HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 12/1/2008 ~ I +'\ 0.; -, '. ''Il\/il" '. I FeU..." "-''''''P.'''''' It"'';' 1 ~1l.".";f.. \. /' 4. ~~Q"'. """_'...""l"<>'....TOP'. III ~ f'1 . *.ii. .:"'. /' .~..:il./El _ "\.'t~-'"'9 '-...' e.E;~~~~c..~:oRt-.lO.7S~ & ~!...~"!\-.'" "if"~._:J.. (. 1",,,,-=:'!6.., . -. ,~OU....o5/5"o"'.RoO "'.. ..""'''''.... 0"-' C..,...."7..' 1I4.0~""\- o~'lI~"'-"1 -' "'~ s..-;;.~ "1< /,/'~/;:-~'Z:.,:'-'i::::.c."C"')P. I I "'oll':\, ~~. \.. \ P>. lo~"O:<i@.. / .. ......." ,,,,,,- I ( . ~1J:~~ 5:' ',. ~C$t;""il~.' I ./ ".\\\I~'" ....,;....,/ !iI&'4.""'" .......... ~.i. r'.:~... <1<ll~~',J . . .....~:::::... ~.~~~ '''''-.' I.. I- .....-.:r."".."..,...,...':r...T."':l;'...~fZJ'1'T ,~~W~O,lll!l . .... ~~."",.. :tII.~."" ,~. ,~.... / "l\ji iiIiTJi"~) /_,1l,1 "S tal,"" fl Jl ~~ ,'~, ~ .. '15 "": t'~----{II-,- , :~ :~~4 ;u. \1\'.' ..~ .:........\l!;.'-.;;...".,~;;. ..4. ,'. 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'1 0 . ei...t~',J'J;.gr~ p~t:!);P'..c:.:aT'Y -t ~"'" :i: _ .~I;;D'~J >t ~..~ . f1;l,,o-.,,'....,._.8!I>\.) ,.... 50 O""I.l0'St. M E.. i'ij~~ 1~14~'~ '.' :s \' .....-\:..$t.~ I "ErA/... SHE.D . -. \ \@ \ 1 EJ~ lID BJll!illIBH~ lIIDWJ I !JI \A!"!ill" '" lJ1" >:: i l'I1 . C 11! 'I' 'I' '" (lI ~ III , .~ 1)):J\~qUIJ'" ,,! 1'!'1il Uli\~~l>I8.$--l. t .: -ill ~&. \R $, :,~ ll>, ;1~,' ~ . L . 'm . '1'1 \Ii!" \'1\# \11 1" '" !l1"Q . ~~ul!~WH ~. 5.~~:;ill.H~~ '1 ~'-'<l 1'~\\ ~'a / "Il':\" . '1(:'(l, "t.~ . \Y-1'?l ~.'!,~ \;11',\ 1: t~ ',:,.,t\,,: 1i''t~ ;:'''' ~.t..~ I:, . ~1'-. "'. \ ~ . \.\1,~ "1.\.~ ,.'ll~. . '", . 'i',/.", ,,\, , <>-. .;.t.1l oJ ""11"<< ~.~ '" ~\'.'~."'..o~ ~'t.\'I4~. ,\ ;.:\'.?~~,. v' ",;:",~",~ ~ ~.t .\ ";'>~, " ~,' ~ -' - -. RETURN'fl" ''lSC'~ETIn.!C~ TITI..E Nl:r:- '-..:o3B/272 EScRow NO. EU03-290B TAX ACCT. NO. Ol136t5 ALL. TAX STATEIIENTS SHALL liE SENT TO: STATE OF OREGON MILITARY DEFT. PO llDX 14350 SALE!!, DR 97309 Div.sion c~'.r Deputy Clor-k 20^'M1166 Lane Cour.. D....s and RecordS ~U~ IImlll mil ~ 1111111111 ~111111I~1II1111111~ $31.00 ee49453420030B941~<v 09126/2003 09:12:42 All RPR-DEED Cnt=1 Stn=5 CASHIER lJ7 $10.00 S11.OO $10.00 BARGADi AND SALE' DEED ALLAN RILLP.li. PDmCB ANI) NORMAH J. L.:._~ ..... JR. as CQ-Trustees pursnal1t to the Last rill a.ua. Testament of ELIZABftB c. P:tERCE, a decceased person, ALLAN xn.LAR P1JmClC AND NORMAH J. LEa:n<<P'rB, .:JR. as ~o-Trustel!cS pursuant. to the Last W1.U. and Testament of RALPH H. PracB, a deceased person, Grantor, conveys to STATE OF DUGaN by and. through its Kil:i.ta;'Y Department, Grantee hereinafter calleg grantee, and unto ~tee's heire, successors ana assigns all of that certain real ~-""'t:'..........y with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belongiDg or in anywise appertaining, situated in the County of LANE, State of Oregan. described as follows, to-wit; SEE: EXHIBIT A WHICH IS WillE A PART HEREOF BY THIS fU,.r~.2'E ms DiS..."'-w.o.:...\... WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF 'l'BJl: PROPERTY DESCRIEED m ms INSTRmtICNT Dl nOLA'nOll OF APPLICABLJ: L1INI) USE ~'AND REmJLA.'1'IONS. BEFORE S:tGNrNGl OR .Al..;,--,... ........... TlIIS ........~ ...................., 'I:HB: P!i:2.SDH' ACQ'D'rltmG FEE '.rITLB TO 'rex '" "'-''''.......IT SHOULD CEIEa wI'm '!'BE APPlWPIUA'l'B CUT Oll COUNTY PIAlNNIllG JJXPAmIEH1' TO VD.IFY APPROVED USBS .AlilD TO t........_............ ANY L.DCr1"S 011 t.:Iw..~.........,,;. AGAINST P'AEKING OR FOREST PRACT.IcgS AS DKP'DmD Dr au 30.930. This instrument was acknowledged before me on q l ?.....S by ALLAN HILlAR PIERCE, as CO-TRUSTEE, by, NORMAN J. LECOMPTE, JR. CO-TRUSTEE. of ELIZABETH C. PIERCE TESTAME:N'I1l.RY TRUST, on behal f {}lJkbuil!i:n Notary ~~ic for. orego..}t...., /"'" /V My comIm.ss~on expJ.res: ~ 6 STATE OF OREGON. County of ( W The tnle consideration for this ............"...J.....o.ce is accommodator pursuant to IRe 1031. Dated this al,g- day of'S.u5"I'T\hu- ,E:LI~ C, PI~T"S~RY TRUST BY, ( V)/W ~ rr~~-) AI;i:..AN HILLAR PIERCE: ptfJ BY, .~A c/2(}/lJA i NORMAN J. LECOMPTE, JR. ~~ffr,CE TE~~ST By,n(A~r(iM -JT;;;;L BY, 1f;;~d'5t/ STATE OF OREGON, County of La..t-.O $1,423,950.00.a.S:paid by an. ,1.0Ci3 CD-TRUSTEE PRE.SUBMITIAl RECID DEe 1 2008 CO-TRUSTEE cO-TRUSTEE cO-TRUSTEE QFFICIAl.SEJlI, . ~~D~D~ , , IlDWlI'I'tJIlUC-DREGllIl , " ClllIMISSIDl< NCL 3413<S "'II\'__DECBI1lIlll'll.lOOl. ) ss. . 20 r}3 as of the . lFflClALSEAL CllRIS'ITE 0 SHD~ , . Ml1AAY PIlBUC.OREG(J!l -..:./ COMMISSION N!l341345 lIYCMOSS1OIi EIO'IlES IlEt!!1B6\ l'Il.lIII1 r ' ) ss. This instru.ment was acknowledged before me on C(-Pr- , 20 c:J.;) by ALLAN HILL.1'1.R PIERCE, as CO- TRUSTEE, by' NORMAN J. LE~TE, JR., a 9 co."r' af/>l:p~~J:~f:CE TE~Y TRUST. on behalf of the grantor, ['i1&:kr2g-~{ ~, ' , ~ . ".. --. -,-----. ' \ rJ" UV'O'(J" 'OJ-' . . 