HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2008-12-31 l"~;1 Infonnation ,.,..,. .To Build On Engineering . Consulting . Testing OJSYV\ 100t -ct:H3 'l DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed: December 31, 2008 Springlield School District 525 Miil Street Springfield, OR 97477 Report Number; 722-80173-161 Client: Project Name: Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road Springfield, Oregon Project Location: Contractor; Fabricator: Type of Inspection: John Hyland Axis Crane Welding/Reinforcing Steel & Epoxy P.O. No: Shopl Field; Weather; P0272-334-0809 Fieid Inside Field Observations and Comments '1). Reinspection of 12 Neison Studs that were in non-conformance relerence our previously submitted report 722-80173 154 dated December 22, 2008. Nelson Studs were now in conformance with project documents and specifications. 2). Reinforcing steel for stair wails at area 1 and 2 and trash enclosure wails (8" walls). Reinforcing steel was checked lor grade, size, lap, placement, and clearances where applicable. Rebar was placed in accordance with approved drawings. 3). Epoxy doweis for concrete infiil at panel #38 (per RFI 161 dated 12/15/08). The dowels were installed using Hiiti Hit RE500 SD epoxy. Minimum embedment of 5" (horizontal bars) and 8" (vertical bars) was verified for one (1) of the vertical bars due to confiict with reinlorcing steel bars the other three (3) holes were only 6" deep. Waiting on response lrom KPFF. To the best 01 our knowledge, the work inspected is in conformance with approved drawings, specifications and applicable International Buildinq Codes. Inspector; Raymond Aliperti, Certification #1017075-86 CBB #176269 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649. Respectfuily Submitted, R:o\\?nOi,ce;:dustries, Inc. Raymond \Ii~ Project Manager c: KPFF - ugo.costa@kpff.com Hyland Construction - markb@jhconst.com Milstead & Associates - angus@milstead.us Mahlum - rberndt@mahlum.com Robertson/Sherwood & Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Springfield School District - jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Yolanda Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu City of Springfield THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CLIENT ONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY, BY ANY MEANS, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PEF~MISSJON OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, IS PROHIBITED. Professional Service Industries, Inc.. 1040-A Shelley Street- Springfield, OR 97477. Phone 541n46-9649. Fax 541fi46-7163 l...~;, Infonnation "''''-(10 Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing DAiLY FiELD REPORT Reinforced Concrete Field Observations and Comments Performed visual inspection of reinforcing steel and embeds at the following locations: roof at gridline B to D at 1 to 5 ,and C to D at 5 to 6 prior to placement of concrete. Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size, placement and ,ciearances where applicable. Reinforcing steel was secured using tie wire and supported on concrete dobie blocks. iReinforcing steel was placed in accordance with the latest revisions dated 5/1/08. Performed visual inspection during I ." . I placement of concrete in the locations listed above. Concrete was placed ,by. boom pump and mechanically consolidated. Cast one (1) set of four (4) (4x8) concrete test cylinders. Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed. To the best of our knowiedge, the work inspected 'above was. in accordance with the building department approved design drawings, specifications and applicable" workmanship provisions of the International Building Codes. Type of Material Supplier Mix# . Slump Air Content Ambient Temperature Material Temperature Time Placed Design Strength (psi) Number of Samples Total Yardage Placed Inspector: Glenn Meeks Jr, ICC #5071538-49 CCB# 176269 Date Performed: Client: December 29, 2008 Springfield School District 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 P.O. No.: Type of Structure; Type of Inspection: P0272-334-0809 Report Number: , 722-80173-158 Project Name: Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road Springfield, Oregon Project Location; Permit No.: Weather: ,I COM2008-00437 ': Cipudy with rain & wind Set #1 Knife River 40NI15200 33/4" 500 590 8:20 AM 4,000 4 50 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feei free to contact us at 541-746-9649.. Respectfully Submitted, p~~;~rVice Industries, Inc. Raymond V. A~ti Project Manager cc: KPFF - ugo.costa@kpff.com Hyland Construction - markb@jhconst.com Milstead & Associates - angus@milstead.us Mahlum - rberndt@mahlum.com Robertson/Sherwood & Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Springfield School District - jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Yolanda Bird - yolanda,bird@sps.lane.edu City of Springfield THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CLIENT ONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD. AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY, BY ANY MEANS, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, IS PROHIf3/TED. ,. , Professional Service Industries, Inc.. 1040-A Shelley Street. Springfield, OR 97477 . Phone 541/746-9649. Fax 541/746-7163 l~~;lInfonnation ",~. .TO Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed: Client: December 23, 2008 Springfield School District 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 Report Number: 722-80173-156 Project Name; Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road Springfield, Oregon Project Location: Building Permit No.: COM2008-00437 Type of Inspection; Epoxy P.O. No.: Weather: P0272-334-0809 Cioudy Field Observations and Comments Performed continuous inspection during the installation of (54) #5 epoxied rebar dowels in the following locations: stair way #3 gridlines B to B.5 at 5.5 to 6. Verified holes to be 3/4" in diameter by 9" in depth. Prior to installation the predrilled holes were cleaned using a nylon brush and compressed air. Verified minimum embedment depth of 9 inches. The above listed epoxy anchors were instalied using Hilti Hit RL500SD epoxy with ICC#241383. The epoxy anchors were installed in accordance with latest revisions dated RFI 020 dated 5/01/08 and manufacturer's directions. Inspector: Glenn Meeks Jr, #5071538-49 CCB #176269 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649. Respectfully Submitted, <o::./V~/ Service Industries, Inc. Raymond A~ Project Manager c; KPFF - ugo.costa@kpff.com Hyland Construction - markb@jhconstcom Milstead & Associates - angus@milstead.us Mahlum - rberndt@mahium.com Robertson/Sherwood & Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Springfield School District - jsaracen@spS.lane.edu Yolanda Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu City of Springfield THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CLIENT ONL y, THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY. BY ANY MEANS. EXCEPT IN FULL. WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, IS PROHIBITED. Professional Service Industries, Inc.. 1 040-A Shelley Street. Springfield, OR 97477 . Phone 541/746-9649 . Fax 5411746-7163 l...~;l Information ",~. .To Build On Engineering . Consulting. Testing DAILY FIELD REPORT Client: December 23, 2008 Springfieid School District 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 Report Number: 722-80173-155 Date Performed: Project Name: Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road Springfield, Oregon Project Location: P.O. No.; Type of Structure: Type of Inspection: P0272-334-0809 Permit No.: Weather: COM2008-00437 Cloudy Reinforced Concrete Field Observations and Comments Performed visual inspection of reinforcing steel at the following locations: 2nd fioor reinforcing at gridlines A to D at 5 to 8 prior to placement of concrete. Reinforcing steei was checked for grade, size, placement and clearances where applicable. Reinforcing steei was secured using tie. Reinforcing steel was pi aced in accordance with the latest revisions dated 5/1/08. Performed visual inspection during placement of concrete in the locations listed above. Concrete was piaced by boom pump and mechanically consolidated. Cast one (1) set of four (4) (4x8) concrete test cylinders. Additional Comments: WW Fabric/rebar elevated to mid slab elevation during placement of concrete. Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected above was in accordance with the building department approved design drawings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the International Building Codes. Tvn" nf Material Set #1 Supplier Knife River Mix # 40NI15200 Slump 4" Air Content Ambient Temperature Material Temperature Time Placed Design Strength (psi) Number of Samples Total Yardage Placed Inspector: Glenn Meeks Jr, ICC #5071538-49 CCB# 176269 35" 52" 8:15AM 4,000 4 100 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649. Respectfuliy Submitted, 'K:;~al Service Industries, Inc. Raymond ~ Project Manager cc; KPFF - ugo.costa@kpff.com Hyland Construction - markb@jhconst.com Milstead & Associates - angus@milstead.us Mahlum - rberndt@mahium.com RobertsonlSherwood & Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Springfield School District - jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Yoianda Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu City of Springfield THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CLIENT ONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY, BY ANY MEANS, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, IS PROHIBITED. Professional Service Industries. Inc.. 1040-A Shelley Street. Springfield, OR 97477. Phone 541n46-9649. Fax 541n46.7163 (. nm'2.olJ3 - roL\?