'ch;~ar,e';e";tpr~ss11 Inac1ea part. of th:is'Dec1arati6n'of Joint ~Use~\?:,:'Ac'c:es~' , . Easement and t1ain te'hance" AgreeinEiht, the ""--""'%-;"'.'~f'..;"" _ " - .~_.H"'~'~' ",. "f' _ . ,,' ';,'.' ,:'.:_'. ";~,-~'.,~.' ." '-1 :und'e'istgne'c1 <.her,eby ',dec lares as foLlows:" ,!;:', ' ,; '..,... I - ~ ''"'..~.;.''4"". ;....r ~.. 1'-""'"' -";",- ""1-' ".. . \ '\" ',' '.} . ~ <. . . ," '. ',' 'j . ',.:':'Jr:'fl~~~f.JiJ.i'f>t:~:~:~:f.'{ ~~<~:;l"t:,; "': ;,' _ ".~ "."":~,,,t'I~; !'~;~:~:,l~~~:_ .' '_: ':l!;.:.t'!~~,i:, , '.(li)J.':i\p!,!CJ.ar.ati99~ of lIccesi;' E;jsement':~,,:T.het;e\" h!'ji. hereby ,;,~,~,,~:r&~f~~~:~, '>!~ary'~,:~~;~., conveyed' /~~1d <c,~~a tt~d l,~,.','p~rpe~,<~A,ll;,~?J.nd non- .~.~-,C;~ilY3~,~ye,'" ~as'Bm~,nJ:. '~lS' a ,m~~ans o.f<,,;lngres;9" ~nd:i;3,gre:s".s to and <.'f:r~6m~}~Paii".Ge,lf~~ L);;'k;,2;;' And J I ~jf"t des(:r;ibt~'ii on;:;',Exhibi..tt~."A'~. ,'.i:';'~~~~~~~f~~t~G~~~'~'~~r~~:-~'_,:_,,':',:{~;;~:,~,.'. "'~:':;'" ::', ., ..',~ I' ',.~:,,;'~ .' .t~:f~_;~;~,~ ' (.,~f]_:t';lr,!'!),\~:~~'PJ~?P~:F-::t'YJ~,~~: j~~ s's E~(l ,.,C :})~li_c'clt:!~\~rl I')' 'DY\Sf>a'~'d"!'_ 8~Er,~m'~nt ,1 S ""d"e's:c:r,i'b'e'iJ:: OIl 'Exb>ib i t liB II . ~ ." ;~,;..::,- '. ' .' 1," :j~'{~.' ':f.:~;~tt'~~;~::?:~~:~~:.~:~o. 'i~:-" ~'::~'~'.::;,:~_~, .' _ o' _. e' .'i/i';~:._', .. '.. :-'~~3~~~ '(~J[)'~/rEe~"pro.p'e'i::b~ifj'S,:3-l-ji:":Nerl (":benefitted"l) ;P'Y' said', eas'ernent 15 '~(f~:s{:~,iri~b~~~a' J~'n:1".E";{f~1;'h:L l~> !I~A:'. .' ,j.~t. (. .,:'" '.(it-;/ .:"1;' '" .;;~. f';~,\~o?~. ,.-~.~...~;{..:,;;,t""l" ". ,~~ .. t."\'-:.'W'!i;~~;". ';' '. ' ." .. ' " ,.;. ". '. .... J . -~~.'. A--J-; ~;<-~'lf.j-m:~\~.:.-:;,. i\> " '"j\~l'l .' :'i>.~-~'f';O" .'..' . :', " " , ' : ,', " "nv\:':" ::~:4Jt:k~~t~glht.'F1,;:rff~;'J.'~~s~me'nt created by lbhi~ ;d~'clara,t:J6K are not Yie't~,s'~5'lla,.L.~'(.),Cj!~'ini~:b'(~lSS but ar~,- appl.JLt.endnt ,t::6 e.ver,y:"p'.&rtion uE ""j..;}1"'t~~~~i";!\.1'_1l11~'_:loq;,..,l~1'I;r.::.l"'1-1~I'l-'l~..~tI:f""""t"t "1 '\. '....-;c .;-- ,...\,.:,\ " ,," '!,' ",,' ,;'..-~.<.',~" . ,h;.' le:I:.I~pt;WlJe'.c,:;'Nf'! Je'l)!?: ll'.' .8( ; ,I "",', . '\'''. . ," ", . 'f'~' :l.tl':!i' ~'r. ~~..'i.. ""P"'ll..j'''''..)''':'.\A'.'I.)'~Y\ \.' ..', f',"" '. "', ,,~lfi :<:'::~,l.;~~~!.;.