1!.AD-1-D.LL HAn Beginning at a po~t which is ~5B9.47 feet South and 1327.33 feet Bast of the southwest corner of section 19, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, Lane COunty, Oregon, said point also!ibeing opposite and 20 feet Easterly from station 39+59.43 p.O.S.T., said Station being in the center line of the old route of County Road No. "142-5 (formerly No. 753); thence South 00 11' West, 183.75 feet to the intersection with the Northerly Railroad Right of Way line; thence South 840 45' West, 117.33': feet; thence South 790 301 West, 48.37 feet to the intersection of said Railroad Right of Way H.De with the Southerly Rigbt of Way ~ine of the relocat,ed said county Road No. 742-5 i thence aloDg tbe arc of a 316.48 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears North 390 03' 3Sn East, 261.83 feetl a distance of 269.94 fee~ ~o the place of be:-~.........~nr'J, in LaDe County, Oregon; " ALSO: Begil:miDg at a point on the Northerly tight of way l.ine of the wendling B~aDch of the southern Pacific Railroad co. 1089.4 fee~ Easterly of the center ~ine of county road No. 753, in Secti9n 30, Township 11 South, Range 2 West of the Will.amette Meridiani and running. thence following tbe right of way line of said railraod North BBo 51' East, 46.56 feet; North 790 58' East, 190.C4 feet, North 66'" OB' East, 261_01 feet,,;North 59'" 50' East, 583_94 feet to tbe center of an irrigation ditch, tb.ence-, traversing the center of said ditch North 300 39' West, 126_72 feet. North 730 09' West, 124.16 feet, North 120 44' West, 100.52 feet, North 480 DB' West, 104.96 feet, North 650 47' West, 195.92 feet, North B30 4.1' west, 373.94,1 feet, North 71030' West, 69_05 feet; thence leaving said ditch, south 00 16' West, B21.45 feet to the place of begin:o.i..ng, in Lane county, Oregon; ALSO: Beginnicg at a point on the center line of County Road No. 753, 3712.04 feet South 0" 16' West of the beginni:n9 point of said county Road, said beginning point also being 1368.32 feet !'South and 4079.45 feet West of the corner of sectioDS ~9, 20, 29 and 30, in ,Township 17 South, RaDge 2 West of the willamette Meridian; and running thence South 00 16' West, 430.48 feet to a point on the lilort!1e:rly :right. of way H_ne_.~f .:lIJend1.ing Branch of the ..... - ....- - g~~~:~~t~;;~i~=2~~1~iill%i~~~~i'~i~i~~*~ilit~dfili"i:~ beginniD~~~~~;,~ Lane co~::Y~~~;;_ of ':,.c~" :..- .-..--:_' flliil\ ,~~ntle I'-'jur~ ~. C.".""."""'.' 010.. .....", II " 1, Ii , II POUCV OF TITLE INSURANCE ~. "---' . ,. :1 POllCYNo.73106. 13901 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE C;:OMPANY OF OREGON ;i SUBJECT TO TIlE EXQ..USlQNS FROM COVERAGE.. TIlE r:.h.u::.t" uu,r<iJl FROM COVERAGE CONTAmED IN SCHEDULE B AND TIlE ,...",.I1"J..IJ..t..ONS AND snPUr..A.nONS, CIDCAGO 'ITI'LE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON, an Oregon -'e~''';:-a, herciIi called the Company, insures, as of Dale of Policy shown in SchOdwe A, againsI.,loss or damage, Dol exce<ding the Amount of Insmance stated in Schedule A, sustllined or incurred by the insured by re2soD of: II I. Title to the estlIle or itm:rest described in ScbedDIe A beiog vested other than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or ___"~, ~.'" on the tiIle; , 3. UllIIllIl'ketability of the tiIle; 4. Lad:: of a right of access to and from the lan<\i Tho ColIIJl8DY will also pay the costs, attomeYS' fees ..& expenses incurred in defense of the tiIlo, as insured, but ooly to the exteDl provided in the Conditigos and Stipulations. -- r-:; - ' ...., ,.. (~..,'~...,..., (. .Atrt~lized Signature -, Reorder Form No. 9452 (R=:printed 02J0l) ALTAOwncr's Policy (10-17-92) PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O DEe 1 Z008 :u:tiu:n ~~<w.lv~~ofany~mofuue'afr.4~~;;;cii~ 01 dalDDgll for'- nt8reSt. as msured, and whict1 might cause )os$ "'(Ill)tflitleto....~ the .... ..". . lrri!'-'f be rlab!e by virtue of this poftcy .....estaIaorlntarest.BSI....._._.-l.Is~asun~ .~ CJ !I " .._ II'""",,",. ..., estllllI at 1men=;'! as II'lSUl'llCl. If tlie Co .' ~._._. by~~e Insured tDfumIsn IhB r8qulrecl ~~.~.~~~~~ =~Iab!'ltY or obr~ ~_Urderth8 poUcy sttall ~Inal:e. including wlthiRraal"d to I" _ -.- ~ or continue any frtigafion I ......, -..................-"" . , TRANS TYPE .- S I IEI' mo END CODE 7S- S-- CODE ~ CODE CODE CODE ~ II u--~14T :REISSUE INSURANCE 15 ---- --- ----r ~ OPFICE FILEt POLICY NUMBER 1 2 CT-238272 73106-00013901 , DATE OF POLIcY 3 SEPT. 26- 2003 at 9:12 AM AMOUNT, pREMIUM 4 $1.,.423.950.00 5 $2.736.00 OWNER S~ A Premium: $2,736.00 Agent File No.: CT-23B272 Date of policy: SEPT. 26, 2003 at 9:12 AM Amount of Lnsurance: $1,423,950.00 1. Name of Insured: sTATE OF OREGON BY ANn TBRDUcm IT~ MILITARY DEPARTMENT 2. The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this policy is:: Fee Sitnple 3. . Title to the estate or interest in the land is vested in: sTATE OF v~ BY AND .1..0..<\.................. ITS MILITARY DEPARTMENT '; 4. The land referred to in this policy is de'scribed as follows: ( A T T A C !H B D ) PRE.SUBMITTAL. REC'O DEe 1 2008 ...._._...__._. ,n_ ._0_'" OUr No: CT_23'S2720 Page: 4 .._..