HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2007-6-18 " . , ~ ;. Carlson Testing, Inc. Main Office P.O. Box 23814 Tigard, Oregon 97281 Phone (503) 684-3460 Fax (503) 684-0954 Salem Office 4060 Hudson Ave., NE Salem, Oregon 97301 Phone (503) 589-1252 Fax (503) 589-1309 Bend Office P,O. Box 7918 Bend, Oregon 97708 Phone (541) 330.9155 Fax (541) 330-9163 Daily Report of Structural Steel Client: ENTRE PRISES USA - BLAKE HAUKINS Projeet: SPRINGFIELD REGION SPORT CENTER cn Job #: S0704846. Address: 200 S 32ND SPRINGFIELD OR Jurisdietion: SPRINGFIELD CTI representative L. WESTPHAL, JR. OBOA 782 was on site this date Jun. 18, 2007 to perform Special Inspection for: Permit--~2 0 0.7.::00415: DFS #(s) SCOPE OF INSPECTION I. Checked in with superintendent, client or shop rep. Name: JIM MARSHALL Company: ENTRE PRISES USA 2. Inspection was "IBC" 0 Continuous [lJ Periodic 3. Work performed: GJ In the field D At fab shop 4. If shop inspection do they have a fabrication and QC procedures? DYes D No GJ N/A PO Number: Location of steel inspection [to include grid lines, elevations ( floors) and drawing details]: CTI REPRRSRNTATIVE ON STTE THIS DATE TO PERFORM PERIODIC VISUAL INSPECTION OF SINGLE PASS FILLET WELDS AND THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED, - WELDER NOT ON SITE TO REVIEW PAPERWORK. WELDER CERTIFICATION CARDS WERE FAXED TO CTI. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS & WPS ARE STILL REOUIRED, NCL #1. l . '.' :F:, INSPECTION, THE WELDS ON THE NORTH CENTER CONNECTION WERE IMPROPERLY FIT WITH A 1/4 FLARE BEVEL WELD NOT Yes,NoN/A PER,~~~ DET:iI~., T1iE SO~:~~~ C~N:~~ SUPPORT WELDS , X 'I WER~, 3/16 &' DETAILS 'SPECIFY 1/4', NCL #2, \ . ,,' '-r'." r '",-.":",,::','.. I \";":Ir';:r~: 11. Reviewed-pteviou-sinspection reports? . 2. ~eriv.e~,~fc'el"f!1aterials ar_e .in~i:>t1ip'1j?~~c~:by reviewing: randomsamplesof.the mill-test reports..steellD~-~" .' . markings or other documentation. 3. Verified weld filler materials conform. .X " 4. Checked steel members to see they ~ere fabricated and erected in accordance with the workmanship and tolerances required. 5. Checked welded studs and structural connections were installed as required. 6. Verified high strength bolts and fasteners conform. 7. Verified the quality of welds produced by welders,' welding operators, and ta.c~ers conform. 8. Verified steel frame joint detaiJs for br,!ciIig, stiffening, member locations, and application of joint details at each X connection arc in compliance by random sampling. x xl I I X X I I WELDER INFORMATION Welders Name: JOHN FITZPATRICK Certification #: B1238. CTI & B1369. CTI.. , ' Yes No N/A . ~ ..' ~ - ..' , I. YeE\Iied th$, contractor's Weld)ng ,P,oc,edure, ':.",,' .Specrficatlons are.m.conforman~e'wlth-- ... -... :- ~:A\ySreq~!!ef!1~riJs:"; '-',~' .:----::, 2. Verified the essential variables outlined in the Welding Procedure S'pecificationswere '-, employed during execution of the work. "l.! X X 3. Verified the weldability of reinforcing steel other than ASTM A 706. I I X I D See additional report page(s). o Distribute attachments. X -WELDS FOR THE END SUPPORTS EAST.& WEST WERE ", I _ ,,' I .,J_ ..;. ACCEPTABLE PER AWS Dl.ISECTION 6 TABLE 6.1 AND 1 APPROVED DRAWINGS. ' ' REPORT SUMMARY I. Work inspected was: GJ Completed D In progress 2. Completed work inspected was not in compli~nce with. @ Approved phins',md specifications D"Shop d;awings D RFI 0 Design change D S~bffiitt"l' D N/A' Document #(s) PLANS Dated: 03/16/2007 3. Noncompliance item(s) were noted tliis date, details on foJJowingpage(s). GJ Yes 0 No D .N/A . 