HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 2/12/2008 ,'? City of Springfield . Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 PRE.SUBMITTAl RECID FEB 1 n008 Land ~ivision Plat Application, Type I . ", .' .~.jij Applicant Name: Company: " I Address: . I . Applicant's Rep.: I Company: I Address: . I Property Owner: I Company: I ' , Address: . I ' .\"l/d) (;.'\\\."""'- ~. h;~," " 1\5= , Ml1A/'u~,^ \~\...- . '~<ASl. a~ ~<,-r"lit.~ bC? -l-b'J OJ,,! Nn\~, buV'L-; ',' '5~ ~ "'1'~\~c--t :.:~ '" . ., '" , 1\(2 _ b ~"-'l2t1 . lIR4~q (,.;2, I Phone: I Fax: I -- ......----'. --..--,....,.. _n' ---- --.., , 'J ""---'~'-'---'---- '( ASSESSOR'S MAP NO:' \1-b-z..,.32.--'1"3." TAX LOT NO(S): 710t:> ~ -Zt 01 Property Add~~ss;' .. 2'3'2. S', 42~ ~ SizeofPropi!rtY:" . 1.16 Acres1&1 S,uare Feet 0 ~~o~~.~,~.~,,~~,~f ~fS~b~,,,ision: h~r~.;f -{tAL ' Des;riPt;~~'~i') ~'c\.'t~'l4- 'Z--t'r" l~l(\'~ c..:~4E:- prop~~ali', J ,.I;',. ;1~S' lP--\7S. ,,'; ,Existing Use: .'; ." .,' ''fl.ob~;~\ .' Tentative Case #:~2x,.,/- OD~2"7 # ofLots/Par:cels:'.! " c;,"l" Avg. Lot/Parcel Size:.g' sfD~nsity:S.S du/acre .;...""! I : \~~'~'~":r'~',~",,':'\,~\!~;-,.,..:,-.,.,:;." .~ ' . " , "., ;__ f''';';'-'''F''..'t,.~!:;~t'?'t\tL : . -. Zoning: Applicable Refinerriilnt P.1~n: ",,-"''''', .1..... . _~.. '. _...... ,'..,. .. Location:' . " ,. "City Limits 0 , Overlay District:: ,:/' r ." PlilriDe;ignation~;. ;.','1: ,. '>, ., .~..~ " '." .n..........,;. . Urban Growth Boundary 0 .. - '0. -,_ c, ..~.......~. ~. . Associated Applications: ~(;~+;%t~/.;:1:;n~'.lW"!~~J~;' ,.;," -t f ...b-,.'. . Pre-Sub",!.ittal' '< ':,'C( .. CaseN~.: pv(,~,- '6&'D1 I_Date:.. Case No~':, '" ' Date:" ' Application,:Ft!e~:, Si,,'~ :,.,-= , Technical Fee: $ rOTALFEE'S'- "$' 'S')<.o. .:, c '" ._If'i~,:,?, _',;! "',",' 2- / 1:t-/0 ib ':.J..-:\-.,.. PVJ ~~G-..()€fO~? ,'. . . . .,.' .:. l "t:!' '.l, . , '" .':'ffit~\:'l~."" ~"\ ,Revised 1l/20~?Q06'PJ, :'~.H,~,:- . ~ '-. ""';.~::'#'~,'J;'I ..' ,I, . ~,>'!,:\',: I~,:,. .,- .~~< " . ~>,,> 'i- ~ ,'. '. '.' '" ;:: :; ~;:~' ',(,~,: :, ,:;1~~~~;~' : ':. " ~.. j f.... L ,~I~';J-: ~,\i '~;",!'i _~ ;l,.t. ~l.l'i'\ . .W,' _~, .. ;, ' . .'l,.j..' '''~ I'. . "'-",' , .....' , ! ;t '"-':\l.(1l:t..~", ':~'1!' Re~i~wed',bv: ,"', , Reviewed: by: ." . 1, Postaqe Fee: ,.4-n,~ -H- Y'- I $ I j ~" . "'..1 " '. ~:, '.;~y. :-:: ,j~}, , 'r'.,'. '~"';. d ',1 ~;\,.\ . .~- ;"{.. " ILl. .' .';,,", "~' ~; :'. ~'itr1.\~'.1' / 1ft.", . "~ '. , , Steps in the Process: . PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 1 2 2008 ,? 1. The Applicant Submits a Pr~-submittal Meeting ,Application The Pre"Submittal Application'is mandatory. Please refer to the Fee Schedule for the current. application fee. The submittal, package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form. Please refer to Page 4 for the Pre-Submittal requirements. Pre- submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 a.m. arid noon. , We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly entourage you, the owner and design team, to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building); Fire Marshall's office,and the Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete-if it isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application , , When you' have addressed all of the items on the Pre'~Submittal Checklist, please submit a complete application to the Survey Section located afthe NW Quad of City Hall. Refer to page 5 for the,submittal requirements.--The'pJat applicationfee.will be collected at that time if the. application has been deemed complete. After Surveying and Planning staff checks and signs the . mylars the plat may then be recorded by the applicant's surveyor at Lan~ County. AFTER RECOR~ING:" . ~j' , '. . . SubmitFiv,e (S)'rec<;1rded rol.l~d paper.copies of the plat along with Three (3) copies of required dOCulTJE!Dt~;,dE!ljv,E!rE:!d;~p;the..?-E!.)Ielppment Services pepartment prior to t~e issuance of any building permits;::'" ,'.. .::.~:,;:. . " .' . '. :," , .. ;i",_:"",'::'lr~,"f:,;,i"'''',~ful~..I.',;;;hl~l:lL~::f. ", -".. ,';1;: ;,--- " 'Il~, ,.': ' " ',...)-, "",.,.c:' :,. "I' ;,." (:i;\.;",' , Owner's Signature'c. ,.,,~. ,:' .'~:~,'-.:.',',.~'~~~;';L.j,,\~~,;-":,~),' ,~.;~~,J~~1~~I,..!"- :.. . I~' '': '..' ~';:r:";,,~ " .:,. ' , This .ap~licaiiori ,Y.iill:be ~S.edf?~~ti~th:the required p're'-Submittal Me~ti.fig anq ~S~b~equent ~oniplete application subml,ttal>.owner~sslgnatures are requlred:at both. stages In the application process. ." An applit;:ation'ii^'i~hout the.o~!"er's original sign~ture will not be acc~~te~. " . ,. -' '. -, - ',' ,,;1 ,. : ,,~,~ht~. L,.,f.. .. i -, " Pre-submitt'al1'. ~~asi!~!\Iuil1.lJ!r: , :~.:d, :_:"~;"::"i,:~: :;:~'~:.:-:'_:f;l;;~,.' '~i:~~~.,l;~\ ..., _ I '_~, ; " ' :'_ ,:'t:~',k ',': ~~ , The undersignEldacknowledge's:that the information in this application is correct and accurate for ::::::linB9.~f,t~~r~~-S,~~~~~'i::g, . . , -Dol. ';<'~';A'-o~ '. I ,'," - ~ '. gnatur .,'. ".. ',~, ,:-~:,: .~"':'_":' ,f," ,~:.;,,'..~" ,;. '. . , "_" . " "'II, .vO~':~md"5.:e,f_" ',' Print NaTTIe'.' ;". ,":',;",;.., . -~"'_"-,," ';,~: ',; <,"; '-'J",..(rrr;i\'", ' Revised 1 1I39f2Qo6bj ~7~"~'~,:~";;,: .;: i.i~' , :. ~,,'1~~~~, ;'.~: , ,:. ,,~' 'I>'~H:';;" . ~- >" .' . ' 'i:' ';>,. (" ,l. ,. , t -2-' >' ,f., 5:; "l', '.' .' . ';1"'''; . I' ,;~, ,~. i .! ~ , ".\.{?:.\t:~. ":- ',':f:;';::.,~;:;{~:[1~~:t;~i;' " .!;I~.;J, . .".j<.l, . , '...Ulr'.<r.~~ . : ~:'~-'{.lkl...", . ,,,,,,,,;,tl'/;.'; .,., .J, '-~\"r' j~'f' , A't_Ji', " l ~ ,,' h,r i:;"l:~"f:t . 't'i~r,; '...,'~ ,f, ~~~~ ii' , ", ;A,;~),~: ' ~, " , .' ,'~ , 'i' - , L' ii-' . ','-'"" .1" I represent.th'is application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness ctieck performed o'i1 this application at the Pre-Submittal M~eting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the informatioric will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing'the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: Date: Signature PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 1 2 2008 Print Name Plat application,s will be processed as follows: (See attached Plat Review Process Flow Chart) 1. The applicant submits a Pre-Submittal meeting application. 2. Within five to seven working days, the applicant and the City conduct a pre-submittal meeting. 3. ,IhE!.apRUcant.COClr:dtnatesany_additional review ottheplatand otherrequired documents with '-'representatives from the City's Planning, PiJblic Works'Engineering,ilnd Surveying Section. . 4. The City Surveying Section \will notify the applicant's Surveyor when the plat and other documents are sufficiently'refined to allow for the submittal of the plat mylars. S. The applicant submits: " ' . - '. . '; . a. The,Mylars andall,final documentation to the Surveying Section located in the NW Quad Section of City HalJ':y~,ri~:,,' , , b'.!f'lg.Clcu,m~~h~,liq~'.c$'n,plete, applicant submits ,to~lanning the"~lat a~plication, a copy '!'<'of"themylar"and;finaLdocuments as well as financial 'securities 'including the application " ";~,,feeE::.,;~:;-.,,-" ',.\~t.-::':(~f~,\l!tk../,t .' .,', '.' ,,','~, ,:',~:.. i ;4... ,"f" "'1:r~",,'-' \"(,/..,,. '~lj,~'",;_ '""r-tlr9-'~~!", ',', ' . c,__ '~'\l'" . '~" ...,.,.,j'fl.t.,. 6. ThE! S'.tY;~~,\1.rYe;y~r(~pstH~y,~'Pl?ment, Services Di~ecto~,r);1ay sign the",~,~il,I,pl.~t}f all other . , CO~9It!,91;l,~,~~n~,r.e8lJ!relTl~l'lt~a~E! f~lfilled. " ". ," """" . . f;" , 7. The, p!arrn,ylar's,m~:t' b,e~d,~!ly,er~d to,Lare County for re,cording by th.e:"appli~,ant's Surveyor or" whom!'!Y:!1L;h~, S~~~Y,P.rjl~,~~rorlze,s. " . ..I ,\ ' ;, Clio,", AFTER REcbit[)'INt;! . :',i,'iL;',(":"Y,;'!f,'/." . '''.... .,:Ji;t . ,1'. , ,- " ii, '\ . ,', ,'f'" . 8. 'The}ppli<;al1~ shall ,delhlE!!.i'ive (5) rE!corded rolled, plat paper <:OPieS,:a,longl.with Thr~~ (3) copl~s,of:?Iny; other recorded required documents to the Development SerVices Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. '. c,," 'I, . " . ~,. ' 'J,., -,' ",~t: ,-...'. L. ,1 .:.. ' . ",-' ,:' -''.:~',,: ,.:->... ,',. , 'I.' " ", i'" ''- .',,-'1 ,~ .',',' , ."~, ,\ ;');" , " ~\ ,,~ ,". , . ,~ , ',1 ",,'<'-' "1 } ,;",:"," , ",'.. ':,:~~ /: '.'<,'.: , "" I",', ,---t,'1.~ Revised 11/30/2006 bf'p" ';.", ',p :!I~':. J':. .jl')ijWh:i5i\~, J ~ >,~~~ :,0, ',:~':tt;~~l:~'Q'" ;' ,:.1_t',~,,~.~~,; ';"f~l,<,l';:, ~i . 4, I'~ 'I,. ~lrf~:;~f~.l :1/:' ;~.'~\'...~;~ . ~\211'. II'; t" ' : ' , .:;1..- . It,:'i~J,"'., 'J.~qIH ..1... ,t ':.!'J' ~ I, , ,1', :'.3 _ ."\':,,... .: :', ',,':-,.', " :,;'~,::~i;: ','~~ ,:,:::i:::? ;"':;{~~~~~1 :::"" ~Il 'II', ,I. ~ !r~~.tlJiJ ~ '{fii,-~..,'; .. " PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST FOR INTAKE OF FINAL PLAT ,',. , 6 k..J r~~-f ~o..,c..p_ " SURVEYOR: R o.v\L ' PARTITION OR SUBDIVISION NAME:' . '-r OWNER/DEVELOPER:]);.:h , ,," DATE RECEIVED: PLANNING CASENO: (tentative) (final) r~t.$(J~MlfTAl REC'O FEB 1 2 2008 REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: 1. 2: Final piatapPlication.', . " , , ' 2. '~ A letter which lists and addresses each of the Conditions of Approval, and details the T', actions taken, and current status of each item. ' 3. ~ 9 paper copies of the plat stamped and signed by the surveyor. 4. ~ 2 copies'of closure sheets for the boundary and each lot or parcel and all common areas, dedicated areas and easement areas that are not simple parallel offsets. 5. 9Zl2 copies;of title report or subdivision guarantee for the parcel being divided. The title report must be dated within 30 days of submittal at the time of the ,final submittal. An older report is.oK for the initial review. 6. ~ 2 copies of each of the reference documents, and plats listed on the plClt. 7. ~ 2 copies 9f each of the supporting, documents: the vesting deed (must vest title to the owner listed on the plat), existing easement deeds, and documents listed as exceptions in' 8.,~~~h~;~~{ifp~~~~}C~nystR~ET5EDiCATIONS(fn'ihe"tlty of Spri~gfieid street dedications, on partitions must be recorded by separate document per SDC 34.090 (3)(i) [surveying] 9. ~ 2drllft,copies of any NEW easements or restrictions being created by separate document, improvement agreements, maintenance agreements, joint use ingress/egress and utility , .. " ,"',,' ,Y'l !.." !l'jj~ ~"" .". . ,',,' ",'.J -" ,,' ' ','.. " ' , _,' , ,.____easements, sewer hook uP'1n lieu of'assessment, and any'other documents that will be f recbided together wifh,tl1e plat or that are required by the Conditions of, Approval. 10., 2<copies;of;a'i.cdrisenti$tatement (Concurrence) on the plat (to be'signed by the lender , ' 'prior,:foJlnai appfovaTrOR'2 copies of an Affidavit Of Consent by separate document is ., , " I"" -' ";, (-'i'll !" '~, ,,' ~ ,,",__ 'I' ' .i.";", 'J" i', ,-- '_ , - "',', - .. ,:,",: :r~quir:ed from 'alhifru,st,p:eed, mortgage :or other secured loan interest h()lders against the , ,'property' tg De,r~co~d.~p' .~,1171ultaneously:V"ith the plat IF. a!1y public',dedications or ~ase!1)ents ar~!.b~I!1.9:i!"1!,!de and/or any other interests are being t~ansferred to the public. ORS 92.0,75 (2~4)'{" .,., " ' , ' ., . . ',-c' , . :~: t~ ~:;:'~;~;~~'S:::~'.