{\i.,.,~}-,t~~~;,:({:,""t:;~~'i!t!;,: -. ' '-'. 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PRE.SUBMITTAL REeD', ".:~i;;/ "ii, ' FEB 1 2 Z008 (5) ,Exclusive;' Said e~'senlents sha'li nm with the properties he'r ih' described'.' and shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their' heirs, successors, or . \'. .~. i . . . . asseigns, :~~,<}.r.:>. ~- . .' ~- (6}:': Maintenance: Any party may cause the, Access Easement rig.h,t: ;of way or, any portion thereof to be maintained or ,rep'afr:lEld" The p1;lrty causing said maintenance or repair to be 'done :.shall'~' pay, for such work, and other per sOilS . u'sing the 'Access'; Easement shall be liable 'for contribution basp-d on .:that'ir.~il;rty '"s re'lati ve use proportional to,the total'- roadway '~us'e ,::;',TI1'is."paym'eHt: shall be made in a til\""ly mariner; not to ," 1, .<':U:,d....... - -,.,.- "", I -,' ; '. , :e){F,;'~~i\i!,30;},day~,t. from the date of recelpt of ,proof of ,.expense, ' : ',c . .\::" J',;, r'rt;~ri?~~ . ;, .' . {t..," . " 1" ',.c'7);::T~ies: "~ReaL property taxes shall. be paid by the owners ".of" ,the 'property(upon which the easement is .located, '".,- (8 ):"Indemnification: Each party shall ' indemnify and save any ',other; 'of .the parties ,hat'mless from any liability;,: loss or 'exp,N1ses i-esu'lt/ngft'om that parties agents and e~ployees, any independent, contractor hired by, that party," and that ,.".~"part:i'es;i'permi:tees,"~"invitees,. li'cen$f"es ,and' gues'ts unless " - --~,-., ..' . ,t!:1,~,t;::1:.~,n,)ury ,is ',i:WIl~;ed in part by any ofth~ other':!parties' 'f,a,;~~;U,r:~ ,to. c,ontnrbute to the ,expenses of :,malntel).an.ce of the .A6~e~. Eas~m~nt.-', .,~~ . '. " ',>i,I, . "-'_~/ .' \, :' '" ',(,gi)':-:cil1e ease.m~nts created. hereby sh'ill i :b,e' exerc~sed in a ~mag~~'Eii.?onsis~er;t with, applica:bl~ 109a1.; ~state, :an~; fe~eral 'r.e',l'Y;\vil,,~i\9.l},f. '.I,~,?Sl:{;.j>pe\m1 ~s, al).~,I:I.~ th ~ H :i,,?,~,he~.;,,: S.O~dl bons, '~easemen,ts,f ~and,lxestrlct1(:>nS of record, .; ,.,1; ", ,.t,;, '~'f?~:tC~:'t;!t'~ ';~?!. !'-t/';,-~~J.'_. '.'!!;,;~t' ;:l;fF' " :. c' '.' ~. '. .' i,;)', "~:J ~F';'" ~" ~" ,.' ~:;'},_;j /:r;;> ',.. ~_l~ .