4: Noncompliance.item(s) were reinspected this date, d,tails '::p.n,~ollO'Ni:ng page.(s),: ;,,0 '.Vs ,O~,~~.~-,G:l N/A .'~ 0 Conform' 0 Remain'in.progress'- . ... - ,.- . - . -. .. -- -., ".-.' --- ... ,. .. > '. . Repori(s) findings .weiedis~iisse(J~nd left.~ith ',' JIM MARSHALL ' of ENTRE PRISES Based on the Code, approval is required from the Building Official before the SPECIAL INSPECTED items noted above call be covered. Carlson Testing has no authQrity 10 direct work ofcontraclors or subcontractors. Page _of _ . Daily Report of Structural Steel en Job #: S0704846. Project: SPRINGFIELD REG!O/!,_SPol<:r, CENTER. For: 06/18/2067 0/. Notes: :"jj .1:) '-, ... ;,' r; " ~. '-J.. :- ! ;.: : i " ..i I , , x; ., In some cases \nore than one box may be checked for a given item on the' fr6nt page. -I; '.:'1 , Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. Information contained herein is 'not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization from this office. If there are any further questions regarding this malter, please do not hesitate to contact this office, Respectfully submitted, CA:t:lN 7JTING' INC. {'t!f:;!gger ~ Project Manager LLW/LS , CC, ENr~~ PRISES USA - BLAKE HAUKINS ,,'rq J CITY~OFSPRINGFIELD - BUILDING DEPARTMENT , '" 541-388-3248" ." , " " ..: '.... [, <>.' '" " ". ,'; " , Iun 20, 2007 80704846, Project Name: Project Address: Pemnt No: P.O, No: Item # Insp. Carlson Testing, Inc. Incompleted Items List (NCL) SPRINGFIELD 200 S 32ND 2007-00415 1 LLW 06/18/2007 Date REGION SPORT CENTER SPRINGFIELD OR -<; Item Description PREQUALIFIED WELD PROCEDURE AND MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS'NOT AVAILABLE ON SITE. CONTRACTOR TO FAX TO CTI'S SALEM OFFICE FOR REVIEW. , " 2 LLW 06/18/2007 NORTH CENTER CONNECTIONS & SOUTH CENTER SUPPORTS NOT PER APPROVED DETAILS. ENGINEER OF'RECORD'S WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE FOR "AS-BUILT" CONDITION OR FIX REQUIRED. " ,~ -, '..:-) '- >-~ ., .- "':1 (- ., ., .., ./..' b CC:ENTRE PRISES USA"- BLAKE HAUKINS CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - BUILDING DEPARTMENT ~j ~( :' ;, Compliance Project Manager: B. LEACH cn Sign-Off I " ':- II Date Corrected ..!. Page: 1 ~ Carlson Testing, Inc. Main Office P.O. Box 23814 Tigard, Oregon 97281 Phone (503) 684-3460 Fax (503) 684-0954 Salem Office 4060 Hudson Ave., NE Salem, Oregon 9730 I Phone (503) 589.1252 Fax (503) 589-1309 Bend Office P.O. Box 7918 Bend, Oregon 97708 Phone (541) 330-9155 Fax (541) 330-9163 Daily Report of Proprietary Anchors Client: ENTRE PRISES USA - BLAKE HAUKINS Project: SPRINGFIELD REGION SPORT CENTER Address: 200 S 32ND SPRINGFIELD OR Jurisdiction: CTI representative L. WESTPHAL, JR. OBOA 782 was on site this date Jun, 18, 2007 to perform Special Inspection for: Pennit 2007-00415 DFS#(s) SCOPE OF INSPECTION I. Checked in with superintendent or client representative, Name: JIM MARSHALL Company: ENTRE PRISES USA 2. Inspection was "IBe" GJ Continuous D Periodic 3.,Work performed: GJ In the field D At precast shop 4. If shop inspection do they have fabrication and QC procedures? DYes D No GJ N/A PROPRIETARY ANCHORS Yes No N/A xl I xl II. Reviewed previous inspection reports? 2. Reviewed evaluation report? 3. Verified manufacturer's anchor use confomls to acceptance criteria in report summary. Verified following items meet manufacturer's published installation instructions, 14, Veritied nunimum embedment depth of the anchors. 15.Verified installation of the anchors. 