~:::;d' .. . . 13. ~ O~edraft~6pf~!_B~t~,!}n and ~ale,?eed for~ESERXE_STRWS (~~.,~av~.a 'boiler plate for this purpose).,>"",;"" ". . .., ", '''..' ': 14. ~Verifitation t/:1at'stre~tt,reeagreement is in p~ogress as required. '. ' . . 15. ,.~ One draftcopyC;f th~IICogditions, Covenants '& Restrictions (CC&Rs);, ' 16. ~ost ri1QnJ';'entatio[ld'eP'9~i(as required: Check with sJ~eying 'f~r,cJ~~ent fee. Surveyor, ~ proviq~s a, ,b,..9i,le,/. P!a~,.".~;'~,'~,p.' os it form for this P,'urpose: (A. pplicable t,.'<fs. u, !i,d, ivisions only). ' 17. ~~ T~e locati9.n of,th.e.flgR~~'ly'offloodway fring,~ in a'c~oi9aI)Ce wit~.~rticlE! 27 of the . Springfield Development Gode.," , ' :" , ' , ,'.' ' , 18. 'flJ Existing easeme'rits' rlllj'st' b~ clearly 'identified with their recorded reference. New 7' easements and reserVe' strips must be referenced irithe owner's ciriificates of dedICation. The purposes of1easementS must also be identified on the plat.' '(!,:\ > :"",,~,"'.,'> -,,'/~~'Y ....-,f~~;~}~j.><, ,,-, " ' '.' "-'" ':,'" . 'if"':" ,;,., ".,1 _,;1- . . '.:-,'. . 7.- ,_ ,r",:~t .' Revi~ 11I30i~~6:~j,:, ,.'. j:it}:,:~;~\~tl:~rc:, ,~.;', ;-~. ~:" ." ~ '>, /; ~i~~,>, ;)~.tj;r'b." ~l:' 11.~). ~t~:' ,',f .. - l~\~"&~'i ~'l/;.l,d.,,!"lqo-~.if'. :~:v~"-~~~'t';r, 7,:,: f~,:~: ',>._", "~'t,~\,,j~hi;',' ",R;"f',~(',!i~~-;;,'h.1~:' tf",,":i,',~~' i ",;,~j~:~-!I~., . ~,'tJ\l1~~~1'Jf;~--1'; ',L~~;\~~,~~, '_;'~~_'i;I'j~;~i',. t., ' ., .. r":' , ~ .,' f' " ',. ':,~.~.;,'!'\(;' " . ,,' , ' ". ',~',t I, .: 'n -, '~; " ~;~~)J.t','r ,," ...' ":">)-,-=',j ~', ,).. ',1\ ",' ,""'. . ~, '~ ",~{,~,! ,,' ,;l,~~ " i~, ' /01 ',~ > 'j ';; '. ,:' '::~~ ii.. !1'I;::~\lt"I~ -"1~l~';f~'T ':~~1:- :(,'li" !11:~'\',I~~,~ \".' \~"_ '" ,-I .>,. '. '/,' 'r'". j'",. '''' . ~'."-~: , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00011 232 S 42nd Street H fi!, I II I ~I LBJUEJeb~JAJ I ~ I I r I I I i '-1- -, . ~llE Map 17-02-32-33 Tu Lot 2100, 2101 North + . PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 1 2 Z008 " \",,\ " Don Haase 143 Madison Street Eugene, OR 97402 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 1 2 2008 Subdivision Tentative Plan Approvalfor SKYCHIEF PARK - SUB2007-00027 Conditions of Approval: Condition I: concurrent with recording the Final Plat, the applicant shall record a deed restriction against the lots created by subdivision plan requiring that duplex dwellings shall be constructed on each parcel to meet the density requirements of the district. Said deed restriction Will be recorded with the final plat. Condition 2: Prior to issuance of Final Occupancy for any dwellings constructed on Lots 4 or 5, the 5-100t wide concrete sidewalk shall be installed along the.South '4:rd Street frontage of the site. Sidewalks will be installed as required. Condition 3: 'Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall install at least three qualifying street trees along both the South 41st Place frontage and the South 4:rd Street frontage of the site. The street trees shall meet the requirements of the.SDC and the City's EDSPM. There are existing street trees along 41 st Street. Street trees will be planted along 42nd Street accordingly, ' \ Condition 4: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the,applicant shall submit a revised Site Assessment Plan showing'the location of the sanitary sewer service for the existing house. .; A copy of the revised Site Assessment Plan will be submitted prior to Final Plat approval. " Condition' 5: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall install all private stormwater facilities, including pipes, vegetated swales and connections to the public system, the benefit the lots within the subdivision area. PRE-SUBMllTAl REC'O FEB 1 2 2008 The applicant is in negotiations with the City of Springfield regarding this condition. Condition 6: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall connect the existing house to the constructed private stormwater system or to the public stormwater system, and shall show the connection on a revised private utility plan for the development site. The existing house will connect to public stormwater system prior to Final Plat approval. Condition 7: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall submit a proposed planting plan/seed mix for the water quality swales. The seed mix shall meet the requirements of the City's interim design standards as required in Section 3.02 of the EDSPM and shall be shown on the plan drawings, The City of Portland Stormwater, Management Manual may be referencedfor design. The applicant is in negotiations with the City of Springfield regarding this condition, Condition 8: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the proposed private water quality swales shall befully vegetated with all vegetation species established to ensure afully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of Springfield's MS4 permit, the SDC and the EDSPM. The applicant is in negotiations with the City of Springfield regarding,this condition, Condition 9: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall prepare and submit and operations and maintenance plan to the city for review to ensure the long-term maintenance, operation and viability of the proposed swales. The maintenance plan shall be consistent with criteria required by the City of Portland's Stormwater management ManuaL The plan shall designate maintenance and operational responsibility for the system, and shall be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the development site. ' A draft copy of he required Operations and Maintenance Plan has been submitted with the Final Plat application, ' ". Condition 10: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall obtain necessary City permits and have the electrical service for the existing house placed underground. The existing electrical service will be placed underground prior to Final Plat approval. Condition 11: Access driveways shall provide 20 feet of clear width and support an 80,000 lb. Imposed load in accordance with 2004 SFC 503.2.1 & 503.2.3 and SFC Appendix D102.1. When paved, the shared access driveways will meet the required standards. Condition,12: "No Parking - Fire Lane" signage shall be posted on both sides of the fire apparatus access roads in accordance with 2004 SFC 503.3 and SFC Appendix , ' Dl03.6. ' The required signs will be installed. Condition 13: The Final Plat shall provide for dedication of the private, variable-width joint use access and utility easements affecting the parcels created by the subdivision plan. The required easements are shown and dedicated on the Final Plat. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 1 2 2008 ''( PRE.SUBMIITAl REC'O FEB 1 2 2008 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR SKYCHIEF PARK SUBDIVISION THIS DECLARATION is made on the date hereinafter set forth by TWIN BUTTE INVESTMENTS, INe. and DONALD HAASE, herein "Declarant": 1. Declarant is the owner of the property known as SKYCHIEF PARK, in Lane County, Oregon, which is described on the attached Exhibit "A". c II. Declarant deems it desirable in furtherance of the purposes set forth herein to establish these covenants and restrictions which shall apply to all of the property described on Exhibit "A", III. Declarant hereby declares that all of the Lots contained within the Exhibit "A" property shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the following restrictions, covenants and conditions, which are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of, and which shall run with, the real property and be binding on all parties having any right, title or interest in the described property or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof. ARTICLE I pefinitions Section 1 - "Owner": Shall mean andrefer to the record owner, including contract, purchasers, whether one or more persons or entities, of the fee, simple title to any lot which is part of the properties, including contract seller, but excluding those having such interest as merely as' Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions Skychief Park Subdivision Page 1 of6 ~'"\,. , ',- " security for the performance of an ~bligation. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 1 2 2008 Section 2 - "Prooerties": Shall mean and refer to t!'tat certain real property described on Exhibit "A", Section 3 - "Lot": Shall mean and refer to any plot of land shown on any recorded subdivision map contained within the Exhibit "A" Property. ARTICLE II Use and Maintenance Restrictions ' Section I - Residential USt;: . All lots shown on the plat of Sky chief Park shall be used only for private residential purposes. No trade, business or profession shall be conducted or practiced on any of the Lots. Each Lot must contain one duplex in accordance with the City of Springfield density requirements. Section 2 - Animals: No kennel, aviary containing more than five (5) birds, dairy, barn, hutch or warren shall be erected or maintained on any residence lot. No commercial operation or breeding for dogs, cats; birds, horses, cows, poultry, rabbits or other domestic animals or fowl shall be allowed thereon, except this restriction shall not be construed to prohibit ordinary household pets which do not constitute any annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood, ' Section 3 - Trees: As required by these Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, each Lot shall have trees planted at the owner's expense. Planting shall commence immediately upon completion of construction as per City code, Section 4 ~ Nuisance: No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. Section 5 - Temoorarv Buildinl!s: No trailer, basement, shack, tent, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected in the subdivision shall at any time be used as a residence temporarily, or permanently, nor shall any structure of a temporary character be used as a residence. Section 6 - Drainal!efBioswales: Each Lot owner agrees they will not in any way interfere with the established drainage over their lot and that they will make adequate provisions for property drainage for the benefit of all affected Lots, For the purpose thereof, "established drainage is defined as the drainage which occurred at the time the overall grading of the subdivision by the Declarant." The Bioswale areas on the property are set forth on the plat of this subdivision and shall be maintained as follows: Declaration of Covenant's, Conditions and Restrictions Skychief Park Subdivision Page 2 of6 '. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 1 2 2008 6.1 Swales are planted or grassed open channels that trap pollutants by filtering and slowing flows, allowing particles to settle out. All facility components, vegetation, and source controls shall be inspected for property operations and structural stability, at a minimum, quarterly for the first two (2) years from the date of installation, two (2) times per year thereafter, and within 48 hours after each major storm event. Declarant or its representative shall keep a log, recording all inspection dates, observations, and maintenance activities, The following items shall be inspected and maintained as stated: 6,2 Swale Inlet (such as curb cuts or pipes) shall maintain a calm flow of water entering the swale. 