~,l~J':~';,~,~t I "':':YO'ii5;4"-"~'''I'''~j~'''- . "'b"~cl.;l"', ~, ,j" "11' ,. ._..;;J_jJ~~' ,"'\';"'--"'~~; ,t".,q,:!',:;'''';''', I:,'J~. ;';-;~' : f:~' ...':...:..' "",,,"',t "1 ',7i{""'t: " ":il' "I" Y .' .. " " " """0<- ''';'':' "6 n '? '~'1(;' ....' ,." ',: 'j:I.:'~': ":~L ~ . 'J~~}}~I'l'~If!-"a"T' I \,~~:,~.!,:f,-r,.~,~.}L4:e(l t"., 0 f " ' . -' :~.~< Da teJt~" ~~ \. ;;,'.' ,:,r'(!.~;~':tB.;:J~e~~,,?ft~~g~>Inc, ;,~.; . :':" - , ,anJ,Oregon' Gorpora:t.lon " . " ,,", "(f" .,#.t:"'''''''~'lA'1 -. ... t.~'1>;; l""'~~~~"}"~'" -. " ...[%?: ." ~:r :',{ti:;;;t~;~~j~Ti/;'jf.:;';!':.2: ,1;::(, ' ;. ," l . State,i;6f, Oregon ):s's' 1,:<...'. :,;!':'~Xt',..ill~tM;':<&l'.'"J '", ~'(:"\l . .-;. ~ !:.H ".,', ~".d3ounEY;)t of~;.,Lane )~':;~\. u'" 1 ...., 1\ '.. '~'..:.'(;' ~';,' , !.111\rhhll,...~ \. ;; ,,""- ~I : ,~",;." ' ,:- \:~;... - , ': ". 'io . J.., "~'I Jf' J ~";., Jj .., .' ~"j /;t --.;l..,;,.~\-~.:~.';j!:tt" ~ ~ ~ ~', :t~ ~ ( -.:': ~. ",,' ,1 "':. ^. .~y;" . "",," ,"'t, ".,:B.~'~..{(i~MJg';&;~f:t~~, ~e:~r;re~~n D~~~:~::~i6:~e::~;;;(~/ T~~~ ,,,g,".-:"!J!:IJ/~',,,,:,;,,,", 2092. ,~nd'ackn9wleqged the "f'oregoing 'JriS'r~si~:~nt:~.t.~9~'J'tii s voluntary ac,t -and 'de'ed , - :;"': ,f ' rZII!)~~ '" "..:':,:: . ;h""""'p bY"" ,(~'rO '. ,. ... .'" l.~!-~- '-),"h~' 'OFFICIAL SEAL" &orq ::~:&~;;"~'~;:;~' ;"g~; ....',:. .r:.I.' ~.:. " ;'~~~~ii,"~~~~i~:, i .:!11~'~Gcitr.miss ibl1',.'E~~h'es: ,.j, ,&:,,",(2 l.,;, '. ":',, ,,;.' x,h, "" '., MY,COMMlSlION EXPIRES OC1.27. 20n4 '1 "\:~;!I(~""~~,.""",1'",~,,,,,:,r' .,',y.,,- ...:j-," "'_",if",""fj":" . I .. '" . ~ ..... ,-. . . 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" ,'! t:. \, .1:,,,V1 ;''1. , " ,.: .,! , 1; ". :5r. -', . .:;~J ;;~;. . 0, _ ~ ,.._' '.....' ,'.",. , ; ;' ,'. --1';'" .: i'~ :j. PRE-SUBMITTAl REC"D FEB 1 2 Z008 ".. Exhibit "A" ;1'. " '.j.., ;~,:t :.< ;,J~ ~. '" ,,; " Lt~,,' ':~' _ '", 'Par.'eeL'.1: ," C,'-"_' -e'-'. ;&'-1 .. ....' ~','f. .{f~'-:'_I-'~)':! r' 'Begcipll1ng' at the' Sou thwes t corner of Lot 12, Frederic, -3.S ,"ola.t:.ted'fimd::recorded in Book 4, Page. 67, Lane 'County ot'egon' )Pfe1ae':tt;,i1,j~:et'h~oe.rr"lde' 'Se"; 'E',~;rS'."t:ne2e20'\iI. 'o~sot 220.00' fee t; thence ':North ELL~ . 