HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2009-1-14 CITY OF 'SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-00060 ISSUED: 01/14/2009 APPLIED: 01/14/2009 EXPIRES: 07/14/2009 VALUE: $ 29,335.00 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line SITE ADDRESS: 346 MAIN ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1703353107200 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: ReRoof PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Reroof TYPE OF USE: Repair Commercial Owner: SPFLD LODGE #70 lOOF Address: 342 MAIN ST . SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type General Contractor RIVER ROOFING INC License 79016 BUILDING INFORMATION I # of Uuits: . # of Stories: Primary Occupancy Group: B Height of Structure Secondary Occupancy Group: Type of Heat: Primary Construction Type Water Type: Secondary Construction Type: TION' Ore. on~Mqtr~ you to # of Bedrooms: ATTEN, g netl!"p~ Ut'lity follow rules adopted 1I !",vll " I Notification Center, Th ml\!?a _il!''':l!~h n/a . ~O~~H -70ou;<~~~~\;f." "',cw, ""ftN.~A TION I calling the center. (~epno~e number for the, orego~JJ,\iJ~NmlfiCa\ion Center IS 1-809 ~~ir~r'f.l!s Rqd: P~ved Drive Rqd: % of Lot Coverage: Frontyard Sethack: Side 1 Sethack: Side'2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Sethacks: I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS' Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Expiration Date 0110612010 Phone 541-746-5000 Lot Size: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ff Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Occupaut Load: . REQUIRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact: Sidewalk Type: . . .~.s:_:nownspoutsmrains: NOTICE: 'RElfTHEWORl{ :~~~~~6 ~~~i~ ~~ PERMIT ISRNOT \ ' ",..;,,;,x::t r~ Ie IIRANDONED FO I VAiMYa1~ ~g)i~lPJlri I Notes: Description $ Per Sq'Ft or multiplier Square Footage or Bid Amount Type of Construction Pa2e I of2 Value Date Calculated Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541.726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Bid Amount Use Bid Amount Fee Description + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technology Fee Building Permit Total Amount Paid $1.00 Total Value of Project Fees Paicl I Amount Paid Date Paid 29,335.00 1/14/09 1/14/09 1/14/09 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-00060 ISSUED: 01/14/2009 APPLIED: 01/14/2009 EXPIRES: 07/14/2009 VALUE: $ 29,335,00 $29,335,00 $29,335,00 01/14/2009 $38,26 $15,94 $318,85 $373,05 I Plan Reviews I Receipt Number 1200900000000000015 1200900000000000015 1200900000000000015 To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726.3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. win be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. win be made the following work day. R~oll.irecllnSJ}ectjons I Roofing: Prior to installing any roof covering. By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefuny examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and an work performed shall be done in accordauce-with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the state of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure, without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety, I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. 1 further agree to ensure t at an required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit r is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at an thlZing constru ' , / _I t-I- 0 r ~ ' I I Inner or Contractors Signature Date Page,2 of 2 :.:. 225 Fifth Street' ' ! ., '. Springfield, Oregon 97.477'. " .' . -; -\ .. . 541-726-3759 Phone :,"< >.: j,,' '. " .:'... ~ ~:~,( ..<;:~' Job/Journal Number COM2009-00060 COM2009-00060 COM2009-00060 Payments: . Type of Payment Check cReceiotl City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works pepartment .' :RECEIPT #: . 1200900000000000015 . Description. .' BuildingPermit .+ .5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge .' '.' paid By": ' RIVER ROOFING Rec~ived !lY dib Page 1 of! Date: 01/14/2009 '" 9:28:15AM Item Total: Check Number Authorization Batch Number 'Number How Received Amount Due 318.85 15.94 38.26 $373,05 . Amount Paid 25269 In Person Payment Total: $373,05 ' $373.05 1/14/2009 12/2~008 14:59 5415835983 '-'Iwer ""',',R". "-'-~.I-g . . .' ""V)11!1:.~. Since 1971 lane County's Oldest Roofing Company --- ./......~ OPTION B: --- JENNINGS CO PAGE 01 1484 S, B Street. Springfield, Oregon 974~7 (541) 746-5000 Fax (541) 747-715!'i . wvvw.riverroofing.com license No, 79016 Bond No.1 ,051 7 Insured Propo~'al and, . ContlYad s 'f.w;;{-. 6ftH d-d-~ ~!. Jennings & Comp"ny Altn: Jackie October 17, 200B C"k 10","'''' .346 Main Street, Spfc:!, Mall: 260 East 11th, !':Ullene OR 97401 Dear Customer, Wf4 pr<:Jposc to fumbih all m"terials .md perform all labor ner:essary to-complete the followlhg: 12..