__---0"__- _ .o~_... h___O" , .' , Ii ., PROPERTY DESCRIP~ION Beg~g a~ a poin~ which is ~589.47 feet soUth and ~327.33 feet East of the Southwest corner of section ~9, Township ~7 South, Range 2 West, willamette MeridiaD,. Lane County, Oregon, said point als,? being opposite and 20 feet Easterly from Station 39+59.43 p.o.S.T.,. said,' Station being i.JJ. the center Ene of tbe old route of County Road No. 142-5 (formerly No. 753); thence South 0" ~~. West, ~B3. 75 feet to the intersection ~With the Northerly Railroad Right of Way line; thence south 64" 45' West, 117_33 feet; thence south 79" 30' West, 4B.37 feet to the intersection of said:Railroad Right of Way line with the southerly Right of way line of the reloc~ted said county Road No. 742-5; thence along the arc of a 3~6.4B foot radiUS}curve left {the chard of which bears North 39" 03' 35u East, 261.B3 feet} ai'.distance of 269.94 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; ALSO: Beginn:in9 at a point on the Nort~rlY:, right of way line of the wendling BranCh of the southern pa~ific Railroad Co. i 10B9.4 feet Easterly of the center line of County road No. 753, in Section 30, Township 17 South, Range :2 West of the Will.amette Neridian; and runni.J::lg thence following, the right of way line of said railraod North BBo 51' East', 46.56 feet; North 790 581 East, 190.04 feet, North 660 DB' East, 26~.Q1feet, North 590 50' East, 563.94 feet to the center of an irrigation ditch; thence traversing the center of said ditch North 300 39' WeSC, 126.72 feet, North 730 09' West, 124.16 feet, North 720 ~4' West, 100.52 feet, North 48" DB' West, 104.96 feet, North 650 ~7' West, 195_92 feet, North 83" 41' West, 373.94 feet, North 710 30' West, 69.05 feet; thence leaving said ditch. South 00 16' West, 821.45 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon j ALSO: Beginning at a point on the center line of County Roari No. 753, 3712.04 feet south 00 16' West of the begirinin9 point of said County Road, said beg~ng poiot also being 1368.32 fee~ south and 4079.45 feet West of the corner of sections 19, 20, 29 and 30, ~n Township 17 South, RaDge 2 West of the willamette Meridian; and running thence South 00 16' West, 430.48 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way line of wendling Branch af the Southern Pacific Railroad CO.; thence fol~owin9 said right of way line, North 89" OB' East, ~39.77 feet, South B90 57' East, 800.52 feet, North BBo 511 East, 149.03 feet; thence leaori-Dg said line of rai~road North 00 16' East, 421.59 feet; thence North 890 44' West 1089.40 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; EXCEPT that portion conveyed to r,ape County, Oregon, by instrument recorded october ~9, 1955, Reception No. 68852, Lane county Oregon Deed Records,. ip Lane County, Oregon. . Ii PRE-SUBM\TIAl REC'O DEe 1 2-008 . ..-.- Po~icy No. This policy does not insure against loss attorney's fees or expenses) which arise ... ..::".;~-~': G'lmERAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. a. Taxes or assessments which are n6t shown as existing records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or real property or by the public records. proceedings by a public agency wtlich may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown . by the records of such a9eIlcy or 1!by the public records. "~;.~~.".._';';"'"' ::.:;,.........- .':-.-.'- .:,.-.". b. 2. a. b. 3. Easements, liens, encumbrances, interests or claims thereof which are not shOWIl by the public recoro.s. " .Any facts, rights, interests, or!~c~aims which are not shown by th~ public records U..lt which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or hy making inquiry of Ii persons in possession he.reof, Ii Discrepancies, conflicts in bOundary lines, shortage in area, . encroacbments r or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not sho~ by the public records. 4. a. Unpatented m.i.ning claims; b. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; c. Water rights, cl.aims or title to wa'Cer; whether or not the matters excepted under (al, (b). or (c) are shown by the public :records. ,I 5. Any lien or right to a ~ien, foi services. labor or materials heretofore o~ hereafter furnished, imposed by ~aw and not shOwn by the public records. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O DEe 1 200B 1 SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 6. Taxes for the fis~al year 2003-2004, a lien not yet payable. 7. As dise1.ased by the tax rolls. the premises herein described have been zoned or classified for farm use. At any time that said land is disqualified for such use, the property will be subject to additional taxes or penalties and interest. 8. Arrf adverse claim based upon the assertion that said land or any portion thereof is now. or at any time has been below high water mark of the unnamed slough as shown on tb~ All Oregon Land surveying Survey dated April 21, 2003. 