HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 12/1/2008 PRE-SUBl, ~TTAL 1JISTRlBUTION LIST: Date Distributed: /2-- / -02 / Dave Puent - Building v Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel- Fire .,/ / Jon Driscoll- Traffic ,/ Matt Stouder - Public Works/Engineering Dennis Ernst/Chris Moorhead, Surveying Planner. ~djA,- -,0 rki:-SUBMIHAL k\:C'D DEe -1 Z008 .." - -- --',...- City,of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax ~!ltAINGF.IELOi :.~.,.~ ',_ ; it .. .., \ Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2008-00071 Date Submitted: 12/1/2008 PRE-SUBMIITAL REe'D DEe 1 2008 541-485-1700 Proiect Name: ARMED FORCES RESERVE CENTER Project Description: Pre-Submittal for Site Plan Major Modification to Armed Forces Reserve Center (BLM warehouse addition of 12,000 sf office/warehouse space) Application Type: Site Plan Modification Mjr Job Address: 2022 31ST ST Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1702300001000 DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submittal of the Application for Development Review. Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns. A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will:contact you to confirm the meeting date and time, PlanJobPrint.rpt 12/1/2008 l:24:06PM Pre-Submitt~l Meeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Tuesday, December 9,2008 1, PRE-SUBMITIAL MTG #PRE2008-00071 (SITE MOD MJR) WILDISH CO Assessor's Map: 17-02-30-00 TL 1000 ARMED FORCES RESERVE CENTER Address: 2022 31 st Street Existing Use: Armed Forces Reserve Center Applicant submitted plans to modify original site plan DRC2004-00005/DRC2007-00026 with an addition of a 12,300 sq ft two story builaing for offices, restrooms, storage and conference room. Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, December 9, 2008 11:00 - noon Plariner: Andy Limbird . PRE.SUBMITTAl RECIO DEe 1 2008' Gity of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 PRE-SUBMITTAL REe'D DEe ,J Z008 I: Site Plan Review il' . Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal: 0 Major Site Plan Modification Pre-Submittal: ~ Site Plan Review Submittal: 0 IMajor Site Plan Modification Submittal: 0 IT!~~~ti'~: Applicant Name: ~AflI\6~ --Il-1dl"I1AS Phone: (5'-11) 917"1-'818 I Icompany: l!\J/L.:DIl:'1-l 'E,VII.-D/VJirCo - Fax: (9,tI)7'3b-77/b !Address: (J:D.15ox 7'-n73 EubEYJC',O,,-- c17'-tol , . IAPPlicant's Rep;: I Company: IAddress: , I Property Owner: Icompany: I Address: p.o_ KOx. /'-1:55--0./ S flLGYh s~lY1e I Phone: IFax: I , I . " ..'...' . . - : ,-, . .' - -", . '. t Df'2E6C511 fhll...II;ClI'Z-/ ])Eifl, {DtiJ'/nJr. JJEK-~Inb J IPhone: (C;o-g)~'3'-1-1C; 04 IFax: n:;o<,) c;?-,Lf -1c;fi4 IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-07/50 - 00 I Property Address: .ISize of Property: Z1 ,'1,7 Acres IX] Sauare Feet 0 Iproposed Name of Proiect: LAneS [lluwN fkY\16-J? Fot2&> t Gs.Gt'2.VG C6rJtfL (Jr..,I'I.Jn( Ii, t) IZ8-!oCfVl Cf74Tl . '. ' ~ .' . [TAX LOT NO(S): /000 I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application, Proposal: 36:; A"'i"'i'A<-f\6-b Existina Use: $be Ih-!I\.:.H.,.", New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldd. Gross Floor Area): 6090Cl b sf ISignatures: Please sign and print your name and date in the appropriate box on the next ~1lm1 Associated Applications: OQC 'Urit- (9(I:\ZbCV1~YI"<:>J) Signs: Ipre-sub Case No.: <''<- 1e:D~ -'{YO';/( I Date: III lot Reviewed by: ~ Icase No.: 'Date: I Reviewed by: I ?plication Fee: $ 04-00V '/Technical Fee: $ . - /postaae Fee: $ - I ITOTAL FEES: $ 5tf(/'il -' PROJ~CT NUMBER: ~~.J~ "3- O'D'U5'f1 I .' .... ; ,._....