6.2 (a) Source of erosion shall be identified and controlled when native soil is exposed or erosion channels are forming, 6.2 (b) Sediment accumulation shall be hand-removed with minimum damage to vegetation using proper erosion control measures. Sediment shall be removed if it is more than 4" thick or so thick as to damage or kill vegetation: ' 6.2 (c) Inlet shall be cleared when conveyance capacity is plugged, Sources of sediment and debris shall be identified and corrected. 6.2 (d) Rock splash pads shall be replenished to prevent erosion, 6.3 Side Slopes shall be maintained to prevent erosion that introduces sediment into the swale, Slopes shall be stabilized and planted using appropriate erosion control measures when ' native soil is exposed or erosion channels are forming. ' ' 6,4 Swale Media shall allow stormwater to percolate uniformly through the landscape swale, If the swale does not drain within 48 hours, it shall be tilled and replanted according to design specifications and annual or semi-annual tilling shall be implemented if compaction or clogging continues, Debris in quantities that inhibit operation shall be removed routinely (e,g., no less than quarterly), or upon discovery, . 6.5 Swale Outlet shall maintain sheet flow of water exiting swale unless a c911ection drain is used. Source of erosion damage shall be identified and controlled when native soil is exposed or erosion channels are forming, Outlets such as drains and overland flow paths shall be cleared when 50% of the conveyarice capacity is plugged, Sources of sediment and debris shall be identified and corrected. 6.6 Vegetation shall be healthy and dense enough to provide filtering while protecting underlying soils from erosion, MulCh shall be replenished as needed to ensure survival of vegetation, ' Declaration.of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions Skychief Park Subdivision Page 3 of6 '( , PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB f 2 Z008 6,6 (a) Vegetation, large shrugs or trees that interfere with landscape swale operation shall be pruned, 6,6 (b) Fallen leaves and debris from deciduous plant foliage shall1:ie removed, 6,6 (c) Grassy swales,shall be mowed to keep grass 4" to 9'.' in height. Clippings shall be removed to remove pollutants absorbed in grasses, 6.6 (d) Nuisance and prohibited vegetation as described in the City of Eugene, Oregon Prohibited Plant List (such as blackberries and English IVy) shall be removed when discovered. Invasive vegetation contributing up to 25% of vegetation of all species shall be removed and replaced. 6.6 (e) Dead vegetation and woody material shall be removed to maintain less than 10% of area coverage or when swale function is impaired. Vegetation shall be replaced within three months, or immediately ifrequired to maintain cover density and control erosion where soils are exposed. 6.7 Spill Prevention measures shall be exercised when handling substances that contaminated stormwater, Releases of pollutants shall be corrected as soon as identified. 6,8 Training and/or Written Guidance Information for operating and maintaining swales'shall be:provided to all owners. ' 6.9 Access to the swales shall be safe and efficient. Egress and ingress routes shall be maintained to design standards. Roadways shall be maintained to accommodate size and weight of vehicles, if applicable, Obstacles preventing maintenance personnel and/or equipment access to the swales shall be removed, Gravel or ground cover shall be added if erosion occurs, e,g" due to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. 6.10 Insects and Rodents shall not be harbored in the swale. Pest control measures shall be taken when insects/rodents are found to be present. 6.10 (a) Ifa complaint is 'received or an inspection reveals that a stormwater facility is significantly infested with mosquitoes or other vectors, property owner may be required to eliminate the infestation at the City Inspector's discretion. Control of the infestation shall be attempted by using first non-chemical methods and secondly, only those chemical methods specifically approved by the City Inspector, Acceptable methods include but are not limited to the following: (i) Installation of predacious bird or bat nesting boxes, (ii) Alterations of pods water levels approximately ever four days in order Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions Skychief Park Subdivision Page 4 of 6 '. , PRE.SUBMITTAl RECIO FEB 1 2 2008 ' 'to disrupt mosquito larval development cycles. (iii) Stocking ponds and other permanent water facilities with fish or other predatory species, (iv) If non-chemical methods have proved lillsuccessful, contact the City Inspector prior to use of chemical methods such as the mosquito larvicides Bacillus thurengensis var, israeliensis or other approved larvae ides. These materials may only be used with City Inspector approval if evidence can be provided that these materials will not migrate off-site or enter the public stormwater system. Chemical larvicides shall be applied by a licensed contractor. 6,\ 0 (b) Holes in the ground located in and around the swale shall be filled, Section 7 - Refuse: NO LOTS SHALL BE USED OR MAINTAINED AS A DUMPING GROUND FOR REFUSE. Trash, garbage and other waste shall not be kept except in sanitary containers. All incinerators or other equipment for the storage or disposal of such material as prescribed by ordinance shall be kept in a clean and~sanitary condition. During the period of ' construction and development of the plat, this provision will not apply to the Declarant Storage of any kind of goods, chattels, merchandise, material, fuel, supplies, or machinery shall be within walls of the building or enclosed by light fences completely screened from sight Section 8 - Vehicles: There shall be no overnight parking on the access driveways. Vehicles shall be parked in appropriate areas so as not to hinder the overall beauty of the area. All boats, trailers, and RV.'s, shall be stored in an app.vpriate area behind a screen or fence no closer to the street than the front of the garage. ' Section 9 - Landscaoing: Lots must be landscaped and maintained in a neat, clean condition. Section 10 - Access and Utilitv Easementf!: Easements for access and the installation and maintenance of utilities are depicted on the plat map of this subdivision, The easement areas shall be maintained in a serviceable condition, ARTICLE IV General Provisions Section \ - Enforcement: In addition to the rights of any affected owner to enforce the covenants and restrictions contained herein, if any of the restrictions, covenants or conditions are violated, or if it appears that an attempt to violatewill be made, any affected property owner shall also have the authority to institute and prosecute a proceeding to prevent or correct such violationS. No failure to prosecute any person for any violation or attempted violation shall be deemed a waiver of a right to enforce any such violations by the same person or other persons. The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions Skychief Park Snbdivision Page 5 of6 " I. . . PRE.SUBMITTAl RECIO FEB 1 2 2008 prevailing party shall be entitled to recover costs and a reasonable attorney's fees for both trial and any appeal of such proceedings. Section 2 - Conflict: In the case of conflict between these restrictions and any zoning ordinance of any governmental body, the more restrictive provision shall prevaiL Section 3 - Severability: Invalidation of any part of the restrictions shall in no way affect the remaining restriCtions. Section 4 - Binding Effect: The provisions herein shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors, heirs and assigns of all of the owners of the Exhibit "A" property, , Section 5 - Time: This Declaration shall be perpetual unless amended by an instrument signed . by 75% of the owners and recorded inthe Deed Records of Lane County. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has executed this instrument on the _ day of ,2008, DECLARANT: TWIN BUTTE INVESTMENTS, INC. By: DONALD HAASE, President DONALD HAASE STATE OF OREGON ) Coun~ of Lane : 55. ) Personally appeared before me this _ day of . 2008, the above named DONALD HAASE as President of TWIN BUTTE INVESTMENTS, INC., and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be its voluntary act and deed, Notary Public for OREGON STATE OF OREGON ) : 55. County of Lane ) Personally appeared before me this _ day of . 2008, the above, DONALD HAASE, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed, Notary Public for OREGON Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions Skychief Park Subdivision Page 6 of6 1" --' :,;... After recording return to: Donald Haase, 143 Madison Street Eugene, OR 97402 .t~ 0, - tJ'6 fL 2- P A6,~ 3 RECITALS: A. Declarant: This Declaration of Private Shared Strom Water Drainage Maintenance Agreement is made by Donald Haase, the owner of the real property described as SKYClUEF PARK, recorded as Document Number 2008- in Lane County Official Deed Records, R A private shared storm water drainage easement burdening Lots 3-5 and benefiting Lots 3-5 of said SKYClUEF PARK, which was created on said plat and is as shown on the attached Exhibit "A". C. Purpose: This Declaration of Private Shared Storm Water Drainage Maintenance Agreement is made to specifically provide for: (I) Maintenance of storm water facilities within .the private shared storm water drainage , easement, and (2) Responsibilities for all persons who are or who may become parties using said easement. WITNESSETH: Now therefore in consideration of the foregoing recitals, which are expressly made a part of this Declaration of Private Storm Water Maintenance Agreement, the undersigned hereby declares as follows: (I) Storm Water Facilities Maintenance: All lots using the private shared storm water drainage easement will share in the cost of maintaining the shared storm water facilities located within the easement area, Said lots will also have the right to drain storm water from their lot to the storm water facilities within the shared storm water drainage easement. Any private utility lines from lots to the, shared storm water drainage easement storm water facilities will be maintained by the owner of the lot to which they benefit, at their expense, (2) Taxes: Real property taxes shall be paid by the owners of the property upon which the' easement is located, (3) Indemnification: Each party shall indemnify and save any other of the parties harmless from any liability, loss or expenses resulting from that parties agents and e!llployees, any independent contractor hired by that party, and that parties