9. P...i.ght of way easement. including the., te.rtllS and provisions thereof, granted City of Eugene. recorded August 17, 1927, in Book 154, Page 414, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 10. Right of way, including the terms and prov~s~ons thereof, granted Mountain States Power company, recorded March 8, 1929, in Book 161, Page 238. Lane County Oregon Deed Records-. ~l. Right of way, inc.l,udiDg the terms aDd provisions thereof, granted Mountain States Power Company, recorded March B, 1929, in Book 162, Page 215, Lane County Oregon Deed RecordS. 12. City 276, Right of way, including the terms and prov:l-s~ong thereof, granted to the of Eugene, by instrument recorded December 30, 1924, in Book 142, Page Lane County Oregon Deed Records. B. City Lane Right of way, of Eugene, .by county Oregon including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to the instrument recorded April 27, 1929, in Book 165, Page 109, Deed Records. 14. Existing powerline of the Springfield Utility Board as shown on the All Oregon Land Surveying survey dated April 21, 2003. END OF EXCEPTIONS PRE-SUBMIilAL REC'O DEe 1 2008 " -.....':: "'~.I(.~"..C""t;. .EIIOI..'!Io' I IU _"-..-(-..4 \.ZLw "'f'-.I'.I" '" .~:!".~. . -ii!....,.,., '.' .---_ _ _+-- _ ,~" 0.&' '" '\: ._ . , - - -. - - >= D \ 3&<;"'" ,'" ~1/~"'-- '':'n. ""._.v.-w ~'e: ~"B ,,<',' .", I. '1939 ' 7",' 5 .. ~.- -.. > -11~.7~~?,;!'..,T.;7:.-::;.~d .~ti.i ..7.':4 AC: 1917 ~ .,'~ ~~~ ...~~1.....', 5 ~ \ In:' I,........ k lOll . ~ <:). ! i "/'....~""""',~ .54AC. .. .AI> '1-0'2.-30 .~ 19~4 ';;., k~j;~ \, k ~IJISMAPISTOASSISTlOCAnNG ~'4.71 AC. ~ -~ {~~i U ~~L ~ ROPERTY. THE COMPANY ASSUMES 1;. ~ p ~ < \ N D ~~~!LlTY FOR INACCURACIES, ~ t \N Eo 5 T R" ~ ........ 1900 ..- , 5r" ""'" ._~ "...,6""......., .r; ~ TRACT 6 ~ ~..... ~. 4.27 AC_ ~. I~.~;.-"" ~ ...".~ .M.J>" J.: ': . lJuu..l 5 ~ ~ TRACT 4 4:5:;1:1'- ^_ At!I'''N''4''"'d'".71'.7''- _,. ,**,,--.t<<A#'.' ~~~~' ' ~'7q. 19 ,_ ~,~_~AISi1'7 . ~",""",~-Afd:"".. - ~......522 di -..... (.\1 "",,-,.-,,,,,,- - -' 1'1" 1909 i 191 . ....... ..~, 1 5 38', AC ;, 0.41 AC. ~ ~~ . I . -.: ~ 1902 .... . .~ h~ '5.72 AC. r. i -.......,...... e~~,'~ ,,/" _! - - -- E1IQEiiE~ '.' ~ ~ ~ : PRE-SUBMITTAL R~JdU ., ~ ______ SfflJ1V~~~~~'~ ~ ~ DEe 1 200B G : ~lJj ~ .; O.f . .;1. 1934~-,~":E1933 , 0:1.. .. .~.,: NO: :ifO, ,'" 6 !I I."M-$: . .................. .....--- i 1/ ~ I ,~-~~. ',:;f,~::~'::iri:~;:;it;tb~i~~/~'~SIdIo"'I"DIkyF_J s. PROOF OF LOSS OR DAMAGE In addition to and aftBr1he notices ruquired under SectIon 3 afthese Con- dlIiDl'lS and Stipul81ionB have been proYJded the 'Company, a proof 01 loss or damage signscI and &wOrn 10 by the insured c1almant shall' be furnished to the eornpany within 90 days aftel' the insured claimsi'll shall ascartBin the tact!I gMng rise 10 Iha Ios:s or damage. The proof or loss or damage shall dest;tlba the dBmct in, OJ iien or enc:umbranCe an lhe litIB, or other matter insured against. by this poflC)' which consll.tutes the basis of lDss or damage and shall sta1B, ID the exlent possible, Ihe basis at calculaling tbEI amoul'll: of the loss Of damage,. if !he Company is preJlIdIced by the faDura of the insured cialmanl to prtNide the requlred proof mloss or damage, the Company"s; obligations to 1M. knsunHi under !he poIk:y shall terminals, in- chJ:flOQ any EiabiDl:y or obligation to detend. prosecute, or continue any Dtiga- tiDri, with regard to the matter or maDefS requiring such proof at loss or .~ Ole lnsUred'clalmant may .'_'. "'-':'. be required tD submlt 10 ___._.......:_._ under oath bf any auttJoril;ed .._..-___._.,..,,' . of the Company =~~~'n;ay"bI"~'~tiY~~~rea: of "'Company, an _ -'<s,........ _, _""'l'_,C""..... memoranda. wtIEdhsr bearing a dam bBIore or after DatE: Of Policy, which recmmabIy pertBirl to the lass or damage. FurUler, If requested by any autho- rized resentaIive of the Company, the insured claimant GtlaD grant its pennlss"tn, in writing. t<< any 8uthOrtzed representsftve 01 the Company to examine.. 1nspElCl: and ~ aD records, books, tedgln, check5, cor~ ...........-_.:....._~ and .. w'.. :.. II1thecustodyDfcontmld~th!rd~,whIch reasonabAypenainlDthelcs&or damaga. All . .w, ."" ~_~~..,~...._ as con:- fIdenfIaI by Iht insur&d c1atmant pn:wided to the Company pursuant tD this SectiDn stiaII not be di!ld0SBd to others unless, in the reasonabie judgment afth9 Cotnpan)', it Is necessary in the ..." ~_".. ".:)11 oIlhe clain'L FaIlure of the insured claimant to submll for examlnalion lII"Ider oa!h, produce ather reasonably requsated informalicm or grant pennission to ~ reasonably necessary iJdDnna;ti:orn Imni third parties as required in this paragrBPh shaD terminate atrt rl8bi1ity of the Company under this policy Bll 10 thai: claim. 