-'-:.l-,.-... .;-,-:, -;',. .. I ~C)" \~Jq(oti l\' c:D Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 Own'er Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre~submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are ,required at both stages in the application process, An application without the Owner's orig,inal signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre:" Submittal Meeting. I Owner: '/. IS) Signature bG~""'!L\"-. Print l \ \ Date: "'Z....u.... ~<''-h ,...,0 \\- t3-lli t..J' '--= Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to theilCity. Consistent with the compl~teness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I ~.ffirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise . contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requireme"nts of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. "", Owner: \C) Signature \ \ \ II Date: 7-1-. L\r-N ~ ~l:-r-\..l..._ \. \.......... Print \\-"-=:"'7 i7 '1.,1...\__ PRE.SUBMlITAL REC'D DEe 1 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 I j PRE-SUEMITTAl REC'D DEe 1 2008 'j I' I " " Ii I' II Site Plan Major Modification Lane County Armed Forces Restrv'e Center Complex II Written Explanation 6fProposal II November 25, 2008 Applicant: Property Owner: , Rep~esentative: Project Name: Assessor's Map/Tax Lot: Property Size: ZoningIPlan Designation: Jurisdiction: Associated Application: Wildish Building Co: P.O, Box 7428 Eugene, Oregon 97401 . I I' Oregon Military Department P.O, Box 14350 !; Salem, Oregon 97309-5047 James Thomas Wildish Building Co: P.O. Box 7428 , Eugene, Oregon 97408 iimtbialwildish.com ' Lane County Armed 'Forces Reserve Center Complex Map No, 17-02-30-09, Tax Lot No. 1000 22.37 Acres " , LightlMedium Industrial (LMI)/Heavy Industrial (HI) , . Inside Springfield cir limits, UGB I, ZON 2003-00044; PRE 2004-00004; DRC 2004-00005 . DRC 2005-00092; PRE 2007-00010 1.0 Description of Proposal , . . As illustrated in the attached plans, Wildish Buildihg Co. ("the applicant") requests approval to modify the Lane County Armed Force~ Reserve Center Complex Site Plan (DRC 2004-00005) that was previously approved on February 24, 2004 and as modified by the Site Plan Major Modification appWA, July 23, 2007 (DRC 2007-00026), The proposed modifications will add structures, affect ~ite improvements (parking areas, bio- swales, landscape plantings and lighting), and ass~ciated infrastructure on the site located in Northeast Springfield.' , """ It 'I I; , Specifically, this Site Plan Major Modification inc+des the following: . The addition ofa12,300 sf two story addition to north end of the existing BLM warehouse with a roof area otapproximately 6,250sf, replacing the same area of asphalt parking. First floor is primarily for light storage and a conference room, The second flo~r is open office space for systems furniture type cubicle partitions and'restrooms, Expected occupancy is 45 I persons. ' . . The addition of a 70' radio toweran<i small radio equipment building near the SW corner of the site. Note: TIle radio equipment building is to house radio equipment only (no people). II' . . The addition of a Portico for the West Entrance to the Main Building. This is an open, covered structure add provides a covered area for bicycle storage. !i . The addition of a Portico for the So~th Entrance to the Main Building, Similar to the West Portico, this open structure provides a roof extension over the entry sidewalk. :' . Relocate the EWEB easement at the',SW corner of the site to allow " placement of the aforementioned ra~io tower, loading dock, satellite dish and radio equipment building. 