permitees, invitees, licensees and guests unless that injury is caused in part by any of the other parties' failure to contribute to the expenses of ' maintenance of the shared storm water drainage easement, c" . Donald Haase Date State of Oregon) )ss County of Lane) The above named, Donald Haase, acknowledged the foregoing before me this , ,2008" day of Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: I a- N ~ '" oi N <oJ ;" b z ~ I: I: U- t'l LOT 2 8,380 SO,FT, LOT 1 7,577 SO,FT, LOT 6 8,537 SQ,FT. EXHIBIT "B" I- Z o a. RED STORM PRIVATE LSI~A EASEMENT, AN 0 UTI '00" E 380,50)2+4 (S 89'26 _ ' ;;/, ;:: ?; WATER DRAINAGE Q LOT 3 8,307 SO,FT, :1 ~:l ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~j ",(11 LOT 5 8.369 SQ,FT, LOT 4 8,113 SO,FT, < 26'00" W 379,64)2+4 (N 89' J r- oo N o Z Cl 1Ii 0: I:: ~ 8 "- ~ Cl Z N ... - After recording return to: Don Haase 143 Madison Street Eugene, OR 97402 L~~. I DECLARATION OF VARIABLE-WIDTH PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NoTE fAGc. ( RECITALS: A. Declarant: This Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement is made by Donald Haase, the owner of the real property described as SKYCHIEF PARK, recorded as Document Number 2007- in Lane County Official Deed Records. The Access Easement is described on the attached Exhibit nAn. B. Purpose: This Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement is made to specifically provide for: (I) Access to Lots I, 2 and 6 of said SKYCHIEF PARK, and (2) Maintenance requirements of the Access Easement, and (3) Installation imd maintenance of utilities, and (4) Maintenance of storm water facilities, and (5) Responsibilities for all persons who are or who may become parties using said easement. WITNESSETH: Now therefore in consideration of the foregoing recitals, which are expressly made a part of this Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement, the undersigned hereby declares as follows: (I) Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement: There is hereby declared, granted, conveyed and created a perpetual and non-exclusive easement as a means of ingress and egress to and from Lots 1,2 and 6 of said SKYCHIEF PARK, It is further declared and provided that said Access and Utility Easement may be utilized for the installation and maintenance of such utilities as may be needed to serve said Lots, Said easement shall also be used for emergency vehicle access. It is expressly understood that no rights outside the Access and Utility Easement are provided, (2) Extent: The easement created by this declaration are not personal.or in gross but are appurtenant to each said Lot. (3) Duration of Covenants Binding or Successors and Assigns: The easement created by this declaration shall be permanent and perpetual and shall constitute covenants running with the land and shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of all heirs, successors and assigns of Lots 1, 2 and 6 of said SKYCHIEF PARK, (4) Exclusive: The Access and Utility Easement provided herein shall be exclusive to owners, heirs, successors and assigns (and their guests) of Lots 1,2 and 6 of said SKYCHIEF PARK or any portion thereof and each shall be entitled to use the Access Easement for the vehicular, pedestrian access and utility purposes for which it is provided, ' (5) Maintenance: Any party may cause the Access and Utility Easement right of way or any portion thereof to be maintained or r~paired. The party causing said maintenance or repair to be done shall pay for such work, and other persons using the Access and Utility Easement shall be liable for contribution based on that' party's relative use proportional to the total roadway use, This payment shall be made in a timely manner, not to exceed 30 days, from the date of receipt of proof of expense, (6) Stonn Water Facilities Maintenance: All lots using the Joint Use Access Easement will share in the cost of maintaining the shared stonn water facilities located within the easement area, Said lots will also have the right drain stOIm water from their lot to the stonn water facilities within the Access Easement Any private utility lines from lots to the Access Easement stonn water facilities will be maintained by the owner of the lot to which they benefit, at their expense. (7)' Taxes: Real property'taxes shall bepaid by the owners of the property ,upon which the easement is located, (8) Indemnification: Each party shall indemnifY and save any other of the parties harmless from any liability, loss or expenses resulting from that parties agents and employees, any independent contractor hired by that party, and that parties pennitees, invitees, licensees and guests unless that injury is caused in part by any of the other parties' failure to contribute to the expenses of maintenance of the Access and Utility Easement (9) Further Documents: In the event that any further grants or easements are required to document and effectuate the easement created herein for Lots I, 2 and 6 of said SKYCHIEF PARK or portion thereof, Grantors 'each represent that each will execute said grants of easements, Donald Haase Date ) State of Oregon)ss County of Lane) The above named, Donald Haase, acknowledged the foregoing before me this ,2007. day of Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: -.g, .. Easement Description: Exhibit "A" Beginning at a point Being North 890 26' 00" West 33.40 feet from a point that is North 00 19' 00" East 918,08 feet from the East Southeast comerilf the Reuben R. Harper Donation Land Claim Number 57, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said point also being on the Westerly margin of South 42nd Street; thence 'along said Westerly margin, South 00 41' 48" West 129,67 feet; thence leaving said westerly margin, North 890 26' 00" West 379,64 feet to the True Point of Beginning, said point being on the Easterly margin of South 41" Place; thence along said Easterly"margin, North 00 19' 00" East 30,00 feet; thence South 890 26' 00" East 41.25 feet; thence North 500 00' 00" East 53.31 feet; thence North 00 19' 00" East 24.23 feet; thence South 720 20' 46" East 21.20 feet; thence South 89026' 00" East 76,01 feet; thence South 00 19' 00" West 21.00 feet; thence North 890 26' 00" West 67.47 feet; thence South 500 00' 00" West 53.79 feet; thence South 400 00' 00" East 20,00 feet; thence South 500 00' 00" West 12.00 feet; thence North 400 00' 00" West 20,00 feet; thence South 500 00' 00" West 29.04 feet; thence North 890 26' 00" West 38.37 feet to the True Point of Beginning in Lane County, Oregon. ,!""- ..... :':. ""'~ .. '- ~ .' - .:-' After recording return to; Don Haase 143 'Madison Street Eugene, OR 97402 DECLARATION OF V ARIMJLE-WIDTH PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS , AND UTILITY EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECITALS: A. Declarant: This Declaration, of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement is made by Donald Haase, the owner of the real property described as SKYCHIEF PARK, recorded as Document Number 2007- in Lane County Official Deed Records, The Access Easement is described on the attached Exhibit "A". B, Purpose: This Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement is made to specifically provide for; (1) Access to Lots 3-5 of said SKYCHIEF PARK, and (2) Maintenance requirements of the Access Easement, and (3) Installation and maintenance of utilities, and (4) Maintenance of storm water facilities, and (5) Responsibilities for all persons who are or who may become parties using said easement. WITNESSETH: Now therefore in consideration of the' foregoing recitals, which are expressly made a part of this Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement, the undersigned hereby declares as follows; (1) Declaration of Private Joint Use Access and Utility Easement: There is hereby declared, granted, conveyed and created a perpetual and non-exclusive easement as a means of ingress and egress to and from Lots 3-5 of said SKYCHlEF PARK. It is further declared and provided that said Access and Utility Easement may be utilized for the installation and maintenance of such utilities as may be needed to serve said Lots, Said easement shall also be used for emergency vehicle a,~cess. It is expressly understood that no rights outside the Access and'Utility Easement are provided, ' (2) Extent; The easement created, by this declaration are not personal or in gross but are' appurtenant to each said Lot. (3) Duration of Covenants Binding 'or Successors and Assigns: The easement created by this declaration shall be permanent and perpetual and shall constitute covenants running with the land and shall be binding on and inure to tlie benefit of all heirs, successors and assigns of Lots 3-5 of said SKYCHIEF PARK, (4) Exclusive: The Access and Utility Easement provided herein shall be exclusive to owners, heirs, successors and assigns ( and their guests) of Lots 3-5 of said SKYCHIEF PARK or any portion thereof and each shall be entitled to use the Access Easement for the vehicular, pedestrian access and utility purpos,es for which it is provided, . , " , ' . ~ (5) Maintenance: Any party may cause the Access,and Utility Easement right of way or any portion thereof to be maintained or repaired, The party causing said maintenance or repair to be done shall pay for such work, and other persons using the Access and Utility Easement shall be liabie for contribution based on that ,party's relative use proportional to the total roadway use, This payment shall be made in a timely manner, not to exceed 30 days, from the date of receipt of proof of expense, (6) Storm Water Facilities Maintenance: All lots using the Joint Use Access,Easement will share in the cost of maintaining the shared ~torm water facilities located within the easement area, Said lots will also have the right drain storm water from their lot to the storm water facilities within the Access Easement. Any private u~ility lines from lots to the Access Easement storm water facilities will be maintained by the owner of the lot to which they benefit, at their expense, (7) Taxes: Real property taxes shall be paid by the owners of the property upon which the easement is located, ' (8) Indemnification: Each party shall indemnity and save any other of the parties harmless from any liability, loss or expenses resulting from that parties agents and employees, any independent contractor hired by that party, and that parties permitees, invitees, licensees and guests unless that injury is caused in part by any of the other parties' failure to contribute to the expenses of maintenance of the Access and Utility Easement. (9) Further Documents: In the event that any further grants or easements are required to document and effectuate the easement created herein for Lots 3-5 of said SKYCHIEF PARK or portion thereof, Grantors each represent that each will execute said grants of easements. Donald Haase Date State of Oregon)ss County of Lane) The above named, Donald Haase, acknowledged the foregoing before me this ,2007, day of Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: . ,!j~ .