6. ..... ,_....:0 TO PAY OR 011fERWISE SETTLE CLAIMS; TEAldlNATJON OF UASOJTY In case m a c1aim under this pdicy, the Cornpanf shall have !he lo1lawing addltionBl options: (B) To Pay" or Tender Payment of the Amount of Insurance. t D pay or tendelr paymenI: aI the amounl: of msurance W\der this policy I.Og8InBr witI'I any costs, attDnleys' feet and expenses incurred by the in- sured claimant, whlch.were aulhortzed by tho Company, up 10 !he time of payment or taMar at payment and which the Company is obDgaled to pay. Upon the exen:i$e by the Company of Ihls option, Bll fiabJJl1y and obllga.- IiDns to the Insured under this policy, ather than to make the payment re- qUired, shall terminate, including B1I)' rl8bilIty or obIiQalion 10 defend, pros-- scuta, or continue any 11tigaIion, and the policy stIaJrbe surrendered to the Company for t:aneeDation. (b) To Pay Of 0IMnI\se Settle With Parties. Other than the Insured or With the insured Clalrnant. 0) to psy fS otherwise sel.Ue with other parties for or in the name of an insured claimant any claim Insured against UnOBr 1m!> polley, together wt1h any costs, attorneys' tees and' expenses incurred by the Insured claimant which were 8lJtimrimd by Ihe Company up to the time of payment and which the Company is cbligated tD pay; or (Ii) 10 pay or oIhsrwise settle with !he insured daimBnllhe loss or damage prDlrided tot under !his porlCJ, together wtlh any costs, 1IttomeyB' tees and e:xpsnse:s lncunud by the lnsuml claJrnarr. which were alllho7lzecl by the Company up 10 the Ume of payment and which lhe Company Is obJigaled to pay. Upon the exen::ise by !he Compsny of either of the options prcYIded for in ~gmphs (b)IiJ or (11}, the Company'$ obligations to 1M-Insured under this poliCy tor (he' Claimed loss or dainage, other than Ihtl payrnent& required to be rneide..ahaII temrinatB, including any DablD1y or obligation 10 defend, prosecute or r;:onIlnue any Dtigation. 7. DETERMlNAT1ON, EXTENT OF LIABILJ'TY" AND COINSURANCE This portey Is a cantrad of indemnity against actual monetary loss or damage $UStBined or Incurred by the insured claimant WhO has suffered loss Dr da/n!Ig8 by reason of matters- insured aga;nst by Itds poiiey and only to the enei'll: heroin deScribed. (8) The IlabflIIy of the Company under this pofcy shall not exceed the leest at ' (1) the AmctunI of Insurance staled in SctJedule A:, or, (ii) the diftEtrence between lhe VsIuo of !he Insured estate or Interest as1nlillrud ancilhevalueolthe insuredestBle or InIerest sutljecttD !he derect, 11M! or enculrlbfar1C:e iftSUJ8CI against by this policy. (b) in the IMtl'lt the Ar'nDUrlf of Insurance stated In.Schedule A at the Dale of PDti;::Y. is lass than aD percent of the value of Ih& insurBd estate or interest or the hill consideration paid for the land, whicheYer is less, or if subsequent tolbeDateofPoflcyBfl "">".' ."..lserectedonlhelandwhichlnt:reaS9S Ihe value mUle insured esl!de or Interest by atlsast 20 perc:enl: 0VB1' ltte AmDUnt of Insurance staled in Schedute A, then this Potley is sub}Pcllo lhe.toIIowing: (i)Whem nosubseQUBnt I,.". '.." .." _ has been made, astoarry partial loss, tile Comparly shaJl only pay the loss pro ralB in the propoJtiDrl that the PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D DEe 1 I amount of Insurance at Date of PaIicy boars to the total value 01 the insured estate or interest aI Date of Mcy: or (ii) when! a subsequent impn:wemenl has been made, as to IlI'IY partial loss, the CornJJan1 shall only pay the loss pro nda in the proportion ~ 'l2Q . petc9f'lt d the Junourt of lnsuranc:e slated In $c:hecI:uW A bean> to tire sum ollhe Arnounl of Insurance s:IatBd in Schedule A and Ihe amounI ex- pendBdforthe"'I."."".!II"IL . The ,. :_'. ,.. Ods """""""" ..... not appIr 10 costs, -....' .... and expenses lor which 'the Company is Ilab1e under thi$ pdq. and shall onlY apply to Ihal: pertion of any loss which e:xceecIs, in the aggregate, 10 percen1 of the AmcunI of lnsurance stal:Bd in Schedule A- (e) The Company will pay only those costs. a1tom8yS' feel;; and expenses lnCUmtd in ac:cordance wiItI Section 4 of these Conditions and StiputaJiDnS. a. 'APPORTJONIIENT , "the land described in SChedule A consists of two or lnO/'8 parcels which IUe not used as: a single sits, and a Ios$Is established aflec:ting one or more of the part:eIs but nal an. the loss shall be compuIed and saItIed on a pro raI:Jl basis B8 If the amount at insurance under this policy was divided pro nda as to the value on Dale at PoUcr of each separate parcel 10 the whole, BXCIuslv& afany , .... "' ;. 'lIS made ...,.:'..,.,. .11 to Dale of poney, untes:s: a ~ili1y or value has: otherWlse been agreed upon as. to each parcel by the Company and the Jnsurad at the lime of the issuance of this policy and shtiWm by an express statement or by an endorserrient a!mched to IhIs pcIicy. I. ,; UIIITATION OF UAEIIUTY (ill) If the Company es18b11shes the ItUe, or removes the alleged dsfuct. Den or encumbrance, or cures jhe lact of a right of access to or from the land, or cures the c1l1im of unmarketability of title, BlI as InsUTed. in a reasonably d1Ugent manner by any melhDC1.lnclulfang Dtigatil:In aiId lhe ~ plellonof..,.""""",,_. _""'"have '"II, ,_:.