HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 1/20/2009 . RETURNTr . ISC'nETITlE COI:-'; TITLE ~t~ '~36/272 ESCROW NO. EU03-2908 TAX ACCT. NO. 0113645 ALL. TAX STATEMENTS SHALL BE SENT TO: STATE OF OREGON MILITARY DEFT. PO BOX 14350 SALEM, OR 97309 DIvision . 'ct'...f' Deput.y Clerk Lane Coun___ ',~ _~ and Reeol"'ds 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 00494934200300941660020020 09/26/2003 09:12:42 AI\ RPR-DEEO ent.:! Sln=S CRSHIER 07 S10.00 $11.00 $10.00 ~,.:,' lOOI.M\!!! $31.00 BARGAIN AND SALE PEED AI.LAH HILLAR PIERCE AND NORMAN J. LECOMPTE, JR. as co_TrusteeS pUl:suant to ell. Last will and Te~tament of ELIZABETH C. PIERCE, a decceasad person, ALLAN HILLAR PIERCE AND NoRMAN J. LECO~TE. JR. as Co.Trustee5 pursuant to'the Last Will and Testament of RALPH H. PIERCE, a deceased person, Grantor, conveya to STAn: OJ' OREGON by and t.h=ough its Military Depart:lLent, Grantee hereinafter calle9 grantee, and unto grantee's heirs, successors and assigns all of that certain real property with'the .tenements, hereditaments and appurtenancea thereuntO belonging or in anywise appertaining, s~tuated in the ~ounty of ~E, State of oregon, described as follows, co-wit: SEE EXHIBIT A WHICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE nu:s rNSTRUNENT WILL NOT ALLOW USe: 01" TIm PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN TH:IS DfSTRUMENT IN VJ:Ot.l.TJ:ON 01" APPLICABLE IJUlD USB LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BE:l"ORE SIGNING OR A...-............ THIS DfSTRUKENT, TBB PERSON ACQUnmG FER 't'J:TLE TO TBB PROPERTY SHOULD CBECX taTH na: APPROPRIATE C"In OR comrrY PL.ANll'DlG DEPARMEN'I' '1'0 VERIn APPROVED USES AND TO DETE:RHINE J.llY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGADiS't' yAllJoUNG OR VOREST PRACT"ICES AS DEPINED IN ORS 30,'30. f The true consideration for this conveyance is $1,423,9S0.00.as:'paid by an accommodator pursuant to IRe 1031. Dated this af..g~ day of~.(.l"(\.\:u.r ,'Z.tc::O . II....".. < ELI CO-TRUSTEE BY: rg) HILLAR PIERCE ~ ~i~ c&iYAl^ NORMAN ;J. LECOMPTE, JR. CO-TRUSTEE BY: AALP61I.P~~ ::: ~HI::~CE . ~/' ~____0.,_ NORMAN J. LECOM~ --- CO-TRUSTEE 0"""'-"" \ . CKRlSTIEDSHDRT tlO'tARYPUBUC-OREGON ~COtlMlS$lONNO.341345 ~1I1~~UfilfSDECDlWI2Il.2tIl4 CO-TRUSTEE STATE OF OREGON, County of .t_n 10-0 )S8. This instrument ....as acknowledged before me on 'C\ ~!-::cs.. ' 20~, by AI..LAN HILIAR PIERCE, as CO-TRUSTEE, by NORMAN J. LECOMPTE, JR.. as CO-TRUSTEE, of ELIZABETH C. PIERCE TESTAMENTARY TRUST, on behalf of the ("i1$~7(g~ -\ 1).. CH'l:If.'l;'s'H'6RT Notary Public for oregon/...., /. _/A"r/ l ) N01ARYPUSUC.OREGON My commission expires: 'f:/'11"-"-1 '. .' uY~~NO~5zo.Z1>>4 STATE OF OREGON, COunty of ( 1i..hJJ lss. rz/,pr ,,,CD, LECOf.lPTE, JR. as on behalf of th~ grantor. This instrument was acknowledged before me on by A.LLlUl HILLAR PIERCE, as CO-TRUSTEE, by NORMAN J. CO-0~~P)~ TESTAMENTARY TRUST, c. ;1[-- Date Received: JAN 2 0 2009 Original Submittal