HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2007-9-18 ". " Sep,20, 2001 1:~4AM \' .a engineering Fax To: Jeff Hamson Fax; 541-461.7098 Subject: 6097 Mica SI Slope Stability lcO~) ~" 1l0, !VOj r, I K & A Engineering, Inc. 3327 Roanoke Ave" Eugene, OR g7408 (541) 684-9399 Voice (541) 684-9358 FAX From: Steve Schultz, EJT. Pages: 3 Date: 9/18/07 Attached is the geotechnical report addressing slope stability at the subject site. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service, Please call me if you have any questions, Sincerely, Steve Schultz, En. K & A Engineering, Inc. < ~' ...... .,,";'<'" "'l" y .~ - ;' .,...." "'<~-'... . "(.:,l ......., -..:r;~:.;~~r:~!::, . ., -. '; ... ~, , ".",. ._~...~..,~J;),' .:' ~"".' . . ~"-.., '~i ..... : ':.r~t:;~~::' ''1_C- " ~ep. 20 2007 7 54AM No, 2063 P 2 .a ~Ilgineerillg K & A Engineering, Inc, . 3327 Roanoke Ave" Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 684-9399 Voice (541) 684-9358 FAX September 18, 2007 . Project: 174,07 PURPOSE AND SCOPE At your request, K & A Engineering, Inc. has completed an investigation of the excavaljon into the west-facing slope on the sUbject property. Our understanding is that an addition to the singie-family dwelling that is supported by a cast-In-place concrete spread footing foundation is proposed for construction on this site. The purpose of our investigation was to inspect the slope adjacent to the proposed structure, of which, a small portion was removed for the construction of the foundation pad. The scope of our services is limited to the suitability of the adjacent slope with respecf to slope stability. FOUNDATION PAD CONSTRUCTION The project site is located on a residentiai property in the southeast section of a cul-de-sac that is located at the intersection of Mica St. and S, 61" St. There is currently an occupied singie-family dweliing on the site which has been constructed on what is a mostly level lot. The east approximately 15to 25-feet of the lot has a slope that was obviously graded during the construction of the subdivision to an approximate gradient of l,5H:1 V, The slope is approximately 8 to 14-feet in vertical height. Above the slope the grade levels to a very gentle west-facing slope, There are no indications of past or present slope movements on the subject SITe There is currently a foundation pad that has been constructed for the proposed addition. The southeast comer of the foundation pad was cui into the slope to the extent that there was an approximately 3 to 4.feet maximum cut-slope, It is apparent that a rock-hammer was used in the construction process to loosen the basalt that was exposed during the construction of the foundation pad, Based on visual observation of the pad excavation, the soils on the slope consist of approximately 1-inch of loose, dry, organiC silt, over 1,0 to 3,5.feet Of sandstone, over soiid basalt. Sep,20, 2007 7:55AM No.iVb j r, j K & A Engineering, Inc, RECOMMENDATIONS General Suitability The site is suitable for construction of the proposed structure. There is no significant slope tailure hazard at the site, The nature of the native sandstone and basalt bedrock indicates that the matertal will support a nearly vertical cut-slope excavation without a significant hazard of siope instability, It was indicated to K & A Engineering, Inc. that a french drain will be installed around the southwest comer of the proposed structure, which is an acceptable and recommended drainage system for the footings. We recommend acceptance of the foundation excavation, as constructed, by,the local building official. LIMITATIONS OF THIS REPORT This report has been prepared for the exclusive use ot Jeff Harrison and his design consultants for the subject proposed structure, This geotechnical investigaUon, analysis, and recommendations meet the standards of care of competent geotechnical engineers providing similar services at the time these services were provided. We do not warrant or guarantee these recommendations, site surface, or subsufface conditions, Thank you forthe opportunity to be of service, Piease call us if you have questions or need further assistance. Steve Schultz, E.I.T. K & A Engineering, Inc. Respectfully, .~- ~RfS /i~ 14- project: 174.07 Client: Jeff Harrison 6097 Mica St.