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Permit Correction Notice 2009-1-22
.-"'''l''~\~'''~'rfl*"",r.w~Y''';.i;;t.~~..~(" .,.,~.'t:~.,...,(',.~,t'l(..".,;:", .....;!'.'1~,: ,J.~"'JJ,~"to",~V"":O:"&~Jli111" ~'Y--,tl'r .~t" .r~'~"" ~',. ,. ~J5.. Jo;';' .' ....'"t,'~.I,.~~'... "..~-.,;.,1. J.\"'~"'" #'1'/,.~''''''''~''..r~''':/'~rv',"'r4(j.f' City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street If vi. 1/.u~1 (j~V\ Date:~/ 22--/ 09 Job# c t:K - /6 "3 7 Address:_5rO ~6-f" 9"1. Inspection Type:;<' (7,,,, '- I; I<:e./Y;C. TO:. C--Ie 11 VI tM y..(r 5 Iv'&& ZZtJ.lO .' I/e&t';~ 1"5/~/1 t,~l/l.ltr~y w...Jtv" "'(".J~r (J.-. d(";;'r~/,./ !3vc< ~c4 /life. <-I zzJ IJ (IYCl,..,.,"! ,t' f)oI'OV/~)tp llV4v1~(., C'I/C(,1'~ 1'~lkl-1 /,;(~~~ , ft/cct/ live../". /0.1< tPv<1. Corrections and reinspection request shall be made within ~tJ calendar days. Callforreinspection~yes DNa Inspector1SrYdrl ;t,rl,<J..,)"oVl _Date:/-Z?-{j9 NNNNNNNNNNNNNCal1 for inspection 726-3769NNNNNNNNNN~Questions 726-3759NNNNNNNNN .