{1 l"'~;l Information ,.,~. .To Build On Engineering . Consulting. Testing DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed; December 22, 2008 Springfield School District 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 Report Number; 722-80173-154 Client: Project Name: Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road Springfieid, Oregon Project Location; Contractor: Fabricator: Type of Inspection: John Hyland Axis Crane Welding P.O. No: Shop/: Field; Weather: P0272-334-0809 Field Cloudy Field Observations and Comments Performed periodic visual inspection of the following items; single pass seam weld and nelson studs for the 2nd floor decking for kitchen and classroom from gridiines A to D between 5 to 8. Also inspected the welded wire fabric and reinforcing steel for the above listed area. WWF and rebar in accordance with approved drawings. Weldments were inspected for size, iength, profile and locations. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected is in conformance with the approved drawings, specification~,a_~d..<lpplicable AWS D1:_1~ 01.3 codes. The following items were in non- conformance: approximately 12 nelson studs,_were found to_beJn non-conformance. /These were marked in white paint and"Wm-need to be repai~e-d p-rior to concrete 'placement~ - Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed. Inspector: Raymond Aliperti, Certification #1017075-86 CBB #176269 ., If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649. Respectfuliy Submitted, P;:;;7jSCffJrstries, Inc. Raymond Aliperti Project Manager c: KPFF - ugo.costa@kpff.com Hyland Construction - markb@jhconst.com Milstead & Associates - angus@milstead.us Mahium - rberndt@mahlum.com Robertson/Sherwood & Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Springfield School District - jsaracen@sps.iane.edu Yolanda Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu City of Springfieid THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CLIENT ONL Y. THE REPRODucm:JN OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD , PARTY, BY ANY MEANS, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, IS PROHIBITED. . Professional Service Industries, Inc. . 1 040-A Shelley Street. Springfield, OR 97477 . Phone 5411746-9649 . Fax 5411746.7163 rJ}1YY)(".X) ~ - tb4 '?t\ L..~ ;ZInjormation ,.,~. .To Build On EngIneering . Consultlng . Testing Date Performed: December 9, 2008 Springfield School District 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 DAILY FIELD REPORT I Report Number: I 722-80173-150 Client: John Hyland Axis Crane Welding Project Name: I , I Project Location: I P.O. No: Shop/ Field; Weather: Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road Springfieid, Oregon Contractor; Fabricator: Type of Inspection: P0272-334-0809 Field Inside Field Observations and Comments Performed periodic visual inspection of the following items: Preliminary periodic visual inspection of seam welds for 2nd floor of area 1 and 2, as weil as mechanical roof section 1 west of gridline 5. Final inspection to foilow. Weldments were inspected for size, iength, profile and locations. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected is in conformance with the approved drawings, specifications and applicable AWS 01.3 codes. Inspector: Raymond Aliperti, Certification #1017075-86 CBB #176269 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feei free to r'ontact us at 541-746-9649. Respectfully Submitted, 7)fess~ona/. s.e. rvice Industries, Inc. IW V~~f\ Raymond Ali~~ Project Manager c: KPFF - ugo.costa@kpff.com Hyland Construction - markb@jhconst.com Milstead & Associates - angus@milstead.us' Mahlum - rberndt@mahlum.com Robertson/Sherwood & Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Springfield School District - jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Yolanda Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu City of Springfield THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMA nON OF THE CLIENT ONt Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD. AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY, BY ANY MeANS, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, IS PROHIBITED. Professional Service Industries, Inc.. 1040-A Shelley Street. Springfield, OR 97477. Phone 541/746-9649. Fax 541/746-7163 l ft'iiifi!.;lInformation I'!!..:_....~ .70 Build On /l!nglne.rlug_ ~-1IocrtInsr COMPRESSION REPORT tOYYI'IJj)O- COY()'l . SPRINGFIELD OFFICE Client: Address: Springfield School District 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 Project No.: 722-80173-139 Proj. Name: Thyrston_E!ementary School ; Location: 7345 Thurston Road Springfield, Oregon 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax December 23, 2008 CCB#176269 Date: B.P. No.: P.O. No.: Cast By; P0272-334-0809 Glenn Meeks Location Sampled At: Pour back strip R to M at 8 Date Cast: 11 /24/08 Dale Rec'd: 11/25/08 Ticket No.: [Mi;" No.: Weather: 3160367 40N 15?OO Overcast .