83 . _ .J,""",,, ,:~" feet; thende, SOl.lt.h 11,6.83, __', to 'th~;Po,i.r:,t.;:oJ'. B",\j;~,hning in Lane County, Oregon.'" , ~~r::,' ">L. 'l'Jr' ~~ ' :: J Par'C:~l... 2: i~:~;~ ~~f{~ .~ ~,' . .:. Begil1nii.{g . at '.the, Northeast c.orner. of Lot 13, FREDER IC, as ".,:-r" ~jl~~";l:~~)-."'" }'. "....;;} 'i:' 1-, p'}a,H,M':~'~q:n~C.o.Tded J.n Book 4, Page 6'7, Lanec,oun~y Oregon _..,'_..,..,~,1a:~:!yRe.eoEd,H:;'.theF"7e~along.. the"Nm~herly l-ine,.....of.: Lot 13 ,}J!;~i4~1~~~1J:~~;,(,~~<...2~~\~,~~~:2~9.:r. West~. 35}:::?:.O .~.:~"~_et,,:: ~o,:', the T~~\f,?J'J:t? inL of :,;~;B.e'cfih'nr'n~J;: thehCe leaving sai'd.,'Northerly.. 1ine"'SoutK 0" 19' ,.,~~:~",;, ~;:1~{'r':'f:.,T: ";- r - - IW'C'~ - ; __ ~~::" ,,~:F' ,~,., """, .! ,; ::17'_ '.;iPR~;~~fWl~J~~~t>t~!~f~",:O~"ltt\Y:~"~'~ ~,t t-,henc~(::1,N9.'E:Jh ....~~,L9,;\:. ?6, 0 Oh"":,~,'~~1~ L '.;tf~~~)!ll~~i1~h;c.~,1~'\~1~'~~;":"i.50n: 00 r_ 'OCl'}' ,W,~~st_7:~;,~8 "feet,;dl~t.0f~h~ce~ .'.,8.9:~ij~ij26~,L' OO,~',:,'.iI."es, t,'..t,'.81: 3.8 feet; thehce}No,.th 0"","'1:,8,".",;0,,0" E-3.st ":~\'~ '\-{~l'It:,"I:'ISJ.;tr' l!f~~;:' ,..... v;'r~~ .,;t J ' , . " ; " ,11" i, , ' 1',n}''''~:f. ~--t. <\?;~~{~~g;pi'~f~,~.~ F;~~.~,~o:,~~rir~ a:f ore~~n t_~q,n~~q::-Ndr.~~:~1.'~.r 1 y 1 \;t~r~~tf.~:lJot ".thene ,l.a.long'sci.'id Northerly. Iihe South 89" '2'6',~!~00" , t,. '-"~f.,~ .;:,.~_-/- .'r: .'_ ii,<,'".,{~ . - . _ ..'.' ,(j< .,!~ ..'~' '_ 'i'''~?:('''':''J;'';: ~l?.9cWO, ';::i~;t;i~J:?jh~,li~ ;n'ue POiIl,~.of~i:J3e<Jirn~ng ';:;W:tt',~ !';f:~"" ,,}i'?'\ ~',~;;j:~": .<?ilt::~~-~ '.1' :;~~ I ;'r ). i~~?;:~~i'~J1 :"J.~...,;", "~l/',~<\:",,'llltt:.,<?.J..".,." f"._~: "" :>-{"\,~",t.l,.,~~i :I:.{,r,' '. _.' l.'-f:t !~'l"'."/ ',: .'. .:"',~~,i; ':' , ( ":><:"1~J'U, ,"R'.' ;'""'J1L.w3"'~J"...'1.'l"'J".t"':: J. \olri"'t"",r.:,' :("~,r~S,~i_WlJ:!:.i.',;,:.t:.'~)...,',,.-j;. ~~'l "'-, '" -,,;,""J'~il""J~ .t,,"',",..');NJ~.t~.. ~ltIllt,'~"'l,}'-"'" '~~~ii';J ',' .~, .' d,~,;.,t ,1 ,il':_ l;.!f~.~.'-'~" .,,;,:.:...'f';Ol' ~"Y !".r., . " , ~:\",.,:.", -,t,~ '~,f~,.':, '''l';'''"iF:jw:;~!-yl.'~ '. ti.~", ,i~~} a":,:-:,,~ ". 'j'~~t,;",~! \_l;~ .' ,B'egifrili':i'hg';:,a,t:,,,the,'lIot-th'~ast (;orner of Lot 13~"FREDERIC. as "tHti-~~:~t!,~!~~.;<1'_~d:~~\'2.f~~'\~i\(~_~ci in BOOk' 14 1~'>J~,i}8' :t'S?';- _~La~~ "6~,~~~;~t~ or'eg(~.