'I . . . Revise the east fence line of the M\jP compound (east end of the site), thereby decreasing the impervious area of the compound approximately ~~~ . I Use of the facility remains unchanged. Provided i~ office space and storage areas for BLM, US Forest Service, Army, Navy, Air Nationill Guard and Marines, Users will perform administrative tasks, have military drill se~sions and provide military vehicle maintenance. !i 2.0 Site Plan Submittal Requirements' 1. Application fee The application fee is provided with the application. Ii 2. Copy of deed and preliminary title report. Copies of the Deed and Title Report as well as the pertificate of Title are included, 3. Copy of reduced (8.5" x 11 '? site plan A reduced sized copy of the Site Plan is attached. 4. Right-of-way Approach Permit Application '! Not applicable, since the subject site does not hav~ifrontage on any ODOT facility or require a right-of-way approach permit. !i PRE.S\JBM\TI~\l REC'D DEe 1 2008 I " I' II " CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . I VICINITY MAP I' PRE200S':'00071 2022 31 st Str~et , I I; ---., ~~~ brA . ~$'.. .' SITE . Map 17-02-30-00 Tax Lot 1000 North + 1:' f-I ~1 ~ ~ " ''1 ~I I 1 ,. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O DEe 1 2008 " I' I: ,I 1 ;1 I: I . I: :\ I, :\ I, : \ I '" , Ii, i '. o I' , I '.' I II ;~i ~~' (~) ~~ I; ~ ~ ~; : '1 I! ~ : ~ \ i \. i " _ i I g II II II'! , i . \ \ I " iI ! ! I 0 ! !i !l h ! I 'I 1'1 II "I !\~! ! ; II (I (I r ! I I i 'I '. ' , I "I' I IS "I! '\. ! .5 J2 J B i! '! . 'j' I ': .5! \ 1 . i ;... I " < \i \ fll, " ': ili. }., '.; '. I' i'\ ' " , I' i.. -\ "". ". -::J'l ....;;~, ""-=<-' !'M o ;;::: ri ~~ ~~ ~ J-l ".---ii ,:> ~ r- Cl ~ 00 In'"1 (") d ',' 111'1 . !!! I ! 'j ! i i i 1 ! i ,I JI' ! I I" I' I" I, If i if I i I I! ! _ , ;: _:l!, I i H II I,n!l i i!~ 'i :11111'11 ,ilJi f 11 i I II If ,II II' Ij'l'!~ ~. l! ~ .;;' , .;;.1 !H ; I 1 il d III mill! nil U f 11 r,.. I!li,~' ,ii! i1 il i! ii', I ~ ~ = ;... ~.. .. ~.. .. 1 ''l: IiI mIll !{!ji 1!'1i U i j!j HI I !i liJ ~ 1'llpI!1 llllill!lll'~ ! II lli1tih Ii II III -I . I -I' II ' I' "!\' hi III I tHIP' d !I .: ,1', I! ','il,'l., I j:l','j' II i! ,f, tJ l! !i I . ,I Ii i 'I il! jl II hi! llh i lllll' Ill! '!:, Ii II II It 'I -'I' II ,1'11 ,!jh i i! il t(" Ii 1,'11' ql ii , ,. I. 1'1 , ,-., i1i",'i,(!lr" Ii 'I ',"" I III II III ' ; IIIl'll1 i, ..., j' I . I " ..- ..-- '!',",:!Slllli!1!' Ii !! IlufI!!! , 'II Ii " ; Ii \!.... . ~I Lt', . --.,-,(filJ'l I ~ ~ ~ I i~~il~~i ~ i H I ~ ~ ~ ....aa.. a aa . ----- ._- -- en ..... .., tT1 ." r ~ II II ~. ;;;; ~;; ;:: 1111111 !! Ii' WI ! IiI! Ii 'I .1 ill. 1,1'11 I "Jill !I, ,',.!!II ! - -'! l' 1111 I I' ,. "1' -I I ',i!' ,'I 'I I if I.' IX u I jl !!! 1111 ,',- i !I! ! .1 "I II I! /I' , !.fllll'l!ii I\! 1"11,', p 1 f II J Ill! h II Jl. f ,I ' .() //~ '-2([of1> 5: I I ,I I I i j 0: [ill'::: I ~ ~;? [j]"~: I',. I::::: .', ':,': ~,). ;- t. ;. ',',l . "'-'~ "'.' ", ',',' ! 1,,1 ! II! 1- 1 II !! I ~I ! ! Ii ! I II II '" IJ"!!' I ! 'I i I l' !i I IJfJ ~)! r 1,1!1! N ~ ~ f o'~ '_I' OlE" J ), 'I: , ' ' " 1 "n.. ,Cj 1'\,'" ," I:l~il'l': ~'C 1'1" 31 - "'ii' ! ~lli~ I ,~ - ',C ..~ r::- -- ~I : I I ~ " .r-, I' .. 1, !i! , II II , II ,~ ',1~!!11 ~-I' " .1- I . I' I i . ' ."-'. \. \. '~ \. '. \ , ' ""'\. " lOO%CONSTRucnoNDOC'l.IMEN'ThrACKAGE. I, Lane County Armed Forces Reserve Center Cornplex 3110 PIERCE PARKWAY St'KlNlit'lI::LD, OR 914n "," F~.'~~ !! t ;:=!;~;r: u e ~:~!:i:::: ~: ,.1 ~:..""I=o "-' =: I ~."'.....z ....