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Permit Correction Notice 2009-1-21
~"'~"."~M."'"""~;'-~l+""""P~~;";""O>>";"~~{"~~;"!"'i':-'";n-"'."f':;-~~;!t'.~.,..,,~~~~."~",~.~~Y,.1~~.~"'!:P'fiI'~r\,~~,,qr~r~~~'''--"l:~'''<''' I . .~ City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street l4. iJO/'~er~~( <'>-LA (-ZI-Oo; Da.te: I ,2L, 09 lObi c. q _ 2S" . Addrkss: fZOft) -;:.. ~, E/af";(//l./Il.u.i 5-b,.,/"f tAt'S~tIhsp~cti~n Type:_F/I'l.,j fI.od-...-i t:. TO: 'T""Vv/l,;v,:.J. 1IIf(]};If ?O: (J1(~s~ C;C(UVC /7-/2- /I1W'/-b fA"',)w !IoUSt"_ Corrections and reinspection request shall be made within <; [) calendar days. / Call for reinspection ~yes DNa Inspector g"Y'{( 1"1 fl../cI.o ...dc.I7,..-, . Date: -2/-09 NNNNNNNNNNNNNCall for inspection 726-3769NNNNNNNNNN"';Questions 726-3759NNNNNNNNN