-' ... Exhibit "A" Easement Description: Beginning at a point Being North 890 26' 00" West 33.40 feet from a point that is North 0019' 00" East 918,08 feet from the East Southeast comer of the Reuben R. Harper Donation Land Claim Number 57, Township 17 South, Range 2 West ofthe Willamette Meridian, said point also being on the Westerly margin of South 42'" Street; thence along said Westerly margin, South 00 41' 48" West 26,00 feet; thence leaving said westerly margin, North 890 26' 00" West 31.66 feet; thence South 500 00' 00" West 54,83 feet; thence South 430 31' 06" West 25.73 feet; thence North 400 00'00" West 24,15 feet; thence North 500 00' 00" East 44.23 feet; thence North 31057' 49" West 10.29 feet; thence North 0019' 00" East 24,71 feet; thence South 890 26' 00" East 78.65 feet to the point of beginning in Lane County, Oregon. ~! ,;;~' ,~ ~~ '-C After recording return to: Donald Haase, 143 Madison Street Eugene, OR 97402 DECLARATION OF PRIVATE SHARED STORM WATER DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECITALS: \ A, Declarant: This Declaration of Private Shared Strom Water Drainage Maintenance Agreement is made by Donald Haase, the owner of the real property described as SKYCHlEF PARK, recorded as Document Number 2008- in Lane County Official Deed Records. B, A private sbared storm water drainage easement burdening Lots 1,2 and 6 and benefiting Lots 1,2 and 6 of said SKYCHIEF PARK, which was created on said plat and is as shown on the attached Exhibit "A", ' C. Purpose: This Declaration' of Private Shared Storm Water Drainage Maintenance Agreement is made to specifically provide for: (I) Maintenance of storm water facilities within the private shared storm water drainage easement, and (2) Responsibilities for all persons who are or who may become parties using ~iO;easement. WITNESSETH; Now therefore inconsideration of the foregoing recitals, which are exp'ressly made a part of this Declaration of Private Storm Water Maintenance Agreement, the undersigned hereby declares as follows: (I) Storm Water Facilities Maintenance; Alrlots using the private shared storm water drainage easement willshare in the cost of maintaining the shared storm water facilities located within the easement area, Said lots will also have the right to drain storm water from their lot to the storm water facilities within the shared storm water drainage easement. Any private utility lines from lots to the shared storm water drainage easement storm water facilities will be maintained by the owner of the lot to which they benefit, at their expense, (2) Taxes: Real property taxes shall be paid by the owners of the property upon which the easement is located, " (3) Indemnification: Each party shall indemnity and save any other of the parties harmless from any liability, loss or expenses resulting from that parties agents and employees, any independent contractor hired by that party, and that parties permitees, invitees, licensees and guests unless that injury is caused in part by any of the other parties' failure to contribute to the expenses of maintenance of the shared storm water drainage easement. ii. ~ Donald Haase Date State of Oregon) )ss County of Lane) The above ,named, Donald Haase, acknowledged the foregoing before me this ,2008, Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: day of ,. ,~ ....' :~ ..-I '_.:-:: ;r" , - -~~ ... - l. -,-~:-w .' ~ Cl. " , ~'i .": ' fJ' -::; , " ~ N r:::': ~ "' a- LOT 1 N ., 7.577 SQ,Ft, UJ '0 f&, 0, a, ~ I, b ,~ l[ II '-' LOT 2 8.380 SQ,FT, LOTS' 8.537 SO,FT:, EXHISIT"S" (S 89'2S'OO' E 380,50)2+4 LOT 3 8.307 SO,FT, LOr. 5 8.369 SO,FT, -, (N 89'26'00" W 379,64)2+4 - PRIVATE SHARED STORM WATER DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT, I LOT 4 8.113 SO,FT, ... z 5 Cl. ~ () :1 " "' '" N , <Xl ." ..' b '" '0 After recording return to: Don Haase 143 Madison Street Eugene, OR 97402 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O FER 1 2 2008 AFFIDAVIT OF CONSENT BE IT KNOWN BY THESE PRESENT; that Register Guard Federal Credit Union, is the beneficiary ofthat Deed of Trust dated January 25, 2000, recorded January 27, 2000, Document No, 2000-004910, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. BE IT FURTHER KNOWN that Don Haase is subdividing the property described in said Deed of Trust. The subdivision name is Skychief Park. NOW BE IT FURTHER KNOWN that Register Guard Federal Credit Union, Beneficiary, does hereby agree and consent to the platting of the above referenced subdivision plat. Dated this lIay of ,2007. ,as. for Register Guard Federal Credit Union ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: State ofOrcgon) )ss County of Lane) Personally appeared the above" n'amed , as for Register Guard Federal Credit Union 011 this 'day of ,.'.'. ' .2007 and she acknowledged th~: foregoing instrumenHo betheir voluntary act and deed. ';, " ' '!, I'.,,:, ')i; ':' ) )i"~ 1 I' , Notary Public for Oregon ..~ - , . " ' My Commission Expires' " ::., 'j ro" " , " "', :(;:' -, , ~. -+ : \~,~, .o,~,:<~,~;lr '1J 1c' 1 .' , - , ,.;;, Q U ~ ~ i 0:: ~ f2 ~ ~ bU -WDlo-Lfo Tax Lot N,o, 17-02-32-33-02101 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED .. KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that DONALD HAASE, Grantor, in consideration of the acceptance by the City of Springfield, Oregon. Grantee, and the use or holdIng of s.t!lid property for present or future public use by Grantee, Grantor hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys unto the said Grantee. Its successors and assigns, all the following real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, situated in the County of Lane and State ofOregon"bounded and described as follows; SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND ,INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE THE SAME IS HEREBY and forever d~lcated to the public to be used as PUBLIC ROAD, TO HAVE AND HOLD, the above desaibed and granted premises unto the said Grantee, Its successors and assigns forever. ..... ..!,...,,;,,~,,~,\> ,t,...., THE MONETARY CONSIDERATION for this conveyance Is: Tw~ Hundred Dollars, IN WITNES~HEREOF, the Grantor ~bove named has hereunto set h~s ,hand, this of !La.J.I-P , 2006, , ' ~() f)/ ~~ - J:;L, ~,(LD~ 5r ATE OF OREGON l COUNTY OF Lane, SS . . '" ...lJll ' BElT ,REMEMBERED that on this ~.::) ~ day of June, 2006, belore me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for sald'County and State. personally appeared the withIn name(fDONALO HAASE whose Identity was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence and who executed the within instrument and acknowtedged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and yeer last above written. ' ,"..1, . ",' i' ~ -'-Y1':)~'" " ~ ' , , Notary Pubiic ior Orego My Commission Expl!es 2/11/ '.~:it:~~1 __1 "l THE CONVEYANCE set fOrth in this Instrument conveying title or Inte'rest to the c'ity of Springfield, a Municipal ,Corpo~ation of the $~te of q~n. Is hereby approved, and the tllle or Interest conveyed therein Is hereby accepted,' , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ' BY:~~': Dennis P. Emst- City of Springfield Surveyor . Tv"", 20, l.ot:J(., Date -~_. Divi.ion 0' Chiof D.puty Ciork Lano' County D... .nd A_d. -, l~419 $31.00 RPR~ C"t.l' St~ $10,00 $11.00 $10.00 "~ RETURN TO: CITY OF S~~I,N0E,~ ~ PUB~,C;~,~S DEPT~, 225 FIFTH STREET. SPR~NGAELO, ORE~N ~7471 SEND TAX STATEMENT to: C1Ti' OF, SPRJ~GFtEL9:'FINANCE OEPT,. 225 FIF"T'H STREeT - SPRINGFIEl.D, ~EOON 97417 , " ',; " ~m,JaIy,2OI)t Fileo\Jl--:o.d.... '", " PRE.SUBMITTAL REC,'D, FEB 1 2 2008 dey ;1' " ''''<, I I II I II II '...,.- - ; ~~ , ';, , \ "'EXHIBIT A ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~ ", l. ' " ,,' i,j ,j' PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D FEB 1 2 Z008 I, ! , , , A parCcl.of land lying in the Southwest one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter (SW Yo SW Vo) of Section 32, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of thc Willamcttc Mcridian, , Lane CountY, Oregon, and being a portion of that tract of land conveyed to DONALD , , . , . ,HAASE, by, that ce,rt~in dC;c:4,recorde~ lanuaryp, 20Q0;,Rec\lrli\;r:~.~~ep~"n.Nl101ber .2000004911I'UNE::COON'rY,'OR'EGONDEED;' REC6RDS';i;;dude~Ciri' ~',i;ii;''of "f";",-:\""--";' "'-':~"";":1'<:" "',.:"~"'J;_A,,~,'. ,*~. '.'," -..~' ,'- -,~.;" .''-'A', ,"":_' -.",', .", .,,",," ,-_.'. P". land variable feet in width lying on the westerly side !lJ the. 'centerline of South 42nd Street as surveyed by Lane County in 2006;' the' centei-line and widths in feet being described as follows: Beginning at Engineers' Centerline Station L 37+50.19 PT, said station being 6.00 feet North and 0,20 feet East of the West Southwest Comer of Donation Land Claim Number 55 in SeCtion 32, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, ,orC;gOl); run thence ~()rth}" ,54' 3?" East, 1,149.81 feet to Engineers' Centerline~t3tionL 49+00,00 POT an'dihere ending, all in Lane~ County, Oreg~ll: _~.u_ .0 ,,:.___... ", .... .~._ " The widths', ;riCeei ofthe"strlp ofland herein described are as follows: t,~,:,~':i~., ,~:,:,,'/::~;,:~ " ',"~, . " . i :" , , ~, '~,' ~.f , ,:~,';1 ",1 " 'STATIONTOSTATION . ". 'WlDTHONWEST'LY ";', , ,'-: ,I C~, l' 'I SI 0 ",' ',' , ,~w .,'. '"..., . ,,"'.''''.J'.' ",' ,.,:X". ',."",:,:. '" "C",';' DE FelL"""",);" ,0.. , -,-"" ,I , ,':".'7 ''')'~, ~,~ "'" .' .. " ' ~'i""l:'\'t,~:.~r."..""~....,,~,;,,.,.,.. - "~",,~ -. ","":;""j,;"""'''' :\ ",~'1:: ,;,~~. ;'.' 'j',','~~;,X'~;';.t.r,,, f{ r~ ~~,',: ~,';~/' ~ V','..;r, ,,-: '-; .i':",<\'I,j ,~.~,'; :n':' ! ,,~f .,.~f;:~I': ';.. ~ ;~r. :., L 44t33.q~m,J: ('i'~ ~,8":~,~}8 POT' 'J\" " 35 ft taperingon'a'~ ,,~.1"'1",!"" ., ',' ',,"., , , ,.... straight line t6'32 fC "rs'':!" ',....'t",-:~,',:~'.t. , "", " 't. ,. , t' ,\!, '''' 'j' I [, . "'" I,f' , ',' " :~,.' ,\,L ., ',' The westerlHi#e ,or:t~e abci..,;~:ldescribed strip of larid crosses ,GRANTOR'S southerly and northerly prope~ lineS\,?p~sit~approx'!l'ate Engineers' Centcrl,ine Stations L 45+45ppT'an~ L 45+58 POT, respectively. "~;[',,,,:','i:i,,;. "'" " ' "; - ,; , l:.';';/~'~~~,~i;:~';:);:.~~:<,,::jk ~<\l.' " ': , ,-~" ~ ';;~ ';~_ ;~;: :::~: The pared of land to which !his description applies contains 1}8'squ~ feet, more or I~s. . '; _ " .' ,..t~~,J:;::~:!1;/jl;:;/,:~i'1~I;_",;~'~.:,"" ,r.: '!:.,- ',:;'~ :::'~.. ~_"L '~'; . ",;~~-~~ :,W ~~,,:~~:'. ' ' The bearings iJsoo,herefnarebailed on a bearing of South 00 44' 12" East betweenL.C,c"M. 1226 and . '-:' .', c, ;'" ~ "".: '"". _'i..' ., '~.' ('" , , ;" . , .," .' " .', .-' L.C.C.M.' ,18,oi:50 ELL; said'bearing based 'on the Oregon Coordinate Sysiem (NAD ,83/91), South 'Zone. i ,;;':,~,,<~':!;7\~.':,t:.::':lr -:~~: .,1> -;'., , ~.' ~;, 1~', ,;{" '.~.' f'~" . ~~'.'~r .~ ' <t' " ". ~".. \ '.'"" ,; " Ii" "i~~, -' ~ , ~, , ';, ... ~ -:(1, :,", ) .;'~{ '~,~{,:',<'":;', '~~ 'c;;., .'r' ;1" i",. t'"., , ,t' :~ "/~ ,-'-r " . ,'ll;,-' , \' '.. r ~. ,L ~ . .,:1 ,; ~ ,"!' ,t; 1" '. .', " , ";~ I' , J j,.., -: :}; , l'~' " ,."k;L ,1" :,f"'~, 4" '. .) i,J .', '~' 'do ,~,,/,;:'. '1:~:';.': . ,-;;~~.:~~::.,.