16. Verified anchor diameter. 7. Verified steel grade. 18. Verified hole diameter. 19. Verified type of drill bit used. 10. Verified cleanliness of hole and anchor. 11. Verified adhesive application. x x x I X I I I x I X I I x I I x I Evaluation report number NOT ON SITE, NCL #3 Name of product being installed SIMPSON SET 22 Batch Number 30952 Expiration Date 06/2008 30952 06/2008 30952 .92./2008 cn Job #: S0704846. SPRINGFIELD PO Number: Location of proprietary anchors inspected [to include grid lines, elevations (floors) and drawing details]: ANCHORS FOR ROCKWALL 1/2 DIAMETER, HOLES DRILLED AT 9/16 DIAMETER. SPECIFICATIONS CALL FOR 5/8. CONTRACTOR lmABLE TO ACHEIVE DUE TO STEEL BASEPLATE, NCL #4. HOLES WERE BRUSHED AND BLOWN CLEAN. ANCHORS INSTALLED WITH SPECIFIED EPOXY. REPORT SUMMARY y I. Work inspected was: GJ Completed 0 In progress 2. Completed work inspected was not in compliance with . GJ Approved plans and specifications 0 Shop drawings o RFI 0 Designchange 0 Submittal 0 N/A Document #(s) PLANS Dated: 3/16/2007 3. Noncompliance item(s) were noted this date, details on following page(s). [J Yes 0 No 0 N/A 4. Noncompliance item(s) were reinSpected this .date, details. on following page(s), 0 Yes. 0 No [J N/A D Conform D Remain in progress Report(s) finding's were discussed and left with .JIM MARSHALL of ENTRE PRISES USA Based on the Code, approval is required from the Building Official before the SPECIAL INSPECTED items noted above can be covered. Carlson Testing has no authority to direct work of contractors or subcontractors. o See additional report page(s). o Distribute attachments. Page _of_ . Daily Repprt of Proprietary AncM'rs eTI Job:#:so704e46, For,' 06/18/2'007 ~ '. .,. Project: . SPRINGFIELD'REGION 'SPORT CENTER I Notes: Ie , \ In some cases more than one box may be checked for a given item on the front page, Our reports pertain to the material te'stedlinspected only. Information c~mtained herein is not to be reproduced, except in' . full, withollt prior authorization from this office. , . I' If there are any further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office, Respectfully submitted, ;?J1X;;:C Steven Dugger ~ Project Manager 1- '" , ' " . t " LLW/LS .j. ' cc, ENTRE PRISES USA - BLAKE HAUKINS CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - BUILDING DEPARTMENT 541-388-3248 Jun 20, 2007 80704846. Carlson Testing, Inc. Incompleted Items List (NCL) Project Name: Project Address: Permit No: P.O. No: SPRINGFIELD REGION SPORT CENTER 200 S 32ND SPRINGFIELD OR 2007-00415 Item # Insp. Date . Item Description 1 LLW 06/18/2007 PREQUALIFIED WELD PROCEDURE AND MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS NOT AVAILABLE ON SITE. CONTRACTOR TO FAX TO CTI'S SALEM OFFICE FOR REVIEW. 2 LLW 06/18/2007 NORTH CENTER CONNECTIONS & SOUTH CENTER SUPPORTS NOT,_ PER APPROVED DETAILS. ENGINEER OF RECORD'S WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE FOR liAS-BUILTH CONDITION OR FIX REQUIRED. 3 LLW 06/18/2007 ICC/ICBO REPORT NOT ON SITE FOR INSTALLATION OF ANCHORS FOR ROCKWALL. 'SIMPSON STRONG TIE SET 22 WAS USED. REPORT TO BE FAXED TO CTT'S SALEM OFFICE FOR ,REVIEW. 4 LLW 06/18/2007 1/2 ANCHORS AT ROCKWALL NOT DRILLED AT PROPER DIAMETER DUE TO STEEL BASE PLATES. 9/16 ACHEIVED AND 5/8 WAS SPECIFIED. ENGINEER OF RECORD'S WRITTEN APPROVAL FOR "AS-BUILTu CONDITION OR FIX REQUIRED. CC:ENTRE PRISES USA - BLAKE HAUKINS CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - BUILDING DEPARTMENT -' , C.ompliance Project Manager: B. LEACH cn Sign-Off OJ " Date. Corrected Page: 1