__~C"obf_ with resped to. thai mailer llhd shall not be liable tor any loss or damage caused thereby. lb) '0 me ..... of any ,_ locIudlng lIti...oo by ... Company ... wifh the Company's; coiisenI. the Company sha1I h8Ye ntJ liability lor loss or damage uritiI there has ~ a final detennination by 8 court of camp&- tarJI JlJrisdiction, and disposilion af all appeals therefrom, adverse to the title as,insured. (cl The.Company shall not be liable for loss or damage 10 ~ insured fer IIabUlty voIuntari'Y. assumed by the Insured in seWing any claim Or suiI. without the prior written consent at tiw Company. 1D~ REDUCTION OF INSURANCE; REDUC110N OR TERlllNA.TION OF UAB1UTY All payments under this policy, except payments made for cos:t!>, attDmeyS' fees and expenses, shall reduce the BmDunt of lhe insurBnCe pro tanto. 11'. UABIUTY NONCUMULATIVE tt is expressly understood that the amount of insurance unde' this po\icy shaI be leOuced by any amount DIe Company may pay under any. policy insuring a mortgage to 'A11ich exception is taken In SChedule B or 10 whiCh the insured has agreed, assumed, or taken s:ubjBCI.. or 'A11icfl is hereaftar execul8d by an il"lSllred and which 15 a charge- or lien on the estate Dr in- terest: desc:ribed ar retuned to In Schedule A. and the amount so paid shall be deemBd a payment under this poncy 10 the insured owner. 12. PAYIIEH'T.OF LOSS (a) No payment shall be made without producing this pcIJcy Itlr endOJ$B- ment of the payment unless the policy has been lost or destroyed, In which case pKIo1 of loss or destr'udicn shall be iumished to the salistBt:ticm of the Company. (b) When lIabiIil:y and the extent of loss ar damage has been definltety fJx8d In !CCCI'dance wfth these- CandIIions and Slipulaficns. Ole loss or damage shall be payable wtlhln 30 days theraatler. 13. SUBROGATION UPON PAYMENT OR SETTLEMENT (B)Tb8 'k''''.' Right"'~""- Whenever the Company shall have settled and paid a claim under this poflC)', aB right of subrogafian shan vest In the Company unaftecled by any ad at the iR$LlrEld c1Bimenl.. ,The eoinoanv shall be- subrogBled 10 and be enliUecl to aD rights and remedies which the Insured eiaimant woulcI have had against any person orl property In resped to the claim had this; POlicY not been issued. ff re- questecl by the _....._.~.lhe insured cIaIm3nf snan transfer to the C0m- pany all rights and rvmediBS against any person or property ..w__~ in order 10 perI8c! this righl: of subrogation. The Insured cta:lmant stlaB permn the Company to sue, compromise or settle in the name of the Insw:ed claim- ant and to uselhe name of the insured claimant in any _......_-=_.. orDtiga- lion InYCtving these rights or remedies. If a payment on aecounl of a elalm does noI fully cover lhe'loss of !he insured claimant. the Company shaD be subrogated to these rigI11s and remedies in tne ...~.._,;._._ whict11he Company's; payrnant bean;; to the whole amount of the loss.. if kiss should result: from any ad: of the insured claimant. as: stated above:, Ihal: act &hall not YCid this policy. but the Company, In thai. event., shall be required ID pay only thai: part of any losses insured against by this ~ which shall exceed the amount if any, Iot;;I to the Company by reason' of Ih8 '...~.. .",bythelrsur9dc:laimantofIheCorrlJilnY'srlghfafsubrogation. ," ~':r::::;:::'~ :',:" :': ct' ~,,' :4 ,t;~;> ";il. .:,.~~,:, .,.' ... ,~" \.':~~~.-'~:!~_:~~\~<~:' ~ ) ..t~,> . ""'<'~;~.' ~ t. -~':'> . '",<,u,~" .1tfGt~-~~'-7.ir~i~,F.jdi(i;L...- '._,_ ~1~!}ir~: ',;f ,:. '. '::i~tt~~ '_:~; '>',::~{~C,,:~:~-' .~.,">,'S;.. :;(;;.~~..,~;'j;:~"~~"~:5:L ~: ,: '. ',,': -1. .~. 0;. ;' i':~'" f., I ., " .. " -"'::~~"'f ;_:-':~?~~'~'~{~T~~~:":~~~~;/:::~:~:;r;'~:~ >~,../,:: ~. ... d' . . ~.-...I' ..3 "), ,- .\'r.. :' :'- ~. ~',.~,~ ..,.". -;. ,. ,.,. ",,-:.'t .... . 4 " . r. CON11NUEDIoHPS'1lPlJl.ATIClNS-(Coinlru.o.dawtCordallllldFnlon~Si.-) (b) Tha Company's; Rights Against He.. "_""'"___~ ObDgar3.. 'The Company's righl of subrogation against non-insured obrlgOfS shaD exist and shan include, withouIlimitalion, the righls of the irisured to inde~ I'lities, guaranties, other poflcles of insurance or bonds, notwithstanlfmg any 1emIS or conditiDns contained in those instruments which pl"Ollide far subroga- tion lights by reason of this poflCy. ,,,. ARBlTRAnOH UnleSs protublted by appflCSbl& law. eIther the Company or the insured may demand arbitration PUlSUanI to the ntle InsullUlC8 Arbitration Rules of !he American Arbitra1ion Ass:oc:iation. Arbitrable matters may include, but are natlimlted to, any controVersy or claim between the Company and the insured arising out of or reIaling 10 this policy, any service of the Com~ in _.mw__' with its issuance or the breacn of a pa\icy provision or Other obrtgation. AD arbitrable matters when the Arnounl of InsUrance is $1 ~OOO.ooo or less shaft be arbitrated .Id the option of eilt1et the Company or the ~ sured. All