HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Construction Specification 2006-1-1 . \7061,. : vr ,c/<r/. ~. . . INTERI9R LATEX {l /. MOISTURE VAPOR BARRIER . 872W.1 5HBlwIN WiLLIAMs. mtlRA....I~ IrI1mt6t blII'llllolldUlll Vapor BaMer PIl__~", ia.. oIl"I;~:;\I;6 d,-"::~,,.,J to Nduce.~kla.;'....,:..~.lIlMug}lwalls and ...=fi.<~'~ ~lt.... VIIpor BInIiIt PI" ,.."""l8II -......;...... a prfIR8t mld 1inisIl in a &ing/8, flIsl4n'l"nll CClllt. MoisIQJ& VIpDr IIIRIsr M~ ls~fwmulatea farm .""".:.._ 1iousll!!l facilities. . Upcm fi$ld L ~..;;....;... of 1he IlCM8, this j)roduct ClIt! be kll'coated wiftl ally ~'lnleIIorlBlelr or ~ ~ Color.' Whit& .'-,.""",,..,. 2OO-ZllChqJl(ga1 @'ilWlll;1.8-2.4m1lsClly DIy/Ilf l1Ill8@71"F5O%RH (.""," c ,.", ~ arld hulnidilJ ~ To toUl:h: ll10ur To kIpooat 4 IlOlInI ~ O-iO.ll1lils@85" ..... PoInt NfA "- tmIng: Ie9s llISIl '.tl plHIll ASlM Bl8 WBler ~III!$I'; 1in!Ing 1IIib li/ond.,A~oJor. BMe l2IgaJ . VlIhile 0-4 V8IIIc", lPe: Vmyl~ BlABdiene VOC(IeBI u'ii.";,,l'~;';IIlI""l;); 7-4 gA.; 0.61 ~ .2(l'l:~ 4O:t 2% to-31b -~l8th '1ll'llo VoIuM8~ Wlll__UlolIda.: WOifht.- 0aIJ0.u: em: Camplant -''/ lQOOG I SPEClBCAllON, Ilil)wlItl S)s1l:l.1l1: 1-2" MoilIture VIIplIr BanIllr PtImerI RnISh _ tl~i"'.Ii.I,,2: . , d. U.,:.,L", 1I8pot8mriw l'rlrIHII1 AlJM 2ills. ~'""",..LIIIax or AIk)od. ArohiIsdumI T ..._ai APPLICA'1lQH Do Il8t 1hID. RadJmtiGa wlII , I;.", ", ,. '. ~ dect 1Ile I*m .... IIDPlY a1~aIIove50'F. B1us11-1Js& ~blU!l/1 1ilobIIr- UN 318" -~ IIlI$) _ . SpraJ -AI...... f'IllIIum ---......-......_.__.... 2OIlO IlIli 11, ........k..~..H.._....__..._ .007"~.O19" ~~ 1 Uti. 17 iU.RFACE PREPARATIOf!4 . ,,;,,;,.., R8movaIofolClpaintbyll8/ld. ',II~'loI...:i l~ 01 oIher n1lI!tna may ~ duslOl'IInea1bltallllain lead. &jx). tolsadlilltorilmesrnayC8lalll braln d.""'6' or oI!ler sdW$IllEI heallh etlIol!o, , iIl;J,r;.; " or """lIIIIltlMmlen. rll\g "'V"'" ....10 /e8d CII' olIler haz. 81 taus ~s I'eQUitea the uae of pr Ip8t \'I.'"'".,;'" '. <<NiIlment, ~ as a JlllII*IY1iIIed .--"_ (NlOSHlQl\..~-"ld) =: con:..:.."....lIIlddean\4l.. For ~, c:aJ the I'ialIonal LaId . Cen\w1l1-601l-424-I.EAD (in Ul ~ Of eollt;Q JWI' loo:all1eallh aulllorily. Rc Il1M ;aIf SIII1'Bce corrtaminatlDn by" ~ wtlI1 PRlC1e8n ~j@ Pl'lp Wash Col"~o;."