~~. 'i'~'" ,~:)~~j$-~!I!,~'~.~,-l~~;,~~>;<fJ,~:I,-, ,;Vt:j\~:,,:f, . ,__ ,~. .j~. ,.".1 ";':", . ..,h\_,~i. :j;' l' 3' 'J..h'~~9-.:t::~f;;:R,~.-'~p~P{g.~, ;+~~I~h',~n f?8. ~.l ong, ;th 8,~::~io:( t:I1e,l~~ y llL\,e}: {-9f4 Li)t ,:"..._,'~t;~.'''y",.!tt,' '~',!"#Il' 'i~I/~~>!I:". .' ~ ';>'," t". ,f~, ',"\.' N01~'f'.'l)~,tt8-9~~'i.:~~i26,,'J..~'~1~,'O.' 0,/1 \"~,' st '3SJ~' 00 14'E.eett; ',lihen(~e - r'e'a.~JrIlg said ~;_'J ..j..'i;,:,,-,'--'~1'~'fjj,r.~~~'~'~, '~J~,~~Wtk',.\-~. - .. ' , ".,1 T'" .~)< "'v" N.o,'l,;th8,+;;Ly;,,,;LJn,ei!:~f?,.i?~I.slr 0)' 19'.00" West',l.5~OO feetl\~.o :"th8 True .. _' .'"" 'r' 0.)', ",.-"1; ""I\~. .-,",'- , ,_ ,t _ .'" _.. .,t., ._' )~ Y~~~,~If'\~f,)~~'jifi!};f!l'J-:" liH~nC("">Sou\:? 0' ',19' r)O":,We,s!i: 11'J.r)0 c, I' "'t' .. ,.' ..',' C' rq" 2c ,,' Or)'" 'u " l~O Or)' E 't'" t" 1.:,e~''':;'-';~\~).,-:I!eT~_!;/03 !Il'J.rL.!'j .:)~ ~J "'_' . .' !'I~~5l.. ' jl. . . 8e: !;', ,[]I~ncp. :_~t(~}{tti.f~~tQJ~;;~P~,;",.Jj.f ,9:Q?~'~~~'~L:;t 6t,. oo,-~"'ff-~t:h~,: th8n~,f:: ,Sout}:l '89~-~:f~:2[} I 00" \""~"i''1~',!,'\.~)l;~1 : ,',:~, ~, '\''ii~'}"' ,'~, '-,'~ ,,"', !' .<1. _B0"st>~,{':'31t:'::3'S:::f r~ e'it,;;;!,;h,l,;h(;n'~'e Nl~lr:t,n'f..5 o,~ (10" ;9:0,," Ea s t :".7,6 -:"8 u E 80 t ; :~if:!~.,~t,W:~~,f~~~~I~:~;"" +l'~-':"j'ri~"~,;;\lJt.I~_' ~__" ::.....- .~'~' :~: .f.:~,:h,~. " , ,~':., ':'''';c:-:i~ ::..ne,rl!_:.~e:~~,Soutdv 8,,,~f)lM'~,!\I,.,: OC)"" .'.'.~1s,b. SO,':, 00~ -E1~j~~t'.t-Jj t.he' .Tr\1e Point. If:t:'Jfi~j~r~t':;?lf'i~b':!;/':~':!~;~t~:~::.,~ " "', ;".1' ,\";:.~;..t '.:,'. 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"t'Ll.-U't}h~~ !~ !:t P . ~:, "\:~!~~J~~~: " ":, ;~iZo 'o,\~t,:,;-' ~,y~~ ~, '''.: ,~':U~l.~~l,~'r;" SO.OO ;!Ul'th 13; E-3.st "0 "" ~ -/".- '1:.:\, i,t,:,f,{ - '.' t'~" '/ ' . '~;; ..~ . ~~';if~' ~~ ':,:;. " '~;":'llliG . "! ' ",.,...J. ';' ". \"~.;lli/?, . ,"'. "'c, ':;-", '!:,. '~(;II:: ,""!.f~~ ".. \~:~1.'i~~~f'~J~(t~- o~:;:;,;'r l~' ...:~' "'~i; , : j,~[?~ ;~ ,<:,,~~~{t,~~~i~}il ~ ' .::i,':' : c.'~,':',_,.,.,:"",::."".,.'",.,~",,:,'.,,~','.:".,,',:.', lA~~' .l~.', .;~j~f ~',,~' ';~~~;t.t{~~' j ;i,.., ,",.', .;!"i'. ,. . "'~;'" .wr~ . . :..': . 7-.fl:"'J!.:' ~ ,1 J./ ..' ,A.. , .;~", ;;. i(f::' . ::~>~ ~~,i::,~~;:' :, 1>)'; ; ," ", ' PRE~SU8.'M,'" I,TTAl REC'O .,~.