~. Page 1 of'l LEGAL DESCRIPTION 'nd . L1394-45,BS, South,4L Street:-"rr/jes - 06/06/2006 .'\ "'I "t:i':i ;;'~i\'I.(I'j'\I'7' 1,\2'3233"'2'I'OI,'I4t;' p" ~i "J!~HJI,f,'I' t ' ",~ . "I' l'" \,\ \ rc;'-"i<'-~i ::v - .. -:- i':'J~ ..."~~f. 'i;VM-~" ~", :', ~'1i:" '.r'~\'W~"c ';"';'~""''':r-'l:' """," '(-i".!<':1-"'t~ ' , ',.j-'l- :',:-":',,;j;S;~~;~it?;;:"!/'-;" "~'.' !",," ',1 ,. , " ~-'i...1:t! .' ""~')~'!~.J'; J! (".' "'\{' , ,.,-... :"II:!1~. ,ill't,;" "~':'1r}~N ;0 :;\' ":~'~f~'~~, . '0 '., ~ ~t !hl,"li~t~ " ,! j 1,~\~,'1.:wt, . J' j ;f'l.~'f' I ,',~ 'il: ''''_~ ,'I \' ,-,,',-, ,'1'....111 :'i'''..~'' :,(~1~ "'.,..~" , !{1~:~Jtjtr"1;'l '~p ,~~t.!- r"<.,i'~"-"r";~"/j<p...., -,.,., .~~l ...~~~~;;~~" '."li:1~.i~_~: 't}..' i;:~J~ '., h I,. :' f '., t' , ;~~~ "'! > ~:,' " :,. I' 'i!, .:-(,.1' ,.' ,',j" f __' ;~:V ];' , ,- . ::~ ;: .', ,,:;,;,t:;;2 ; o' '.' T;::'~'~ DECLARATION OF JOINT USE ACCESS EASEMENT 'AND' MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 'PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 1 2 2008 ....< , 'RECITALS: " '~:,_"','::~r:!~ ~, " ~';>.;,' i~/;'I{~E:laia:'nt:,'T)1is Declo3.ration of Joint Use Access) Easement an'r,i-[;,;'M'aintenance' ,Agreement is dec1ared and granted by TWIN BJ);TTkcM'ORTGAGE, ~ INC., \'U1~ Ol-egon Corporation ("Grantor"), in ~fXiJcilt'\'of ,Mccabe';! I'1vesthlents, Limited Par.tnersh:ip;':iand Twin il,j'tte"Mortage I\1C, t1cCabe Investments Limited Pat'tl1ership is , th.'t3,.(~'~o~n~r ,.of ,-R~rc~l 1, as, l.lescribed ~jn~. Exhibit ,':\.A". Twin Bu,tt;e'~:.Mortgage,:;,'~Inc,is the owner oiEParcels 2 ,and .3,~s de'EN:~r,'ibed . on E:-(hibi t "A 1! . ' I~ _ !~_~~~V' '~v~, . .' 'ii::- : ~~:i,,:;( :, T ' }' ':2.~;~Subject> Property: GranbH' i,s the owner of; :fee,_~ti tle to 'th1~~1f~al pJ:;operty'described on Exhibi.t "B", ,'.. , ,,", .', ,'.'iw\,'. ,~' v -"'l'~ ' , ,"-:0 :O{''''~':>(.'\.. _ '~. .,1>.,:" :' --I j~.:.:<'~ . '. " "".~~ltt(':~, " ''I ,~f:' ' , "}:-':'P;:;;pose: Th(s Declaration establishes,a .,Eol>;'a:ccess' ,andt inaint(~Ilance. Said easement Exh.i:b'it "e'.'. ,', ",' r~ ,.', : . ",# ,,; 4" ,"ConsideraLi,,)n: The .:onsideration for this easement is '" <;0 th'~r'c'::t ha.',.l"rrio'n e ta'r y-;' .,;, ',:-~i'V'i~',:::, ',''\''" ' '~:, WITNESSETH:~ ,~ ,"1'" "",,"~}?; " ':' ,', '. ~'f ,I privat~,easement is described on ',' ,...-::-~;!:;.,v.-,--..- m'____.~,_ , ~>,'." , ". " " r ,~1\~l~r1;,' ~~,r,i!t*:;;n .),J,;!~i; ,~ ,~.~":.~ ;:\;1;:' ..:t;' , 'Htl"JC;ltiWlil'l'~:"'"<i'-..I,""~' >,I,: ".,\:t~, '". " .},I'f'fi<_;".,~<~~,<j.~~;y.~,~~',i!i!~\->iJ:'i';ih I" ~;;(.1;(ji,;,'l'~ , ,; i._ ' , "~';-:'~\'./'\i~"~''':_:'l'F!",~;i~~..'''_:l:}'(~,:,~ .~^' ; ;':i'~7'-, ',':" ,','A,fte"'r.' ,l:~'eGo.L:dinl.J "t;,81::1.1 cn r.o:: ',"';;',;,,; ~M~-'l~;rt'i.l"~,' "..; "1-1'''' ":'t"':. :' ,'.'1.11'." ['/:'.j' h:" ,',. \ " "j},liol',13nl-t.L\J;'....I,~,~_~.;iL~ 0 ,f!-, .,qt3_!J1e _, ,1 "",~'" '~:,; I{ J~i'~r;J1~:;f;tff:":;;:~J" i,;r:~5" >"Y~';:~, ',";'>,~' <.~':f :' .:: :f,!,~i::;<!i'J"t.:"l; G;d:/" QdY.",,-,,I '." , NOW;, ,THEREFORE, in, CO'13 idel'ation 0(' the .foregoing, rec i ta 13, ',~lhi;ch'~are':-~;{pressly made a par't. of. this DecJaratiOn1of Joint 'Jrs:~;:~:,~;i~c\:"e,St~ . '~;~<'~2~,~e.nt I, __ an(~. t1;3.~hflt:~~,~n9'~:..'r: Ag~eeiTH~\pt / the :und'~A?':rgne.'d"her.;ElPy:,decl~Tes, as folrlrw.s:;- .;,;,:", :', :,::;, II ','tz,k,:J,j...JI,'~,t*'_',\lr::,k~,,'; ','~l,~~,;,j',l,:' ;,,~" ",,; '~"\"",~T.~,\' 'I, 't';,il}~::"~"', ,....:f' 'l','r' , ,,:'~,,\I~\~';f';<~.t'f:,I:~"Ly-F' ,"~/l'f;, , . " , :' '~,' _',_'; j ".;, ': >,/ "iJ:j '(1i):',~%p',e.,claratioh{ of ,AcceS;3 E,!sement,:1<~There:; ':i~;', hereby g,e,c,!}i:lfe.d, :,9'rant~::J.', conveyed ;and,created ,8:' pet"petual\and non" e,?S'c;l~~~~~iy,e.~aseiI1_~,:r.r}:. :'85 a, mea'ns of' .:.LnQl"es;3 ,,:~nd"-~,g're~~~ to and "fi~,~m\;~pAt,:i:';l::I~.1\-!:~<' ,1.}::;Ji,2'; and '3" ,:l !\'desdr-,ibt'~d 6ni~(~xhi-hiJ-,,'''A~~.. , ~.:,'~f,~~INfi1:1~ir':!!:~;'.:'~,':':',::: ~'\i'y", .-: >'., :~l: " " .-' , '..~l",:~ ,"" ~.;;, ; ~"l; JF~ , ~,:"~",,,...~)p"'~~':r'-"'~I'l"""i"""";>l' ~ _ ,,'" _I"~ __" _', "",\"!,,,",;t ....lJ~:t_ '( 2')f'tTlie ..,:'piopert'y"::cJ?osi:pd ('.'bu cclcHler1" r, by "said"< easement ,tS d;:~'~';'V';~;'-b\....f":l'~.:"~>; :";'''-'~I- ):2-, t' "BIl "'';', - '. ," -'~ ~.',!\. ',,.,;'.,1':,,' -,~'f ,,"', eSCT-l:" e/ ',ontoX' 1rlll' , . . ,'~~'..,' 1'" :'!' <,l. ~:'t.f~}{~~~,'~rc:~;:~:' ::i.~:-": ':;}i~'-~:"1. ',", ,: . ", (, ,: '_' . ,~.:';"J~. ;", ,.>,.' _' ~l~..~~t!.~; -('3') "'T118 'pro o'e'r ti'fSS' 3ie'C'Ierl (",benefitted"') .bY' said eas'ernent is ....~~.-t,!tH'.-r"..., ,.,l;r:,~", ..,,;;'.....,~-.r':.' ,': , ' ',' . .."1 ~ ;:"" ,,~,'..,-~' ,..,', ,,",,;, ,- "'.4 d-'es'c:hi\.beo. ,'t)n"" Exli'i1d.l: II A,"~ ',.,,' 'L' "~.' ',-, .'''''1 ltl';~i;~i~~1.r).~~1~,'~n: l::~;~}i :~. \ 'i~~!'~l' ~,i.~~:", .' ,'.' . ~ ~ .1-' ," ''i,': ", '., '.' ,':'J~~~' ~:~'~t)~~~Wf~b.'f:hh1ii;~:~Ia:s;;me'ni: created by It::hi s'.detra:ratio~ are not '.'B~'~~t~;~~'5::)~tt;i~:_:o8i:'"l'ri:i;1J:~(:;::3S bllt 'aCB,' appi..'lrlt.e~n:ant ~t'~ evel~y:-'pe;rt.i(Jn uf . '!~/l';~""~"I";"~'."~:':\:~!!',$2ff:\"'ji,"li',;i'liJ4l'j",\"f'~f" ;"l:".t ' '1 j, ,." "';. ';,1,1"'1,:',.,,:,'" "",..,'>.~.',y .' .\~ 1 ')r'l,p-p~:H:'. ;.\Vi ue:111~ l',I.,.8(, ; , ..<. .' . r'. 1, ' ',.-. ,. ;. i.... ',r::w,~ :~i;:" _;;"~';!~)J/~!.~.'~,'[t-:ru.~r" . ..,'~ ;1. ' <1,1:, -'<j-r,1J.\ ,;t-ir';, h:,.,'1;:j'e" .;'~\I'1'.1\Y" ",'!!; ;,";,~~i~(~':' ',"~'(;f; " "" '!, : ~,~.,,:\ti.!t:~-i~~! '~ '.'>t 'I. . ~':",,:" Division of,Chlef QepulJ},Cler"k " ;,~(~~!,} :,'.. '"" ,', Lane County::Oeeds 'and 'Records .,' '.'::!tt:~j~'~~~];~i' -(' ::':,~",;\:. ., .:'~.. - ." "J 11111111111 III ""1'"11111"111111" 1111/ 00~64878200201 39981060066 ' ~f ":'tll!,\;-:f;,' :'!.{~;f.~f;t 021211200201:57:00 PM i RP.R"ESI1T','Cnt::il Stn=7"'."CASHIER 08 " '".' , -" -~, ':'" ..3'-Y-,7;." ",,: ,,' r,.~-\t,~~,v\ ;~~6. 00,,$.1~:00.!.$11,,0.0,;,i":':'i"!IL J;:: :,~?;" ::, ,~,; :rt~l~:;~::~ ": ':1.. ~f;~~;l,~' ,l,t" ,,:.... ~,'., ".,l"',{l"'" ,~,.' . ~,' ,^ "'~" l~~l.~IJ~~~ , ':f{"'<'Yt':;'-,~, 'N' ""'i"i--" , ,'; $46,00 i', ,tl'~ ~,; . f:}'., " " c ',; _ . l~' ',' _ ':' , :/,', , ,~,i< ' .' . f:,., ;~'t;':' -. ,;~ (S)'Ex'tlusive:" Said easenlents shalf run with the properties he'r ii{ descr ibed ':and shall be binding on and inure to the be,~~tit. of the !?arties hereto, their heirs,' successors, or as'sJ.'gns . , ~~~~:;I:~\, :'::, .' ", .' ' (6)': Maintenance: Any party may cause the Access Easement right' ".of 'way or any portion thereof to be maintained or .'repi:t'i'r;ed., Th.e pa,r'ty causing said maintenance or repair to be 'dcihe',;sh,lll' pay .for such work, and 'other persons using the Access:', Easement shall be liable for contribution basAd on ',,(~hat;fP~:r.ty:~s re:,'-ltive use proport,ional ~~,'the total roadway l,use::,.,~ThJ.cs'payment shall be made 1n a 't1mely manner', not to "',' - 1 _ :~l.~~'.. ,~, . ". ,', ~ " ' , I }:e~f,~,~~1.ii:30'::.days,;; : from the date of receipt of proof of :,e,xR~n~9.'~t'I~~\ ,,' ~ ~t.. ,7 ',.' " "I I'" : ;~,:~,\_J ,I:", .; -\'ioi')(l'0"r.r:' I,' , , (7):~:Ta'xes :,ReaL property taxes' shall' be paid by the owners of ,t.h",i:'rop'erty';'upon which the easement is located. " PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 12 2008 . (8)'Indemn{iication: Each party shall indemnify and save any 'other:' of 'the parties harmless from any liability,; loss or 'expe'r;ses result-';il'lghorn that parties agents and employees, any, independent. 'contractor hired by that party, and that '..o,..'"part:ies-,"permi,tees"7'-c"invit'ees" 1 i'censees ,and"gues.ts unless , t~}~,~:0,~,~)'1ry :is~(;,~')sed in part by any ofth~ other 'parties ' fa,lJ,ur.e to,' contn1,bu te to the expenses of :ma1n tenance of the . .'~' "-, r _''''':'''~ , . t ,_' ;1 .' " ,,- , -" , 'Acee'ss Ea:;ement," . ...',,'" , -. ::~', '\ 1,;' " 't9,,)'-'iI'h'e eas~rriehts created hereby sh'al i' ':be' exerc,~sed in a ,man'n~.:~,;:,;:onsis~~nt withapplicabl~ local; ',state, :and; federal :f.,e~\l;1;~Mf?"~,,s'-i,<?~~~i;:j;:pe r:m i t. s, and .~~th ,~p :;:~.rhe.!=i< c.oi.:d i ti on s , "easemen:fsy:and.I",restr1ct10ns of 'record. ".." ',,', 'c , ":~:,~:;~~~'i Kt~~f~~; : '~:5',~"-":~",;-\";2;~',i~t1~~"." . , . ,,:,', :';'I,"~ ' ....~,}[-.',~~~,. j' ',';,~'~ ;:,:.}~:~ . ..';,:,~;~ ~~:::..;:t . ".:.i'~~~ ~';~~"(J ' i: ,}I,;;,.I" ", /J "," /J' ";'-4 . ":;':c'~.r ",';~ (r':t", '1':',~V:'3f~,..;t~" ,',' ," ;'" Q/~j ~J"",lo<-,,:"t?<.. ~l~V ~ ,..Don"'l{, aa' e-( t,P,iesid'~nt 'of ~ .",', ' '>:~\,,'.,'Date " 'i~ +, "'''r,!",L:i l'i' "~,:'if'" ,~ ',~: _C:'!:1!11" ""l-'1.,c-'.:t""r. ,. '~'. ' , ,:',','4"'-' I ~ ~ _ -'x ~,T1'! ~D;~iB\lJ~,e'"~~rt~!:l'.'Je :, I n,c . ',~ '. l~,; ''-, . .'an't;'Oregon Corp6ration I' ',' ,;', '::;\~~f;~~'i:~~:i;i,~'+~;;:.j',:';~r .' ,,;: . ',f$~', ,;;'1, <;- { :'state'~\lof, Oregon).s's '. < 1. 'It,"'l;;.~'~"~i"'I;;o~,~..,.,I., ..,I ;,.;, <>'il"- _.,.,.,~!t J . " JO" '-', l: '.' , r. . . 'l,' II .. 'l-t ,'~ ,I "Coun€y,',. oU"Lime)"" ,I.' ," ",.", ';f' ,~, '~" I-'''~') 'H' ,',:'}'t,';."" '",'; ~ . '....: {j. 11~,;:))ij "'j! \. T,V,01..1', ':,~!' ,: ".'"', ,,'j .. '!/c-,~ "'~, Jl"" ...., J ',' ~ J" ' . , , . '\ t! -. ,,;'I':'~F "Hi,,,,' \; ~;!jl. i'~,!.l:.r"" , ,',\ .' -" "'...":1,' ", ';i, 'j"',i 'L\~"'''l1],}o.WI','''~--''' "d f "" ''', ,~.,,/' c-.' .~l" ,;.B$-!;,spz;,'?:'.py'::.~pP:~.::,-re, be ore me D()~: Haase:presicJ.e.n~~oJ, Twin o(B,',U~~,~,'~,')\,.~i"1"60,,rrttgg,,a a'gg,: ",:,;::I,nc., a, n Oregon ~orporat1on, on',; th, ,1SV,",, '/ d,' ay "of" ..~,,:,"" 2002, and ,acknowledged the~fOregolng .).Q's'.r~y'm~nt:;~.t~::15e',':ri s va lunta!y a~,t' and ~ dekd. ::" ':;,J( , iI!Ii. ~: U',~~";",,,,' ";"'/,",';'''' ' " ,,:< ,,,' ;," ',....i' ",02." /,' " ' ':> '''>'', . _ ~,', ~ ,~".:-/~ I ~.. '~~,!:~~~!!~I~iH~,':'i;!::reg'()h/b>:0 ?"';l.,;.iI,ii~!!,~tt~~f~:, 'I .. )l1Y_~itGorfim'is s ionc. ~Exp"f'res: .' .', .~, ^'..Ji'! ' ;~'~t.~: c;',.,',,,,,, c_../.__,M ~~",~,M".M;ISl_,IO,N,E.X".R.ES.O,t!._2!'c2~~. ~~rf;-' ~~t~B1!l:'~\1'*o;;-', '. - " ~ ,,~,i' d."f'U...t("'-';" ' ~" '" .Jo.o_ ____._ _=;;:;...;;:;; _ :::0::.._...0::_ ',i':~~''ll..,._'',:..~;I,,~,t.,.,~~,.<~ 't' ~'~I.I,iJ-'.::\,'."~ilr?J'j,,,.- .. '. ' f.! l',,, 41,' . ',',,' 1 ~ "To' .,,,-"'" ,...~" _' ,"",;ct"-Jl' ' ..,,' '-~;.'. '. ".',.';.,}"~.:,' " -, ' \ . '-' ;1"'!'~~~'''''"t''4ff,f{,'',~, " I ,(' ..\,...,:Ii'.....&<, '" .-' . 1 ,~....". - ':f"'".;o ,,:,"",.-~,,',~,.'.\ :,~:~'i,;.".,;J,' ',',,','t ' ('., '. ';t' '.',',"',~,',',; _" 'l, ' . "" , .. ~ , " _ , " . '.:,:'.'>,'"',.',,,j.,,;,,'.. '" ~ J~ '-:""I',_,~i~,;'",,~,,-:' . ,v":i}O\fd:';\'~'ii.~~,i"'!" ',' '-,..-; -"j':' ~"~:'<'\~r:'.. 4...l 'r-' ," ,'" _ ~'-_. ,"'l~., ,k!r,r,,""\,.hh'.">' "'f }',. "''''\'~'-'''=':'''' -', "'(" ','..-,....,-1,., ';1.'::,'1,;.:, .- 1"" .. ':}j, ~\~j:_ !>ijj/:,&P.'l'l','\ili'.:!') ,., ';;'. ,\'l', ,!',1,",,~v"',' , , "" ' .~ J ~,,' 'r~ "l....~~.- ,,-" , ." 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Lane Gounty ol'egon ',...P1a:t~:Febor(1':s;.th.