HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 2/12/2008 " - . .,;;;: ".- o u ~ o 5 i a: ~ o >- z ~ biJt -U5Dto~ Tax Lot N,o. 17-02-32-33-02101 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED ; KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, lI1al DONALD HAASE. Grantor, in considerallon of the acceptance by the City of Springfield, Oregon, Grantee, and the.use or holding of said property for present or future public use by Grantee, Grantor hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys unto the said Grantee, Its successors and assigns, alt the following real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances. situated in the County of Lane and State of Oregon, bounded and d~crlbed as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND ,INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE THE SAME IS HEREBY and forever dedicated to the pubHc to'be used as PUBLIC ROAD. TO HAVE AND HOLD, the above described and granted premises unto the said Grantee, Its successors and assigns forever. '..".)-'<I;,lf.l,'<" C~'. :-',.,'"' THE MONETARY CONSIDERATION for this conveyance is: Two Hundred Dollars. IN WITNE5.S..WHEREOF, the Grantor above named ~as hereunto set his ,hand this of cL.t.;tAl -P ,2006, " " , 2-0 Q/ tli?-- 0 - iJX> LD E STATE OF OREGON l COUNTY OF Lane SS BE,JT,REMEMBERED thai on this' ~~ day of June, 2006, beloreme, the undersigned, a notary publk: in and for said 'County and State, personally appeared the within named, DONALD HAASE whose IdentIty was proved to me on, the basis of satisfactory evidence and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my h'and and affixed my official seal the day and year last abov~ written. . 'j'" ,\.1".' :;>;, . ,j'.''''~''''I' ' '., ~ 1If___112007 ,. ..;~""""""""""""""'~7- f)JrlaA Notary Public lor Orago~ My Commission Expires 2/1 'imllJr-- THE CONVEYANCE set f~)fth. In this "Instrument conveying tills or Interest to the City of Springfield, a MunIcipal cOrporation 'of the ,State of Oregon, is hereby approved, and the title or Interest conveyed therein .. . .. ~ '. .. . Is hereby accepted. . CITY OF SPRINGFIelD BY~~"'" Dennis p, Ernst. City of Sprtngfleld Surveyor -r.1A/1" 2. 0: lLil'JC. Date D.lv.la.lon 0' Chi.' o.put.y C1~~-2-Me ".~D~n -, Ume'CCutty 0... arwl R~cf. WVYt/,QfR ~ml~WlWJllmWl~II""II1" $31.00 , " , 06/20/M 01 :48:48 PIt '. RPR-DEED enbl' St.na9CASHIER 04 $10,00 $11.00 $10.00 ,~ RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. PUBUC WORKS DEPT.. 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, ORl:GON 97477 "'-""":' ....."...., - " . . ,. . ,.. v SEND TAX STATEMENT TO: Cl'T'V-OF SPRINGFIEW:-FINANce oePT:- 22S FIF'T'H STREeT - SPRINGFIELl) oReGON 87477 , '.. '. . ,,' 1:\MloloIII_Fileo\H_.~do< .., " UVlSED:1oIy.2OGoII PRE.SUBMmAl REC'D. FEB 1 2 2008 day .~ , " .i.'" 11111 -. ~~;; - '. " " 'f'~EXHIBIT A " " ',. ' " ,LEGAL DESCmPJI,OJli :....'. ." , PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D FEB 1 2 2008 " .,' , " I " . .. A parcelafland lying in the Southwest onecquarter of the Sauthwest one-quarter (SW y. SW 11.) of Sectian 32, Tawnship 17 Sauth, Range 2 West .of the WilIamette Meridian" Lane Caunty, Oregan, and being a partian .of that tract .of land canveylid ta DONALD I;IAASE, by that \l,ertl!ind~wreca~ded, January;27, 20Q0"Rec9r!ler;s R.-~!lP~()n.r~I~b.llr ,'" I.,,, ., ..j 1....~"q'1..... ~...,.t ....'. .,"', . ,., "I'. . t. ,,,d,,,,,,~.(.,'L,,,, '.-,'"..1",.,-,.-,.)1." .,,,:., }~9\~),~A.r,~);:}::Q,W'ITY, O~E,90N9EI:P"REC,QRP~"i!WI~~e<:Uri ~;striJl of land variable feet in width lying an the westerly side .oJ the~ centerline .of Sauth 42nd - ,. -. . '. ' ,~. " Street as surveyed by Lane CQunty in 2006; 'the' centerline and widths in feet being , , described as fallQws: Beginning at Engineers' Centerline Statian L 37+50.19PT, said statian being 6.00 feet Narth and 0.20 feet East .of the West Sau,thwest Conler .of Danatian Land Claim' Number 55 in Sectian 32; Tawnship 17 Sauth, Range 2 West .of Ihe Willamette Meridim, Lane Counly, ,preg~l); run thence ~()rth ti54' 3?" East, 1,149.81 feet ta Engineers' Centerline ,Statian L 49+00.00 POT and there ending, all in Lane;County, Oregan'. !', ---..-.-.~-- . ,.-".--.'" ..~-.... .-._~ ."........- -..."...----" The ~idths,ln.feeIQfthe 'strip of-land herein described are asfQllows: c,~.\.~'~ :\'-";'!)~~> \;'" ,::i~_ , . .. .~.-, . I~ ::',i ':-""'!' -'~ "l' , STATION TO STATION .... WIDYHONWESY'LY , ~\" ';. ,:. ~it?i '::~fl~!j~;~,'~\l'~~;::':,t;::~ ;,1 ,'~~; ,,:tT,:.:.! :~.~~:~~:~~~.~F<,~~~~EJK '; !;',' ' L44t33'~~JtgJ f;,!--~8-!;~,~J8 POT, 'i!' ',: ,,'. 35ftt~p~g,an.'a"~::" :,\ti:;;tr.:,;:;:)' :J~'::~ ," ~',:' ':'" +stmighlline"t~Y~:, The westerly,:tirie ,oQge aboy~ildescribed strip .of land crosses,GR,ANTOR'S ';;o';l!her1y and nartherly property lineS)ppOsi(e"approx\llIate Engineers' Centerline Statians L 45+45 ,P9Tan~ L 45+58 POT, , I '~.', ',' J .', re~pect1y.~[.r,,'4:,'{i\:4r'n:}':!!:+\(.A~J;'l~": ,\'.' ", :;- " .i >,:'Jt'"""~~;,.;~:,~,';:~;.~~~j~,,,,::~ i{;"-~;:.". ',' -, ~'_~'1 ' ';;~ ,.:'.. '.':~ The parcel aflana to which iliisdescription applies caniairis 1.78 'square feet, mare .or less. . ,.~. .,A~~l~:\~?;d~f(...~~\~t~~',,::f::',.. .... ",<~:,., . .'~ :-;~'." ":,:J.<,::~ '.~ . ;'J;':~'::}f"<j:' , . . The bearings, u~M;~~e!~in:~~'b~~d.Qn a beafing .of SQuth Oo~; 12" East bem:een~.C,~.M. 1226 and ' L.C,C.M.:18-Q2;50 EI.,L; said'bearing,based an the Oregon Coordinate System (t-IAD 83/91), Sauth , 1'1' I' ".:j'.; v.'" '1;{t' ,}.< t,. " ',..'. - ",,,' I" ~-t d'" Zone. "":""!:~,'~,',,;'::~;:~"" > ",. 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