~r~: .~~;:f;t"q;~:' ;'~.. /' J~.W'" . ,"I:n1,...~!i,W"..t,\'!~ . 'f!' - I:?! . -.1!Y ''f~~1_'1~l,\ ,.' :,;;:~J~, ';1i)i;,":;, ,FEB~l 2 2008 '. :'~:,;'.'~,.','." "'~''i;' "o,~':?' EXhrj~;t "B"";;;" t'rl!; " " ~li\"" ~';(i; ~ , j~~::':,':. ~~~~f:'~ ,}::~ . z.if\~;::~ ... .,1: IiI.. ,,;',~""', ',,','...,''',',' . "..",.,';.:',;.,',',.,,'.:,:'~,,~~;-) -j .'~:~~,':' 'Y' ~..~,,,-,t.;;,;!.', ",'J." ',,' , .' -'I > ,. '" ~. . _!.", ' " , .,.," ",.' '" " , ~~," '~:~I.::', ~-__ .~>'~'. ',_ ". i~>.e:'~;:';~';~1r;,\, "" ,~";The;I,11N orkh',?, one'T'ha'l f ,.' 0 f '. Lot:~i\1-l13 ;,'~'"FRE. DER, I Cl;,"', as.' (,!Pl, at'.t.e.d, :~l:' .rf~d,~r~t~~::;1niii~'~d:"~'~d'1q~p!:,:\n, i.';'~B....l1~i:lJk'e';F.' '4 . . -= ~ ~4~'i~ ~ <: . ,', :~, '. .~.; . ..~i'. ,:~ ~ 'i~.~-!';~ ~:", ; :" "';:lr:;'G,;:::i~~~ : > .;; ,~,I."iir,eco'r e ',cj,;l.n;;'.' 00 " . page:.'t~67 Lane; ,Gount1j; ))regg.n;, Plat \;-,::~.("';{:t$i.c~~p:~,~t,,-l,;\.T.a'n'.','.e>. ,.,O">.o',:,'~,u~~~~n':":ty, ' l"Tf ~$i ' ~F ';J~'\l '-" :1 -" .' . ,.;"w-' . '.I.', ""',' ,___'< _, Oregori.~}~e~,.;:A ;' .,..:l~q..\~\.~~~...'.'~_l .~;{t~ 't ~~!;>,~~r.H\!~:~~'r(.:;~" ,,', "~~~jJ~~, ,;; ~ f "<~t!1 '~"""n~.~ ',,~ ~:~ 'j fflirJ ~!4 ,I ." ., "'.,. 'I~' f\ .'iJ, ,~-I' ,;'. ,h1~~1~'1~,;{ ~ r., );t;- _ . 0, ..~;~~~@{tEPT,;Aslt~.grti~lt~~~~;; fee~'~~:~~L7: i~' T>;!~~~:i' '::~;, .', ,',...... Y! .~).,~t!, .'~."h,~ ,:;,;:tl;'(;T"~ ,. ,::~~r / ;.. .'.' , ": ,. :,:t:"':;t~f;~ "'ALi;o::iixCEPT: 'fh'Ei',:5..i~'~T-25':-o-6-f eet fherebCconvE;ye'J'To""fhe Ci t y '\. 1"i'i~1 '~l,;{''ith',!-'V i'"~ ;;h~~-;,-y,",,'~'-H~~ . , ,':r-'.'~J.tr~'11~~t~..~!'J:;:!'" ", .'il' ,~:""';'l(~~r;'}!', ",_',l~~l'1(!;~~,:r-> , 1,'0'" 1'''''' ci('0 "r.irigfi'e ld'" 01.' ,.. deed re'cor.ded':;'August ,;12>;......1968',:~'.lRece,'ption , ','~.. ~'r'....,... O~"\~' .,\1... ,,'~ - . "'--:t.-r'" ,f,1~,_, _ j, ,.N,;,.- . "I ''il,' . " ~'l'" ~".~\, ;;>t~.-~,{,.., i"rd'f,,!l",~ ...}~rt !.;7 _:":'ti,.~'~'<.~r"'~- ',' ' ".I'.~'7t...t' ',,' '''r,:.~J- -~'_:' , '.J'tNo, ~~90.6,~1< rLan~Af.,Gounty Oregon,;,peed Rec<:>,r;d.s ,'4al1 County. 'j .k:!".. ;fr'1:>,1.\.~~~,,~1" '."11:"1' ,;l..t.. "J'" . '. 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