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Permit Correction Notice 2008-12-29
;"'- .....'..~~ ttt6~~~~4W"l~$.I~~~$;ir~~-;-~"~V~~ ..+-r~ql'~.....:,-_.".~~~..,~~........-.'ol~'''''~'_'' r""'~",' ~l"ljl.,""""""f-'~~I't"'l"'r.>4i'i'7""'y1''l'J.~'fr7''''.'""V'"'l '~.... ;",~""~'_"'~' ,,' .....' -;..,tf!, ',~,,' ""',' " ~/(_k.-~ Date:~/ 2-q / ~ t~- o/7vf Address:_ 2-1-7-2-- ~~ Inspection Type: "33~ ~/J..kV~r..l ~L~ .' City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety , 225 Fifth Street Job# TO,' / U IZIfW./ ..;~ffi L.-..eb~ ~.~ /..-r.6:&:m- ,.,t4:'~ /jJ /)~/~ #i? ~./ ( P . l' , .I~#,,,.k-~ /~~. v ~h___ ~"",h..t,d;;LelA.-- I I' Corrections and reinsp~ion request shall be made within. "'3.c calendar days. Call for reinspection ~yes DNa Inspector .4A-/ _Date: NNNNNNNNNNNNNCall for inspection 726-3769NNNNNNNNNNNQuestions 726-3759NNNNNNNNN ", ~'"...~ :.