~nce \-lest 220,00 feet; thence 'North l.lG,83 '.fee~~'~t'h'e;:lce Ets'i:., 220,00 feet; thence, South 11.6.83, E'~et-, to ,thei P6i'nt;.,6'f' B'e'gihning In Lane County. Oregon. , .' ,~)."" ,'. ,,"',\ ,,l',r ~ ." ':~',i, ". f. ~:rt~<f':, . ..'t.l~ ~B! . ..,r~'."i .~' ;:/l~tl, . -., ~. . par(jel.: 2: ,{' ,~~": '~';t:~\,~, " i: 1- ~~~,~t-~l,r~n,~,:~,~;~?~;;N:Jrtheast c.orner of Lot 13.FREDfRIC, as pla.Jt"e"i';~l}d'rec,?~ded in Book 4, Page 67. Lanedounyy Oregon ...Pl'a:t~:';Re'co'l?~"5,;':':c.~heF,ee-along, :f::.he,..Nod;.ller.ly l-ine'---0f Lot 1.3 "'fn9rf~Jl$~8,?~;2q"1';;;,qb" \-lest 35',ib:Ofee.t :to),.the Tiue);Poinl: of ':,"'I..A,~..k-.lj';i'~,dr-;o;t,_, ~,., " ,_~ ,~4i~1,'-l'l', . "',Jt ;"c>_,' , ." . 'J'-'>,~, i1~r :,:~Be'g1liin!fng;:' tr;e'!'llte' leaving saicl,,:.Northerly line.',South 0" 19' ,,. '~,~.;'. \,j':,~.(,f~,jf4j:'l - . ' ,. , H,'j:"':"." ." , l','-': ',~ , ' I' J . - ' -'{f ":WO,:!i~&~I~.,,?ct.;;~L?,'09'1f!~<3et;, ,t,henc!, INo,r~th~,89:, 26' 00;:,;. '1~&t: ";:'~f;~~,';:~\~!!~'~~~C,~.:~" :?~~t~::~;~1'~'.5 r) n. ~O 0' '00',', ~~ st 76; 88 f ee t'.';,J~~.~~~:h~~e 8,9ti,"~'12'6:li;00"';W,es't-ii81,38 feet; thence Noeth O";"W/,'/:OO" East :;;'~',I ;~:{~~,l:i'<ffti~;_', tit:":_: ""';,,b~j'<:A~J' ,"'", 'e, '" ,I,':' _ _l !.}.'ti~";~!,~,~ ',6,;5J\?:9'f;~~e2i\t? ,.,ifr'~~ aforernent,~o.ne:d.' NOtJ~erly' lir;ft:i:J,Eit~Lot 13; ',lthe:I1c",1~(:aJ'6ng '(la.'io. Noetherly lij1e South 89". :2'6!,':OO" Ease ':'~""":;,''''_;'~~I':- ',,",)"""','~ - - - ,.".." ,'- \'" -'f!,'~'\' ':196i~tb, ""f~et!:"to~ttCe True Point' Of'tBeg'iMiing. ',:;i>\;;1f;'it, , ;~tr'.:;;~~~ :}fl'~,Ur("::}r1';i:,~[.' ~', '1, ,"~,~~.' \" " '.- ~-:;}~';f~tt.::Ji ~(~: " :.,i~_,~l,\ -,," 0~tjpl';\,"; " ;,;;,' f'~,' ";:,,I~~t~;~~ [1' -:J~1~t~,q' . ,~t:.... .:)~t~'l' :" ~~\U~Jt~t:, ::" ~,; -' , ,':~ ~ ~ ,'f f;~!'~';,'i}~ '~ :~Rai"ce '/"~_~~..)- ,1.4;:jj>,'..... 01" ,',,'~t:J~..,-i:' " ,,' \Y""*'~'" ~,.>L;I,'.i' .,".~ :,.J~,,' ..,1< 1j; r . :; ';:.'~~'- ,;;~,_,; :..t, 'lJg;i 'j:lJlti'n~',......I.l'€Vi "~("\ >' ',,1-<,. r " 'J~'l. ,~~ "...' .',~,;" .);~='t;'}t",;'~t"i,:;'.:. rr;' ~ ;;;'" ~ ':', ,( 'J ..__.~~I.<:;,.; ~;t,_,;"',\t~?~f~.:c':~{~fl~l.;."'< t c' :J,". , " , " '1 ~;~~ :.~> 'ld" '-Beg,;Frini'ng.t';,ak,.,bne'd,ol'theast cCJrner of .Lot 13', ,FREDERIC. as ,,~~:I:-;/W:\N~i?'j' ,I' _,' ':;"'i ,ilT;:~:~"'..:, . ' _ T" 1'-', . '.~"C"" ' , ","'~J :::~;<f" ' 'pI1at,tell"andh,e"~col',ded ln BOOK <;,' 'pai.T8' :i6~. Lane Gount~ Ore'Jon i .~:. ,'r;:~t~l'it:J,~!.,~" i'i}r:"':n~":' ;~'i'r1W-.I_" " ,fill.' "-,_:; "I, ,L ' , " ',:-t: ,'1.';'>"'''4', ~ ' ;:?;:.l,aj:::,~{fk;;Bt~:b,i?fbi, s'; J,',:~'~Ji,',:,~rH~e ~,.J.tJng .tl:i e>;~,:~kj,~. t'lie,t,~l y 1 inel:, 0/0,-' [1: Lot: 1~ J' ',' <'ft:.J~~\'l!i1~.....~Uf.., ;,'~';!JI"l~ 'H:\fi":If'lflf, " , ;. .,'1"" I" ,,; .' "~~. ~'r",:,~ ~(,~1~~~;qj:~;J.~_~~,~f~~~~f,~,6~~t:(~~I.o...:'; ,\.;r~st 3:S,': 00 :'~~!,eet4' r0~enl;e' _rf~,~)i~~ng sai,d N9l:'~~hettLY~";L.~ne:,i~,9,?~:;1\ O' 19',00" West '15',00 feet!F,to:~rhe Tnle ,Pq~{n,E'~::C;t<'''B~~'(ji-ti-nyjrilg';' i:,i1eI1ce-J; South" 0 ~ ',19 I 00" 7W,e:St 115.00 , ..,. ': ':",;',~"~'I," ,/,:"', '..;~' ,,:->~.-...-, , ' " .. ' , " ~:'J.' f e~- c~ ;,). :.'t hen(~ f~ I,; IS~l' t.!1 .s~)", 2 6 ' ",: ,on '.1', West 1'30, 00' ,[ B"e-t..;'; t hl~ncB , ,,' " "'",,,11,' " " ." ' nI, n(Jt;\~H~~Off'."~ 1,;1', oorl., ;,~>-I,:d: [),5. Oq:'-ff:~t:t,,; t.hf?nr~e, ,South '89~;~1"2G' 00" ~ ~'~'I \'t>J 'Jl,,~~t~: . . ., ,~:~*~i-i' "", _ "< ' ',' ~.' ,: ':if ~--I.J'\""1r~....,'"l .....-"tl.~;,t-J.. . 'I' "1'" ro" no" -"0" t.:'.'... ,':'~~t~\;;:{~";~~'~;<');"t'r9.<l'~J,:,f.:'-~~:, I"~l:}~' ~ !:~lll ,~' f~ } ul '1.,,1 ~ I ,..; \,.. IY~)' Ea s :-7'9 :rB (3 [ 88 t ; ',T,":';;~ff~:"h:.;~,,~rl,r,:~' :[',fri" "J'!ji~:~~ft:i .-.;', _', 1/' .... .,' .\, ir: ,,: ,,' , ... ',_ ' ~:'-'" "'->l',j;;- i;Hlt'::,nGB~t.1S(Hlh,n"B":'l';~-l!~h, 00 ", .~'..8.,sd:\..:.so", no" 'I:f:~r~t ".to the-,True Point . 8f.<~'~~{~::7l>1~:tt~~f ;~';<1~ ~:,?J'~~;';:!( ~:., - , ' .' ':';~" ,', :' \'::: ~,' ' ,.'," , ; ;./. :~'':{j~~ " "'~:_",C'- , . '. , '~"'~l::f:r ;,,~ '?ii:;:'~~,';;_:,~,,':'~,,; :~111,~~~~~:'~:'j'~ ~\~ ;,', ;,-- , 4~:l'~,': t1.'~,~~'~\i~~,~;,::~l[". ~;, I,.. ~:':':~'I,~ 'Ir j~ :;j~~\, d '<,J,;' "~";~'~:(r < " . _',,1, '~"~'_'.\l":;I'I"r'~'~'I" ,!' "~'oqj-'!l;;.lI;~f}p!''''~:~., ~"'~ \"" "'rI'l: ',1} '. 11.' ',- -../'~~",~,'i -1a!~.." it~i' f.~- r' r ..' : '1- ~f ';'::l:);.:~" q}'f; t.~~:; 1( f . ' '. -'/ f ""~\< :', ,,:," "~~,. ,'f;.' '!'..~q,i" _~\:I~:';"._)t,. 'i;1~-lg",-<,.... > .'.~I", I /_1'-" ;~,. '~'''f;;;'''~ it ..1.. ")" /~~..\~f} ",I.'~ ' , 'f" .r ~ IL!", > ... ~_' ........ ,,,.l,' ',",.,' ,~." " " ',_,,,!,. -" ... .,;--\" fm' "; ..- ',;,', ...' ", "'''t,77i' ~ ,-I. . -, ~ , ,;:' r..'l d 1-" >' , ", .,;,,> ''''','f:,''~'- ~1, f { it' ,~~- '. ':: ',~':'~~:)1~~~ ;',<,;:i, ,.-':-,', "I r.;"'~7~~ ' , . . ~.r~~ ,,~,~.~~;, ~'~"~_ ' . '~~r .;~ !\):'f~1~f;~ ~'" '0 .;~_.I:, ,t.\Jl1! '''~''''ll'' ',"', 'r'" ~: l ,~' 4i~" l " t~,~~I...~ : . ~'~~-':'::';'~':'~" <;',;tf~J,'f,';fj"j~,:,;;'ffi,~.d ~}",::<': '" ',~(' !2.W~~;~:'~L:,!<:;; ,\1\;i;.,:::.t~~ ~f:~ :" ~!:;,.: 'tt!!j\i~{~~~l; .' " Exhibit "A" .~ 'j .! ( '.'-", ",,; ~; ::;0,00 ;-Icn'th "::~"4 ", ,':" ," '.~~-t" : ~i:~~!?}i":~;;~.t, Lo~~iH:*-'3 . '>FNED..EN.qy),;;as.~~t:l),e',1fJ~:e~ page:i,q~f67-;'~': Liwlfct;-:irity" :'6t\e;~$b:: l' '.':'!"'~' to. . - ": ,,\ I' '-., ". '.., .- ,', ..-"j{~: O _'I-j <fl'~ ., ~ r,~-f,'" ' I'" ':. -' " regopr;"Ji:}r "'~/~;'" ,,:.:.~i:~,L:', ,-', ;/i'< '.1-,. .. ~~~j~r"". ;'v-~ It', ,...'.'I;f;f,,~ic,t:. ~ -'.:iJ :lJ. 'I !,;>...~, \ "i ,r.H,r ", ,'I-, -', ,,"'I ~, . " ttl~ ;:\.,1', f ,~ \,t... ,~":,\,, <,\,~~~",~.,.,\" ," ~-","i . " . .. . '\ ,II ~ I :13~ ),~ I!. ~""l~~~V:::.;~.,!~.l""I,...ill' i; , .J'" {~... ~"'. ._.- I "-ft,,,i:H' : '-'''''1.,1.[,. ,>\ I ,-b"" ~';Lr; -t "~ ,,<><,,}jil,','I.;;!r ,e,..__ r, ',ljtJ_.;,,;, ',1'1. ' '-., P,-"'""".-,'" ^''-,''" feet. th~fr~~of ; ;:.:, , ' ,'.,L. :~~\;~.'~; Ji' in'"i'.' '];\;~:!N~,...J', " '. '~" 'j' ". "tft .....' ., "".<<t-. .~~ .~'- t"';~EXCEPT/the "South 1 0 0 <::~:~F~~~~fK,: ,', "'J't~:r _~"' ,,-~-,l>r~~.~:"', "':';:::JL~'_~--:-:,:,_~.~_,E-,-,,>~c;._~~___._____ ALSO;;EXCEPT;th.e"We'st 25,00 fej'ltU-e-reBfconveyed:To,,Jli'e City P'~l~~t, ~~*n~,-;r\:~fi.';~' '-rt, :_,:!>l<t>{~~'~'~',',\:l~l,t;;~~~j:' ~ , ',"- '\'l-1'~"1f;' ~ ,~; .~";. . " '\' l~ ' ,,-, '1:" i~\h..r.: ',' ."~" ":~ :_,':" ';f '. ~/,fi,?,", '~.-', . '\\""~""""of 'z.S"",r,N{f ield ,J:l"~~ deed d d ,. A t 12' 1968 RW' , t ~ -',:( ~"~,,,~,lt.~r~'Wf~'~~;:lf~'::k~'J:::~~;;'\r,~;, r~co~r~. ::~-i u:-us.. _ ,~I~..~,~;l:;:"', ,~~iP~:I~:;'n~ff~j)? 10n ! :' '.'h'Nii:'~~11'~49.06,'~'\'j'.Larie,;,J~Coimty Oregon ',Deed Re;c;9lA3 ,fSa,ne;}fJlj:County. /;,,t,!,': 1"_ ' lI)i,'1,:r;,r'fri'~'_'f\:""'\-I~l'f;;;; < '~'I'ii~~:f<!>~ ';-- l" "..". "t':(U','. .~ ~"-r"I' !,"I~rl1t .... Or-e on!'" ' .. . ".l, ,I, ";':"""';'\":"':""'~'>:"""-"':'...";1!',','.' I , "'~'t "11\'~"~ 'll.i , P\llt, ., ",:: ,.',.,.'"',,,..,",v;' ,"" ,~,~;>..,.."!.,':~j,.,.1,..','," '",_~::, :")t,,,~.'.', \',,', "" .' '.: , ,,,,,..,.. ~ ~ "I'll'" ~ .. " r~_'~ ,,- tt;l".' ',>4L,'_'~ ~~dl'" 'I,i . 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':4:i' ltl "\ ,'1' , ~,~": \" ~; ..'., ~[: :~'4'1 . .~t.\, \ .l;I,f,'I;;" ',to" ... :tk,: '. ExhIbit < "~~~'i, ,!",'" '-", ~t'-.:, ','W} ('. .. i~'(,'"'' ,~.'~J ' ;'J~:~; ,;'1..,"" ,'t>,I'", ;,' ~, .',,' :,' ,H' ,\~" , (.,r , II'B." :'1!:>'~ ,,ox. l" -It . .,~. r". >i';' ,~;~;~ _)~;,I, ,,"":, . ,t"",'" .' J:",,' ..,+ '.r '~.",,'" ~ """""I!Vi ':f;' '1:;1~~% 'I ",'~, ,. .:~ .. . lf~~\ \, , .l;;:l~t~~~~.. '1\ '. "-~~I'i:!, '. ,tlt-' ,/ f,} ;~ '1,_ ~;7,;~t' PRE:SUBMllTAL REC'O ',' .' ,'ii~; , , , ,FE8,,1 2 2008 , ;,~, "!'i:{~'": , '",.\11' 'i, -::~i; I /'Jl~ ~I~ . ; ~f.r~ ,'" '~" 'l;~i." '~", "'-"\f~1f :{:' i:';,;"~ 1. ...rthh"t: and Plat 1t,~,;; '(W {~~) ;1~1- ~f,. ~J ~l: <!'I t11 ;,,; , ~i! <iI":', \:-~!J: ~~ l' , , " ;', I" '~" 'j, .e,' 'fJ{ PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O , ' E:EB 1 2 2008 " Exhibit lie" Beginning. a tthe Northeast corner of Lot 13 , FREDERIC, '" " " platted, and rec!=,r'ded 1n Book 4, Page' 67, Lane County Oregon P1at,,",;:Records, ",~ane County, Oregon; 'thence, al'ong the Nor~ller1y line of said Lot 13 NCirth 890 26' 00" We'st 35,00 fees to the True Point of Beginning; thence leaving said Northerly ,'line.'"South 00 19' 00" West 26.00 feet; thence '"",,', ',- North 890 '26' DO" West 62.90 feet; thence North 00;;' 19' East:' ,26.. OO,fe~t: t?, ..the aforementioned Northerly line of Lot - -~:rj";"~'f-j1'~-rl q'€r:~T6[1g ~:~'a'i'd' "i,f~;l~}l ther Iy f~~11e'~:"'Soqth -"'89 ()'i+"'-2"6" 60" Eas t '62 '.9'0:' feet to the:'rrue Point of Beginning: ,'f" " ~r If, ','1 ;,,\ \__1 ',; ;.;j')~(' :. " II' A,~f . A~"~'''l-.', ,-," I "'H . t'l:," ( {~,i' I ~ \\~ \' "'''.1 'l, ~ii. ~,~ 'it I' " -,:,::. ..' ~4:1''''''>'(,{/rti<!'F '... ~ :/: .\ :>'1~~t[( .,,J';~:_~;!t '; , \":""':""~' " "H \:r. ::~~ \1,~-~r!ei& .'",'"",,.. ~' .,~ I., ~", 't' , , , ."!t" ,t~'~' " :",,:,':<~;~1'" .\' "1~~t,' ;'tl:.'." {i.f;,... ' " , .., ':..~)~r, . ~ I' it;~~: " ~L: ',-: ,_~~~i~. ~!~ ."" "i;l ~i.!',,% ;:' ,,", I. -" " ,~-., '~1:\,,~~rz:JL; " ,',',t'., . ;til::'~'} / ~,- , Ui"!~)' ~ ~~', ,f:J'~'Jt+<, ,j f't,', J "I, ~.,.,c:-" " "I.! '1;:: ::..::'-;~1?~L;i:1 ,~:r ~;: .,;" ,'. ,)t,~'~'rr~:A, , ..... "", , .it -r'~/'t~"\'~'" " ; ", , " ,~,~ , l~'t'~" I}"~ '" 01.'t-l ,~..., " Y. flr,il' Oill" ".~:,,(,,~. ,,,c" '-"," " " "l: ",-' 'f''''i'' 'rl '" ,<,~' ;, '(~~llJ\',{:)" '; ~;,~} "'1if)t::~';'1 ' /'1;" '::',J,:~;j:.;,i:: .;'j:r;'t ,,~'; ,.!I,''1\X -;.' -', 'I" l} ,,.. , /' !';({;.~: ,i;/>, ,': 1h~~' 1~1.'( . l ." ~1~'(" l,,":-}.t\.. ~.~,df;" ~ ;:'Y~l-'~:t.' '~ii~;,:'!r: v, '}-'< :' , I~, '1' ',~"" '~"W\' 'jIA,!'I:i!~.;~;' _i.;;.,J~~ '(j"t~','t,. 'I' "::rt.~_)" (in:l1~* :;~:~:'1]+;;r ':;/ ,'i ~~,ii .'~ ;':" " ,- ,:,.~l~~~ ::;, " '. -.'I~,~ 'l~', to: 'J~ .: ':'t.}~[;" I' , i~ ,r"',;: ~... " :\. '!' ,,t- , 'l~!. "',;;,}:,,),. ,<~:,'r'~,,~\?,} ,>,,:':~t:,~,; .. '.:.'!~t " I .. , :;~;I~:~jl,~,' ~, " ' ."' , . ~~;, ';,~~~Y<:" '/,.. /r;;i , ; /,~,t 00" <""~;'": .' ',"l ',.,1; ;~;' ,;':~J~~~;{ '" %h, , " '1~r.' 1 'II' ,; . ~~{, ~ ...'i ;'.' ,.. ,':' y' . :Jf.~\ .J-,_" ~1:; 'tA tl '~'I '!~Y' }!I;; '{J" ':"'. , (~r:, " ',~~~: ,r 'l~..' '~1,}; "\.$'~ , . :;~" ,',,:}! "'Jd ",Jrf', 1:_ '~~.~l J~'. "":..,..J '~ :;y. , 'j! '.'~ ~Ih~ , j: ~;;i,,' <., ,J1(~. . ',,;'~' >' 11 \r.' 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(541) 4R5-J5RR _PAX (54114115-3597 FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE TW[N BUTTE MORTGAGE' ATIN: DON HAASE 1960 GILHAM ROAD EUGENE, OR 97401 Report No: 50-0589205 Your No: -- Subdivider: OON HAASE SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE $200.00 GOVERNMENT SERVICE FEE $25.00 Western Title & Escrow Company orLane County Guarantees Tl,te Oreg'on ReaIEsta,tc,,,~onu!lis~.ioncr.:and any County or City ~j.tJ:l,i!1 which said suh~,iy'~si,on or proposed ..,.. '~subdivision is located:-" ','" ....... " , ' " -.~ \, - :'. That, according to the public' fecords which impart ,constructive notice of '11attcrs affecting title to the premises ~ereinaftei' referredtp, we find: '~}1; ::<\,:.:' ,.,,$;.. 