~ Yardage 3 10/100 Field Test Data Slump (in.): ASTM C143 4" Max. Aggr. Size: 3/4" Air Content: ASTM C231 Air Temperature (F): 340 Material Temp. (F): ASTM Cl064 65" Max Temp (F): 63" Min Temp (F): 46" Specimen Size: 4x8 Unit Weight (pct): ASTM C138 Time Cast: 8:20 AM Curing Conditions: Additives: Results Reported To: Contractor ASTM Placement Data: Material: Concrete Pour back strips at the foilowing gridiines J to M at 5 to 8, E to H at 1 to 5, G.5 to H at 2 to 5 and G to G.7 at 5 to 5.1 Load: Total: Supplier: Knife River Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 placed 4,000 Diameter or Cross Sect. Area Cylinder WT. Compo Strength Capping Method Dimensions Max. Load (Ibs.) Fracture Type .. Test Time (inches) (0.1.) (Ibo.) (psi) C61T.03 C1231-03 4.00 12.57 8.6 57,750 4,590 3 11:30AM X 4.00 12.57 8.6 68,530 5,450 3 8:02 AM X 4.00 12.57 8.5 68,180 5,420 3 8:09 AM X Desi~n S~r~~~th (psi): required 4,000 Cylinder No. Test Date Age (days) Field Cure Lab Cure (days) (days) 08-3727 12/1/2008 '1 7 6 08-3728 12/22/2008 I 28 27 08-3729 12/22/2008 I 28 27 08-3730 I Hold I H H II ... 1 : Cone -(both ends) 2 - ConeNerHca'-Cracks (one end) 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal wIno cracking at ends 5. Side fractures (at top of bottom) Remarks; Set #1 c: I(PFF - ugo.costa@kpff.com Hyland Construction - markb@jhconsl.com Milstead & Associates - angus@milstead.us Mahlum - rberndt@mahlum.com Robertson/Sherwood & Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Springfield School District - jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Yolanda Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu City of Springfield 6 - Top fractures (same as #5 but end of cylincler is poinle-d) Respectfully Submitted, 1!::;ro CiiC~]dllstries, Inc. Raymond AliPerti~ Project Manager Tl-fIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CUENTONL Y: THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FULL, IS PROHIBITED W/TI-fOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES. j'ft"~.J Information 1.~'~"!!lTo Build On .,."In..rlng . ~ . n..tInsr Client: Address: Springfield School District 525 Miil Street Springfield, OR 97477 Placement Data: 2nd floor deck gridline A to B at 5 to 8 Field Test Data Slump (in.): ASTM C143 4" Max. Aggr. Size: 3/4" A.ir Content: ASTM C231 Air Temperature (F): 350 Material Temp. (F): ASTM C1064 520 Max Temp (F): Min Temp (F): Specimen Size: 4x8 Unit Weight (pet): AsrM C138 Time Cast: 9:00 AM Curing Conditions: ASTM Additives: Hot water, AEA 1 % non chloride accelerator Results Reported To: Contractor COMPRESSION REPORT Project No.: 722-80173-159 Proj. Name: Thurston Elementary School Location: 7345 Thurston Road Springfield, Oregon Material: Concrete Location Sa~'pled At: 2nd (Iocr deck gridline C to D at 6 to 6.2 Date Cast: 12/23/08 Date Rec'd: 12/24/08 Ticket No.: !MiX No.: Weather: 3160607 40N15200 Cloudy Desiqn Strenqth (psi): Cylinder No. 08-3971 08-3972 08-3973 08-3974 required 4.000 Test Date Field Cure (days) Lab Cure (days) Age (days) 12/30/2008 1/2012008 1/20/2008 Hold 7 28 28 H 6 27 27 H u 1 :~ Cone (both ends) 2 - ConeNertical Cracks (one end) Remarks: c: 3 - Columnar Load: Yardage 4 10/100 Total: Supplier: Knife River Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 placed 4,000 Q6YyyLOOZ- OOli~1- SPRINGFIELD OFFICE 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax December 31, 2008 CCB#176269 Date: B.P. No.: P.O. No.: Cast By: P0272-334-0809 Glenn Meeks Jr Diameter or Dimensions (inches) ., Cross Sect. Area Cylinder WT. Max. load (Ibs.) Camp. Strength Fracture Type .. Test Time Capping Method (5.1.) (Ibs.) (psi) C617-03 C1231-03 12.57 8.5 58,125 4,620 3 8:45 AM X 6 - Top fractures (same as #5 but end of cylinder is pointed) Respectfully Submitted, ~ofeS;V;!flr:~s Industries, Inc. ~nd~ Project Manager THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE {NFORMA TlON OF THE CLlENTONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FULL. 1$ PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INl?USTRIES. 4.00 4 - Diagonal wIno cracking -at ends I 5 - Side fractures (at top of bc.Jom) KPFF - ugo.costa@kpff.com Hyland Construction - markb@jhconst.com Milstead & Associates - angus@milstead.us Malllum - rberndt@mahlum.com Robertson/Sherwood & Arcllitects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Springfield School District - jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Yolanda Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu City of Springfield