cubilrable maDers when the Amount of lnsuranev: is in excess of $'1,000.000 shan be ..._:_:...._..: only when agreed to by both the Company and the insured. Arbitr&tion purslJlU1t to this policy BIId under the Rules in effect on lhe dale lhe demand lot arbil:ridion Is made or, slIM option of the insured. the Rules in effect aI DBIe of PoflCY'i'naB be binding upon the parties. The award may include artorneys' fees only if the laws of rf18 stale in which the land is lOcated permil 8 coLDt to awBrd atJDmeys' fees to 8 prt!V8i6ng party. JudgmBnl upon the a:ward mndered by the Arbitramr(s) may be entered in any court having }&Uisdic:tion lhereot The law of the situs of the land shaD apply to an aztrilratlon under the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules. A copy 01 the Rules may be obtBlned homthe Company upon request. ---- - I""'; t"'I 15. uABlUTY UMITED TO nos POUCV; POUCY ENT1RE CONTRACT (a) This polley together with aD endorsements, if any, attachBd heJ9tO by the Company Is the entire pdq and contract betWeen the insured and the Company. In Inlelpreling any provision of this policy, this policy shall be construed as a what!!. (b) Ant claim of loss or damage, whether or net based on negligence, and which arises ouI of the status at the title In the estate or interest COIIered herebv Or by any adIon asserting &UCh claim, shaJI be restrictad tc lhis parleY. (c) No am8f1rlment of or endOrsement to this policy can be made except by a wrtrtng endorsed hereon or attached herolo signed by ellher the Presl- dent, aVtcl!! President, the $ecnJtaJy, an Assistant Secrelary, or validating aR:"1CeI'" ~r authorized signal:ary of the Company. 16. SEVERABlUTY In the evenl any ptO'iision of the policy is hekl invalid or unenforceable under applicable law. the policy shall be deemed not to Indude !hat provi- sion and all other previsions shall remain in full fcn:e and effect. 17. NOllCES, WHERE SENT All nalices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shaIIlndude the number of this policy and shall be addressed to the Company at Chicago TIDe tnsunW:e __....._". af Oregon Cbdnts..,,,... P.O. Box 21. POrtland, Oregon 97207 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O DEe 1 Z008 ,-; , , ~ ....:.,..: - OREGON DEPT Of STICE Fax:503-378-4740 Se' 1 2003 13: 55 P.03 CERTIFICA'r.e OF mIlE 1i !' STATE OF OREGON PROJECT DESCRIPTION: L\lDe County Armed Forces Reserve Center Comptel PROJECT LOCATION: Springfield, OR , I ~BY CERTIFY that the State of oregon is hereby in possession of a fee slJinple title in the hereinafter dcsoribed real property as evidenced b:1 bargain and sale deed, r' :coj:ded on Mimofilm 2003-094166 on September 26, 2003 at 9:12 a.m. pfficial records of the COi rn7 of LlII1e; that such title or interest in said property has been insured by a policy of title in: urance issued by CaScade Title Company; is free of restrictions to National Guard or Reserv : uSe for construction. ~rlm;ni!l1tation and training, or to U.S. Gover;mnel1t use in time of war or nadolUll emergency and is good, valid, and sufficient, and subject to ~o liens or encumbratices liavi' and except the following: , , ' , , , ot. a. Taxell or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the reco.'ds i of any taxing lIUthQrity that levies taxes or llSSessro.ents on ,real. prOpertJ ot' by tho public records. ' b_ , Proceedings by a public agency which lIll1Y re~ult in taxes or assessmOlJ :s, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of SUI h agency or by the public records. 02. a. Basements, liens, encumbrances, interests oir claims thereofwbich are LOt,shown by the public records. .b. i Any factS. rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public req'ords but which could be ascertained by an inspection of thc land or by makiJ g iDquiriy of persons in possession thereof: ' b. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary !iv.es. sh~rts.ge in area, encroachm :!lls, or any other flIcts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are n< t shown by the public records. ' Unpatented mining claims; , , Reservllti.ons or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorlzlng the issuanc ~ ~ereof, I Water rights, claims or title to water; i 03. 04. a. c. Whether or not the matterll excepted U1lder (a), (b). or (c) are shown by the public mcc,dsl i i ' PRE.SIIBIIAlTfAl REC'O o :c: 1 Z008 OREGON OEPT "JUSTICE Fax:503-378-4740 p 29 ~003 13:56 P.04 OS. Any lien or right to a lien, for services, labor or materials heretofore or hClre8.fter furnished, imposed, by law and not showp by the public records. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 06. Taxes for the year 2003-2004, a lien not yet payab1r , , I 07. A$ disclosed by the t8x rolls, the premises herein d~sci:ibed have been zoned 01 clJssificd for farm use. AllUlY time that said land is disquaIified for ~ UBe. tbc property willI e shbjec:t to additional taxes or penalties and int=t.' ! . I ;, 08. Any advl'I'Se claim based upon the assertion that said land or lIIlY portion therec f 14, now, or at any time has been below high water mark of the ~ed slough as shown on tbl AU " Oregon Land Surveying Survey dated April 21, 2003. ,. , ! " ! 