HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2007-4-24 " CertainTeed II Builders Statement lia'1JM JlO/IIe s Homeowner Name / Jobsite Name ifF' -p 157 l"""\Addre" ( l ~1::::, \ I 0-", In Installer/Contractor (s'gn) InsulSafe@4 Premium Blowing Wool ~r& '1 JtwJ1t t//~JJ 7;;s'u &/M ~ Company Name Home. Builder (sign) Inspected By (sign if required) R,VALUE To obtaIn a Thermal Resistance (Alol: 60 49 44 38 30 26 22 19-. 13 'r.. 11 NO. OF BAGS PER 1,000 sa. FT. NET AREA MAXfMUM NET COVERAGE .Contents 01 bag shouldnolcover more than: (sq. ft.) 27 34 38 44 56 65 77 90 129 151 No.a/Bags 36.5 29.6 26.4 22,8 18.0 15.5 13.1 11.1 7.7 6,6 , -. R-VALUE THICKNESS CEfUNGS --,-- ..3 B / l{ "'1{ WALLS ~, FLOORS :25". Company Name MINIMUM WEIGHT I Weighl per sq. ft. of installed insulation should nol be less lhan: (lbsJsQ.ft.) I 0,986 0.800 0.712 """0:615 -0.485 0.418 0.353 0.301 0,209 0.179 AREA (sa, FT.) InsulSafe 4 ~ V INITIAL INSTALLED THfCKNESS Should not be lesslhan: (in.) 22.00 18.50 16.75 14.75 12.00 10.50 9.00 7.75 5,50 4.75 BAGS USED ..3& C.l-q~ t:.!-'){-07 Date Date Date MINIMUM SETTLED. THICKNESS Should not be less than: (in.) 22,00 18.50 16.75 14.75 12.00 10.50 9.00 7.75 5.50 4.75 BATTSlROLLS Iv) / / y, THERMAL PERFORMANCE-ATTIC BLOWING APPLICATION , In accordance with the chart above, you must install the minimum number of bags per 1,000 sq. ft. of net area for each R-Value listed, . the maximum net coverage' must not exceed that specified for each R.Value. , The installed insulation must be at or above the specified minimum thickness for each R-Value. Failure to install the'required minimum weight per sq. ft. of insulation at or above the minimum thickness will result in reduced R-Value. . This product should not be mixed with other blown insulations or the thermal ciaims will become invalid. , initial installed thickness testing per ASTM C 1374 using Unisul VoluMatic III; 3rd gear; 16-inch gate opening; 150-ft. x 3-1/2 inch-diameter internally corrugated blowing hose, R-Values art'! determined in accordance with ASTM C 687 and C 518. Complies with ASTM C 764 as Type 1 insulation. "R" means 'resistance to heat fiow. The higher the R-Value, the greater the insulating power. To get the desired R-Value, it is essential thai the insulation is installed properly. 1s-80 /700 ISg (j '- DANGER: RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES-TO PREVENT OVERHEATtNG, DO NOT INSULATE ON TOP OR WtTHtN 3" OF SUCH DEVICES, DOES NOT APPLY TO TYPE IC LIGHT FtXTURES ORTO FLUORESCENT FIXTURESWtTHTHERMALLY PROTECTED BALLASTS. 30.24.233 InsulSafe<ID4 Builders Statement A Saint-Gobain Company, @2005 CertainTeed Corporation 11/05 -.... ',,;, Manufacturer Insulation Fact Sheet This is CertainTeed Corporation I nsu I Safe@ 4 Premium Blowing Wool CertainTeed Corporation P,O. Box 860 Valley Forge, PA 19482 THERMAL PERFORMANCE-HORIZONTAL OPEN BLOW The following thermal performances are achieved at weights and coverages 5i'ecified when insulation is installed with pneumatic equipment in a horizontal open blow application: . NO. OF BAGS PER MAXIMUM MINIMUM INITIAL INSTALLED MINIMUM SETTLED R-VALUE 1,000 sa. FT. NET AREA NET COVERAGE WEIGHT THICKNESS THICKNESS To obtain a Conlents of bag Weight per sq. ft. of Should nolbe Should not be Thermal Resistance No. of Bags should not cover installed insulation should less than: less than: (R)of: more than: (sq. ft.) not be less than: (Ibs./sq. ft.) (in.) (in.) 60 36.5 27 0.ge6 22,00 22,00 I 49 29.6 34 0.800 le,50 18.50 I 44 26.4 3e 0.712 16,75 16,75 I 38 22,8 44 0.615 14,75 14,75 I 30 le,o 56 0.4e5 12.00 12.00 I 26 15.5 65 0.41e 10,50 10.50 I 22 13.1 77 0.353 9.00 9,00 I 19 11.1 90 0.301 7.75 7,75 I 13 7.7 129 0,209 5,50 5.50 I 11 6,6 151 0.179 4.75~, I 4,75. I R-values are determined in accordance with ASTM C 687 and C 518. Complies with ASTM C 764 as Type 1 . I" insul~{I9n. THERMAL PERFORMANCE-SIDEWALL RETROFIT APPLICATION When installed with pneumatic equipment in sidewalls, the following thermal performances are achieved at the thicknesses, weights and coverages specified. Based on a design density of 1.6 pcf/25.6 Kglm3 NO. OF BAGS PER MAXIMUM MINIMUM INITIAL INSTALLED . MINIMUM SETTLED I R.VALUE 1,000 SQ. FT. NET AREA NET COVERAGE WEIGHT THICKNESS THICKNESS '.1' I I To obtain a Contents of bag Weight per sq. ft. 01 Should not be Should not be ! Thermal Resistance No. of Bags should nol cover installed insulation should lesslhan: less than: . (R) of: more Ihan: (sq. fl.) not be less Ihan: (Ibs.lsq.fl.) (In.) (in.) 29 35.e 28 0,967 7.25 7,25 I 22 27,2 37 0.733 5,50 5.50 1 16 19,8 51 0.533 4,00 4.00 I 15 17,9 56 0.483 3,625 3,625 1 14 17.3 5e 0.467 3.50 3,50 1 BEAn THIS RFFORFYOIJ.BUY What you should know about R-Values: The chart shows the R-Value of this insulation, R means resistance to. heat flow The higher the R-Value, the greater the insulating power, Compare insulation R-Values before you buy, There are other factors to consider, The amount of insulation you need depends mainly on the climate you live in, Also, your fuel savings from insulation will depend upon the climate, the type and size of your house, the amount of insulation already in YO,ur house, and your fuel use patterns and family size, If you buy too much insulation, it will cost you mo(e'than what you'll save on fuel. To get the marked R-Value, it is esse~lia_~,that this insulation be installed properly,