1"G>~'J'r~tl ,~; , . Dated as of November 6;2006'al 5;00 p,m" til[e is vesled in; ,'< ' .., - ' ',' ..' .."~" " '.' .' , DONALD HAASE .' ..~.l.; _" . , ,\' We also find the foIlowini~pparenl encumbrances, which includes ;'~Iankel Encumbrances" as defined hy ORS 92.305 (I) and also easements, restrictive covenant~ and right" of way within a period of ten years prior to the\-:ffectiv6'd~tth~~~:b(! .' . : ' " .... ',:' ..' ~~,' ~"i' -' , , ' ,~' L~\> ".:~ ' Unpaid taxe~ f()r:theyear 2006-2007 ',q.',.,....,."",..,.}'....!\iJ", ,v ,origina[~{1>otir\I',~';;\:, $[,[04,13 DUE Tax Lol ~(),'1 , ! 17 02 32 33 02[0[ Account No,', :'~' 1744299, Code 19-00 ,:~~:::l ' I. !--.. Unpaid IllXCS foi'the year 2005-2006 Original Amounl;:\" $1,079,81 Unpaid Balance, , $480,15 DUE, plusintc~cst ,2,' ' , ."'.,,' ",' , , '..' ,,,,,,'.,,,-.., , The rights' ,of thc~pitblic in and to that portion of the herc,in described property lying wit~in the limits of roads and highways. , '".c,.,;\" Pfi:,\' _i f\l,\ .' PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 1 2 2008 " ,-:' ..,,',.. , ' 'ii"',")'''' :' "',' ):;,,'J '!:(H~'~!f '; ,'-~:.i~d .u~tf\f'j~;; 'r-. ;-' "'t'~::;;::; '.,":?;'~ill'\~ . ,(:1/-,'., l~''': '~fVt}I,\ " ," I '" ;,"'t ,l" ,'~<' i 4.1-.}I, , .,;,,'-'...'...' "h~ f~"'I:!' , ,':\:' ,"J . ,'~i :f,>l',~f '. '~'it\, \~~~: .:~ I .t" ',.: ",1' , " ,;1<:;, . ,"''-''Ie "~ , ; .: -~ . . 'I' i 1;~"~; ;'t~;"';,i; 'i1~' ~, ? , ; , " .'-",' " ' " ";,i' , , ,,'" .,:.~ "i" ,', " Order No, 50,05,89205 Page No, 2 3, ',0 . ~~~ . ' " , . . ,. Trust need to SeCure' an i'ndebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obiiga,tions secured thereby; " ,-' Aniount; $100,000,00 Dated; January 25, 2000 ReconlOd;' "k January 27, 2000 Document No,:', 2000-004919, Official Reconls Grantor: Don Haase Trusiee:' , oregon Title Insurance Co, ~~ne1?i:iaty; Register Guanl Federal Credit Union , 1i " ~ ..', 4, " Tenus, provisions and conditions of easement, including but not limited to maintenance provisions contained in instrUment " , ' Reconled:' February 21, 2002 Document No,:::!;: 2002-013998, Official RecOnlS" ' .- >~ " ,.' [ d NOTE: The guarantee does,n"t provide affIrmative assurances as to the provisions of ORS 92,012- , 92,190;"hichrequrr.;. that any division of an existing parcel is a partition requiring governmental , ,'appro~~Wn::,;~;;~~: , ,":', '.. . ;'i;'~" . f' ' ' 'We have alsoseari:hed:~ur:~nerallndex for judgments and State and Federal liens against the'g.antees named above and find; " '1:, " NONE " The'premises are U;:'[:iliciCOlinty: and~re deScribed as follows: :'i~ - ." . i' ~i->'_ '~~'_\~ :'l{, , ' ;: " '!:'J,,~~ r '~' ~EE ~p~C~D E~HIBIT "A" attached heret? and made a part hereof, ':,;rh,'; ;1k ~i.s.i.s,~oi..~~~~:~~,,~~;(tBT~,~~'1'i~ary to the isslla~eo.f ~ .Title Ins~~lflc~' P?~icY'. Ou(.~~c,~'i~J_tiIJ1ited to the tIme specIfied 10 this Guarantee and the use hereof IS lOtended as an lOformatlonal report only; to be ,used in conjunction With, the d, evelopment of real pro,p,erty, ,i~ '::~;:,:i~,' , ,'-1~~~/'~i,j::,';~,~!J:')',1i,:;':" ,; ,,'"'" ,f, ~;t'f:~'"" .~B{ L~ability ~~1~P~~"fF,)~.I~~,Wd,I,~~t!?~gg, teg~te:s~m of,nl?t~,o,.'~~c.ee~,~t.~<>9:~;. i~~ \,;"A'.< ,\]:' ~ ~,,~~~I:,~~I~"'~:.;;~?};;,i' ,. .', ' ." . \ ;'f:;;:'t~" ~:~f Any questi~!l~W~.cerni~gthi8,Subdivisi?n Guarantee should be di~ted to Jerrilyn Egg~r, a! 'lI; (541) 431-3710:,rl ,~,!b ."1 , '.. "',:';~ ~, ,9-f ", : g';}.;;~~;'>)~ ',~,'ir~~f' ."~~ "'1 ~l: .. ,. ;~:(i~";;~" ,~::' cc: kRUSH\!i!~ASSOtIATES . j,,, j;. ...,'~~" " . 'A~,;~'~,,:, ~~t~\, ,: Kaitdi.@\\tWj~rilct-l~":rlgr:_~~:,," ,~" ,',,'~ }N~ . ..:, :':~~>>~~ ~i;':' "", ',1_ >r~';i:f:'~'-i1~;;'~, "--';:'1,::~f , _ <I' 'r" , -;:,_, ,::.r);, '.,', ~, ,'"";i,~;~~t,;;:,,,~;~~ , ; ',jNO,TEi:.!r~~"~~~!"1!"!!r~xc;e~~ons pl~~call our, E~t~m~~:~~rvlc;e..ll,i]piu1ment at(~;:m~~c8011 or -'.i~~.',e~~I'you,r/,request to mKrPf@westerntUle:com' _!-~J{t,:'~, ;~,l~/ "\-'-';;:'-4'l ",?~~~t/);',/~,,,,~~4.'~: :..;: \ '_'(,~ 1:'1 ._J':'i:,J~"J'{::~"4,t ,'!;,~-.-t~ . '11;:""'~I,y",,-,~,'I-"~~!II;."~:hr' ,',t,' ,I', ':'.\ jn"I""1l ",'{I,l',~", "',,, "^"j_""~,~7~:;~;;;!,':,?~::;~h,.' ;':., ~::;~;';;::l~: ~'\'r. < .~.. 1 t '" I. ..-t., '. . :,~';..-:, j '1:~U:;":r ;J~;,: ~" ,','; :':,tt'\:,~~hJ!;~';f '1"-t ~!, 'i": '(;~'~\t~"'J""- ~M'!"i' . ' " ,I i ' ""i . .. > \h+' '. . _~jt#i "~" ,':"r~ ;t":'~<"'~"",~,;.~::,'~.;i~",;'':::,,:,~:~.,~,;.-~::;~;,"',:, ,', "I;' l,'~, }t~;;" ,'. "t:'1,~'::'t"~t;;1}1~;" , " " ,;f-'\, _, ", ' ~','81~lt-IiV;'1~'.~~r' ,f, ,(, " ,j~l'lll '\'~~ fjl,1 f . i ii.1 ',\ ~',~I;:~" 'jrllrr,- ", "lfi~r;firr.,:!.o ',:i". ,,",';' , '~~'" ,1~....~tl'~"'}i"~'i~W' I ~ lr'~,'" i,i~" "'~-,r;;Jrr"';~lj""'~.Rt.~~' ",;': ,_t:IP\~11~'!q'\1,~ (~li~F/'1 ; .,' .~, .~' ,(n,ll ".':":i)~.:~." "" It/I''l ii" '\, ,Ii' apJ I. j.... I f''f l~"t?(l.r..y~.,.:;r.".t~'r';;\'''' !';,,' ,,:i '~"".'J~'(r .1' J'.ll"'~ ""t,),: ;;:~;';'7:~;:'J.{i;i~~~~'! i"' ,,, ,V'I: '~.,:;' PRELSUBMmAL RECIO , ' ,,'" " -'j ,t'f' .: ~",;, '~.:'~, ,', 'P"EB'tl;2 Z008 ,..' ,~,\;,; ,',,','" "'"" " q~: ,_0. ,"--:'1" ;,' ,,1' ,'>i', ...; ~:, ~l.:<~!':; >\ j~';~1:t',t::~~, ,t.,:oU,' .,:.\..t,",'~'- #j~,j!n,'(~.'~ 1"'_ ,,~"".:,\ '. 'J~~'~:l:t! ,_J:,'II;;:,,(;:~ll~','l':: l". 1'\, ~ ,lI.",I' ,;\r11-~:-'jl nl:~ ;"; ~". , l..., t,~t~~. , ...... ","" ~'-" r ...' ., ~' '1)( """1:.1 " ~:;. , \" , t,' ~ti~! '"j' .t~~..t.~ .. J..,:-I _'?'~iPf1:1':' Ii ......;".1'. , \,J'T','!, "'J-.-t ' , ",'" 'f;-'1"'I'''l'll'\'.''n!'''-' ""t.\"t ",> . ,\' ;I.: "i,<"_;;V'"'.fl """'[;,,"l,l~r.\t,:.... ;",'..... ,',. ft/~;;~r~~'ft~a~;,ij:t.~~rfl':;~.i~;,.,:, ,.;;'" I"~. '"," . _:'1~~_~_11, :\, ," "",1 '. ., 1", -\ ,1' '. d,~l~:\.'L,"', ,l!i~l"_.,, '. ' 'iI'l'" I \;. ,fll)i~I'I~l(~'?' ~t~b; ':~~+:J:/:~,:_1f.:~~~~'~"~4' <',':' 'i~ }t~ ~rlit;I,!II;( ": \;41: ~ I ~ '1': (;t\~ 1 I~-J~J" , , U.~' <.l 'I' J,t, .f'}{ ::1 f~" \ :~:T ' ~ 4i.9:' ~ ',',' t .1;; '; "fM1!;,'\I:'< .'.' \"1',<\'~'>IiH','~' ;l~.<t!n,.i'''", ,~~f~, I' ..,' t;ll,~" "I,. ", ~, ~1, >, ',~ttti ~iJ~fl \ .,~ 1 ~1' I' I . \,!~,j,V,:~t'/'i: lr~?'!\: ~:~~ ~ .:~.~~ :!-...~::, .. I ,J~~'~l-{:~t:(il( ,AXgr!{'il , ,:"'i'" >!)~,", ", ,;', 1~ , ~I<<..l' ',: ;;,~i;~:~': .','1,... ..r "':,'/~- "1'.\:'1, '.,,1_. ,...i ~I '\ .... ., Order No, 50-0589205 Page No, ;1 EXHIBIT "A" Beginning at the NortheaS:t,corner of Lot J 3, FREDERIC, as plattedand recorded in Book 4, Page 67, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the Nnrtherly line of said Lot n, FREDERIC. North 890 26' 00" West 15.00 feet; thence leaving said Northerly line South 00 19' 00" West 117,50 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 890 26' 00" West47,08 feet;thence North 500 00' 00" West 82,65 feet; thenee North 890 26' 00" West 76,26 feet, thence North 00 19' 00" East 65,00 feet to the Northerly line of Lot 1;1, FREDERIC; thenee along said Northeily line South 890 26' 00" East 103.50 feet; thence leaving said Northerly line South 00 19' 00" West 71.24 feet; thence South 500 00' 00" East 53, 15 feet; thence South 89026' 00" East 42,60 feet; thence South 00 19' 00" West 12,50 feet to the true point of beginning, in Lane County,Oregon, EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the City of Springfield by Instrument recorded June 20. 2006. Document No. 2006-042859, Official Records, Ii' -.~ '--,' 1'-', ,'.",'.. .. ': " i', PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O FEB 1 2 2008 ,'.' .';~, ~,..:...,~-~~ r',: ''f"r... .111)) OREGON TITLE "- 11/ WJh Insurance Company -..., 99076337 State of Oregon County of Lane - 55. I, the County Clerk, In and ror lne,sald County, do hereby certiry thalll'll! wlthin Instrument WI1S received for record lit Until a c:har'g6 is requestei. tax s....,;.....:...oGo.:...v shall be sent to the followirg address: Twin Butte t;... ~~, lrx:. ' 1 q3 Madison St. I::guene, UK Y/qQI : . '99SEP 1~"11:J2 ::~ C~"~!?'!!'OO:d' PRE-SUBM/1TAL REC'O Lm,cD:~4,.j,.k'..y FEB 122008 By:, {9 After Feamlirg,f'etum toi' oI-egcn Title':rnsurarce \..l...U~'X, an 450 Camtry Club Road, Ste 150 Eugene, Oreg:n 97401 ','Ii CounlyClerk )"- /0- ~- Michael G. S'l'A'l1JltJRY \.ot,~,,",,,,,, DmJ (Irdividual ) Hussey an:! 3...~a, D. De;ey (At:OVe'SpBa,'~CMt~~;a1tJ~ ct ,copy of oricit , I 11'1: Ore~ CO. _"'_ ~~ "-, ard. ~__.:..... to , Twm Butte ~;....... ~~.c... Ire., an v...~. ...........l-"-""c.:.J.a1 the follCMing described real .-~~, in the State of lhe;lOO an:! QJunty of Lane fl:ee of eno.-~_~, ~___~ as specifically set forth henili1: " The r-brth ere-half of IDt 13, ffiEDERlC, as platted and .~~ in Bcx:>>< 4, Page 67, Lane Camty 0rega1 Plat Records: in Lane Camty, 0rega1. EXCEPr the South 100 feet ";_~f. l\ISJ EXCEPr the west 25 feet ttereof cx;nveyed to the City of Springfield by doo11~.;.,J , I\ugUSt 12, 1968,. lle::Eptioo lb. 34906, tare CoontyOregal ra.:l Re::oIDs, in tare Coonty, oregoo . ~I!SEP,OI'99n04REC 5.00 577!S[P.OI'99H04PFUND 10.00 ~I!SEP.OI'99H04A&T FUNO 20.00 "",., Tax !'.cr::OOnt NuOOel:'(s):"127835 ,,', ". ," 'lhis Y--~~:'.i' is "free ~f 8lC1-.:....c...~. EJOPl': ,"~ 1. Taxes for the fie=l year '1999-00, a lien :li1 an aiTo.n'tt Yet to be 00_, rot not yet payable" .', ,,' .- ; , ;~, 2. The)'i~U; of'the"~iic, 'go<o~...-~.~ lxxlies, an:! p.Jblic utilities, in ~ to that portJ.oo of the rereilnlescribed ...~~, lyirg within the limits of p,mlic:i:oads an:! highwaYs;' ' . ,; , The true,a:nsideratia> for,this':cCnveyanc;e is $150,000,00 ,>." 'IfllS ~ WII..L MJi' ALL(Jol tsE OF 'tHE ~~~AJI. ~ IN THis INSTRi.J.u:NT IN VIOIA- TICN'OFIIPPLIClilI.E,U\NIllEE U\WS ,AND RmlLlITIOOS. ......"""'"SIGmlG (It ~,~~'nns INSTRl- MENI', 'IHE_r~1 ~ FEE .TITLE ro 'lHE €-,,-,~':"'_j, SfD,JUJ QIE(]( WITH ~-APPROPRIATE CITY OR a:umr,,,PI.ANfill'<<; DEPM... ~.... 'IO VERIFY APPROVED lEES I\ND'; TO 0EiERMINE ANY LIMITS (Ji IAW- 'SUITS l\Gl\l:NST'~ 'OR ;~J. PR1\CTlOS AS ~~.u~ IN (Ri 30.930. ,~, ~t~~, ~'1999.~ ~~'i .. Mi~ G., H~"" " \J Barbarab. De;ey :,0 '" ;' ':' ~ >,:: ";,.:;,'; 'I" ,,; l~~ii'- 1,,'"'; ,,'i.'l.l,e';::~":\ v' >:~ ;:~.!: . '. ,.'" '-.,..,.,~, ',' ,I.,~ ._ :.!:~ ," ",c: ~C~'''''''''~'~'''' My cOmiissia> 'Expires: '- ~~' Order No.: :430275a . ' r. OFFICIAL SEAL , ,VICKIE L BAUGHMAN " ' .: NOTARY- PUBUC ' OREGON '. -._ ,," COMMISS1QN NO, 316600", .. , ' Nf COMMISSION mms lilt. 11, llOl - -,- - . . - - , . - . .....--' ',:'JL f ", "~ ",,>~,. '~~,: '. " ,.1,_ '7'Gr::: f' ,~ i' ," ,. ',' ' 'j:' 'Ii"": " 1';~, . 'ii: l:J'~.~' , ',' ... ;(' . ,,-, ,~. ", -F 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Cj.... ,of Springfield Official Receipt D_ _,;Iopment Services Department Pnblic Works Department RECEIPT #: ,2200800000000000192 Job/JournaJ Number Description PRE2008-000 11 CTY Subdivision Plat Payments: Type of Payment Check cReceinll Paid By TWIN BUTTE MORTGAGE INC Date: 02/12/2008 2: II :59PM Item Total: t:heck Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received acl 5174 In Person Amount Due 336.00 $336.00 Amount Paid $336,00 Payment Total: $336.00 ' PRE.SUBMI1TAL REC'O FEB 1 2 2008 Page 1 of 1 2/12/2008