......d Cleaner or otI sr IPl'J"OpriaIe cleana.; rin8e lIlor- Ol.; ,~ancllllloWlDdry. SlRpaand sand pe - or llhIK:ked paint lD 8 SOUncl S\If. file 1. Sand glcllsy 9Urfaces dun. SuI flom WlIIBr. SlII1I1ce, Ink. peilcl~ *" with Pnip~ F'ro8IGcIcS Sealer. I. b FRl and ho/!3$ Wlllt r;ftIlll\ll ~ cIrJe and eana liII1lllll11. Joint CDl'3o P nd& must be curea and sanuea lIITI roIJ1. RemOW! all tIIncfng dust ~~p INFOBIIIIATlO~ CIe .n eplllu, ~13, hand! and too~ '. iMq ~a1le.r\J!lewllhMlllf>an<l~ . wallr. ~ Cieenlng, flush spr.ay equip. Il\eI twilh minerai splrl$ to pIvvent rust. Ing of the ~ui/lmellt. Folk>w mar tlfa-:......~..1IfItV ".;.,....I,......"~I:f:ations whMl.l8Ing ~,,,',..: spltfts. ~ ccnIIriul!It an _ 1.08. 17 .' INTERIOR LATEX MOISTURE VAPOR. BARRIER' B72W1 q . SHERwIN . WiwAMs. ~ Fill'''"":".:.,, '-~ly. I::::::;~~~QM~ 'Wit~wr..---"a.~~. 'Ii -en .,'.. '. mid dcMB Dr II1II adIBr "*1M ~ t --ahlnbydelJlr............."""4lJI'Nl.1 Vll""I,,,,I,.;,',, il!tJ8'1V111Blina, J".J"....,_....~ or4tzzi. ~~~===: =,'" ".... _...-bor,.."ro..l_ Q"'",~,'"H''''' .!",..: ..'",.,."., .,,-IAiIIur(JIICS.H.......--~ ~.I,.,,' .... ~'-""'-fct..p. ...... ~ ~.... *1"" ........ \\IlIIIft . _Qflna.KNp_,*__lIIltln 'Ii "'DDaattrmmfllr ",,',!, ,;"..10~.. """",..., "fOr .. ..,.. FIRST A1r}, In _ Of _ COlllId. .... Ii ~.... ,"., ,"'_IJIt.-caJ <<'lIIIIIan : .",. .....IIIlIlIiIaaHBl,CIII~ ~(:enW'~~"""". _.GI" .imrJI."'''''''I).llELAYEDEITEel~FROIl~ONG 1_~.__JRE.~1IrOlIIldlnII_ II: ,!1m..,... ...!.,I....,..... ". ,:11,,,., ",...I..,hu'-" . _lO_.........mtdC3ll:8r....""" t!lll ,.,~ ",,' ", WAIII'llIlQ: lhlo imIu<t ~ , ..,,,dl.,, kI-.~__d~llIl:Oj1111O 1_'*"_<<_ ",,' ;..,,'...hsnn. ftOTT#lI\Ii 1NlmNAL/.. Y. - OUT a: 'I1iE OFClilI.DRIi;N,FOR,,,~,'~~USC Y. M111'1S1:1U04117'2lM1Ol101 tl4 ocr . ! 1 Mt '~.f."'.'io.o:...:.on and .",,_lIHIICoI ~.;~ lilt ftIdt1lll tlIi$ Product Data S'-t h b lied upiln tests ClDlldUCled by ar en <if Tbo Stierwin-WlUlBIM com- -.Qd\ infa I" 'QI':'::.' an:ci .v,........~,.....:.~...- '0Il; &eI: forth herai!'l ;" I\Jbje<:t to MdPOItain to the ps'tIdUd oiI;QDd 1111 time or pubb'L -', ComilJIt your -- .............., 1~lQ.warJfill,,'01.~. '~':I:'I'~MID~n II . illC$l ~ Praduc:t DaIa S1leet.