-Springfield, OR Page 2 of 2 September 18, 2007 Sep,20, 2007 7:54AM No, LVbJ r. I -a ellglneering K & A Engineering, Inc. 3327 Roanoke Ave., Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 684-9399 Voice . (541) 684-9358 FAX Fax To: Jeff Hamson From: Steve Schultz, En, Fax: 541-461.7098 Pages: 3 Date: 9/18/07 Subject, 6097 Mica SI Slope Stability Attached is the geotechnical report addressing slope stability at the subject site, Thank you for the opportunity to be of service, Piease call me if you have any quesUons. Sincerely, ~ Steve Schultz, E.lT K & A Engineering, Inc. _:_f(: " ~ ;Sep.20, 2007 7:54AM No, )063 . r. ) -a enginl?ering K & A Engineering, Inc, . 3327 Roanoke Ave" Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 684-9399 Voice (541) 684.9358 FAX September 18, 2007 Project: 174,07 Jeff Harrison. 6097 Mica St. Spfingfield, OR 97478 Subject: Spfingfield Building Penmit Number. COM2007 -01309 Addition to Single-Family Dwelling 6097 Mica St. Springfield, OR Adjacent Slope Stability PURPOSE AND SCOPE At your request, K & A Engineering, Inc. has completed an investigation of the excavation into the west-facing slope on the subject property. Our understanding is that an addition to the single-family dwelling that Is supported by a cast-In-place concrete spread footing foundation is proposed for construction on this site. The purpose of our investigation was to inspect the slope adjaCent to the proposed structure, of which, a small portion was removed for the construction of the foundation pad. The scope of our services is limited to the suitability of the adjacent slope with respect to slope stability. FOUNDATION PAD CONSTRUCTION The project site is located on a residential property in the southeast section of a cul-de-sac that is located at the intersection of Mica St. and S. 61" St. There is currently an occupied single-family dwelling on the site which has been constructed on what is a mostly levello!. The east approximately 15to 25-feet of the lot has a slope that was obviously graded during the construction of the subdivision to an approximate gradient of 1,5H:1V, The slope is approximately 8 to 14-feet in vertical heigh!. Above the slope the grade levels to a very gentle west-facing slope, There are no indications of past or present slope movements on the subject site. There is currently a foundation pad that has been constructed for the proposed addition. The southeast corner of the foundation pad was cut into the slope to the extent that there was an approximately 3 to 4-feet maximum cut-slope, It is apparent that a rock-hammer was used in the construction process to loosen the basalt that was exposed during the construction of the foundation pad, Based on visual observation of the pad excavation, the soils on the slope consist of approximately I-inch of loose, dry, organic silt, over 1,0 to 3,5-feet of sandstone, over solid basal!. Sep, 20, 2007 7 55AM No, iUoj ~. j K & A Engineering, Inc, RECOMMENDATIONS General Suitability The SITe is sUITable for construction of the proposed structure. There is no significant slope failure hazard at the site, The nature of the native sandstone and basalt bedrock indicates that the material wili support a nearly vertical cut-slope excavation without a significant hazard of slope instability, It was indicated to K & A Engineering, Inc. that a french drain wili be instalied around the southwest corner of the proposed structure, which is an acceptable and recommended drainage system for the footings. We recommend acceptance of the foundation excavation, as constructed, by the local building official. LIMITATIONS OF THIS REPORT. . This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Jeff Harrison and his design consultants for the subject proposed structure, This geotechnical investigation, analysis, and recommendations meet the standards of care of competent geotechnical engineers providing similar services at the time these services were provided. We do not warrant or guarantee these recommendations, site surface, or subsurtace conditions. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service, Please cali us if you have questions or need further assistance. Respectfuliy, ~- Steve Schultz, HT. K & A Engineering, Inc. Project: 174,07 Client: JeN Harrison 6097 Mica St.-Springfield, OR Page 2 of 2 September 18,2007