- 22- <>8 p,€ VlseJ. 1+'Cc."f-t;n.Jce- k of-horJ Ii 9 B RUTHIE B'S LOWER DECK ONL Y 1, Prepare eXisting roofing to receive neW roofing system. 2. Replace vents and pipe flashings. 3, Install base flashing at mechanlcid curbs 4. Install thru wall so:upper, 5. Remove and reinstall existing cap metal. 6, Install manufactures 2-way breather vents. . 7. InstalllB ,050mil PVC mechanically fastened membrane roofing system, white, over fire rated sheet, over existing roofing, B. New membrane to extend up and over parapet walls. 9, Remove all roofing debris from job site. BID PRICE: $9,235.00 #0'13 tJ OLD FELLOW'S UPPER DECK ONL Y Same es Option A except, 'installgravel stop perimeter nashlng, , aiD PRICE: $20,100.00' . Notes: 1) IB material comes with manufactures 15 year warranty at no additional charge. .2) Permits to be charged at o:ost, Page 1 of 2 Price good for 30 dayS. Workmanship is goarantsed for two (2) years. Manufacturer's roonngwarranty is ElS staled above. Durtng demolitiOn debris may sift into attic: arsas. Please take measure t~ cover valuabl9s~ Payment to be ma.de ,a.~ rollows; ; : Total due upon completion ~Dt:p~:;it Qf' 10~..._with bala.t1ce dl,Je upon substantial c:ompletio~ In the event it becomes nec.essary to employ tin attorney or institute q 1~W$l,.Iit to collc!ct a"y payment dl.ie Ri1Jaf R.ooflng under this Agreii!mer'lt. or any modification to thi:; Agreement, Rlver.Roofing ::;h"n be entitled to recover it.:; ottomey fc;:csj costs and disbu,.,~melits incurred. A late .payment chorg. 01 2% per month will b. add.d 10 any account ndt poid In lull within 10 d,y, .frer billing, A rebilling charge of $15 will b. added to all p~st due accounts. An administrative fee: of 25% will be assessed on all d~po5io; if job is c;anc~lIed. Visa/Me for deposits only. The prQPosal set forth above millY be withdrawn by River Roofing If hot accepted within 30 d~y~. The terms and condItions on the reverse , iU~ part of this contra~t. ."p,,<fully>obmll.'''' . ._rff A,A,-- ..f-. ,L.. , Norm Brown Pa,,, loin !O6., Acceptance YQI,l lire hereby authorIzed ta fumi~h all Materials and labor required to c:omf~"l!te the work specified in the ",bove propl;)sal. r agree to pay the amount Spli!c;:ifi~d above, Itccording to the terms of this contriilet including the terms printed on the reVlZrn: side of thi$ p3ge, I have received my coh.sUtTIer notUi<acio.,. JENNINGS & CO. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. INC. --P-e-Bex--764tl7.. EUGENE OR 9aOl BBB -. .-. =::.~.=~ .,p.m, J ~- d ~- 08 A,PPfovi!dprJce CJ1b-- f{' "be BlInders 1IIIlll1l11 01._"-'" lEI LANE LEADERS ASSOCIATION . -"'-"""',. -~ /' -~ ---::-- , ......-.---" Membrane: - "IB.Sii}gle'Ply", '. . " "-'\~"""" MAlNTg .. AND REP~ SYSTEMS Class A . . ,. . 1. Deck: NC .. Incline: 2 ; , , /J EXisting Roof System:~:, .,!;Iass A BUR covered with: /;1 . Membrane: - "IB" (CP A),.rnechi!:,nically fastened ,,,,ith-metal screws and discs per manufactun!t'~'instructions, ~- '::::::::--:~ ---~ .- ...... 2. Deck: NC Incline: 1/4 Existing Roof System: - Class A, B or C BUR covered with: Insulation: - 1 in, phenolic, covered with Johns Manville 1/2 in, "Retrofit Board", Membrane: - "IB" (CPA), mechanically fastened, 3, Deck: NC Incline: 1/2 Existing Roof System: - Class A, B or C built up system, smooth surface, cap sheet or gravel surfaced, gravel may be removed, Insulation: - "R-TECH" Type "I", "VIIT", "IT", "IX" or "Fanfold" I in. max thickness, Membrane: -' "IB" (CPA), mechanically fastened, 4, Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 1/2 Existing Roof System: - Class A, B or C built up system, smooth surface or gravel surfaced, gravel may be-removed, Insulation: - "R-TECH"Type "I", "VIIT", "II", "IX" or "Fanfold" any thickness, Membrane: - "IB" (CpA), . . Surfacing: _ River bottom stone (3/4 in, to 1- 1/2 in, diam) at 900 lbs per sq. Class A, B or C . L Deck: C-15/32. Incline: 1/2 Existing Roof System - - Class A; B or C to retain existing Classification, BUR covered with gravel maintained at 400 lbs/sq.. . Separation Sheet: - Amocor P14, PB4 or PB6, Membrane: - "IB" (CPA), mechanically attached, 2, Deck: C-15/32 Incline: Unlimited Existing Roof System: - Class Ato retain existing Classification, Insulated or Uninsulated cap sheet or smooth surfaced roof. . Insulation (Optional): - Polyisocyanurate, any thickness. Barrier Board: - 1/2 gypsum board. Membrane: - "IB" (CPA), mechanically attached, 3. Deck: C-15/32 Incline: 1-1/2 Existing Roof System: - Any Class A, Bore built-up roof system. Slip Sheet: - One layer Elk "VersaShield Underlayment", mechanically fastened. Roof Covering: - "IB" (CPA), mechanically attached. 4. Deck: NC Incline: 1/2