09. 'Right of way easement, including the terms lUId pro~sion.s thereof, granted Cit r of Eugene, recorded-AugUst 17,1927, in Book 154, Page 414!Lane County Oregon Dee< Records. . ii..; 10. Right of way, Including the terms and provisions th~f, granted Mountain Sts tes'Power Company, reconled March 8, 1929, in Book 161, Page 238) Lane CountY Oregon Dee ,R~cords. I I ' II. Right of way, including terms and provisions thereof; granted Mountain States Power Company, rllCOTded March 8, 1929, in Book 162, Page 2-15;: Lane County Oregon Dee , Records. :i 12. Right of way, including terms and provisions thereof, granted to the City ofEu ~en;e, by instrument recorded December 30, 1924, in Book 142, PagJ 276, Lane County Gregor D~ Records. ' ' 13. Right of Way, including terms and provisions thereot; granted to the City ofEu ~erie. by inst:rumentreconled April 27, 1929, in Book 165, Page 109':iLane County Oregon Dee !Rbrds. 14. Existing powerJine of the Springfield Utilily Board is shown on the All OregOl. 4nd Surveying Survey dated April 21, 2003." " I FURU1.t:.K CERT1FY tbat the interest of the State iJfOrcgon in and to saidr:al; property is adequate to jU8tify the expenditure of public fund,s of the State ofOregoll i 1 the. improvement thereof for Army Natiollll1 Guard purposes and Subject to the limitations setiforth on Title 10, US.C. Chapter 1803, as amended, and that the intended use of said lands ; nd:! improvements by the Oregon Army National Guard is in co~pliance with all applicab~ statutes, locallawil, and ordinances. ' , , , Legal Description: Beginning at a point which is 1589.47 feet South and 1327.33 feet ~t of the Southwest comer of Section 19, ToWDllhip 17 South, Rm),ge 2 West, Wil1.ametU: M mdian, Lane County, Oregon, said point also being opposite and 20 feet Easterly from Station 39+59.43 P.O.S.T., said Station being in the center line of the old route of County Road No. )42.s ; " 'PRIE.S JBMITTAl REC'O , l [EC 1 zooa OREGON DEPT - JUSTICE Fax:503-378-4740 , 29 2003 13:56 P.oS :i,' . ! . (fonnerly No. 753); thence South 0.11' West, 183.75 feet to the iritersection with th N~rtherly Railroad Right of Way line with the Southci:ly Right ofW~'y line of the relocated skid ~ounty Roa~fNo. 742-5; thence along the arc ofa 316.48 foot radhiscUIYe left (the chord ~Ew i1ich bears NoItb 39003' 35" East,,261.83 feet) a distance of269.94 feet to the place ofbeginjrinB. in Lane County, Oregon; "I ALSO: Beginning at II point on the Northerly right of~ay line of the WendlingBbmc 1 of the Soutb.en1 Pacific Railroad Co. 1089.4 feet Easterly of the cbter line of County ro~}; D. 753, in Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willa!nette Meridian; and rupniJ.g t);lence fullowing the right oEway line of said railroad North 880 51' East, 46.56 feet; ~ohh 190,58' East, 190.04 feet, North 660 08' East, 261.01 feet, North 59r 50' East, 583.94 feet o:Ye c~ter of 1m irrigation ditch; thence traversing the center of said ditch North 300 39' Wee ~ 1.6.72 feet, North 73009' West, 124.16 feet, North 72044' West, l00.~~ feet, North 48008' West 10:4.96 feet, North 650 47' West, 195.92 feet, North 83.41' West, 373.94 feet, North 71030' 'Ve.9t. ' 69.05 feet; thence leaving said ditch, South 0016' West, 8~1.45 feet to the place dfbe ~g, in Lane County, Oregon; .. I ' .. , I... ,: ALSO: Beginning at a point on the center line ofCoWlty Road No. 753, 3712.04! ;,et ~:odih 00 16' West of the beginning point of said County Road, said ~eginningpoint also be ng 36;.8:32 feet South and 4079.45 feet west of the comerofSc:ctions ]9,20,29, and 30, in th, Tc ~p 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; and ~ thence South 00 16' V; ~;i430.48 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way line ofWedling'Branch of the Southex 1 P; ci~c ' Railroad Co.; thence following said right of way line, Nortli 89" 'OS' East, 139.77 etjt, South S9D 57' East, 800.52 feet, North S80 51' East, 149.03 feet; thenCe leaving said line of~ lad;North 00 16' East. 421.59 fee~ thence North 89" 44' West 1089.40 feet to the p]ac.e ofb:g:ln Jing, in " ' , .. Lane County, Oregon; . : , . i [ , , ' EXCEPT that portion conveyed to Lane COuhty, Oregon, by inBtru; ~ej:l' reCorded October 19, ]955, Reception No. 68852,Lan~ ColUlty Oregon Dee.' ~f:JOriis, in Lane County, Oregon. .: : i ' I ; " ., t, BEING THE LANDS referred to in A6'"........ent No. NGB 35-97.tI.9101, BETWE ID!I!rHB State of Oregon and the United States of America, for constructio.h of 'and Arllled Fort i:S 1R"3erve . Ce!lter facility at the above named site. , . ! . ?-7-9-2-f)o~ Date M/1l~./ Keith jJiJks Assistant Attorney G~eral Office of the Attorney General l' . i)I~E'iSUBMITIAL REC'O ! rOEC 12008